memefarmer · 2 days
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Hi, my NB siblings cant afford the tests needed to find out what's wrong with their childhood cat, Vulcan. He's always been such a sweet boy and it really hurts to hear how quickly his condition has deteriorated. Anything would help even if its just a reblog. ♡
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memefarmer · 3 days
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memefarmer · 30 days
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sorry ea why did you give your cows top teeth. why do they look like that. why do. why do your cows have human teeth
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memefarmer · 30 days
cattle breed highlight - randall !
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randall cattle are another historical american breed that conservationists are fighting super hard to keep around! their history is actually super interesting!
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this breed actually died out due to crossbreeding a long, long time ago! but a farmer named everett randall maintained a closed herd of them for 80 years, single handedly preserving the breed so we can still see them today! isnt that wild!
after his passing, some of the remaining randalls were saved by conservationists, and theyre still kicking! though they are very rare.
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memefarmer · 2 months
@Tarafarms on youtube
This is always what I want to say when someone tries to baby wild animals or livestock that arent used to people.
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memefarmer · 5 months
lifting up a log to see all the isopods underneath
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memefarmer · 5 months
yo mama presence so calming she sits in the barn during stormy weather to help the animals
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memefarmer · 6 months
What I find really really compelling about Laios' special interest is this:
As a person who's special interest is dogs, I'll tell you right now that I fucking love them. I live in a city full of strays, and I actively go out of my way to pet, play with, and interact with them. It brings me a lot of joy and comfort to be able to be surrounded by puppies.
I will also be the first to tell you that, like it or not, dogs are animals - and animals, ultimately, can be unpredictable. They can be scared, they can be territorial, and they can be impulsive. And while I genuinely believe that there's no such thing as a bad dog or an angry dog - only a scared one - I also don't believe it makes a functional difference once a dog has bitten you what intentions it may have had.
Dogs are dangerous. I've seen people get bitten, I've been bitten, I've had close calls, some of which were my own fault and others which were not.
And Laios reflects this so beautifully, especially in the Kelpie arc. He's not blinded by his love for these creatures, he's not overtaken by baseless empathy - he understands, understands better than anyone, that these are at the end of the day monsters, and they are dangerous, and when push comes to shove sometimes you've just got to kill them. In fact it's his love for them that lands him this knowledge and understanding in the first place - just as I know that there's no room for fear and weakness when it comes to interacting with dogs, he knows there's no room for hesitation and empathy when it comes to interacting with montsers.
It's so fucking realistic of someone who genuinely researches and cares about these creatures, rather than superficially "liking animals" and then trying to assign human qualities to inherently inhuman creatures.
Laios is fantastic fucking representation.
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memefarmer · 6 months
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ABOUT TIME!!! for those out of the loop homeowners’ associations in the US 1. suck horrendously in every way 2. were the beginning of the end of urban biodiversity
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memefarmer · 7 months
Unmute !
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memefarmer · 7 months
I thought I’d eat my snack outside because the weather is nice today
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memefarmer · 7 months
probably a niche pet peeve but "i love fluffy cows/i want a fluffy cow/omg have u seen blowdried and shampood cows" GUYS what about all the ugly little fuckers that are not fluffy or conventionally friend shaped. the guys that look bloated and disproportionate. fluffy this fluffy that. WHAT OF THE FLUFFLESS LOSERS. the misfits. if you saw the bovine i adore youd fucking hurl.
rb if the girl on the left is just as beautiful as the girl on the right
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memefarmer · 8 months
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Man and his dog with matching hats early 1930′s, Maine.
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memefarmer · 8 months
How to make ice cream in Alaska
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memefarmer · 8 months
Resources for those looking to get started.
Inaturalist is a website and app that can help you identify plants/animals and connect you with others. It's the biggest thing that's motivated me to learn.
EPA Ecoregion Maps (US Only) Download the level IV ecoregion map of your state to figure out what kind of ecosystem you live in. Once you know the name of your ecoregion, its easier to research your area, understand what it's supposed to look like, and why certain animals live there.
USDA Plants Database (US Only) is a great database of info for every plant ever. I like using their county level maps to determine if plants are native to my specific ecoregion, not just my state.
Native Plants Database (US Only) uses only native plants from the USDA Plants Database. It tends to have a bit more information on individual plants than the USDA one, but it only tells you native status based on your state, not ecoregion.
learn about your local native plants and insect species. birds, too. keep an eye out. look for tracks and signs of fires and learn to identify what's around you. habits. proper safety, what's okay to hunt and forage and what's not.
for environmental and ecological literacy, yes, but also because it's fun
come id bees with me
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memefarmer · 8 months
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I made a little snow hen...
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Is it an outstanding piece of art? No. But more importantly, do my hens like it?
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Also no.
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memefarmer · 9 months
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