#jason acuna
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godsworstson · 8 months ago
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jackass: the movie premier
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rookie-critic · 2 years ago
Rookie-Critic's Top 25 Films of 2022: #24: Jackass Forever/Jackass 4.5 (dir. Jeff Tremaine)
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I love Jackass. I love everything about Jackass and I always have. It's not just the gross-outs, the nut shots, the insanity of it all, it's the brotherhood. It's been the magic piece of the puzzle from the very, very beginning of Knoxville & Co.'s humble start on MTV, and never has that wondrous camaraderie been more front and center than in Jackass Forever. Don't get me wrong, the stunts are still as bombastic and hilarious as ever, but they could almost do anything at all and I'd be here for it. The reason I keep coming back is that I love these idiots, and now they've added even more new, young idiots to pass the torch to, and this new cast of daredevils fits the bill and are 100% worthy of taking that torch lighting the closest possible thing on fire with it. I am fully aware of how dumb this all is, I am more than cognizant of how baseline the humor of it all is, but that never stopped it from being the most fun experience I had at the movies last year. The theater wasn't packed, but everyone in there knew exactly why we were all there, and it cast an air of brotherhood over the room that was infectious. The first hour of this movie had me laughing so hard that tears were being forcefully ejected from my tear ducts from the pressure being applied to them from my cheek bones, so much so that my face hurt for awhile after the credits rolled. These dudes create beauty from stupidity, and I can't get enough of it. Jackass Forever is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Paramount+, and Jackass 4.5 is currently streaming on Netflix. Read my full review of Jackass 4.5 here.
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wwprice1 · 7 months ago
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10 awesome DC covers for October!
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daydreamerwonderkid · 1 year ago
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Be honest: How badly would y'all judge me if I just made this my entire personality? Lmao
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captainbrew · 1 year ago
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vertigoartgore · 1 year ago
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2012's Thor: God of Thunder variant cover by Daniel Acuña.
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graphicpolicy · 9 months ago
Preview: Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13 preview. Brave and the Bold enters its second year with five tremendous tales! #comics #comicbooks
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batbunker · 1 year ago
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Jason Todd by Serg Acuna (Nightwing #107)
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synergysilhouette · 16 days ago
11 more hot takes/unpopular opinions with DC and Marvel Comics
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Originally this was 10, but I had one more to mention. And remember how my first post was Marvel-centric? This one is DC-centric.
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Starfire and Arsenal were better Outlaws than Bizarro and Artemis and deserve another shot--I know I phrased this like a fact, but all this is subjective. I find Arsenal and Starfire more interesting characters and enjoy their chemistry with Jason and their romance with each other. I just wasn't crazy about the art we got for their run, nor the blatant oversexualization of Starfire.
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2. Harley Quinn and Red Hood are the next-gen Joker and Batman (and I ship it)--I've thought about this forever, but Jason's broody, solitary-except-when-he-needs-to-collaborate nature reminds me of how Batman is commonly depicted, though Jason is a more violent version. Harley, being a whimsical and goofy antihero, thus feels like the next-gen version of her ex (though I understand if you find Punchline or Joker's Daughter as more deserving of that). I'd also love her on an Outlaws team with Jason and Ghostmaker. I also always felt like they'd have better chemistry than the popular Nightwing/Harley ship (which I never really shipped, especially with how they've had Harley sexually harass him in the past). That said, this works best if Harley joined Joker post-Jason's torture.
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3. Jamal Campbell is the best cover artist for DC--His Nightwing art has me in a chokehold, and I love it! I also appreciate him making Nightwing curvy without it being from an ogling angle (see #5). That said, his actual work on Nightwing's issues isn't as good, but I think that's a time issue.
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4. Travis Moore is the best issue artist for DC right now--I fell in love the moment I saw his work on "Wonder Woman." He's who I'd want as the artist for a "Red Hood and the Outlaws" series with Starfire and Arsenal. Really want him to do Nightwing, Titans, and a Tim Drake solo. Serg Acuna is a close second, but I'm not crazy about how he draws jawlines; they're more angular while I prefer them rounded.
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5. DC needs to stop objectifying Nightwing--It's one thing to be sexy; that's cool, and it's something that the subject can (kind of) control. But Dick is constantly objectified and harassed, as well as being the victim of sexual assault on more than one occasion. Personally, I headcanon him "being okay" with the harassment and objectification in-universe due to the trauma of being assaulted and not wanting to make the situation worse, but in any case, he should be a superhero first, sex object second. You can have him be attractive without predominantly being eye-candy; I hate how Harley Quinn's tv show, "Gotham Knights," and "Nothing Butt Nightwing" wanna not only bring attention to him solely for his curves, but make him vain about it just so no one can criticize the harassment.
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6. Marvel needs to stop going the demon route with Nightcrawler (especially now)--Given Kurt's kindness and Catholic faith (that fluctuates based on the writer, I guess), his appearance as a blue creature with a tail is mainly for ironic purposes. I hate how every now and then, they like to lean into the demonic angle for him, since it undermines his character SO MUCH. Plus since his birth has been retconned (hopefully for the last time), it makes no sense to connect him with demons.
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7. Iceman has fallen out of favor with me--I don't think his solos have been very interesting, and it feels like they've made his sexuality a personality trait. I'd prefer he just stays a team member on an X-team (and eventually date Somnus if Daken is still unavailable).
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8. Major X needed a rehaul, but he had potential--I already did a post on this, but the gist is that he needed a new everything: different dad (because not everything has to circle back to the Summers-Grey clan), different powers (because OP telepaths are a dime-a-dozen), a more unique costume in design and color, having a different storyline than "I came to prevent a terrible future," and MAYBE make him from Earth-13729 because I like some of the characters. Basically just keep Storm as his mom, lol. And this isn't a must, but as an advocate for more original LGBT+ characters, making him part of the community would be neat in my book.
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9. Russell Dauterman and Lucas Werneck are the best artists at Marvel right now--This is my "argue with the wall" opinion, lol. They've made amazing art, and I wish they'd do the art for every X-Men comic, imo.
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10. Where are the Gargareans?--It disturbs me that in the course of 15 months, DC had two storylines about a young man abandoned by his Amazonian mother and being (understandably) bitter about it when he finds out. Not to say everything would've been fixed, but aren't the Gargareans the male counterparts to the Amazons? The circumstance of sons of Amazons being abandoned by their mothers as per the rules of Paradise Island is never resolved despite the son's frustration and hostility. It's just like "oh yeah, that happened. Moving on!"
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11. HiC was necessary (just not as it was)--We didn't need a murder plot for this to be good. Booster Gold and Harley Quinn being a duo with cute shenanigans around a serious premise was enough. Let these heroes get therapy once a year (or more; the issue itself could just be annual), and let us see these characters GROW, creating a stricter writing style for writing them rather than the flimsy style superheroes often face with different writers or when publishers go through a change in priority.
Hope you enjoyed this post! Any hot takes you agree with?
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godsworstson · 5 months ago
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i think about them a lot
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gothicprep · 1 year ago
some interesting twitter discussion i encountered today, piggybacking off a tiktok screenshot of an either late-teens girl or early 20-something woman saying "i wish i could be friends with boys the way that boys are friends with boys". the guy side of twitter chimes in, basically saying that whenever they had women express this to them, they reacted poorly to stuff that's pretty common in guy group friendships. the woman side of twitter is screenshotting these and saying shit like "ack, for all this talk of male loneliness, isn't it interesting how these guys talk about friendship in a way that's antisocial and boorish!"
it's always really something to see conversations like this happen, because it's a very clear expression of someone not being familiar with the social nuances in a setting they haven't really spent time in. and on top of that, it being so alien to them that they don't even realize they're wearing this lack of experience on their sleeve.
this is hard to put into words and there are probably a few things i'm missing here, but in my experiences of being the only woman in a friend group, Guys Being Dudes social culture involves a lot of giving each other shit, but not in a way that's mean. it's more like a signal that indicates you being a part of the same group. it's not like there aren't any generic insults that fly like "hey, you dipshit", but what's more common are insults that show you're paying attention – "hey, you dipshit that's always tripping over because you don't know how to tie your own shoes." it shows you actually notice what that person is like lol. and that person has the right to come back at you, and it's kind of a give and take. it's a game. there are bad dynamics that can sometimes come out of this, where someone is picking on someone else too much and there are awkward dominance displays going on. but for the most part, it's mostly just clowning around.
and – not always, obviously – this stuff drives a lot of women nuts. and as you get older, you move away from acting like this around people who will be bothered with it, because out of the context of a friend group, it's rude. but "we give each other shit for fun, and that's how we know that we're friends" has a lot of connecting power under the right circumstances.
there's a scene in "jackass: forever" where jason acuna is staked to the ground and a vulture is picking cuts of meat off his body, and the bird pecks him and he starts spasming and kicking (it's been known to happen when you get pecked by a bird with a giant beak). and one of the guys off screen is like, "don't kick the bird, dude" and acuna says, "i'm not kicking the bird!" but he's mad that someone would suggests that he would kick the bird. he understands that the bird is an outsider. the bird isn't in on the joke! nobody wants to be mean to the bird here. it's all about what's happening to acuna. this is obviously a pretty extreme version of the thing i'm talking about but, eh, it works for my purposes.
and it's not like it stays this juvenile forever. you grow up. life happens. but having this foundation in a friend group of 5+ doesn't prevent you from talking about life stuff together. even if this type of camaraderie doesn't make a lot of sense to you on the surface, that doesn't mean it's not tried and true. and, tbh, i get the sense that a lot of the men who struggle with pervasive feelings of loneliness probably *aren't* part of a group dynamic like this.
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scienceninjaturtle · 10 months ago
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Written by TOM TAYLOR
Art and Cover by BRUNO REDONDO
Variant covers by BRUNO REDONDO and STEVAN SUBIC
1:25 variant cover by SERG ACUNA
DC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUK
Swimsuit variant cover by BELÉN ORTEGA
$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 8/21/24
While Dick connects with the ghost of his past, “Nightwing” takes to the streets to defend his honor. But how can he be in two places at once? And what shocking revelation does Dick learn when confronted with the truth behind his parents’ deaths? The “Heartless” saga continues in the penultimate chapter of this celebrated run!
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daydreamerwonderkid · 1 year ago
Thought my phone was buzzing a shit ton cause a client was trying to get a hold of me, only to finally pick up my phone and see that my shitty Scruffy Jason Todd meme finally found it's target audience.
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thebonesofhoudini · 2 years ago
Big Brother - Number Two (1998)
Featuring: Clyde Singleton, Bill Pepper, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Tim O'Connor, Chris Pontius, Kareem Campbell, Kenny Hughes, Gino Ianucci, Daewon Song, Mike Vallely, Andy Roy, Diego Buccheri, Ed Templeton, Johnny Lee Countee, Gershon Mosely, Donny Barley, Jason "Wee Man" Acuna, Heath Kirchart, Jeremy Klein, John Lee, and many more...
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i-care-bout-things-too · 1 year ago
Today on posts that haven't aged well: This!
Nightwing 110 released 2 days ago. This is the first time in like over 40 issues (if not more?) Where Damian has had a speaking role where he appeared for more than a single panel (like the Nite-Mite issue where everyone appeared for the "wedding") in a Nightwing comic. Damian was mentioned in a cross-over between Superman: Son of Kal-el where Jon was in NWs comic and Dick was in his, but I'm so disappointed in DC's absolute dismissal of Damian from Dick's life. Like I absolutely loved Silent Knight (this past Christmas' recent 4 issue mini series), but God whoever wrote it had Dick be the actual BIGGEST dick to Damian. Like not a sweet moment between them. And ngl, I LOVED issue 110 of NW, but a part of me absolutely knows this is fanservice and nothing will come of it. I swtg, since before Dick lost his memory, Damian has just been slowly dissapearing from Dick's life and I hate it so much. We barely, if ever, see them in a room together, let alone interacting. There's an offhand mention of a family Christmas in Tim: Drake Robin where we get a small image of Tim, Dick, Damian, Bruce and Kate at a table, but we never actually saw that in a comic or even a short. Dick appears for an early issue (as mentioned) in the Robin (2021) comic, and gives him a belated birthday present, meaning Damian has spent ANOTHER birthday alone and away from his family, and later Dick is part of Batman vs. Robin, Dark Crisis, and the Lazarus Planet events, but I cannot recall a single moment where Dick or Damian actually interact with each other. If any of you remember the Death of the Family event which preceeds Damian's Robin (2021) series, Damian unties Dick while he's still unconscious, but he's gone before Dick can wake up, and we shouldn't even bother with Pennyworth RIP, because Dick was there in body, sure, but mind? Nope. Ric Grayson. When Damian starts crying and runs away, blaming himself for Alfred's death, Dick/Ric does absolutely nothing. (None of the fam does. I hate it so much)
This is all to say, in the last few years, beyond 2021, DC has been doing everything in their power to keep them apart, because honestly what's a batfamily?
And no, don't even get me started on Gotham War. Damian literally physically fought Dick, and then when Batman ABANDONS Damian, who is it that hugs him while he's left in despair, listlessly kneeling on the ground? Tim. Tim fucking Drake. I love Tim&Dami brotherly bonding, absolutely fucking adore it, bought the issue just for the hug if I'm honest.
But Tim hugs Damian. While Dick is RIGHT THERE. And he does nothing.
Not to mention, not to mention, there was this really really cute three part back up story recently in NW illustrated by Serg Acuna, along side Dick, it features Babs, Jason, Steph, Cass, and if I recall correctly, Tim.
Um. Where the fuck is Damian?
And don't say Damian isn't in Gotham. He is now. He has been. Since the end of the Lazarus Tournament, at least. He was in Tim and Connor's DC pride short, set IN Gotham. He's in Gotham for the current run of Batman and Robin. He was in Gotham for the Knight Terrors event. And yet. And yet. This is the first time in years, there has been a Dick and Damian centric comic, when for years, Dick and Damian shared pages upon pages together. I don't know man. Clearly I have a lot of feelings about this, but I'm just sad. DC has done both of them dirty, their relationship exists only in name at this point.
Sorry for ranting but I just had to list all the times we've been failed recently.
So, since you’ve been reading the recent issues of Nightwing recently, has there been any mention of Damian at all, and either way, what are your thoughts on it?
Because let’s be real, Damian is His Kid. The Robin to his Batman. Damian is his baby. And since he’s regained his memories, from what I’ve gathered, there’s been 0 concern shown for Damian from Dick.
So I’m dying to know, has that been addressed at all? Because Dick and Damian and their relationship and dynamic are very much a comfort character for me, and I just have a lot of low level anxiety that Damian and Dicks close bond is going to be one of those things that’s never coming back. That it’ll never be acknowledged again in canon. And someday, the fact they would’ve literally died for and without each other will become a random irrelevant comic fact.
hiya babe!
there has not, as of yet, been any mention of damian. there has been allusions to a “family group chat” (and i didn’t like that scene so i’m not gonna get into it but it’s safe to assume that damian’s on it.) 
but you’re absolutely correct about everything. dick and damian do have a close relationship that straddles the line between fraternal and paternal, and i really expected there to be some mention of him so far. we do know that tim’s going to be in the run, which i am excited about, because dick and tim’s traditionally very loving, affectionate, brotherly relationship has been washed away recently. but nope, no mention of damian so far.
it’s getting on my nerves too. and that’s definitely something i fear as well. dick’s run as batman had issues upon issues, but i did love the way dick and damian’s relationship evolved into something more loving and almost airtight in trust. if it stops being pushed and starts being something comic nerds only reference once in a while, like hey did you know tim doesn’t actually drink coffee? and hey did you know oracle isn’t as powerful and meaningful as an able-bodied superhero?, then i will legitimately have a breakdown. 
dick was, briefly, in damian’s new robin run. i haven’t read that yet, i’ve only seen pictures on tumblr, so i can’t comment on how important his presence was and how much he did, but at least he’s in there.
here’s hoping tom taylor includes damian in his run sometime soon. also the titans, but that’s just me being needy.
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viralmerch · 2 years ago
Fast X: Cast, Trailer, and Everything We Know - Get Up to Speed on the Latest Fast Movie
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Fast X is roaring into theaters on May 19, and there's already been a ton revealed about the beginning of the end of the Fast & Furious franchise.
The tenth installment in the Fast and Furious franchise, Fast X, has arrived, and fans can expect plenty of new and exciting updates. The movie brings back Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and his family for another wild ride full of thrilling car stunts. With the release of the tenth movie in the Fast saga rapidly approaching, fans of the franchise will be delighted to see the core cast returning, as well as some exciting new additions, including Jason Momoa as the villain. Now is the perfect time to get caught up on the series and be ready for the May 2023 release!
The Fast and Furious franchise has been a box-office success for years, but the production of F9 has been plagued by issues due to the pandemic, leading to an unexpected delay in the release of this long-awaited sequel. Despite the ongoing feud between Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson, the tumultuous production of the latest installment of the Fast X franchise, and the replacement of director Justin Lin with Louis Leterrier, the movie is still on track and looks to be a return to form.
Fast X: Latest News
Though the plot specifics remain under embargo, critics have shared their reactions to Fast X, and the tweets from those who have seen the movie are overwhelmingly positive in comparison to F9. Praise has been given for the over-the-top action, Louis Leterrier's directing, and most notably, Jason Momoa's portrayal of the new villain, Dante Reyes. Descriptions of his character range from "fierce and flamboyant" to "Fast & Furious' version of The Joker".
Joseph Deckelmeier's comments about the movie some up the general critical consensus, as he called it an "entertaining thrill ride. It’s a visual spectacle with some truly incredible stunts and some wildly outrageous moments you’d expect from the Fast franchise, but what Jason Momoa brings to the film as Dante is magic! His performance oozes charisma." Momoa has become one of the biggest box office draws in recent years and is inarguably the primary reason Aquaman made over $1 billion, and based on the comments about his performance in Fast X, he could do the same for the long-running action franchise.
Unfortunately, there are still some naysayers of those who have seen it, and Germain Lussier even thinks it's the worst of the franchise. The critic noted that Fast X "is the worst Fast yet. Yes, including [insert your least fave here]. The action is fun but it's the 1st film to not up the ante from the last one & the trademark notion of 'Family' is an afterthought. But! Jason Momoa is God-Level in it and worth the price of admission." However, even Lussier, who clearly hated the movie, was still a fan of Momoa's performance, and Dante could be the best villain of the franchise.
Kirsten Acuna represents the critics who sit on the fence about Dominic Torretto's tenth outing, as she tweeted, "Not perfect (end may divide fans), but it’s been growing on me & I can’t wait to see it again. Universal's def trying to make this its Infinity War." It's no secret that Universal took inspiration from the two-part ending to the MCU's Infinity Saga, as Fast X has been heavily promoted as being the first of two movies that promise to be the epic conclusion to the series. However, the director and cast have also been hyping up Fast X's cliffhanger ending, which, according to Acuna, might not be that exciting.
Fast X: Release Date
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Fast X will be released in theaters on May 19, 2023. The initial release date was announced as April 2, 2021. However, F9 ended up being delayed considerably due to the COVID-19 pandemic which meant the tenth movie would be pushed back indefinitely. Vin Diesel later announced a possible February 2023 release which was then officially set for the current May 2023 slot.
Confirmation for Fast X began all the way back in 2014 with news that there would be at least three more movies in the franchise following Furious 7. In 2017, producer Neal H. Moritz stated that not only would there be a tenth movie but that it would reserve as the final Fast and Furious movie. However, it was later confirmed that the franchise's end would be split into two parts with the movie following Fast X ending the series.
Fast X: Cast
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The main cast of the franchise up to this point will all be returning for Fast X. Along with Vin Diesel (Dom) there will also be Michelle Rodriguez (Letty), Tyrese Gibson (Roman), Chris "Ludacris" Bridges (Tej), Nathalie Emmanuel (Ramsey), and Jordana Brewster (Mia). Also returning to the franchise are John Cena (Jakob), Jason Statham (Deckard Shaw), Sung Kang (Han), Scott Eastwood (Little Nobody), Michael Rooker (Buddy), Cardi B (Leysa), Helen Mirren (Queenie), and Charlize Theron (Cipher).
Jason Momoa will play Dante Reyes, the villain of the sequel, and the son of Fast Five's villainous Hernan Reyes who seeks revenge on Dom and the others for the murder of his father. Brie Larson plays Tess, a new ally to Dom and the daughter of Fast & Furious franchise character Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell). Daniela Melchoir plays a Brazilian street racer who has ties to Dom. Jack Reacher star Alan Ritchson plays a government agent taking over Mr. Nobody's role who doesn't think highly of Dom and his crew. Rita Moreno also joins the franchise as the grandmother of Dom, Mia, and Jakob.
While there was originally no detail on who, there was word that there will be a huge cameo in the Fast X credit scene, which will be a returning character from the series. Now, Diesel revealed at the movie's premiere in Rome that the cameo is none other than Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson), which comes after a six-year-long feud between Diesel and Johnson. While Johnson's return to Fast & Furious is great news, it doesn't make much sense why Diesel would spoil the post-credits scene.
Fast X: Trailer
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The final trailer for Fast X has been released, and at an atypically-long four-and-a-half minute it revealed a lot about the movie. Following the previous trailers, which mostly showcased Dante's theatricality, the new trailer gives almost every main character their time to shine. Most notably, the final Fast X trailer depicts a more easy-going Jakob, who's playing the cool uncle type when he saves Dom's son from a home invasion, and later on, Jakob high-fives his nephew when blowing up enemies, which is completely different from the Jakob in F9.
Fast X's newest trailer thankfully reveals that, despite the high stakes, Roman and Tej's banter hasn't left. The trailer unveils Tej's remote-controlled miniature vehicle, which even has a Tej bobblehead attached to it, which Roman calls "Tiny Tej". The opening of the Fast X also trailer gives a closer look at Abuela, Dom's grandmother. On top of what hasn't been seen before, the final Fast X trailer gives extended looks at the movie's epic action sequences, such as Letty and Cipher's showdown, Han and Deckard making an unlikely head-butting team, and Dom racing down the side of the dam.
Source: https://screenrant.com/
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