#jack x heracles
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dudapregnancydrawings · 1 year ago
My OCs/Lovechildren of Record Of Ragnarok
So, it seems I have a new obsession: "Record of Ragnarok", or "Shuumatsu no Valkyrie". Going down the fanfictions in A03, Wattpad and Spirit, I now have a lot of ships! And, as usual to me, I ended up creating children for them -\_:v_/- and yeap, all of them born of mpreg! lol I still have to find the will to draw them, but for now I'll just write their profiles, since I've been writing a lot these last days:
Jun, Astrid and Gunnar:
17, 13 and 10 years old, respectively;
children of Lü Bu and Thor;
all of them were carried and born from Thor;
appearance: Jun is like a younger and without scars version of Lü Bu, with his long hair in a ponytail, and has Thor's yellow eyes with black sclera. Astrid has long red hair combed in two braids she keeps in front of her chest, and has yellow eyes with white sclera and a mark resembling a lightning on her face. Gunnar has short red hair and Lü Bu's eyes and pointing teeth.
Jun is the oldest, so he's responsible, serious and a great fighter. His weapon of choice is a spear;
Astrid is a viking teenager: annoyed all the time, poker face 24/7, will fight you if you look wrong at her, can break your arm in a single twist;
Gunnar is a little tasmanian devil! He can't control himself, wants to pick a fight with anybody, and likes to jump like a frog. (Why? Idk)
Thea and Nami:
14 and 9 years old, respectively;
daughters of Sasaki and Poseidon;
both carried and born from Poseidon;
appearance: Thea looks a lot like poseidon, but her hair is black, as well as her eyes. She wears a blue dress in a greek goddess style and a lot of golden jewelry. Nami is blonde and has blue eyes, and wears a blue japanese kimono.
Thea, the heir of the throne of the seas, is as snob, obnoxious, and arrogant as any princess.
Nami doesn't care about rules or anything at all, she just want to have friends. Sasaki gives her lessons with a wooden sword.
Alexander and Elizabeth:
11 and 8 years old, respectively;
children of Heracles and Jack;
both carried and born from Jack;
appearance: Alex is a mini version of Heracles, but with short spiked silver hair, and sky blue eyes. Beth has long and wavy orange hair and eyes with different colors, one red and one ice blue. They wear clothes like victorian english children.
"Alexander" means "guardian of people" or "defender of humanity", fitting to a son of Heracles. He's kind, helpful, innocent... In fact, so helpful and innocent that he forgets about himself and would be used by others if wasn't for his sister.
Elizabeth is a little british lady, with such good manners and has a special love for apple pie. She has Jack's red eye, capable to see people's emotions. She may look as innocent as her brother, but in fact, she's smarter and never let anybody uses him.
Mohan, Ravi, Neesha, Anik and Indira:
quintuplets, 9 years old;
children of Raiden and Shiva;
all carried and born from Shiva;
appearance: Mohan and Ravi have Raiden's skin color, black hair, Raiden's eyes and one pair of arms; Neesha has Shiva's purple skin, black hair, Raiden's eyes and one pair of arms; Anik has Shiva's purple skin, Raiden's hair color, Shiva's eyes (only two), and two pairs of arms; and Indira has Raiden's skin color, his hair, Shiva's eyes (all of them) and two pairs of arms.
Mohan and Ravi are the trickster twins, taking advantage of people to steal money from them and buy candy. Neesha is the shy and quiet girl, who loves art. Anik loves music and knows to play a lot of instruments. And Indira is the crazy one, the one who speaks loud and dare to fight anyone who irritates her or her siblings.
11 years old
only daughter of Hades and Qin;
carried and born from Qin;
appearance: long and straight black hair combed in two buns and Hades' violet eyes.
cheerful, helpful without being naive, forgetful, gossip girl. Has Qin's ability to feel other's weaknesses. Loves fashion and everything that's luxurious.
12 years old
only son of Nikola and Beelzebub;
carried and born from Beelzebub;
appearance: black wavy hair, blue eyes with dark circles under them, never smiles, all black clothes in the same style as Nikola's.
gloomy, depressive, genius of the group, loves more books and experiments than people and gods. Has a special and dark craving to make experiments on humans, but Nikola doesn't allow it.
I have other ships, but didn't make children for them: Adam and Eve (they already have the whole humanity as children, plus Caim and Abel), Buda and Loki (Loki already has his children, which Buda loves them as if they were his), and my crack pairing: Zeus and Odin (yeah, I know) (they're old and already have adult children).
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luxthestrange · 1 year ago
RoR Incorrect quotes#156 DADAA
Adam*Holding you in his arms wrapped like a burrito, cradling you in his arms for your nap...Even when you're an adult- In a hushed tone* You BEAUTIFUL and CAPABLE of GREAT things my child...
Adam*Whispering closer to your ears, eyes glowing blue and red*LIKE MURDER~...
Y/n*Snoozing comfortably in his arms*ZZZZzzzz
Adam*Eyes go back to normal, shaking head* Dont do that tho~...
Adam*Eyes glowing again in killer instinct mode*UNLESS ITS COMPLETELY NECESSARY
Y/n*Sleep talking,responding to him*Ok daa..daa...
Adam*Pecks your forehead happily*Thats my baby~ Dada will be your accomplice~... especially if it is to murder your bad boyfriend~oh Dada will BURY him in the yard~Yes their gonna be compost for your mama's garden~
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...Where was this pep talk when i was a baby-
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kanroji-san · 11 months ago
Kyojuro!Y/n/Reader AU
Hercules: I don't think your father like me and Jack very much...
Kyojuro!Y/n: Why do you think that?
Jack: *Points at the sky*
*"GET AWAY FROM MY CHILD" written in clouds*
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year ago
You ever see those grandparent videos where the parent brings their newborn into the house, without the grandparent knowing they were born yet? Imagine adult! Reader inviting everyone in and to their knowledge she hasn’t gone into labor yet but to their surprise the baby is right there.
Bonus points if it’s multiple babies like twins or triplets and the family had no idea until the reveal.
-Your family was waiting for you and your husband to arrive, it was the normal routine for Saturday, when you both would come over, there would be a big barbeque or meal, and you would get to spend time with the massive family you called your own.
-It had been a little difficult for you lately as you had been pregnant up until just a few days ago, but only Brunnhilde and Eve knew this, as you had called them, letting them know but asking them to keep it a secret, as you wanted to surprise everyone with your twins.
-They agreed to keep it quiet only if they got to hold the babies first, which you and your husband agreed to while trying not to laugh, the four of you plotting the surprise.
-You arrived quietly and Brunnhilde was waiting by the side door so you both could sneak in the back door to drop off your babies in a side room to get them ready, getting them out of their carriers.
-Eve told everyone else that you both were here, but when Loki spoke up after running to the door, wanting to get a hug first, he pouted when he saw neither of you there, “Where are they?” she just smiled warmly, “Y/N had to run to the bathroom.”
-They all nodded in understanding, as you were due any day now, as Hermes questioned, “Is it a good idea for her to be traveling right now?”
-Brunnhilde was recording before she gave you both the signal. Your husband walked out, holding your daughter, before you walked out, holding your son, “I’m fine.”
-Everyone turned, their eyes growing to the size of dinner plates, except for Eve and Brunnhilde as you grinned warmly as the house was shaking with screams and cries.
-Your daughter got a bit fussy at the sound, almost crying which made everyone hold their hands to their lips, silencing their cries as your husband rocked her.
-Your babies were being handed around, everyone enjoying the new additions to the family as you were relaxing, sitting curled up next to your husband who was grinning, recording now.
-Obnoxiously crying, unable to stop their tears as they held one or the other of your babies, unable to form any coherent words as they would look down at the baby, then to you, babbling nonsense while sniffling loudly, which made you giggle warmly.
            -ARES, LOKI, Apollo, Nikola, Zerofuku, and Goll
-Only let a few happy tears slip out as they talked to your babies, talking so softly and sweetly, before turning to you and your husband, calling you both gremlins for pranking them, then turning back to your babies. They are overjoyed to see you and your babies, but how could you not tell them you had your babies already?!
            -Adam, Zeus, Hades, Kojiro, Jack, Hercules, Hermes, Aphrodite, Shiva, Raiden, Eve, Brunnhilde, and the rest of the Valkyries
-Panicking, please don’t hand him a baby, he doesn’t know how to hold one! You sit next to him, guiding him how to hold your son who smiled up at him, babbling cutely which immediately made him melt, even if he didn’t show it. You can’t help but lean into him, seeing his rare soft smile.
            -Thor, Lu Bu, Beelzebub, and Poseidon
-Expert baby holder, can easily put your children to sleep, all while trying to hide their smile that they were so good at it, despite others calling them out on it because they want to know how good there are, but they’re not revealing their secrets so easily, which causes you to laugh.
            -Leonidas, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang, and Odin
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stuckinhell102 · 11 months ago
Incorrect quotes of any characterd
Record of ragnarock incorrect quotes!
Because why the Hell not
Adam seeing Y/n with a boy:"Not my daugther you won't-"
*Heracles places down a 2+ card*
Y/n doing the same
Brunhillde:"Everything is fine,everything is going exactly how I planned it to be"
five seconds later
Brunhillde:"Everything is NOT going accord to my plan!"
Buddha just enjoying some snacks in the background
Y/n:"You seem fruity"
Tengen:"I do?Thanks!"
Gol:"We are gonna lose!"
Y/n:"Listen here you little shit!We are gonna win!Now repeat after me!"
Y/n:"Never give up!"
Y/n:"Never what?"
Gol:"Never give up!"
They both processed to continue screaming that for next 30 minutes
Jack:"But...but I am...me?"
Y/n:"I don't care you deserve love,and therapy"
Y/n:"Well I need the second one too..."
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togetherhearted · 5 months ago
got two questions, what fandoms are you willing to write for?
The second one Is a request, can I have jack the Ripper and qin shi huang (seperate) plus with anyone of ur choice with a gn!reader who is the goddess of fear and nightmares but aslo sleep , they're really tired and intimidating, one look into her eyes and you will experience hallucinations , they fight in record of ragnarok and has a really fast beat time , they don't know how the managed to find a love interest but they're happy with jack and Qin shi huang
Hi to you!
To answer your question,I write for: Twisted wonderland/ Arcane and League of legends / Overwatch/ Lies of P / Devil May cry 5/ Record of Ragnarok/Honkai Star Rail / Reverse 1999 / Fire emblem Fates/3houses/Awakening/ Zenless Zone Zero and Jujutsu Kaisen.
I know they're a lot. Maybe I should take off a couple from the list 😅
Now,onto the request!
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Jack's life had no shortage of horrible events, plus he was a killer. Nothing scared him. Life never gave him nightmares, and neither did them he was happy to be around that force of nature. That aura color was pure art for him. So dark, like the void, dragging people in and tormenting them. He found that tired and calm personality of his liking. His life was a rollercoaster and having you to ground him was bliss, just what he wanted.
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-Qin never fell for the dark, for the nightmares, the creepy stuff and the torment. He felt the presence of them but the bandage on his eyes was a shield. As long as he had it on he was fine. The goddess still found happiness, a common ground where both could live in peace. From them, he learned to take it easy a bit, happy to know that his partner doesn't mind sharing their powers.
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Heracle is the perfect lover for a powerful being like them. He's a ray of sunshine and he's not scared of them, no matter how intimidating they might look the demi-god saw the good in them. He might look naive but his heart is big and pure, breaching the darkness of his brooding partner. The goddess might not like to admit it but sleeping by Heracle's side is the best feeling.
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harusaki-hugo · 6 months ago
ROR Incorrect Quotes!
New incorrect quotes! anime only tho
Y/n: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Y/n: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
Y/n: You don't think I can fight because of my gender! Buddha: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Loki can fight in that dress either. Loki: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
y/n: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Jack: Wasn't Hercules with you? Hercules: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
The group is getting into the car y/n: I’m driving. QSH, out of view: Shotgun! Hades, turning to face QSH: Aww! But you had it on the way here- Everyone except QSH: WOAH- QSH, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 2 years ago
Bestiiieeeee hiiiiiiii!!!!!
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May I request some kink headcanons for Jack, Loki, Hermes, Poseidon, and Hades please? Thank youuuu!! Love you bestieeeee!!!
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Hi Bestie :3
Warnings: Spit kink, Thigh riding, knife kink, mentions of blood, Size kink, choking, bdsm, Degradation (Use of words such as whore, slut.) Gn reader, ooc ror characters.
Request: Yes.
Words: 1,211
Jack The Ripper
Jack is into some… Pretty intense shit I feel. Though that also comes with being a murder, I don't think he can be with someone that simply just likes vanilla.
He definitely has a knife kink. Let him drag that blade down your skin and watch the cripples of red that come to the surface. You look so much prettier in red, after all.
Let him lick the blood off of you, tongue dragging across all of the sensitive crooks and crannies of your body. He'll bite and suck pretty red marks all over your body, worshiping you thoroughly.
Jack has a thing for choking you during sex. His thrusts are hard and fast too, though he makes sure to reach all of the right places.
He enjoys when you crawl on top of him to initiate anything intimate. If he's buried in a book just gently push him back and crawl on top of him. Straddle his hips and trail your fingers over his chest, he'll be hooked onto you.
He does enjoy some bondage. He likes seeing you all tied up and pretty for him.
If you're being too loud he won't hesitate to shove his fingers down your throat and choke and gag you on them. Be good for this Pretty little Psycho, okay?
Another one that's into pretty intense shit.
Have you ever had sex while in the air before? Because with this God that's exactly what's going to happen.
You better be able to shut your mouth because he just loves doing it in public. If you get caught he isn't stopping later. He'll tease and call you names, showing you off to whoever caught you in the moment.
He's the definition of a sadist. You will be his cock sleeve. He's another one that enjoys choking the daylights out of you.
Every wonder what that long tongue of his can do? Nothing not sinful, I'll tell you that much. He's able to reach so deep into that hole of yours. If you're not squirming and writhing under him he's not stopping.
He's as Much of a Dom as he is a Bottom. Loki is the complete definition of a switch.
He's very whiny when he's a bottom. Be careful with him, he's sensitive. (Don't be careful with him.) Twist and pull his nipples, bite him, absolutely demolish him, he loves it.
He's very much into denying you of your orgasm as much as he's into you denying him of his orgasm.
Has more vanilla than the rest but he can still be rough.
He likes hard slow thrusts that make you squirm. He does like going around 2-3 rounds before he's tired out and wants to sleep.
He will push your mouth open and spit into it. Praise him. Worship him. He is your God. He is your everything. Thank him for spitting on you. Thank him for calling you names.
Speaking of names, he will degrade you with a mixture of praise. Though, it is more degradation than praise.
Hands down the best at After care. He'll massage you, he'll get you drinks, he'll draw a bath for you. Just let him pamper you please, it's what he does after being so rough with you.
Please cock warm him. He enjoys being inside of you while reading or relaxing in general. Zeus usually has him running in circles, treat this gentleman well.
Not only is sex love making to him but it's also a type of stress relief for him. Hermes is always wound up in some way.
He will have quickies, though he does prefer being in the bedroom more than anything.
The King of domination. Be scared for your weeping hole, this God is huge in size.
Definitely has a size kink. He enjoys seeing your stomach bulge by the mere size of his cock. You'll catch him pressing down on the bulge or just caressing your stomach in general.
He's very heavy on degradation. If you can't take hard core heavy name calling its best not to be in a relationship with you.
Poseidon also likes cockwarming. He'll have you sitting on his cock for hours and everytime you wiggle even slightly he adds more time to it. It's best to just obey his orders.
Rough sex is always sex with him.
Rut on his thigh like a bitch in heat, or if he is in a punishing cruel mood perhaps he'll have you rut against his shoe.
Don't forget to lick it clean afterwards.
Definitely into Bdsm. He's not going to be nice to you, either. He thrusts hard and fast and your body will be sore in the morning. You will be leaving scratch marks on his back when he goes down on you.
But that's okay, Poseidon likes pain.
The King of Big dick himself?
Definitely has a size kink, have you seen the bulge in his pants? He probably has the biggest cock out of the gods, he loves seeing your stomach bulge as he bullies his cock inside of you.
Hades always makes you feel like your filled to the absolute brim, though that's because you literally are. But that's okay, he'll mold the shape of his cock into you so it'll be nice and comfortable.
Likes Cock warming. Hades always has loads of paperwork to do and with his brother's shenanigans on top of it he's stressed. Just be nice and sit on his cock for him while he completes paperwork, he'll reward you nicely afterwards.
Another one that's onboard with Thigh riding. He'll help you rut your hips against his thigh until you're whimpering and moaning into his shoulder limp as hell.
He's much more vanilla than most of the other gods, though that doesn't mean Hades doesn't like to be a bit experimental.
Bestie Bonus: Shiva
Another big dicked bitch.
Once again this man has a size kink, he likes seeing you struggling to take in his size. This man also has a pretty dick, you know all the lines on his body? They're on his dick too. And there's a large pretty vein that goes all the way down the back of it.
He's thicker than he is longer.
He has four arms for a good reason. The way he can maneuver you around is amazing, and it's never a struggle to get you in all the correct positions he wants you in.
He'll lay back and let you do whatever you want to him on the lazier nights, but don't get too cocky, he's still a Dom through and through.
He'll spit in your mouth and look cocky while doing it. Shiva also loves leaving marks all over your body.
He'll worship your thighs. Literally. Leaves bites, Hickey's, and all types of marks on your thighs.
If you have a voice kink it's your time to Shine. Shiva loves whispering in your ear during sex, telling you how much of a whore you are, or a slut you are. How beautiful you are under him like this.
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onecantsimply · 2 years ago
drunk!husband x reader for Jack, Hermes, Hercules respectively when they had just a bit too much and then see their wife?
• I can imagine this man getting home with Ares helping him, and you’re just standing there with a blink. You were probably trying to eat a treat or drink tea until the door burst open, with Ares walking in after saying a small “excuse us.”
• He and Heracles were most likely drinking after a successful job, which must have been quite important if the two had the time to celebrate.
• Heracles really didn’t do much until you peeked over at him, and he saw you. Both of you blinked for a moment before he immediately had you in his arms, already confessing his love for you. Even if he was already your significant other. Married, too.
• Still, you of course accepted his confession, making him somehow slur his laugh. You may have heard him cry a little bit but you ain’t telling him until tomorrow morning- Even if you tried to pull away to get water for him, Heracles has clung to your begging for you to stay with him.
• How could you say no to that man when he was straight up begging?
• So, you stayed with him until he had fell asleep, and prepared some things that could sober him up. You placed some water by his desk, and placed the blanket over him before getting in bed with him again.
• He already had you in his grip again, hugging you as if you were a type of teddy bear. Yet, it seemed normal, so you had slept steadily and safely that night.
• The next day, you were helping Heracles sober up, teasing him about how he was while drunk. He seemed embarrassed about it, naturally.
𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕣:
• He had come in with Hermes escorting him. Both males seemed drunk, but the God seemed to have more control than Jack did, surprisingly. You had quickly rushed over to see what the matter was until Jack had softly grabbed your hand, gently kissing it.
• He asked you to marry him, clearly not seeing the ring on your finger. Hermes never even got to explain anything, as he was already outside, and ready to go home.
• Back to you and Jack, you had arched an eyebrow, and told him of how you two were already married. He pulled the shocked Pikachu face before clinging onto you, thanking the Lord for sending you to him.
• You could only giggle at how he was before he looked at you with seemingly confused eyes. He then clung to you once more, now praising you and thanking you for marrying someone like him with teary eyes. However, before he could do anything other than hug you, you had him drink water.
• That seemed to sober him up enough, judging from how he was sitting by the table, keeping his hand over his head from the hangover that seemed to occur within his brain. He reeked of alcohol, and he didn’t like that-
• Yet, he felt amused when you had sat next to him, now explaining how he was while drunk. He now felt embarrassed, but had expressed how genuinely grateful he was for someone like you.
• He could only kiss your forehead before you told him to take a bath. He perked up immediately.
• He looked as if he had a very long day from taking care of Zeus. But however, it was just drinking with Jack. So while you were possibly reading a book, you heard the door shut and lock. Of course, you walked towards it to greet Hermes, but saw how the man looked.
• He definitely looked like he had been drinking. You could only help him get comfortable, in which he had thanked you for multiple times. He seemed to call you a Goddess for helping him, in which you had only smiled softly.
• That smile only reinforced his opinion on you. You are his Goddess, and shall always be.
• And so, while you had helped him get sobered up with some water, he had only gripped your hand, kissing it like how Gomez Addams called Morticia’s hand a dead fish.
• It was lovely until Hermes drank that water. The headache that came soon after was literally making him feel as if his head were pulsing. Of course, you helped the pain go away, in which he had thanked you for.
• He reminded himself to never drink again, in which he knew Jack would possibly agree in.
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thesharktanksdriver · 2 years ago
Ragnarok with a Kobeni-like contestant (platonic)
Warning: mention of terrible parents, mention of sex work, spoilers for the show and Spoiler: for Kobeni backstory
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It’s safe to say that out of all of the contestants of ragnarok you are definitely the one out
Partially because you weren’t brought back to life
Instead you were just asked by Brunhilde to join her cause
And you hesitantly accepted to join
Now along with that your also meek like really meek compared to everyone else
Hell when the Valkyrie brought you to meet the others you were shaking
It’s definitely a bit departure from what everyone assumed to be the deadliest assassin humanity has seen yet
But the greatest warriors know not to judge a foe by their appearance
And you certainly are the epitome of that gesture
Because beneath your crying and shaking face lies someone capable of taking down entire rooms filled with men twice your size without much effort
A truly fierce some foe that is befit to challenge a god
But not even you can recognize your own talent despite how others try to convince you so
“My names y/n l/n. I’m 20 years old… the job I do is… a secret. My hobby is eating tasty stuff”
Adam is the first to approach you of the bunch mostly because of his fatherly instincts kicking in
I mean here you are
This small scared young kid who is shaking like a leaf
Surrounded In a room with bulky powerful historical figures
From that moment on he kinda just stays by your side doing his best to support you
He sees within you a deep power
Something that most would flaunt around yet you don’t even recognize
You constantly talk down to yourself and your achievements which makes the progenitor of man upset
It’s obvious this lack of confidence is basically woven into you
And he’s unsure if it’s just in your nature or someone else is the cause of it
Either way Adam makes it a goal of his to help you
For you are one of his children and he’d be damned if he didn’t help
That’s why he introduces you to the rest of his family
Warning them beforehand that you need a confidence boost desperately
And so they do just that
Adam and Eve become the parents you never had
They are kind and supportive along with patient with you
They wipe away your tears every Time you cry from having such a good meal or thank them
Eve makes you little lunches that have small notes of encouragement to make you smile
Cain and Abel are the brothers you wish you had
There are no hurtful words of calling you useless or saying your only good for making money
The two instead playfully talk about how your the most precious person they’ve met
Even though you have your own room/living area in the arena you end up staying at theirs a lot
Unlike your room theirs is filled with laughter and warmth
The only place you truly felt the sense of “home” in a place
It’s a slow process but you begin to sometime slip up and mention your parent’s treatment of you
How they view you as worthless compared to your brother
How your the figurative work mule for his dreams and being forced to sacrifice your own
It doesn’t exactly surprise them but it certainly makes Adam and his family even more determined to make you feel at home with them
You better hope your parents aren’t attending the event cause mama Eve and papa Adam are gone be giving them the ultimate side eye
Plus a good talking too if they dare even approach you
Meanwhile Cain and Abel are distracting you by getting some of the other human fighters to join their argument of why your the most wholesome person
Adam also definitely takes to training with you
Partially because he’s worried of how you’ll fair against a god
But like many others is pleasantly surprised by your skill
In battle it’s seems as if a switch flips in your mind
You go from scared to dead serious
It reminds him of animals in the wild
The primal urge of survival setting in as you spar with Bü Lu
Your quick in both reaction time and in speed
Because of your smaller stature it makes you harder to hit compared to the rather bulky build of many others
Not to mention that because of your nature and appearance you have the upper hand of being underestimated by almost everyone
Which is seemingly one of your best qualities since it leads to your opponents being cocky and thinking they could easy kill you
Before you did it before they could even strike
During these sparring matches he takes a lot of your qualities and makes note of them for his own future battle
Yet when he tells you this you dismiss your talents yet again
But with your shy smile he can at least tell some of his words had affected you
At some point you began calling him dad and all he does is smile before ruffling your hair
Eve now Always prepares an extra plate of food just for you
And his sons make sure to make an extra comfy place for you to sleep
Qin Shi Huang is another who seemingly takes to you as a mentor figure
You remind him of himself as a child
Someone forced through brutally and made to bare it
He first hand knows what that can do to someone and your a prime example of that
In his life he at least had Chun Yan who had lifted him up
Taught him not to just grin and bare the insults and cruelty that was always presented to him
But it seems to him you had no one but yourself
And eventually it wore you down
Or perhaps you just accepted it from the start
So much like Adam the former Emperor of China begins trying to help you as best he can
Firstly by telling you to see the value in yourself
Which he does by literally ordering you as emperor to do so (lol)
Every day he makes you acknowledge that you are smart
That you’ve been chosen for a reason and not to diminish yourself
He also goes with you when your shopping around the arena so you don’t have to worry about money
Which you do a lot
Yeah the moment he sees you contemplating whether to buy something or something else cause of your budget he’s just straight up buying an entire store
You try to tell him not too but he does so anyways
Telling you to accept what he and others give to you
Including their help
Whenever your not having dinner with Adam’s family he invites you to dine with him
His room is filled with antiquities of his time
Fine silks and giant a giant feast that you give into eating
Along with that he also gives you nicknames
Stuff that have a meaning behind them in his tongue of ancient Chinese
All of which link back to you in battle
Training with you is certainly a fun challenge especially as he sees you go from one side of a scale personality wise to another
It fills him with pride as your able to take down foes bigger than you with ease
It’s like watching a rabbit game down a wolf or bear
You don’t expect it but once you see it happens it changes your view of predator and prey
It goes to show that anyone can be a threat if pushed far enough
How the tiniest nation can rise and defeat those who stood might and strong for centuries just because they were smarter
After these training session and battles he always pats you on the back and patches up your minimal wounds
He often jokes that you’d make a great kings guard for him if your up for it
You always bashfully say you couldn’t possibly do that
But he always reminds you that an emperor such as himself doesn’t offer such an opportunity to someone they didn’t think deserved it
You don’t even notice it but his and everyone else’s efforts slowly begin to help you build up your self esteem
It’s a slow process
But one that begins to show results over time
Results that make him happy as you now don’t seem to shake or flinch whenever someone looks at you
Back in his childhood he couldn’t help himself as he does now
So he knows you need that push to begin seeing yourself as worthy of having good happen to you
To know you are valued
That you are seen as a good friend
Another of the human fighters you get along well with is Kojiro
The so called biggest loser in history
It’s kinda funny since your brother used to compare you to him
Saying how you were him reborn or something along those lines
It’s disheartening to him of how you look down on yourself
Your such a talented young mind yet the thing that seems to be holding you back is yourself
You are your worse enemy from him others words had ingrained themselves into you so deeply
Unlike the others who work to make you more confident Kojiro focuses on just making you happy and content
He always greets you with a kind smile
Or invites you to sit down for some lunch and tea
He is a calming presence
Like a nice autumn day or a summer breeze
One that eases your nervousness as the older man acts as a rock you can lean to other than Adam
When things get intense you sometimes lean instinctively behind him which makes him laugh
Despite being history’s “biggest loser” he’s surprisingly ok with people calling him that
He takes it almost as a badge or pride or a joke
It’s confusing to you but you don’t question it
Just assuming the older man has thicker skin than you
Training with him is especially interesting considering he’s one of the few who can properly defend against your approach of quick and swift attacks
He makes for a fun challenge and never calls you names
In fact he actually compliments your fighting and admits that your a fearsome foe
There may or may not have been a few times where you called him grandpa without knowing and he couldn’t help but smile
Jack the Ripper is one who seeks you out on his own
You have the constant colour of fear dying you
Almost as if it was the only thing you could feel
It intrigues him
So he sets out to figure out why you constantly feel that way and
Yeah he kinda quickly realizes you must’ve had a fucked home life
Takes one to know one as he and Qin Shi quickly realized
He is an English gentleman through and through so he takes to interacting with you as if your porcelain
Your fragile maybe not physically since your fighting against the gods but mentally you are
And despite how fear usually makes him excited it worries him when it comes to you
Especially as he begins to gain a soft spot for your shy and meek self
Despite knowing the atrocities he’s claimed to commit (even if he isn’t the real Jack the Ripper) you cling to him
See him as a protector of sorts
Hiding behind him and his jacket
Or tugging at his sleeve to indicate you feel to nervous to interact with a bunch of people
It’s sweet
And now you have a literal serial killer as a friend
Your emotional support who’s a serial killer
Though to be fair you also had down your fair share of killing due to your job
Other than Adam he’s the only one you tell your actual profession of being an Assassin
He is definitely kinda surprised but doesn’t know what else he was expecting
Considering he’s seen your fighting
Jack is sympathetic to you when you sometimes slip up and mention how bad your parents are
How they don’t care for you and neither does your brother who they love more
It reminds him of his mom but at least at some point she pretended to love him
You never even had that
Because of his ability to basically see people’s emotions he ends up knowing when he needs to help calm you down
And he also tells the others when their getting a bit much for you to Handle
When it does get too much he brings you to his room
Victorian decor filling it as he pours you a cup of tea
He talks about Shakespeare and recites the stories to calm you down
So you can focus on that instead of the world
It works pretty well especially since his accent is soothing
Your parents best watch out especially as unlike Adam and Eve he wont hesitate to actually harm them
Plus all the other human fighters would probably cover for him lol
Surprisingly enough Göll the Valkyrie ends up becoming friends with you quite easily due to your similar meek nature to her own
Brunhilde is the one who suggests for her younger sister to meet you and it goes really well!
Göll is a kind soul
One that is gentle and good spirited just as yourself if you weren’t thrusted into such a cruel situation
It makes you happy though that she’s not like you
That people care enough for her not to be hurt constantly by words and being thrown into battle
She often finds herself eating with you during lunch with a few other fighters
It’s through you she actually begins to get to know them better
Most of them she had found herself too intimidated to speak to but with you she sees that they aren’t as bad as they initially appear
It’s also through you she sees a different version of herself
One that didn’t have her kind but stern sisters
Someone who the world gave up on
And seeing that makes her both grateful and worried for your sake
You are kind and caring yet you don’t think of yourself as anything other than a burden
It makes her happy though that the others are trying to help you
It goes to show to her that some of the scariest people in history can still do some semblance of good
That despite it all humanity is worth it
It kinda opens her eyes as to why her elder sister is fighting so hard to win
Cause humanity might be full of bad but there’s also good to balance it out
And it’s perhaps because of this that she volunteered herself to be your weapon in your battle
The night before the first round starts everyone decides to have a night of partying
It’s the first ever thing you’d been invited to so you decides to dress nice (or we’ll as nice as you could with the limited hand-me-down’s given to you by your older sibling)
When you arrive everyone is surprised to see you actually smiling shyly
Adam Welcomes you to the Table where everyone is sitting before Qin Shi wraps an arm around your shoulder pulling you to sit near him
Kojiro sits beside Soji and Raiden whom all had begun drinking Sake in some sort of competition
Jack sits on the other side of you and gives a polite smile that you mimic back
He drinks tea unlike the others who enjoy the burning taste of alcohol
Tesla is seemingly talking to Nostradamus about some invention
Simo is feeding his dog some treats as Sakata pets said dog
Lü Bu and Leonidas recounts war stories
Rasputin is already passed out after drinking
The entire mood is cheery
Laughter fills the air as music plays from a record player that Tesla had modified
Eventually Qin Shi is somehow able to get you to relax enough to have a drink
Your definitely a lightweight so as you drink very aged alcohol you end up very drunk very fast
Adam had to cut you off as he saw how you could barely stop
You drunkenly complain since you enjoy the frothing beer that leaves a small bubbling moustache on you that makes Lü Bu comment that you now look manly
It’s also there that in your drunken stupor that you talk about how you ended up as an assassin in the first place
“I was forced into it… my parents only care about my gifted brother… they want to put him through collage, so they put me to work… my options were to become a sex worker or an assassin. I wanted to go to collage too!!! But I’m gonna die here!!, and what’s worse is that this has been the best time of my life but I know I’m gonna die”
At this everyone goes quiet as your drunken giggles mix with a few sobs
the tragedy of your life is now revealed
A tragic symphony now complete from the bits and pieces that had slipped out earlier
There’s a shared sentiment of sympathy from the other fighters for you
The fact that someone could do that to their own child
That they valued one over the other
It’s a moment that they all will forever remember especially as you laugh at your own pain
Your own anguish as if it were a joke
Cause in reality you were just a joke to your parents
To your brother whom you had to give everything to
But with that now shared it also brings up why you joined this cause in the first place
So Nicola is the one to ask why
“I joined cause… if I spent my entire life working for them just for the humanity to be killed then what did I work for?. I would’ve spent my entire life for nothing… and at least fighting for humanity for a chance means I did something, that I tried to save people, that I tried to save my own future if I somehow get out of this…That for once I fought for myself”
During the actual competition you end up watching in the stands with the other fighters
You get front row seats and luckily with comes you being able to yell out encouragement with the others
In between rounds there’s a few days of preparation so you get to training with the others usually
For round one you end up sitting Bessie Lü Bu’s lieutenant Cheng and the rest of his soldiers whom you’d gotten to know at this point
And with that come the unfortunate consequence of the first round
It’s hard watching someone you got close to die
seeing how the general went out with a smile you can’t say he died in vain
But seeing his men valiantly follow him in death is also something that hits you hard
Like really hard
Sure you had only known them for about a month but in that short time you had finally found people you considered your friends
And that in turn scares you for everyone else’s fates
Especially since you know Adam is next
So you train with him perilously
And when the time comes for his battle you have him copy your abilities as an extra slide of hand
You watch anxiously beside Cain and Abel as they both wrap an arm around you for your comfort
Eve occasionally checks to see if your ok which makes you give a nervous smile
It’s obvious you aren’t but you say you alright anyways
The battle comes to a close
Adam left almost for dead with Zeus as the victor
Adam is taken to extensive care and your left spiralling as the others try to console you that it would be alright
That he wasn’t dead but healing
That humanity wasn’t doomed just yet
Göll has the same mindset as you but tries to keep you positive which you appreciate
And then comes Kojiro vs Poseidon
At this point you were terrified for Kojiro but cheered for him nether the less despite how now one did at first
And as the battle progressed you did your hardest to make sure he heard your encouragement
If there was a god you could pray to you probably would’ve lol
You were definitely happy not to be up against Poseidon especially with his cutting remarks
And then despite the impossible Kojiro wins
And you and the crowd goes wild
When he’s brought to the intermarry where Adam still rests you give the older man a big hug
And spend your free time not training with him
But time goes quick and a week passes within the blink of an eye
Your round is up next and it’s not only your life on the line but also your dear friend Göll
You know you can’t lose
“There’s no such thing as a life free of bad things… except in your dreams. But today I gotta make a good thing happen no matter what ”
For your round you go up against Heracles
Someone who you had actually met prior to the match
He had found you scared in a crowd and being pushed around
You just took it
Not fighting back at all
And it didn’t feel right to him so he stepped in and helped you
He saw a lot of himself in you and you remain him of his old friend
So when he sees he’s up against you it feels wrong to him
You look so frightened
So fucking terrified
Even the gods are wondering why they sent you out against him
It feels as if sending out a pawn to die
A sacrificial lamb to the slaughter
What could a scared child do against the Heracles
Some wouldn’t admit it but their disdain for humanity grew for the fact this seemed cruel
Almost immediately he asks you to stand down
To give up
But despite how much you shake you don’t back down
Telling him that you agreed to fight
That you had to fight for humanity’s sake
And when the horn is blown the fight begins in a replica city of modern times
Glass skyscrapers that touch the sky
Empty streets with a few cars placed in a few places
As the god ready’s himself he sees you get into position
The tears nod drained away as a serious expression replaces it
“G-Göll says you mean a lot to her and I don’t think your a bad person…I don’t have to kill you to win, all I have to do is get you to tap out or where you can’t fight me anymore”
His eyes widen slightly
And then he nods
“Same goes to you then”
It begins
It’s immediate that one advantage you have over him is speed and agility
He is bulky and much slower compared to you but makes up for that in power an defence
You attack carefully
Quick and swift cuts of your blade as Göll encouraged you in your mind
The environment of alleyways and the cover of cars
Distantly you think of the other fighters
Of the injured Adam and his family
Of Qin Shin
Of everyone depending on you to win
Of your future beyond this
The future you want instead of slaving away and the killing you do for your ungrateful brother
In that moment as you dodge one of his attacks you promise yourself that you’d go to collage
That for the first time in your life after coming here you’d live truly
You get more focused
More precise in where to hit him as to wear him down
Attack after attack
Blow after blow
No matter how many times he almost hit you
Or you got scraped by an attack you just keep pushing
Cause it’s not just humanity’s life on the line
It’s Göll’s
It’s your own
And then after what feels like hours you do it
You get that final hit to bring down the metaphorical to crumble castle down
He crashes into the asphalt
It crumbles it bits around him and you watch anxious as he tries to get up but can’t
And for the first time since it started it feels as if you could finally breath
He didn’t die like you said and you win by wounding him enough to the point he can’t fight anymore
You forgot he swore to do the Sam etching for you
And you expect him to be mad at you
To yell
To curse you
To promise to strike you down once this is all over
And yet despite loosing he laughs
One that is just full of pure joy instead of malice and disdain like your used to
You sniffle and crack your eyes open to see him moon up at you with pure amazement
“And so the 4th round of Ragnarok goes to the humans!. Y/n had injured Heracles to the point of not being able to fight anymore!”
It feel surreal as those words ring out in the stadium
People are cheering for you
The person who was told their entire life that they were nothing but a waste of space
Just a tool to get the more worthy child into collage as you wasted away
Tears bubble up in your eyes that quickly spill over the edge
You bow, thanking the crowd before turning to the injured god and helping him up
As you help him up he smiles
Grabbing your hand and lifting up up to the air as a sign of your victory
And for the first time in your life you feel yourself cry from happiness
To smile so brightly that it could rival the sun
That it hurt your cheeks from it being so wide
Or that you actually feel accomplished for once
“I won…I won!.”
“You did. That was a good fight, thank you. What are you gonna do after this?”
“I’m…I’m gonna go to collage like I always wanted. I’m gonna start living for myself and not for my parents. You hear that!, I’m not sending money to you anymore it’s my life now!”
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guppythefishy · 2 years ago
Incorrect Quotes #1
RoR Modern!Household with Child/Teen!Reader:
Adam:Hey has anyone seen Y/N?
Lu Bu:No
Eve:No sorry
Hermes:If I may ask why are you looking for them?
Adam:They stole Ares sword and Ares is crying about it and I don't want them to hurt themselves.
Ares:*Crying* My sword!! That little Gremlin!!*sobs*
Y/n:Fuck Yeah I have his sword!!!
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luxthestrange · 2 years ago
RoR Incorrect quotes#183 Please say yes-
Heracles: Do you think your family likes me?
Jack & Y/n: Our Family literally begged you to marry us
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Anne, Adam and Eve can never let their freaky kid lose a chance to be with a green flag man-
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kanroji-san · 11 months ago
Kyojuro!Y/n AU
Jack: *Smilling going to training grounds to see his lovers*Hey just double checking you cleared your calendar for dinner tomorrow night, right? Im dying to go to that new place-...
Her&Kyojuro!Y/n:*Head empty-No thoughts, Blinking one eye at a time, looking happily at his face and smiling like ididots*...( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Jack: Oh right, sorry-*Coughs and with a baby voice, rubbing his belly*DINNER?~
Jack:*Showing calendar day for tomorrow with his phone, still using baby voice*TOMORROW?~
Jack:*Pointing at self*ME?~-
Her&Kyojuro!Y/n:*Eyes light up and jumping towards him* YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months ago
Hello! Is it alright if I ask for ror gods (of your picking) with a cat hybrid reader? The gods accidentally scaring hybrid cat reader and their tail goes fluffy
And make sure you're taking care of yourself and drinking water<33
-You were wandering around, looking for Kojiro, as he had promised to take you out for sushi again, which was making your mouth water just thinking about it, as he knew the best restaurants to take you to.
-You had planned to meet in the Greek pantheon, as he had been thinking of inviting Hercules and Jack along, as food tasted better with others around to enjoy it.
-You rounded corner and instantly your eyes lit up, seeing your friends there and you were quick to rush over, easily leaping up and hugging Hercules from behind.
-He teased you, pretending not to notice, turning, “Is there something on my back?” your tail swished around as you grinned down at Kojiro and Jack who returned it, thinking it was amusing before they greeted you.
-You clung to Hercules for a little while longer, as Kojiro had just finished convincing them to come with the two of you for sushi, enticing them with trying new things.
-When you started walking off, your ears twitched lightly, hearing someone behind you, following the group, but when you turned there was nothing and you scowled softly, thinking it was someone pulling a prank on you.
-You were a favorite target of Loki, as he liked scaring you, you always reacted so amusingly, but he always made up for it afterwards, cuddling you as he knew how to make you happy.
-You didn’t feel like being pranked, you just wanted to go and eat!
-The group was almost out of the pantheon, heading towards the Shinto pantheon where the restaurant was when someone ran up behind you and shouted, “HI Y/N!!”
-You leapt up in fear with a sound that was like a mix of a yowl and a scream, your eyes narrowing to slits and your tail puffing up as Hercules caught you, the group seeing you had frozen in fear.
-Anubis was quickly roaring with laughter, “Loki was right- you do look adorable!!” your arms wrapped around Hercules’ neck again, your eyes narrowing, and you hissed down at him, trying to look intimidating but your tail was still puffed up.
-Anubis joined the group, wanting to know where you all were going, while you were pouting lightly, not wanting anything to do with him, until when you were all sitting at the low table together, Anubis grabbed a large piece of salmon, presenting it to you with a bright grin.
-You looked like you were in bliss, your eyes closed as you enjoyed the flavorful fish as Kojiro was teaching Jack how to hold chopsticks, the five of you enjoying your meal out.
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nameless-flame · 2 years ago
A Various! Record of Ragnarok x reader story✨
Snippet from Story:
"Why do you hate the gods, Lady [Name]?" He had expected her face to contract in anger when he worded the question. Rage, resentment, animosity – anything of the like. But Hermes was instead met with a vacant smile. Her eyes void of any emotion.
"Because you do not know the feeling of loss, and yet you take."
“Four years”, she told herself. Four years had passed since the war. Four years since the people of Erilea had fought the Valg King and his forces and stood victorious.
“It’s over”, she told herself. But she could not deny that some of those scars had yet to heal – and a small part of her wondered if they ever would.
The queen looked over the horizon, at the land of sun-bleached cliffs and white-capped seas, of cascading waterfalls and flowing rivers. Looked at the home she had so vigorously fought to protect, to nurture. Looked at this land of beauty and wonder, and at the constructions of the city that were almost complete, as the locals merrily flocked the streets.
Looked at Terrasen; her home. Her kingdom.
“It’s over,” she repeated.
However, destiny must have not aligned with her will because not long after a mysterious figure appeared at the palace gates, requesting her to participate in a tournament that would decide the fate of humanity.
She felt inclined to say no. But the valkyrie’s next words made her reconsider.
“The gods wish to end humanity.”
And an opportunity like never before presented itself. A chance to punish those divine beings that had wronged her and her people. To exact revenge for what they had done to her world.
The queen accepted.
A better world (Record of Ragnarok x Reader) | Quotev
A Better World (Record of Ragnarok x Reader) - Sara2771 - Wattpad
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mias-blogs · 2 years ago
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𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 .
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑘.
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𝑸𝒊𝒏 𝑺𝒉𝒊 𝑯𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒈 :
Comforting Qin Shi Huang
Qin with autistic reader
𝑵𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒆𝒔𝒍𝒂 :
Nikola smut (Dom)
Nikola smut (Sub)
Nikola Angst, you sacrifice yourself for him.
Buddha smut (sub)
Buddha fluff
⁂ ⁑ 𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆 ⁑ ⁂
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