#it's not just for npd too
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chaos-in-one · 1 year ago
Friendly (or unfriendly if you're against this) reminder that this blog is supportive of ALL disorders. This blog does not think ANY disorder inherently makes someone a bad person, and is against any disorder being demonized. This blog wholeheartedly believes that a bad person having a disorder, yes, even if things that are also symptoms of their disorder are part of what caused harm, does not make the disorder a "bad" or "evil" disorder or excuse ableism and demonization directed towards the disorder.
Yes this includes personality disorders
Including npd and aspd
Yes this includes all psychotic disorders & disorders that cause psychotic symptoms
Yes this includes paraphilic disorders. All of them.
Yes this includes disorders that cause, or are even characterized by, attention seeking
Yes this includes disorders that directly have lying as a common symptom
Yes this includes dissociative disorders
Yes this includes any disorder with "gross" symptoms
Yes this includes physical disorders too
Yes this includes disorders that can cause loss of control of any kind- control of speech, control of body movement, etc.
Yes tis includes disorders that make someone "look scary"
This goes for literally any fucking disorder. There are not exceptions.
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anti-transphobia · 1 year ago
Personally, I think it's a very fair argument, because it's not only allistic people who violently hate narcissists (and other demonized disorders). Unfortunately there are a LOT of people out there who think awful stuff is okay as long as it doesn't personally affect them. Saying "you wouldn't call something autistic abuse" to an autistic person is to help them more personally connect to the concept of symptoms of a disorder not making you a bad person. To an allistic this is less effective because yes they could very well be just as ableist to autistic people, but there is a LOT of autistic people in the world and it's a completely reasonable way to try to get them to see there are more types of people in the world that needs supporting than them
"You wouldn't call it "autistic abuse", so don't call it "narcissistic abuse".
I'm not a big fan of this argument, because it's not entirely accurate.
It's partially accurate in the sense that people don't usually use the exact phrase "autistic abuse" to describe abuse from an autistic person or abuse that seems like it would be from an autistic person. But there are many examples of people, especially parents, acting like they're the victim of someone else's autism. There are many examples of autistic people being demonized for doing things that neurotypical people get away with all the time.
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eterosis · 14 days ago
I fucking hate it when I see a childhood trauma comfort post and I'm like omg that's so sweet and then I go into the tags AND I SEE FUCKING 'narcissistic parents' OR 'recovering from a narcissist' LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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charleemoon · 1 month ago
thinking about kristoph and klavier. it's just the two of them. just a boy and his sweet little brother. no apparent family, origins, place to go, anywhere to belong.
thinking about kristoph developing the idea at a young age that his brother depends on him. no parents to take care of them, most likely they pass away in one way or another. and his brother is innocently young, too young. so kristoph becomes a parent, on top of a sibling. he is the only front, the only defense between his brother and whatever cruel world betrayed them. kristoph can't falter, can't disappoint, can never be unsure. for his brother, he learns to be cold. steadfast, and strong. unbreakable. to be a foundation for a boy to rely on.
he tells himself klavier depends on him to survive. to succeed, to make something of himself, all of it falls on kristoph's shoulders. and control becomes a theme of his life. it's his responsibility to make sure klavier lives his life right, well. and the pressure of that seeps out through judgement.
he tells himself klavier depends on him, so he can ignore the fact he depends on klavier too. he can't feel any sort of weakness. so he judges klavier, when he pursues music. he's critical of him, detached. seemingly uncaring. he protects klavier, and he punishes him when he endangers that concept of protection. he keeps him in line, because only kristoph knows what best for klavier.
klavier, for kristoph, is always that innocent, sniveling child. who doesn't know better, who needs to be guided. because at the worst of it all, it was kristoph and his little brother. no one would know him better. and he would do anything to protect him
and that control becomes obsessive. kristoph needs to control everything in his life. his work, his image, his protégé, and always his brother. he spites things that escape his grasp. he spites klavier when he leaves to tour his music, because he can't admit he needs him too. at the end, klavier will return to him, eventually. because klavier needs kristoph gavin to survive.
he forges evidence, to protect the success and image of his career. even for a case against his own brother, he cheats. because it's not about what's right. it's not about anything but control, for kristoph. because there's no way he could be anything less than perfect. kristoph can't falter, can't be weak, or the world will eat you alive. and when zak gramarye veers out of his grasp, over something he can't control, the nature of who he is, he spites him too, and the man he chose. he forces his way into the case to make sure he can enact control, to protect his view of the world, and of himself.
and klavier, of course, comes back to him. believes in him, follows his word, even with doubt in his heart, a doubt that haunts him for years to come. he destroys phoenix's career, has his brother back, and protects himself from facing a truth he can't handle. he wins.
and it's not enough. he plots out the murders of his forgers, stalks every involved person of interest on the case, and plants himself right by the biggest threat: an unpredictable, awfully lucky man. someone who never did anything to him personally, but whose mere nature is contradiction to the ideals kristoph has pledged himself to. he does this because he isn't confident, perfectly conniving and infallible. for the first time in a long time, kristoph feels control slip out of his fingers and it terrifies him. he obsessively intangles himself with the case for seven years, watching, waiting, for loose ends to be cut.
this need is so intense that when he passes by zak, his first instinct is to murder him in cold blood. for no reason other than he is a threat to the stringing web of sanity kristoph is holding himself by. if he were more clever, more careful, he might've stayed, listened in, found out zak had no intention to do anything but give one last thing to his daughter, before he disappeared again. none of that mattered. because kristoph panics, at the idea that someone, anyone could do something to destroy his image, his life, his control. he's paranoid, and as thorough as he's been, he's sloppy.
and as he thought, phoenix is his perfect downfall. kristoph seemingly loses everything, he's found guilty of murder. his protégé, who he raised up strictly and intensely to follow in his steps, accepts this and is the falling blade to his final bow. but he doesn't snap. he doesn't break his illusion, his facade of poise and composure.
because he still has klavier. klavier, who returns to law after years to meet the man who sent his brother to prison. klavier, who believes his brother is innocent. klavier, who still depends on him. once again, it's kristoph and his little brother. he's already done the unspeakable to protect their lives, to sustain all he's built for him.
klavier visits him in prison, feeds him information, holds faith that he is good, even after he is betrayed by his closest friend. even as things lead to an awful conclusion klavier denied for too long. and when everything plays out the way it does, kristoph at the stand, he still sees klavier the same. he speaks for him, calls him incapable, believes he doesn't know better. because klavier will always come back to him. klavier needs him to survive, to be succeed in life, klavier depends on him.
until he doesn't. the one thing kristoph has always had control over, the reason he needed to be in control of it all, leaves him too. through his never ending desperation, he has become unforgivable. he threatens klavier, demeans him, humiliates him, but none of it works. everything is, as he says, spinning out of his control. he has nothing left, but the ego he's created for himself.
the jury system is the final blow. the idea that no matter what he could do to ensure his victory, the neverending upkeep of his perfect, unfaltering persona, he was at the whim of someone else. his control, completely stripped away from him. because without that, what is he?
when phoenix asks him why he killed zak gramarye, five black psyche locks appear, chains barred and tight. he claims he is simply an evil, cold-blooder murderer. a simple, unsatisfying thing. it's snide, and spiteful, and it's a lie. kristoph's secret, held so close to his heart that he doesnt even know he's keeping it. why did you kill a man, after seven years, when he had done nothing but hurt your pride?
he needs control. somewhere deep down, there's still that teenager, panicked and unsure, staring down at his brother with pleading eyes, deciding that he needs to become inviolable. like the law, absolute and unwavering. and in that he became unreachable. he emotionally neglected and abused the only family he had left, and told himself it was for his sake. he's insecure, entitled, angry; he's vengeful, petty, neurotic. so caught up in the fantasy he created to eliminate what was weak in him, he saw weakness in everything, in everyone.
to admit that would be suicide. it would be a complete mind shatter. he laughs hysterically out of the courtroom, out of acceptance for what he's lost or denial of everything he is, he breaks in one way or another. the places he was led to by love, by responbility, a bloodied bottle in his grip, poison on lips, standing alone at the end of it all.
to shield himself from cruelty, he became cruel himself. kristoph loved his brother, and that too, became a weakness to snuff out.
that is. if. they had actual backstories to explain why they are the way they are. foams at the mouth and collapses
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dodgeryy · 24 days ago
"Don't compliment a narcissist you'll feed their ego"
So actually the gradiosity is activated when I am ignored/neglected or not complimented. You think the trigger of my traumagenic disorder is??? Compliments???
Guys i was complimented too much and constsntly cared for as a kid and now if ur nice to me it makea me a crazy ego maniac. I will only be normal if you treat me like garbage and ignore me that is good for a person for sure.
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doomsdayradio · 1 year ago
YOU call him a narcissist because he's a horrible person I call him a narcissist because he fits the NPD criteria and he's just like me fr
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mushiver · 4 months ago
Me rocking back and forth going "their opinion is valid, their opinion is valid" when I just heard the worst and most wild, foul, cringy, out of pocket take about Ford Pines in existence
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equalperson · 2 months ago
people mostly talk about splitting as literally all-or-nothing--"I love you" or "I hate you"--but I personally experience an in-between point sometimes.
I don't know what I'd call it other than "thin-ice devaluation" or something along those lines.
like, yes I devalued you recently and I realize now that I was being irrational, BUT if you say something even slightly suspicious, hurtful, or incorrect, I'm going to assume that you're evil and/or useless again much faster than I would have before.
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paranormalbadges · 6 months ago
Would you be willing to make NPD badges? There's a few versions including the one by npdsafe, and two alternatives by npdflag (npdsafe's flag is only found through archives but is the most well known) It'd also be neat to see other cluster b badges too! though im less familiar about the common flags for the others (BPD, HPD, ASPD)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Badges in Order: NPD, NPD, NPD, NPD awareness, NPD (but in pink), NPD awareness
All of these are F2U (free to use) with or without credit! Made with SimplyPlural in mind, but can be used for anything the user sees fit.
Flag Credits:
First Flag is by @/yaoithaqua on X.
Second and Third Flag are by @/npdpositivity on X.
Fourth Flag is by @/npdsafe on Tumblr.
Fifth Flag is by @/lovesse on Tumblr.
Sixth Flag is by @/npdsafe on Tumblr.
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happyk44 · 5 months ago
So this post I tagged w/ npd!Annabeth just popped out of the queue and as I'm rereading it, I'm laughing to myself because wasn't there some official post from Annabeth's POV being shocked and annoyed that Percy has better grades than her. Even though Percy has gone to school every year consistently (save for that gap year he was in a coma) and also has a teacher for a step-father, while she was presumably being "homeschooled" at camp where she would be able to prioritize her interests (architecture and mythology) over stuff she could care less about, like biology.
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cluster-b-culture-is · 1 year ago
Cluster b culture is being scared of getting into new relationships because people get upset when you tell them your diagnosis. How are we supposed to know if they're safe to tell unless we bring it up?
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faggotthatwilldie · 9 months ago
Everytime a neurotypical tells a borderline “stop making bpd your whole personality”, ten years are taken off the entire world’s lifespan because of the pure brain cell damage in that sentence. ITS A PERSONALITY DISORDER WHAT DO YOU MEAN DON’T MAKE IT YOUR WHOLE PERSONALITY?
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piepiepiemag · 6 months ago
oh the idea that midas tries his hardest to be a good parent to jules and avoid all the mistakes his own parents did, but he’s still falling back into them. oh the turmoil. the cycle was supposed to end with him, but it didn’t and in the end he hurt her just the same. ohhhh
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sillyscientists · 1 year ago
Self proclaimed empaths on their way to "advocate for the mentally ill 🥺" by demonizing every cluster b personality disorder
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taxi-boi · 6 months ago
free my man! he did all that shit but he was [stigmatized disorder] coded and all of his actions were the result of ableist/sanist writing decisions made by the author.
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cupboard-of-npd · 1 year ago
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