nyspiderboy · 5 years
in case you needed this
‎⍟ Captain America
‎⎊ Iron Man
‎⧗ Black Widow
‎✇ Hulk
➳ Hawkeye
‎✵ Captain Marvel
‎۞ Doctor Strange
‎ϟ Thor
‎४ Loki
‎꘩ Ant-man
‎ᗢ Scarlet Witch
‎✪ Winter Soldier
🕷 Spider Man
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
y’all: peter was able to stop bucky’s fist in civil war bc bucky heard peter’s voice, realized he was a child, then weakened his punch bc he was so worried about hurting a child uwu
me, eating pistachios: y’all know peter can canonically lift up to 75 tons, right. y’all know bucky’s fist is easy as hell for peter to block, right. y’all know bucky didn’t know shit about peter being a child and was just shocked that someone was able to so easily block his punch, right. y’all know that, right.
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
tony is celebrating his first birthday with morgan today - but without peter .
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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tony stark + suits + sunglasses 
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
rdj: there’s only one thing worse than dying.
rdj: *rips off paper to reveal tom holland dying*
mackie & sebastian: *gasp* tom holland
rdj: no
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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Is it safe to say that Walmart is a tony stan? 🤔😊
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
oK looK - i did think it was stupid as shit that steve would’ve legitimately gone back to peggy , both in his character ; and my faith in the mcu itself and it’s character consistency . so this is definitely interesting . i used to ship natasha and bruce , but that was pretty finalized as “not going to happen” . her and steve’s relationship dynamic has always been an interesting one , and this post just highlights some of the reasons why .
Hey guys, so i watched a theory video the other day about steve and natasha’s ending but it wasnt in English so i’m here to translate it for you. And just to make sure no one attacks me (lol), THIS IS JUST A THEORY, you dont have to be salty or rude.
First of all, i believe that the Black Widow movie wont be just about her past. Think about it, if they only wanted to show us her past, they could just give her a Disney+ series and we could watch a Black Widow series just like the Agent Carter where Peggy’s story continued. This movie has to affect the future of the MCU somehow. Plus, why would they wait this long to finally shoot her movie? She’s been in the MCU since Iron Man 2, they had the time to do it but they waited until ‘’alternative universes’’ were a thing in the MCU, until time travel was finally happening.
Now lets take a look at Natasha Romanoff’s character. She’s originally a russian spy who’s been raised and trained by an organization called the ‘’Red Room’’ they made experiments on her, they sterilized her and etc. She was used as a weapon so she’s done some horrible things in her past unwillingly. But then with Clint and Shield’s help she became a true hero, a selfless, caring person, only doing good things, only wanting to help save ppl. And we watched her sacrifice herself and die for her family, for the universe. So it looks like her arc ended there but… did it really?
One of the many things Endgame emphasizes is how Steve is telling everyone to move on but he himself cant do that. And it’s also emphasized that he isnt the only one who cant move on, Natasha cant either. And when the trailers came out and Steve said ‘’But not us’’ we all thought he meant all the avengers but he actually just meant himself and Natasha. We see everyone else somehow moving on with their lives but the only 2 ppl who cant are Steve and Natasha. They even put Natasha’s ballet shoes just for us to see that she cant move on from her past.
In the end, Natasha travelled back in time and died in 2014 and Steve went back to 1940’s and they only showed us him dancing with Peggy and kissing her, and also the old Steve wearing a ring. We didnt see a ring on the 1940 Steve’s finger, did we? Nope.
Let’s move on to Steve’s character. The end of his arc, going back to 1940’s to marry Peggy is what everyone’s been saying. But most of the fans didnt like this ending because it just leaves us with the question ‘’Would Steve really do this? Would he really leave his bestfriend who he’s been figthing to get back for the last few years, going back to Peggy who moved on after he was gone, who married someone else and had children?’’ It wasnt really in Steve’s character. Plus, in the 1940’s there’s already a Steve Rogers who’s under the ice. Would our 2023 Steve just let him stay under the ice for 70 years? Would he be able to have a happy marriage life with Peggy, giving zero fucks about the fact that his bestfriend is in the hands of the Hydra, being treated like a fucking toy? I dont think so… There’s no way.
So we saw Steve taking the stones and the mjolnir back to the past. He has to go back to the exact moment the stones were taken so in Vormir, he has to go back to the exact time Natasha sacrifices herself. Will he just stand there, watch one of the most important ppl to him jump off a cliff? I mean we all know he’ll at least try to save her somehow. I dont believe the Russo’s, i mean who even does? I think he might have saved Natasha and she might be alive in some alternative universe. And sadly the only prove to this is the fact that she didnt get a funeral. Why didnt she? If she didnt sacrifice herself for the soul stone, they wouldnt even be able to collect the stones and win the war. Doesnt she deserve a funeral? Why did one even bother to care??
If you’ve seen the past movies, especially the Winter Soldier, you know how close Steve and Natasha became. We saw them flirt several times, we saw them kiss, we saw them saying they are engaged and getting married bla bla and even tho all of those were just to keep the mission going, Steve seemed pretty STUNNED after she kissed him. We saw throughout the whole movie how Nat has been trying to find Steve a date but Steve always refused. He tried with Sharon but did it really work out? Nope. Nat also tried with Bruce but he pushed her away and it didnt work out either. What did she really want with Bruce? TO ESCAPE. To go somewhere far away. But those never happened. Steve couldnt find someone with shared life experience. And Nat couldnt find someone she could escape with.
In Civil War, Nat agreed with Tony but at the same time she made sure that Steve knew she understood his choice and told him that staying together is more important than how they stay together. She didnt want him to be alone. In Infinity War we saw that they’ve been on the run together with Sam secretly. 5 years later, in endgame we saw that they both were so alone and all they ever wanted was to go back and fix everything, bring everyone back.
So if Steve was able to save Natasha in Vormir when he went back to bring the soul stone back, what might have happened? Nat would ask him if they won and Steve would say yes. But also he’d tell her that Tony died, Thor went away, Clint went back to his family, Hulk never even wanted to fight. So would Nat really wanna go back to 2023? I think she’d join Steve and they would bring the other stones back together. And while doing that, what if they realize they’ve created au’s? So what if Steve remembers that he has a dance he promised so he wants to go back to 1940’s and make that happen? We saw them dance but notice how it wasnt at the Stork Club they promised, but it was in a house? This is an important detail. I think he might have done something else. So whatever year he and Nat went back to, there already was a Steve and Nat there. Steve was under the ice, remember? Here’s what i think happened: Steve and Nat prevented the 1940’s Steve from going under the ice and in that reality they made sure Steve who made that promise to Peggy, kept his promise and married her and lived his life with her and in the ending scene, that’s what we saw. Our Steve and Nat also saved Bucky and prevented him from being Hydra’s toy and they ended Hydra before Hydra could get to Shield. But what does all this have to do with Nat, right?
This is how i think she blends well with this theory: The red room she was raised in was founded in late 1937’s. So what if she stops the Red Room, what if she saves all those little girls’ and her own childhood? That way that reality’s Nat would never become a spy and live another life.
In Age of Ultron Tony, Thor and Steve were shown the future. Tony saw Thanos’ army win and all his friends die, which was one of the alternative outcomes of Endgame. Thor saw Asgard’s end, he saw Asgardians die. Steve saw himself dancing with Peggy. Remember how Peggy said ‘’The war’s over Steve, we can go home’’ I know yall think he was shown the past but it was the future. Wasnt the war over after endgame and didnt he go home? Didnt he have his dance? He was shown the FUTURE as well. But what about Nat? She was shown her past. But unlike others, they showed us Nat, watching herself and those memories from the red room. It was like she was watching it all from someone else’s view. So while everyone was shown the future, why would Nat be shown the past? SHE WAS SHOWN THE FUTURE AS WELL. I dont know if this makes sense at all but Marvel really showed us the future with Tony’s, Steve’s and Thor’s visions. It all happened right? Why wouldnt Nat’s vision happen too? What if the Black Widow movie shows us her past, her memories but also her future? What if she tries to save her childhood?
So what if our Steve and Nat went back to 40’s and prevented all the bad stuff that would ruin their life, created an alternative universe and after everything was solved, they finally got the life they always told eachother to get? Together?
And we all know how Russo’s lie to us all the time and most people arent pleased with Steve’s ending. Plus if the Russo’s intention was to eventually make Steve marry Peggy why would they make him kiss Peggy’s niece in the first place? their mind shocks me sometimes!
credits to “Ezgi’nin Kanali” on youtube!
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2K notes · View notes
nyspiderboy · 5 years
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The original six ♡
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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damn it really be like that
+ bonus
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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i’m just gonna keep my thoughts to myself on this one ...
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
Happy Birthday to the film that started it all.
Today marks the day that the first Ironman movie comes out, unwinding the rest of the masterpieces that are apart of the MCU. What a movie.
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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1K notes · View notes
nyspiderboy · 5 years
friendly reminder that peter’s last words to tony before he died were “i’m sorry” and his last words to tony before tony died were also “i’m sorry, tony” because peter is always thinking about what he’s putting tony through and a part of him also blames himself for not being able to do enough. i’m not crying you are 
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
Peter to Tony: hey can I ride my bike outside?
Tony: do whatever you want kid I’m not your dad
Peter: *rides his bike*
Tony, running after him: not iN THE STREET
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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There are so many things we can take from this
Peter described it as “getting all dusty” and I will never refer to Thanos’s universal erasure in any other way ever again
At this point he still doesn’t realize he died, thinking he just passed out. Our boy has no idea what’s going on
The first thing he noticed when he woke up was Tony’s absence
Tony has no words seeing Peter in front of him after all this time
“…This is nice”
At first I was mad by how heartbreakingly short their reunion was, but truth is that Marvel managed to convey so much in such a little monologue and it’s so well written and true to our characters it’s just so sad
Original Gifs by @starkked
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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Just watched endgame yesterday. Loved he movie but I haven’t cried so much in a long long time
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nyspiderboy · 5 years
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New photos from “Spider-Man: Far from Home”
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