#jellyfish TED talk
justa-sadjellyfish · 3 days
Ok, as far as I know I am not autistic, but as someone who has adhd may I just say how frustrating it is when people claim that people claim that saying something is bc of their adhd or autism that it’s just “an excuse to get away with poor behavior.” Like obviously I wouldn’t know how this feels with autism, since as far as I know I only have adhd, but for me it’s always “you really need to start paying attention more” or “do it yourself” like people just expect me to collect all my attention all at once somehow??? I’ve tried to explain it to my friends and tell them I’m gona need help but they always call it an excuse. And seeing how many people make fun of autism or use it as an insult, I can only imagine how much harder it must be for autistic people. So on behalf of anybody and everybody who is neurodivergent, it’s not bad behavior, and i can understand how frustrating it is not feeling by people who’s brains LITERALLY WORK DIFFERENT THAN YOU. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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seokmattchuus · 1 year
Somebody throw eggs and flour at rain during his kcon set I b e g
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uss-spirk · 2 months
I’m still freaking out about Spock Prime’s TOS crew photo from Beyond
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Yes, I know this is 8 years old at this point but my Autistic Brain decided to freak out about this again today for no reason at all so hear me out bc it drives me absolutely NUTS every time I think about it.
So basically, the circumstances required for Reboot Spock to find this photo in Spock Prime’s possessions after he died are absolutely wild. Let’s walk through it shall we:
First thing to remember is that this photo does not exist in the Kelvin timeline. At all. The characters all look different and even if they’re supposed to canonically grow up to look exactly the same as the TOS characters, Spock Prime went back in time from his own universe so the photo cannot exist in the Kelvin timeline, at least yet.
Second thing is that Spock Prime must have carried this photo on his person when he went back in time in the jellyfish ship.
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This is because Nero captured Spock (and his ship) and stranded him on Delta Vega, presumably with nothing but the clothes on his back and whatever else he might happen to have been carrying in his pockets.
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Also, he couldn’t have stored the photo on his ship to retrieve later because Reboot Spock blew it up to ignite the red matter and destroy Nero’s ship. So whatever Spock Prime brought with him from the Prime Universe must have been on his person when he was stranded on Delta Vega.
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Now, when Spock first sees Reboot Kirk in the cave, he says the classic “I have been and always shall be your friend” along with “It is remarkably pleasing to see you again, old friend.”
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If we take a peek at the timeline for a sec, Kirk Prime disappeared into the Nexus in Star Trek: Generations in the year 2293, when everyone presumably thought he died. Now, Kirk did reappear into ‘normal space/time’ in the year 2371 when the rest of Generations takes place, but only Picard really saw Kirk before he died for real—so basically, the last time Spock could have seen Kirk Prime was in 2293. In the Prime Universe, the Romulan star went supernova in 2387, which is when Spock Prime goes back and creates the Kelvin Timeline.
SO: all this means that it has been at least 94 years (2293-2387) since Spock Prime has seen a Kirk in any universe. THEREFORE: this means that Spock Prime was carrying THAT TOS CREW PHOTO on his person 94 years after the last time he had seen Kirk. Whether he had been carrying it on his person for the entirety of those 94 years, or just during his mission to try and save Romulus, or something in between is anyone’s guess. But basically, even almost a century later, Spock thought those people and that photo were important enough to take with him on his body when he was sent to save Romulus. (A mission that required extreme speed and efficiency, if I might add).
ANYWAY: the photo in Beyond is shown as a rather small, yet touching, moment of nostalgia for fans of the original Star Trek show, but when you really start to think about what was required for that photo to exist in Reboot Spock’s possession at that moment, it just starts to drive me a little bit absolutely bonkers.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Have a nice day.
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guiltygearconfessions · 8 months
i think it would be really great if there was a kiske family dinner..... sol, jack-o, ky, dizzy, sin, elphelt, and ramlethal would be there cuz umm theyre all a family (duh)
I think that testament could show up there too cuz he raised dizzy for a little bit. johnny is also invited because he ALSO raised dizzy (why does this woman have so many dads????) but then johnny would want to bring the jellyfish pirates because theyre basically his kids/family....
uhh even though ariels is TECHNICALLY el and rams mom, she isn't invited for uhhh obvious reasons.
imagine the chaos man it'd be totally insane. all the kids running around and sparring with each other. some of the adults are probably arguing. axl probably shows up out of nowhere but nobody kicks him out cuz he's chill asf (hes a self-proclaimed uncle to all the kids)
this had been brewing in my brainjuice for quite some time now. sorry for the wall of text.
ehem uhh thank you for coming to my ted talk *barrel rolls out of the nearest window*
Gentle reminder that Testament uses they/them. But otherwise it's a very cute thought!
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dutifullynuttywitch · 1 month
Incorrect quotes
@trappedinfanfiction quotes were so great - I had to try 😂
Incorrect quotes generator if you want to try!
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Blades of light and shadow
Tyril: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know.
Mal: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Imtura: Yes! You are so attractive right now.
Tyril: Stop.
MC: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Tyril: Homicide.
Nia: Murder.
Mal: Homiecide.
Mal: That sounds super! Doesn’t that sound super, Tyril?
Tyril: No.
Mal: I think I speak for Tyril when I say it sounds really super.
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Wake the Dead
Troy: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk?
Angel: The final boss.
Shannon: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right?
Troy: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer!
Angel: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable... ...and also assault with a deadly weapon.
MC: Angel, Troy, I love y’all and all, but can I ask what in the hell are you doing?
Angel, trying to stabilize a tower of folding chairs that Troy is sitting atop: Oh nothing much.
Troy: I love you too :)
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Heaven's Secret
Lucifer: “Struggle with depression” would seem to imply that I am bad at being depressed when I am, in fact, very proficient at being depressed.
Dino: If I had a face like yours, I'd put it on a wall and throw a brick at it.
Lucifer: If I had a face like YOURS, I'd put it on a brick and throw a wall at it.
Lucifer: This is horrible.
Mimi: Yeah, I know, I mean look at today’s news.
Lucifer: No, it’s not that, it’s Vicky.
Mimi: ...
Lucifer: It’s just like, I can’t get her out of my head and every time I look at her I have this pain in my chest, and I just know it’s her fault, that bitch!
Mimi: Truth or dare?
Vicky: Dare.
Mimi: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.
Vicky: Hey Lucifer?
Lucifer, blushing: Yeah?
Vicky: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Dino.
Dino: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Mimi: Um...Neat.
Mimi, lying face down on the bed: I said "Neat," Luci. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.
Lucifer, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Mimi. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Vicky confessed her love for me?
Mimi: Didn't you thank her?
Lucifer: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked her.
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Fun Fact about my designs (and technically Lucifer), none of them have ears, but they do have wing-ears!
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Ft. my Lucifer mini redesign. I decided to make him more peacock like, because well... Have you seen a more prideful bird? (and also the eye patterns)
A lot of them actually hide their wing-ears, specifically Lucifer, Gabriel (Sometimes), Raphael, Ariel, and Azrael.
Lucifer hides it because it makes him look more like Michael, since they're twins, which he hates.
Gabriel hides it when he's on earth, because, like Michael, he is retired! With the evolution of communication (I.E Delivery services, phones/electronics) he is no longer needed as much, so instead they spend their days on earth!
Raphael hides his because he wants to look more 'human'. He has the biggest clinic in all of heaven, and usually has newly arrived Winners as his patients, so to calm them he changes his form to be more 'human', and familiar.
Ariel hides it for design reasons, not character reasons. She's called the 'lion of god', and I wanted a twist on that, so I based her partially off a lion, partially off a lion jellyfish! I find lion jellyfish fascinating so the design was a bit self indulgent lol. Anyways, her design would be too crowded if I kept the ear-wings... So she hides them!
Azrael hides it because they have a guilt complex the size of Texas. In my au, they hang around the other horsemen of the apocalypse and therefore are fated to help destroy the world. They have yet to tell their siblings, and feel guilty about it. The ear-wings are very identifiable as Prince-like, and they feel like they don't deserve that title... So they hide it.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk lol.
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kianf1sh · 2 months
hi there hello it's me mr (?) two am rambles on this episode of oh god im so sorry i haven't been posting lately we have: language dumb
So im pretty tired of using the word "god" because
It implies Christianity and yet It doesn't really specify the god
Like, if i say "oh my god" that could be any of them, or neither and i just say it because someone did something real dumb and i hate life
So my solution! I like griftlands witch is a game. And any good game with good worldbuilding needs a religion, right? And they do! "The cult of Hesh" (a single person is called a heshian btw)
They worship "Hesh of the dark" a big ol' jellyfish thing in the abyss, witch is apparently in the ocean and their whole bible and stuff is "how to make your soul taste good to Hesh when you die"
So i just (try to) replac "god" with "Hesh" when applicable, makes things much better
1 isn't vague about witch god it's refering to
2 its showing love to an underrated game i really enjoy
3 not that many people know about it so added confusion points!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and sorry i haven't been posting recently! I had several hyperfixations
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queer-ghosts · 25 days
thing is, there are a lot of animals i would love to be, but in the end, if i had the choice, I'd always choose to be a jellyfish
there are 3 main reasons
1. they are beautiful
2. they don't have a brain
3. they can be deadly/extremely dangerous
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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barxlupin · 1 month
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@vulpesly ordered:
[ headcanon time! ] what animal(s) do you associate your muse(s) with? @ whichever and however many muses you want to talk about!
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Heck yeah, these are the kind of questions I live for! Well then *cracks knuckles* headcanon time, baby!
Maurice Leblanc: black cat, wolf
Georgette Leblanc: blue bird
James Joyce: swan, crane
Murasaki Shikibu: butterfly
Henry Poe: wolf
Ted Geisel: mouse
Patrick Süskind: snake
Arthur Conan Doyle: jellyfish
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Marshall: lily got stung by a jellyfish
Lily: alright, alright. i got stung. i got stung bad. i couldn’t stand. i couldn’t walk
Ted: we were two miles from the house. we were scared and alone. we didn’t think we could make it
Lily: i was in too much pain
Marshall: and i was tired from digging a huge hole!
Ted: and then marshall remembered something
Marshall: i’ve seen this thing on the discovery channel
Barney: wait a minute, i saw that, on the discovery channel. about jellyfish, and how if you…
Barney: eww! you peed on yourself?
Robin: eww!
Lily: you can’t say that! you don’t know! i thought i was going to pass out from the pain. anyway, i tried, but i couldn’t bend that way. so…
Barney & Robin: eww!
Marshall: yeah, that’s right. i stepped up! she’s my wife and she needed help. and if i have to i’d pee on any one of you. only, i couldn’t…i got the stage fright. i wanted to help, but there was too much pressure. so, so i turned to ted
Ted: marshall kept screaming at me. do it now, do it, do it, do it, do it now! 
Ted: sometimes late at night i can still hear the screaming
Marshall: that’s cause sometimes i scream it through my wall just to freak you out
Robin: maybe there’s someone you can talk to
Lily: yeah? like who? there’s no group for people like us
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jtl07 · 2 years
Supercorptober 2022 Day 24: Lena
(parallel to day 20: Kara)
Um aloud or text? -- Well, the last thing we were texting about was lunch, let me check my -- Hm? Oh right sorry, I got uh, distracted - is it a little warm in here?
(laughs) Of course I remember, it was, "And who are you exactly?" -- No, no, she wasn't mad, not really given the circumstances. In fact, she was kind of smiling while she said it -- yeah, yeah she does.
(heavy sigh) Vegetables, especially kale. She says it's refreshing and good for the body but I mean, have you seen her body? Right. -- She won't admit it, but she does have a weakness for waffle fries.
She had to answer these questions about me too, right? -- I bet she said something about me picking vegetables out of my food. -- (laughs) I'll tell her that. -- Well for her, I think ... I just wish she wouldn't push herself so hard sometimes.
Jellyfish! I only learned this recently. -- She can talk about them for hours. -- Maybe we should sign her up for a Ted talk!
She always says she doesn't like karaoke but she'll sing along if she's had enough to drink. -- She does though, when she's not really aware of it. It's this Irish lullaby, it's very sweet.
Well, uh (laughs, coughs, spills water) -- I'll say her laugh, especially the kind that takes her completely by surprise, she'll just - it's like she's the embodiment of happiness, the way she laughs.
Oh actually having a weekend. -- The first cup of coffee. She'll often have it on the balcony and there's just ... something about how the light catches her whenever she stands out there, the sun in her hair, that mix of land and sky in her eyes. It's hard to resist - (coughs) uh, joining her for the view.
Yes, uh, yesterday, we went to a gala. -- (laughs weakly) I guess you could say that.
Her belief in me.
This might be cheating but there's this word in Kryptonian - that uh, Supergirl taught me - it translates to the sun and hope of my heart.
#6 - inspired by breathing is easier underwater by littlemousejelly
#9 - see day 19 lol
[Supercorptober 2022 prompts]
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renaissance-sys · 19 days
Who is your best friend currently! If you'd like to share everyone's thoughts I'd love to hear about the alters friends as well. Friendship is a beautiful thing that everyone takes for granted.
i love all my friends, i can't really pick who would be my current best friend as i've been trying to socialize with so many people at the same time !! (mfw i love my friends SOBBING AND CRYING AND CRYIGNJKDS) but i'll let my headmates talk about their silly friends since they enjoy chatting as much as i do !! :Dc
<< 📽 >> hello everyone, my name is ted and to be honest, i was introjected late last night and already, i was able to make so many new friends from the same source as me..! it was the most excellent experience that i was able to experience so far being in front..! remember to always stay excellent to each other !! 🤙🤙🤙
<< 🧽 >> hehehe !! hellooooo, i'm spongebob and i'd like to say that my best friend is my bestest pal, squidward << 🦑 >> !! he occasionally fronts with me when it comes to work but when he is not, he lets me listen to him play his clarinet !! my other bestest pal is patrick << 🐚 >> !! him and i are always in headspace trying to catch any wandering jellyfish or are just trying to uplift anyone's mood !!!
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vickygonzs · 3 months
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Jellyfish are so pretty
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
#sealife #aesthetic #pretty #🩵
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seokmattchuus · 4 years
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replicarb · 4 years
do you ever wonder how a makyr like samur or the khan look like a combination of a moon jellyfish and a squid
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kokichixer · 5 years
aculeatus is really hot and also the best character in hnk. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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