#jegulily kinda
Just watched challengers and I can say with complete confidence that Art Donaldson and James Potter are indeed the same people
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wastingawayinmyroom · 1 month
petition to turn my blog into one of those blogs where people send me headcanons and i expand on them like a professor
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imagineacoolusername · 5 months
twin sirius & regulus, and remus & lily & james all work in the same store or shop or wherever, and they're all crushing on this one customer, but they're kinda confused bc he flirts with all three of them, but sometimes he only flirts with remus and calls james mate, or he flirts with lily and james and just nods his head at remus, and they're not entirely sure what's going on
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swiftiereg · 16 days
My favorite relationship dynamic is a healthy straight couple befriending a dark haired fella and then proceeding to accidentally create the most powerful queer polycule in existence
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miela · 2 months
People who say "shipping Jegulus is misogynistic" tell me how that's possible when Lily gets shipped with Pandora, Mary, Dorcas, Sybil and so many other fem characters? That seems very h-o-t-t-o-g-o you can take me hot to go red hot supernova pussy power to me idk.
Like I'm being so serious, I wanna know your perspective on it. I ship Jily AND Jegulus and I just don't see it as being a problem???
Be civil in the comments if you're going to answer. I'm not trying to start discourse just trying to see a different perspective is all.
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sunny-prongs · 6 months
James who loved Lily for so long it became as natural as breathing
James who even if his love for Lily was incomparable also falled for anyone telling him he have feelings for him
James who have so much love in him that he thought it was normal to fall for more than one person
James who cried often after his new love broke his heart because they refused to be second behind Lily letting him confused because it was not that, he just loved both there was no order
James who was at the astronomy tower one day and saw Regulus in the beautiful light of the night and realized he was probably the most beautiful person he ever saw
James who started to watch carefully his best friend's brother everyday realizing he was more than Sirius' brother, he was Regulus and he was absolutely incredible
James who felt for Regulus without even knowing when for real
James who started to be intoxicated by his love, dealing with two love so intense it make him struggle to breath but always rejected because they thought he was not serious
James who one day had break, crying all his love out at night when everyone was asleep
James who decided love was just not for him and he should stop hoping to be loved back like he love people
James who became a ghost of himself, refusing to go to dates with everyone and doing less and less pranks
James who one day see again Regulus at the astronomy tower at night and even if he promised himself to stay away he couldn't help but trying comfort the other boy until his tears stop and they both go away without a words after that
James who returned to the tower every night and who saw the Slytherin there most of it
James who always take the time to comfort Regulus even if that mean staying up all night because even if love is not for him and he can't ask for anything he still love the boy deeply, so deeply it make him feel like drowning when he see tears on his cheeks
James who never expected anything from Regulus and who almost cried when one day Regulus asked him why he was doing all that and what he wanted in return
James who tried to put distance again so Regulus would not feel forced to give him anything
James who almost fell in the stairs of surprise when one day he returned to the tower and Regulus asked him in tears why he stopped to be there for him, if he was not deserving his comfort anymore, what kind of shit was that? Regulus deserve the world, of course he deserves comfort!
James who saw the night pass and the comfort became love slowly, night after night
James who felt his heart explode when Regulus kissed him and cried of happiness
James who started to be alive again to everyone surprise and joy but he was not like before too, he was just like back to life
James who kissed Regulus one last time before the summer vacations and when he stepped back saw the wand in his hand
James who felt dizzy for days after the last night at Hogwarts before the vacation without remembering why
James who felt his heart scream and cry when he saw Regulus back in September without knowing why
James who get confused by his feelings and ended up crying in Lily's arms one night after a bad nightmare he couldn't remember
James who felt his love for Lily grow more when they became friends for real after that night but refused to let his feelings ruins everything
James who refused to kiss Lily because she was drunk and never expected her to come kiss him the next day, sober this time
James who started dating Lily but felt like something was missing anyway
James who one more drink a potion thinking it was his pumpkin juice and vaguely heard Remus speaking about the fact it's one making people remember what they want to remember the most
James who drowned in memories of loving night under the stars and cried all the water in his body when he wake up from the experience
James who explained everything to Lily thinking she would hate him but felt even more love for her when she understood and decided to help her to get Regulus out of his family's hands
James who saw Lily cornering Regulus and forcing him to at least speak with them while James could only watch because Regulus refused to even look at him
James who saw Lily and Reg becoming closer after every secret meeting and felt his heart beat like drums about it
James who asked Lily to punch him in the face when she told him she started to maybe live Reg too because it could only be a dream right?
James who loved so much the time he could spend with his flower and star every night when everyone was asleep and hoped for this to never stop
James who promised Regulus they will come get him during the summer vacations so he will can take all his things and not let Walburga burn it like for Sirius
James who prepared everything with Lily under the confused eyes of their friends about their sudden urge to take Sirius' brother away especially when he refused to come when Sirius left
James who felt his heart break when Regulus ended up by refusing to leave and showing his lovers the mark on his arm saying it was too late
James who refused to leave and got forced to when Walburga entered the room as Regulus pushed him in the fireplace and send him back
James who cried with Lily for weeks as they tried again and again to have contact with Regulus
James who hoped that at least at Hogwarts he would see him and maybe fix things again only to see his hope crushed when Regulus kissed Crouch and Rosier in front of him seeming to have heart eyes for them
James who graduated with Lily and left Hogwarts knowing he would probably never see their other love anymore
James who was peacefully cooking when he saw a stag patronus enter the kitchen and screamed to Lily that Regulus needed them
James who again cried when he understood it was too late and Regulus was not here anymore
James who promised he would never lose another of his love and will protect Lily with his life, dying for her would be an honorable death for him
James who ended up having an honorable death as he faced his supposed best friend with loving eyes
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paintmegrey · 1 year
That time I wrote a whole jegulily fic and just left it in the drafts. Literally just remembered this scene:
Lily pushes the books onto the shelf and turns around, placing her elbows on the cart and resting her chin in her hands. Lily glances up at James, who is clearly distracted, and she follows his gaze. Oh.
James hasn’t even begun to put his stack of books back in their rightful place, too focused on Regulus who has just sat down across the library at a table in the corner. It’s late, and James should finish unloading this cart so he and Lily can leave, but he just can’t stop staring.
Lily hums, “He’s pretty, isn’t he?” Lily’s eyes catch on Regulus' hand as he pushes some of his hair behind his ear, focused on the pages of the book he’s reading. Lily is guessing James saw it too because his breath changes just slightly. Lily’s gaze is still focused on Regulus, but she sees James nod in the corner of her eye, “He really is.”
For a few moments they just watch Regulus, not saying anything at all. They take in the way he silently taps his knuckle on the table. Or they way he fidgets with his rings.
Then, abruptly, Lily stands up straight and moves out from behind the book cart. James' eyes widen “Where are you going?” Lily turns around to face James, starting to backpedal toward Regulus. She shrugs, “I’m going to talk to him.” James places the books down and shakes his head, “You are not.”
“Oh, I am.”
“Lily.” James whispers, a little frantically.
Lily grins, tilting her head to the side, causing her hair to brush over her shoulders, “I definitely am.” With that Lily turns around, still smirking, and continues walking over to Regulus.
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waterlilychaser · 6 months
the urge to write a jegulily fic set in a fantasy world inspired by 15th century renaissance era italy and the roman catholic papacy
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daysofnights · 2 months
vampire jegulily wip is back and im having so much fun
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
regulus is nice to pandora, lily, sometimes james, and sometimes dorcas but they both throw up when he is
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hasturlover · 1 year
Alright im brainrotting so like james and lily get harry enrolled in kindergarten and he instantly infatuated with little cactus draco who regulus babysat because draco is a menace for babysitter but soft only for his uncle reggie. So it ends up with so so much playdates between harry and draco which sorta like a date (going tot theme park, aquarium, beach, ice rink, etc) for jegulily. Jily cant help think regulus is so pretty charming and gorgeous and mooning over the black heir while kinda hiding their crush from each other because they felt guilty loving another person. While regulus kinda confused because why both potters are so sweet to him?? Is it potter thing, he is confused but he is so happy whenever james hug him or lily peck his cheek before leaving. Meanwhile harry and draco planning for jegulily marriage necause both of them evil little shits
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sylviaplathenthusiast · 8 months
what i like about the way i think of jegulily is the way each one of them balances the relationship between the other two
like there are james and regulus who have a very opposites attract kind of situation which causes a lot of miscommunication between them but not when lily is there as a kind of go between because she is stubbornly open
theres the whole thing with james courting lily and her being annoyed about it but when regulus is there that part of james’ expression of love is redirected at someone who actually appreciates the big gestures so james can save the more casual, quiet type of expression for someone who appreciates that more
and then there is regulus and lily who both like to hold themselves to high standards and have a tendency to worry too much, internalise certain things too much but james loves being able to make them lay out the things simply and out loud and apply his “living to the fullest while also doing it once step at a time” approach
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i haven’t really actively written anything in the past few days/week but i’ve been tagged in the weekend snipped thingy so i just thought i’d let u decide
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h0n3ynm00ns0n3 · 2 years
rant lol
this kinda relates to my last post but i am so sick of the lack of female appreciation+representation in the marauders fandom!! nothing is more disheartening than when i try to find sapphic content and all the tags and posts are taken up by mlm ships. its also the way yall are so willing to excuse the shitty actions of male characters by saying they're 'flawed' and 'complex individuals' but won't do the same for female characters. this fandom is so blatantly misogynistic and sexist, and it's extremely fucking pathetic
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sadgaychamelion · 1 year
The sun shines
The star whines
The star aches for the sun
The sun is always burning bright with no regrets
The star is always shining softly in the shadows, yearning
The star aches for the sun
Who’s always out of reach
Sometimes the sun smiles at the star and the star has hope
The sun smiles past him at the flower
The star aches for the sun
Who’s always out of reach
Sometimes the sun joins the star watching the night sky and the star has hope
The sun stares at the flower like she hung the stars
The star aches for the sun
Who’s always out of reach
Sometimes the sun wipes away his tears and the star has hope
The sun cradles the flowers cheek
The star aches for the sun
Who’s always out of reach
The star writes and cries and yearns and burns
The sun smiles and laughs and pretends they don’t know
The star aches for the sun
Who’s always out of reach
He cries, he’s scared, he plans, he fights, he dies.
The sun longs for the star
The star is pretty but he hides
The sun stares and he wonders and he pretends and he hides
The sun longs for the star
Who’s always out of reach
Sometimes the sun smiles at the star and then catches the eye of the flower
His heart splits
The sun longs for the star
Who’s always out of reach
The sun watches his star while his star stargazes and wonders how it could ever be ok
He stares at the flower and knows what he has to do
The sun longs for the star
Who’s always out of reach
The sun wipes his stars tears and vows to stop them from ever falling again
The sun must start the lights plan
The sun longs for the star
Who’s always out of reach
The sun laughs and smiles and “loves” and hides
The star retreats and hates the lies
The sun longs for the star
Who’s always out of reach
He hides, he “loves”, he acts, he stands, he dies.
The sun stops shining
The stars not whining
Their love can’t even be trying
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ranting about the fandom ( TW: opinions)
- remus is so badly mischaracterized, the shift from him being a soft sensitive kid despite the violent nature of his condition was so so important but now he is turned into this mean angry alpha male. i feel like the point of him being so sensitive was to contrast w him being a werewolf ya know. bring back weird and awkward remus
- gay ships that are just there because they’re gay is pretty strange. i’m speaking of the whole jegulus/pandalily/whatever new thing ppl come up with i don’t really understand the point of just thinking that making a couple gay makes them more interesting. seems a little counterproductive .
-jily loosing its popularity is killing me. bring back my 7 year slow burn prophecy beautiful love story they are the most important ship
-sirius being a feminine dramatic gay twink. this man was a motorcycle owning rebel strong guy. and believe it or not he CAN be gay and still be that. him being gay ( in our head canons) doesn’t mean he’s a woman
- turning gay ships into basically a straight relationship by making them so stereotypical ( wolfstar w feminine af sirius and strong man remus)
- shipping character that died and fought against a certain ideology and people that were actively apart of the problem is kinda crazy. like jegulily? my brother in christ regulus wanted her dead.
-fanon regulus. he was a strong willed DEATH EATER he wasn’t forced into it or abused by his family. it.is.stated.in.the.book.
-deatheaters are interesting characters BUT don’t tell me people are babying and glorifying them in a effort to explore their complexity.
-some of you are blinded by the fancasts and forgot all about what the characters are.
- the new fan casts are meeeh. they’re not all supposed to be supermodels…
- jegulus taking over the fandom is insane.
-andromeda should be getting the regulus treatement she is what you made regulus into.
-frank and alice should be more loved.
- the romantization of that whole pureblood supremacist squad is NOT cute.
-james potter my beloved.
- i don’t really like the idea of the casanova being remus. i feel like it would james or sirius based on how remus talked about his high school years
- jily is way too important to the universe to be discredited.
-lily evans being put behind regulus is CRAZY. my girl did not die for this bs
-sirius being criticized for leaving is wild. regulus was not abused and didn’t even want to leave. sirius was mistreated.
- i kind of like the idea of the developed character of walburga. sirius said she wasn’t a deatheater. and i like people writing her as a more complex character.
- as much as i love wolfstar, james and sirius’s relationship stays the central point of the gang.
-ships have taken way too much importance over the friendships of the group.
-i feel like a people make female characters into lesbians ( like lily ) just because they are strong characters and it’s weird.
- yes once she got married to james she was lily POTTER and she was a mother just like james was FATHER they’re is nothing wrong with that.
- jegulus/ any ship between a member of the order and a deatheater is just plain stupid sorry but if your head canons goes completely against the core of a character it’s just a wrong statement.
before you start “LEt pEoPle dO whAT thEy WaNt” these are MY opinions
please share yours i love to debate
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