#its not super high calorie or protein or fat
theadventurek9 · 1 year
Aayla's ideal weight: 43lbs (which is more on lean side)
Aayla at the vet two weeks ago: 47.2lbs
Aayla this morning after having her food reduced for two weeks: 48.4lbs
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adviceformefromme · 5 months
Hi! Thank you for the health advice! I would love to quit or significantly reduce carbs, I also feel like it's heavy on my body, but so many meals revolve around grains (sourdough bread mostly) and I guess there's a craving aspect to it too... Could you give advice on what you're eating instead?? I have lots of eggs, fish, occasional meat, plenty of fruit, just enough veg haha but i find it hard to imagine going without carbs (or grains more specifically cos I have no prob with vege carbs). Especially in winter 😋 Thank you for any help 🙏🙏
I feel like society has normalised feeling heavy and lethargic after meals, but its amazing you have noticed this and want to change!
You may want to cut carbs gradually (no starches - breads, grains, rice, pasta, potatoes).
I would recommend looking into GI index to see what foods are high glucose, following Hormone Balancing recipes, juices etc (usually very low carb and support women's health). Listening to podcasts on microbiome, or even a tiktok search.
Introducing pre/ probiotics: I make sauerkraut (which is basically cabbage / onions in water and salt left to ferment for a few days - lots of variations on this), also just made my first batch of Kefir (I stay away from store bought Kefir as its pasturised and all the good stuff has been killed off during this process). I mention these as a healthy gut is going to support you as you remove carbs and introduce more wholesome foods.
Omlette (spinach / onion / parsley )
Scrambled eggs w/ coconut oil
Buckwheat porridge w/ blueberries (buckwheat is a seed not a grain so low glucose index)
Avocado salad (seeds, olives, rocket, tomatoes, cucumber) +tahini
Nuts, olives, blueberries, blackberries, watermelon
Main meals:
Veg + Protein (Broccli, kale, butternut squash, courgette, carrots, asparagus, cabagge, peppers). I do different variations of veg to mix things up, sometimes i do Chinese style stir fry, I try to add garlic and ginger as much as possible into the veg. Protein is usually grass fed steak, whole fish - seabream, sea bass, mackerel, cod fillet, wild salmon fillet, or turkey breast fillet. I make chimichurri sauce to add some extra flavour to the fish.
Protein + lentil / chicpeas dish. I have a stew a few days a week to break up the veggies because they do get boring after a while.
Bone broth. I boil the bones, and have as a little side dish with veggies but this isn't really filling enough for a main meal.
I make beetroot juice, and also watermelon juice, tumeric + ginger shots throughout the week. I try to throw in flaxseed and chia seeds where possible.
I cut coffee/ decaf all that and now only drinking fresh mint tea, slice of lemon + hot water, fresh juices (within the hour of making), and water ensuring 2l per day.
Number one thing that had to go was oats. So if you are having a morning crash I suggest cutting the carbs first thing. I know there are suggestions (glucose goddess) that fat with carbs or when you eat them (having carbs after veg can help) but personally i think its best to cut them.
I hope this helps! Its a full lifestyle change that has honestly helped so much! It's a commitments, but investing in feeling good and your health will make you feel so good and wholesome! xoxoxo
*I used the free 1 month trial of MyFitnessPal app to track my calories/ meals to ensure I was getting enough food - for some this might be extreme but super helpful to see what’s going on.
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Is GOMAD effective to put on some weight? Cuz heavy cream tastes horrible to me.
It has its pros and cons.
If you're drinking a gallon of milk a day in addition to whatever else you're eating absolutely you're going to put on weight that much is a given really. While a gallon of whole milk has about 2.5k calories and a shit load of fat it's also got quite a lot of protein and because your body burns calories while digesting protein you don't actually get the full 2.5k. On the other hand though it has basically no fiber so doesn't really make you feel all that full especially if you spread it throughout that day. Only other thing to be aware of is the super high calcium content which can be quite dangerous long-term if you care about that kind of thing
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thesleepingdoves · 21 days
want to give your dogs a nice treat, but not sure whats healthy for them? heres a guide to fruits for dogs and what kind of ones are okay or should be avoided!
i love feeding my doggies off cuttings of my meals, especially the ends off fruits that i wont eat, but its good to know the effects of what you're putting in your dogs body. so heres some reaserch ive done, and the kinds of things i give my doggies.
as much as dogs technically dont have a need to eat fruit, they do have some good properties for doggie health. alot of dog food contains fruit because it gives alot of extra nutrients!
definitely NOT dogs safe :
- avacado causes vomiting and diarrhoea even in small amounts
- cherries can cause disruption to oxygen flow, even just a single fruit, and cause poisoning
- grapes or rasins are one of the worst things you can give a dog. they cause liver failure and poisoning so easily
- tomatoes are a risky game. the ripe red fruit is some what okay for dogs but its best to avoid them as a whole as they can be toxic. there are dog safe tomatoe treat alternative!
good in small amounts :
- bananas are full of vitamins, though high in sugar so good in small amounts
- cantaloupe is great for hydration, especially in the summer, though abit sugary
- cranberries are the same as cantaloupe, good hydration, abit sugary
- mangos are vitamin heavy though abit sugary for already chunky doggos. remember to remove the pit
- oranges are great, especially the peel of the fruit, though many dogs dont enjoy citrus at all and might be a little rough on the digestive system in large amounts
- peaches are high in vitamins and great in small chunks. too much can cause the same effects as cherries, so leave them as a nice little treat
- pears are super good. avoid tinned pears, only use the fresh fruit, and cut away the pit and seeds. but very good vitamins and potassium!
- pineapple helps break down proteins and is super good! avoid the skin, and similarly to pears, non fresh fruit pineapples are too high in sugar, its best to use it fresh!
- raspberries are an antitoxin that have anti-inflamitory properties! though in large amounts over about 8 ounces can be toxic.
- strawberries are great for helping whitening dogs teath and for overall oral health, though in moderation with how much sugar they have
the best ones :
- apples (removing the core and seeds) are high in vitamin A, C and fibre!
- blueberries are a huge antitoxin and promote cell reproduction even in large amounts!
- cucumbers are amazing treats, great amount of vitamins with little to no calories or fats. hugely recommended for chunkier dogs or diabetic pups that need a less sugary treat
- pumpkin in pure form is a great antitoxin that helps dogs with diarrhoea or upset stomachs! if you're getting canned pumpkin, make sure it has no added ingredients!
- watermelon, like cucumber, is great for hydration. remove the rine and seeds first, and you're good to go. lots of vitamins and potassium in a low calorie way!
low calories and sugar, specific for overweight doggos or diabetic pups :
- apples
- blueberries
- cucumber
- raspberries
- watermelon
good fruit for sick or old dogs that need some extra body help :
- apples (high in vitamins, low in calories)
- blueberries (antitoxin and cell regrowth)
- pineapple (helps digestion)
- pumpkin (antitoxin, helps cure stomach bugs, diarrhoea and constipation)
- raspberries (anti-inflammatory, helps with joints)
- strawberries (white teeth, oral health)
not every dog likes every fruit, its good to try it. if a fruit is high sugar, that doesnt mean its bad for you, bad in large amounts but a great treat that packs some good vitamins for your dogs!
i feed my dogs lots of fruits, as treats, as a nice summer cool down, to fix a stomach bug, or just because i have some left over!
fruit is great for your dogs, aslong as you know whats good and whats not, its always best to google the food before you give it to them. its safe to be mindful of what you put in your dogs body the same way we are mindful about what goes into ours!
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riddlemethisjeremy · 5 months
On that post about autism winning you put in the tags how cannibalism isn't a great survival food source can you elaborate more on that because I'm genuinely curious
yes actually !!
So there are a few reasons for this
The first one, which im pretty sure i mentioned in the tags, is that human flesh is actually really low on calories.
And i know
"calories bad 😡😡😡 high calorie food isnt good for you etc. etc."
This is a diet culture myth
Calories are actually the human body's main source of long term energy your body converts it into fat to store it and then burns the fat to make energy when food is scarce/when you're using a lot of it at once.
Having a high calorie diet is like pretty good for people in stamina sports because it means they won't burn out too quickly.
When you're in a survival situation where food is scarce, you're gonna want foods either high in sugar so you can get your energy boost straight away (humans are not this because we burn through sugar like its gasoline) or high in calories so that you can preserve your energy and live longer, and so you can last off the same bit of food for longer. Food that is high in calories tend to be filling because your body is getting a bunch of storable energy really quickly and you do not need as much of it at once to live.
Because humans store energy as fat, though, a lot of the calories in it tend to burn when you would be cooking human flesh, meaning that most of the useful survival nutrients likely will be wasted. And making the assumption that this is a city person who is resorting to cannibalism as a final option, they probably would not be able to stomach raw human/not a hundred percent but it could possibly kill you? I know human meat gets compared to pork/chicken quite often and they're both white meats, which you can't eat raw. So in the basic sense of getting energy off of the food you're eating, humans just don't have the correct nutritional balance to sustainably keep you alive you'd have kill and eat another person every like two-three days whereas animals like pigs/goats/sheep you could live off for at least a week before they start to spoil (and even then if you cook it thoroughly uts still technically safe to eat for like almost a month) so if you can find something similar in your wilderness environment do so
Also don't quote me on this but pretty sure a good way to tell for meat with decent calorie intake is muscle vs fat
Beef cows are often bred for muscle as opposed to fat because the fat just lacks nutrients and doesnt satisfy hunger very well
So if you have a himbo friend they're going first just saying
But also humans aren't really naturally built to build muscle as well as they build fat, so either way chances are you'll still end up lacking calorie intake.
Reason number two !!
A pretty fuckin big one
Kuru is a protien disease (i think thats the word). I dont know all the sciency shit but basically inside your brain you have these little chemicals and theyre unique to you. They like float around your body a little and vibe idrk why they're there.
When you ingest human flesh
The other persons little protein things attack your ones.
Most of what i know about the symptoms of kuru come from this one zombie game my dad used to play (z nation or gen z or some shit like that it was a super hardcore survival game) so like dont quote me too much on this
But basically it deteriorates your brain functions. You like start getting forgetful/judgement/risk evaluation gets affected/emotional management fucks off completely (you get all manic sometimes i think and like hysterical laughing is common in later stages) and eventually your brain just kind of in general stops functioning and you die.
And it takes a little while like a couple weeks or something i think depending on the amount of human flesh you consume.
And like you won't always contract a lethal level of kuru i think, like generally the further away from the brain you are the better off you'll be? Like if you eat a human brain you're practically dead on arrival but if youre munching on toes you have to eat like four or five people's worth to die
Fun fact: the penis is the only place on the human body this protein isnt found which means eating dick is safe.
But yeah kuru is nasty and i do not recommend to the average tumblr user.
Please bear in mind that i am not a science nerd do like the more scientific shit i am not a hundred percent on and you should probably take this with a lil grai of salt because i might have oversimplified or misunderstood something
But this is more or less why cannibalism is not a great survival tactic and should definitely be the last of last resorts
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instabletay · 9 months
★𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐬★
• My top picks of meals throughout the year to help boost your metabolism and bring you the correct amount of nutrients to get you towards your goals!! •
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REMINDER: eat 3 meals a day and always eat every four to five hours! snacking in between is okay but do it in moderation!
>> you should have carbs, protein, healthy fats, and fiber in your breakfast! <<
• no more cereal! these are loaded with added sugars. instead switch it out with fruits. fruits carry natural sugars that can fuel your sweet tooth and keep you feeling refreshed.
• avocado toast will never fail you! go for wheat bread instead of white bread since whole foods provide more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. wheat bread can help with stubborn belly fat and avocados are always your best bet. They’re rich in many nutrients!
• Eggs help motivate weight loss and have only 78 calories! They’re extremely nutritious and can be eaten with almost anything in your breakfast. It is recommended to only eat 1-2 eggs per day since they’re considered to be high in cholesterol.
• yogurt bowls! These are always super tasty and you’re able to add any fruit of your choice to them! They’re very filling and are super fun and easy to make! especially if you’re not into cooking or can’t cook these are healthy alternatives.
>>> Add me on pinterest to see some of my ideas of breakfast! Here
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>> you should have lean protein, fiber-rich sources or carbs, veggies, and healthy fats in your lunch! <<
• Salads are amazing for lunch. They have Vitamin A and C and lots of calcium and fiber for your diet. It’s low in calories and high in volume and fiber which will keep you satisfied longer. Instead of ranch dressing try to switch it out for oil and vinegar.
• lettuce wraps are my all time favorite. instead of using tortillas you can use lettuce to wrap up your proteins and fibers. This alone can help boost your metabolism and is just as good as a regular wrap!
• sushi bowls! white rice isnt necessarily as good for you but still has its perks! try to switch to brown rice if you can. sushi bowls are healthy for you because it has many veggies and high quality protein. fish provides you with the minerals you need (including iron) and can leave you feeling happy afterwards.
• Meats and Veggies! This one is pretty obvious… your lunch could be as simple as some meats and veggies on your plate. Go for chicken, pork, lamb and beef for your meats since they’re rich in protein. green veggies like broccoli, spinach, kale, etc are always a best option for any diet!
>>> Follow me on pinterest to see some of my ideas of lunch! Here
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>> you should have lean protein, veggies, whole grains, and fruits in your dinner!<<
• Chicken, Rice, and Veggies are an amazing combination for dinner! rich in proteins, fiber, and carbs and will leave you feeling full and ready to end the day off.
• Soups! any soups with beans, mixed veggies, or non processed meats are great for weight loss! These are especially important in the winter if it’s too cold for you to workout! Soups are best made homemade as well.
• Pasta is amazing to eat in moderation. Making your own pasta sauce from greens like spinach or kale can really add flavor to it. They’re extremely customizable and always super tasty!
• Salmon and asparagus! now i know asparagus can make your urine stink, which is always a downgrade, but it carry’s many nutrients like vitamin C and E. it can also relieve inflammatory conditions and salmon packs many proteins to aid weight loss.
>>> Follow me on pinterest to see of my ideas of dinner! Here
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dnahealthsa · 1 year
Healthy Smoothie Ingredients to Use in Your Blender.
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Are you looking for healthy Smoothie Ingredients? Smoothies are a fantastic way to pack plenty of nutrients into your diet while enjoying a refreshing and delicious drink. With so many ingredients to choose from, it can be challenging to know which ones are the healthiest. In this blog post, we will be sharing the top 10 healthiest smoothie ingredients to use in your smoothies, including their calorie count per 100 grams
Spinach is a nutritional powerhouse and a fantastic addition to any smoothie. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and folate. Spinach is low in calories and only contains 23 calories per 100 grams.
Kale is another excellent leafy green to include in your smoothies. It is high in fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Kale is also low in calories, with only 49 calories per 100 grams.
Blueberries are a delicious and nutritious addition to any smoothie. They are loaded with antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Blueberries are also low in calories, with only 57 calories per 100 grams.
Strawberries are another great berry to add to your healthy smoothie. They are high in vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants. Strawberries are also low in calories, with only 32 calories per 100 grams.
Mango is a tropical fruit that adds a sweet and tangy flavour to your smoothie. It is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and fibre. Mango is slightly higher in calories than other fruits, with 70 calories per 100 grams.
Greek yoghurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium, making it a perfect ingredient for your smoothie. It also contains beneficial probiotics for gut health. Greek yoghurt is slightly higher in calories than other ingredients, with 97 calories per 100 grams.
Chia seeds are a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and protein. They help to thicken your smoothie and provide a satisfying texture. Chia seeds are also low in calories, with only 486 calories per 100 grams.
Almond milk is a great alternative to dairy milk in your health smoothie. It is low in calories and contains no cholesterol or saturated fat. Almond milk contains only 17 calories per 100 grams.
Avocado is a great way to add healthy fats to your smoothie. It is high in monounsaturated fats, fibre, and potassium. Avocado is slightly higher in calories than other ingredients, with 160 calories per 100 grams.
Cucumber is a refreshing and hydrating ingredient to add to your smoothie. It is high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Cucumber is also low in calories, with only 15 calories per 100 grams.
A DNA super blender is an excellent investment for anyone who loves smoothies. Let's look at why we believe this is a great Blender.
Powerful Blending - The DNA super blender is equipped with a powerful motor that can blend even the toughest ingredients, such as frozen fruits, leafy greens, and nuts. This strong blending ensures that your smoothie is smooth and creamy, with no lumps or chunks. It also makes it easier to incorporate healthy ingredients into your smoothie, such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and nuts, which can be difficult to blend in a regular blender.
Faster Blending - The DNA blender can blend your smoothie faster than a regular blender, thanks to its powerful motor and unique blade design. This means you can whip up a healthy and delicious smoothie in just a few minutes, even on busy mornings. Faster blending also means that your smoothie retains more of its nutrients, as the ingredients are not exposed to heat for as long.
Versatile Blending - The Super Blender is versatile enough to handle a variety of ingredients, from soft fruits to tough greens. This means you can experiment with different smoothie recipes and ingredients, knowing that your blender can handle anything you throw at it. You can also use your DNA super blender to make nut butter, nut milk, and even soups and sauces.
Easy to Clean - This Blender is easy to clean, thanks to its smooth and seamless design. Unlike regular blenders, which often have hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, a DNA super blender has a simple design that makes it easy to clean. This means you can spend less time cleaning up after your smoothie and more time enjoying it.
Want to know more about this amazing Blender to take your Blending Game to the Next Level? Have a look at the Videos on YouTube to see its Unboxing , quick recipes and comparisons. Or, Simply have a look at www.dnahealth.co.za to learn more.
In conclusion, these ten ingredients are the healthiest and most nutritious options to add to your smoothies. So you do not have to wonder about what are the healthy smoothie ingredients. They are all low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants. Try mixing and matching these ingredients to create your perfect smoothie recipe. Best of all, combine these ingredients with the DNA Super Blender, and you will make smoothies that are smooth and great tasting.
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Tips for a Flat Belly
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7 Tips for a Flatter Belly Today
Did you know that excess belly fat can be a precursor to serious health problems?
Fat around your midsection can put you at higher risk for diabetes, metabolic disorders, and even digestive issues that leave you feeling bloated.
While having excess fat around the rest of your body—such as your arms, legs, butt, or chin—can be unsightly, it’s the visceral fat on your belly that can be a real health risk.
It’s vital that you get rid of belly fat, and you can do so by following the simple yet super-effective tips below:
Double Down on Fiber
Fiber is one of the most important belly fat-burning nutrients you can eat. Not only does it slow your stomach’s emptying rate, but it will expand in your stomach and keep you feeling fuller for longer. This prevents you from overeating and helps you to reduce the amount of calories you consume at each meal.
Soluble fiber is definitely the best for belly fat, as it absorbs water and expands to fill your stomach. However, insoluble fiber can also help to clean out your digestive system, making your body more effective at absorbing the nutrients you eat.
Make it a point to eat more plant-based, high-fiber foods every day, as it will help to prevent the build-up of fat around your organs and on your belly.
Exercise Right
Most people who try to exercise to lose belly fat immediately go to cardio: running, jogging, walking, cycling, hitting the Stairmaster, or working on the elliptical. Doing cardio is a great way to burn more calories—and specifically of fat—but on its own, it’s not going to cause you to lose weight or belly fat.
You see, your body is designed to burn both glucose (sugar/carbs) and fats for energy. If you only do cardio, your body will have plenty of carbs to burn through, so it won’t get to burning the fat before you finish your workout. Plus, if you’re not really working your muscles, your body will treat them as unnecessary and burn them for energy.
The key is mixing both resistance training (which burns through glucose) and cardio (which burns fat). Always do resistance training first to blaze through the sugar-based energy your body has stored, and finish off with a good 15-minute cardio session to torch fat as effectively as possible.
Be Smart With Your Calories
Cutting calories is the key to losing weight and eliminating belly fat, but cutting calories too sharply can backfire and cause your body to retain fat. This is because our bodies are designed to adapt to both its energy demands and supply. If it doesn’t get enough supply, it will respond by limiting the amount of calories it will let you burn every day. The result will be a slower metabolic rate and less energy, which will negatively impact your workout.
The key is to reduce your calorie intake slightly, and increase the amount of energy you burn. Let’s say you burn an average of 1800 calories per day without exercise—pretty standard for the average person. Now, you know that when you do your daily workout, you burn around 300 calories. That puts your total at 2100 calories per day.
Your goal should be to cut around 300 to 500 calories from your diet. However, you’re not cutting them from the original 1800, but from the 2100 burned after your workout—meaning you need to eat around 1600 to 1800 calories per day.
Every day you combine exercise with a reduced caloric intake, you’ll be one step closer to getting rid of that belly fat once and for all.
Get More Protein
Protein not only satiates your appetite, but it boosts your metabolism and helps your body to more efficiently burn fat for energy, taking it specifically from your midsection. You’ll find that increasing your daily protein intake—especially when paired with a workout—is crucial for losing belly fat.
You should try to get more plant-based proteins from legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. More lean animal-based proteins from beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, and turkey are also excellent options. And if you need a concentrated dose of protein, consider a high-quality protein powder to ensure you’re getting enough muscle-building, fat-burning amino acids.
Limit Carbs
Carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy, but eating a lot of them—especially refined and processed carbs—will provide your body with more energy than it can use. That excess energy will be turned into fat to store, and the result will be abdominal fat gain.
The goal should be to limit carbs, but not cut them out completely. Make sure that all of the carbs you eat are whole, unprocessed, and complex with a lot of fiber, including fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. These are the foods that will target belly fat and help you lose weight!
Cut Liquid Calories
Juice, soda, energy drinks, overly sweetened caffeinated beverages, and sports drinks all contain more calories than you need, and all sugar that will be quickly turned to added body fat. They are the first thing to be cut from your diet!
Stick with water whenever possible, along with tea and coffee that contains as few added calories and as little sugar as possible.
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Try a Weight Loss Supplement
This tea contains potent antioxidants from some of the best superfoods on the planet, along with metabolism-boosting ingredients that will help your body naturally burn more calories every day. Best of all, it’s free of sugar and will add no unnecessary calories to your daily diet. You can get healthy and lose weight the “easy” way by following our advice above and adding this Tea into your day.
Want to find out more?
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mcrmia · 2 years
ed hack: mix spices w/ fat free plain yoghurt for really good condiments!! its high in protein and super low calorie compared to like. any other condiment
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healthuncle · 2 years
How Eating Bananas Benefits You Cure 10 Fatal Health Problems?
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What if I told you eating bananas benefits you burn fat, reduce bloating, prevent cancer, and have more energy? Can you trust me? But you should be.
Bananas are a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and a number of phytonutrients and antioxidants.
From a heart health and weight loss to aesthetic care and digestive assistance, there are plenty of reasons you should incorporate all forms of this fruit into your daily diet.
There is proof that when bananas ripen, their nutritious content increases. Bananas with dark spots have an 8-fold greater impact on the strength of white blood cells than bananas with green skin.
This article will take a look at banana nutrition, potential banana benefits, and side effects. So you can make an informed choice and incorporate it into your everyday diet.
Banana Nutrition Facts
Bananas contain plenty of vitamins and minerals that benefit you treat many issues. The nutritional value of 100 grams of bananas is given in brackets.
· They have negligible fat (0.33 g) content and minimal protein (1.09 g) content.
· All B vitamins except B12 are present in them. Vitamin B6 (0.4 mg) and other B vitamins like pantothenic acid and folate for smaller percentages.
· A significant amount of vitamin C (8.7 mg) is available in bananas.
· They are rich in manganese (0.27 mg), potassium (358 mg), and magnesium (27 mg).
· Slight traces of phosphorus, zinc, and iron are also present.
· Bananas contain potent plant compounds dopamine and catechins. It also contains choline.
· Within other nutrition, bananas contain calories (89 kcal), carbohydrates (22.84 g), dietary fiber (12.23 g), and sugar (2.6 g).
10 Incredible Banana Health Benefits
You can address the following medical conditions by including bananas in your diet on a regular basis.
Bananas And Diabetes
The components of each meal must be carefully considered by those who have diabetes. The majority of the time, eating bananas in moderation is safe for diabetics.
According to a 2017 study, fruits with a lower GI are a better choice for diabetics and can lessen a person’s chance of getting diabetes in the first place. The glycemic index of bananas is low (42–62, depending on the ripeness).
Consuming a banana coupled with an unsaturated fat source, like almonds or walnuts, may help control blood sugar.
Typically, unripe bananas have less sugar than ripe bananas. Additionally, unripe bananas include more resistant starch, which is harder to digest and causes blood sugar levels to rise more slowly and comfortably.
Since fiber in bananas helps inhibit the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, it is particularly crucial for diabetics. As a result, blood sugar regulation can be enhanced and blood sugar spikes can be decreased.
Banana Benefits For Weight Loss
The dietary practices will help you lose weight if you eat fewer calories and include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your diet.
Due to their high fiber content, which slows digestion and keeps you feeling full, bananas are beneficial for weight loss. As part of a balanced diet to lose weight, consume up to one banana daily.
Unripe bananas have resistant starch that resists digestion in the gut and encourages the growth of good bacteria, which may help fight obesity.
Additionally, the resistant starch enhances insulin sensitivity, which helps the body absorb glucose more effectively and lose weight.
Since green bananas have a slightly bitter flavor, you can include them in smoothies to prevent early hunger.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating bananas as part of a balanced diet rich in healthy foods if you’re attempting to lose weight.
Banana Benefits For Skin
Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin. Therefore, eating a banana every day is a fantastic natural therapy to heal any skin issues you may have.
It hydrates and moisturizes dry skin and makes it smooth and supple because of its potassium and moisture content. Super wrinkle-fighting elements found in bananas aid in the fading of age spots and the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles.
The amino acids found in bananas are abundant and help to preserve connective tissue strength and flexibility in the skin. Vitamin E slows down the aging process and shields skin from UV deterioration.
Mash an avocado and a banana for a face mask that fights age. Twenty minutes later, rinse it from your skin.
Bananas are a good source of vitamin C, which keeps the skin’s natural radiance and youthfulness.
Rub the inside of a banana peel on the irritated area to get relief from itchy skin. Simply apply the banana peel to the affected region and rub it for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day to treat warts and psoriasis.
Bananas’ nutrients can aid in reducing puffy eyes and calming the blood vessels under the eyes. It is packed with antioxidants, which not only aid in the removal of dead skin cells but also leave your skin looking and feeling young.
Sexually Benefits Of Banana
Bananas are one of those excellent fruits that raise libido and sexual hormones, enhancing the sexual experience.
According to published research, potassium, a crucial ingredient in bananas, aids in promoting the development of testosterone, the hormone associated with the male sex.
Bananas contain tryptophan, which promotes the release of serotonin, a hormone that elevates mood and heightens sex desire in men.
Bromelain and B vitamins, which improve sexual performance and general stamina, can be found in abundance in bananas.
Bananas are a rich source of potassium, vitamins A, B6, and C, and other nutrients that are proven to improve the body’s capacity to generate healthy sperm.
The cause of erectile dysfunction you can rule out because bananas contain antioxidants and flavonoids that maintain your penile blood flow.
A banana is a rich source of carbohydrates, and it helps to increase energy levels during sexual activity, claims a study.
Bananas Good For Constipation
Bananas are sometimes blamed for constipation, although others believe that they actually prevent it. Due to the fact that it depends on the type of bananas you eat, both claims are actually true.
Constipation relief and prevention have long been associated with fiber. One medium banana has roughly 3.1 grams of fiber, making bananas another fruit that is relatively abundant in this nutrient.
Soluble fiber keeps feces mushy and thick by absorbing water. Your digestive tract may transfer stools more easily as a result.
Furthermore, sorbitol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that might have laxative-like effects, is also present in bananas. Since sorbitol is poorly absorbed, it can hasten the GI tract and increase stool water content by drawing water into the gut. The sugar alcohol can therefore aid in relieving constipation.
Prebiotics are abundant in green bananas. Unfortunately, they can induce severe constipation because they now contain the highest proportion of difficult-to-digest starch.
Banana Benefits For Men
Men’s nutritional requirements differ from women’s for a few specific medical disorders. Men require certain nutrients in order to retain their muscle mass, and avoid prostate cancer, and other things.
The immune system must be kept in good working order to avoid environmental oxidative damage, as well as muscle and bone loss. Men’s nutritional needs can be greatly satisfied by including bananas in a healthy diet.
Bananas are a fantastic portable energy source since they are high in potassium, which is necessary to control blood pressure, heartbeat, and notably nerves. Magnesium and potassium-rich diets can help lower the risk of stroke.
Banana eating before, during, and after exercise can help to replenish the electrolytes lost during intense workouts. And this can minimize muscle aches and cramping brought on by activity.
So, eat a banana every day, preferably at breakfast or just before working out at the gym.
Banana Benefits For Women
A fruit that is nutritious is vital to a woman’s general health because it supports her body’s efficient operation and lowers her risk of contracting certain ailments.
Many expectant mothers experience anemia or low iron levels. Consuming bananas might increase your body’s iron levels.
Bananas’ high fiber content can aid in preventing constipation during pregnancy. There is some evidence to support the claim that early in a pregnancy, vitamin B-6 can aid in reducing nausea and vomiting.
Some menopause symptoms, including night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction, can be lessened by eating bananas.
Try eating one or two bananas every day throughout your period if you’re looking for a natural remedy to relieve your menstrual discomfort. The potassium and vitamin B6 found in bananas may help to lessen bloating and cramps.
As mentioned above, bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, which has been shown in several studies to have a negative correlation with the risk of breast cancer.
Bananas Are Good For High Blood Pressure
Many people all over the world are affected by the prevalent health issues of high blood pressure and hypertension. Consuming a balanced diet full of fiber-rich foods is essential for controlling high blood pressure.
The increased sodium content of the body is one of the key contributors to high blood pressure. The American Heart Association (AHA) claims that potassium lessens the effects of sodium and eases tension in the blood vessel walls. Because bananas contain a lot of potassium, eating them lowers blood pressure.
The body’s sodium levels are regulated by potassium. Your body excretes more salt the more potassium you consume. Additionally, potassium aids in the maintenance of the body’s fluid and electrolyte balances in the cells, which lowers blood pressure.
Before increasing their potassium consumption, individuals with kidney failure should speak with a doctor because too much potassium can be dangerous.
Bananas Good For Heart
A higher intake of potassium has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
In addition, potassium helps muscles contract and nerve cells respond. It helps keep the heartbeat regular and lessens the negative effects of salt on blood pressure.
Bananas and other foods high in potassium can prevent deadly blockages and prevent the hardening and constriction of arteries.
Fiber, potassium, folate, and antioxidants like vitamin C are all present in bananas. These all promote heart health.
According to an analysis, people who consume more fiber in their diets are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who consume less. Additionally, those who consumed more fiber had lower LDL, or bad cholesterol, levels.
The three natural sugars found in bananas sucrose, fructose, and glucose provide you with a source of energy that is free of fat and cholesterol. One of the causes of heart attacks is being overweight. With increased energy, you’ll be more active throughout the day, which aids with weight management.
Banana Benefits For Urinary Tract Infection
If you have a urinary tract infection, including bananas in your diet can help you treat it naturally at home.
Regular bowel motions can prevent bacteria from growing in the urinary tract and increase pressure there. Bananas promote regular bowel motions and relieve strain on urine flow, both of which help to prevent urinary tract infections.
Additionally, bananas are rich in vitamin C, which increases urine acidity and helps stop bacteria from developing in the body.
Siderocalin can prevent dangerous germs from infecting the urinary system when the pH is in a healthy range. Fruits like bananas can be consumed to maintain a healthy PH.
Bananas include the water-soluble vitamin B6 which helps the immune system by triggering the release of antibodies that fight the microorganisms that cause urinary tract infections.
By eating well, urinary tract infections can be easily controlled or completely avoided.
Popular fruit called bananas has vital nutrients that help people stay healthy. It is important to note that not everyone may have the same effects from eating bananas.
Bananas can be added to a variety of sweet foods, including smoothies and desserts. It can be eaten both raw and ripe.
This curved golden fruit is associated with a wide range of health advantages. Bananas maintain healthy bowels, correct heart rhythm, and bolster the nervous system in addition to helping you lose weight.
If the benefits of banana interest you, share this information with others
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prarticle02 · 2 years
Apple Cider Vinegar Cures: The Science-Backed Health Benefits
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Do you have friends who swear by the apple cider vinegar cures? Or maybe social media is trying to tell you about all the apple cider vinegar benefits. Well, whatever your source is, there are science-backed health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar or taking its supplements. If you are sceptical and wondering if is vinegar good for your health, don’t be. Because we are here with all the details below. Just keep reading to know more.
Weight Loss
Advocates of ACV and several studies show that incorporating the vinegar with or before a meal can help you feel fuller soon and hence, you tend to consume fewer calories. This helps you reach your goal weight faster and effortlessly. In a study, the participants were split into two groups. Both groups consumed fewer calories over the period of 12 weeks. However, one group was also given 30 millilitres of apple cider vinegar every day. After the study was completed, it was seen that the group that consumed ACV had significantly lost more weight and also, they were able to lose visceral fat, which is the fat that’s present around your organs.
Reduces Blood Sugar
According to a review that was published in Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice, it was seen that consuming apple cider vinegar with meals was able to lower the levels of insulin. Now, insulin is a hormone of the body that is essential to use sugar in the body. However, in diabetes, insulin is not able to do its job and the levels also go up. Taking apple cider vinegar with your meal or post-meal can be useful in curbing the levels of insulin. The acetic acid present in vinegar can also help you block certain enzymes making it easier to keep blood sugar levels in check.
Combats High Cholesterol
Apple cider vinegar is great for your overall health and helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. In one meta-analysis that was conducted in June 2021, the participants were those who were suffering from type 2 diabetes. They were each given 15 millilitres of ACV every day. It was seen that their cholesterol levels went down substantially.
There are certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS), which have no cure but you can manage the symptoms to a certain extent. Some studies suggest that taking apple cider vinegar may be useful in managing inflammatory symptoms in such cases.
Overall Health
Apple cider vinegar with mother is full of healthy substances that elevate your overall well-being. It contains;
amino acids
All these ingredients come together to offer you the best benefits. Also, ACV is a fermented product and rich in good bacteria. It also contains protein and potassium. So, when you start taking ACV regularly, you will see a change in your overall health and you start feeling more energetic and happier. It also ensures you enjoy healthy digestion and promotes good gut health.
If you want these benefits without having to drink sour vinegar every day, you can opt for Plix Life’s Apple Cider Vinegar Effervescent. This natural and vegan product brings you all the goodness of apple cider vinegar and other essential vitamins in delicious apple flavour. To create your ACV, just drop one tablet in a glass of water and let it fizz. Now your super tasty ACV drink is ready. All you need is 1 tablet every day for all the benefits of apple cider vinegar. Some of the apple cider vinegar uses it offers are;
Keeps you fit
Curbs your hunger
Keep you fuller
Give you more energy
Enhances your metabolism
Prevents mood swings
Enhances brain function
Good digestion
Made with the goodness of Himalayan apples, pomegranate extracts, and vitamins, such as B6 and B12, this is all you need for a healthier you! And if you are worried about added sugar, don’t be! It comes with a zero-calorie sweetener. So, this is a product that tastes good and has no adverse effects and only benefits.
Now you know all the science-backed apple cider vinegar cures. Apple cider vinegar can be good for your overall health, but it can also lead to side effects such as the corrosion of food pipes or teeth. But if you want to experience all the ACV benefits without any side effects, you can try Plix Life’s Apple Cider Vinegar Effervescent.
1. Can apple cider vinegar reduce bloating?
Yes, if you are someone who is suffering from a bloated stomach, one of the apple cider vinegar cures is that it curbs bloating. How? Well, ACV is known to aid digestion and hence, the acid levels of the stomach go up. This also helps keep bloating under control.
2. Is ACV harmful to the kidneys or liver?
No. Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for the liver and kidneys as it detoxes the body and eliminates all toxins too.
3. Can it also help with severe gas issues?
Yes, apple cider vinegar can help curb any gas or indigestion because the stomach acid levels go up when you start drinking the vinegar every morning and this also improves your digestion.
4. I am a vegetarian. Can I take the Plix product?
Absolutely! Plix Life’s Apple Cider Vinegar Effervescent is a vegan and 100% natural product.
5. How long does it take for the ACV by Plix to show results?
Once you start taking Apple Cider Vinegar Effervescent, you will notice the results in just one month. Here, your metabolism would have elevated and you can burn more calories effortlessly, taking you closer to your weight loss goal.
More Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) related blogs:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar Cures: 10 Amazing Health Benefits
2. Apple Cider Vinegar – Uses, benefits, and side effects
3. What are Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies & its Benefits
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets
5. The Top 5 Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in the Morning
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stayhealthyalways · 2 years
To Stay Healthy, What Super Foods Should You Eat?
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Why should anyone eat super foods to stay healthy, what foods are they, and why are they called super foods?
With super foods, you get unusually large amounts of nutrition with relatively fewer calories per nutrient. For example, buffalo delivers twice the protein in one calorie as lean steak. This allows you to pack more nutrition into your calorie limit for each meal - contributing greatly to staying healthy.
There are basically three categories of super foods to make it easier to stay healthy: o Super high nutrient foods o Unusually extra healthy foods to always include often o Supplements to be taken to stay healthy. (as opposed to the supplements for helping to get over an illness)
The high nutrient super foods for staying healthy include:
o Quinoa o Goji Berry o Spirulina o Hemp Protein o Agave Nectar o Stevia o Wheat Grass o Acai Berry
Common foods that are extra high in great nutrients to stay healthy include:
o Walnuts o Bison - Buffalo o Pumpkin o Oatmeal o Spinach o Beans and Legumes o Blueberries o Broccoli o Wild Salmon o Tomato o Skinless Turkey Breast
Supplements to consider to stay healthy should include:
o Co Enzyme Q 10 o Creatine o Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) o Bee Pollen o Whey Protein o Omega-3 Fatty Acids o Flaxseed Freshly Ground
Here is a super powder high level list of 17 supplements that will practically make you Bullet Proof! Cognition, Memory, Consciousness, and Brainpower
o Blueberry Extract w/Pomegranate - Improves absorption of the free radical fighting blueberries. o Dmae/Ginko o Vinpocetone Improves oxygen uptake o Ashwagandha Studies show this destroys beta-amyloid plaque in the brain which is a causative factor in Alzheimer's disease. o Benfotiamine Fat-soluble to easily penetrate inside our cells to normalize blood sugar, blocks blood vessel damage and inflammatory conditions caused by glycation.
Fat Burning and Blood Health
o Omega 3s-EPA/DHA - This helps the liver mitochondria to properly burn fatty acids to prevent dangerous amounts of triglycerides accumulating in the blood - contributing to preventing artery blockages. o Green Tea Extract is 25 to100 times more potent than vitamins C or E. There is no need to drink 18 + cups of green tea a day. o Chromium keeps blood sugar levels regulated - helping prevent insulin resistance.
o Melatonin o Tryptophan
Liver Health
o Silibinin o Silymarin
Muscle Building
o Branched Chain Amino Acids o Carnosine declines with age (as so many things do) resulting in contributing to muscle mass and function decline as well as cross-linking of proteins and sugars that form non-functioning structures in our bodies. o Creatine
Additional Supplements
o Selenium plays a major role in DNA repair and detoxification of heavy metals. With high doses of vitamin C you can actually reduce your absorption of Selenium. o Grapeseed Extract w/ Resveratrol is the key component of the: French Paradox".
Four great foods that are available all year long which are eaten raw are:
o Avocados o Dried Fruit o Lemons o Oranges
Remember our pancreas produces about half our healing and digestive enzymes our body requires to stay healthy. The other half has to come from what we eat. Since cooking and heating food always destroys all its enzymes, to stay healthy we are left with eating raw nuts, fruits and vegetables for part of our meals to be certain to supply enough enzymes.
In many ways, you could even call raw food a form of super foods. Of course, to stay healthy it is also wise to consider taking some enzymes supplements from plant sources. Because of the nutrient power of raw foods, we should all strive to eat about 1/3 raw each day just to stay healthy.
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erasied · 18 days
food inspo via some of my own photos
below break ⊹.✮₊⋆
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w/ estimated calories
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for 1oz of bluefin tuna it’s 40c, 6.5p
for 1oz of salmon it’s 50c, 5.5p
depending on which you get, it can be lower as well!
whenever i have to get fast food i always get one of two things at chickfila and it’ll be either..
a spicy southwest salad w/ spicy grilled fillet; remove the cheese, seasoned tortilla strips, and chili lime pepitas along with exchanging the dressing for the lite italian
215c, 24p
or a grilled chicken sandwich wrapped in lettuce (only w tomato)
120c, 21p
yogurt + fruit
honestly, any yogurt and fruit combination is something that’ll be low calorie and fill you up!
photo #1 would be around 250c~~?
(60 for the yogurt, 81 for the chocolate, estimating around 65 for the grapes and maybe 40 for blueberries?)
photo #2 would be around 250c~~ as well?
(150 for the yogurt, and roughly 75-100 for watermelon?)
of course, depending on what brand you use and how much of each item you add, the total will change. but overall, everything is relatively low calorie and you can switch it all around!
now for me, i always though of a sandwich as a high calorie item and feared them. but now, because i found the right ingredients, its one of my safe foods!
i use better goods brand keto bread which is 35c, 4p and 10g… of fiber 😭
but it’s a super good alternative to other options!
the sandwich in the photo is around 150c!
(70 for the bread, 50 for 2oz turkey breast, give or take 5-10 for the tomato and lettuce, 25 for a laughing low lite cheese) + sriracha
there’s tons of protein in this meal and it fills you up for soooo long! again, the calories really matter on what you choose to make it with, but it can be a lower option.
pairing it with a fruit of course raises the total calories, but also makes it more like a meal :)
“burrito bowl”
i say this in quotes because it isn’t exactly a burrito bowl LMAO
in the photo i used cauliflower rice, lettuce, fat free mozzarella, rotisserie chicken, black beans, pico de gallo, and sriracha
my estimate was right around 250c for the entire bowl and it was honestly pretty good! i’m pretty sure i logged it wrong though, so i’m not gonna give an entire breakdown for it 🤕!
stir fries
another amazing low calorie option is a stir fry, you just have to watch what you put in the sauce.
both options were under 300c, photo #1 less than the other.
in photo #1, i stir fried mushroom, bell pepper, broccoli, and carrots. i probably just made a sauce with lower sodium soy sauce, chicken stock, garlic, and a very small amount of cornstarch for thickening.
in photo #2, i stir fried mushrooms, carrots and radish in a low sodium soy sauce. on the side i had around 2oz of chicken breast lunch meat and had a small fruit bowl! its a really balanced meal and honestly kept me full for hours!
now, these are all just ideas but we do have to fuel ourselves sometimes, and making these meals in front of others could reduce concerns for you. the community has to help eachother 🤞🏻
thank you for reading all the way up to here if you got to this point :)
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dietfoodsandreviews · 2 months
Protein bars are definitely not required for a diet and tend to be on the pricier side, I just use them to help supplement my diet with more protein while keeping calories relatively low. I have heard protein tends to help you feel more full and helps to reduce your appetite which is why I wanted to give a try.
I have so far only tried 3 different bars (I'm still relatively new to this and I only buy one box at a time)
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The first brand I tried via recommendation was Quest. They tend to be on the pricier side at about 16-17 USD for a box of 8, however I don't have them on the regular, just as a sort of meal or snack replacement if I dont have other things to have instead or am low on time.
These averaged at about $2.50 a bar and they have 180 Kcal, 7g Fat, 4 Net Carbs, 12g Fiber, and 21g Protein.
I like to use Quest as a meal supplement or replacement specifically because of the high protein and fiber in one bar at a relatively low calorie count, considering they have more fiber than anything by Fiber One.
For the taste, however, keep in mind this is not a candy bar or anything like a granola or snack bar. It is very dense and chewy. I opted for S'mores because I am typically not a fan of chocolate health food because it has a chalky taste and texture that just stays in your mouth and this bar is marshmallow base with graham chunks and dark chocolate pieces. The flavor was.. not bad, not super amazing, but definitely tolerable. If the tough chewy texture isn't great, I have also put them in the microwave for 5-8 seconds and it softens it up significantly though makes the grainy texture of any protein bar a tad more obvious. Do not microwave for more than 10 seconds though or you get a melty sticky mess all over the plate, speaking from experience.
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All of my general pros and cons with Quest bars stay the same with this one, granted this one, while costing the same, has 1g less of protein putting its count at: 180 Kcal, 7g Fat, 4 Net Carbs, 12g Fiber, and 20g Protein, so still very good and again, better for a snack and partial meal replacement (if you are going for more small meals throughout the day)
The taste if this one is good for a protein bar as well. You get the general cake flavor, though I admit it is a bit odd when added to the chewy texture of the bar, like someone baked a cake but forgot all the leavening agents. That said, it is much softer than the smores bar though a little drier but not unbearably so.
The quest bars, while good, are sometimes a chore to eat sometimes for me personally but it is a small bar and if Ive not eaten much, its better to power through it so I have something because even though you are counting calories, it is always important that you still eat.
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And lastly (for the moment) is the Pure Protein Galactic Brownie.
This brand is definitely more affordable with a 4 bar box costing around 6 USD with the nutrition being fairly similar to Quest. 1 bar will net you 180 Kcal, 4.5g Fat, 7g Net Carbs, 1g Fiber, and 20g Protein so while being similar, you do get much less fiber so its always a good idea to keep an eye on what else you eat to help out with that, but at the cost, having the protein isn't bad. I can have these bars more often (though personally I keep all protein bars to 1 a day if any) this one is more a snack replacement specifically because of the fiber and less of a meal replacement.
For the important part of taste, I was skeptical because chocolate and protein don't mix well for me, that said, this bar didn't have the overly powder and chalky taste others do and while its not very sweet, its not bitter like dark chocolate. Its almost like, to compensate for the lack of sweetness, it reduces flavor altogether, but thats not the worse thing. It is still fairly dense and chewy but it also has a melty and soft chocolate coating with helps with the texture.
Overall, if you have trouble getting enough fiber in your diet, while more expensive, I recommend the Quest bars. You get the same protein as a Pure Protein bar with the additional fiber of like 2 Fiber One snacks. If you eat enough fruits and vegetables or high fiber breads and grains and don't need the additional 12g, then Pure Protein is much better with cost at around $1.50 a bar (compared to $2.25 for Quest) but also remember that these are not snacks and candy bars, they will always cost a little more and will not taste as good, but they help you get your protein and/or fiber you need if you find you aren't getting enough in your diet and at a reasonable calorie cost. Likewise, the taste reviews are all to my personal taste and what I recommend or say may not always equal what someone else likes or doesn't like, but if they sound like they would help and be tolerable to you then definitely give them a shot if you feel like the price is worth the counts for you
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gxnrapidgain · 2 months
GXN I Rapid Gain- Best Mass Gainer in India I Magical Kulfi 2.2 lbs
How to Use GXN Rapid Gain for Optimal Results
Building muscle and transforming your physique has seen an increasing trend. Having a particular shape is desired by all who are influenced by fitness in today’s time. GXN Rapid Gain, the best mass gainer in India helps in achieving this goal effectively when consumed in the right manner. This article discusses the consumption guidelines and training methods for Rapid Gain to unlock its full potential.
Superior Nutritional Profile
GXN Rapid Gain provides 23g of protein, 4g of creatine and 2g of fibre per 100g serving. This high-quality, balanced macro and nutrient composition makes it a convenient and nutritional meal replacement. The protein content promotes the building of new muscle tissues when combined with physical strain through workouts.
How Much To Consume
The optimum daily dose of the Rapid Gain is approximately two to three scoops (500–750 calories per serving). However, obtaining the exact amount requires consideration of personal variables including body weight and fitness level. Beginners can begin with two scoops and progressively go to three, depending on how well their bodies react to the extra calories.
Consume Post Workout
For best absorption, it is advisable to have the Rapid Gain shake within 30 minutes of finishing a workout session as at the time, the muscles are primed to take up amino acids for remodelling. Blending the Rapid GXN shake with water or milk helps provide quick nutrition when the body needs it most. Over time, this enhances the anabolic response from training.
Sample Meal Plan
Here is a sample daily meal plan for optimal use of Rapid Gain :
Breakfast: 4 whole eggs, 2 slices of bread, banana
Mid Breakfast and Lunch: Rapid Gain shake with milk
Lunch: Chicken breast, brown rice, vegetables
Mid Lunch and Dinner: Rapid Gain shake with milk
Dinner: Salmon, sweet potato, salad
After Dinner: Rapid Gain shake before bed
This provides adequate calories, carbs, fibre, and protein from natural and supplement sources throughout the day. Consistency in following such a plan yields maximum gains.
Meal plan for vegetarians using GXN Rapid Gain:
Meal 1:
3 whole eggs or 2 egg whites
2 slices brown bread
1 cup oats with milk
Meal 2:
GXN Rapid Gain shake with plant-based milk (almond, soy, etc.)
Meal 3:
Lentils/chickpeas/beans + brown rice
Green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, etc.)
Meal 4:
GXN Rapid Gain shake with plant-based milk
Meal 5:
Tofu/paneer/tempeh + quinoa/millet
Mixed nuts
Greek yoghourt
Meal 6:
GXN Rapid Gain shake before bed
This plan provides vegetarian sources of protein, carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals along with extra calories and protein from the best mass gainer in India.
Some tips for vegetarians -
Use vegetarian protein powders, eat pulses, tempeh, and textured vegetable protein instead of meat. Consume cottage cheese, tofu and paneer for protein. Go for quinoa, oats, and buckwheat as quality carbs. Stay consistent with strength training and consume Rapid Gain, the best mass gainer in India, as suggested earlier to build muscle effectively without meat. With discipline, results are achievable even on a vegetarian diet.
Focus on Strength Training
To effectively utilise premium proteins and nutrients in Rapid Gain, it is important to train with progressive overload in mind. Basic callisthenics alone may not stimulate muscle protein synthesis sufficiently. Exercises like squat, deadlift, bench press, rows etc. must be included in a full body routine 2-3 times a week. This causes the muscles to be rebuilt thicker through adequate nutrition of Rapid Gain.
Cardio and Rest
Moderate cardio for 20-30 minutes after weight sessions helps lactate clearance as well as improves work capacity over time. At least one day of rest in a week is essential for recovery and super-compensation. Adequate sleep, hydration, and stress management should be achieved with activities like yoga, which further support the growth process when combining rapid gain intake and targeted strength training.
Patience and Consistency
Most importantly, consistent usage of the Best Mass Gainer in India i.e. GNX Rapid Gain as per guidelines over several months is needed to experience considerable and symmetrical muscle accrual.
Impatience often leads to inconsistencies harming progress. Therefore, realistic and sustained goals can be set by sticking to the plan without deviations for the best results. Monitoring weight, strength and appearance periodically keeps motivation intact.
By following the right macros, workout routine and recovery protocol while using GXN Rapid Gain regularly, one can gain substantial lean muscles and improve overall physique within 6-8 months. Patience, consistency and precision are keys to unlocking its full anabolic effects with the best mass gainer supplement in India. Combined with dedication, this is a foolproof approach for successful muscle-building.
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ratanshis · 2 months
Top Benefits of Eating Drumstick
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The Drumstick tree is very beneficial as the entire plant is useful, from its drumsticks to its leaves. One can consume the stem, flowers, and seeds of a drumstick plant, along with its leaves.  Scientifically known as Moringa Oleifera, this vegetable is a significant part of Indian cuisine, like Sambhar, vegetables, and more. Consuming drumsticks provides overall benefits to the body. The following article will help you know the benefits of eating drumsticks. 
Drumstick tree
Drumstick is an edible and super nutritious plant. It is known as the super plant for its powerful properties that help combat different ailments in our body. Drumstick is considered valuable in Ayurveda and other medicines due to its nutritional profile as follows:
Nutritional Profile of Drumsticks (per 100 grams)
Calories: 64 kcal
Protein: 9.4 grams
Fat: 1.4 grams
Carbohydrates: 8.3 grams
Fiber: 2.0 grams
Vitamins: A, C, and E
Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium
Benefits of Drumstick
Boosts the Immune System:
 The high vitamin C content helps strengthen the immune system, protecting the body against infections and illnesses.
Anti-inflammatory Properties:
Drumstick has anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation and pain in ailments like arthritis.
Improves Digestion:
The drumstick plant has a high fiber content that aids in digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes regular bowel movements.
Regulates Blood Sugar Levels:
Drumstick can help control blood sugar levels.
Promotes Heart Health:
The antioxidants in drumsticks can help reduce cholesterol levels and improve heart health.
Improve Skin Health:
This plant helps improve skin health, reduces wrinkles, and keeps the skin youthful.
Strengthens the Bones:
High levels of calcium content in drumsticks strengthen the bones.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the benefits of consuming drumsticks:
How can I incorporate drumsticks into my diet?
One can eat drumsticks as soups, stews, curries, and stir-fries or as a powder in smoothies and juices.
Are there any side effects of consuming drumsticks?
Drumsticks are generally safe for most people when consumed in moderate amounts. However, excessive consumption might lead to digestive issues. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider if you have any specific health concerns or conditions.
How to Grow Drumstick from seeds in your Home Garden?
Purchase hybrid drumstick seeds from a reputed plant nursery in Mumbai, like Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech. Prepare the seeds by soaking them overnight, speeding up the germination process. 
Plant the seeds 1 inch deep in small pots or directly in the ground. Ensure ample space (about 3 feet apart) when planting the seeds. You can also use drumstick planting. 
Water thoroughly after planting. Ensure the soil is well-draining. These plants prefer sandy or loamy soil. You can always consult experts at a plant nursery near you if you are unsure how to plant drumstick seeds.
Drumstick trees require plenty of sunlight, so choose a spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight.
Water the seeds or cuttings immediately after planting. Ensure the soil remains moist but prevents overwatering. Drumstick trees are drought-tolerant once they are grown but need regular watering during their growth.
Drumsticks generally do not require heavy fertilization, but you can use a balanced, organic fertilizer every six months.
Drumstick plants are relatively pest-resistant but watch for common pests like aphids. You can use organic pesticides or neem oil, available at a plant nursery online.
Drumsticks are ready to harvest when they are about 6-18 inches long, tender, and green. You can start harvesting the leaves when the tree is about 4-6 feet tall.
Final thoughts
Incorporating drumsticks into your diet can provide these health benefits, contributing to overall well-being. Growing drumsticks at home can be a rewarding experience, providing you with a continuous supply of fresh, nutritious pods and leaves. If you are looking for hybrid drumstick seeds, you can visit Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech, a plant nursery in Byculla, Mumbai, India. The wholesale plant nursery in Mumbai offers gardening supplies like live plants, gardening tools, fertilizers, and organic seeds online in India.
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