#it's also really fun describing all the outfits and masks
madin-writes · 20 days
It feels like the entire Camp is out here tonight. Nico lets himself go with the flow, moving with the other bodies deeper to where all the excitement is. There’s lively music blasting from speakers somewhere, clusters of children all dressed up and running around and finding different ways to let loose. Chiron, on standby off to the side, looks slightly overwhelmed. Everyone else is having the time of their lives.
Not for the first time, someone collides into Nico. He, in turn, stumbles and bumps into the person on his other side, wincing as they make contact.
“Sorry, sor—” The boy pauses, blue-green eyes blinking behind the mask. His outfit is thin and free-flowing, the sleeves rippling in the breeze like waves. “Oh, Nico, hey. Almost didn’t recognize you there. You look good.”
Warmth bursts in Nico’s chest, an echo of past feelings rekindled. It’s nothing new; he’s come to accept that Percy Jackson is always going to have some kind of effect on him. But a year ago, the compliment would’ve meant everything to Nico. A year ago, it would’ve been devastating. Now, though—
He catches a glimpse of someone off to the side. A flash of curious eyes hidden behind a mask embellished with flaming red feathers. And Nico smiles, feeling himself immediately gravitate.
Turning back to Percy, he waves a hand, already starting to pivot away. “Thanks. You look pretty good yourself, Jackson.”
Then he leaves, pushing his way through the crowd. Nico chases after the image he saw, trying to catch up to the boy from earlier. He makes it all the way to the far end of the cabin grounds, nearing the Big House, before a tap on his shoulder has him swiveling around.
“Looking for me?”
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prince-kallisto · 8 months
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Crowley Levan is Meleanor’s “eyes, limbs, and husband”…wouldn’t it be cool if the one who married into the Draconia family had a crown/headpiece that resembled horns, worn for ceremonies, public appearances and the like?!
We haven’t seen Levan yet but I know in my heart he’s just a silly little guy as long as you ignore The Killings 💞
I talk more about concept art and costume details below the cut!
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Levan’s headpiece is designed to have more of a live-action Maleficent feel, where she wrapped her horns in…fabric? Snakeskin? Whatever it was, it looked really shiny, oily, and really cool, so I tried to depict that texture to show how his horns are fake.
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And sort of elaborating on the Draconia crown idea, perhaps each crown from every ruler who married into the family has its own unique shape? Levan’s halo-like shape is unique to him, so ones before him perhaps had more “traditional” dragon-like horns, and others had twisting ones like a sheep, etc etc. Since I’m OBSESSED with TWSTs religious symbolism- the Dawn Knight popped off with that winged helmet- I also wanted a halo shape to make Levan look slightly angelic.
The beads on his horns were slightly inspired by the mianguan, a formal headdress worn in ancient China. He also wears nail guards covered in shiny jewels… Let him be extra ✨
Levan having wings over his eyes like the Dawn Knight would be a fun parallel, and as a reference to him being Meleanor’s “eyes, limbs, and husband.” Like I mentioned in the comic, he covers his eyes and disguises his body under bulky clothing to be publicly dramatic af 😭 he takes his title way too seriously haha. The idea is that when he isn’t around Meleanor, he sheds his mask so he can report what he sees to Meleanor. But when he is with her, he “blinds” himself as a demonstration of trust. I’m sure he can actually detect his surroundings very well despite the mask- he just likes to play around and act dumb to make Lilia and Meleanor laugh haha. I haven’t thought much about the clothes under his cape, but I imagine it’s very like Malleus’ masquerade outfit. Something very streamlined and agile in case he has to enter a sudden battle or fly into the air.
And with my concept art, he was meant to have the shoulder feathers like Crowley and Malleus! They were like pauldrons covered in feathers. But when I was working on the final piece, I spontaneously changed it to fit the sketch for something more flowing and bulky haha. In my head, this bigger cape has a more “General” vibe to it? Something that draws your attention when Levan walks into a war room! Speaking of, I really love the fantasy-vibe of the costumes in Book 7- I feel like I can really go all out with Levan’s costume if the Dawn Knight is allowed to have a helmet like that!
This was super last minute in the painting process, but I’d like the inside of his cape to have constellations and stars all over it! I tried to draw the Corvus, Crater, and Hydra on the visible parts of his cape.
I prefer painting with ink far better than acrylic or even watercolor…so doing this in mostly black and white inspired me to give Levan porcelain-like skin, shading his skin almost like he was a doll and not a person. I think about how Diablo in Sleeping Beauty was turned into stone, so it’s meant to be a bit like marble too
I imagine Levan to have long, wispy hair that resembles briars and a bit like live action Aurora from Maleficent. Its very striking how he’s repeatedly described as “beautiful,” and although short hair is very beautiful in its own right, something about his mysteriousness and beauty gives me Aurora vibes specifically. Speaking of, Book 7 seems to be more obvious with combining elements from the original Sleeping Beauty and the live action Maleficent. Perhaps Silver could be the OG Aurora, but I can still give Levan live-action Aurora’s pretty hair haha.
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When he wears his headdress and cape, he has his hair pinned up in the back. I’d like to draw my interpretation of Levan more in the future so you can see how his hair would look when it’s all down or in a ponytail. Perhaps Raven-Fae do more elaborate hairstyles that incorporates jewels/shiny things into their hair? Also, this inspiration is VERY specific haha, but if you ever read or watched Cardcaptor Sakura, Nadeshiko’s hair is very close to how I imagine his hair to be- very full and flowing! (Cardcaptor Sakura’s aesthetic snatched me up many years ago and has never let go since haha)
I don’t know, I just think it’s really cool yet ironic that Meleanor and Lilia talk about Levan as someone whose a crybaby, kind, beautiful, airheaded, but then Lilia casually drops that Levan is one of the top generals, an extremely skilled diplomat, and battled the DAWN KNIGHT and survived, when even Lilia hasn’t at that point. So I thought it would be fun if he had angelic themes in his outfit, while still making it clear that he’s dangerous.
Whoops this got pretty long! ∑(゚Д゚) Haha, I think I like sharing my designs- not for the art it self but just to ramble about my entire thought process/inspiration/details! Although I try to get better at depicted all these ideas through the art itself, I can’t help but want to talk about it haha
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vitzi9 · 8 months
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TW/CW: horror, stalking, weirdo Ethan, ghostface, mention of puking
Happy Halloween !
(31/10/2023) (2 228 words)
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It's a miracle you agreed to go to that stupid party to begin with.
But Ethan insisted so much that you gave up. He told you he needed to tell you something really important. And, well, you've been flirting with him since forever. The hope he was finally going to ask you out was really present.
You terribly want him to ask you out.
It was a Halloween party, so you had to be disguised. Honestly, you are not too fond of these parties. You rather be in your living room partying with your friends, instead of strangers. But Ethan could ask you to jump out of your window that you'd do it.
So you bought a firefighter outfit from the nearest store and went with it. It's enough. Not good or bad, but enough. you had no idea what to wear anyway. It's not sexy, because you're cold, but it's not ugly. You don't think you'll be staying long anyway. As soon as Ethan's here, you kiss him and you leave.
But your plan turned out to fail miserably as you have no damn idea where your man is at.
You've been searching for him for age and the little fun you had completely faded out into the wind.
You've been wandering in the living room and the kitchen for too long. Did Ethan stand you up ? No, he would never do that. You know him. And, not to be mean, but he does not have a lot of people running after him. He's too shy to do the first move. So he won't miss this chance. Well, you hope anyway.
Deciding that you know the living room by heart, you head to a new area of the house, discovering the garage. The car that were previously here, deducing by the tire mark on the ground, was moved. Logical for someone hosting a party like that.
You sit on the workplan. It seems like tools were here before, but removed just like the car. You lay your back on the wall and close your eyes for a minute. When you think about it, you could've also come with your normal clothes. Because there is some disguises here that look just like everyday outfit.
You could have spare some money and not ridiculise yourself with this outrageousely lame firefighter disguise.
When someone push the door open, you're forced to come back to reality. Your hope of finding Ethan standing before you disappear as a Ghostface arrive.
You thought he would head back after seeing you, or at least go sit a little further from you. But he does all he opposite.
He walks up to you without a word and stand still in front of you, right in the middle of the garage. Okay, what is this now.
You feel naive for thinking whoever that was would speak up because he stays dead silent. You're getting uncomfortable. Not because it's Ghostface, but because you're thinking of the person under the mask staring at you so creepily.
Ghostface doesn't scare you, men does.
"Uh hello ?
Ghostface doesn't budge. Maybe he can help you find Ethan ? If you describe him to him, you can try to extract information.
"Well, while you're here. Have you seen my boyfriend ? He's... You know what ? Just forget it." You gave up when he didn't even move. It's like he doesn't hear you.
Plus, you don't even know what Ethan's costume looks like, no need to ask people. It won't work.
How are you going to find him ? It's useless to call for him out loud, he won't hear with the stupidly loud music blasting through the whole house.
"Are you gonna, like, stay here and stare at me ? It's getting awkward."
Ghostface doesn't answer. A sigh leaves your lips. Tired, you take out your phone in order to call Ethan. Of course, because your life always has to be ten times harder for no reason, he never pick up. And the stranger before you seriously start to piss you off.
"Can't you go annoy someone else ? Your costume isn't even fun, or scary, you guys are like twenty to be dressed like that tonight !
What's going on with being Ghostface ? Is it the new mode ? Did you miss something ?
-Do you like scary movies ? His modified robotic voice asks. Damn, some people are really giving their best in their disguise this year. He has to be rich or something to able to buy himself a voice changer.
-You're cringe." Escapes you like a bad reflex.
Who does he thinks he is ? Ain't no way you're feeding his stupid scenario. Ghostface uses his two pointer to draw you a heart in the air. You frown your brows and questions him with your eyes but he doesn't say anything. Did he just flirt with you ? Doesn't your firefighter outfit shows your lack of enjoyment of this night ?
What a shitty night.
You don't want to be the center of attention tonight. The only attention you want is from someone who's not even there.
You jump from the workplan to the ground and leave the place, closely followed by your new pain. Hands in your pocket, you wander without goal nor direction in the hallways of the big house, stumbling upon rooms, closet and just anything and everything.
Your Ghostface was still here, of course. Why would he leave you alone after all ? This asshole doesn't have anything better to do.
You tried to call Ethan several times again but to no avail. You weren't even annoyed anymore, just plainly confused and worried. Did you do something to upset him ? He always answer your calls at the mere second you press the button.
And with the man following you around, your sanity was starting to go low. Stopping suddenly your track, Ghostface hits your back because of him walking so close to you. You turn around, a scowl on your face.
"Will you leave me alone ?"
He draws another heart in the air then point himself and you.
Sighing, you leave the room and almost run to the kitchen in order to grab a new drink. After pushing and squeezing through people all over the living room, you end up at your destination. A group is here, a few Ghostface as well. You roll your eyes and take a can of anything but alcohol, not wanting to get drunk tonight.
All you wanted was Ethan and he was nowhere to be seen.
Seriously, you're here for him and he's not ? He begged you to come, it was his idea ! You try to think of different costumes he could wear. Last year, he wore a cardboard costume of a knight. Maybe this time he's Spiderman ? Something like that. You can definitely see him in a Spiderman costume. Or Ghost from Call of Duty. Fuck, there is like a thousand of different outfit he could wear tonight.
But you know for sure he's not a Ghostface.
Everyone is already dressed as it. Ethan is more nerdy, Ghostface is too bland. There's no personality to it. Of course it can be sexy in a different context. But damn, when there's so much of them, it's just boring. And you doubt Ethan would wear something sexy. You'd love him to, but you can't have everything.
Speaking of it, another of them arrive. He's alone and he lays his weight on the wall at your opposite. Is it him again ? Then, he just completely stop moving, not grabbing a drink. You can't tell if he's looking your way or not, as his mask hide completely his face.
It's possible you're getting paranoid but with this stupid Ghostface following you everywhere, you have some reasons to. Though, maybe it's not him. There is high chance it's not him. There are so many different Ghostface tonight.
But when he raises his hand to wave at you, you just sigh and roll your eyes. That's it, you give up. Throwing your can in the nearest bin, you push yet again everyone to hide in a room. Quickly looking behind you, you can't tell if someone's following you or not. You have to stop in your track to let people get down from the staircase's step to finally go up yourself.
First thing, you rush to the bathroom and lock the door. The music is muffled but still here. A bad headache is already coming your way. You turn on the faucet and throw water at your face after taking a big breath. It's better but you're still alone and bored. Plus, you're hot. So you slide down the zipper and sit your back against the bathtub.
When you think about it, maybe Ethan won't even ask you out. Maybe he just wanted to party with you and told you he had this 'something really important to tell you' just to make you come. Either way, he's not here. You don't know what to think.
You have the umpleasent feeling you wasted your night. Spending it in your bed would have been much better. With or without Ethan.
Maybe he was going to come but changed his mind ? No, Ethan's the nicest guy you've met here. He's not like that. And even if he changed his mind, he would've told you. He's not an asshole.
But then where is he ? Is he already down there ? But how come you don't see him ?
You decide to give up, closing your eyes and trying to ease your mind. Whether he comes or not, it's too late now. You're already here in your stupid disguise.
Your short moment of peace is interrupted by someone knocking and hitting dangerously hard the wooden door, followed by a loud 'Open!'. All you can do is afflict yourself pain by knocking your head on the edge of the bathtub. Why are you here ? You don't deserve that.
Slowly standing up, you unlock the door and immediately get pushed against the wall by an impatient man. You curse, he doesn't even hear, so you leave. In the corridor, your eyes sweep the living room from the interior balcony where there is still no signs of Ethan.
Multiple Ghostface are coming and leaving everywhere but only one catches your attention. He's laying on the wall just in front of the bathroom, as if waiting. You hope it's not him again. He has a hand behind his back, hiding whatever he's holding while the other rises up to wave at you.
Putting your hands in your pocket, you tilt your head to the side when you see him draw another heart with his index, with more difficulty this time as he's only using one hand. Now, you're convinced it's the same Ghostface that you saw earlier. Has he been following you ? Fuck, he has.
Where is Ethan when you need him the most ? You don't have the strength to deal with this guy right now. Smiling fakely, you flip him off and head to the opposite direction. Which is a dead end as Ghostface was placed right before the stair, preventing you from going back to the living room. So you have no other choice but to hide in another room until he leaves you alone.
And that's what you do, you chose a random room and knock on it, hoping there is no one fucking inside. Anxiously waiting for someone to answer, it's when silence fills your ear that you push the door open.
Taking the room in, your blood runs cold. Eyes widening and hands getting sweaty. So shocked that you let the door wide open behind you. They're not real, right ? Before you, a woman is laying on the bed, blood splashed on the sheets and the wall, she is wearing a Coraline outfit. On the ground, two other people in the same state. A man and a woman this time. A devil and a vampire.
They're scarily well done. They look so real. Too real.
You move forward, desperately wanting to be sure. With your pointer, you touch the leg of the woman spread on the bed and feel goosebumps rising on your whole body when it's supple. And warm.
Just like real skin.
A nervous laugh is the only answer you can muster. The music is still going in the living room, so it's fake. They're fake, right ? Yes, yeah of course they are. There is no way something like this could happen right now. In a place where so much people are reunited. It's just a regular decoration of Halloween, of bad taste, but still.
You hope nobody enters while you're here for what you are going to do, as depending on the outline of it, you'll either be fucking creepy or stupidly awkward. Heading to the head of the bed, you touch the hair of the woman on it. It's a blue wig, of course, she's disguised. Wait. She's disguised ? Nobody dress up a mannequin, no ? You remove the hair and realize with horror that real hair are under it.
It can't be, right ? Lastly, you poke her cheek and force open her eye. If it's fake, it's not supposed to have realistic eye. But it's a fucking real and brown eye that stare at your soul when you lift the lid.
Okay, now what the fuck ? It's not funny anymore. Where the fuck is Ethan ? Your breath get stuck in your throat. You are going to throw up if you stay here a minute too long. You need to get the fuck out of here.
You back up slowly but end up stumbling into someone's chest. A scream leave you, you jump in terror and search the head of the guilty who stopped you to flee. But the only thing you're able to see is this fucking Ghostface mask. It's him. You just know it. He's been following you everywhere. You just know it's him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you ?" you yell, feeling your sanity disappear the more you were staying here.
Ghostface tilts his head to the side and the hand he had until now almost hidden behind his back comes up at the front, displaying you the bloody knife he had in hand.
You could have thought it was fake. Only, the blood was dark and drooling on the floor leaving wet red drop on it.
Just like real blood.
He's swinging the weapon from left to right on loop. All the bad words and mean behaviour you could have gave him start to whiplash in your face. If you knew he was a fucking psychopath, you would have drew him a heart too.
"Do you have a boyfriend ?" He asks.
"He's... He's not here yet." You answer partially honest. Now that he was potentially dangerous, you had no problem answering his stupid questions.
"Really ?" Ghostface says, toying with his knife. He was playing with you.
From the corner of your eyes, you're still able to see the corpse of the woman on the bed and you want to puke at the thought of her.
"Are you the one who did this ? You ask in a shaky voice.
-Yeah. Of course. He stays nonchalantly, shrugging.
-Why ?
-Three people, just like us.
For a second, you wonder who's he talking about when saying 'three'. Because you are sure there is only two people here. Does he have allies ? Maybe someone hiding in the room without you knowing ? Fuck, you hope not.
-Three, for you and your two boyfriends.
-I don't have two boyfriends. Hell, you don't even have one to begin with.
-I wouldn't be so sure if I was you.
What does he know about you ? Who is he ? Why is he so sure about it ? What is going on ? There's dead corpses behind you, you need to get the fuck out of here.
You can see people in the corridor but it's like they can't see you. Hell, they probably think he's another Ghostface like there already is.
If you move or scream, you have the feeling he won't hesitate to use his knife against you.
-W-What ? What do you mean ?
The man rises his knife forcing you to shut your eyes in fear. He's tracing forms on your face with it, gliding it to your chin to your lips and then to your cheek.
You don't dare to move even a single muscle, you stopped breathing. You know he probably left bloody marks on your face. The weight on your lips tells you everything. There's blood on it, and it's not yours.
-If I remember correctly, I had something really important to tell you, am I right ?"
What the fuck ?
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kingofbodyrolls · 4 months
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My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | two
🐴Chapter summary: Life on the ranch is hard and you keep fucking everything up with stupid mistakes.  🐴Chapter title: It's a Long Road 🐴Pairings: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter), jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc 🐴Characters: female reader (isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters. 🐴Genre/AU: ranch!au, slice of life!au, soulmate!au, cowboy!au + smut, humor, fluff, romance, slow burn and angst 🐴Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
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🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 🐴Chapter warnings: mention of past character death (parents) 🐴Status: completed 🥳 🐴Word count: 9.1k 🐴Taglist: @kookswifesblog @kiki-zb @babejinnie @ownthesunshine @allie-is-a-panda @glllhjh @bergandysam @13-manggaetteok
*tumblr isn’t letting me tag you! There could be a lot of reasons for that, check out this lovely post about it.
🐴Now playing 💿 “Common Ground” by Rebecca Lavelle. [Wanna listen to the serie’s playlist?] 🐴Author’s note (1): I really enjoy writing this so far. But this idea has been stuck in my head for months, so it feels wonderful to finally get it out! I’m still not sure if anyone would read this– but it’s already a gem to me. Thank you for reading!
There’s a scene in here that my lovely and wonderful friend @letjungcoook7 give me the idea to (it has something to do with clothes 🤭). Thank you so much for that Lua, I think it added some more fun to it ✨
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there. Wanna see the book cover?
← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist |  next →
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“Common ground, find common ground It is out there, it can be found Many chances, many ways Common ground, the road is laid”  - Common Ground by Rebecca Lavelle
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Your original plan was to leave… But reality has a way of unraveling even the best-laid plans. Now, here you are, a week after that steamy romp with Jungkook, still in need of Jessi's elusive signature.
Surviving on the ranch proves challenging, and while your farming skills leave much to be desired, strangely, they seem to bring a spark to Jessi's mood. Amidst the hardships, you're learning to cut yourself some slack.
Calling in a favor from a city friend, a bundle of your wardrobe arrives at the ranch, despite the fact that most of your outfits are far from farm-friendly. However, you find solace in the timeless pairing of jeans and shirts—pieces that work in any setting.
However, when it comes to footwear, you find yourself lacking the rugged, durable boots that the others sport. Your feet continue to be clad in sneakers, a clear misfit in this sea of robust workwear. Despite the glaring contrast, the idea of venturing to a store to purchase a pair is pushed aside; after all, you'll be returning home soon, won't you?
As you strive to lend a hand around the ranch, the sense of being more of a hindrance than assistance creeps in, casting a shadow on your enthusiasm. It's disheartening, but you persevere, masking your frustration with a determined smile. 
The blueprint to win Jessi's favor unfolds gradually. Tempted by the notion of pestering her into signing the paper, a more rebellious approach, you ponder the likely outcome – perhaps just another swift dismissal. 
Thus, opting for a strategic route, you resolve to stay, contribute, and gradually earn your place in her good graces.
Yet, reality proves to be more intricate than anticipated. Earning Jessi's trust unfolds as a formidable challenge. Fortunately, the camaraderie with the girls injects a daily dose of humor, infusing a much-needed levity into the demanding rigors of ranch life. Their presence becomes a driving force, propelling you through the grueling tasks with shared laughter and a sense of solidarity.
But that thing with Jungkook and Jimin? 
It’s a perplexing puzzle that haunts your thoughts. Grateful for the absence of both men since that eventful barn party, you find yourself at a loss. Jimin's wounded expression lingers in your mind; his unexpected hurt leaves you questioning the depth of his emotions. 
Why does it matter to him so much, and what, if anything, should you do about it?
Jungkook's reputation as a flirtatious charmer precedes him—undeniably a heartbreaker and a fuckboy. The logical part of you suggests steering clear of him altogether, yet you can't deny the undeniable truth—he delivered an unforgettable night that still lingers in your memory.
Jimin's piercing gaze remains etched in the recesses of your thoughts, tempting you to unravel the mystery behind his somber expression. A nagging curiosity creeps in—was it solely witnessing you with his brother, or does it delve into uncharted territories? 
Frustration mounts as you find yourself pondering over these unresolved questions, all while diligently shoveling manure in the dim-lit barn.
The relentless echo of Jimin's haunting gaze has dominated your thoughts throughout the week, a relentless presence that might easily dissipate with a simple conversation. Yet, the prospect of confronting those melancholic, deep brown eyes sends shivers down your spine, and your stomach churns with trepidation each time the memory of his gaze resurfaces.
You know you shouldn't dwell on thoughts of the Park brothers, especially after learning the intricacies of their familial ties. The revelation that they are half-brothers, sharing the same father, doesn't diminish the complexity of their relationship. They are still bound by blood, and the complications of their connection linger in your mind, tempting you into a web of contemplation you desperately try to escape.
You're drawn from your thoughts by the gentle whinny of a horse, and as you glance up, you're captivated by the majestic creature in its stall. 
While your knowledge of horses is limited, the rugged breed before you exudes a unique beauty, its pristine white coat and matching mane captivates you.
Memories of your childhood flood back when you used to ride horses on this very ranch. The nostalgic recollections evoke a sense of longing. However, the prospect of mounting a horse now appears somewhat daunting; these majestic creatures seem even more substantial and imposing as an adult.
Soo-ah's words echo in your mind, urging you to reclaim the reins and saddle up if you truly wish to contribute on the ranch. 
Contemplating the idea, you sense a growing determination within, a readiness to embrace the challenge and reconnect with the equestrian world you left behind.
Jessi's voice cuts through the rhythmic clatter of your stall-cleaning routine, a sudden burst of urgency that startles you. She barrels into the barn with a sense of urgency, proclaiming, “Hey! We've got to head to Park's ranch!” 
The abrupt interruption leaves you momentarily shaken from your chores.
Your shoulders slump as you mope and question, “Now?” 
The unfinished tasks nag at you, a testament to the never-ending workload on the ranch. The sense of wanting to complete your current chore before diving into the next one hangs heavy in your voice, and the realization dawns on you that the work on a ranch is an ever-flowing river, each completed task replaced by another in an endless stream.
“Yes, come on!” Her enthusiastic insistence echoes through the barn, and with a determined grunt, she secures a saddle and snatches up a bridle, cradling them with purpose under her arm. 
As you set the shovel aside, your eyes widen in disbelief. “Aren't we taking the car?” you inquire, puzzled by the sudden need for saddles and bridles, questioning the unconventional choice of transportation for this mysterious journey to Park's ranch.
Her response is resolute, accompanied by a hint of laughter underlying her words. “No. The horses are just as fast,” she asserts, the firmness in her voice accompanied by a playful chuckle, revealing her persistent agenda to get you back in the saddle since the day you committed to assisting on the ranch. You can almost visualize the sly curve of her smile.
Shivers of both excitement and nervousness run down your spine. It's happening – you're about to mount a horse for the first time since childhood. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself. Yes, you're ready. Absolutely ready!
Jessi swings open the stall door, revealing the majestic white horse inside. 
She affectionately pats its head, and it responds with a gentle whinny, as if appreciating the attention. With practiced ease, she adorns the horse with a saddle and bridle. 
Stepping out with the horse in tow, she introduces, “Meet Marshmallow. Not only is he a serene and calm companion, but he's also perfect for beginners like you – friendly and patient.”
She hands you the bridle, a tangible connection to the upcoming adventure. As you cradle it in your hands, your gaze fixes on the magnificent white horse before you. A closer look reveals delicate gray spots adorning its coat, like nature's artistic brushstrokes enhancing its beauty.
Jessi tends to another horse, a rich brown beauty, securing a saddle and bridle. With graceful strides, she leads the horse towards you, introducing him with pride, “This is my horse, goes by the name Cinnamon.”
“I’ll help you up on your horse if you need that?” She chuckles, a teasing glint in her eyes, as if you've never mounted a horse before. 
“No, I'm perfectly capable. Thanks.” You retort, a tinge of frustration in your voice. You take a moment to gather the reins and locate the stirrup. The choice of a western saddle suddenly becomes a blessing, its size and comfort bringing a sense of familiarity and reassurance.
You stretch your left leg up, slotting your foot into the stirrup, and then firmly grasp the horn atop the saddle. Marshmallow remains remarkably still, a paragon of patience as you haul yourself up, swinging your right leg over his substantial white frame. A surge of triumph floods through you as you mount successfully, a proud smile illuminating your face as you glance over at your sister.
Her laughter rings out in congratulation as she mirrors your movements, executing them with a finesse that far surpasses your own. With a gentle push of her legs and the subtle click of her tongue, she effortlessly guides Cinnamon forward, setting a fluid and harmonious rhythm into motion.
Emulating your sister's skilled maneuver, you replicate the actions with Marshmallow, coaxing him to step leisurely out of the expansive brown barn.
Eyeing Jessi's brown hat, you playfully remark, “Hey, I need a hat like yours.” Her laughter rings out, and she quips, “I don't think it will suit you.”
Pouting slightly, you reluctantly admit she might be right. Hats have never been your forte. Meanwhile, Jessi rocks the rancher's look effortlessly with her boots, jeans, shirt, and the hat, completing the ensemble perfectly.
Her laughter echoes through the air as she nudges Cinnamon into a trot. Catching her infectious joy, you mimic the motion, urging Marshmallow to pick up the pace. The rhythmic sound of hooves on the ground makes your heart flutter.
As you navigate the trot, the uncertainty of your riding technique leaves you in an amusing predicament. Unsure whether to sit or stand in the saddle, you find a comical middle ground, hoping Marshmallow isn't too bothered. 
Jessi, catching sight of your improvised riding style, bursts into laughter.
“Are you sure this is as fast as the car?” Expressing your skepticism, you grumble while attempting to sync with Marshmallow's trot. The rhythmic clip-clop of hooves echoes around you, and you can't help but question if this equine journey rivals the speed of a car. Jessi glances at you with a mischievous grin, clearly enjoying your equine adventure.
In the midst of Marshmallow's trot, Jessi reassures you, “In trot, it's not. But if we gallop, it's just as fast.” 
As you ponder her words, it occurs to you that despite her initial urgency to reach the Park's farm, she's taking a leisurely pace, perhaps out of consideration for your riding abilities. Despite the dread of facing the Park brothers, a part of you yearns to arrive sooner, to get this over with as soon as possible.
“Let’s gallop then,” you declare, urging Marshmallow to quicken the pace by pressing your legs against his sides. However, to your surprise, nothing happens, leaving you in a momentary standstill of awkward anticipation.
“You have to sit down in the saddle, all your weight in your ass, and then press a little more with your legs,” Jessi advises, demonstrating the technique on Cinnamon. She adds a few clicking sounds with her tongue, coaxing him into a slow gallop that brings a newfound sense of excitement to the ride.
Following your sister's instructions, you concentrate your weight in your seat, anchored firmly in the saddle. As you press your legs gently, finally, Marshmallow responds, bursting into a slow gallop. The increased speed causes your hair to whip around your face, prompting you to make a mental note to braid it next time for a more practical riding experience.
Together, you and Jessi gallop through the paddocks, surrounded by the mesmerizing landscape of trees and bushes. The natural beauty here is breathtaking, a stark contrast to the towering buildings of the city. Vast open spaces stretch for miles, inviting you to lose yourself in the expansive, untamed wilderness.
As you ride, the motions become second nature, and memories flood back as if the years haven't passed. In just ten minutes, you reconnect with the familiarity of being in the saddle, as though the skill never left you.
Choosing to unleash a faster gallop, you and your sister give your horses the freedom to surge ahead across the lush green expanse. 
The wind caresses your face, setting your hair adrift like a carefree banner. In that exhilarating moment, a surge of childlike joy courses through you, reminiscent of carefree days filled with love. Memories of running in fields, playing hide and seek, and riding ponies with your sister flood your mind. The sheer nostalgia brings tears to your eyes, but you're grateful for the wind whisking them away before your sister can catch a glimpse.
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As you approach what initially seemed like a quaint ranch in the distance, the truth unfolds—a vast expanse unfolds before you. The grandeur of the estate becomes apparent, with a towering two-story main house, a dedicated stable for horses, a barn housing machinery, and a sprawling structure that you suspect might be living quarters for the stable hands. The scale of the property dwarfs your own, leaving you in awe of its sheer size and splendor.
As you approach the ranch, an undeniable sense of dread takes residence in your body. 
The looming encounter with Jungkook and Jimin fills you with apprehension. Questions swirl in your mind, pondering how they perceive you – perhaps as the ‘once and done’ kind of girl. It's a misconception, not reflective of who you truly are, yet the complexities of forming a connection with someone like Jungkook, an apparent playboy living miles away, make you hesitant to dive into a relationship.
As you reach the fence, Jessi graciously swings open the gate, and you guide your horse, trotting the final stretch towards the big main house.
Dismounting gracefully, you secure the reins to a sturdy tree post, glancing at the trio of Ford Rangers nearby – a vivid blue one, a sleek black model, and a pristine white vehicle adorned with the distinctive ‘Bell Ranch’ logo. What a weird ranch name.
You stride towards the main house, ready to knock on the front door in a show of politeness. However, Jessi displays the familiarity of a long-time resident, confidently navigating the premises as if it were her own. Faced with an unanswered door, Jessi takes matters into her own hands, her voice echoing through the surroundings, “Kook! Where are you at?”
You roll your eyes, your tolerance for waiting a few moments longer evident, but you surmise this is the country way—or maybe your sister is just exceptionally impatient. Either way, you decide to go along with the local rhythm.
Your gaze locks onto a mop of blonde hair, and an instant wave of regret and uneasiness sweeps through your stomach. A dry lump forms in your throat as your eyes meet Jimin's. His smile, initially bright for your sister, fades into a closed-off expression the moment his gaze lands on you.
Impatience radiates from your sister as she taps her feet against the dirt, demanding answers. “Where's Kook?” she questions Jimin once more, her tone laced with urgency.
“In the barn fixing his bike, I’ll get him.” Jimin responds with a smile, swiftly moving past both of you. As he walks away, you can't help but admire the dirt clinging to him—oddly, he looks enticing covered in the grime. Despite his disheveled appearance, with every speck of dirt, there's an inexplicable allure. You ponder on his hands, dirty and rough, a stark contrast to how you saw him last at the party. He limps as he walks away, and you turn to ask your sister about it, but before you haven’t even spoken the words before, Jimin emerges from the barn with Jungkook at his side.
Jungkook strides purposefully, a confident spring in his step. “Back for round two?”
Your eyes widen, feeling like they might bulge out of their sockets, and a dry lump forms in your throat, making it hard to breathe. Desperately gasping for air, you fumble for words, all while witnessing Jessi and Jimin exchanging eye rolls, and Jungkook indulging in a hearty laugh that echoes from the depths of his chest.
“No, thank you,” you sputter, attempting to regain composure while a storm of emotions swirls within.
“You're welcome anytime, babe,” he teases, winking playfully. Jessi swiftly cuts in with a dismissive wave, “Enough of that,” she declares, clearly accustomed to Jungkook's flirtatious antics.
“We're here to discuss the cattle grazing in the north-east paddock. With the grass running thin, it's time to consider relocating them. How about we join forces and move them to one of your paddocks?” She crosses her arms, her business demeanor impressing you; there's an air of determination that makes you wonder if you could learn a thing or two from her.
“Oh, already? They must be hungry,” Jungkook chuckles, his hands smeared with grease and oil as he absentmindedly wipes them on his jeans.
“We're ready to lend a hand whenever you say the word,” Jimin interjects, his straightforward demeanor becoming more apparent with each word.
“I'm aiming for next Friday, sounds good to you?” She directs her question with a warm smile at Jimin, playfully scolding Jungkook with a friendly slap on the shoulder for his playful banter as he keeps making eyes at you.
“Yes, that works for us.” Jimin responds with a smile, though it isn't directed at you, and a sense of unease settles in. Is it regret, perhaps? You entertain the idea of saying something, but the setting doesn't feel right, so you choose to stay silent.
As the true purpose of this trip dawns on you, you can't help but question Jessi's impatience, especially when she's making plans for something scheduled next week. You initially thought it was an urgent matter, leaving you wondering if impatience is a constant trait in her character.
Jessi claps her hands with genuine excitement. “Great, thank you!” With goodbyes exchanged, you both stride back to your horses, mounting up and steering them towards home.
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Ara sighs in exasperation, pointing at the feed packages. “You used the wrong one again!” 
One is adorned in green with crisp white text, while the other flaunts a snowy white exterior with vibrant green letters. It shouldn't be this hard, but somehow, it manages to confuse you every time. It’s a white bag with green text! Why do you keep mixing them up?
“I’m so sorry!” Apologies spill from your lips in frustration. This marks the second time, and you scold yourself silently. How could you make the same mistake again? The weight of responsibility hangs heavy; after all, it's not just about feed but the well-being of the cattle. Grateful relief washes over you, realizing that, so far, your blunders haven't harmed the animals.
As she gathers her brown hair into a playful ponytail, she throws a suggestion your way, “How about a trip into town? We're running low on feed, and I could do with some company.”
“Sure!” Your response carries a cheerful tone as you eagerly agree, taking charge of the kitchen cleanup after Ha-rin has whipped up breakfast for the whole crew.
“Perfect, we'll head out once you’re done here.” Her words float in the air as she exits the kitchen, leaving you with the remnants of breakfast to tidy up.
As you complete the cleanup, you step into the crisp outdoors to join Ara. Soo-ah has also gathered with her, forming a trio headed towards the ranch's pick-up truck—a simple white vehicle adorned with the ranch logo. “Bora Ranch?” you muse aloud, the words escaping your lips and drawing the curious gazes of the two girls.
“Yeah, you didn’t know the name of the ranch?” Ara asks you curious.
“Honestly, I've been so immersed in learning the ropes and surviving the ranch life that I overlooked the name. But hey, now I do!” With a decisive shake of your head, you grasp the door handle, swiftly pulling it open to slide into the car. 
“Wasn’t the ranch called Bora when you were a kid?” Soo-ah inquires, turning around in the front seat to catch your response.
“Nope, can't recall what it was called back then, if anything at all,” you chuckle, settling into the car seat.
The engine purrs to life under Soo-ah's control as she expertly maneuvers the car, guiding it through the ranch's vast expanse along the winding dirt road.
The two-hour drive into town becomes a delightful journey of shared stories and laughter, weaving a stronger bond between you, Soo-ah, and Ara. In those moments, you discover the genuine sweetness that resides within both of these girls, making the passage of time feel like a fleeting friendship blossoming on the open road.
As you pull into town, the anticipation builds, and the car finds its spot next to the feedstore. Ara eagerly guides you through the intricacies of the new feed brand, making a vivid presentation to ensure there's no room for confusion between it and the previous one.
As you load the pick-up truck with feed, your gaze wanders across the quaint town. It's remarkably small, dominated by a main road adorned with a handful of establishments — the feedstore, a chic salon, a boutique showcasing fashionable attire, and a charming corner cafe. Amidst these, the bar captures your attention. Its size is impressive, boasting a spacious parking lot, and despite the midday hour, a growing lineup of cars hints at its popularity. However, what truly stands out is a black Ford Ranger, its exterior, though smeared with mud, commanding attention amidst the other vehicles.
Soo-ah and Ara catch your gaze and follow your line of sight, their eyes locking onto his car. A shared look of sympathy reflects in their eyes as they turn to you. Confusion reigns for a brief moment until your eyes lock onto Jungkook, seated outside the bar, his lips murmuring something into the ear of an eager woman. In that instant, reality crashes down on you like a ton of bricks. Their pitiful expressions make sense now—he is, without a doubt, a notorious fuckboy.
A furrow forms on your brow, a moment of fleeting confusion, but then the realization hits—you and Jungkook aren't a thing. A single night together doesn't forge a relationship. You're not staking any claim, nor do you desire to. Yet, buried in the depths, a twinge of discomfort surfaces as you witness him flirt so effortlessly.
Soo-ah's comforting words echo in your ears as her gentle pat on your back serves as a reassurance. 
“Just forget him,” she advises, and you try to let those words act as a soothing balm for the unexpected sting in your chest.
A chuckle escapes your lips, a spontaneous reaction to the absurdity of the situation. The notion of dating him had never crossed your mind, making the surge of unexpected emotions puzzling. “I will,” you affirm, determined to sweep away any lingering thoughts of Jungkook with the winds of laughter.
Ara's voice carries a weight of revelation as she completes her circle around the car, dropping a bombshell about Jungkook's romantic history. “He's never been in a relationship. It's always a quick pickup, a couple of encounters, and that's the end of it,” she discloses, leaving you to digest the surprising insight into Jungkook's love life.
Her revelation lingers in your thoughts, and as you mull it over, a resolution forms in your mind: Jungkook, with his transient affairs, aligns with the rumors. You decide to tread cautiously, steering clear of any emotional entanglements that might lead to a broken heart once more.
“Let's get out of here.” Soo-ah's words cut through the tension, and she pounds on the car to redirect your attention away from the spectacle of Jungkook's seduction. You avert your gaze, feeling a mix of relief and discomfort, and climb back into the car. 
As Soo-ah drives you away from the scene, your mind races at a million miles per hour.
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You draw in a deep breath, steeling yourself for the impending conversation. The rhythmic thud of your heart echoes in your ears, and your fingers tremble with nervous anticipation as you traverse the hallway towards Jessi's office. The closed door looms ahead, and you muster the courage to knock, the sound echoing your internal turmoil as you await her response.
Her voice resonates with stern irritation, and the meager courage you had gathered begins to wane. Nevertheless, you persist, pushing the door open and stepping into her office. The room is dimly lit, the yellow light flickering ominously. A sense of impending darkness hovers, and you suspect the light bulb may surrender to its fate soon. Papers and clutter cover the desk and floor, creating a chaotic tapestry. Amidst the disorder, a few paintings of landscapes with gazing horses hang on the walls—childlike in their execution. 
You can't help but wonder if Jessi crafted these artistic expressions all those years ago and if, deep down, she still finds solace in the strokes of a paintbrush, much like you do.
Jessi is laser-focused on her laptop, her gaze oscillating between the glowing screen and a stack of papers nearby. It occurs to you that she might be immersed in the daunting task of managing bills, and it strikes you that this might not be the ideal moment to disturb her. Despite this realization, you've already crossed the threshold, determined to make another attempt at securing her signature.
“I was wondering if I could get your signature…” Your sentence hangs in the air, unfinished, as she abruptly turns her head to gaze at you. The movement is so swift, you half expect her to suffer whiplash. An air of anger envelops her expression, and though you can practically predict her response, you stand there, waiting for her to articulate the inevitable refusal.
“No.” The word is a sharp, decisive blade cutting through the air. She meets your gaze with a frustrated expression, sighing as if weary from the mere thought. “Look, I know you want to sell your share. But that’s just not gonna work for me.”
You exhale a frustrated breath, irritation evident in your voice. “Can't we find some middle ground or work out a solution?”
You attempt to plead your case, but she remains steadfast, refusing to entertain your appeals. It doesn't catch you off guard, but the refusal still grates on your nerves. Why can't she just sign the damn paper?
“I've already made it clear. I don't want strangers to buy my ranch,” she declares bluntly, her voice laced with venom. Your anger intensifies as you sense the injustice of the situation. You're not interested in a share of the ranch; you just want the damn money and to move on. Why can't she simply grant you that?
“Can't Soo-ah, Ha-rin, Ara, or you just buy me out?” you vent in frustration, the anger escalating within you. This isn't unfolding as you planned—yet again.
Jessi's laughter cuts through the air, a menacing tone clinging to it. “They don't have the money. And I don't have the money for that either. Don't you think I thought of that already?” she retorts, words spat out like venom, her breath quickening from the tension in the room.
“Can’t you just loan some money from the bank and buy me out?” you plead with her in frustration. She rolls her eyes at your seemingly childish behavior, “This is a ranch. The bank is not going to loan me more money. I'm already in debt there,” she retorts, a hint of exhaustion in her voice.
Your mouth falls open in shock. The intricacies of running a ranch, especially the financial aspects, had never crossed your mind before, but now it hits you that it isn't a cheap endeavor. Exhaling in frustration, you start pacing around in front of her imposing wooden desk.
“It's clear we've reached an impasse,” she declares with venom in her voice, slamming the laptop shut. As she rises from her chair, the veins in her arms become visible, pulsating with the tension in the room.
“You might as well go, because I'm not changing my mind.” She points sternly at the door, and you can feel the anger bubbling inside you, your blood reaching a boiling point.
“Why can’t you be a good sister and let me have this?”” you ask, your anger surfacing as you clench your hands at your sides, teeth biting into your lips, desperately trying to contain words that might lead to regret.
“A good sister?” She spits back in your face, her voice dripping with venom, eyes as cold as ice. “Who the fuck are you to speak about being a good sister!” Her volume rises, accusing finger pointing at you. “I haven’t heard from you in twenty fucking years! And when I invited you to mom’s funeral, you didn’t even reply or get back to me! Some ‘good sister’ you are.” She’s almost panting as she spits rapid fire from her mouth.
You feel the urge to lash out, anger filling you to the brim, but with nowhere for it to go, it erupts as tears streaming down your face. Control slips away the longer you stand here. “I know I didn’t call you or anything. And I’m really sorry about that.” Clenching your hands, you let the tears fall freely.
It doesn’t seem to faze Jessi; she just huffs in annoyance, as if your apology holds no significance for her.
“I had my own stuff to focus on…” You begin to sniffle as you reflect on the events of just a few months ago. The pain still lingers within you, causing a visible tremor to shake through your frame.
“What could be more important than the death of your mother?” She spits back at you, her eyes piercing into the depths of your soul.
“My dad died of cancer!” You yell in her face, tears streaming down, heartbeat thumping with anger. Despite your efforts to dry your tears, it's futile. You retreat from the desk, overwhelmed by memories of your ailing father—frail, immobilized, his eyes devoid of life. It's too much, and you storm out, oblivious to the sadness etched on Jessi's face as you leave.
You dash out of the house, ending up in front of a gate leading to one of the paddocks. The need to clear your head drives you to open the gate, and you start walking, still overcome with sobs. Climbing over the hill, you notice a cluster of trees in the distance. Despite the darkness enveloping the surroundings, their presence is unmistakable.
As you tread the path, the weight of your father's recent death and the distant memories of your mother resurface. The choice between their funerals wasn't made lightly. Yet, in the end, it was clear – your dad, a constant presence throughout the years, deserved your presence more than the woman who had been a stranger for two decades.
Your tears persist, an endless stream down your face. The length of your walk is uncertain, but when you glance back, the ranch appears as a mere speck on the vast horizon, a distant point in a landscape now overshadowed by the weight of your emotions.
You discover a substantial tree log and settle down, planting yourself on it. Alone amidst the expansive embrace of nature, you surrender to the waves of sorrow, allowing the vastness around you to become a silent witness to your emotional unraveling.
For what felt like an eternity, it was only you and your father. The day he took you away from the ranch, from your sister's embrace, it left your heart in shards. Despite numerous inquiries, he kept the reason veiled until the very day he drew his last breath. With a fragile whisper, he beckoned you closer, he shared in hushed tones the painful revelation behind your abrupt departure years ago. He had unearthed the heartbreaking truth that your mother had been unfaithful, a betrayal repeated countless times despite his pleas for fidelity. It was the final, unbearable straw that fractured the fragile bonds holding your family together.
Lost in the vast expanse of time, you eventually lift your gaze, captivated by the celestial display overhead. The stars twinkle in a cosmic dance, their brilliance far removed from the city's suffocating glow. The beauty of the night sky resonates with you, prompting a twinge of sorrow. This rural haven has grown on you, its tranquility a stark departure from the chaos of the city. A sense of foreboding creeps in as the prospect of returning to the city looms, leaving you conflicted and uneasy.
Torn between the serene allure of the countryside and the harsh reality of unresolved issues, you grapple with conflicting emotions. The idyllic surroundings clash with the palpable tension between you and Jessi. Her apparent disdain and refusal to facilitate the sale of your share leave you caught in a tumultuous predicament, akin to being trapped between a rock and a hard place.
The symphony of crickets reverberates in the bushes, and as the chilly air seeps into your bones, a decision crystallizes within you – it's time to reluctantly return to the ranch.
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“Get up you fool!” Jessi's voice pierces through your dreams as she yanks the covers off your still-drowsy form. Startled, you jolt upright, rubbing the remnants of sleep from your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” You mumble through a yawn, not quite fully awakened to handle your sister's early morning energy. Your eyes, still puffy from the tears shed yesterday, bear witness to the emotional turmoil that led you to cry yourself to sleep. You had purposely avoided any conversation with Jessi upon your return, convinced that the words exchanged would only add more weight to the heavy air lingering between you two.
“The cattle are loose!” 
Her urgent cry jolts you awake, prompting a hasty scramble to throw clothes over your drowsy form. “Get up and help!” The command echoes through the house, accompanied by the chaotic symphony of hurried footsteps. The urgency compels you to leap out of bed, hastily pulling on the jeans Jessi tossed your way, followed by a shirt and your sneakers in rapid succession. The echo of multiple footsteps thundering through the house only intensifies the sense of impending chaos.
You dash outside to find a bustling scene in the yard—cattle meandering at a leisurely pace, a few grazing on the lawn, and mischief-makers having ventured into the vegetable garden, creating a lively and chaotic spectacle.
Under Jessi's brisk command, you, along with Soo-ah, Ha-rin, and Ara, embark on the mission to corral the wayward cows and guide them back to the paddock. The endeavor unfolds as a symphony of teamwork, with shouts and laughter echoing through the air. It's an hour of spirited effort before the last stray bovine is safely enclosed within the fence, the collective achievement ringing with a sense of accomplishment.
Jessi forcefully shuts the gate, her exasperated exhale slicing through the tension in the air. “Who left the damn gate open?” 
Her gaze sweeps across the group, sharp and accusatory. The realization hits you like a bolt – yesterday's walk. Anxiety gnaws at you as her eyes narrow, pinpointing your guilt. 
“Fucking useless,” she mutters, striding away with an air of frustration, leaving a lingering sense of failure in her wake.
Ara, Soo-ah, and Ha-rin surround you, their words a comforting chorus dispelling the air of failure. 
“Anyone could have slipped up; it was just a simple mistake,” they assure you, attempting to soothe the lingering tension. With their encouragement, the weight of the mishap eases, replaced by a collective understanding that, in the end, all the cattle were safely corralled back in.
A gnawing sense of inadequacy settles in your chest, a relentless reminder of perceived shortcomings. It's not just about the occasional missteps—whether in riding, feed, or even a simple tire change. Or the way you seem to get on your sister’s nerves everyday. Each incident, a haunting echo of ineptitude, leaves you questioning your worth in this environment. perhaps you're the one who's out of place here, incapable of getting anything right. The thought of returning home starts to linger, a tempting escape from a seemingly never-ending string of blunders.
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Despite pouring your feelings of inadequacy to the girls, their reassurances haven't managed to erase the heavy weight on your shoulders. The elusive signature from Jessi seems like a distant dream, and the strained relationship with her intensifies your desire to leave. 
Yet, when the girls invited you to the local town bar before your departure, you agreed. It's a farewell tinged with uncertainty, a bittersweet blend of camaraderie and the looming decision to walk away from the ranch.
As you rummage through the clothes in the guest room, seeking the perfect outfit for the evening, Ha-rin's advice echoes in your mind – nothing too fancy, just a simple shirt and jeans. 
Yet, your hands, tangled in the fabric of uncertainty, grapple with the realization that the perfect shirt is elusive. Did you run out, or is it merely camouflaged within the folds of your wardrobe, playing a coy game of hide-and-seek?
As the realization dawns that your entire collection of shirts is held hostage in the laundry's cleansing embrace, a dilemma unfolds before you. 
The prospect of trudging to the distant cottages to borrow a shirt from the girls seems an arduous task. Instead, a mischievous thought tiptoes into your mind – borrowing a shirt from Jessi. It's just a shirt, a fleeting thought whispers, and she probably wouldn't even notice, right?
Stepping away from the chaos of your disheveled room, you ascend the staircase, guided by the thought of borrowing a shirt from Jessi. With the certainty of her absence, you boldly push open the door to her room, revealing a sanctuary of simplicity. The regal expanse of the king-sized bed commands attention, accompanied by sparse embellishments – a poignant photograph capturing Jessi with your mom and her loyal companion, Cinnamon. A modest dresser stands sentinel next to the door, holding its silent vigil over the room.
With a hesitant curiosity, you breach the privacy of Jessi's dresser, a repository of her sartorial choices. 
Rows of jeans, shirts, and blouses reveal a spectrum dominated by natural and earthy hues – an insight into her affinity for the subtle tones of nature. A twinge of guilt flickers within you, acknowledging the intimacy and impropriety of this clandestine exploration. Despite the internal conflict, your quest for the perfect t-shirt propels you deeper into the folds of her wardrobe.
As your fingers graze the various textures, you're captivated by the softness that beckons your touch. A distinctive fabric captures your attention, and you pull out a grunge-inspired t-shirt—its black canvas adorned with shades of gray, embellished by the iconic AC/DC logo. A chuckle escapes you, a silent agreement with your choice. 
Closing the dresser door behind you, you return to your room, adorned in the rebellious elegance of your discovery, finalizing your look with a touch of light makeup.
You slide into a zip hoodie, a borrowed shield from Jessi's collection, the fabric embracing you in warmth against the crisp night air. Stepping out to the pickup, you find the girls patiently waiting, and even Jessi stands there but she doesn’t spare you a look.
You settle into the car, the engine's hum creating a rhythmic melody as Ha-rin skillfully navigates the night roads. The world outside blurs in shades of darkness, dirt dancing against the windows like fleeting shadows. Ha-rin has cranked up the heat, prompting you to unzip your hoodie.
As the car inches closer to town in the dimness, you feel the proximity of civilization, and just then, Soo-ah interjects, snapping you out of your contemplation, “Who's taking the wheel on our way back?”
A collective gaze circulates among you, and you break the silence, declaring, “I'll take the wheel. I don't plan on indulging much tonight, anyway.” 
As Jessi turns her gaze toward you from the passenger's seat, her eyes lock onto the fabric hugging your frame – a subtle frown etching across her features. “Is that my shirt?” she questions, the tone a blend of curiosity and a hint of something else.
“Yeah, is it okay—,” you begin, but she cuts you off with a scoff. “Take it off,” she demands, leaving you staring at her in disbelief. Surely, she can't be serious!
“All my shirts are in the laundry. I hoped it was okay…” you mope, a pout forming on your face as you cross your arms. The prospect of having to take it off leaves you in a momentary dilemma.
“Well, you didn't ask if you could wear it. So, take. It. Off. Now,” she punctuates sternly, leaving you gaping in disbelief.
“What am I going to wear at the bar then?” you question her with genuine worry. “I can't walk in there without anything on, for heaven's sake!”
“You're wearing a bra, right?” She asks, matter-of-factly, and you nod in confirmation.
“Then you're fine. You won't be the first to walk around in a bra in that place.” Your mouth falls open. You can't believe what you're hearing, and the realization that you're about to walk around there half-naked sinks in.
“I won't take it off,” you huff, crossing your arms tighter around your body, defiance etched across your face.
“If you don't take it off yourself, I'll pull it off you when we arrive,” she threatens, her tone stern and ominous. A nervous trickle of sweat trails down your back; you know your sister well enough now to recognize the determination in her voice. If you don't shed the garment now, she'll simply rip it off you, and with a bigger audience, no less.
“No thank you.” With a sigh, you peel the hoodie off, followed by the t-shirt, leaving you momentarily exposed. Just as you're about to tug the hoodie back over your torso, relishing the thought of having at least that to cover yourself, Jessi interrupts with a deadpan stare.
“That’s my hoodie too, isn’t it?” Her voice, stern and eyes shooting daggers at your skin, catches you off guard. Damn, she noticed that too. It seems you can’t get anything past her watchful gaze.
Reluctantly, you surrender both the t-shirt and the hoodie. A frown etches itself across your face. Here you are, left with nothing on your upper body except for a simple blue bra.
Gratitude tinges her voice as she accepts the returned clothing with a simple, “Thank you.”
You wear a pouty expression, sulking in silence, as the rest of the car bursts into laughter at the spectacle of your misfortune.
As Ha-rin effortlessly maneuvers the car into the bar's parking lot, you all disembark, greeted by a chilly breeze that sends shivers down your spine. Eagerly, you rush toward the entrance, craving the warmth that lies within.
Soo-ah swings open the door, ushering everyone into the bar, and immediately, the inviting warmth envelops your skin. The crowded room turns heads, eyes fixating on your unconventional attire. Whistles from a few men pierce the air, including Jungkook, causing a tinge of discomfort, but with determination, you forge ahead, blending into the lively atmosphere with your group.
Jessi guides you to a table occupied by the Park brothers and two other captivating men. The allure emanating from the group leaves you wondering – why does everyone here seem irresistibly attractive?
Jungkook whistles once more, his laughter echoing through the bar. “Did you lose a bet or something?” he teases, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You roll your eyes, unfazed by Jungkook's comment, though you catch Jimin stealing a glance at your breasts. The attention makes you feel exposed, but with a hiss, you stride forward, the amused chuckles from the other girls trailing behind you. Soo-ah takes charge, heading to the bar to order drinks and offering a brief respite from the sea of eyes fixated on you.
“Well. Someone doesn’t share clothes. Apparently.” You remark with a hint of spite, directing your gaze at Jessi. She remains unfazed, nonchalantly pulling out a chair beside one of the unfamiliar men. The air thickens with tension, your words hanging in the atmosphere like a challenge.
You settle into the chair, and Soo-ah returns with a round of beers for everyone. Then, a realization dawns on her. “You haven't met Hoseok and Yoongi, have you?” she says, a spark of excitement in her eyes as she introduces you to the two unfamiliar faces at the table.
As you shake your head, laughter escaping your lips, Yoongi and Hoseok extend their hands in a friendly greeting. Introducing themselves as the reliable stable hands for Jungkook and Jimin, their warm smiles put you at ease in the lively atmosphere of the bar.
Yoongi, with his silver hair, wears an expression that hints at a perpetual lack of sleep, his tired eyes meeting yours. Clad in a simple black shirt, he offers a gentle smile while nursing his beer. On the other hand, Hoseok radiates energy, his bright smile beaming at you. His soft brown hair frames his face, falling effortlessly as he strategically averts his gaze from your bra.
You seize the beer Soo-ah passes you, savoring the first sip as the effervescent bubbles dance on your tongue. It's your one indulgence, a calculated choice, knowing you'll be the designated driver on the way back.
Hoseok's infectious chuckle accompanies his question, “How do you find ranch life?” You hesitate, torn between the weight of your struggles and the desire to keep the atmosphere light.
Opting for the lighter choice, you respond with a smile, “It’s exciting.”
But even as the words leave your lips, you recognize the mask in your tone. Hoseok, however, doesn't press for more information; he simply smiles back at you, leaving the unspoken conversation hanging in the air.
You catch Jimin staring at you again, and a subtle shiver of uneasiness trails down your spine. The intensity in his gaze leaves you questioning: Why does he keep fixating on you like that?
“Aren’t you cold?” A sudden chill envelops the air as Jimin turns his attention to you, his question hanging in the quiet intensity of the moment. Uncertain why, a shiver dances down your spine as his eyes lock onto yours. You bite your lip, offering a nonchalant shrug in response.
With a confident grin, Jungkook peels his shirt off, instantly attracting glances from a few ladies at a nearby table. “Here. You can have my shirt,” he declares, flexing his muscles proudly. Eye rolls ensue, both from Jimin and the rest of the table. Nevertheless, you accept the offered shirt with gratitude, navigating the amusing spectacle with a polite thank you.
You slip into Jungkook's shirt, instantly feeling a wave of comfort and security wash over you. It smells musky, like him.
Grinning, Yoongi playfully smacks Jungkook's chiseled chest, remarking, “Well, look who's playing the gentleman.” 
Nonchalantly, Jungkook quips, “Easier to pick up the ladies like this, anyway,” as his laughter echoes through the bar. While he scans the crowd for his next conquest, you remain indifferent, content just to have a shirt on.
Jungkook's attention quickly shifts as he spots an intriguing woman across the bar, prompting him to rise from the table and saunter over to her, leaving your group behind.
While Yoongi and Hoseok engage in conversation with Soo-ah and Ha-rin about a plan to play pool, they eventually depart, leaving you, Ara, Jimin, and Jessi to hold down the fort at the table.
Her eyes plead with you as she asks, “Is it okay if I head up to the bar? I spotted some of my friends there. I know we were supposed to have fun together, but…” The appeal is directed more towards you than Jessi, and you nod in understanding. The rest of your group has already scattered, so you don't mind her branching out.
Jessi takes a deliberate sip of her beer, her eyes scanning the crowded bar. “Actually, I see someone I need to talk to too.” With a firm grip on her beer, she strides away, leaving you alone with Jimin amidst the lively atmosphere of the bar.
You offer him a tentative smile, uncertainty flickering in your eyes. In response, he mirrors the gesture, raising his beer to his lips with a hint of intrigue.
The atmosphere feels tense, and it hits you that you haven't had a proper conversation with him since the incident at the barn party. Unsettled by the lingering tension, you take the initiative to break the ice. Nervously turning the beer between your fingers, you offer, “I'm sorry if I did something wrong.”
Jimin's eyes meet yours, a gentle intensity in his gaze, and he nods, encouraging you to continue.
In a hushed tone, you admit, “I'm sorry I slept with you brother…” His reaction is immediate, a visible flinch, and suddenly the pieces of the tension between you fall into place.
“Why apologize for that?” he questions, sipping his beer with a curious glint in his eyes.
“It just seems like you're angry with me... or something,” 
He observes, his eyes penetrating yours. You look away, unable to meet the intensity in those brown orbs that seem to be searching for something, and you're not sure if you're ready to confront whatever it is.
“Look,” he starts, leaning over the table, “I'm not really angry. Maybe I'm disappointed?” It's unclear if it's a question or a statement, but you choose to lean in, meeting his bold gaze head-on.
“You are, of course, allowed to sleep with whoever you want to. It's just... it's always him.” The words sound gritty, leaving his mouth with a hint of anger. Not directed at you, though. There's a sibling rivalry in his voice, a trace of jealousy that you can't ignore.
A realization hits you like a lightning bolt – is he jealous? Jealous of his own brother?
“All women are drawn to him. He's always fucking around. Not that I'm saying I want to be like that, but sometimes, it would be nice to feel noticed, you know?” His eyes carry a touch of sadness, and you offer him a sympathetic smile. It's evident this bothers him, and you're at a loss for words to comfort him.
As you wonder why he doesn't feel noticed—after all, the man is undeniably attractive—your comforting words hover on the tip of your tongue. Just as you're about to speak, he lets out a deep exhale, as if releasing pent-up emotions.
“You know… When I saw you that day in the kitchen after all those years,” He begins to say as he leans back into the chair, absently scratches his head, a gesture that hints at a blend of frustration and contemplation.
An awkward chuckle escapes him, his upper body swaying with a mix of nerves and genuine amusement. “I never thought I would see you again when you and your father left,” he admits, his laughter carrying the weight of unexpected reunions.
He fidgets with his beer, a bashful admission lingering in the air. “Did you know,” he confesses, “I had a crush on you when we were kids?” A nervous gulp follows, as if drowning the remnants of an old, unspoken secret.
The revelation hits you like a sudden storm. You had no idea. Is this the underlying reason for his jealousy?
You gaze at him with a soft intensity, a hint of nervousness in your own eyes. “I had no idea,” you confess, unraveling another layer of the complex emotions between you.
“I'm truly sorry,” you utter once more, the sincerity echoing in your voice. The unexpected entanglement with his brother wasn't part of any plan, and you hadn't anticipated him witnessing the intimate moment.
“It's fine,” he chuckles, though the sincerity in his tone remains uncertain. The curiosity nags at you, urging you to delve deeper into the past: Does he still harbor that childhood crush?
“Do you want another beer?” he queries, noting the emptiness of his bottle. You decline with a shake of your head, stating, “No, thank you. I'm the designated driver.” He comprehends, lifting himself from the chair to make his way to the bar. Returning with a fresh beer, he resettles in front of you.
“So, what's your honest take on this place?” he inquires with a chuckle, clearly aware that your response to Hoseok's previous question may not have been entirely truthful.
You release a sigh of frustration, sinking back into the chair. “It's tough. I seem to get on Jessi's nerves constantly, and I manage to mess up everything,” you admit, earning a chuckle from him at your candidness.
“Years have passed since you were last here. Getting back into the groove will take time, and she should understand that,” he remarks, sipping his beer. His gaze softens, and you find reassurance in his words. Talking to him feels comforting, and the strange tension that lingered before has dissipated.
Inhaling deeply, you confess, “I've been considering heading back home. It just feels like I mess everything up…”
Jimin dismisses your thoughts with a fervent shake of his head, “No, no, you shouldn't give up. Please, give it some more time.”
A contemplative smile tugs at your lips as you ponder Jimin's words, uncertain whether to heed his advice and give it more time. You're caught in the crossroads of uncertainty, lacking a solid reason to stay, yet finding a growing appreciation for the vast open spaces and the embrace of nature that surrounds you on the ranch.
A nostalgic warmth envelops the conversation as Jimin recalls a shared childhood memory. “Do you remember when we were kids and Jessi took your favorite bunny and hid it?” His laughter echoes through the reminiscence, and a vivid image of the past floods back to you. 
“Yeah! You helped me find it,” you respond, a genuine smile playing on your lips. The memory resurfaces, the two of you embarking on a bunny-rescue mission for hours, Jessi withholding the secret of its hiding place. A chuckle escapes you as the camaraderie of that moment echoes in the present.
“Jessi was so mean,” you chuckle, a playful glint in your eyes, “still is,” you add, the laughter intensifying as the enduring nature of her mischief becomes a source of amusement.
Engaging in conversation with Jimin feels remarkably effortless. The dialogue unfolds organically, and you find yourself wondering why you hesitated to talk to him sooner. It seems foolish now, realizing there was no need to be afraid of facing him.
“That she is.” He joins in the laughter, and you catch a glimpse of his slightly crooked teeth. 
As you take a moment to study him again, really taking him in this time, you notice the fullness of his lips, the endearing crinkle of his eyes when he laughs, and the way he uses his hands to cover his laughter. He looks good—no, more than that, he's attractive. His sweetness, reminiscent of the kid you remember from years ago, now magnified in the man before you. Doubt creeps in, and you begin to wonder if sleeping with Jungkook was a colossal mistake.
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I would very much appreciate it if you reblogged the chapter, if you liked it ✨ A small review or a comment would also mean a lot to me, and even a like. But please, don’t be afraid to let me know what you think; your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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rayroseu · 1 year
i really thought glomas malleus was the drippiest outfit design we'll ever get @ twst 💀💥💥
!! major spoilers for book 7 pt 3 !! the full body sprite of General Lilia Vanrouge obliterated me 🙏
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there is SO MVUH TO TAKW IN my brain is barely coherent rn !!
ok the armbands were a given consideringvit was prominent on his silouette version-- but are those grey patterns a clothing or his actual skin as well??? @/MoonlightEquin1 on twt stated he has so much covering bcs of his weakness to sunlight, so I'm guessing its part of his cloth as well---SO IT MEANS HE HAS A BODY FIT SHIRT UNDERNEATH A CORSET AND ARMOR MY GOD I AM DAMNED😭💕
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i lOVE HIS SKIRT?? it looks like bat wings im in AWE... and the scales with BEAD TASSELS?? do they clack together when he moves?? sounds impractical-- but totally lethal for aesthetic purposes!
also a nice reference to Diasomnia's Halloween Costume 🥺🥺 Its making me think he's wearing that in honor of the Draconia Family...
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AND RIGHTT... THE B E LT HOW CAN I EVER FORGET THE BELT.... i kinda made fun for overblot malleus for tying his belt like that- BUT WHO KNEW IT LOOKED KINDA OFF WITH MALLEUS BCS ITS LILIA WHOS SUPPOSED TO ADORN IT... im sick💥
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The bat motif AND HARNESSES!!!! ON HIS CHEST PLATE!!!!! YOU KNOW THE OUTFIT FUCKS IF IT HAS HARNESSES FOR ME!!!!! and is the tailor of his outfit him or some other fae?? the corset is literally glomas Malleus shirt KAJKAKSKA whoever designed this you're bringing Heaven on earth👍💕💕💕
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NAD HAVE WE??? TALK ABOUT HIS MASK??? HAVE WE??? If I saw a person hunting me with that mask on in a dark forest, I'd die just from terror 9716662/10 terrific mask👍👍💕💕 oh i shouldnt forget to mention the MASSIVE FANGS OF THAT MASK... absolutely magnificent✨✨✨
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also bYEYEYYE i feel like i took 40 screenshots just from zooming in on the details of his outfit💥💥
i feel like im not doing great in expressing my compliments on his outfit by TRYING. MY VERY BEST. IN DESCRIBING IT!!!! so really, the most profound way is to just stare at it admiringly and let your sight savor the details👍😩😩🤌
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REST IN PIECES my fellow lilia artists, this is our moodboard🥲💥💥 you can do it, you'll achieve drawing him in all his briar-valleys-most-esteemed-general-glory🙏🙏🙏
credits: alchemivich
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 6 months
In my previous post i talked about how I have a lotta scrapped MV ideas, well may as well dump some designs i've made based on songs over the years because like I probably wouldn't post these otherwize
also heres a few nice picture of miku from one of em to make you click on this post because its gunna be a long one and all these are hidden below a read more
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for the record don't expect me to do anything with any of these, also these are from old to new some of these date back to early 2022 and it shows
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This one i posted a storyboard for actually its An Aliens I Love You by Utsu-P.
I gave young Rin a sakura motif with her dress because of miku and rin meeting under a sakura tree, teen miku has a pink ribbion and hairclip to continue this. both rins bow and mikus outfit get darker outfits overtime to sybolize the song getting darker. I also gave adult rin the future rin hair. Miku's "alien" form is more or less how its described in the song tho i was lazy and didn't draw the 4 arms in the refs.
also Lily is Rins mom in this yup there she is indeed.
I actually have a lot of assets finished including the ones above i may show em off one day who knows.
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This one is Stained Nocturne by Toa i actually did finish this one
the grey one is when they talk about being colorless
i gave them both very cute and elegent outfits i think it matches the vibe of the song. The starry outfits are the real highlight. if you wonder how I drew em over and over i just copy pasted the stars on their dresses.
they also are very blue because yknow nocturne. I forgot if i dumped the assets for this MV or not maybe next rant post.
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This one is Corona by Utsu-P no idea why i did it its probably not even in my top 20 Utsu-P songs i just had some brainworms that wore off. I finished like a minute of it I guess.
I really like rin's outfit. "goth metal astronaut" is such a weirdly specific concept but she absolutley nailed it. 10/10 desin
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This one is Garando by Picon. I gave her a like idk what to call it paperboy outfit like the one you see in the MV a few times. her eyes are yellow like bullets because I had this one S teir visual idea. I have some assets for this one i may show off one day.
i also considered doin the sekai ver i really like garando if u cant tell lol
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This one is Happy Haloween by Junky another one i finished
Rins is just from the OG mv the rest are themed around the characters
Minori is a dark angel because tenshi no clover is themed around... a normal angel
haruka has candy and a penguin mask because thats her thing
airi is a vampire cuz she has fangs
shizuku is a witch because of her cast a spell on you outfit
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This one is NEXT NEST by Satsuki Ga Tenkomori. The cubes are from the original MV image thing. I gave her a super cybernetic look to match the song vibe. I also gave her a plaid skirt to match miku's concept desin because this song is like sorta miku becoming sentient or smth idk been a while since i read the lyrics.
another S teir design. also zamn this ref goes hard lol.
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This one is Bluff Liar by EZFG. VY1 doesn't really have a desin so I went with this based on the semi official one (we dont speak of her new official one also i drew this long before that regardless lol) I have a shitty animatic thats 80% stick figures for this. never posted it tho.
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tbh i put the file to this ref on an external hard drive cuz this whole video killed my storage because i actually finished it so i yeeted all th assets off my computer as soon as i was finished so i just dowloaded the little thing of assets from this post
not much goin on its kinda just normal ol luka lol
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This is Black Hole Artist by utsu-P. its not in project sekai and never will be but it reminded me of Ena so I had this idea. not much to say, I have a few assets for this but nothing really finished.
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Another VY1 EZFG song, IDK what my plan was for drawing this over and over. also pretty asthetic ref lol. not much to say i don't draw very cyberish designs so its fun
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this is just concept art. this is Roless Weapon by Neru and Inubakumori. yeah those two colabed you wouldnt know cuz this song has no MV. IDK what my plan for this was tbh but like when else would i show this off.
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From here on its just concepts lol. this is Atari Front Program by Utsu-P... god how many Utsu songs is this lol
S teir desin i love miniskirt plus pants combo idk its just a vibe.
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this drawing sucks lol. this is Live by Mizuno Atsu. Long haired kafu is cute I have better drawings of this in my sketchbook somewhere I think. I might revisit this it would be very simple and cute.
also weirdly my fav part of this aside from her hair is her shoes.
anyway Kafu needs more outfits for songs tbh theres like 3 kafu songs where she has a unique outfit
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actually i lied about only having doodles, this is Where Shall We Go by Mellowclle
already made a post bout this
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this is my most recent. I sketched this after finishing this art of this song. It is Memento Mori by Buriru
I love this song the creator said its supposed to sound like a mecha anime opening so i went with that vibe. teto looks great, miku doesn't. Teto doesn't really have a counterpart so I assigned miku as her girlfriend lol.
sadly I cannot draw robots so idk what my plan was tho i have a cool visual for the end in my head.
anyway thats everything I could find. does anyone give a crap? probably not but hey character design is fun and i love messing around.
anyway fun trivia more songs i have video ideas for i won't make: Poster Girls Prank - Utsu-P (but with MMJ project sekai)
Stella - Jin
Paranoia - Mezame-P
and probably more i'm forgetting lmfao
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evablueblanket · 5 months
Will you tell me about an LU character you love and why you love them? Please please please ramble on and on! It's my favorite! I get so many fun ideas when people gush about their favorites.
I (think) I've said this before, but I am not the most analytical/observ person ever so most of what I say is probably kinda shallow :') BUT THIS IS MY RAMBLE SO OH WELL
Okay so recently, I've been on a Warriors kick. I just super love how like, everyone portrays him! Most see him as big brother shaped, which I super love. His background is just so vastly different than every other Link, which serves as a very cool contrast imo
The way @somer-writes makes Twi and Wars idiodic brothers is like, my favorite ever. I love love love LOVE how he writes Wars and Twi it's so insane the comedy that unfolds when they're just messing around xD
Warriors has this air, this *vibe* which I'm just super drawn too, I think it's just how my personality vs his works (you could theoretically draw *some* parallels with Sokka from ATLA, at least the way they each hold themselves I'd say. Also big bro stuff) (ALSO how both of them are portrayed as 'smart', which is a trait I typically relate too in characters)
When I like a character though, it's more based on the different types of relationships everyone writes them as though, I'd say. Wars and Time and Wind have this super intriguing bond that I think is cool to see how everyone interprets it! For the most part people write them as they're all aware of the War of Ages and whatnot, which lead to some nice fluff and/or angst. But when there's some time paradoxes, it makes it every so more tragic and it's really interesting to see how that can get written. I recall a fic (I FORGOT THE TITLE AND THE AUTHOR NOO) where Wars was teaching Wind medic stuff, but it was like a year before Wind meets Wars in the war. So Wars is all "sob this is why Wind is such a good medic? *Bc I taught him?*" THIS IS SO COOL AND INTERESTING
Also when there's War of Ages fics that have Time/Mask being a stupid child (/aff) they're just super hilarious. There's a series out there that has the Fierce Deity (sorry forgot the author again xD) act as Wars parent figure/older brother figure and it's just really funny to me bc ofc Wars would be a stupid overworking idiot. Loser smh
Four is also another one of the sillies that live in my brain, and I kinda wish there were more fics on how they interact. Though, if I'm being real idk how they really would cause they don't really have the same synergy as any other Links. I just like my favorites to interact, but I super understand how they wouldn't ^^
Small side bit on serious Wars (the biggest example is "Call Them Brothers" by wutheringmights which I'm almost 100% certain you've read that already cause it's soooo long and it's SO GOOD AHH) and ugh I wish I could pay attention more to get every complexity that this Wars has but the brain kinda hates me. I think it makes a lot of sense for Wars to have a grittier characterization, war does that to people. The entire fic is so visceral to me, I just vividly remember reading the flashback section about the long winter, and I don't even know how to really describe it xD
Wars has such a broad range of emotion, if one were to put him under and microscope and study him there would be SO MUCH.
*oops tehe I rambled like a lot* ty for this opportunity :D I'm super glad I decided to type this on my laptop and not my phone xD
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forestwhisper3 · 25 days
heads up, seven up!
rules: post the last seven lines you wrote, then tag seven people. reposting, as the reblog chains get long!
. . . . . . . Yup, I'm alive (just very, very busy lately) Anyway, I was tagged by my good friend and amazing artist @joyfuladorable and thought this sounded fun. ...It may also be a sort of apology from me for being gone/silent for so long. So! Rather than the last seven lines, here are seven little teasers from fics I've been chipping away at during the bit of downtime I have- when I'm not just playing some Animal Crossing to destress, that is. It's not necessarily the most recent for some of them, but parts that I think you'll enjoy without giving away too much. Enjoy! (Also, please keep in mind that as these are still being refined, there might be parts you see here that may not be present in the final product) ============== Title Pending (Rottmnt) ==============
Not for the first time tonight, Raph had to wonder how he'd gotten to this point.
"There," his companion hissed quietly- a word he never would have used to describe her before this moment.
He leaned over her shoulder and squinted at the figures walking below. "You sure that's them?"
"OF C-!" she choked back her yell and settled for a heated glare. "Yes I'm sure! I'd recognize those ugly outfits anywhere!"
"How can you even see them from so far away?"
"That's how ugly they are."
Despite himself, he snickered a bit. Once he settled down, he crossed his arms.
"You do know this whole thing is crazy, don't you?"
She grinned ferally. "Yep."
"And it's very likely that if we're caught, we'll either get arrested or- if you're right about all this -even die, right?"
"You're insane."
"So are you coming or not?" she asked impatiently.
He looked over the ledge again, watching as the people below continued loading trucks.
"Well, Raph's made it this far," he shrugged, allowing an easy smile to slip onto his face. "And I think I'm overdue for a bit of crazy myself. Let's do it."
"Hell yeah!" Cassandra- Casey, he corrected himself -cheered, pumping a fist. "Let's go, Red!"
The two of them jumped.
============== Dragon of the Sun (TMNT 2003) ============== "Hey, I'm fine! Really! It'd take a lot more than some crazy lizard and spoiled son to take me out!" "You have cracks in your shell. And while I'm sure Donatello has provided excellent care, you are going to the med bay." "...Yes, M'am." Raph snorted softly as he watched Ananda start dragging Mikey away, his little bro not having put up nearly as much of a fight with her as he had against him and Don back home. Then again, he wasn't really surprised either. Maybe it was because Mikey played such a big part in reconnecting her with her dad, which led to her joining the Justice Force, but it was clear that she had a huge soft spot for him.
"And you're positive that there was no lasting damage?" And it seemed like she wasn't the only one. He turned to face Silver Sentry, the usually calm man also watching them go with furrowed brows and a frown. "Not that we could see," Raph sighed. "From what I've gotten him to tell me, he needs to take it easy for a couple more weeks, but he should be fine after that. Let's just hope nothing happens until then." And he really would hope this time. Usually he was itching for a fight within a few days, but if it meant Mike going out to fight before he was fully recovered? No way. Silver Sentry gave a sigh of his own. "And here I thought we could avoid this very thing by only making him an honorary member." ============== Turning Back Time (Linked Universe) ==============
"Hey, Time, do you have any other masks?"
Wind's question immediately caught the group's attention as they settled down to eat. Warriors looked up, admittedly curious as to how he would respond, especially since he knew Time would probably want to keep those cards close to his chest in order to mess with them.
But perhaps he was still remembering Hyrule's misunderstanding from the other night, since he was surprisingly straightforward in his answer.
"Quite a few, actually."
"And are they all magic like the- bunny hat?!"
There was something else Wind was going to say there, he realized, and judging by the way the others' gazes seemed to sharpen at the slight pause, they'd noticed it too.
Come to think of it, the two of them had been together this morning, hadn't they?
He thought about that for another second, then felt a chill of dread.
Could they be working together now? Sweet Hylia, he hoped not. Just remembering the sorts of things they'd accomplished together between battles during the war made him want to run far, far away. He was ninety percent certain that half the reason Impa disliked him so much was because of these two. He wondered if it would be possible to switch sides. ============== Recollections (Linked Universe) ==============
-of Darkness who sought to plunge the world into fear and darkness under his rule. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into-
"-eight fragments," Hyrule weakly read that part aloud, face pale and eyes wide in dawning realization and growing horror. "T-This-…this is-…"
He whirled around to look at Time and Legend, the sickly look on his face growing even worse when they nodded grimly.
"Oh no," he murmured, turning back around and curling a bit into himself.
"Okay, that's enough," Warriors scowled, although the worry in his eyes betrayed him. "Would one of you please just tell us what's going on already?! Why's Hyrule upset now that he's figured out whatever it is you two know?!"
"It's about me," Hyrule explained, looking up at them with haunted eyes. "That story we're reading? It's what happened in my Hyrule. Zelda- my Zelda -broke up the Triforce to keep Ganon from getting it. Shortly after, I found myself on my first adventure."
Silence. Then, the implications finally sunk in.
"Oh, fuck," Wind swore.
"Can't we-?!" Twilight began.
"I doubt it," Time sighed, already knowing what he was going to suggest. "Seeing as we were all brought here, then subsequently locked in, it looks like we're going to have to finish watching before we can leave. And I know it's not going to end with just Hyrule's adventures."
The air between them felt heavy now that everyone knew what they'd be seeing, and there was a pause, as if they all wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. Finally, Legend let out an angry burst of air.
"Let's just get it over with," he said. "I know this is the last thing any of us wants, but it looks like we don't get a choice. The sooner we watch it all, the sooner we can leave this hellhole."
An apt description for this place, Time couldn't help but agree. Absolutely no danger to be seen, but somehow just as nerve-wracking as if there was. If not more so.
Another pause, but despite their reluctance, they all knew inaction was an even worse feeling. So Wild eventually started it up again. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into eight fragments and hid them throughout the realm to save the last remaining Triforce from the clutches of the evil Ganon. At the same time, she commanded her most trustworthy nursemaid, Impa, to secretly escape into the land and go find a man with enough courage to destroy the evil Ganon. Upon hearing this, Ganon grew angry, imprisoned the princess, and sent out a party in search of Impa.
The black screen started fading into color, although the words remained, and harsh panting could be heard as a landscape came into focus. ============== Title Pending (Trolls) ==============
Floyd was gone.
That simple, heartwrenching fact kept spinning and spinning and spinning in his mind until it was all he could think through the numbness that had taken hold of him.
At least, until Clay's scream managed to break through.
John flinched, finally tearing his gaze from his second youngest brother's crystalized form only to meet the furious, teary eyes of the third's. It was all he had the time to do before Clay shoved him away from where they'd gathered around, the tiny ember of rage that had been ever present in those last few days as a band finally blazing into a wildfire, fueled by the same grief that seemed to have frozen him in place instead.
Clay choked, unable to voice that final, damning word. Instead, his face twisted as it finally seemed to catch up with him. Yet the tears that began to stream down did nothing to soften the anger that continued to burn.
Staring as intently as he was, there was no missing when that anger slipped into hate.
"I'll never forgive you," Clay hissed, his entire body trembling and tense. "We'll never forgive you."
He swallowed thickly and chanced a glance at Bruce and Branch.
They stared back in stony silence.
"I'm sorry," he managed to push through the knot in his throat and a familiar gnawing emptiness that began to settle in his heart.
Sorry he'd failed them…
Sorry he couldn't protect them…
Sorry he'd hurt them…
Sorry he couldn't be what they'd wanted him to be.
His apology only seemed to anger Clay further.
"You're sorry?! Is that all you can-?!" He cut himself off, and took a deep breath. When he spoke next, it was with piercing finality. "All you've ever managed to do is ruin things. Ruin us. So, if you're really as sorry as you say you are, you'll keep yourself from ruining what's left."
"Clay-" Viva protested, concern thick in her voice as she stepped forward.
Clay cut her off with a look and a shake of his head, but the bit of John that didn't feel numb appreciated the attempt.
She was good for him, he thought. He hoped they could be happy together.
Without him.
Because that was what they wanted, he realized. It was what they'd always wanted. Hadn't they always told him to mind his own business? To go away? To leave them alone? It was him who had been too stubborn to listen. Who had ignored what they'd practically been screaming in his face for years.
Not anymore, he promised. He'd already messed things up enough. For once, he was going to do something right by them.
Clay was distracted by Viva, and the others had gone back to looking at Floyd. It was like the universe was agreeing with him, telling him that he needed to take himself out of their lives for good.
He took a step back.
He took in the sight of his brothers one last time, knowing that it really would be the last time, and climbed into Rhonda.
"Let's go, girl."
She fought him for a moment, and he felt yet another pang of guilt- she'd gotten attached to them, it seemed -but eventually allowed herself to be steered away with a melancholy warble.
"It's for the best," he told her softly, eyes closing in resignation at the hollowness he could hear in his words.
A hollowness he'd experienced just one other time in his life and struggled to escape. Even now, he could see it overtaking him again in the way the color slowly leeched from his fingers and trailed up his arms.
That was fine. Last time, he'd pushed forward for Rhonda. For his brothers. For his-
He closed his eyes and slumped in the driver's seat as a fresh wave of loss swept over him.
This time, when the emptiness threatened to swallow him whole, John Dory looked into the abyss and hung his head.
It was time to stop fighting. ============== Journey (Pokemon SI/OC) ==============
"Satoshiii, you've got to be kidding me!" I groaned as I pulled his curtains open. "Seriously?! You promised you wouldn't sleep in!"
Ash waking up late was a running gag in the anime. I knew this. Really. I did.
I just hadn't realized how bad that habit actually was.
"EHHH!?!? Amy, what time is it?!"
Mrs. Ketchum must have had the patience of a saint dealing with this every single day.
"Late enough that you're only gonna have time to get dressed! Now, move it!"
"But, breakfast-"
He yelped and scrambled off the bed, and I hurried out of the room to give him privacy. Walking back to the kitchen, I huffed as I took a seat, rolling my eyes when I heard a loud thump echo from upstairs.
"Never a dull moment with that kid," Papa chuckled quietly into his tea, still a bit bleary-eyed himself.
"Good thing he spent the night. With Hanako gone, he wouldn't have had anyone to wake him up," Mama shook her head with a fond smile.
"Next time I'm leaving him," I grumbled, though it was halfhearted at best.
Mama handed me two lunches and I secured them in my bag before grabbing some extra riceballs for Ash and placing them on top.
"Is Shigeru going to be taking part in the field trip?"
"He said he hears enough about it at home, so no. Good thing too, I don't wanna babysit him and Satoshi. I wanna see some pokemon, too!"
It was a good way to test how things could be once I began my journey. At first, Mama and Papa had been a bit hesitant to agree when Ash brought it up yet again (he did so every year, but this was the first time we were old enough to actually go), but Uncle managed to convince them. I was going to be with a group, and Professor Oak was sure to have at least Arcanine with him, so I would be more than safe.
To his credit, Ash only took a few minutes to get dressed, but our house was a bit of a walk from Professor Oak's lab, and we found ourselves having to sprint for the last stretch of it.
"-guess we're setting off," I heard Professor Oak say and immediately pushed myself just that little bit more.
"Wait!" I called while waving my arms, never more grateful for all the running I'd done during training than at this moment. "We're here!"
I slid into the meeting place like a baseball player, taking care not to squish the contents of our lunches as I allowed myself to drop onto the grass to catch my breath. Ash was still a bit behind me, but they should be willing to wait now that I'd made it.
"Way to look like a total loser," a familiar, though currently unwelcome, voice cut in through the harsh pants.
I groaned. "I thought you weren't coming."
"I'm not," Gary scoffed. "I just got curious because Gramps hadn't left yet. Shoulda known it would be you two behind it."
"And I should have known you'd be too nosey to not butt in."
============== Horizons (FF7 SI/OC) ==============
Ryuu stretched as he wandered into the entrance area of the inn, not bothering to hold back a wide yawn as he tried to shake off the last vestiges of drowsiness. Overall, he felt much better than yesterday, his various pains now muted to a dull ache instead of the sharp throbs and spikes of before. Thank fuck for accelerated healing. Probably one of the highlights of being SOLDIER, in his opinion. Cassie's potions had only helped in that- he'd probably be back to normal by the end of the day or early tomorrow at this rate.
It was early- enough that the sun was just barely starting to rise -but to his surprise he wasn't the only one awake. The innkeeper was already up, phone pressed up against his ear and having what seemed to be a pretty serious conversation if his expression was any indication.
"-keep an eye out for him, don't you worry…It's the least I could do after everything your daughter's done for us. Besides, I know I'd want someone to do the same if it were one of my girls missing…" He sighed, tone turning apologetic. "I don't. Wasn't expecting her to leave so suddenly, or else I would've asked…I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a tough girl, and clever. She practically saved this town."
Wait. He couldn't mean-
Now completely awake, he rushed back upstairs, only just catching the innkeeper's now confused expression as he continued his conversation with who he was becoming more and more certain was Cassie's family, though unfortunately missing the question itself in his haste to check on her.
"Son of a bitch," he hissed upon opening all the guest rooms and finding them empty. "You little shit."
Is this what it felt like to have a younger sibling? He was pretty sure this was what it felt like to have a younger sibling. This sheer frustration and annoyance- suddenly, all of his friends' complaints made so much more sense. Not to mention the worry. What if she ran into something else she couldn't fight? She said that bodyguard of hers could keep her safe but how could he be sure of that? She hadn't even let him meet the guy!
Cassie'd left early on purpose. He was sure of it. The question now was why.
He wanted nothing more than to chase her down and find out, but as it stood, he couldn't. He'd updated ShinRa on his status the moment looking at his PHS didn't make his head feel like it was going to explode, but while they'd allowed him some recovery time, they were also being very pushy in their reminders that he report as soon as possible. He could understand the insistence- absolutely no one had expected what sounded like a run-of-the-mill monster extermination to put a SOLDIER out of commission, even if only for a day or so -but he wished he could just-
His PHS buzzed in his pocket, and he sighed, heading for the stairs again.
============== ============== ============== And there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the little clips! Like I said, I am working on them. It's just a lot slower than it used to be since I have a longer commute to and from work now, and by the time I get home, I'm usually too tired to write. I'll be going on a short vacation in about two weeks or so to visit my bro, and I hope to get a good chunk of writing done during that time. You may see a few chapters pop up then. Fingers crossed, at any rate. For now, I think it's back to chipping at them a little bit more. Take care!
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author-chan06 · 28 days
hello!! i dont know if you'd like to write more poetic/interpretation-heavy reros, such as the heat focused fic that i really loved, but if you do would you consider writing a fic about the split? post-split, or mid-split, or maybe even about a metaphorical split, but basically a fic about remus and roman and the fact they were torn apart like that. i think it could be really fun!!!
maybe there could be an arts-and-crafts symbolism, e.g. about how their insides were so easily molded they resembled clay and such. maybe their desire to fuse back together is described as 'glue', or the way that their fate was written by outside forces (that made them into two separate beings) is metaphorically a pen pressing so hard against a sheet of paper that it tears right through it. anyway yes, if you want, it could be descriptions of their bodies being ripped apart in a cutesy sort of style, but that's just an idea!!! basically my request is: remrom split!
Ok so! Heyyy, :D! This is totally inspirational for me honesty and the work you sent also gave me a couple ideas! And since I’ve been meaning to write about the Split, I’m definitely going to be writing a longer story about it soon! But for now, I’ve written a smaller piece— the idea hit me like hammer and I wrote it all in one go, so it might not be amazing, but I had to write it— and it is inspired by a line in one of the parts you sent me! (You’ll probably be able to find the line easily) So I hope you like this smaller verse!
Skin and Muscles
By Author_Chan06
When we were torn apart you took the skin and I took the muscle. It left me an aching and burning thing in the sun, nothing to cover and hide me from anyone to see. Any poke hurt and any prod made me bleed. But I muscled through. I crafted finely made masks and adorned myself in cushioningly crafted outfits; I hide myself away, while you do the opposite. With skin nothing skin deep hurt you, though you were hollow. Bones and skin and organs do not make a whole. Anything you try to make falls apart, with nothing to hold it together, your disjointed body strung together by spite and vitriol and a love that burns to talk about and burns to expression. Neither of us are whole anymore and pushing us together should hurt.
But it doesn’t. Skin and muscle pushed together soothes, and lips on lips feels like a fusion of a full self. Of a full us. With no hurt to intrude on our hope and wonder and creative ideas. Together nothing can hurt us. It is such a shame, isn’t it, my other half, we are not whole. It is such a shame we are not together.
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ventiffy · 1 year
𝟣 𝐹𝒶𝓉𝓊𝒾 𝐻𝒶𝓇𝒷𝒾𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝟣 𝐻𝒸
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Basically for each harbinger I give them 1 hc and yes it involves being a relationship w/ them, so basically romantic/fluff hcs. ( I also included The Tsaritsa because why not?)
warning: none, maybe just mention of romance and y/n anyways.(SLIGHT mention of experimentation and blood for Dottore!)
Capitano: He doesn't show his face because he has this massive scar that he doesn't like other people seeing. BUT, when he and his darling are alone. He will take of his mask if his s/o wants to see his face! ♡
Columbina: When her s/o can't sleep she'll hum them a melody in hopes that they fall asleep to it, if not, then she'll stay awake with them doing whatever her s/o wants to do. ♡
Dottore: He isn't afraid to mention all the horrible things he's done through his experimentation but, when his s/o enters the room he'll instantly change the subject if his lover isn't comfortable with blood. If they are then he'll talk about the less extreme ones to them. He doesn't want to scare them! ♡
Arlecchino: As said in my "harbinger as your pen-pals", she is very soft towards her s/o. She only shows this side of her to them, no one else. When her and her s/o argue she will never scream, like Dottore she doesn't want to scare them, so instead of screaming nonsense she'll try to calm her s/o down during these fights. Even sometimes when her s/o is feeling sad she'll give them small drawings of bunnies. (if you read the "Harbingers as pen-pals, you know why I chose bunnies.) ♡
Sandrone: She almost hates it when her s/o is in her lab, she doesn't want them to get hurt! The only thing she likes about them being there is that she gets to see them but, her lab is too dangerous for them. If you're a mechanic or interested in engineering, then she'll happily let you stay for a short period of time if she's not building any dangerous automatons. Maybe she'll teach them a thing or two about being a mechanic! ♡
Tartaglia: When he and his s/o go on a date, it's either going to be one a trip somewhere fun (amusement park for example) or just a place where they can go shopping or a trip to his home in Snezhnaya. When it's going to visit his family him and his s/o are always busy taking care of Childe s' younger siblings. Maybe going outside sometimes for a snowball fight or to just build a snowman. When there's a snowball fight Tartaglia always lets the younger ones win but after some time he won't be as nice (of course while not inuring anybody, he will just test the younger one s' skills!) ♡
Pierro: So like there's a theory that he's from Khaenri'ah.. What if he were to tell his s/o about his experiences there and all the interesting stories and events that happened to him when he was and lived there! I feel like he would definitely describe all the remarkable places of that region and maybe tell his s/o about all the myths and tales he's heard of! ♡
Pulcinella: ALRIGHT SO I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM SO, I don't really expect him to have a s/o but to just be that uncle that comes in when Tartaglia and his s/o (Tartaglia s' s/o) decide to go on a date elsewhere. I feel like he'd be the one taking care of the kids even though Ajax s' parents are still around just to yk, give a hand to the struggling parents.
Signora: No because she would definitely let he s/o borrow her things (mostly jewelry and clothes) like "oh, you need a top that matches your pants? Here take mine, it's perfect for you!" I feel like she'd also fix her s/o s' hair or basically anything that makes her get closer contact with her s/o. ♡
Pantalone: Like Signora, he will also let his s/o borrow his stuff like jewelry and more BUT, if he sees that his s/o is particularly asking for one item that they already asked for a lot of times. He will buy them a pair so that they cant match AND when they do wear it, I feel like he'd also wear his too even though it doesn't match his outfit. ♡
Scaramouche: SO if you read "Harbingers as pen-pals" then you will know I associated him w/ music. I feel like if his s/o is a musician he would love that, they don't even need to be musicians they just need to be able to play an instrument! I feel like together they would possibly play classical songs from Inazuma that he has learned to play when he was wondering around as Kunikuzushi! BUT, if his s/o does not play any instrument. He won't hold back to play Inazuman songs with his own instrument if it means that his s/o will be happy! ♡
The Tsaritsa: I hc her to be a very buys lady! But, she will always try to make time for her s/o. I hc her to always incite them to tea parties to which they will be the only guest (so it will only be her and her lover) I hc the place chosen for the tea party to be somewhat meaningful to her or to her s/o. I also hc it to be very pretty, maybe like an interior garden that her s/o loves? From there, they will chat about what ever her s/o is interested to talk about! Sometimes she'll bring up how she was in her Archon form! She will also talk about the Harbingers and her plans but, when she's with her s/o I hc her to only devote her attention to them and not thinking about other people who aren't her s/o. So, she won't talk much about the Harbingers AND I also hc her to not want her s/o to be affiliated with her troubles so she will only talk about her plans if her s/o is curious about them and decides to question her about it! ♡
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emometalhead · 9 months
Aftershock Day 2 Recap:
Yesterday was incredibly awesome and incredibly hot. It was 95°F/35°C, and I definitely felt like I was dying at some points, but it was entirely worth it.
We started off the day by seeing Fire From The Gods. I don't know their music super well, but I've enjoyed everything I've heard. They were great live! The singer's microphone was cutting out through the first couple songs, but after they resolved that issue the show was great!!
Next up was Memphis May Fire. They were SO GOOD!! I am really sad that we only caught about half of their set, but we wanted to get close for The Hu. They were the first band of the day to have pyro, and in addition to the good music that was cool to watch! Some bands struggle live, but these dudes sounded even better than on recording!!
This was my second time seeing The Hu, and it was even better than the first. Last time they were on one of the small stages, but this time they were on the big stage with a huge crowd! The crowd was super into the show, and there was lots of chanting. The band has such a cool vibe. Their energy is amazing, and I'm grateful to have witnessed it again. On another note, I've never seen so many crowdsurfers get dropped 😭. Idk why people kept trying after seeing so many people go down 😭.
We hung back in the shade for Skillet's set. I love Skillet, but we were all so damn hot that we needed a breather. I sat in the shade and vibed. They were fun just like last time! Plus I got to hear Psycho In My Head for the first time! We did end up leaving their set early to head over to Bad Omens.
Bad Omens had a huge crowd by time we got over there. It was so stinking hot, but I was jumping as soon as the first song started. It was so much fun!!! They are incredible live. If you don't listen to this band yet, check them out!! It was funny when the band came out, because they were all wearing black hoodies and masks. The crowd was like "they're going to die if they try to keep that on" lol.
I'm not lying or exaggerating when I say that seeing Limp Bizkit live was a highlight of my life. Their set was so damn fun. The energy was so high. A very high percentage of the crowd had never seen them live before, so we were all keeping each other hyped through this shared experience. Words can't describe how much fun I had during Nookie lol. Also they started AND ended the set with Break Stuff. It was awesome! Fred Durst was dressed as a cowboy, and did some weird hip thrusting dances lol. At one point the crowd chanted "no", and he asked if we were calling him a hoe. He also requested that no one flash their boobs because he is "allergic".
Holy cow Godsmack did not disappoint!! This was my second time seeing them, and I had a blast. I was jumping and headbanging like crazy the entire set. My friend and I managed to get really good spots. We could see the stage, and we still had space to move around + jump! They always put on such a great show. I also got horns from an older metalhead, and that was super cool. At the beginning of a song, I screamed really loudly and started jumping. This older woman looked at me, smiled, and put up horns.
My brain is kind of mush. I am very tired, but incapable of sleeping in beyond 7:30 lol. I am having the best time despite the exhaustion and heat though!!! The first picture is my wristband + bracelets I was given. My aunt made the FOB one, and one of my friends made the Aftershock one. Both glow in the dark!!! The next two pictures are Limp Bizkit. When the band came onstage, they had "nu metal cowboy" on the screen, then Fred Durst came out wearing a cowboy outfit 💀. The last picture is from Godsmack's set.
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barrencelenny · 6 months
What even is the general central city resident’s understanding of speedsters in the city honestly? Like do they even know the names of all of them?? Why are there so many speedsters compared to the rates of other powers??? Do these questions keep CC people up at night???? (I have very little recollection of later seasons despite watching them so genuinely welcome any answers) i assume it’s something like:
The Flash - that’s our resident superhero :D sure he does really annoying things sometimes like completely mess up your hair when he runs past, but on the whole we love him :) we named a day after him :) (is flash day a public holiday in central city? Can they even make public holidays for only one city?)
Reverse Flash- do they even know him? Did he ever introduce himself to the public at large? Do people notice that every so often they’ll see red lighting rather than yellow and go huh, guess that other one is back again. Does he have a place in the flash museum’s villains wing? (And what would the plaque describing him even say without revealing details of Barry’s mother’s murder?)
Zoom- hey wtf he broke our flash’s back on tv :(
Jay Garrick- also answers to the name the flash? Wears a hat? Who even is this man??
Kid flash- so he’s a yellow speedster but he’s not evil like the other yellow speedster? Okay. He seems young :) hope he comes back one day :)
Jessie Quick- well I mean I guess it’s nice we know her name. Where did she even go?? (She’s dead after crisis on infinite earths right???)
Savitar- does the public know Literally Anything about him????
Iris west in one episode (did she even have a code name)- oh yay another female speedster we haven’t seen one of those in years. Why did we only see her for a day. She had purple lightning that was cool.
XS- Huh purple AND yellow lightning haven’t seen combination colours before. Also her outfit is the same as the other lady speedster what’s up with that?
Impulse- oh a silver outfit that’s fun. We can literally see through his goggles though, it’s barely a mask? Seems really young
Godspeed- oh great this guy has white lightning, the dude that had black lighting was evil so maybe he’ll be good? Oh god. Oh no. Why are there so many of him.
Meena/ Fast Track- who?
Also given that so many of these speedsters get their official name and introduction from Iris writing about them in her articles, are there a bunch of people online who’ve realised the flash’s identity because they looked her up, saw her wedding photos on insta or smth, and went oh lanky white boy yeah that’s probably him that’s how she’s getting all the scoops. do they all agree to just keep this knowledge unspoken amongst themselves?(there’s several thousand of them in the subreddit)
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scalproie · 1 year
KING FROM TEKKEN!!! for the ask game
Yknow what Im gonna do all of them.
• My first impression of them
I dont know enough about tekken to know if its a mask of if he just has an actual goddamn jaguar head. I mean kazuya's a demon, anything is possible
• When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
The man wanna win the prize money for his orphanage how can you not like the guy??? Also look at him???
• A song that reminds me of them
I could pick an actual song but I'm just gonna make you listen to King I and King II's themes
• How many people I ship them with
mmmh one? I'm not like, super passionate about it but King I and Armor King I is fun. While I dont ship King II with anybody.
• My favorite ship of them
Again, King I/Armor King I wins by default
• My least favorite ship of them
King II/Marduk, like good on King for being a good person and not getting revenge on the guy that killed his sick mentor (/father figure) on account of Marduk having a family and eventually being touched by King's mercy and turning his life around but King, baby you can do better tag-team wise.
• A quote of them that you remember
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• Your favorite outfit of them
oh look at those, those are all King II btw
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his t3 p2 outfit. I love it bc 1) its a classic and 2) it shows he got trained by Armor King
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His t5 outfit, the black and gold is SO GOOD but Im also really fond of the blue and gold (of COURSE I am) bc the blue reminds me of the outfits of King I in t2
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and finally t8 King because look at him. The feathers. The pleasing color palette. I love him.
• Your least favorite outfit of them
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His t4 outfit. King honey this is Not It.
• Describe the character in one sentence
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• What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
• Sexuality hc!
I dont have any ngl. I just know the mask stays on during sex
• Your favorite friendship they have
KING II, ARMOR KING II AND JULIA CHANG/JAYCEE... THE WRESTLER TRIO plus its confirmed canon that theyre friends 🥹...
• Best storyline they had
The upmost hilarity of the plot where after King II gave up on his revenge against Marduk bc he killed his mentor Armor King I and the latter turned better for it, ANOTHER Armor King turned up and when King II and Marduk confronted that new Armor King, they found out he was the brother of the first Armor King... and that whole scene they speak in nothing but jaguar roars.
• Worst storyline they had
King doesnt have a bad storyline other than being in tekken 💛🐆💙
• A childhood headcanon
King II was in the orphanage of King I and when King II was scared or needed to be brave or smth like that, King I would let him wear the mask, making King II the one who saw the most of King I's face. I also think both Kings were orphans.
• What do you think their first word was?
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• How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
I like to think King II was a big kid already compared to the rest of the orphans and he was really self-conscious about accidentaly hurting them, so he made an effort to be gentle and a big-brother figure. If you're familiar, think Raph from rottmnt.
• The most random ship you've seen people have with them
I think Ive seen some art of King with Felicia from darkstalkers and the also named King from kof
• A weird headcanon
He can communicate with actual jaguars, they would accept him as one of their own
• When do you think they were at their happiest?
When King I and the kids (including King II) sat down and watch some wrestlemania. Also of course when King wins enough money to spoil his kids.
• When do you think they were at their lowest?
Obvious for King I, in t2 when one of his orphans die and when the orphanage runs out of money, and as for King II, when Armor King is killed.
• Future headcanon
• What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
Idk the most obvious one is what his face looks like.
• When do you think they acted the most ooc
In the TTT2 opening. Marduk is facing Armor King II and he is facing Jaycee, granted we dont actually KNOW what he tells Jaycee but considering he towers over her and makes hand gestures, he might be provoking? which doesnt make sense, hes a face. (Or he could just have recognized Julia and she had to promptly amically shut him up with a kick in the balls)
• When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
Honestly when his costumes reflect on his mexican heritage! Also hes the most himself in the ring
• If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
King in mortal kombat I want him to wipe the floor with Kintaro
• The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Nothing King does is unnecessary💛🐆💙
• How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
Both Kings are foster fathers of like 20+ kids, making King the best father of tekken
• The funniest scene they had?
When King II finds the picture of both Armor Kings and everything is conveyed by zooms on his jaguar mask
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captain-astors · 1 year
if you’re still doing 003 reqs i’d LOVE to hear what you think of tatara! he’s one of my favorite characters so i’m biased </3
I am indeed still doing these, and still thriving. Here we go!
How I feel about this character: 
So cool looking, the white trench coat and mask combo is so stupid and pretentious but it works somehow, and the fact that it has emotional value actually leans to the silly side of it in my mind. I’m not sure why, I think I’ve just wired my own brain incorrectly enough to go “haha you have emotions.” But I’m going to tell that portion of my mind to be quiet for now, because he has an excellent design, though it could stand to have a few more defining traits, and he looks a bit like a pokemon gym leader.
Oh! Also, Hands down coolest Kakuja and I wish I’d seen it before the Kakuja polls, in which I so foolishly voted Uta or something, thinking there could be no better. How wrong I was, FLAMETHROWER KAKUJA. The mere combination of words invokes awe. I could roll it around in my mind for hours. Continuing the pokemon comments, it really feels like the evolution of his normal outfit because it is also pretentious and stupid but somehow works and it’s really cool anyways. I didn’t realize how… large it was supposed to be before I saw a screenshot of the anime’s portrayal. It always felt human-sized to me, perhaps a couple feet taller but no, it apparently has the dimensions of an 8-wheeler and I don’t know how to feel about that. He definitely doesn’t really have a grand plan he’s just chilling with these comparatively much worse people while doing nothing particularly remarkable himself, he’s mostly just a functional figurehead eating grapes and providing the method to the madness that is Aogori. Eto had plans but she’s not going to take the time to carefully direct them herself. It’s a thankless job but might as well have the pale beanstalk who was-a-mask-wearing–kakuja-before-it-was-cool do it. He doesn’t seem to mind, or at least he’s just going to be in the same bad mood regardless.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Just secondhand HouTata. I observe it. Live in antagonism, die alone, perfect. The golden standard. Neither of them are happy. Be like them, fictional couples. Also I like the thought of Tatara being awful at cuddling but the natural warmth makes it nice anyways. 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: 
Ayato. “I don’t care about him at all, not worth more than the dust beneath my feet without about the same usefulness- oh they grow up so fast.” Go put what can only be described as your awkward nephew to bed, I don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to let this child into your terrorist organization Tartara, but congratulations he’s yours now.
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I have few opinions on him and none of them are very strong so it’s difficult to find an unpopular one… his personality gives the profound impression of an undersalted pretzel stick standing upright inexplicably, and a shade of light green-grey. When lost I just spew a small piece of my constant stream of nonsensical, slightly unhinged simultaneous thought processes. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: 
More screentime. Yeah he existed to prove points about other characters but you’d think the debatable leader of Aogori would be a bit more fleshed out.
Favorite friendship for this character: 
Eto! Mutual respect, terrible decisions, fun times.
My crossover ship: 
Maybe Rem. Or Luida. These are just my end-of-ramble thoughts now. The song I listened to for most of this has several instances of very goatlike screams and they were never where I thought they were no matter how many times I looped it. 
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gloryride · 11 months
Stature and informal for Isao and face and night for Enzo? :3
Thanks for asking, friend 💕 As usual, you ask for Isao ... and now, you have a crush for my nomad racer ? 😏 can't blame you !
[OC ASKS : CHARACTER DESIGN EDITION] ask if you want, love this one
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
172cm, mesomorph, shaped like an inverted triangle, muscular without being bulky. He has a V-shape, with visible muscles because of his bone-dry body, while remaining fairly slim. His muscles are noticeable under his well-tailored suits and slim-fitting shirts, with suit waistcoats accentuating them more. But as he wears black every day, it remains subtle. It's obvious when he's standing from the back, well cut, the jacket drawing the V to perfection. When he drops shirt for Arasaka's polo shirt, chosen as close to the body as possible to avoid creases, there's no mistaking his lean musculature. His organic arm is exposed, muscular, with visible veins barely hidden by the imposing tattoo that runs the length of his body.
If you want to see what he looks like, all you have to do is go to the gym in the Arasaka tower, where he sometimes works out shirtless. You can see that while he's not imposing in terms of height or huge muscles, he's well-trimmed, with well-defined muscles. He's charging without really looking like it. It makes you want to touch it.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
He's never really lazy. Even in comfortable clothes, he wants beautiful materials and to be able to open his door without shame. This man likes to control how others see him. If he's not going out, Isao wears an indoor outfit based on pyjama trousers and an open robe/kimono. Or maybe wide-legged trousers with no shirt. But not ugly trousers or overly baggy ones, just what you need to be relaxed but clean. Comfortable, easy to put on, but not too lazy! If he's going out, he'll choose a plain T-shirt and the same loose trousers. Often all black or red. Nothing flashy, as usual. It's all very casual.
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
A sleek Greek nose, sculpted cheekbones, mischievous green eyes, a rosy mouth with a thin upper lip and a fleshy lower lip that makes you want to kiss it, framed by an undergroomed beard on a delicate jawline, all held in place by chestnut hair with auburn highlights in the sun, medium-length curls and rebellious locks, some of which fall over her forehead. At the age of 24, Enzo's skin is tanned under the desert sun, with freckles and scars on his cheeks and forehead, resulting from accidents in life and on the road. His eyes are circled, and he doesn't sleep much because he can drive for hours in the middle of the night, stop to sleep for 3 hours and then start again for the pleasure of driving in the rising sun. He's used to waking up early at the camp, no matter how late he goes to bed. He's up at 5.30 a.m. to be at the garage corner to work with his father in the fresh air, and then he has a siesta in the afternoon when it's too hot to work. He often leaves afterwards to run an errand or have some fun… His dark circles signify a busy life for this active man!
As for his grin, I'd like to say his grins. This cheeky fellow often wears a mischievous smirk, as if he's always got something on his mind. This reveals a dimple in the right corner of his mouth. The discreet smile, almost shy without being coy. Enzo often doesn't know how to act with the person in front of him but doesn't want to lose face. It can also be forced, with lips pursed, a sign that something is affecting him. Or annoys him. The bright, luminous, happy smile. It's the smile of good days, victories and happy moments too. It's also the smile of celebrations with friends and family.
But what people see first are his eyes. A perfect green, neither too dark nor too light, sparkling and penetrating. It's hard not to look into his eyes, especially as they are the perfect mirror of his mood, betraying his emotions!
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
A good nomad will tell you that it's a risk to sleep naked in your tent. You never know what might happen in the middle of the night, or who might turn up in the morning uninvited. Enzo is well aware of this, and that's why he always sleeps either in his boxers or in one of the sports shorts he sometimes wears around the camp. He rarely wears a top, and despite the coolness of some nights, he prefers to wrap himself up in his blanket rather than sweat in his bed! And even when he sleeps in motels after a race, he won't be completely naked, out of habit. He'll only do that when he's with Jay, who's probably too tired to look for his clothes!
He also sometimes sleeps in his car after driving for several hours. He often just takes off his jacket and gloves, and sometimes his shoes, but remains fully dressed. Once again, it's for practical reasons and to avoid being caught unprepared.
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cee-grice · 1 year
Happy STS Cee! If someone was looking for your characters, how would they describe them to people? What features would they most pick out to distinguish them from a crowd?
it's tuesday but fuck it, who's aware of time really
very fun question, thank youu, and this honestly really depends where the crowd is haha. if it's anywhere outside where the story takes place, for Quil they could just say "look for the guy who's from Merridie" and they'll Know what that means. Merridie people are known for their eye-catching (and sometime eye-hurting) fashion, all bright colors, jewelry, so much shine... hard to miss!
but if it's in Merridie...
Quil: "Short for a guy, wears glasses, pink-ish hair, greenish-outfit, has a prosthetic arm, and this scar over half his face that kinda glows. hard to miss, yeah"
Endra: "Tall, dark hair, probably in some sort of updo, very clothed so you'll probably won't see much skin, wears a face mask. and if he's without a mask, you'll know it's him. trust me, you'll know"
and let's do a couple of my personal faves...
Miriam: "Ever seen a ghost? well, you'll feel like you have when you see her. has that vibe, you know... but also, pastel pink hair, probably braided, light and loose clothing, and has white spots over her skin through which you can see her bones. yeah also hard to miss"
Clariene Silvoir: "Regal. just. regal. tall, in some sort of gown, a lot of golden accessories, waist-length curly purple hair. you'll probably just know it's her from the vibe. you'll see her and think 'what is she doing in a crowd'"
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