#jarred answers stuff
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basilpaste · 5 months ago
U should analyze ibabo again but explain why he said he'd go back to the defenders after beating the king if u don't do the family ending
okay. okay okay okay. so. it feels weird that isa says that, right? because he told siffrin that hes going to quit! that he wants to be a clothing designer.
he didnt.
the only time the "what will you do after" dialogue is available is in act one. this is the case for every character, not just isabeau. to the point that miras even has unused portrait changes!
isabeau never tells siffrin that he wants to be a clothing designer during their loops.
he only tells them before they die for the first time.
the reason that isabeau, at the end, says "i cant wait to go back to my old job" is because he doesnt know that siffrin knows hes not happy with it. he doesnt know that siffrin knows that hes lost his respect for the defenders.
because in every loop. every single loop. he never tells them that. because they never ask.
and siffrin never asks again because they already know the answer. and that answer doesnt include them.
isabeau is still putting up the mask hes so carefully woven for himself. hes big, stupid, and strong. a defender. who doesnt care about things thatre too complicated like sewing or math or science. hes big emotional isabeau who what he lacks in brains he makes up for in passion, right?
which is why he doesnt say that in the friendquest ending, either. because even if he doesnt tell siffrin that he wants to design clothing, he tells them that hes smart enough to be able to.
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oetscop · 10 months ago
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this is kinda old and i almost didnt post it. i kinda gave up on making a full rainer ref like i did with daniel soooo take this ^}^
this is after 1997 and before 2000 when he went missing for good.
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spookygibberish · 4 months ago
Asking as a conlanger, have you or any of your friends created original language or languages for the Jar of Mice setting?
Also, really good artwork in that project. It scratches all my itches in terms of design, lore, and visuals inspired by other artists.
I have something right now that is essentially just a naming language, although there are things about the phonotactics that I want to go back and revise, mostly rules regarding sonority. I've been wanting to get back into conlanging for a while now, but haven't had all that much creative energy this year.
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mj-iza-writer · 1 year ago
*pokes my head out of the ask box* Tiny Whumpee being played with by the child of Whumper. Because I’m the child’s eyes Whumpee is just another toy for their collection.
I’ve been on tiny whumpee kick so sorry if this is a bother
Sees the head poking in and waves. I like this, and you're not a bother at all.
Whumper needed to work, but that was next to impossible when their child, Jay, was constantly asking questions.
Finally Whumper sighed, and looked at Jay.
"Please my darling child, I love you with every fiber of my being, but I beg of you let me have a few minutes to work."
Jay nodded and pointed at a clear tupperware jar on Whumper's desk.
Whumper eyed it and smiled.
"You want to play with my friend", Whumper picked up the jar and tossed it into the air and caught it.
Whumper grinned as they watched a tiny figure inside of the jar panic.
"Do you hear that Whumpee, Jay wants to play with you", Whumper laughed, "doesn't that sound fun?"
Whumpee quickly shook their head no, and frantically looked at the child as they leaned back against the jar, trying to get as far away from Whumper as possible.
"Okay Jay, just don't take them out of the jar", Whumper handed it over to the child, "have fun."
Jay skipped down the hallway to their room.
Whumpee would bounce up and down with every skip. They were already getting sick and they were certain this was going to be a long play time.
Jay put the jar on their bed before collecting a few things from their toy chest.
The jar tipped over when the items were tossed on the bed.
Jay then decided to play soccer, and kicked the jar down the hall and into Whumper's room.
Whumper glanced down at the jar as it rolled along the floor.
Whumpee looked weakly at Whumper before Jay grabbed the jar again.
"Having fun Jay?", Whumper smiled.
Jay nodded before going to grab the jar.
"What are these holes for?", Jay looked at the lid.
"So Whumpee can breath", Whumper sighed.
Jay quickly ran to the bathroom with the jar.
After a few minutes of hearing the water running, Whumper went to check on Jay.
The jar was almost full of water, Whumpee was frantically banging on the wall of the jar. They gave Whumper a terrified look.
Whumper watched for a few minutes and stopped the water once the jar was just about full.
"Sorry Jay, but I don't want them dead just yet", Whumper turned the jar upside down to dump the water.
Whumper's partner arrived home as the jar was emptied.
Jay ran down to greet them.
Whumper held the jar up to look at Whumpee, "I'm sure that was a horrible experience, I almost felt bad when I saw how full the water had gotten."
Whumpee weakly sat on the floor of the jar. They were drenched and dizzy.
"That bloody child of yours almost killed me", Whumpee yelled, knowing Whumper wouldn't be able to hear them.
Whumper watched Whumpee's mouth moved.
"I can't hear you, but I can imagine what you're saying", Whumper chuckled.
"I'll sit you on a high shelf so they can't reach you", Whumper carried Whumpee back to their desk, "or do you want to play with Jay some more?"
Whumper frantically shook their head no.
"I thought so", Whumper grinned.
Thankyou again, I hope you enjoyed. -MJ
Not sure if I'm supposed to tag these, but As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat
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helianskies · 5 months ago
just got back from work after 11 hours and my day is summed up by a 10 y/o who could not tell me what 4+0 was it took i kid you not a whole minute for them to get the right answer and when i told them to finish their sum (it was part of a bigger sum) in their book they still wrote the wrong answer and i had to tell them. try again.
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gothsuguru · 1 year ago
when y’all do dialogue do you just base line write the quotes and THEN later on add extra info? 🤔 also damn how do people Overall write their paragraphs so well
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opqrstuv04 · 6 months ago
Feeling INTENSELY jealous of my suitemate right now bc her parents are literally helping her look for flights to visit this boy she’s been talking to for a month while I can’t even tell my folks I’ll be crashing at home to see a show because I know it will be a Thing 😑
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wisteriasymphony · 9 months ago
claudia funko pop
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askc262trio · 1 year ago
hey Anya, what do you think about the solver? Since I know that you're a solver host yourself!!
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(IC) Anya: I mean, for soup's sake, it got me quite literally blendered. Plus i'm basically some kind of robo-vampire now. That's like, rude as heck. Sure, cool powers and all, but i'd rather not be stuck with it. (OOC)
basically, yup, Anya.. isn't exactly very fond of the eldritch .png file lmao. She would in fact definitely beat the shit out of it. If only she could.
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darkscaleswriter · 1 year ago
⭐️ pls tell me more about your fic pls it’s wonderful 🥹❤️
:D the fic in question
ahhh im so glad you like it!! thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble about this fic haha. i have SO many emotions about casey jones jr and the future timeline turtles, im never getting over the tragedy of that movie opening. future mikey's wink as he tears open space and time. future leo's "it's not about me" and the way he physically throws casey through the portal. like!!! hello!!!
imo part of what makes the future timeline so tragic is that so much of the show before this point (especially s2) focused on the hamato motto of "anata wa hitori ja nai," even before the turtles actually learned about the hamato clan. none of them have ever been alone, and as part of the hamato clan, legacies of generations upon generations of mystic warriors, they never will be. except then the bad future timeline shows up, and. they're gone. the family is fractured, the turtles are dead, and the last survivor, casey jr, is sent back alone.
so, that's kind of a long way to say that the conception of "write our names in the wet concrete" came from me taking this tragedy and shoving anata wa hitori ja nai in its face. lol.
in the fic, the moment future mikey decides that hes not going to let future leo die is the moment of canon divergence from the movie. the reason he actually manages it is bc in that moment, mikey and all of the hamato spirits look at the last surviving members of their family and say, no. we refuse. the war might be lost, but we will ensure that no member of our clan will be left alone.
it's not just mikey at the end, here, throwing leo back along with casey. it's him and donnie and raph and april and splinter and karai and even oroku saki, every single hamato all at once, facing down the end of the world and choosing to save the last of their family whether they like it or not.
sorry future leo, you dont get a choice! but hey, at least casey isn't stuck in the past and cut off from everything he's ever known by himself, right? :3
the reason i set the fic as pre-show instead of at the movie is bc i really wanted to focus on casey jr's relationship with future leo, and what that might look like when they're forced to actually, like. live semi-regular lives instead of being tossed directly into a high-stakes mission. the looming specter of the krang invasion is a constant stressor, but they also have more immediate things to worry about for a change. like money! big rip to future leo, forgetting that was a thing.
and casey junior learning to live in a non-apocalyptic society is always fun haha. he's a semi-feral apocalypse child who's used to eating rats and leaves! writing his pov is an entertaining challenge, bc he only knows things about pre-apocalyptic society via snippets hes heard from older ppl/family stories, and he approaches the world through a very different lens as a result. he is definitely going to hunt an alley rat at some point and be like :D look theres so much meat on this!! and non-apocalypse survivors around him are like uhhh kiddo wtf. are you... are you seriously going to eat that.
casey, already roasting it over a fire: yes?? why would i not??
anyway, im going to cut myself off before i ramble about this fic forever and spoil future chapters (currently writing chapter 5 :D), but thank you so much for reading it!! im having a lot of fun with this au and i'm glad you are too ^.^
(feel free ask me anything about my fics!)
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gods-favorite-autistic · 1 year ago
you should totally definitely absolutely completely watch star wars JUST to watch ahsoka and hop on the wolfwren train.
(if you genuinely want to i can help narrow down the list of things to watch since there’s quite a bit of star wars media to cover)
Honestly Star Wars has seemed pretty interesting to me for a while so adding lesbians into the mix just made that about ten times more intense but it also feels like such a giant series to get through and I have such a hard time getting through stuff so I could use some advice!
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cubedmango · 2 years ago
Pity that gohands sucks so much because they did make one good looking anime when they first started out. Then the quality just went downhill. I wonder what happened.
i feel like their style worked w their older more action-y stuff and then they went "ok we have to use it for Everything" so now we're seeing weird as hell panning shots and perspectives and 60fps bs in a romcom that absolutely does not need it
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pens-in-a-jam-jar · 2 years ago
Hi! I could probably just comment this on YouTube but I don’t have an account so you get an ask instead. I’ve been going thru all your speed paint + talking videos and playing them in the background as I draw and they’re super fun. Especially your dnd characters video was really interesting (listening to people ramble abt things they like is my favorite) and I was surprised it had so little likes. So congrats you get a gold star and a peach ring for being cool!
:D!!!!!!! Thank you so much~! How did you know peach rings were my favorite~? Whatever could've given me away? I feel like I've only recently hit my stride with the talky videos, so I'm so glad the overall catalogue passes the Fun Times threshold~
The gold star shall be added to the collection of celestial bodies within the jar, thank you very very much once again.
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yujateaandpi · 6 months ago
Gravity Falls Thirty More Years AU and Art Masterlist
Here's all the pages of the comic in order plus some of the other GF stuff I've made. I'll keep updating this list to make it easy on y'all.
Edit: I have a new tagging system! All asks will be tagged #thirtymoreyearsau without spaces, and all comics and fic updates will be tagged #thirty more years au with spaces. If you want the whole story together, then you can filter using this tag on my account! Filtered link here.
If you like the comic and would like to support it, here’s my tip jar! Donations also appreciated for this family's fundraiser!
Thirty More Years AU Comic:
Page 1
Pages 2 and 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Pages 8 and 9
Page 10
Pages 11 and 12
Pages 13 and 14
Prequel Multiverse Mini Comic
Epistolary Prequel Companion/ Dipper's Diary Entries:
"Dear Mabel, I Miss You"
Answers to Common Questions:
What is the Thirty Years AU?
A Gravity Falls fan story and comic about what would happen if Mabel and Ford both fall into a leftover multiverse rift at the end of summer. They experience a week of silly adventures but return to a world where 30 years have passed and Dipper + co have aged without them. Told as both a comic and a companion fic.
2. How old are the characters?
3. When does the story take place relative to the show?
4. Where's Bill?
5. Where else can I read the comic? Will you distribute it on a site?
Releasing it on my Instagram (but Tumblr gets the pages earlier cause y'all are special). As for releasing it on a site, answer here.
6. How many pages/ how long will the comic approximately be?
Subject to change, but here's my answer for now.
7. How often will you post/ when will you post again?
Here's my answer for now, but if there's delays between posts please don't spam me with questions on when I'll post again. The updates will come when they come and I'm trying to keep this flexible.
8. Is this Drifting Stars AU/ Other Similar AU?
9. Someone's reposting on TikTok/ Other social media! Are you okay with this?
No, and please report them if you can. Answer here.
11. Will you tag me/ make a tag list?
12. Why haven't you answered my question?
13. What art program/ brushes do you use?
Other Fanart
Twin Glare^2
Kitten Sweater
Pines Pines Pines
Happy Birthday Twins
Gravity Falls The Odyssey AU
Sona Shenanigans
Fiddleford to the rescue
mystery trio eizouken
twins in time mini comic
Stan Pines Mini Character Analysis Essays
Apparently I do this a lot, so collecting them in one place:
Poll thots
Rough and tumble little Stanley
Stan Appreciation
that magic 8 ball man…
off topic Billford thots
off topic Fiddleford thots
off topic Fiddlestan thots
off topic Emma May thots
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mcmansionhell · 11 months ago
ode to a faux grecian urn
Howdy everyone,
Today's house, built in 2001, comes to you from, you guessed it, the Chicago suburbs. The house is a testimony to traditional craftsmanship and traditional values (having lots of money.) The cost of painting this house greige is approximately the GDP of Slovenia so the owners have decided to keep it period perfect (beige.) Anyway.
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This 5 bedroom, 7.5 bathroom house clocks in at a completely reasonable 12,700 square feet. If you like hulking masses and all-tile interiors, it could be all yours for the reasonable price of $2.65 million.
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The problem with having a house that is 12,700 square feet is that they have to go somewhere. At least 500 of them were devoted to this foyer. Despite the size, I consider this a rather cold and lackluster welcome. Cold feet anyone?
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The theme of this house is, vaguely, "old stuff." Kind of like if Chuck E Cheese did the sets for Spartacus. Why the dining room is on a platform is a good question. The answer: the American mind desires clearly demarcated space, which, sadly, is verboten in our culture.
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The other problem with a 12,700 square foot house is that even huge furniture looks tiny in it.
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Entering cheat codes in "Kitchen Building Sim 2000" because I spent my entire $70,000 budget on the island.
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Of course, a second sitting room (without television) is warranted. Personally, speaking, I'm team Prince.
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I wonder why rich people do this. Surely they must know it's tacky right? That it's giving Liberace? (Ask your parents, kids.) That it's giving Art.com 75% off sale if you enter the code ROMANEMPIRE.
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Something about the bathroom really just says "You know what, I give up. Who cares?" But this is not even the worst part of the bathroom...
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Not gonna lie, this activates my flight or fight response.
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If you remember Raggedy Ann you should probably schedule your first colonoscopy.
Anyways, that does it for the interior. Let's take a nice peek at what's out back.
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I love mowing in a line. I love monomaniacal tasks that are lethal to gophers.
Alright, that does it for this edition of McMansion Hell. Back to the book mines for me. Bonus posts up on Patreon soon.
If you like this post and want more like it, support McMansion Hell on Patreon for as little as $1/month for access to great bonus content including a discord server, extra posts, and livestreams.
Not into recurring payments? Try the tip jar! Student loans just started back up!
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astonmartinii · 1 year ago
it must be a sign | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x fem deaf! red bull engineer!reader
when the two most unbothered people in the paddock combine their joint powers to be the it couple
request sent by the lovely @bibissparkles xx
author's note: heyyy so many of you won't know but i am actually deaf - i am 50% deaf in both ears and wear hearing aids so i love requests like this! (all i do most of this stuff as a deaf person, turning off your hearing aids >)
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri and 302,446 others
yourusername: you can't complain about the dutch national anthem when you can just turn your hearing aids off
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user1: the way max's engineer is as sick of that damn song as us
user2: turning off her hearing aids makes how bored she looks during podiums make sense
yourusername: it was a banger during the mercedes dominance but would it kill someone to play the australian anthem
danielricciardo: i knew you missed me
yourusername: sure, jan.
user3: her and max signing slay to each other will always be so personal to me
maxverstappen1: gonna pretend you didn't just say that
yourusername: boo hoo babe, you gotta lose something sometimes
user4: babe? are the flowers from max?
maxverstappen1: would rather choke on my own spit and fall into a pit of snakes, hope this helps ❤️
yourusername: rude! i wouldn't want flowers from you either :(
user5: i swear we get into this argument every weekend, i think people will still assume they're together until their married to other people
liamlawson30: stop using me as a messenger pigeon please and thank you
yourusername: but i thought red bull gave you wings?
liamlawson30: do not use a pr answer against me 🤨
yourusername: no comment
liamlawson30: choke.
yourusername: idk what's going on in the red bull junior academy but spit in helmut's coffee not mine
user6: y/n consistently giving all the red bull guys shit is my favourite thing ever
user7: the amount of times the sky broadcast has caught her waving them off or taking her hearing aids out lol
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 782,309 others
oscarpiastri: switched four tyres for two this weekend
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user11: you can't distract us with your slutty bike pics WHO THE FUCK IS THAT
oscarpiastri: yeah i'm pretty sure
landonorris: don't play smart with me buster - why was i not informed?
oscarpiastri: i don't ask to be informed of every time you get rejected in the instagram dms
landonorris: FAKE NEWS
oscarpiastri: okay buddy
user12: i be seeing the sign language book, oscar you are so real for that
user13: that's my king, i need a oscar and y/n link up in the paddock - my unbothered queens
user14: she's in the likes !!!!!!
logansargent: oh we've entered the soft launch phase i see
oscarpiastri: and what?
logansargent: someone is feeling defensive this morning, dude i won't tell i've already kept it a secret for so long
oscarpiastri: he's my childhood best friend?
logansargent: there's levels to this game norris
landonorris: @oscarpiastri consider yourself UNDER SURVEILLANCE
oscarpiastri: okay girly
user15: oscar has the patience of a saint, the mystery gal may want to rethink it before having to deal with them all
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 381,044 others
yourusername: unrelaxed, unbothered, moisturised ✨
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user18: queen SHIT THAT AIN'T SHIT
user19: but this mystery man IS
maxverstappen1: yeah sorry about that... but at least boyfy has made his instagram debut?
yourusername: about time, he's too sexy to gatekeep
maxverstappen1: well i'm not going to agree out of respect for you
yourusername: so you don't think he's sexy? i might not be able to hear but HE CAN MAX BE NICE
maxverstappen1: first of all it's a text, second of all i've been way too nice to him
yourusername: he beat you in padel fair and square you're just SHIT AT IT ❤️
maxverstappen1: you know that's a sore subject WHY WOULD YOU BRING IT UP
user20: my queen was really like you wanna tell me to fuck off? oh here's my sexy boyfriend
user21: jos verstappen really didn't know who he was tangling with that gal may be chill but she doesn't take shit
user22: she's like a female version of oscar lol
user23: i knew there was a reason i liked her
this comment was liked by yourusername
danielricciardo: why am i left out of everything these days?
yourusername: snooze you lose
danielricciardo: I AM AWAKE REPLY TO MY TEXTS
yourusername: protecting my peace
danielricciardo: i'm on to you buster
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 1,209,455 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: overjoyed to get my first (proper) win in formula one and even more overjoyed to have my amazing girlfriend (and even better engineer) up on the podium with me
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user27: so this was the special occasion?
user28: so this is why she said she wanted the australian national anthem over the dutch one?
user29: this is now my roman empire
yourusername: babe is so fucking good and i'm so fucking proud
oscarpiastri: i'm so glad to have been able to share this moment with you
yourusername: you deserve this and more, i love you
oscarpiastri: i love you too xx
user30: wait so oscar knows so much more sign language than i thought
user31: he looked so excited and even mark knows some
logansargent: he forced (we were happy to do so) me, mark and his family to learn as soon as he secured the date lol
oscarpiastri: and now we're all so cool because of it
logansargent: cool and able to chat shit without people knowing what we're saying
yourusername: best bit about it tbf (everyone please learn, it's a beautiful language)
landonorris: I KNEW IT
oscarpiastri: no you didn't
landonorris: no i didn't :( i'm hurt
oscarpiastri: if it's any consolation, we didn't tell many people, max and logan are exceptions
landonorris: WHY WAS I NOT AN EXCEPTION???
yourusername: boo hoo
landonorris: i'm not gonna say anything back to that you kinda scare me
yourusername: good ❤️
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, oscarpiastri and 529,778 others
tagged: maxverstappen1 & oscarpiastri
yourusername: me and a racewinner (and our world champion third wheel)
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user32: fave trio in the paddock no competition
logansargent: logan erasure
yourusername: we love you logan, sunday roast at mine this weekend ❤️
logansargent: SCORE
user33: every time you post there's a new plushie
yourusername: we usually get one to commemorate a big weekend and we both got one for osc's first win
user34: that's so FUCKING CUTE
oscarpiastri: it's all fun and games until you don't fit in the bed because y/n feels too bad to put any of them on the floor
yourusername: they have FEELINGS OSCAR
oscarpiastri: she cried one time when max set off the smoke alarm cooking breakfast and the bed alarm shook so bad that all of them were thrown to the floor
yourusername: it was HARROWING but it also did wake me up so at least we know it works
maxverstappen1: actually my favourite couple to third wheel, but enjoy it while it's here osc, i won't lose again
yourusername: yeah sorry osc it's actually my job to help max win so you're gonna have to wait for him to retire if i have anything to do with it
oscarpiastri: not even for me :(
yourusername: sorry not sorry (i'm really sorry, i love you so much)
oscarpiastri: i love you too even if you won't sabotage max for my race :(
maxverstappen1: okay i know i said you guys are cute but that's enough for today
yourusername: we ARE cute thank you
oscarpiastri: the CUTEST
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note: heheheheh i hope you enjoyed this, i love requests like this xx also on the comment about the bed alarm i had one in uni halls and when the alarm went off that baby SHOOK it was kinda scary
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