#but thats how it works isnt it lots of small things build up and you ignore them but eventually something tips you over the edge
honeytonedhottie · 2 days
beauty and brains⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀☕️
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in this post we'll talk about how to implement continual learning into ur life and how to nurture ur intellect and ur beauty, like elle woods for example…💬🎀
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first off lets take a look at ur mindset. you need to be willing to learn and if ur stubborn then ur not gonna allow urself to learn and become smarter so for that reason mindset is the perfect place to start when ur starting ur beauty and brains journey.
perspective is EVERYTHING when it comes to learning. if u have the belief that "i hate math so much, im so not good at it etc etc" you're already setting urself up for failure. remember that we are in charge of our own learning.
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figure out the sources of ur limiting beliefs about urself and challenge them. ask urself "why do i think im bad at math (or any other subject)" and the answers that u give urself, CHALLENGE them.
before we go any further understand that no subject is too complicated to learn and if ur experiencing that then ur learning it the wrong way…💬🎀
if ur having a hard time understanding a subject in school because of the way ur teacher explains it, ask another teacher at ur school and if that doesn't work turn to online resources OR just ask chat gpt. i ask chat gpt to help me break down math problems and explain how to do them and it works rly good for me.
from my own experience i feel like reading is so so important. bcuz reading helps u to expand ur vocabulary and improves comprehension and so much more. personally i love to read so this isnt hard for me to do but if u originally dont like to read here are some ways to romanticize reading.
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♡ start with topics/genres that u love
♡ set small goals (like reading for 5-10 minutes a day) and then building upon those goals
♡ experiment with physical books, e-books etc to figure out what u like best
i watch a lot of discussion based youtube videos, and video essays, documentaries etc and i have learned so much from them and they're actually one of my favorite ways to learn things. so i highly recommend watching some. watching things like this is so important because they provide a deeper understanding of real-world issues, cultures, and events that we might not encounter in our daily lives.
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understanding what u read and what u learn is so so important. the way i make sure that i understand what im learning is through writing papers. writing papers about things that interest me or things that i learn has helped me to retain what i learn instead of forgetting it all.
another key thing to remember is PRACTICE. if u dont practice what u learn you'll literally forget it. use everything that u learn and if u can't physically use it, imagine urself using it.
this is where the beauty aspect of the phrase "beauty and brains" comes into play. make learning like a GAME. i think thats how u get smart the best. just implement it into ur daily life.
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for example if u have a habit of watching an episode of ur favorite show a day (or multiple) between episodes read for x amount of time. if u go for a run everyday listen to an audio book whilst running. think of that scene in the movie legally blonde where elle was reading her textbook while working out.
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playingonedchess · 11 days
how is it that i can feel nostalgic about the time i was sitting on the pavement under an overpass in a foreign country crying because something didnt go my way and gave me a bit of a largish bill but clearly really cause there must be something wrong with me
#this post started out being about nostalgia being for the past not just fun stuff but then it turned into what the fuck is wrong with me#nah like i dont actually cry in public or anything#there was no one around and i had my hood up#also when its strangers in a foreign country youll never ser again who dont notice your existence that princippal becomes less important#and yes it wasnt actually that much of a big deal im just stingey and think it was unreasonable and it wasnt my fault#only it actually sort of was if id actually bothered to use google and translate or actually ask someone and if id been less stingey in#the first place there wouldnt have been a misunderstanding and i wouldnt have got in trouble#but yes the point is the fact that i was cyring about it was a total overreaction and completely pathetic#even though cyring in privates like actually fine and this was basically private its still pathetic#i can say it was general stresses or whatever i guess which is probably true i dont know why else id do it#except that im a stupid pathetic self pitying loser thatll jump on any chance to feel sorry for myself#i suppose since i dont have much of a life i never feel emotions much any more cause theres nothing happening to make me feel them#so considering that it does make more sense and doesnt sound so bad#well whatever reason in general i dont think its a normal or balanced reaction#but thats how it works isnt it lots of small things build up and you ignore them but eventually something tips you over the edge#and i get pissed off or very very occassionally might cry about it#maybe it isnt even that unbalanced when i put it like that#or maybe im just justifying it cause i cant admit i really am that pathetic#but anyway the nostalgias more fun to think about#even though it was only a few months or so ago#maybe its cause i feel like i have to grasp onto any past i have at all to show i have an existence so i feel like i have an identity#or whatever im too tired its like 2am#am i actually going to post this#i shouldnt#not that being pathetic on the internet where theres such a minute chance some random stranger might see it makes any difference
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ganondoodle · 3 days
Hey there, just read your concept for how you would replace building in TotK with Hookshot mechanics and it sounds really cool!
Like, sure Building was fun, but as you said before, it really doe not fit this game/world and just broke to many parts of it.
To get to my actual question, would the Hookshot be aimable in slow-motion while falling, similar to how Bow & Arrows work?
Because I am now imagining Sky-Islands surrounded by lots of small floaty rocks, some of them so far from each other (or moving) that the player has to hook to the closest one, climb up, get a run up, jump, glide towards the next one, and then let go of the glider, whip out the hookshot, and hook onto the next rock.
Heck, you could have an entirely airborne Gleeock Bossfight this way, similar to som of the Bosses in Twilight Princess!
Thanks as always for sharing your ideas with us!
yeah! its not too hard to imagine right? and i feel like it would have fit so well and be much easier to balance for botws world
maybe you have seen it before but i did make an ability concept for it before (some info on this wouldnt be for the botw2 style rewrite im focusing on now bc i made this originally as part of the villain rauru idea, but the abilities and how they work remains the same)
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maybe the way to pull yourself towards somethign or it to you wouldnt be a single button press but instead a holding one, so if you wanna hook and immedaitely be pulled there you can just streamline it via holding the button until you are there (i know holding down a button can be rly straining but botws control scheme doesnt have a lot of it so i think using it here wouldnt be too bad .......... less painful thatn the totk arrow menu thats for sure lol)
(can i just say i really like the the infusion idea for abilities too, like ... wouldnt it be so cool to find broken shiekah tech and using it just because and then it WORKS, like theres a guardian wreck and you get on top and use infuse and it springs to life to move out of the way of a doorway for example, other structers you could use similar to twilight princess copy-staff but in a more modern interpretation??)
the building jsut breaks the game too much, and imo not in a fun way like cheating in a way definitely not intended or glitched, its like a 10 piece picture puzzle but you are also given a button that assembles it for you and you get the same reward anyway, that doesnt count as multiple solutions like it worked in botw, its like they gave up and just gave you (multiple) skip buttons, since not only rocketshields but also the 'move thing and reverse it' are like that, and you cant tell me they didnt realize that (also id argue that even without skipping puzzles, alot of them arent fun either, like its mostly either insultingly simple building tasks the game tells you outright what to do .. or just hands it to you .. or you know what to do immediately and the puzzle part comes from you having to deal with clunkily glueing stuff together until it works, which i found pretty frustrating)
ANYWAY thanks for liking what im doing!!! if i wasnt so slow and art blocked so much id have way more to show already, and text alone usually isnt that interesting :,)
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freerangeranger · 6 months
Thinking of becoming a ranger, can you be both a ranger and a pokemon trainer? Is it difficult to rise up the ranks? What kind or people will I have to interact with besides other rangers?
I would say - kindof. Being a pokemon trainer absolutely has benefits for applying to Ranger school, especially if you want to work in places other than Almia/Fiore/Oblivia. Anywhere that pokeballs are a staple to everyday life - Pokemon rangers mostly act like Trainers.
That being said there are also a lot of hoops to jump through. Training a battle pokemon and training a ranger pokemon are two different things. Most of my pokemon would lose in a flat out battle - but thats not their primary goal.
My two Nidorina are trained for crowd control and rescuing people from debris or accidents. Lamp the Sizzlipede is espionage and stealth - something we use a lot to deal with situations non-aggressively. Sol is basically a non-combatant, he exclusively works in urban enviroments to help deal with emergencies where people are trapped on upper stories of buildings. As an ariados he can safely attach anchor points or even carry small people or pokemon. Sully is in training to not be a little bitch 24/7 and my Fidough Zelda is a bit too young for serious work, but we are doing scenting classes and she's on her way to be a cadaver dog.
I think Sully is a good example of what could potentially happen with battle 'mons. They often are aggressive in stressful situations because thats how they have been conditioned. Battle is inherently stressful and not necessarily in a bad way. But a battle 'mon might not be able to distinguish between "battle stress" and "ranger emergency stress".
TLDR - Retraining a pokemon is a very long process - its not entirely impossible but it is something to be aware of when applying.
As for rising through the ranks - it isnt all that its cracked up to be. If you want prestige stick to being a trainer - you get no badges or accolades in this job.
And Uhhh to answer your question about people - its a mixed bag. You get to help a lot of people but also have to throw down with scum of the earth. Think of it like high stakes customer service except i can get the Karens arrested bc usually they are doing a funny lil thing called 'a violation of ethics'.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Dave Strider, Dirk Strider
Act 6, page 7917-7922
DAVE: damn
DAVE: and i thought our houses were pointlessly tall before
DAVE: it just doesnt stop from keep constantly getting more and more vertically enormous
DIRK: Shit is downright precipitous at this point.
DIRK: Like, upways.
DAVE: haha yeah
DAVE: we made sure as fuck not to come right out and literally describe that building as tall
DIRK: Hell yes.
DIRK: Who needs small and serviceable adjectives when the most ass-backwards way of saying a thing is right there, tantalizingly hidden within the vast ocean of language.
DIRK: Like a treasure in a huge shitty clam.
DAVE: we are way on the same page philosophically here
DIRK: Who is surprised by this?
DIRK: Zero people, is who.
DAVE: sounds like a club for losers to me
DAVE: theyre lucky they dont have any members, otherwise theyd all be lame as hell
DIRK: Yeah.
DAVE: so uh
DAVE: why do the houses need to be so tall again
DAVE: i never actually understood that
DAVE: except to reach the gates but once we all figured out how to fly and shit that became so pointless
DIRK: Yeah. After a while in the game, building kind of stopped mattering.
DIRK: Except near the end. Getting them to the top is just a point of completion.
DIRK: Then you dump the grist rig on top of it, apparently.
DIRK: That lets the thing spray out all the grist from the hoard in the planet's core, kind of like a huge oil derrick I guess.
DAVE: oh
DAVE: how do you know this
DAVE: do you guys have like a manual or
DIRK: I'm in communication with Arquiusprite.
DIRK: He's working on it now.
DAVE: so youre in communication with him like...
DIRK: Yes.
DIRK: Via my shades.
DIRK: Which he incidentally used to be.
DIRK: Like, as a computer, which he lived inside as my Auto-Responder.
DAVE: right
DAVE: and
DAVE: uh
DAVE: why... did you make that thing again
DAVE: not that you ever told me before
DAVE: 'again' is just like a stammering tack-on to that sentence so as to try and not sound too fucking rude
DIRK: I don't think it's a rude question. It's perfectly fair to wonder what was going through my head when I made him.
DIRK: I've spent a lot of time wondering about that myself.
DAVE: so you just
DAVE: straight up programmed a copy of your brain
DIRK: There was some programming involved, but also a bit of cheating, through the mapping of a captchalogued ghost-imprint of my brain.
DIRK: I guess part of it was just about trying to understand myself.
DIRK: But I don't think I would have put it that way at the time. For a while I insisted he was meant to be a "debate partner" or some horseshit.
DIRK: I was pretty young, and had some stupid ideas.
DIRK: About irony in particular. But also a lot of mostly faux-intellectual thoughts on a wide variety of topics.
DIRK: Like philosophy, consciousness, programming, identity, history, ancient pop-culture... really it ran the full gamut of pretension.
DIRK: Not that I don't still find that stuff interesting. I'd just like to think I'm somewhat less full of shit about it all now.
DAVE: yeah me too
DAVE: i mean, about my interests and stuff
DIRK: Creating him was an interesting exercise I guess, but over the years I came to see his development as one of my biggest mistakes.
DIRK: He sort of turned into a monster. But I could never bring myself to get rid of him, or even really blame him for being an asshole, because he wasn't actually that different from me.
DIRK: Like, by definition.
DIRK: He seems alright as Arquius though. At least it keeps him busy, obsessing over his muscles, asking for milk and shit like that.
DAVE: hmm
DAVE: i guess i started some projects i regretted
DAVE: but nothin like making a milk weirdo eventually exist
DAVE: it sounds fucked up but is also kind of an awesome story in its own way
DIRK: I guess so.
DAVE: maybe im lucky i was never that good with computers
DAVE: now computer ART thats a different story
DAVE: ok it actually isnt i fuckin suck at that too
DAVE: but dammit i try my best and make some magic happen at least in my own mind so maybe thats good enough
DIRK: It certainly worked out for you in my universe.
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: i DID captchalogue my own ghost brain once but i didnt know what to make of that and thought it was kinda weird so that never really went anywhere
DAVE: probably for the best
DIRK: It definitely is.
DIRK: Tinkering with your own mind, or identity or whatever... it's a dark road to go down.
DIRK: There are enough splinters of everyone running around out there as it is, just as a natural byproduct of our reality. For me in particular. Probably for you too, as a time player.
DIRK: That process doesn't need to be encouraged or fucked with.
DAVE: for real
DAVE: my bro did cool things with computers too
DAVE: i mean nothin like making a clone of his brain or anything thank god
DAVE: just some absurd bullshit with web bots and stuff mostly to help prop up his various "enterprises"
DIRK: You mean the porn stuff?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: but with puppets of course
DAVE: it was always about the puppets
DIRK: Naturally.
DAVE: he made all these porn bots that would just talk to each other in a chatroom endlessly
DAVE: all like gettin each other riled up about squishy bottoms and whatnot
DAVE: actually it was pretty entertaining to watch them go at it for hours
DAVE: i think they may have been teetering on the threshold of SOMETHING resembling self awareness?
DAVE: except they only seemed to apply that faculty to reach even more heightened states of sexual excitement for a bunch of nude soft puppets
DIRK: That sounds...
DIRK: Oddly rewarding.
DIRK: I mean, not to say he wasn't still a douche.
DIRK: But as a pastime, cultivating a group of earnest, erotic puppet-loving chatbots sounds so much more relaxing than painstakingly constructing a version of your own brain, and then arguing with it for years thereafter.
DIRK: Almost like tending to a little flock of pigeons.
DAVE: yeah you know he did some cool things
DAVE: it wasnt necessarily all inherently terrible
DAVE: things i would really appreciate under better circumstances
DAVE: he definitely had a lot of drive and also some uh "ideas" that warranted a certain amount of respect i guess
DAVE: he just
DAVE: maybe should not have been allowed near a child?
DAVE: sall im sayin
DIRK: Sounds about right.
DIRK: We really don't have to talk about him anymore though, if it is going to stir up more bad shit for you.
DAVE: nah im alright
DAVE: i think that is all mostly out of my system
DAVE: i mean not forever because i dont think thats how things work
DAVE: i just mean my venting fit is over and im probably good for another 16 years or so and i can return to being mostly deadpan and rad
DIRK: Well, in sixteen years, if you need someone to vent to again, let me know.
DAVE: sure
DAVE: assuming we havent been killed by like 10 jacks before that i will
DAVE: you certainly seem to be the right guy for that
DIRK: For what?
DAVE: i mean like the most suitable recipient of my hysterical fits on that particular subject
DAVE: there is no way i would ever tell karkat all that
DAVE: i mean maybe some stuff but not ALL the stuff its just too heavy
DAVE: i certainly wasnt gonna mention the stuff to rose or john or jade or whoever else
DAVE: if i was ever gonna do one of my patented acrobatic pirouettes off that particular handle to anyone it really only could have been at him
DAVE: except he was dead
DAVE: and even if he wasnt and i did say all that shit
DAVE: theres no way it would have resulted in anything resembling reconciliation
DAVE: which i think
DAVE: was something i kinda needed
DAVE: but didnt realize it
DAVE: so....
DAVE: thank you for being a really plausible stand in for him who i could rip to shreds??
DAVE: while still being basically innocent of all that terrible garbage
DAVE: so you end up sorta being like an avatar for him that is much easier to forgive
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: maybe FORGIVE isnt the right word because im not sure he deserves that and anyway it doesnt matter because hes been dead for years and at this point is just an irrelevant deceased weirdo who doesnt matter anymore
DAVE: i guess i mean coming around to a place where i dont have to feel rotten all the time anymore
DAVE: and i guess im lucky i got to blunder into a reality that just happened to have the exact right version of a dude which made that possible for me
DAVE: sorry this fuckin ramble is really getting away from me
DAVE: i have no idea if im making sense anymore
DIRK: I think I get it.
DIRK: And sure.
DIRK: You're welcome for me existing.
DAVE: hey can that be like
DAVE: the motto on our family crest
DIRK: I think it already is.
DAVE: all that melodramatic sadbabble aside
DAVE: i think its perfectly cool if youre still curious about your adult self
DAVE: and i dont mind tellin you more stuff about him if you want
DAVE: i know im still wondering about what my adult self got up to
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: Well like I said, any time you want to know more, feel free to ask.
DAVE: kay how about
DAVE: we do this thing
DAVE: when i met roxy we did a thing
DIRK: A thing?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: its called the lightning round
DIRK: That does sound like a Roxy thing.
DIRK: Does it by any chance involve asking a rapid-fire series of questions, some of which end up being a bit too personal or invasive?
DAVE: well yeah when she does it
DAVE: we could be chill though
DAVE: when it comes to asking about each others secret crushes and shit
DIRK: Then I guess I will disclaim in advance that I don't have any, and I don't care about yours even if you do.
DAVE: it is settled then on the fact that we are a couple of cool dudes who know where to draw the line on certain topics
DIRK: Cool.
DIRK: So how do we start.
DIRK: Whose lightning round is this, mine or yours?
DAVE: it can be yours go ahead shoot
DIRK: How...
DIRK: Did...
DIRK: He, um,
DIRK: Come to "adopt" you?
DAVE: i was a baby and i came down to earth on a meteor while riding a pony with a pink heart on its ass
DAVE: he found me in a crater on top of a dead pony and gave me a lil baby pair of shades that look exactly like the ones youre wearin now
DIRK: I see.
DIRK: So you decided to ditch those shades for the aviator glasses?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: years ago john got me these for my bday
DAVE: it might have been like an "ironic dare" to wear them i dont remember
DAVE: but when i got em i was like hell yeah im wearing these
DAVE: gonna rock these fuckers til the end of time
DAVE: they were ben stillers
DAVE: like literally
DAVE: they actually touched his weird sort of gaunt face in one of his films
DIRK: Wait...
DIRK: THE Stiller?
DAVE: yeah
DIRK: Incredible.
DIRK: Also, such a shame what happened to that poor man.
DAVE: wait what happened to him
DIRK: I can tell you when it's your lightning round.
DIRK: Or mine. Whatever. I'm still not sure whose lightning round it is when you're the one asking questions.
DAVE: dunno ask roxy
DIRK: Ok. Anyway, didn't mean to interrupt.
DAVE: but yeah we would send each other stuff sometimes
DAVE: me and john
DAVE: well we all would
DAVE: usually absurd birthday packages and such
DIRK: We did that too.
DIRK: Except I had to send things through time.
DIRK: Always had to figure out stuff small enough to send through the sendificator, even if it was piece by piece.
DAVE: nice
DAVE: one time it turned out we ACCIDENTALLY sent presents through time
DAVE: i mean not literally, more in a roundabout way
DAVE: we all sent john a rabbit
DAVE: but all three rabbits just turned out to be the same damn rabbit
DAVE: because of stupid time shit
DIRK: Once I deliberately and quite literally sent a rabbit through time.
DIRK: It was a robot.
DAVE: wow
DIRK: He was a loyal friend to Jane. I don't know what happened to him though.
DAVE: yeah i dunno what happened to johns rabbits either
DAVE: rabbits am i right
DIRK: I hear you, man.
DAVE: what next
DIRK: You say he owned Cal as well?
DAVE: yep
DIRK: Did he come down to Earth on a meteor with Cal too?
DAVE: i think so
DAVE: that was a long time ago
DAVE: kinda weird to imagine him strutting around with that puppet as a kid in the 80s
DAVE: or maybe just kinda funny actually
DAVE: he sure held on to it a long time
DAVE: must have gotten attached at a really early age and just never let go
DAVE: i guess you fell to earth with one of those things too?
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: But if I came to Earth on a meteor the same way you all did, then I guess I just got dunked right in the fucking ocean.
DIRK: Which makes sense. One of my earliest memories is of using Cal as a flotation device.
DIRK: So he sorta saved my life in a way. I guess I bonded with him too, the way your bro did, even if that sounds a bit stupid.
DIRK: Then again, it didn't help matters much that I lived alone in the middle of the ocean. He was my only real life friend. I mean, until I built some new ones.
DAVE: hmm wait we fucked up
DAVE: i asked you a question its not my turn
DAVE: keep firing
DIRK: How did your bro die?
DAVE: he died fighting one of these jacks
DAVE: at this point i almost forget which one
DAVE: no wait
DAVE: ok yeah it was the omnipotent dog one
DAVE: the jack from our session
DAVE: he was fighting like a lesser form of him and then jack got extra prototyped by dog powers and then got outmatched and stabbed with his own sword
DAVE: pretty sure davesprite was fighting with him and almost died too but then it turned out he didnt
DAVE: but now im at least 99% sure that davesprite is DEFINITELY dead and wont suddenly reappear as a stupid surprise or anything
DIRK: I hate stupid surprises.
DAVE: word
DIRK: So, you said he "trained" you.
DIRK: I'm guessing that means he knew what was coming?
DIRK: Or, some things about your future, at least?
DAVE: seems that way
DAVE: not sure what he knew or how he knew it
DAVE: all our guardians seemed to know bits and pieces of stuff and did vague mysterious things to prepare
DAVE: to this day i have no idea if he was training me to fight lord english or if he even knew who that guy was on any conscious level
DAVE: or it was more like general purpose training to be able to survive some hard shit after the end of the world happened
DAVE: youd have to ask him but thats impossible
DAVE: i do know he managed to get the drop on a meteor before i entered the game
DIRK: What?
DAVE: as far as i can tell he stood on top of it and split it in half with his sword
DIRK: Not to be too much of a wet blanket on that rad as fuck anecdote, but that sounds kind of far fetched.
DAVE: yeah it does doesnt it
DAVE: but then again so does a baby getting dunked from space in the ocean then floating on a weird doll and then growin up by himself with no adults around
DIRK: That's not far fetched. It was pretty straightforward.
DIRK: I think I just found a building poking out of the water, climbed up, then I just started foraging for food in there like a feral infant.
DIRK: Supplies which I'm sure your adult self must have left behind for me, seeing as he clearly must have known some things about the future too.
DIRK: Speaking of which, maybe it's your turn now?
DAVE: yeah ok
DAVE: questions about me hmm lets see
DAVE: ok FIRST the fuck of all
DAVE: what happened to ben stiller
DIRK: He was deemed a heretic, and was crucified on the Washington Monument by some clowns.
DAVE: wow
DIRK: Due to his dedication to freedom and peace, he came to be seen as a martyr, and then a holy figure.
DIRK: He was left on the monument as an example to all, but thousands of faithful gathered below to gaze up at his pious, sort of gaunt face.
DIRK: For years thereafter, his followers would carve stone busts of him in his memory, capturing the piercing glare of his final expression.
DIRK: But they were all smashed to pieces by the presidential church.
DIRK: That religious movement didn't last very long.
DIRK: Rumor has it the batterwitch had a lot of experience crushing righteous insurrections.
DAVE: did my adult self get pissed about stiller
DAVE: i bet he got pissed
DIRK: Yeah. There was a whole series of final insults that led to his active rebellion, instead of just producing subversive media.
DIRK: At one point, the witch "remastered" all of his films to clean up all the shitty artifacts, and released them in stunning high-def quality all over the world, using a rational business model and everything.
DIRK: That REALLY set him off.
DAVE: what the fuck
DAVE: how fucking dare that woman
DAVE: so then he tried to kill the batterwitch right
DAVE: who is the same exact alien as the condesce in this session??
DIRK: Yes. Same one.
DIRK: And yeah, he teamed up with Rose from the same era.
DIRK: They supposedly put up a good fight, but both died.
DAVE: so...
DAVE: does john know that he is literally about to go fight betty crocker yet or what
DIRK: I have no idea.
DIRK: I really don't know John at all, or any of your friends.
DIRK: I know Jane was the heiress to the Crocker brand. Uh, obviously? It is her name after all.
DIRK: Was John the heir to that empire in his universe?
DAVE: nah
DAVE: i mean not to my or his knowledge
DAVE: he just fuckin hated that company for some reason
DAVE: i think his reason was literally as mundane as just being slightly overexposed to cake
DAVE: thats classic john though he doesnt get pissed about anything except for the absolute dumbest shit
DAVE: but i guess his instincts were right in this case
DAVE: maybe we should just
DAVE: not tell him
DAVE: that hes fightin crocker i think the poor dude has probably had enough mental breakdowns for one adventure
DAVE: we all have
DIRK: I'd like to get to know him.
DIRK: Not to mention Rose and Jade. Would have been nice to hang out and chat, in a circumstance where we weren't supposed to prepare for an imminent deadly struggle.
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: well i guess we could have hung out there a few minutes longer
DAVE: i mean you wouldnt have got much outta jade who is stuck in perma-nap mode
DAVE: just like old times i guess
DIRK: Huh?
DAVE: she used to sleep a lot
DAVE: but yeah there wasnt much time except for like a bunch of heys and oh nice to meet yous
DAVE: and also i think i would have still been a shitty train wreck socially if we all just hunkered down right then and there for another extensive round of freestyle paltalk
DIRK: Right, I was kind of nervous about lingering there for more than a minute too.
DIRK: Mainly because of Jake.
DIRK: I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
DIRK: I think I have done enough of that.
DAVE: i guess jake was kinda like your john of the group huh
DAVE: wait that was a pretty dumb observation never mind
DIRK: Nah, sounds about right.
DIRK: Seems like John was your close buddy growing up, and Jake was mine.
DAVE: john and i never really had anything like a falling out
DAVE: except for not talkin to each other for a few years on account of being on a meteor and boat respectively
DAVE: but i guess you two had some buddy troubles or somethin?
DIRK: Yes. A lot of buddy troubles.
DIRK: I vaguely touched on it earlier. I was a really bad influence in his life.
DAVE: what happened
DIRK: A lot of things, that were mostly my fault.
DIRK: Basically, I think I bullied him into dating me.
DIRK: Although I had plenty of "help" from my Auto-Responder.
DIRK: There were a lot of insane plans that he hatched on my behalf.
DIRK: But in fairness, I went along with them.
DIRK: To this day, I can't really tell how much of that bullshit was his doing, and how much was mine, which I've just covered up through denial or selective memory.
DAVE: wait
DAVE: you
DAVE: you dated jake?
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: That didn't last long though.
DIRK: It was really lopsided and kind of forced.
DAVE: ...
DAVE: so
DAVE: you
DAVE: ...
DAVE: hmm
DIRK: What?
DAVE: nothing
DAVE: i think were breakin one of the rules here
DAVE: this tangent got too personal
DIRK: Oh yeah.
DIRK: I forgot we weren't doing that.
DIRK: Anyway, carry on. You were asking about adult Dave?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: so that covers how he died
DAVE: taking a futile stand against some unbeatable foe
DAVE: cant say im too surprised about that cause what else is even new
DAVE: what about his early life though
DAVE: guess i arrived around the same year my bro did in my universe?
DAVE: just came down on the same dead horse i rode in on
DAVE: into a world full of opportunities
DAVE: how did i get started
DIRK: His early life isn't well documented.
DIRK: There's hardly anything to read about him until he broke into show business with a few obscure projects at the turn of the century.
DIRK: It all snowballed from there.
DAVE: i guess the one thing we know for sure is i didnt find a kid in a crater and take him under my wing
DAVE: that was probably for the best
DIRK: Heh.
DAVE: actually maybe its better that most of his story is left to my imagination
DAVE: kinda like how you said you spent a lot of time thinkin about him
DAVE: filling in the gaps of his ridiculous exploits
DIRK: Right.
DIRK: There's certainly a lot of lore to work with.
DIRK: Urban legends and stuff.
DAVE: like what
DAVE: actually wait
DAVE: dont tell me
DAVE: at least not now maybe down the road it would be cool to hear some
DAVE: i think id prefer to fill in the blanks myself for a while
DAVE: really it sounds dope as hell to imagine that sort of blank canvas life
DAVE: dropped on earth as a kid in the 70s or 80s or whatever with no bossy adult to reel me in
DAVE: and just having to figure stuff out
DAVE: especially knowing that many years later it all worked out ok
DAVE: really wonder what i did
DAVE: was i like some homeless eighties ragamuffin???
DAVE: jesus christ that sounds fairly adorable if so
DAVE: maybe i slept in an alley on a bed of rubix cubes and alf merchandise
DAVE: or maybe i offered my old school rap services for food
DIRK: Like, through a shitty cardboard booth?
DIRK: You know, like the one from the fuckin' Charlie Brown comics.
DIRK: "This is what the refrance," FYI.
DAVE: yes exactly
DAVE: this sounds like exactly the life for me
DAVE: what if without a penny to my name and the wind at my back i hopped a boxcar to the big apple
DAVE: because as a dumb child i naively believed thats where they made all the apple juice
DAVE: id be sorely disappointed when i got there but it wouldnt matter because id probably scrape together a living on off off off broadway like...
DAVE: making shitty cartoons
DAVE: on stage
DAVE: and saying
DAVE: you guys
DAVE: this will be SO much funnier once the internet happens TRUST ME
DAVE: then the aristocratic patrons of fine theater just shrug and dump their shillings into my orphan hat
DIRK: It sounds to me like you've been reading up on the urban legends already.
DAVE: hahaha
DAVE: i wonder if he had like
DAVE: friends
DIRK: It sounds like he knew a lot of people, at least later in life.
DAVE: sure
DAVE: i mean im sure he knew rose at some point because obviously they teamed up
DAVE: but as fairly old people?
DAVE: it sounds as though they only knew each other as a result of their notability
DIRK: This seems likely.
DAVE: i mean more like the friends i grew up with
DAVE: he couldnt have grown up with john or jade as friends because they were already old by the time he got there
DAVE: this cool 80s kid fantasy was probably just a lot lonelier than ive been picturing in my sweet daydreams
DAVE: i didnt even have the MAYOR god what a nightmare now that i think about it
DAVE: i wonder if all he cared about was making ludicrous shit and fighting evil pastry moguls
DAVE: do you know if he had any other interests
DIRK: Like what?
DAVE: i dont know
DAVE: did you ever read any urban legends about.....
DAVE: paleontology
DIRK: Paleontology?
DAVE: yes the scientific study of dead shit
DIRK: Not that I recall.
DAVE: hmm
DAVE: i guess he probably didnt do anything with that
DAVE: what a shame
DAVE: maybe he never even got the idea since he had completely different experiences
DAVE: but if i were suddenly dropped back in the 20th century id probably look into it at some point
DAVE: i dunno how though
DAVE: i think it would be mainly like
DAVE: some sort of theraputic interest
DAVE: something relaxing to think about instead of a bunch of ironic and stupidly ambitious objectives
DIRK: Yeah, like the porn bots.
DAVE: yeah exactly
DIRK: Maybe some day, when we're both old men, you can live a quiet life tending to your fossils, and I will do the same with my dear collection of simple-minded chat robots fixated on puppet ass.
DAVE: sounds like the fucking life to me
DIRK: What was the lightning round question this stemmed from again?
DIRK: I forget.
DAVE: dunno
DAVE: maybe were tapering off with the lightning round stuff anyway and its just naturally deteriorating into regular dudechat
DIRK: Maybe.
DIRK: You sure you don't have anything else before we say it's officially deteriorated?
DAVE: k heres a curveball
DAVE: what the fuck are you wearing
DIRK: My prince gear.
DIRK: You know. Leggings, slippers, the poofy asshole pants, a hood with some sort of cloth tiara deal embedded in it.
DIRK: Basic stuff for princes, apparently.
DAVE: huh
DAVE: gotta say
DAVE: some of these god tier ensembles really are...
DAVE: something
DIRK: I thought I hated it at first.
DIRK: But over the couple hours I spent flying back, with time to think about all sorts of stuff...
DIRK: It kinda grew on me.
DIRK: The asshole pants are pretty damn comfortable, so I dunno if I even care how stupid they look.
DIRK: And I *am* kind of an asshole, after all. So who am I to complain.
DAVE: i thought the same thing about my cape outfit at first
DAVE: felt like some bozo from the renaissance festival
DAVE: like maybe i should get on a horse and sing a shitty ballad
DAVE: but then it grew on me pretty quickly
DAVE: hardly ever took it off in three years
DAVE: youre right its comfortable and theyre fuckin magic pajamas or whatever and they start to feel like part of who you are after long enough
DAVE: i mean they are supposed to last you forever right
DAVE: kinda by definition since they come along with immortality
DAVE: maybe part of their magical nature includes this insidious quality where they grow on you
DAVE: or not i dunno maybe this is bullshit and ill just wear some normal person clothes when this is all over
DAVE: what about you are you gonna wear god duds forever
DIRK: Nah. I'm sure I'll wear regular stuff again at some point.
DIRK: If a shirt with a hat on it can be deemed regular.
DAVE: im cool with deeming it as such
DAVE: yeah maybe youre right and we should all stop dressing like tools from an infinite magic slumber party for floundering teens
DAVE: and just look like standard floundering teens
DAVE: some of the getups are pretty out there
DAVE: jakes tho...
DAVE: uh
DAVE: damn??
DIRK: I...
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: That page costume.
DIRK: I'd have commented on it, except that would've been casting a stone through a particularly fragile glass wardrobe.
DIRK: So... I just flew away.
DAVE: yeah there was uh
DAVE: some palpable awkwardness there
DAVE: sorry im still
DAVE: tryin to
DAVE: like
DAVE: wrap my head around
DAVE: ...
DIRK: What?
DAVE: uh
DAVE: dammit
DAVE: ok i guess i might have to break one of our lightning round rules
DAVE: only a little tho
DAVE: i hope
DIRK: About what?
DIRK: The personal stuff?
DAVE: yeah
DIRK: That's fine.
DAVE: ok maybe im not even asking you anything
DAVE: maybe this is just a starting point to ramble to myself
DAVE: on a certain topic
DAVE: i think...
DAVE: there is a SLIGHT chance...
DAVE: i may be the biggest idiot in the world
DAVE: when it comes to understanding some things about my bro
DAVE: some pieces i never really put together
DAVE: about him
DAVE: until maybe literally right now
DAVE: which i think makes me an objective dumbass
DIRK: What does this have to do with me and Jake?
DAVE: idk
DAVE: nothin
DAVE: maybe i dont wanna ask you anything about jake
DAVE: maybe ill just keep abiding by the code of basic dude manners on that
DAVE: if i bother skirtin the line of this rule maybe id rather ask you other stuff instead
DIRK: Like what?
DAVE: like
DAVE: um
DAVE: say one of your best friends is a knucklehead you havent seen in three years
DAVE: and unless you use ultra direct and explicit language he just wont put two and two together himself
DAVE: and also say ANOTHER best friend is a girl you feel like you had kind of a special relationship with but you ALSO hadnt seen in three years
DAVE: and shes asleep
DAVE: but at some point shell wake up and youll have to talk to her
DIRK: ...
DAVE: this is dumb im not making any sense
DAVE: lemme start over
DAVE: ok lets say
DAVE: way back whenever
DAVE: howww
DAVE: ...
DAVE: how did you tell your friends
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sopebubbles · 1 year
Hi! I really love reading Lone Wolf but I was a little curious about the pack because it kind of seems like a lot of them don’t really like each other? I don’t want that to come off the wrong way at all btw! I more so mean I don’t really understand why they’re all together as one pack when there seems to be a lot of distrust and animosity between them (Jin thinking Yoongi wants to take his place, Yoongi thinking Namjoon would be happy to see him go, etc.). I know people have been really excited to see more of the interactions between y/n and the boys but I think that’s still so much more to understand about the other dynamics.
Yeah i get what you mean! I think the important thing is to remember that this is a long established relationship for the rest of the pack. Like, why do marriages break down after years? Because people stop communicating clearly, or things happen that cause new or exacerbate old insecurities, or things they used to be able to ignore come to the surface, or they take intimacy for granted when it isnt. But they're also in a committed relationship with people they love even if its not a burning passion like it used to be. They stick around bc thats what commitment means. Sometimes when a relationship gets like that you hold on and hope that its just a passing phase, that the small annoyance will fade. But sometimes instead they build up and cause tension and then you have to decide to live in misery or work it out. I think thats where we see the pack now.
Namjoon and Jin both have significant insecurities about their place in the pack that stem from pride. Jin thinks pack alpha is his by right and Namjoon thinks he belongs at the top right behind Jin because he was the second alpha to be there, but both feel very threatened by Yoongi when he comes along (in a way they arent by tae bc hes babyboy) and deep down they never fully got over that. That tension has always remained and is exacerbated by the possible addition of a new pack member, on top of their issues over the past year.
Yoongi isnt insensitive to all of that. He knows how they must feel, but he's also never pushed dominance over them. He's the kind to just do the things that he thinks need to be done, taking care of the pack etc. even though he's not 'in charge' and as long as he does that he's good. But even after love did develop between them, Namjoon and Jin have always felt insecure about him bc Yoongi gives off that pack alpha energy. Not talking about it for a long time bc they thought they could ignore it is how they got here. I wouldn't go so far as to call it animosity. I think hurt and insecurities are difficult things for alphas to calmly express.
But you raise a good question because at this point, Yoongi and Jimin could walk away. And maybe with the issues you raise, that would be for the best. Is it a relationship worth saving? And if it is are they willing to put in the work?
I feel like i keep getting tugged this way and that by reader response. Which is my fault and why im not a huge fan of posting as I write. Sometimes i focus on their relationships and people say im not giving enough yn. Or i focus on the yn x pack relationships and im not giving enough of the boys. Idk i guess im still looking for the right balance, but i appreciate your feeback. I know its well intentioned and I'll keep it in mind. Sorry.
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malka-lisitsa · 1 year
Can you speak on writing a character you're unsure anyone will write with? I have a lot of work to put into my muse, but I'm anxious they won't be well liked.
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Hi nonnie! I absolutely can!
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First and foremost? You should be writing for YOU AND YOUR MUSE.
Those two things are the MOST important part of rping! You don't pick a muse (usually) For someone else you pick them bc you love them, you pick them for you! (picking up a muse for someone else is also valid but not the point of this particular ask.)
I will tell you that writing an OC/AU/ of muse that isnt particularly well liked can be hard to get interactions or visibility for- there are elitist corners of the rpc that just will not even look in an oc's direction unless they are perfectly canon compliant yadda yadda-
But youre not here for them, youre here for YOU AND YOUR MUSE!
The rpc is also full of people who would LOVE to rp with ANYONE!! A lot of positive people who will be happy to build you up and help you further develop your muse with you!
It might be hard getting them off the ground for sure, I had a LOT of trouble getting off the ground because of who I play- BUT do NOT GIVE UP. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. There are people who want to write with your muse! And not every person that doesnt want to means you or your muse are not "worthy"
Sometimes theres just no real good way to get two muses to interact without EXTENSIVE AU plotting. Thats no ones fault and thats ok! You AND your muse are MORE than worthy, and have every right to be here. You WILL find your partners to write with. Doesn't matter if its a small group or hundreds of followers. Whats important is the writing, and your muse. As long as you have both? Well then youve already accomplished your biggest goals! GO OUT THERE AND TRAUMATIZE THEM LIKE THE REST OF US DO <3
AND DONT BE AFRAID TO SHOOT YOUR SHOT. See a big name rper? Tumblr royalty? Follow them. Do it. If they dont follow back THATS OK! It's ok theyre not interested, and sometimes that has zero to even do the the character or writing! Some muns just need a very specific curation of their dash! THats not on you and thats ok!! but now you KNOW! You cant know unless you try and you might be REALLY surprised the people you can get a follow back from. Its like a rush of adrenalin to see someone you idolize follow back or even first!
But again, not getting a follow back has nothing to do with you or your muses worth. So if you dont get a follow back? Shrug it off! Keep following keep shooting your shot! Some of the most amazing writers I have the pleasure of knowing came from blogs that were not that well known.
But the most important part of this is dont. give. up. No matter how slow it is, keep going. Everyone starts somewhere, you'll find your group and I promise youll have some incredibly rewarding threads you never even dreamed of.
Who knows, in ten moths you could be tumblr royalty too, never know if you don't try.
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salaciousslut · 8 months
Maybe thats why you find me a little bit addicting<3 & i love things turning out in my favor bc the fact that youre an august virgo is a win🤭 i will say, i cannot fully beat the god complex allegations its a small need to be worshipped.
Cute<3 i'd be a fucking idiot if i never took advantage of you, its not even a question. I will say i dont think im a grear person bc if you start to cry i'll get wet, I like seeing someone realize they fucked up, I like seeing cute little toys like you realize i picked them to be my little victim<3 Youre so soft i wouldnt be able to help myself 🥺
You've no clue how much i wish i could see that video, ive only seen a little bit bc of an older pic and i just know its pretty. I need to make out with your pussy until youre crying from being so sensitive and begging me to stop. I've supposedly almost made someone squirt but they panicked bc they didnt want to make a mess in my room and i feel so disappointed in that (partly bc i think its bullshit). But maybe we can try to recreate that minus you stopping me 🥺 and i hope i can add to that log sometime<3 how many times have you added to your log so far, sweetheart?
God i could info dump to you about the play modes and how much i hate blizzard entertainment fucking boo i hate that company but i spent a lot of my teen years bonding with old friends on overwatch so i have a soft spot. And nooooo i dont want you to get motion sick i will avoid apex 🥺 im a bigger asshole on overwatch anyway 🤭
I hope to one day feel comfy enough to go into your dms, dunno if i'll tell you that its me out the gate tho. I might be a lil shy about it since im much more bold behind anon status 🫣
And i dont mind, to keep it simple i work at a hardware store. But the place isnt actually open and we're actually low key still building the shelving and stocking the store. Like my first week i was installing shelves, today i built some frames/bases for the shelving. Yesterday was a different story though for the last two hours i was hauling heavy shit from one side of our giant store to the other. Im still tired from that 😭
good morning my dear butch!! i hope u slept well! i slept okay but am still sooooo sleepy
hehe i love god complexes i love worshipping i love making sure people know their worth so true me, ill feed into that god complex
cute lil victim omg i love that 🥺 please i need it soooo bad
ive never squirted before but feel free to try as hard as u can! im sure my body will give in hehe!!! and my log has too many to count, im like average 1.3 times a day
booo we hate blizzad!!! but thats sooo fair, i wanna know the lore!!!
hehe i get it! take ur time! anon is there for a reason!!
omg thats sooo fun!! i love building things!! but come here and lemme give u a massage so u can relax
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everydaydg · 11 months
44. Pokemon Crystal (GBC, 2000)
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Huh! Didnt expect to get back into pokemon this year! Ive only played 3 games before tackling this one.
X, Sun and Ultra Moon.
I enjoyed them quite alot!
I was expecting something that was a little rough in some corners but was still enjoyable but to my surprise, it holds up really well!!
Im going to be fully transparent and just tell you to try it out if you want a fun RPG. Its great!!
So where do I begin!
Uhh. Johto is super fun to explore! They made it in such a way that going back to previous areas is quick and easy. Once you get the bike you can go zooming all over the region in little to no time!
Going back to previous towns to gather items, do daily events and fill the pokedex is not tedius at all!
It also makes exploring the region for secret goodies a whole lot of fun.
Johto has such a unique flavor compared to every other region in the series, its just a treat through and through!
even crazier is that they put the entirety of kanto as post game!! thats nuts! you get a whole new area to explore which will take you 18-30 hours to check ever corner of it and you get the WHOLE REGION OF THE PREVIOUS GAME
Pokemon Crystal provides so much content its impresive! I was always in awe at how they managed to fit such a big game into such a small cartridge!!
Especially considering the game has sprites for so many differnt types of pokemon- with animations!! This was the game that introduced the animated sprites!!
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(This was played on the 3DS virtual console release)
They look so nice!! the sprites are super charming in general! the upgrade to gameboy color makes the game a treat for the eyes, the spritework is just really really nice.
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I know im the thousanth person to suck off pokemon for being... pokemon. An international sensation but what can I say! its fun!
Alright combat... yeah its pokemon alright, its pretty basic working on a rock paper scizor weakness wheel... well like three wheels but you get the idea.
Its simple but engaging enough and you have some liberty in how you make your team with TMs... I say that but they are one use items here... that sucks ngl.
Actually I think thats a good place to start with a couple of areas the game could be better.
To start, walking. The areas are small enough so walking isnt bad, the speed is manageable but it might test the patience of some players.
It takes a solid bit to get the bicycle (jeez idk if I want to play red and blue knowing theres no bike)
Again, one use TMs.
why. The only thing that acomplishes is limit how the player can build their team greatly.
VERY easy to miss things. You can miss the radio chip and map chip easly (I was REALLY CLOSE to missing them), exploration would be way more annoying without the map
Those are some of the mayor complains I have, other than that... yeah I dont have alot that I hate! its a lovely time.
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kewltie · 1 year
when i write something i tend to have a goal, or actually a specific moment or scene, i aim toward. for this specific scene in stepdad au i had this image of izuku surrounded by his sleeping children and talking about how he wants to protect his kids from becoming like their villainous sire so that they dont walk the same path as him. it was very clear in my head and i knew what i wanted but i have to build to get there.
i like nontraditional family unit as someone who grew up with both parents, divorced, and then raised by a single mother i have a lot of respect for the nontraditional family unit!! stepdad au is one of part of many of AUs that centered around that lol. i like that katsuki who literally been a bachelor most of his life suddenly stumbled his way into like a family and now he's juggling parenthood to these small tyrants and HE'S TRYING HIS BEST.
i think i talked about this before how im not a big fan of kidfics bc they dont really have much of personality and that they're more used as a tool to get the couple together rather their own char arc so for me it was really important that each of the numbers had a very distinct characteristics that you can pick them apart among the crowd. i wanted each kid bounce off e/o bc hey they're siblings should act like ones and have a storyline outside of bkdk's love story. so theres a lot of focus on the kids as much as bkdk's storyline bc izuku (and now katsuki also) world revolves around them. izuku put away his mate/husband to SAVE HIS KIDS!!
heroes comes in all shapes and sizes and not all heroes wear cape, ya know the quote but it's exactly what it is here. izuku's path didn't lead to ofa and becoming a hero but in his own way, even tho it seemingly small in the grand scheme of things, he put everything on the line to get his kids away from their villainous sire so they wont fall on the same dark path as him. he has no quirk and didnt have support from anyone for a long time but he planned this for many years just to finally put his husband away like idk that's fucking stone cold. izuku hid his true intentions and acted the part of the good spouse, the good omega, and kept producing kids and raising them for his mate but he was actually masterminding a plan to bring his husband down and escape with his kids like HE DID THAT!!! ON HIS OWN!!! how could ppl not admire that audacity, that fucking bravery????
even tho izuku did all that, he feels like it wasnt enough bc how long it took the plan to took shape like izuku didn't just come with this plan in a day and execute it within the same week or months. HE PLANNED THIS FOR YEARS AND YEARS and finally he got enough tools in his arsenal to pulled it off (evidences and waiting for his children to be old enough to carry it out). thats pretty badass but izuk doesnt see it that, its the duty of the parents to protect their kids and izuku think he's just doing what he must!!! but even then he wishes he didnt have to wait that long to carry them away from the abuse of their sires but for his plan to work he had to stay lowkey, underestimated, and the good spouse/omega so he had to watched his children suffered but he cant do much against it. it's a hard thing to watch and endure and izuku will always regret how he couldnt do much for them and i think even tho he managed to save his kids and put away his husband, it always live in him how he could HAVE DONE MORE (even tho unlikely). so when katsuki says something about thinking he's doing just fine in his eyes, it's someone ELSE not him that tell him hey, you're not such a terrible parent and izuku's guilt lessen just a lil.
izuku isnt the perfect parent but he's trying and katsuki definitely isnt made for parenting either but he's learning AND TOGETHER they're learning to be what the numbers need and this journey is what tied them together and fall in love even tho katsuki is like half way there already but god, izuku showing him that even with no quirks, izuku can do crazy shits for his children!!!!!!
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fishfactsfriday · 2 years
A quick little talk before we get into the really niche wacky stuff, lets make the distinction of poison and venom.
Don't worry this is going somewhere.
Poison is passive and is transferred through ingestion or absorption, usually through contact (think poison dart frogs who’s poison lies in their skin). Venom on the other hand must be actively injected (think spiders and snakes).
But for your present we are talking about the goopy go getters of the ocean, jelly(not)fish
for those who dont know (which is probably everyone who sees this) the way jellies sting you is through a kind of cell called a cnidoblast or cnidocyte. they work a lot like a pressurized harpoon that launches on contact into prey or in self defense.
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this isnt just limited to jellies by the way, they are made up of all creatures in the Cnidaria phylum (like sea anemones and corals), whos defining characteristic is having these cnidoblasts.
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Now its not time for any old jello, we are going specific today as a little extra treat. But before we do that I got to tease you a little more, no i'm not cock blocking you its called building suspense.
first we have to talk about a little ol thing thats used for testing the level of toxicity. The LD50 system. This stands for Lethal Dose 50, which means that the number next to it will be the amount that it takes to kill half (aka 50%) of the test animals it was used on. It usually is represented by the amount of venom, poison, or other chemical given for every 100 grams to 1 kilogram of the test animals bodyweight.
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Now I do want to make something clear, this is good for a baseline of how strong something might be but the test animals are usually small mammals like rats, rabbits, hamsters, ya know? So it doesn’t mean that it would have the same response on a human.
Lets play a little game because I’m feeling silly. I’m going to give you a the LD50 amount of a coral snake and I want you to guess if it is higher or lower than the secret creature that we are going to talk about.
The LD50 of a coral snake is 1.3. High or low?
The LD50 of this creature is 0.04. yeah thats pretty potent. Way more potent. And our final unlockable character is……. The box jellyfish! It also has an apt nickname as the Sea Wasp.
With up to 15 tentacles growing from each corner of the jelly’s bell (or ‘body’, head maybe?) and each single tentacle being able to reach a possible 10 feet or 3 meters in length the box jellyfish wastes nothing in being as deadly and painful and strange as it can be.
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Box jellyfish venom is damaging to not only the heart and nervous system but it is also dermonecrotic. Dermo meaning skin and necrotic meaning dead. Dead skin. This means the venom is capable of killing skin cells and underlying tissue which can cause the skin to go black and die while still attached and will result in potential permanent scarring. Most people who get stung at sea actually go into shock or die of heart failure before they even end up reaching the shore.
They can have up to 24 eyes, some of them with corneas and retinas, which allows them to not only detect light, but also see and circumnavigate objects to avoid collisions.
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"Box jellyfish leveled up to eyes that are much like our own eyes, complete with a retina, cornea and a lens. The box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora, has 4 rhopalia, within each of which lie 6 eyes, making a total of 24 eyes! Out of the 6 eyes, two—the upper and the lower lens eyes—have complex structures like our own, while the other 4 are more primitive."" the more detailed [sight] of the box jellyfish, is due to opsins, proteins that can detect light. These opsins are similar to the opsins that allow humans to see the world around them. When light hits these opsins, a series of complex biochemical changes occurs that finally leads to the activation of neurons, which allow the jellyfish to respond appropriately to the light stimulus."
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December 25, 20221
Sources lost
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grat10grottenblog · 2 years
Aseprite Export to Live2D Cubism (Old)
Short Tutorial on how i export from Aseprite and import it into Live2D Cubism!
Note: This way works fine for Inochi2D too!
Note²: This Tutorial is Outdated and may not be up to my standards anymore
This is basicly a short Tutorial on how to export and import a pixelart Live2D Model. this is somewhat close to what this tutorial i made a long ago goes over. but this focuses on only exporting... hope you find it somewhat useful :>
Tutorials on Steam
How to build up your Pixel-Live2D-Model
How to Export a Pixel-Live2D-Model from Aseprite to Live2D Cubism
How to Rig a Live2D Pixel-Model
Tutorials on Newgrounds
How to build up your Pixel-Live2D-Model
How to Export a Pixel-Live2D-Model from Aseprite to Live2D Cubism
How to Rig a Live2D Pixel-Model
Quick Before we start, we need to be sure you have everything needed!
First and formost you need a copy of Aseprite
Then you also need the "Export as PSD script" for Aseprite by Tsukina-7mochi on Github!
You also need a Copy of Gimp (its free dw)
And of course a Copy of Live2D Cubism (has free trail)
First and formost make a pixelart Model ready for export, this sounds a lot harder then it actually is. just follow any Live2D model Tutorial on how to seperate layers, it should look something like this when done -v-
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Heres how my layers looked before Exporting!
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And here is how my Model looked before exporting!
Now that the model is ready and done we should start preparing for exporting!
REMEMBER TO BACK UP YOUR FILE (the next parts can crash Aseprite)
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First thing we need to do is Resize the model sence Live2D doesnt really handle models at pixel level i dont think :/
Just move over to your [Sprite] Bar and mouse over and click on "Sprite Size..."
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Then this menu should open up, if the Lock Ratio isnt ticked off already then do that. now resize the model by a large amount.
i normally export mine by 5000% you can use % instead of pixels in the lower bars... (The model was orginally 55 x 110)
if you by mistake resize and save over your model, you can also do math to crush it back to its original size through the size menu aswell
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Then after the resizing is done, we can start exporting, this is where we use the "Export as Psd" script you needed to install in the Intro.
Mouse over your files Tab then over your Scripts Tab and then click on "Export as Psd".
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This Menu Opens up, you can click on the file name to decide where to place the file (thats a good idea to control if it exports correctly first of all :>)
then when you click export you should see Aseprite Crawl to a halt because you just set a 5000x5000 pixelfile to export with a script ment to handle small pixels like 100x100, this freezes the Aseprite. BUT DONT CLOSE IT. just leave it
go take a walk or something else for about 30mins or more (Time can take like 5-30ish) for an export, so just go do something else. :>
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And when you come back something like this will probably be here! now its fully exported out into a .Psd file, but a catch. its *Broken* Oh nooooo Right? nope, we can fix it (its broken in a way making it not able to import into live2D Cubism yet...)
Open the file up with Gimp!
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Just select the file and make it open with Gimp ether way is fine -v-
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Then it should open up.. with an Error Oh no oh god! nope still not a problem just click ok
we just need to use Gimps inbuilt .Psd Exporter because that works!
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so just go and export it and make it replace the Old psd, because its broken and not good for anything anyways
Now you basicly have a working .Psd. that you can just Drag over Live2D Cubism! :>
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And after that the model is now safe and sound in the Live2D Cubism Editor, Now you can start Rigging you new Model and impress all you friends! :>
But i also have some Refrences for you soon to be Pixelmodel rigger!
Old Tutorial on Pixelmodel Exporting and Rigging by Me
Live2D paralax effect X axis by @poribakete137
i also have made Vods/Recordings of me making my Models if you would like to look over my shoulder while i make one of these!
Drawing the Grat-Grot-10-Berg Model (The One Shown)
Rigging The Grat-Grot-10-Berg Model (The One Shown also)
My Live2D Rigging/Drawing Playlist about 10 Vods so far!
But thats about it! i wish you the best of luck on making your own model now, and i hope it looks fantastic! and if you wanna show you cuz i'd love to see lol, you can find me on twitter @GratGrottenberg dont fear to dm me :>
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BYE BYE!!! :>
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
⚠️ 🦦 anon super long rant incoming ⚠️
hi so yknow how i said i had a feeling the whole traveling on my own thing was going to be a disaster . i was right🧍
for some background: i had to go to the other side of my country for school reasons n take some tests . said tests r easy asf n i completed them early . n the school wouldn't let me go until the overall time was up . which means i spent 3 n a half hours doing absolutely nothing in a classroom so cold that i was SHAKING even tho i was wearing a hoodie and a heavy jacket that makes me look like the michelin man n the tips of my fingers turned blue/purple . the time was supposed to be up at 5pm . then they said 5:30pm . then 6 , they let us go out of the building but wouldn't open the gate bc we were only allowed to leave at 6:30 ? n the school said they couldn't let us go early bc if smth happened to us it was their legal responsibility (mind u , thats NOT true bc that only works for minors n all of us r over 18) . i got to the place im staying at , the owner said the heating wasn't working (it was like 10°C outside n it went down to like 5 tonight), we tried fixing it but it just wouldn't work n he said he was going to replace it today , so i had to sleep in the coldest room ever . the school sent a text saying that we wouldn't have to go today bc the weather is like bad like rain wind n everything . the cafe i was supposed to have breakfast at was flooded so i couldn't go there . the only other cafe near me was also closed for the same exact reason , but i didn't know that so i walked to it n now my pants n shoes r drenched . this is a small ass town in the middle of the mountains so there's no other place i can go to bc everything is closed . thankfully the owner of the place im staying at said hes going to buy me some stuff so i can have lunch n dinner . also yesterday before all of this at the airport i drank the worst orange juice to ever exist it was downright revolting .
sorry this is a lot but GOD will the universe ever give me a break from this misery -🦦
Why do the schools always have this overbearing sense of saviour complexes whenever they take you on a trip or sum like you are Mot superman get you shit together???? Isnt keeping legal adults locked somewhere by force illegal????? It should be if its not what the fuck
Winters are so special. All the holiday charm and the negative weather thT fucks everything up. What else could be better than this😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👍🏼👍🏼
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alilsakurablossom · 3 years
Over the past few days i've been binging the britcom show taskmaster where 5 comedians (per season) battle it out by doing tasks (created by Alex Horne and judged by Greg Davies) to win a golden trophy of Greg Davies head and I thought "hey I really like this show and I wonder what the dead poets would be like on it" so I made a few of my headcanons on it (I might add to this later)
The dead poets on taskmaster!!:
Neil Perry
-gives every task his all
-"hello Alex!!" (Polite interactions with Alex every time)
-very excited to be there, and gets excited whenever he is awarded with 5 points
-if he and todd are on the show together he tries to somewhat persuade Greg to give todd bonus points
-excells at the more creative tasks
-is iffy at the more stragetic physics tasks
-would be with charlie and todd for team tasks
-wears some sort of artist clothes in the tasks and turtlenecks
Todd anderson
-Greg scares him (I mean who could blame him the man is literally 6'8)
-only agreed to go on the show because neil was
-does surprisingly well in most tasks (however charlotte ritchie’s most tasks)
-gets embarrassed super easily after he realises something he could have done to get more points
-gets stressed over the time tasks and tends to overthink the things thats said on the task also over thinks the prize tasks
-wears his normal blue sweater during the tasks
Steven meeks
-isnt the best at the art tasks but he tries
-likes Alex more than Greg and talks to the crew a lot
-wears some sort of scientist lab coat during Tasks
-manages to become 3rd in the show overall (wins at least 2 shows tho)
-he and Pitts if on the same season are the duo team and always work so well together
-has the taskmaster book
-always checks the backs of the task letters to see if there are any clues
Gerard pitts
-brings in the best prizes(most likely they are some sort of food based thing)
-wears some sort of jumpsuit (imagine noel Fielding's jumpsuit from season 4) during the tasks
-*sprints to the shed*
-is good at building things to help with tasks
-there for the laughs, big fan of the show and he relates to Greg whenever he says he doesn't like small things because nothing fits him.
-likes the creative tasks most likes memory tasks the least
-he and Meeks are the dream team
-would eat any food there was in the task
-Bros with Alex and greg
Charlie dalton
-comedy king makes everyone laugh constantly
-doesn't like most of the tasks rules
-is the one that gets disqualified the most
-brings in joke prizes for the prize tasks
-"do you have a kn1f3?" "Slightly threatening" "for the task you dumbie"
-surprisingly quick thinking
-wears a beree and pale blue suit for the tasks
-him and neil have a lil bromance + hold onto each-other a lot whilst he and Cameron have a competing rivalry
-artistic *sparkle*
-comes up with lots of new catchphrases
-excells in the musical tasks
-"your time starts- nooooooooooooooooo9ooooooow."
Richard Cameron
-over thinks every task to the point he always runs out of time
-tries to bargain for extra points ("awe come you gave charlie *insert how many points here* I deserve at least a bonus point for *blah blah blah*")
-the one that Greg teases the most because of how his prizes are very 'predictable' normally gets one or two points with them ("no Richard I dont think a lawn mover is more impressive than a signed photo from the Beatles" etc)
-doesn't see the point of wearing some fancy outfit for the tasks, he wears a sort of fleece and jeans combo
- would most likely be with Meeks and Pitts on team tasks
-like todd he is quite intimidated by greg
-makes some genuinely good jokes but then Greg says how he doesn't like puns etc
"Morning, Alex!"
Knox overstreet
-gets the most flustered over tasks and rushes around a lot
-tries to do the most complicated things but fails so he just starts chucking stuff etc
-like cam and todd is intimdatsd by Greg
-wears some sort of baggy T-shirt and greens for the team tasks
-gets pity points
-he and charlie are a dream duo
-"omg! I was going to do that!!"
Mr keating
-"Its all about perspective"
-for the prize tasks he thinks really outside the box often gets 3-4 points for doing so
-would be put on todd and neil's team
-'aggressively' supportive of the other players but is definitely a dark horse
-would be wearing a courdoy suit
-puts his all into the tasks
-agreed to the show because carpe diem
-reads out the tasks as if he is reading out a dramatic monologue
-keeps the tasks wax seals to use for his own wax seal stamp
Chris noel
-competive but super nice
-most likely with either Charlie and Knox or Meeks and pitts for the team tasks
-nails the memory tasks and the physical exercise tasks
-also gets flustered by a few of the tasks and runs around to the shed if needed before she gets her ideas
-"presentation is important "
-"well Greg today ive brought in the most annoying thing" *shows a photo of Knox's face*
-"heya hun" Alex:"hey Chris"
-somehow manages to get lots of points in the creative tasks(she doesn't know but she does)
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mitts2002 · 3 years
Aight’ Bet
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys!! This is a noritoshi kamo x reader where the nori and (Y/N) need a little push from their wonderful Gojo sensei to finally confess~
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"Dont you think (Y/N) and noritoshi would make the cutest couple!?" Gojo screamed over the phone to Utahime who sighed in response.
"I can't help but disagree Gojo, Noritoshi doesn't seem ready for a relationship plus is the only reason you rang me really to discuss our students non existent love lives?" Utahime retorted knowing that the couple would in fact be adorable yet refusing to accept that Gojo could actually be right about something.
"No Utahime! I bet if them two were able to spend a few hours together the tension would build up so high that one of them would burst and BAM a couple would be born" the blue eyed male replied, the volume of his voice increasing with each word trying to convince her that they were the highschool sweethearts the jujustu world needed.
“How could you even say that!? I get that its cute whenever they glance at each other and shy away with cute little blushing cheeks but i bet it would take more than a few hours for a whole relationship to-” “OH you bet“ Gojo interrupted an obvious smirk on his face knowing Utahime wouldn’t back down from his advances.
“you know what i meant idiot i wasn’t actually trying to make a bet with you especially after what happened last time” the black haired woman scoffed after hearing a chuckle through the phone.
“Aight’ bet! tomorrow ill bring my second years to kyoto for some training and then lets see if something happens between our precious students“ Gojo proposed excitedly as if he were a child in a sweet shop.
“you know what fine! and im only agreeing cause i know nothings gonna happen tomorrow between them i mean noritoshi is too stiff and (Y/N) always backs out last minute” utahime exclaimed not wanting to prove Gojo right. “GREAT! if i win then you will have to be my slave for 2 whole days and if you win ill be your-” “wait i never agreed to that!” “see ya tomorrow then!” Gojo had quickly rushed his farewells before hanging up relieved he avoided Utahime’s lecture.
"Alright class!" Gojo sensei yelled excitingly as he burst through the doors. This overgrown man child always had something new, it could never be a regular class where his students actually learn then were let out for a break. No Gojo Satorou had to be the most extra male on this earth and for the first time ever it worked in his second year student (Y/N)'s favour.
"What it is now?" Maki groaned with an annoyed expression on her face. No one could blame her though after all the blindfolded man put his beloved students through. "Don't be so sour maki! Be like me a sweet little mochi~ Oh and before I forget I wanted to let you all know that we will meeting with our lovely sister school for some training. Isnt that great!?" Gojo sensei had announced clapping his hands and smiling brightly.
'I wonder if training is all this is' (Y/N) thought to herself realising how sus this situation was before speaking out "wait Gojo sensei weren't we meant to learn a super secret technique today? You said that you were gonna show it us yesterday and that nothing could stop you" (Y/N) questioned as Inumaki gave a little "shake" for support.
"Well my dear (Y/N) something VERY important has come up and we must go to kyoto immediately. You have no right to deny and we will be leaving in 30 minutes so go grab whatever you kids need" Gojo sensei had practically sung before skipping out the door. What an odd man everyone collectively thought before getting up to grab whatever they needed.
30 minutes has passed and in that time panda had gathered his and maki's weapons while you and toge stocked up on cough medicine and basic medical equipment. The journey was short since Gojo had practically teleported you all there and all that was left was to approach the students.
A few figures from the distance were slowly coming into view and (Y/N) could vaguely make out that only utahime, miwa, mai, momo and noritoshi had attended this last minute joint training.
Despite the others reaching and gathering around your small group of second years giving their greetings the only thing your eyes could focus on was noritoshi’s thick black hair as it gently swayed in the breeze. Honestly it was as if the man was in a L'Oréal advert or something.
"(Y/N) stop staring we all know you both have this weird thing going on but we're here to train not flirt dumbass" Maki had whispered into your ear but little did she know that you were in fact here to flirt and not train due to a certain bet between two teachers.
“alright kids listen up! me and the wonderful Utahime sensei have set up this last minute training as its always good to train with new people and techniques. Everyone will be working in pairs“ Gojo announced before Utahime continued.
“The teams we decided on today will be Maki and Miwa, Momo and Imumaki, Panda and Mai then (Y/N) and Noritoshi. Eveyones free to do whatever they want in their sparring matches just don’t severely injure each other, me and Gojo will be watching over the matches and determine the winners“ Utahime informed all the students before they scurried off to in different spaced out areas.
"So Noritoshi how are you? Its been a while since we've last seen eachother" (Y/N) said trying not to let her nervousness show.
"I'm alright just studying and training to be honest. Although I recently started to practice cursive and can even write my own name now" he responded with pride and a small nice.
You laughed causing Noritoshi to cock his head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with cursive?" His deep voice asked with clear offense.
"No no it's just that's so freaking cute and you look so happy about it too" (Y/N) teased with more laughter and ruffled his hair
"Oi don't touch my hair do you know how long it takes to do these wrap bang things?"
"Well how would I know I've never done them nori"
"Well one day I could teach you if you'd like" Noritoshi offered looking to the side trying to hide his red cheeks.
"Aww I'd love that I'm awful at doing hair to be honest so learning some new styles would be great but first we gotta get this dumb sparring match over and done with" (Y/N) moaned as she got into position.
An hour had flew by and the students were taking a break from their matches happily chatting away while the teachers spoke in private about their progress. “come on look at the way they look at eachother OH (Y/N) touched his shoulder SHES FLIRTIN-” “GOJO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SO DAMN LOUD” “sorry but loooook they in love” Gojo cried out with fake tears in his cerulean eyes
“Alright lets just observe look theyre going to the vending machine to get some drinks like FRIENDS DO“ Utahime emphasised on the friends worried she might lose and become this awful mans slave for 2 days.
“Nori im gonna go get a drink from the vending machine do you want one?” “Actually ill just come with you if you dont mind” “OH sure thats fine does anyone else want anything!?” (Y/N) yelled to the whole group receiving a choir of get me this please or get me that and the single tuna mayo.
The walk to the vending machine was quiet but a comfortable silence had fallen upon the pair. It was always like this when you were around Noritoshi Kamo. Peaceful. She didnt feel the need to go the extra mile to entertain him or ensure he wasn’t bored in your presence as your playful banter and sarcastic remarks towards one another was enough for the both of you. 
“(Y/N) is it me or have Gojo and Utahime sensei been staring at us more than the others?“ Noritoshi questioned unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. “Um i’m not too sure i havent been really paying attention to anything other than yo-“ Embarrasment washed over (Y/N) as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Is that so?“ Nori smirked slightly as you swore you could drop dead right here in this moment. “No i just meant that” “Meant what?“ Noritoshi interrupted leaning closer as you fumbled through your words
“OH LOOK the vending machine is right there better get those drinks“ You quickly said and scrambled away before Noritoshi could get any closer.
“SEE Nori was too intimidating and (Y/N) ran off despite clearly wanting him! its never gonna happen today“ Utahime whispered to Gojo benhind the bushes as he shook his head. “Trust me i have faith in my wonderful (Y/N) I AINT RAISED NO BITCH“ He exclaimed in response while Utahime facepalmed.
The two young adults had collected all the drinks they needed and were ready to walk back to the group. ‘come on (Y/N) you’ve liked this man forever now and everyone knows he must like you back ITS NOW OR NEVER HOE’ (Y/N) screamed words of encouragement to herself before grabbing Noritoshi’s sleeve.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” “I have something ive been meaning to tell you Nori, I um like you a lot and i’d like to take you out if you dont mind” (Y/N) had practically yelled at the poor boy because of her stupid nerves and adrenaline.
The silence was broken by an angelic laughter coming from none other than Noritoshi Kamo. “Well i would’ve liked to be the one to take you out but i guess sometimes its alright for traditions and stereotypes to be broken by the younger generation” Nori responded as he walked closer to (Y/N) wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a sweet kiss. The kiss was messy and clearly new to the both but filled with much love and passion that was finally being expressed by the pair.
As their lips eventually pulled away never wanting this to end, heavy breaths filled the air and cheeks flushed but all that was interrupted by a white haired male clapping in the background screaming “YES I WIN” while the other teacher crouched to the ground tears in her eyes.
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miyabau · 2 years
Tips for character design? I really like how your OCs look and I'm curious as to what your train of thoughts are when working on them!
hi! hmm design is something that can be very subjective... the things i find pleasing might not be for another person! in saying that ill try to think of some tips.
1. you can get insp from anywhere! a lot of artists design based off objects, scenery, etc. theres a lot of fun funky shapes you can find out there in the world! ex. a flower becomes the shape of a dress, the colour of a bird becomes the colour of hair, etc. moodboards are so helpful if you have a certain 'feel' in mind that you want to capture.
2. repeating motifs + colours does wonders to balance out a design, even if its just a small addition. ex. a red beret and a red belt in an all black outfit works better together than alone. gold trim, of course, always helps to make something look fancier...
3. a good sense of design can take years to cultivate... its good to study patterns or clothes you like and see what you can integrate within your own work! dont be afraid to pull from various sources & tweak them to suit your needs. ex. belts going over jackets, boots with the fur (with the fur), a flower instead of a mole.
4. if something isnt working, bin it! you dont have to force yourself to like your original idea. i work with moodboards and often have a solid concept before i work - but put into practice it ends up less exciting than i imagined! its not a defeat to scrap your original idea and rework it into something you like better another day.
5. i like to buy/trade for adopts (designs made by other people) and rework them to better suit my tastes (when permissable of course). i got my start making gijinkas for my neopets so for me it's really fun to build on previous designs & work within those constraints! also sometimes people have better ideas than you and thats okay lol if 'the grass is always greener' and he's selling, why not buy your neighbours lawn and plant your favourite flowers there?
i wonder if these are too general LOL i can't think of any tips that are specific to me, personally, but i hope this helps! (:
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