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elizabeth-mitchells · 6 months ago
feeling bored so... what do you think an adult laura lee would be like? (and who would you cast to play her?)
literally just the other day i was looking back on some of the answers people gave me when i asked who would they cast as adult laura lee. including: sarah michelle gellar, diane krueger, laura dern, kristen bell, kirsten dunst... BUT the absolute #1 winner in my heart is 100% Elizabeth Mitchell. i mean look at her. the laura lee's style dress and the lottie's cult's colors...
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now what would adult laura lee be like...
well i'm happy to consider all the options! i've mentioned before that it could go in very different ways if she had survived. after the rescue she could've 1. entered extreme denial about all she did and turned more obsessively religious to make up for it 2. stayed obsessively religious but for the wilderness (and lottie) which she never let go of 3. ✨ a middle ground ✨ or more!
personally, realistically, i think the middle ground would be something like... she wouldn't completely let go of her faith (catholic, christian, whatever) because it was so important to her and key to her character, but it would definitely change. her god abandoned them in the wilderness and let them do all those unforgivable things... but i think her post-rescue healing process would center around making peace with that and finding her middle ground. i can picture her joining one of those churches that are like liberal and very pro-lgbt and stuff. BUT i'm so sure she would never completely let go of their weird wilderness religion and her belief that lottie was touched by the holy spirit, that she had gift, that she was something like a saint
a lot of people love to paint laura lee as a boring character, bible thumping, goody two shoes, innocent and pure, but that goes against so many things we see from her. standing up against figures of authority and even controlling the group (making them pray, standing up against coach, jackie, nat, coach again, making them pray again, making fun of nat and travis and travis again) she had the balls to try to exorcise lottie and to fly a plane. do you know what she would be like as an adult after she'd had to go through all the brutal things they did to survive in the wilderness??
i think she obviously wouldn't lose her best traits. i think she would stay sweet and she would be even kinder to people because she knows how difficult it is to survive and she would love to help others (and fight anyone that tried to make other people's lives more difficult than they need to be) but she's stay brave, stubborn, true to her values and beliefs, and very much learn to stand up for herself and never let anyone laugh at her expense again
also she would be a lesbian. she would 100% be a lesbian
(she's married to lottie)
(she's her right hand woman managing the not-a-cult and she's at once nicer and more approachable but also more strict than sexy prophet lottie)
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artingstarvist · 4 months ago
#27 & #30 for the ao3 wrapped? <3
27. What do you listen to while writing? I can't have anything with words on so I put on that youtube channel with lofi beats to study to haha. That or silence.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? Honestly the biggest surprise was having the guts to write and post fanfiction at all haha. It's not something I could ever see myself doing before but I guess TGCF just inspired me that much. The second biggest surprise was that ppl!!! actually!!! read it!!!! And commented??? and left Kudos?? WILD stuff.
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scrapimmortal · 4 months ago
#3 and #27 for the AO3 wrapped?
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
ok i'm gonna cheat a little on this question and mention the 3 i'm most proud of, because i have been writing for 2 months only and i am proud of these fics for different reasons (also it's good for me to say positive things about my own stuff because i have been struggling a little)
crimson wings shield the flower - my multichapter dragon au. it is not finished, but it's definitely the fic i have spent the most time thinking about, plotting and scheming and daydreaming. it's my passion project
buckle up - first smut, and i think i did well
melt (i'd tell them: put me back in it) - i did a lot with themes and parallels in a relatively small amount of words and i think the end result is really pretty
27. What do you listen to while writing?
mostly the tgcf ost
Thanks for the ask!!!
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kosmique · 5 months ago
hi! what are the sidebar image dimensions for your lovely sirius theme?
thank you!!
hello! there's no specific dimension because the height can vary. i recommend that the image you are going to use is at least 250px wide, the size of the sidebar. using narrower images can reduce quality as the code will force it to be 250px.
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biblical-love · 2 years ago
deckrsstar ➪ arcanesvi ➪ enbyjinx ➪ lottie-matthew ➪ bloodcrimsonrain
(and it's all @sunrisestarlight's fault)
Tagging some mutuals below the cut!
@natscatorrcio @usersojo @chaoticvi @ordinarybarbie @candicepatton @bi-alinaoretsev @siovhanroy @heroeddiemunson @shifuaang @hargreevcs @jackietaylors @williamsmiller @ricky-olson @rocketjinx @jjnxs @smolsawyer @bamf
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ricky-olson · 3 years ago
top five stranger things episodes?
the flea and the acrobat
trick or treat, freak
the hellfire club
the monster
the lost sister
ask me my top 5/top 10 anything <3
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vans-eck · 2 years ago
did u change ur url? trying to figure out who u are lol <3
ahhh no, i remade my blog! i used to be a grishaverse only blog
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bamf · 2 years ago
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
thank you sm E 💖💗🥺
shibuya interlude - manila grey
vroom vroom - charli xcx
troubled paradise- slayyyter
save room for us - tinashe
right now - carti
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weird writing asks: #4, #11, #18, & #25?
Hey, thanks! Already did 4 and 11, but:
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
I'm gonna talk about the final entry of Memoirs of a Flesh Eater. For as long as I had a plan, the plan was for it to end Like That, but the specifics changed a couple times as I developed the concept. I toyed with the idea of having it cut off mid-sentence, or even having the entire entry just be one line long. Then the specific details I highlighted changed a few times as I tried to decide what I wanted the picture in the reader's mind to be. I eventually decided to highlight the casual excessive brutality, the fear and confusion, the shock, and the fruitless defiant rage. I felt like those were the best emotional fit for the story and character I'd built up. One thing I did change near the end was the sequencing and the lead up - I had originally planned to have a full length "The Future, Part 2" entry before the finale, but I decided a few entries out that it would work better to leave that final hopeful vision unresolved.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Kestrel from Memoirs of a Flesh Eater loves 2D animated movies to absolute pieces. She first saw one when she was 10, the first night Yaga took her in. Yaga put on Anastasia for her while she got her room set up, and in the following days she tore through Yaga's entire collection. She refuses to consider it seriously, but her dream is to do hand-drawn animation herself. Anastasia is still her favorite movie.
Thanks for the ask!
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napoleon-usher · 2 years ago
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RIAH’S 10K CELEBRATION ↳ JINX + chartreuse (requested by @enbyjinx)
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scullysconstant · 3 years ago
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Do I have any powers, or... anything cool? I don't know, laser beam hands, something?
em’s 3k celebration —   ☀️ for @enbyjinx ; chloe decker or ella lopez
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elizabeth-mitchells · 4 months ago
your new url intrigues me so here's a "ramble about what makes you like this character" free card. i want to understand <3
omg omg thank you so much for sending me this!!! this is my moment hsgjdfghjf so technically my new icon is a character and url is the name of the actress that plays her. meaning i will ramble about juliet burke but also about elizabeth mitchell in general lmao
so! everything started with yj, somehow. when some mutuals told me that elizabeth mitchell would be perfect to play adult laura lee and then i couldn't unsee it. i loved her in first kill and i had watched her in the purge and the santa clause but i didn't remember them very well. and i was in the mood to watch movies from my watchlist and Gia (1998) just happened to be there... and the way that movie altered my brain chemistry is insane. there's nothing like it. i loved it way too much and especially elizabeth mitchell in it. so of course this resulted in me rewatching first kill and the purge election year once or twice and then!!
i knew that elizabeth mitchell was in lost but i thought ugh 120 episodes from 20 years ago centered around men?? i don't want to do that!! but luckily i came across a youtube compilation of only elizabeth mitchell as juliet burke. i watched that and.... well!! i loved her SO much and i got intrigued by the show and some ppl here told me there were other women and it was worth it so i decided to give it a chance!
i probably shouldn't have much to say about juliet bc i'm currently pretending that i don't know her entire story ghsdjfghjf but honestly? even with i know so far i'd love her! a cunty introduction, punching men, and going teary eyed about a woman's death. also i mean. look at her
and being honest about all i know about her.... listen i have a weakness for pretty doomed by the narrative. i can't put into words how tragic she is bc i'll start crying but it's A LOT okay? which is so frustrating but makes me so emotionally attached to her because she deserved so much better but there she is fighting so hard the entire time and i'm just in love. also her morally gray vibes? *chefs kiss*. villain era? double agent? betraying her people? sexy traitor? redemption arc? shipping with a woman she handcuffed herself to so they could go on a sexy adventure in the rain through the jungle and fighting each other but possibly kissing according to me??? it's a spectacular journey and i'm so excited to watch it!!!
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marvelstudios · 3 years ago
Happy Ms. Marvel Day, here's a quick Q&A with the cast and filmmakers!
Questions from: @dontwannahearmymusic, @weightofdreamz, @enbyjinx, @punkbuckybarnes, @captain-graceo
Ms. Marvel is now streaming on Disney+.
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jackietaylors · 2 years ago
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2022 is nearly over and 2023 is about to be here in any minute. It has been a year and I am honestly ready to head into a brand new year. But before we do that, I want to shout out some amazing friends and creators I have made on this little place called tumblr. Everyone is special and amazing to me, so if I miss you I promise I love you.
@slayercordelia @leoofitz @este @sculien @jakeperalta @swanthief @bisexualorelai @babefourtheweekend @logangarfield @blanchett @lockescoles @glendoll @cherryslips @wyatthaliwells @candicepatton @bitchlestat @vitaminholland @userstede @wexler-mcgill @jddryder @bellamysgriffin @marcspektor @visenyatargaryen @ella-enchanted @nightmaarebeforechristmas @usermaxie @fourteenthofaugust @brittas-perry @bi-alinaoretsev @softiescully @emmanelson @snownonthebeach @louistomlinsun @heroeddiemunson @sadbeautifutragic @triciaorgana @lupesgarcia @jennas-ortegas @maygrant @buckelydiaz @usereste @lemoncupcake @eddiediaaz @deweyduck @maggielindemanns @jeunnies @rajalagang @killmytimes @payidaresque @enbyjinx @jeschastain @cassiehoward @ririvilliams @fionagallaqher @hopekirby @rogerhealey @ashleysjohnson @agentplant @ashleysolsen @singinprincess @finalgalnancy @softdavidrose @levy-tran @melody-pond @jamescarstairs @eclipsedsuns @goncharoffs @pegsccarter @dickgraaysons @santinacedes @nelsonnicks @itstruthtime @penelope-garcia @elemen @yennefer-nazyalensky @pugsleys @disaster-lineage @chrrispine @tylerkennedys @willlemdafoe @lizziemcguirez @deckerschloe @lizzybennets @rosaliehale @andtosaturn @userpurple @dykejaskiers @veronicamars @pamolabeesly @natasharomanovf @haydenpanettieres @nateliedormer @andremichaux @nick-nelson @ramonapest @william-byers @elena-gilbert @star-kovs @heartsofblood @anistonjen @killmyminds @harrisons @violets @katiekatebishop (i miss you </3) @wandasmaximofffs @legoilas @lizgilies @madeline-kahn @madelyn-cline @anthonybrxdgerton @sci-fi @rheanrya @robert-englund @sabrinacarpentc @annacoleman @maria7potter @lizgilies @theresebelivet @olliverstark @eizagonzalezs @tonitopazs @eclipsedsuns @winesplashed @cherrywinona @quinns-fabrays @haylewilliams @heroeddiemunson @midnightsdlx @macbieths @slayercordelia @kiimtaehyung @bladesrunner @jakeyp @willsilvertongue @antoniosvivaldi @binariesuns @beca-mitchell @mytearsrricochet @chestnutsroasting @tylerkennedys @kenobiis @lucy-pevensies @fawad-khan @mark-hoppuss @slained @eizagonzalezs @floencepugh @madsbuckley @swiftiebuckleys @eggsys @wynona-rider @bisexualorelai @fuckinlegacies @wakandasforever @miriammaisel @emmanelson @bladesrunner @riptides @sarah-snook @kathrynshahn @pjobsessed @treacherous @cillianmurphy @haydenanakin @nataliaaromanovas @gretacarsons @favoriteliar @smithmatts
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hargreevcs · 2 years ago
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2K FOLLOWER CELEBRATION → ✨ + viktor hargreeves + green requested by @enbyjinx
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favoriteliar · 3 years ago
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@pscentral gift exchange: for @enbyjinx
It's such pathetic neatness But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed
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