#jedi-mandalorian ships
solosclark · 2 years
favorite crack headcanon that me and my friends have is that Jedi fuck but won't marry (canon) and Mandalorians will not fuck without marriage. ensue comedy. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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artanis-draws · 10 months
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“Just take that off!”
Look at those two space idiots 🖤😁🖤
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twinsunstars · 6 days
so im thinking of making a presentation filled with star wars ships and my own thoughts of them, so please send me comments/lists of star wars ships (like shipping characters not the starships lol) i should react to and share my thoughts about (canon or fanon and however crazy they sound), counting on yall to help create this presentation
(this will NOT include incest or cloneshipping of any sort of ship where a character is underage or anything else, i can choose which ones to present, i prob won't do too many ships)
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lothcatthree · 11 months
not sure which one came first for y’all but the dinluke -> codywan / codywan -> dinluke pipeline is so real
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swedenis-h · 2 years
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You belong with the Jedi, with your kind
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vintagevibessketch · 3 months
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I'm drawing again after almost 2 (busy) months, yipeee. This was supposed to be a little sketch, why it took me so long??
Anyway, I wanted to do some dinluke art at some point and I guess this kinda counts (???).
Not a big fan of luke x din (i ship luke with my oc, zaya) but the flirting between those three would be hilarious to watch. :))))
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 year
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Bodyguard Muku and Jedi Mako again...
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movietimegirl · 8 months
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So Ahmed Best posted this on his Instagram and tag The Bad Batch in the post with this image. Dose this mean we will see where Kelleran and Grogu went after this? We're going to see them animated?😱
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jessicas-pi · 2 months
if I had a nickel for every time I came up with an oc x oc ship that was a girl with Nightsister heritage who had a Nightsister mom and a psychometric Jedi dad, and a young awkward Jedi boy with a Jedi dad and a Mandalorian mom and an older sister who teases him mercilessly about his crush on said Nightsister girl, I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
I love when Star Wars is Royal women falling for ordinary boys
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Adding this cuz i really want to happen
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missriyochuchi · 1 year
I think once you accept Arthurian legend as the model for The Mandalorian, this season’s inclusion of Bo Katan makes sense. Other people have pointed out the hallmarks so far: Din’s shining armor, the chivalric code summed up in “This is the Way,” Din slaying a krayt dragon and wielding a magic sword (although I argue the Darksaber is both Excalibur and the Holy Grail). You could even make a case for Grogu as Merlin. What's missing is fealty to a lord or lady-in-waiting.
Bo Katan’s heritage wasn’t always named in The Clone Wars and Rebels, but in Mando, it's a big and constant deal. She’s The Heiress, the princess from a mighty house, the noblewoman who didn’t abandon her people. Lady Bo Katan is both King Arthur and Lady Guinevere, and Mandalore is Camelot. IDK if I would go so far as to say Din is Lancelot, but after “I will serve you until your song is written,” he’s definitely one of her knights.
And so, you can view their dynamic through courtly love conventions: she sends him on quests and inspires him to fight while his love is categorically unconsummated. Not unrequited, she recognizes their relationship, but the lady was often married and of higher rank, the point being she was beyond his reach and yet his devotion was singular and energizing. Both DinBo shippers and nonshippers are valid because courtly love behaves romantically and platonically; it works precisely by having both kinds of love exist in tandem simultaneously, each complementing and complicating the other.
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artanis-draws · 1 year
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Hello there!
Okay I was really struggling on this one… at the end I got a bit lazy and drew with less detail but still kinda like it… thought that pose of those two would be hot 😁 Damn just I can’t get enough of them, Dinluke is a ship I didn’t know I needed 🔥
Luke is just teasing him a little bit with this view, knowing Din‘s creed doesn’t allow him to show his face. I imagined this scene playing on Ossus, where Luke is beginning to rebuild his new jedi school (and of course he‘s got a guest room…). 😁 How forbidden and scandalous! Mr. Jedi Master himself and the Mand’alor 🤭
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beskad · 1 year
Anyone saying to viewers or fans confused or dissatisfied by Bo-Katan's character in S3 "to understand Bo in The Mandalorian you need to go watch Rebels!" is, I think, missing the bigger issue.
Maybe Rebels addresses her arc really well and builds on TCW characterization? That's great! But the writers of Mando are not addressing it. They even appear to be currently, actively ignoring and/or retconning large portions of TCW and Rebels.
For "cinematic universes" (*gag*) like this, it's important to either adequately recap relevant existing canon, or clearly restart from square one. That way, even a casual viewer can understand the characters and and their motivations relative to the show they're watching now.
It is not a reasonable expectation to have every viewer need to have seen 4 seasons of an animated show to adequately understand a character who's been dropped into the 2nd season of a completely separate live action one.
Some decent groundwork was laid in season 2. We can't, nor should we, have all information about a character revealed to us immediately, that would just be a sloppy infodump.
Bo-Katan is the leader of a faction of Mandalorians who want to retake Mandalore. Cool. She's got a grudge against Gideon who, as we found out via Din in season 1, is responsible for the Great Purge of Mandalore, a complete bombing that made an already inhospitable landscape completely unlivable. So on and so forth.
However, at the end of season 3—a season where Bo-Katan is heavily featured—we still have received no clear explanation or recap of her backstory outside of her surrender to Gideon. There have been many opportunities for different characters to know and address that she had a leadership role in a literal terrorist group, Death Watch. It's very relevant, but it's never addressed. Even if we're going with it being previously resolved, it's a very significant and relevant part of her backstory and Bo-Katan doesn't even have private moments of reflection that might explain that to us, the audience.
She preaches about the failures of a divided Mandalore, despite having explicitly and repeatedly contributed to that division in very recent history. There's no self-awareness. from her or the writers.
If Favloni & co. want to retcon previous material—it's annoying, but they're technically allowed to do that.
However, they are not clearly committing to previous canon, nor are they doing the work to clearly establish new canon.
Regardless of the why for any of this, the fence-sitting makes for a mediocre product that tries to do both. The end result is a messy and inconsistent characterization and half-baked backstory that feels incomplete and leaves me asking the show I'm currently watching, "wait, did I miss something?"
Some additional gripes/support for my opinion that the creative team isn't committing to a clear plan for her characterization:
Bo specifically states that the planet and city didn't always look like this. But—
Completely omits that she's a key reason why it was wrecked twice over. Seized once by Maul, which I don't fault them for not acknowledging in live action because casual viewers would be confused (though technically the Solo movie did it so like, pick a lane), then later bombed into oblivion by the Empire.
She mentions her father, and that he's dead. Completely omits that she had a sister who's also dead, and who technically also died defending Mandalore (Satine's cultural genocide against her own people, which also oddly resulted in a population of seemingly all-white pacifists, is a rant for another post). There is room for a compelling and clear in-universe explanation for this! Like maybe she's in denial or tortured about it, and that's why it's not brought up. But we the audience still need to know that. However, it looks like they've just written Satine out. Maybe it would too clearly place Bo-Katan as a Bad Guy which is inconvenient for them because they don't want to take the time to address it, despite this season spending a lot of screentime with her.
They're even ignoring her characterization previously established within this same show with her showing explicit disgust for Din's faction in season 2, then somehow being fine with joining them in season 3.
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crispyjenkins · 2 years
I do love Jango having a lower midi-chlorian count than the average rock, but how about this- Jango is found by the Jedi, Obi Wan taken in by Jaster. They meet on Galidraan. Jango isn't meant to be there, he has a vision or sees the mission info and has a feeling. Either way, the force has apparently decided its his job to save a random mandalorian (the random mandalorian, who can't be any older than him, turns out to be the mand'alor. There goes hoping he can keep this quiet from the council)
(well howdy do would you look at that, jango's got the force visions now
there was not supposed to be so much Yearning on jango's part, but well. what am i if not a writer of jangobi longing
also sorry if the Force bits are a little hard to read: i want them to be all mooshed together to like. convey how rushed and confusing they are. but also i have dyslexia. so i’m trying out this way)
  The captain of the Mandalorians they had been sent to deal with is... even younger than Jango is.
  He freezes after managing to knock said human’s helmet clean off, watching their head jerk with the blow, watching their flushed, freckled face flinch in momentary pain before twisting into a snarl with blood in their teeth.
 Jango stares breathlessly at the scowling man before him and barely manages to dodge the ferocious swing of a Mandalorian sword right at his face. He stumbles back a few steps, wildly bringing up his blue lightsaber to deflect the next blow, and it’s only with the realisation that his opponent must have a sword made of beskar that Jango realises the importance of the Mandalorian coming at him with cold rage saturating the Force between them.
lostlostheislosthelphelphimhemust comebackdonotharmhimdonotharmhim
  Jango leaps backwards to put some distance between them and nearly careens right into a snowdrift, stumbling on landing and leaving his defense wide open; Master Tahl is absolutely going to have his ass on drills for months if he even manages to survive thi—
  Except the Mandalorian doesn’t take advantage of Jango’s opening, instead stilling right where Jango had left him.
  The battle continues on the other side of the ravine, Jango unsure when he had gotten so far away from his fellow Jedi, and the cold air only amplifies the echoing blasterfire and ’saber strikes and screaming. This is hardly the first skirmish Jango has been a part of, but for some reason, it feels infinitely more important than any other battle he’s been in before.
  Looking up at the teenager that can only be the kriffing, Force-damned Mand’alor, maybe it isn’t so mysterious a reason.
  And the Mand’alor stares right back at him, heaving breaths painting the air before their parted lips in clouds, lips that Jango had bruised and split with the blow landed to their head. Lips that are no longer snarling, the Mand’alor instead furrowing their brow at Jango in confusion, with their sword angled in front of themself in defense.
  Fuck fuck fuck fuck, knocking their helmet off was a fucking mistake, because now Jango has to watch blood drip from their nose over a perfect cupid’s bow, down a chin with an endearing scattering of moles, and has to meet eyes so brown they’re almost black even in the harsh sunlight reflecting off the snow.
  Their hair is a perfect copper-red, Jango notes a tad hysterically, cut short to not be a bother inside the helmet, but with two braids framing their face in front of either ear, not... not unlike a padawan braid, actually. A simple, black metal circlet rests on their forehead with the majority disappearing into their hair, a single red gem in the center matching the Mand’alor’s black and red armour perfectly.
  A slightly-crooked nose implies a break that had not healed properly, and they have a smattering of small scars on their right cheek, a couple clipping through their eyebrow, that could have only been caused by shrapnel. The tatters of a red rapier cape hang from one shoulder, having seen much better days with a large stain taking up what little of it Jango can see. A blood stain.
hisnothishisbuirhelosthisbuirheis tooyoungaking
  To the Jedi’s knowledge, the Mand’alor was a middle-aged human man, so his death must have been recent because the Temple certainly hasn’t heard about a shift in leadership until now. Amd the last Mand’alor must have been this one’s family, Jango realises, for why else would he have taken up the mantle so young?
  Jango himself is not yet twenty, and the teen before him is obviously several years younger still. He can’t even imagine what that sort of responsibility is like: he’s not due for the knight trials for at least another five years, if not more, which says nothing of the decades until mastership, and even more to qualify for Head of the Order. How can someone even younger than him lead and care for an entire people? 
  Actually, that thought makes Jango suddenly question this whole mess of a mission. Why would an incredibly new ruler suddenly attack protestors on a planet far out of their borders? If it was a contract, why would they have taken it at all? He suddenly questions how easy it would have been to manipulate a teenager into a vulnerable position, especially if said manipulators wished them harm.
  And isn’t that the saying? All are enemies of Mandalorians (especially other Mandalorians.) Who doesn’t wish them harm these days?
  A shift of boots over snow wrenches Jango back to the very present problem of facing down the actual Mand’alor of the actual Supercommandos of the actual Mandalorians. Don’t the Supercommandos have a creed of as little violence as possible? 
  His distraction costs him this time, the Mand’alor shifting their grip on their sword before snarling that perfect face again and launching themself at Jango. He barely gets his ’saber up in time, but is still slammed onto his back into the snow, knocking the breath from his chest and leaving him panting.
  Panting as the Mand’alor straddles his chest and bears all their weight down on their connected blades. Instead of afraid, or panicked, or even offended, Jango feels nothing but awe as he as he’s forced to stare at the teen above him, entranced by brown eyes that turn the inky purple of Wild Space in the blue sparking light of beskar against kyber, as this Wild Mandalorian tries to take his head 0ff. And Jango is no poet (despite Master Tahl’s continuous effort), but if he could simply name the colours that ripple over their face in infinitely more shades than blue, Jango thinks he would make a very fine poet indeed.
  Now if the Force would just allow him the time to start counting them.
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winterdilemma · 1 year
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Do you think they're looking for a third
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 5 months
My parents and I watched the season 3 finale of Star Wars: Rebels tonight and I can't believe my mom was the one who was like "WHY ARE THEY* ALL DYING?!" and I was the one being all, "don't worry I'm sure it will be fine." this is the most role reversal we have ever done.
(*to clarify I mean the rebels in general, the main cast was fine)
#star wars#star wars rebels#star wars rebels spoilers#what's really funny is that this season ended pretty much like 'the last jedi' did it with hardly anyone making it out#and them all crowded on the main iconic ship#and I HATED the last jedi#but like it just felt so much more HOPEFUL in rebels Idk man#also yeah I did make this post as a way to shamelessly react post in the tags#Idk even where to start#the first part of the finale was crazy man their leader literally CUT AN IMPERIAL SHIP IN HALF by ramming his command ship into it#like if you're gonna die doing a kamikaze run let it be by CUTTING ANOTHER SHIP IN HALF#and what the FUDGE is bendu WHAT was his deal even#kanan showing up yelling at him like merry with treebeard in the LOTR movies#'but you're a part of this world! aren't you?'#my mom was so mad at bendu for refusing to help akjghljasgdhfdgjags I'm over there like 'wait until they ACTUALLY ATTACK HIS PLANET'#and haha I was right#okay this is so silly but I'm so happy they didn't kill off agent callus that dude has really grown on me#he was doing his best thrawn's just insane with strategy#also THRAWN aklghfjaskgdls okay I LOVED his reaction to bendu being “?!?!? shoot it?!?!” *windows error noise*#man was foiled by his own underlings and angry force rafiki#HERA CALLING KANAN 'MY LOVE' OH MY WORD JUST *MARRY* EACH OTHER ALREADY YOU BASICALLY ALREADY ARE#'looks like the family's back together' STOP#the yavin base name drop#me through the entire space battle: do you know what we need right now? the battlestar galactica#just looked it up and apparently a star destroyer is actually not much bigger than a battlestar which is. FASCINATING to me#they'd be like the same class of ship#which tracks yeah#anyway#they did have a few ships get away so they did actually have a better success rate than in TLJ#but of course they had MANDALORIANS to help them out here so
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