#jackie is also extremely happy that you like it ^^
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littlefuckingthing · 6 days ago
i have no idea if this is a normal thing to do on tumblr i havent been on here that long but like AAHAGHHGAGHHHH I NEED TO RAMBLE ABOUT THATONE 007N7 + C00LKIDD ART RIGHT NOW
the??!?!?! i forgot the word for it (im writing this at like 4:50 in the morning my timezone i be a bit sleeby) but the framing??? perspectivewhatever?!?!?! oough its so gooood...
and the use of the polygon lasso tool?!?! GRAASHGRHG the shapes make my brain happy (also what program did u use for this art i am incredibly curious,,,)
AND LIKE ITS NOT EVEN IN THE TYPICAL POLYGON LASSO TOOL STYLE I SEE ITS KINDA LIKE POINTILISM ALMOST?!??! VAGUELY?!?!?! THATS THE ONLY THING ICAN THINK OF TO COMPARE TO?!??!?! Its so coolllll.... like the way the shapes come together make me incredibly joyfilled and whimsical... oh and i love the way that n7 looks more abstract then c00lkidd instead of the other way around. like he's less real then the "monster" choking him out. if anything, he think's he's the monster for not recognizing his son (also cool headcanon that i will now viscerally believe in myself)
i need to giggle and kick my feet about this i am incredibly overjoyed!!! that shit is peak!! need it painted on the backs of my retinas /vvvvpos
-🦗🦌 anon (aka hopperdeer anon)
I think im in love with you thank you for this /pos
I was using clipstudio on my phone and using a specific pen to color ..... I did not use the lasso tool at all, just a specific single pen (for the entire piece, actually) for everything, from coloring to 'lining', although you can't actually see the lineart well because I applied a filter to it ^^ (and tumblr's compression destroyed the quality)
I was originally going to have 7n7 drawn with really dull unsaturated colors so that the immediate contrast would be more vivid, but I got off track with the 'fragmenting' and decided to keep it that way. I left his expression a little dull and flat on purpose, since I can't imagine him being overly expressive, even in the midst of a realization like that. I wanted coolkid to be more 'solid' than 7n7 because i thought the symbolism in it (the reality settling in, the dissonance 'shattering' 7n7, whilst coolkid remains present in the moment) would let it hit a little harder. I hope that 7n7's hand on coolkid's face hurt you just as much as it hurt me while I was drawing
thank you very much for this I need to print this out and tape it to my wall. :』
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natsredbra · 11 days ago
headcanons for dacryphilia with jackie, nat and lottie (separate) i just know that i would cry with them because they're so hot and i can't ☹️☹️
warnings: obviously dacryphilia, smut, bottom!Jackie, top!Lottie and vers!Nat, a bit of angst in the Nat part but only if you squint so hard your eyes turn into slits
If we’re talking dacryphillia with Jackie, she’s definitely the crier, sorry not sorry
Like this bitch is the biggest pillow princess sub bottom ever
Suuuuper emotional too, so it all checks out
She’s trusts you very much and finds it easy to be vulnerable around you
So the tears come pretty early on
We know that she’s inexperienced, so any kind of teasing overwhelms her
Thinking about teaching her to touch herself for when you’re away
And she just can’t get it right no matter what!!
She’s laying bare in front of you, rubbing her clit frantically but it’s just not the same as when you do it
Begging for you to touch her instead, followed by a series of soft sniffles and sobs
But you won’t give in no matter what, just wiping away her tears and sucking her boobs
Also also! Rubbing her upper thighs, just to make her even whinier
She’s extremely loud in general, and at that moment it’s insane
When she finally cums, she starts sobbing harder, but this time it’s probably happy tears
Also thinking about strapping her down for the first time, and she starts crying cause it’s too big!!
At first you were a bit concerned, but she begged you to continue - and what else could you do?
Your strokes were slow and gentle, yet still deep, kissing her cervix in a dizzying mix of pleasure-pain
You being the sweetheart you are, kiss her tears away, and god help her she loves it
Takes a little while for her to cum, but it’s such an intimate, beautiful experience, you only hoped to prolong it
She feels a little embarrassed by the crying after the fact, and is absolutely floored when you tell her that not only does it not bother you, you find it extremely hot
With Lottie, you are the crier
I know it might not seem that way right off the bat, but you can’t tell me that Lottie savior complex Matthews doesn’t intentionally make you cry just to soothe you
This girl purposely puts on a sad movie just to see you cry
Coos you when you do, and her caresses get increasingly more confident
Like at first she’s all “Baby it’s just a movie, no need to cry!” and in a few minutes she’s squeezing your ass in the name of cuddling
Makes sure to get to it while you’re still teary
Buries three fingers inside of you and curls them insanely good
Whispering something like “I’m right here for you, just let it all out.” against your lips
After that, you also catch “So pretty when you cry.”
From then on, you make an effort to tear up while you have sex from time to time
Because when you do she just fucks you in such a special way!!
So intense, yet not rough
It’s humiliating and uplifting at the same time, if you understand what I mean
“You look so gorgeous whining like this for me, don’t you feel like such a pathetic little slut? I know you do. ‘S okay honey, I’m here to protect you.” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Kissing your tears away, even in a non sexual context
I’m such a firm believer that Lottie is very into intimate and personal sex, and nothing is more intimate to her then you letting yourself be emotional in her presence
Okay this one’s a little tricky
Early on, you’d be the one crying for sure
Contrary to Lottie, she’s absolutely distraught when you first let tears fall
Like she’s mid thrust and stops, when you look up at her you’re met with a very concerned expression on her face
After which you talk, and she profusely apologizes for hurting you
She would never ever want to hurt you
You have a little talk a few days after that, and she really tries to understand
But I don’t think she’d be into it right away
However once she sees you suck her strap and tear up
She thinks about it way more
Wipes your tears and coos you, all you can really do is just keep going
Asks. for. permission. (this is so important to me) to fuck you to the point of tears
Once you grant it, she looks almost ecstatic, but also a little troubled
Still, it all goes away once she sees the tears spill over your rosy cheeks
I think she’d be a bit meaner about it too, overtime
Not condescending like Lottie, more just playful mocking
“Fuck, you look so good. You like crying for me? Mhm, I fuck you so good it makes you cry?”
And that takes a lot out of her too, she’s very undecided on degradation in general
But once you reassure her and tell her you’re not pretending to like it just for her sake, she experiments more
To Nat, it’s not so much about the vulnerability, more about the fact that she’s doing you so good it makes you cry (as mentioned before)
Okay now if we’re talking about Natalie crying, it’d definitely be wilderness!Nat
More specifically, leader!Nat, when she gets overwhelmed
Thinking about tribbing with her in your hut after hours
You saw that she was a bit needier that day but didn’t think too much of it
And as she gets closer, the tears start falling
You stop and ask her what’s wrong, but she just tells you to keep going
Still, she doesn’t stop crying
Soft sobs and sniffles under you, that finally stop when she cums
After that you clean her up and cuddle with her, attempting to ask what’s wrong again
She tells you all about how Shauna is pissing her off, and that she hates how everyone just relies on her
Practically saying she feels like she’s a bad leader
But the sex and cuddles definitely helped - she says it so nonchalantly too it makes you giggle a little
After that you fall asleep, partially content
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proqhetic · 1 year ago
Could you write your head canons for what dating Lottie would be like? Sorry it’s basic this is my first time requesting 😅
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ᡣ𐭩 •。 ꪆৎ ˚ ⋅ dating lottie matthews hcs
cw: nsfw at the bottom, blood
when your relationship is just starting out, i think lottie would be extremely shy or reserved
i don’t think she has a lottttt of experience (compared to say jackie or nat), and she’s always kept to herself more, so she’d be extra cautious about not messing this up or making you uncomfortable in anyway
trusts you with the “weirder” sides of herself that she’s usually too embarrassed to show around others and you only love her even more for it
will do the pinky thing when she wants to hold your hand where she just lightly pokes your hand with it before you just full on take her hand in yours 😭😭
“lottie, we’re already dating. you can hold my hand.” “i just— i wasnt sure!” she defends herself while grinning, taking your hand in hers
her main love language is definitely gift giving!! she’ll gladly shower you in gifts and presents everyday if she knew it would make you happy
if you mention in passing about an expensive pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing for a while now or a funko pop of one of ur faves just dropped, expect to see it nicely wrapped in a bow on your bed by the next day <3
expect her to go ALL OUT for valentine’s day, christmas and your birthday in terms of surprising you with presents and parties.
matching halloween costumes are also on the agenda
cannot cook to save her life this point should just be canon (will try to cook breakfast in bed for you and fail miserably)
sleepovers at her house after soccer practice!!! you’d sit on the bleachers and watch her during practice with heart eyes like those cheesy high school movies while you wait for her
so. many. forehead kisses. (that height difference mmm)
light sleeper — (esp pre-dating) frequently wakes up in the middle of the night and has trouble falling asleep. your presence alone has been such a help,, she’ll have an arm wrapped around your waist or fall asleep tucked into the crook between your neck and shoulder while u play with her hair > <
but the second you crawl up to pee in the middle of the night you come back and see her awake and staring back at you all groggy and pouty hhjshdjehs
asks nat how to create a mixtape just so she can create one for you with all the songs that remind her of you
slips you those stupid post-its in class with the checkboxes that are like
“ hey.. i think ur pretty cute :) date tn? ▢ yes!! ♡ ▢ no :( ”
even though it’s been like a good few months into your rs
⚠️ — nsfw
secretly a freak but wbk… let’s be honest here!!!!
loves whispering the filthiest things in your ear when you guys are out with your friends just to see you get all worked up and flustered
that paired with her evil grinnn oh when her fangs poke out MMMMNNCMSBV i’m going insane
speaking of fangs… biting your lip/neck until she draws blood (vampire!lottie you will always be famous)
sooo whiny. non stop whimpering. even draws them out because she knows how much hearing her turns you on
needs to build some confidence around you and get over that embarrassed start but could definitelyy be the dom one if she wanted
sleepy sex is her favourite >_< waking up to two of her fingers already inside you as she greets you with a drawled “good morning babyy” and a chaste kiss as she adds a third finger in
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dovveri · 8 months ago
the right reasons
bachelorette masterlist - part 1 ▸ part 2 ▸ part 3 ▸ part 4 ▸ part 5 ▸ part 7
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synopsis: final stretch of the season. home visits.
warnings: implied sex
w/c: 3.4k
a/n: apologies for late update i have been laid on my literal deathbed with sickness and the brain juices have basically run out for this series so this is a short update to get them flowing again and hopefully i can wrap it up soon 🙏 ty for the support as always!
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
the next few days are hectic with house visits. because of the contract you had both signed, and the fact that the entire nation has been invested with sana's journey to find love, it was a given that sana wouldn't be able to just drop out of show. that didn't mean she didn't try, in fact you had to pull her back from calling all the lawyers in the district to break her contract, insisting that it was fine to see the show through and that you were going to be there for her no matter what. it took a few more assurances, and a couple rounds of sex, kisses, and promised cuddles before she reluctantly agreed to continue filming the upcoming home visits.
jiwon's family was first. you had both met her younger siblings and her several nieces and nephews that were very young. they were all very sweet and it was adorable watching jiwon entertain the young ones.
fortunately, the classic 'father figure that gives the intruder the i'll kill you if you hurt her speech' wasn't present because it seemed jiwon served as that person for her younger siblings. though her younger sister was a little skeptical at first, she easily warmed up when she saw how great sana was with her kids.
sana and jiwon wrapped up the night with a private talk, one which sana didn't share with you, but you were learning to trust her, even though it still looked like she was dating 4 people and soon to choose the love of her life, you had to trust that it was going to be you after it all ended.
jacky's family was next except since most of his family was back in australia, you actually just had a nice dinner at jacky's apartment with eunji who jacky had nominated as his family stand-in. you had apologised profusely to eunji for not being a better friend and not being there for her on the night she was eliminated but she laughed at you and rolled her eyes, saying it was completely fine. she was also friendly with sana who was a little anxious seeing her again so soon after practically rejecting her on national television, but eunji was extremely cool, and they got along even better as friends.
if you ignored the cameras set up everywhere and the producers running in and out, it was a pretty normal night between 4 friends. you had enjoyed dinner made by both jacky and eunji, drunk soju, sung bad karaoke on jacky's home-installed karaoke television set, and played nintendo switch games all night.
in typical bachelor fashion, jacky and sana also had their own private talk on the balcony towards the end of the night, although it was a little silly watching the producers and camera crew figure out how to film it because it was a small apartment, meant only for jacky to live in, so the balcony was basically right outside the living room where you and eunji had stayed, trying not to look outside and give them their privacy while they were having their mandated talk.
then, the crew had surprised everyone with a flight to japan for momo's home visit. momo had greeted all of you at the airport in a traditional kimono and one ready for sana as well. sana had teared up seeing her and being in her country of birth again. the next few hours were a whirlwind as momo and her sister hana took you all for a tour of their home city, stopping by all the essential places to eat, take pictures at, and had even brought you to momo's old dance studio where they had readied a performance just for sana. the producers were very happy with the amount of content they were getting as you explored the city.
you could tell sana absolutely loved this date. the amount of planning momo put into it showed how much she wanted to impress sana, and how much she understood her homesickness and her love for her birth country. it was hard to be jealous of momo getting most of sana's attention during the date when sana was on the verge of tears at every new sight, sound, and feeling. and momo was a sweetheart anyway, always being inclusive of everyone, making sure she was there if anyone needed translation or help with anything, you adored her as a friend, grateful that she was able to provide this experience for sana during the stressful filming season it's been.
you ended the day at momo's house. you met her parents and although you were a little intimidated by her dad's buff physique, he turned out to be a big teddy bear who supported his daughter more than anything. both her parents were glad to be able to converse with sana in their native language, and easily warmed up to her because of the fact that she was japanese and communication was made a lot easier. you spent a lot of the dinner just watching them, only catching hints of their conversation from your select knowledge about the japanese language, but momo noticed eventually and tried to translate as much as she could which you appreciated very much.
it was only a little awkward when momo and sana went for their end of the night chat and you had to sit with momo's family attempting to make small talk with your broken japanese. it turned out okay when momo's mom smiled sweetly and brought out dessert, turning on the television and flicking to an episode of the bachelorette with japanese subtitles. it turned out to be the episode that heechul had tried to rizz up momo and sana using his almost offensive japanese, and you were all able to laugh as you tried to explain using gestures and your best attempt at charades exactly what type of man heechul was behind the scenes.
although japan and korea weren't far, the crew had let you had some time off in japan and granted a day off after filming the dinner with momo's family so that sana could go home and see her family as well. so that night you had taken the bullet train from kyoto to osaka and sana had held your hand, leaning into you as she talked through her childhood stories softly. it felt like it was just the two of you against the rest of the world.
the next day sana was positively glowing. she practically skipped around you in circles while she took you around her home town. it was clear she was loved and missed in the neighbourhood. sweet old ladies and old friends were stopping her everywhere, asking how she was, if she was going to move back to japan soon, everyone wanted a piece of her.
you had dinner with sana's parents who you'd met already when they flew to korea for sana's graduation. although there was still the language barrier, it was easily overcome when sana's mom started showing you albums of sana's baby pictures and pictures of her throughout her childhood.
sana had squealed adorably, trying to cover up her baby pictures and chasing you around the house while you yelled out comments while rapidly flipping through the pictures before she could catch you.
you ended the night collapsed on sana's bed in her childhood room, cuddled into each other. you never really decorated your room when you were younger, too repressed and focused on your studies to ever find the time or worth in doing so. but seeing sana's walls plastered with old japanese anime posters, idols, her ceiling dotted with glow-in-the-dark stars, and pictures of her friends and family everywhere, you can't help but yearn for the childhood you could've had if you had tore away from the books for a little bit.
you're both laid supine on the bed, looking at the imitation night sky sana has in her room, little do you know sana's gaze is focused on you instead.
"thank you for being here."
"are you kidding? i wouldn't be anywhere else in the world right now. plus we just got a free trip to japan, life couldn't be any better. i should be thanking you."
sana giggles and fully turns her body, facing you and draping an arm over your stomach. you have your arm under her neck, supporting it while she nuzzles into you.
when she starts playing with the bottom of your shirt, sneaky fingers sliding up and under it, you squeeze out a warning, "sana... your parents are literally next door."
you can feel her smirk against your neck as she starts leaving light kisses along it, and you're helpless, lifting your head slightly to give her better access.
she hums against you, "you can be quiet can't you?"
you make a muffled sound of protest, "your childhood idols and plushies are watching us right now."
you can't see it but sana rolls her eyes, continuing her way up your neck, "i lived out my teen years in here. you think they haven't seen me get off?"
you squirm at the thought, the image of sana under her sheets, trying to keep quiet while she touched herself to whatever fantasies she had at the time.
"you're thinking about it aren't you? how i looked- coming home after school- do you have a school uniform kink y/n? that's slightly concerning y'know?" she leaves a hot trail of dangerous kisses up your throat with each phrase, intent on driving you absolutely crazy.
"mm okay." then her lips are on yours and really, you should know better than to alert her parents of your sexual proclivities but when sana's licking into you like that you can't blame yourself for not being able to think straight.
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
the final date is of course, with jihyo back in korea.
you were nervous walking in through the front door, the sight of jihyo's parents and her sisters, all familiar faces from when sana and jihyo used to host parties and get-togethers for the various holidays of the year.
fortunately, jihyo's parents and rest of her family were sweet enough to welcome the both of you with open arms. as if the breakup never happened. you gripped sana's hand tightly knowing she was probably going through a hellstorm of emotions right now, being in an environment that reminded her of the brokenness jihyo left her with.
what you did not expect was jihyo's ex-boyfriend to also be at the dining table, all smiles and big buff arms.
sana's hand tightened around yours at the sight of him, her eyes quickly flashing to jihyo with a mixture of hurt and disbelief. jihyo avoids her gaze, sitting down next to her ex-boyfriend instead.
you hear sana take a deep breath, composing herself before the cameras and smiling, you can see straight through it though, keeping her hand in yours when you take your seats at the table, glaring daggers at both jihyo and her ex.
it's clear the tension around the table is present.
jihyo's mom clears her throat, attempting to strike up a conversation, "so sana... it's been a while since we've seen you. what have you been up to?"
sana smiles politely, "well this entire show has been a pretty big thing lately. although i will say i was very surprised to see jihyo there on opening night. not as surprised as i am to see your ex-boyfriend here though." sana directs towards jihyo, a little harshly, stabbing her food with her fork.
"sungbin. it's nice to meet you." sungbin offers a polite nod, but keeps mostly to himself.
"sungbin is my best friend. i thought if y/n could go on this whole experience with you then it wouldn't be a problem if i brought my best friend along." her tone is cutting, like she knows something you don't. "besides... my family's already met you and given you their approval. i thought the whole point of home visits was to get to know people close to me and see if they like you?"
sana shuffles a little in her seat, her grip on you tightens. "right."
the table falls silent again, only the sounds of cutlery scrapping against plates able to be heard.
it's more than awkward and you can see the producers talking worriedly with each other, coming up with any ways to make this more entertaining.
it's jihyo's dad that clears his throat this time, "so sana... do you think you've found your 'one' on this show? i know jihyo is a contestant on your show but know we still care about you and want the best for you, even if that's not our daughter." he smiles kindly, while his wife pecks him on the cheek for his sweet words.
"dad!" jihyo startles.
"what? just because you decided to break up with sana doesn't mean we wanted to let go of her."
"yeah sungbin isn't nearly as good as you at super mario bros even with all those muscles." jihyo's youngest sister chimes in with a laugh, lightening the mood easily as you slip into old conversations and reminiscing better times. you can see the producers visibly relaxing as conversation starts flowing, but jihyo is still tense, unable to look at anyone except sungbin in the eye.
eventually the night leads you into board games with the family while sana takes jihyo outside to talk. you give her a reassuring look before she heads outside, sungbin gives you a strange glance but you don't bother paying him any attention. regardless of his presence, he was still a stranger to you.
you're celebrating your third pass by the go slot in monopoly when the argument outside starts to get louder and louder, able to be heard from inside the house.
"why would you bring him here!?"
"what do you mean why? don't tell me you haven't been sneaking around with y/n this entire time! you haven't even given this show a chance have you?! you haven't given us a chance!"
"jihyo i told you last time that we are over! we have been over for over a year now!"
"i apologised for that okay! i just thought- i didn't think you'd be the type of person to go on this show for the wrong reasons sana."
"what- what wrong reasons?!"
"you're not here to find love! you've had it! even when we were dating i always thought it was kinda weird how close you and y/n were!"
"what- what are you talking about jihyo?!"
"you know damn well what i'm talking about."
"i don't."
"the fact that you've been in love with y/n since way before we were dating sana."
"wh- what?!"
"yeah. i figured if you're not taking this experience seriously than i give you a taste of your own medicine. that's why i invited sungbin tonight. everyone talks about people only coming on these reality shows for their 15 minutes of fame, i didn't peg you to be one of them sana."
"i am taking this seriously! how can you tell me anything about what i've been doing when you've had tunnel vision this entire time? you've only been focused on trying to get me back after i already told you that we're over!"
"if you are taking this seriously then tell me you don't have feelings for y/n. tell me you're going to end up with one of the final four, it doesn't have to be me, but don't you think you owe it to the others who have been trying so hard to impress you this entire time to give it your all?"
"i- that's not for you to decide jihyo."
"you can't say it can you?"
there's silence for a bit, the muffled sound of sniffling. you can't help but feel like you're intruding, and the fact that everything was being filmed and recorded right now made it even worse.
you quietly slip out of board games night and head towards the producers.
"you're going to cut that out right?"
"their conversation. you'll cut it out?"
"excuse me, who do you think you are?"
"sana's best friend. who cares about her and her national reputation as korea's most eligible bachelorette."
the producer sighs exasperatedly, "we'll see what we do in the final edits. no promises." he rolls his eyes and pushes past you to go talk to the camera directors.
you hurridely go outside to see sana sitting on the balcony, her head in her hands, jihyo looking out across the balcony.
they both turn to you, jihyo rolls her eyes predictably, scoffing and moving past you back inside. you take the opportunity to step outside and close the door behind you.
"sana sweetheart..."
sana's eyes are watery, barely concealed emotions rampant across her face.
"cameras." she gestures weakly around the balcony where cameras and microphones are still set up.
"let's go home then."
she takes a breath, nodding slightly and taking your outstretched hand, you squeeze it reassuringly, leading her out of the house and offering your goodbyes to jihyo's family.
rather than take the driver back to the bachelorette pad, you insist on driving and giving the driver the rest of the night off. that way, you can at least ensure the both of you aren't under the watchful eye of producers looking to make a buck off sana's misfortune for entertainment.
it also helps that you can take a detour and head to a late night ice-cream parlour you and sana used to go to all the time as college students.
you grin when you see sana's expression immediately brighten when you pull up into familiar streets.
"where are we going y/n?"
"somewhere as sweet as you."
she squeals happily, hugging you and you try your best to return it with a laugh while you keep your eyes on the road.
you park and walk into the ice-cream parlour hand in hand.
sana beams when she walks in, excited to taste test all the flavours despite always getting the same thing every time. you let her be childish again to forget all the things jihyo's said to her.
once she's tasted everything you order your usual white crumble pistachio and strawberry yoghurt for sana.
as always, she has to try some of yours and you must try some of hers because she's tried yours so it's only fair. except this time she leans in to kiss you, the flavours mixing on your tongues, a sweet kiss with no cameras or pressure, a moment just for the two of you.
after you're both finished with your cones, she leans into you, placing her head on your shoulder.
"about what jihyo said..."
"it's okay sana. you don't have to explain anything. i shouldn't have been eavesdropping anyway."
she snorts, "well i mean- it's going to be broadcast nationally anyway."
"maybe not. producers said they'll take it into consideration."
"mm. i haven't- i don't-"
you let her think, placing an arm around her shoulder comfortingly, letting her come up with the words in her own time.
"i love you. i told you that already. i don't know for how long- maybe jihyo's right and maybe i've always loved you. that doesn't mean that- it doesn't meant that i haven't put my all into this right?"
"of course not sweetie. i don't know if it was the same for you but i didn't even realise i had romantic feelings for you until during this. in the beginning, i was completely focused on finding the person that would be right for you. and i think you were too. it just so happened that halfway through, we started- well i realised that you were it for me." you turn to face her gently, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and caressing her cheek.
she rubs her nose against yours softly with a smile, "you're it for me too. i'll figure out how to get through the rest of the season, but i think jihyo's right in that i have to start being honest with the rest of the contestants. none of them deserve to be led on like this."
"i'm sorry i kinda fucked up this whole show for you."
she pecks you chastely, "silly... we wouldn't be here together or have realised our feelings for each other if this didn't happen right? we just have to be selfish for a little more."
you sigh against her, bringing her into a proper kiss, lips trying to convey just how much you felt for her.
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son-solo-palabrass · 19 days ago
This blog is slowly turning into a Yellowjackets stan acc and I'm not even mad about it so it's time to share my experience watching the show as a former Scouts group member, as well as someone who used to have the same kind of friendship as jackie and shauna had w their best friend. (Not romantically tho) (I was the Shauna of the situation)
So, I was a Scout Girl from ages 11 till 17 aprox and in that group I met this girl who'd end up being like the Jackie to my Shauna; we were the best of friends, we did everything together, we grew up together, we went through adolescence together and, eventually, we broke apart bc of the trauma we shared (not as bad trauma as The Girls, of course). This girl was EVERYTHING to me, she was the first person I told about the eating disorder I developed as a teen, the first person I told about my sexuality conflicts, and the first person I tried drugs with. We had a bond like no other and I honestly thought we would be Best Friends Forever. She was the It Girl in my Scouts group and I was happy to be her Second on everything.
I wouldn't say I was in love with her? But I did love her like no other.
Obviously we grew apart bc you can only be the Second to someone for so long until you eventually realize that it isn't the best thing to be, just like Shauna did.
While on the Scouts group we would constantly go on camping trips bc that's what you do, and I can see a lot of resemblances between the dynamics of the Yellowjackets on the wilderness and the dynamics that developed between all of us during these trips.
Day one of the trip you're still the same as before, you adapt to the situation just like you would in "the real world", you go through chores, you try to make do with whatever you've brought, you act almost the same as you would at home. But by the third or fourth day you're not in the Real World anymore; you get used to the new routines, you let go of some habits bc they don't actually make a lot of sense in the place you are right now. And also, you're parent free, so you kind of start feeling like This Is Your Life Now. By the fifth day you're deep into this new scenario and you start to feel different, more free from conventions and like you can do whatever you want/need to "survive". The dynamics also change; eventually one person does rise up as The Leader bc we as humans usually look for someone to follow, especially in situations like this, where you're away from everything you know and you're forced to be more in charge of your own "survival", so I can understand to a deep level what happened to the Yellowjackets (minus the deaths/near death situations/extreme survival ofc) as a group and why they went so, and I quote, "fucking nuts".
I mean, we used to be crazy emotionally unstable by the end of these camping trips, and they were only 2 weeks long (at most), so I can only imagine what it would be like to, not only be on that kind of situation for as long as the YJ did, but also carring the whole lot of baggage and untreated trauma that being on a plane crash and seeing so many of your friends die tragic horrible deaths, can bring. But I can see myself succumbing to those same dynamics the girls did, bc when you're away from everything you know and are used to, with a bunch of people that are mostly kids/teenagers (although we did have adults taking care of us and stuff, they were also like pretty young adults. At the time I saw them as The Adults In Charge, but as a currently 26 y/o myself I can say they probably had no fucking clue what to do with 10 to 15 teenagers and how to meet their emotional needs at all) you tend to go a little wild. You leave behind some inhibitions, you start seeing these people you share every single second of your day with as the only people in the world bc, at the time, they are. And you get fed up over small things like someone not pitching in as much as the rest or not taking The Group's needs into consideration (ex: the piss bucket thing), and they pile up until this teeny tiny thing that, in The Real World wouldn't even bother you, becomes The Worst Thing anyone could do. I remember getting pissed at someone for not washing their mug or leaving a piece of clothing on the makeshift table overnight.
What I'm trying to say here are two things:
1. The way the YJ acted, the things they did, the fights they had, etc. are not far fetched from reality AT ALL. They're all things can, do and WILL happen if you put a bunch of teenage girls in the woods for the right amount of time. I'm not justifying the horrible things they did ofc but, at least up until the Doomcomming shrooms fiasco, everything that they did and everything that happened, I can see teenage Scout me acting the same way; fuck, I can even see little me becoming The Butcher bc they were so angry at the world and so desperate to be their own person apart from The Second and wanting to feel useful to the rest of the group.
And 2. I'm pretty sure that if me and my then friends had ended up in a situation similar to the YJ, I would've also probably ended up consuming my best friend like Shauna did, bc I remember the feeling of wanting to have her all to myself, to be one with her, to HAVE her, to BE her, to become ONE. I can remember the jealousy I felt whenever I saw her bonding with someone that wasn't me, which I then associated to wanting to be popular like her but now I realize that I didn't want to be her on those moments, I wanted to be everyone else and experience her like they did in every way, shape and form possible, I wanted to be the only one that could understand her. And I think that was inevitably what threw us apart all these years ago, bc as I said, you can only be the Second to someone for so long until you eventually realize that it isn't the best thing to be
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elizabeth-mitchells · 6 months ago
feeling bored so... what do you think an adult laura lee would be like? (and who would you cast to play her?)
literally just the other day i was looking back on some of the answers people gave me when i asked who would they cast as adult laura lee. including: sarah michelle gellar, diane krueger, laura dern, kristen bell, kirsten dunst... BUT the absolute #1 winner in my heart is 100% Elizabeth Mitchell. i mean look at her. the laura lee's style dress and the lottie's cult's colors...
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now what would adult laura lee be like...
well i'm happy to consider all the options! i've mentioned before that it could go in very different ways if she had survived. after the rescue she could've 1. entered extreme denial about all she did and turned more obsessively religious to make up for it 2. stayed obsessively religious but for the wilderness (and lottie) which she never let go of 3. ✨ a middle ground ✨ or more!
personally, realistically, i think the middle ground would be something like... she wouldn't completely let go of her faith (catholic, christian, whatever) because it was so important to her and key to her character, but it would definitely change. her god abandoned them in the wilderness and let them do all those unforgivable things... but i think her post-rescue healing process would center around making peace with that and finding her middle ground. i can picture her joining one of those churches that are like liberal and very pro-lgbt and stuff. BUT i'm so sure she would never completely let go of their weird wilderness religion and her belief that lottie was touched by the holy spirit, that she had gift, that she was something like a saint
a lot of people love to paint laura lee as a boring character, bible thumping, goody two shoes, innocent and pure, but that goes against so many things we see from her. standing up against figures of authority and even controlling the group (making them pray, standing up against coach, jackie, nat, coach again, making them pray again, making fun of nat and travis and travis again) she had the balls to try to exorcise lottie and to fly a plane. do you know what she would be like as an adult after she'd had to go through all the brutal things they did to survive in the wilderness??
i think she obviously wouldn't lose her best traits. i think she would stay sweet and she would be even kinder to people because she knows how difficult it is to survive and she would love to help others (and fight anyone that tried to make other people's lives more difficult than they need to be) but she's stay brave, stubborn, true to her values and beliefs, and very much learn to stand up for herself and never let anyone laugh at her expense again
also she would be a lesbian. she would 100% be a lesbian
(she's married to lottie)
(she's her right hand woman managing the not-a-cult and she's at once nicer and more approachable but also more strict than sexy prophet lottie)
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shaunamilfman · 1 year ago
Dating Jackie Taylor
pre-crash headcanons
nsfw mention
girl would make you drive her everywhere. you'd be like "doesn't shauna have a car?" and she'd pout and be like "it's not the sameeee". 
she likes to tease you so much. changes the radio station and is like "oh were you listening to that?". knocks your pen off the table and is like "you're so clumsy, baby". plays footsy with you under the table if she's sitting across from you or runs her fingers up your legs if you're sitting next to her. 
so so clingy. she'll get jealous of inanimate objects for holding your attention. picks the book your reading out of your hand and climb into your lap to cuddle instead. "it's like you don't even careeee" she'll whine. (she puts your bookmark in. don't worry, she's not an animal). you definitely won't get to read it for a while, though. 
she'd want to call you/want to be called the most ridiculous fucking nicknames man. she'd slip up in front of the team and you would be stuck getting called pooh bear for weeks before they let it go
Jackie def the type to be like "oh i don't want any fries" and you'd look away and she'd have eaten all of yours. she'd finish her Starbucks drink before yall even left the parking lot.
i feel like she would love getting gifts. she'd get so happy when you'd show up to pick her up with a coffee or like a snack or something. i think she'd love like mixtapes and stuff that show that you're thinking of her a lot. 
trying to include Shauna in hangouts because you're tired of being on the receiving end of her glares when you get too close to Jackie. 
"no I'm telling you she's plotting my death in her cunty little notebook". Jackie giggles and shakes her head. (Shauna's got a 7 step plan already) 
Jackie making a pep talk for the team and looking at you for support. "Yeah guys! go team!" you say unenthusiastically. Jackie rolls her eyes. 
laying on Jackie's bed with her head in your lap and playing with her hair. trying not to fall asleep as she drones on about strategy for the upcoming game. "are you still listening?" "yeah, totally. " 
finding her at her locker between classes to exchange some seriously hot gossip you heard in your science class. you don't really give a shit but you listen because you know she likes it. Jackie grinning and then running off to tell Shauna (who also doesn't care. poor Jackie.)
taking care of Jackie after she gets absolutely wasted after like one drink at a party. i feel like she's such a lightweight for some reason. running your fingers through her hair as she throws up later. having to leave early to take her home. (you usually got stuck being the DD) 
girl is such a little spoon. she loves laying in your arms. it makes her feel so warm and safe. 
Jackie is so small. i love the idea of putting her things on high shelves and making her pay the tax (kissing you) to get her things back. she'll pout so pretty but you valiantly remain strong. 
i feel like Jackie's such a pillow princess tbh. girly wouldn't lift a finger in the wilderness just like she wouldn't lift a finger to get you off. 
taking her side in arguments with the team and being like "girl wtf" afterwards. she's got to stop calling Nat a slut. it's getting tired at this point. 
big big romcom enjoyer. she'd definitely have like 3 favorites and make you watch them over and over again. I'd be surprised if you couldn't quote them word for word at this point. 
would lose her shit watching a horror movie. would definitely try to kiss you to distract you into turning it off. devious. 
anniversary dates would be extremely important to her. she'd bring it up for months if you forgot one. "happy seven months baby 🥰 🥰"
it doesn't come out til '99 but I desperately need to see Jackie's reaction to But I'm a Cheerleader. "it's easy to be a prude when you're not attracted to him". Jackie found dead
listens to music for vibes and not necessarily the lyrics.
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jackjawcaptain · 1 month ago
Tori's Masterlist of Works From AO3 (A-Z)
Started 1-29-25
Updated 2-28-25
*All FICS ARE 21+*
Assassin's Creed
Ezio Auditore de Firenze Aged Like Fine Wine (smut, completed)
Jacob Frye Fatal Attraction (ON HOLD, dark fic, older!Jacob Frye, takes place in the Jack The Ripper DLC)
Alexios or Deimos At The Mercy of Fate (completed, dark smut, extreme dubious consent)
Crimson Peak
Alan McMichael
Escape from Crimson Peak (completed, youngest sharp sibling!reader, reader is caught in the middle of the plot between Lucille and Edith, reader and Edith are besties, tragic angst)
Cyberpunk 2077
Johnny Silverhand
Ivory Towers and Guitar Picks (completed, older works, use of Y/N, Reader is an adopted daughter of Saburo Arasaka and then she meets the infamous Johnny Silverhand, tragic romance, contains smut)
Sweet Child of Mine (completed, fluff, happy ending for Johnny, use of Y/N, super self indulgent)
Gotta Teach Em' Young (completed, sort of sequel to Sweet Child of Mine but can be read as stand alone, no use of Y/N, pregnant!reader, soft Johnny)
A Tale of Twins in Night City (completed, super short fix-it fic, reader is V's twin)
The Merc, The Princess and The Rocker (in progress, Male!V meets Jackie's sister and instantly falls in love and wants to give her everything in the world. Things go wrong when he wakes up with a terrorist in his head, contains smut, fix-it fic)
Final Fantasy
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Defying the Odds (completed, fix-it fic, contains smut, astral!reader)
Barnabas Tharmr
Always Been Mine (in progress, Rosfield!reader + Leviathan!reader, Barnabas is ordained to be your man and takes you away after Phoenix Gate)
Gladiator II
General Marcus Acacius
Ruined (completed, not movie accurate, princess!reader, arranged marriage, angsty)
Delsin Rowe
Smoke and Lightning (completed, Reggie doesn't die, reader is Cole's sister who also has lightning powers)
Interview With The Vampire
Lestat de Lioncourt
His Favorite Human (completed, based off the 1994 movie, haven't seen the show yet, angsty romance, open ending, selfish Lestat)
Legend of Zelda
Running Out of Time (completed, princess!reader, follows the time leading up to BOTW, reader is Zelda's older sister, angst over heavy prophecy for duty and country)
My Bloody Valentine (1981 & 2009)
Harry Warden
I'll Take You Away (completed, Harry Warden comes for you during his parade of blood because you kept him sane while he was down in the dark, smut and pregnancy mention, Valentine's Day Special 2024)
Cupcakes and Blood (in progress, your crush on Harry is evident, smut to come, Valentine's Day Special 2025)
Star Wars
Cal Kestis
Where The Moon Blossoms Grow (completed, SMUT, reunited after Order 66, follows the path of Jedi Survivor)
Din Djarin
Arguing in the Rain (very first work to AO3, completed, fluff and angst)
Qimir (The Stranger)
Fill in the Blanks (completed, memory loss then its regained, light smut)
Top Gun
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Half As Long, Twice As Bright (completed, childhood sweethearts, includes Icemav being parents + Ethan Hunt being Pete Mitchell's twin)
Ties That Bind (completed, Halloween special 2024, includes Icemav being protective parents)
Forget About Your Ex (completed, Mitchell!Reader comes back home for springbreak after catching her bf in bed with her roommate, Bradley comforts you, SMUT)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Angel Wings (completed, first fic for the Top Gun fandom, Bradshaw!Reader)
One With The Sea (completed, Mermaid AU, mermaid!reader)
When Shadows Meet Again (ON HOLD, prominent Icemav, Regency AU, Jake is Tom's Son)
In A Galaxy Far Far Away (completed, combo of Star Wars + Top Gun, prominent Icemav)
It's You, It's Me, It's Us (in progress, latina!coded reader, childhood sweethearts, Mav walked out but comes back)
Scott Miller
For The First Time (completed, Harding!Reader, childhood sweethearts, break up but gets back together)
Tyler Owens
Won't Let You Go (completed, platonic Kate/Reader, Harding!Reader)
Whipping Winds (completed, first fic in the fandom after watching the movie)
Make Me A Daddy (completed, smut one-shot, fucking in Tyler's truck during a twister)
Love You To Mars and Back (completed, christmas special one-shot, very Hallmark coded, Harding!Reader)
Into The Storm (completed, Harding!Reader and Tyler get sucked up by a twister that takes them back to 1996, angst and fluff, inspired by Back To The Future, going 88 miles per hour into a twister)
Ultraman: Rising (2024)
Ken/Kenji Sato
A Brave New World (completed, most popular fic on my account, established relationship with Ken, basically follows the movie, fluffy goodness, reader is Emi's stepmom)
Vampyr (Video Game)
Dr. Jonathan Reid
Small Joy (completed, pregnant!reader, Jonathan falls in love with you despite being a newborn vampire and that you're pregnant with your late husband's child)
Stress Relief (completed, helping Jonathan study leads to shameless sex, smut)
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scotianostra · 3 months ago
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Happy Birthday Scottish actor Gary Lewis, born 30th November 1957.
Born and raised in Easterhouse, Glasgow Lewis seems an unlikely actor, he has had jobs as a roadsweeper and librarian, his brother, a teacher encouraged him to do more and he became in his own words a “voracious” reader, this pushed him into wanting to become an actor at the age of 32.
It was a chance meeting with fellow Scot, Peter Mullan that gave him his break, he joined the regular “in house” actors in Ken Loach films, starring with Mullan in My Name is Joe and Robert Carlyle in Carla’s song he was in good company to learn.He had a cracking role in Peter Mullan’s film Orphans, with one of my favourite lines, “She’s not heavy, she’s my mother”
Lewis won the best actor award for the part at the Gijón International Film Festival in 1998.I think most of you will remember Gary Lewis playing coal miner Jackie Elliot, father to the films title role Billy Elliot. I sometimes feel like I m repeating myself when noting the CV’s of these actors, Taggart, Rab C Nesbitt, Rebus were early shows for Lewis, while Stonemouth and In Plain Sight are more recent.
Then there is of course Outlander. Gary Lewis appeared in the first two seasons of the hit show, based on the novels by Diana Gabaldon playing, Colum MacKenzie, laird of the MacKenzie family and Uncle to Jamie Fraser. Colum died in the season finale 2 finale Hail Mary. Of Outlander he says,
“The fan base is extremely passionate. It is strange because I live in Scotland and Outlander isn’t massive here to the extent it is in Australia, America and Canada. There are fans all over the world.”
The past few years have been busy for Gary, he managed to snap up an appearance in the final series of Still Game, as well the movie, The Vanishing, teaming up again with Peter Mullan and last weeks birthday boy Gerard Butler. He has also been in His Dark Materials, Rig 45, It’s a Sin, Vigil and series 3 of The Bay.
IMDB has Gary, along with Billy Boyd and Sharleen Spiteri to star in a film, set in Glasgow called I Feel Fine, however I think the project has stalled as it has been at the “announced” stage for several years now. Gary is also to play Roald Amundsen in the film North Pole: 90° North.
Gary wa also in the Scottish feature film, Stella, about a German Jewish refugee who finds herself working in a stately Home in Dumfries and Galloway belonging to aristocratic supporters of fascist leader Oswald Mosely. I havent seen the film as yet, but will try and remdy that as it has a good rating on Imdb.
Gary reprised the role Colin Robertson last year in the second series of Vigil, he was seen earlier this year in Frankin, Michael Douglas in the lead role as American founding father Benjamin Franklin.
Earlier this month Gary was sighted alongside Emma Thompson and Ruth Wilson, shooting aboard a boat in Newquay. It's speculated that the trio were filming for an upcoming British TV series on Apple+, named Down Cemetery Road., although I can't find him on the list of actors.
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mileenaxyz · 6 months ago
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*Spoilers ahead*
I was going to rant about how Season 3 of Industry wasn't Industrying for me. I was going to bitch about the infamous "Season 3 Slump" some shows tend to suffer from. I was going to compare it to The Bear and complain that just like I hadn't gotten enough of Sydney Adamu in S3, I wasn't getting enough of Harper Stern in S3.
I was going to ask if Harper was being phased out in favor of Yasmin and Robert, and I was going to point out that as fond as I am both of those characters, neither one is "enough" to lead this show alongside Eric the way Harper is.
I was also going to call Kit Harington's casting publicity casting and point out that anybody could've been played Henry Muck, because I don't feel like Kit did anything special acting wise.
I was going to do all of that and then...last night's episode dropped.
Y'ALL. Since the end of S2 I've been waiting for Harper to rain fire and blood on PierPoint. I wanted to see how she'd do it and how long she'd draw out the pain and agony. When she started the fund with Petra and became a client of Pierpoint's (and demanded first class service from Eric), I was like, "That's cute and all...but it's not fire and blood."
Watching her scheme with Kenny, Daria, and Jackie, my jaw fell on the floor. I started screaming, "There's my Harper! THERE'S my fucking Harper Stern." And then seeing Eric blow up....
Speaking of Eric, I had no complaints about him this season. Both Ken Leung and the writers did some excellent work; I just felt I needed to see more interactions with Harper (I've dubbed their father/daughter ship Harpsichord). But depriving us worked, because he's been avoiding her all season when she clearly wants his attention, and when he finally confronted her in her office, it was AMAZING! I was soooooo happy when he finally addressed the daddy elephant in the room and she finally pointed out her "monstrous" tendencies stem from him, and PierPoint by and large. Because when we first met Harper, she was too afraid to even pick up the phone.
Eric dragged her kicking and screaming from her shell, tutored her, molded her, and taught her the art of betrayal. He made her a monster and now he's mad...that she's a monster?
And after that, Yasmin's storyline FINALLY paid off, and it was eye-opening.
You have to understand something about me; I'm asexual, so I miss a lot of cues and when it comes to sex on TV, I typically fast forward through that shit because I don't care. I don't think it contributes to the story but this time, it actually did. I now understand why Yasmin feels the impulse to get sexually involved with damn near everybody. Since S1, I found it annoying and thought it was just some dumb thing the writers were throwing in (because so many shows do that shit), but this time, it had an actual point. Yasmin's father weaponized his wealth and status so he could fuck anything with a pulse, so is it any surprise she learned to do the same?
In fact, I think the only reason she blew up at Eric at the restaurant was that she didn't find him attractive. If she did, they would've ended up in that bathroom together. Because wealth and status (and pale skin privilege) taught Yasmin that she can behave in this manner with no consequences (Harper obviously cannot).
Which brings us to the seasonal Harper/Yasmin confrontation. A part of me wants them to be friends, another part a couple, and yet another part thinks they need to permanently split up. Such is the reality of life, and a testament to the writers. Yeah, yeah...Harper's a "monster", but I don't think Yasmin is a "talentless and useless and a fucking whore." Yasmin speaks seven languages, is a deft manipulator, and simply needs to learn that screwing your coworkers, clients, and boss is unprofessional and extremely tacky.
And Harper, honey, sweetie, boo...let that man go. Your little crush should've wrapped up in S1 the minute he chose the spicy white girl who treats him like dirt. I get that Robert's an adorable sweetheart and all, but you're not his preference and you need to get over him. Matter of fact, you've been making bank for a while now - why are you still living with these people?
This is the one part of the story that really works my nerve, but I can't really criticize it because it's real. Harper likes Robert; he's a good guy she has to see everyday at both work and home. The part of her that feels both inferior AND superior to Yasmin desperately wants to "win" him from the spicy white girl who treats him like dirt. That's real. It's as annoying as Yasmin's ill-advised sexcapades, but they're young, insecure women in a cutthroat world, and it's real.
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johnnycakesswitch · 8 months ago
Evie hcs bc I’ve claimed her as my sweet girl and since there’s basically zero description of her that means I can make her whatever I want. These hcs are in a more canon compliant universe so her and Steve are together. If anyone wants I can do hcs abt wlw Evie in a Stevepop universe in which her and Steve are each other’s beards if anyone would be interested
• her full name is Evangeline but almost exclusively goes by Evie. Steve really likes to call her by her full name every now and then though
• I feel like she’d be such a girly girl like she loves wearing dresses and makeup and styling her hair, she’s just a complete princess
• but also- don’t fuck with her. She can and will fight people, especially if you hurt someone close to her
• she is definitely friends with Angela Shepard ❤️
• was friendly with Sandy and eventually got closer to her over time but it was only really because of Soda and Steve. She was devastated when she heard that Sandy cheated. At first she felt sorry for both her and Soda when she found out that Sandy was pregnant but once she found out that the baby wasn’t Soda’s, she felt so betrayed on Soda’s behalf
• can def be a little rebellious- her parents often don’t like the clothes she wears bc her skirts and dresses tend to be shorter than they’d like and she loves wearing heavy eye makeup but she rly dgaf and continues to do what she wants
• will sneak out her window at any time of the night
• has these gorgeous big brown doll eyes- part of why she loves doing heavy eyeliner and mascara, they make her eyes look huge
• very much an extrovert and loves going out and doing things- dancing, rodeos, drag races, you name it and she’ll be there
• I picture her as either SarahGrace Mariani from the outsiders musical who actually plays Marcia or Jackie from That 70s Show, so basically just tiny brunette with beautiful eyes. I picture her style to be similar to Jackie’s even though it’s not super time period accurate because 70s vs 60s yk
• definitely has a little temper, she can go from the most innocent looking sweetheart to an absolute devil in seconds. But also has the biggest heart- she is extremely loyal and loves so deeply
Specifically Stevie hcs
• her and Steve are definitely that couple that have been together since they were like 15 and will absolutely be together for the rest of their lives
• always use pet names for each other they like hardly use each other’s real names. The only exception for this is that Steve likes to add her name before the pet name if that makes sense- he’ll be like Evie baby, Evie honey, Evie doll, etc. She usually calls Steve things like honey, sweetheart, or handsome but there are other names in the mix as well
• they are that super romantic couple that do these super detailed romantic actions for each other. They write each other love letters, she’ll always decorate hers with very carefully placed lipstick stains. He writes his super neatly and always leaves them places for her to find like in her pocket. She brings out the sappy side of him
• are the couple that everyone knows they’re together because they don’t let anyone forget it. Super proud of being with each other also, at drag races Evie is always cheering so loud for Steve and is like “that’s my boyfriend Steve Randle is MY boyfriend!!!”
• literally can’t keep their hands off each other Steve’s arm is always around her waist and she loves holding onto his bicep
• Steve definitely has her name tattooed on him somewhere
• each other’s absolute biggest supporters. Evie encouraged Steve to one day open his own mechanic shop (with Soda ofc) bc he’s so good at cars and he always made sure that she had the option to do whatever she wanted, whether that be get her own job or be a stay at home wife/mother, Steve was alright with whatever as long as she was happy
• they get married young and have like 2 or 3 kids and live happily ever after
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kalcifers-blog · 11 months ago
Can you also talk about how the fandom also has a tendency to infantilize Jameson (the only character with a confirmed physical disability)? I loved your piece on Chase, I too find it kinda odd how people portray Chase. (Especially if they want a silly soft boy Jackie is right there!)
Oh absolutely this is something that's pissed me off for a really long time.
Jameson Jackson is a fully grown adult man and it is just weird how people infantialize him and just in general make it out that he's completely innocent and can do no harm.
While I do think that JJ can definitely be a sweet guy who's nice and caring I don't think he's the innocent guy everyone portrays him as. I think he has the ability to be just as much of a dick as the other Egos. If anything I could imagine him to be generally unimpressed and not seeing an issue of blatantly letting people know that.
JJ deserves the right to be angry and he deserves to not be nice about it!!
This is my interpretation of the man. So enjoy to anyone who is interested:
(the reason for the cut is that this is fucking LONG dude)
My view on him was that he was the very first person to come into contact with Anti- back in the 1920s. My personal theory is that Anti is attacking very specific individuals because of their abilities, whether they know of their abilities or not. JJ is unaware of his. He often introduces himself to each of the Egos based on what is most likely to affect them the most (for Chase it being a home intruder there to attack his family etc)
Anti took the form of an unknown stranger seemingly stalking him, he didn't really know what to make of him at first, he was just a stranger in the shadows, seemingly just appearing out of nowhere just to stare with eyes that are covered in shadow. Only to walk away calmly, not too long after being noticed, Jameson can't help but notice the stranger getting closer each time he sees him. (There would be weeks or months between each sighting, just long enough for Jameson to almost forget the man before he sees him again)
Everything went wrong during one of his puppet shows. When Anti appeared in the audience and despite the lighting he was still entirely encased in an impossibly dark shadow.
I like to think that JJ was possessed through the rest of his puppet show- yet no one notices. He's internally screaming for someone to notice something is deeply wrong and yet not one audience member can see it. Something about it angered him more than anything- how could any of them, most of them claiming to be close friends of his, not see that something is so horrifying wrong. Except the one audience member obviously.
I think after that experience JJ went out searching for anyone who would listen to him. His story was unbelievable and was often over looked- which lead him to the likes of IRIS, an extremely new company that was the first to hear him out, to actually listen to him.
Jameson Jackson hasn't left IRIS since- he made a deal with them, they'd help keep his tormentor at bay if they are allowed to understand the power he possessed- which turned out to be time manipulation, allowing him to effectively be unaffected by time but being forced to watch as the world moves on without him several times over. He's not immortal? Like he's able to die and other than his ability to warp time he's still extremely human.
He prefers to stay in IRIS, the entire time he's been there Anti hasn't found him since. And he definitely isn't going to be happy when he finds out he's been released.
Since he's been in IRIS so long I think he's very well respected amongst the staff. Especially since a lot of them know just how dangerous a man with nothing to lose and the ability to warp time can truly be. Like Chase he doesn't want to be a danger, he doesn't enjoy harming people but I think he has spent lifetimes worth of living in so much fear of his tormentor and seeing it spread and effect so many other people that he's willing to do whatever it takes at this point to snuff Anti out for good
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cryingpariah · 2 months ago
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Jackie edition! 🪶
1. She’s not an angry person for most stuff but she’s got some triggers. Even if she is genuinely angry she’ll play it off as joke anger when she can.
2. No not even a little. She won’t spoil anyone’s fun but stuff like that just seem so cartoonishly fake to her.
3. Flipping over your eyelids or putting needles into the thinnest layer of skin on your fingers, it gives her the willies something fierce!
4. Her happy place can vary but it most comes down to somewhere soft, comfy and quiet. If she described it to you it'd sound like she wants a nest.
5. It hasn’t happened for her yet but she got pretty close once.
6. After her parents died definitely. She just sort of…stopped.
7. This would have to be a bar/tavern/pub far away from Morgans's watchful eyes but she'd still probably only be there for business! She’d be more likely to pay for someone’s drink but she certainly wouldn’t say no to a free (non alcoholic) beverage!
8. It’s happened a couple of times due to some angry Marines or Pirates not liking how they were portray in the papers and her being the easiest target but she handles it like a champ.
9. One or two less wouldn’t hurt…
10. Once her parents got sick and couldn’t work so she had them all to herself to hangout with! Jackie herself had gotten sick afterwards but her parents actually cut their hours to nurse her which surprised the hell out of her at the time!
11. PASSION! Not in the stereotypical romantic sense but more like a passion in life! Something that makes them get out of bed in the morning, something they can talk about for hours at a time! She just finds it so damn cute!
12. Her bottomless bag for sure!
13. She’s too young for now but it’s definitely crossed her mind once or twice! It’s not super seriously or anything but it’s a fun ‘what-if’ she ponders occasionally.
14. She got her ears pierced when she was extremely young but since then the holes have closed. She has no real interest in re-piercing them but Stussy really wants her to!
15. Maybe it’s her job of her years living on a dirigible but if it’s not some kind of moving home she can’t imagine living there! It would also be absolutely covered in books and the softest bed in human history!
16. A lot of people are under the impression that she can sing when she absolutely cannot. Do NAWT pass her the mic you will regret it.
17. Too good. Like scary good. Like ‘I-never-told-anyone-I-wanted-this-I-literally-just-saw-it-in-passing-how-did-you-know?’ good. People she gifts things to often wonder if she stalked them a little! She didn’t obviously…she’s too busy working to stalk anyone.
18. Her ability to figure people out, it’s her favourite thing to do in life! Be able to read someone at a glance is a skill she continues to hone every single day.
19. Kind and a little too unassuming. Chatty and prone to a dramatic flourish or five. Incredibly nosy. Morally ambiguous.
20. Smart as a whip and a huge nerd. Nosy but can hold herself back. Gossipy to a fault. Incredibly kind. Morally upright.
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looby1302 · 1 year ago
Part III of guilty conscience…
Hope you all enjoy.
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I have written one for Jackie also.
When Cole decided that he was going to leave Colorado and head to New York in hopes of winning the girl he loves over, he didn’t plan in advance. Alex was leaving for camp the next day. He needed an alibi, so that his mom wouldn’t try and stop him.
Cole came up with a plan to tell his parents that he was going camping for a couple of nights with his old football friends to relive some happy football memories now that he was in a good place emotionally, after finally convincing them. He went to school to see Mr C.
Cole made up an excuse as to why he wouldn’t be in school for a few days he said that his grandmother was extremely ill and he wanted to go and visit her but if he could take some of the work with him to complete while he was gone. Mr C sympathetically agreed. Cole knew that once he headed for New York and he finally saw Jackie that she would make it her mission to make him return to complete summer school.
After sorting out everything other than transportation, he used his saved up money from working at Tony’s and bought a plane ticket from Colorado to New York. He was just waiting for the morning to come around.
As the morning quickly rolled around. He opened his bedroom door to find Alex stood there. Tension and awkwardness was in the air. “Hey, you almost ready for camp?”. Cole said in a hushed voice. “Like you care Cole, you’ve ruined my life once again, have you finished? Or is my girlfriend gonna suddenly come back and tell me she’s pregnant with your kid?!” He said sharply and sarcastically. “Alex, come on!” Cole shouts but he’s cut off mid sentence. “You drove her away, I haven’t even spoken to her!, I hope your happy with yourself”. Alex then walks Down the stairs on his way out the house.
So many emotions go through Cole’s head. Guilt, anger, confusion and love. He packs his bag. Says goodbye to his parents and the rest of the family. Gets in his truck and heads to the airport. Once the plane had landed at JFK he grabs his luggage picks out his phone and calls Danny. “Hey Bro, how’s New York?”. He says with a smile on his face. “It’s good, it’s all new to me but I think you would like it too!”. He says happily. Cole sighs “actually I’m in New York, I’ve just got off the plane, Don’t tell Jackie please! I want to surprise her, but I don’t know where I’m going or even where to find her?”.
Danny is left torn, on one hand he knows that deep down Jackie has always had this connection with Cole. The other part of him knows that Alex wouldn’t be happy with him.
He huffs and then answers “she’s at her internship downtown, I’ll text you the address, she should be on her lunch break shortly”. Cole smiles and has this feeling of hope bubbling inside. “Thanks bro, I’ll see you soon”.
As the ping came through of the address. Cole mapped it on his phone. 23 minute walk from the airport. He started walking after almost getting there his injured leg started hurting. He pushed through the pain. Then he saw her through the window, all the pain subsided. She had her hair down straightened, make up on point, stunning green professional dress. My god he wanted her.
She looks up from the table where she’s sat and see’s this blonde haired farmer looking man through the window. At first she thinks she’s going crazy then he enters and she knows she’s not. He walks toward her slowly, keeping eye contact at all times. “Hey New York”. He says with that stupid grin on his face, the one that is so addictive to her.
She stands up looks around making sure there is no one in site. Walks toward him grabs his face and brings it to hers. As the kiss grows deeper the strap of his bag falls from his shoulder and hits the floor with a thud. They both stop startled and eyes fixed on each other. He smiles “Jackie, you are going to be the death of me, you know that?”.
LET ME KNOW IF YOU ENJOY THIS! This is just the start ready for the smut and angst to come! Once again I am not much of a writer but please let me know if you would like more parts! I’ve just finished the Jackie POV :) love to you all! Xx
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<<Previous Chapter <<
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Pairing: Izzy Hands x gn!reader
Synopsis: The fallout from the storm leaves more answers than questions for the crew, as they do their best to heal from wounds past, present and future.
A/N: Hiiiiiiii, besties! Chapter 5 is officially here! Whoop whoop! Who's ready to board the Angst express? Also, Happy Easter!
Content Warning: Knives, mention of injuries, trauma, sensory overload, mentions of drowning and blood. I think that's everything. This series is 18+, so minors dni. Go away (politely).
She watched as the ship came rolling in. A flurry of activity upon the main deck, as the anchor was dropped, and a plank lowered to connect the boatside and port. Something was wrong- she could sense it. Usually when the Revenge paid a visit to the Republic of Pirates, there was a certain frisson of excitement and promise of good times. This time around, the crew's calls were not sentiments of hopeful anticipation but anxious haste to disembark.
Spanish Jackie's eyes narrowed, as she spied upon the weary form of one Oluwande, supporting an equally worn out Jim and Archie. Damn, she had never seen them looking for forlorn and exhausted. Sure, pirating was not the most glamouroud of professions but cuts, bruises and...what even was that staining their clothes? Yeah, the trio had seen better days, that was for sure. "What the fuck happened?" the bar owner forgo her usual greeting, demanding to know what the hell was going on.
Oluwande regarded the business woman with a look of pure reluctance. He was tired- no, scratch that- he was bone-achingly, soul-wearily exhausted, to the point where talking felt like a curse and a chore. Every fibre of his very being was screaming in unison for him to collapse upon the ground and become one with the dirt. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that jazz.  "Ship got caught in a storm."
"Any casualties?"
It only happened occasionally but there were times when Oluwande would get overwhelmed and it was like something in his brain switched off, needing to go on standby for a while, until he felt more settled and assured. His partners were aware of the main triggers that would induce a sensory overload. Things like a cacophony of clashing ambient sounds or extreme exhaustion would prompt him to remain silent for a while.
It had never really phased Jim, Archie- and when she was visiting- Zheng. As soon as he had explained it to them, their only main concern was making sure Oluwande felt supported during those periods of quiet. Whether it was finding him a safe space to decompress or making sure he got enough rest- the great loves of his life always endeavoured make sure his needs were met.
Sensing their partner's increasing distress at having to be verbal, Archie quickly spoke in Oluwande's place. "We're bringing them out now. Is there a doctor nearby?" the grateful upturning of his lips confirmed her suspicions. Always happy to help, the pirate have him a gentle squeeze around the shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah...Oi, you! Yeah, you!" Jackie called out to one of her many husbands. How she kept track of them all was anyone's guess but damn, Archie was impressed. The lady had mad game. If the pirate weren't so burnt out, she might have been even more impressed byt in the particular moment, she just wanted a comfortable seat and a warm meal. "Send the doctor to the local Inn. Tell him he's gonna have a real busy fucking morning. Oh and that The Genital Pirate will be paying!" like hell was Jackie going to foot what was going to undoubtedly be one expensive bill. She knew Stede was loaded but hopefully he had enough coin in that silk purse of his to pay the handsome fare.
Jackie's attention refocused when she caught sight of Swede supporting Blackbeard's right hand man. Damn, did every single member of the Revenge look equally as haggard? "Fuuuuck, you look like you've seen better days." Izzy could not bring himself to respond with his usual sharpness. Gods, he felt as fucking wonderful as he looked. The rescue mission had been an absolute nightmare. So many collective moments of thinking, 'this is it, this is how I go', that amounted to finally pulling Pete's unconscious body from the watery depths. It was a miracle that the First Hand himself had not drowned. In all honesty, Izzy could not decide which was worse, this storm or the night he lost his leg. "Wow, must be bad if you aren't even telling me to 'fuck off'."
The sound of more footsteps took the spotlight off of the weary First Mate, who was glad to have Jackie's attention directed elsewhere. In that moment, the silver-haired pirate allowed himself a moment of weakness to lean upon Swede more than he generally would have done, under different circumstances. But he was tired. Tired of always having to be capable and strong fir those around him. It was quite nice having someone support him for a change.
The charismatic business woman offered her signature wolf-like grin at the two co-captains, who had finally made their way to shore. No obvious wounds to be seen upon their persons, she noted, wondering who it was out of the cohort whom required such urgent care. "Eddie. Hello, Stede. So, a storm, huh?"
A storm, yeah. Some storm, Stede thought, as he felt Ed's grip around his waist tighten at the mere metion of what they has all just survived. Before the blonde could even open his mouth to give a retort, his lover beat him to the punch with a bitter laugh. "If you could call it that. Felt more like a trip to fucking Hell."
"Heard you got some injuries..." the words died, as she and the rest of the waiting crew, moved to let Fang and Roach carry the first of several makeshift gurneys up the hill. "Oh, shit."
"Yeah. 'Oh, shit'." Ed muttered, watching was a solemn gaze, as the body was carried into the nearby Inn.
"That's a lotta fucking blood."
Perhaps they should have washed up before sitting down in the Inn's small dining area. Well, if you could really call it that. It was more of a gloried room with a few tables and chairs. Still, the plates of cheese and bread were more gratefully recieved by the famished pirates, who could barely recollect when they had last eaten. What day was it even? The storm had felt like it had lasted an eternity.
"There was so much blood." Wee John commented, as he bit into another piece of bread. It was almost inedibly dry but thankfully, the cold pitcher of water, in the middle of the table, solved such issues.
Swede nodded with mild enthusiasm. He did not mind the bread's texture so much, having eaten some truly horrific meals during his time at sea. However, the cheese. Oh, the cheese. It was chalky in texture. The blonde was not aware that cheese could be so powdery. "So much. Maybe even too much?"
"I didn't even realise a person could bleed that much." yeah, no. The cheese was actually worse than the bread, John decided, pushing away his plate in disgust.
"Surely that was an abnormal amount of blood, right?"
Whilst Roach was the most seasoned out of them all when it came to seeing blood...and severed body parts, even he had to admit, it had been an alarming amount of...red. "Yeah, that's gotta be some witchcraft or something. People don't bleed that much." he blamed the fairies. Yeah, it was the fairies fault for sure. They must have been displeased with his offering of thanks, after they made the bread rise.  and cursed the ship with their fairy magic. That was the only logical answer.
Also, the bread at the Inn really was fucking disgusting.
It felt almost sickeningly self-indulgent to allow someone so intrinsically well-meaning to tend to such a wretched soul as he and yet, Ed could not bring himself to push away Stede's gentle touch. In fact, the once gruesome legend found himself leaning into the tender caresses. Despite the apparent care he was receiving, Ed could not quieten his racing thoughts. No matter how much he proverbially tried to smother the insidious voice,  that whispered vile realities, from the recesses of his mind. "Fuck." he cursed, as his lover carded his fingers through the silvery tresses. "This is bad, Stede."
The Gentleman Pirate faltered in his ministrations, knowing full well that Ed was not referring to his loving gestures. "I know." there was a graveness that tinged his tone, confirming all of Ed's most intimate fears. If happy-go-lucky Stede Bonnet thought the situation was dire, then Ed was well and truly fucked.
"The crew's gonna blame me for everything, you know?"
He did not want to agree. Oh, how he did not want to but despite his whim-prone ways, Stede knew that they both had to be realistic about the given situation. It would be a fool's error to assune that everything was okay with the crew, that things would magically go back to the way there were and a few weeks time, the Revenge would set sail once more. "I do."
"And they've gotta point. If I hadn't royally fucked them all up during the last storm, we'd've had all hands on deck. And..." the question tasted bitter on his tongue, souring the lingering taste of all the sweetest kisses they had ever shared. Ed knew that Stede's answer had the potential to break his heart into a million pieces but as a suckered for punishment, the pirate had to know his lover's honest opinion. "Do...do you blame me?"
Moving to stand between his lover's legs, Stede gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind Ed's ear, noting just how defeated his boyfriend looked. That would just not do, he thought. "Honestly? No, no I don't." the co-captain's attempt at a smile was strained at best but still, it allowed sone light to encroach on the heaviness that dwelled within Ed's heart. Stede Bonnet, the Gentleman Pirate, truly was a lighthouse to the once lost soul. "In fact, I blame myself. I underestimated how deeply traumatised the crew was. So, if anyone is to blame, it's me."
What, no! No, no, that did not make any sense to the silver-haired pirate. No, he and he alone was to blame. How could some so...so good and loving as Stede be to blame for the atrocities caused in the name of Blackbeard? "But they wouldn't have been traumatised if I hadn't-"
As much as Stede was usually a firm believer in talking things through as a crew, he also was well-versed in the thought pattern of his fretting amour. Such a conversation could go round and round in circles for hours, if he did not shock the man into breaking the spiralling of his mind. Nothing too drastic, just enough to snap him out of the self-loathing and bring him back to the present moment. A tender kiss was often the best option for such a task. It was short, sweet. No taking, only giving. Providing comfort and a promise of unconditional love.
Pulling back after a beat, Stede kept his forehead pressed against Ed's, savouring the closeness and allowing the pirate the option to lean in for another, should he crave such a thing. "Guess we'll just have to be co-blamed, hmm?" Stede whispered, offering another freely given smile. This time, it felt more genuine. Easier. Almost as easy as breathing.
And with that, Ed tugged the
Gentleman Pirate closer into his encircled hold, until the blonde was situated on his lap, needing him to be as near as physcially possible. "I needed that." the silver-haired man mumbled, as he buried his face  against the drenched fabric of Stede's shirt.
The once pristine material was tainted with...he did not even know who's blood it was. All he had witnessed was the bloody aftermath in the hold, before he ordered Buttons to clean what he could and leave the rest for the repairmen to  deal with. The familiar iron scent overwhelming Ed's senses. Man, the stench of decay transported him back to that unwelcome memory of when the night the Kraken was truly purged from existence...
"Did you see his face?" the mystic questioned his drinking buddy, as they sat side by side, outside in the pleasant warmth.
Though he preferred the silvery light of the divine moon, Buttons could certainly appreciate all that the sun had to offer. The basking rays of golden splendor were a much welcome gift from Mother Nature, after the heavy downpour of the previous days. It was too nice a day to be stuck inside. Plus, someone had to pay mind to the crew's clothes, as they dried outside on the line.
"Who's face?" Fang questioned, as he took another swig from the bottle he had brought from Spanish Jackie. Though his usual preference was rum, the fresh orange juice was definitely a nice change of pace. Good for you too, he thought, savouring the sweet, citrus flavour.
He was thankful to be able to experience something as simple as drinking juice from a bottle. After the events of the storm, he had been so sure that none of the Revenge's crew would live to see another day, let alone taste an orange. It was terrifying to even pause and consider how close to death they had been only a mere twenty four hours ago.
No, no, enough of that, the pirate chided himself, as the tell-tale sting of tears threatened to blur his vision. He was safe now. They were all safe. Well, most were safe, Fang thought glumly, remembering how all good cheer for surviving the beast of a storm, had instantly been snuffed out at the emerging form of Captain Stede. Damn, there had been so much blood.
Fang was well-versed at witnessing so much gore but outside of a raid environment, the sight had turned his stomach. He had fight back the waves of nausea, that threatened to cause bile to spill past his lips. Thankfully, no such incident had occurred. The last thing the pirate needed was a vomit-inspired nickname.
"Looked like he'd seen a ghost."
Were Izzy sat with them now, he would have undoubtedly told the pair to 'shut the fuck up' but the First Mate was nowhere in sight. In fact, Fang could not recall when he had last seen the other pirate. He assumed that, like the rest of the crew, Izzy had locked himself away in one of the many rooms but now that he pondered on it more, had Fang caught sight of Izzy following in tow, as your body had been carried off the ship? Perhaps he was by your side right now. Fang liked the idea of that better, than Izzy being holed away in some dingy space, with only a bottle for comfort. He also liked the prospect of you being kept company.
"Probably has." Buttons continued, his gaze scanning the nearby shoreline. On the horizon, you could easily spot the Revenge, in all her damaged glory. Once a proud vessel, now a shell of her former self. "The ship'll be haunted now, for sure. No way anyone can survive bleeding that much and live to tell the tale." he added gravely.
"What's the damage?" the once fearsome First Mate asked, as he sank into a nearby armchair opposite the lengendary- oh, who was he kidding, it was fucking Edward, for goodness sake- who was busy doing fuck all but getting lost in his spiralling thoughts.
Pouring his new companion an equally large dose of rum into a secondary glass, which had been meant for Stede but he was off somewhere, talking to the doctor about an update. "Multiple crew injuries, a damaged ship and a potential mutiny on our hands." he rattled off the list as if it merely contained supplies needed for the crew.
At the sound of the word 'mutiny', Izzy could no suppress his scoff. After everything that had happened, the pirate highly doubted that the shipmates of the Revenge were even thinking about rebelling against their co-captain. If anything, their main focus would probably be getting a change of clothes, food and getting absolutely stinking pissed in their rooms. Hell, that was all that Izzy had planned his agenda that evening. In fact, a glass of this poorly aged rum was a good start. Downing the drink in one go, he savoured the familiar burn, as it warmed his throat and chest. Urgh, it was truly disgusting. Had the owners watered it down? "The crew actually mentioned anything about kicking off, or are you just being a narcissistic prick?"
"Izzy..." Ed all but begged for the man to take him seriously. Emotions amongst the crew were surely running high and once the option of a mutiny entered their minds, the idea would spread like wildfire, burning through everything he and Stede had fought so hard to build together, leaving in it's smoldering wake nothing but ash and potentially, his charred corpse.
"Look," "I'll keep my ear to the ground, see if I hear any actual rumblings, okay?"
"Thank you."
"Have you been to see them?"
"Don't-" during his time on the rocky waves, he had been thankful that you were at least safe in the hold and not there to witness both the demise of him and your friend. If only he had known what was really afoot in the hold, Izzy would have kept you by his side. Hell, he would have left the crew to their own fucking devices- storm be damned- and kept you hidden from sight in the safety of his cabin. "I can't...not with you. Not right now, Edward. I..." the uncharacteristic break in his voice caught his lifelong companion by surprise.
Ed knew how much Izzy cared about you. For fucks sake, the man was not as subtle as he thought he was when it came to his pining. However, Ed could list on one hand the amount of times he had witnessed the First Mate's stoic mask crack under the pressure of intense emotion. It felt almost blasphemous to pay witness to the glassiness, that built up in Izzy's eyes, as the silver-haired pirate tried his damned hardest to not breakdown right there and then. "I'm not blaming you but-" a gloved hand came to settle over his mouth, as a sob ripped through his body.
Gods, it was just one nightmare after another. But you. Oh, you. Just the mere recollection of your body being bundled onto a makeshift gurney and carried past the crew, as they stood in horrified silence on the hill, was sure to haunt Izzy for the rest of his wretched days. And Izzy could not even blame Frenchie for what had happened. The poor bastard had been lost in a hallucination, caused by unresolved trauma. Had he been in control of his mind, there was no doubt that the young man would never have dreamed of injuring you- accident or otherwise. "you might as well have been the one to put the knife in his hand." he all but whined, sounding as broken as he felt.
"Iz, I'm-"
"No. No, I don't want to hear it. Fuck your apology, Edward." he meant every word. Izzy did not want Ed to feel any worser than he already did. Isreal Hands was many things but he was not vindictive. Well, he was not feeling vindictive at that particular moment. Calm him soft but sailing the seven seas with Bonnet's ragtag group of misfits had shown the First Hand an alternative life to being a pirate. One full of love and a found family. While Izzy could still be hurtful with his words, he was trying so desperately to be better. Anything for those he loved. Had he not promised the exact same thing to you? "I'm at fault too." but before Ed could even dare to interrupt with a protest, the silver-haired pirate was quick to shake his head. Roughly drying his tears, Izzy delivered one last line to his captain, "I fed your fucking darkness back then. Let them blame me too."
Let (y/n) hate me too, it's what I deserve, Izzy thought, as he downed the rest of the glass and stood to make his exit, wanting nothing more now than to get blind drunk on whatever disgusting excuse for rum the inn could offer.
"I'm not saying I blame him completely. I'm just saying it's his fault." Jim whispered to her partner, as the sat outside the door to their shared room. Oluwande was inside decompressing after his sensory overload and while the two pirates knew he needed space, they felt more assured remaining at least in the hallway, should he need anything.
It felt good, Archie thought, as they took a bite of the cheese Wee John had brought up for them to share, to be able to rest for a moment. After everything that had happened, it was a miracle that they had survived the storm. What a blessing it was to be able to sit beside their partner, share food and even breathe the same air. When quite frankly, they should have all been sleeping with the fishes. "Completely, yeah and I hear you, babe. It's just that- you know- if Izzy hadn't poked the bear-"
"Oh, no. Totally. The guy fucked us all over." Jim agreed half-heartedly. It was not anything personal to Archie. Usually, the pirate would be all for talking things through. However, it had gotten to a point in the day where, they felt unable to really process any more information, let alone mentally dissect the thought pattern of another person. So, whilst they were not fully engaged in the conversation, Jim recognised that Archie obviously needed a sounding board while the worked through some things. And, hey, once Oluwande was awake, he could take their place, while they got some much needed rest.
Taking another bite, they ruminated over the chalky consistency of the cheese. Yeah, there was something  definitely not quite right with it. After one more testing bite, it was then they realised that the kind gesture had not been all that kind. Wee John had proffered bad cheese on them! That bastard...
The more Archie considered the gravity of the situation, the more she found herself not being able to completely cast the blame onto the First Mate.
So much had happened during the Kraken era. So many horrible, terrible, unforgivable things. And yet, she knew that deep down, things could have been so much worse. There were times when they had been so sure that Blackbeard was going to punish them for something but the cut of a knife never came. There was no barrel of a pistol to stare down. Archie had always considered those moments to be based on pure luck or prayers answered by the snake god, Manasa. Knowing what she did now, the pirate realised that it had been Izzy taking the fall for their shortcomings. He was not a guardian angel by any means but credit was given where credit was due, the guy had suffered for his infatuation with the lethal myth. His anatomical sacrifices had saved their lives on more than one occasion. "I guess he did kinda pay the price by losing his leg."
"We've managed to stabilise them. It'll be a bit touch and go over the next few days but right now, we're optimistic for a full recovery." the doctor explained in a hushed tone, as he and the co-captain lingered outside his patient's door.
A sigh he had not been aware he was holding, escaped his lips. Okay, that was something, right? They could work with 'touch and go'. The battle was not over yet, at least. There was still hope. "That's...that's really great news. Thank you for all your hard work. Myself and the crew really appreciate all your efforts."
"I'd recommend in the meantime, minimal visitors. Only people they're closest to on the ship, that kind of thing. Just while we're monitoring things." at the mere mention of visitors, Stede was already knew who should have be first in line to pay the patient a visit. The only question was, were they sober enough to sit by the bedside without throwing up everywhere? He highly doubted it. The last he had seen of the other man, he had been clutching a bottle tightly to his chest, as he made his way up the stairs and to hide away in his room.
"Of course, I'll let everyone know."
"One last thing, Jackie did mention that you'd be footing the bill."
"Ah, yes. Of course." the blonde dare not think about the extortionate amount that the doctor was about to charge him. Still, the gentleman had at least stabilised any serious wounds, so Stede supposed he did deserve some coin. "Let me get my purse."
With your fight or flight insticts in overdrive, the sound of the door opening, had caused you to reach for the knife you kept concealed under a nearby pillow. The pirate would have assumed that following your plight in the hold, you would have been unsteady upon your feet and yet, you moved at an surprising speed. In the blink of an eye, you had abandoned your post on the bed and had the serrated edge of the blade pressed against his throat.
If anyone else had dared to attempt such an act, they surely would have been impaled on their own weapon but with you, the silver-haired pirate, fought tooth and nail to keep his insticts at bay. He let you slowly regain your sense and return to yourself, as you blinked a few times. Whatever fear plagued your mind, slowly lifted, allowing you to recognise your surroundings and not deem the man before you as a threat.
The blade clattered to the floor, as you arm dropped to your side. You supposed this was the moment you were meant to feel shame for having threatened the life of the man you called co-captain and yet, you felt nothing. No emotions bubbled to the surface. All that remained, in the wake of your momentary lapse of mental control, was a much-welcomed numbness, that sat heavy as a stone within the center of your sternum. The feeling of nothing was far better preferred to the overwhelming waves of grief and terror, that had previously coursed through your veins.
Ed's gaze momentarily broke your intense eye contact, to survey the discarded knife. Only then did he notice the tarnished metal. Crimson coated it's exterior and while he could not be fully certain that it was not your blood, that adorned the crude metalwork, there was not doubt in his mind that, this was the same weapon that Frenchie had brandished in the storage hold. The Captain had his suspicions as to why you had kept it in your possession but such thoughts would have to remain entirely his own, until you were suitably taken care of.
You watched the man warily, as he bent to pick up the knife. Despite the tensing of your muscles, he did not pay your on edge disposition any mind, while he took his time to place the blade upon the modest writing desk. Ed was conscious to keep his movements steady- no sudden gestures, nothing to spook you in your heightened state of alert.
With the knife out of harm's way, his attention zoned in once more on you, as you stood just a few feet away, anxiously wringing your hands, as if you expected something foul to befell you, now that you were without your trusty blade.
Despite your fears, your demeanour softened a fraction, when the once fearsome myth of a man offered you a rare smile. It was small. Hell, barely even noticeable to the untrained eye but you spotted it all the same. It was a gesture meant to comfort, to put you at ease and well, whilst your nerves remained frayed, you could not deny that, his presence was more than welcome in that cramped space of yours. Company served as a distraction from the intrusive memory of your time in the storage held.
He dared to take a step towards you, and then another, when you did not cringe away from his approach. Edcarefully watched you for any subtle changes to your physical appearance. From the rise and fall of your chest, to the wide-eyed stare- any discernible flicker of your trepidation rising by even a fraction, he would back away. All he wanted was to help you feel more like yourself again, not worsen your mental and physical stare further.
Toe to toe, you now stood. So close in fact, you could feel the much welcomed heat radiating from his leather clad body. Perhaps you should have listened to the adrenaline-fuelled alarm bells that screamed in your head, as you allowed the pirate to take your hand in his but there was something about his gentle touch, that kept you rooted firmly to the spot. He turned your hand to be palm up, as he examined the crude, jagged line, that marred the skin from the base of your digits, to the crook of your elbow. Really, it should have been cleaned and bandaged hours ago by the doctor. Roach had tried his best but your hysteria had prevented any actual medical intervention. Now that it was just you and Ed, alone in some random room at the inn, you finally became aware of how painful and itchy the wound felt.
You winced, as his ran a thumb along the inflamed skin, noting the budding infection that bloomed beneath the damaged surface. You could have sworn you had heard him mumble a quiet, "Sorry." Though, in your current state, it could have just been your mind playing tricks on you. "You have two choices." he suddenly stated, interrupting the stifling silence that had sat heavily in the atmosphere. "Get cleaned up and then have the doctor take a look at this." Ed explained concisely, carefully letting your arm drop to your side. "Or you can see the doctor now and we'll get you cleaned up later." his arms roamed over your shirt. The once pristine (colour choice) was now completely ruined by the nauseating dark red, that now saturated most of the cloth. Ed doubted that it was your arm that had caused such monumental stain.
The overwhelming sense of guilt reared it's ugly head, as the pirate felt the familiar tug of sorrow pull at his heart strings. To hell with what Izzy had said, this was his fault and his alone, Ed thought, blaming himself for the precarious predicaments of his crew's wellbeing. Izzy may have instigated his bad behaviour all those many moons ago but Ed had allowed himself to thrive in the darkness and pain of Blackbeard. This was all his doing but by the grace of Calypso, he was going to make amends. Anything and everything to make his crew feel whole and mentally stable once more. Starting with you. "So, what'll it be, (y/l/n)?"
A/N: It's your choice, dear reader, what would you prefer- get cleaned up first and then see the doctor or vice versa? Chime off in the comments or vote in the poll here and I'll write whichever decision gets the most votes.
P.S. oh, just one more thing, either choice will completely change the trajectory of the story. So, pick wisely!
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pinkyjulien · 1 year ago
Just a heads up: you, a white creator, putting Native American/First Nations/indigenous inspired clothing on your white OC, and then calling it the "wilding" appearance, could be considered cultural appropriation and could also be considered offensive to people from those cultures.
And yeah, I am doing this from a throwaway account to protect myself because I know how Tumblr and the cyberpunk 2077 fandom works. Even if I do have a valid point or critique, I could still be attacked by "fans" on my main who refuse to use any critical thinking for themselves.
Safe travels 👋 I hold no animosity towards you personally.
(From a "cowardly" anon in an extremely hostile fandom which likely will pretend that this outfit and the name for it isn't tinged with implicit and internalized racism.)
(And, no, I'm not one of the so-called "housewives")
Hey Anon,
Not sure what to say, you claim to not hold any animosity towards me, yet this could've easily been a DM. I'm only assuming you're blocked and had to create a side blog to by-pass the said block.
If this was truly a well-spirited heads up, it would've been a DM.
But anyway, if you're here to accuse me in a sugarcoated way, I already know you're having the time of your life about it in some obscure discord server, so might as well.
The Aldecaldos (and Nomads in general of every clan and family) are multi cultured, there's people of every races, every ethnicities- we see it in game and it's mentioned time and time in the sourcebooks. They're communities, formed of many minorities; queers and pocs alike.
Valentin joins the Aldecaldos during the Star ending, just like the canon game event; he makes friends left and right, and friends makes gifts to one another. We also know that resources, clothes, cars, guns, are shared in nomad communities.
The name "wilding" is a direct reference to the Neo Tribe sourcebook, page 21. I used that same name for Mitch's appearance. They use those outfits to ride off near cities, just like the definition on the page below. They're both proudly showcasing their Aldecaldos colors in whichever place / cities they're visiting.
Tumblr media
In my own canon, Dakota is kind of a mother figure for Valentin; she helped him after fleeing the Wraiths, she gave him his first gig with Jackie, she made sure the 'caldos ripper kept the bullet he revoved from Valentin's skull, etc etc
That Jacket could've well been a gift from her before leaving to Arizona, but I haven't decided yet. I was just happy to share my modding project of those past two days.
I've always liked Nomads and what they stand for, their diversity, their lives, their outfits and aesthetics too.
None of the above information is presented as an excuse, they shouldn't be seen as excuses either; I'm simply sharing what inspired me (actively or subconsciously) for this outfit.
If Valentin's appearance, both models and name, did actual upset anyone, I apologize, as this obviously WASN'T the intention. If it does bother you, I invite you to block me.
With all of the "explaination" out of the way; why are you really here?
Because we both know you already knew that about the Aldecaldos. You played the game, you know Panam is half native, you know there's a bunch of native characters in the Aldecaldos and in the game in general.
This ask isn't fueled by kindness or by an attempt at educating someone who could've made a simple mistake.
Nope, you're simply part of this "hostile fandom" problem. Everything you said in brackets reeks of past drama.
Again, you claim to not hold any animosity, but I believe otherwise; that's totally fine, but refrain from contacting me with this fake benevolence, everyone can see it's bullshit.
Repeating myself, this could've been a DM, yet you choose to assume I have some "internalized racism" that You Need to point out, doing so via a side-blog supposedly out of fear (since I don't know who you are, I'll choose to believe you simply by-passed a block) while also dragging in the "Housewives" for no reasons.
You're part of this fandom problem. You're part of the reason why nobody feels safe about sharing anything; you and your friends are out there spying, monitoring what everyone does, assuming the worst at any given occasions and ready to write callouts, to throw witch hunts.
Please, do some critical thinking yourself, remove all the bias and all the "Pinky Bad so this is obviously Racist" bullshit fogging your brain, and ask yourself why you really sent that ask.
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