#jedi hc
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raphaerolo · 6 days ago
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What if a Jedi's eyes glowed to match their lightsaber tho
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cityscidewalks · 7 months ago
I think the "jedi are baby stealers" myth started during the Jedi-Sith war as Sith propaganda
The Sith had a military and recruited planets to join them, it would make sense that they'd spread lies about their enemies to turn people against them. Plus it's rooted in a semblance of truth where Jedi do take children (with consent) so when someone sees a jedi meeting with their neighbor and child, they'd be inclined to take action against the "baby stealer".
We see it irl where propaganda and lies that were spread centuries ago are still prevalent and still trying to be disproven so of course the jedi are fighting that thousands of years later
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months ago
random thought of the day: do you think Cordova braided Cere's hair or do you think she did it herself?
Then did Cere try to do the same for Trilla?
sorry i need 5-7 business days to recover from thinking abt trilla and cere for 12 seconds
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1-800-crscnt · 2 months ago
been loving the idea of Fox's collection of modified blasters being very weird and him refusing to explain why they're like that. one of them shoots bubbles and blows raspberries. one of them is the size of his pinky finger and has to be placed in water overnight to grow, but it grows into a completely different type of blaster. his favorite T-21 sounds exactly like a grown man coughing when it jams, and his men say he trapped the soul of a real person inside of it. the most recent addition to his collection isn't actually a blaster, but a lighter/flashlight/laser pointer/toothbrush/soda dispenser that's shaped like a pistol. he lost one, but that's because it literally grew legs and walked away one night, never to be seen again.
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redbean-nom · 7 months ago
kind of funny how fanon tup is always The Baby but also he shot two jedi (one w intent to kill and the other to stun) and was successful both times
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the-wandering-wayseeker · 9 months ago
I know Jedi have little meal capsule things and other rations, but hear me out:
Jedi who were on extended field missions in wilderness settings hunting, fishing, or foraging for ingredients for meals.
Teaching their Padawans how to cook and passing down recipes that their own Masters passed down to them.
The cultural variation in Jedi lineages leads to such a diverse knowledge of food, spices, seasonings, and herbs - allowing Jedi to craft a diverse selection of meals in the field.
This leads to Jedi who are stationed at one of the many Jedi Temples consistently cooking for one another.
Jedi who worked in professions that were not field related were often incredible bakers.
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celestialsun123 · 2 months ago
Do y'all ever look at a map in a game, go "okay, I need to go this way, then that way," close the map, start moving, but then immediately forget which way to go? (Or which way that would be from where you're standing?)
yeah, cause I do that at least 20 times when I play games.
And it is why I headcanon Cal as adhd cause with the way I play, he has to be. I can just imagine it now-
"BD, show me the map?"
*sees the map*
"Okay, thanks buddy."
*starts moving*
"Wait, actually, can you pull it back up again?"
*looks at the map*
"Alright, I got it now."
*starts moving again*
*angry BD noises that translate to 'stop asking, I'll just tell you where to go' cause this is the fifteenth time in an hour*
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mademoiselle-cookie · 7 months ago
Headcanon #3 : Ahsoka didn't died on Mortis
We have already seen dead characters in the saga.
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is not a dead person. This is a character who has been cursed by the Dark Side.
You can't bring people back to life. That's a fact. The Light can't do that. It goes against the order of nature. You can't heal death.
No one says she's dead. It would be worth mentioning tho. Anakin asks if the Father can "help" her and he tells him it's impossible because "The Dark Side shall consume her". Maybe it's bc English is not my native language (obv) but I'm sure it's in the future tense. So she's not dead.
And since Anakin remembers this moment, it's even more unlikely that it's a resurrection rather than a healing/exorcism. If he's seen a resurrection before, he'll be looking to what he's seen, especially since it's from the Light Side of the Force, not its opposite. Anakin would be going for what he's seen and knows has worked before, rather than Palpatine's promises, which also require him to sacrifice stuff.
Plus, it would go against Jedi moral. In the episode "Weapons Factory" (ep1 s2), Luminara tries to make Anakin understand that he must be prepared if one day, his Padawan were to die. She is portrayed as being right, but if in another episode, Ahsoka dies and Anakin resurrects her, it ruins that moral. It ruins the moral of Star Wars.
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macaroni-stars · 20 days ago
Help. I haven't heard about SW for a long time, but one look at skysolo is enough to bring me back
I guess I can't escape them, huh (not that I mind)
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And you are correct we NEEEDED this.👹
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arrothededushka · 4 months ago
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i love my all non-starwars mutuals and followers
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jedischenanigans · 9 months ago
I have a headcanon that Mace Windu occasionally helps out with the creche he came from, lending a hand and being a good role model. However, this has resulted in some younglings figuring out that he's really not that intimidating, and the worst he'll do is glare and lecture you. Which turns into a group of them just messing with him for fun because they've gotten used to it. Like he has to resign himself that now he's a target for shenanigans.
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prettyacademia00 · 2 months ago
the lack of specific ages for certain star wars characters makes some odd yet hilarious connections, especially with the shipping in fandom
some people say riyo chuchi isn't much older than ahsoka, which is why some people ship them
however, riyo is also shipped with commander fox if using his doubled age as ref, so 20 to 26 years old throughout the war, so riyo is around that age then
but then sometimes commander fox is shipped with quinlan who is late 30s to 40 ish during tcw so where do the ages work with each of them (aside from the obvious relationships between adults)
the same thing can be said for those that ship kit fisto and aayla because kit literally was the master of bant eerin, who is just a few years younger than quinlan, who is aayla's master... like that should be her great uncle I'm sorry y'all😭
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kayberrie · 4 months ago
You can turn 1 of your headcanons into canon in any media. What do you choose?
Ahsoka can’t stand to look at Luke. She’ll never tell him this. It doesn’t make sense for her, a Jedi, to resent him. He saved the galaxy. He brought back Vader. He’s Skyboy, he’s her not-really-nephew. And yes, she loves him and wishes the best for him. How could she not? Yet, every time she looks at him she can only think about how he saved Anakin. About how this stranger that her master never knew meant more than his apprentice, than his sister, than her. What did she do wrong to make Anakin shove her away? Was it her fault? What’s wrong with her. How can she make it better? But in the end it’s all the past, and anguish and anger will only get her so far.
So she smiles at him because yes, she loves him. How could she not? He saved Anakin. He saved Anakin because she couldn’t.
also the acolyte isnt cannon
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„Jeweled diadem gifted by Stellan and Elzar“
Of course, that could have been simply a sweet gesture BUT making it angsty is so much better in my opinion
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Because imagine Avar Kriss, a telepath so powerful she always hears so so much -enough for it to physically hurt her- being unable to keep her mental walls up because her energy is already drained… and imagine Elzar Mann and Stellan Gios, researching in the archives for weeks, finding the slightest hint of something that could help and then proceeding to forge the focus with their own hands… :ˋ)
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lightsaberlinguist · 1 year ago
Jedi Headcanon #1
While the Room of a Thousand Fountains and the rooftop gardens are the most well-known green spaces of the Jedi Temple, dozens of other smaller gardens and greenhouses can be found throughout, preserving and recreating the landscapes of some of the hundreds of home worlds of the Jedi. These gardens are used for meditation, education and study in equal parts, preparing young Jedi to survive in a variety of planetary conditions.
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arliganzey · 5 months ago
Some GAR HQ Zey thoughts in no particular order:
In addition to the blue lapis desk and bantha leather chairs, Zey’s office also has a small sofa and table up against the wall. It’s meant to be for less formal, private meetings but Zey doesn’t have many of those (if at all). This is referred to by Maze and Zey as the “nap couch” because it’s where they take 20 minute power naps. Those two can probably count on one hand the number of times they’ve seen their actual beds since the start of the war.
When Maze says Zey “makes caf” it should probably be clear that the tapcaf machine actually makes the caf--it's one of those 'put cup down and push button' machines. But Zey has taken it upon himself to make sure the tapcaf machine is up and running, like actually cleaning the machine when the 'clean' light goes on instead of ignoring it and hoping for the best like everyone else does.
It’s also Zey who gets a mini conservator put in and stocked with milk/cream/etc and actual mugs in addition to the to go cups. He gets good caf instead of GAR issue, but he keeps it on the down low because he feels bad he can’t distribute the good caf more widely in the field. GAR HQ just has “the mysteriously good caf.”
Zey’s love language is serving caf. It's always been his thing, making sure there's caf out for visitors, and now that there's a war on, he still makes a point of it.
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