#jaques greene
essily · 1 year
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
9k Followers Special
In which Crewel and Crowley somehow manage to destroy the time-space continuum and end up with dozens of mysterious children to care for.
Little do they know that these are (Y/n)'s children from various timelines where she married different NRC students.
Idea by @tickledpink31.
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"By the Great Seven, why are there so many children here?!"
Just as Crewel had set a foot into the headmaster's office, he was immediately overwhelmed by the sudden noise of high-pitched wails and children's screams. A barrage of small children had taken over the office, some running around happily while others destroyed the furniture and knocked over vases. There were more than twenty small children, and the oldest couldn't have been much older than seven years. For a while, Crewel merely remained at the entrance and gaped at the crowd of children.
The papers he had intended to deliver to the headmaster sailed out of his hands and fell to the floor. There was pure chaos going on, and his paper spill had exacerbated the issue even more.
It took the headmaster a while to notice his visitor. He had been busy wrangling his poor top hat away from an especially mischievous fae child. After a little while, the headmaster succeeded and managed to put the mangled hat back on his head. Only then did he give his attention to his colleague by the door frame. "O-Oh, Divus! Come right in! Just make sure to shut the door—" the headmaster announced hastily. "Rook Jr is quite the stealthy one..."
Just then, a blond boy tried to zoom past Crewel, but he managed to grab him by his collar and raise him into the air just in time. The professor eyed the rambunctious boy quizzically. "Rook Jr? Is that you?"
The boy let out a sheepish giggle and even gave him a clumsy salute. Somehow, he seemed unbothered by the way he was held into the air. "Aye, monsieur! Maman loved to call me that as well— But my name is actually Philippe. I am the proud protector of my siblings!" he announced proudly and raised his nose upwards.
"Oi, stupid Philippe, as if you were responsible enough to protect Jaques and Laure!" The female voice came from below the professor, and he indeed found a young girl — she shared similar features with Philippe — tugging at his expensive coat. "I, Noelïe, am the protector of the Hunt family!" she corrected and saluted much more properly.
After Crewel had made sure that the door was locked properly behind him, he lowered Philippe to the floor again and removed his grasp from his collar. Without wasting another second, an enraged Philippe stormed over to Noelïe, and they began brawling on the floor.
"Oh my, quarreling siblings..." Crewel watched helplessly as they rolled away.
"Well," Crowley trailed off sheepishly, "at least Umbra and Solis get along better..." His finger pointed to a pair of twins by the other end of the room. Each of the siblings, a boy and a girl, possessed the strange feature of winding, black horns — and not to forget, pointed ears. They wore expensive gowns in the shades of green and black, befit of royals.
"Look, Umbra!" the boy cried out and held out a picture frame to his sister. "I found this floating portrait of the grand witch that Grandpa Lilia always talks about!"
"Oh my, let's show him! I'm sure he has more stories to tell!" Without another word, Umbra had taken the frame out of her brother's hand and was now on the move to another corner of the room. It looked like they really were searching for something with how they lifted up the sofa with their magic, only to lower it to the floor again when they only found dust and cobwebs.
"Where did all these children come from, Dire?"
"I don't know!" Crowley exclaimed and threw his hands into the air. "The heavens must have seen my boredom and blessed me with these adorable bundles of joy—"
"Wait," Crewel interrupted and inspected his boss more closely, "your coat is missing a few feathers—" Indeed, there were gaping holes here and there.
A pained sigh escaped the headmaster's lips as he pointed to a girl with lion ears. She sat on his desk chair and was happily munching away on dozens of black crow feathers. "Ah... yes... the little lioness over there likes them. Ouch, who knew that such ferocity could be hidden behind such an adorable face..." The headmaster buried his face in his gloved hands and began mourning for his poor, tattered gown.
When Crewel turned his gaze to the desk chair again, he realised that it was empty. Instead, he soon found a weight clinging to his left leg. "Sir, do you want to play with me? Play with me, please! Let's play hunting, okay?" A look downwards revealed that the little lion-girl was smiling up at him toothily. "I'll give you a head start, and then you run away as fast as you can? I'll chase you once the time's up! I promise I'm really good at it! My cousin Cheka says I'm the fastest predator he knows, even faster than my daddy!"
"Oh my, what might your name be?" Crewel asked in amusement and ruffled her hair.
"Aria! The fiercest lioness in the entire Afterglow Savannah!" she exclaimed proudly and drummed her hands against her chest, like a seasoned warrior. "No one can scare me! Not even my mommy when she yells at me to eat my vegetables."
The corners of the professor's lips quirked up into an amused smile. "Adorable."
His remark drew a little hiss from her lips, accompanied by an offended scowl. "I'm not adorable! Rawr!" she yelled out, although her roar was more similar to a cute mewl. When she realised that she hadn't intimidated him, she crossed her arms and stalked away to her friends, also beast-children. "Dandelion, you're the fastest hyena I know! Cereus, you're the strongest wolf I know! Come play hunting with me!"
The hyena-girl let out a little snicker before she darted away with nimble feet. "Shishishi, you'll never catch me, princess!" Then, she disappeared within the crowd of other children, never to be seen again.
"I'll show you two how to roar properly after this!" the wolf-boy teased before he also made his grand escape. Without an issue, he lunged over a tall bookshelf and disappeared behind it.
Now that he was free again, Crewel turned his pressing gaze to his boss again and put his hands on his hips. "Alright, Dire, so where did these children really come from? And don't you dare tell me that the stork delivered them to you."
"I don't know." Crowley merely shrugged. "They appeared after I accidentally destroyed the time-space continuum."
"You what—" Crewel spluttered out in horror.
The headmaster raised his hands into the air and shot his colleague the most calming smile he could muster. "I swear, I didn't mean to! It was all just an unfortunate accident... But you know, a wise man once said that there were no mistakes, only happy accidents! And can you believe it? Now we're surrounded by adorable, little children—" The happy grin on his lips disappeared, and he soon rushed over to a duo of children by the window. "Wait, Anemone! Don't bite your cousin like that!"
Anemone let out a low growl and bared her sharp teeth at the boy next to her. "But Nemo took my toy without asking!" she wailed when the culprit wouldn't pay her any attention. With unmatched vigour, she shook her head left and right, causing the mop of blue hair on her head to become a wild mane.
Nemo merely let out a little giggle and held the toy out to her. "I just wanted to show you a cool trick, Anemone!" he said happily and opened up the golden shell toy to reveal a glistening pearl. "Here, look!"
An awe-struck look appeared on Anemone's face, and she immediately ceased her crying.
"Wow—" Another child appeared by the cousins' side, a confident girl that wore a thick pair of black glasses. As she looked at the toy in fascination, she pushed her glasses up and let a sure smile appear on her lips. "That really is cool, but I know another trick! I can show you, if you want to!"
"Really? Ursula, show us!" Nemo cried out.
Anemone nodded along eagerly and held the toy out to the silver-haired girl. "Hurry up, Ursula!"
"I see what you mean with adorable now, Dire," the professor began and chuckled to himself. Yet, his moment of appreciation was short-lived when he turned to the headmaster to find him being mauled by the lion-girl Aria again. "But still, what are we supposed to do with all these children? Have you found a way to send them back home yet?"
"No, and I've tried really, really hard, believe me," Crowley began after the vicious predator had tired of him playing dead. He rose from the floor and dusted his tattered coat off, a giant smile on his lips. "But why send them back when I can just open a nursery with them? Just imagine, Divus! Night Raven Nursery? How does that sounds? I, for once, love it!"
"Have you gone entirely mad? We can barely handle the older students, as is, with all these overblots going on—" Crewel cried out in disbelief. "And you want to have small, helpless children nearby?"
"They can protect themselves, no?" Crowley rolled his eyes and pointed to a group of children by his coffee table. "Tell him, Rose!" The headmaster beckoned the girl over, and she at once appeared by his side.
The red-haired girl grabbed the alchemy professor by his hand and led him over to the coffee table, which was full with steaming tea-cups and cookies. She let out a little giggle before she took her seat again. "Grandpa Divvy! You're finally here— Do you want to join our tea party?" The girl patted the empty seat next to her. "My daddy always throws tea parties, as well— with all of his friends! But oh well, mine are so much more fun than his! Who wants to follow all these strange rules about how to drink your tea? You can drink your tea however you want to at my parties! If you want to add salt instead of sugar, go for it!"
The boy with orange hair, seated next to her, let out a hum of agreement. "I love salty tea! Way better than sugary sweet..." he exclaimed while pushing strands of hair out of his face. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips, and he gave a peace-sign to the baffled professor.
"Don't mind Anthony and his strange tastes... He got it from his father," a girl at the table said and let out a little giggle. Without wasting any time, she had skilfully poured tea into an empty cup and now held it out to the professor. She urged him to take it when he wouldn't, otherwise. "Here, have some tea, mister! I would usually hand you some cake to go along with it, but Grandpa Crow said that he doesn't have any."
Finally, Crewel took the cup and dared a little sip. "And who might you be?" he asked when she handed him a cookie and some sugar cubes for his tea.
"I'm Madeleine! Mommy always says I'm as sweet as madeleines, hehe. And Daddy always says my eyes are the same colour as perfectly baked madeleines." Her eyes shone proudly as she took another sip from her tea. "You should come by our bakery someday, Grandpa Divvy! It's been a long while since you've visited us. There's tons of new cakes on our menu that Daddy wants you to try!"
"Grandpa Divvy?" he repeated the nickname in confusion. "How peculiar..."
The professor was ripped out of his thoughts when the sound of crying reached his ears. He turned his gaze to the sobbing boy who had sought refuge in the soothing arms of Madeleine. A motherly look flashed across her face as she cradled the weeping boy in her arms. "Oh my, Bernard... why are you crying?" she asked and stroked his soft hair.
"Eris is being mean to me again!" he yelled out and pointed to another red-haired girl at the table.
"Really?" Madeleine asked softly. "What did she say?"
"She told me that I would never become a magical enforcement officer like my father!"
Eris rolled her eyes at the accusation and threw her velvety hair over her shoulder. "I didn't say it like that, you idiot," she grumbled under her breath. "I only said that it's very hard to become one! So you need to work a lot and give it your all!"
Bernard's face hardened in determination, and he finally stopped crying. "Well, I will work hard!"
A look of relief flashed across Madeleine's face, and she removed her arms from around the young boy with bright blue eyes. "See? Now you two troublemakers play nicely with each other," she cooed and nudged him towards Eris again, who welcomed him with a playful punch to his shoulder. The sight caused Madeleine to shake her head in amusement. "Oh my, even worse than my own siblings..."
Now that the children were busy playing tea party again, Crewel was allowed to return to the only other adult in the room. "Hm... Dire?" he called out when he found his colleague to be busy handling a large group of children.
Crowley was being climbed on by an endless amount of children. They were giggling and laughing as they were put to the floor again, only to resume their climbing fun. "Yes? Pardon me, I was busy dealing with all these Al-Asim children... There's a bunch of them! They are never-ending!" Crowley let out a little wail when one of the younger siblings began fiddling with his mask. "At least little Zahra is there to calm them down when things get a little bit too hectic."
All the children began rejoicing at once. "Zahra is our bestest friend!" they cried out together and rushed over to the older girl nearby.
She welcomed them with open arms and hugged them all in what seemed like an overwhelming group-hug. A genuinely happy smile decorated her face as she exclaimed, "Aww, I love you guys, too! Everyone of you: Malik, Fatima, Aamira, Ibrahim—"
"See? Never-ending," Crowley remarked, chuckling under his breath. Then, he turned away from the children and focused his entire attention on his colleague. "Now, what is it you needed from me, Divus?"
"Have you noticed the way all of these children address us as their grandfathers? Isn't that peculiar?"
"Well, there is a simple explanation for that—"
"Grandpa Divvy? H-Have you seen my mommy? I... I really miss her!" a little girl with flaming blue hair interjected. Tears stung in the corners of her eyes as she extended her arms out to him, wishing to he picked up. The professor reluctantly did so and cradled her in his arms when she began sniffing. "She wanted to read me some bed time stories— my favourite, even! Do you know the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice? Can you read it to me?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't know where your mother could be," Crewel muttered and tilted his head at her. "But now, on closer look... You really do look like (Y/n)."
At that, Crowley broke out into a loud bout of laughter. "Haven't you noticed yet, Divus? All of them look like (Y/n)!" By then, he was wiping the tears from his eyes. "And each of them also shares traits with some other students here at Night Raven College. Do you see that tall boy over there? I swear I've seen someone with blond hair and purple tips around campus before..."
The boy he spoke of stood next to a much smaller girl. A little pout graced her lips as she handed him a hair tie and pointed to her lavender-shade locks. "Konrad... Can you braid my hair, please? The braids opened up when I helped my daddy on the farm earlier..." she muttered and clasped her hands together adorably.
"Of course, Daisy." The blond boy smiled softly and urged her to turn around. With the utmost of care, he ran his fingers through her messy hair and unwinded even the most stubborn knots. "Would you like a French braid, or a fishtail braid... or perhaps we could try out a pull-through braid?"
"Oh— I'd like a French braid! My mommy isn't all that good at braiding, sadly. But she always tries her best!" An enthusiastic grin graced her lips as Konrad went to work with skilful and nimble fingers. After a while, an adorable snort escaped her lips, and she added, "But you should see my daddy try to braid my hair... He is always so impatient and gives up within a minute."
Konrad and Daisy broke out into a fit of giggles.
"Well, I love braiding hair! I wish I could braid my dad's hair, but he's always so busy with his job..." Konrad muttered under his breath and exhaled softly. "At least Mom always allows me to braid her hair, even if hers isn't as glossy and smooth as Dad's—"
The two were interrupted by a boy having snuck up on them and yelling, "Boo!" A grin appeared on his lips when the two children began screaming. The fear on their lips soon transformed into utter frustration, especially once they realised that the half-done braid had opened up again. The mischievous boy merely shot them a large grin, his sharp front teeth sticking out. He also possessed pointy ears and shaggy black hair, where little tufts of hair stuck out on each side. "Did I scare you?"
The headmaster let out an exasperated sigh and scolded, "Ciaran, don't go scaring others like that! People might start crying or—"
He was interrupted by a slap, its echo bouncing around in the office. Surprised, he realised that sweet and adorable Daisy had marched up to Ciaran and had whacked him over the head angrily. "Oi, take that, you stupid fae!" she yelled and began growling like a feral dog.
A series of whimpers escaped Ciaran's trembling lips. "Ouch..." He held his head in pain and watched in shock as Daisy marched back to Konrad, smiling innocently as if nothing had happened. Konrad patted her on the shoulder before beginning to braid her hair anew.
"—or they might take revenge... and then you'll start crying..." Crowley finished and shook his head in disbelief.
At once, a gentle human girl appeared by the side of the wounded fae child. She tucked her silver-coloured hair behind her ears before she soothingly whispered, "Hey, don't cry... Where does it hurt?" Her voice was as soft as expected, probably even able to lull the wildest of beasts to sleep.
Ciaran let out a series of sniffles. "She hit me here, Chimere..." He pointed to the red mark on his forehead.
Chimere smiled gently and took his hand into hers. "You don't need to cry... Adam and I are here for you," she cooed, and at her command, a green-haired boy with slightly pointed ears appeared by her side.
A confident grin appeared on Adam's face as he yelled out, "Yes! Don't cry!" The volume of his voice was so loud that he managed to outyell every other child in the office. He gave Ciaran's hand an empathetic squeeze. "It will go away!"
"Now my ears hurt..." Ciaran complained, yet smiled at his two friends.
Crewel, who had been in deep thought until now, let out a drawn-out sigh after having analysed the faces of the last three children. "You're right, Dire... They all look like (Y/n)..." he admitted woefully and cast his gaze at the ground. "You say that you destroyed the space-time continuum, right? Could that mean that these are various timelines where (Y/n)—"
"—married a different student here at Night Raven College and had children? Yes, absolutely! That's the only logical explanation," Crowley finished while picking up a tired Aria into his lap.
"Ah... I hate it here..." Crewel huffed in disappointment. "To think that my adopted darling child would marry one of these dirty street dogs..."
Crowley, however, waved him off and began laughing happily instead. "Hey, don't be so pessimistic, Divus! I love it here..." A blissful sigh escaped his lips when Aria had finally fallen asleep in his lap, softly breathing and cuddling up against his destroyed jacket. "Lots of grandchildren for me, (Y/n)'s other adoptive dad. And who else would be better at playing babysitter than me? Oh, this is simply paradise..."
"Excuse me?" it came from outside the office. "Headmaster Crowley, are you in there?"
Crowley froze in fear. "O-Oh— don't come in, please. I'm very busy right now!" he cried out nervously.
"It's me, (Y/n). It's an emergency! Grim climbed onto a tree and doesn't know how to get dowm now!" In your desperation, you had pushed the door open and marched inside, initially not even noticing the many children. You rushed over to the headmaster and clasped your hands together. "Please, he's been crying for the last hour already... and nothing we've tried so far works—" It was only when a child curiously tugged at your blazer that you realised how the room was filled to the brim with children. By then, they were all silently staring at you in awe.
"Uh... You must be wondering why there are so many children here..." Crowley trailed off and shot you a sheepish smile.
"Yes, indeed." You furrowed your eyebrows when all the children began flocking to your side. "Where did these guys come from?"
Crewel rubbed his temples in exhaustion. "Well, it's a long story—"
He was interrupted by a sudden return of the screaming and wailing from earlier, now tenfold worse. In a united chorus, all the children yelled out, "Mommy! Mommy!" Small and chubby hands were grabbing you wherever they could, even toppling you over and sending you falling to the floor.
"I missed you, Mommy!" someone screamed from your left.
From your right, someone yelled, "Mommy, can we finally go home now?"
The masses around you blurred into one big mess. "Help!" you cried out as you were hugged and squeezed by more children than you could count.
"Oh no," Crewel muttered, furrowing his eyebrows. "We have to help (Y/n), Dire!"
However, Crowley merely shook his head woefully. "I don't think we can, Divus. It would be impossible to tear a child from their mother— even more so when its dozens of little brats." The worried frown on his face soon turned into a enormous smile, and another heavenly sigh escaped his lips. By then, his eyes were basically the shape of hearts as he stared at the children in delight. "Well, what a grand opportunity to have met all of my lovely grandchildren! I should destroy the time-space continuum more often."
Crewel rolled his eyes. "Please don't..."
The screaming and yelling soon became unanimous — and you could somehow discern them yelling, "Mommy, I love you!"
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
2.1k / stepdad!Joel x fem!Reader /Stepdad
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Warnings: I8+ mdni. Stepcest (reader is aggressor but he's a perv), big girthy age gap, groping, grinding, jacking off, oral m receiving, angst. Picks up after All Recipes. 🦃 Nothing has happened with the Mom, so ignore that hypothetical drabble.
When you get to the theater, Joel reaches over you to get his glasses out of the glovebox and the stretch of his shrunken sleeve makes you reach out and touch his ungodly tricep.  He ignores the touch, puts his glasses on, and puts the case back in the glovebox.  Inside, the manager changes the tickets for you.  You pick the back row, prompting a cautionary look from Joel. 
Your Mom notices the casserole is off-recipe as soon as she looks at it, and she's not happy.  You glance sympathetically at Joel.  He resists the urge to bring up how she wouldn’t tell him where the recipes were, sparing you a tense car ride to Thanksgiving at your Aunt’s house.
In the car, your Mom asks, “Did you buy the movie tickets, Joel?” and you tell her you got them on Fandango.  It’s a tradition for the three of you to go to a movie on Thanksgiving, largely so you can have a set time to leave the family gathering, which will otherwise drag on forever. On the way to your aunt’s house, Your Mom wants a recap of the whole Hunger Games franchise since it’s been eight years since the last one came out in 2015. You do your best and Joel stays quiet.  She picked the movie. 
You and Joel haven’t talked at all since this morning when you kissed for the first time in the kitchen. He avoids you for most of the meal, but when he does look at you, he’s looking at you differently.  His eyes are pensive, concerned, but his brow is softer. It's like a puppy dog look.
An uncle asks if you’re seeing anyone, and you say “kind of.”  The corner of Joel’s mouth twitches.  When they press for more details, you tell them you might have a date this weekend and his face hardens.
“Is he handsome?” Your aunt asks. 
“I think the term is ‘hot’ now,” Your uncle corrects her.  “Is he hot? Can we see him?” He elbows Joel like he should get in on the teasing. Joel musters half a smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. 
You pull up your tinder match’s profile and let them take a peek.  
“Oooh,” your aunt says. “He is handsome.  Jacques. . . is he French?” 
Joel takes a sip of his drink, then glares out the window and chews his cheeks.  The glass in his hand shatters under the pressure of his fist, covering his shirt in iced tea and making two of your aunts spring into action to help. 
“Joel,” your Mom says.  “No, no,” the hosting aunt responds.  "These are too delicate. I just broke one the other day.” None of it got on the table.  Your aunts take him to the kitchen to clean him up.  Meanwhile, you try to explain to your uncle what tinder is.  Joel returns to the table wearing only his shrunken undershirt and pants, looking somewhat humiliated and smoking hot.
On the way to the movie theater, your Mom gets an emergency call, and Joel suggests rescheduling for a later time so she can come, but she isn’t sure when she’ll be available.  You already have the tickets, and she insists the two of you drop her off at home and go ahead without her. She’ll join if she can.  Joel looks distressed at the prospect of going alone with you. 
"Kiss and make up already," your Mom says on her way out of the car, referring to the argument she walked in on earlier about his shrunken clothes. 
When you move up to the driver’s seat, he says “Don’t get any ideas.”  
“We should see the new Exorcist instead,” you say. 
“What if she tries to join?”
“She’s not going to.” He knows you’re right. “Come on,” you plead.  “It’s David Gordon Green.”
“Alright, if it’s still playin'.” 
He clenches his jaw in silence for a minute, glaring at the road ahead, then asks “What’s this about Jaques? You really have a date or just tryin’ to fuck with me?”
"What, if you can't have me no one can? That's fucked up."
He sighs, exasperated. "No shit.".
“We’ve had this conversation,” you continue. "When you got all pissy about that pic being on insta?”
“Yeah, and you deleted the pic."
“Doesn't mean you were right, I was just using it to get you to jack off. “
"God, you're filthy."
"So yeah, maybe I'll go out with him. If you won’t touch me, can't expect no one else to."
"Touched ya this mornin’, didn’t I?” He raises his eyebrows and looks at you cockily. 
When you get to the theater, he reaches over you to get his glasses out of the glovebox and the stretch of his short sleeve makes you reach out and touch his ungodly tricep.  He ignores the touch, puts his glasses on, and puts the case back in the glovebox.  Inside, the manager changes the tickets for you.  You pick the back row, prompting a cautionary look from Joel. 
You raise the armrest and he lowers it between you again. The theater is cold and he’s freezing in his undershirt and slacks, but it’s the hottest combination, especially with his glasses.  When his nipples harden from the cold, you reach over and grab his pec. He gives you a side-eye but lets you massage him for a minute before he takes your hand and puts it on your side of the armrest.  You grab his hand while it’s there and place it on your lower thigh near your knee.  He swallows and shifts in his seat but doesn’t resist.  He stares straight ahead.  He lightly caresses your thigh over your leggings.  
When you move his hand higher up on your thigh, to the hem of your sweater dress,he gives your thigh a brief squeeze before taking his hand back.  He adjusts himself in his pants  then puts his elbows on each armrest, clasping his large hands in front of his stomach and staring straight ahead at the movie.
You leave him alone for a while, then slip your hand under his arm and into his lap, squeezing his thigh. You lean in as close to him as you can. He inhales sharply and doesn't do anything about it. You work your way higher and higher on his thigh until your wrist brushes his hardening cock, flooding you with arousal. You keep your hand on his thigh, rubbing it in a way that rubs your wrist on his package. You feel it getting firmer and it's driving you crazy.  
"Not doin' this," he whispers.
"What?" You stop moving your hand but don't take it away.
"Back of the theater like a couple'a teenagers."  That's what he says. . . but what you hear is we can do it somewhere else. 
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows and he slowly, regretfully returns your hand to your side, taking his arm back right away this time. You behave for the rest of the movie.
On the ride home, you ask him to stop by your apartment so you can get something. You keep your hands to yourself as he drives. You're getting a new TV on black friday and want to bring your current one to your room at their house. When he parks, you ask him to come in and help you carry it.
He walks into the living room and you say "make yourself at home, I've gotta unhook everything." 
He manspreads on your couch while you bend over and make no effort to be modest as you unhook the cables.  You turn around and he's brazenly staring at your ass, holding his massive hand on his inner thigh. He watches you with puppy dog eyes as you stand up and cautiously approach him.  He slowly rubs his inner thigh and wets his lips.  He makes no effort to stop you from climbing into his lap and even moves his hand to make room for you to straddle him.  Your crotch goes straight to his, and you cradle his head with your thumbs in front of his ears.  You read his face and it’s open.  You press your lips into his. He closes his eyes and opens his mouth, feeding you his tongue as his large hands come to your back.  
You roll your hips into his hardening cock. His hands slide down your back to your ass and he grunts into your mouth as he pulls you into him, using your crotch to rub his hard package. You dip your tongue into his mouth and he accepts it hungrily with light suction. Your mouths make love to each other and you softly moan into each other’s lips as you breathe through your nose and grind into him. 
Your clit throbs and your cunt begs to be filled. He wedges his hand under you, between your legs, engulfing your entire crotch.  He slides the hand back and grabs at your ass from underneath you, his middle finger pushing your leggings slightly into your crack.  Then he rubs all the way forward again from your lips to your clit with a deep breath.  His middle finger ghosts your entrance and he groans at the dampness of your leggings. 
You break away from his mouth and reach your wrists around his arm in his lap, leaving his hand between your legs, stroking you, as you  unbutton his slacks. You rise up and pull down his zipper.  He nudges your breast with his nose, then drags it across your dress to your other breast.  You  reach your hand into his pants, groping him through his boxers with your fingers pointed down and your palm hits the damp spot from his tip.  Then you slip your hand into his boxers and break the kiss to whimper into his mouth as you move the warm, smooth skin of his shaft and he ghosts your clit over your leggings. You wrap your hand around his shaft in an upright fist and sit back down on his thighs. 
Joel murmurs into your cheek, “this is dangerous, sweetheart.  Bein’ alone like this.” He reaches down between you and frees his cock from his boxers, then pulls your crotch into him and moans as the soft shape of your lips cradle his shaft through your damp leggings.  As you grind into him, you watch his face and his brow furls. 
“I know you want it,” you pant and his mouth latches onto your neck. 
His hand wraps around yours.  He pries your fingers off his cock and takes it in his own hand. Then he slides his hand into your leggings and gathers  your slick to lube himself.  He starts stroking his stiff member feverishly.  You’re miffed that he wants to come already.
“What are you doing?” you ask. 
“Told you, this is dangerous, sweetheart.”
“Well at least let me do it.”  You dismount him and get on the floor between his knees. He sighs and looks straight up at the ceiling as you take his cock back into your hand.  You form a broken ring round his lower shaft with your thumb and two fingers, then you bring your head to his lap and suck the tip of his cock into your mouth, followed by most of his shaft.  
“Fuck,” he exclaims, startled by your mouth. “Use your hand,” he pants. “Just your hand,” he trails off weakly, his eyes drifting downward toward you.  You try to make eye contact with him and he looks back up at the ceiling.  “HAND,” he demands.
You take it out of your mouth to ask why.
“‘Cause I’ll never stop seein’ this, damnit.” You begrudgingly use your hand. 
He sucks in a chest full of air and his thighs tremble like he’s about to come.  
“Can I swallow it or do you want it all over your clothes?” 
After a few more strokes, you take him into your mouth again and he shoots his salty load into the back of your throat. 
His arms look ready to burst through his t-shirt as he carries your tv to the car. You drive in silence, looking out the window. 
Then you wonder out loud, "What if we just fucked? Would that be so bad?" 
He looks at you as though to say come on, but you raise your eyebrows inquisitively. 
He says, "Okay, let's play it out." He clears his throat. "We fuck, then what?"
"We fuck again."
He rolls his eyes.  "Okay, but what happens?"
"We fuck again, and again, and we keep fucking" 
"Christ," he exhales, then adjusts himself. "I'm tryin' to have an adult conversation here." 
“Okay,” you say.  “How’s your marriage?”
“How do you think? You’ve known her your whole life.”  He looks at you like you did something wrong. “Don’t ask me that.” 
“How’s it an adult conversation if I can’t ask any questions?”
He groans in frustration.  
It's silent for a few minutes.  When you look over at him, he has his hand on his mouth.  He’s tearing up.  “This is fucked up,” he says weakly, then takes a deep breath. "We can't keep on like this."
As always, thank you so much for your support and engagement <3
Special ty to @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog for getting me over the hump on my roadblock <3<3<3
All Joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @blackvelveteen1339   @manazo @wolvesandvampires  @taeslarityy @str84pedro @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname @weddingfairy 
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staticsnowfall · 4 months
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balanchine’s “jewels”
“the ballet had nothing to do with jewels. the dancers are just dressed like jewels.” — george balanchine
considered the first full length abstract ballet, jewels consists of three acts: emeralds, rubies, and diamonds.
each jewel has a different choreographic technique, costuming style, and composer assigned. all costumes are designed by the renowned designer, barbara karinska.
first, is emeralds, in the elegant and romantic french style, wearing long green tutus and intricate bodices, with composition by gabriel fauré. the middle act is rubies, in the flamboyant and acrobatic neoclassical style, dancers clad in vibrant red ensembles inspired by the american jazz movement, with composition by igor stravinsky. finally, comes diamonds, in the classic and precise russian technique, donning majestic and pristine white tutus, with composition by pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky.
jewels was inspired by the collection of new york city jeweler claude arpels, which balanchine had admired. pearls, black diamonds, and sapphires were also considered for additional or replacement acts, but ultimately balanchine settled on the renowned triptych of acts known today — because in his opinion, those gems were too difficult to stage.
jewels premiered on thursday, april 13th, 1967, at the then new york state theatre on the upper west side of manhattan. the roles were ultimately choreographed for the abilities of the original starring cast — emeralds featured mimi paul and violette verdy, rubies with patricia mcbride, patricia neary, and edward villella, and diamonds closed with a pas de deux between suzanne farrell and jaques d’amboise.
the choreography, costuming, and music come together to create a ballet akin to a concerto or set of modern paintings. with no set plot, the idea of different jewels only serves to connect the three acts of drastically different styles of dance, costuming, and music. the meaning can be interpreted to be anything the viewer desires. ultimately, it is a display of great achievement by the artists of the new york city ballet, and a pinnacle of balanchine’s intricate choreographic standard.
choreo. by george balanchine, costumes by barbara karinska, photography by martha swope; 1967
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fallowtail · 4 months
Rules: Answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Tagged by @alexisrosemullens! Was surprised to see there are two different versions of this going around lol
Favourite colour: Warm browns & mustard yellows & yellowish-khaki greens, also feeling kind of fond of muted oranges lately
Last song listened to: Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell
Currently reading: Fun Home by Allison Bechdel and listening to the audiobook of Redwall by Brian Jaques, I'm relistening to all of the series in chronological order and it's very funny to get to the first book that is written fairly differently from all the others after having gone through a decent chunk of ones written much later on and seeing how much the worldbuilding and lore changed.
Currently watching: Season four of Devious Maids
Currently craving: Lo Mein from the place in the mall specifically because they always give me a disproportionate amount of meat and I love them for it
Coffee or Tea: Neither....I really only like a few types of iced tea but I very strongly dislike all forms of regular tea and hate all coffee haha
Not gonna tag anyone for this one but if you see it: do it
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Scenes we'd like to see as Ace Attorney characters part 3
Rip Mock the Week, we'll miss you
Blaise Debeste: You know what, I might just go and dig a big hole to get over the stress of my wife's disappearance.
Karin Jenson: The cause of death was the Autopsy. Turns out he was alive when he came in 
Simon Keyes: Everybody on the floor! Ah I didn't say Simon says! 
Luke Atmey: Hello, we’re the fashion police, let me see the body. Ooh! Blue with green? He deserved to die.
Ben Woodman: I love you lots. Let's see what Trilo thinks of you. Trilo: DIE BITCH 
Pal Meraktis: I’ve looked at your x-ray and I don’t quite know how to say this…there’s a big skeleton living in your body.
Jaques Portsman: Your Honour, that beard makes you look really gay
Raymond Shields: Well, you have to hand it to relay runners, don’t you? Get it?
Aristotle Means: In a jurisdiction navigating the labyrinthine interplay of evolving sociocultural norms, systemic inequities, and jurisprudential doctrine, how should the legal apparatus conscientiously balance the imperatives of punitive deterrence- How's your lucky pencil case now??? 
Turner Gray: The good news is can save your leg, but the bad news is I can’t save the rest of you
Lotta Hart: The public have spoken, and they've said that I suck. 
Tyrell Badd: Two inches to the left and that bullet would've gone through your eyeball. But as is, it went through your other eyeball 
Horace Knightly: Do I have permission to take the shot? No? Oh yeah I’m supposed to be protecting the president, I forgot.
Paul Atishon: I understand that people are worried about schools and hospitals but what you don’t understand is I don't give a shit
Part 2 is here. I can't find part 1 sorry :(
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ede917 · 1 month
This took up most of my morning and my hand is starting to cramp.
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So this is basically all of the self inserts that I made in any real detail. I really want to write actual stories about these guys but I am a terrible writer and it's hard to work up the motivation. I'm getting close for some of them and hopefully this will push me enough to get into it.
As for who they are: from left to right we have
• Eden Justice Pearl (Steven Universe)
• Prince Cailan Theirin (Dragon Age)
• Godaime Kazekage Sunamaru (Naruto)
• Chairman Jaque Sinclair (Pokémon)
• Vice Chancellor Ernest Burns (Yugioh)
• Overlord Capper Dubois (Hazbin Hotel)
In the background we have my lantern self inserts, which some of you might recognize if you see my other content on this blog. I didn't notice until I was writing this but I actually messed up the order of the lanterns.
From left to right
• Red Lantern (Young Justice)
• Yellow Lantern (Justice League Unlimited)
• Orange Lantern (Gods and Monsters)
• Green Lantern (My Adventures With Superman)
• Blue Lantern (Justice League Dark)
• Indigo Lantern (Mortal Kombat)
• Violet Lantern (Teen Titans)
(All lanterns are named David Alaric)
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cjlothecastle · 3 months
brat radio
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broadcasted like on june 7th 2024 on cjlo 1690 am in montreal
full episode here ;;; full pllaylist here
three very cool remixs not on s*****
the party - justice puppy - doss pop the glock (mirwais pop remix) - uffie girl, so confusing - charli xcx xxx  contest - ravenna golden  exceptional - cadence weapon, jaques green if god didnt want us to snort worms he wouldntve made them cyclindrical - MIMIDEATH angels in tibet (kaytranada remix) - amaarae SHH - BAMBII the 360 remix with robyn and yung lean - charli xcx spin that record babe - awwful wild n sweet (paul woolford’s special request remix) - jam city, empress of no shade - myst milano ode to a chilean cucharita (plantasia remix) - mort garson, gucho mean girls - charli xcx xxx somebody else’s baby (margo XS remix) - gia woods, margo XS  miss america - harmony clouds (BASECK remix) - namasenda, BASECK bring wet cunt - zheani BITCH YOU COULD NEVER - yseult  xxx check 1 (GRRL remix) - umru, tommy cash, 645AR, GRRL pop princess - rylo soulbreaker - a g cook harvest heartbreak - horsegiirL, BAUGRUPPE90 x-periencia - panteros666, neggy gemmy i didnt just come here to dance (DJ ESPORTS NXC remix) - carly rae jepsen, DJ ESPORTS xxx black rum - cake pop LLTB (glimji remix) - jam city, wet, glimji ferrari - alice gas ALL NIGHTER - toxique waste VYZEE - SOPHIE xxx club classics (petal supply’s dance all night mix) - charli xcx, petal supply black ferrari (club mix) - neggy gemmy lightning lipgloss life - life slim girl party - MGNA carta
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unrealcorvus · 7 months
bottles of darvocet by unreal corvus
star trek, batman, outer limits bewitched, jaques cousteau, gomer pyle
mama says her head hurts lying in the dark boys play quiet and dogs don't you bark mama so big so fierce and so strong lays in bed all weekend long bottles of darvocet in her top drawer daddy's a doctor so there'll always be more
there's no light except the tv shining on my little brother and me billy feed your brother, that's my little man gave him a sandwich of mayonnaise and jam bottles of darvocet in her top drawer daddy's a doctor so there'll always be more
sea hunt, f-troop, the invaders green acres, get smart, my three sons
everyone's sleeping now leaving just me alone with my playmates that live on teevee the enterprise wooshed and the bat logo twirled living at the bottom of a tiny dark world bottles of darvocet in her top drawer daddy's a doctor so there'll always be more
third rail memory in an old man's head carry it with me until i am dead i can still picture that tv in my mind watched by a part of me left behind bottles of darvocet in her top drawer daddy was a doctor so there always was more
flipper, lost in space, bonanza gilligan's island, wild kingdom, mr. Ed
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU: Robyn's Election Party
Sneaking out of Atlas to go to a party might not have been one of Oz's best ideas ever, on reflection. Especially since said party wasn't in a very good part of Mantle and several of them would probably make good targets themselves.
Weiss and Winter probably shouldn't have come, but when they learned that Oz was going they had tagged along. Of course, Oz was mostly going because Oscar wanted to, but neither of the Schnee siblings seemed very comfortable letting him out of their sight right now.
He sighed, frustrated at that. Yes... he had been a kidnapped child once, but that was a very long time ago. The possibility that the same group even still existed was vanishingly small, it wasn't like they could snatch him again. Besides, he was far from the helpless ten year old he had once been, he could look after himself! No, the worry was that the girls were so obviously Schnee's... but then they were both hunters, too. It wasn't like Willow Schnee was going, after all.
"Oz... what's wrong?" Oscar asked, picking up on his mood.
"It is just that... Winter and Weiss will make very tempting targets to certain members of the audience, I fear. They're Schnee's and Jaques Schnee is, well, Jaques Schnee."
"... so are you. I'm not sure any of you three should be going, but here we are."
"At least we all have hunters licences." Oz sighed again. "Hopefully that will be enough. I just fear that something is likely to happen, after all, Atlas is next on Salem's list. Chaos is what she thrives on. Chaos brings fear and fear brings the Grimm."
None of the others really had anything to say about that, but at least they were almost there.
The guard on the door scanned over the group in disinterest, though his gaze sharpened slightly on noting Winter in her Atlas military uniform and Weiss in her typical outfit, especially since both of them were armed.
"No entry for Schnee's with weapons."
"We're not here to attack anyone!" Winter was quick to assure them. "But we're huntresses, we need to be armed in case something goes wrong. NONE of us want my father to win this seat, you can be certain of that."
The guard sighed. "Wait here, I need to go and talk to a few people. No funny business, Schnees."
When he returned it was in the company of Robyn Hill herself, who scanned the group and raised an eyebrow.
"Huh, Feuer wasn't kidding, there really are Schnees attending my little party. I'm honored. Why are you here?"
"To attend. None of us want my father to win, you're by far the better option."
"Uh huh, and if I asked you to test that using my semblance?"
Winter reached out and clasped hands with Robyn without hesitation, repeating her earlier words. The connection blazed green for truth and Robyn relaxed.
"Well, I suppose you're here with good intentions after all. I never thought I'd see the day, Winter Schnee. Weiss Schnee. People I don't know yet."
"Ruby Rose." "Blake Belladonna." "Yang Xaio Long." "Jaune Arc." "Nora Valkyrie" "Li Ren." "Oscar Pine."
They were all eager enough to introduce themselves, only Oz hanging back, watching her carefully.
"Well, that's most of you? And what about the little one, or are you too shy to come and say hello?"
Oz seemed to come to a decision, glancing at Winter briefly.
"Wintertip Pine, ma'am. Pleased to meet you."
Robyn smiled slightly at that, seemingly rather charmed by his good manners.
"Welcome to the party then, have fun and don't forget to support me when I have a council seat!" She moved off back towards the front as Winter and Weiss stared at Oz, surprised.
"Why call yourself Wintertip, of all names?"
"Why not? I cannot really use the name I was given at birth here, especially as I am not overly comfortable with it and I'm very well aware of what would happen were I to use a different one. Wintertip felt like a good compromise for now. Besides, this way I get to choose for once."
Winter stared at him for a second, almost speechless, before reaching over and ruffling his hair, gently. She still didn't say anything, but her expression seemed to say more than enough by itself.
Up on stage, Robyn was continuing her speech. "Look at everybody in attendance tonight! All of you support me for the council and that means a lot, we even have a few Schnee's!" She grinned over at the group even as several not entirely friendly gazes turned to them. Weiss brushed her fingers over Myrtenaster even as Oz's knuckles tightened on Long Memory's hilt. Robyn noticed and continued, hastily. "Now, you all know my semblance! Imagine my surprise when Specialist Winter Schnee herself clasped hands with me and confirmed they were here to support me! Now, I don't know what that says to the rest of you about the quality of the competition, but I say I'm honored to have them here tonight! They come as friends, please treat them as such?"
The gazes got rather quickly less hostile at that, but Oz was more focused on the numbers being projected. Was it just him, or were the percentages getting closer by the moment? He really, really had a bad feeling about this. Up on stage, Penny and the Atlas Operatives had noticed them, too. Although most of them looked amused, Clover was visibly furious that they'd so obviously flouted an order from General Ironwood. He may not be certain why the General was so protective of the youngest, but he knew that he would never have let him out here.
Excusing himself, he stalked over to the group, glaring at Oz who glared back, neither one willing to back down.
"Go. Home. Tip."
"Why should I? We're here to support Robyn just as much as everybody else is."
"Do you have any idea just how worried you will have made the General?" Clover hissed in an undertone.
"We left him a note." Oz stated calmly. "Besides, shouldn't you be working security? I'm sure everybody feels so much safer with you here."
Thankfully, the sarcasm seemed to go over Clover's head, who puffed himself up and went back to the stage. Crisis averted, for now. Though those numbers were looking even closer now...
The numbers switched, showing Jaques Schnee was somehow now in the lead, which made no sense considering that nobody in their right mind would have voted for him. Oz tensed, waiting, knowing that there was about to be a problem even if he didn't quite know what.
Then the lights went out. Briefly. Oz made a tossing motion upwards, reilluminating the room in the greenish glow his magic always gave off. He seemed pale and wan beneath it and he could feel himself starting to shake again, but the sudden light had managed to quite clearly illuminate one Tyrian Callows. Without the cover of darkness to aid him, he was swiftly engaged in a fight by several other people and just as quickly seemed to give up, being arrested within about two minutes of being discovered.
Robyn looked to be in shock, scanning the crowd to try to find the source of the light even as the lights that should have been in the building flickered back on. Oz, relieved, extinguished his own, sinking to the floor in a tangle of tired limbs. That had taken far more out of him than he'd been expecting, though it was probably more to do with his physical age than anything else.
Robyn made her way over, the crowd parting as she did so.
"Wintertip? That... thank you. That was your semblance, wasn't it? Is this the first time you used it?"
Oz just shook his head, not even trying to speak. He could feel the shaking calm down and drew himself back up to his feet as soon as he felt able. He was tired enough that he couldn't quite suppress a yawn, though and the others crowded around him, trying to grant him at least a little bit of privacy.
Even the others were staring at him, too. The Ace Operatives all came over, looking at Oz in a mix of amusement and frustration. At least they wouldn't have to explain too much to the General, but they were certainly starting to see why little Tip Pine wasn't to be let out by himself.
"Come on you lot, we need to go."
"One second?" Robyn interrupted, her voice hesitant. "Wintertip Pine? I owe you a boon. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you? I might not have won the council seat, but I'm pretty sure you saved at least one life tonight."
Oz just nodded tiredly as the others led the way backstage and out to where their transport waited. Tyrian Callows was shoved, none too gently, into a smaller airship. That one would be going directly to the top security wing of the prison. Everybody was pretty sure that General Ironwood would want words with him.
"Ah." Tyrian purred on seeing a straight backed and visibly fuming James Ironwood on the other side of the forcefield. "What do I owe the pleasure, General? Tell me, did I disrupt anything important?"
"Why were you at Robyn Hill's party? What did you want there?"
"Well, wouldn't you like to know that." Tyrian giggled, sounding unhinged. "But you know I won't tell you, where's the fun in that? Besides, I'll escape soon enough. I might even go and find that child. You know, the one with the delightful light semblance that got me caught? Find him, skin him, wear him as a cloak..." He giggled again even as, snarling, James drew his gun, pointing it directly at Tyrian's head.
"Oh no, you won't be escaping. You'll never go near him again, much less touch him." Thumbing the forcefield off, he shot several rounds directly into Tyrian's skull. It might have been murder, but he reassured himself that if he hadn't done it, then the madman would just have gone out and killed more people.
He went to find Oz and the others. Dammit, he needed to have words with them, too.
Elsewhere, Salem jerked as she felt the string connecting her to Tyrian Callows snap. He had finally got himself into a situation that he couldn't get out of, then? Pity, she'd rather miss him. He'd been such a useful tool. Maybe Ironwood had been pushed to the point of killing him? That, at least would have been good for her plans.
Sighing, she contacted Watts.
"Yes, my queen?" He answered, sounding about as servile as he always did.
"It appears our dear Tyrian is no longer with us. What exactly happened to get him caught? I thought you said your plans were foolproof." There was a dangerous tone in her voice and Watts blinked, surprised.
"Some brat had a light semblance. The lights went out, they lit the room up. They weren't very old, though,so it might have been a first use."
"A light semblance?" Salem asked, sounding bored. "What color semblance?" Not that she cared, but it was so nice to see Watt's sweat.
"Green, I believe, my Queen. Why?"
Salem screamed in anger and began to break things. Watts retreated, confused and more than a little scared.
"OZMA!" She roared into the night, continuing to destroy everything around her. "WHY DO YOU KEEP COMING BACK?"
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gastricotv · 2 years
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delliomellidom · 8 months
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Self indulgent art? Of course! I need to play book 4 and beyond 🤣
Went with green because it's favorite color, and I headcanon Jaques and Silver as friends.
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wolfasketch · 9 months
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Age Turned: 10
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown to Orange-ish/Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Pale to Tan
Azafuse Bond: Shū
Scar Location: Single Scar on his Right Cheek
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Nationality: American
Powers: Flying, Fire-Breathing/Fire Hands, Lightning Manipulation, Invisibility, Intangibility, Limited Shapeshifting, Hair-Manipulation, Advanced Durability/Endurance, and Superhuman Speed/Reflexes
Personal Power: Healing
Body Changes: His hair grows and turns orange and his legs turn into those of an Azafuse as well as his ears and his eyes turn white and he gains a tail as well as black stripes appear on his arms and face
Other Chraracters:
Skya O'gen
Jaques Marsh
Yu Lee Mei
Manolo Santiago
Markus Jackman
Miyashita Ren
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simmingkit · 9 months
Minho takes a small break to get some of his needs back to green and he returns wearing... nothing.
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Jaques actually loved the look. Minho totally sold him two plants while only in a towel. Maybe this is the way to go to get more costumers.
Elliot doesn't find that suggestion funny, so what little money they made today is spent to buy a storage locker.
(In the background, Levi is still waiting to pay.)
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stitchkiss · 1 year
would you answer all of them??? if not, i'm shooting u some random numbers: 12. 22. 6. 1. 29
love ya 😚💕
goodness gracious all?? ofc i will for you love<33
1. i don’t go to chipotle, pancheros is my main bitch. my order is burrito or bowl, extra rice, chicken, cheese (not queso), and sour cream
2. you do you it’s important to respect dietary restrictions BUT i hate when vegans shame you for eating meat or don’t understand why sheep need sheering and especially when they promote vegan leather and stuff like that bc that’s literally fuckin plastic??? (only a small few do this i know but i’ve met sooo many like this)
3. army green for obvious reasons. i love all colors<3
5. waffle!!
6. lol nope
7. starfish!!!!! seahorse!!!!!! jellyfish!!! any fish with DSL’s tbh i think they’re funny
8. i always change into shorts when i get home i hate pants
9. face wash, toner, topical gel, moisturizer. i want to add in an serum eventually.
10. i do not fly. apple juice ofc
11. yes! when i was young my parents put me in a fashion show for an asian festival and one of my tita’s gave me a flower hairpin she brought back from the philippines and i keep it safe in a drawer bc it means a lot to me
12. aveeno moisturizer, hawaiian tropical for sunscreen, vaseline for lips.
13. go shopping
14. no my hydroflask is right next to me
15. what the fuck. best to worst: burning freezing drowning
16. fucking love it. s tier flavor
17. i HAVE to always have something on both my wrists. hair tie or bracelet doesn’t matter if i see my bare wrist i freak out and i don’t know why. if someone asks for a hair tie i hide my wrists bc i’d rather die than give mine up. also i need to wash my hands if i touch literally almost everything.
18. taro
19. fuckin onions. cant stand them. if it’s in my food it HAS to be sautéed or boiled until they’re mushy soft. no tomatoes.
20. the little mermaid and tangled!!!!
21. i’m not that kind of neurodivergent
22. yeah. purple hydroflask and all my starbucks cups
23. bracelets and necklaces always. rings when i go out. fake septum occasionally. earrings for fancy or nice events
24. american but not when i watch ted lasso
25. yes. i have the best taste in everything
26. decent. no one likes to drink my special hot chocolate after my brother almost died bc he accidently drank mine instead. love spicy dark chocolate too
27. okay i have this shirt that says “women want me fish fear me” and it’s my most popular shirt (my brothers gf borrowed it the other day and she was so excited and happy to wear it that she made me take a picture of her) and my favorite cargo jeans. OR my purple flannel w a black tank top and jeans. i’m starting to wear hair ribbons too
28. sinigang w rice ofc
29. bow tie!!! 🎀
30. jaque ask me something lol
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buckdefencesquad · 1 year
my name is jaqueline but u can do it only jaque if u want, i always go by my nickname anyways :)
I really enjoyed doing this so I did both for funsies <3 This formatted really weird sorry lmao.
J - Joy by The Lightning Seeds
A - All the pretty girls by Kaleo
Q - Quasimodo by Lifehouse
U - Uninvited by Chloe Ament
E - Easily by Bruno Major J - Jungle By Professor Green A - AA by The Neigbourhood Watch Q - Question...? by Taylor Swift U - Unknown / Nth by Hozier E - Electric Feel by MGMT L - L.O.V.E by Lindsay Perry I - I know the end by Phoebe Bridgers N - Nichole by Flower Face E - Everygreen by RAIGN
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