#it's not Chris friendly
ver0nica985 · 5 months
oops! all hosts!!
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echo-stimmingrose · 6 months
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We're gonna see him go insane while Clarisse begs him to come back to her.
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solaestial · 23 days
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new kids in town 😳
(bonus ver without omori ui under the cut)
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How would Alejandro react to Assistant Noah complimenting the charmer for manipulating Sierra WITHOUT flirting with her + for tricking Sierra into embarrassing his boss (Chris Mclean)? 😎
Well. If Noah's complimenting Alejandro for his sabotage of Sierra in New York, the first thing he'd try to do is deny it entirely.
Despite being proud of his skills in manipulation, a lot of Alejandro's gameplan rides on him being seen as genuine and trustworthy by those around him - straight up admitting that he tricked Sierra into falling out of Chris' good graces would be a blow to the manifacutred image of a chivalrous and good-spirited Alejandro, which is what he presents himself in the early competition.
He does something along these lines to Heather when she calls him out for exactly this in the episode. Though, it's less outright denial and moreso redirection of her attention... via flirting... Speaking of Heather, the only reason Alejandro is fine with her suspicion/antagonism is because he knows that no one else is going to listen to her. If anything, Heather's "dislike" of him lends credence to his act - since any enemy of Heather's is automatically a friend of pretty much the rest of the cast.
Of course, Noah would see straight through the paper-thin lies, because he's got the same perspective as the audience (that is to say, he's got a third party perspective of the competiton and can easily recognise Alejandro as the season's main "villain", plus he's seen the confessionals) and, in all likelihood, had a hand in casting Alejandro in the first place to be the antagonist; of course he knows Alejandro's true colours.
So Alejandro would be met with a conflict of interests here; on the one hand, he's been given the perfect oppertunity to build a rapport with Chris' personal assistant, potentially ensuring himself some insider help for the competition at hand and - if he plays his cards right - knowledge and blackmail material on his competitors.
On the other hand, he'd have to drop his act to do so, which could be disasterous should any of his other castmates see and/or overhear.
Plus, Noah specifying that he's impressed that Alejandro can manipulate people without flirting would be a point of contention between the two, or at least a percieved jab at Alejandro. He's a very capable and very prideful person by nature, and Noah implying that he had previously assumed Alejandro only knew how to exploit people via seduction/flirting would absolutely be taken as an insult, even if it wasn't meant to be.
Though I doubt Alejandro would put two and two together in this instance and realise that it's just a round-about way of Noah asking him if all of the flirting he'd done towards Noah himself was an attempt at manipulation or not.
Personally I see this whole scenario being a poorly worded olive branch on Noah's part which Alejandro unintentionally snubs, thus cementing Noah's initial "dislike" and distrust of Alejandro.
As a result, Alejandro would fail to react at all, too overcome with indecision to reply in time before Noah's interest/investment in the conversation wavers and he walks away. Leaving Alejandro to stand there dumbly, wondering how Noah could so easily pick up on his schemes when everyone else (sans Heather) is clueless.
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orange-catsidy · 11 months
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static-scribblez · 2 months
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“Our senses restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed, they existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.” - Maya Angelou, ‘Where Great Trees Fall’
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heshwalkers · 4 months
RE8 Chris didn't tell Ethan what was really happening because the game would've been over in eight minutes
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disneytva · 3 months
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Harvey Beaks premiered 9 years ago on Nickelodeon, the show trained the next generation of Disney storytellers with The Houghton Brothers & Jeff Trammell with "Big City Greens" at Disney Channel and "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" at Marvel Studios.
Other Harvey crew developing their own shows at Disney Television Animation are MONICA RAY, HANNAH AYOUBI & RAJ BRUEGGEMANN. ICYMI Since 2021, Monica Ray has been trying to get the rights back from Magic Children Doing Things from Nick to pitch it to other networks including Disney. In 2023 Ayoubi mentioned that Disney is interested on Monsters Abroad but couldn't set a buy back due the cost cutting from Bob Iger at The Walt Disney Company
Harvey Beaks creator C.H. Greenblatt has been developing an animated series with Disney Channel since late 2023
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fawnchives · 4 months
the triplets are PORTUGUESE AND ITALIAN i would hope they season their food 😭😭😭
their last name being a dead giveaway that they’re italian—because what on earth is a sturniolo?? what does it mean?? but real talk…i wanna cook with them so bad <\3
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thommi-tomate · 18 days
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Germany vs Greece 2-1
Pascal Groß 89' ⚽
(Friendly, Borussia Park, Mönchengladbach , Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, June 7, 2024)
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sluggggish · 2 days
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‎‧₊˚✧Preston Lacy✧˚₊‧
very specific vibes I get from the jackass boys (5/9)
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
Happy Friday Y'all!
I hope everybody's ready to end their workweek with some nice, relaxing scrolling and fic reading📖. I know I am! While likes are sweet, I thought I'd start off a lil' friendly Friday reminder that reblogs are the real way to show your favorite authors support. Likes don't get our fics noticed or help authors in any way: all they do is help your dash algorithm give you similar content. Show your support and reblog! I promise authors love you for it 🥰
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[Pictured: Chris and Seb when they see you've been a good doobie and reblogged]⬇️
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saltygilmores · 4 months
Milo Makeout 60’s style for @not-with-you-but-of-you and all of my friends. I also recorded the two scenes that were included after it 💖
Why is this my favorite makeout?
-The whispery sex voice
-The dreamy perfect background music
-Car makeout!
-The car seat creaking as he leans over
-The ear sucking! -The cheek thumbing!
-“There’s a lot going on in California”
The only downside?
No matter who Milo plays he is always getting interrupted during makeout seshes!
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charlie-rulerofhell · 8 months
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me coming out of my tiny cold gremlin cave to give you all an encouraging boop on the nose, a tight, consensual hug and an uplifting smile before disappearing again
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dangan-kagura · 5 months
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Friendly Reminder: Gundham’s voice actor Chris Tergliafera is a fan of Hifumi. Just watch his stream of the first game to find out.
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missmagooglie · 2 years
Ok, so here is something I love about the 6.04 Kitchen Scene (aka Chris Gets Caught):
It has been noted that both of our favorite Diazes are Kings Of Sass. Eddie is a petty, snarky bitch (affectionate) and he has passed his love of snark onto his son.
Up until now, we haven't really seen both Eddie and Chris at Peak Sass at the same time. The interesting thing about this kitchen scene is that we're starting to see how some of the patterns Eddie has fallen into as a parent are gonna become strained and need adjustment as Chris gets older.
The banter was still very light-hearted teasing, but you could kinda see how Chris is getting more opinionated and more willing to challenge Eddie's authority. And you can see, too, how Eddie kinda smarts at that. He responds to Chris criticizing the mayo selection by taking a (again, very mild and teasing) dig at Chris by saying "Great, I'm raising a condiment snob" and then tries to pull it back to a place of reassurance and love by saying "you're lucky you're cute". (Spoiler alert - Chris is quickly approaching the age where that's no longer something he wants to be)
And, like, the phrasing is so important here. Chris says, "YOU got the WRONG mayo". He doesn't say "why'd you get this one?" He doesn't say "Ugh, this one is gross." He tells Eddie he did something *wrong*, which activates Eddie's defenses.
Eddie has done a LOT of work over the past few years toward trusting himself as a father and believing that he is a *good* father, but through it all the one person who has never doubted how good a dad Eddie is has been Christopher himself. The relationship has been "this kid loves me and trusts me so much, and I need to prove myself worthy of the trust he has in me".
Even with the skateboard incident, the reason Chris was so upset when he felt like Eddie had lied was *because* he trusted and believed Eddie so implicitly. And because Eddie was able to level with Chris and find a solution, they were able to repair that trust very quickly.
As Christopher hurtles at lightspeed toward his teen years, he is gonna realize that Eddie is not always right by the simple virtue of being his dad, and for the first time it's going to be CHRISTOPHER telling Eddie he's not good enough at being a dad. And as much as that is a normal and healthy thing for Chris to be going through, it is going to dig directly into all of Eddie's deepest insecurities.
The thing about that snarky teasing way Eddie and Chris were talking to each other in the kitchen? Is that it is SO EASY to take it too far when feelings are hurt. So it will be interesting to see how Eddie navigates those types of conversations when that foundation of love and trust starts to get shaken by Christopher's growing pains....
(Also, ugh the parallels of Eddie and Ramon addressing the mistakes Ramon made as a parent decades after the fact and Eddie making mistakes as a parent but being able to recognize them and adjust while Christopher is still a kid? Immaculate. Gorgeous. Inspired.)
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