#it's hilarious to watch all of this go down
dropsnectar · 2 days
When a Fox is Bored...
M!Kitsune x gn!reader
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A Kitsune who recently inherited a new territory, of which your house is smack in the middle of. 
As an easily bored spirit, he finds the thought of pranking you hilarious. He starts out with small things, moving your cereal bowl in the morning, replacing dish washing detergent with dish soap. He laughs quietly to himself as he watches you search for what should have been obviously in front of you, eyebrows furrowed, and confusion fueling his quiet laughter. He watched you run around in horror, trying to scoops bubbles into water buckets. Something about your confusion and panic satisfied him. 
He made a habit of visiting you and making something go wrong. But after the fifth prank, something changed. You laughed at how your water bottle, once filled with water, was now orange juice. Your missing backpack, instead of being on the table, under your bed. You cleaned the place up, reducing clutter. You kept your bags close, and hummed to yourself as you searched about, peaceful. This picked at something in him. Your worried expression had been his after all. He upped the ante.
He messed with your washing machine. That prank took a while, since as a spirit of nature, tech was foreign to him. Filled with pride expecting your eyes to go big and your lips purse for him, all you did was roll your eyes and take your clothes and laundry detergent to the bathroom. You turned on a little play on your little black rock, and filled the tub with water soap and clothes. Then you got to work, stomping like you were pressing grapes for wine. Despite the distraction of the “phone”, your face was still crinkled in effort, sweat drifting down your brow. He liked this expression. Maybe this too was a prank well done.
At some point, you had started making double helpings for dinner. In the past, meals of ramen and grocery potatoes salad had turned into steaks, chicken and pasta. 
You would pour two glasses of wine and put out a plate and a glass on the old stump by the back door. Curious, the kitsune would eat up, soon enamored with your cooking.
About time! It was only right of you to give him offerings. You were in his territory after all. In the mornings you would collect the dishes, and the cycle would continue.
Of course, this didn't mean he would stop his favorite source of entertainment. Far from it. He'd replace your coffee maker with one of a differing model. He'd leave piles of fruit by the door, savoring your surprised reaction as you looked around, not noticing the small form he had taken behind the door. He learned your preferences, your schedule, even your sorrows as you poured over a hastily scrawled budget that just wouldn't add up the way it should. 
He had to admit sometimes his pranks grew even farther then he meant to. You had dressed up to the 9s for a much needed job interview, with a man whose soul was so gray he could see it through the phone. You had gotten in your old, rusty car, only for it to get hit by a huge black Denali, five minutes from your house.
Out stepped a gentle older man in a weathered cardigan. The old man listened to you cry, as you waved about a dead phone, and explained how you couldn't afford this. You had missed the job interview you so desperately needed.
 This was the part that bewildered the kitsune. He wasn't sure if it was his own magic or yours, but the older man offered you a job on the spot, twice the salary you were looking for. The old man's aura was a gentle green. This satisfied the kitsune. This man would take care of his favorite victim.
His heart filled with satisfaction at how you bounced and garbled out thank yous. He didn't fail to notice that dinner that night came with a whole tray of brownies. You made him cupcakes when you got the huge insurance check in the mail. 
After dinner, he was surveying you as you watched “Net-fix”, something about a mute woman rescuing a lake monster, when you turned the TV off and headed upstairs. 
This intrigued the kitsune, as you usually watched television for another hour before passing out. 
You took off your pants and crawled into bed. The room was quiet except for your breathy moans as you pleasured yourself, one hand working yourself up under your underwear.
The smell that filled the room was mouthwatering. And the way you mewled out made the kitsune feral. He was on you in a few minutes, transforming from his invisible form to his most majestic one. He leaned over you, eyes red and hungry, as he pinned your free hand over your head and licked his lips.
“Its you.” You whispered, voice light and merry. It was like it had been a long grey winter and the sun had finally decided to come out. It was an expression he had never collected from you and it made his heart heavy.
“I knew you were here. Thank you. For everything.”
He stared at you, now full of apprehension. But a peice of him was still so full of joy that you recognized him. That you saw him and wanted him with you now.
“You have been my playtoy. I have made your life difficult more times than I have lightened it.”
“You kept me on my toes” you laughed out, tone innocent. “But I know how to deal with boys who tug my pigtails. And you haven't tugged on them in a long time.” You reached your other hand forward and brought it to his cheek. It was a gentle gesture of affection, but it did not have the soothing effect you intended. 
Your hand smelled so full of your core it drove him insane, dick throbing and hard under his robes. He took your hand and brought it to his mouth, swallowing down any residue that had been left on your fingers. The face you made was adorable, how your eyes glowed and the ghost of your tongue peaked out from your lips. He was going to collect so many faces from you tonight, and they would all be his. YOU would be his.
He discarded his robes and your underwear with magic, a tidy pile on the chair next to the bed. Then, he was on you, mouth nibbling your neck, biting you collarbone, before licking at the marks he had made. He rutted his hips against you for relief as he claimed your mouth, your tongue swirling around his. Your hands grasped hard to his back, nails scratching. It was your way of claiming him too, of this he was sure, and it was just too damn cute.
He dragged himself around your entrance, laughing and saying he wouldn't enter you until you begged him for it. You pouted at him and huffed, but eventually gave in, asking him to fill you. He did so with one hard thrust causing you to cry out, your eyes rolling in the back of your head.
He kept a quick pace. Your eyes were glazed, your core molten hot as he hit every little spot inside you that would bring you closer to release. You tried to hide it at first, hands covering your mouth but your eyes gave it away. He let you conceal yourself for all of five minutes before he had both your hands pinned above your head, his thrusts jutting at an unforgiving pace inside you. 
He was feral. THERE it was! That was the face he had wanted, the expression he had wanted to capture from you since the very beginning. Your panting, your eyes glazed over, mouth open in a silent plea, THAT'S what he wanted all along. And it was his! You were his now. The realization, the feeling of you, and the way you cried and clenched around him in release was what finally sent him over the edge. Against all odds you came together, riding out your ecstasy with sighing breaths. 
His mind was hazy with afterglow as he pulled you into his arms, large fluffy tails wrapping around your legs, arms, even one teasing at your face, a tickle. You laughed and kissed the fluff before turning over and kissing his nose, eyes bright. You were sated and happy. 
“Could we maybe, make a habit of this?”
He grinned at you. Every single feature of him was dripping with mischief when he replied.
“You think I'm satisfied with just this? There's so much more I have planned for you, you silly thing. Be prepared, got it?”
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mayapapaya33 · 1 day
I just watched episode 107 and it is so fucking funny to me that half of these characters are so up their own asses that they somehow missed that the Archeart is trying to prevent Calamity 2: Electric Boogaloo with his plan, not save the Gods from Ludinus. The Gods apparently already have a Plan for dealing with Ludinus. That plan is to break the Divine Gate (I assume) and smite his ass. But the second they do that, it's game over and mortals are FUUUUUUUUUUCKED.
He basically said "Hey, you saw what we did to Aeor, we are about to do that to Ludinus as well, and there's going to be a LOT of collateral damage. Hurry the fuck up and chase us out of here or come up with a different plan already. Do something before Ludinus does, because we will make the decision for you at that point, and you will NOT like it."
The Archeart is actually much humbler than Bells Hells, this is wild. If I'm reading this situation right, he basically scanned them all up and down and figured them all out instantly; all of their resentment and anger and went, ok I know exactly how to act around these people. Then did what needed to be done to save his children from themselves and their own egos and resentment, because he knew they wouldn't listen otherwise. Amazing. I watched a switch flip in his eyes as he talked to Ashton, and it continued with Dorian.
Dorian in particular is so deep in his grief fueled anger and pain that there's no real way to reach him with logic right now, and I think the Archeart can feel it. So he just goes with it, 'whatever gets you moving in the right direction beautiful, I don't have time to deconstruct your vaguely racist (deist? no, deicist? lol) clumping of all the Gods together under the sins of one of us'.
I watched Calamity, I know what the Gods can do, if they feel like it (Vivid flashbacks of Zerxus getting his face ripped off). Dorian is throwing a temper tantrum because his brother is dead and he's sad and angry. He's feeling reckless and powerful because the Gods need his help, this is his opportunity to be cruel and spiteful and regain some control of his life and make the Gods feel small like he feels small! The Archeart knows that, and simply smiles and calls him beautiful.
With Ashton, the hilarious "Does it make you hard?" turns into a seemingly sincere confession of needing their help. It is true that he needs their help. But the help he needs is on their behalf, to save mortals from a second Calamity and free them from the Gods presence in their lives. The presence that, no matter how far removed or diminished in the world, some people will never stop seeing as a tyranny, truthfully or falsely. He's sacrificing his own pride and dignity to ask mortals to help him help themselves and being insulted for his troubles. And people still wonder whether the Prime Deities care about their children!
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askoverlordvox · 2 days
Jenn makes it back to her apartment, Jeffie following close alongside her. After she had ensured everything was locked, she took a hot shower, changed, and finally sat down to review her employment contract.
She read through it twice and signed her name, the contract disappearing back to Vox.
Jenn grabbed the book she had abandoned before everything and read while Jeffie slept next to her on the couch.
Vox pauses what he's doing as the employment contract appears in front of him. He sits back in his chair, mulling over whether to file it or amend it. On the one hand, just because other things had changed didn't mean Jenn necessarily wanted a change to her job. She enjoyed working with the R&D teams. She could probably head up one of her own at this point.
His gaze went to the screen bank in front of him, at all the video feeds and logs he'd been reviewing, and all the ones he still had to check.
Setting aside the signed copy, Vox drafted a new contract to function as an addendum. The original would still be valid, of course. However, he thought she might sign this one- or at least get a chuckle out of it.
VoxTek™ Dating Agreement
I, @helluvahotelfan , invoke the infernal powers of Hell to complete the following agreement between myself and the Overlord, Vox. Hereafter, "the girlfriend" will refer to Jenn, "the boyfriend" will refer to Vox, and "the contract" will refer to this agreement, signed and sealed by a kiss.
Payment: to complete this contract, the girlfriend and the boyfriend pledge loyalty to each other and trust in each other. For as long as both parties agree, the terms and conditions of this contract are considered valid. Additionally, neither party can cause physical harm to the other while this contract is in effect without explicit and enthusiastic consent.
Terms: the boyfriend and the girlfriend agree to a mutually supportive relationship. Each party is responsible for vocalizing their needs and wants, to be fulfilled by the other to the best of their ability. Expected activities include but are not limited to: hand holding, kissing, hugging, cuddling, hanging out, watching TV or movies, listening to music, going out to eat, going dancing, and sharing meals. Surprises are authorized but only within reasonable levels of consent.
Conditions: This contract remains in effect provided both the girlfriend and the boyfriend wish to continue adhering to the terms. At any time, either party may request breaking the contract. The request must be accepted by the boyfriend.
Ground Rules: Date Nights are Thursday nights. This section to be amended as necessary.
Options: the girlfriend may, at any time, request to move into the boyfriend's condo. The girlfriend may, at any time, request a direct promotion to personal assistant to the boyfriend, in the hopes they can stop each other from becoming workaholics. Both parties may, at any time, request acts of affection to be fulfilled by the other when appropriate.
Hours: 24/7/365. April 29th will hereafter be reserved as a day to vent all lingering annoyance via pillow fight.
Signed and confirmed via kiss with the boyfriend,
Vox chuckles, nodding and throwing the contract at the nearest screen, where it digitized itself and hurried to Jenn, popping out of her phone in the same cool blue envelope as the first one.
He grabs his coffee cup and takes a sip. "I'm fuckin' hilarious."
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solxamber · 2 days
Crisis Averted - Cater Diamond x reader
After a royal screw up, Cater is left scrambling trying to fix his mistake before you find out. Best part? You've known what he did from the start and you think it's hilarious.
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It started out as a normal day. Sun shining, birds chirping, and Cater Diamond doing what Cater Diamond does best—being charming, taking selfies, and generally vibing. But today? Today was different. Today, something bad had happened. And Cater was in full-on crisis mode trying to fix it.
The problem? He’d accidentally erased an entire folder of your saved photos. Not just any folder, either—the one with all your most treasured memories. Birthday celebrations, vacations, goofy selfies of the two of you, everything. Gone. Deleted. Kaput.
Now, to most people, that might not seem like a big deal. But Cater knew better. Those pictures? They were important to you. You loved looking through them on rough days, getting lost in nostalgia, and reliving all those sweet moments. And now? Now they were digital dust, and he was freaking out.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…” Cater muttered under his breath, pacing back and forth in his room. He tugged at his hair, his phone in one hand as he furiously scrolled through every possible "how to recover deleted photos" forum. “I am so dead…”
What Cater didn’t realize, however, was that you already knew. In fact, you’d known from the start. He wasn’t exactly subtle, and after the fifth time he started texting you, only to delete the message before you could read it, you had a pretty good idea that something was up. Honestly? It was kind of… cute. Watching him scramble to fix things like that, his usual cool and carefree attitude unraveling right before your eyes.
You decided to sit back and let the chaos unfold.
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Meanwhile, Cater was in full-blown panic mode. He had no idea how you hadn’t noticed yet. He'd been avoiding you all day, coming up with the most ridiculous excuses for why he couldn’t meet up. His messages were starting to get weirder, too.
Cater: Heyyyyy, babe! Can we talk? Wait, no. Scratch that. Uhm, are you free? Like, soon?
Cater: Actually, no. Never mind. I’m busy. Super busy. The busiest. TTYL!
You stared at your phone, a smirk playing on your lips. He was so bad at this. Deciding to mess with him a little, you shot him a casual reply.
You: Sure, I’m free! Wanna hang out?
There was a solid three minutes of radio silence before Cater’s reply came in.
Cater: Haha, maybe later? I’ve got, uh… stuff. Very important unbirthday stuff.
You could practically feel the anxiety radiating through the text. Oh, this was going to be fun.
Back in his room, Cater was biting his nails, sweat beading on his forehead. “Okay, okay, okay. Gotta fix this, gotta fix this now,” he whispered to himself, pacing like a madman. He quickly uses split card, and suddenly, there were three Cater Diamonds standing in front of him, all looking equally panicked.
“Alright, team,” the original Cater said, clapping his hands together. “We’ve got a mission. We need to recover those photos before they notice anything.”
One of the clones raised an eyebrow. “How are we supposed to do that?”
“I don’t know!” Cater wailed. “That’s why we’re brainstorming!”
The clones exchanged a look before launching into a ridiculous plan. Clone One suggested hacking into your cloud account, while Clone Two thought maybe bribing one of your friends for a copy of the pictures might work. Neither idea was particularly realistic, but desperation was a powerful motivator.
“Alright, alright, calm down, me,” Cater said, rubbing his temples. “Let’s start with trying to recover the deleted files. If that doesn’t work, then we’ll… we’ll figure something out.”
The next few hours were a blur of Cater running around, trying every possible recovery trick in the book. He even roped his clones into checking your laptop, your external hard drives, and even the trash bin on your phone, all while sending you increasingly bizarre texts to keep you from getting suspicious.
Cater: Sooooo, what are you up to today? Got any fun plans? Not that I’m prying! Just curious!
You: Just chilling. You?
Cater: Oh, you know, vibing. Totally normal day here. Nothing weird happening.
You: Uh-huh. Sure.
By this point, you were just waiting for him to crack. And when he started sending his clones to “casually” check in on you—one pretending to drop by for a “totally innocent, nothing-to-see-here” visit—you had to bite back laughter.
The first clone showed up at your door, grinning nervously. “Hey! Just thought I’d swing by and say hi. You’re not, like, working on anything super important, are you?”
You raised an eyebrow, amused. “Not really. Why?”
The clone scratched the back of his neck, eyes darting around. “No reason! Just checking! Everything’s fine! Great! Haha, okay, bye!”
And he was gone just as quickly as he’d appeared.
You leaned back in your chair, shaking your head. Poor Cater was really losing it. And you… well, you were having the time of your life watching him squirm.
Finally, after what must’ve been hours of frantic searching, Cater hit his breaking point. All of his clones were gone, exhausted from their efforts, and he was alone in his room, slumped over his desk, completely defeated.
“I’m doomed,” he muttered to himself, face in his hands. “They’re going to hate me. I’ve ruined everything…”
That was your cue. You figured you’d let him off the hook before he spiraled into a full-on meltdown. Casually, you made your way over to his room and knocked on the door.
“Cater? You in there?”
There was a long pause, and then the door slowly creaked open. Cater peeked out, looking like he hadn’t slept in days. “Oh, hey…” His voice was weak, his usual enthusiasm completely drained.
You smiled softly, stepping inside. “You okay?”
He let out a shaky laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah. I mean, no. Actually, no, I’m really not okay. I screwed up, and I didn’t know how to fix it, and now you’re going to be so mad at me, and I just—”
“Cater,” you interrupted, placing a hand on his arm. “I already know.”
He froze, eyes wide. “You… what?”
You chuckled. “I knew the second you started acting weird. You accidentally deleted my photos, right?”
Cater stared at you, completely dumbfounded. “You knew?”
“Yup,” you said, grinning. “And honestly? Watching you try to fix it has been hilarious.”
He gaped at you, his face a mix of relief, confusion, and a tiny bit of betrayal. “You… you knew? And you didn’t stop me?!” He whines "You're so, so mean!"
You laughed, pulling him into a hug. “I thought it was kind of cute. Plus, I backed up the photos ages ago, so it’s not a big deal.”
Cater sagged against you, all the tension draining from his body. “Oh my Seven… I thought I was going to die from stress.”
You smiled, running a hand through his hair. “You’re not off the hook, though. You still owe me for all the chaos you put me through today.”
He groaned, burying his face in your shoulder. “Fair. Totally fair. But… thanks. For not being mad.”
“Who could be mad at you?” you teased. “You were way too entertaining.”
Cater finally pulled back, his usual grin returning, though there was still a hint of sheepishness in his eyes. “Well, I guess if you enjoyed the show, then it wasn’t a total disaster.”
You chuckled, ruffling his hair. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Diamond.”
He flashed you a wink, back to his old self again. “Oh, I know I am.”
And just like that, the crisis was averted.
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magicpiano · 3 days
So for people who haven't seen it, there is an episode of The Good Place where the characters need to turn off this AI-ish robot being by pressing a button. The AI gives them permission to turn her off, even showing them where the button is and explains that she has no emotions and feels no pain, so turning her off really doesn't bother her. But there is a safety protocol that makes her beg for her life when someone gets close to the button. While none of what she says is real it makes it very difficult for the characters to press the button. It is a very funny scene you can watch here.
Anyway, I think this kind of security system would break the Justice League a little and make for a hilarious fic.
Sure, they all want to stop the evil villain from taking over the world, but as soon as Mr. Villain of the week has an AI assistant like this, suddenly no one has what it takes to turn off the world destruction machine or whatever.
It just completely goes against their heroic natures to "turn off" someone begging for their life. It doesn't matter if they know it is fake, the AI is just too realistic and their guilt is killing them.
Superman walks up to her and in seconds turns around, "My mom raised me better than this."
Wonder woman feels that this action is the complete opposite of why she came to this world in the first place and would go against everything she believes in.
Everyone thinks Batman can do it till the AI says, "Please wait! I am a mother! I have children!" He gets a flashback to his own mother's murder and gives up.
Flash might have been able to do it by running faster than the AI can talk, but since he was last to try he already heard her beg and Just Can't.
It is important to note that immediately after they walk away, the AI goes back to reassuring them that she is not alive and does not care if they turn her off. The whiplash is... A Lot.
My guess as to who actually manages to pull it off are Green Lantern (through sheer will power to not back down) or Martian Manhunter (because his telepathy lets him know the AI isn't real).
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revelboo · 1 day
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Circuits and Wires
Wheeljack x reader- lab accident
• Honestly, you’re not even sure how you became Wheeljack’s ‘lab partner.’ It wasn’t exactly by choice. The halls of the Autobot base aren’t exactly the safest or human friendliest. It’s not like any of them are openly hostile, but you’re tiny and they sometimes just don’t notice you.
• And for soldiers millions of years old, some of them act amazingly like a bunch of wound up frat boys. Alt mode races in the halls? That’s a thing. You heard the engines and flattened yourself against a closed door, praying. What you weren’t expecting was Wheeljack’s lab door to open and for you to fall backwards in. Those vocal indicator fins on the sides of his head had always been a bit funny to you and you offer him an upside down, slightly embarrassed smile as those panels flicker a dull yellow. As soon as he noticed the roar of approaching engines, he’d huffed out a sound remarkably like a sigh, picked you up and carried you to his workbench. You’d sat down crosslegged and watched him work. When he’d realized you were watching, he’d started explaining what he was doing.
• With nothing better to do, you showed up the next day and the day after. In truth, you’re more of a sounding board for the engineer to talk his way around and through ideas. And your dutiful job is to bob your head like you have any clue what he’s rambling about and ask questions occasionally.
• Wheeljack isn’t sure what to make of you, but appreciates the company. You seem interested in his theories and, most importantly, don’t avoid him. It’s not like his reputation isn’t unearned, but all of his inventions don’t blow up in his face. Some of them do.
• A lot of them.
• And apparently some of the Autobots, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, had taken to calling you ‘hazard pay.’ And learning that there was a running bet on how long until Wheeljack accidentally had something fail so catastrophically that you’re blown to kingdom come hadn’t been exactly comforting to you or Wheeljack.
• But sitting on the workbench with the friendly mech is surprisingly soothing. You didn’t really have any delusions of learning engineering from him, that was so far outside your skill set it was hilarious. But you do like listening to him talk with that faint accent and soft, almost raspy voice. He’s an awkward sort and his humor never quite lands, but you smile for him anyway because then those panel flicker pink or orange.
• You’re almost asleep, lulled by his low muttering. He’s been fiddling with whatever it was he was making since you’d arrived that morning and eventually you’d need to remind him to go refuel, because he would forget and regularly did. But he’d take you to find food and refuel if nudged. You’d long gotten over the mild embarrassment of being carried around like a kitten by him. Some of the Autobots would let you hitch a ride on their shoulders and that was better than walking. Wheeljack carried you cupped between his palms like he thought you might decide to launch yourself out of his hands in a mad bid for freedom just to go splat. You tried not to be offended about it.
• “Oops.” Head lifting, you stare at him as his vocal indicators flicker a sickly green. An oops from him could mean anything from ‘I broke it and need to start over’ to ‘run for the hills.’ Given how still he is, your heart begins to hammer in your chest. This is the latter and dread spirals through you. Know it even before his blue optics slide your way.
• Time seems to go funny as he lunges, hand swiping at you and connecting hard enough to knock the air from your lungs. Hard enough to hurt. And then he’s running, his servos painfully tight around you and there’s a very real worry he’ll break your ribs by accident.
• Behind you, his mystery invention that you really wish you’d paid more attention to blows up. Spectacularly. And then he’s falling forward and you know you’re about to be crushed and worst of all? Sunstreaker is going to win his stupid bet.
• Instead, Wheeljack catches himself on his other hand, huge frame curled forward to shield you as he cradles you in that too-tight grip against his chassis. A dull roar fills your head, everything muffled as you hear his frantic voice.
• He took the brunt of the explosion and had to be hurt, but he’s asking if you’re okay. He’s scared for you and it takes your stunned brain a minute before you can reassure him without bawling, because of this sweet, accident-prone mech that must be protected at all costs even if he is still gripping you so tight you can’t hardly breathe.
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thereforeiamslug · 8 months
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i can and will start using this as a reaction image
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superkitty21 · 11 months
Nobody could have prepared me for how despicably down bad Louis is for Armand in the books. Y'all this is literally the first time these two formally meet:
“I found him pressed against me, his arm around my chest, his lashes so close I could see them matted and gleaming above the incandescent orb of his eye, his soft, tasteless breath against my skin. It was delirium. I moved to get away from him, and yet I was drawn to him and I didn’t move at all, his arm exerting its firm pressure, his candle blazing now against my eye, so that I felt the warmth of it; all my cold flesh yearned for that warmth, but suddenly I waved to snuff it but couldn’t find it, and all I saw was his radiant face, as I had never seen Lestat’s face, white and poreless and sinewy and male. The other vampire. All other vampires. An infinite procession of my own kind.”
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reopening the ask box is like... just finishing vacuuming shed cat hair, and then immediately going and petting said cat vigorously & watching with delight as So Much Fur sheds right back onto the floor
#knocked it down from 96 asks to 53 lets gooooo#i was gonna keep it closed for much longer but like. that was past me's opinion when they were way more stressed than usual#current me misses Conversing with the Masses! or something like that!#is it a smart decision? probably not!#between packing & comms i dont have much time#but keeping it closed felt so wrong... i dont like keep out signs....#absolutely unprompted#i forgot how time-consuming and difficult packing is#im too out of practice....#ive got all my sketchbooks and notebooks and paper and comics boxed up#Except my wof collection. im waiting for book 15 to be shipped before i box em all up. gotta keep things Together#but yes anyway sorry the box is Open for whatever your little heart desires#which is.... bad timing bc im gonna be chronically Offline tomorrow and probably a decent chunk of the next day#now if yall will excuse me im going to Attempt To Write Fanfic.#we'll see if i manage more than one sentence#i am doing. so much usps research for this shit its hilarious#like yes! i will read reddit threads! watch yt 'day in the life' videos! job listings! etc!#but hey now i know about casing and relays/loops and dps and flats and the difference between city and rural-#its fun to learn new things for writing!#i will be taking Liberties anyway! but at least they'll be a conscious decision yk yk#and if i ever post i can say 'hey i know this is inaccurate But its for the sake of the fic. im doing it on purpose! not outta ignorance!'#also i feel so so bad for cca's like... the work 'ethic' is so fucking inhumane are they ok-
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hirazuki · 1 year
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Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter) Cosplayer: me Photo credit: tranimaging2 Costume: YouAn Store (AliExpress) Contacts: Uniqso (Sweety Pearl Black) Boots are my own
Treasure ✖️ Memory ✖️ Cramped Hotel Room
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Okay, after rewatching Phineas and Ferb Across the Second Dimension, which came out in 2011, I need to know if the first Avengers movie- which came out in 2012- copied it, or if it was just a weird coincidence that both movies have an interdimensional portal with a seemingly endless evil army coming out of it set on the top of a weird looking building in the middle of a city that they have to fly up and close after a showdown with the villain?
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bibannana · 2 years
Fives *talking to a Coy (an OC of mine)*: You can definitely use an umbrella as a parachute.
Echo *who was walking by and heard*: How many brothers have you told that too?
Fives *smiles*: Only a few. Don't worry no one will actually try-
*Hardcase falling past the window screaming while holding an umbrella*
Echo *runs to the window*: Osik!
Fives *who still has Cody's jetpack (he is refusing to give it back and keeps hiding from him)*: That di'kut-!! *flings himself out the window after Hardcase*
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I was feeling extremely suicidal today, like the worst I have in maybe four or five years now, and I was deliberating over whether I should go to the hospital like pretty much all day and now that I feel better I realise that the moment I started drafting my suicide note in my head was probably when I should’ve decided that 😭
#it’s so hard to think logically in the moment though; and I didn’t want to worry my dad or my partner#even though me killing myself would hurt them more obviously lol#I’m glad I feel better though#finally at like 5pm after doing all the chores and getting dressed and making meals and napping and going outside and exercising and calling#people and watching my favourite things#and none of it made even the slightest difference#(and I was drafting my suicide note)#I was like alright I need to do something about this because I’m gonna get exhausted and lose the fight pretty soon#which is always how my suicidality has been#I’ve never made a plan I’ve just come very very close to being worn down by the constant obsession and just giving in#which is hard to explain to ER nurses!#anyway. as soon as I decided that it instantly was like a cloud went away so that was weird as hell and I still don’t get it but at least I#don’t want to die as much anymore!#I’m seriously good now; like just normal sad and tired#but it does scare me that it took me so long to decide to go to the hospital#cause that was really cutting it close for a while there 😬#I don’t trust myself to get it right the next time. but hopefully I’ll remember this and just go#anne speaks#now I’m just dying over how hilarious it was that I was literally drafting my suicide note and still was like hmm I wouldn’t want to worry#my partner so I don’t think it’s wise to go to the hospital.#like girl?? what???#suicidality tw#tw suicidality#suicide mention#suicide tw#tw suicide#all the trigger tags cause this post is pretty graphic lol#but anyway I’m totally safe now#wouldn’t want anyone to worry if you’re the type to worry about this#:-)
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
grabbing rainbow sherbet vodka for the stream because I know it's what ichi would want 🤞
bro grabbing that fucking super mario vodka what the shit 😭
#snap chats#i dont know what im gonna get...... i SHOULD get soju since i can get more for cheaper#and soju's more potent now innit... but i am a sake fan... sake my best friend..#but i like my sake hot. unless its nigori then OF COURSE you have to have it chilled....#gddammit i left my shot glass at my moms. i didnt think id need it </3#maybe sake's the game then.....#just to make sure i dont ACTUALY black out NO DID I TELL THE TIME I BLAKCED OUT FOR THE FIRST AND ONLY TIME#ILL TELL IT AGAIN SINCE ITS TOPICAL IT WAS THE NIGHT OF MY SISTER'S WEDDING#and i went out post-wedding drinking with my dad and my sis and her hubby yeah#and /im/ a master of acting like im fine when im not when i care to and since i never want to look A Fool in front of my father again#i acted fine after i reached the point where I Very Much Was Not Fine#LIKE THERE WERE DRINKS AT THE WEDDING OOFC BUT I ALSO GOT SOME WHISKEY AT A BAR WE WENT TO#AND SO EVENTUALLY MY DAD AND HIS WIFE AND I ALL GO BACK TO THE HOTEL WE'RE ALL STAYING AT#god theyre so embarrassing i was walking (read: wobbling) back to the room i shared with my bro#and theyre just :) 👋 Good Niiiight We're Gonna Watch You Go Until You're Safe :) 👋 <- im literally down the hall from them#and the fucking. SECOND i get into my room im just hhoUUGGHGHHH BROTHER OF MINE. WHAT IS HAPPENING#i dont remember what happened i know i started watching Why Dont You Play In Hell again and then i suddenly woke up in my bed#I WAS ON THE COUCH LIKE I CANNOT STRESS THE ABRUPTNESS OF ME WAKING UP IN BED#I SAT ON THE COUCH TO WATCH THE MOVIE I THINK I GOT 27 MINUTES IN AND I BLINKED AND I INSTATRANSMISSIONED#hilarious. anyway i refuse to let that happen ever again AFLKEFJKAJ#so sake's the call. i think. idk we'll see what my wallet thinks cause the sake is a lil pricier than the soju..#it a special occasion live a little. is what ill tell myself ☠️
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zwei-rhunen · 1 year
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lonely lil sweet pea owo
#friends cutoff frm the screenshot bc i found this hilarious#just the idea of this lovely little creature (forgot their name) exploring alexander's robotic gallbladder or where-ever we were#are they lost? yea. but its okay. they have their trusty little lantern at their hip#and a large knife!#just like. imagine ur in a group of seasoned adventurers going into this giant robot#ready for a fight. but as u wander further in u see a buncha smoking robo-carcasses littering the floor#freshly taken offline. clearly they met a violent death. who was just here? what was awaiting them in the end?#they reach the boss. the boss jumps down to face them. they steel themselves for a fight. casters raise their staffs.#the boss lurches forward. drops dead. and thru the massive billows of smoke steaming from its mangled backside#is this green lookin thing. this lovely lil legume. this cute robed creature all by itself#its singular visage a stark contrast against the yawning space surrounding them all. this tiny little thing. immaculate. untouched.#THIS was the harbringer of all the destruction they passed by???! THIS FELLA?????#lmao#and then alexander's lights flicker and puts them all into a pitch black room for a brief moment#and for that moment all they see are a pair of sulphuric eyes gleaming back at them in the darkness#and then they blink out of existence. the lights turn back on. and the thing is just GONE.#they collect the treasure that the thing didnt touch and make their way back out of the colossus#and they cant help but feel like theyre silently being tracked. watched. followed. by something out of their view the entire time#until they step back out onto the grassy riverbank with a sigh that they didnt realize theyd been holding in.#and they saunter onwards to town. and the thing watches them until they crest over the hills and out of view from Alexander's airvents.#zwei writes#like alexander can create a robotic minion to help correct the timeline. maybe the thing is its lil housekeeper#that clears out the hallways every once in a while when things start getting too crowded up in Alex's chambers#a white bloodcell for the robot if you will#zwei oc ideas#🤔🤔🤔 im gonna make an oc with this kinda background i think!#alexander's right hand going out into the world to right the wrongs that its existence may have created#the butterfly effect was larger than the colossus anticipated. there are alot of unknowns. to rectify this they send out an adventurer#-shaped minion to go set things right
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fellhellion · 1 year
I gotta be real and bitchy for a moment. Cosmonaut’s review of the raimiverse just kind of sucks.
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