#it...cant have real magic in it
I think it's kinda funny that ppl assume that Jason was like obsessed with accusing Eddie of Satanism before his girlfriend got turned into a pretzel in his living room
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howlonomy · 3 months
How would Starlo's family react to this new monster kid that is a cross between a fox, bird, and whatever Starlo is? Cause I'm just saying, Clover does share his tail, side head things, and yellow spots with Starlo, so it's safe to assume that Clover related to Starlo, from their perspective at least.
Or do they already know about the whole situation?
Either way, I'm imagining Starlo's parents looking at Clover and thinking "this is probably the closest we'll get to grandkids" and just start doting him.
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they are so smitten with clover after they get introduced by starlo. they kind of met with clover in the underground and after starlo told them all what happened, they respected clover a lot and saw the change they made to ceroba and star. so once theyre back they’re like welp. new grandchild!
orion (i think thats his name?) is like the older cousin u have that just thinks the younger kids are cringe. he cares but does not show it at all. crestina is NOT letting starlo say anything bad to clover. solomon big fun grandpa :]
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thatumbrellaoni · 1 month
hey. so what were ryous thoughts while witnessing all of That?
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what was going through ryous head seeing yugi choose to literally sit inside that inferno to attempt solving the Puzzle again with no guarantee he would?
what does ryou think of the fact that his friend refused to leave the Puzzle behind even at the cost of his life?
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but you know what, ryou risks his life everyday by choosing to wear the damn Ring so. context is a bit different, but, I mean, the stakes are the same.
actually, lets use this to compare/contrast the yugis and the bakuras.
here, yugi has very beautiful feelings for atem.
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YUGI: I'm so sorry, Other Me... Your soul ended up shattering... Hold on, okay? I'll solve the Puzzle... And when I do, we'll meet again... then I can tell you how sorry I am (lit. I owe you an apology)...
when the yugis come together, its always heartwarming, isnt it? meanwhile, whenever the bakuras come together, its always tempestuous
see this post for the comparison.
so I wondered then... what would happen if the situation were flipped? lets say it was ryou and the Ring trapped in that burning building...
lets be honest now, ryou is sentimentally attached to the Ring, not bakura. ryou really doesnt like it when you badmouth his cursed pendant lmao see here and here.
so what would ryou be saying to the Ring? to bakura, even, if ever?
the interactions the bakuras have are always quite confrontational, so I assume itd play out the same in this scenario. ryou would be yelling at bakura in that burning building 🤭 actually, Id like him to.
RYOU: (desperately trying to unhook the Ring from where it's trapped while communicating with Bakura) Do you want to burn, Spirit!? Come on!
BAKURA: I believe in you, Landlord. You do some of your best work under intense terror after all. Remember Monster World? You're unbelievably resourceful. You always find a way, so surprise me.
RYOU: This is not the time to be petty! 💢 Don't annoy me right now, or I'm going to leave you here!
BAKURA: Heh. You won't.
bakura doesnt like endangering his host if its out of his control (see first BC match up), but he also believes in his host's abilities (see memory world)!
as this other write up I did pointed out, the spirits in the Items are bound to protect their bearers no matter the cost. on the other hand, the bearers develop sentimental attachments to their Items. its quite the symbiosis. also, as dsod said, in ryous case anyway, one must be faithful to the Ring's will.
tbh these Item bearers are mad lads for their Items in their own ways. ryou just greatly overshadows yugi in this aspect because ① ryous spirit is malignant/malevolent so its emphasized, ② ryous a natural denpa (aka he has the occult thing going on with him too).
also I just wanna say, bakura fucked off when he got what he came for.
he was seeing all this happen through ryous eyes, no?
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you think bakura was like, "how do the flames taste, pharaoh!? (maniacal laugh)"
cuz yknow. kul elna.
for all the monologuing he did about needing yugi to be the bearer of the Puzzle, bakura sure was ready to let them burn lmao
well, then again, like I said previously, bakura knows how fucking robust Item bearers are.
all of that to say, I wish the story explored and delved deep into how the yugis and the bakuras were foils of each other, individually and as pairs.
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solargeist · 4 months
Oh oh if we're feeding Grian, I'd like to offer him a White Person Taco. (Don't want it to he too spicy for him!!!)
-Lunar (a white person who also can't handle spice)
omg right he's british he cannot handle spice ADJGKADJGK
i imagine Watchers can spawn food bc they know how it's made, like, every single component, i think if they offered him a taco he'd be genuinely impressed, like, its so much to remember.
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he's also a bit iffy about the meat.
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frankiebirds · 1 month
i think it's interesting that reid looks at gideon specifically right after this line. maybe it's just that he feels gideon looking at him. maybe its just that they're close. or maybe he looks towards gideon because it hurts particularly badly that gideon didnt help :(
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fun youngblood chronicle idea: patrick dies of his injuries in the phoenix music video and the only thing keeping him alive is the drugs from young volcanos/demon possessing him
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YES HIGH-SEA ADVENTURES!!! I love the idea of them coming across a kraken or something of that nature
Sally's at the front of the line like "FOR GLORY" meanwhile others are freaking out or trying to keep the ship(and themselves, but mostly Eddie) stable
Also the bit with Eddie and Frank😭<3 so good
Sally, Julie, Frank: throwing themselves at the kraken
Eddie: attempting to back them up, failing <3
Wally: getting snatched by said kraken
Barnaby: holding onto Wally's ankle with one paw & holding onto the ship w/ the other
Poppy: dragging Howdy's deliriously sick self into a corner for "safety" & screaming
#and the ship's actual crew are the ones getting shit done <3#listen when there are three available fighters#& one things they can bring down a kraken with his bare hands#another is just wildly hacking at it & is mostly just damaging the ship#and only the third is actually doing anything but her magic is fire-based so thats horrifying on a ship#yeah. yeah#& then eddie of course also gets snatched bc he's an easy target#so now barn is holding onto both wally and eddie while biting the guardrail as an anchor#trying to yell for help lmao#wally's staff is downstairs so he cant cast & the situation isnt dire enough for him to tap into home's real power#home is patiently watching and waiting and eating popcorn#eddie's screams of fear are very entertaining <3#wh fantasy au#rambles from the bog#of course i imagine that wally Does have to play the 'home' card#its a small-ish ship! a brig! not a lot of crew needed to operate that babe!#and since barnaby has his hands full / howdy is borderline unconscious#eddie is (affectionately said) useless / wally doesnt have his staff / etc#home is needed!#in my mind wally's boot comes loose and he goes weeeee right into the water in the kraken's grasp#and a minute later a 'second' - black - kraken (home) completely bodies the real kraken#and wally climbs over the side perfectly fine but very soaked#barnaby: ARE YOU OKAY??? WHAT HAPPENED#wally: home took care of it @:]#sally: what does that mean#wally: they took care of it @:]#everyone: *terrified yet impressed silence*#and then wally passes out bc letting home out like that takes an almost lethal amount of energy & effort <3
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seabellswish · 10 days
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Another day… another oc….the brain rot continues to fester. I’m still working out the details of my canary’s beast/chimera(?) form, but the gist is that they combined themselves with a Giant Bee queen to help with their apiary/apothecary/brewery. She got caught because she was arrested plundering a flower shop having lost control on a night out.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
Gear 5 luffy's laugh is so contagious I just hear the drums and go insane how does this work. What did he do to me
#i still cant believe how much this new opening theme goes off.... DREAM SAVE ALL OF US 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 💥💥💥💥💥💥#wait a second. the robot attacked 200 years ago. the void century was 800 years ago no????? what#oh see it was made 900 years ago.... but why did it attack 200 years ago then.... what happened#it is still so funny how they made evegapunk einstein but with some cunty long legs#200 years ago they gave rights to the gyojin!!! i see i see ✍️✍️also i still wonder why law and kuma have similar hat and pants designs#like there is NO WAY that much similarity isnt done on purpose. NO FUCKING WAY!!! I NEED ANSWERS!!!#are they annihliating cp ships akdhakskd yeah vegapunk letsgo#also the opening song is about dreams and the end one is about luffy reaching shanks...... havent got a clue why but there it is#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1098#also is lucci named lucci bc it kinda sounds like luffy. SERAPHIM KUMA HAS HIS DEVIL FRUIT???? vegapunk could only make zoan fruits????#also wdym when cp0 acts it means its some historic event. lucci is like 25. where are the experienced people here#sentomaru works for vegapunk??? maybe i forgor about this tbh also do theu have a doffy seraphim??? the fact they have animal names....#stussy letting kaku get hurt akdhsjsn oh atlas has lamb ears..... and lucci said she is is prey... no..... the foresahdowing :(#lucci you fucked up she just gave luffy food... that a death sentence look what happened to kaido#episode 1099#<- oh my god btw. god. jesus.#why is akainu telling the cp0 what to do or thinks he can do that... thats the world gov... also thinkng about how garp should fight him#and not luffy.... because of ace you know... i still wonder how did sengoku know who ace's father was... there is only one man who knew....#everyone trying to stop them from fighting ajdhsksjks two rabid dogs fr#LUFFY TAKING OFF HIS JACKET WHEN LUCCI ASKS FOR HIS WANTED SIGN!!!! GO OFF KING!!!! SLAY!!! THE CREW SAW HIM!!! FINALLY!!!#i have been smiling since he started the transformation this is so sick...... i have got a case of the luffy brain#zoan fruits steal the personality of the user when they awaken ✍️✍️ luffy???? nami being the only one who saw gear 5 <3 twins manifesto#robin being so shook about luffy being a god ajdbjansk wdym devil fruits exist because people wish for them. fairy magic real????#WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE FROM ALTERNATE REALITIES WHERE SOMEONE DREAMT ABOUT THEM??? DOES HE TRAVEL THRU REALITIES FOR THEM???#jinbe has been making this face 😧 every episode three times it is amazing ajdhaksnsk poor man... now he sees a kid angel version of himself#after seeing hia captain turn into a god... he is gonna get a stroke OMG SENTOMARU WE JUST GOT YOU BACK#episode 1100#<- CRAZY. INSANE. OH GOD. ONLY 12 LEFT. THATS A WEEKEND!!! I CANT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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orcelito · 7 months
Ok. Real question. How many people Actually have believed in Santa? Bc I never did, mostly bc my dad never bothered with the entire pretense, so the whole concept is just. Really fucking strange to me
Putting an actual poll bc I feel like I'm losing my mind a bit thinking about how apparently widespread it is. Like. It's just so... weird? Why is this the thing people have popularized? It makes no sense.
#speculation nation#polls#like ok my dad's an atheist raised by jewish parents so xmas has never really been a religious sort of holiday to me#we celebrate it bc it's fun to give gifts and spend time with family#but that's... it.#all the lore and mythos of xmas is just so weird to me#like baby jesus etc etc but now here comes saint nicholas with the steel chair! (breaking into your house to eat your cookies#and leave presents Only for the rich kids! why only the rich ones? uhmmm Dont worry about it!)#genuinely speaking my dad's worked at ups my whole life so growing up he'd say he (and the rest of his coworkers) were the real santas#said as a joke mostly bc theyre the ones Actually delivering the packages#but i took it to heart. told people at school that my dad was the Real santa.#no one believed me lol which i found quite frustrating.#but yeah i have never once in my entire life believed in Santa#and im content with that. it seems like such a stupid thing i will be honest.#'what about the magic of christmas' what about the poor kids who dont get gifts & feel abandoned by this all-powerful man?#in fact why do we Want kids to not think it's their parents giving gifts? they cant thank the right people if we trick them.#it's a convoluted setup that makes absolutely 0 sense to me#trust me christmas had more than enough 'magic' for me as a kid just bc of all the cool lights and all the free gifts#dont need some mythological man who can travel the globe in one night and is a professional in B&E#makes no sense for Real.#there was a time with my ex step siblings where me n my sister were told not to spoil the fun for them#so i had to pretend like santa existed as they opened presents marked from him#and even back then i was just thinking 'this is So Dumb'#this is an anti santa zone i guess. me and myself hate the popularized version of this strange strange belief system.
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carcarrot · 4 days
this time last year i was probably sitting in the kitchen while my dad started making an early dinner of chicken bolognese trying not to get too nervous about the concert i'd be going to in a few hours
#the nyc concert was last year. LAST YEAR .#thats so insane like yeah that feels like a year ago but good god the insane amount of stuff that has happened since#but god i remember that day so well#it was cloudy and a little rainy in the morning which made me ough thinking it was a bad omen and wouldnt be as fun#and i remember going to library and printing out my silly letters (i should have just. not done that lol)#and on the DAY OF on the way back home from the library#i even bought a cropped black blazer specifically for my concert outfit. havent worn it since lmao#and my dad and i even watched a movie at lunch#a short movie but a movie nonetheless. lol and even then i was like oghh my gosh excitement and nervousness#and then the car service getting there i felt so fancy and as the drive started the clouds were magically dissipating#so that it was a nice clear evening when i got to the theatre#and then all the insanity of the show. god i cant believe it still after all this time. wowie#going to listen to a playlist of the show setlist im gonna get emotional now. guys........#one of my fave memories is how everyone started standing up as they went into so may we start so i was like ok are we all doing this#and stood up too and then stood for the entire rest of the concert. i think the first 3-5 rows were like that for the whole show#surreal and insane i was front row. those guys were REAL and CLOSE#i was also very excited to notice russells new shoes :) when i wasnt like awooga (how i was 99% of the time)#there was one so may we start jump that was well. yeah. front row baby#i think after latte i was like ok i cant film i gotta just vibe#religious experience doing the 'ah ah ah's during that. really interesting#ok im not gonna go through the whole show again but wowie one of my most insane nights. second only to hollywood bowl#wow what a fun year it was. just so many incredible moments#ok yay 💖 happy one year to all that. love those guys so much#spars#ok not actually done beaver o lindy was INSANE LIVE!!! AS WAS EVERYTHING ELSE. so fun ok now done for real
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tsubasaclones · 3 months
Do big powerful wizards even need jobs? It feels weird imagining Clow Reed working at dennys or something
While not needed, I think it makes sense that she would feel like she should have a job, especially given how she saw touya growing up.
Ive always liked the idea of ccs only really being us seeing her starting to become a wizard rather than the whole journey of it. Sakura in her 20s trying to probe the multiverse ever since she met another version of her in a dream at the same time as struggling with work and adult life seems fun.
If there must be a ccs sequel, i wish it was this.
that's true but also like... you gotta afford life somehow right.
(one thing i've always wondered about clear card is where tf is kaito getting money from cause i don't think he's ever had a real job and he got excommunicated from his group so...??? how is he affording to continue moving around and shit)
i 100% agree about the idea of ccs only being the start of her being a wizard. i mean she has a shit ton of magic it's not like she's just gonna stop. and syaoran has his clan and all that so it's not like she's never gonna be involved in magic stuff again post-story
anyway i think 100% she could become some celebrity in the wizard world or whatever but i think it makes sense for her to have a normal person job too, cause she's got plenty of non magic friends and how are you gonna explain to them "oh im a wizard" when they ask about your job LOL
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jennrypan · 1 year
Can we get a GOOD rpg magic game.
Like i want to make my own character, i want to make decisions thatll affect others.
I wanna kill my entire family and run from the magic police. I wanna be a straight up CRIMINAL.
But with magic but not made by a shitty, mediocre transphobic white woman. Ya dig
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mcybree · 5 months
considering my brand is bitching about FH all day, sometimes I feel bad at convincing myself wcsmp didn’t end well for scott and milo. Like damn girl leave him with SOMETHING…
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batcavescolony · 6 months
I'm back talking about Harry Potter and Snape's worst memory because while I hate the author y'all bug me.
Snape worst memory isn't James bulling him or string him up in front of the school, (that was bad I'm not saying it wasn't) it was Lily ending her friendship with him because he called her a Mudblood. With evidence.
To prove my point we have to go read the Deathly Hallows when Snape gave Harry his memories! We get to see the scene again but this time the thing that sticks out the most is Snape calling Lily a Mudblood. Now if that's not enough proof the next memory goes like this.
*Outside Gryffindor Tower*
Snape: I'm sorry
Lily: I'm not interested
S: I'm sorry!
L: save your breath... I only came out here because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here.
S: I was. I would have done. I never ment to call you a Mudblood it just-
L: Slipped out? It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends- you see, you don't even deny it! You don't even deny that's what you're all aiming to be! You can't wait to join You-Know-Who, can you? I can't pretend anymore. You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine.
S: No-listen, I didn't mean-
L:-to call me a Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?
*Lily leaves. Memory ends*
The next memory is Snape becoming a turn coat for Dumbledore so he could keep Lily safe because Voldemort wouldn't spare her.
Snape has had worse experiences then a teenage James Potter being a bully (even if it was shitty). so we look at the rest of the memory and lo and behold what do we see? The actual worst moment of Snape life, the moment he lost Lily forever.
#I just saw someone say they hated Lily because he's was too hard on Severus all he did was call her a Mudblood.#Yeah just called her a slur...And found it funny when dark magic was used on someone. And joined a hate group that would kill her.#And would've let her child and husband die if it ment she lived. bffr 🙄 lets put this in real world terms!#you're a minority (pick one) and you go to a school but their are some people who hate you for existing. but its ok you've got your bff!#now years go by and bff is still your bff but theyve changed. they're hanging out with those aforementioned people who hate you for existin#and yeah you dont like it but they're your bff since for ever so you make excuses. but then bff starts calling people like you slurs...#now bff hasn't called you slurs so maybe its just peer pressure you let it slide its your bff. now you find out that not only are there#people who hate you for existing there is his hate group and they want you and people like you dead. obviously you dont like his. now bffs#friends they want to join this hate group... and bff doesn't deny it. ok thats not great. bffs friends who wanna join the hate group have#now moved passed just calling people like you slurs. they've went and beat the shit out of a person like you that you considered a friend.#and bff.... they say that it was just a joke. but are again not denying wanting to join the hate group that wants you dead. you love bff so#you just keep your mouth shut. now the day comes! bff has now called you a slur. and you cant make excuses anymore. they're just like their#friends and you cut your losses because again bff and their friends want to join a hate group that wants to kill you!!!#its not poor litte Severus its poor Lily. she thought she had a friend and HE betrayed HER! but but but why didnt she stop him from joining#she was a child! she was in a new world with no idea! she was in a whole nother house! and its not her fucking job to fix him! he joined th#hate group HE KNEW HATED HER! if he truly loved her he wouldn't have joined. but but but its not that- ADROMADA TONKS could be a Slytherin#and not be a Death Eater and her family was pure blood. she could do it! so could Snape.#severus snape#lily potter#snapes worst memory#the marauders#harry potter#the deathly hallows#lily evans#put some more respected on her name.#fuck jkr#james potter#slytherin#how can you be a snape stan and not like lily that 80% of his personality.#snape
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1spooky-dad · 2 years
Idk why so many fantasy otome games have the mc get dropped into a school setting and they just??? Go along with it??? After not being in school for a few years sometimes? "You gotta pass your classes or else" or else what, evil headmaster who is probably the reason I'm here? You're gonna kick me out of the school i don't want to be at??? Bro I'm 25 I'm not doing highschool again. I'm gonna go hang out in the evil magic woods and probably die cause I'd rather do that then magic algebra.
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