#it's like they're trying to hold a spirit but they're also smiling at each other. they're so good at it they don't need to concentrate
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The Untamed | Episode 35 [Being Flirty While Playing A Song Together]
⤳WangXian’s Favorite Scenes [7/∞]⬿
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: anon request - "y/n (she's dating Colby?) is with them when they finally go to the basement in the conjuring video and y/n tells him she went to the basement without them like how Sam did and he gets super upset/mad at her?"
This one shot will contain things some readers might find unsettling and/or triggering.  PLEASE DONT READ IF THIS IS SOMETHING YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH!!
Warnings include: strong language, being alone in the conjuring house basement, reader being touched and spoken to, hair pulling, pushing, reader feeling like they're being controlled by spirits, reader having visions, angry Colby, mild fighting, arguing, mentions of puking, general spooky stuff - read with care my lovelies ily! 
I will be using Sam and Colby's SAWATCH Part 3: The Basement as reference in this one shot but only for when the three go to the gravesite and then into the basement together. I will be adding some stuff in to make it flow since the reader is being written in, so everything won't be 100% accurate to the video itself.
Word count: little over 13.k | not edited 
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
You don't know how Sam and Colby were asleep right now. You don't know why you even agreed to coming here for a few nights - if you can even last that long. 
Maybe because you were more worried about Colby? 
Maybe because you were actually really interested in the history that surrounds the house itself? 
You were also an investigator. You'd think you'd be used to this stuff by now? But you're not. Nothing could have prepared you for what this house holds within the walls. 
You sit up, glancing over at Colby who's softly snoring on his cot that, is in fact, under the table like he said he was going to do. You smile slightly as you lay back down, snuggling into your blanket.
You try to remind yourself that Abigail is there to protect you, and that helps, but only a little bit. 
You suddenly felt a chill roll over your body, one that a few blankets wouldn't be able to calm. 
You slowly turn over on to your back, sitting up slowly, "Colby?" You whisper, but he doesn't move, "Sam?" He continues to lay there and you take a deep breath, realizing that it wasn't them who said your name. 
Your head tilts slowly as you watch a figure walk past the door frame, left to right, "Hello?" You call out quietly, but nothing answers. 
Sam stirs in his sleep slightly, but nothing drastic. 
Your eyes shoot back up to the door as you felt like you seen something in the corner of your eye, a face peaking around. 
The spin chilling creak of a door opening slowly causes you to freeze, even your breath is held. 
You stare at the dark opening for a few seconds before letting out the breath you've been holding. 
You go to lay back down and you hear another whisper, "Go." 
Your legs swing over the edge, feet planted flat on the floor as your hands move the blanket. Your stare is held on the darkness on the other side of the dimly lit door frame. 
Mind on one thing. The basement.
You walk past Sam's cot, glancing back at Colby before slowly looking back into the darkness. 
You know you shouldn't go down there at all, let alone by yourself. 
Colby made you and Sam both promise not to go down there before going together. He even promised both of you that he wouldn't either. 
As you round the corner, you stop as your eyes fixate on the specific door - that you know for a fact opened by something that wants you down there. 
Are you going? 
You wish you didn't, but you feel like you don't have any other choice. 
You walk over to the door, placing a hand on the knob as you look around the door and down the lit stairwell. 
Without taking another glance back towards the boys, you're heading down to the basement. 
But in reality. You're never alone when you're at the conjuring house.
You step gently on each step, careful not to make any loud noise. As you reach the small platform mid way, you stop, staring at the half lit room. 
Part of you wants to turn around, high tail it back up the steps and go back to bed, but a bigger part of you wanted to try and get answers. 
You wanted to know why, ever since you arrived, the basement has been - literally, calling your name. 
You didn't want to give them, too much of your trust, no matter how human they sound.
"Abigail. Are you here with me?" You whisper, snapping your head to the table and chairs when a knocking sound comes from that area, "Knock again if that was you." 
Another knock sounds and you walk over, slowly sitting down in the chair. Your eyes move from the well back to the table, "why am I here?" 
"The woods." 
Your body settles back into the chair and you get a sudden flash of the tree line, "The woods." You repeat, but in a much quieter tone, "Why?" 
"Meet us." 
You tilt your head, smiling slightly, "You're the trickster, Dave. Aren't you?" 
It's silent for a few second, but then you're left in total darkness as the light turns off. 
You can feel your heart rate pick up slightly, "I'm not going to the woods alone." Something clinks on the ground and you blow air through your nose, "Dave. Did you call me down here?"
You feel a light brush on your shoulder, but you don't jump. Something in you knew it was a loving touch, from Abigail. 
"Do you want me to leave?" You lay your hands flat on the table, getting ready to stand up. A loud whisper in your hear causes you to sit right back down, "No!" 
You close your eyes, slowly reopening them. You turn towards the direction of the stairs, staring for a few seconds before turning back to the table.
How did I get here, you think to yourself, but you already knew the answer to that. 
Even though you were fully aware of what you were doing and what was happening around you, you didn't feel like you right now. 
You knew you were sitting in the place you shouldn't be, but it's like you didn't have control over your mind and body. 
As you're sitting there waiting for anything else to happen, you get a chill up your spine, and a feeling in the pit of your stomach that you cannot shake off. 
You hear foot steps upstairs and your eyes are glued to the ceiling, waiting for either Sam or Colby to call for you, but nothing sounds. 
As you turn your head, you get a quick vision of a soldier standing outside of the upstairs window, looking in. 
"Are they watching Sam and Colby?" You ask and you can feel your hands start to shake. You wait for an answer but then it feels like you were released from your hold. 
You shake your head and take a deep breath, "What am I doing here?" You stand up, laughing slightly as you turn to walk towards the steps. 
Footsteps sounding behind you cause internal panic, now that you're.. yourself again. 
You book it up the steps, quickly turning out to close the door and holding it closed for a few seconds before you turn and make your way back to where the boys were. 
Still sound asleep. 
You push your cot closer to Colby, what just happened in the basement haunting you. You lay down, facing him and basically bury yourself in the blanket. 
Every little noise causes your body to jump ever so slightly. 
Why did I do that? 
Why did I break a promise? 
It wasn't you, you try to convince yourself, it wasn't you. 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You barely got any sleep the rest of the night. You were awake when you hear Sam stir around and sit up. 
You closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep. 
Colby moves his arm from over your body and you pretend to stir. He brushes hair from your face, "Hey." 
You open your eyes, pretending that you just woke up, "Mm, hi." 
"Get scared last night?" Colby asks with a quiet chuckle and your heart starts to pound, "Yeah, I couldn't really sleep without being close to you." 
He nods, "It's understandable." He leans in, pecking your forehead with his lips. You sit up, forcing a stretch before standing up to move your cot. 
"How'd everyone sleep?" Sam asks slipping on his sweatshirt. 
"I honestly don't think I woke up once." Colby stands up, stretching, "I think someone got a little spooked in the middle of the night." 
He nods towards you and you laugh slightly, trying to cover up your nervousness, "Yeah. It was pretty creepy." 
"Glad to know that there was a cuddle party going on while I was over here all alone, hot and ready for whatever wanted to drag me away." Sam holds his arms out, trying not to laugh, "What the fuck?" 
Colby tilts his head, walking over and hugging Sam, "Oh I'm so sorry, brother. Come here." He squeezes him and you laugh, shaking your head as you grab your little travel bag and head for the bathroom. 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You felt different all day and you were scared either of them would pick up on it, more Colby than anything. 
You kept drifting off, thinking about everything that happened when you were down there. How you felt, what you heard. 
You were torn between telling Colby and just waiting until they were done filming for the night, but at the same time, he'd probably find out regardless because of the cameras the owners have set up in the corners of the house. 
So you decided it'd be better to tell him sooner rather than later, but that was going to have to wait as you were on your way to check out the graveyard. 
You kept thinking about how mad Colby was going to be. He was going to be far from happy. You hated when you argued, which honestly wasn't that often, but you knew this was going to be a big one. 
"Hey." Sam bumps into you, "You alright?" 
You look up at him, "Oh yeah. I'm just anxious because of the woods and it being dark, ya know?" 
He nods, "I know what you mean. I'm actually quite nervous myself." He chuckles and looks behind him, "You ready Colby?" 
Colby walks up, wrapping his arm around your waist, "Yes." He nods, "I am." 
You lay your head on his shoulder, taking in the happy Colby as much as you can before your words, eventually, ruin his mood. 
Sam turns the camera on, light shining towards Colby as he walks forward, "Before we go to the grave site, we thought we'd stop where I talked to Dave, under the Estes method, earlier this week." 
You follow behind them, shining your light on the trees. You feel like your eyes are playing heavy tricks on you, but after that night, you just felt like you were going nuts. 
"So again." Colby's voice causes you to snap out of your thoughts and you walk up next to Sam as Colby continues talking, "After the past few days, we've heard the name, Dave." He points, "Specifically, super clear, on the Alice box, in the forest over there when we camped out. But, we were introduced to him right around these graves, so.." 
Colby steps back, opening his arms as he moves around, looking side to side, "Dave.. if you're around, or any other soldiers. Feel free to follow if you can hear me." 
"We have a long hike." Sam says and you groan, "Oh great." 
Colby chuckles, "I mean the last investigation last night.." he looks at Sam, "Come find out? Thats like, the scariest thing they can say." 
Sam laughs, "that's like, the most ominous thing any spirit has ever told us." 
As you walk, you keep hearing things in the woods behind you, "Jesus fuck." You whisper, walking quicker to be closer to Colby. 
He reaches his hand back, wiggling his fingers for you to take his hand. 
You grip his hand, not letting go for anything. You shine your flashlight with your other hand and it starts to flicker before going out then turning right back on.  
Sam and Colby stop, turning back to look at you then down to your flash light. 
"I'm not even going to say anything." Sam says and you nod once, "please don't." 
Colby squeezes your hand and you look up at him, smiling slightly at him, "You're good." He nods, "I got you." 
That made you feel ten times worse. 
You feel like you could puke. 
Your nerves, between the basement and walking through the woods you were warned not to go into, were almost shot. 
"Here's what scares me.." Colby starts out as he stops walking. You let go of his hand as Sam turns the camera to him, "Most of the spirits have these, like quiet knocks, but the one downstairs was way louder. It had more power. It had more energy, and we were on concrete." 
"Last time we were.. in the woods, the only things we really heard was that it wanted to attack and stalk us.." 
Sam's words cause your heart to beat faster - now you really felt like you were going to puke. 
What if you're what they, the spirits, were attacking, stalking? 
You feel dizzy, but you weren't sure if it was from the woods or just your guilty conscience. 
".. man in the woods might be following us right now." Sam finishes and you lay a hand on your head, thinking that it might just be whoever Sam is talking about. 
"Y/n." Colby's voice causes you to lift your head, "Are you okay?" He walks up to you and Sam shines the light on you, "What's going on?" 
"I'm just.. dizzy right now." You shrug, "It started when Sam said they wanted to attack and stalk us." 
Now you're just totally confused on why you're dizzy because there's a dozen things that could be causing your dizziness right now. 
Colby wraps an arm around you, "Do you need to sit or anything?" 
You shake your head, "It went away now, let's just keep moving." You motion forward and you all walk on. 
A little bit later, you push through some brush and Colby shines his light, "Oh god. Where'd the path go?" 
Sam turns around, "This is where we came from, but there's three paths." 
"Pink ribbons right?" Colby asks and Sam nods, "Yeah I think, they're supposed to be pink ribbons." 
"There's a blue ribbon over here." Colby shines his light and Sam walks down another path, "I can't see anything down here." 
You follow Colby and he yells to Sam, "Oh, here we go. Here we go!" 
"Pink?" Sam asks walking over and Colby nods, looking back towards him, "Yeah." 
Colby grabs your hand, leading you down the path as Sam points the camera to the pink ribbon on the tree. 
"It's like a river up here." Colby says, "Oh I remember this from two years ago!" 
"Yeah isn't there some sort of.. like pond? Or something?" Sam asks and you stare at the ground, trying not to trip over the rocks that are sticking out. 
"It's right there." Colby points and Sam nods, "Oh, oh oh yeah! I-I just remembered going to the side of that. So we just gotta figure out - Wait." Sam says and you jump slightly as he turns the camera towards you. You laugh, "Just frogs, Sam." 
"Oh god, that scared the fuck out of me." Sam laughs slightly you guys keep walking. 
"Okay so you said this way?" Colby points his flashlight and Sam nods, "Well, we just gotta get to the other side of this." He points, "If I remember." 
As you're walking through trees, Colby shines his light, "Oh yeah pink ribbon." 
"Pink ribb-" Sam stops, "Wait." You and Colby stop, both looking at Sam as he walks up to Colby, "What the fuck was that dude?" 
Colby looks at him confused. 
"I hear two of your voice, like in that research section.. where like, it echoed." Sam says and Colby looks out in  front of him, "Hello?" 
Sam pans the camera and you guys wait for a second before Sam shrugs, "I don't know, that was weird." He sighs, "Let's keep going." 
"I don't know why I agreed to coming here." You shake your head, laughing. Colby stops waiting for you to catch up to him and he leans in, kissing your head as he gives you side hug, "You love the adventure." 
You smile, nodding, "Yeah, I guess so." 
After a little bit more walking, the feeling of it being just the three of you, quickly started to subdue. 
"We are really in the middle of nowhere." Sam says and Colby blows out air, "We've been walking, guys, for like ten minutes maybe? Fifteen?" 
"fifteen." Sam nods, "Yeah probably. I just checked though, we have zero service, too." 
Sam pans the camera, "We are really out in the middle of the woods, alone." 
Suddenly a noise from the woods catches all of your attention, getting you all to stop in your tracks. 
"What the fuck was that?" Sam whispers and Colby shrugs, whispering quickly, "Wait, whoa whoa." He turns, pointing to the woods. 
Sam steps around and you move close to Sam. 
"What? What was that?" Sam whispers and Colby presses his finger to his lips before pointing, and staring out at the woods. 
Sam pans the camera to the direction Colby's pointing. 
All you hear right now is the crickets and buzzing of other insects. 
You feel a slightly eerie feeling wash over your body and you take a quiet and slow deep breath. 
Colby's stare is held on the woods as he brings his hand to the side of his neck, "Alright, let's just.. keep moving, I guess?" 
You walk down the dark path, all on high alert. 
The woods were scary, and being told not to go there was even scarier. 
"I think I see it." Colby said and you feel a slight bit of relief, mainly because you were over walking right now. 
"What?" Sam questions and Colby shines his light ahead of him more, "I think that is it up here." 
"Oh fuck dude." Sam says and you and Colby stop and look at Sam. 
"What?" You and Colby say in unison. 
"This-this light just died." Sam says and you take a deep breath as you tilt your head back, "Great." 
"You're lying." Colby says, walking up to Sam. Sam shakes his head, "No this light had like thirty five minutes of battery left.. look at it." 
Colby walks up to Sam and looks down at the camera that's pointed to the ground, "Let me look." 
"Look. It's out of battery." Sam states and Colby shakes his head, "Okay. Let me film that because no body is going to believe that." 
"Right there." Sam points to the screen, "That is actually so strange." 
"Is this one charged at least." Colby questions and you lay a hand on your forehead, looking around. You feel eyes on you but you don't see anything whatsoever. 
"Yeah, that one is charged." Sam nods, "That's the graveyard?"
"I think." Colby answers and Sam points to the camera, "And this just died?" 
"What the fuck." You mumble, running a hand through your hair, "what the fuck." 
There's a sound behind you and you all turn around, "What was that?" Sam whispers and you shrug, staring out into the woods. 
Sam lays his arm over you, moving you back with him as he steps backwards, "Footsteps, footsteps." 
Colby grabs your hand, pulling you with him as you run away from where the sound came from. 
"I'm just scared of like, what's taking the energy. Like why did we get lured out here? And then what's like-" 
Sam cuts Colby off, "Wait, dude. What if all of our lights just go out? Like there's no way we're gonna be able to get back." 
"No I know." Colby nods as he continues walking, "that's why we should make this quick." 
You walk up to the gravestones and sam shines the camera, "Here it is." 
"This is it." Colby adds, "This was like, a lot more overgrown last time we were here." 
You walk ahead a little more, shining your light on the stones as you walk by to stay with Sam and Colby. 
"All the graves, guys." Sam says as he shows the camera. 
Colby bends down in front of one, "George. George baker." 
Sam whispers the camera away, "What the fuck was that?" 
Colby continues, "Another George." You tap Colby to get his attention and you point to Sam as he speaks, "Footsteps. Footsteps. Footstep, dude!" 
Colby shines his light into the trees and Sam follows it with his camera, "What the fuck is that? Dude." 
You move between Sam and Colby, your heart beating faster and faster with each second. 
You're all silent for a little bit as you look around to try and find the source of the sound. 
"Is that tree-" 
Sam cuts Colby off, "Something moving in the tree." He shakes his head, "Alright, let's just go over to James."
You move around to walk over and Sam sighs, "oh god, I can't see shit, dude." 
Colby shines his light, making sure you're good before shining it onto a grave, "Oh wait, it's this one." 
Sam points the camera, "There it is." He bends down slightly, "James had a god dang pentagram as if he was getting summoned into the house." 
Sam talks about James and you zone out, the guilt of going to the basement slowly consuming you again. 
"Eighteen sixty five. That's a hundred years before the Perron's were even here." Colby faces the camera and Sam nods, "These people might know, what's been in the woods. You know, if they've been here for this long.." 
Colby nods, "okay so we have the EMF and we brought the Alice box, right?" 
Sam nods, "Yeah." He looks to you and you raise your hand, "Yeah, I have it." 
"Last time the Alice box gave us pretty much the direct intentions-" Sam stops talking, panning the camera out into the darkness. 
You and colby shine your lights on the tree before Sam goes back to talking, the direct intentions of the people that were out in the woods so hopefully they can give us that again." 
You walk over, standing next to Colby as he takes the camera from Sam. You take your backpack off, getting out the Alice box for him. 
Sam takes it before walking over to crouch down in front of James' headstone, "James. We came here a couple years ago. I don't know if you recognize us, you came back to the conjuring house with us. We're really just.. coming out here to look for some answers." 
He pauses before speaking again, "lot of people are scared of the woods." 
The box beeps and Sam looks down, "Oh fuck." He stands up, looking between you and Colby, "Dude." 
"What?" Colby asks and Sam holds the box up slightly, his stare on Colby. 
"Knife." The box plays and Sam repeats it, "Knife." 
"Knife!?" You and Colby ask at the same time. 
"First word is knife?" Sam asks, completely shocked. 
"What's that even mean?" Colby asks and Sam looks back down at the box as it beeps, "Late." He looks up, "Late at night?" 
Colby shrugs and you wrap your arms around yourself as Sam asks more, "Do you happen to have any idea who the man from the woods is? He's being very cryptic with the way he was telling us to come out to the woods." 
You press your fingers to your lips, watching as Sam moves around to set the equipment against the stone. 
After a few minutes, the box beeps again. 
Sam leans down and Colby gasps, reaching out to point, "Oh that just spiked up!" 
"Violent?" Sam reads and the box replays the word, "Violent."
All three of you shout out the word, shocked. 
"What ever was out here." Sam starts, "In the woods, a couple of days ago, was trying to attack us." 
"You said, violent-" 
The box beeping cuts Colby off and Sam leans down, "Violent land!" 
A sound causes Sam to look to his right, and Colby moves the camera, "What!? What!?" 
"I saw- I just saw something move to the right." Sam points and Colby taps you with his hand, "Wait, point your flashlight over there." 
You point your flashlight and the Alice box beeps again, "Spell." 
Colby whips the camera back to the stone and you keep your light to where Sam saw something, but you look over at the boys. 
"Spell." Sam says and Colby tilts his head, "The alphabet." 
You stare out at the trees, zoning out for a second before the beeping of the alice box causing you to look over, "Levitation." 
"Levitation!" Colby says loudly as Sam yells, "Oh my fucking god." 
"Oh fuck." You shake your head, "There's no way." 
"Wait wait wait." Sam whispers quickly, "does that mean from the thing from the woods, was the thing that caused the levitation of the seance in Nineteen seventy four?" 
"I don't know." Colby answers, "But it's like threatening a violent levitation, like I can do that, too." 
Sam covers his mouth, same as you, "Oh my god." 
"Or it, it, it's just mocking the story." Colby says quickly, right before the Alice box beeps again, "Cycle." 
"Oh fuck." Sam says looking up at Colby. Colby holds his hand out, "It's like it's gonna happen again." 
Sam repeats, "It's gonna happen again." 
You shiver slightly, "This is fucking wild. What the fuck, I don't like this." 
Colby looks at you and Sam, "I don't like this." Sam nods, "I don't like this at all." 
The box beeps again, "Alignment." 
All three of you repeat the word in unison, "Alignment." 
"Something's about to happen." Sam waves his hand in front of him, "Levitation. Violent land." 
"Colby. Colby." You tap him a few times and point, "There's like.. a light or something over there." 
Sam stands up, walking over to you guys and turning to look where you're pointing, "A light? Where?" 
"Yeah, there's like a flash of light over there." Sam point and you and Sam shine your flashlights in the direction it's coming from. 
Your flashlight dies and you look up at Sam shocked, "What the fuck?" You look down as you tap it a few times against your hand, "it's.. it's not working." 
Colby scoffs, "I don't like that we only have one flashlight now." 
"I'm actually really anxious about that." You say and the Alice box beeps, catching all of your attentions. 
Colby bends down with the camera, "Fight."
Sam repeats the word in a whisper and Colby stands back up, "What's that mean?" Sam shakes his head and Colby sighs, "We're gonna have to fight? It- dude. It's all like, malicious words. The fact that it said levitation, and cycle, and alignment?" 
"Yeah, it's like something's about to happen." Sam stares up at colby who nods, "Yeah, it's like this is about to be the same thing, every few years." 
Colby takes a deep breath, "So how do we figure out who we're talking to? I think that's the main thing here." 
Sam stands up, looking at colby, "How bout this.. we're not talking to anybody else. Just you..." 
As Sam continues asking questions and talking, you start to feel dizzy again. 
Your heart starts racing and you can feel your hands start to shake, just like they did in the basement. 
You close your eyes, trying to calm yourself down, but you start to feel like not yourself anymore. 
You can tell that you're taking slow steps backwards, and you know that you shouldn't do that. You don't want to do that. 
You open your eyes and gasp for air, it was almost like your breath was being held. 
Sam and Colby's whip their heads around and Colby walks back to you, "Whoa, hey. What's happening?" 
You shake your head, breathing heavy, "As.. Sam was.. talking.." you take a breath, holding it for a few seconds before you blow out the air, "I felt myself get dizzy, so I closed my.. eyes to try and get it to stop and I felt myself taking steps backwards. It felt like I wasn't breathing because when I-I opened my eyes I just gasped." 
Colby wraps his arm around you, looking back at Sam, "okay, let's just go ba-" 
"No." You cut him off, "I'm fine." 
Colby states at you, "Y/n. I don't want you getting hurt. That's not why we're doing this." You nod, "I know, Colby. I know, but I want to keep doing this. This is.. this is stuff we need to get. If anything else happens, I'll tell you but.. I'm not stopping here, we're already deep into this." 
Colby glances back to Sam and Sam shrugs, "She knows her limits, Colby. If she wants to keep going, I say we move to another spot because we aren't getting any names here." 
Colby nods, looking back at you, "You sure you're fine?" 
You nod, "Yes, Colby. I'm good." 
He nods, taking your hand in his as you follow Sam to a new area. As soon as you stop walking, Sam holds up the Alice box, "Dog." 
The Alice box goes off, "Dog." 
Sam's head snaps to his left and Colby moves the camera to his right, "What is that!?" He asks, fear coating every word. 
Sam shines his flashlight and Colby gasps, "What the fuck is that!?" 
"That.. sounds like breathing." You whisper, holding onto Colby's arm, "What the fuck." 
"Yeah, that sounds like.. h-heavy breathing." Colby pulls you close to him as he keeps the camera on Sam who tries to mimic the sound. 
"Dog." Colby whispers after a moment of silence. Sam stares at Colby with his jaw slightly dropped. It drops more when the heavy breathing sound happens again. 
"That's fucking insane." You whisper leaning out around Colby to look where Sam has his light shining. 
Colby puts the camera back on Sam as he speaks, "Wait, that sounds like.. like an, instrument or something." 
Sam imitates a horn sound and Colby nods, "Yeah, that's like a bass. I don't even know how to describe that." He walks a few steps away and Sam continues to ask questions, "What is that coming? Do you know?" 
Colby stop, turning back around. Sam's voice goes down to a whisper, "Wait, wait. Voices." 
Colby nods, "Voices, voices, voices. Wait!" He turns the camera to his right and then back to Sam, "I'm turning this off." 
Colby switches the camera light off and Sam turns his flashlight off, leaving you in total darkness. 
You get a strange feeling, feeling like you're back in the basement of the house. 
You keep yourself calm, trying not to panic because this is a feeling you do not like, at all. 
"Fuck." Sam curses, "What do we do." 
It's quiet for a few seconds, then Colby speaks up, "Is that you, in the woods?" 
The Alice box beeping causes you to jump, "Shit." 
Sam whispers right before the Alice box says the word, "Teacher.. who is the teacher?" Sam switches his flashlight back on, 
Colby gasps, his voice slightly louder, "What was that? That- dude." 
"It's coming." Sam whispers and the next thing you know, Colby grabs your arm and is pulling you along as he walks away, Sam following.
"I don't want to go too fast." Colby whispers, turning back to look at Sam, "Because like, I actually think somebody's over there." 
You stop and Colby shakes his head, "I'm not kidding." 
The light turns off and you listen for a few seconds before Colby whispers, "You hear that?"
"No." You answer in a whisper. Sam shakes his head, "No, no I don't." 
"Just wait. Just wait." Colby whispers quietly, squeezing your hand that's clinging to his, "Something is making noise." 
"Something over there." Sam says as he's lit up by the red light blinking. Colby turns his head, "Now it's this way." He turns his body and sam turns too, "There's more voices?" 
Colby turns again, "Now it's this way." 
"Okay." Sam starts, "We're getting fucking surrounded." 
"Again, again, again." Colby says taking over talking, "Okay." 
The Alice box beeps and everyone waits for it to speak, "Dave." 
Your heart falls into your stomach and you instantly feel your mouth watering like you're about to throw up. 
"Oh my god." You lay your hand that isn't in Colby's, on your forehead. 
"Dave, if you want to come back to the conjuring house with us, please follow us right now, we gotta go back." Sam speaks in one quick sentence. 
"Please." Colby pleads and Sam keeps talking, "there's people surrounding us, we gotta go" 
Colby holds your hand tight as he pulls you along with him, running after Sam. 
"Wait, we don't have a light!" Colby yells after Sam to get him to stop. Sam turns around as you and Colby catch up to him, "Then we gotta stick together real close." 
You guys run a little bit further before slowing down, "Look dude I don't want to go too fast."
The Alice box beeps and Sam looks down at it. Colby moves closer and the box sounds, "Special." 
"Special?" Colby asks and Sam looks around, "Dave is special?" You walk a little bit more and Sam looks around, "there's probably actually people or something in the woods because we're hearing like weird voices-" 
"Wait, wait, wait." Colby whispers, getting everyone to stop. You press your body against his back, closing your eyes as the feeling of puking returns. 
What?" Sam asks and Colby leans in to whisper, "I just wanna see if we can hear what's actually out here." 
It's silent, nothing but the insects for a few minutes. 
"Is that a dog?" Colby asks, "It said dog." 
"Dogs." Sam says with a nod. 
"We're in the middle of the woods. That makes no sense." Colby whispers and Sam looks at Colby, "We're two miles in the middle of the woods-" 
Sam stops talking as a noise close by makes you all freeze. 
"What was that?!" Colby asks loudly. 
"It literally sounds like a war horn or something." Sam says and Colby mimics the sound, "rrrrrrr." 
"Like I said. Something is fucking about to start-"
Colby cuts sam off, "That's not like a car engine." Sam shakes his head, "No way. We should probably actually get back." 
Sam looks at the battery percentages of the lights, "And our light's like halfway done, yours is out. Hers is out, too." Sam looks around for a second, "There's tons of dogs around." 
Colby nods, "Okay. Let's go." He squeezes your hand, "Let's go." 
The main focus for all of you right now, is getting back to the house. 
Which you do, about twenty minutes later. 
You make your way into the house, your eyes land on the door to the basement as soon as you walk in. 
Your mind flashes back to you sitting down there in the chair, and you shiver as you remember the clinking sound that happened all over again. 
"Everyone alright?" Sam asks as he walks through the door. 
"Yeah I'm good. Are you good?" Colby pokes your shoulder and you nod, forcing a smile up at him, "Yeah, I'm good." 
He nods, looking to Sam, "Ready?" Sam nods and Colby holds the camera up towards Sam. 
Sam sighs, "Dude. We just got back to the house." He reaches back to close the door, "And it says one start of battery. We left and it was full. These things should last like, five hours?" 
"Something was draining our power out in the woods." Colby's says and Sam nods, "genuinely. All of it. Something was taking a lot of the energy to follow us back. We invited it back." 
Colby tilts his head, laughing slightly, "That could have been a mistake." 
Sam pauses for a second, glancing over at you then back to Colby, "Well find out." 
Colby turns the camera off and looks at Sam, "Are we ready?" 
Sam stares at Colby and laughs nervously, "Now or never right?" 
Colby looks at you, "Are you ready?" 
You swallow, "I'm making myself not have a choice." You laugh and Colby walks up to you, embracing you in a hug.
You could cry. 
You could puke. 
You knew once you said something it was going to be a rough next couple of hours, even a day. 
"Alright." Sam claps his hands together, "Let's do this."
Sam takes the camera and walks over to the door. 
Colby walks over, standing off to the side and you're right next to him. 
It felt like your heart was going to beat right through your chest. You weren't afraid of the basement. You were scared of how much disappointment Colby was going to feel when you finally told him. 
Which you decided was going to be right now.
Sam reaches forward, grabbing the knob to twist. He pulls the door open.
Colby takes a deep breath, "Ahhh, my heart.. started beating faster as soon as I looked down there." He nods, looking to Sam then back to the stairs, "Abigail. Hopefully you were following us in the woods, but please, please please, I know you don't like it in the basement.. please follow us down here. We won't be too long. We need your help." 
You get into a line, Colby first. Then you. Then Sam. 
You felt like you were shivering because you were shaking from being so nervous. 
Your heart was beating loud and hard. 
Colby glances back, "Ready?" 
Sam answers, but all you do is nod one time. 
Colby goes down the steps, you force yourself to follow and Sam is right behind you. The camera light illuminating the stairwell. 
You completely miss their commentary about the stairs. Your heart was now beating in your ears. 
You knew that it wasn't you, that was down there last night. But you know Colby wasn't going to focus on that right away. 
His mind is going to go to you being down there in general. 
You reach the bottom and you lay your hand on your cheek. You can feel how nervous your arm by the warmth on your hand. 
"Wait." Colby looks at you and Sam, "It's just us this time. This is the first time we're alone in the basement." 
You sigh, forcing the words to come out of your mouth, "it's not." 
Colby's head snaps towards you, "What did you just say?" 
You clear your throat, "It.. um.. it's.." your voice goes quieter, "Not the first time.. for me." 
Colby just stares at you, trying to fathom what you just said to him. 
"Wait.. so.. you came down here? Alone? When?" Sam asks and you look at him, voice still quiet, "Last night." 
"What do you mean last night?" Colby asks, "I don't.. I must not.. understand what you're saying." 
"It wasn't.. um.." you wipe the sweat from your palm onto your jeans, "It wasn't me.. like.." you sigh, "It was me.. but it wasn't me, like I didn't feel like myself." 
Colby looks away, jaw cocked slightly as he tries to wrap his mind around what's happening. 
His silence was deafening. 
After a few moments, Sam breaks it, "Can you elaborate, like what do you mean it wasn't.. you?" 
You look down, trying to not look at Colby because it would just make it harder for you to talk, "I.. um. I heard my name.. being called. A few times actually. Um, then I seen a figure walk past the door way." 
"Wait. Something walked past the door?" Sam asks and you can feel Colby's eyes on you, so you just nod. 
"And then what happened." Colby states, his voice a little deeper, clearly with anger. 
You look up at him, "I heard a door open, I wasn't sure which one u-" 
"Until you got up and came down here?" Colby scoffs and Sam sighs, "Colby, just let her explain."
Colby motions and you swallow again "I tried waking both of you guys up, but neither one you heard me." 
"Obviously you didn't do a very good job, now did you?" Colby shakes his head and you sigh, "Colby, I'm telling you. Something took over me. Something made me come down here. I was sitting up for a few minutes, I tried laying back down but something actually told me, whispered, go, and I just.. went." 
"That's so weird." Sam says and you nod, looking at him, "Sam. I am deathly afraid of this basement, I told you guys this when you asked me to come out for a night or two. I never wanted to come down here, let alone all by myself. When I tell you that I had absolutely no fear at all about coming down here in the middle of the night, that honestly scared me more than this because you both know I wouldn't just do that." 
"Where did you go?" Sam asks and you point to the table and chairs, "I literally just sat, right there in that chair." 
You look at Colby and he smacks his lips as he wipes his face. He stares at the place you pointed to and stays silent for a few seconds before breaking his own quietness, "I just.. thought.. when we, uh.. first came here that we made a promise to each other not to come down here alone." 
You clench your jaw, "Colby." Your voice breaks slightly, "I didn't feel like I had much of a choice." 
He licks his lips, looking down at the items in his hand. 
"I-I felt like I needed to come down here, like I just-" you sigh, "If I could have just went to sleep I would have done that." 
Colby leans back as he looks at you, not saying anything. 
He was mad. Disappointed. 
He pushes his lips together, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he thinks about what he wants to say next. 
"Colby.. she said something to- you can't blame y/n." Sam sticks up for you, "You and I both know that this house is.. this house is way beyond something else." 
Colby sighs, "I-" he pauses, "I get that.. but like.." he looks at you then to Sam, "We said we would go to the basement, together for the first time." He looks to you, staring at you for a few seconds before speaking, "So that's like.." he shakes his head, "I'm not gonna lie, it still just.. sits a little bit wrong with me." 
He shrugs, "and that you wouldn't try and wake one of us up harder, you know?" His arms fall to his sides, "This was, like.. a big moment.. for us, Sam." 
"I don't think you're actually under-" Sam is cut off by Colby, "She took that.. for herself." 
You close your eyes as they start to burn, "I'm sorry." Your voice cracks again, "To both of you."
You open your eyes looking up at Colby slowly. He has his jaw clenched, lips pressed tightly together as he avoids looking at you. 
"Do you know what time it was when you got up?" Sam asks lowly and you shrug, "I think it was almost three, or maybe three exactly?" 
Colby nods, looking towards you but his eyes are on the floor. 
"I just heard my name a few times and then something whispered go and that's when I just wasn't me, Colby. You have to believe that I mean it when I say I'm sorry." 
He nods, running his tongue along his teeth on the inside of his lips, thinking about the situation, "I mean.. I just wish.. you know, that you would have woke me up before.. like, it would have been nice to know that something was trying to take over my fucking girlfriend." 
"I know." You whisper looking down and Colby shakes his head, letting out a sigh, "Honestly I don't even really want to keep talking about it right now. So let's just.." 
"Colby." You walk up to him and he avoids eye contact, "I didn't do it for the camera, or for the channel, or for my channel. I didn't even do it for me." 
"But you knew what you were doing?" He looks at you and his stare sends a shiver down your spine, causing the words you want to say to disappear. 
You nod, "Yeah bu-" 
He cuts you off, shaking his head, "It's fine. I get it. It's all good." He walks into the room with the table and chairs and you look at Sam. 
He walks up, laying a hand on your back, rubbing gently, "It's fine. We'll talk more about it after we're done here." 
You nod, wiping under your eyes before you follow Colby into the room. 
"Dave, the trickster.. Abigail. Whoever's down here, we are gonna be doing the Estes method, and we also believe this is the easiest way of communication." Sam says and you just stand there, staring at the table. 
"I actually have an idea." Sam points to Colby, "Before we do the estes method." 
A sound causes Colby's eyes to go wide and he points at Sam and Sam gasps, "What the fuck was that?" 
Colby holds his hand up, listening to see if the sound happens again. 
You were honestly terrified to be down here again. You wanted to move next to Colby but you weren't sure how that would go. 
You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to console yourself silently as they continue. 
"Dude." Sam says quietly and Colby leans back, "Footsteps." 
"What the fuck is that?" Sam whispers quieter and Colby answers, "That was footsteps." 
You step closer to the table, voice as quiet as theirs, "I heard footsteps when I was down here, right after I had a vision of a soldier looking in the upstairs window." 
Sam snaps his head towards you, "No fucking way." 
You nod, glancing over at Colby. He looks at you and looks away, not wanting to talk about it. He points to the wall, "But it sounded like it was in the wall." 
Colby reaches out, knocking on the wall, "It was like deep inside." 
Sam pans the camera, "If that was you knocking.." he pauses, looking down. Colby steps towards him, "What?" 
"I don't know." Sam shakes his head, "just felt like something was grabbing my foot." 
"Your foot?" You and Colby say at the same time, but Colby doesn't laugh like usual. 
"Yeah, it was like hard to-" 
Colby yells, cutting off Sam, "Oh fuck. There's something on me." 
"What? For real?" Sam asks walking over you move closer to Sam and lean over to look at Colby's leg. 
"For sure, there's some-" he sets his stuff on the table and leans down, pulling up his pant leg slightly, digging in with his fingers. 
"what is it?" Sam asks and Colby stands up, putting something on the table, "I don't know." 
"Tick?" Sam asks and Colby points with his two fingers, "It was a fucking tick." 
"Oh god." Sam groans and you cover your mouth, paranoid that you have one or two on you. 
"I knew there was something on me." Colby exclaims, stepping back. He leans down, "Shit man, that is so gross dude. I hate ticks." He picks it up and leans over, flicking it down the well, "go in the well." 
"Speaking of the well." Sam starts, " A lot of the things that we've gotten, and a lot of things we've talked about, is the water could be the catalyst for activity." 
You raise your brows, "Oh shit." 
"What if we.. kinda like how we did in the Dracula's castle episode, why don't we grab some of the well water and use that to maybe like, summon something here." Sam pauses, "If things are coming from that well, at least maybe that's like a trigger object, you know?" 
Colby nods, "Yeah. Do we have anything to get the water out with?" 
You look around for something and Sam scoffs, "wait, dude. This just turned off." He looks up at Colby, "As soon as you touched- it just did it again." 
"See!" Colby says with his hand pointing to Sam. 
You walk over to Sam, looking down at the camera and he nods, "Yeah, it just turned off again!" 
"It's not just me." Colby shrugs while holding his hands out to his sides. Sam nods, "It's not just you." 
Colby nods, "So maybe it was a warning, not to do that." 
"Are you still going to do it?" You ask looking between them. Colby looks down at the well for a few seconds before looking up at Sam with a smirk on his lips. 
His eyes go to you then back to Sam, still smirking, "Yeah." 
"Oh god." You laugh slightly, "How the fuck are you going to get it?" 
Sam looks from you to Colby and Colby laughs, "Sam. Hold my ankles." 
Sam hands you the camera and walks around to Colby and bends down. Colby gets down on his stomach and grabs the cup. 
Sam grips Colby's ankles as he inches himself forward a little bit more. He blows out air, "Catch yins on the flip side." 
He leans down, groaning as he stretches to reach the water, "Oh god " 
"I promise you're not going anywhere." Sam says, groaning as he holds Colby's ankles down. You can't help but laugh at this situation. 
It's just so.. them. 
Colby's saying something but you can't really understand him because he's laughing. 
"You good?" Sam asks and Colby answers, "Yeah I'm just gonna go forward a little bit." He inches forward some more, stretching down more. 
As they're getting the water, you feel an uneasy feeling, but you just brush it off. 
"You got it?" Sam asks. 
"Yeah, I got it." Colby answers. 
In a strained voice, Sam says, "He got the well water." 
Colby comes back up, setting the cup of water on the ground with a groan. You put the camera on Colby and he sighs, pointing to his shirt, "XPLR merch, down below." 
You hand the camera back to Sam and step to the side. Sam looks at you, "You good." You sigh quietly, nodding, "Yeah." 
"Shit dude, I ruined everything." Colby says as he brushes himself off. Sam tries not to laugh, "It was well worth it." 
Colby looks up, glaring at Sam and Sam laughs, "get it?" 
You laugh and walk around to sit down in a chair and you watch as Colby moves to sit next to you, Sam next to Colby. 
Sam leans forward, setting the camera down on the other side of the table to get you all in frame. 
"This looks oddly familiar." Colby says and Sam nods, "literally learned the Estes method in this house, two and half years ago." 
You watch as Colby puts on his blindfold and you hand him the headphones. 
Sam looks at Colby, "Let's try and figure out who's trying to fuck with us." 
"Weird full circle moment." Colby says as he brings the headphones to his ears, but stops, resting his hands back on the table, "Yeah, so as a recap real quick.. Dave.." 
Your stomach drops when you hear his name now. 
".. is the soldier.." Colby continues but Sam butts in, "Who's been following us for like four days." 
Colby continues, "For four days, but we initially talked to him with the Estes method out in the back yard, and then he follows us to the woods by the campsite.." 
You look around, squinting your eyes behind Sam. You stare for a few seconds before looking away. 
"Hopfully Abigail is still here and guides us in the right direction. Please, Abigail." Sam looks up at the ceiling and you turn your head slightly, smiling as you feel the same loving brush on your shoulder, "she's here."
Sam looks at you and Colby turns his head towards you, "How do you know?" 
"She touched my shoulder." You swallow, "She did it before." 
"And you know it's her?" Sam asks and you nod, "Oh yeah." 
"Hmm. Alright. That makes me feel a little bit better." Sam laughs slightly, "Alright. You ready?" 
"Let's do it." Colby says and as soon as he puts on the headphones, "Reason." 
"Yeah we're trying to figure out the reason why you like us so much." Sam starts, "Why you want us out into the woods." 
Sam reaches over between you and Colby, whispering as he moves the cup of water towards Colby more, "We also have the well water." 
"What do you want with us?" Sam asks and Colby answers right away, "Sex." 
You raise a brow, "Huh?" 
Sam blinks, smirking slightly, "Alright, are you just fucking with us? Are you the trickster spirit?" 
"Can you give us a name?" Sam asks and Colby is silent. Sam looks up, "Okay. Are you a solider?" 
It's silent again and you lean forward, "Sam." He looks up at you, "What's up?" 
"When I came down here last night, I asked if it was the trickster spirit. And whoever, whatever it was kept telling me the woods." You say and he tilts his head, "Huh, that would make sense. Wait, is that why you got dizzy in the woods?" 
You shrug, "I don't know. It could be. I was thinking about that, though." You nod, "I just thought I'd tell you now so you know who didn't get mad again." 
He nods, "Yeah, I get it." 
"What do you want us to run from?" Sam asks, "unless it's Abigail?" Sam looks over at you, "like warning us?" 
You shrug, "That, I don't know." 
"Is it something dangerous?" Sam asks and there's no answer for a little bit. 
You and Sam both look up at the ceiling confused.
"Oh my god." Sam whispers and you look at him, "what the fuck was that?" 
Sam looks from Colby to you, "everything's moving." He goes to say something else but Colby cuts him off, "Us." 
Your eyes stay on Colby and you get a sick feeling in your stomach. 
"Do you want to hurt us?" Sam asks and you lean in, "Sam, I feel sick." He looks at you, "Are you okay? Do you need to step out or something?" 
"I'm not going alone. I'll be fine." You take a deep breath, "I'm good." 
"Okay. So you're friendly. Is this Abigail? Are you trying to lead us somewhere else, make sure y/n is okay?" Sam looks at you and Colby answers, "Stone." 
"There's a lot of stones around here." Sam says and his tone makes you want to laugh, he sounded so done. 
"Oh, Sam. Another thing. When I got that vision of the soldier looking in the window, there were footsteps before and then I asked if it was watching you and Colby.." you start and Sam nods, "Yeah?" 
"That's when that weird hold on me went away and I booked it back upstairs because footsteps were coming towards me but I couldn't see anything." 
Sam keeps his stare on you, "it said knife in the graveyard." You nod and Colby speaks up, "He had to go." 
"Are you a murderer?" Sam asks and there's no answer from Colby for a little while. 
Sam's eyes go wide and he jumps back, "James!" He covers his mouth with his hands. You cover your mouth, eyes wide, "No fucking way!" 
"That's the soldier from the secret grave." Sam looks to you and over to Colby before looking back at the table, "James. Is this you that we're talking with?" 
Instantly, Colby answers, "yes." 
Sam's mouth drops open, "Fuck yeah." He rests his hands against his chin, "Okay. Thank you. Who is this man from the woods?" 
You start to feel dizzy again. You lay your head in your hand as Sam continues to ask questions. 
"James thinks the man from the woods is here." Sam says and you lift your head. 
"He's pointing fingers." 
"What does he want with us?" Sam asks and it's a few minutes before Colby answers, "Rule."
"He wants to control this.. area? Is the man from the woods actually powerful, or is he just tricking us?" Sam pauses, "James can you answer? Are you just fucking with us?" 
You shake your head as you look away from Colby to Sam, "I feel.. like there's something here, like.. around us." You motion, "Like a constant presence that's moving around." 
Sam stares at you, "He's not actually gonna hurt us, right? Nothing can happen?" 
You wipe your hands on your thighs, "This is fucking scary." You take a slow, deep breath and exhale quietly. 
A minute or two of silence goes by, "Use." 
"What, are you gonna use us?" Sam asks confused and Colby answers, "Help." 
You and Sam both look at Colby, staring at him. 
"James, do you need help?" Sam looks away and back to Colby, "How can we help you?" 
You both stare at Colby, waiting for a response but nothing. 
"Tell us how we can help, actually this time." Sam looks around and you feel like hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
"There's definitely something here, Sam." You whisper so quiet you weren't sure if Sam actually heard you. He looks over at you, nodding and his voice is just as quiet as you, "Yeah." 
"Is that how you get your power?" Sam motions to the cup, "We got a little of the well water right here." He looks at you and his eyes move up to above your head, like he's following something that's moving away from you. 
"Are.. are both James and the man from the woods still here?" Sam asks and there isn't a response from Colby for a few minutes. 
Your mouth, along with Sam's, drop open, "Oh shit." 
You and Sam look at Colby, asking in unison, "Dave?" 
Sam looks at you, "are there three people now?" Sam asks, "James. Dave. The man from the woods?" 
"Fool." Sam repeats slowly.
"I'm back." 
"I'm back.. as if he's been talking with us." Sam looks up at you and back down to the table, "Man from the woods, have you been with us this entire time?" 
Sam pauses, waiting for a response but nothing happens for a few minutes, "You." 
"Yeah, have you been with me and Colby?" He looks up at you, "or have you been with y/n?" You tilt your head down, shaking your head as you blink slowly. 
"Woods.. Us.." 
"Us and the woods? We were all in the woods." Sam says and there's a knock, causing you to jump slightly, "Fucking hell." 
"We were all in the woods." Sam repeats, "Man from the woods, what is your name?" Colby instantly answers, "Yeah." 
"I don't-." Sam rests his hand on his chin, totally consumed and Colby speaks, "Me." 
"Yeah yo-" 
Colby cuts Sam off, "I am." 
"Are you-" Sam stops talking, looking at you confused, "Have you been-" 
You and Sam look at Colby and Sam stares at him as he speaks, "Hello.. have you been with us the whole time, It-" Sam is completely baffled by what you're getting back from Colby. 
"Are you Dave?" Sam asks, keeping his stare on Colby. 
You're so scared that you know you're going to jump when either Colby or Sam breaks the silence. You were so on edge right now, you didn't want to sit through another Estes method. 
But you are. 
"No." Colby moves his head slightly, "It's meee." 
Sam looks away, letting his hands fall in front of him, "What the fuck?" He looks at you and you lay your hand on your mouth, shrugging as you shake your head. 
"No, then it's me?" Sam whispers and Colby butts in, "Moon." 
"Dave. Are you a soldier? Answer me. Who are you Dave?" Sam asks and another few minutes of silence go by, "Don't." 
"You've been following us for four or five days." Sam leans forward, resting on his elbows. 
"Why don't you want to tell us who you are?" Sam asks, set on finding out who this spirit is. 
"Sam." You lift your finger, pointing to the green camera light that's getting brighter by the second. 
He shakes his head, letting out a sigh and Colby speaks up, "Yours.. friend." 
"You want to be our friend?" Sam asks and Colby instantly answers, "Happy." 
"Okay.. you like when we come talk to you Dave?" Sam asks and there's more silence before Colby answers, "Lake.. turn around." 
You and Sam both instantly look behind you, a weird feeling in your stomach building up. You look forward at Sam and sigh, "This is intense." 
He nods, "Are you.." he looks to his other side, "Are you right behind us?" Sam stays looking behind him as Colby answers, "Unlock." 
"Unlock? Thats what it said about the door. Is the person down here right, the person that locked the door on us two years ago?" 
"Do you remember us? Cause we were here two ye-" 
Colby cuts Sam off, "Yes." 
"So were you the person th-" 
Sam covers half of his face, "Fuck.. Dude.." He turns to Colby, fighting back the urge to tap Colby. He lays his hands on the table and before he says anything else, Colby speaks, "Here.. This.." 
"Are you calling-" 
Colby cuts Sam off, "Friend." 
"His friend, was the one who locked us in the basement two years ago." Sam looks at you and taps the table with his fingers, "Is this friend of ours, this happy friend, the same person as the man from the woods? Are you the one calling us to the woods?" 
"Yeah." Colby answers and you get a chill down your spine. That feeling like you're about to puke returns. 
"Fuck." Sam leans forward. 
Sam reaches out, grabbing Colby's shoulder speaking quickly, "Dude. Dude dude dude." 
You lay your hand on Colby's opposite shoulder, "Colby." 
Colby takes off the head phones and pulls the blindfold down. His hand lays over his eyes as Sam grabs the camera, "I actually think this thing that's been following us the entire time, Dave.." 
Colby keeps his hand over his eyes, "Mhm." 
Your fingers rub gently over his jacket as Sam continues to speak, "Is.. the man from the woods. I don't think Dave is a soldier." 
"Wait, why do you say that?" Colby asks, blocking the light with his hand.
You keep your stare on Colby, making sure he's good as Sam keeps talking. 
You feel that guilt feeling all over again. You don't want to feel it, not only does it make you feel upset, but you didn't want the spirits feeding off the negative emotion. 
"But Dave was the soldier, because when we talked to him with the Estes method, like he was the one that came from underground." Colby says and Sam nods, continuing to talk. 
Colby leans back and you drop your hand, leaning back as he speaks, "Wait. So you're saying he's been the one that's been stalking us since day one?" 
You look from Colby to Sam, sitting there listening to them talk back and forth about what happened while Colby was doing the method. 
You feel goosebumps form on your skin and you shiver. 
"Let's check if he locked the door one more time." Sam says and you all get up, walking over to the steps. 
Colby reaches back, grabbing onto your hand to pull you in front of him so you're not last on the stairs. 
You look up at him and he just stares down at you, fighting back a smile because he still wants to seem mad. 
You smirk slightly and walk ahead of him. 
"The doors wide open? That's also bizzare, too. I thought we closed it." Sam says, turning around to look at Colby.
"When we went up and got.. the water cup? We might have-" Colby's cut off by Sam, "Oh, okay." 
"You know what I just realized, too?" Colby asks as you walk out into the room, "when we first came to the basement, yesterday." He closes the door, but then opens it back up, "We did a ritual where we were saying soldier, soldier, soldier. What if that was just instantly telling, like the trickster as well, that we were trusting the soldiers too much?" 
Colby closes the door, "Like duh, he's gonna act like a soldier to get on our good side." 
Sam switches the green light back to the regular, white light, "Wait, the first day we did an investigation right here with Amanda. We opened the basement door and something came up and hit the REM pod." 
"So you could have just let out, Dave, the trickster spirit from the basement and then ever since then he's been following us."
A knock causes you to jump and Colby wraps his arm around you, "What was that?" 
"What was that?" Sam asks turning the camera, "It was like a knock on the front door." 
Colby walks over, checking it out and you watch, making sure you don't see anything in the windows. 
After a few minutes, Colby walks back, "Okay. Are we ready to go back down?" 
Sam nods and you stand there, hesitating on how you want to answer, "Um.. I don't.. know." 
"Do you feel comfortable going back down?" Sam asks and you sigh, "I mean.. yeah.. I just.." you shake your head, "Yeah. Let's just do it." 
"Y/n. If you don't-" 
You cut Sam off, "I'm good." 
They don't argue anymore and walk over to the door. Colby first, then you, then Sam. 
You make your way back down, sitting down at the same like you were before going up stairs. Sam ties the blindfold on and Colby looks at him, "Ready?" 
Sam nods, "Yeah." 
Colby switches on the static sound, "See how loud that is guys?" He looks into the camera and Sam puts on the headphones, immediately saying something, "Two." 
"Two." Colby thinks, "there's still two of you here? I believe we were just talking to-" 
Sam interrupts Colby as he continues to speak, "Young." 
You get instant chills and Colby looks at you, "Every single time I talk it's just talking over me." Colby looks up, making his voice louder, "Dave. Are you with me?" 
A few minutes goes by, and Sam breaking the silence causes you to jump, "Here." 
"Why do you want us to go to the woods so bad?" 
You close your eyes, trying to keep that sick feeling at bay as Colby keeps trying to get answers. 
"Evil girl." Instantly after, "Abigail." 
You open your eyes, looking at Colby and you repeat her name at the same time. 
"He would.. the trickster, or Dave, would think that Abigail is evil-" 
"Dave I need you to be clear with me, why do you want us to go to the woods?" 
Sam doesn't say thing for a few minutes, but within those few minute, you reach out, laying your hand on Colby's arm and his hand goes to lay on yours, "What's up?" 
"I don't feel like it's just us again." You shake your head, "Someone else is here. Something else, or whatever. We're not alone." 
Colby looks from you to Sam, and back to you. 
"So if there's other people down there as well, is that what you're saying? Other spirits that you know?" Colby asks and Sam responds, "Seven." 
Colby's mouth drops and he leans back, "we've been getting seven all the time.." 
"Line em' up." 
"Are these seven spirits dangerous?" Colby asks and you jump as something brushes against your leg. You refuse to look, mainly because you're scared. 
"Who are these seven spirits in the woods with you? Are they other earth bound spirits, possibly?" Colby asks and you sit there in silence, awaiting a possible answer from Sam.
"With you." 
You look at Colby, "Is that why I don't feel like it's just us?" 
"If there's seven spirits with us now.. I mean.." 
Your eyes go wide, "seven spirits here. In the basement." 
"Do you have a plan to do something to us is we go to the woods?" 
Sam answers Colby immediately, "Spooked." 
You nod, your voice quiet, "Yeah, we're for sure spooked." 
"Why didn't you scare us when we were there earlier tonight?" Colby asks and you look between him and Sam, wishing you weren't scared enough to leave the basement alone. 
"Was that you making noises in the woods? Were you trying to scare us?" 
Sam doesn't answer, he just sits there. 
"Find out." 
You feel like your skin is crawling with the cryptic responses. You were so on edge right now, you wanted to leave and never come back. 
Colby looks at you, "That's the same thing is said yesterday.. come find out." 
You place your elbows on the table, holding your head between your hands. 
"Are you okay?" Colby whispers and you nod slightly, "I'm starting to get a headache." 
"I promise." 
"What's gonna happen?" Colby asks and there's another long pause, the pain in your head growing worse by the second. 
You look up at Sam and you close your eyes. 
"Stone?" Colby questions and you lean back slowly, taking a deep breath as you rest your hands on the table. 
The pain in your head is slowly dying down. 
Colby continues asking questions and you feel that feeling of not being alone creep in again, this time it's more of a heavier feeling. 
You can feel it, weighing down on you like something is pressing on your shoulders and you're resisting. 
"It's time." 
"I can sense." 
The feeling disappears and you slam your hand on Colby's arm, "I just felt like something was weighting down my shoulders and when Sam said it's time, it went away." 
"Is that plan happening now? When is it going to happen? Were you just touching y/n?" Colby asks, glancing from Sam to you, "Why would we come back there if you're saying you're going to attack us?" 
"Dude." Colby rubs his eyes and you sigh, "i have a question, were you the one we were talking to two years ago?" 
"You're scared." 
Colby laughs slightly, "we were terrified." 
"Don't record." 
You glance to the camera and back to Colby. 
"Dave.. do you call yourself Beelzebub?" 
"I dare you." 
You all sit there in silence, you mainly thinking about everything. 
"I like you." 
"At this point, we just know you're trying to get on our good side. So, it's not gonna work." 
"Do you do this for a specific reason?" 
You lay your hands on your head, resting your elbows on the table. 
Your headache returns. 
"Do you get power from scaring people?" Colby asks and you swear you hear a knock, but before you can say anything, Sam cuts you off, "Come in." 
"It's the same thing. He's not answering any questions. It's the same things.. just come to the woods." 
"My head hurts again." You look at Colby and he leans in, "Do you need to leave?" 
"I'm not going by myself. I'll be fine." You take a deep breath, "it was hurting just a few minutes ago.. stopped, and now it hurts again." 
"Did it do this when you were down here-"
Sam cuts Colby off, "Alone." 
"No." You answer quickly, "It didn't." 
"You know, that makes sense though, the owner did say the best way to get evidence is to be alone." Colby looks at you, snapping his head to Sam. 
"He's ready." 
You point to Sam, "Colby. Look at him." 
Colby watches Sam and tilts his head, "He's like.. shaking.." He looks at you, "I'll pull him out of this in a second.." 
You nod, sitting up and watching Sam intently. He shakes his head back and forth, just acting weird. 
"Colby, I don't .. I don't like this." You look at Colby and he shakes his head, "Yeah neither do I." 
"Thank you." Sam says, sounding normal. 
Colby just stares at him as he places a hand on his shoulder. Sam reaches up, brushing his other shoulder before moving to take off the headphones. 
Colby moves his hand and Sam brushes his shoulder again, almost in a panic to take off the blindfold. 
"Why you acting like that?" Colby asks, kind of worried. 
"Dude." Sam shakes his head, hand still on his shoulder, "I-" he stumbles over his words before he stands up, moving behind Colby, "It felt like someone was leaning in like this." 
He demonstrates and Colby looks at you, eyes wide, "Isn't that-" 
"Uh huh." You nod, "I felt that same thing." 
"It felt like it was pushing me down." Sam moves to sit down and Colby nods, "Yeah your legs were shaking. I stopped it mostly because y/n kept getting headaches and I wanted to see, like what you were doing." 
"I don't think I've ever felt an Estes method like that.. I don't.." he looks between you and Colby, ".. Was I like.. it literally felt like-" 
"Just pressure on your neck and shoulders?" You ask and Sam nods, "Yeah, the pressure." 
"It was your legs that were freaking me out because you were just like starting to twitch and like-" 
Sam cuts Colby off, "that's what I'm saying like, the Zack Bagans thing.. my legs were tensing up as if I needed to like, move or I'd get up.. it was just fucking weird." 
"Okay let's just.. get out of here. We can talk about it all upstairs." Colby stands up, "How's your head?" He looks at you and you nod, "It's fine again."
"The camera turned off." Sam says and Colby goes to grab it. He turns it back on and it shuts off again, "it just turned off twice, in a row, right when I grabbed it.." 
"Alright let's just get upstairs." Sam says and you all start to gather the things from the table. Colby yelling causes you to jump, "Three times!?" 
"Let's just go. Let's go." Sam says and it turns off again, "What's fucking happening? I'm holding it with my left hand because I'm holding this." Colby shows his hand and you turn your head, almost like a scuffling abound capturing your attention. 
"Guys." You hold your arm out towards them but the camera shutting off has their attention. 
You look back at them, then back into the darkness and the same footsteps that came after you while you were down here alone, come after you again. 
You let out a yell, moving to stand between Sam and Colby.
"What!? What what?!" Colby asks wrapping his arm around you. 
"Footsteps. Like footsteps running towards me just happened and that same thing happened last night when I was coming back up the steps." You lean into Colby and he sighs, "We need to be recording." 
"Here. I'll just.." Sam starts recording on his phone. He explains what you heard and Colby holds the camera out, "Guys. Look look." 
"It's just turning off." Sam says and Colby holds it back up, "Look watch. Are you gonna do it again? Turn off the camera." 
Sam shakes his head, "Dude, I just don't think we should fuck with it like that." 
"No that was five times in a row, Sam." Colby argues, "You got that right?" 
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I got it." Sam says. You sigh, "I think we just need to get out of here." 
You all go up the steps, stepping out the door way and you take a deep breath, "Oh my god." 
"It's still turning off." Colby says, and suddenly the light goes off, causing you all to yell. 
"This is a brand new light." Sam says, "let's just go outside." 
As you go outside, Sam pulls the door shut, "What the fuck is happening." Colby shrugs, "I don't know dude. Something is trying to delete the footage." 
They go back and forth about it for a second and then Colby looks at you, "Are you okay?" 
You nod, "No, yeah. I'm good. I feel better now that we're out here." You walk over to him, "Are you still mad at me?" 
He pulls you into a hug, "Were definitely going to talk about everything in detail when we get a second, but as of right now I'm just glad that nothing serious happened to you." 
"So you still love me?" You look up at him and he looks down at you, "Yes. Of course I love you. I love you, even when I'm mad at you." 
He smiles and leans down to peck your lips, "so are you sleeping with me tonight or are you-" 
You cut him off, "Going to a hotel? Yes. I'll see you in the morning." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I hope you enjoyed this. I wrote so much my Wattpad started to slow down and didn't keep up with me so I'm sorry if there's any major mistakes. 
Thanks for reading! Love yas! 
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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controld3vil · 4 months
costume mishaps
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pairing(s): dune 2 cast x actor!reader (platonic!)
synopsis: requested by this ask, & 2!!
⤷ alt: costume mishaps happen all the time.
notes: when i saw the film, i just knew they were going be awarded best costume. LIKE princess irulan dressed up to be taken hostage. also actor!reader is referenced to have hair long enough to be braided. also this might be the last installment i do for the dune cast, i apologize but it's been slowly fallin off for me. but if i get motivated, ill be so sure writing more :)
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Only recently film channels have released behind-the-scenes footage of Dune: Part Two. One of which went in depth about each important character.
When it came to your character, Denise Villeneuve placed much emphasis on wanting to find an energetic spirit. Someone who can channel childlike wonder and at the same time, play a menacing and emotional one. And for that, you were chosen and had always appreciated Denny's choice of you.
"Nerre's, they're essential to the House Atreidas. They grew up under their rule, with Paul, and have the mentality of what it means to be loyal to the things you love and hold. And I think," Fondly, Denise murmurs your name with a smile. "They delivered what was needed for the character." Shortcuts of shots of you in the desert exhibited your enthusiasm for the project. You're constantly smiling, at the joy of people's laughter. It was as if you were born to play Nerre, resembling much of their attitude and spirit.
At the end of Villeneuve's talk, it quickly moves to another shot into the desert.
"I can't do this Denny!" From far away, it zooms toward your figure, sitting at the edge of a valley of sand. In costume and everything, the only thing that discerned different was you were missing your headgear. Your locks, loose and free from any shackle you previously had, are long gone. The sunset hits your face directly and only elevates the sad pout on your lips. "Can I please put my hair up?!"
Beside you, the Paul Atreides actor sits with one leg over the other, giggling, holding his fist up to distract himself from your petty endeavor. It was fortunate today that the wind was kind. Yet it bothered you apparently, as you try to readjust strands of your hair away from your face every few seconds. There were faint shouts behind the camera and muffled current, comments that were directed back to you.
"No, it's a part of the scene!" Denise hollers, cupping his hands into a circle. A few familiar faces show up beside the director, amused and chuckling joyfully. The sun would soon be gone and it is a waste of film if you did not comply with the director's order. Yet as the video picks up, you shamelessly and eventually accept your fate, crossing your arms, and glaring at him.
In another, your annoyance grew further. Your persistence towards Denise was undeniably petty and unnecessary. It was another day shoot, with the sun glaring back on the desert lands and everything it lays its eyes on. In particular, you who is braided with loose and intricate braids on your hair. You were even advised, more encouraged to grow your locks out for the film. Which you happily followed and now regret to this day.
"I really want to just," You scoot towards the camera's view so nobody can hear except you and the cameraman. "Yank all of the hair from my scalp! The heat's killing me!"
It switches to a sit down interview of you, slowly diffusing your voice on top of the footage to connect both portions on what you were trying to convey. "Now obviously, I was exaggerating," As you nervously laughed at yourself. You're not sitting in front of the movie poster. You were in casual outing clothes and showed off a relaxed manner, "But Denny did request for me to grow out my hair for the film- not just to show that time has passed but a part of their maturity. It's not extravagant but a small change that gradually will show later on."
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Your character did not have a dramatic wardrobe change. More or less, the production team wanted to include small changes to your outfits. In the first film, you were dressed in a simple Fremen still suit, with not much other than the mask attached to it.
You did not have many options to customize. Everyone's was the same, with few alternations. You were aware for Paul, Timothee adorned a long hooded cape and extra layers of fabric behind his back. Rebecca took a completely different change and discarded the Fremen attire altogether. In the sequel, she had to wear multiple layers covering her body to represent the Reverend Mother of the Fremen people.
"Just one change, that's all I'm asking!" You recited a previous conversation you had with the director. Another Dune behind-the-scenes documentary, it showcased the intricate works of the costume designers. A beautiful work of art. Every single piece of fabric was handmade and crafted. And of course, you who couldn't help but praise their efforts and reminisce the the first time you wore the still suit again before shooting.
"I remember desperately wanting a cool cape or something. And in the end, I got what I wanted!"
A cool compilation showed you running around in the Fremen attire for the first few shoots of Dune's sequel Sometimes you run off into the distance with your cape, flying behind your back. Or the times when you flipped it over your head for extra protection. Even on other occasions where you are the one fanning your cloak for your costars like Florence Pugh or Rebecca Ferguson.
"Yes, they were happy when we gave them a cape," One of the costume designers who specialized in Fremen wear said in a quick interview. She spoke of you with hearted tenderness as like many of the other designers appreciated your participation with Denise on what to change. "We also thought it would be cool to add a few chains and charms- if you see around their waist area to show how long they've been living in the desert. Things you pick up like scrap metal or maybe materials they had from their home planet that bring homage to them. We thought it would be a cool idea for Nerre, in their time, they would be scavenging for things to bring back home."
Although the most well-known shot of you was with your well-acquainted costume. Timothee and you were walking side by side in between a long valley. It was a thin canyon, built upon tall feet of rocks and dusk. The camera crew and others were careful to walk the ancient monuments. All of the Fremen extras were following behind last. In the scene together, you and Timothee were discussing plans while striding through the rocky corridor. Josh Brolin was at the side to your right and Zendaya was on Timothee's left.
But what the documentary picks up on is what happened after the scene. Right after the scene, captures the two of your mischievous and harmless banter. All of the extras and film crew scurried out of view. Zendaya can be seen sitting by a nearby ledge.
It captures you, jumping in pace to wake yourself up. Or maybe because your feet were asleep. Eventually, the French actor joins you, following the rhythm of your jumping. It's comical how casual random occurrences happen around you and your younger cast mates. To the average person on set, it was the norm to see you and Timothee replicate childish acts.
Viewers can pick up a muffled conversation as the two of you continue to bounce in unison. "You tired?"
"I feel numb!" You quicked your pace slowly and your costar continued to stare at your movements to follow. With the additional shade the canyon provided, the heat wasn't an issue but the humidity was. Zendaya who was resting behind gave you an encouraging laugh when you began to spin and jump clockwise.
Eventually, you and Timothee went back and forth to copying each other. It led to a game of tag, which dispersed people into making a circle in the middle of the road for you to play. At some point, Timothee managed to grab onto your hooded cloak which halts you backwards. Thus it was an infamous funny blooper viewers can seen reposted over thousands of times.
With him holding your cape, and slowly going under as if performing a dance.
Even when asked about that particular clip on the carpet, you both only shared dotting reminisce and giggles.
"He almost made me fall when he grabbed my cape," You huffed, pointing at the said perpetrator while the interviewer, holding the microphone looked his way accusingly. Timothee doesn't deny your claims as he blatantly grins, happily on the special moment.
"I mean, I think I won that tag game but sure," The brunette sarcastically directs his eyes toward the veil behind your back that replicated the cloak cape you wore in the movie. "You could've gotten hurt."
"Yes, because you were about to rip that thing off my neck!" You emphasized greatly into the microphone which had the interviewer throw out a chuckle. Timothee breaks as well but regains his posture before glancing at anyone behind who wants to defend him.
"I think a rematch would be in order," They added, earning hums from you, only fueling your competitive drive.
"You wanna go right now?" Timothee speaks up, emitting false confidence as he puffs up his chest. You do the same, despite knowing you are at a disadvantage for not wearing a flexible outfit to run in.
"Yeah if you're game!" You shouted back, cracking your knuckles as a few paparazzi snapped photos of your hilarious rivalry. Within seconds, he taps your shoulder before running off in the opposite direction. It leaves you off, gawking in surprise before chasing him down the carpet, struggling as you run past your other cast members and cameras.
By the end of the night, the two of you were in a tie. You won, in revelation to everyone's surprise as a picture was posted online of you posing with rock and roll peace signs and Timothee holding up the veil that was attached to your outfit, replicating the previous video.
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"I have a question,"
This was the BuzzFeed UK interview. For all the five younger cast members to sit down and talk with one another. Really more of a natural and informal discussion that didn't need to pertain to obvious questions about the film. Everyone sat in comfortable sofa chairs of their own, each receiving their own microphone.
It was Florence who spoke, directly eyeing Austin Butler to your left side. Your eyes followed her insulated question, but your mind was unbothered. Your fingers unconsciously fiddled and scratched the mic as your blonde costar asked, "Your bald cap, at what point in the day were you like God I can't wait to get it off!"
Your stoic expression broke into a warm smile, remembering all the times you've seen Austin in his Feyd costume. "It's a good question."
"When did it get uncomfortable and sticky?"
"After lunch?"
"Yeah yeah I mean it kind of got to a point where I did- I would forget, it just feels like it's a part of you and I was focused on so many other things, but it's usually when it got really hot," The Princess Irulan's actress mumbles in agreement, "Particularly the arena scene cause I'm outside in the sun and it's 110 degrees and that's on your head. I just would- want to cut the damn thing off."
It earns honest chuckles from Florence and Zendaya who both agreed. A few seconds later, it cuts to you with a knowing smile before speaking up into the microphone, "At least you didn't have to deal with all of your hair- and mess," Additional hums from the others joined as Austin chokes out a laugh, before taking a second glance at you.
"I mean yeah- there are a few positives to wearing a cap," He shrugs his shoulders, knowing how you'd react to his casual response meant to be teasing.
"What was your experience like?" Florence turns the question towards you. She states your name accordingly as if seriously questioning you. Your head turns and you give her a look before answering.
"Madness," Only to be returned with huffs and pants, mostly coming from Zendaya who knew well of your petty endeavors with your hair and makeup. "I wouldn't say it was worse or better but god, the extreme heat from the desert really sold me cutting my hair short." From your side, Austin squints his eyes, unable to take your sarcasm seriously. While you can see Timothee on the far side of the group, humorlessly shaking his head as you try to reaffirm yourself.
"I think out of everyone, you take the most with hair and makeup beside Austin," The mixed actress addressed, clasping her hands together with the microphone in-between. Florence hums and you nod your head far too quickly, only to be caught by your French costar.
He calls out your name, "You take like forever in the chair, what's up with that?" Suddenly you feel the air change as you give an accused look, trying to play innocent.
"Some people take their time longer in the chair okay," You huffed and puffed as you glanced around the room. Luckily Austin decided to help on your side, empathizing with how long it takes for him to prepare in the chair.
"Both of us gotta take care of our hair you know," He adds, quickly lowering his microphone which leads a twinkle in your eyes as you gleam adoringly at him.
"Yes exactly!"
"Wow really?"
"Okay but the bald cap requires much more time and precision. You're just taking a long time and can't sit still," Florence buts in, moving closer to the edge of her seat.
You gawk at her, grasping the nonexistent pearls on your chest as you can discern Timothee and Zendaya's laughter. "Where did all of this hostility come from?"
"You know what? Ever since you broke my headpiece!" There were gasps and your blonde costar only looked at you, with a cold funny stare. Your jaw drops, knowing it was the few incidents you wanted to erase from your memory.
"Did you really break her headpiece?" Timothee sighs at you in disappointment. He gives you a fake frown before you turn to the camera, looking at the audience, unbelievable how the tables quickly turned.
"The tea!"
"First it was minor, only a few of the shards dropped." You raised your index finger, then cast eye contact with each person, "And not to mention, Florence, you let me touch it!" This time, it was Zendaya who gasped in astonishment, looking back and forth.
"I guess this was how the holy war started," Timothee speaks indistinctly, cupping one of his hands on the mic. Only to be heard of your exclamations in bewilderment.
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
Hi Dema!! Your art is fantastic and even the lineart is awesome! Solid and confident in where it's thick and where thin. I really like how your style has characters look more realistic and they have specific consistent features. Your blog has a pleasant atmosphere, and you're skilled in weaving AUs! There's a lot of details and structure, and I'd like to ask if any of them have a full story arc? Could you do a list of all of the AUs? Is there a motif that you especially like that repeats in any of the AUs? And whenever you add comments to my stuff in the tags I literally smile, it makes me want to keep at my plan to create everything I have in mind. So I'd like to spread this joy! I hope you have a nice day! (from late-draft ^^)
Hello, Late-Draft! I wasn't expecting this ask at all but I'm so glad to have received it!
First of all—I'll try to hold myself back from giggling like a schoolgirl. I'm having a sempai noticed me moment over here and that's just embarrassing. So give me a second to compose myself, if that's alright?
Okay, I'm back.
Now, on to business.
Character design, especially when it comes to facial features and how they're unique to each person, has always been a passion of mine. I always try to have a solid design for each character. I choose which features feel like the character in question, which face feels natural to draw, and go along with it. I love drawing Katara as much as I love drawing Zuko. Meanwhile, I seem to be on a never-ending battle against Sokka's features. Woes of an artist, I suppose.
Character design is actually one of the reasons I love your work so much, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm currently experimenting a bit with a different style... Hopefully it won't be long before the artwork is done and I can share it over here. I'm so excited for everyone to see it!
Now it's time for the reason we're all here.
I have said it before and shall say it once more: AUs are my lifeblood.
I love them so much! Building them, daydreaming the scenes, thinking of the characters and how they differ from their canon versions. The arcs and the themes and the worldbuilding. Building AUs is my passion, and I have so many of them!
There are a lot of motifs and themes that tend to repeat themselves in several of my AUs, I believe.
You'll notice that most of my stories are Zuko-centric, with a heavy emphasis on grief and humanity. There's the question of what makes us human and how to move forward when the whole world seems to push you back. I put a lot of stock in metaphors and symbolism within the narrative itself. I'm especially interested in the nuance of war and how it affects people emotionally, physically, and psychologically
I also tend to reutilize some elements of the lore and/or worldbuilding! Such as the Painted Lady's backstory, or the existence of War Children within the ATLA universe.
Now, the list!
I think I'll start with my current project, if that's okay :)
For the Spirits (New Gods AU)
Zuko was a child when he met Agni. Then, the spirits started coming to him. Eyes hidden in the hallways, voices pleading for help, for recognition, for remembrance.
Zuko could see Agni. He could see the broken remains of a Great Spirit and the empty smiles of amnesiac ghosts.
And they could see him in return.
I've been working on this AU for a long time, but only now did I get the chance to start writing the fic (linked up there!). I'm extremely excited about FTS and where the story will lead us in the future, but I'll try not to spoil too much.
It's a Zuko-centric story, with a heavy emphasis on Spirits and humanity. I'd like to add a warning for depression/mental health issues.
To Hesitate (Lee & Kya AU)
As she watches Lee and Kya avoid each other's eyes from across the room, the phrase comes back to her, swift and silent:
"To hesitate is to lose."
As Song treats the victim of an unfortunate interaction with a rare poisonous flower, her day takes an unexpected turn when it becomes apparent that the old man's nephew and her assistant have history.
A vivid history.
The Lee & Kya AU is a vibe, a feeling. It's probably one of my oldest AUs out there as well as one of my dearest.
A classical Lee and Kya From The Tea Shop AU, full with wholesome fandom tropes such as: fake (but not really) dating, fake identities, Ba Sing Se shenanigans, vigilante stuff, White Lotus missions, Iroh is a great Uncle, Zuko is an awkward turtleduck, and, of course, the fluffiest fluff you'll ever see.
Other than that, Lee & Kya is probably one of the less plot-focused AUs I have. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't scenes I can't wait to write or a canon divergence or two where Zuko is concerned.
(I have another fic posted but I'll leave that one to the end. You asked for a full story arc and, oh boy, does Soundless deliver.)
Kintsugi AU
Closer to being canon-adjacent than canon-divergent, Kintsugi is yet another Zuko-centric AU (and are we not noticing a pattern over here?).
I'd love to explain it in depth, but I believe the caption of the artwork linked above does a better job at explaining than I ever will.
Kintsugi is the art of decorating your scars with pieces of Agni.
In the Fire Nation, the amount of golden marks are a sign of status. Only the Royal Family can afford to seal every single wound with Kintsugi. Such is the weight of this tradition that, among the ones with Agni's blood, it is the highest mark of dishonor to have a natural scar, for it proves you aren't worthy of the privilege.
After the Agni Kai, Ozai forbid Zuko's scar to be sealed with Kintsugi. The boy wasn't worth his title, his traditions or his pride. Zuko would be broken, but he wouldn't be beautiful. Not anymore.
(And sometimes it's easier to pretend he never was)
Kyoshi Warriors AU
One of my absolute favorites!
In this AU, Ursa took Zuko and Azula with her when she was banished, so they could start anew. With help from Iroh and the White Lotus, she managed to relocate her freshly burned eight-year-old child and her crying daughter to Kyoshi Island.
Years later, when Avatar Aang and his companions first arrive at Kyoshi Island, they're met by the Kyoshi Warriors and their leader, Noriko of pale skin and warm brown eyes.
The Gaang leave Kyoshi Island many weeks later with a new companion. And if Jian Li, with his war paint and his scar and his dual dao, gives the island that he has called home for so long one final, longing glance as they fly away on Appa, they pretend not to notice.
Hunters AU
We're starting to dwelve deep into dangerous waters!
This is a Katara Joins Zuko In His Quest To Find The Avatar AU, with a twist!
This AU was born as a writing experiment. What if we take Katara's character, and change one of her core characteristics? Katara, who looked up to the Avatar as a saviour figure, now blames him for leaving and allowing the Fire Nation to wage war on the world.
Then comes Zuko, a banished Prince with a crew full of traitors and his own agenda. Zuko wishes for nothing more than to dethrone his father and end the war. He is a White Lotus member, an honorable, driven young man, and he has a plan.
The catch? He needs to take the Avatar to his father if he wishes to regain his title and be able to rightfully take the throne. Oh, and he will deliver the Avatar to the Fire Lord—but nobody said it had to be in chains.
Halfblood AU
I watched Blue Eye Samurai a few months ago and it destroyed me. The idea of a half-blooded child dead set on getting revenge for their very existence stuck with me, and this AU was born.
Kanna made a life for herself in the Earth Kingdom after leaving the North. Katara was raised by her grandmother in a small village, being taught to hide her bending if she wanted to live peacefully in a place she was only half of. Her mother had died in childbirth. Her father, a nameless warrior from the Southern Water Tribe who had loved Kya and left her behind, didn't know of Katara's existence.
Katara took over Kanna's clinic after she passed away. Always taking care of others. Always suppressing her need to bend. Always wishing for more.
One day, he arrived. A half-child, just like her. But while she was of Water, he was a son of Agni. He was searching for the man who brought him to this world. The man who scarred him. The man whose face he couldn't recall, whose name he did not know. The man whose specter had chased his mother to her grave. The man who would die at his hand.
The answers were hidden in a small teashop deep within Ba Sing Se. Lee offered her a way out, and Katara took it.
Soundless (Uiscefhuaraithe)
Katara of the Southern Water Tribe has hands scarred by fire and great talent, though no teacher.
Zuko is a mute War Child, a herbalist and healer, and the Blue Spirit. He bears the mark of fire, and the scar of the blade that took away his voice.
The first time they met, the Blue Spirit had just saved her, tough not before her hands got burned. The second time they met, his name was Lee, and he was healing her.
They live in war and they will fight, if not for the world, then for themselves.
You asked for a full storyline, and I shall deliver!
Soundless is probably the only AU I have fully planned. Three-books, Azula redemption arc, role-reversals and all.
This AU has everything. From travelling through the Earth Kingdom together, to odd character team-ups that somehow manage to work, and a major goal/conflict to resolve.
Zuko and Katara must find their way to Omashu in an Earth Kingdom ravaged by war as they also grow to understand each other, themselves, and the world around them. They meet with new and old alliances, keep their ears open for rumors of the Avatar (They say he is an airbender, Lee. Do you truly belive that?), and do their best to always be two steps ahead of their pasts.
Meanwhile, both the Northern and Southern Water Tribes are searching for the runaway heiress, Aang must find his way alone on this new, hostile world, and Azula must face the revelation that, despite what her father has stated for the last two years (liar, he lied at her! Her! He lied he liedliedliedlied), her brother might just be alive.
I'm sorry for making this such a long answer! I just get very excited about these subjects and don't know when to stop. If you made it all the way down here: thank you again.
I hope you have a good day ❤️
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
@shinjisdone if you still like BOTW mutual.
I hope this came out well- It's not really gorey but Zelda never usually is so-
Yandere! BOTW! Link Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Mentions of death, Manipulation, Dubious affection, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Like other Links in the past timelines, Link is also a quiet hero.
He most likely met you after his century long rest and resurrection.
If you think of what this Link has gone through... he's certainly been through a lot.
He's died trying to defend the kingdom, he wakes up to see all he cares about dead, he's alone as he tries to fix Hyrule.
Having a companion to help him along the way could potentially cause obsession.
He has no other companions when he first wakes up and begins to train.
Zelda is locked away to keep Ganon from growing in power.
The Champions have died with their spirits locked away in the Divine Beasts.
Sure, he gets companions and allies as he explores.
But his journey still feels rather lonely.
Not only that but he may not even remember them due to his memory loss.
You are the face that greets him when he manages to make it way into a village.
It's a surprise to see Link of all people 100 years after the battle.
However, you still make an effort to aid the hero.
Link notices the hope in your eyes as you offer him whatever supplies he may need.
You offer tools, scavenged weapons, food, water, whatever.
You even offer companionship.
Link naturally finds himself drawn to your helpful nature.
Your companionship touches his heart, friends are something Link needs during his journey.
You offer him a bed to rest and buy trinkets he finds to sell to you.
You help him find a good stable and horse to use on his travels.
The first village he visits, your village, he often revisits.
He hates that he doesn't remember much of anything.
All he knows is he has a purpose, even if his memories have been wiped away.
Part of him uses this to start new.
He allows you to be the first companion in his journey, one he can rely on as he grows stronger.
Link would still do what he's fated to do.
He'd challenge shrines to regain his strength.
Then he'd use such strength to aid Zora's Domain, Rito Village, Death Mountain, and Gerudo Valley.
Yet when it comes to rest, Link always treks back to your village on horse back.
It's like each day the knight of Princess Zelda comes back to you stronger.
He gives you a soft smile and holds out little things he's found for you.
You are too scared to leave your village most of the time due to Ganon's monsters.
So Link makes you feel like you're on this journey with him by gifting you treasures.
They're little gifts from him, it shows he cares.
Link's attachment to you grows as his journey continues.
He's silent, often speaking in actions more than words.
He's playful at times when he sees you again, encouraging you to hug him when he visits.
He takes you on horse back at times just to see things.
He promises to protect you outside of the village.
If any monster of malice threatens you, Link slays them with a blade and watches as the dark aura drains from them.
He apologizes with a hug that you nearly got hurt.
Truth is, he'd slay anything to protect you.
No matter how dirty the job is.
I feel Link trying to encourage romantic attraction between you would consist of gifts and physical affection.
He collects flowers on his journey to give you.
He collects shiny jewels for nothing but attention in return.
His hugs also appear to become longer the longer he's away.
Maybe he'll even sneak in a kiss on the cheek.
Before he lost his memories, Mipha and Zelda were potential partners he could choose.
But now... he only ever wants you.
In fact sometimes he wishes he didn't have to bear such responsibilities of piecing together Hyrule alone.
He just wants to settle down with you in your village.
He hates it when he has to part from you, especially for the final battle.
Even when he regains his memories, his thoughts of you stay rooted in his mind.
He no longer wants to be with Zelda romantically.
He's her knight, sure...
Yet he still wants you.
So when he comes back after saving Hyrule, why do you refuse him after everything?
You tell him he belongs with Zelda.
But he doesn't want that.
He wants you.
You seemed so susceptible to his affection before?
Every kiss, touch, hug, and gift....
Now... you won't embrace it.
You claim it was wrong to give into him, or that you never saw him in such a way.
Well... Link simply won't stand for that.
You've been a big help to him through his journey.
Even if you never physically came with, having somewhere to retreat to after battle felt fantastic with you.
Link isn't going to accept leaving you, he's tired of things never going his way.
So he decides he'll always stick by you, like it or not.
You can't get rid of him.
You can try to push, yell, and threaten him.
He doesn't listen.
He's fought off the evils of Hyrule just to be repaid with your affection.
He won't let you take that away from him now.
He's way stronger now and won't let you go.
You'll be safe with him... he promises to love you as repayment for helping him...
He's chosen to love you and no one else, even willing to even fight fate to stay beside you instead of anyone else.
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tw1l1te · 5 months
Heyy you fabulous writter! You've had me hooked ever since I first found a post of yours and I don't know if you're taking writing requests but if you are...I'd like to humbly request you to write this idea?🙏
Essentially I think it'd be really cute having a small one-shot of the LU boys in twilights hyrule and them meeting his S/O. His S/O can either be a simple farmer who grew up in the same area or the idea of someone he met on his journey who also had animal turning 'abilities'/features comes to mind so they understand each other more than most. IDK if it's a silly idea or not I just thinks the boys reactions (especially time teasing twilight and such) would be Hella cute! Anyways thanks and keep the good work up! 🫡
- Anon🧋
Yesyesyesyes living out my cottage core dream with mr. cowboy teehee
Twilight was getting giddier by the second as he approached Ordon, and the boys could tell. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, trying the keep the nervousness at bay, but how could he do that when he was about to see you. His beloved.
"I don't think I have ever seen you this jittery before, Pup. What's wrong?"
Twilight was about to answer him when they hear a loud gasp.
Twilight turns to see you on a tree above them, clad in what seems to be.... his old tunic? You jump down, hopping down branch by branch before landing inches away from Twilight.
"Oh by three- you're home! I missed you so much-"
He shuts you up, by pulling you in for a kiss, months of love and desperation melting onto you.
You had to pull away to avoid creating awkwardness for the others, "Alright, easyyy cowboy. Now why don't you tell me about your lil' friends?"
Time raises an eyebrow at him, clearly interested in your character.
"Oh! I completely forgot t' introduce myself! I'm Y/n, mister hero's partner."
Time nods, holding out a hand to shake.
"I'm Time, a... friend of Link's. We all met on his recent adventure."
You nod, squinting a bit at him, then eyeing the rest of them. You walk around them slightly, eyeing their garb and equipment a bit before nodding back at your boyfriend.
"They're Links too, aren't they?"
Legend jumps slightly at that, "How did you-"
You smile at him, "I gotta good nose."
Twilight shakes his head, chuckling "Alright, lets go back to the village before you start figuring everyone out."
You jog up to him, animatedly waving your hands, rambling about Colin and how good with swordsmanship he's become. Before you could continue rambling, Wind asks, "How'd you two meet?"
You and Twilight pause, looking at each other before responding.
"Oh, y'know, I met him on his quest during the Twilight Era. Stinky do-wait, they know, right?"
"They're too nosy for their own good."
"Right, so. I met him while I was in my alternate form. Fell on top of me from a brittle tree-"
"-Wait, you have a wolf form too?!" Wind exclaims, running up to you.
You snort, this kid's funny.
"Nah, that's hero's spirit and all. It's better if I show ya."
You focus for a moment before you feel the shift, still uncomfortable but so much less painful than the first time it happened, oh so many years ago.
Opening your eyes, you can feel your senses sharpen, everything intensifying tenfold.
"A fucking fox???!?!! Twilight, your wife is so cool."
"Not my wife yet, but thank you."
You walk up to Wind, cooing at him. He hesitantly pets your fur on your head, earning him a soft purr from you.
You walk up to the rest of them, just looking at them. You give a few extra sniffs to the pink-haired one, him smelling like hare.
Shifting back, you walk back to Twilight, your fur coat retreating back into your skin. You give him a peck on the cheek, continuing your way back to the village.
"Y'all coming or what?"
Twilight breaks out of his lovestruck trance, following you. Time walks up to Twilight, muttering to him,
"I can tell you've got a thing for foxy personalities."
"Oh, shut up."
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
(i love all your hc and how you writeomg!!)
Could You do Swap!sans x a very VEEERY sweet reader, like, a pinkie pie reader?
(please and take care!)(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I'm sorry if this is too short! Enjoy, and you also take care! ^^
You turn around, meeting Swap's eye lights, looking around you frantically. You turn your head to the side, with a smile plastered on your face.
"Bluuueee!! What are you doing here?" Swap groaned in distress, holding your right leg and trying to stop it from bleeding out completely, he cannot believe this situation.. you were just engaged in a brutal fight against Nightmare of all people, and you're not even worried! Not even... Scared about your own life being on the line!
"Are you crazy?! Y-You could've- You could've-" you didn't let him finish, as you settled on hugging him close. "Blue.. it's ok! I-I'm fine! See? Still smiling!" You motion to your wide smile, as Swap looks sadly at the ground. "But..." He sighs after a few minutes of silence, and decided to hug you back. "Y/n.... How could you just... Take Nightmare on by yourself?? You could've gotten killed!" You frowned, hearing these words fly out of Swap's mouth. Where's his positivity? You looked him deep in his eyes, smiling at him brightly.
"Yeah...I could've.. but I'm still alive. And I brought you some time." Swap looks confused at that last remark, until he puts the pieces together.. thanks to you, Dream, Ink and himself got to take care of the other bad guys.. while you fought with Nightmare. "So...it wasn't just a ruthless act of yours?" You giggled, finally hearing his spirits lifted up.
"Yeah! Couldn't just leave you guys hanging!" Swap saw how you wanted to get up, but he abruptly stopped you. "You can't! Your leg's injured." You blinked up at him, several times. "Oh...yeah." You sat on the ground, thinking about this situation, until you were suddenly hoisted up.
You yelped in surprise, but relaxed once you saw that Swap just lifted you in his arms. "Mwehehe! I saved the princess!" He decided to lift up the mood, even doing his signature laugh! You snort, smiling at him brightly. "I'm saved!" You gave in into his little roleplay, still smiling at him. Swap beams at your praise, as he strikes a heroic pose with you still in his arms.
"Does my little knight want a reward for saving me?" Swap's cheeks tinted blue, at the mention of that. He sheepishly smiled at you, and rubbed the back of his head.
"T-The knight would've liked that!" He finally managed to say, cursing at himself for stuttering. You found this quite cute, as you leaned in and gave him a kiss. Swap gasped at this sudden act of yours, but a rather dorky smile appeared on his face.
He shuddered a little, but looked at you in a quick motion. He leaned in and nuzzled his head with yours. You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. Swap was really strong, so carrying you out of the battlefield was no hard task.
As expected...of the knight.
Ink and Dream were walking behind Swap, with Y/n in his arms, they were all over each other, giggling and all that. Ink made a disgusted sound. "Bleh, how are they not ashamed of doing that in public??" Dream laughed a little at Ink's protest about the two lovers communicating, in their own way. Dream thought it was adorable, but the same could not be said about Ink..
"oh come on. I think they're very sweet. Swap and Y/n are definitely made for each other!" Ink groaned at Dream's words. "Yeah... But I wish that it would be me with Y/n..." Ink muttered, looking down at the ground. Dream perked up at this, looking at him. "Did you say something?" "W-What? No. You must've heard wrong."
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manias-wordcount · 6 months
Futaba, Ann, and Makoto with a S/O who is the Phantom Thieves trump card, despite not really being the sharpest tool in the shed, their incredible physical and athletic abilities as well as bulky build make up for TREMENDOUSLY, but they can be extremely reckless and wild to the point where they don't listen to common sense or orders, like when there is a something blocking their way that is very dangerous when in physical contact they just go: "Don't matter how dangerous somethin' is if ya punch it hard enough!" and just combos the thing to pieces with a flurry of punches with a wide sharp toothed grin on their face, like their a shark in a saturday morning cartoon. And despite their large build and muscles they're sweeter than sugar.
(Plus they just wanna earn praise from the people around them and impress the girls) Pls, thank ya, and have a nice day. :)
S/o who is Dumb and Buff HCs ( Futaba Sakura, Ann Takamaki, Makoto Nijima)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗺! 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀! 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 :)
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Futaba Sakura
She loves a lot about you
Truly she does…….but…..
Doesn’t love how she can’t hold a conversation with you about things that aren’t surface-level
That being said, she does love nicknaming you all her favorite no-brains all brawns anime and video game characters
And she probably eggs you on when you’re about to do something stupid and dangerous in the metaverse or a palace
(Much to everyone’s displeasure)
But she does know something is way too far and she’ll be the first one to frantically ask if you’re alright and scan you for injuries
She’s also going to be the first one to try to study your brain and body structure because how did you not die from doing whatever crazy thing you just did?
Truthfully, you both are a really really odd pair
But you adore each other so hey- it works
Ann Takamaki
She’s your biggest fan and biggest cheerleader
She’s definitely smarter than you but chances are, you guys are on the same wavelength most of the anyways
So you both get along very well
Especially because you always like being in her good graces and always want her attention and affectio haha
When you’re doing something dumb in the metaverse or a palace, she’s probably right behind you about to join in
Your energy and your spirit definitely gets her fired up!
She does worry about you when you’re about to take on a task it doesn’t look like a single person can handle on their own
But she knows better than to doubt you
Because for some reason you always make it out okay!
And always with a smile too!
Makoto Nijima
Polar opposites
Like it’s a miracle you two are even attracted to each other let alone a couple
But she does love you……………..BUT
You not being the smartest does 
Partly because she’s definitely the type who wants to sit down and have a deep, thoughtful discussion and she can’t exactly do that with you
But mainly because you constantly get yourself into unnecessary danger and drama that she knows could be perfectly avoidable or might have a better way of solving it
Again, she loves you but something you are way more trouble for her than what’s honestly worth it
Likely story, if you don’t start learning some forethought and learn how to use your brain instead of rushing into everything, this relationship won’t last forever
But while you’re still together, carrying the hearts and hopes of the team on your back, she’ll still love, admire, and worry about you
But she’ll probably have to ask herself everyday if raising her blood pressure like this is even worth it LOL
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inkrabbit · 7 months
A Ghoul's Valentine
as promised, here's the Era 5 ghouls + Aether
He doesn't need a holiday to show you that he loves you
But he does it anyway because he does love you and he knows this is the day that highlights that love
Luckily, the abbey doesn't too much for V-Day. The Papas recognize that it's good for everyone to spend the day with their loved one or spend it with a close friend and also realized that they could have the day off with their favorite Sibling. And Aether takes advantage of the day off
The day will mainly consist of you two just being together and Aether is more than willing to do whatever you want to
He's also planned a nice hot bath for you both to soak and relax in, and yes, it's going to be all pretty and decorated
He's been growing these flowers for a while, getting them prepared to pick and give to you
He's actually been keeping the flowers in Rain's room because he didn't want you to see them in his own room. He wanted them to be a surprise
There's also several fruits he's grown that symbolizes romance, such as: apples, cherries, pomegranates, and strawberries. And yes, he gets melted sweets just in case you want something to dip them in
All of the ghouls purr when they're spending time with their partner, but Mountain's purr is much more deep and intense. You'll actually feel it shake your whole body
Expect a lot of cuddling from him. All he wants is to sit down, hold you in his arms and just enjoy the day off with you
He's got spirit. Being a newer summon means he's not entirely sure about humans and their holidays, so he goes to the ghoulettes (Cumulus) and asks what gifts he should get you for the holiday
So here he is, standing in front of your bedroom door with flowers, some of your favorite sweets and a large smile on his face while his tail is wagging
He might stumble over his words a bit, and he might be a little bit over the top because he's trying to make today special for you both
He'll take you out to your favorite places and get you anything you want. All he's thinking about is making you feel happy and loved
And when it comes to turn in for the night, he's gonna be right there by your side, cuddling you close while you two sleep
Rain knows more about V-Day than Phantom but that doesn't stop him from being a little shy and nervous about everything
He knows you. He knows what you like and what you need, but he also wants you to know that he's not doing any of this just because it's a holiday and he feels forced. In fact, he would love to do this every day
The day is mainly spent together and enjoying each other's company. He has no problem taking you anywhere if you want to leave the abbey. He'll actually be happy to get away from everyone else
One of the things he will do is take you to the aquarium in the city. He likes spending these times with you and yes, he's going to go into nerd mode and tell you all about the fishes in there
When it's nighttime, Rain will actually play his bass a bit for you. Just something to help you both unwind after the day
It's... a holiday to him. He doesn't really care for it
But for you? He'll try. He'll ask Mountain to conjure up some of your favorite flowers and he'll go out and get some chocolates. No, they're not only for you. He wants some, too
Don't expect the cliche "romantic" type for today. He's still Sodo. But he will become more affectionate with you and hold your hand everywhere
He'll act annoyed but if you ask him to do more traditional, romantic things on V-Day like going out to dinner or getting you flowers, he'll do it. He's just gonna bitch about it a little
He'll surprise you later that night by letting down all of his walls and softly telling you how much you do mean to him. It's just that he doesn't want you to think that he's treating you any differently today because it's a holiday. His love is genuine and he's determined to remind you of that
I hope you're ready for over-the-top and cheesy. He's getting you the biggest bouquet he could hold and insisting that he spoils you today
Absolutely showers you in kisses and hugs. He knows he's being over the top but he can't help himself. He loves seeing you smile and hearing your laugh
He's already got a reservation at a nice restaurant with a table tucked in the corner so you two can focus on each other. He loves nothing more than the be able to sit down with you, share a meal and just talk. It's always the highlight of his day
And he'll make sure to tell you just that, especially after he's had a little too much of the wine. He feels more free with his emotions, meaning he's going to make it your problem and gush about how much he loves being with you
The romantics aren't over after that, though. I hope you're ready for him to play the guitar for you while he softly sings. He wanted to go all out today and he's determined to do so
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
been thinking lately, major character death warning
been thinking about when Klunk dies. When the boys are adults. Let's say she was 4 or 5 when Mikey found her, she'd live for 10-13 years after that. So the boys would be close to 30.
Leo is running a dojo, often with Mikey's help. He's often gone for long periods, either with Usagi or on a quest for the Ninja Tribunal. Mikey's been trying to earn a psychology degree online, and dating around a lot looking desperately for true love. Raph is doing what he's always done, looking out for everyone, especially innocent civilians who'll never meet him. Him and Casey have jobs as sort of secret social workers, so once in a while he's also gone for a few weeks dealing with a case. But he mostly makes it a point to stick around home--there are plenty of people there who need his help. Donny is thoroughly settled into his job at O'Neil Technologies and his relationship with Angel. Cassandra is in second grade, maybe third.
Master Splinter and Mikey alone together more often than they are used to. Learning new hobbies to keep themselves busy, planning holidays and vacations and generally taking every opportunity they can to create wonderful childhood memories for Cassandra. Worrying together about the others.
Mikey notices Klunk has been so much less energetic. He's trying all kinds of things to get her healthy again. Leo gets Usagi to look at her, and they put together a diet that will help, but Usagi says frankly that she seems to just be getting old. In denial, Mikey seeks a second opinion from Leatherhead, and then has April take her to a vet, and then starts getting frantic because everyone agrees. She's old for a cat. There are things they can do to make her more comfortable, but they can't make her well again.
Master Splinter spends many quiet hours just sitting with her. He sees how her movements have become more ginger and frail; he knows how she feels. He begs her to stay as long as she can, for Mikey's sake.
Raph is rejecting assignments to be absolutely certain he's by Mikey's side when it happens. They all make an effort to stick around; they'll miss Klunk, but mostly they're worried about Mikey. Donny tries to distract him; he brings Klunk with him just about everywhere, and no matter what they talk about the conversation seems to pivot back to what kind of mobility aids Don might be able to design for cats. Leo tries to comfort him, reminding him that we never really lose those we love, and that from Klunk's point of view she's had a long full life at Mikey's side. 'And hey,' they'll both try now and then with similar soft half-smiles, 'she's tough. she may have a couple years in her yet.'
Mikey believes it less and less. He knows Klunk.
But mostly. Mostly I'm thinking about Raph, quietly staying nearby, keeping a close watch over Mikey. Helping Klunk up onto Mikey's bed at night. Picking up more of the chores involved with caring for her, gently pushing Mikey onto the couch when he tries to take over and dropping her into his lap.
One night after he's put them both to bed, Klunk interrupts his knitting to settle into his lap. She passes peacefully.
Mikey wakes up to hear Raph sobbing. It's a quiet cry, exhausted, defeated. No anger in it. He knows immediately.
He's been mourning for some time now. He'll mourn again soon. In the moment, he feels at peace. Rarely has anything felt more urgent and important to him than to give Raph a safe place to fall apart in that moment, like he's been doing for him.
Raph holding Klunk, so securely and so gently, as if the force of his love can keep her spirit nearby. Mikey emulating Raph's tenderness, wiping his tears, an arm around his shoulders. They'll stick close to each other through the burial, and in the coming weeks as they come across unexpectedly empty spaces.
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chuthulhu-reads · 8 months
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[ID: Two panels from Trigun Maximum. The first shows Livio with a sheepish smile, holding up his black cloak in one hand and dangling his black cowboy hat off a finger of his other hand. There's a little arrow pointing at each item. The second shows Livio now wearing the cloak and putting his hat on his head, smiling more confidently as he says, "Now, let's get started. By the way, I think i'm pretty strong when I wear these. Well, it just lifts my spirits, ya see." End ID.]
I do love a reveal that what one side thought was a pitched battle was, for the other, kinda mucking about/a distraction while they were trying to do something else. Love that he's owned these items all of an hour but because of who he got them from, they're huge comfort items to him. Like he HAS to be in cowboy mode because that aesthetic switch is key to his redemption arc. It's SO hilariously dramatic but also honestly really sweet at the same time.
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19 with nivanserra because im weakkkk for fake relationships
prompt 19: a kiss during a fake relationship
🌼 HI here you go!! This got 1000 words away from me because ~setting~ and also these two are ridiculous. I hope you like it!
tags: going undercover; fake relationship; kissing.
One of his hands is braced on the armrest of Luis’ chair because he’d asked, and the other is around a glass because it’s that kind of night out. The place is dark and bright at once—dark wood stains in gray brown, golden light from lamps on the bar and metal-trimmed fixtures on the walls—and it feels less like a bar and more like someone’s overly expensive basement remodel. This is a few degrees nicer than what he’s used to.
There are long floor rugs with flowered, reddish Persian design, and paintings and tiled backsplash on the walls that pool soft shadows below every ridge. It’s cozy. It made it easier to slide to the edge of this couch and put his elbow on Luis’ armrest. Like this, side by side and drinking, he thinks they pass off well. People are standing close to each other here as they drink and talk, and the place murmurs gently with it. 
“Why me, again?” Piers asks. When he turns, Luis is closer than he thought, and he sees reflections of gold and the miniature figures of people walking in his eyes. 
He’s sat near Luis in meetings before, and met him often at organizational get-togethers, but that’s never gotten close enough to see the deep, warm brown of his eyes. There’s a hint of lighter color in the inner ring of one, like a flare of sunlight off of a stone. It’s interesting. 
“I needed the muscle,” Luis says, shrugging. He has a swaying and confident air to him, and Piers is learning that it’s more genuine than he thought. His mannerisms are quick and light, even as he carefully watches the room, and his smile is the only familiar thing here. 
Piers takes another drink. His shoulders have gradually crawled up towards his ears, and he makes them relax. 
It’s been a minute since he’s gone out.
“Should have brought Chris, then,” he says into the glass. 
“I thought about it,” Luis says. He looks around the room. The man of the hour—lead investor or something like it—stands at the bar chatting with another one of the guests, and his teeth are alarmingly white. He stands out exactly the way Piers would expect, the business-type middle-aged man with a strong posture and the confidence of someone with too much influence. 
Luis goes on quietly. “But I thought I could use someone more convincing.”
“My acting might be worse than his, believe it or not.”
“I doubt it.”
He says this so sincerely that Piers has to laugh. He puts down the glass and lifts an eyebrows at Luis. “You’re about to find out.” 
“Just follow what I say.”
The evening has gone smoothly so far because Luis is the boss. Sending in the attendance confirmation, requesting a plus one, getting them out of the car and up the curb and into the little basement entryway in the ground, that was all his doing. 
Piers can be muscle. He carried the chair down the flight of steps to the bar, and offered an arm for Luis to hold as he came down after it. And he’s fully prepared for the crucial part of their plan later tonight, the real reason they're here. It’s the little details along the way that have him asking questions at all. 
He can go out to a bar and have fun with someone, but he’s never had to pretend that he was going out to a bar and having fun with someone. 
They sit on the couch and let the gathering simmer around them. As Piers watches the investor from across the room, he feels a knuckle at his jaw. 
“You’re being too obvious,” Luis says. 
Piers blinks and follows the warmth, letting Luis turn him by the chin. “You said not to trust him.” 
“Yes, but— I don’t think he’s going to do anything here. Don’t try to screw it up before then, ey?” 
They’re so close to each other. The whole atmosphere of the place—spirits in bottles, people talking, velvet and finished wood surfaces—feels like it’s pressing in around him. 
He feels Luis’ thumb on his chin. His skin is softer than Piers expected. “Is it time for acting?” he asks, barely audible. 
Luis’ eyes roam around to the other couches and the people occupied with chatting there, before they come back to Piers. “I think so.” 
There’s a moment of considering. Luis looks over Piers’ face, and his hand does a brief squeeze at his chin he might not be aware of, and then he pulls in close. 
Piers tips his head just enough, and the kiss is chaste. It’s something any two people might do while out together, a little reminder that the other person is there, or maybe on an affectionate whim. Piers draws from that feeling and plays on it here. 
When they part and he opens his eyes, the investor has moved. He looks around the room for the man, Luis’ hand dropping away, and finds him at the opposite wall near some bookshelves. He’s talking to another guest. 
“Dios mío,” Luis says beside him. “You need to tread more carefully, Piers.” 
“If he’s going to do what we think—”
Luis tugs on his ear, and he shuts up. 
The second kiss breaks his concentration completely. It’s got a hint of urgency to it, a bit of shut up and remember what we’re doing, especially when Luis’ hand slides down over the flat part under his collarbone. He can feel the man’s fingers firmly planted, the rings on his fingers pressing in. His hand reaches out for Luis’ knee reflexively. He might be the one who turns it into a third kiss, but he’s not sure. 
Luis is gentle with it, little seeking motions that somehow don’t feel desperate. 
Piers smiles before the kiss is even over. It makes Luis stop and huff, shooting a nervous look over to the bookshelves. 
“Are we convincing?” Piers asks him. He doesn’t know why he’s laughing, why they both suddenly feel so clumsy and unsure even though they’re in the middle of an operation that’s going so well. 
“If you would listen to me and stop staring, we would be,” Luis whispers. 
“Alright. I’ll get my act together,” Piers says. 
It becomes a little easier after that to keep his eyes away from their target. Maybe it’s the fact that he knows what Luis’ beard feels like on his face, or that there’s a flustered edge to Luis as he steals Piers’ drink from the table. This undercover thing might not be as difficult as he thought it'd be.
(read on ao3)
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b000mbayah · 2 years
loved your alphabet love with yeji, could i request one with karina from aespa? 🫣
Of course, thank you for reading my posts 🧡
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Karina loves your attention. She loves to come home after a long day of work to your love and kisses- it's like her safe haven and she's not scared to admit it either.
The beauty of your relationship is two juxtaposing ideas. It's both fragile and powerful. It's fragile in the sense that all things fragile simply look stunning and powerful in the sense that you're both a power couple- you could easily stand out in a room if you wanted to.
Karina would loosely wrap you in her arms, whispering sweet nothings into your ear in hopes of lifting your dampened spirits. She'd happily give you a small performance, dancing and singing and all just to see you crack a smile. Just please don't ask for aegyo, that may just kill her.
Karina oftenly dreams of you and your future together. She'll especially dream of you if she's on tour and hasn't seen you in a while.
Karina likes to hold a higher status- only in a caring sort of way though. She'd love to have more control over making you happy as that's all she truly values- your happiness and safety.
First encounter
You had first met at her work surprisingly enough. Your cousin had eagerly dragged you to one of her fan signs. Karina will forever explain it was a "love at first sight" kind of situation.
Karina couldn't be more thankful if she tried. All those late night rehearsals and early disappearances has her constantly feeling like a bad girlfriend for leaving you. But with your persistent reassurance, she could never truly express how grateful she is to have such an understanding partner.
Back hugs all the way. She'd wrap you in one of her blankets from behind just because she simply felt like it. Would nuzzle her head into the side of your neck, smiling silently to herself as she thinks of how lucky she is to have someone as amazing as you.
You have some common interests, but you also have some different interests. Not everyone is the same, and you both get that. She'd be more than open to giving your interests and hobbies a try though!
Karina wouldn't be jealous on the outside per say, but more so on the inside. Karina knows how to handle situations somewhat well, but if the person gets too pushy, she'll step in with a polite smile and a hand snaked around your waist as she pecks your cheek.
Karina has some knowledge, but it's decently old. Having been in the music industry since 2016 has had a strain on her dating experience and knowledge and if she has dated someone within that period and you- it was heavily restricted.
Love confession
Karina had shyly shown up at your apartment, your favourite flowers and snacks like some love drunk teenager. Her face was red the entire time as she tried to hide behind her hair. Even charismatic people have their shyest moments.
Karina takes pictures oftenly. She stores them like they're the gold to her dragon's den. She wants nothing more than to look back on them one day with you, remembering the days when you were young now that you've grown old together. But she'll always truly treasure the first picture she took, she'd have several printouts of that one.
Would have you in her arms on either the bed or the couch with multiple blankets covering your intertwined bodies as you sleep blissfully in each other's presence.
Karina feels bad if she ever misses something big due to work so she'd make it up to you one way or another. You know she'd never purposely miss any open opportunities for your relationship to grow.
Would happily hold your hand in public. She'd lock arms with you, kiss you on your cheek, forehead or knuckles whenever. Sometimes she just does it out of randomness and laughs about your processing face.
If you were to interrogate your dearest girlfriend, she'd happily and definitely freely admit that this is the best relationship anyone could ask for. Having the cutest, kindest and most interesting partner in the world is her blessing.
Karina can't help the sudden surges of love she gets for you, often leading to random date nights when she gets home. She'd ring up your favourite restaurant or place of entertainment to purchase a seat/ticket for that evening just to arrive home and surprise you.
Karina would support you till the extinction of all things known and unknown. She'd support you through the toughest times and the most simplest of times. She's always here for you, just remember that, okay?
There's always a thrill with karina. It may not be constant since she is reasonably sensible when required, but as sensible as she can be, she can be equally as goofy and thrilling if you'd like.
Karina is very understanding. Need to sit down and talk about something? You got it. Need to explain your point in an argument? She'll definitely try her best for you. Karina wants things to work out like a match with a never ending flame. She'll do whatever she can within reason. Just don't go around killing people please.
Karina vows to stay by your side through all obstacles in life no matter the cost. She knows what she wants, and that's nothing more or less than to be yours and for you to be hers. One day she'll marry you, and it'll be the happiest day of her life.
She loves bringing you to work. The energy you bring with you helps her get through her day, you're like her support station, just more lovable and beautiful. She loves coming to your work too, exploring other occupations outside of her one will never fail to cut ends to her curiosity.
These four letters represent more than anyone could ever think. They represent the never ending circle of her love for you and she'd happily remind you of that everyday.
Your relationship is relatively young in comparison to most others, but that's nothing to be ashamed of, it just proves how much you can grow together.
Karina is down to be strange with you, freaking out the neighbours? She'll be there gladly.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
spending Christmas with Camilo and Carlos headcanons
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— just some random headcanons on what is like to spend Christmas together with the twins!
— headcanons
— gender-neutral reader.
— none
— since Christmas is around the corner, i decided to make these headcanons bc i'm still down bad for the twins, merry Christmas to y'all! <33
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It was that time of the year again, but Camilo and Carlos thought this year's Christmas is going to be special because they were going to spend it with you <3
Camilo is def a festive person, he likes to get into the mood. He'll volunteer to set up Christmas decorations, he'll help make food (and secretly sneak some to eat), and he'll even wear one of those ugly and itchy-looking Christmas sweaters lmfao
Carlos, on the other hand, could care less about the holiday. It's not like he hates Christmas, he's just not into the festivities. But there are instances where he tries (or is forced) to get into the holiday spirit.
Camilo would definitely force Carlos to wear one of those ugly sweaters hehehe
A few days before Christmas, you'll drag the twins to go shopping for presents. Camilo and Carlos are eager to give suggestions on picking the best gifts until it turns into a competition
"[Name] you should get this" "No, that looks like shit. This is much better" "Nobody asked for your opinion, Carlos" "You're just mad because your opinion is shit"
After shopping, the two are happily helping you carry all the stuff you bought. They're also wondering what you got for them but you'll only wink and say it's a secret, to their dismay.
You'll invite Camilo and Carlos to try and make some cookies or a gingerbread house. At first, it seemed fine until Camilo almost sets your home on fire because he put the heat on high thinking it would help cook the cookies faster. And Carlos almost poisons the three of you because he didn't follow the proper instructions for the ingredients
The festive cooking was definitely chaotic but somehow the three of you managed to make it work
For Christmas eve, Camilo and Carlos invited you to eat dinner with The Madrigal Family. When you arrived, you were greeted with warm smiles and kind faces. Everyone welcomed you with open arms, it tugged on your heartstrings. The twins were glad.
Dinner starts. The food was scrumptious, and you thanked Julieta Madrigal for her tremendous cooking. Suddenly, Alma says something about Camilo and Carlos telling so many stories about you.
"Ay, mis nietos would never shut up about you, [Name]" "Abuela!"
You'll only laugh thinking how cute it was to see Camilo and Carlos flustered. Pepa and Félix are watching their sons, holding hands and realizing how much they've grown. Dolores, Isabela, Mirabel, and the rest of the Madrigal children would try to tease Camilo and Carlos about you. Watching the two turn red and stumble on their words was amusing.
After dinner, you helped clean the table and plates. It was nearly midnight when you decided to spend some time with the Madrigal family. You played games, sang songs, and exchanged stories while waiting for midnight.
At the stroke of midnight, you smiled and said "Merry Christmas!" and hugged each and every one in the room. When you got to Camilo and Carlos, the two pulled you into a tight and endearing embrace, it lasted longer than the rest
You gave some gifts to their family. Finally, you gave your gifts to Camilo and Carlos. The two eagerly tore the wrapper off and clutched their chests when they saw what you got for them.
You gave them matching chameleon stuffed toys, Camilo's in yellow and Carlos' in maroon. They grabbed their gifts and trapped you in a bear hug, chanting "thank you"s
When the twins gave their presents to you, tears almost fell from your eyes when you tore off the wrapper. It was a photo album filled with pictures of you three together. It was decorated with stickers and filled with sentimental photographs. You sniffed and flipped through the pages, you looked at the two and opened your arms.
"You guys are really the best!" You pouted as Camilo and Carlos chuckled before hugging you again.
After everyone got their gifts, Antonio gasped and pointed outside the window to say it was snowing, you gasped and took a peek. It began snowing! Quickly, you grabbed your jacket, scarf, and hat. You took both Camilo's and Carlos' hands.
"Come on!" You said and giggled. The three of you watched in awe as the snow fell down. You go lie down on the snow to make a snow angel, and Camilo copies you. The two of you laughed, but the moment was ruined when a snowball landed on Camilo's face. You burst out cackling.
Carlos snickered and grinned as he watched you laugh at Camilo, the latter was giving him a death glare. Immediately, a snowball fight commences
It's really just Carlos and Camilo throwing snowballs at each other LMFAO
Camilo would accidentally throw a snowball hard against your face. The twins stop to check on you but you got them right into your trap as you threw snowballs at their faces.
The three of you also grabbed some sleighs and went on a sleigh ride around the area. It was super fun! Camilo and you would also make fun of Carlos for always falling off his sleigh lmao poor guy
Camilo, Carlos, and you stayed outside, lying on the snow just enjoying each other's company. It was peacefully quiet and sentimental <33
You can slowly feel your face go numb from the cold. Carlos, being overprotective, insisted you should head inside. But you shook your head, wanting to remain out in the snow. Camilo chimes in and agree that the three of you should go inside because it was freezing.
You three went inside and discovered that Julieta made hot chocolates. So, Camilo, Carlos, and you decided to warm up next to the fireplace while drinking hot chocolate.
The two discover that you're shivering, so they stood up and grabbed the longest scarf they can find.
You're warming up with the twins when you took notice of the decorations, you choked on your own saliva when you realized a mistletoe was hanging above you three
"Ayo is that?" "No way"
Camilo and Carlos realized why you were staring at the ceiling. They looked around and saw their family whispering in the corner, they definitely plotted this!
You couldn't look at the two in their eyes, they notice and reassured you that it was okay not to follow the Christmas tradition
However, you decided to grab Camilo's face first and gave him a smooch on the cheek. HE FAINTS LMFAOOOOO
Carlos turns grumpy because why haven't you kissed him too? >:(
But you rolled your eyes and grabbed his face before placing a tender kiss on the cheek. Carlos.exe has stopped working
It was safe to say this was Camilo and Carlos' best Christmas ever
Bonus: here's a mini Christmas playlist to go with the headcanons hehehe. merry Christmas!
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-died-inside ...join here
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hemipenal-system · 9 months
merry christmas to those who celebrate. have some debauchery on the house.
✨ reindeer post-job shenanigans ✨
it's a long night for everyone, and the whole sleigh crew gets back cold, hungry, and exhausted. they just need something nice to lift their spirits, you know? here's how you can help each of them, should you find yourself into a position to do so:
✨Dasher ✨ - usually gets delegated all the leadership jobs when Rudolph isn't there, and returns obscenely stressed every single year because of it. she's really not cut out for this job, but her name comes first in the lineup so she's stuck with it. she probably won't even want anything really, just snuggle up to her and tell her she did a good job – she needs to hear it. put on a movie or something, make a warm dinner, and put your arm around her and pepper her with gentle kisses. she'll fall in love.
✨ Dancer ✨ - limitless ball of energy. she spends the night entirely just hyping Dasher up enough to do her job, and she's still absolutely pumped afterwards. whatever position you end up in, she's probably doing all the work in an attempt to tire herself out, but she never seems to be able to. do some stretching first, it's gonna be rough and hard and will probably leave you gasping and bruised, but she'll be reassuring while she rails you senseless.
✨ Prancer ✨ - doesn't really want to be there either, but is fine with it. really is just chill as hell. she likes to show off her partners, so expect to be displayed on a pretty leash or railed in front of the others fairly often. she also tends to be down for whatever on your own time, so if you suggest something she'll probably try it out with you, in front of everyone, of course, since she just likes to be around you (and in you. preferably in you.)
✨ Vixen ✨ - she may be the most overtly feminine one on the crew, but don't be fooled by that. her job requires strict discipline, and she'll hold you to the same standards, whether it's brusquely making sure you've eaten enough and hydrated that day or it's learning three new commands a session and practicing all the previous ones until you don't even have to think about it anymore. when you say that makes you feel like an animal, she smiles and says it's hotter that way. lean into it for her.
✨ Comet & Cupid ✨ - they do pretty much everything and everyone together, and you're no exception. they may both be goofballs who can't stop joking around the entire time, but that won't make it feel any less good for you. whether it's both ends or both in one, they will both be involved at once, and it occasionally does get competitive as they fight to see who can make you enjoy it more. really, they're here for your pleasure, so don't be afraid to tell them what you like and they'll try to do it!
✨ Donner ✨ - scary as shit. like, fur dyed black, horn piercings, threatens to crush elves under her hooves if they get in her way scary. she will most likely seem initially standoffish to you and graduate to just being fully mean. if you cry during it, she will find that attractive and keep doing whatever made you cry. multiple safewords are almost definitely a must if you like any form of cnc so she can casually ignore the first one. you will have to tell her every time you fuck to put her knife collection away. you're pretty sure she has murder charges. she might cry afterwards though. just hold her and tell her you had a good time and she didn't hurt you that bad. affection is hard for her.
✨ Blitzen ✨ - spends a significant amount of time blitzed and is also absolutely massive. if you ask her nicely she will shotgun weed with you. she'll actually probably do it if you don't ask either, just be careful kissing her before you end up higher than the sleigh. very very into having you sit in her lap, she loves how surprised people get when she stiffens under them. she knows her size, and she's really gentle, but it's still a lot, so just be safe. she understands if you can't fit her, but that's ok! she'll be plenty chipper regardless! aftercare for this is probably gonna be a warm bath or some kind of massage to put your guts back where they're supposed to be. she's also the switchiest, and would probably enjoy being tied up by you or by her teammates. (especially bc she's so much larger than them it's the only way they can handle her) good luck.
✨ Rudolph ✨ - very confident as the team leader and nowhere else. he spends most of his time hiding from the girls when they're not pulling the sleigh, not because he doesn't like it but because he has actual jobs that aren't taking reindeergirl cock to the base 24/7/364 and he literally doesn't have time for all of them. he'd be happy if you'd take some of the strain off him, and would find some innovative ways to reward you if you asked.
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valentine-writes · 2 years
" say you'll stay with me! "
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↳ ft. montgomery gator, sun/sunnydrop and moon/moondrop
「 gn! reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: IM ACTUALLY POSTING ACTIVELY?? .........no im not writing quick and short self indulgent headcanons wydm haha.... based off the song "tiny planets" by remember sports. basically just clingy reader who works there (and does more hanging put w/ the animatronics than their job becuz in fairness? i wud 2) + these characters!!!! short and sweet hcs (o´∪`o) <3 (except for moon's because i accidentally went overboard with the dialogue. i love interactions w/ moon.) as per usual, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes are most likely present, sorry!
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▸ catching MONTGOMERY GATOR by surprise when you grab onto his hand as he turns to leave. he's confused- staring at you as you speak up.
"i was wondering..." you mumbled, shying away from his gaze, in fear of him seeing the shame burning on your face. "if you could maybe stay- just a little while longer- with uh.. me?.."
monty, who had been totally caught off guard replied with a confused, "uh... yeah?-" he has no idea why you wanted to stick around out of the blue, but he doesn't mind hanging around with you a little longer, considering the pizzaplex is already closer for the day and you're done your usual duties.
he watches your spirit lift instantly, a big smile on your face when he says yes. he lets out a small chuckle. it seemed like that was all you needed.
he doesn't mind your clinginess, not even in the slightest. you notice that sometimes, it even inflates his pride a bit, knowing you want to be around him for so long. on the other hand, it also lets him be clingy without having to even ask for it. he wants to be around you just as much as you wanna be around him! there's no sin in that.
if you're physically clingy? well. he doesn't mind that either. not a huge fan of hand holding considering his massive claws- but enjoys when you hold onto his arm. you find that he extends his arm to you more often when walking around, just to keep you close.
more hcs under the cut !!
▸ just before you both part ways for the day, SUN is the one who asks for a little extra time. any excuse at all to have your company a little longer.
"i forgot to mention!" he announced loudly, stopping you in your tracks. sun always made sure that his reasonings for you to stick around always sounded of the utmost importance, even if they were only just excuses. sun begins to lead you away from the daycare doors as he speaks, trying to get you to stay with very obvious tactics.
"the kids made me art today! they're very all talented artists, each of them- why don't you stay so i can show it off! i've got so much to show you! and- oho, that's not all, friend!! you still haven't told me about your day! you're still on break anyways- we've got time, don't we?"
(he talks a lot. like. a lot, a lot.)
sun is possibly even more clingy than you could ever be. which, i suppose, is a positive if you are also very attached to him. he'll spend every second on you as long as you show interest! the closing hours are pretty much reserved for you to hang out. of course, you still have your job to do, but he's more than happy to wait.
just don't keep him waiting too long! he uh. gets lonely- like super easily.
if you're more physically clingy, he's just delighted to provide all the attention you need! whether it's holding hands, cuddling, or even just those small, friendly touches like leaning your head on his shoulder, he's more than happy to receive or give that little bit of intimacy.
just remind him, you do in fact have bones, and with bones, you must be extra careful when hugging tightly in order not to break them. his embrace is generally gentle- but occasionally he will get overexcited and underestimate how little effort is required when accidentally squeezing the air out of your lungs.
▸ in the dark of the pizzaplex, MOON watches as you finish off your last task of the night. he had been lurking your entire shift once the lights were off. but now it was all over- you wondered if moon would leave you be.
you catch a glimpse of his figure in the shadows, slowly approaching you- and, which once was a terrifying sight, was now just a friend coming over for what you assumed was to say goodbye to you. before he can even speak a word, you interrupt.
"hey- i still um..." your voice trails, the animatronic's glowing eyes on you suddenly making you feel the need to stare at the floor.
moon only moves closer, waiting for you to finish your sentence. "what?"
you clear your throat, the awkward tension making it hard to even look him in the eyes. "i still got some time! are you- are you gonna leave me or... do you wanna-"
its voice box crackles with laughter. a strange, somewhat puzzled chuckle.
"you want me to stay?" he asks, the amusement still obviously present in his voice.
"only if you want to, really- i mean, i dont mind if you-"
"you want me," moon repeats slowly, its face plate rotating slowly into a tilt. "...to stay?"
now, he seems more puzzled than teasing.
"again, only if y-"
"answer the question."
you finally look up at him, exasperated. "moon. buddy. i've been telling you-"
"yes or no." his face plate tilts further, until it completes a full rotation. it sets itself in place with a click.
"yes. yes, whatever- i want you to stay." you admit, feeling cornered.
"clingy." he laughs, his wire lifting him off the ground to hover above you as he takes your face in his hands.
you swat him away, scrunching up your nose. "nevermind then! i'm heading off-"
he raises his hands in mock surrender, shrugging slightly. "kidding, kidding-"
you raise an eyebrow at this. though he seems earnest enough for you. why you had even bothered asking him to stay, he doesn't understand. but he likes the attention- a lot more than he cares to admit.
but funny of you to ask if he'd be leaving or not. you should've known that he sticks around- even when you don't realize.
if you're physically clingy, he doesn't mind. barely even bats an eye. he is very touchy himself (granted, without realizing) and likes being near you. however, his sense of physical affection manifests in sticking his cold metal hands on the back of your neck when you're unsuspecting, or grabbing your shoulders to scare you. you win some, you lose some.
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