#jeff bezos journey
writingwithfolklore · 7 months
5 Tips for Creating Intimidating Antagonists
Antagonists, whether people, the world, an object, or something else are integral to giving your story stakes and enough conflict to challenge your character enough to change them. Today I’m just going to focus on people antagonists because they are the easiest to do this with!
1. Your antagonist is still a character
While sure, antagonists exist in the story to combat your MC and make their lives and quest difficult, they are still characters in the story—they are still people in the world.
Antagonists lacking in this humanity may land flat or uninteresting, and it’s more likely they’ll fall into trope territory.
You should treat your antagonists like any other character. They should have goals, objectives, flaws, backstories, etc. (check out my character creation stuff here). They may even go through their own character arc, even if that doesn’t necessarily lead them to the ‘good’ side.
Really effective antagonists are human enough for us to see ourselves in them—in another universe, we could even be them.
2. They’re… antagonistic
There’s two types of antagonist. Type A and Type B. Type A antagonist’s have a goal that is opposite the MC’s. Type B’s goal is the same as the MC’s, but their objectives contradict each other.
For example, in Type A, your MC wants to win the contest, your antagonist wants them to lose.
In Type B, your MC wants to win the contest, and your antagonist wants to win the same contest. They can’t both win, so the way they get to their goal goes against each other.
A is where you get your Draco Malfoy’s, other school bullies, or President Snow’s (they don’t necessarily want what the MC does, they just don’t want them to have it.)
B is where you get the other Hunger Games contestants, or any adventure movie where the villain wants the secret treasure that the MCs are also hunting down. They want the same thing.
3. They have well-formed motivations
While we as the writers know that your antagonist was conceptualized to get in the way of the MC, they don’t know that. To them, they exist separate from the MC, and have their own reasons for doing what they do.
In Type A antagonists, whatever the MC wants would be bad for them in some way—so they can’t let them have it. For example, your MC wants to destroy Amazon, Jeff Bezos wants them not to do that. Why not? He wants to continue making money. To him, the MC getting what they want would take away something he has.
Other motivations could be: MC’s success would take away an opportunity they want, lose them power or fame or money or love, it could reveal something harmful about them—harming their reputation. It could even, in some cases, cause them physical harm.
This doesn’t necessarily have to be true, but the antagonist has to believe it’s true. Such as, if MC wins the competition, my wife will leave me for them. Maybe she absolutely wouldn’t, but your antagonist isn’t going to take that chance anyway.
In Type B antagonists, they want the same thing as the MC. In this case, their motivations could be literally anything. They want to win the competition to have enough money to save their family farm, or to prove to their family that they can succeed at something, or to bring them fame so that they won’t die a ‘nobody’.
They have a motivation separate from the MC, but that pesky protagonist keeps getting in their way.
4. They have power over the MC
Antagonists that aren’t able to combat the MC very well aren’t very interesting. Their job is to set the MC back, so they should be able to impact their journey and lives. They need some sort of advantage, privilege, or power over the MC.
President Snow has armies and the force of his system to squash Katniss. She’s able to survive through political tension and her own army of rebels, but he looms an incredibly formidable foe.
Your antagonist may be more wealthy, powerful, influential, intelligent, or skilled. They may have more people on their side. They are superior in some way to the protagonist.
5. And sometimes they win
Leading from the last point, your antagonists need wins. They need to get their way sometimes, which means your protagonist has to lose. You can do a bit of a trade off that allows your protagonist to lose enough to make a formidable foe out of their antagonist, but still allows them some progress using Fortunately, Unfortunately.
It goes like… Fortunately, MC gets accepted into the competition. Unfortunately, the antagonist convinces the rest of the competitors to hate them. Fortunately, they make one friend. Unfortunately, their first entry into the competition gets sabotaged. Fortunately, they make it through the first round anyway, etc. etc.
An antagonist that doesn’t do any antagonizing isn’t very interesting, and is completely pointless in their purpose to heighten stakes and create conflict for your protagonist to overcome. We’ll probably be talking about antagonists more soon!
Anything I missed?
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dipnots · 2 years
Top 10 Most Successful Businessmen of All Time: Lessons and Inspiration
Starting a business can be a daunting task, but with the right mindset, perseverance, and hard work, anyone can achieve success. In this blog post, we will take a look at 10 of the most successful businessmen of all time and what made them great. From tech pioneers to retail magnates, these individuals have left an indelible mark on the business world and continue to inspire and inform future…
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isildur-apologist · 2 years
You don’t hate Amazon you hate the Silmarillion: a genuine review of Rings of Power
It’s no secret that overall I liked RoP. I watched it with my roommate who gets very hyped about stuff like that and it made for a really exciting viewing experience, instead of the more bitter perspective I might have taken if I watched it alone. But, I also know there are some real faults with the show, I never thought it was perfect and know it’s not on par with the the LOTR movies and I never expected it to be. But, the fault for that is not on Amazon.
(I want to note that I am not defending Amazon. I hate Amazon. Jeff Bezos can catch this guillotine. I am, however, defending the creative team behind the show, which is how I will refer to them from here on out, I only called it Amazon to grab your attention. )
Here’s my point though, almost every (valid) critique I see of this show isn’t a problem with decisions the creative team made, it’s an inherent problem in any adaptation of the Silmarillion (and associated works but I’m just going to refer to the Silmarillion for brevity’s sake).
The Silmarillion, as full and detailed as it is, is a shit story. The events of the second age do not fit neatly into a clean story structure the way LOTR does because it’s not supposed to. The Silmarillion isn’t a story, it’s a history, and history is never narratively satisfying. Tolkien (Jirt, not talking about Christopher here) didn’t publish the Silmarillion in his lifetime, he only even published LOTR and the hobbit, everything else attributed to him was published after his death. He had no intent of making the other works anything other than a comprehensive history of the world he made for documentation’s sake, never with intent to publish. He didn’t even compile all the writings, Christopher did.
Because if this, the Silmarillion is really hard to adapt for a number of reasons:
1. Elves aren’t good main characters.
Elves aren’t supposed to be relatable characters, they’re aloof and static and inherently non-relatable (There are exceptions but they’re usually not regular elves. Elrond is half elven, Legolas is very young). Humans and hobbits are the relatable characters through which we view the world, because they can have human flaws and conflicts, which makes for a very human story. To make elves the main characters you need to make them interesting characters, and elves aren’t supposed to have human flaws, and so you either stay faithful and they don’t feel relatably human, or you change their to be more human and it feels disingenuous to what we know elves to be like. It’s a lose lose.
2. Middle earth is not supposed to be pretty.
A huge part of LOTR is realizing every place they visit is either the ruins of a past, much larger civilization, or a city that is a fraction of what it used to be (Gondor in lotr is NOTHING compared to what it was in the early 3rd age, or Arnor and definitely not Númenor, Rivendell is a pebble compared to Lindon and Eregion, we only ever see Khazad-dûm as a decrepit tomb instead of the most prosperous mine in all of middle earth is once was). This juxtaposition is integral to the main themes of lotr and is imperative to the story jirt was trying to tell. A story set in the 2nd age cannot have these ruins because IT IS THE RUINS. It cannot “feel like lotr” because it is what will make lotr lotr.
3. Characters (individuals) are of little importance in the Silmarillion.
As important as Elendil and Isildur (and even Anárion) are to the plot of literally the entire 3rd age, we know little about their own narratives. They are names for the people that did these important actions and that’s it. Again, the Silmarillion is a history, it’s not going to say what Elendil and Isildur’s relationship was like in excruciating detail or what Isildur wanted to do with his life before sailing to middle-earth and becoming a king. You have to write these characters a good story if you’re adapting the Silmarillion and sometimes there isn’t space to write a compelling journey in the space Tolkien left. Because they don’t have a character, any character you give them will seem “out of character” to many people.
Basically my point is that before you go and say “well this is weird or I didn’t like this choice” think about what the creative team had to create to make an interesting show out of a story not designed to be told. Sometimes they didn’t make the perfect decision, but if you were tasked with adapting something unadaptable do you think you would do it perfectly?
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astroa3h · 1 year
Astrology 411: The 29th Degree
The 29th Degree is a critical point in astrology indicating significant life events, including potential fame.
If your Mars, for example, is at the 29th degree, your drive and ambition may become public, leading to recognition in fields requiring energy and initiative.
However, this comes with pressure to navigate transitions smoothly, amplifying the need for effective action under intense scrutiny.
Your journey to success may thus be challenging but also highly rewarding.
Celebrity Example: Jeff Bezos
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For Personal Readings Visit: astroash.net TikTok - astroa3h
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hi. what are some songs you associate with direcroiss
Thank you for the question! :D
I've been Dying to share these with someone SJDBSKXS
_______________Songs List______________
> To start it off "OK Overture" by AJR > To end it "Finale" by AJR, Neotheater
> "Jeff Bezos 3 & The Future" by Bo Burnham, Inside The Outtakes
> "Goodbye" by Bo Burnham
> "All Eyes on Me [The Outtakes]" Bo Burnham, Inside The Outtakes
> "BAD LUCK!" by Jhariah
> "Tomcat Disposables" by Will Wood
> "Mr. Capgrass encounters a second-hand vanity" by Will Wood
> "Nearly Witches" by Panic at the Disco!
> "Dr Sunshine is Dead" by Will Wood
> "Hand me my Shovel, I'm going in" by Will Wood
> "Variations on a Cloud" from Miracle Musical
> "Come Hang Out" by AJR
> "Hole Dwelling" by Kikuo
> "Who is she?" by Monster
> "Teen Idle" by MARINA
> "Red Flags" by Tom Cardy
> "Stuff is Way" by They Might Be Giants
> "When the World Caves in" by Matt Maltese > "Can we become we?" from Journey to Bethlehem
> "Hymn for a Scarecrow" by Tally Hall
> "Two Birds on a Wire" by Regina Spektor
> I think the entire Self-Ish album of Will Wood is just Director Croi
> "2085" by AJR (I mostly think about String Gummy with this one)
> "Netflix Trip" by AJR (Again, String Gummy, but you know, I sprinkled in Cront cause I followed this one HC that he and Croi were friends on another timeline)
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
money isn't the root of all evil.
you can have a lot of money and not be evil.
although i cast doubt on the idea that any one thing is the "root of all evil" - neverless the challenge behind defining 'evil' - if we're offering scapegoats, greed is as good of one as any other.
because it's not really about having a lot of money, it's about never having enough money.
some people hoard wealth and perhaps more importantly, power and influence, the way that people hoard things. material objects.
the difference is that rather than taking Jeff Bezos onto the television show Hoarders, we take him on a beautiful winding journey through the complex and twisting alleyways of the Streets of Time back to 18th Century Paris and drop him off at the Place de la Révolution for some sightseeing.
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My within has Godtier positivity. I ooze mindshattering syncs. I am tangibly mindshattering syncs. I validate absolutely all ideas that puts me at ease. I feel tangible downloads. The only downloads I have are the ones that puts me at ease. I'm rigged to be on the right path. I'm rigged to live from the end. Dude I got Zillionaire energy. I'm not being delusional I DEASASS GOT ZILLIONAIRE ENERGY. It's bound to happen. All of the workings with Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are bound to happen. They already admire me. I already have a Yacht. My energy is so mighty and big. I get everything I want simply because Santa Claus. Because Santa Claus gives me everything. When I talk I'm staggeringly sane. I'm on Live Tv I'm on CNN. My self validation game is crazy. Godtier ability to mixed spiritual with the physical reality. Godtier ability to align the spiritual world with the physical world. I'm the only female amongst giants. Damn.... Elon musk by my side. Jeff Bezos by my side. Both of these men want me oooo ;) what a scandal HAHAHAHAHA. Godtier Seductress. Godtier Seducer. Godtier attractiveness. Omg. It's gon hit in the way Elon musk and Jeff Bezos and all the men at the top want me but in the way that satisfies me individually. I'm the unbelievably the most desirable woman. Mark Zuckerberg is violently obsessed with me. IM UNBEARABLY GODTIER. I'm the one who all the Kings and Queens want. I'm so ridiculously desired. My intentions are rigged to be razor-sharp precise. Wow every book I ever read was just baby steps to me journeying within. I only get more and more powerful and immaculate at visualizing/imagining. I got Jeff Bezos' level of creativity when it comes to inner creativity. I am worthy of changing my within to whatever story I want it to be. I'm naturally rigged to choose the story of my within that puts my soul at ease and warms up my heart. They have rapid anxiety over the thought of losing me. My within keeps me safe from the without. I love understanding the double entendre of my own thoughts. And the energy within my thoughts. Geez. Those are valid too. Like they're alive as FUCK. I'm rigged to remember my truth. They know they can't stand a chance. Yeah cause I know life inevitably reflects my inner world. I'm naturally rigged to trust myself. It's okay I'm healed. Life is fair all the time. I'm rigged to act like the creator of my reality. Me fearing it doesn't mean the fear's real. For I'm always safe within myself. My inner world is rigged to be in my favor. I astonish them from within. I'm rigged to use all the right wordings. I'm tangibly all of Nicki Minajs most hardest songs all at once COMBINED. If they could have it then I can can also have it x antonellamania number. The creating of Magic is mundane and easy. But still astonishes me everytime. Shit just happens out of thin air. Creating Miracles are mundane and easy. Being a Zillionaire Superstar is mundane and easy. Talking to Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. Talking to Bill Gates as a Bull wiping out his wealthfront streak. Damn all the bitches and fans want me because I'm the most powerful. I'm tangibly the most powerful. Damn. Everything I do and say turns them on. Even me being selfish turns them on. Even me being undefeated turns them on. Even me being violent turns them on. Even me being wild turns them on. Even my shadow self turn them on. I awaken my own childlike wonder. I build the foundation of trust within the energy levels of my within. My desired intentions and my within are aligned. And my self concept is too monstrously so of course it's going to rig absolutely any and everything I say into. I simply change the form of my Magic. I change the form of my Magic into one that satisfies me. I alone hold all of the validation power. Damn. It's effortless and easy. Wow I tangibly feel the effectiveness of my Magic working. I tangibly feel the effectiveness of my within instantly reflecting on the without.
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popaurmaa · 8 months
🌟 Transform Your Brand, Music Career, and Entrepreneurial Vision with Popâ Ur-Mää Global Consulting Enterprise! 🌟
At Popâ Ur-Mää Global Consulting Enterprise, we take immense pride in our distinguished track record of delivering unparalleled brand marketing services. Our client roster includes some of the most illustrious names in the industry, with a legacy of success that rivals the most prominent players. Just as Amazon has transformed the retail landscape under Jeff Bezos, we’ve pioneered transformative strategies for renowned brands like Rolls-Royce Motors, Bentley Motors, Breitling, Bugatti, Lamborghini, and Koenigsegg.
Our collaboration with these iconic names is a testament to the trust they’ve placed in our expertise and the tangible results we consistently deliver. Much like Amazon’s customer-centric approach, our focus is on heightening brand visibility, increasing engagement, and providing a substantial boost in conversions.
Rolls-Royce Motors, synonymous with luxury and opulence, entrusted us to enhance their online presence, surpassing expectations and positioning them as a paragon of elegance in the online world. Bentley Motors, with its rich automotive legacy, sought our finesse in navigating the digital landscape, resulting in elevated online profiles and meaningful audience engagement.
Breitling, Bugatti, Lamborghini, and Koenigsegg, each a powerhouse in its respective industry, strategically chose Popâ Ur-Mää as their digital partner. Our collaborative efforts resulted in strengthened brand identities, increased loyalty, and a competitive edge in the digital marketplace.
🌐 Explore More at popaurmaa.com
🔥 Step into the Realm of Unparalleled Musical Guidance! In addition to his illustrious career in the music industry, Popâ Ur-Mää, also known as Byron Burke, is the maestro behind hits with Atlantic Records, Columbia Records, Universal Records, Strictly Rhythm, and Nervous. Adding another feather to his cap, Ten City received Grammy Nominations in 2022, solidifying his position as a trailblazer in the world of music.
As the Co-Vice President of Prelude Music & Film Works, Popâ Ur-Mää played a pivotal role in the success of the 1998 motion picture “Lost In Space,” distributed by New Line Cinema. His contributions showcase versatility and the ability to make a significant impact across various entertainment domains.
🌐 Global Business Development Consulting: Our business development consulting service is tailored to empower startups and entrepreneurs with essential tools to navigate the complexities of the global market. Gain comprehensive insights, analysis, and a profound understanding of the risks associated with international business ventures. Our seasoned consultants guide entrepreneurs in cultivating a strategic mindset, identifying opportunities, mitigating challenges, and making informed decisions on a global scale.
Through meticulous market research, trend analysis, and personalized coaching, we equip startups with the knowledge and acumen necessary to thrive in the competitive landscape of the global marketplace. Our commitment is to foster a resilient entrepreneurial mindset, promoting innovation, adaptability, and resilience for sustained success in the ever-evolving international business arena.
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By choosing Popâ Ur-Mää Global Consulting Enterprise, you align with a legacy of success and cutting-edge strategies that transcend industry norms. We invite you to bring your brand to new heights and add your company’s name to the prestigious list of those we’ve had the privilege to serve and propel to digital excellence.
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Chicago Marketing Luxury Cars Grammys Online Marketing Business Development
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yourfinanceacc · 1 year
Traders reaction on tiktok #shorts
🔔Subscribe to the channel for tips & strategies for managing money & achieving financial independence: https://www.youtube.com/@your_finance_account/ ✅ Stay Connected with Us. 👉Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/your_finance_?t=rr4nnhz-e3j1KAtHHwWc-w&s=09 ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉 Motivational Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcFJAHHVBMw&list=PLYxqx3-R5Rlg6uJu6hzoH1RmzhFl1lRJB 👉Videos about finance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfDTd6CpFyk&list=PLYxqx3-R5Rlh2BGPUCJoij3xX1MiSxRNJ ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉Expert tips for saving a massive down payment and Achieving Your homeownership dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Xjr5q6M_0 👉How to become a Billionaire like Jeff Bezos in 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0495kUXBGkE 👉BEST WARREN BUFFET SPEECH THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR FUTURE IN 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSsFFed9tdo 👉Unlock the Secrets to Billionaire Success: 6 Expert Tips to Achieve Billionaire Status! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5iRreERdHE 👉The ultimate top 10 money-earning apps without investment in 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi0qULllG8A ============================= ✅ About Your Finance. Welcome to Your Finance channel, where we empower you to achieve financial freedom. Our mission is to bridge the gap in financial education and equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your finances. From saving and investing strategies to budgeting and debt management, our team of experts will guide you every step of the way. Join us on this journey to financial stability and independence. Subscribe now and hit the notification bell to stay updated on all things finance. Your financial success starts here! For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Subscribe to the channel for tips & strategies for managing money & achieving financial independence: https://www.youtube.com/@your_finance_account/ ================================= #budgetingtips #personalfinance #moneymanagement #financialplanning #savingsplan #financialfreedom Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Your Finance. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube Channel is provided. © Your Finance https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq0bSBudHn0
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a story about a little orphan girl who meets a man who doesn’t look like he’s from around here. turns out, he’s from the future. he was sent back in time to stop something horrible from happening (something that wasn’t meant to happen, as a man from his time went back to that year to do something) (not sure what but it’s evil)
the man saved the little girls life, and she insists on following him everywhere now. she has nowhere else to go after all
the man begrudgingly allows her to accompany him, but he did put up a fight. she’s stubborn though, and he can’t help but give in
he does anything he can to keep her safe, no matter what the cost. as they journey, they learn about one another. the little girl lost her parents in a car accident, the man has an estranged father that lost his mind. he then admits that his father is the one who’s trying to do evil in the past
his father became a billionaire when he inherited his own fathers money and used it to jumpstart a company, and is hellbent on becoming richer. he’s your classic jeff bezos type. in his twisted mind, he feels as though if he gets rid of the competition, he’ll end up even richer by becoming a monopoly. so he’s going back in time to when his main competitor first started working on their company in order to kill them so their business never takes off
the problem with this is the competitive company did extremely important work and has basically maintained world order (somehow. idk). so without that company, there’s no telling what will happen to the future
idk if that lore will stick, i just want the villain to be a billionaire
anyway, eventually, it’s revealed that the man’s father miraculously survived a car accident… and the man didn’t know about it until he was older… and he was the same age as the little girl when he survived…
idk how the reveal will happen, but the man is transgender, and he and the little girl are the same person
i just think that’d be so fucking cool
if anyone has suggestions for the villains motives that’d be great cos idk how the billionaire storyline would go down lmao
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esoteriamaya · 1 year
The truth about why some people are rich is due to them focusing on what matters to them and not what the world is on. Some may be charitable while others may use their wealth for their own personal gain however it is their journey and most eventually take their time to be charitable with their fortune. Boundaries are put in place when it comes to how they spend their money, so no form 'bullying' that i see people get on with celebrities, ceos like jeff bezos, or elon musk etc is not going to cut it. The real reason why there are so many with a lack mindset is because they carry the burden of other peoples woes and they're also too focused on things that may no longer pertain to them, or simply doesnt matter.
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evwuniverse · 2 years
Living in a Virtual World: Taking My Book Off Amazon and Recreating It For a New Age of Virtual Worlds
The best thing about writing ebooks and self-publishing is you can put them up, take them down, create, and recreate them. The possibilities for the self-publishing world are endless. As many of you who have followed me since the beginning knows, I self-published a book on Amazon (allowing Jeff Bezos to make more money from my creativity since I only get a minimal amount of royalties) called Living in a virtual world. Since there were only a few books on Amazon about virtual worlds, I created one as I genuinely have a passion for discussing this.
I am taking my current book down and re-writing from the ground up with updated terminology and keeping it current. It will talk about the virtual world industry, the changes it has undergone throughout the years, and how virtual worlds improve our communication with others and can become a massive part of our lives. Virtual worlds have obtained something special, a loyal fan base, fun experiences, and excellent communication with other individuals. Though there might be drama occasionally, I wanted to document fully the experiences of virtual worlds and their psychological effects on users in a world that underwent isolation during COVID and different personality types.
Stay tuned as I continue to release more information. I genuinely enjoy updating and talking about virtual worlds, and I want other users who have delved into virtual world platforms to know that it is such a vast world with so many opportunities provided. I can't wait to continuously update you on this journey as I move forward with recreating this masterpiece I made; it was the first book I ever published, and I can't wait to release the updated piece for all to read. I aim to complete it and put it back on Amazon in about a month. I hope a lot of you would be willing to check it out. All proceeds from the royalties will go towards a charity foundation currently undecided. But my goal was to publish my writing for the world to see. This is passionate to me, and I can't just keep the royalties for something I love to do and talk about. If you have any questions about this considerable push forward and new recreation that I will be putting out soon, please feel free to write a note or message, and I will get back to it as quickly as possible.
Note: Also, if you would be willing to reblog the post with the new book and link for my ebook when it comes out it would be extremely helpful to get the word out. Again all proceeds from the royalties will go towards charity.
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technology-moment · 2 days
💡 Want to innovate like Jeff Bezos? 🌟 His journey from a small garage to leading Amazon teaches us that big dreams start with bold steps! 🚀
Join the trend and unleash your potential! #JeffBezos #Reels #Shorts #Trend #Viral #Motivation #Entrepreneur
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thomasrayan12 · 15 days
Explore Inspirational Motivational Startup Stories to Drive Your Ambition
Starting a business from scratch requires grit, determination, and a willingness to face challenges head-on. Many successful entrepreneurs have gone through difficult times before achieving their goals. By exploring motivational startup stories, aspiring business owners can gain insights and inspiration for their own ventures. Whether you’re looking for e-commerce ideas to make money or simply seeking motivation for your entrepreneurial journey, these stories of resilience and innovation will help drive your ambition.
The Rise of Amazon: From Online Bookseller to E-Commerce Giant
One of the most inspirational startup stories is that of Amazon. Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 as an online bookstore, Amazon began with the simple idea of selling books online. However, Bezos had a broader vision—he wanted to create the world’s largest online marketplace.
In its early years, Amazon faced several financial struggles and skepticism from investors. Despite these challenges, Bezos focused on long-term growth, reinvesting profits into expanding the business. Today, Amazon is a global e-commerce giant that sells everything from books to electronics, apparel, and groceries. The key takeaway from Amazon’s journey is the importance of having a clear vision and staying committed to your goals despite setbacks.
Amazon’s success also serves as a reminder for aspiring entrepreneurs to explore e-commerce ideas to make money by identifying untapped opportunities in online retail.
Airbnb: Turning a Simple Idea into a Global Hospitality Leader
Airbnb’s story is another remarkable example of how an idea can evolve into a successful global business. Founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia started Airbnb in 2008 by renting out air mattresses in their apartment to make extra money. The concept was simple—helping people find affordable lodging while traveling.
However, Chesky and Gebbia faced initial skepticism from both investors and customers. They struggled to gain traction, and their business idea was dismissed by many as impractical. But through persistence, creativity, and the use of an innovative platform, Airbnb expanded into one of the world’s largest hospitality companies, offering millions of listings in more than 220 countries.
The story of Airbnb is a powerful example of how solving a real-world problem with a unique approach can lead to tremendous success. For those looking to start their own venture, it highlights the importance of perseverance and being willing to adapt your business model when necessary.
Glossier: Building a Beauty Empire Through Customer Engagement
Emily Weiss, the founder of Glossier, built her beauty brand by focusing on customer engagement and creating a strong sense of community. Glossier started as a blog called Into The Gloss, where Weiss shared beauty tips and insights. By engaging with her audience, Weiss realized there was a gap in the market for beauty products designed with customer input in mind.
In 2014, she launched Glossier, offering a line of skincare and makeup products that catered to the needs of her audience. Glossier’s business model emphasized direct-to-consumer sales, relying heavily on social media and online marketing. Weiss prioritized customer feedback and created products that resonated with her audience, leading to rapid growth and brand loyalty.
Glossier’s journey highlights how deep customer engagement and understanding market needs can drive success. It also showcases the potential for e-commerce ideas to make money in niche markets by focusing on community building and direct-to-consumer strategies.
Warby Parker: Disrupting the Eyewear Industry with an Innovative Model
Warby Parker was founded in 2010 by four friends—Neil Blumenthal, Andrew Hunt, David Gilboa, and Jeffrey Raider—who wanted to make stylish eyewear affordable. At the time, the eyewear market was dominated by a few players, with high prices that left many customers frustrated. The founders saw an opportunity to disrupt the industry by offering affordable, high-quality glasses through a direct-to-consumer model.
By cutting out middlemen and selling directly to consumers online, Warby Parker could offer stylish glasses at a fraction of the cost. The company also introduced a home try-on program, allowing customers to test out glasses before making a purchase. This innovative approach not only saved customers money but also provided a convenient and personalized shopping experience.
Warby Parker’s journey from startup to a billion-dollar company is a testament to how innovation and customer-focused business models can disrupt traditional industries. Entrepreneurs can learn from their success and apply similar strategies to their own ventures, especially when exploring e-commerce ideas to make money in underserved markets.
Tesla: Revolutionizing the Auto Industry with Electric Cars
Tesla, led by CEO Elon Musk, is a startup story that highlights the power of visionary leadership and long-term thinking. Tesla was founded in 2003 with the mission of accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy through electric vehicles. At the time, the idea of mass-producing electric cars was met with skepticism, and Tesla faced numerous challenges, including production delays and financial difficulties.
Despite these hurdles, Musk remained committed to Tesla’s vision. By continually pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation, Tesla introduced electric vehicles that rivaled traditional gasoline-powered cars in both performance and design. Tesla’s ability to scale production and create a brand synonymous with cutting-edge technology and sustainability has made it one of the most valuable automakers in the world.
Tesla’s success is a reminder that ambitious goals and a willingness to take risks can lead to groundbreaking achievements. For entrepreneurs, Tesla’s journey demonstrates the importance of staying focused on your mission, even when faced with obstacles.
These motivational startup stories—Amazon, Airbnb, Glossier, Warby Parker, and Tesla—offer valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. They show that success often comes from solving real-world problems, staying committed to your vision, and embracing innovation. Whether you’re in the early stages of brainstorming e-commerce ideas to make money or already building a business, these stories provide the inspiration and guidance needed to drive your ambition and achieve your goals.
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pagebypagereviews · 23 days
Discover the Top 10 Must-Read Books on Innovation That Will Transform Your Thinking In a world that's evolving at lightning speed, staying at the forefront of innovation has never been more crucial. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to disrupt your industry, a leader aiming to foster a culture of creativity, or simply a curious mind interested in groundbreaking ideas, having the right resources can make all the difference. This curated list of 10 must-read titles on innovation is designed to supercharge your thinking and provide actionable insights into the mechanics of innovation. These books delve into everything from creative problem-solving and disruptive innovation to forward-thinking strategies that can propel you and your organization to the next level. The significance of understanding innovation lies in its ability to solve problems in novel ways, enhance productivity, and create new markets. As industries experience rapid changes and new challenges emerge, the principles outlined in these influential books offer a roadmap for navigating this complex landscape. They cover a variety of approaches and perspectives that can help you harness the power of innovative thinking, from small incremental improvements to groundbreaking, revolutionary ideas. By immersing yourself in these essential readings, you'll be equipped to identify opportunities, overcome obstacles, and lead with a forward-thinking mindset that is essential in today's competitive environment. 10 Must-Read Titles on Innovation Plot Innovation books often revolve around exploring transformative ideas and their real-world applications. They detail the journeys of visionaries who have disrupted industries with groundbreaking concepts. Among these must-read titles, some narratives take a historical perspective, delving into how innovative thinking has evolved over time, while others present current challenges and future trends. For example, "The Innovator's Dilemma" examines case studies of companies that failed to innovate and how disruptive technologies can reshape sectors. Meanwhile, "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel provides a strategic approach to building forward-thinking, innovative startups from scratch. These plots, though non-fiction, read with the intrigue and engagement of a novel. Characters The characters in these books are often real-life innovators, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders. These individuals embody the essence of creative thinking and forward-moving ambition. Figures such as Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos are frequently highlighted for their contributions to technological innovation and their daring approaches. Additionally, the titles often feature unsung heroes whose brilliant but less publicized ideas have made substantial impacts. For example, in "How We Got to Now," Steven Johnson sheds light on lesser-known inventors whose work paved the way for modern conveniences. Writing Style The writing styles of innovation books span from analytical and data-driven to conversational and anecdotal. Authors like Clayton Christensen adopt a scholarly tone, packed with meticulous research and detailed analysis. This approach caters to readers seeking depth and academia. Conversely, authors like Malcolm Gladwell in "Outliers" employ a more narrative-driven style, making complex ideas accessible through storytelling. This makes the journey of innovation relatable and engaging, appealing to a broader audience. Setting Settings in these books vary widely, from corporate boardrooms to grassroots innovation labs. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries, for instance, primarily situates its discussions within the startup ecosystem—environments that are bustling with creativity and experimentation. Others, like "The Geography of Genius" by Eric Weiner, explore the settings of historical centers of innovation, such as ancient Athens and Silicon Valley. These settings serve as backdrops to explore how geographical and cultural factors influence creative thinking and invention.
Unique Aspects One unique aspect of innovation books is their blend of theory and practice. They do not merely present ideas but also offer actionable strategies and frameworks that can be applied to real-world scenarios. Books like "Blue Ocean Strategy" provide tactical advice on navigating untapped market spaces. Another distinctive feature is the multidisciplinary approach these books adopt. By intersecting fields like economics, psychology, technology, and history, they offer a holistic view of how innovative ideas come to fruition. For instance, "Originals" by Adam Grant merges psychology and entrepreneurship to analyze how non-conformists drive innovation. Detailed Discussion on Subtopics Related to Innovation Books Regarding innovative ideas, these books delve into how seemingly small concepts can lead to revolutionary changes. "Little Bets" by Peter Sims discusses how incremental, experimental projects can lead to substantial breakthroughs. This emphasizes the importance of risk-taking and learning from failure in the innovation process. When it comes to creative thinking, "Thinkertoys" by Michael Michalko offers a compendium of techniques and exercises designed to stimulate creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. This practical guide highlights that creativity can be cultivated through systematic practice. Disruptive innovation, a core theme in many innovation books, is thoroughly examined in titles like "The Innovator's Solution." This book addresses how companies can sustain growth by disrupting their own markets before competitors do. It underscores the necessity of embracing change to stay relevant. Forward-thinking is a critical component addressed in "The Future of the Mind" by Michio Kaku. This book speculates on the possibilities of brain-machine interfaces and the next big technological leaps. It invites readers to envision and prepare for a future where current innovations seem primitive. Case studies in these books add depth and practical understanding. For instance, "Creativity, Inc." by Ed Catmull offers a behind-the-scenes look at Pixar's innovation culture, providing concrete examples of how fostering a creative environment can lead to consistently groundbreaking work. Pros and Cons of Innovation Books Pros of Innovation Books Innovation books offer a wealth of knowledge distilled from years of research and practical experience, providing readers with a structured understanding of innovation processes. They often include case studies and real-world examples that offer valuable insights. Readers can gain inspiration and new perspectives that can stimulate creative thinking. Additionally, these books can serve as a resource for continually sharpening one's skills and methodologies in innovation. Cons of Innovation Books While innovation books are invaluable resources, they can often be theoretical and may lack actionable steps that are easily implemented. The dynamic nature of innovation can quickly render some content outdated. Moreover, readers may experience information overload, making it difficult to discern which strategies are most applicable to their unique situations. There is also the risk of becoming overly reliant on these texts rather than fostering personal experience and intuition. Pros and Cons of Innovative Ideas Pros of Innovative Ideas Innovative ideas have the potential to create significant competitive advantages by addressing unmet needs or solving existing problems in novel ways. They can open up new markets and revenue streams and can spur further creativity and improvements. Moreover, innovative ideas often lead to increased efficiency and productivity, reducing costs and resource consumption. They can also enhance user engagement by making products and services more appealing and user-friendly. Cons of Innovative Ideas Innovative ideas often come with high risk, as their outcomes are uncertain, and not all ideas will succeed. Implementing new ideas can be resource-intensive, both in terms of time and money.
Furthermore, there may be resistance to change within organizations or from users accustomed to existing solutions. This hesitancy can delay adoption and diminish the overall impact of the innovation. Additionally, the pursuit of innovation sometimes leads to neglect of core business functions. Pros and Cons of Creative Thinking Pros of Creative Thinking Creative thinking is crucial for problem-solving and generating new, exciting ideas that can lead to breakthroughs. It encourages out-of-the-box thinking, which is essential for innovation and addressing complex challenges. Creative thinking promotes a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability, allowing organizations to stay relevant in rapidly changing markets. Furthermore, it can lead to higher employee satisfaction and engagement through the empowerment of individual contributions. Cons of Creative Thinking While creative thinking is beneficial, it can sometimes lack structure, making it difficult to translate abstract ideas into practical applications. It may also lead to a focus on novelty over functionality, resulting in solutions that are impractical or not cost-effective. The constant push for creativity can create pressure and burnout among team members. Additionally, creative ideas may face skepticism or resistance from stakeholders who prefer traditional methods. Pros and Cons of Disruptive Innovation Pros of Disruptive Innovation Disruptive innovation can drastically alter markets and industries by providing solutions that are significantly more affordable, efficient, or user-friendly than existing options. It often democratizes access to products and services, expanding the customer base. Organizations that embrace disruptive innovation can position themselves as market leaders and gain substantial competitive advantages. Additionally, it fosters a dynamic business environment that encourages ongoing improvement and adaptation. Cons of Disruptive Innovation Disruptive innovation can be highly unpredictable and may render established products or business models obsolete, causing instability. The focus on disruption may lead to neglect of incremental improvements and core business activities. There can also be significant financial and operational risks involved in pursuing disruptive strategies. Furthermore, rapid changes brought about by disruption may lead to market uncertainties, regulatory challenges, and customer resistance. Pros and Cons of Forward-Thinking Pros of Forward-Thinking Forward-thinking allows individuals and organizations to anticipate future trends and prepare in advance, giving them a strategic advantage. It fosters innovation by encouraging a long-term perspective and proactive planning. Forward-thinking helps in mitigating risks and seizing opportunities before competitors. It also promotes resilience and flexibility, enabling quicker adaptation to unforeseen changes. By thinking ahead, organizations can better align their resources and strategies with future needs and challenges. Cons of Forward-Thinking Overemphasis on forward-thinking can result in a disconnect from current realities and immediate needs, leading to a potential misallocation of resources. It may also create tunnel vision, where the focus on future possibilities overshadows present opportunities and issues. Additionally, predicting future trends is inherently uncertain and can lead to strategic missteps if forecasts are inaccurate. There is also the risk of causing anxiety and overcomplicating decision-making processes by constantly speculating about future scenarios. FAQ What are some popular books on innovation? Popular books on innovation include "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen, "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, and "Creative Confidence" by Tom Kelley and David Kelley. How can innovative ideas be generated? Innovative ideas can be generated through brainstorming sessions, collaborative workshops, customer feedback, and by observing trends in different industries.
Encouraging a culture of curiosity and experimentation also helps. What is disruptive innovation? Disruptive innovation refers to innovations that significantly alter or create new markets by introducing products or services that change the dynamics of existing industries. This concept was introduced by Clayton Christensen. What techniques can enhance creative thinking? Techniques such as mind mapping, lateral thinking exercises, role-playing, and engaging in diverse experiences can enhance creative thinking. Taking regular breaks and exposing oneself to new environments can also stimulate creativity. What does forward-thinking entail? Forward-thinking involves anticipating future trends and challenges. It requires strategic planning, an openness to change, and a proactive approach to adapting and leveraging new opportunities. Where can I find resources for learning about innovative ideas? Resources for learning about innovative ideas can be found in specialized books, online courses, TED Talks, innovation-focused blogs, and industry conferences. How can businesses implement innovative ideas? Businesses can implement innovative ideas by fostering a culture of innovation, encouraging employee involvement, allocating resources for research and development, and continuously testing and iterating on new concepts. What role does failure play in innovation? Failure is an essential part of the innovation process. It allows individuals and businesses to learn from mistakes, refine their ideas, and develop more resilient and effective solutions. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity is crucial for continuous improvement. How can disruptive innovation impact an industry? Disruptive innovation can drastically change an industry by making existing products or services obsolete, introducing more cost-effective solutions, and forcing established companies to adapt or risk losing market share. Are there any risks associated with forward-thinking strategies? Yes, forward-thinking strategies can involve risks such as misjudging future trends, investing in unproven technologies, or facing resistance to change. However, these risks can be mitigated with thorough research, agile methodologies, and a willingness to pivot when necessary. In conclusion, "10 Must-Read Titles on Innovation" serves not only as a curated list of transformative reads but also as a gateway to unprecedented possibilities in the world of forward-thinking and creative disruption. Each book on this list offers unique insights into the multifaceted nature of innovation, serving as both a guide and an inspiration for entrepreneurs, innovators, and thought leaders alike. By delving into the wisdom encapsulated in these texts, you gain the tools to challenge existing paradigms and nurture a mindset adept at navigating and shaping the future. The value of these must-read titles lies in their comprehensive coverage of various dimensions of innovation. From exploring the foundational theories outlined in Clayton M. Christensen’s "The Innovator's Dilemma" to understanding the practical applications in Tim Brown’s "Change by Design," each book equips you with a robust intellectual toolkit. These books bring to the fore the importance of disruptive innovation, urging you to think beyond incremental improvements and instead focus on creating groundbreaking changes that redefine industries. Furthermore, these books emphasize the critical role of creative thinking. Titles such as Steven Johnson’s "Where Good Ideas Come From" illuminate the intricate processes behind generating innovative ideas, significantly enhancing your ability to cultivate an environment ripe for creativity. Books like Rosabeth Moss Kanter's "Think Outside the Building" challenge conventional boundaries and encourage out-of-the-box solutions, reinforcing the principle that sometimes the most revolutionary ideas come from unconventional thinking. By engaging with the forward-thinking perspectives offered in these
books, you stand to gain not only a deeper understanding of innovation but also actionable insights and strategies to implement in your own endeavors. They provide a blend of theoretical frameworks and real-world examples, illustrating how visionary ideas can translate into tangible success. Whether you are an established business leader seeking to stay ahead of the curve, an entrepreneur aiming to launch the next big thing, or a curious mind eager to understand the mechanics of innovation, these 10 titles serve as an invaluable resource. They promise to enlighten, challenge, and equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape. Embark on this literary journey and unlock the secrets to mastering the art of innovation.
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From Concept to Reality: Developing an App Like Amazon
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The US E-commerce market has long been led by local online retailers, but now two international companies, Temu and Shein, are challenging the status quo. 
The e-commerce industry in the US is expected to generate $1.2 trillion in revenue in 2024, and by 2029 Americans’ growing love for online shopping is predicted to boost this figure to $1.8 trillion. Among the most popular products bought online are electronics and fashion items as they attract the most shoppers.
 “Amazon Reigns and Other Follows”
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Amazon dominates the market, with other retailers following behind Amazon is the clear leader in the US online retail market, holding nearly 37.6% of the market share.
Popular e-commerce apps like Amazon have become the go-to option for online shopping. Today, the way businesses operate has shifted from traditional methods to AI-powered and digital.
Many businesses are developing their shopping apps like Amazon, such as Walmart, eBay, Alibaba, and Shopify, to sell their products online. The rise of online shopping is driven by convenience, as no one wants to waste time standing long at physical stores or waiting to pay. With e-commerce apps like Amazon, people can shop from home, saving time and fuel.
Are you thinking about creating a business app to sell your products online?
If so, your first step is to learn how to start an e-commerce app like Amazon and build the right app for it. And to develop an app like Amazon, it is essential to clearly define your business goals from the start.
But first, you need to look into the history of Amazon.
Amazon: The Humble Beginning to E-commerce Giant
In 1994, Jeff Bezos started Amazon with a simple idea: to sell books online. What began as a small online bookstore operating out of Bezos’ garage in Seattle quickly became something far greater. By 1995, Amazon had officially launched, and within a month, it was selling books in all 50 US states and 45 other countries.
But Bezos has a grander vision. He wasn’t just interested in selling books, he saw the future of e-commerce. In 1998, Amazon expanded its offerings to include music, DVDs, and electronics, and it soon became a one-stop shop for everything under the sun. The year 2000 marked a game-changer for small businesses, with Amazon Marketplace opening doors for third-party sellers to reach millions of customers worldwide.
Amazon’s rise wasn’t just about selling products,  it was about innovation. The launch of Amazon Web Service (AWS) in 2002 laid the groundwork for the future of cloud computing.
With Amazon Prime in 2005, the company revolutionized customer loyalty, making fast, free shipping the norm.
Today, Amazon’s journey from a modest online bookstore to a global leader in e-commerce is an inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere. With the right vision and commitment, your e-commerce app could be the next big success story in the digital marketplace. 
Are you ready to start building?
Key Aspects of Developing an E-commerce App Like Amazon
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Planning & Market Research
Top E-commerce apps like Amazon have become dominant players in the online retail landscape. In today’s digital-first world, traditional business models are rapidly evolving. Many companies are now leveraging custom-built e-commerce applications to drive their e-commerce strategies.
The surge in online shopping is fueled by consumer demand for convenience, no one wants to waste valuable time standing in long checkout lines or waiting for manual payment processing. With e-commerce applications, customers can shop seamlessly from the comfort of their homes, saving both time and resources.
Are you considering building your business app to tap into the thriving e-commerce market? If so, your top priority should be understanding how to launch a successful e-commerce business and develop the right application for your needs.
In today’s digital transformation, having an intuitive and scalable app is crucial, whether you opt for a web application, a mobile, or a cross-platform solution that caters to both platforms.
Amazon remains the gold standard among e-commerce apps, outperforming its competitors. To create an app like Amazon with similar impact, it’s essential to first set clear, actionable business goals. With the right strategy, your app could redefine your industry.
Competitor Analysis
Once you’ve defined the products or services you want to sell, the next critical step is conducting a thorough competitor analysis. This will help you gain valuable insights and enhance your market strategy. Compile a detailed list of competing e-commerce platforms and identify the factors that make them the go-to choice for consumers.
Instead of duplicating their features or business models, use these observations as inspiration to innovate and design something even better. Conduct an in-depth analysis of leading e-commerce apps like Amazon to understand how they deliver exceptional user experiences and meet customer needs.
Additionally, it’s beneficial to study their marketing tactics, and pay attention to how they promote their platforms, the strategies they use to engage with their audience, and the keywords they leverage for search optimization. Adopting the right strategies will position your app for success and give you a competitive edge in the market.
Choose Essential Features
This step is crucial as it determines the long-term success of your application. Your goal isn’t just to replicate Amazon, but to create something even more innovative and user-centric. To build a standout e-commerce app like Amazon, it’s vital to focus on integrating intuitive and user-friendly features.
Avoid designing an app that pushes users to take unnecessary actions. Instead, aim for simplicity and functionality, and create a seamless mobile UI design that naturally encourages visitors to convert into loyal customers.
While deciding the UI/UX of your e-commerce app development like Amazon should prefer the user opinions. It should be user-friendly and smooth to use while eliminating unnecessary elements.
Choose a Platform
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Android or iOS Development? The right platform choice hinges on thorough market research to ensure your e-commerce app reaches your target audience where they are most active.
You can opt for Android, iOS, or even both platforms, depending on the nature of your products and the preferences of your target market. Understanding your audience’s behavior and platform usage will guide you in making an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives.
Advanced Tech Stack
Building a scalable application requires leveraging cutting-edge technologies to future-proof your platform. Stay informed about the latest advancements and incorporate them into your app development process to ensure longevity and adaptability.
To achieve this, familiarize yourself with the right technology stack, which encompasses everything from frameworks and front-end technologies to back-end systems, databases, programming languages, and server-side technologies. A solid understanding of the technologies stack will empower you to make informed decisions that elevate your app’s performance and capabilities.
The type of application you choose depends on your long-term goals. If sustainability and robust performance are priorities, consider developing a native application. However, if speed to market is critical, a hybrid application might be the best fit, offering a quicker launch without sacrificing functionality
Do you want to understand more about how you can choose the right tech stack for your development project?
Streamlined Registration Process
Ensure your app’s registration process is seamless and user-friendly. Keep the form simple and intuitive, minimizing friction for new users. To enhance convenience, integrate social media login options, allowing users to sign up effortlessly through platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Gmail. This not only simplifies registration but also improves user retention by providing a hassle-free experience right from the start.
Implement Notification Feature 
To maintain ongoing customer engagement with your e-commerce platform, “Push Notifications” are a powerful tool.
Every customer has unique needs, and as a business owner, it’s your responsibility to cater to them. Push notifications keep your customers informed about key updates such as sales, discounts, personalized product recommendations, promotions, and special offers. These timely notifications help drive traffic back to your platform, ensuring your customers stay connected and engaged with your brand.
Feedback Section
Gaining insights from feedback is the most effective way to identify areas for improvement. Incorporate a rating and review section on your platform to gather valuable input on both the strengths and weaknesses of your website.
Customer satisfaction and feedback are critical in evaluating your website’s performance. Use constructive criticism to strengthen your platform, address negative feedback, and resolve issues to enhance functionality and improve the overall user experience.
Must-Have Features in E-commerce Apps Like Amazon
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The e-commerce industry is coming up with innovation day by day. Amazon is taking those trends and marking its territory more. Now it is your turn to mark your territory. Here are some must-have features in e-commerce apps like Amazon.
Livestream Shopping
Post-pandemic, one feature that has reshaped the online shopping experience is live-streaming shopping. Initially popularized by social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, live streams have become a game-changer for brands. Through live streaming, businesses can showcase products in real-time, providing direct links to purchases right on the screen.
For instance, Dribble live streams its designs and illustrations, offering users access to resources and allowing them to connect with the creators. As of 2022, live streams boast conversion rates that are 10 times higher than traditional e-commerce features. Also known as live commerce, this trend is set to grow exponentially, projected to hit $35 billion by 2024.
Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL)
Consumers are increasingly drawn to buy now pay later services, such as Afterpay, as a flexible payment option. This feature allows users to make purchases and split payments into installments, making it an attractive alternative to traditional credit cards. BNPL transactions are expected to surge by over $450 billion by 2026, with more consumers opting for installment plans over credit card payments.
Tech giants like Apple have also embraced BNPL, introducing Apple Pay Later to their e-commerce offerings. This feature enables users to invest and divide the total purchase cost into four payments, with or without interest. Leading e-commerce apps have already upgraded their payment options to include this must-have feature for your e-commerce app like Amazon, that caters to evolving consumer preferences.
Headless Commerce
In today’s digital transformation world, agility is key to staying competitive. Headless commerce is a modern approach that enables e-commerce applications to adapt quickly to ever-evolving consumer behavior. Business owners are increasingly adopting headless architecture to deliver a seamless and personalized user experience.
According to Forbes, the demand for headless technologies has driven $1.65 billion in funding over the past two years. Headless architecture allows for real-time information exchange between front-end processes, back-end systems, tools, and consumers through APIs. This integration enables businesses to manage multiple channels efficiently, without the need for separate systems and tools.
Augmented Reality Assistance
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Augmented Reality is revolutionizing the online shopping experience, offering a new level of interactivity. Among all the advanced features in e-commerce apps like Amazon. AR assistance has made the biggest impact. A recent survey of retail trends revealed that one-third of the US population uses AR technology when shopping online.
Amazon, for instance, leverages AR to let users virtually try products in real time. Recently, Amazon Fashion introduced a virtual try-on feature for shoes and other products within the app. Similarly, Sephora uses AR technology in its Virtual Artist tool, which employs facial recognition to allow users to try makeup virtually.
Social Media Integration
Social media integration is one of the most powerful features in the e-commerce world. Integrating social media into your app not only simplifies user registration and login but also enables users to share products, discounts, and promotions with their networks.
This feature helps users spread the word about your brand, driving awareness and increasing sales. Social media integration also allows users to share their achievements or milestones reached within the app, creating an additional layer of engagement with your audience.
Exceptional User Experience
In a market saturated with intuitive and user-friendly apps, offering an exceptional user experience (UX) is non-negotiable. Users won’t hesitate to abandon your app if it doesn’t meet their expectations. Your app’s UI/UX should stand out by delivering a superior experience that keeps users coming back.
Anyone investing time and money in your app should feel that it’s worth their effort. Ensure your app offers a unique experience that sets it apart from competitors and creates lasting impressions.
Rating and Feedback
One of the fundamental features of any e-commerce app like Amazon is a rating and feedback system. While feedback options benefit users, they are equally valuable for business owners as well. Every piece of feedback offers guidance on how to improve your app and enhance customer satisfaction.
A five-star rating system is often publicly displayed just like how you see on Amazon. It serves as a strong recommendation for potential users. It will ultimately drive more traffic to your application. Positive ratings not only reflect customer satisfaction but also build credibility, contributing to the growth of your user base.
Benefits of Having an E-commerce App Like Amazon
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Expanded Reach and Accessibility
Recently the geographical boundaries have been obliterated, allowing businesses to tap into a global market. Mobile e-commerce apps like Amazon take this a step further by ensuring your business is accessible 24/7, right in the palms, and customer segments that were previously out of reach.
Moreover, mobile apps are inherently more user-friendly on handheld devices compared to traditional websites. With enhanced user interfaces and smoother navigation, they create a more immersive shopping experience that encourages consumers to browse and purchase. This ease of access directly translates into increased customer traffic and higher potential sales.
Take e-commerce apps like Amazon, for example. It’s not just a shopping platform, it’s a portable, always-open marketplace, contributing significantly to Amazon’s global e-commerce dominance.
Elevated Customer Engagement
Mobile e-commerce apps like Amazon come equipped with features like push notifications and in-app messaging that significantly boost customer engagement. These tools help businesses maintain a continuous connection with their users by delivering real-time updates on new products, special promotions, and personalized offers.
Additionally, mobile apps can harness user data to deliver a highly customized experience. By analyzing user behavior, preferences, and purchase history, businesses can tailor their interactions, making customers feel understood and valued.
The Starbucks mobile app exemplifies this by offering personalized recommendations and deals based on individual user preferences, which significantly enhances customer loyalty and engagement.
Customized Shopping Experience
Current market, personalization is king. Mobile e-commerce apps can track and analyze user behavior and shopping habits, enabling businesses to deliver tailored recommendations and content.
This personalized experience not only elevates customer satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of conversions. Businesses can further leverage this data to create highly targeted marketing campaigns, which are far more effective than generic ads. Personalized push notifications and emails based on individual interests can substantially drive engagement and sales.
Netflix, while not a conventional e-commerce app, excels in personalization, recommending content based on user viewing history, which keeps users engaged and more likely to maintain their subscriptions.
Reduced Operational Costs
Operating a mobile e-commerce app like Amazon is often far more cost-effective than maintaining a physical storefront. Savings on rent, utilities, and staffing add up quickly. Furthermore, the digital nature of mobile apps reduces the need for large inventories, as products can be sourced or manufactured on demand.
Automation features in mobile apps also streamline various business processes such as inventory management, customer support, and marketing, minimizing human error and reducing reliance on manual labor.
Platforms like Shopify allow businesses to efficiently build and manage their e-commerce apps, lowering the technological barriers for small businesses to enter the digital marketplace.
Scalability and Agility
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Mobile e-commerce apps like Amazon offer unparalleled scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to grow without the need for significant infrastructure changes. As your business expands, your app can scale to accommodate more products, services, and a larger customer base.
Additionally, mobile apps provide the agility to swiftly adapt to market changes. Whether it’s adding new features, updating the UI, or integrating with third-party systems, apps can evolve to meet the demands of your business with ease.
eBay’s mobile app is a prime example, having evolved over the years to include innovative features like image search and augmented reality, demonstrating the adaptability of mobile e-commerce apps.
Boosted Sales and Conversion Rates
Mobile e-commerce apps like Amazon often outperform websites when it comes to conversion rates. The streamlined shopping experience, intuitive navigation, and secure payment gateways encourage users to complete purchases more frequently.
In-app promotions and limited-time offers can also act as powerful incentives for immediate purchases. The ability to send instant notifications about special deals directly to users' phones can drive impulse buying.
The ASOS app, with its minimalist design and frictionless checkout process, has successfully boosted sales and improved conversion rates, thanks to its user-centric approach.
Streamlines Inventory and Supply Chain Management
E-commerce apps like Amazon can seamlessly integrate with inventory and supply chain management systems, providing real-time visibility into stock levels, order fulfillment, and delivery status. This integration enhances inventory management, reducing the risks of overstocking or stockouts.
Moreover, automation of supply chain processes through mobile apps improves efficiency and minimizes the potential for errors, which is essential for maintaining customer trust and loyalty.
Walmart’s mobile app exemplifies this by integrating directly with its inventory system, ensuring that products listed in the app are available and ready for fulfillment, enhancing the overall customer experience.
Direct Marketing and Communication Channels
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E-commerce apps like Amazon serve as direct channels for marketing and customer communication. Through push notifications, in-app messaging, and personalized emails, businesses can effectively promote products, announce flash sales, and relay crucial updates to customers.
This direct communication fosters a deeper relationship with customers, making them feel more connected to the brand.
Sephora’s app demonstrates this by sending personalized alerts and makeup tutorials to users, effectively utilizing direct communication to enhance customer loyalty and brand affinity.
Enhanced Brand Recognition and Customer Loyalty
A dedicated mobile e-commerce app can significantly elevate brand recognition and foster customer loyalty. An app that offers a superior user experience strengthens brand perception and encourages repeat purchases. Loyalty programs and rewards, when integrated into the app, can turn one-time shoppers into long-term customers.
Nike’s SNKRS app is a stellar example, offering exclusive sneaker releases and content that build brand loyalty and create a dedicated community of enthusiasts.
Rapid Adaptation to Market Trends
Mobile e-commerce apps empower businesses to swiftly adapt to shifting market trends and evolving consumer behaviors. Features can be added or updated in response to customer feedback or emerging opportunities, ensuring that your business remains relevant in an ever-changing landscape.
For instance, the H&M app frequently updates its features and product offerings to align with the latest fashion trends, ensuring that it stays ahead of consumer demands and industry shifts.
Cost of Developing an E-commerce App Like Amazon
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Estimating the cost of building a mobile app similar to Amazon isn’t simple. The price depends on various factors like features, functionalities, and the platform (Android or iOS). Additionally, the cost can vary based on the resources available, location, and how quickly the project needs to be completed.
To get the most accurate pricing for your app development, feel free to contact us. Share the details of your online shopping app, and we’ll build it efficiently within a reasonable budget and timeline.
On average, creating an app like Amazon can cost anywhere from $40,000 to $300,000. This range is influenced by several factors, including the number of features, app complexity, design, and the hourly rates of the developers.
However, e-commerce apps like Amazon or Flipkart require key features like geolocation services, data synchronization, delivery scheduling, OTP verification, and real-time customer support. Adding these features will naturally increase the cost of developing apps for both Android and iOS.
Conclusion: Why Your Online Business Needs an E-commerce Mobile App?
The future of e-commerce lies in mobile shopping. Today, most people prefer to shop online through their smartphones, so having just an e-commerce website isn’t enough to grow your business. You need to provide a shopping experience that’s optimized for mobile devices as well.
A mobile e-commerce app like Amazon can unlock your business's full potential. It can enhance customer service, boost loyalty, and deliver a more engaging and interactive shopping experience.
By partnering with a skilled mobile app development company,  like TechAhead, you can create a mobile e-commerce app that’s specifically designed for your business. From customizing the look and feel of the app to implementing secure payment systems, an experienced team can help you build an app that achieves your goals and meets your customers' needs.
Source URL: https://www.techaheadcorp.com/blog/app-development-like-amazon/
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