#its quite literally so unserious
acourtoflucien · 3 months
the amount of posts that i see that i agree with that then go on a tangent mid post about how much they hate x shippers, or why this theory proves x ship is bad or wrong etc., like. why do people feel the need
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deiscension · 7 months
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Type of person who says "I think my lipstick would look soooooo good on you!", gives you a kiss on the cheek, declares their lipstick looks fantastic on you and they'd like to see it on you more often, then breezes on by all those mixed signals to continue on with whatever was at hand.
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lilacxquartz · 1 month
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angel satoru gojo x mortal fem!reader
part 2 of 2 • masterlist • ao3 link • << part 1
summary: after making an offering, you catch the attention of a six eyed angel who despite promising you the heavens, leads you into hell instead.
warnings: heavily implied dub/non-con, violent/disturbing imagery, body horror
Part 2: Answer
The next couple of days were met with a certain degree of reluctance and uncertainty combined as you couldn’t help but feel a crushing sense of guilt, wondering what the angel truly meant by ‘everything’.
Had you known what it could have entailed, you would have never prayed—you would have never even entertained the concept of love, knowing now that it would be taken away so soon.
You didn’t want to think that ‘everything’ could have been in a more literal sense; something that would force you to have a lacking say in your own existence in exchange for a taste of power.
It left you wondering more so if it was truly a blessing or if it was more of a curse.
And moments after tucking yourself into bed, you were awoken by an all too familiar presence making itself known within the confines of your very own home.
The angel reappeared; his eyes a glowing piercing blue with snowy lashes—a gaze as cold as ice.
No longer did it have a welcoming smile.
No longer did it seem as kind.
Its voice, coming out as nothing more than a threatening low droning hum, echoed throughout your body, “Remember what you have offered to me,” he spoke, the playfulness absent from his tone, “your life is mine now too.”
Somehow, these words didn’t really register properly in your mind and you looked back at him with a gnawing sense of disbelief. Your demeanour faltering for a second. You wanted for this strange deity to provide you with answers but every interaction left you with more questions than ever before, leaving you feeling confused after each and every single exchange.
“What…?” you simply asked, blurting out your words.
The angel smiled, painting an illusion of deceptive kindness across his face. His voice softened, as though trying to comfort you despite the words holding onto a sure threat, “You said everything, did you not? That should surely include both your heart and soul.”
“B-but,” you protested, tenting your knees as you backed up in bed, holding your pillow close to your chest, “I can’t even have a normal relationship?”
“Preferably not,” the angel cooed, “but if loneliness is what you’re dealing with, then I can pay you as many visits as you’d like at night.”
You didn’t like the implication of that.
“Y-you…?” you repeated his offer, “You… visit m-me…?”
“Correct,” he nodded with a tight smile, stepping closer ever so slightly forward, “it’s my job to look over humans, so let me be your everything too.”
The more you took in the sight of the angel, the more deceptive he truly seemed. Something about him screamed arrogant and even though he wasn’t playful this time, there was something unserious about the way he spoke to you.
Again, your mind had to wonder.
(Was this truly an angel?)
(Or did you pray to something else instead?)
“T-this is my only option?” you asked.
“Yes, but I’ll visit you however many times it takes,” he nodded.
The wording threw you off however, something about the way he said it and the terminology used, didn’t sit quite right with you.
‘However many times it takes.’
Until what?
The visits did indeed come to happen, he left you feeling a mixture of both wide awake as the nights had passed yet perfectly refreshed in the mornings as though nothing had happened.
Even though your energy didn’t seemingly suffer, something else within you began to drain instead.
You weren’t quite sure what, though.
Your mind spiralled as it considered the possibilities.
You were blessed, right? Not chosen. Could there have been a difference between the two?
And lying awake in your bed yet again, you anticipated the angel but weren’t quite in the mood due to a terrible feeling brewing inside of you. Your eyes, blinded by the approaching light snapped open; feeling the weight of such unimaginable power anchor right on top of you.
“Not toda—“ you began to protest, your words coming out as barely a whisper.
“—everything,” he shushed you instead, reminding you of your place within the dynamic. He was the an angel; a being close to a god and you were a mortal blessed by his touch. Silly you. You had no right to complain.
Yet the continuation felt awfully wrong.
Like something was happening that shouldn’t have been.
Just like the many sleepless nights before this one, he started by crashing his lips against your own. His touch like pillowed stone against fresh clay—his touch bordered articulate—precise and careful, just like those many times before. Your eyes once again drifted over to his roaming hands, blurring your vision whenever you’d look at them for too long.
“I know your limit,” he whispered to you, his cold breath rippling waves of shivers through you, “I can see it.”
It was as though his words were easing you into it every time. His voice was low and his tone felt hypnotic.
Slowly, as a result, you couldn’t help but grow more accepting of it even if you were unsure why.
Something internal that faded away as you slowly gave into his presences, into his continued touch and…!
(What was this feeling…?)
His touch continued to explore you; his hands brushed over your breasts underneath your clothes. Stony fingers that slipped in between your legs, guiding his digits towards your sex. A soft gasp escaping your lips as he ran tauntingly slow circles around your clit.
Next, he moved himself to hover you. His hardened length feeling just as rigid as the rest of him, if not even somehow more, hovered at your entrance. Slowly, he pushed the tip of his cock into your awaiting cunt, his length enveloped by your heat.
Slipping himself out and then plunging forth again and again—it felt like he was bruising you from the inside. His gradually quickening pace left you breathless yet somehow craving more despite the creeping exhaustion.
“My everything,” he’d mutter, his lips ghosting icy air against your own, his tongue wrestling yours. The experience felt almost jarring with how much attention you took in from a higher power, perhaps in a way that you shouldn’t. The angel continued to stalk his release regardless—appearing almost human—almost vulnerable as he pounded into you with want and need.
He grunted, though softly, as he worked his hips into yours. Despite this, your home only echoed back the sounds of your strained whining and almost relentless, breathless moaning. Your fingers clawing against the sheets—against his flesh—grabbing, almost as if desperately trying to hold onto your plummeting sanity as it somehow slipped away during your shared nights.
His rutting pursuit was by now deeper, his speed unforgiving. Your core felt as though it was going to be split apart by his plunging length. You felt exhaustion seep and settle while your insides soon felt pummelled and even sore as the angel reached an almost frenzied pace, seeking a violent release.
It was sudden as he finally met his end; his body finally spent. You felt as his cock twitched within your sex, emptying himself fully within your bruised core, leaving you a state of uncomfortable full of him and him alone.
As he relaxed and you recovered, the angel soothed you in your repeated panicked submission. His flesh that had since then merged with yours, rubbed raw against what felt like almost worn skin. His comforting touch smoothed goosebumps over you, leaving you once again feeling not quite chosen, but blessed with the essence of something else.
(Something worse?)
Whether or not it was power that he was giving you, it wasn’t something you could tell.
He soon left you in that now familiar dazed and almost high state—your hands drifting and slurring as you moved around in bed—phasing you in and out of your own fleeting consciousness.
And although the sensation faded and the skies lightened outside, for once, you were left feeling exhausted.
As though you couldn’t quite drop what the angel left behind this time.
You’d hands glowed a faint yet noticeable blue, trailing an aura behind as you moved them around in the air. Like seeping water that evaporated the second it lingered a little too long.
Whatever this was; a power, a blessing or something else.
You didn’t want it.
It hurt.
“Thou shall not lay in bed with the gods who masquerade as angels; lest you ascend.” — Ancient scriptures.
As if on clockwork, the angel would show up again and again as per the usual times. It was nighttime whenever it arrived with its heavy footsteps splintering the floorboards, icy fingertips that willed you awake, refusing to let you rest.
You couldn’t help but shudder whenever you jolted back into the conscious realm. The touch now feeling familiar, yet somehow so freshly invasive every time.
Something felt different this time though.
“Would you like to be more than just blessed?” he asked you, although the way he delivered his words felt more like a statement than an offering. The way he spoke reminding you more of how the demons spoke; so elusive and almost deceitful.
You couldn’t form a proper response this time either. Your words stifled by a pressuring change in the atmosphere. Something about his words felt once again less like a prompt.
(Maybe more like a threat?)
‘More than just blessed.’
Your mind locked onto the way he said that and he seemed to notice. His icy blue eyes settled into your own gaze in a way that felt looming, as though he was attempting to get a read on your soul rather than to catch onto your interpretation.
“Will it stop the pain?” you finally managed to ask.
Ever since the first time the pain had began to linger, was when you started to feel like something was clearly wrong. The aura that trailed in your hands never subsided, instead slowly enveloping the rest of your skin. The burning sensation that developed in your skin when the pain manifested had only gotten worse since then. It was as though your flesh was overcome with an invisible fire that crackled and whipped away at your skin.
It surely must have been in your head, though.
Yet, despite feeling the blistering pops and the flickers of bursting skin, of charring bone that crisped deep into the core of your very being.
You couldn’t help but feel that this was all too real.
As if something within you was changing and not in a good way.
Not at all.
All the angel did was continue to smile at you. His many eyes once again fluttering around his body, as though blinking in desperation in attempted warning. Yet, the two eyes on his face remained still and almost dormant.
Sitting you upright and allowed for you to lean into his frame, his lips forged a smile to help you ease into his offering.
“It will stop the pain,” he promised, “you’ll never feel anything again, my pretty mortal thing.”
“Then—“ you coughed out, your voice hostage in your throat under a chokehold.
“—it’ll stop the pain,” he continued to comfort you, his hand brushing down your back in a soothing manner, whispering out his final words so that you just about couldn’t fully hear, “and everything else.”
Just as he said that, the pain built up within your body, the blue aura almost barely contained the longer it festered within you.
“I’ll do it,” you replied, finally giving in.
He smiled once more, however as soon as you finalised his non-offer, all remaining warmth that he held onto had since swept away, almost instantly. The once thought to be imagined sensation of hellfire burning over your skin was now visible, with roaring, crackling flames that continued to eat away at your body.
His words of promised mercy hung in the air as you focused on him out of desperation, the eyes scattered on his body weeping along with yours as you surrendered towards deceitful ascension. Your body feeling as though it was almost crumbling against his rigid touch, all the while he stared at your succumbing form.
Slowly, the blue fire closed in on you fully; encasing you in a flaming cocoon that wrapped tight around your body, constricting you.
As the fire finally burned away at your last remaining shred of pain, you longed for it to finally be over, to finally be free.
Yet, when you next awoke in a surge of jolting panic, you found that despite trying to tear your body forward, despite trying to thrash and and sway around—that you couldn’t move a single inch. Even though the sensation of peace washed over your soul, you found yourself encased in the body of someone else, watching through a fleshy tomb as they walked around with your frightened gaze guiding their way.
“There, there,” you heard a familiar voice hush you, his voice vibrating against your very being, “allow me to introduce myself to you. I don’t believe I ever have. I am the six eyed god of the open sky. You may have heard of me as the fallen angel, the one who dared to mingle with the demons and with the humans alike. Turns out I have an appetite for an uncorrupted soul and you’re lucky enough to be a part of me forever.”
You wanted to reply to him, but you couldn’t.
“Now, why wouldn’t I grant this opportunity… as some would call it, to the followers of my own temple, you ask?” he laughed, “because to worship is already giving into corruption and I only respond to untainted desperation.”
You fluttered your eyes as much as you could, the sensation feeling nauseating as you couldn’t scream while entombed within his own flesh.
“You’re crying, aren’t you?” he mocked, “I saved you. A life free from pain, free from suffering. We’ll be together as one, forever united within your dreams… but only when you’re ready once more, only when you’ve finally given in.”
You attempted to scream over and over again.
Yet no sound could be heard as you were forced to watch from his appointed gaze as his adorned seventh and eighth eyes, decorating his body as a purposeful stare, condemned to experience a life that wasn’t yours together with a deity who lied to you.
Yet the six eyed god of the sky didn’t see it that way.
For at last, he finally caught onto something human.
So pure and uncorrupted.
To finally challenge the system with what defined the balance of existence; to finally redefine both pain and peace within this corrupted world.
Together, you’d see the truth.
Even if you’d suffer for eternity as a result instead.
part 1 of lilac’s bite sized yandere jjk nightmares
a/n: the idea i was going for was that you got tricked by not an angel, not even a god, but by something worse. it was a play on gojo’s technique rendering him into nothing more than a tool and the societal weight on his shoulders. the six eyes being a burden (with some creepy yan!angel elements).
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angel-taser · 3 months
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Silly Satoru Gojo Headcanons!
Hello beautiful jjk people! This is some completely unserious funny hcs I think would fit our favorite blue eyed man! Gege did our man SO wrong🥲
Some are romance related others are not but I have been brainstorming for hours thinking abt it soooo enjoy~!! <3
Content warnings: fluff, mention of underwear, possibly ooc(?), he’s just a silly traumatized man.
Bro is the biggest snorer EVER. He is literally so loud you almost need earmuffs if you sleep next to this man
On the same note, he is clingy as hell in his sleep (and when hes awake lets be real) but he will turn infinity off so he can hug and hold you all night. He almost cant sleep if hes not holding you
He sleeps in his undies🤭 no shirt nothin
He plays Angry Birds when he’s bored, and probably has Cut the Rope or Temple Run on his phone as well. He is the “got games on your phone?” kid. (He’s asked Nanami if he does when his phone was dead)
Has a gazillion pictures of his first years on his phone, his love language is taking pictures.
Staring competition champ. Need I say anymore? Lookin like 🧿👄🧿
Sings in the shower and poses in the mirror for at least 15 minutes before he changes. If you catch him he will ask you to take pics of him for “physique updates”.
He most definitely has a few stuffed animals on his bed, he doesn’t show it off much but his favorite is one Megumi got him when he was a kid (its a penguin)
His favorite food is someone’s momma’s cookin. Something about a homemade meal makes his day, he tries to support smaller restaurants because its a higher chance a mom poured her life and soul into the recipes
Cant cook for shit though. Has almost burnt down a kitchen. Three times. Maybe four
Dramatic. Pouty. And clingy when he’s hangry. Megumi has been a victim to this on multiple occasions.
“So much for being the strongest” “MEGUMI I JUST WANT FOOD PLEASE😭”
Love his students to death, doesn’t quite know how to show it so he resorts to teasing and buying them food.
Avid figurine collector. Of what? Idk but he has them somewhere!
If youre dating him and someone flirts with him he just screams IM MARRIED at them. Works every time, but it does boost his ego. However he is still loyal to his partner so he doesnt let it boost him tooooo much.
That is all of them for now! Hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed making them! Lmk if you have anymore abt him bc brother has me in a chokehold as he does you guys <3
Bye pookies! 💕
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incorrect-spideytorch · 5 months
So, I’ve been thinking a lot about spideytorch lately (as I am one to do) and a question popped into my head:
What is the most important spideytorch comic panel?
There’s a ton of great options in my opinion, but I think there also is an answer (at least for me) so now I am going to subject all of you to my thought process. Get ready for a way to long post breaking this down.
The most obvious starting point has to be this classic
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Johnny Storm is going full house husband for Peter Parker, I mean c’mon! add in the fact that he’s in his undies and the way that he’s leaning over peter… yeah this is a classic. This might be the most famous spideytorch panel out there, but I don’t think it’s the most important one.
Another classic (but more antagonistic?) one takes place, of course, at the usual place.
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To me this is peak identity shenanigans and the stuff that fanfics are made of. The betrayal, the heartbreak, the complications that go into the conflicting way these two view identity, oh boy I could talk about that shit for hours, but as an individual moment, it doesn’t really crack most important for me, it needs a bit more affection (they’re very bad at affection sometimes).
Another panel that came to mind very quickly for me is this set.
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Johnny literally only had to say his name and Peter knew exactly what he meant and what he needed. This is top tier levels of communication, both between them and from the creators to us. I think this is another one that I could talk about for hours. That being said, it doesn’t feel important enough to me.
A friend in the spideytorch discord server posed this panel as the most important spideytorch moment in the comics.
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I’m just gonna put their quote in cause it’s great. “I think this is one of my favorite panels cause Johnny was just speaking generally and Peter was like ‘oh my god! Actual wise words form johnny’ but also, I love that this was a more important moment for Peter than Johnny.” I must say, this entry is extremely important to spideytorch and gave my choice a run for its money. I don’t have a huge reason for not making this one the most important, other than personal taste. For their relationship, this is a key moment and sets them on the path to actually being friends (at least on Peter’s end), but idk it just wasn’t doing it for me.
Another panel I was reminded of thanks to this submission was this moment.
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It’s not quite as impactful as the past one by a long shot but I do think it’s important. After being rivals for so long, to see Johnny give a genuine heartfelt compliment to Peter is fantastic (haha). This feels like the other half of the previous set of panels. There we had Johnny encouraging a stranger and here he’s encouraging his friend.
Some other friends in the discord server suggested the moment that Johnny invites Peter over to watch his sex tape (yes this is canon).
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(Not pictured, Peter swinging away and saying he needs to take a cold shower). Now I’m not saying that the most important spideytorch moment needs to be serious, but I think this moment might be too unserious to claim that title. This moment was huge for the fanbase because holy shit did, he actually say that, but for their relationship, I just don’t think it was as important as it was to us.
Now I do want to knock out a few honorable mentions that I would hate to miss.
First, this look given to Spidey by Johnny, I mean yeah, he’s in love.
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And to balance the lovesick flirty scales I must expose Peter as well.
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Next, this heartbreaking moment that basically admits to the audience that Peter’s world becomes chaos when he loses Johnny. That shit hits.
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Of course, the moment that gave us the ship name.
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A panel that lives in my head rent-free because honestly marvel what were you attempting to convey here other than the fact that Peter really wants to have hate sex with Johnny Storm?
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To take us outside of our duo, this quote from Ben Grimm (EDIT: it’s was Peter’s clone Ben Reilly, which honestly only adds more drama), because honestly same.
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And of course, I have to include the panel which showed us the first time (on page) that Peter told Johnny he loved him AND gave us canon proof that these two have “date night,” many a fic writer was fed well.
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And how could we forget! THE USUAL PLACE! Literally any panel mentioning this is top tier because its so good, like the core of the fandom honestly.
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Lastly, before moving on to my own more serious contenders I have to share this parallel that @sciderman shared because I love it.
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Now to my serious contenders for the title of most important spideytorch panel (please remember this is all my opinion and I mean no shade). This will be a top 5, but just know some of these rankings are pretty flexible (even flexible with some panels from the beginning), and this question should not be taken as seriously as I am taking it, I am fully aware of that.
Number 5!
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So, I know that I discounted the sex tape scene earlier because I didn’t think it was serious enough and it didn’t do enough for their actual relationship, but I had to include this one I’m sorry. A lot of this is personal taste but the implications here are *chefs kiss* The first time I saw this panel was actually on Pinterest with the caption “wait a second, did spider-man and the human torch have sex?” which says it all for me.
Beyond that, this moment also shows how they reach out to each other when they have problems. Strange children show up in Peter’s life and the first person he calls about it is Johnny. Again, this is not the most serious, but I love it. This moment shows the banter of their relationship, how they care about and rely on each other, and also potentially reveals that they’ve had sex. There’s a lot to take in.
Number 4!
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I will be honest with you all, this moment is here almost entirely because Ben’s quote lives in my head rent-free. Everyone around them sees how they feel about each other besides them. When they were rivals others could tell they actually liked each other and when they became friends others could tell that it was deeper than that. I think I especially love this panel because it conforms that we’re not crazy for thinking there’s something there but also because Ben specifically cites the way Johnny looks at peter. That is very specific and says a lot. I can’t imagine Ben would say this if the looks Johnny gave Peter were purely platonic, and just ahhhh, there’s so much said here just in one line from Ben. There was of course the Ben moment earlier, which I also love, but something about this one, the more specific phrasing of it I think just shoots it up my rankings a lot.
Number 3!
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If you’ve been following me for a while I don’t think this is a surprise at all, I have already done a very in depth post about this panel so I’ll keep my thoughts brief. Red Skull knows that hurting Johnny will hurt Peter, Peter’s Spidey senses go off FOR JOHNNY, and we are given so much angst potential, I love it.
Number 2!
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This one is probably a more popular choice than my number one, and I totally get it. The excitement and joy bursting out of Peter when he finally realizes that Johnny is here, he’s real, and he’s alive really gets me. Plus, the added context to the uniform comment being that Johnny literally left Peter his family and his spot on the team in his will. The amount of pure love in this moment and its larger context is abundant, platonic or romantic, it’s there. I feel like everything I could say about this panel has probably been said before, but it is definitely worthy of being the most important spideytorch moment, even if I have one that beats it for me.
Number 1!
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For those of you who don’t know, this panel comes from Peter visiting Gwen’s grave and talking to her. That fact alone breaks me in half but then the things he says to her shatter me. Every spider-man fan knows how much Gwen’s death broke Peter, it destroyed him to lose her. Just the fact that Peter admits Johnny brings part of him back is amazing (haha) because that is a hug feat. But then he shatters me even more with his final sentences. After Gwen’s death, we often get a peter who spends too much time as Spidey in order to avoid having to cope with Gwen’s death as Peter, but also as a way to cope with the loss (he’s a complicate man). Spideypool also gets a lot from that arc because of Wade’s reaction to Spider-Man not holding back as much and becoming less of a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and that’s true. The fact that Peter feels like he’s becoming who Spidey is supposed to be again when he’s around johnny is huge! But then! He corrects himself. He’s not Spidey again, he’s Peter. The real person, the man behind the mask, comes back. And then you get the final correction. He’s not just peter again, he’s *Gwen’s* peter again. He is the him that existed with Gwen when he’s with Johnny. That speaks volumes and breaks whatever parts of me are left. How am I expected to read this and not think that Johnny and Peter are soulmates?
Now, I will acknowledge that this is much more of a peter moment than a joint spideytorch moment, much like the moment suggested by discord friend earlier. If that disqualifies it for you as the most important spideytorch panel, I get it. However, for me that doesn’t matter mainly for one key reason. So many classic spideytorch moments show a lot of Johnny having feelings for Peter or making a move on Peter. There have been a lot of times when I’m trying to get a friend into spideytorch, and I feel like I have to clarify that its not as one sided as it seems. Johnny is much more out there with who he is and doesn’t hide his feelings very well (except maybe from himself). So, when we get any spideytorch moment that hones in on peter’s feelings and love for Johnny, that feels so huge to me. This moment alone proves that it isn’t one sided, Peter has deep feelings for Johnny, even if he’s not sure what they are yet, he knows that what they have is special, he wouldn’t be telling Gwen about it otherwise. While it may not be as famous of a spideytorch moment, its an important one, and for me it’s probably the most important one.
Anyway, this has been a way too long post about this topic but if you made it to the end thank you so much! I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on this topic so feel free to share those. Also, just a reminder that these are my opinions, and I am not in charge at all so don’t take it too seriously (unless you want to).
If you’re interested in hearing me, go more in depth on any of these panels (or any other spideytorch panels) shoot me an ask because I could honestly talk in depth for a while about most of these panels and I would love to do so. Thank you again for reading this way to long post and good night spideytorch nation.
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doloneia · 1 month
odydio and boar parallels
good morning evening and night folks i have been pondering THIS for 12 hours straight and after writing what. appears to be a beautiful essay in my words doc i’ve just decided to throw all my thoughts at the wall instead. love that essay but it is becoming so very well-written academic work and i am so deeply unserious online.
anyways. on the subject of odysseus and diomedes and their shared boar vibes. the thing i kept coming back to was how boars were fucking TERRIFYING in ancient greece. to the point where the calydonian boar hunt (essentially just 30 dudes rocking up to kill a divine pig*) is a whole Event its a whole Heroic Tale. because you think 30 dudes can get that boar without a scratch WRONG two guys die and peleus stabs some other dude in the confusion. boars are ruthless and frankly overpowered as fuck little bastards in ancient greece and of the four i can think of with names at least TWO of them had divine origins somehow (calydonian and crommyonian).
and honestly? ruthless, terrifying as fuck, difficult for a horde of men to stop let alone some guy? got some nebulous relationship to the gods that give you strength? holy shit thats tydeus right there babey. he kills like 49 guys and sends the other one home as a warning. he literally gets married off of Boar Vibes dude. its his whole personality.
and so obviously diomedes, whose entire job for ten years is Bring Honor To Dead Father, is like well shit! time to adopt the whole boar vibe! i mean he’s literally compared to a boar in book V with unending strength truly he is the boar guy junior. he fights hordes of thebans/calydonians/trojans without resting, he cuts down hundreds of men without mercy, he gets athenas favor and despite how well he plays the part he is so tired. he’s ruthless, but does he want to be? he’s skilled in battle, but has he known anything else? he’s favored by the gods, but did he ever have a choice in that?
meanwhile odysseus. odysseus who is scarred by the boar he hunted as a child on his thigh. escaped what is otherwise certain death. marked so deeply by an animal so connected to divine rage that it transcends even athena’s disguise. it is this scar, that proved him equal in combat to that boar, that identifies him to his friends and family. that helps him retake his house and throne. just. the scar itself cements odysseus’ mortality but it also transcends any attempt at concealing who he is.
anyways putting all these thoughts together. i think that for diomedes the boar symbolism is something that doesn’t quite fit. its something that stretches and aches, like an old shirt thats too tight, because its not indicative of him its indicative of tydeus. but tydeus died at thebes, and diomedes has to live up to his legacy, so he tries regardless and it never quite feels right. meanwhile odysseus fights tooth and nail to survive, even when he’s surrounded like a boar by hunters and their dogs. sacks cities and kills hundreds of men and for all the help he gets from the immortal gods, odysseus remains wholly mortal. maybe the real disguise is how diomedes is the one scarred and odysseus is the boar, but neither of them look it.
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snortoborto · 9 months
This is literally the only website where fans of G3 Monster High can exist in peace without being fucking crucified by G1 purist types.
I grew up in Pony Fandom, I'm used to seeing how adults react to reboots, but I have never seen a fandom (of a children's toy line, lest we forget) act so horribly vindictive towards a reboot, and it's fans. A very high quality, thoughtful reboot at that.
You literally can't just enjoy G3 without someone screaming in your ear about how bitter they are that theyre not a kid anymore. That Monster High isn't catering to the youth culture of of 14 years ago.
I grew up in the 2010s and so many franchises from that time have been reworked. Some good and some bad, but I've never really seen quite the level of dedicated, continuous, distain for a reboot, that I see in the MH fandom.
Its just weird cause they're the same people who tout the "Be Yourself, Be Unique, Be a Monster" tag line of G1. Unless you like a different doll than them...I guess? It's so unserious. I think they remember G1 as being better, or more countercultural/progressive than it actually was. Those dolls and movies are not quite the high art, people pretend that they are.
They also constantly act like G3 killed G1. Wiped it off the face of the earth. All the old stuff is still there, PLUS Mattel is constantly releasing G1 collector dolls. Like, a lot of them.
The pride merch for this year had the G1 ghouls on it, eventhough G3 is the only version with actual cannon representation. (Yes Ik the G1 creator confirmed queer theories and intentions on social media, but it never explicitly made its way into the TV/movies. Its just coding, which is good, but still NOT explicit representation. Plus Garrett likes the new dolls, and posts them on socials. G3 has his blessing.) Why didn't we get some G3 Frankie merch to rep their NB identity? Why didn't we get G3 Clankie on a shirt or something? Mattel is still putting G1 first.
There's plenty of normal G1 fans, obviously, but the shitty ones are LOUD. Mattel can't even post an insta or tiktok video of the G3 cast, without the comments being full of people trashing G3 and attacking any commenter who likes it. Sometimes even shitting on the live action actors and VAs on their personal socials. It's gotten a little less bad since the reboot has been out over a year, but it's still a huge problem.
I'm genuinely confused as to why MH fans are acting worse about a reboot than literal bronies did about MLP G5. I love bronies, I'm a life long pony fan, but ik the fandom can have STRONG opinions on horse show.
When I started using Tumblr, I was surprised to only see love for G3. I'm sure there's hate somewhere, but not that I've seen.
Anyone else have any idea about why this might be? Are other doll-centric fandoms like this? I only really like MH dolls, so idk.
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gonetoforks · 6 days
Poor Yuichi... Isn't he tired?
1. Can he make cute stuffed animal sounds when he's hit or falls to the ground?
2. How does he feel being surrounded by people different from him? (Since he is a stuffed animal and the others are flesh and blood).
3. Has he ever been in more complicated situations, on the verge of death, or seriously injured?
4. Is he too careful with his katana? What nicknames have the turtles given him? Does he know about Mrs. Cuddles?
5. Do some yokai know about him? Draxum, Big Mama, Hueso?
6. What was each turtle's and Splinter's first impression when they saw him? And how did Yuichi react?
7. I could see that Leo used to be afraid of him. If he isn't anymore, what does he think of Yuichi now?
Sorry for so many questions, I really liked the Au 👉👈🥺 (you can choose to answer some questions if you wish)
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1) yes, yes he does
2) He’s pretty used to it! both sides of his family are pretty different from him, the Cuddles’ being almost completely inorganic & his family in Japan being yokai. He doesn’t really feel it actively so much as it’s led him to think of himself as, *waving hands around face* different. For a few reasons, but it’s no more of an issue for him round the turtles than it usually is :D
3) He’s lucky enough to not have had serious injuries, his organs are pretty well protected by flexible metal! The most danger he’s been in is when he had to run away from a family gathering blind into a forest. (When he cries, water can get too deep in his eyes, & since they’re cameras they short out and go offline.)
But basically, it’s really hard to kill or injure him cause he’s kinda like if an octopus had metal protecting its organs lmao
4) He is absolutely not, since he can stitch limbs back on & sew himself up like nothing, Miyamoto has to constantly remind him to be more careful haha. (Since he’d be a yokai in Rise, his ghost lives in the Ki-stone; the Usagi family uses it as an artifact similar to the scrolls Splinter shredded in S1)
He has a few nicknames but they aren’t really used regularly; Jersey Jack, Raggedy Ichi, Cottontail, Skewer-Me-Elmo, mostly one liners like those haha. but Miyamoto calls him Ume-chan (lil plum) pretty regularly hahaha
& unfortunately yes, he is quite familiar with mrs cuddles ( ´△`)
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5) Yeah! Draxum’s seen him around cause he hangs out with his kids, Big Mama hasn’t really taken much notice cause he hasn’t done anything yet, & hueso knows him as “the guy who always orders motor oil to go with his breadsticks.” ksjfjaksjskjs
6) When they met, Raph was scared shitless for a solid few seconds, Don was like “hahaha you terrify my brother haha, who are you.”
Mikey, same as Cassandra & Magicsaurus, chilled out quickly & was excited to meet a new person & have a fun time with a new friend.
Leo was like “lmao, you from Jersey?” & Yuichi said “Yeah lmao,” & Leo was like “no wayyyy, surely you are evil and crazy/hj” and he proceeded to be completely biased towards Yuichi’s “jerseylike behavior.” (Yuichi in reality was just reminding Leo of all the things he dislikes about himself cause they’re so similar. Once he realizes this, their rivalry becomes a lot more jokey like Teru and Mob from mp100 & they grow closer)
Splinter did not really mind his presence either way, just some kid, friend of his kids, in his house.
Yuichi reacted in a very boisterous & unserious way in response to their interest & hesitation. & when he found out they were attacked by his aunt he was very apologetic haha, he got them a fruit basket that said “Sorry my estranged aunt attacked your home, the rest of my family dislikes her too, have some fruit, so sorry.”
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7) After Leo & Yuichi grow close, Leo begins to see him as a person he wants to stay close to. He thinks he’s impulsive, arrogant, but he also sees how he affects others and how they feel very easily. And he can talk a LOT. Note how in the show, Leo goes silent when he runs out of ideas, he’s incredibly stressed, & his family isn’t taking notice of him. As opposed to his family who he always feels the need to talk around to “cope,” Yuichi is the guy he trusts enough to let the mask slip and go quiet when he runs out of mana.
They get each other ( ^∀^)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa genuinely tysm for all the questions, I’m happy you’re so interested in him!! ((o(^∇^)o)) leosagi doodles be upon ye 🫵
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myuiis · 9 months
holy shit wtf even WAS todays chapter literal horror movie material (I mean I guess it was loosely based off a horror movie but still)
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The dog god cult flashbacks are killing me. man why can’t y’all pray to normal things like Jesus Christ god knows you need it
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holy FUCK these panels actually murdered me. killedme. rendered me dead. the way little vin jin is just like “mom come down, let’s sleep” oh my GOD. vin jin slowly rising the ranks, I’m afraid. I’m sorry to vin glazers that I shat on I see the appeal now
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something is not quite right here…. also vin didn’t have a little sister in this entire flashback sequence where tf did he get a little sister from…
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i know I hate ptj’ s horrifying expressions but sometimes they work INSANELY WELL with the context of the story. this is visceral ngl
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why does he look so unserious it’s killing me… the tone whiplash…
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i mean what
Who said that
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anchoeritic · 1 year
Abby would deff kill spiders for her bae and giggle ab it too <3
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• “abby, there’s a spider.” “not my problem.”
• she’s so unserious about it too.. “you’re such a scaredy cat.”she’ll be doing something when you finally build up the courage to ask her and midway into the convo, she’d shrug it off. “you can deal with it.”
• “but it’s so big!” “what if it kills me in my sleep?!” you pull at her arm, quite literally scared for your life. complaining wasn’t going to do you any justice but it still.. somewhat convinced her to kill it for you?
• stifling out a laugh, she turns to you with a small smile. “it’s not going to kill you, sweetheart. a bite won’t hurt, you’re being dramatic.” your knight is shining armour wasn’t such a hero at all now, hm?
• “what if it’s poisonous?” “let’s go catch it and find out.”
• after you complained enough, she finally goes to kill it.. and absolutely demolishes the thing with a single tissue. a single fucking tissue. its remains stay put on the wall as you watched her crinkle up the tissue in her hand.
• “you happy?” she shakes her head, still laughing at how scared you were over a damn spider. if it wasn’t for her, you probably would’ve ran out and abandoned your house for all you know.
• nodding your head, you wrap your arms around her waist to pull her into a warm embrace. “very. now we won’t get bit.” you rested your head against her back, “thanks for killing it, babe.”
• knowing abby, she’d fuck around with you too. have an extra tissue in her hand and put it near you, acting like it had the dead spider in it. “who said it was dead?” her words would make you lose your head.
• “what?— abby, what the fuck!” turning around to face you, she’d have the biggest smirk on her face.
• “c’mere, baby.. let’s see if it really bites.” she raises it above your head, nearly dropping the tissue on you. “you said it was venomous, no? well, here’s your chance to prove your point.”
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jinkookspencil · 1 year
bts as musicals
simply put, bts as staged musicals i'm familiar with. a very random list and post i wrote up at 3am. it's not to be taken too seriously of course, and this is just my sleep-deprived opinion and take
namjoon - hamilton
i feel this is self explanatory for anyone familiar with both hamilton and nj
hamilton, entirely self written about a self-made man with the weight of the world on his shoulders who needed to prove himself, all while being completely in homage to rap legends through and through
hamilton is also a musical very centered around loss and i can really see that in joon
loss, rap, and the eternal internal struggle!!!
he'd have so much fun with it but it'd wreck him
satisfied especially
also i hate to make this point but when it comes to the hate that these two receive, sometimes it’s clear that it’s really forced hatred
seokjin - hairspray
the ladies choice amiright ladies?
obviously there’s link, the very attractive man who everyone wants 
who is hopelessly in love with a plus sized beauty <3333 so jin
jin has often expressed his love of being “unserious” and we all know he can be like that mostly on camera, but he definitely has that more serious side that really is the basis for his character
isn’t that vaguely reminiscent of hairspray too though?
we often think of it as this unserious musical but it actually has more layers than one might remember, discussing prejudice, body image, individuality, self-image, integrity
i think all of those things matter a whole lot to seokjin 
yoongi - les miserables 
fuck the system 
really, all about rebellion and revolution 
but also let me break your heart a little
and let me make you remember that you’re actually living life
very similar themes across both yoongi’s solo work and les mis - injustice, class, tragedy, loss, to name a few. while also being so sympathetic towards its varied characters, reminiscent of yoongi’s sensitivity and mindset
shit think of how yoongi might react to 'i dreamed a dream'
hoseok - wicked 
I think jack in the box just solidifies this as my pick for hoseok tbh
because there’s the childlike wonder side we all see and know (wizard of oz, j-hope of bts)
but then everything that surrounds it and the real story behind it (wicked, jitb)
both wicked and jitb offer a look into a “character” we think we’re familiar with, but it turns out we really aren’t
when we finally see them tell their story in their own words
elphaba struggles with her “role” and so does hobi, literally spelling it out for us in jitb
they both feel trapped, and thus reclaim and reinvent themselves 
It’s a very identity-focused musical/album that still links back to prejudice in our world, too and "where they fit in"
jimin - chicago 
chicago is a look into fame/celebrity and corruption and ambition, and i think jimin has quite strong values when it comes to that
to me, it seems as though he finds those topics very interesting to think about
and also, how that all intersects with sexuality and gender
it feels like the crux of what chicago is as a musical but also who jimin presents himself to be
taehyung - west side story
i wanted something that’s a bit of a more classic musical for taehyung, and out of the ones i am familiar with, wss seemed the most fitting (tho i have a sneaky suspicion that one of the ones i am *not* familiar with might be more him)
taehyung is a romantic and, like nj, he almost romanticizes his losses and spends time looking back and reflecting on his own relationships and even his relationship with 'love' as a whole - layover proves it
so of course wss makes sense, the dance numbers, the longing, the risk of it all, the fact that it's story about "the power of love"
i think it'd leave quite the impact on tae, if he hasn't seen it yet
despite being a retelling of romeo & juliet (which tae would LOVE) wss also set the precedent for many musicals to come, much like tae did. looking back, it was very innovative for its time in so many different ways
musically, it's very taehyung. i could see him wanting to do covers of the songs. maria, tonight, and something's coming (he'd always go back to this song)
in every iteration of it, it's also very cinematic and very personal at the same time, which means it is very taehyung
jungkook - grease 
I didn’t WANT to pick grease and feed into that stereotypical ‘bad boy jk’ idea
but like i can’t not
and it’s not so much that it is representative of who jk is as a person
except aesthetically (the dazed cover is proof)
but that i can see jungkook himself enjoying the musical numbers and poking fun at john travolta, imitating him in his dance moves
i think he’ll particularly enjoy “you’re the one that i want” and might develop some sort of ‘corruption’ fantasy of turning a good girl bad
this might be me projecting that i want jk to do to me shhhhhhh
oh and he will go through a phase of calling his car “grease lightning” and sing the song every damn time he gets in it
yeah it'd be hard as fuck to get jk to get rid of his john travolta impression
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funnyexel · 7 months
banter between you and loki
a/n: I can imagine this happening between black fem reader and Loki. this was in the vault too
“I was not expecting visitors today.” He snarks, his eyes staying on his book.
“Right but then again you’d rather words to a person.” You speak casually, shoulders easing its tension as you grow comfortable in the new presence. 
“What poor soul did you agitate to be here today.” He closes the book standing from his slouched position on the chair and rests the book down behind him. His eyes drinking you in as his words express otherwise.
“You move to insult me.” Your lengthy sleeves lift from dragging against the floor along with your dress to dangling faintly as your hands cover your heart.
“No, I’m more so impressed.” He eases, your light colored dress mixing nicely with your skin color, providing a satisfying palette to his eyes.
“A compliment? Maybe the dungeon is changing you for the better.” Your attempt at a joke is taken wrongly when his arms fold across his chest. 
“It is not.” In the pause, you take another step.
“When will you be released. My coronation is very well near.” You change the subject of conversation to pressing matters.
“That is not how these tasks are completed here.” He says regarding the way you think these procedures are run in Asgard. Everything is run according to Odin, whatever he says, whatever he wants, everyone must abide.
“Of course not.” He paces back and forth in his confinement. The ticking of a pocket clock compelling the attention of your mind, you are running out of time.
“It will be lengthy but you might be capable.”
“There it is.” You urge, calf length braids flowing over your shoulders and hiding your expressions from the guards. “What ever you acquire me to do, be sure it is within reason and time frame.” You say, making sure you’re stern with him.
“Break me out.” You scoff halfway through his words. His stance not helping his unserious statement, looking as if you quite literally popped his bubble.
“You’re kidding.” You fail to bite back a chuckle. Your face shifting back to business. “I refuse.” 
“Then you will not have a coronation.” He shrugs.
“That’s not how my obligations work. Remember my realm doesn’t revolve around a king.” You remind him that your kingdom needs a queen more than a king and it revolves around its people more than anything else. 
“Ah yes, the elves way of life.” His slender fingers run through his jet black hair and you had to curse him for getting himself in this mess. Something in you wanted to yank him out the human fish tank yourself, take him home with you and make him king in two different ways.
“Can I ask you something?” He nods, eyes scanning your swift change in expression. “Does he.. Is he always that odious to you?” Your low voiced statement takes him aback. Straightening his posture and clothing as if you hadn’t said anything at all. Although his eyes are telling a different tale, a tale of hurt and misunderstanding. Tucking your luscious braids behind your ear, you are expecting to leave without an answer.
“I will continue negotiations between our realms. When I return it will be to release you from this cubicle.” You give him a soft smile and turn back down the looming hallway. Taking two steps with the guards behind, you sigh. Already feeling the weight on your shoulders.
He calls out your name. Looking back, you watch him closely, “he is and always will be.” Turning away from each-other at the same time, the eclipse you both were under, breaks and you ascend the steps lifting up your dress. Having your staff returned to you, you need to talk to someone who’ll listen. In order to get your husband off the hook. Treading through the hall with a female guard four paces behind, you heard distant whispering. Handmaids conversing in a hushed manner in the corner of your eye. Fixing the hair you casted behind your ear to dangle in front your face and hide the flesh. 
a/n: why do I actually miss writing like this??? anyway black history month is almost over and I gotta get these posts in.
more writing
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localgardenweed · 2 months
sorry if this has been asked before but what are some of your favorite ships? and why?
PRUPAN PRUPAN PRUPAN!!!! They are my icons. They are my everything
Not only cause like I wish everyday i die and come back as even a sliver of Prussia and Japan is my favorite character and it’s basically just the perfect opposites attract but also the same attract lemme explain
Prussia on the outside is this loud brash egotistical shit but really he’s truly a deep old soul who’s really just a really chill guy. In my mind he plays up the “I AM AWESOME!!” As a front so people never think of him as a weakling and fear him even though he kinda looks like a idiot, it’s better than being remembered as a nobody. When with Japan, he doesn’t need to be so on edge and put up this front. He relaxes, he’s calm, he’s real!! He doesn't feel judged or needs to play a part he can just relax and not worry about proving a point.
Japan tries his best to understand the world around him, his new found interest in the people around him and their lives. He desperately wants to connect better with people, he’s like a curious child when it comes to this. He’s still very much a old soul and can be a cranky old man, and he’s finally comfortable with showing that! He can het sassy and sarcastic with Prussia, not having to hold his tongue. He can be real and raw and not refrain from speaking cause Prussia loves to hear him talk!!
Also like the way i fell to my knees and cried inside learning they hang out and Japan used -kun instead of -san like with everyone else showing their friendship. Also the episode where Prussia got him the Christmas tree is my crack like YESSS NOW YOU CAN SEE IT YESSSS TAKE IT TAKE MY FOOD AND EAT IT. I wanna see more of their deep friendship that hima just like never touched on but confirmed like WHAT NO SHOW US SHOW UP THIS FRIENDSHIP GOD DAMNIT!!!
In conclusion, they are the same guy but like swapped and like perfect puzzle pieces put together. They are in love and my one true pairing
Other favs include FrUK cause rivals/enemies to/and lovers is my literal drug, its a on going trend with me blame Sonadow it started it. GerIta is also a main, i know these are “basic” and safe ships so far but shut up they’re cute they make my heart melt. Especially the dynamic where Italy is a little shit and Germany is just a awkward yet stern guy like yes…good…good meal. Romerica was my crack for a little while, not super into it anymore but i still like it. Ameripan is also good chef kiss. RusAme my lover my dear sweet lover, my darling my sweetheart. They are just like UGHH CHOKING THEM BUT LOVINGLY. Their dynamic is so fun and silly i cant quite explain it. I do kinda giggle when people make it super serious cause in my mind they are so unseriously serious. GiriPan was my first main Japan ship, not super hardcore into it anymore since i met my one true love PruPan but holds a place in my heart i still eat it.
I mostly eat just about any ship besides like the incest/pedo debate pool. Ok thing though is I cannot for the life of me cannot decide if i like Spamano or not though cause like, i don’t think they’re family imma tell you that they never seemed like that to me but like, the age thing. It just rubs me the wrong way. I might dive into ships i feel iffy but thats a issue for another day
Sorry this took a while to answer was brain melty and like only had the energy to finish at like midnight when i have to go to work in less than 12 hours so ya know
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whole-bunch-of-hcs · 1 year
Sub!Doug Remer HCs
Happy Sunday and happy Mother's Day! By the time you read this neither thing will be true but it's true for me right now as I write this so whatever. Anyway I'm horny for the South Park guys again so... enjoy some thoughts about Doug Remer being subby.
Bratty. Will promise to be good knowing full well he's gonna make it hard for you every step of the way.
Mouths off and makes demands constantly. It's almost like he thinks he's in charge.
Gets off on you reminding him he's not. Finds it so hot when you put him back in his place.
When he's in his subbier mood he wants you to pull on his hair. Use it like a handle to fuck/ride his face.
Likes it a little rougher. If you leave a mark of any kind he will try to make sure it's visible. All this to say, bite him. Everywhere.
Loves giving or receiving oral and during his subby moods he wants you to hold him down and take what you want from him. Pin his hips to the mattress while you suck him off. Sit on his face or hold him down on your crotch. He'll make it worth your while.
Hell, just seeing him enjoy it so damn much is almost enough on its own
Usually when he's eating you out/sucking you off he wants to be on his knees and/or above you while you lay down so he has a little more control but at his subbiest he wants you to ride his face into the mattress or fuck his throat like a fleshlight.
Calls you some kind of subservient pet name (sir/ma'am/princess/master/etc) except he's such a smartass and so unserious that it sounds sarcastic. Will absolutely be down with you not letting him get off until it sounds sincere enough.
Into edging/teasing more than overstim but either is fine by him. He wants to be an incoherent, sticky, babbling mess by the end of it
Super hard to make him cry but a hard enough tug on those curls or the fourth denied orgasm will do it for sure. He finds it cathartic so sometimes he'll quite literally ask for it and others he'll just push you further and further until he's metaphorically asking for it.
Amazon position. That's it that's all goodbye
Begs and whimpers. So pretty while he does too.
Likes to be held/pinned down, (lightly) tied up, handcuffed etc. Also owns a spreader bar.
When he's far gone enough, like almost totally in subspace or VERY exhausted, legs trembling and eyes watering, he becomes super needy and pliable. He'll beg you to touch him, even non-sexually, he'll do anything just please, closer, come closer, fucking fuse your skin to him just fuck he needs you so bad-
Remer giggles a lot during sex and won't get serious until he is seriously on the edge or in subspace
Doesn't get the appeal or see the point in sucking a strap-on but you can get him to do it if he's feeling subby and you tell him he looks good on his knees. He does get putting on a show for you.
Speaking of strap-ons, he WILL get pegged happily. Or fingered even. Hell, he'll finger HIMSELF while you watch if you want so maybe you'll fuck him. If you have an actual dick that works too. Just fuck him!!
Very sensitive nipples. Touch those at the right time and he will instantly cum. He can cum from just nipple play if you're good enough.
He can also lactate on command so do with that what you will. (That's probably related to their sensitivity somehow)
Finds it so hot to be called some lightly degrading names. Damn right he's your slut, now treat him like it
Has worn lingerie for you before. He thought it'd be funny but then you seemed into it so he keeps the thought on a back-burner in his head, always wondering when to do it again.
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tateisntcute · 6 months
Jegulus - an Unserious Critical Analysis
My two cents on the Jegulus ship. Dead dove, do not eat, shippers.
In my opinion, Jegulus (the James Potter/Regulus Black ship) is the culmination of about two decades of the general fandom practice of ignoring all other characters in favor of shipping two white men. This isn't a new phenomenon, we've seen it in every fandom since the beginning of time (time started when fanfiction was invented, right?).
On its own, there's nothing wrong with crackshipping. It's someone looking at two characters that don't interact or barely interact in canon and thinking, "Hey, wouldn't it be crazy if they smooched?" And that's not inherently (sorry in advance for using this word) problematic. It's just for fun!
But then a trend starts. You start to notice that all these ships are between men, and almost always cishet white men. And again, not inherently an issue, but it's weird that that's the overwhelming majority of crackships and even regular ships, right? Anyone who has taken a look at the AO3 yearly statistics knows what I mean. Most ships in most fandoms are between two white men who are canonically cishet. Less ships are m/f, fewer are f/f, and most of the POC in these ships are headcanoned as such or paired with a white person.
So: Jegulus. What is this shit ship? We don't know all that much about the 1970s era of Hogwarts aside from a handful of characters and the fact that four of them were best friends. It's an era of the canon that is primed as a playground for headcanons, fanfiction, and fanart. It's been a popular era to speculate and write about since the third book came out. James Potter is the father of Harry Potter (duh, no one that's read this far is unaware of that). Regulus Black is his... best friend's little bigoted brother. They never interact canonically.
In canon, James is in love with Lily Evans. It's kind of the main thing we know about his character. His job is just... loving Lily Evans. And their relationship is, arguably, the single most important romantic relationship in the entire series. Without them, we wouldn't have a series. There would be no story. Their love quite literally saves the world that they inhabit.
And no, that doesn't mean that nobody is ever allowed to ship either of them with anyone else, ever. But... Regulus? Really? It seems to stem 50% from the "best friend's brother/brother's best friend" romance trope and the fact that Timothee Chalamet has become a popular fancast for Regulus.
And what do we know, canonically, about Regulus? Next to nothing. The main things we know are that he's Sirius's younger brother, he hates Muggleborns, and he sacrificed his life to steal one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. And while him being Sirius's younger brother is an interesting tidbit for fanfiction purposes and sacrificing his life is noble, it's kind of hard to overlook the fact that Regulus Black was a fucking Death Eater. But I guess if you can overlook that little factoid, it's easy enough to ignore the Muggleborn character James's whole character is based around and ship him with Timothee Chalamet a Death Eater instead of her!
After decades of fandom, we have finally found what I believe is the most egregious example of the "ignoring a woman in favor of shipping two men" trend. In a move that is both darkly hilarious and objectively cringe, the new young wave of Marauders fans have decided that the best possible ship for Harry Potter's father is a man who hated the fact that Harry Potter's mother existed. A character he has no interactions with, a character he only knows by proxy of being his best friend's brother, a character that is part of a group that is an allegory for Nazis, a character we know nothing about besides the fact that he was a Death Eater who drew the line at Horcruxes. Everyone give yourselves a pat on the back, it doesn't get better than this.
In conclusion, would this be the worst thing on its own if it wasn't part of a long and storied history of fandom spaces ignoring women just to write smut for two random men? Not really. But if Regulus can draw the line at splitting a soul into seven bits and hiding them in historical relics all over Britain, I think I can draw my line at erasing Lily Evans from the narrative of James Potter's life.
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
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Chapter 217: Bath, part 2—Cursed Lover: Introduction to the Psychology of Romantic Love 101
Cursed lovey-dovey JJK Sunday! 
I know this chapter in specific has had polarizing reactions but I personally loved how unserious it is and I LOVE YOROZU! crazy bitch I love her
There are no coincidences in this world, what is there is hitsuzen 必然. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been re-visiting the Psychology of Romantic Love. So when this chapter dropped with its implications of one-sided love, I couldn’t not write about it.
So just a heads up, in the spirit of chasing after my own love-induced delusions, I went on the usual massive tangent and wrote about LOVE under the cut. 
Thing is... and this is just a theory but... love is the most twisted curse of them all.
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So anyways... 
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And yes... this is also a Depth Psychology lecture.
That said...
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Welcome to Introduction to the Psychology of Romantic Love 101.
Drunk in love
First, I’m not going to do an in-depth exploration of the Psychology of Romantic love here because I am saving that for a different essay that I am working on. So what you’ll find is more of a brief introduction to this complex subject.
Second, DESPITE the impression you might get from reading this, I am actually a romantic who willingly and perhaps rather foolishly loves/hates to get drunk in love. 
Third, music is perhaps one of the best ways to convey something as indescribable such as love. So you’ll find I drop specific lyrics and song titles for reference. Feel free to listen to, skip or ignore. 
That said, I’ll also admit that since I started re-visiting the Psychology of Romantic Love, I’ve literally been looking for the right opportunity to drop these two song titles: Lovefool by The Cardigans, and Drunk in Love by Béyonce and her babydaddy, Jay-Z.
And while Lovefool is more appropriate for a one-sided obsession (I think we’ve long since left “crush” territory) such as Yorozu’s...
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So I cry and I pray and I beg
Love me love me Say that you love me Fool me fool me Go on and fool me Love me love me Pretend that you love me Leave me leave me
The idea of being drunk in love also applies quite well. In the Psychology of Romantic Love, this is known as “drinking the love potion” by Depth Psychologists. 
Boy, I'm drinking, get my brain right
In drinking the love potion, the lover (aka the one doing the loving) is privy to experiencing the magic realms of the heart--the beauty of love itself. This is what is described as the usual symptoms of being in love, like butterflies in your chest or stomach and having an overall dreamy temperament.
The problem with drinking the love potion often lies in the delusions that are inherent to being drunk in love. At their best, these delusions are nothing more than an overall feeling of pleasantness, sort of like seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. But at their worse, these delusions can alter how the lover perceives reality itself.
But don’t take my word for it, when it comes to describing what it’s like to observe someone who is drunk in love from drinking the love potion, Fuel said it best in their song Shimmer: 
She dreams a champagne dream Strawberry surprise Pink linen on white paper Lavender and cream Fields of butterflies Reality escapes her
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What I love most about Yorozu being completely out of touch with reality is that her version of “lavender and cream” and “fields of butterflies” is more akin to destroying 3 villages and writing haiku about the decapitated head of the most handsome man in each of those villages.
crazy bitch I love her
Tainted love
Also, can we stop and appreciate how comical this whole page is?
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Gege, of course, uses the Sakura trees in full bloom in the panel above (cut off) as well as Sakura blossoms raining down on Yorozu and Sukuna--a trope commonly used to emphasize the ephemeral nature of beauty that can also evoke romantic undertones.
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If you’ve ever had the privilege of visiting Japan during Hanami season and gotten to see Sakura blossoms falling, its undeniable how poetic and beautiful such a mundane spectacle is.
But, just as I am exploring the darker side of love in this ramble, you can be sure there is shadow side to the Sakura trees. 
What if there was a more sinister reason as to why the cherry blossoms are pink?
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Just the way Gege is exploring corrupted and twisted love through Yorozu, In Tokyo Babylon, CLAMP uses cherry blossoms as a corrupted symbol of love--tainted love that corrupts (cue Marilyn Manson’s version of Tainted Love).
Sometimes I feel I've got to run away I've got to get away From the pain you drive into the heart of me
Once I ran to you (I ran) Now I run from you This tainted love you've given
That's what I meant when I shared how I would have liked to see what it means for the King of Curses, Sukuna, to “love” or have a one-sided crush. Basically I headcanon Sukuna’s love language is inflicting pain.
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But Sukuna isn’t necessarily running from Yorozu because he’s not digging the pain she dishes with her tainted love but more because... well... she’s so delusional she annoys him. I can see why Kenny asked Sukuna why he’d go see her.
But since Yorozu is the one dishing pain with her tainted love, I loved that her love language is basically to die in the name of the Beloved--whether she’s the one who dies or its Sukuna.
In German, liebstod is a word for a kind of love that is so unreal and so Divine, that it can only be achieved in death.
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“I want you to be the one to kill me...
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I want you to be the one who hurts me...
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... as the ultimate expression of my love for you.”
crazy bitch I love her
To quote Jungian Analyst, Jim Hollis, “to love the Other, with all the Other’s presumed power to hurt us, requires a substantial amplitude of soul, an enlargement of one’s sense of self”.
Not me using a quote from Dr. Hollis to write about JJK because he talks about the sense of self.
After all, is there a greater form of showing one’s devotion for the Beloved than by baring our bleeding heart and offering it on a silver platter to say “I trust you”? that or maybe I’m just twisted af too. like... is that why I'm still single? bahaha
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Absolute love corrupts absolutely.
The Demon Lover
There’s also something to be said about how Yorozu’s tainted love is also a reflection of her psychoemotional development as an individual--which is an interesting thing to say given her vessel is a teenager with a history of childhood neglect and abandonment.
Now, part of what is so comical about Yorozu is that everything from her reactions, her behavior, and her obsession with Sukuna are, quite literally, so infantile.
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That’s because Yorozu’s love appears to be stuck in a level of ego development that objectifies the “object of her affection”, Sukuna, and sees it as something to be claimed and owned. She sees it as her duty to the Beloved to subdue him with her power.
Ironically, as Jung himself used to say, “where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.”
Jungian Analyst, John Haule further tells us that “the goal of love appears to be nothing less than a loss of ego.”
He adds that the Demon Lover archetype is often constellated in romantic relationships when the lover lacks the psychoemotional maturity to see the delusions caused by the love potion as a projection of one’s shadow onto the Beloved.
Instead, we are invited to consider that this kind of love is more like an addiction.
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Or in the words of Børns’ Electric Love...
Drown me (drown me), you make my heart beat like the rain Surround me (oh), hold me deep beneath your waves
Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle I can't let you go now that I got it And all I need is to be struck By your electric love
Which, thematically, is so perfect for a story like Jujutsu Kaisen where selfishly prioritizing satisfying the hedonistic and fleeting desires of the ego sense of self is what drives the strongest sorcerers.
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Thank you if you’ve made it this far. 
I hope you have a cursed lovey-dovey JJK-Sunday!
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