#james potter x regulus black x lily evans
wolfstar is the percabeth for the marauders fandom
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moonyswarmsweaters · 2 days
I don’t get judging people based on who they ship
as long as you don't ship snily were fine!
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“the moon is the perfect example of unrequited love, he revolves around the earth, yet the earth revolves around the sun.”
something something, jegulus and jily. something about the sun and the moon and how they give. something about how the sun is the life of the earth and the moon will always exist in its own shadow. the moon only shines with the light of the sun, the moon may control the tide but the earth still turns without him.
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sspadfoot · 8 hours
I need some marauders fanfics to read I’ve ran out of choices please help me 😭
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celestialgalaxyglow · 8 hours
Lily and Regulus returning home after work.
James in a bathrobe: Hello my loves.
Lily and Regulus: ...
James: Join me.
Lily and Regulus slowly leave.
James: Wait! Don't leave me!
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lupinblacktheone · 1 day
The world through his lenses
Sirius decides to give Harry another Christmas gift: a history of James’ past. As told through Regulus’ eyes.
Dinner was at its end, with gifts exchanged and plates being washed. Harry was ready to go to bed and try to forget the latest horrors of his life when he felt his godfather’s hand on the top of his head.
            “Come with us.”
            Behind him, there was Remus Lupin, of course. They led him to a clean, unused room.
            “This used to be my brother’s”, Sirius explained as Remus opened the wardrobe to pick up a wooden box. “He was Orion and Walburga’s pride and joy until they found out what he had been doing.”
            “Cut off the suspense”, Remus said, handing him the box. “You are killing the boy.”
            “Oh, shut up, you”, Sirius rolled his eyes. “This was him at his fifth year, I guess”, he passed the photo to Harry.
            In his youth, Regulus Arcturus was a thinner and slightly taller version of his older brother. It was very easy to say where the genes had come from.
            “He was a very reserved creature, but someone managed to break through that.”
            “Your dad”, he said with an affectionate, nostalgic smile. “He thought it would be easy, after all, he was already friends with me.”
            “Oh, how wrong he was”, Remus sat on the bed by Sirius’ side.
            “Regulus and I were not on speaking terms at the time, so I cannot give you all the details, but what James told me was that he laid eyes on Regulus one night and it was as if the centre of the Earth had changed. He decided to make a move that very night.”
            “Ugh, that was so stupid”, Remus complained.
            “What did he do? Lit the main hall up with fireworks?
            “Nah, he considered it too pranky, so he followed Regulus into the dungeons after dinner and asked if they could meet by the Lake the following night.”
            “Let me guess: he didn’t show up.”
            “On the contrary. He did.”, Sirius shook his head, staring at the floorboard. “With Rosier and Crouch by his side.”
            Harry stared at Remus, who was ready to pick up the story from there.
            “And they asked where we were”, he pointed at himself and Sirius. “You see, Harry, they thought James wanted a duel.”
            “How did he get out of there?”
            “Well, because they wouldn’t agree that was just a misunderstanding and leaving would be admitting defeat, all of them were ready to wait for someone who would fight by James’ side to pass by.”
            “That was it? They waited?”
            “These people were all about rules. Even the ones about duels. That level of decency probably saved James’ arse that night”, Sirius spoke again. “Unfortunately for them, Minnie found them before we did. She gave them detention and took 15 points from each House. When they were cleaning old trophies, all they could do was to chat.”
            “That was James’ chance. He had to explain to Regulus that what he actually wanted was a date.”
            “And he also had to convince Regulus he was being serious. The hardest part of it all”, they laughed. “He was lucky my brother was feeling mischievous. I had just been disowned and he thought he could get away with anything, so he agreed to go on a public date. He also knew he had some time before school gossip reached his parents’ ears, so he went crazy on future dates, calling James the love of his life and even accepting some PDAs.”
            “That sounds mean”, Harry mentioned, frowning.
            “A little, but James was glad to participate in their disgrace. And deep down, he expected Regulus to run away as soon as he received a letter from home, so why not have fun while he could?”, Sirius scoffed. “That was until Walburga threatened James’ parents.”
            “What did she say?”
            “She would have them killed if he didn’t stop seeing James.”
            “And what did he do?”
            “He broke up with James”, Sirius sighed again. “It destroyed both of them. And we only heard of Regulus again on your parents’ wedding, because he sent a gift with a note. It said:”, he snatched some notes off his pocket. “I want you to be as safe and happy as one can be in this day and age. I swear I will try to buy you as much time as I can. In the meantime, please take care of my heart. It will be in your pocket from now on.”
            “Why are you telling me this?”, Harry stared at his godfather, his expression between confused and angry.
            “Because if I don’t, no one else will”, he answered, simply. “This is a side of your father he didn’t show to the rest of the Order.”
            “And how do you know all this?”
            “I read Regulus’ journal, obviously”, the man laughed, holding the snatched notes. “I gave it to Dumbledore and Moody, maybe there is something useful about Voldemort’s recruiting tactics there, but I decided that my brother’s relationships were off-limits, so I kept those”, he fanned himself with the papers. “Nevertheless, I want you to have the pictures and the drawings”, he gave Harry an envelope sealed with tape. The backside read: J.F.P & R.A.B. – 1995. “Now, Harry, the only bad thing James did to my brother was making him insufferably sappy, so for the sake of your old godfather, please open that when you are back at your dorm, will you?”
            It turned out Regulus Black loved drawing James Potter, especially during Quidditch practice — Harry noted that as time passed, he fell more and more in love with his muse. As an even more carefree young lad, James would smile all the time, as if he knew he was being watched by an artist.
            Regulus played a bit with photography too, registering snippets of their time together. Amongst the images, there was what Harry was both more curious about and feared the most: an unsent letter. The page had various creases and old damp marks.
            My dear James,
            I want to thank you for the time we shared. I also have to say that I hope you move on. I heard you are getting closer to Lily Evans. I reckon she’ll be good to you. And she will also be able to give you what I couldn’t. A safe life under the Order’s good graces, for starters.
            I was being honest that night: I will do everything in my power to keep your parents safe. That includes receiving a Dark Mark — please, I beg you, do not tell my brother, this is hard enough as it is already.
            I wonder if this isn’t some kind of elaborate torture — they forcing me to watch as you live happily ever after and not only that: they expect me to be ready to manslaughter your family on command.
            Despite all this, I need you to know I love you dearly and that is why I ask you to forgive me for insisting on leaving. And… maybe you could remember me as the lad who fell for you, not your best friend’s younger brother or the idiot who was forced to join the wrong side?
            With all the love in the world,
            Your Reggie.
            “What are you reading, love?”
            Harry rested his head against the sofa, trying to catch a glimpse of who was talking to him, although he knew very well who was it. He smiled, accepting the cuppa and the peck the other man offered him.
            “A letter to my dad.”
            “Oh… from whom?”, Draco snuggled up to his boyfriend.
            “His ex-boyfriend”
            “Wait, your dad was bi?”, Harry nodded with a little smirk. “Tell me all about it. Who was he dating?”
            Harry paused for a bit. Draco was more than well-educated on the Black family tree — he was part of it, for Merlin’s sake! He wondered if telling Draco about the past of a relative would be like poking a wound with a chopstick. Personally, he wasn’t interested on learning anything about the Dursleys.
            “I am waiting for the tea, Potter”, Draco let out an indiscreet laugh.
            “Did your mother ever old you about her cousins?”
            “You and I both know my mother has dozens of cousins, but I presume you mean Walburga and Orion’s sons.”
            “My father’s ex was Regulus.”
          �� “WHAT? He dated your godfather’s brother? Weren’t they, like, best friends?”, Harry nodded. “Well, I understand his perspective.”
            “What are you talking about?”
            “We Slytherins are very charming.
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neyney2010 · 3 days
I'm reading Crimson Rivers rn and I've read all the "baby this" and "sweetheart that" BUT WHAT ABT "LOVER"? WHY HAVE I NEVER HEARD ABT MARY CALLING LILY LOVER??
Chapter 63 btw
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iwriteasfotini · 3 days
This is probably a VERY unpopular opinion, but I just saw a post about Jily becoming a secondary ship, I'm assuming to Jegulus? Ok, I'm not a ship purist, but I ship Jegulus over Jily (I can enjoy Jily fics though). My problem with Jily stems from canon Severus. I'm sorry, but you don't obsess about someone for like +20 years who doesn't love you back (and you don't get to be one of the most memorable characters of a seven book series if that is all you have going for you). I think there is bit more going on with Sev and Lily than we see in canon, namely because Harry is a horribly biased narrator where Slytherins are concerned, and Lily is long dead. And Sev doesn't want Harry to know anything about his past. We can be dogmatic and say it's because he regrets passing along the prophecy information which ended up getting Lily killed. Or we can be creative and think about other reasons why Severus wouldn't want Harry to know about his past. Maybe because it would be weird to tell your student (who looks EXACTLY like your arch nemesis from your school years, whose mother is your soul mate, and whose godfather is another one of your arch nemesis) "yeah, so your mom and I were destined for each other but couldn't be together because we ran in conflicting social circles in dangerous times, and your dad was in love with my other best friend (sorta stole him right out from under me to be honest), who was a dude by the way, and yet somehow you were conceived. But I promise they all loved you Harry."
Also, I've decided Lily was a badass (this is definitely hinted at in canon but not capitalized on at all). Badass Lily Evans and loving, doting, supportive James Potter doesn't work for me. I also think Regulus was a badass (also could be seen as hinted at in canon baring Sirius' annoying comments to Harry about Regulus which I may just end up pretending didn't happen; sometimes adult Sirius is more of a teenager than actual teenage Harry) and for some reason badass Regulus with loving, doting, supportive James Potter works much better. Sorry James, your badassery is limited to the Quidditch Pitch, your Transfiguration spell work, and how much you adore/support your badass boyfriend. But you're still an awesome guy.
Now I just have to figure out exactly what went down when Harry was conceived... and my head canon will be complete.
BTW my HC Lily is bi. And does NOT let Sev and all his annoying character complications hold her back. But yeah, Lily and Sev are "Always."
And I realize I actually aired two unpopular opinions Snily and Sev and Regulus being friends. I guess it depends on what other fanfics you have read which have stuck with you, because I haven't read any which have Sev and Reg as friends (although I can't remember what their dynamic was in Choices), but for some reason I've always assumed they would have been (they are only a year apart in age, both Slytherins, and both a bit moody, IDK?). Characterization of Sev is important here though, because I don't portray him as a dick. And the adult he turns into (bit more of a dick than he is as a teen, which I have some straight up issues with in canon) is born from immense suffering and trauma. Story of the Marauders if we are being honest.
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dantiliofan · 1 day
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Other marauders era post! I did this some days ago and i forgot about it😅
Not really a fan of it, except for that james and that kinda depressed regulus🥲
Here is another attempt at drawing lily; not that bad but i prefer the plus size one
I'll definetely redraw severus to give him some justice, i promise😭
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fourmoony · 1 day
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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐓 - the mood boards.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐜𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐩𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲
"Marlene McKinnon, daughter of famous rock star Michael McKinnon, is set to graduate from Hogwarts University in the upcoming graduate class. While working towards a degree in sound production, McKinnon seems to be following in her father's footsteps with whispers of an upcoming album, produced by none other than Michael McKinnon, himself."
Marlene loves music.
But she can't stand her father. Years of touring, of missing birthdays and holidays and being more than physically distant. Producing her album makes up for none of it. But if the world wants to call her a Nepo Baby, she might as well take advantage and show them all that she's so much more.
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buzzbuzzlittlebees · 8 hours
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Marauders Era Spotify Playlist Masterpost
I made all of these playlists & would love for you to go like them <3 There are some Jegulus & wolfstar undertones so keep that in mind.
1) Lily Evans
A playlist featuring Taylor Swift, Grimes, & Ashnikko.
2) Sirius Black
A playlist featuring edgier-ish music. Nirvana. Måneskin. The Weeknd.
3) James Potter
Oh no! The sassy man apocalypse is coming. Featuring ABBA, Lady Gaga, & Rihanna
4) Regulus
Marina, Twenty One Pilots, & Billie Eilish
5) Marauders Era
What were they REALLY listening to in the 70s? Throwbacks!!! The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, & Jimi Hendrix (Canonically timeline accurate Marauders playlist)
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kiwi2229 · 1 year
Bill me
(James Potter / Regulus Black / Lily Evans | 570 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: Dress
It was a sunny day and all three of them were walking on the street, every now and then stopping by the shopping windows to look in. James made sure he would comment on every piece of clothing or jewellery. Lily on the other hand didn’t spend much time looking until she stopped in front of one shop with a summer dress on the display.
“Lily, you would look great in it,” James says sincerely.
“Definitely.” Regulus agrees. “Do you want to go in and try it?”
“I can’t just go in and try it. The shop looks expensive.” Lily says but her gaze lingers a little too long on the dress. Regulus smiles knowingly.
“It’s fine.” He says and opens the door for both of them. He lets them enter first and closes the door behind them. As soon as the cashier spots them, she hurries to greet them. “Good afternoon, Mr. Black.”
James and Lily immediately turn toward Regulus with confused looks. “Hello,” Regulus answers.
“Please, have a seat. Vincent is in the office; I will call him for you.” The cashier gestures towards the sofa.
“Who is Vincent?” Lily asks.
“The owner.” Regulus shrugs and links their arms so he can lead her to the sofa. James has an amused expression on his face and when they pass him, he wraps an arm around Regulus’ waist and whispers to him.
“Of course, you know the owner, you pretentious git.”
Regulus gives him an unimpressed look. “I shop here.”
James laughs out loud. “Of course, you do.”
“Oi, what does that supposed to mean?” Regulus asks but James’ answer is disturbed by the entrance of Vincent, an older-looking Italian man with his hair slicked back.
“Mr. Black.” He comes towards Regulus, and they shake hands. “I hope you are having a great day. What can I do for you?”
Regulus sits down on the sofa, tugging James right next to him. “My beautiful girlfriend would like to try the summer dress you have in the window.”
Vincent looks towards Lily. “Excellent choice, Ma'am. It’s our new collection. It arrived just two days ago.” He gestures to the door behind him suggesting Lily should follow him. The girl looks back nervously to her boyfriends but both of them nod in reassurance.
When Lily comes out James and Regulus can only stare. Because she looks like a goddess. The dress fits her perfectly. But the most beautiful is the look on Lily’s face when she sees herself in the mirror. Regulus can tell she loves it.
“Lils, you look amazing. They are perfect for you.” James says and Regulus can only nod. Lily blushes and goes back to the room to take them off.
“We should have a picnic date, Reg. Lily would wear this dress and you can braid flowers in her hair.” James says and presses a quick kiss to Regulus’ hair.
“Sure. This Saturday?”
“Great. I will cook for us.” James muses and rest his cheek on Regulus’ shoulder.
“Did you like them?” Vincent asks as soon as Lily comes back.
“Yeah. How much do they cost?” She asks.
Before Vincent can answer Regulus is already standing up, holding his hand towards James to help him. “Doesn’t matter. Send the bill and the dress to my address as usual. That will be all. Thank you, Vincent.” And without another word, he leads them out of the store with satisfied smirk.
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sspadfoot · 1 day
During the euros or during the World Cup, the tension between the marauders rises so much.
They all support different teams, and if those teams played against each other, the match would end with them screaming at one another about their team being the best.
They would all wear their teams shirts and paint their faces the colour of their team.
Even the most un-sportiest people (Lily and Remus) would get involved and would support their home team.
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aaaaaamoo · 1 year
i need an AU where regulus is crookshanks and “crookshanks” was the potters cat bc he faked his death and knew that there’s one place always safe for the Black children (the potters) but bc of the war and missions and shit Lily and James didn’t tell anyone that he was with them just that they “got a cat” (even the order/dumbledore
instead of them dying dumbledore did something to make them go into hiding (but convinced everyone they died and Sirius betrayed them) and reg knew something was up and that’s why he let Hermione adopt him (also to keep an eye on Harry), he probably also kept an eye on him while he was with the dursleys
he didn’t like scabbers bc he knew Peter was a traitor bc of his time as a death eater and he watches over Remus during the full moons when he’s a prof
And it could be jegulus/jegulily or just jily but good uncle regulus
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loonsmoons · 11 months
Fame AU where Pandora is a little shit and reveals that Regulus has a crush and the internet goes CRAZY.
Like, who is that mysterious crush ? Who is it ?! We need to know !
There are a few people that think it could be anyone of his friends and there are some that hope that he and Barty are finally getting back together, because they were GOALS !!
But the majority of the people agree that there’s actually only two options: half of them are saying that it has to be Lily, because have you SEEN them in the back of Marlene’s live stream ?? Regulus braiding her hair ?? Lily painting his nails ?? They were looking so SOFT !
And then you got the other half of them saying that that’s ridiculous because it’s obviously James. Like have you seen THEM in that one interview ?? Giggling the entire time over some inside joke they have going on ?? Complementing each other and blushing about it ??
The media is writing whole ass articles about it, wondering which one it is: Lily or James ?
And then it’s both.
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