#its about to be 2am what am i doing
katabay · 1 year
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uh. try to stay with me for a second. so incest motifs are a huge part of medieval lit. you see it in arthuriana cycles, you see it in romances, it's a whole thing.
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Incest and the Medieval Imagination, Elizabeth Archibald
so robin hood. both adaptions and the text itself, tend to get interesting with guy of gisborne. and I will say that while I found the media being discussed in this text absolutely fucking insufferable to watch, the discussion on it was delicious, impeccable, show stopping
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Mouvance, Greenwood, and Gender in The Adventures of Robin Hood and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Brian J Levy and Lesley Coote
and with regards to discussions on the origin text (which I love and adore forever)
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Horseplay: Robin Hood, Guy of Gisborne, and the Neg(oti)ation of the Bestial, Stuart Kane
we're. getting to the point, I promise. guy of gisborne and the sheriff in my own "adaption" are not cousins, but brothers in law (fucked up brothers in law are my thing over on my other blog. brutus and cassius? I'm there. caligula and lepidus? all over that, baby!) because I'm aiming for an adjacent transgression.
on the topic of adjacent transgressions and guy's comment in this comic about cannibalism: there's an overlap in various genres of literature, predominantly in branches of horror and tragedy: between cannibalism and incest. (additionally! a lot of texts will take on christian subtexts and allusions, so there's a bonus homoerotic cannibalism discussion happening wrt communion that I'll get into in the future) it's about. chomping. the teeth, you know.
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Managing Monsters, Marina Warner
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Statius and Virgil: The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid, Randall T. Ganiban
there's a 100% chance I will revise the sheriff's design at some point, but I wanted to draw the flowers exploding out of the spine so bad
AND FINALLY, the neck focus on guy is half due to his fate in his origin tale (beheaded) and half my own invention: I girl-with-a-green-ribboned him. a little narrative necromancy, if you will.
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thecatspasta · 1 year
Do you think the corporations will realise that we will care about their straight ships if they're not a girl fawning over the first guy she sees and getting married within the year and it being treated like a good thing or is this thought process too advanced for them to handle right now.
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yanderespamton78 · 5 months
me bc i had to go ahead and hyperfixate on a bunch of minor background characters with about 3 lines of dialogue each so literally no one else gives a shit about my fav ship in the whole fandom
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just warning you the tags are very rambly and dont include anything important so you dont really need to bother reading them lol
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mariemariemaria · 1 month
i feel kinda crazy bc whenever i was a teenager i created this sorta imaginary older big sister who had moved out of the house so in my head i could live w her whenever i wanted bc she had survived it all and was independent and she would also just comfort me in a big sisterly way whenever something bad or upsetting happened and recently ive been going back to that at my big age 😭 and its kinda sad and also just wish fulfillment and also kinda scary bc i really used to think that by my age i'd have everything sorted but i really don't and i know that's normal and nobodies twenties are perfect but some people also have good relationships w their fathers which is crazy just to think about sooo
#is this readable? i hope not ❤️#i typed up some of my feelings about this in a word doc and just realised like damn i basically have an imaginary friend as an adult#i really am crazy lol#i just feel lonely within my family atm. bc my brother is younger than me so he could never really do anything to help#and i feel like i cant really trust my mam the same anymore..even tho i still love her a lot#and i'm trying to improve my relationship w my dad bc im realising what a hard life he had and that he's not like an irredeemable Bad Perso#and sometimes he'll look at me a certain way or apologise for something small that he would never have apologised for a couple of years ago#and i feel like im going crazy like is he becoming a better person or..? and i feel bad bc im not really doing the same#or maybe i am. sometimes i think im unfair to him considering how he is now but i also cant really reconcile what he is now w/ how he#was then. and then he'll suddenly say something to me in a certain tone of voice or with a certain sharpness and i'll go back to how a felt#as a teenager :/ i rlly dont know what to do about it but i think its because i dont really have anyone to talk to about it#i mean i sort of do. but i also dont actually know how much of it actually happened and how much of it i just made up#but having worked w teenagers yeah they can be little shits but i also cant imagine treating any of them the way my dad treated me#just bc theyre annoying or have an attitude or are a little mean or whatever#like theres actually a lot of ppl i could talk to but also how do you even bring something like this up#how do i say 'oh and i invented an older sister as a coping mechanism and sometimes i still talk to her in my head' without sounding crazy#its 2am here i need to go to bed i have work in the morning 😭 day and night and next day ruined bc my dad spoke to me slightly funny
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Little snippet of a story maybe?
“I’m your friend, Zim. I swear,” Membrane whispered, hands reaching out in case Zim might try to flee or his panic rose to dangerous levels. Zim stuttered with tears, the weight of the situation getting to him in the span of a second. He - he had killed his Tallest. And it - it might have been intentional, he didn’t know. His mind was all sorts of messed up these days, filling his meatbrain with things he didn’t remember.
“Friend,” he scoffed, not out of anger or, Irk forbid, hatred, “friends aren’t - Tallest aren’t friends.” Membrane sighed quietly and moved from his knees to letting his legs bunch up in front of him so he was lower.
“Zim, we talked about this, remember? I’m not a Tallest,” his words brought Zim an odd warmth, which he failed to banish from his chest. Perhaps it was the voice, so welcoming and gentle, in a way he’d never heard it before, “...Do you mind if I carry you?”
Zim made a noise, “What, like a smeet?” He was no smeet, and surely not any weaker than one to warrant being held. Irkens were not meant to be held.
“Yes, like a smeet,” he didn’t seem to understand how weak and helpless a smeet was, especially one that had to be held, “...I think it’ll help. You certainly look like you need it.” Zim looked like he wanted to protest, and he did start trying, but the words got caught in his throat when he looked up at the professor and caught his gaze. He couldn’t see his eyes, or his nose, or anything about him. Professor Membrane was always hidden, even from his own children. Yet, here, in the dim kitchen light, he looked worried. He looked worried for…for Zim. No one had ever been truly worried for Zim, as far as he could remember. That look was for him only. Like he was big enough to have a look all to himself.
“...OK.” He whispered, voice uncharacteristically small. Membrane was careful to go slow, inching closer and opening his arms invitingly. Zim bit his lip and hesitantly uncurled, crawling on all fours to the professor. He set himself down on his lap, just inside range of his arms. The professor told him he would pick him up, then did so. His arms wrapped around Zim carefully, one supporting his bottom and the other resting on his back, careful of his PAK. Zim’s face was smushed against his shoulder as he was forced to wrap the length of his arms around the professor’s neck to keep himself steady. His initial reaction was panic, panic, panic, get out, get out, you’re under attack, he’s choking you, leaving you vulnerable, he said he wasn’t like Dib, how, why did you listen to him-
He was shifted quickly so that Membrane could keep his grip and stiffened, eyes wide. Membrane seemed to sense his discomfort and kneaded his knuckles into Zim’s back gently.
“You’re alright. I’m sorry, I should have warned you,” I’m sorry. Words uncharacteristic of a Tallest. Tallest were never supposed to apologize. Zim scolded himself. Membrane was hardly a Tallest. He wasn’t even close to the genius, the power and respect a Tallest deserved. And yet…
His PAK seemed to think something else.
“No, I -” I was rightfully terrified? I’m messed up? I know you didn’t mean it but my PAK’s saying you did? Zim gave up and forced himself to relax his body. “I - I’m…sorry I got…” he couldn’t finish.
“Oh, none of that, Zim. I should have warned you. It won’t happen again. I’m going to rock you a bit. Is that alright with you?” Tallest never asked if those below them were ‘alright’ with anything. His Tallest flew into his Florpus hole because they didn’t change directions. The comms officers on The Massive were crafty, Zim admitted. It was likely they had tried to…to steer his Tallest…away…
“Is my rocking you OK?” Zim nodded absently, eyes staring ahead, unblinking. The professor’s coat was warm in contrast to Zim’s always-freezing skin. His gloved claws gripped his coat and Professor Membrane’s hair tickled Zim’s face. It didn’t bother him.
As he was bounced gently, slowly at first, he repeated, like a mantra, “Tallest don’t hurt you, Tallest don’t hurt you, Tallest don’t hurt you, Tallest don’t-”
A song-like vibration of the throat made an antenna flick. Membrane was humming quietly, the only sound other than the almost-silent clicking and thrumming of Zim’s PAK. It was a childish tune. Still, it was…steady. Something to hang onto. The whirring of Zim’s PAK lowered as he shut his eyes, successfully leaving himself at pure vulnerability. Membrane continued humming and bouncing him, and Zim absently noted, from the sounds of steps, he was pacing the living room in a short line.
After he doesn’t know how long (his PAK should keep a time log. Why isn’t it?), the professor stopped. Stopped pacing, anyhow. Zim felt a stab of disappointment, then one of slight fear, then one last one of anger, belittling him for being disappointed at something so stupid. Of course it had to end eventually. He couldn’t stay in the professor’s arms forever. Maybe he’d gotten tired of him, finally. Zim wouldn’t blame him.
“Are you asleep?” His whisper came as a surprise. Zim opened his eyes automatically. Irkens had no need for sleep, and the fact the professor was proposing he could even sleep was preposterous.
“Irkens do not need sleep.” He didn’t mean to clip his voice, or to say it so loudly, likely breaking the calm silence they had made. He winced when the professor did not continue his rocking. Zim had made his Tallest upset. He would be punished for raising his voice, surely. Speaking against his leader was a crime.
“...Ah. Noted,” he still didn’t continue, to Zim’s aching fear. He - he had upset him. He had to make it right. He had to - complete the mission given, had to - harm himself - let his squeedlyspooch burst at his direction. He would put his life on the line to serve his Tallest. Tell me what to do, tell me who to hurt, tell me to do anything, command me - “Zim, you’re getting panicked again. Are you alright? Do you feel sick at all?” Sick? At all? Zim’s entire PAK was sick. The Control Brains had told him, said he was Defective. His Tallest said he was Defective. Nothing more than a short, Defective little weakling of a soldier whose first words couldn’t be more broken. He had barely gotten past Invader training with his life and respect. He had called his Tallest once, when his sickly PAK couldn’t heal him. They had laughed with him. But nothing had been funny. Nothing about his PAK failing him was anything to laugh about. They had laughed with him. With him. With him. With him. With him. With. With. At. At. At. At. At him. The Tallest laugh at him.
His throat clogged with acid and he realized a second too late the vomit and bile spitting from his mouth. He coughed and retched, spasming as his spooch disdainfully emptied itself.
He was whimpering pathetically, hot tears shocking him, "I didn' mean it, 'm sorry, 'm sorry - I'm sorry, I - I - 'm sorry, my T - Tall - Talles' - Tallest, I'll clean it - up, I swear -'' his breathing was too loud. He was breathing too heavily. His throat burned. His face burned. Everything burned. His body spasmed and pulsed with sick. He swallowed breath stupidly, and they laughed with him, laughed at him, at his pathetic excuse of a mission. He wasn't even a real invader, oh Irk -
"Zim, you do not need to clean it up. I am not upset. You just got sick. That's it. It happens." Not for an Irken. Never for an Irken. A superior race taken down by nothing more than a little vomit. How stupid was this? How stupid was he? No one believes Defectives. The Tallest knew he'd done it on purpose. He would be taken to the Control Brains and deactivated for real this time. Not like that fake-out trial that had been all a joke-
"I didn't mean it, my Tallest. I didn't-" he gasped, chest heaving while he tried to suck in breath. He had done it again. It had happened again. They'd found his broken spots, and now he'd gone and ruined everything. There is always something wrong with him. Everything was always wrong with him. He ruined something good again.
“I know you didn’t mean it, Zim. Let’s go clean up now, hm?” A part of his brain told him that language was demeaning. He was not a smeet. He was not. The tears streaming down his face and the lack of control meant nothing. He was not a smeet. He’d stopped being one ages ago.
As his body shook with stupid sobs, he felt smaller. He didn’t want to feel small. Small meant weak. He was set on the bathtub edge. Membrane quietly dug through the bottom cabinet and ripped a few paper towels from a roll. He kneeled in front of Zim and reached out slowly, towel in hand, no doubt to wipe the disgusting vomit from his mouth and chin. Zim’s mind ran to catch up and he snatched the towel.
“I can do it myself,” it wasn’t said with much pride. Membrane noticed it was practically a whine. Zim took the towel shakily and roughly rubbed it across his face. He got very little of the throw up. The professor fixed him with a look Zim couldn’t place. He held out his hand expectantly. Zim stared at him, not really seeing him.
“...Please?” Membrane asked. Zim stared down at the towel, then handed it over. “Thank you, Zim.” Zim said nothing as the vomit was wiped off gently and the towel was thrown in the trash. When the professor stood, his knees cracked, though he either hid his discomfort well, or it didn’t hurt at all. “I think we’ve had enough excitement for the night, don’t you think?” He asked rhetorically.
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fruitsofhell · 1 year
Last reblog has me thinkin a lot about Kirby remakes. You have Kirby’s Adventure and NiD where the artstyle is so glaringly different between the two it’s like you have to choose a side. And from what I’ve seen the fandom tends to (intelligently) show favoritism towards the original NES look. 
Then you have KSS and KSSU, the base of the last post, and I find the differences between the games to be slight yet substantial. Maybe I’m just blind and all 16-bit games look the same to me, but I couldn’t even tell the sprites were different the first time I played KSSU, but after actually playing KSS I could really feel the difference. The original has a much harsher and more gritty style, that I think a lot of people feel hasn’t aged well, but atleast I still think has tons of merit. For certain characters who need that darker or more expressive touch like Meta Knight and Marx I find the old sprites more flattering in a way. And I think the garishness of the pre-rendered backgrounds SHINES in Meta Knight’s Revenge because that sort of gross clash against the usual style is heightened for a mode about Meta invading with his war ship and foreign ideals.
But that actually brought me to our latest remake in RTDL DX. And like there is nothing really WRONG with the new style, it just makes me miss the wii game. The wii game looked basic in a really charming and balanced way that I think is lost in how bright and cell shaded the new game is. The worst sin being scenes that are meant to have more dynamic lighting - like inside Magolor’s ship or in the final cutscene as Another Dimension crumbles - where the more cartoony style just doesn’t gel. But like honestly, if it weren’t for very on the nose divisive stuff like Dedede’s redesign and the character outlines, it would be very hard to make a case for the merit of the original. Just cause to the average person in every sense of the world the new game looks like an upgrade graphically - Shinier, higher detail models, fancy new animations, and the ritz.
I hope over time people do come to really appreciate the wii version’s merit in it’s simplicity, mainly cause it’s another big comfort Kirby game so any change to it made in the remake rubs me the wrong way lmao. But also I do think it has some outside of my uber personal opinions.
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
hopping around different blogs is fun.
a post on blog 1: i find it a little weird that -- don't get me wrong, the barbie movie looks great with all the doll-like details, i bet the actors had great fun and i'd like to see it myself, but -- people are getting excited about marketing of this movie. they're acting as though mattel's 3985* deals with 837* different companies are something new, exciting and creative instead of... 3985 deals with 837 companies spanning many different areas! this movie is a commercial for a doll! isn't this kinda weird?
*numbers made up
a post on blog 2: i don't think any sane adult doesn't realize that this is a toy commercial! it's rather obvious.
a post on blog 3: boo hoo 'the barbie movie is capitalist propaganda' i don't give a SHIT marx won't fuck you. did you do this for transformers too? do you think only stupid girls who like pink need the reminder?
like, oooooh! things are happening!
#shrimp thoughts#earlier today i got into a bit of an essay reading spree (as much as my brain allowed me lol)#and it got me thinking about like... associating oneself with products/aesthetics/companies as a way of self-creation#this is me. i love [fashion brand] you won't catch me without my k*nken and here is my room in which you can see posters of [movies]#it's very... human to get excited about things and feel it more the more others get excited because. community building#at the same time i've noticed it myself that it's so much easier to label yourself a [thing] girl than to like... Look Into Yourself#who am i? what defines me? these questions are difficult because how do i know that? with what means do i obtain this knowledge?#should i create myself as i want or should i observe myself with the eyes of others instead? ...let me just say i like plants and overalls#and i feel like when someone says something you perceive as a critique of the identity slash community you associate yourself with#it's... hurtful? but at the same time. hm. i don't know actually#like chances are these posts are talking about completely different things and not vaguing each other or even similar posts#maybe posts that blog 3 vagues really were obnoxiously condescending! who knows! that being said DESPITE being a small-brained#shrimp who would honestly love to win soooo many moneys and just do whatever i want all day instead of being an Independant and Competent#Expert In My Field (this sounds scary and stressing). i still would like to avoid falling into the 'just let me ENJOY things and don't try#to make me hate femininity because it's not working! pink and shopping can be empowering' hole.#idk!! i listen to k/pop and am part magpie. i can't quite pose myself as like anti-capitalist intellectual#but i do want to achieve at least a small brain! someday!! and boy do i hope my brain energy days don't end before the books arrive;;#2am thoughts. wonder if my mother goes to sleep earlier than at 4am today because its getting annoying
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crabs-nonsense · 1 year
Oh noooo, im thinking bad thoughts guuuuuuys
Writer i love has ouch hands 😭 indefinite hiatus. Will update on twitter. Is this really how I finally succumb?? Am I really gonna try to use twitter????
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chapter 5, page 21
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. “you’re good sweetie, we’re just hanging out!” smiles the woman in the hijab, who waves, and the man in the leather jacket next to her raises an eyebrow and smirks, saying “oh hey, you on babysitting duty?” “hey, i’m older than her!” exclaims lewis, glaring with slit pupils. “oh, this is my new teamate! i’m training him! everyone, this is howler, he broke wraiths arm, but don’t spread that around.” smiles jade, putting a arm around him. “oh shit really? i heard he blamed that all on you.” the same woman replies, off screen. “urgh, of course he did. probably to make him look less pathetic, long story.” “well howler, fantastic to meet you. the name’s moon striker, my pronouns are she/her and i’m team captain for us four.” the same woman, now introduced as moon striker, greets. “this is my boyfriend, terra flora, he/him.” the man in the leather jacker, terra flora grins and shoots two fingerguns. “his girlfriend stardust, she/her, and their partner split second”. stardust, the woman with the blue ribbons, smiles and waves, her fingers purple and glowing with sparkles and glittery dust. “i mostly stick to he/they/she but i’m partial to fae/faer pronouns. feel free to use whatever though, all’s chill” states split second, the person with the eye patch, with a blank expression on faer face, tilting his head a bit. end id]
moon striker and her team have been briefly mentioned once before in comic, back in early chapter 3 page 23, when rami was infodumping and speculating who would win in a fight
i dont have any witty comments to make because its 1:41am rn and i gotta get up early for a doctors appointment because i dont do my t shots myself and i havent bothered to ask bc i know i dont have the will to do so, so i got to go in and a nurse does it. but im on holiday off work so at least i can go home and take a nap after. annoying that my clinic is in another town though
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playingonedchess · 12 days
how is it that i can feel nostalgic about the time i was sitting on the pavement under an overpass in a foreign country crying because something didnt go my way and gave me a bit of a largish bill but clearly really cause there must be something wrong with me
#this post started out being about nostalgia being for the past not just fun stuff but then it turned into what the fuck is wrong with me#nah like i dont actually cry in public or anything#there was no one around and i had my hood up#also when its strangers in a foreign country youll never ser again who dont notice your existence that princippal becomes less important#and yes it wasnt actually that much of a big deal im just stingey and think it was unreasonable and it wasnt my fault#only it actually sort of was if id actually bothered to use google and translate or actually ask someone and if id been less stingey in#the first place there wouldnt have been a misunderstanding and i wouldnt have got in trouble#but yes the point is the fact that i was cyring about it was a total overreaction and completely pathetic#even though cyring in privates like actually fine and this was basically private its still pathetic#i can say it was general stresses or whatever i guess which is probably true i dont know why else id do it#except that im a stupid pathetic self pitying loser thatll jump on any chance to feel sorry for myself#i suppose since i dont have much of a life i never feel emotions much any more cause theres nothing happening to make me feel them#so considering that it does make more sense and doesnt sound so bad#well whatever reason in general i dont think its a normal or balanced reaction#but thats how it works isnt it lots of small things build up and you ignore them but eventually something tips you over the edge#and i get pissed off or very very occassionally might cry about it#maybe it isnt even that unbalanced when i put it like that#or maybe im just justifying it cause i cant admit i really am that pathetic#but anyway the nostalgias more fun to think about#even though it was only a few months or so ago#maybe its cause i feel like i have to grasp onto any past i have at all to show i have an existence so i feel like i have an identity#or whatever im too tired its like 2am#am i actually going to post this#i shouldnt#not that being pathetic on the internet where theres such a minute chance some random stranger might see it makes any difference
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steampoweredskeleton · 2 months
#delete later#am i wildly researching where i may end up living at 2am awake bc of pain? yes. should i be? absolutely not#theres a dry spell of properties and obvs i know itll improve again but eurgh. there were some nice places that have gone abd now theyre al#student accommodation and im not doing that. that isnt me seeing students as below me i just cant function in a shared#place with strangers. i will lose it and stop functioning. im just. stressed. and i can't do anything bc im in pain so thw stress is just#sitting there#its. having a chronic health condition that can get worse seemingly randomly sucks. how can i plan for anything. my current fear#is how can i view places to live if i cant leave the flat. my hands will improve but if im not carefil they will keep flaring up#but tine doesn't wait for health to stabilise. im just tired of it all. i need to future plan but whats tge point when idek#when I'm next gonna be able to go outside without fucking myself up. im gonna have to bc i feel so fucking claustrophobic rn#im having a pity party. i gotta sometimes. just. kinda miserable. i hate being in limbo. on the upside all friends gifts arrived. gonna try#figure out how to wrap them one handed. or find a bag. we'll see which i can do lol. feel kinda bad ive just been like hiding for the#past couple weeks but im in pain. not much to be done abd i need ro frequently lie down and just control my breathing#not conducive to fun. its 2am i need to sleep. i hurt#i know im whining a bunch lately. ahit just is. overwhelming and deeply upsetting. and im in too much pain to do anything but#lie here and think about it. and that sucks
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theodoredeckergf · 5 months
finally got to vacuum my room :3
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plutolovesyou · 3 months
pathetic/nerdy/loser/perverted ellie ramble AJAKSOJSOJS. LOTS OF SMUT!! quick and really crass, just needed to get this outta my system LMFAO. want some more? click here for the continuation!!
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she'd be pining for you so hard, just consumed entirely by the limerence, so impossibly down bad for everything about you, it ate her up inside. she needed you in every way possible, needed to smell you, to taste you, to feel you clench around her fingers and tongue, she wanted you to crush her head —glasses and all—with your thighs, she needed it all.
and yeah, she did feel creepy about it—staring at your tits from afar, maybe sitting in the park someday after her class, thank god for transitional lenses. she felt her face go tomato-red from the shame, what in the world was she doing, ogling her sort of-friend like that, but fuck did it fuel her fantasies.
in the dark of the night, you were the only thing occupying her poor, horny mind, as she stuffed two, no, three digits in her soaking pussy, using every morsel of her imagination to materialize the sight of you being the one to make her see stars. she'd imagine covering you in marks and hickeys, watching your wrist flex while you were knuckle deep inside of her.
her eyes brimming with tears, knuckles dripping in pearly cum forming a fucking puddle beneath her, pounding in and out of her quivering walls over and over and over again until she felt light-headed, she found it the only way to cope.
“ugh- fuck baby, yeah that's it..mmf." whines and just the utmost pathetic pleas tumbled from her swollen, rosy lips, her clit near aching from the abuse she thrusted on it nightly. chanting your name in the night akin to a prayer— ironic. this was anything but holy—imagining the way your tits would bounce, the way you'd cry her name out and drench her in your fluids, she'd even imagine herself on her knees, being the one staring up at you between your legs as you run your nails through her hair, hold her chin.
“please, wanna cum again, c'mon baby. fuck, fuck, fuck- yeah, hnn-!!” tears fully streaming down her freckled cheeks at this point, her whole body tensing as she came for what seemed like the thousandth time this night, she continued until it was causing her a great deal of pain. until she was completely wrung dry. “...what am i doing. fuckin’ hell.”
breathing heavily, the shame really sets in now. what was she doing? rolling over in her damp bed, she'd groan while the embarrassment made her cheeks burn hotter than the deepest pits of hell—where she's convinced she's gonna enjoy the hospitality of if she keeps this up—she'd bury her face in her pillow and pass out into a slumber, only until the cycle repeats itself the next night.
but little did she know, her experience was being mirrored, almost with creepy accuracy, wherever you were. pining just as hard for the lanky loser you were mere acquaintances with. teasing her on purpose, just to watch the dark flush spread across her features, to watch her shift uncomfortably and avoid your taunting stare with everything she's got, squeeze her thighs together to soothe the ache you knew she was going to take care of later as soon as you part ways. it drove you nuts too. if only she knew. if only!
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WHY DID THIS EAT LMAOOO but oop went a little overboard my bad um ok enjoy bye can u tell im in a mood lately pls give me notes even tho its 2am ik everyones dead but oh well luv u
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gayjunebug · 1 year
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Too shy to tell you
miguel o’hara x fem!reader
Miguel hides your heals in hopes of making you forget you ever owned a pair...he confesses about his theft during a hot and heavy night of sex.
Warnings: This might be interpreted as possessive or an unhealthy bond. Though its supposed to be just a very shy and respectful Miguel who let's loose during sex.:]
Authors note: I am not a writer!! This is my first time righting fanfic.. like.. ever!!! So don't attack me. Though honest, constructive criticism is something that I would love to hear. Sorry if there are spelling mistakes. Also, I don't know how to put proper description..... enjoy!!!!
"Miggy?" I call out to my boyfriend who's currently towering over the coffee machine, waiting for it to brew.
"Yes, my love?" He responds with a look over his shoulder.
"Have you seen my black pointed heals? I can't seem to find them."
"No. Have you checked by the door?" He was lying.
He was lying. He was lying, and he didn't feel bad about it. The truth was he had stuffed them in the highest cupboard of the laundry room. He knew you couldn't reach it. He liked it that way. He couldn't let you open it since he had stuffed at least 4 pairs of heals in there.
"No miggy, they aren't here." You say after checking everywhere by the front door.
"Idk what to say, baby... we have to leave soon. Just throw on a different pair and I'll buy you some new ones later."
He was a liar... and he was damn good at it... until he wasn't.
It was 2am. This insanity started hours ago, but Miguel's stamina wouldn't let down. Your soft moans could fuel him till sun rise, and he would love to do this forever. But unlike him, you have limits. Limits to your ability to stay strong, or at least keep yourself up right. But he doesn't really care. Your begs for a break won't succeed with a constantly starving man like him.
"One more round, please baby... please. I need you." His desperate begs caress your tear stained cheeks as he whispers them softly, leaning over you and filling you with sloppy thrust.
"Miguel- please.. It's too much.." You whine as you try to pull away, gripping desperately onto the sheets.
"Last one.... I promise..." he lies.
He said the same thing the last 4 rounds. If he could have it his way he'd continue. But he knew you couldn't keep going for much longer, so he used this opportunity to tell you what he couldn't bring himself to say otherwise.
"I lied..." he confesses. Watching your tits bounce with every rough trust, keeping himself busy while you tried to form a reply. It took you a while, but you managed to let out a soft hum, waiting for him to explain himself further.
"I took them. Your heels.. I fucking hate those things.." he thrust get faster as he says it. Hoping to make your brain foggy enough to not remember his confessions in the morning.
"I like your height, so why do you wear those weird things?" His heart felt lighter as he told you.
"I like that your height forces you to get on your tippy toes every time you want a kiss from me.. and even then, I have to bend over to reach you.... I like that you rely on me to reach those high shelves. Every time you ask me, you grow as red as a rose...."
You can feel his movements speed up. You can barely hear him... your mind fuzzy from pleasure. Lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin felt like white noise at this point. The dim shadow of his frame covering you completely.
"You're so small under me.. your body falls any way I bend it..." At his point, he was just speaking the first thing to cross his mind.
You didn't hear him, and he knew it. Seconds later, you feel his weight shift, the mattress by your head sinking under his heavy hand as he leaned in and whispered.
"Please don't take that away from me."
His words were demanding. He felt exactly what he said. Even though your eyes were shut tight, you knew his eyes were locked on you. His breath heavy, as if he just confessed a dirty secret. He kinda did...
"Promise me.... Promise me you won't wear them and I'll help you cum."
As tired as you were. You wanted it. You needed it. You needed him. So you give in.
"F-fine... I promise."
"You promise what?" He smirked hearing your whiney voice.
"I promise I won't wear the heels!!"
The pleasure he got from you saying that was immense. He shifted his weight once more as he changed your position like a marionette doll. Spreading your legs apart. His hands wrapped around your thighs, and his claws dug into your skin. The stinging pain of it was a wake-up call, causing you to gasp for air.
This position caused him to go deeper. The sticky mess from your previous rounds was being pushed out of your aching hole. The sound of his hips hitting your ass grew louder with every precise thrust. They got louder and louder until they stopped. Your thighs had clenched closed as you hit that high you were chasing. And you took him with you. Tightening around his pulsing cock in a way that made him fill you to the brim once more.
He watched your body shake. Your hips jerking forward. He would usually take that as his sign to keep going, but your fucked out face was telling him you couldn't take another thrust.
"You did great my love..... my little angel~" He cooed gentle praises as he rubbed your claw marked thighs.
"I'll buy you the cutest flats."
A thing he didn't know.. is that you lied, too. His secret cupboard was emptied, and your heal collection was restored... and yes.. he pouted in silence.
The end
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spideysbruh · 9 months
Thank You GQ
a/n- the lil ~ means a passage of time
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liked by florencepugh, y/n and 892,339 others
tchalamet GQ.
view all 371,728 comments
tstan your shoots are always the best
GQ let's do it again some time mr. chalamet
y/n oh my
timmylaurie he's so cute omg
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liked by tchalamet and 170,383 others
y/n what's everyone asking for from santa?
view all 15,383 comments
timmytimstan omg t liked
yourfriend what are you getting me for christmas 🤭
y/n literally no clue ❤️
tchalamet a vinyl record would be nice
y/n liked
y/n 🤔
timmytimstan omg t commented !
timmysgf who is she ??
tchalamet oh wow.
kylesballs not him simping for a random insta model publicly LMAOO
timotheeandall y/n is NOT an instagram model omggg 💀
@y/n tweeted: need. need so bad
@sinusandsocks replied- me too girl 💀💀
@lauriesarmpit replied- no way the first tweet I see of hers is ab timmy 😭😭💀💀
@tsgf replied- how do you know it's about him?
@ynsleftear replied- trust me, she's been like this for a while 💀💀 she stays shooting her shot!!
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liked by tchalamet, yourfriend, rachelzegler and 243,827
y/n honeymoon fades
view all 32,817 comments
sabrinacarpenter caption. i love you.
y/n liked
tchalamet need.
y/n liked
chalametgirl BYEEEE LMAOOOOO
tchalamet oh my.
rachelzegler absolutely gorgeous. when are we hanging out 🥺🥺
y/n im free next week <3 let me dm you w my schedule LMAOO we need to have a sleepover again I got so much to tell you
rachelzegler omg this is happening ill see you next week love
tchalamet just posted a story!
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@y/n tweeted: the average person was never meant to have this much lore.
@realchalamet liked and retweeted
@ynsblanket replied- oh god what happened girl
@ynandtimschild replied- you're literally dating timothee chalamet it's okay 😩😩🙏🏼
@y/n replied- exactly!!! life is crazy.
@realchalamet liked
@timoatreides replied- wait what💀💀
@realchalamet tweeted: life IS crazy
@paulswhore replied- BROOOO !?!?!!!
@ynsgf replied- HELPP!?!?!!! at 2am is crazy
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liked by tchalamet, dylanminnette, haileesteinfeld and 1,937,727 others liked
y/n two years. you've dealt with every part of me and you're still here with me. I love you more than anything my silly boy. I'll always remember the GQ issue that finally gave me the courage to dm you 💀💀
view all 123,732 comments
tchalamet ohhhh THATS why its framed in our place 🤔🤔
y/n but also cause im so proud of you 😍things can have two meanings 🫶
paulsdune TWO YEARS ?!?!!! it took yall forever to make it official huh
y/n you're telling me...
tchalamet thank god for GQ cause i was too scared to dm you myself 💀💀
y/n liked
kyleshair literally my parents omg
timosbirthmark tbh it's good they waited a while to actually date, people be so quick to jump into relationships LMAOO
rachelzegler our double dates are some of my favorite memories
y/n same we gotta do it again
mariastory timothee and josh being friends omg
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liked by y/n, zendaya, madisonbeer and 3,827,727
tchalamet thank you once again GQ. i think i'm much more mature this time around. and thank you for getting me the love of my life with the 2020 issue, I am eternally grateful.
view all 432,226 comments
y/n oh my 😍
tchalamet liked
laurieslaurence YOU ATEEEE the lil part about y/n and how much she's helped shape you 🥺🥺🫶🫶
atreideskyle i ❤️ my boyfriend
zendaya OKAYYYYY
willyswonka he seems like such a good boyfriend to y/n
florencepugh so proud of you!!!
charliestimo the comparison to the 2020 and this one 🥺🥺 he's already grown so much 😭💔💔
ayoedebiri 🫶🫶
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liked by y/n, dovecameron, addisonraee and 4,282,727
tchalamet my love deserves a post of its own. when we're apart i count down the minutes until we can be together again. you make me the best possible version of myself and i thank you for it. you are the most beautiful person inside and out, and I'm so lucky to get to not only know you, but love you as well. i love you happy two years my pretty girl.
view all 233,287 comments
timosatreid "MY PRETTY GIRL" GOD WHEN 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺
y/n you just had to outdo my caption huh.
tchalamet liked
addisonraee yall are too cute pls stop
ynschals imagine how many pics they have of each other on their phones that we'll never see... 😖
yourfriend no other guy could make her as happy as you, timmy!
tchalamet and y/n liked
y/n idk if you know this but i love you
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