#jimmys also drunk in this scene so
vague-bisexual-crimes · 2 months
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I get they’re like 18 and stressed as fuck but Lister is not fucking subtle about anything!! Like he’ll do anything but actually talk to Jimmy or Rowan about it but still he is not subtle
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vonlipvig · 7 months
now this is TELEVISION!
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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James Stewart (It's a Wonderful Life, The Philadelphia Story, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington)—the thing about Jimmy Stewart is that for a weird-enough looking guy, he is yet somehow SO hot and SO believable, ALWAYS. He always plays the same person—he's always, well, Jimmy Stewart—yet that person can be a murderer, a dark cynic, a naive idealist, the boy next door or an old man who knows better, and every one of those is hot. I would jump his bones in a heartbeat
Toshiro Mifune (Rashumon, Seven Samurai, Grand Prix, Stray Dog)—i love and respect my boi tab hunter (rest in peace you beautiful, beautiful man ❤️), but after i watched like 12 of his movies in a row on tcm last year, i ALSO love and respect toshiro mifune, son of a literal actual hatamoto’s (a high-ranking samurai) daughter, also very possibly related to the best judokan EVER, AND, he’s the guy who SHOULD have been obi-wan kenobi. the fact that he’s ALSO hot as hell just adds to his appeal.
This is round 4 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
James Stewart propaganda:
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"Ough I saw him first in It's A Wonderful Life, where he is very charming as a suicidal family man being absolutely crushed by capitalism. But then. The Philadelphia Story, in my opinion, should get the same kind of press The Mummy does for being a bisexual dream. Now I'm not really bi (not into women) and it's honestly up for debate whether i'm attracted to men or not, but COME ON!! The movie stars James Stewart as well as Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn (and Ruth Hussey). Stewart plays a common working man, a journalist, to contrast with Grant's character, who is mega-rich. He is scrappy and hates rich people. Hot! They have a whole scene together where he's super drunk and being really physical with his acting, which I love because he is kinda wet noodle shaped. Hot! He carries Hepburn in his arms while singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Hot! He gets punched in the face by Cary Grant. Hot!!! In The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, we get to see him portray an alternative type of masculinity, opposite John Wayne doing John Wayne. He is even more wet noodle-y, to put emphasis on his incompatibility with the rugged masculinity of the cow-boy, he wears an apron for a lot of the film, again, to blur his masculinity, and he gets shot. Hot! Also he's older here, if that's your thing. Long story short: He's giving librarian chic and The Philadelphia Story made me want to be poly."
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“Here he is next to Grant, in what I believe to be a promotional shot for The Philadelphia Story. Please don’t get distracted by Grant (or do, i’m submitting him next).”
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“He’s a nice guy and a good guy and deserves all the happiness and joy ever! Classic boy next door/class president kid that everyone loves for real. Stand-up for the Little Guy vibes. With a charming fun side!!”
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Toshiro Mifune propaganda:
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"In addition, he spoke fluent mandarin and every time he was casted in foreign films, he said his lines in the language of the movie (although they ended up dubbing him. He wasn’t happy about it though).”
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Submitted: this gifset
Also submitted: this video (yes, that one)
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"Crucial Toshiro Mifune propaganda: THOSE LEGS."
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"That is hella muscle. Go watch The Hidden Fortress, aka Star Wars A New Hope. His thighs deserve an award."
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teddypickerry · 2 months
thinking about the missed opportunity that was supposed to be jess’s spinoff show and how we probably would’ve got a really cool love interest (or at least i hope, because no thirty something year old man needs to be stuck on his high school girlfriend of six months).
i have no fucking clue as to where the show would’ve went besides jess and jimmy getting to know eachother. i doubt it would make it past its first season if it did air. BUT nonetheless, i’m talking about it.
a possible love interest (or just character on the show in general) i’d love to see is your typical beachy blonde. i’d love to see some rich girl from venice that jess sees out with her friends or something and automatically assumes the worst. she must be some bitchy blonde with guys all over her… right? until one night he’s strolling on the beach and sees her drunk shoved up against a tree by some guy. jess gets in a fight, blah blah. gets her home and realizes just how empty her huge house is. they slowly start hanging out and despite her lack of knowledge in the literature scene, she’s probably one of the sweetest girls he’s ever met (shit now i really wanna write a fic about this).
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i’ve also always felt like jess needs someone exactly like him. so much so that it freaks him the fuck out. HA! i was originally thinking the girl from “she’s all that” but now im iffy. ANYWAYS. when jess is looking through one of the huge bookstores, he sees her sitting on the floor with a book. he sees her around town a lot (typically hanging out with the guys who stole his book and skated off) turns out she works near jimmy’s truck. she’s ridiculously shy and reserved. but she’s not afraid to call someone out. think an artsy rory with balls.
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now, would rory come back and ruin jess’s possible relationship? probs. would jess get in his head cause what is he doing moving on from rory? probs. would it even last? who tf knows. BUT NOW IM INTERESTED. BYE!
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rhapsodynew · 2 months
Little-known facts about the cult rock band – part one.
Led Zeppelin – founded in England in 1968, the band was almost doomed to success because its founder, guitarist Jimmy Page, and his buddy, bassist and keyboardist John Paul Jones, were already experienced session musicians. Adding a vocalist Robert Plant and the drummer John Bonham – both young but well versed in their shared local music scene – complemented the band perfectly.
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An international sensation of the 1970s, Led Zeppelin remains one of the most successful and legendary bands in rock history, breaking records with their rousing live performances, diverse genre catalog, and refusal to play by the rules. Some of their songs, including the iconic "Stairway to Heaven" and "Whole Lotta Love", became classics of the time and genre.
However, over the years, the band's touring exploits – in particular, frequent fun with female fans, the destruction of hotel rooms and reckless use of substances and alcohol – have become a cautionary tale about the dark side of rock and fame in general. It may look colorful and interesting, but in fact the career of the Zeppelins was extremely dark and tragic... 
Below are some of the most unique and little-known facts.
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Robert Plant plays the harmonica
Robert Plant was afraid of the stage – at first
While this may seem shocking, given that Robert Plant is now widely known as one of the most iconic rock frontmen of all time, the lion-maned singer once suffered from self-confidence issues. Plant was still literally a teenager (namely, he was 20 years old) when Led Zeppelin first hit the road in 1968, and the shouts of the crowd, as well as harsh media reviews, were initially unbearable for him...
At the beginning of their journey, critics were not kind to the Zeppelins, and Plant, being the face and voice of the group, often bore the brunt of their insults. Some accused Robert of affectation, others of "excessive femininity.".. The cruel words deeply hurt Plant, who was already prone to self-doubt.
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Later, the group manager Peter Grant admitted that he had to hide bad reviews from Plant in every possible way, and even comfort the anxious vocalist just to bring him on stage. It was for this reason that Robert also hesitated to write lyrics, which is why many considered him the weak link of the group (again, at the initial stages).
John Paul Jones miraculously did not die in the fire.
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John Paul Jones
During a tour of America in 1973, Led Zeppelin threw a party in New Orleans, Louisiana. The group stayed at a hotel in the French Quarter, known for its vibrant nightlife... And that night the bass player John Paul Jones will never forget!
The story goes how John met a certain Stephanie, and invited the girl to his room. The problem came up soon, and it was that Stephanie was actually a man! However, John later claimed that he knew this, and that Stephanie was his good friend, with whom they drank and had fun. In any case, it's not about what gender Stephanie was, and who she was to John. After entering the room, the two had a few drinks and smoked. They were so drunk that they forgot to put out their cigarette butts, and just fell asleep. Soon a fire broke out in the room, and John and his friend miraculously survived – they were found unconscious when the firefighters arrived! It was this incident that Robert Plant immortalized in the song "Royal Orleans".
"Everything is in perfect order on Bourbon Street –You can meet my friends, they hang out there all night long..."
The band was robbed during a US tour.
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Led Zeppelin. Early 70s
On July 29, 1973 – the last night of the American tour – Led Zeppelin became the victim of a strange crime. The story goes that tour manager Richard Cole opened the band's safe while at the hotel and found it empty!
"I opened this thing, and there's nothing there–it's empty! Only passports! I burst out swearing because nothing else came to mind at that moment..."
To understand the full range of Cole's emotions, it's worth emphasizing that there were more than $200,000 in the safe– a significant portion of their income from the tour. Not wanting to disturb the band before they went on stage, Cole proceeded to resolve the issue as confidentially as possible. While the Zeppelins were performing, the FBI guys searched the hotel. There were no signs of forced entry on the safe, indicating that whoever stole the money had used the key. Cole was the first to come under suspicion, and he even had to undergo a lie detector test (which, by the way, did not reveal a lie in his words).
After the show, the FBI also questioned the band members, but found no leads. The next day, the robbery made national news. Although the crime remains unsolved to this day, many believe that Peter Grant is responsible for the theft.
John Bonham struggled with depression.
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Despite the fact that he looked brave and fearless on stage, the drummer John Bonham had great difficulties on the road. A family man at heart, Bonham, known to his bandmates as Bonzo, often missed his wife and two young children who stayed in England when he toured. At the beginning of his career with Led Zeppelin, he started drinking a lot to fight his depression and homesickness, which most often led only to chaos...
A friendly and gentle man when sober, Bonham was prone to anger, recklessness and outbursts of rage when intoxicated. He often took out his alcohol-induced rage on hotel rooms and anyone unlucky enough to be near him at the time of his rampage. Over the years, this behavior earned him the nickname "The Beast".
"Bonzo drank because he hated being away from home, it's true. Between performances, it was difficult for him to cope with emotions ...", – said John Paul Jones.
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John Bonham
The tour also aggravated Bonzo's mental state. He began to be afraid of flights, and also suffered from constant panic attacks before performing. One day he confessed to a journalist:
"Every year it gets worse for me. I have terribly bad nerves all the time... It's even worse at festivals."
Zeppelin concerts have become dangerous.
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As their popularity grew, Led Zeppelin began to give larger-scale concerts, which led to new problems. On July 5, 1971, the band performed in front of a boisterous crowd of about 15,000 people at the stadium Velodromo Vigorelli in Milan, Italy. The promoters begged the band to ask the public to stop lighting the fire, which frontman Robert Plant repeatedly did, but to no avail. The situation escalated, and hundreds of police used tear gas, water cannons and batons to subdue the crowd. Many were injured.
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Led Zeppelin
Disoriented by the blinding smoke, panicked onlookers rushed onto the stage, causing the band to drop their gear in the middle of the performance and flee. In the confusion, one of the Zeppelin roadies was hit on the head with a broken bottle and was hospitalized. Page later recalled:
"It was absolutely terrible..."
And this was just the first of many dangerous performances by the Zeppelins. During the band's 1977 American tour, fans without tickets burst through the gates at several concerts, leading to hundreds of arrests. That same year, violent riots broke out in Tampa, Florida, among a crowd of 70,000 when the show was interrupted due to rain, leaving the police outnumbered and powerless. Then, during a concert in Cincinnati, Ohio, a fan fell from an upper floor. It was the last concert in his life...
The extension follows....
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morkofday · 6 months
Top 5 bl scenes (regardless of feelings about the overall bl, though obviously that can influence your opinion on a scene) :))
oh anon you really wish me to die? is that it? bc this is so unfair! but i tried my best. these are totally influenced by my feelings about the series as a whole, sorry about that.
My Top 5 2023 BL Scenes
I. Mork's Gay PanicTM (Last Twilight)
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i have NEVER seen a character show such intense gay panic as mork is showing in this scene. man was shaking, screaming on the inside, blushing, looking, looking away, and looking again. he was DYING and he needed to take a deep breath to get through it all while i was holding my own breath for him. literally 10/10 execution from jimmy and sea. pure perfection. such a good scene.
II. The Proposal (Our Skyy 2 x 1000 Stars)
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i'm pretty sure no proposal will ever top this for me (unless last twilight does something absolutely insane but that's to be seen). it was just so perfect for phuphatian. it was them, looked like them, felt like them. it was about finding the last missing star like it always is. i cried a bucket. i still tear up when i think about it. p'aof you truly are magic ♥
III. Jaewon's return (The Eighth Sense)
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this scene is filled with so much love and joy and acceptance it leaves me breathless. it's a very beautiful and healing scene. after everything, these two deserved this. i also love the playfulness and intimacy of the lighting and setting. there's just something about lying on a bed like this with your partner, in the dark, safe from the world and reality.
IV. Yai's drunken confession (I Feel You Linger in the Air)
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i know this is a very cliché scene but there is something so delicious about yai confessing his feelings while drunk. they've played this game for a while, a game of hesitant looks and touches, and then something finally gives. you hold your breath while watching the scene unfold. yai is bearing his heart and you fear jom cannot see it, but he surprises you by getting it right away. they're so sweet it hurts. they should get more time.
V. Heart speaks (Moonlight Chicken)
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these two were always so uncomplicated amongst the chaos of moonlight chicken. their love was young and sweet and innocent. and so was their joy; easy and full of childish excitement. i love this scene for how pure it is, how filled with happiness and love. it's peak romance, peak heartliming. and one of my favourite scenes bc it fills me with so much warmth.
Bonus: WaiKorn's groundbreaking comeback
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technically not a bl scene but heck, you cannot convince me it isn't. this is The biggest comeback of the century, hands down. p'aof didn't come out to play when he decided to serve us this during our skyy 2. this healed me, watered my crops, cleared my skin, fed my whole family, and left me with a grand inheritance. i am forever grateful. the brainrot will never end.
i have probably forgotten like a million very important scenes that should be here but these were the ones my brain provided me with tonight. thank you for sending this ask! i hope you enjoyed reading this ^^
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lurkingteapot · 7 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 4
This show continues to impress me a LOT, and I've got thoughts on P'Aof-ian structure and themes, but right now I'm just all up in my feelings.
Anyway! got carried away an distracted midway through, but here's the liveblog, you know the deal. (for anyone who doesn't: I try to watch largely without subs, so I'll inevitably end up romanising names in different ways from the subs. sometimes I remember to go back and 'fix' that, sometimes I don't.)
they seem to be emphasising sounds in this scene, I like that
oh we're ASKING now
the emphasis on other senses! SENSES!!! I love this
I love this
OH car and songs
is that a P'Bird song? that sounds like a P'Bird song (one google search later, turns out IT IS I'm ridiculously proud of myself for guessing right 😂)
CALLED IT (sorta) haha of course Mawk likes Paper Planes' Bad Boy!!!
look at the ROAD gdi Mawk
Phawjai doesn't hold back and I LOVE her for it
I love how Phawjai tries to do a lot right,
Day you're so GONE
annnnnd Phawjai cottoned on
I love that Mawk just tries to give him an out
I think this might be the first time he told someone directly
he's venturing out so much!!
and everyone's teasing Day about Mawk, I wonder when the reverse starts
a fan!!!
Mawk just observes, I love that
NOOOO it's the bus stop music
did they borrow Mark's trophy for this? 😂
there's SOMETHING with August, we'll find out I'm sure
is he your ex, Day? is that it?
this is so sweet
oh, that looks delicious
asdfasdfasdfsd wtf
Mawk looks so standard!Jimmy gorgeous here 😂
product placement time??
oh this is HAND PORN, wow
and the music does not help, aaaah
that gulp!
Day is so GONE asdfasdf
what an asshole
oh this is gonna go badly
and this now that they just mentioned his record, oh, this is gonna be a problem
is this Mawk and Rung's parent's house?
oh no, she's pregnant?!
I love how this is also a theme in P'Aof's works. Real people problems, man.
why is this bar familiar?
oh, this will get overwhelming, with the noise and all that
oh this is gonna go badly
!!! I love how they made this a way of like, asking weird questions without making it weird? if that makes sense
this sucks, he was so confident and now …
don't just grab him, Mawkkkk
this could be awkward or great
this flirting in front of EVERYONE'S salad, I cannot
oh I worry for Mawk here
helLO autotune 😂 but that's P'Bird's song again!!
they're both so sweaty
that's such a cute picture!! he's smiling so widely. Mawk's gonna catch him looking for sure.
it's EP 4 out of 12 and one of them is sleeping on the floor I SEE YOU, P'AOF
is he gonna fall over him on his way to the bathroom? because that seems like something he'd do
no WAY Mawk is sleeping through that, he's gotta be pretending
peak drunk behaviour, Day
of COURSE he's awake
August is back next ep, and apparently he has NO idea why Day just up and left. this is gonna get awkward.
this show just continues to be so good, and I'm grateful.
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fand0mh03 · 1 year
Hey, it would be awesome if you did how they take showers. Might be weird but it’s interesting to know who takes hot, long, short, cold, horny showers and whatnot 😁
How the Evans shower
Hi love! Thank you for all of your requests!!! They were so fun to write. I don’t think I would’ve thought of them on my own, so thank you for your creativity! For the requests you just said “them”, so I’m going to assume you mean the Evans because those are the main ones I write for
Tate Langdon:
he has full own rock concerts
I’m talking singing into the shampoo bottles, even going to the extent of dancing
He also takes scalding hot showers. Like so hot that once when you got into the shower with him, you had to jump out because it was fucking boiling 
And he didn’t even know it
The mirrors will be fogged up and he just thought that it was normal for whenever you take a shower
He also has a loofa. A baby pink loofa. 
I’m not sure why, but he seems like the type to have a baby pink loofa
He also uses the body washes from bath and body works 
A thousand wishes is his personal favorite 
He’s in there for like 1-2 hours
Kit Walker:
Kit takes showers like a normal person
10-15 minutes, maybe 20-30 if you’re in there with him
He likes his showers to be warm, but not hot. If that makes sense
He uses dove body wash, and an anti-dandruff shampoo because he seems like the type of guy to have dandruff. Don’t ask.
He uses dove because he knows they’re supposed to be good and gentle on skin. But I don’t think he pays that much attention to stuff like that
He’ll hum songs, but he won’t full on sing, unless you’re in there with him, and then if you’re singing, he’ll join in
He prefers taking baths with you, he thinks they’re more romantic and more relaxing then showers
He also likes being closer to you, with him leaning against the wall of the tub, and you in between his legs
Kyle Spencer:
we’ve all seen that scene of him singing to Toto, of course he sings in the shower!
Although most of his showers are at a frat house, but he still has no shame 
He has his sandals, his towel, his spider man body wash (like the character ones we all had as kids) and he’s ready to party
Everyone always tells him to shut the fuck up
But does he? No. Absolutely not. He just sings louder
His showers are 30 minutes long,  and they are in between the stages of “on the hotter side of warm” and “uncomfortably hot”
Jimmy Darling:
isn’t there like a community showering area or something at the freak show? I don’t know I haven’t seen it in a while
Do they even take showers? I don’t think they ever even showed that. I think I’m making things up in my brain
Anyways we’re going to assume that’s what happens 
If they had community showers, they probably didn’t have hot water, but I also feel like it wouldn’t be freezing either. Warm on the cooler side
5 minute showers. Unless he’s drunk. Then usually his mom or you will have to shower him, you aren’t as nice as his mom,  so you will turn the water ice cold
He’s the type of guy to use that 3 in 1 shampoo or body wash or something. Like he doesn’t care. He gives no fucks
I also think he sings, not loudly, but just to maybe practice for his acts and stuff
James Patrick March:
He takes elegant showers
I feel like he’s in the shower for a solid hour, and it’s hot, but not boiling 
He refuses to shower without you for some reason
He likes to be in the shower with you, he likes having that time with you, so he always does it
He uses expensive soaps and stuff, which I don’t know, because I am broke and have no idea what an expensive brand that sells soap is
Let’s just say Chanel 
He doesn’t sing, but I feel like he would sway with you? If that makes sense
Like he’s behind you, his arms around your waist, your head resting on his shoulder, and his head resting gently on top of yours, and he kinda rocks you both slowly back and forth
It’s cute
Kai Anderson:
first of all, he would take ice cold showers because he is a psychopath and likes it
He uh. Well we see what he does in the shower 👀
So he’s a shower masturbator 
And depending on how long that takes, I’m gonna say he’s about an hour, give or take 
He showers once a month tops
Have you seen his hair? Lowkey looks like he stinks. I’m sorry. But like he looks gross guys
Like yes he’s hot and I love him
But why is his hair always fucking greasy 🤮 
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lastweeksshirttonight · 10 months
I've been recapping Strike Force Five both for my followers who can't access or don't really have time to listen to the episodes, and also for myself to get more comfortable with longform writing, something I was doing as well with reviews of S1 episodes of Last Week Tonight. (I promise I will keep doing those, I know they keep falling by the wayside.) Going into episode three of the show, I know I have to address Jimmy Fallon and his toxic workplace, the news of which dropped as I was listening to the third episode of SFF for the first time. Putting this below the cut, and I'm going to be mentioning toxic workplaces, alcoholism, and maybe getting more personal than I need to again, so trigger warning for those.
To start, every worker deserves a safe, non-toxic workplace. This is the LEAST a company can do for their employees as far as I'm concerned. The things a toxic workplace will do to your mental and physical health are things I don't wish on anyone, and things I'm still wrestling with after being two years removed from one of the worst environments I was ever in. The stories that Fallon's staffers tell ring extremely true, from weaponized HR to cruel, dehumanizing showrunners/CEOs, and crying rooms. I want the best for them and hope, despite the very bad "I'm sorry if you were offended" apologies given by NBC staff and Fallon, that there are concrete efforts taken to provide them with a much better, safer workplace. Those apologies don't give me much hope right now, unfortunately.
The other thing is that I really hope Fallon commits to some sort of treatment for his obvious alcoholism. It's been an open secret for decades at this point - the article dances around it but anyone with even a modicum of knowledge about the New York comedy scene knows this. Again, I don't wish alcoholism on anyone. It's a horrible, destructive disease. But I don't think that the culture rot at Late Night can be fully addressed unless Fallon makes an effort to get help.
I've struggled with excessive social drinking and alcoholism runs in my family. It's almost impossible to get out of that hole until you realize you need to make the change. I hope this is the push to get him out of that hole. This isn't me trying to avoid holding him accountable for his part in making his show so toxic, far from it. This is me, coming from a similar place where I had to work incredibly hard to rebuild my life because of the shitstain behavior I perpetuated while drunk, recognizing someone that needs to do the same work to make things right in some way.
I thought about making this part of the recap for Strike Force Five episode 3, but it didn't feel appropriate. I don't know if I will recap the third episode, honestly, and if I do, it won't likely be for a bit, or at least until I know what the future of this podcast is. Last week, episodes dropped on Wednesday and Saturday, and there's noticeably no fourth episode as of today (Sunday). The part of this that sucks is that listening to the show DOES help the staff of all these late-night shows monetarily, including Fallon's, and I want to continue to support them. (Because it will come up, I do financially donate to multiple strike funds as well. You should do the same, if you're in a position to.) It's, understandably, a mess.
In the end, I just really want things to improve for Fallon's staff. It'll take a lot of work, but it's not impossible to turn things around.
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zahri-melitor · 2 months
Newish Comics:
Batman #146: okay so this story is finally actually picking up from where The Gotham War left off, with the same fault lines still in place. This is good actually! I am very soft that Damian's determined to keep believing in Bruce (especially as they're also spending quality time together over in Batman & Robin). Also I'm still enjoying Vandal Savage being annoying (sorry not sorry).
Birds of Prey #8: This comic is being written for queer women who like reading about women and I for one salute the entire team for their (fan)service. Excuse me. Several of those Barda panels and Dinah screaming for Barbara are going on my iconic list immediately.
Blue Beetle #8: Roma quits, Oo’li has a crush on Jaime, Jaime finally finds out Brenda is working for Victoria, and Victoria just gets even more on-page evil. I can't believe this is the last storyline we're getting before this gets cancelled, dammit.
Shazam! #10: I had to stop to howl with laughter about every third panel of this. Do yourself a favour. Read Shazam! Darla’s flying with Hoppy on a Pegasus. Freddy just got his licence and bought the Shaz-van! Also omg the lettering for the dragons!
DC’S Spring Breakout! #1: A mixed bag.
The Harley Quinn and King Shark story certainly happened (and I've read better versions of it).
The Batman and Mr Freeze story was quite predictable but sweet. Hit all the right notes in the space awarded to it.
MegFitz had a World's Finest Teen Titans story it felt, well, very MegFitz. She was writing characters in roles rather than writing the characters. On the upside Garth actually got to be the hero, so that made me happy.
The Metal Men story I honestly couldn't judge on characterisation but it was workmanlike. I was amused by the random Atlantean surfer.
The Katana story however was GOOD and delightfully creepy and just really fun Tatsu writing. Highlight of the issue for me.
The Lex Luthor story was incredibly funny in that Lex is there complaining about the damned aliens and how "The forces against us grow in number by the day" with a picture that includes Kon. I'm pretty sure you don't remember why that's hilariously ironic at this point, Lex, but Kon was very much your own fault here. (Lex also saying to Jason 'having trouble digging yourself out of the grave? Skill issue!)
J'onn story! J'onn getting screwed over again by Batman protocols! (This isn't nice, J'onn had one of the worst protocols of the lot, and all I can think is that this far, FAR milder route of attack is Bruce realising how far the other plan was over the line). But the dual shapeshifter fight scene was quite fun. This was probably my second favourite.
The Superman and Jimmy story was...fine. Why is Manchester Black alive and annoying people? This just felt mostly like lead in to current stories (whatever is happening with Zod and Absolute Power).
The Warlord #46: this week in the Lost World of Skartaris Travis is still hunting Jennifer’s trail when he and Shakira end up in a fight with a dinosaur.
Travis gets knocked around, but Shakira is so badly injured that…Death comes to claim her!
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I have never been apart from you, my Champion. I have walked where you walked — drunk the lives you have spilled. I am ever at your side.
Travis then follows Death trying to convince her to return Shakira, into a cavern in hell.
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I really like this art for Death?
In any case, Travis negotiates with her to get Shakira back and trades her 10 years of his life.
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And Travis and Shakira return to Skartaris. Both alive.
Meanwhile Jennifer arrives at the mysterious tower of the ‘master’ of the hunchbacked man who has been leading her.
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jadelotusflower · 10 months
Lois Lane costume appreciation (Part III, seasons 8-10)
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Part I - seasons 4-5
Part II - seasons 6-7
This is Part III of my appreciation for Lois Lane's costuming in Smallville, and in particular the colour yellow.
While the previous seasons relied heavily on the red-blue-yellow colour scheme, the soft reboot of the later seasons moves slightly away from it as we spend more time in gritty Metropolis. Although we still have primary colours in the setting - the Kent farm, the Talon, the Daily Planet, and in season 10 Lois and Clark's apartment - the costuming shifts to more muted tones. In season 8 Clark takes up the persona of the Red-Blue Blur, but to protect that identity he stops wearing red and blue in his civilian life, starting work at the Daily Planet in suit and tie to match Lois's business attire that she adopted in season 7.
Lois actually doesn't wear straight yellow as much these last seasons (other than a few notable exceptions), but is occasionally associated with gold. She still favours red and blue, but we start seeing shades rather than the bold primaries of the earlier seasons. Lois is also often costumed in pink or white at important moments - white being the colour of purity, but also Krypton/formal Kryptonian robes we see both Jor-El and Lara wear (as opposed to black which is Kryptonian military/solider coded). Clark wears a lot of black and shades of grey in season 9 as he is torn between his Human and Kryptonian sides, and between the philosophies of his father Jor-El and his would-be brother Zod.
Pink is of course a mix of red and white, and also a Superman I reference ("I like pink very much Lois"). Lana wore a lot of pink in the earlier seasons, so there is a precedent for it being used to denote romance/the love interest in the show's visual storytelling.
As Lois and Clark's romantic relationship develops, we rely less on the symbolism and subtext because it's up there on the screen. Lois becomes Clark's heart in the narrative, so we don't need to see it represented as visual foreshadowing. But there's still some key symbolism to explore in the presence of yellow and thematic-adjacent gold.
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The first time we see Lois in yellow this season is 8x05 Committed, where Lois wakes up at the farm hung over after getting drunk at Chloe and Jimmy's engagement. She wore gold shoes to the party, and I think this is an instance where the use of gold was perhaps unintentional, but is a nice little detail. We then see her in Clark's yellow and red football jersey, with very nice placement of the blue sheet almost like a cape.
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Since I doubt Clark wears this jersey on the regular, there's a good chance Lois either rifled through all of Clark's drawers and chose this to wear, or Clark specifically picked it out for her - either option delights me (and is ripe for fic potential). Also note Clark in his blue shirt for this scene, so together they complete the red-yellow-blue combination.
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She then puts on one of Clark's plaid shirts over her dress, the one with the red, yellow, and blue print. This episode is of course when Lois (under duress) first declares her love for Clark so the return to and emphasis on the Superman colour costuming is appropriate. It also continues the tradition of Lois wearing Clark's shirts that started in 4x02 and we'll see several times going forward.
While we see plenty of Lois in red or blue in season 8, we don't see her in yellow or gold again until 9x01 Savior after Lois returns from the future. At the end of the episode, Lois is wearing a yellow top with her pjs right before her memories of the future are triggered, including her and Clark having sex. So Lois in yellow at this moment, having the experience of the future with a Clark that emotionally died without her, is narratively apt.
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Now while Lois's memories are later erased and this timeline never exists, the events still happened for Lois, so an interesting quirk of the show is that Lois has sex with Clark before he has sex with her, but he ends up with memories of it and she doesn't.
In the next episode 9x02 Metallo, Lois wakes up from having more dreams of the future in flannelette pajamas with red yellow and blue helicopters. These pjs are reminiscent of earlier seasons, and it's likely that with Clark missing in action and feeling out of kilter with her visions, Lois is seeking the comfort of that time. She takes Shelby back to the Talon with her not only to smoke Clark out, but as a reminder of her time at the farm and the surrogate family that was the Kents (also note the yellow in her blankets).
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The red/yellow/blue plaid shirt from 8x05 shows up again in 9x04 Echo for what should have been Lois and Clark's first date, and we see Lois cut off the sleeves to get ready for Monster Trucks. This means she kept the shirt all that time and brought it out specifically for their date, and I find that extremely cute. It also shows how far they've come - when she borrowed his shirt in 4x02 she presumably returned it as he's seen wearing it later, but this shirt she never returned, and it seems Clark never asked for it back either. I do kind of wonder about a cute AU where the monster truck date happens and what Clark's reaction would be to her wearing this.
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Then Lois wears a gold dress when she catches up to Clark after he stands her up which is an interesting transition. This is also a scene where Clark hears how vulnerable she is, not only in her feelings for him ("this was never about more than a story - maybe it never will be") and in general ("they always leave").
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This is a crucial step, but given the moral question around Clark hearing Lois's thoughts and using that information to his advantage that Chloe articulates, it's important that this wasn't their first date and that while it progresses Clark's understanding and appreciation of Lois, it doesn't actually progress their romance.
However the end of the episode we do get this lovely shot with the burnished gold of the Daily Planet behind them.
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I'm going to take a detour from yellow just for a second, to point out that in 9x06 Crossfire the new tie that Clark bought to wear to the Good Morning Metropolis interview is a similar shade of orange as Lois's bridesmaid dress in 8x10 (I first made this observation in the tags of this post).
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Orange of course is a mix of yellow and red, and is also a colour we occasionally see Lois wear - notably in 4x01/02. In this context it represents that Clark and Lois are close but aren't quite there yet thematically, but it's also made clear that Clark bought this tie specifically to the interview and seeing that orange is a colour he rarely (if ever) wears, it's not a stretch to think this was either a subconscious choice, or that Clark thought of her (and how amazing she looked in that dress) when he saw it.
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In 9x12 Warrior Lois wears a Wonder Woman Amazon Princess costume which is red, blue, and gold but this one doesn't really count much since it's a WW reference, but the end of this episode is another important step forward in their relationship ("you asked me what my dream was and it's this - with you, Lois").
In 9x15 Escape it's tartan galore - above the bed and on the pillows at the McDougal Inn where Clark and Lois intend to take their relationship to the next level.
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The tartan on the pillow, notably, is very similar print to the plaid shirt from 8x05 and 9x04, as is the tartan costume Lois chose to buy when they visited the "world's biggest ball of yarn". It is certainly the plaid pattern of their relationship!
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Lois is back in gold in 9x18 Charade (one of my favourite episodes!), undercover to try and protect the Blur's identity - and is still wearing the gold bodysuit under her coat later in the episode when she's abducted by Maxwell Lord.
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In one of the most pivotal scenes for Clark and Lois's relationship, (with some very prominent yellow and blue lighting), Lois knows the Blur has just saved her (after she saved him by destroying the photograph revealing his identity), and could very easily turn around to see who he is, but actively chooses not to.
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While in 9x02 she asks the Blur to "let me see your face" now she accepts that "I can't know who you are. I'd give anything to see your face, to know you're name. But you can't protect us if we know who you are." She has gone beyond wanting to know the Blur for a story, or as a boost for her own ego - she understands the burden he carries and doesn't want to add to it. This moment must have meant to much to Clark after years of everyone feeling entitled to his secrets, for Lois not to make any demands of him but to trust him implicitly.
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10x04 Homecoming is of course the pinnacle of symbolism of Lois in yellow, exactly six seasons after 4x04 with Lois leaving Smallville High, Lois takes Clark back there for the reunion. Again, the in-universe explanation for Lois wearing a yellow dress could be school pride, but it's not a coincidence that she's back in yellow for the 200th episode, where she and Clark exchange I Love Yous for the first time, and Clark flies.
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The reunion is important to Lois, she dresses up, straightens her hair, and remembers all their classmates even though she was only there a short time. Clark wears his letterman jacket but is less than enthused to be the centre of attention. However by the end of the episode the jacket is gone - the future Lois takes it off him, and he doesn't put it back on, symbolically leaving behind his youth and ready to embrace his future.
In 10x07 Ambush we see Clark and Lois post-coital with Lois wearing Clark's jersey, calling back to 8x05 but an indication that while she is his destiny, she is also a link to his past. This is a nuance that Clark will learn to embrace at the end of the season - to become Superman, but to always hold on to Smallville.
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In 10x12 Collateral Lois wears a red shirt with a gold belt while Clark is in red and blue - even in the virtual world a nod to the color scheme, and in this episode Clark flies with Lois in his arms in order to escape the dreamscape.
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At the end of 10x17 Kent, we see Clark and Lois in their domestic bliss, with Lois again wearing one of Clark's plaid shirts with a yellow shirt underneath. This is the episode they decide to move to Metropolis, after Clark returns from the mirror universe where he saw alt!Jonathan.
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This is a double callback, since it looks an awful lot like the yellow tank she wore in earlier seasons, and the plaid resembles the one she borrowed in 8x05. However we know that shirt got cut up in 9x04, so this likely means that Clark went out and bought another one, and then Lois commandeered that too! I love it.
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In 10x19 Dominion Lois and Clark move into their new apartment in Metropolis, and for almost the entire episode Lois is wearing Superman-adjacent colours - blue jeans, mauve top, and a yellow belt. The latter is particularly interesting given that many versions of the Superman suit include a yellow belt, and at one point we get Lois in a classic superman stance.
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In this episode we see Lois as a fully integrated member of the team, overruling the plan to blow up the gate to the Phantom Zone and delivering the line "Being a hero's wife means never accepting defeat."
This is actually the last time we see Lois in yellow, although in the finale we see her in gold skirt/belt in her post-wedding outfit.
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But there's another side to gold, as season 10 introduces us to gold kryptonite that could permanently remove Clark's powers away (the Star Blade in earlier seasons is also yellow/gold). Do I think this undermines my argument for Lois as representing yellow/gold as Clark's heart/family? Not at all.
Yellow is ultimately symbolic of Clark's humanity, arguably the most important aspect of being Superman - he's an alien who is undeniably human.
There’s an interesting dichotomy in the yellow sun giving Clark his powers, but gold kryptonite as the substance that can take those powers away. This does fit in with Lois being his strength, as well as the linchpin of his human life - the heart of both Clark and Superman.
So take this with a grain of salt (since I know the Crisis cameo was not well received by most), but consider all of the above, and how we see the Lane-Kent’s for the last time. First, Clark in yellow gloves (inherited from Jonathan) working on the farm and unaffected by green kryptonite:
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Clark said he gave up his powers - was this with gold kryptonite? It's unclear if this is something Clark chose to do, or had to do, perhaps to save the world, or was a temporary thing while he and Lois raised their daughters (sidenote, I love Clark as a girldad). I personally like to think that Clark would become Superman in this continuity again, when he's needed.
But for now last time we see Lois and Clark they are in red and blue, muted from the bold primary of Superman, but undeniably present, a reflection of their true selves even without the powers or destiny. And yellow is still there, in the farmhouse, the home where they are raising a family together:
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stormyoceans · 7 months
vv brainrot continuation:
you don’t look like a person in a relationship (do you want to make me think about puentalay right at the 3 min?)
act like idiots in the car
even the roadway they are driving on is pink… no comment. pink cafe, pink sofa, pink table cloth in the hands of porjai, pink flyers on the walls…
what does my voice sound like (guess what I look like)
the way day describes mork’s voice is similar to how talay described what he likes about puen in the bed scene
the way day tries to find out what kind of relationship mork and porjai have is hopelessly referring to vv
scene you drink from a straw and try to breathe normally (gyo, where are you? you have to help porjai!)
p'day, I'm your fan (p'puen, my friend is your fan)
I didn’t think that day was so famous (in another universe I’m a famous actor)
homemade broth (carbonaraaaak)
Mr. Handsome (both of you are going for a long walk in the ass)
soft hands vs soft cheeks
goes to help porjai (goes to help peng)
talking t-shirts (can't miss this time)
drinking day (as sarcastic as talay)
sorry guys, my friend is drunk (tun has a fever). We will try to lie as convincingly as possible (no)
if I sing, you'll admit that I'm handsome (so, this is ep8: I'm directing, can you imagine what I'm telling you. do you like me that much?)
act like the rest of the world doesn't matter in group photos.
not brainrot, but why didn't jimmy lie on sea's shoulder? stolen again.
a drunken bed scene like in the zebra shirt scene (I can't comment on these gays anymore)
viewing a photo on your phone to stare at your crush (there should be KFC chicken crowing around here somewhere)
that moment when day studied the face of the sleeping mork and began to fly away into another universe, I honestly waited for him to pat himself on the cheeks to come to his senses (but then I remembered that his hands were too clean for that) next ep
once again, jimmy's character is half naked and with a towel on his shoulder, he hangs over sea's character. it's a pity that he's wearing a shirt, otherwise the scene with the zebra would have been repeated
why did you spray yourself with so much perfume (fuck you both, I'm tired of you)
tilak (I am traumatized for the rest of my life, I will not recover from this)
sometimes I think, why am I watching this? this is torture, real torture.
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for this episode i don't really have much to add tho, you pretty much already pointed out all the parallels that also caught my eye and some i didn't even think about like puen/mork going to help pang/phorjai. i guess the only thing i could say is that the one scene that reminded me of talay describing what he missed about puen was actually the one palm scene at the end because of how it was structured and filmed
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Finally watched the entirety of The Monkey King 2023 and I have opinions/thoughts/theories. Spoilers below.
Voice acting amazing. Jimmy O Yang really gave this Monkey a heart and vunerability. Also loved Bowen Yang as the Dragon King. Did not expect the Buddha to be Dr Henry Wu (BD Wong) but it felt right.
Art amazing, esp the 2d sequence and the fight scenes. Loved Monkey and the Dragon King's designs. Not so much for the gods tho; They looked too much like Illumination characters at times - tho it did give them a little uncanniness you'd expect from a celestial.
This version of Wangmu is def the Jade Emperor's mom or something, and not his wife. The Queen Mother of the West deserves an absolutely show-stoppingly regal design, not a cartoony witch vibe.
From the poisoned peach scene I can confirm; this SWK is a flirty drunk and has the worst pickup lines. "You must be from the Dang Dynasty!" anyone? X3
No Master Subodhi, Stalwart Generals, Brotherhood, Erlang, or the Furnace in this version sadly, but I have my theories below. Monkey does mark/pee on the Buddha's hand tho so they kept that part in. XD
Theories + future character ideas below read more >;3
The four baby monkeys we see at the beginning listening to the Elder are the Stalwart Generals. It was their childhood group name and sometimes they even included Monkey/Shihou (Monkey would die for them for this brief act of kindness). The one that got taken by the Demon of Havoc either got away/was saved, or is tied to the idea that "Marshal Liu = Liu'er Mihou/Six Eared Macaque", potientially giving Netflix Macaque a personal grudge against his Monkey King (he indirectly ruined/ended his life).
Lin is 100% a Golden Cicada incarnation. Girl was personally chosen at the to act as the Buddha's voice to the Monkey King. Plus her being the last face Monkey sees before the mountain is sealed mirroring how Tripitaka is the first to greet him 500 years later?
Hc that Monkey did have a Brotherhood of demons during his 100 Demon slaying binge, but it fell apart badly like a rock band. Hence why he's seen defeating his DBK in the 2d sequence.
The reason why we don't see Master Subodhi, is because this Monkey needs to have his "awakening to nothingness" while on the Journey, and not before. Hence why he's never called Sun Wukong (atleast in the english version), since "Sun Wukong" literally means = "monkey awakened to nothingness". It's likely this Tripitaka will be the one to name Monkey, if Subodhi doesn't appear in any hypothetical sequel that is.
I fear that it might mean that the Furnace and Erlang may play a huge role in Monkey's future character arc if they ever makes an appearance. We do see a similar looking cauldron in Wangmu's lab (I guess they gave her Lao Tzu's job), so hopefully its not a red herring.
Someone pointed out that Netflix Monkey's hair looks like a Prince Rupert Drop (aka an extremely hard tadpole/tear shaped drop of molten glass that distintergrates if the tail is damaged) and thats such a cool character design thing. From this, his LEM counterpart def should have an obsidian (sharp, hard, but brittle quickly cooling lava) theme going on to both contrast and compare to Monkey's glass. I love me the rock imagery in the film.
Bajie's brief appearance looked pretty young/piglet-esque. I hear that there's an upcoming Xiyouji film about Bajie, so maybe this form is still currently a young recently-reincarnated piglet instead of a whole hog.
I would love for a reappearance of Red Girl in the future. Let this baby go Samadhi Fire on a monkey.
I hope for a hypothetical Netflix version of Ao Lie/Bai Longma that is an actual character, and not just a pretty prop. Maybe tie in his connection to the Dragon King (maybe he's Ao Lie's uncle or dad) in the film?
I am obsessing now.
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three-headed-monster · 5 months
find the words tag
i was tagged by the lovely @kj-op to do this fun little tag thing!!! currently have like 30 wips (oops) over a few different fandoms and no one who will appreciate them all so i figured why not share some of my writing? i haven't done that in a bit on here soooooo might as well :)))
my words are : Time, Down, Slowly, Great
TIME found in the loneliest time (hockey rpf, this is a 5+1 that is missing 1 scene, it's about kent's relationships after owen and how they find each other again)
That’s why it comes as a shock to him when Kent and Johnny announce their separation, in a mutual statement released on the CBJ account three days before Kent announces his official retirement from the NHL.  They’d been married for five years, Owen distinctly remembers checking “no” on the RSVP.   The last time they had seen each other had been such a shitshow that Owen didn’t want to risk it again, not on Kent’s special day.  He doesn’t even know why they would send him an RSVP anyways, but it was what it was.  They posted a few photos of their first look on their Instagram accounts respectively, and Owen had been bold enough to like one.  Kent had looked ethereal in his white suit and all Owen could think about is how glad he was that Kent was looking genuinely, genuinely content.  He never thought that Kent would fall out of love with Johnny, but Owen doesn’t pretend like he knows that Kent at all anymore. Life moves on.  Owen feeds his goats and collects eggs from his chickens and waters his flowers that he planted for someone who will never see them.   He’s happy, as happy as he can be with a life built around a hole in his heart.  He’s accepted that this is as good as it’ll get for him, and that it’s enough. It’s enough.
DOWN found in lay your head down (this is a 5sos fic, it's a soft bdsm au that will probably end up to be around 30k once i'm done with it)
Luke’s a sub. Ashton knows this because he’s known Luke nearly longer than he hasn’t, and has known his designation since they were 18 in the UK and Luke had called him drunk from a club for a ride.  Ashton hadn’t asked questions that night, not when Luke refused to look at him, not when Luke purposefully tugged the sleeves of his sweater down to cover the bracelets on his right wrist.  Ash doesn’t ask about it in their present-day either. What Luke does as a sub is entirely his business, and his business alone, and it’s not Ash’s prerogative to know anything about his preferences.  He values Luke far too much as a person for that.  He also knows that if he did ask, Luke would take it as Ashton, a dom, judging him for what he likes.  And that’s not a power dynamic Ashton is at all interested in playing with.
SLOWLY found in lover of mine (maybe we'll take some time) (my current 1322 longfic; this is from the next chapter, which is set in new york city
Kent could feign tiredness and pretend like he’s going to bed, to freak out about the events of the whole week like he wants to.  But Owen would just see right through it, like Kent is cellophane on stage again.  He’ll ask questions, even if everyone else on the bus is either asleep or going to sleep already.  Except for Jimmy who is sipping yet another coffee and clacking away at his computer at the front lounge.  His glasses are slowly sliding off his face, and Kent knows he’ll be conked out at the desk there in less than ten minutes. 
and finally GREAT found in sneaking out of heaven (another 5sos fic, a guardian angel au)
Luke’s human is sad again.  It’s the third time this week. Yesterday, his human hadn’t been able to get out of bed.  The day before that, he had thrown up his dinner before Luke could gently nudge him into eating dessert. Today?  Today, Luke’s human is crying on the phone to his friend.  At the very least, his human had mustered up the courage to move from his bed to his couch.  It’s a start.  Luke knows it’s not enough. “I just miss her so much Michael,” Luke’s human sniffles loudly, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his dishevelled robe.  Luke’s pretty sure it’s the only clean clothing he has in his closet at the moment.  With a quick flick of his wrist, he sends a message to his human to get tissues.  His human get up to grab them immediately, blowing snot into one just as quick.  “I know it’s stupid to miss someone who wanted to leave you, but I miss her so much.” Luke’s human has always been great at listening to his commands.  Always.
i feel like all my fic friends on tumblr have fallen off the face of the earth BUT i'm tagging: @frostbeees @fifthovertime @overtimegoal @jeffreyskinner and anyone else who might want to participate! your words are: start, blue, butterfly, and house
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Season 1 Episode 11
 We open the episode with Fiona and Steve having a super cute moment when Debbie interrupts them. Fucking Jimmy-Steve..
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Debbie wants Fiona to go to a classroom moms meeting; she had signed Monica up, but Monica is gone, so Debbie asks Fiona to go. No one is happy about it. Fiona goes down to make coffee, but Debbie stays to ask Jimmy if he’s told Fiona the truth yet. He hasn’t. Baby Debbie is unimpressed.
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Lip is looking for Ian’s birth father; he’s hoping to scam him for cash. Fiona suggests they take the bus to see Grammy. Grammy Gallagher!!
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Fiona heads over to Debbie’s school. The class moms are super shitty. But we learn from Jasmine, who’s from the neighbourhood, that they’re making “decorations for the kid’s St. Patty’s day party tomorrow”. This is a direct quote! Keep this in mind.
Fiona heads over to the bitchy ladies, who are talking mortgages and they make a shitty comment about Fiona not needing to worry about it because she doesn’t own a home. But Fiona’s always got a comeback.
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The next scene has Debbie and Carl playing video games in the living room. Frank comes home to them and asks what they’re doing home, to which Debbie replies, “Budget cuts. We have every other Friday off.”
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This implies that it’s a Friday. But the St. Patty’s day party is tomorrow, making the party on a Saturday. So the district doesn’t have money to keep the kids in school, as is the law, but has money to bring them in on a Saturday for a party? Okk..
Now there is a chance that the actress who said the party is “tomorrow” messed up and ad libbed that, because according to the Netflix closed captioning, she doesn’t say the word ‘tomorrow’. But then they could have edited the scene better. Either way, I’m not happy with this for my purposes here.
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Anyway, Frank is there to pick up his mail because he’s expecting a cheque. Instead he finds a letter saying his work compensation his been terminated. He’s ummm... a little upset.
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Lip goes to Karen’s to look for her. He hears loud music coming from the basement, and goes down to find her destroying her dad’s apartment. God those clowns are creepy.
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Lip says he hasn’t seen Karen at school in a few days, and she’s got a new nose ring/chain thing. She’s very clearly upset that her dad called her a whore, and Lip, being a dumbass, doubles down and calls her a whore, too. Not his smartest moment.
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Frank is upset and finds his sleazy personal injury attorney, who informs Frank that they have video of him not being injured. His professional advice is that next time, he aims for knees as it pays more.
Fiona is still stuck with the moms making shamrocks or something. Jasmine is trying to make friends. Ah the sweet beginnings of bi-Fiona. She starts with coffee and then suggests a drink. Sounds like a date.
Frank offers to take Carl to ‘learn the family business’ and Debbie has typed up resume for Frank. Debbie and Carl are soulmates.
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gifs courtesy of @gardenerian​ aka loml
Lip and Ian are having a brothers day looking for Frank’s brother. Lip is really into it; Ian is skeptical. Frank takes Debbie and Carl to the job centre to look for work. The kind of work where an accident might be happen. He’s unreasonable though because he doesn’t like the idea of sharp metal in the eye. He is given a list of jobs where the conditions are hazardous, unsafe, or both. Sweet Debbie is concerned..
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Lip and Ian go see Grammy in prison. She’s in there after she caused a tiny meth explosion that killed two teens. She outraged they have her cleaning the toilets, but it’s ok. She kindly informs her grandsons that she can get pussy and blow anytime she’d like, so all good. No worries! They ask for Frank’s brothers’ names. They get Jerry, Clayton, and Wyatt. We also get this iconic line:
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And this squishable face:
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Fiona and Jasmine are out on their date. Jasmine is married with three kids and a stretched out cookie box. But don’t worry—she’s doing kegels while on her date with Fiona. They bond over drunk dads. And then their date is over.
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Kev is super into it.
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Kevin Ball: a champion and an ally. 
Frank is taking Carl and Debbie around looking for work, but all the jobs are either way too dangerous or not dangerous enough. Good Officer Tony and his partner have figured out that Steve might be stealing cars. He’s pretty excited about that. Can’t wait to tell Fiona. But Fiona’s not very happy with Tony sticking his nose in Steve’s business. She tries to call Steve to warn him, but he’s not picking up.
Karen seems to have dyed her hair black and is on Daddyz Girl, a web diary website. She also got the word ‘whore’ tattooed on her arm. Oh boy.
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The Gallaghers are icing green cupcakes they made for the party the next day. Steve comes to help, and Fiona is worried, but Steve seems pretty chill about it. Tony notices that the car Steve had earlier now has different plates.
The next morning, which is a Saturday I guess, Lip has borrowed Steve’s car and he and Ian are knocking on Frank’s twin brother Jerry’s door. There’s a tiny bit of a family resemblance. I think.
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And then the show goes on for 10 more seasons and they never once mention Frank’s TWIN brother. Who wants nothing to do with Frank’s family.
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Jasmine comes over to the Gallagher’s unannounced with a bunch of clothes for her and Fiona to try on. Steve has apparently heard of Jasmine and seems a little jealous. He’s heading out, and Debbie makes Steve pinkie swear he’s going to tell Fiona the truth. I love baby Debs SO much!
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Frank is wallowing at his job, realizing it’s gonna take a while to get hurt enough for worker’s comp. Fiona is getting more attention from Jasmine as they try on clothes. Karen is breaking Eddie’s car window. And Lip and Ian seem to have found the brother they’re looking for.
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Clayton is excited to show them pictures of him and Frank as kids. Frank was pious, an alter boy and top of his catechism class. The concept of a baby Frank is so strange.
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Aunt Lucy, Clayton’s wife, isn’t very comfortable with them being there, though. The two of them fight in the kitchen, loud enough for Lip and Ian to hear, and Ian wants to leave. He doesn’t want to ruin their lives. He doesn’t want to leave his siblings. Ian walks out and lets Lip know that his siblings are his family and he’s happy with who they are. He just loves his siblings so much.
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This casting really was spot on, though.
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Tony catches up with Steve while he’s stealing a car. Steve doesn’t help himself, and Tony is pissed. Looks like Good Officer Tony isn’t so good after all. He takes Tony to an alley and roughs him up. He tells Steve to either turn himself in, go to jail for two years, just enough time for Tony to propose to her. Or he can leave. Just pack up and leave.
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Good officer Tony Isn’t so Good, huh?
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Fiona is at the kid’s dance party, and runs into Jasmine and her husband Hal. Hal is also really flirty. Fiona’s worried Steve isn’t there. Jasmine suggests they go to the bathroom and indulge in some party favours she has.
The car that Tony knows Steve stole cuts him off and passes by, and Tony chases after it. Except we know that it’s Lip and Ian. He calls it in, and when he pulls up he finds Lip and Ian. This is a wrench in his ‘get Fiona to love me’ plans, huh.
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Frank had hurt his hand at work when he nail-gunned himself on purpose. He won’t get worker’s comp, but he got some good drugs. He hears Karen crying in the basement and goes to check on her. She tells him to leave, but then she gets an idea. She strips down and, well. She rapes him. On camera. This show is a mess.
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And Fiona gets a call that Lip and Ian are in a spot of trouble.
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So this episode takes place on a Friday-Saturday around St. Patrick’s day, which is March 17th. In 2011, March 17th was a Thursday, so I guess this episode takes place March 18-19th. Sure. Whatever. Who throws school parties on Saturdays!
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
wip wednesday: burning man au, flower husbands. it's, uh, 1436 words. a fic preview really!
Alright! Once I finish my wips, burning man au is on the damn horizon. High priority, my dudes. This is the scene that spawned probably 100k+ words! Those words still have plenty of jimmy/scott... but a lot of jimmy/joel and etho/joel and mumbo/grian/scar. This scene was going to be a one shot about Jimmy rolling at a rave, that I came up with staring out the window driving home on christmas day, and now there's two authors and... we'll you'll see soon. :)
[edit: well i kept editing more of the wip, and i realized it's 5 months today since i started this who thing and I'm insane that we haven't published anything so here's a preview that is barely shorter than my shortest non-drabble fic.]
My co-author in this grand project is @toasted-cricket, who you can find on ao3 cricket_toast for sfw and toasty_cricket for (excellent) nsfw. (and of course I'm BlocksRuinedMe.) Subscribe to us to make sure you see the AU when it premieres!
Also, here's our playlist! I'm tossing some notes at the end of the post. (I can not believe I have made a second *spotify* for mcyt, this is out of control)
[CONTENT NOTE: drugs (mdma/ecstasy/molly). starts out with jimmy intoxicated, all explicit discussion below the cut].
"Just Keep Following The Heartlines on Your Hand" (working title)
Fic will be rated E but this is just T.
Setting: It's wednesday afternoon at burning man, and scott does not like being in a dusty hot desert, but at least he has a giant derby hat and a smoothie from the disco smoothie theme camp down the road. Suddenly, there's a Jimmy on him!
“Hmm?” Jimmy shifted to put more weight, and more of his hip, on top of Scott. They’d been cuddly while drunk at parties a couple of times, but nothing like this.
“Jimmy, did someone give you something special?”
“Scott.” Jimmy moved so he could look directly at Scott, which unfortunately meant he was now fully straddling Scott’s left leg. Jimmy’s face was soft, intent, determined, and even more beautiful than normal. Right. 
Jimmy looked at him until he made some private decision, nodded slightly, and began speaking more quickly than Scott had ever heard. “Scott, I really really need to tell you how much I love you. You’re actually so wonderful, and you’re literally so smart and you make me so so so happy, I’m literally so glad to have you in my life, and don’t laugh–” Scott was not laughing  “--I know you’ll think, you might think, I don’t know what you’ll think but I hope you won’t think…"
"...it’s not just because I’m on Ecstasy, okay? I love you when I’m sober but it’s scary to say and I really really don’t want to make you uncomfortable but I do, so much, do you understand? I need you to understand.”
Scott let out a breath. This was ridiculous, this was trite. He wasn’t going to be responsible for hours of Jimmy desperately needing to talk about his feelings, that was for Lizzie or someone, but for now? 
 This was okay for now.
“Yeah, Jimmy, I think I understand. You’re a very loving person, and I’m glad to be your friend.”
The smile that blossomed on Jimmy’s face made Scott feel like the wind *had* been knocked out of him. Jimmy wasn’t normally a tense or stressed person, or he didn’t show it, and he smiled all the damn time, but all the brain chemistry made his face so sweet, so open–and now it was more than just the chemicals, he supposed, because this smile came from what Scott had said.
The words began pouring out of Jimmy in a torrent. Scott could make out everything he said, but he needed to focus–which wasn’t that hard given that Jimmy was both on top of him and staring directly into his eyes.
“Scott, you’re actually so funny, do you know that? Like your Scott humor, which isn’t anyone else’s, it’s really so unique and good?” 
Scott nodded and attempted to thank Jimmy, but he didn’t seem to notice. 
“Scott, I actually don’t know if you know how good you are? You have–basically a good soul? Yeah, that’s it, and Scott–Scott, maybe you’re too hard on yourself? You’re so good and I know you have high standards, but I’ll tell you, I promise, okay?” 
Scott didn’t know what it was Jimmy was promising to tell him, but he was content to let Jimmy have his E word explosion. It was probably his first time, which was generally extra intense. Scott smiled and let Jimmy continue.
“And you’re smart, so much I don’t always know what you’re talking about but you look at things and you understand them literally so quickly. I watch you, sometimes, how you talk to people and how you get information and know what to do so quickly, and I can’t even imagine, I literally can’t imagine. I know that basically everyone here is so much smarter than me, but it’s not like I can tell being good at robots from being great at robots, but Scott you’re good at things and I can tell that you are and wish I could be a little smarter. Do you know, Scott, do you know all the things you’re good at, I bet you don’t, but do you?”
 Jimmy did not pause for an answer, Jimmy did not seem to even imagine that Scott might want to talk. Luckily, he didn’t. At least until Jimmy gave him space to. 
“And you’re so cute, I know you know that but I want you to know that I know, especially when you’re flirty and I know you flirt with everyone but I really like it? And your smile, and when you chuckle and you smile? Scott –You’re beautiful, you really are, do you know that?
Scott froze, hoping Jimmy would move on from this topic. Quickly.
“I bet you don’t know how beautiful you genuinely are, I bet you don’t let yourself, but you’re perfect and I can actually literally see it and I’d never ever lie to you, okay? I will never ever lie to you no matter what, Scott, I genuinely really wouldn’t, I swear I wouldn’t–”
Jimmy had gone from a look of “the universe is nothing but peace and love” to “very distressed” disorientingly fast - presumably from the idea that Scott was accusing him of lying. 
“Hey, hey, Jimmy, it’s okay. I know you wouldn’t.” Scott was limited in what he could do physically while pinned under his very strong (and incredibly attractive friend) but he put his right hand on Jimmy’s cheek, which seemed to stop his sudden distress. 
Scott's attempt at calming Jimmy down worked perhaps too well, because he closed his eyes and basically nuzzled Scott’s hand. Everything was getting more intimate than Scott had intended, but Jimmy stopped talking about Scott, which was a great relief. 
While Scott was considering what his exit strategy should be, his situation was made much more complicated, (emotionally, logistically, and potentially… other ways), by Jimmy letting himself fall onto Scott. His legs were still straddling Scott’s left leg and the rest of him was draped across Scott’s chest. Most troublingly, his face was turned into Scott’s neck. Scott took some deep breaths to calm down, but just as he thought he was making a bit of progress, Jimmy moved his left hand to cradle Scott’s head. Scott hadn’t been touched that way in many months, and he was considering the merits of pretending to be unconscious when Jimmy resumed talking. Into his neck. Where Scott could feel his breath and almost his lips. 
At least Jimmy couldn’t see his face. Scott decided to just give in, resting his face atop Jimmy’s hair and wrapping his non-pinned arm around Jimmy’s back. He felt so warm, and even though they’d been in the god awful desert for however many days, he somehow smelled good – or at least his hair did. 
“And I know you try to play it off sometimes, I really see you Scott, but you’re sweet, you’re so sweet, you’re so good to your friends, and I love you, I really really love you, with literally all my heart. And everyone can see you’re so confident, and I don’t know how much that is–-everyone has doubts, right? But you always keep it together, right? You’re so good at keeping cool Scott, and I appreciate it, I think everyone does, we love you, you’re so good and lovable. But you don’t always have to, okay? Keep it so much together, taking care of everything, everyone. I could take care of you Scott, I really could, I don’t know if anyone does? If you let down all your—your thingies. Masks or walls or whatever.  If you ever want, with me, I’ll take care of you and be nice and I’d never judge you, because I love you so much, do you understand? ”
This was maybe less okay. …Definitely less okay. Scott had been around rolling people before, and been included in “i love everyone in the world” pronouncement, and “I love everyone in this bar” equivalents, and a few rounds of “Scott you’re great I love you (as much as many other friends)”. Scott had seen people being perceptive on E, getting that “magic insight”, but he was absolutely not prepared to get something like *this* from *Jimmy*. It’s not that it was hard to guess that confident people sometimes had doubts, but the way Jimmy was talking to him, was looking at him, was… too much. Scott had just wanted a smoothie and a nap and instead Jimmy was trying to see into his soul while straddling his leg and nuzzling his neck. 
All Scott could think to do was redirect. “Yes, Jimmy, that’s great, I understand you. I can go be sad at you if I need to.” 
Jimmy shifted his weight again and then his hand was on Scott’s cheek. This was an entirely bad idea, this was too intimate in half a dozen ways, Jimmy was being too much, and Scott needed to stop him immediately, to get loose and find someone else to foist Jimmy onto.
He did not.
--------- And that starts off one of the story cycle fics! It's one wednesday at burning man, and to get the full story you have to read from different POVs - y'know, like an smp
Thiss the Jimmy centric one which is def scott pov and def fwhip pov and i'm not sure otherwise. The Joel fic is joel/jimmy and joel/etho and joel/gay panic
There's a Grian fic that's about anxiety, but also Scar and Pearl
There's like 4 others fics that might happen on wednesday. Then there's the story of this community over the next year that will.... it might not be possible for me to write everything I want to write in the time I have but we will see! Ships include: scar/grian/mumbo, soup group, jimmy/scott jimmy/fwhip jimmy/joel, etho/joel, oli/joe... like a lot. It's gonna be great! ----------
So, the playlist!
Cricket and I both love music and have put a lot of energy into trying to get each other to like our music. Sadly, I'm been more successful.
You may notice a lot of Kate Bush, Florence + The Machine and Dessa on here, we have this idea of every fic in the series having a title from a song by one of them, we'll see.
Why songs are on here
- They speak very specifically to a character/group (Hounds of Love by Kate Bush, All This And Heaven To by Florence + The Machine)
- Like a couple lines speak to a character and that’s enough to want it there
- Music we’ve listened to a lot while planning the series (Waterloo by ABBA)
- A vibe we want for a lot of these people over the year because we’re gonna make ‘em all better, one way or another (Level Up by Vienna Teng)
- Good “Burning Man Music” (Halycon + On + On by Orbital, Little Fluffy Clouds by The Orb)
- We don’t fully remember cause we started this au on christmas
- Music that gives me energy to Write Introspective Character Studies 
- Y’know, it slaps?
If you want to ask about a specific song, go ahead!
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