Name: Kal | 20 y/o (they/he/she) | Artist | JSE Egos my beloved (The SunSpell guy)
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i’m gay but i’m always gonna choose the well developed straight ship over the 2 bland and incompatible white dudes that have 500,000 fanfics written about them. you guys just hate women.
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Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt57
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“Anti said his date with Dark is supposed to be tonight,” Marvin said as he and Jackie walked down the sidewalk together. “Apparently Dark pulled a few strings and got them a reservation at this nice restaurant a few cities over.”
“You really made quick work with Anti as soon as he puked in your toilet.” Jackie chuckled.
“I’m just thankful Anti prefers actions over words, or he would have chickened out with Dark, and then I would have locked those two somewhere because the mutual pining is so annoying.”
“Good news, I think those two were the final, like, couple trouble we have with the Egos.”
“Please.” Marvin played up his relief and leaned against Jackie a bit, getting both of them to laugh. “But I promise I will throw up if I walk in on anyone else doing anything. They could just be holding hands, and I might gag a little.”
“And you call me dramatic.” Jackie teased.
“You had parting particles over a muffin on a fork.” Marvin teased back.
“My atoms are still shaking,” Jackie said with a smile as he took his phone out when it buzzed in his pocket.
“And you’re only proving my point.” Marvin chuckled while Jackie typed away.
“Ah, shit.” Jackie's curse got Marvin curious enough to peek at his phone.
“Did you just call Chase a ‘duckie weirdo’?” Marvin asked after reading the text.
“It autocorrected, and I didn’t notice until after sending the text.” Jackie sighed.
“Are we calling Chase duckie now?”
“If I’m calling anyone duckie, it’s going to be you.”
“Don’t you dare.” There was no actual anger in Marvin’s voice.
“Now I have to start calling you that.” Jackie laughed as Marvin lightly swatted at his arm.
“Too late. It’s happening. You’re duckie. Accept your fate. I’m bug, and you’re duckie.”
“We are so gross.” Marvin let out a fake groan.
“Suffer.” Jackie grinned.
“Just you wait till we get home.” Marvin winked, and that got Jackie to sputter a little. “But that might be a while.” He added when he saw that the cafe was stuffed with customers.
“Guess it’s rush hour.” Jackie shrugged.
“It’s like a can of sardines.” Marvin scrunched his nose.
“Were you going to get your usual?”
“That was the plan.”
“You can chill on the bench over there, and I’ll pop in.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“It’ll be easier and better for everyone.” Jackie puffed his chest out a bit, a hint of his hero voice coming through, and Marvin decided to let him have his moment.
“My hero.” Marvin kissed Jackie’s cheek, chuckling when Jackie made his little goofy giggle. “Don’t take too long.”
“I’ll try my best.” Jackie did a quick salute before jogging off.
“That’s my dork.” Marvin sighed with a smile to himself as he watched Jackie head into the cafe. He then went over to the bench and sat down, taking his phone out and raising a brow when he saw Anti was calling him. “Hello?”
“I need help.” Anti’s voice grunted through the speaker.
“With what?”
“What do you wear to a fancy restaurant?”
“Marvin, seriously. I wear torn jeans and T-shirts. I don’t know how to dress up. I can make the fangs and pointed ears look normal, but I’m screwed beyond that.”
“Why don’t you ask Dark? Dressing up is kind of his thing.”
“I mean, yeah, but…well…” Anti got softer and softer, getting it to click for Marvin.
“Aw, you want to surprise him.”
“Adorable!” Marvin laughed with his tease, only laughing louder when Anti cursed at him. “Alright, alright. I know the place you two are going a little bit. It’s not black-tie worthy, but you’ll want to wear something decent. A button-up and slacks should be just fine. Tuck the shirt in, and leave the top button or two undone.” He paused when he heard something from Anti’s side. “Are you writing this down?”
“I forget shit,” Anit muttered.
“You really are taking this seriously.”
“Shut up!”
“Get yourself a dark emerald green button-up and black slacks. See if JJ has a gold pocket watch with a chain you could borrow. You clip the chain to your belt loop and put the watch in the pocket. If you can’t borrow from JJ, go ask Mare. He’s got that whole punk thing going, so you know damn well he has wearable chains somewhere in his closet. Don’t do anything too extra with your hair. Give it a brush and a little gel maybe, but mostly let it be natural. And, finally, don’t be afraid to smile while you’re out, and I'm not talking about your shit-eating grin, I mean an actual smile. It’s a date, have fun, be nice, enjoy yourself. Don’t stress about things being perfect, you’re eating and talking, don’t overthink it.” Marvin noticed the writing sounds stopped when he gave that last piece of advice. There was another pause before Anti finally spoke.
“It’s what friends do.”
“Gross.” Anti tried to keep a serious tone but giggled right after.
“You should have heard what me and Jack-” Marvin stopped when he swore he felt something wrong.
“Hello?” Marvin called out as he stood up. He didn’t see anyone, but he could feel eyes on him.
“Marvin, what’s going on?”
“I think someone-” Marvin was stopped again when something slammed into his side, making him drop his phone.
“What did you do to me!?” Night demanded, pinning Marvin down to the ground and holding him by the throat.
“The fuck are you talking about?” Marvin snapped, his own hands going to Night’s wrists and trying to pry them away.
“I can’t remember anything. What did you do!?” Night’s eyes were darker, filled with anger and…fear?
“We’ve been trying to tell you. I didn’t-” Marvin’s explanation turned into a gag when Night pressed harder on his throat.
“I am the God of Night, and that is the only thing I can recall. I know there have to be others, but I can’t remember any of them. I can’t remember names or faces or what I have done in my entire existence.” Night’s hands started feeling colder on Marvin’s neck, causing it to feel like a distorted burning against his skin.
This was getting too dangerous. Night looked like he was ready to kill. Marvin needed to get out of this position. He focused his own magic on Night’s hands and nothing happened, so he tried tapping into some chaos magic, and that made it hurt more. Marvin knew his magic. He had just started getting into chaos magic, he didn’t know how to deflect it…shit.
Marvin started coughing, gasping, and wheezing for air, trying to kick his legs to hit some part of Night, just anything to get him off of him enough to escape. He blinked away tears that formed in his eyes as he now desperately clawed at Night’s arms.
He couldn’t break free. He couldn’t get out. His vision was getting blurry. His head got foggier and foggier.
Where was Jackie? He needed Jackie. He needed help.
He needed-
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H-O-T-T-O-G-O, snap and clap and touch your toes!
Raise your hands, now body roll, dance it out, you're Hot To Go!

(Don't copy/trace/repost/steal/etc.; Click for better quality!)
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We are in the last 23 hours of our Kickstarter being up !!!
If you have the opportunity to help us out it would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you for all of the support so far!!!
#echophony arts#echophony arts comics#comic work#indie comics#CAN WE HIT 1 K IN THE LAST 23 HOURS ?? LETS FIND OUT !!!!
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Guess who’s trying to study abroad this summer!! I’ve been saving up for my university’s art history program through commissions, my job, and scholarships- but as a full time student, I still need more financial help. Thus, it’s special commission time!
You can reach-out to me on tumblr for any questions, or through [email protected]. I also have a Kofi page for my regular comms. This trip is no small expense, so I really appreciate anyone who can help me out, or share this post! Thank you. :]
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I finished putting together the Irish-American heritage month display and Jesus CHRIST there are so few books about Ireland in our collection?? Once more, I must say:

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Kalcifer out having a coffee :33
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the romantic tension between the blood related parent and the found parent is so fucking crazy gotta be one of my favorite ship dynamics
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#ava the second coming#the second coming#ava orange#avm orange#animation vs animator#animation vs minecraft#ava fanart#fanart#kalcifers blog
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#ava the second coming#the second coming#ava orange#avm orange#animation vs animator#animation vs minecraft#ava fanart#fanart#kalcifers blog
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green red interaction art bc yes, n i really dont hav so much art w interaction lmao

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I don’t remember the original date of the old one, probably 2020 or something, I remember it was made when septic art was a thing (I think that’s what it was called)
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Hello people of Tumblr!!!
Artist Kalcifer here !!
We're nearing the end of our Kickstarter (only a few days left to go!!) and I just wanted to come on here and thank everyone who has helped us so far, it's been so unbelievably helpful and we are just absolutely flabbergasted at the amount of support we've had to help us not only achieve our goal but surpass it !!!
More updates will be posted soon as and I will probably be posting silly drawings of the silly little guys on here while we work on completing this project!!!
Thank you all so much again!! See you all very soon (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)
Echophony Arts is proud to announce that the Kickstarter for Moribund Medley (our first official anthology comic) is now LIVE !!!
Thank you to anyone who chooses to help and support us !! (including spreading the word of our project through reposts) we all greatly appreciate it a whole bunch !!!
That's all from me for now!! Stay tuned for updates !!!
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