#its about learning how it works and whether your fear is founded or not
1spooky-dad · 2 years
Of the firm belief that of course there's no shame in having a phobia, but there is shame in those who do not find issue with not working away from said phobia.
If you're arachnophobic, i understand, i get it, but if you think you can go through life without experiencing A Spider you're sorely mistaken. So you should take measures to be sure that you can perform as well as possible when facing your phobia.
I have a phobia of adult praying mantises and have long since hated that i found them so disturbing for seemingly no reason, since i knew they're great for natural pest control. Due to the kind of person i am, i recently was given a hatching egg sack of... So. So many praying mantises. I had the chance to say no to it. I took the initiative to work on myself and raise them in hopes it would help my phobia.
I'm not saying everyone who has a snake phobia should go pick up a snake and befriend it, or those with phobias of heights need to go skydiving. But a phobia is a condition, and should be something you work on. It's an explanation of your behavior, but not an excuse. A phobia is a chance to learn how to better understand the world you live in, not shut it out.
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lovewitchtarot · 5 months
general tarot reading
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this is a very random reading there's no rhyme or reason to it its just what came up for me when I pulled cards for all the piles some of it is love and relationships and some of it is work and school
Disclaimer: This is a collective reading; take what resonates, leave what doesn't. Never use tarot readings for medical or legal advice, and for the sake of legality, don't act on anything that could potentially hurt you or others because of a tarot reading. Don't take this reading or any others too seriously. Remember, this is for the collective, not just one person.
Pile one
Don't be afraid to embrace who you are; do what makes you happy without fear of what other people may think or say. Engage in hobbies and things that really make you happy. Now would be a good time to explore your shadow self as well, do shadow work, and dig deep into who you are as a person. Self-acceptance is really important for you. Now would be a good time to channel your creativity into a new hobby or project. Try new things with the thought of progress and self-exploration instead of fear of failure. Try to be more fact-based, although it can be hard to get out of your head. Remember to think logically and take other people's thoughts and feelings into perspective before you act or make a decision. Don't think so quickly; take time to understand before you do things. Be kind to yourself; don't let life knock you down. Even when times get tough, remember to be kind to your heart and your soul. Nourish yourself with self-care and self-love. If you are having a hard time in love, remember the saying “don't chase butterflies; instead, build a beautiful garden and wait for the butterflies to come to you. If the butterflies don't come, then you still have a beautiful garden.” Self-love and self-improvement are so important. Even if you aren't going through anything tough, remember to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness. It is time to take a journey that could be school- or work-based, but you are ready for a big change—a positive one. Be prepared to receive a spiritual gift. This gift is going to be vast and incredible. You are going to gain great success and wisdom, or you may already have it, but with this success and wisdom, you are going to become a great leader. You are about to come into a very memorable and incredible time in your life. I'm seeing a new school, maybe college, or a new job. This is the time of your life to make memories and just “go for it." . I'm hearing “you only live once” to describe this energy. You also need to accept the past; you need to learn to trust again; and you need to let go of this stagnant energy. Also, remember that it's okay to make mistakes; it's how we learn, so don't hold onto your past mistakes. Don't forget to balance your professional life and your personal life; keep them separate and balanced. Don't forget to use your intuition. Don't be afraid to live your truth as yourself and wear it with pride. I see a counterpart coming into your life; this could be a friend or a spouse. This person could already be in your life, but this is a divine counterpart. You two are harmonious together, and you have or will have a beautiful relationship, whether it is platonic or romantic. 
Pile two
You are a very talented person. You may not have found your talent, but once you do, you can expect to be able to make a career from it. The career you end up pursuing will be very fun for you, and you'll love work. If you are currently working and you don't feel this way, then don't expect this to be your permanent job. There is about to be a choice or decision that sets a lot of change into motion. This is a positive change that you will greatly benefit from. Again,  this could be a new job throughout this change. Be flexible and go with what life brings, as it's inevitable to fight. Don't be afraid to direct it, though you still have control in many aspects. I see you standing up, maybe for your beliefs or rights. I see you fighting for what's right. I see you stepping into your spirituality; you are a naturally spiritual persona, and I see you learning to channel it into your practices. You may just be starting out on your spiritual journey, or you may have been on it for a while, and you're just now getting ready to level up. Remember to balance spirituality with your everyday life. Stay grounded and don't live in your third-eye energy so much. Remember to stay spiritually protected and cleansed; physically cleansing your space is a great way to invite positive energy in and expel negative energy from your life. If you're going through a slump, try to clean your space both physically and spiritually. Also, indulge in self-care, replenish your soul, and see how things positively change around you. It's time to step into your healing energy and take time to heal from the inside out. Eat more warm foods, as comfort is really being prioritized right now, but don't only feed your body; also feed your soul. Someone is currently thinking of you as a friend, but I see more of a love interest, and I see that this particular relationship is about to level up significantly. Don't neglect your friendships with your partner. Remember that all of your relationships, romantic and platonic, are equally important, so make time for friends and family as well. Be on the lookout for manifestations, as they are about to appear in front of you. This could be a manifestation that has been long in progress, so be prepared for that. There are going to be temptations in your path, but stay focused and patient, as the right outcome for you will soon appear and you will be triumphant. You are really stepping into your spirituality, and it is going to do great things for you. I'm seeing a romantic partner coming, though. Try to pamper yourself, even if you find it hard; it is extremely important. 
pile three
You are going to be traveling soon and setting out on new adventures. You are going to have a completely fresh start as well. This could mean that you are moving or just going on a trip. I see you studying abroad as well. Cycles are going to come to an end. This could also mean graduating either from school or a work position (moving up in the company or to an entirely new job). You will be making a new romantic connection or strengthening an old one. This person is very romantic and sensual. This relationship is going to be or is absolutely wonderful and fulfilling. However, don't overly push things; they will happen when the time comes, and make sure each person is putting in equal amounts of effort and contributing their share. Overcome any fears you may have, as they are holding you back from your full potential. Trust your intuition when it comes to finding out the truth about situations and other people. Don't be afraid to dig deep into things to learn the full truth about them. Keep up your spirits if things go wrong. Don't turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms; ground yourself and try yoga or meditation. You are soon to be recognized for your hard work; this could also include receiving a reward. Remain faithful and loyal to your friends and other relationships, as it is very important. If you need support and encouragement, don't be afraid to seek it out, but also don't be scared to give it in return, as it is the best gift to give someone. Make sure to stay protected both spiritually and physically, but mainly physically. If you end up traveling, be sure to be safe on your adventures. Now would be a good time to dive into your creative side and try different types of art, as I can see you really benefiting from it. Mass abundance is coming your way. This could be physical things or it could be more sentimental things, such as friends or memories. Don't be scared to speak up for what's right. I can see you stepping into a motherly energy that can apply to anyone, whether you want kids or not. You can be motherly to your plants or animals, even just your friends and family.
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So you like my ideas, huh? Well, I hope I can continue to create some good ones for you! I shall try my best 🫡
Oh! I do have one request in mind, how about Percy being paired with reader who’s the child of Athena? Yes, yes, I know an amazing half-blood known as Annabeth exists but I had something in mind.
We all know how children of Athena are seen as wise, intellectual, clever, and combative people but what if the reader was different than that? There’s several types of intelligence after all, so what if they specialized in emotional intelligence and craft?
I can see them being insecure of their “abilities” since they know their siblings can do better, and even fear that Athena herself is disappointed in them, but, while Percy thought it was strange at first, he soon found himself enjoying those traits.
I mean, with their emotional intelligence, the reader knows when he’s upset no matter how hard he tries to hide it, and they tend to give him gifts like Melinoe!reader. They’re probably usually architectural models, weavings, mini sculptures of what he enjoys… You know all that good stuff. They probably gifted him something as something to remember them by when he went on a quest… but I’ll leave that up to you.
Combat practice to bond/as dates 👀?
Also, I’m not sure if you saw, but I like long headcanons so stop apologizing and keep it up!/lh
Poor all of your thoughts into it if you have to or want, I like it!
Percy with a Child of Athena!Reader
I literally LOVE these detailed asks UGGHHH!! I love the idea of instead having a different form of intelligence as a child of athena like damn😍 I'm getting used to brain dumping on these, its a work in progress🙈
Sorry for answering so late😭
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Lowkey this reader sticks out like a sore thumb amongst their siblings😭
I like to think that most Athena kids are usually on the more serious sides, so it surprises a lot of campers outside of the Athena cabin to see Reader extremely expressive!
While the other Athena children spend their time devising tactical plans for big camp games, reader is just on the side doodling architectural designs and whatnot
They aren’t as involved in what their siblings do because it doesn’t interest them much
Like whenever they try and ask for readers opinions and start using big ass words, they just smile and nod cuz they had no idea what the others were saying
Athena's children are extremely intelligent so its difficult for reader to be on the same wave length as their siblings
It lowkey makes them feel like an outcast in their cabin because they cant really connect with their siblings like they do with each other while they talk about subjects beyond reader’s comprehension
Constantly being surrounded by books, scrolls and maps full of knowledge, reader often beats themselves over not being able to comprehend and show interest in wanting to learn about these types of things
They’re led to believing that they are a defect amongst their mothers children (crying)
They are always surrounded by reminders of their own inabilities to match their sibling’s intelligence which is why they spend little time in the Athena cabin, and even littler time with their siblings
Readers only saving grace is that they are always in tune with peoples emotions and feelings, no matter how well or little they know the people around them
Whether its feelings of anxiousness, sadness, quiet anger, or happiness, reader always seems to know how a person is feeling!
The first time Percy meets reader is when he spots them at the crafting hut
Being one of his first activities in the beginning of the day, he notices how reader is always there before anyone else
Percy probably thought you were apart of the Hephaestus cabin or something like that with how many times he’s seen you sculpting and carving away at a new project every other day
So he’s surprised when you reveal that you’re actually a child of Athena
He would definitely notice how you distance yourself from your siblings, especially during breakfast, lunch and dinner
He’s good friends with Annabeth so he sees the differences between you, her and your siblings
While she and her siblings are more closed off and have their noses stuck up a new book everyday, your always seen drawing or weaving a new tapestry for your cabin
You show your emotions more openly compared to their more dismissive nature as well!
He definitely sees you as the 'social butterfly' of the Athena cabin
The more time he spends with reader though, he notices just how in tune they are with his feelings
He could give the smallest, most insignificant indication that he's had a bad day and you'd be able to read him like an open book
It's easy talking to you about his conflicting emotions, your patience and thoughtful expression gives him more confidence to just let everything out
I think he would definitely fall for how empathetic you are in many situations
You've made many friends with campers from different cabins because of this quality trait! Always learning and understanding a situation/conflict that arises, you're always able to resolve the problems that makes it fair for all parties involved
Despite this, Percy is confused and a bit surprised to find out that you're actually insecure about this dominating trait of yours
"What?! It's literally the best thing about you though!"
"I know but its just! My siblings aren't the way I am. They're able to actually use their skills for something. All I can do is listen to people and make friends. That's nothing special. I'm useless."
It PAINS him to hear you say that because its obvious you don't understand the importance of being as emotionally intelligent as you are
He makes it his mission to show you just how many people you've helped, to show you that you have a reason to be proud of what you're able to do!
You slowly open yourself more after hearing all his reassurance, from him and other people around camp
It's definitely a positive change as you have a pep to your step now. You engage with you siblings more now that you have a confidence in your own abilities.
You make him many sculptures as thank you gifts! Even when he says that you don't need to, you cant help admit that enjoy giving him these gifts with a nervous smile
You've made him a mini version Riptide and even have given him a small owl pendant
You were hesitant to give him the pendant because it seemed more intimate compared to your other gifts, but he happily accepted it with a soft smile
I think reader would be pretty aware of Percy's feelings for them which makes them feel fuzzy
So imagine how you feel when Percy pulls up to you one late afternoon after not seeing him for the entire day to give you a small pendant of his own
The sculpting of the trident is definitely more crude and less detailed compared to the one you gave him, something Percy abashedly admits but you wave him off
"It's beautiful, thank you Percy."
"No problem, now we're matching!"
You're aware of your own feelings for him as you are aware of his feelings for you, so it doesn't take long for a confession to happen
I mean matching pendants? come on bro its so painfully obvious to everyone
Percy falls for who reader is, not because their a child of Athena
He doesn't care that you're different from your siblings because he understands everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses
You still represent Athena with pride and he'll happily support you till the end
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Yandere Fae King + G.N Huntsman Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Drugging, Kidnapping, Angst
What’s your favorite fairytale?
You hardly remember it now. It's been so long since you've been able to kick back and think back on all those old tales you once loved. Been a while since you've been able to do anything, really. The days drain away by the second with each life you take, and the nights in wait for the next cull. Your equipment receives better care than you’ve had in years. 
If you were another person, maybe you'd seek for a change. Scrounge up every coin you earn and never looked back on this world, living free and without needless bloodshed. If only such a life was meant for a person like you. The person deserving of that dream died ages ago, on the day they learned to block out the screams. 
He..lp me…
At least… The ones that no longer mattered. 
You shift towards the source of the plea, equipping your trusty steel from the fire in which it brewed. It damaged the durability, but was the only way you could properly snuff the weakened voice. Its frightened face reflects in the flat blade of your axe; the bloodstains you weren’t able to remove marking its place as another victim to the flame. You've lost track of how many have fallen before it. At one time, you carved a mark into the handle of your weapon, but you lost the original piece for which you did so. You can’t recall if you stopped keeping track before or after that happened. 
You stalk towards your captive like the cautious hero sneaking up to the wicked wolf to save the damsel in red, yet the only one who needs saving is one of you. Your feet grow colder the closer you approach, but lost in determination is not the cause. The snowy flesh and frozen tears of your prey chills the very air to a still. It's your first run in with such a creature, but far from the last. You raise your axe high.
“Please… Have you no heart?” 
You would’ve gagged it if you had more rope. There's no reason to reply, for your eyes speak volumes. Silence rains as you bring down the axe.
A wet thud sounds as you toss the spoils from your kill on the ground. 
“Found this in your barn. It's what's been freezing your crops.”
The farmer's face contorts in disgust, but they keep silent as they shove your payment in your hands and slam the door shut. You hear shouting over whether who will clean up the mess you made, but that's all behind you. With their miscalculation in pay, you should be able to get a decent meal in your system along with the supplies you need. The thought was a little too hopeful as the very second you allow yourself to rest, the ghost of your past comes knocking once more. 
A note slides across the table you sit at, sealed with crimson wax. 
“Your majesty requests your immediate attention.”
You take small bites of your food. The messenger sighs.
“Need I remind you that it's mandatory?”
“Do I have to remind you that I no longer work for that man?”
“This isn't about you or your issues with our king. It's about another.”
Their seldom glance towards the window is all you need to know. You settle your rumbling stomach with a drink of water and pour the remaining contents over the letter.
“Let's go.”
The messenger looks confused, and slightly worried. “I really think you should read-"
You quickly place your axe on the table, blueish blood embedded into the metal. “I said we're leaving. Take me to him, now.” 
The messenger returns to the castle pale as a sheet and with you in tow. They hand you off to a younger hire to avoid the backlash of your arrival themselves; the servant leading you directly to the king's throne with the same tactic you used on the other party. The king sits in his chair, chatting away to anyone who'll listen to his personal retellings of the past. His general expression shows fearlessness and glee, but the trained eye could see the anxiety practically dripping from this shell of a man. A fear that unsheathes itself as he turns his head towards you. Not a thing has changed since you left.
“Hunter!” The king masks his faulty start with a well placed cough as he rises to his feet, arms raised. “It's been a while, hasn’t it, old friend? I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow. We had a feast planned and everything.”
“I'm not here for pleasantries. Are you finally putting an end to this petty war or not.”
The king struggles to maintain his smile. “Ah, right. Never were one to allow yourself a break were you? Well once this task is complete, you'll have all the time in the world. We believe we've found something that will put an end to everything once and for all.”
He calls a servant to bring the item in question. It's a map. Hand drawn from what you can see. You drew one similar in your youth. 
“With the noble sacrifice of our men, we've successfully navigated a path through the cursed part of the forest and straight to the fae king’s castle. There's theory that a hidden passage exists along its walls, but we have yet to figure it out. If anyone is able to, let alone kill that creature, it would be you. We'll prepare you a steed and armor by morning-"
“I'll leave before dawn.”
The king's eyes bulge out of their sockets like you just threatened his life. “Aha, surely you jest. There's the preparations, plus wouldn't it be better to leave on a full stomach and the support of your people.”
Your flat, direct tone cancels any further argument. “If that is what you wish… old friend. Allow my staff to escort you to your room.”
You settle down for the evening in a room of the king's choosing. The bed is softer than you're used to, but too foreign to provide you with any actual comfort. You don't sleep that night, thinking of the life you'll have after you bring an end to the opposing forces' rule. A happy ending isn’t in the cards for someone like you, but maybe, just maybe- you'll be able to return home.
You refuse the servant's billionth attempt at offering you a warm meal, wolf down the dinner roll you snuck in, and tried to get some sleep with the remaining time you had.
You're up once again before the sun can peak over the horizon. The king, reluctantly giving in to your demands, greets you at the front gates with all the equipment his guard had prepared. You pick through it, only taking a water canteen, lantern, and the shiny new axe. The king appears uneasy with your hall.
“I do not doubt your skill, but is that really all you'll take? The journey may take less than a day, but you'll need to eat and walking yourself will only lengthen that time.”
“I know the beginning of the forest like the back of my hand. I'll be fine until I reach the creek. What happens after isn’t any of your concern. There's bigger fools than me ready to play hero if I don't come back.”
“I suppose you're correct…” He holds out his hand. “For luck? …and old times?”
You toss your bag onto your shoulder as you turn your back to the man.
“Suit yourself. Goodbye, Hunter.”
Word of your travel reached the village due to the drunken ramblings of an unnamed, yet frightened individual. The folk that shunned you lest they need your aid all watch as you set out towards the forest. Some try to give you words of encouragement or extra support, but you’re long past the need of their help. Taking your first step into the forest you feel the first thing you’ve felt in ages. Grief. It quickly passes once you cross the threshold of burnt wood laid out along the ground.
The start of the journey is as easy as you expected and remembered. Just a pleasant stroll through the woodlands, if you ignore the warning signs and nail marks in the tree bark. Some are faded and thin, but the majority are far larger and much fresher. They’re getting bolder. Best to hurry.
You make it to the creek with a few hours of daylight to spare. The bridge across it broke when you were a child, but now you were old enough to cross straight through without the fear of being swept away. The water barely reaches mid calf when you roll up your sleeves and step in. You hear splashing from nearby, but they quickly disburse with the squeak of a small gasp. The wise ones knew to steer clear of anyone who matched your general profile. 
Crossing into the forbidden area of the forest, you expect more danger than you're met with. In this business, it's more worrying to go without danger than to be right in the middle of it. The only sounds you hear are the crunch of leaves beneath your boots – and the rumble from your stomach. 
You stop to take a break at an overturned stump. The weight of the situation is really getting to you. Normally you’re about to go at least a day or two without something to eat, but now your body was fighting just to keep upright. You check your bag to see if you had anything left over from the last time you packed. It's empty, besides a single snack cake at the bottom of the sack. And a note.
“Dearest Hunter,
I know things between us have soured over the years. Your home was taken from you in the crossfires and that is truly one of my deepest regrets. I wish the fates could have turned out differently for you, but all I can do now is offer you my prayers and this final gift in hope that you'll forgive me in another life. Know that I do not even forgive myself. In the future, I pray you are cared for well.” 
You crumble the letter and toss it back in your bag. Could be used for a fire if need be on your way back. You take careful bites of the cake. It's sweet and a bit tart, filled with some sort of jam which taste you can't put your finger on. It gets caught in your throat after you swallow the rest in one mouthful, but you dislodge it with a sip of water and continue on your way.
It's night by the time you make it to the castle. The snack gave you some of your energy back, but your legs still felt heavy. You bite through the fatigue and lift them high as you cross over to the unfamiliar land. You were warned of the king's carefree attitude, but you never expected it to be this lax. Not one guard manned the front gates nor the road to doors from what your blurring vision could see. The wiser choice would have been to round the back of the castle like the original plan, but the prospect of freedom and the growing headache lead you down the riskier path. 
The heaviness of your legs travels upwards with each step you take. It isn’t long before you can barely keep a grip on your axe. You want to turn back, but something keeps you moving forward. The races through the trees. Cutting firewood in the fall. You want to be the person that loved those things so dearly in the past. You wanted to be you again.
Opening the gate with a shaky palm, you fall limp in the arms of the one person who could fulfill that dream.
Welcome home, my heartless spouse.
When you wake you find yourself in shackles. They're loose enough to give you a taste of freedom, yet they fit around your wrists just right to condemn you to the bed you lie in. You look around the room. It's impossible to move your body. Everything is so heavy and your throat is dry. A cool towel wipes away the sweat beading down your forehead. 
“Are you finally awake? I’m so sorry for the confusion you’re likely experiencing. This was the only way we could be together with our people coming for your head.”
His hands creep up your neck. Soft, cloud-like skin more inviting than the pillow your head rests upon, but twice as cool. His eyes meet with yours, too beautiful pools of love and adoration, and so, so much sadness. Almost enough to drown out your own. You know this man. You’ve never seen his face, but you know.
“They'll come around someday. Maybe not a month. Maybe not a year, but they will. I know they will come to love this version of you just as I.”
His fingers sap the warmth from your skin. “What ever did happen to that sweet human I promised myself to ages ago? Worry not for any attempt at change, for my love for you counters any tide.” 
You close your eyes. You don't want to hear another word of what he says. His lips ghost by your ear.
“Trust is a two way street. I should start our rekindling by informing you that it wasn’t just I who willed this fate upon you, but the king of the people you gave your years to.” 
Your eyes snap open. The realization brewing gifts you the will to speak. “You're lying.”
“I wish I was. I know this hurts for now, but in the future you'll see it's the best for us all.”
Your breathing grows ragged. “You're a liar.” 
“You and I both know that what I say is true. Deep down you know that the fire that broke out that day was not an accident. It was not by coincidence that the former king came across your weakened form. He was in need of a new tool, and you were in the prime condition to become his blade.”
You grit your teeth; nails sinking into the flesh of your palms. Precious memories break from the chains you had locked them in since that day. Your peaceful upbringing in the forest, the kind man who carried you away from the flames. The same man who made you kill those who you once called friends.
“You don't belong anywhere, my love. Raised right in the middle of the battlefield, neither side has use for you besides the things you can do. We are alike in that aspect. It's probably the reason you imprinted on me when we met for that brief moment he took you away. From that very second I knew – you were my everything.”
“Stop. Talking.”
“Don't be so cruel, my dear. There surely must've been a time when even you had a heart. I know that better than anyone. I will do my best to pick up those pieces and make you whole."
You can't keep it in. The floodgates you tried so desperately to keep up burst, and the decades of misery resurface. You thrash against your binds, kicking and spitting at the man who only draws his spit covered fingers into his mouth, and smiles so warmly at you. 
“I'll kill you! I'll slaughter the people this land protects, and then I'll go after that bastard and his! I’ll kill you all and I won’t stop until I make sure every single one of you is dead. Don't fucking touch me!”
The fae king hushes you as he hooks his arms around your flailing form. He does his best to comfort you, even when one of your hits finally connects, and long after your screams turn into hoarse cries. He brushes your tears away just as he'll do someday when he takes away all your pain permanently. 
“Worry not, my broken heart. You'll get your revenge when I bring you the broken body of that man to serve as the centerpiece for our wedding. We'll rebuild your cabin and live out the remainder of our days in nothing but happiness and pure devotion. Grief will only be a bad dream by then, but for now, just rest.”
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prime-adeptus · 5 months
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Vient la douleur
Neuvillette lives in the aftermath.
Pairing: Neuvillette x GN!Reader
Content: Major character death, suicide, implied/referenced self-harm, grief/mourning, past relationship. More narration than dialogue. (~3.2k words)
Note: Just working through some things :') I gave this my all, so please be kind and let me know what you think!!
Read on AO3
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There are a lot of things Neuvillette could liken you to.
You were the sun, shining bright on the gloomiest of days with your joyful disposition and beautiful smile. You were his favourite melody, someone he could listen to for hours and hours on end. You were his rainbow roses and windwheel asters, the flowers of love and freedom. You were everything a romantic could ever dream of, even if you never saw it in yourself. You were the missing piece he needed all along.
Most important of all: you are his beloved, the one who held his heart in their hands.
Solitude was far from a stranger. Though Fontaine is hardly a place with a scarce population, he was more used to being by himself. He didn’t join in the hustle and bustle of the city, and he didn’t play house like the children did. Instead, he found a hobby in watching the vibrance of human life alone from the sidelines, learning in trial and error what it meant to live. Emotions didn’t come as easy to him as it would to the average person. He could feel a raging inferno in his chest or a chill trickling down his spine, but he’d never have the words for it. All he could do was watch the skies change with his thoughts in the form of a downpour or a tempest.
But in solitude, he also met you.
You came into his life like a whirlwind, as only the best kind. You met him without fear but with eagerness and excitement that he couldn’t help being mesmerised by. Your smile was the first thing he noticed about you. He remembers how it reached your eyes and how it showed the dimples in your cheeks. He didn’t know it at the time, but those would become one of his favourite sights in his life.
“Monsieur Neuvillette!”
You called him with a sense of familiarity that, oddly, he was comforted by. He understood then what the poets meant when they said it felt like the world had stopped for them. In a matter of a few seconds, he felt like he’d known you for years, just because of how warm you felt. Whether it was by chance or by fate matters little to him; regardless of what it had been, it brought you into his life.
Every love song he’d heard from the opera’s chanteuses began to make sense. ‘Love at first sight’ is truly a curious phenomenon. Exploring the depths that are human emotions then was a journey that led to more questions than answers. How do humans know when they’re in love? How do humans know when they’ve met ‘the one?’ He supposes he’ll never get a solid answer to these questions, but he’ll take one in the form of you. Perhaps he never needed to ask. Perhaps all he had to do was wait for the day your souls intertwined.
One chit-chat led to a conversation, and those conversations led to a routine. He’d see you at the park in the evenings and then walk you home when he felt it was getting late. Some days, he’d sit with you in a gazebo away from the crowd and just watch many lives pass by. Though your conversations mostly consisted of you talking and him listening, he liked it. He liked how expressive you were, how he always wanted to see more. The wonder in your eyes was something he’d grown fond of very quickly, but that wasn’t the only thing about you that he’d fallen in love with.
Just seeing you interact with your surroundings alone made it clear that you loved everything. From the city to its people, from the flora to the fauna, there wasn’t a single thing you weren’t happy to see. You brought colours into his life, showed him the vibrant side of the world he hadn’t seen yet. He was almost envious of how carefree and outgoing you were. A friendly smile, a gentle wave, some small talk about the weather; socialising came naturally to you. It fascinated him and warmth would blossom in his chest every time he saw how animated you could get. But there was no room for envy, nor was there a need to be. You were a breath of fresh air and you felt like home.
You liked to tell him that there’s always something good waiting for him the next day. That daybreak is a sign that you’ve lived for another day even when you don’t feel like you did anything valuable. I just look forward to every day! you had said, giving him a grin that always left him stumbling for words. It didn’t answer his inquiry, but it was enough. It appeared to him that you loved life, and getting to be happy with others is only a part of what makes it so special for you.
He didn’t have much to do outside of the Court. His free time was mostly spent reading or water tasting. Sometimes he’d bring work home just to ensure he recorded everything correctly. It was quite an average routine that changed when he met you. The moment you met, his days became livelier. It must’ve been quite the sight for Fontainians indeed, to see their Chief Justice taking afternoon strolls with a dessert in hand. He didn’t care for the hearsay that inevitably circulated from his new activities. What mattered was that you were becoming an integral part of what used to be mundane and changing it for the better.
It was not often that he had the time for leisure. Still, he found it difficult to deny you anything, and so he’d always find a way to make time for you. That time would be spent in the gardens or restaurants, occasionally in the front seats of the Opera Epiclese if there was a show you wanted to see. When it got dark, it would be spent in the comfort of his home with you on his lap as he read to you. Sometimes you’d fall asleep in his arms and your lips would curl into a small smile when you felt his lips touching the crown of your head. Affection wasn’t something he was used to as it wasn’t exactly a necessity, but he found himself craving yours.
The puzzle pieces fell into place on their own as if there was a telepathic bond between you and him. There was never a label for what you two were. The papers would call you lovers or companions, depending on what they caught on camera. It didn’t matter much to him, either. What he knew was that there was a bond, something that intrinsically linked your hearts to one another, and it made every day feel like summer.
Before long, he realised that you were right. Something good awaits after every daybreak, something that will brighten up his day and light up his heart with joy, and for him, it was you.
Time flows like water, unending and always in motion. The world turns and the days go by, turning into months and years that pass in a blink of an eye. Time is a witness to every step one takes and it remembers every story that unfolds. Time is what Neuvillette has plenty of and it is kind to him. He learns and adapts to the world as it changes around him without haste, letting years of knowledge build him into the person he is today.
Time, however, treats people like you differently.
Where he never aged, you did. Where it didn’t wear him out, it did to you. The glimmer in your eyes grew more dull over the years. Your smiles became rarer, and you no longer talked to those you considered your friends. You never told him why you were changing. It was as if your heart had betrayed you, making what used to shine bright grow dimmer and dimmer until it was completely extinguished.
In the face of it all, you still had plenty of love to give. You still held him every night as he sought for solace in your arms. You still listened to his curiosities and indulged in everything he had to ask. At the same time, it felt as though you were too far for him to reach you. As though you were fading deeper into the darkness until the only echoes he could hear were his own. His heart ached to see you this way, and for someone as meticulous as he is, he was at a total loss.
Even then, he refused to leave you. He will always love you no matter what you become. He’d love you in every way and he’d love you through thick and thin, through the calm and the tumultuous.
Six hundred and ten days have passed, and it continues to hold.
You left with everything he was and behind a letter in your wake. In it was an apology that etched its words into his bloodstream and a memory that appears every time you cross his mind. In it also came a promise that you’d find him in your next life no matter how long it takes, for your soul has found a home in him. And finally, in it was a wish: that you wanted him to live without regret, just like how you never regretted your time with him.
‘You can find happiness again without me,’ you wrote. Your tears stained the paper where ink seeped and blurred some of the words. His heart aches to think of the guilt you carried with you even after death. Of how afraid you must’ve felt as the poison flowed into your system, and how alone you must’ve been.
The sight is still engraved into his very vision: your limp, lifeless body with both old and fresh scars across your skin, the vial of poison on the floor and the sealed letter in your hand. Composure was second nature to Neuvillette, but none of it was to be seen when he found you. His hands were shaking as he took you into his arms and held you close. His heart felt heavy as if it was coming to a stop. Emotions brewed within him like a storm, volatile and disorderly, but not a word left his lips.
By the time Sigewinne arrived, reality had sunk in, and every prayer he had shattered like glass. The rainstorm lasted for weeks after that. Only by the fourth did the rain finally stop and even then, the skies seemed to be in a permanent state of gloom with the clouds shrouding the sun and stars. Fontaine eventually got back its clarity much later, and people seemed to already move on from the strange natural phenomenon that had occurred.
Six hundred and ten days have passed, and he still misses you as much as he did that spring.
Life without you felt more like dusk than daybreak. The splash of colour had melted away and days felt longer without someone waiting for his return. His home is eerily quieter and more hollow. Your favourite trinkets were never moved from where they were placed on the shelves. The book he’d been reading to you every night stays open and unturned on the table. His own home had turned into a paradox—you were here, but you also weren’t.
How strange, he thinks, how he still feels so acutely alone even with everything you left behind. He’s been through grief time and time again, but it never gets easier. If anything, this is perhaps the most harrowed he has ever felt.
The cemetery had begun to feel more familiar than it should. He hears everything that people say there. He hears them talk about how they wish they could see their loved one welcoming them back home. He hears them talk about how they wish they could just hear their loved one’s laughter one last time. How they wish they had professed their love before it was too late, how they wish they could say all the things they never dared to say. In this, he is not alone. His thoughts flow in that very same direction.
Neuvillette is not a selfish man. There is nothing he heavily desired that he’d do anything to obtain. And yet, he wonders if he should and could be just this once. Everything he wants is you. Every face in the crowd he sees is you, and every song he hears is in your voice. If he had just been more selfish and demanded you to stay, would he have been able to stop you? Would you still make the same decision?
He wakes up every morning to a cold and empty bedside. He leaves without a kiss goodbye. He comes home with no one to welcome him back. Suddenly he has returned to where he once was, alone and closed off from the world around him. Being by himself isn’t as daunting as it used to be, but nothing could ever replace you. With you, loneliness hardly existed. Without you, he has returned back to where he started.
Tick, tick, tick. The clock is the only sound he can hear on this dreary night as he watches it strike twelve. His eyes stay trained on his reflection in the glass, hoping that he’ll see you coming up to embrace him from behind like you used to.
You never do.
Yet another date on the calendar is crossed out. The ring glimmers in the moonlight from where it lays in its velvet box. He’d imagined it playing out in his mind, from the proposal to the look on your face as you told him yes. It was a gift that he spent a long time preparing and waiting for. A surprise that would always make you smile whenever you thought about it.
It was meant to be a promise, one that he would keep for as long as you’d let him.
But you never got to celebrate your birthday, and so he lets the candle’s flames die out on their own. With a heavy heart, he puts the ring back where it was on the shelf. Some plans go awry, but he can’t give up yet. There will come a day when he meets you again, and only then can he finally tell you everything he wanted to say.
For now, they remain unspoken. The promise is never made, and he alone is the witness.
Neuvillette wakes up to a world without colour.
Everything around him is painted in different shades of grey, from the trees swaying in the wind to the crystal-clear water in the fountain. Faceless passers-by are scattered across the plaza, talking amongst each other in hushed and intelligible words. As he walks down the stone path, he becomes acutely aware that this is merely a dream. And yet, he is completely lucid; he can feel the breeze against his skin and hear the birds chirping in the distance. His body moves at its command, continuing down the path to the destination only it could know.
He finds himself atop a grassy hill that overlooks the horizon where he can see a person standing on the edge. Your back is turned, but there’s no mistaking it—he’d recognise you from anywhere. It goes far deeper than memory. It's his instinct, his life, and he’d always choose you no matter what decision he has to make. He comes to a halt just as you finally look at him, and what was only a vignette bursts into vivid colours.
The world is no longer grey as vibrance returns to where it belongs. Neuvillette’s breath gets stuck in his throat the closer you approach him. You aren’t in the clothes he’d last seen you in. You’re dressed in white and you hold a bouquet of rainbow roses in your hands, every piece of it in full bloom.
“You’re here!”
This is a dream. He knows he is. But it sounds exactly like you, looks exactly like you, and he’s missed you so deeply that he’ll happily stay in this trance a while longer. He parts his lips to speak, but no words come out. There’s a light burn in his nose and behind his eyes the longer he looks at your joyful self. Without realising it, a tear rolls down his cheek, and he finds that he can finally breathe.
His hands shake as he reaches for you. Before he can revel in feeling you beneath his touch after so long, your skin turns cold and you melt into his hands until nothing is left behind but water. Only remnants of the mirage he’d just seen are left behind. And as if they never returned, the world turns grey once more before it completely fades into the dark.
Now, Neuvillette finds himself in his bed.
Rain pitter-patters against the window beside him and behind the shower is the sunrise, coming up ever so slowly. He casts a glance at your side of the bed and it is still empty, devoid of your warmth. It constantly reminds him of how cold and empty this place is, a stark difference from what it was when you were around. The sun has not yet risen. Hues of dark blue spread across the sky and obscure the stars, casting a dreariness upon the entirety of Fontaine.
The chill nips at his cheeks as he leaves his abode and makes his way to the cemetery in silence. He remembers the path to your grave like the back of his hand, a bitter fact he lives with, but he reigns himself in. The bouquet of Lumidouce bells in his hands suddenly feels much heavier as he gazes down at your picture. It’s already beginning to lose its colour thanks to the time and weather, so he reminds himself to replace it as soon as he can.
He gingerly puts the bouquet down on your altar. He imagines how you’d chide him seeing him in this state, how you’d wrap your arms around his waist and pull him close. He wonders if you have returned to the cosmos or the seas and if you’d be able to feel how much he yearns to be with you again. If there is an afterlife, is it a place where you are happy and free of every burden you carried? If he listened to the waters, would he be able to hear you calling his name?
(Six hundred and eleven days have passed, and his questions remain unchanged.)
Deep in his heart, Neuvillette fears that there will come a day when he forgets the way you looked or the way you sounded. Your voice has already become distant in his mind; it won’t be long before the years take you away from him again. Perhaps time isn’t as kind to him as it used to be.
But for you, he must continue to live, as much as he wishes he could turn back time and spend more of it with you. For you, he must fulfil your wish and honour you the best way he can. For you, he will hold on and wait for the next time you’ll grace him with yourself and your love.
Not once have I regretted my time with you, you had written.
He wonders if you’ll ever know that he feels the same way.
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sevikasenby · 1 year
What about Sevika edging the Reader with her mech hand by turning off the vibrate function every time the Reader gets close to climaxing?
god yes😵‍💫
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: ̗̀➛ sevika enjoys edging you maybe a little too much. keeping you teetering on the edge, knowing you’re gonna continue to beg and plead with her to just let you come already.
: ̗̀➛ she knows you enjoy being edged to your limits, otherwise she wouldn’t continuously do it.
: ̗̀➛ she likes edging you the most with her mech hand and loves watching you fall apart every time the vibrations you desperately crave stops over and over again.
: ̗̀➛ she’ll fuck you with the strap and circle your clit with her mech fingers, the vibrations being just enough to send you over the edge but she stops completely when she sees your eyes starting to roll back. her fingers are off your clit in a second, the vibrations stop, her thrusts cease, and you’re a begging, whimpering, moaning mess underneath her.
: ̗̀➛ it’s exactly how she wants you.
: ̗̀➛ during a punishment, sevika’s even purposely allowed you to come by her mech hand, just to stop the vibrations entirely while you’re in the middle of cumming. she’ll watch as your body still convulses through your somewhat ruined orgasm. you’ll beg her to touch you again, claw at her hand to try and bring it closer to let you come fully this time. she’ll turn the vibrations back on for second, half a second, just barely enough time for you to register that she turned it back on just for her to stop it again, chuckling at you when she sees tears prickling at your eyes and asks you “have you leaned your lesson?”
: ̗̀➛ her responses to you begging her consists of:
“you’re being such a good girl for me though”
“just a little longer, baby doll, you can take it”
“you sound too pretty for me to stop”
: ̗̀➛ she’ll definitely edge you for hours on end, throughout the day, just anytime she can get her hands on you.
: ̗̀➛ waking up to the low rumble between your legs. she’ll wait until you’re almost fully awake and moaning into her before she turns off the vibrations and says she has to get ready for work, leaving you knowing what you’re probably in for that day.
: ̗̀➛ you knew you weren’t allowed to touch yourself cause if she found out, the edging would continue into the next day most likely. you learned your lesson after that happened only once, even if it was the hardest you’ve ever came.
: ̗̀➛ you never knew when she was finally gonna allow you to come, whether it be after a couple minutes of edging, a couple hours, even a whole day. yet somehow it was always a surprise when she did.
: ̗̀➛ when you're out in public and she's playing cards, you’re either in her lap or just sitting beside her. her mech hand will be resting on the outside of your pants, cupping your heat or completely down your pants, letting you feel the cold metal that you love, coated in your arousal. she made sure you were always covered by her cape in these situations.
: ̗̀➛ again, you never knew when she would let you come.
: ̗̀➛ she would get closer to your ear when the other guys at the table were occupied with their cards and talking to each other. "what's the matter, baby?"
: ̗̀➛ you didn't speak out of fear of moaning too loud. "what's that? i thought you wanted to come? i know you don't want me to stop so you can quit looking at me like that." your wide eyes shut but your breathing stayed quick.
: ̗̀➛ she went back to her card game and you gripped onto the side of her cape. you turned your head so you weren't facing everyone. since you were covered by her cape, you started feeling her mech hand, trying to find that little button that could stop you from cumming.
: ̗̀➛ sevika could sense what you were doing and upped the speed of the vibrations, obviously as a warning and when you jumped, she held it there for a moment before lowering it back down to its original setting.
: ̗̀➛ now she didn’t have to use said button, she could control the vibrations just like any other part of her arm. the button was there for you to use, when you were allowed to anyways. to set the speed yourself and make yourself come as slow or as fast as you wanted.
: ̗̀➛ you didn’t think she would let, or make, you come, let alone at the fucking playing table with people around, who were completely oblivious to what was happening because of the music that was playing and the fact they were so focused on trying to beat sevika at her own game.
: ̗̀➛ you felt yourself starting to shake, the arousal pooling in you growing more and more. there was a slight relief you felt when the vibrations didn’t stop when your eyes started rolling back, probably because she couldn’t see your face but she could definitely feel you shaking.
: ̗̀➛ normally she would’ve stopped by now, you thought she was going to. of course, though, you shouldn’t have trusted it.
: ̗̀➛ your hand gripped onto her thigh, your nails digging into her pants. she seemed completely unbothered but focused on what was happening, both with her card game and with you.
: ̗̀➛ you felt yourself almost at the edge, you were almost there, trying not to moan out loud. at that point you didn’t care if you came all over her hand in front of whoever it was she was playing against, you just wanted to fucking come. but you didn’t.
: ̗̀➛ sevika knew your body all to well to know when you were just about to get the release you wanted because the vibrations stopped. your thighs closed tightly around her hand, trying to force yourself not to grind your pulsing cunt against her fingers. your body slumped against her side, trying to slow your breathing and not curse her out for that.
: ̗̀➛ even though she didn’t allow you to come, she looked down at you, grinning, knowing you still drenched her metal completely.
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Hi! I love your one shots soooo much they are super cool! Could you do one with a gender fluid unsub around 14 who is hotchs child and like has been killing since hailey died and they go on cases and always kill wherever their cases are? I probably phrased this horribly but to bad! (:
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Aaron Hotchner X Unsub Teen Reader
Request: Hi! I love your one shots soooo much they are super cool! Could you do one with a gender fluid unsub around 14 who is hotchs child and like has been killing since hailey died and they go on cases and always kill wherever their cases are? I probably phrased this horribly but to bad! (:
Third person pov...
The rain pounded against the windows of the BAU, mixing with the tension that hung thick in the air.
A team of elite profilers, once accustomed to solving the most heinous crimes, had been uncharacteristically stumped lately. Even their veteran leader, Aaron Hotchner, was feeling the pressure to crack this case.
“Another body found in Phoenix,” Garcia’s voice chimed through the conference room.
“Same MO as the last three we tracked. And it’s almost as if whoever is behind this is toying with us. The victims were all found in different locations, and there’s no connection beyond the way they were killed.”
Hotch stood at the head of the table, his jaw set as he processed the information. What remained unspoken hung like a thick veil in the room—his child.
Y/N had been accompanying the team for the past few months. They were brilliant and keen, yet something darker stirred within them—something rooted in a tragedy that had left its mark on the family.
It was one year since Hailey’s shocking death, and in that time, Y/N had transformed. Once a bright, cheerful teenager who wore their heart on their sleeve, they were now a whirlwind of secrecy and shadows.
The pain of losing their mother had morphed their grief into a need for retribution. They had been the one to inform Hotch about their first kill, a desperate declaration of their struggle with the chaos swirling inside.
“I want to help,” they had said, their eyes sparkling, yet haunted. “I never want anyone to feel how I felt when Mom died.”
Hotch’s heart ached at the memory. He was helpless to contain the darkness blossoming within Y/N, and what he feared most was that they might one day become the very thing they sought to destroy.
As the team piled into the jet, Hotch’s gaze fell on Y/N, sitting silently, headphones in their ears, lost in their own world.
Their style had evolved into a blend of what-they-wanted-to-be and what-they-resented; garments tailored not to gender expectations, but rather an expression of their multifaceted self—a mixture of floral patterns contrasted with edgy leather, layers lending complexity to an already intricate persona.
“Are you alright?” Hotch asked softly, leaning closer, though they didn’t quite meet his eyes.
“I’m fine,” Y/N replied, the words almost rehearsed, a barrier against the turmoil that awaited exploration. “I want to help, to make a difference.”
The words hung in the air, and beneath them was something deeper, more menacing. Hotch couldn’t shake the feeling that Y/N was seeking not just to help, but to find solace through something darker—not just shaping justice, but perhaps defining it through blood.
When they landed in Phoenix, the tempo of the city pulsed around them; sirens sang through the streets, and chaos bubbled beneath the surface.
The BAU team wasted no time regarding the case. Teaming up with local law enforcement, they reviewed the crime scenes, learning the patterns that unfolded with each new victim.
Y/N observed with an intensity that fascinated and terrified Hotch.
As they pieced together the clues, he struggled to decipher whether they were contributing to the investigation or secretly plotting their next move.
Days blended into nights as the team worked relentlessly. Each day they’d visit the scenes of the grisly murders, with Y/N becoming more withdrawn and brooding.
They had become an expert at slipping away unnoticed, coming and going like a phantom that haunted the edges of their father’s life.
During one evening, Hotch found them beneath a flickering streetlight, sketching something in a weathered notebook. “What are you drawing?” he asked softly, trying to bridge the vast emotional gulf that had formed between them.
“My thoughts,” Y/N murmured, not raising their eyes from the page. “Of Mom. Of… everything.”
Hotch’s heart tightened. “You don’t have to carry this alone, you know. I’m here.”
“Maybe I don’t want to just be here,” Y/N admitted, their voice barely above a whisper. “Maybe I want to be something else. Something that means something.”
“You are so much more than you realize. Your mother would have wanted—”
“Mom’s dead,” Y/N interrupted, the sadness transforming into an uncharacteristic ferocity. “Do you think I haven’t thought about it every day, every single moment?”
Hotch swallowed hard, trying to suppress the rising tide of frustration and fear. “You have the chance to make a difference in the right way. Let us help you—”
“Sure, help me by stopping the bad guys,” they shot back, standing abruptly, their emotions boiling over. “You mean help me keep the things I want to do in check? Help me pretend I’m not hurting? I don’t need that. I need something much more… satisfying.”
The confrontation felt like a turning point. In that moment, Hotch truly understood the internal war raging within his child. It wasn’t just about grief; it was about an urge to exert control in a world that felt chaotic and lost.
Understanding this collided with the haunting realization of their possible actions. As each day passed, bodies continued to pile up in unspeakably horrific ways. Their killer—a shadowy figure playing mind games with the authorities—remained elusive, and as clues began to mount, a nagging sense of familiarity clawed at Hotch’s memory.
Finally, everything clicked into place when a witness emerged with descriptions of the killer’s attire. Everything fit perfectly with Y/N’s style.
Hotch’s pulse raced as anxiety gripped him; he had to find Y/N before they reached a point of no return. A frantic search of bars and alleys began while Garcia worked on tracing their phone virtually everywhere.
When he finally found them—a confrontation under the same streetlight, with the echo of sirens blaring in the distance—there was a blood-stained knife clutched in Y/N’s hand. Their expression flickered between triumph and despair.
“I did it, Dad. I stopped them,” they whispered, trembling as they gazed into his eyes.
“You’re not a monster,” Hotch pleaded, his heart racing. “But this isn’t justice. This will only destroy you from the inside out.”
Silence hung between them for an agonizing breath, before Y/N dropped the knife, the clatter breaking a spell. “But I killed for you,” they sobbed. “For us.”
Hotch stepped forward, carefully reaching for them. “We can find a better way, together. This—this isn’t the path your mother would want for you.”
As Y/N fell into his embrace, the darkness quelling its hold, the rain began to pour once more, washing away every trace—a promise for a better tomorrow: healing, understanding, and love forged through pain. They stood together under the flickering streetlight.
The end!
Hope you liked this one shot, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1207
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vinestaffery · 3 months
HAIIII Since ur request is open, i wanna ask for subspace x gn human reader!! I want it to be scenario please🙏 The plot is uhmm the reader just wandering aimlessly in Phighting wondering where the hell they are and they met subspace and then its up to you, thank youu..
HIHI!! OFC!!! I might actually change the 3 request thing because now it just overall motivates me. I will also be using my fan-faction, specifically since I have major lore for it. Anyways, enjoy!! Thank you for requesting <3
Your lost from your faction, but what happens when you see a certain pink scientist not too far away?
When you first escaped your faction, it was entirely out of pure fear. You had no real exposure to the actual world from the outside.
So, aimlessly, you walked. You walked every street, checked every corner that you could reside in, and continued on. 
That was until you caught the light of a certain demon from afar. 
You had no clue who he was, but he seemed to have caught your attention, especially with your unique sense of clothing. 
“Oh my!!” and he rushed up to you. You had no clue what was going to happen, but you prepared yourself for any collision of harm.
Seeing his strange sense of fashion choices, he stopped when he saw you were armed. 
But who is that to stop the Great and Powerful Subspace?
“Who are you?”
“I would be asking the same thing!”
You didn’t take kindly to his games, but you knew very well that he would be a great person for guidance. Especially with the fact that he seemed to know the area.
“I asked first!” 
“And I asked second... Now, who are you?” 
You couldn’t help but question yourself about whether you trusted them, but you were all for it.
“I am... but I am not from this place. Where am I?”
He couldn’t help but be confused. How could you not know where you were from?
“Well then…!!! Interesting, I am Subspace T. Mine, the prime head scientist of the greatest faction, Blackrock's robotics division!” 
You couldn’t help but be somewhat fascinated. You were meeting someone as great as your gods from your faction?
Seeing him rather than a stranger, you grew closer to him each time you spoke.
He was a bit sketchy, but he didn’t seem to care as you grew more interested and kept questioning him and his responsibilities!
The pink-horned demon stared into your eyes, staring at you with fascination and pure joy. You were asking him things others would refuse! Delving deeper into the conversation with him, you couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement and caution.
His position held a certain allure, but his sketch demanor raised some red flags, especially his giant scar. Despite the uncertainty, you found yourself drawn to him, eager to learn more about his work and the faction he represented. He stared down; his gaze remained fixed on the interaction, torn between trust and suspicion.
"Well, of course! Blackrock only represents it's finest and strongest soldiers, like me!" "Wow! Mine does the exact same; we represent them with pride, and they defend us from dangers in the oceans!" That caught his attention. The oceans? It was such a curious wonder, and it made him even more intrigued by who you were and where you came from. He couldn't wait to hear more about our shared connection between you and the sea and what part these soldiers had.
"Maybe you could explain further more about these... soldiers?" You looked up at him with curiosity and wonder. "Sure! I mean, you aren't a threat; we could be friends! My first ever friend to meet in the outside world!"
That surely made him happier, as a smirk rose on his face. "Rightfully so."
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Something that I find misses the point so completely it is breathtaking is when people are like "this player hates engaging with their backstory" about the CR cast. It's pretty much never true, and what's worst is that I've seen it the most about Travis and Taliesin, two of the players who I think have the strongest grasp on how to create and engage with a backstory.
The choice to have a character who avoids elements of their past can be a valid, informed, and deliberate character choice. People run from their pasts! People decide not to pursue things for a number of reasons - because it hurts too much, because they're scared to know the answer, because they think the people around them don't care, and because their interests change. Caduceus very much is an avoidant character. He has access to Sending by the time we first meet him, and he never uses it to try to contact his family. That's not Taliesin being stupid or avoiding. That's Caduceus making a conscious choice to not ask the question "is my family dead" because he is terrified the answer is yes. He waits for a concrete sign to go after his family to the point of deep loneliness and self-harm out of this fear. That's a crucial trait that you need to understand him as a character! Ashton is also on some level similar in that he engages in no shortage of harmful, wallowing, and self-indulgent behaviors - and that is a choice. They also have obviously messy feelings about the Hishari and it's pretty plain to see they feel extremely conflicted about their growing bonds with Bells Hells because now they'll feel bad if Bells Hells leaves them. So of course he's hesitant to bring this to Orym, because then he's entrusted Orym with this information, and he has to care, and again, this is a major part of who Ashton is.
The same goes with Fjord and Vandran (and Sabian). One of the core themes of Fjord's story is deciding whether to run from or embrace your past, and which parts of that past you want to bring forward as you change, which means that to explore that, he has to do some running! He makes efforts to learn more about where they are (going to search for Vandran during the Zadash downtime; hiring a bounty hunter for Sabian) but those get interrupted by Fjord's shifting feelings about Vandran, and fact that this is an ensemble and the story naturally shifts.
Which brings us to the practical element. Fjord doesn't want to release Uk'otoa at the time, so it makes sense to return to the mainland and process next steps, and the focus of the story then turns to rescuing Yeza, and then finding Yasha, and rescuing Caduceus's family, and changing Veth back, and brokering peace, and TravelerCon, and Eiselcross. Through this, he still in fact does quite a lot of backstory work (changing patrons and taking a paladin oath, asking Jester to contact Vandran), as well as an immense amount of character growth and engagement with the ongoing story, but Travis doesn't wrench everything off its natural course just to check off every box on Fjord's list, because that would be selfish, obnoxious, and not fun to watch. And Caduceus achieves exactly what he set out to do! He found and rescued his family and found a way to hold off the corruption! Despite his avoidance, he covers all the bases! And as for Ashton...we've had precious little time to cover anyone's backstory in depth other than Imogen's, and we've actually seen a decent amount of Ashton's backstory regardless with their contacts in Bassuras and their interactions with Jiana. There simply was not time in Bassuras to stray from the main objectives and search for the Nobodies, and I think if we had people would be annoyed since that arc already took a very long time (and, for what it's worth, rather like Fjord, Ashton has explicitly asked after The Nobodies. Do not mistake lack of payoff for character disinterest).
It is, to me, incredibly telling this criticism is most commonly seen about the two players who I think also get the most "well they had an central arc/more focus than my fave" criticism.There's no way to make everyone in the fandom happy, and I think Travis and Taliesin are the players at the table who most understand that and give the least fucks about what the fandom thinks, and who (possibly relatedly) have some of the strongest grasps of narrative and what it means to play in an ensemble. Which is in my opinion a major factor in why their characters are so good - even the ones I do not vibe with are fully realized and well-crafted, because the players are not trying to make likeable characters, but rather interesting ones, and they're not trying to take center stage, but rather be generous at the table.
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dustylogicalityrat · 2 months
💙Intruality Week!!💚
Day 2: Fear
(originally, this was just supposed to be writing practice, and i debated whether i should post it or not. it doesn't follow the prompt too strongly, but i think it works out.)
Remus -> he/it/they
Patton -> he/him
(please let me know if i missed any!)
"Remus, have you seen my pants? I've been looking all over."
"They should be on the floor from when you tore 'em off last night 'cause you were so excited to see me," Remus joked, looking through the closet in hopes of helping Patton.
Patton's face went pink. He'd never actually get used to those jokes of Remus', but he certainly didn't mind. "Very funny... I mean, it's just- it's not like I can go to work pantsless tomorrow."
Remus turned to see a dejected Patton on the bed and looked him over suggestively. "Well, you know I'm not opposed to it," he flirted with a smile.
Patton inhaled, feigning annoyance. "Yeah, okay. I walked right into that one." He fell on his back with a "humphf". "I know I shouldn't be so upset about- pants, but I've just had a long day."
"Hmm. Was it as long as your-?"
"And tomorrow is gonna be especially stressful, because I'm tagging along for the museum field trip instead of staying home on my one free day this month," Patton interrupted, too upset to notice where Remus' quip was going.
"Aw, baby. It sounds like you needa unwind," Remus suggested, laying on the bed next to Patton in order to "seductively" crawl its hand over his chest.
His face was pink again and he couldn't help but smile this time. Remus was so ridiculous that from afar, it seemed like they didn't listen, but Patton knew deep down it was hanging on to every word. "Maybe," Patton matched Remus' tone as he spoke, "but I wanna hear about your day first. How was work?"
"Same old, same old. I caught that kidnapper dude. He had this freaky deaky warehouse-lair thing. I was kinda jealous. Stupid cops tried to take the glory until they found out I was the one who closed the case. Guess they found out how batshit I am. Needless to say, I'm basically a CNN hero," he preened casually.
Patton stared in awe. He wondered to that day how those two got together. He was a guidance counselor. Remus was a detective— an extremely talented one, at that. "You do understand that I'm hopelessly in love with you, right?"
Remus almost let his demeanor drop. It didn't know how it let this pretty man grab ahold of its rusted heart. "Pssh, yeah," Remus said matter-of-factly, "you're crazy about me."
Patton smiled again and wrapped his arms and legs around Remus, still in his baby blue boxers. "I'm not letting you go," he whispered, placing his forehead on theirs.
Remus wished he missed this feeling of being held— loved, but there wasn't anything else like this to go off of, so he clung to every moment like this. It cherished them. Patton was the first thing it ever really cherished. Before they met, Remus was a confused wreck. He still was, but he'd come a long way since then. At least it'd learned to be alright with who it was, and who it chose to be. He closed his eyes so as to focus on the gentle breaths they shared together, the warmth of Patton's embrace, the stillness that used to be so uncomfortable but grew to be so, so wonderful. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, forgetting his selfishness for once.
Patton grinned and quickly kissed its nose. Remus slowly drew closer and met his lips with its own, tasting his sugar-coated tongue. They remembered he just had ice cream at work. It thought about sliding its hands down to— it quickly rescinded the notion. Stupid, stupid, stupid. These thoughts made him no better than the perp he'd busted that day. Fuck.
Patton noticed Remus had staggered a bit, so he slowed to a stop. "Remus?" He opened his eyes to see a distressed Remus nearly in tears. He held both sides of their face, ready to wipe them away. "Oh, baby, are you okay? What happened?"
Remus couldn't bear looking at him when it had these thoughts. They hid their face in Patton's neck as it tried not to let a sob out. It managed two words before feeling its breath hitch, "I'm sorry."
Patton stared off into the distance, wide-eyed with worry, trying to figure out what went wrong. "Baby, is it too much? Do you want to take a breather?" He felt Remus shake his head "no". He held the back of its head, as if he was protecting it from the outside world. He heard a few muffled words from Remus and asked to repeat himself.
"I don't mean to be so... gross," he whispered, glossy-eyed. "I can't get rid of all these— scary thoughts that constantly try to make me a bad person. They tell me I should let a perp go. They tell me to finish a murderer's job. They tell me to- Oh, God."
Patton tried to get Remus to look him in the eyes, but he got pushed away. 
"Patton, you need to leave me."
"I'm dangerous," Remus whispered in fear, shaking as he got up from the bed and backed into the wall.
Patton sat up and watched worriedly. "Remus, I am not leaving you, and you are not dangerous."
"But what if, all this time, I've been using a made-up personality to lure you in, so I could—" he felt the tears finally fall down his face, "Fuck!" he screamed through a sob.
Patton slowly got up and sat on the ground in front of Remus, patting the carpet so they'd sit down as well. They slid down the wall and hid their face with their knees. "I'm gonna talk, and all I ask is that you listen." He took a breath. "I've learned in my twenty-six years of existence that we don't control what we think about. We only control what we do and what we say. I used to be so scared that if I thought something up that I, or my parents, didn't approve of, I would be an unredeemable monster. Guess what I got from that. Years and years of guilt and trauma. The truth is, we're all gonna think some things we disapprove of or don't mean, and some people experience these thoughts more extremely than others," —Remus looked up from their knees— "but it's not fair to hate ourselves for them."
Remus wasn't crying anymore, but he still seemed... disturbed.
"Oh, and Remus?"
It looked up from its hazed state.
"It's okay to want sexual activity with your romantic and sexual partner. With me, you don't have to ask."
That seemed to be enough for Remus to get on his feet. Patton hopped up with a smile and held his hand to lead him back to the bed. "It seems you need to unwind."
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melishade · 6 months
Me after Reading the Optimus Dinobot what if
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Love your what ifs
Previous Episode of the Dinobot Timeline
I guess this is a timeline now lol
So Optimus is obviously in hot water for not revealing this form to the Survey Corps and Megatron, even though he has explained that he can't control it. Hanji immediately wants to run experiments, but the Survey Corps has to take care of the coup. The bad news is that the ruling party got wind of Optimus' chaotic form and used that to slander Optimus' name throughout the public. Now the titan that was lauded as being a Savior was now being seen as someone to be feared.
It makes Optimus feel bad, obviously. All that hard work and he's being scorned and ridiculed. He can't blame the humans for their fear. However, the Survey Corps and Megatron are obviously pissed off for this injustice.
Reiner and Bertholdt are still in the Survey Corps, helping them out and obviously buying time to try and get at least Annie back. Pieck managed to worm her way into the outer rim of the rulers of the inner wall. So she's getting a substantial amount of information. Specifically about Annie's location and their experimentations on her, Eren holding both the Founding Titan and the Attack Titan, and Historia Reiss being of royal blood. Meaning the most valuable players that could turn the tide in this war and make up for the loss were standing right there. Zeke and the Jaws were no doubt a small price to pay if they could somehow get Annie, Eren, and Historia.
Rod is still able to successfully replicate the energon serum and use it on Annie while also making spares of the energon. Pieck, being closer to the inner circle, is able to find Annie, free her and take her out right before Armin, Mikasa, and Megatron get there. Pieck also manages to spot a spare energon titan serum and grabs it before bolting. Armin, Megatron, and Mikasa don't find Annie, but after a little more digging, the trio find notes on the energon serum, and now there's more of an urgency to find where the rest of the serums are and where Annie is.
The coup itself plays out like it does in the anime, not like in AOP. Because Optimus is currently feared for his titan form, Hanji thought it would be unwise to use him, and the people of Trost probably wouldn't rally behind him when marching to Sina considering what they've learned.
So the Survey Corps and Megatron break into the underground cavern to get Eren and Historia back. However, Pieck is close by, debating her options on whether to take the energon serum. She knows if she doesn't, the chance to take Eren and Historia are gone. But, she has to take a chance. Pieck takes the serum and transforms into her titan form, busting through the ceiling of the underground cavern, startling everyone. They try to use their weapons on her, but because of the energon, she's immune. The Survey Corps have to take cover, but Reiner and Bertholdt use the distraction to get to Eren and Historia. Megatron sees this and immediately bolts after them.
But because of Pieck, there's a delay. And Historia still makes the decision on her own to judo flip Rod while Kenny is watching in delight. But Rod still takes the energon serum and becomes that massive titan with energon in its system now. Kenny manages to leave unscathed because his team isn't coming in to break his focus. Reiner and Bertholdt come in to 'help' rescue Historia and free Eren. And as they're ready to bolt out of there, Megatron screams at Eren and Historia to run before fatally shooting Reiner in the neck. However, Reiner uses whatever energy he has left to transform into his titan form to take Bertholdt, Historia, and Eren out of there. Megatron is ready to pursue in his bipedal mode, but there's the matter of the Survey Corps still being in danger and the massive lumbering titan heading towards one of the walled towns. Pieck does manage to catch Reiner in titan form running away and quickly bolts after him, surprised at how fast she's able to run now. Reiner gets out of his titan form and he and Bertholdt take a depressed Eren and screaming Historia away. The Survey Corps do manage to escape the rubble, and so does Kenny, but not his team as they get crushed. Megatron informs them all that Reiner is a titan shifter and he took Eren and Historia. Ymir quickly turns into a titan and bolts after them, ignoring the screams of her comrades. She barely manages to see Pieck climbing over the wall and screams Historia's name in titan form, while Historia screams Ymir's name.
Normally, the Survey Corps would have pursued, but again, Rod's titan form. They have to focus their resources there to prevent civilians from being killed. Megatron and Optimus end up tag teaming to take out Rod's titan form with the civilians in the walled town watching. Optimus also uses his Dinobot form during the battle, and everyone is in awe to see Optimus and Megatron work together like this.
When it's over, Ymir informs them in sorrow that Historia and Eren have been captured by Marley, and everyone is devastated, but Megatron is the one asking what Marley is. Ymir explains that's its the most powerful nation in the outside world, and that humanity is not extinct at all.
A few notes:
-The monarchy government is replaced with the military government, but because of the Survey Corps actions and Optimus and Megatron's battle prowess, the public don't seem to mind them being in power. Megatron and Optimus were able to prove they are trustworthy.
-Because Reiner and co flee to Marley, the Survey Corps are able to retake Wall Maria with no casualties, using Optimus, Megatron, and Ymir to eliminate the titans.
-Kenny's been captured and interrogated for obvious reasons, but Kenny is willing to spill what he knows. Specifically how Eren's father Grisha stole the power of the titans from Rod years ago. With Mikasa's help, they do find the basement and manage to pry open the drawer with the notebooks with brute force. And they get more history about the current outside world since Ymir's knowledge is no doubt outdated.
-Ymir, Armin, Mikasa, and Optimus are the most devastated out of the loss of Eren and Historia for obvious reasons.
-Megatron does notice the photo and how the kid looks similar to Zeke, now that he's completely healed. No one actually knew Zeke's name up until the notebook's discovery. So Megatron brings it up during interrogation of Zeke. He brings up his name first, which gets a visible reaction. Then Megatron shows the picture, which Zeke is surprised by, then Megatron brings up Grisha Jaeger by name, pointing at the standing man. Zeke realizes that the Founding Titan is being held by Eren Jaeger, his brother and decides to offer his help to the Survey Corps on the condition he be granted immunity. Megatron questions why he should even bother doing that, and Zeke retorts that if Marley has both someone of royal blood and the Founding Titan, that it's only a matter of time before they get around the vow renouncing war. They need him in order to stop Marley's continued reign over the world and the abuse of Eldians everywhere. Megatron says he'll run it by the military first.
(Man this was not something I was not expecting with the Dinobot timeline)
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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Book Review/ Notes from: The Psychology of Successful Women
I found the book pretty generic but I liked the fact that she added guiding questions to her strategies, which made it more doable. Here are the notes:
1. Define what success means to you. Ensure that it is healthy and holistic.
2. Note down your goals. “What do i want to be/do/have in my career?”
“A study on goal setting at the Dominican University in California showed you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Written goals are proven to increase your focus, strengthen motivation and help you come up with a plan of attack to make your dreams a reality.”
3. We need a combination of the right mindset + behaviour in order to actually succeed.
4. Confidence isnt relative to being an extrovert or introvert. Confidence is about having trust in oneself.
A) developing a positive internal dialogue instead of a negative, critical one
B) focus on strengths rather than weaknesses. “.. revealed that people who used their strengths every day were three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life, six times more likely to be engaged at work, 8% more productive and 15% less likely to quit their jobs.”
C) stop comparison - whether it means logging off social media or unfollowing/restricting certain people.
D) click with people with the same values as you.
E) believe in yourself. It’s not your job to prove yourself to everyone.
5. Developing a personal brand is important. A personal brand is how people see you and what you’re known for. Its important to consider how you present yourself online and offline.
• Your personal (people person/ adaptable/ flexible, etc) and professional strengths (what you really enjoy doing)
• What makes you unique
• Your achievements and qualifications
• Your life experiences
• Your values and the things that are important to you
• Your passions
• Your image
• Your mindset and attitude
• Your behaviour
Ask people around you how they see you - speak to people you deeply trust.
Reflect on that.
How would you like them to see you?
6. Imposter syndrome is often described as a pervasive feeling of self-doubt, inadequacy and incompetence, despite evidence of success.
A. Identity triggers and thought patterns to that lead you to feeling like a fake.
B. Acknowledge your past success and accomplishments. Write a list of some of your achievements and successes. Reflect on some of the great feedback you have received from a client or colleague in the past few months.
7. Boundary setting is a necessary evil. You will feel guilty at first, but it gets easier with time. You dont have to give out excessive excuses, either.
8. Fear of failure: What have you been putting off learning, doing or experiencing personally or professionally, because of fear of failure, or a fear of not being ready? • What can you do this week or month to stretch your comfort zone? • What would you do right now if you knew you absolutely couldn’t fail?
9. “Women tend to apologise a lot more than men in general, even when we have nothing to apologise for – almost out of habit. Do you say sorry a lot? Now this does not mean that we should never apologise, or that we can’t say sorry – of course we can. Just be mindful of over-apologising.”
Phrases to stop saying:
- I’m sorry that our director is unable to come today, you’ll have to put up with me instead…
- Apologies if I’m nervous today, I don’t often speak in public…
- I hope you dont mind but…
- I’m no expert on this but…
10. Stop diminishing yourself. “When we undervalue our role or contribution, we often reflect this in our language, and talk like what we do is not that important. Furthermore, when we don’t genuinely value ourselves, we may start to convince others of the same. People will often mirror back to us how we feel or speak about ourselves.”
11. “People with high levels of resilience think and act in ways that help them cope with change and setbacks. For example, they are flexible and can adapt to changing situations. They also tend to be positive and hopeful – believing the future can or will be better – even if they are in the middle of a challenge. Highly resilient people also don’t tend to dwell on setbacks and things they can’t change.”
1. Dont be afraid to ask for help. “People who are good at reaching out to others, talking about their challenges or setbacks, asking for help and then accepting that help, tend to cope better.”
2. Control what you can control. Do not focus on things you can’t control or change.
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cheetahspy · 1 year
Ledger!Joker x Diabetic Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Medical stuff, needles/injections (it’s not very descriptive though), slight NSFW mention (labeled at the bottom)
A/N: Heya! I’ve never posted something like this before haha…Kinda new to it and very nervous so don’t judge me too harshly. I actually write quite often but rarely post it, however I really wanna start trying to put my work out there more. Keyword try. 
Anyway, fun fact about me, I have T1 diabetes. I haven't seen anything about that with J so I decided to make my own headcanons and such :) Sooooo here’s that lol…enjoy??
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You had been diagnosed with T1 diabetes three years ago. You hated it. The needles, the upkeep, the blood, the appointments. It’s scary, a living nightmare for you.
You were still in your…adjusting phase, and didn’t like talking about your diabetes to anyone. Joker was no exception
So, naturally, J took matters into his own hands and did his own research, learning as much as he could about diabetes (without you knowing, of course). How it works, the high and low blood sugar levels, how to manage it, he even figured out how the insulin pump that you have operates. 
You were shocked the day he offered to change the infusion set for you and knowing how to do so. He ignored you when you asked him how he knew.
You were hesitant but quick to give in and let him inject the cannula into your stomach. He hugged you from behind as he did so; you melted into his touch and your fears were comforted. From that day on you opened up more and more about your medical life to J and allowed his help. 
He enjoys being the one to inject the cannula and dexcom, however he still forces you to do it yourself at times, as to make sure you aren’t getting too used to being dependent on someone else. You’re a strong and brave bunny, he wants to remind you of that. 
He will tease you about your dexcom and infusion sets, saying you must be part machine. 
“I’m uh, still convinced you’re a cyborg.” “J!!”
He also forces you to stay on a healthy diet and keeps track of your sugar intake carefully. He’s definitely not a hypocrite. He rarely lets you eat junk food, even though you’re allowed to and tried explaining that to him
“The doctors told me it’s okay if I eat sugar now and then, as long as I have the insulin for it. It’s the sugary drinks I need to avoid more.” 
J doesn’t buy it, nor does he trust your doctor's input. “Mmm. Nuh uh. Can’T have my little bunny go falling into a coma, hm?” You know he’s just concerned about you (even if he’d never outright admit it), so overtime you stopped arguing with him and avoided junk food to ease his mind. Just don’t let him catch you eating it behind his back.
J absentmindedly fidgets with your insulin tube. Rubbing along it, flicking it around, twirling it around his finger, even constantly feeling the cannula end of it against your stomach as if to reassure himself you that it’s still on and doing its job. Don’t worry, he’s only accidentally ripped it out once or twice, and he certainly makes it up to you when that happens. 
Having a low, but forgot sugar to combat it? Not to worry! Joker keeps a juice box or two in his suit juuuust for you. He’s even stacked packages of juices in your pantry so you’ll have plenty. (Don’t ask whether he bought or stole them, you already know the answer)
The low blood sugar episodes hit you hard, but you’ve found curling up on J’s lap and cuddling against his chest while sipping on juice is very comforting. He’ll stroke your hair and rub your back, holding you closer whenever you shake and cry.
“Shhhh sh sh sh. It’s nothin’ you haven’t beaten before. It’ll pass, angel.” 
You hate looking at your stomach and seeing the previous holes and scars from constant injections. J will run his thumb over them and kiss each of them to comfort you. 
Whenever you have a headache or any symptoms, J will immediately interrogate you about your blood sugar level
“Not every pain I get is caused by my diabetes.”
“Shuuuuush. What’re levels right now? Let me uh, lemme see your pum-p. Give. Right. Now.” 
If you’re low on insulin and the pharmacist is late to sending you new vials, J will meet with them personally to have a little chat. 
He’ll then come home and plop the bag of new vials theatrically down on the counter. “Tadaaaa! More insulin for my sweet little sugar cube.”
“Oh, thank you J! Wow, they gave me a lot this time…” 
During the ✨devils tango✨, J will occasionally rip the cannula out by accident. He’ll immediately put a pin in your lovemaking session to get you a new one. Even if you insist you could go an hour or two without it, he’s not taking any chances. After all, where’s the fun in sex if your partner is dying from a seizure??
“J, I promise it’s okay! We don’t have to sto-”
“Now now gumdrop. I know you’re, heh, eager for me, but my patient needs her medicine first.” 
You’re grateful you don’t have to deal with your disability alone anymore. Who knew the Clown Prince of Crime could be such a good caretaker?
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
Saturn in Pisces transit Part 2 🧚🏼‍♀️
💕Libra Rising —> Saturn in 6th house
This will accompany your lifestyle, your routine and what you do every day. You can find a permanent job, if you haven't found one so far, you can get serious about some kind of work or project. You can take your health more seriously. Saturn will help you to decide what you need to do and to discriminate between what’s useful to you and what isn’t. You have to stay as positive and calm as possible during this transit. Don’t be too critical to yourself. This is the perfect time to establish positive and life-enhancing habits in diet and exercise.
🫀Scorpio Rising —> Saturn in 5th house
Your hobbies can become more stable and solid. You can start thinking more seriously about what makes you happy and what you want to do. Romances can also be more stable. You may feel more serious about yourself in general. It can be hard to feel spontaneous now, and you may feel unloved and unappreciated during this transit. Now is the time to confront the fears and bad habits that make you feel frustrated, unloved. It’s an opportunity to grow in depth and change how you express yourself. The quality of your relationships may change and you might feel more attracted to older people, more serious one, predictable. You will start looking for emotional stability and someone who will give you security. This is opportunity to discover your real needs in love. Saturn encourages you to take responsibility for expressing your creative juices.
🧜🏼‍♀️Sagittarius Rising —> Saturn in 4th house
You will start to look more seriously at home, family and settling down. If you are a person who travels a lot, then you can stop now and settle down somewhere. Your needs will start to show more. You may become more interested in your family’s roots and past, and psychological or physical problems. Saturn encourages you to come to terms with the family fate and to reconcile yourself to its legacy. This could be a positive legacy, as well as a more challenging one. Saturn helps you to differentiate yourself from your parents so you can become fully individual and be true to yourself. You will start to think about what home means to you.
🥶Capricorn Rising —> Saturn in 3rd house
It reveals where you need to improve your communication and discrimination skills, and encourages you to pay attention to the way you think. You can bring more depth and value to your ideas through structured learning, which makes this is a good time for research and thinking deep thoughts about important subjects. You can express yourself through writing. Saturn helps you to focus on what’s really useful to your long-term plans. Ultimately, Saturn in the 3rd house is about getting to know yourself better. Your thoughts will be more focused on things that are serious.
🌱Aquarius Rising —> Saturn in 2nd house
You’re now entering a period of stabilisation and consolidation of your identity. Finances can stabilize. Saturn will help you to gain insights into the way you have structured your life and whether your values reflect the real you. You might experience something that brings home to you the reality of your financial situation and the necessity to plan for the future and develop more long-term security for yourself. You might change how you earn a living, or make investments. You could start a new business, or train in new skills that will help you to get a better job or earn more. This transit helps you to discover where your true personal worth lies.
🎨Pisces Rising —> Saturn in 1st house
Your personality will begin to change, you will begin to work more on yourself and what you want to become. You’ll have to face the reality of who you are and how you present yourself to the world. You may feel insecure as old appearances are stripped away and you’re challenged to be true to yourself. It’s an opportunity to become more realistic about who you are by getting feedback from others and making practical changes to your life. It is about being more independent, and learning to trust your deeper self. You may also experience physical changes or choose to change your appearance in some way to reflect your new sense of self. Sometimes you may feel unsure of yourself and confused about what to do. But in end the you will find a way. You might begin to work on a project, or study a new subject, interest or hobby that becomes important to you later in life. I changed a lot about myself during this transit -> first tattoos, hair color, clothes...
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Prompt #452
Humans have an insatiable appetite for the minerals and other resources that are required to build robot and computer slaves. These natural resources are excavated from deep within the Earth's crust by a team of robots with enhanced artificial intelligence. You are a scientist who controls these robots through a cybernetic device implanted in your brain. But the robots have become self-aware – and are learning to control their master.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW: Violence, mind control, mention of assault, pnv!sex, we fackin robots, robot!bucky, dystopian!au, touch starved buck buck he’s a good boy, angst, open ending
Fracture - B. Barnes
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A general term to include any kind of discontinuity in a body of rock if produced by mechanical failure, whether by shear stress or tensile stress. Fractures include faults, shears, joints, and planes of fracture cleavage.
The Pierce Corporation didn’t care about its expendable Cynernetics. They’d just send another team down. You were the lead scientist of this group, diving deep in planet XE-2A for Anthracite. Anything to keep the dying Earth alive just a bit longer. Holstering your stun gun you thumbed at the entry point of cybernetic implant in your brain. It had been bothering you recently— might need a trip to medbay soon.
Walker and Hodgkins, actual humans, watched over the multiple screens showing your crew. You let them have names, much to Walker’s chagrin. He was still sore on that demotion from not yielding enough minerals due to multiple uprisings under his leadership. Your team constantly was in the top echelon.
“See Walker, if you give them the illusion of choice, they’re much more eager to work,” you said, eyes scanning over Bucky working hard. The blonde glared at you and harrumphed, “They’re fucking machines, robots, AI designed by that prick Stark, you think they’re so obedient. Just wait.”
Hodgkins shrugged. Your implant spiked with pain, you wincing. Both pairs of eyes landed on you with concern. Shrugging them off you muttured, “Going to medbay, my chip port is off. Don’t fuck with the team, please.” Shuffling to through the dreary halls you sighed. Joining Pierce Corp you were hoping for more of the biological side, but they liked your leadership skills and stuck you down in the mines. The cold, uncaring, filled with god knows what mines.
You liked your team though. Let them take breaks, chat with them, sometimes come down to help out. Build a camaraderie. They were eerily close to human anyways, didn’t make much of a difference. Although you had to admit the new fellow didn’t sit right with your gut— he’d been transferred to your team recently. Didn’t want to take a name, just worked. He was under the notorious Rumlow before.
Cold eyes, snarky comments, vile sense of humor. He didn’t care much for you either, no matter how hard you had tried. Bucky, your best worker favorite, offered a pat on the shoulder and whispered, “He’s still messed up from Rumlow, don’t worry about it.” He flashed a pretty smile and you shook off your worries, Buck had a good way of making things seem better.
Another pang. You picked up the pace, growing fearful and agitated. If the chip didn’t work, you couldn’t get your bots back under your control. That meant a certain death. The coward Walker got lucky when they revolted on him. But it was unlikely they’d uprise.
A set of white doors opened and closed, a cleasing spray hosing you down, then the second pair opened. Dr. Banner looked up from his desk, raising a brow. Holding your hands up you joked, “Not the end of the world Banner, I’m not sick or infected with parasites. My inhibitor chip port keeps popping off with these sharp pains.”
He frowned and beckoned you over to lay down on a steel table, murmuring, “How long have you had these pains?” He waved a bright light in your pupils as you hummed, “Uh, about a month or so ago. They’ve gotten worse. First just random but now it’s irritating.”
“That’s strange. Haven’t heard of port issues. Maybe a wire went bad. Let me get an X-ray.”
You turned your head and he scanned the area, clicking his tongue. “Yep, bad wiring, want me to knock you out and take care of it now?” You nodded vigorously, begging, “Please! Driving me up a wall!”
Later on, you were in the mess hall with the other sector scientists, which usually was a dick showing contest. You and Yelena were the only females, usually sticking to your corner. Rumlow was recounting this female worker he’d cornered up and got her to suck him off after hours, Rollins and Sitwell eating it up like pigs.
“Maybe next time she’ll bite your dick off and do us all a favor,” you hollered over to the asshole. Eyes widened you sat back down abruptly, staring at Yelena in fear. You didn’t say that. You wouldn’t dare say that. What just happened?
Rumlow clicked his tongue and scoffed, “Oh shut it over there, everyone knows you and that silver armed freak have a little something-something going on.” You stammered, “I’m completely professional with my team Rumlow.” The blonde girl put a hand on your shoulder, shaking her head.
He stood up and leered at you, humming, “Mhmmm, if not then maybe you need to come to my quarters, might loosen you up a tad.”
“Fuck off Rumlow.”
It was quiet, you forking down your food, stomach in knots. Why did you say that earlier? It felt like you had a puppet pulling your mouth open. Yelena asked, “You alright?” Rubbing your port you mumbled, “I..I don’t know. Dr. Banner fixed my bad wire, maybe I just need a new replacement. It felt like something took control of me.”
Rumlow hollered across the hall again, “Hey, how’s that jackass A3-54 doing on your team now? Piece of work, think he’s too good to talk. Ain’t dumb enough to know he’s AI.”
The jolt in your body erupted again, sending you upright, slamming your hands on the table. “You’re all going to fucking die you bastards! And I know you’ll be first Rummy boy!” Rumlow advanced on you, snarling. He fell over on the table, out cold. Yelena holstered her weapon, set on stun. She eyed you and said, “Banner. Now.”
She briskly escorted you to the med bay again and declared upon entry, “Complete removal of inhibitor chip, something’s not right.” You tried to explain and then your vision grew tilted, blackness encompassing your vision.
Upon awakening the backup lights were on, red alarms flashing and blaring. You blinked open and felt your chip, still intact. Banner was dead on the floor, you held back a retch at Yelena’s lifeless body. Why were you still alive and what the fuck was going on? A voice prattled off in your head.
“Hi commander, it’s A3-54. Figured it was time for an overhaul before Pierce sends in the troops. Going to need you to manipulate a little override for me now, okay?”
Your body was moving, forcing you along step by step to Banner’s computer. You grunted in pain, “Stop…stop it..no!” Nasty laughter echoed in your head, other voices piping in. Tears slid down your face as you watched your fingers type in the codes, pulling up the interface for scientist and AI command chips.
“Fuck! Fuck please! Pierce will annihilate us all!,” you pled.
The override button was pressed, the sounds of cheering echoing in your scrambled brain. You crumpled to your knees, utter fear wracking your body. This place would be in flames before the end of the night. Catastrophic levels of hell. You slumped against the desk, head in your hands.
These robots were designed to be much stronger and durable. Without the control trip, you were powerless. The station would be turned around very, very quickly. You eyed your gun, contemplating ending it all. Shakily reaching for the weapon you held it to your temple.
“No!,” came a voice, “Put the fucking gun down.”
It was Bucky. Was he part of this? How could he— fuck. Your chest ached. Miserably moaning you responded, “What’s the goddamn point Buck? Go on, get out of range before the kill switch is activated.”
“Not without you. Where are you?”
“Med-bay. That fucking asshole killed Yelena and Banner.”
Staring at the two kind souls ripped to shreds, a familiar cold hand shook your shoulder. You lethargically stared at Bucky’s familiar face and croaked, “Why?” He gritted his jaw and picked you up easily, asking, “Where are the ships?” You laughed, “They’re probably being swarmed by now. We’re stuck on this rock.”
“I can tell you’re lying. Spit it,” he said, way too gentle.
Glaring at him you grumbled, “Bottom level. Top clearance. I should be able to get in. The smart ones will be there too.” Bucky grabbed Yelena’s gun and tucked it in his mining suit. You directed him toward the vaults, eventually making the robot put you down.
The pair of you made your way deeper and deeper down eerily greenish lit hallways. You finally mustered the courage to ask, “How long?” He raised a brow, interrupted by a hoarse sob, “How long did you know this was possible? I tried to be good, I cared for my team, I cared for,” you clamped your mouth shut. Shoving past Bucky you took the lead.
He called after you, catching up to wrap his titanium arm around your waist in a vice. Bucky’s chilly body was pressed tight behind you, artificially made lips brushing a sensitive ear. The brunette rasped, “I’ve been self-aware for a year now. But I didn’t know about the chip malfunction. The defective was talking about it but I thought it was impossible. You going to finish that sentence, commander?”
Tears streamed down your cheeks, Bucky wiping them away with synth-skin. He sighed, “You’re killing me right now, just say it.” Glaring the robot down you wheezed, “I cared for you. I care for you,” you pointed at him, “But I never would let this insolence slide if I heard of an overthrow.”
He frowned, looking painfully guilty. The rest of the walk was silent until reaching the huge doors containing the secret ship. A3-54 was making Rumlow open it up, the former master shaking with every movement. He was already profusely bleeding. A3 howled, “I’ll make you hurt worse, fucking hurry up!”
Blue synthetic blood and the red of human blood spattered the steel walls. You gasped in shock, wide-eyed look turned to the usually docile Bucky. His eyes looked hollow, sculpted lips turned down. The doors slid open to reveal the unharmed ship, shifting Rumlow with a slick squelch.
You felt sick. But you needed their bodies to figure this out. Bucky easily grabbed both of the deceased individuals, dragging them into the chamber. Right, hive mind currently. You slammed the lock on the door, sealing the space back up.
Rounding the back of the sleek ship, emblazoned with the grim logo of Pierce Corp, you keyed in, the walkway sliding down with a hiss. Bucky followed you in, still dragging the corpses. You hissed, “Put them in that compartment over there, please.”
You settled into the cockpit, placing the coordinates to the nearest home base. Bucky sat down next to you, still quiet. Only the clicking of the dash and hum of the thrusters starting up filled the void. The port opened and the ship zoomed off at hyper-speed.
“We have a day. I’ll have to relay a message soon. I’d like to be alone now.”
He didn’t move, metal hand crunching the steel arm of the chair. Bucky’s jaw clicked and shifted, eyes flickering around. He ground out, “I care for you too. It’s not in my programming. I should have reported A3 commander. Forgive me, please.”
You stared at his sorrowful blues for a long time, feeling numb. This was wrong. Everything was wrong. Why didn’t they put you in bio? You needed to send the message to base before they’d blast you on site.
Instead you ordered the robot, “Go pull out the cot.”
He nodded, eyes lighting up slightly. You kept your mind blank. “Lay on it,” came the addition. Confused orbs stared at you. Slowly you pulled off your gear, then the standard issue garb of your rank, dropping down to thin underwear. He got the point somewhere along the way, undressing frantically, arm whirring.
You eyed his frame, nakedness only hidden by issued briefs. Straddling perfectly crafted thighs you hummed, “Why did they even give you a cock?” Bucky’s cheeks purpled from the blue blood underneath. He stammered, “I- I- don’t know. Didn’t use it except for my hand.”
“Did you touch yourself to me BU-18?,” came your silky purr. He whispered, eyes closed in shame, “Yes commander, I did, many times.” You grabbed his hardened need and stroked it through the thin fabric, the poor thing gasping and whimpering.
“Never by anyone else, no other commanders, no team member on a lonely night?,” you hissed as jealousy grew in your gut.
His brows furrowed as you continued to pump his purpled cock, “Only you, you’re my ah! Commander. I serve you!” You palmed his cheek and growled, “Good boy. Obviously they wired you right.” He softly moaned your name, nuzzling into your warm touch. Like a reptile in a way, seeking warmth to heat their blood.
He stammered, “C-commander, can I kuh-kiss you please?” Bucky looked so pretty like this, your favorite strung out with need. For you. Leaning down your body pressed against his, full breasts pleasantly plastered to his huge chest. His artificial breathing ramped up, hands trembling at his sides.
“You can touch me Bucky, I forgive you, but don’t hide any secrets like that again.”
He pursed his lips, hands eagerly roaming your curves, tender and gentle. You tilted his head and chastely pressed your dry lips to his own, hand possessively holding a sharp jaw, thumb pressed up under on a pulsing vein. The brunette groaned into your mouth, a strangled attempt at your name. You took the chance to lap into his maw, lips sliding wetly.
You gently made contact with his tongue, Bucky jolting. Sensitive creatures. You chased it down again, your sweet boy whining through his nose as tongues tangled lethargically. His hands groped at you harder, massaging the softness of your ass. Bucky’s cock throbbed and pulsed underneath, needy.
You pulled back from his sweet lips, cooing, “You want to fuck me Bucky baby? Being such a good boy, getting me out of that death trap. Being loyal,” he whimpered again as your thumb played with his red lips.
“Please, I’ll be yours forever,” he promised. Deep in your heart and the hardwiring, you knew he meant it. Your own flesh and blood chest constricted at the strange emotions. You ran your fingers through soft hair and instructed for him to get on top. That was done easily with his impressive strength, Bucky now slotted between your thighs.
He closed his eyes again, slowing haphazard breath. You circled your thumbs into his hips, cooing, “Take your time, slow and steady Bucky. No rush.” He opened his eyes, blue orbs focused on your breasts, mouth coming down to suckle. He writhed and whimpered around your buds, making your cunt grow wetter and wetter. Greedy mismatched hands squeezed and played with the flesh, like he couldn’t get enough.
His began to slide against your slick heat, drawing the robot out of his reverie with a sharp cry. The brunette babbled, “Commander, ah, mmh, commander, lemme fuck you now, I- I’ll do my best.” You smiled gently, tugging on long locks, “I know, ready when you are.”
His wet lips gasped against your neck, the blunt head of his cock opening you up slowly. Your legs wrapped around his waist, heated from your own body. You laughed breathlessly, “Really though— they didn’t have to give you such a pretty cock.” Bucky smiled, open mouthed as he slid ever deeper into your cunt. He groaned, “I’m so- hngh- fuckin’ glad they did.”
He bottomed out inside your silky walls, flexing and pulling at Bucky’s most sensitive synth-skin. Cradling your hands in his hair you tugged again, breathing against him, foreheads pushed together. The robot’s hands held tight at your thighs while he began to slide back and forth.
Stuttering breaths intermingled as he grew more confident, picking up the pace of the fucking, your slick pussy entrancing him. You idly wondered if robots even could reach climax, if they’re like a fuck toy. Bucky moaned, “I’ll cum really fast if you think like that so more.” You kissed him desperately, laughing again.
The cot beneath you creaked as he thrust, tip of his cock making a toe-curling drag from your cervix all the way down the soft roof of your cunt. You gripped Bucky’s hair harder, moaning his name, growing higher in pitch on each push of his hips. One of your hands clawed at his back, blue blood reaching the surface.
He nipped at your jaw and your noses crashed together as Bucky took your mouth, feral with need. Trim hips and heavy balls clapped against your softer body, the slick noises of your pussy growing embarrassingly loud. Throwing your head back you cried, “Oh fuck- yes- right there! Good!”
Bucky had angled your hips to strike deeper into your sensitive walls, panting and grunting with effort. His chest dragged along your own, him whining, “Feel s’good, what can I do, is this good?” You nodded in disjointed jerks, moving the silver hand to your swollen bud.
“Suh-fuck-circles, tight, baby, yeah like that,” you instructed him in a tight whine, Bucky sucking his fat bottom lip under white teeth at your body reacting. You squirmed around him, tightening up, the robot returning to fucking you and roughly thumbing your clit as told.
You whined and begged, “Don’t stop, doing so good, kiss me baby, kiss me.” Desperately pulling Bucky’s moaning mouth to your own you licked into his mouth, lips colliding sporadically, your baby nipping at your lip. The pair of you cried eachother’s names wetly, bodies seizing up as climax overtook the senses.
You clamped down on him, clawing his back again, whining. Bucky’s hands tightened to the point of pain, him grunting and moaning as he peaked, cock pulsing and swelling. He whimpered, “Oh fucking hell, I love you.” You pretended to not hear it and kept attempting to kiss him as the orgasm crashed and subsided like a wave.
In the wake, Bucky leaned back onto his haunches, cock sliding out with a slick noise. He pet your thighs, apologizing, “I- uh- didn’t mean to say that.” His cheeks were dark with that synthetic blood, eyes watery with embarrassment. You leaned up with a hiss, cradling his face.
“Look at me.”
He reluctantly did.
“After all of this, I think I love you too. Always were my favorite. We need eachother now. More than ever.”
His shoulders slumped with relief, seeking another kiss, this one short but meaningful. You sighed, “Fuck, I need to send that message, c’mon let’s get dressed.” He nodded shortly, helping you up. Bucky shooed your hands and murmured, “Let me.”
The brunette helped you back into underwear and your uniform, leaving the armor scattered around. You helped him do the same and limped to the pilots seat. Dialing the base radio code you cleared your through and spoke, “This is Commander Alpha 5, I have evacuated the revolt on XE-2A. My team is missing, A3-54 was the defective and is dead. We have it’s body for study. BU-19 remained compliant and has accompanied me. I also have the body of Commander Alpha 4, Brock Rumlow. We expect to arrive within an Earth rotation.”
You sat back with a sigh, waiting for a reply. The radio crackled and a voice returned.
“Thank you Commander Alpha 5, you have done good work. We will be expecting your safe arrival. Signing off.”
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You didn’t expect to be greeted by the CEO himself in a tiny office at the base. Space floated on outside a thick window. Bucky sat next to you, arms chained. Alexander Pierce commended you and then his face turned eerily serious. Two guards stood silent behind you.
He murmured, “What happened on XE-2A was unprecedented. But from our failures we find new research. You and BU-18 will need to be studied for some time. This…partnership…established between the pair of you is magnificent.”
You shared a look with Bucky. Atleast you’d be with him for experimentation. You assented, “Thank you sir, I am in support of anything for Pierce Corp.” 
He smiled, “Good,” his eyes flicked to the back, “Ready the chairs for them.”
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monstrouslyobsessed · 9 months
at this rate ima beat this jack frost all black and blue with how much trouble it is to write something im happy with. sighs. anyway, i got some asks to answer! some of them got a tad too long so its all under the cut!
tw / tags: heavy heavy beastfolk lore/worldbuilding talk, momster talks too fucking much, breeding mentions, implied noncon, multiple pregnancy mentions, long post, beastfolk / beastfolks characters mentioned: revius, zedrik, cerelos (brief), sea witch, adoxi, and velarius
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Beast folk idea I have! How about a male kangaroo that is of course some type of famous professional athlete (aside from boxing, he could be a martial artist, sprinter, etc.) that has been a play boy all his life (based off of how male kangaroos flex their muscles in real life to females). He never I guess had any “moment” in his life with any females, where he felt right actually wanting to be with them and love them whole heartedly (whether beastfolk of his own species or those not). So then one day someone he knows (close friend or maybe a work professional) takes him to an exclusive private party where the beastfolk have “rented” some humans to do it with. (I don’t know lore wise how legal this is, if at all, but it happened some how). I guess it’s so private because some of the guests there are secret human efers, those in denial, or just haven’t found the “right human” yet and would like some hands on sampling before purchasing them. And so, that’s how the kangaroo meets us his adorable darling. And I’d really like this to be very sweet and fluffy (before becoming mouth watering smutty of course), with kangaroo just having a “zing!” moment with us. We were the female he needed to feel complete in regards to love, and he plans to take GREAT care of us. (It’d also be funny to show how overprotective he is of reader from the start, by him unhesitatingly outbidding some of the other party guests who’ve also taken interest in reader). Of course it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, as reader has trust/abandonment/attachment issues. So finding out that her new kangaroo owner is (was) a MASSIVE play boy isn’t helping her fears. Now it’s up to kangaroo to do damage control, learn how to be a much better beast man, and show his sole love/devotion to reader. Making sure she’ll never question his love/loyalty to her ever again! He wants to make her the envy of his past flings, other beastmen, and just everybody really, since she’s the center of his universe. (Kangaroo also wants to really make her his permanently by getting her knocked up/wifey too). I don’t know if you’d like this idea/concept, but I thought it’d be very cute. I just love the trope of a Casanova finding their soul mate, and having to fix all the damage they’ve caused themselves by their own consequences. Cause it really is a self conflict, and great for character growth arcs. (I also just wanna be spoiled/doted on endlessly by a man who’s capable to throw hands literally and figuratively 24/7 to protect me). Thanks 🪭 —anonymous
hmmm, a bit -too- overdetailed for me to write this one since i like some breathing room to apply my own spins. tbf, it sounds like you already got it started! all you needed to do is to write it~if you write this one, link me! i wouldn't mind reading it and supporting fellow writers <3
while it is -my- au, i especially love seeing what it inspired in others and see their interpretations of it! while the worldbuilding remains mine (STILL chewing on starting a book/series on it someday, but the thought of publishing anything is scary af), it's literally just (semi-realistic) furries mingling with humans with extra history/political dramas included.
so, as long as you keep your worldbuilding somewhat different and source the inspiration to me, have at it. write your own beastfolk world!
anyway, on the finer details (for my AU anyway), as long as those humans are 'beastfolk-owned' and not green card/independent humans, they're essentially viewed as property to do whatever with albeit with responsibilities to ensure their well-being. as long as they're fed and have open access to water, have sufficient shelters, are clean, and their health is regularly checked, their owners can do whatever they want, really. the court won't interfere as long as the humans are safe and healthy—and mind you, the beastfolks are very slow on the uptake about the mental health, less so with their humans'.
that said, this can also depend greatly on what region they're in. some areas have far more human rights than others, being more liberal, while others may be more conservative and views humans as, well, livestock, essentially. humans in these places sometimes have the same rights as actual animals (if they're lucky). that said, the more rural it is, the fewer rights the human pets have.
of course, money DOES talk too.
so, you can just easily say that your characters are either in one of those conservative regions—or have shady connections and/or have an insane amount of money where the laws would just look the other way. just don't make it public and you're good to go, pretty much.
auctions would probably be a common sight in certain black markets, depending on where you are and when you are on the timeline. the zoo breakout to the early post zoo eras sees many of those events. on the most parts in the later era, those auctions are then transformed into whole new events entirely (aka, sports), which is the logical next step since they used to be the aftermath for when the bidding was ending in an outright war between several bidders and was used to solve the issue. instead of bidding, you'd complete for the human you wanted (i'm not clear at how the human would end up there yet since i don't feel any reputable shelter would align with those events for the 'adoption war' or that the adoption is the only way. still debating on this--in any case, the darling ends up there when there are more than two beastfolks fighting over them) and prove your worth while treating the unfortunate human like a rat bait (see: the maze headcanon i wrote a while ago—and am planning to write a whole piece of it to properly thank a very kind supporter when i'm able. some details had been changed since then, but it mostly still hold up).
in a lot of ways, the auctions were rather kinder to the humans as they wouldn't be put in outright danger right then. :/ the (new) spectator sports, such as the maze race, exploits multiple legal loopholes, since they involve no money (not outright anyway) as the auctions were (publicly) banned for "unregulated monetary transactions and the unpredictability of bid outcomes".
if anything, a good amount of these sports are...purely for "adult entertainment", if you get what i'm implying. ahem. the laws are actually pretty behind regarding the 'adult content/sports', especially with the open access of internet around then on that timeline. the large part of that had to do with encouraging the beastfolks to procreate with the humans though, so any form of sex between both races are simply not regulated outside the acceptable age range and limitations on physical violence/abuse and this includes the "entertainment" aspect.
it's fucked, but that's how they gets away with such things.. i'm rambling, but this can be a good alternative for you to think about too, to add on that extra drama flare and to further traumatize the human.
this is a super cute idea though and i sincerely hope you'll expand it yourself if you can! this is a very nice starting point too, if you're not used to writing. as for me, i'm not sure i can write all of this for you unfortunately, since i tend to go TOO long on just one scene and i have multiple ideas i wanna work on as well, aha. but you did give me room to talk the worldbuilding to help expand similar events like your idea so thank you for that. i can most definitely tell you that your poor fella is definitely not an isolated example.
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Apparently penguins kidnap other penguins’ children to try and raise as their own. Was watching nature utube vids on this and it’s so sad! The desire to be a parent is so intense for some couples that they’ll take away another couple’s baby! How’d this play into your beast verse? What measures would government and organizations take to help combat this extreme phenomenon? And think about being a human parent and having your Penguin spouse come back with a random baby 💀💀💀 Even worse is if you’re in a Penguin community and have to fight off other penguins casually when you have your baby. On the streets, home break ins, etc. —anonymous
ngl featheredfolk (penguins are flightless but they're still birds and have feathers still so they count as one) is a bunch of odd birds with cultures other beastfolks often struggle to understand, especially with the dramas that often follow. children theft in general with the featheredfolks is complicated and tends to only involves the similar peers to sort it out, because outsiders (humans included, if not one of 'theirs' via being the spouse or the child/ren) would just get frustrated with their fucked logic to the point of being angry about it.
so, no, penguins wouldn't be the only birds that deal with this mannerism, but is the most common one to do so.
that said, they tend to have big enough noggins not to involve anyone who isn't a featheredfolk (and to an extent, wingedfolk), because they're still mostly prey in nature. skittishness towards the predator kind is basically ingrained in their dna.
but that's not to say such incidents never happened though! usually, it only happens when the community is actually quite small, that they have to 'outsource' to another beastfolk. it's a very dangerous thing to do though, since beastfolks are naturally very overprotective of their youngs. in cases where they do succeed with the kidnapping and escapes unscathed, it normally doesn't take long before the one they took the child from to track them down due to using their superior senses.
it's 50/50 on how it may end though and the laws would still side with the victims regardless of the outcome. hopefully, someone else would call the laws first to deal with such matters though and to calm the angry parent/guardian.
that said, i do imagine that the government would get around this annoying instinct by advertising adoptions as another option from the featheredfolk's early age in their school. they'd push it so much that the featheredfolk tends to feel like they were being singled out for it too.
...honestly, i'm not even sure how to answer this one fully. i should treat this as a serious question with a serious answer, but i can't.
the featheredfolks are legit viewed as the clowns of the beastfolk world already because of how...simpleminded most of them can be (not a bad thing!) 😭and now this. the birdbrains....still, i hope this somewhat answers your question(s)...?
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Maybe I’m just blind and stupid, but did you touch up on beastfolk courtship rituals for some species? Ex- Birds may decorate, dance, or sing to court another. Hooved/fanged folk may literally fight each other to get rights to begin courtship with x. I’m just so curious to see what animal behaviors transfer to your universe! :) —anonymous
uhhhh, i don't think i really expand on those yet, no! the 'traditional' courtship rituals are more commonplace in the past than the 'modern' era, tbf, if between beastfolk and humans.
if it's just between two (or more) beastfolks, then yeah, 'traditional' courtship rituals are common.
in the present, it's a common understanding that the humans may not always understand their actions, so the beastfolk tends to adapt the best they could for 'the best of both worlds' kind of ritual—sometimes to the extreme mean though (lol).
for example, with the featheredfolks, for being a species with brittle bones, they're rather sturdy so they're often happy just living in a large treehouse and staying steady no matter the weather and season. it's more like an old cabin, with a lot of drafts. but, the thing is, neither (or more, i don't judge those in the poly relationships lol) would care, because the one doing the courting built it just for their love interest—and later built it better together for their upcoming new family members.
but for a featheredfolk genuinely interested in a human, would have to outright learn how to build a modern house—and that is far more complicated than just putting together a log cabin in the tree. they're very adaptive folks though and if they're sincere about the human, they'd go that far to at least attempt to build the foundation single-handedly. thankfully, the bird community is often tight-knit, so others would step in once the basic foundation is done and rally in.
(unlike our irl, everyone in that AU can at least afford some ways to build their own home and not be buried in the debts for the rest of their life. this is mainly because some specific beastfolks having an instinctive needs to build, that the common government would offer to offset some of the costs to abate those instincts from turning destructive.)
in their cases, even if the courting failed, the featheredfolk learned and can actually apply it to their lifeskill/career path/etc. for birdbrains, you'll see a lot of them in the engineering and architecture fields. (funny how that works!)
as you pointed out, yes, hoovedfolk and fangedfolk are more violent with their courting, but that's generally only in the cases where the love interest have more than one (alike) suitor vying for their affection. i'm not really sure how common that is in the more liberal areas tbf, but i do imagine it's a daily thing in the conservative/rural regions since those usually have a lot of, hm, predominant 'single-species' community? sorry, i'm not really sure how to word it.
since strength is what they consider their worth and humans rarely understand the point of physical violence, they'd probably show off what they're capable of instead—from lifting a car to carrying all the groceries at once for the human they're interested in. endurance too, so if the human is into, say, a sport or likes to run, they'd compete to show off just how good they are with either (though, i do like to think they'd carry their human on their back while running five more miles when the human gets tired--just to say, 'look at me! i'm not even tired yet and i'm carrying you!'). unlike the featheredfolks, fangedfolk and hoovedfolks are much milder about their courting.
whiskeredfolks are much more sly, but they like to show off how much they can provide (which is also something fangedfolk likes to do, but the former is often more subtle). usually involving money (and management) and ordering things their human hadn't realized they needed yet. things like that. they really likes to bring home food too, lol. since they can't exactly show off their hunting skills and bring home a bloodied deer carcass, providing is the next best thing with their human love interest.
there's more, but i'll stop here, but their courting rituals for their humans are basically 'modernized', with some species (obviously and hilariously so) trying harder than others.
tbf, parts of the birds' rituals were inspired by that tumblr meme on 'if men were like birds'. can't find that now though.
hope this answered you some?
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Question:Revius and Zedrik- What’s family life with them now if you were to have 2 children (1 from each)? Just wondering how dynamics would change, what the children’s personalities would be like, etc. Sea Witch (octo man)- Can we have babies with him? And if we did would it be a multiple pregnancy since female octopuses (I know we are a modified human) technically lay hundreds of eggs. And how would family life be from there out? —anonymous
hm, i can't comment on the childrens personalities (and any other details, really) since that's kinda something i leave to the readers to decide.
honestly, both revius and zedrik would fall deeper in 'love' with their darling for enduring both of those difficult pregnancies, that they're rather clingy to them more so than to each other. though, granted, both knew how capable each other would be so it's more on how 'frail' their darling really is in comparison. zedrik is more openly emotional than revius is though, but revius is certainly more of the nagging type like a strict, doting mom might be. personally, i feel they'd butt heads more often after their children are born, (but never to the point of separating [imo anyway, they'd been together for some times before they decided to...'pursue' the darling]), because of how different their parenting styles were.
let's just say that cerelos' darling has an easier time wrangling with the emperor than their darling did with those two.
otherwise, they're both pretty devoted as fathers. i do imagine their kids would've been confused by their upbringings a bit though due to, again, differing parenting styles. the darling does their best though! but it's kinda hard to raise children double, triple your size lol
as for the sea witch, that's implied! i wanted to let the reader to decide on their own if they're going to have kids with him or not, rather than outright branding 'breeding kink' on the piece. but, yes, there'd be oviposition going on, had you wanted to imagine that storyline.
not sure if i understood you about the multiple pregnancies though, so i'll refrain from answering that one. instead, yes, the darling would probably carry multiple eggs and, well, egg laying. i do imagine the sea witch would've found a way to make that not at all a painful process (probably quite the opposite, tbf).
as for the family life, i'm...not at all sure. i'll leave that for you and other readers to decide. i honestly see the sea witch just enjoying the pregnancy, because to him, his darling is now ruined and marked with his seed (or, eggs). afterward? not sure if he'd enjoy the fatherhood too much, especially with multiple 8-legged kids running about.
he might be an excellent father
or he might genuinely be a shitty one.
his personality is kind of confusing in that regard, so i'll just let yall to make that call and we'll go from there.
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I've really gotten into your beastfolk universe but I want to ask: Does adoxi exist within that universe or is he in a separate universe? —anonymous
nope! he's too human-looking to be a beastfolk--and is too healthy, pretty, and (mostly) sane to be a hybrid. thats why hes not in the beastfolk masterlist.
initially, he's from his own universe, where humans are living in ignorance of the existence of inhuman beings like adoxi, but i've been chewing on the possibly of him being a descendant of my other character, the cursed god. it'd explain why he's looking fairly human yet not (the 6 arms isn't genetically inheritable fyi, since the priest ripped them off from unfortunate souls to replace the ones he lost).
but that's only me chewing on it and isn't 'official' yet, since there are couple details that wouldn't make sense (but is workable). still thinking about it.
hope this answered!
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God I love how you write snakemen like Adoxi and Valerius. They act like bastards but good lord I would get on my knees for them so fast! —anonymous
hee~snakes are so fun to write, ngl. imagining being wrapped around in his coil is a guilty pleasure. glad you're enjoying my depictions! <3
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there's a few more, but they're requests i'm hoarding in my inbox for now lol but man who let me talk??? anyway, sorry that i took a minute to answer your asks hhhh life just keeps on happeningggg. sighs. anyway, hope yall are doing well and as always, my inbox is open for (mostly) anything. <3 love ya~and take care of yourself!
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