#italian music love
ecoharbor · 2 months
📍Capri, Italy 🇮🇹
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chiosblog · 3 months
It's like the seventh time I've seen this game on my tl so i had to try it (i cannot wait for someone to tag me lmao)
What's your lock screen, last song you listened to, last picture taken and last movie you watched?
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Ok the lock screen pic is not mine but those blue tones are so pretty
Also dont mind the shitty photo I took this morning lol, my cat is gorgeous tho🐈
I tag @helifreds @river-demon @desertthorn @zerodaryls and whoever want to do it!
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stayawakee · 7 months
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int0xic4tedbyou · 11 months
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la regola del club non dormire mai
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I rant and rave about DiscoPunk performing and making albums and voguing together - but let the record show,
DiscoPunk goes fucking NUTS on Dance Dance Revolution
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Pavitr and Gayatri are casuals that have a go on it at the arcade during their date nights 😊
For Miles and Gwen, it's a cute way to bond and tease each other, getting to know each other better and tripping over their collective four left-feet (You'd think Gwen would have the rhythm considering she's a dancer AND a drummer - but fam, Ballet is NOT the same as DDR)
But to DiscoPunk, this shit is NOT a game. To them DDR is a goddamn lifestyle.
Keep them away from that arcade cabinet because by God, they're here to wreck that shit. Bout to shake the whole place with it.
They're DDR Champions.
And that's ON TOP of Hobie's numerous Pac-Mac Champion wins, and his Space Invaders High-Score at the top of the credits list.
If you ever see the initials 'DSC0PNK' on a DRR machine? THAT'S THEM.
They play on EXPERT. They're not half-assing it. They're doing the arm motions and all
They're the couple that dance facing away from the screen, just to stunt on everyone there.
The ones that hop and switch dancepads with each other mid-song for fun.
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Hobie's in his big-ass boots meanwhile Diane has on flip-flops. Neither are proper footwear for the intense athleticism they are engaging in. They do not care.
They only way they get away with it is telling Miguel they're 'Training'.
Of course Miguel knew that had to be a crock of bullshit. One afternoon that use that excuse.
Miguel lets them off the hook, but as soon as they leave, he asks Lyla - "They're making out or something, aren't they?"
And Lyla has to be the one to tell him. '....No, they're actually 'training'...'
Miguel raises an eyebrow. "For some reason, I'm not sure I believe you."
Lyla sighs. She pulls up the surveillance footage on Miguel's screen to show him that no, they are not making out, they're just hogging the fucking arcade machine in some Camden arcade going fucking nuts on a Dance Dance Revolution machine.
Miguel takes one look at them and thinks 'Fucking Boomers'
They take it so seriously. TOO seriously.
They'll fist-fight with any couple and even THINKS about clearing their high-score. Seriously, they're about to brawl with Felicia and Flash Thompson of Earth-1294 cause they topped their record-breaking High Score on Aqua's 'Barbie Girl'
- and now Diane and Hobie are training to beat their high score in Smile.dk's 'Butterfly'.
That's their together time.
Hobie can't dance for the fucking life of him but he CAN hit every single arrow on that screen eyes closed. And Diane has never touched a video game in her life - not even Tetris - but this ISN'T a game it's a COMPETITION goddamnit.
They just love being completely in synced with each other, they have full conversations while playing levels.
Hobie even learned how to hack it, so he could upload all kinda songs to the thing.
And when they play AGAINST each other, EVEN BETTER.
Jesus Christ almighty. The TRASH TALK.
Swinging limbs are each other to throw them off, sticking out their hands to cover the other one's screen.
DEATH GLARING at each other because yes Diane loves Hobie but she's not about to let him embarrass her up on this arcade, are you kidding me???
She's like "Think you can keep up with me, toothpicks?" (He has toothpicks for legs 😭😐)
"Who'd of thought the 'Disco Diva' would be 200 points behind, yeah?"
Do you understand? Do you see it???
DISCOPUNK Dance Dance Revolution
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Miles and Gwen staring at them like 'Why are they so cute at everything!!!!! Why do our friends keep out-cute-ing us!!!'
Meanwhile Pavitr and Gayatri are secretly planning to take their title.
For three weeks straight, all you'll hear is Hobie and Diane yelling about the mysterious 'GP4E' duo that took down their score.
Little do they know that stands for 'Gayatri + Pavi 4Ever' (Pavi's idea, of course)
Now.. They must train.
There's an anomaly in 234? Who the hell cares!!! The arcade machine just got Cascada 'Everytime We Touch'!!!! THEY'RE BUSY!!!!!
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str4wb3rry-fire · 6 months
thinking abt latino spot and italian race teaching each other their familys language ...
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leche-flandom · 24 days
I think it's interesting that they made Columbo so nice, especially in comparison to the hardboiled detectives in other cop shows. Like when he tells Johnny Cash, "A guy who sings like you can't be all bad" and it's like, Frank, sir. He jumped out of a plane to commit double homicide. He BOGOed murder, Lt. Columbo.
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terrainofheartfelt · 6 months
"DAUGHTER" is such a SONG and I have not gotten over how Beyonce just wove in a 17th century Italian aria?
so like the thing about "Caro mio ben," is that practically every novice vocalist learns to sing it. it's from these anthologies that a 2X Italian Songs and Arias and every voice student learns at least 2 or 3 of these because they are certified good pedagogical tools for learning vocal technique. which means every single person who studied voice (classical or musical theater or just took some voice lessons in high school) has heard this aria.
and it is a pretty little song. it's nice to sing. I learned it when i was a college freshman and learning how to use my instrument. and i am just obsessed that Beyonce Knowles Carter has absolutely taken the same kind of training (because she wouldn't still be wailing if she didn't) learned this little Italian aria from some long forgotten opera by some long forgotten composer, and decided that she liked it so much she would throw it in her country album, and in her country album's MURDER track.
like, she took two of the best women country Genre Songs: Goodbye Earl & Jolene, and merged them to create GOODBYE JOLENE, and she just peppered in this Italian. which may be a reference to "choir boys and altars" but "Caro mio ben" is entirely secular and not sacred at all, which makes it a curious choice, especially since she's used Schubert's Ave Maria in one of her songs before! ("Ave Maria" on I Am Sasha Fierce). actually the text of Caro mio ben roughly translates to
Believe me, my love, when we're apart from each other, my heart languishes. I am faithful to you but I'm always sighing, cease being cruel! it's too much pain!
so it's less about evoking holiness and more about the emotional depth behind the story this and the couple songs preceding it are telling. like!!! crimes of passion! yeehaw! italian!!! she did that!
Queen B is nuts and a classical music girlie and I love her for this. ARTISTE!!!!!
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succoanale · 6 months
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~You can't understand how much I love Mina Mazzini~
She's my goddess, Every time I hear her voice I get chills for how good she is.
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margaretcruzemark · 1 month
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Io vivo per l'amore.
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Davey: Ok Jack, but just don’t…sing to them.
Race: That bitch is halfway down the street!
Davey: Is he-
Race: Oh, he’s dancing
Davey: *despairing groans*
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andrea-non-sa-tornare · 4 months
Avete mai ascoltato il suono del silenzio!?
Non è come ascoltare il rumore del mare o la melodia di una canzone.
E’ un suono più profondo,più intimo,che a volte fa paura.
Rabbia,disperazione,oscurità tutte lì ad aspettarti.
Un canto bello ma a tratti ingannevole come quello delle sirene.
E come te ne esci da questo audio rimbombante!?
Semplicemente con una persona che ti salva,che tira letteralmente via dalla sua trappola.
Tu la ringrazi e lei con estrema semplicità ti dice:’io non ho fatto niente’.
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pensieri-inlacrime · 1 month
For example:
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x-heesy · 7 months
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𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 😃
He visto más de lo que puedo recordar
Recuerdo más de lo que he visto
Y nada es mío, excepto la más esencial
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Una nueva forma de ver, sin intenciones de llegar
Cada ola, que va rompiéndose en el mar
Es un segundo que no se puede reemplazar
Y nada es mío, excepto lo más esencial
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Una nueva forma de ver, sin intenciones de llegar
Cada ola, que va rompiéndose en el mar
Es un segundo que no se puede reemplazar
Y nada es mío, excepto lo más esencial
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Una nueva forma de ver, sin intenciones de llegar
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Tú conmigo yo contigo, tú conmigo yo contigo
Una nueva forma de ver, sin intenciones de llegar
@ombrabrontok @faccaldo 🇮🇹
I've seen more than I can remember
I remember more than I've seen
And nothing is mine except the most essential
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
A new way of seeing, without intentions to arrive
Every wave that breaks in the sea
It's a second that can't be replaced
And nothing is mine except the most essential
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
A new way of seeing, without intentions to arrive
Every wave that breaks in the sea
It's a second that can't be replaced
And nothing is mine except the most essential
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
A new way of seeing, without intentions to arrive
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
You with me I with you, you with me I with you
A new way of seeing, without intentions to arrive
@imperfectfries 💃🏽
Tu Conmigo (You with me) by Vitalic, La Bien Querida v7
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jarofalicesgrunge · 7 months
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Alice In Chains in Rumore Magazine February 1994
📸 by Pete Cronin
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
She touches the heart of every Cat, beckoning the An-Jellicle Choir to start.
Alessandra Somma as Jemima; Il Sistina (06 October 2023).
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