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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
there is a new ‘stan account’ on here that is either a troll or completely and utterly deranged accusing anyone who reads ellie x yn of grooming and is harassing authors i HATE THIS PLACE
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
As someone in a "writer clique" (which is really just a friend group), I agree with the sentiments. A lot of great writers are being overlooked becacuse they aren't in these groups. We should try harder to hype everyone up, not just our friend group.
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
I actually love to write and honestly have so many ideas for long af tropey entertaining angsty reads but I am so hesitant to post anything because it feels like in this fandom that everything is critiqued to hell and back from a very puritanical POV. i’m not talking about stuff that should def be frowned upon like gross fics that write reader like an actual child etc (although i feel like that’s beating a dead horse at this point like i’ve seen far more callouts than examples bc ppl know it’s an easy way to get likes). I’m talking about long af fics that feature the classic toxic bullshit eg the shit that launched twilight, but i feel like even if people loved it it’d get torn to shreds by the fucking fun police who seem to think that every single goddamn character and scenario needs to be morally pure and boring as fuck. like sorry but i love to read fics where one character is toxic AF the whole time and practically abusive bc guess what? it’s SAFE to explore that through fiction and it’s entertaining!! who the hell wants to read about happy boring relationships? how is that interesting if there is no other plot driving things forward? which lbr in fanfic there is a dearth of non romantic plots bc most of this shit is self serving self interest entertainment. and look at the source material! come ON. it’s beyond fucked up already. but everyone takes things way too seriously here and it’s killing creativity. an incredible author in another fandom im in deleted all her works that were just tropey yet well written fun bc of the hate comments she got - bc she was apparently ‘destroying the characters and making them toxic’ or some nonsense. it’s just sad and it feels like fandom as a whole is dying because people are so damn mean and critical. can we all just lighten up? and stop strangling this fandom to death?
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
I don't think it's a bad thing for others to critique authors writing, especially when the author writes the reader having the personality of a child in a smut, or abby calling the reader "dirty little girl", or straight writing about sexual assault and sexulizing it. authors put their writing on a PUBLIC platform, and obviously, people are going to say stuff about it, which they have the right to because it's PUBLIC.
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
Resubmitting to remove a user: but some people seem to post really strangely about young Ellie. Not sure if it’s in a pervy way or not but it comes off really weird
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
to be honest at the end of tlou2 , when epilouge ellie walks away from the farm house, I see lots of people saying that they think she went back to jackson, but personally, I don't think so. joel was her home, and if he's not at jackson anymore, then it isn't her home to her. and she's like really stubborn and in her head would probably think dina hates her or just would never want to see her again, and would be to disappointed in her self to tell tommy she didn't kill abby. I don't know. I could be completely wrong, but I just don't think she went back to jackson.
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
hot take but..........ellie williams......
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
ALL of the black characters dying in TLOU is kinda weird when I think about it. Hell maybe it’s a stress but like… Riley, Sam, Henry, Marlene, Nora , Isaac.
And mind you, half of the characters in that list we aren’t even supposed to like. I’m pretty sure we aren’t supposed to like Isaac, Nora, OR Marlene in the end.
Don’t get me wrong I love the representation and they’re all good characters (other than Isaac I didn’t really care about him). But like, it’s kinda weird right?? Having these characters just for them all to die?
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
the tlou fandom has been simultaneously the best and worst things thats ever happened to me
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
Lol wait, men aren't alowed to have ellie's tattoo now? If the man is not homophobic and he loves the games and very much appreciates the character, why shoouldn't he? He wouldn't be hurting anyone, it's just a tattoo. And ellie did the tattoo to cover a scar, not because of some lesbian meaning or something exclusively female. Ellie's fans are really something else...
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
Where can I find jesse content here? I'm bad at writing so I won't write myself, but I would love to read some
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
i will never understand why peoplel want “credits” for their photo modes and whenever i have an icon of any tlou chara i dont give photomode credits unless the picture is modded/edited (example: black hair ellie/short hair abby etc.)
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
honestly i think ellie is straight! yeah she kissed dina and they got nakey nakey but what if shes just platonically kissing her, and she likes to have beautiful women on her /gen
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
Ppl need to realise the reasons for hating the tlou fantasy isnt bc it’s too attractive, it’s bc
- the actors dont look like the characters at all (for example abbys actress being short and thin, while abby is tall and buff, as well as dinas actress being pale with a small nose while dina is brown with a hooked nose)
- cultural or religious erasure (dinas actress not being jewish despite dina being jewish and her faith being a big part of her character)
- and most importantly, half of the casts are either full blown zionists, zionists sympathisers or people who have been silent abt the genocide against palestinian, all of these are worse than the other
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
Hot take but i hate reading ellie and abby fics that only include the strap or the characters always be dominant…. I dont understand why in a community of lesbians everyone decided that the strap is the only hot way to show sex between two women.
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
I'm sick and tired of the discourse about there being too much smut in this fandom. as a writer it makes me feel insecure of what I write. You can want more fluff but you can't just tell someone to not write something they're writing. Plus fluff posts don't receive much love in the first place. If you want something else please write it yourself or request it from somebody. Tumblr is one of the main places people go to for quick fics and smut. Try a different platform for longform content and fluff?
There's a lack of understanding i'm noticing in this fandome that people don't realize writers are not machines. We do have feelings and write what we enjoy writing. it's not hard to write some fan fiction you should try it if you want something that nobody else is writing
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tlouconfidential · 9 months ago
i think some people need to realize that fics don’t have to be canon like… i obviously know that character would never fuckin do that but guess what? i am on tumblr dot com reading about a 50 year old man do u think i give a fuck about accuracy right now
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