#it’s so fucking good thought I might rewatch it again lmao
okcoolthanks · 5 months
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hadesrise · 2 years
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summary ➳ harry noticed you’re not like any other slytherin
pairings ➳ harry james potter x male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, mutual pining, foul language, reader being an adorable slytherin, touch-deprived harry, just the chosen one thirsting over reader lmao, mentions of making out, soft!slytherin reader, pet names ( darling, love )
author’s note ➳ rewatching harry potter made me recall the time when i used to fantasize about two persons from supposedly rival houses falling for each other and saying “fuck it” to their rivalry before making out. yes, it's typical, but i like it just the way it is.
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Of all the houses in Hogwarts, it’s well known that Slytherin is the most disliked one due to their personality that doesn’t seem to include kindness regardless of how others treat them. This might have only been a stereotype that students from other houses pushed on Slytherin, but they had a very reasonable excuse for thinking of Slytherins that way because of a particular blonde haired snake and his goons that terrorize anyone and everyone they come across. Not only that, but most people from Slytherin are unpleasant to say the least and Harry can only name a few who aren’t, like Professor Slughorn for example.
So, understandably, Harry thought you’re going to be as unpleasant as other Slytherins too after Hermione accidentally bumped into you and dropped her books to scatter all over the ground. The Golden trio were walking down the hallway leading towards Hagrid’s hut, talking to one another about how Professor Trelawney freaked out again today at Divination, with Hermione carrying books more heavier than usual (the two boys offered to carry them but she refused), before they turned a corner and she collided on a rather hard chest.
She was going to apologize, but her eyes — in sync with Harry’s and Ron’s — landed on the green colored tie with silver stripes, and the blood immediately drained from her face. It’s not like she can’t defend herself, considering she sucker punched Malfoy on the third year, but dealing with a bunch of snakes can be really exhausting sometimes and frankly, she isn’t in the mood to fight with them today.
Without a word, Hermione crouches down to pick up her books. Much to their surprise, the Slytherin knelt down to help her gather the heavier and thicker books Ron and Harry were about to pick up.
When they finally made an effort to look at the unusual Slytherin Hermione bumped into, Harry was surprised to see a very good looking and attractive boy with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that seemed to spark under the light. Despite the books being heavy, you carried it easily as if they have the weight of a feather, placing another book on top of them — Harry figured you were reading it before the disaster struck.
“Are these books from Hagrid?”
The Chosen One felt his stomach fill with butterflies and heart suddenly beat rapidly at the sound of your soothing voice.
He was so used to Slytherins having that obnoxiously annoying voice, where he doesn’t know whether to cover his ears or rip them away from the sides of his head. But your voice was, even with a tone deeper than average, smooth and gentle. There was no hint of venom, distaste, unpleasantness, or despise. Just curiosity and interest. Harry also noticed you called Hagrid by his name rather than the awful big oaf other Slytherins call him all the time.
“Oh, uhm... Yes.” It took a while for Hermione to overcome the surprise and provide an answer.
“Interesting,” You hummed quietly. “I should drop by Hagrid and burrow some of his books too. He must have the book of Ancient Magical Creatures.” Muttering to yourself, the Golden trio couldn’t help but crack a smile when you seem to forget for a split second that you weren’t alone.
Gathering some courage, Harry decides to break your little bubble by hesitantly speaking. “Er — excuse me?”
“Yes?” You turn to look and catch his emerald eyes.
“You can come with us if you want. We don’t mind.”
A tiny bit of smile forms on your lips, almost unnoticeable. “With pleasure. Though, I don’t suppose it’s alright for Gryffindors to walk around with Slytherin.” You glanced around, “Some of the people from your house doesn’t tolerate their fellow Gryffindor hanging out with the rival house.”
“I think you’re okay,” Ron says reluctantly.
“If you say so.” Amusement flashes across your eyes. “Also, I’ll carry these books instead.” You didn’t let Hermione protest as you began to walk nonchalantly towards Hagrid’s hut with a slight delay to your steps; Harry figured you were purposely walking slower than your normal pace so it would be easy to walk with your shoulders lining with theirs.
You introduced yourself to them after successfully burrowing a book from Hagrid that you were searching for.
Ever since then, Harry would find himself scanning every classroom he’s in to look for you, taking mental notes of the similar classes you have together, and if you’re nowhere to be seen, he would just attempt to at least catch a glimpse of you in the Great Hall by the Slytherin table. Sometimes, when he’s fortunate enough, your eyes would meet his across the hall and you would give him the faintest of smile before returning to your meal. Other times, when the both of you are free, you would talk with each other for a while until the next class comes.
Spending his time with you made Harry notice things — such as how you’re mostly quiet, which isn’t very common in Slytherin; their loud voices being very distinguishable in the Great Hall explains that. You’re also a bit of a bookworm as he often sees you carrying or reading them around, it made him wonder why you weren’t placed in Ravenclaw, but he suppose being interested in books doesn’t automatically make someone a Ravenclaw. He also noticed the way your facial expression rarely shows rapid or strong emotions, mostly expressing boredom to anyone and anything around you, if not, your face just remains emotionless with a what Harry knew was called resting bitch face. Though, your wonderful eyes do spark seemingly brighter when you’re with him.
Another brilliant thing is finding out you don’t tolerate any of Malfoy’s bullshit.
You seem to disagree with everything the blonde says, which leads to Malfoy spitting some nasty insults in attempt to get under your skin, only to cower away when you raise a brow at him paired with deadly calm expression, which is much scarier than anything in Harry’s opinion. You were definitely not like any other Slytherin he’s ever met.
“Ron, getting a detention at potions isn’t a good reason to set Professor Snape’s office on fire!” Hermione hissed.
“But ‘ermione, he’s horrible!” Retorts Ron and turns to his best friend to plead, “Back me up here, mate!”
However, he doesn’t receive a response as Harry was too busy ogling at a particular someone by the Slytherin’s table, his hand not moving from the parchment that began to be soaked in black ink due to his quill being pressed on it. Ron and Hermione looked at each other questioningly and followed Harry’s gaze, their eyes landing on you eating quietly while ignoring the chaos members from your house were bringing. You almost looked peaceful despite surrounded by loud chattering, laughter, and the clinks of utensils against the plate.
Your patience isn’t high; you often get annoyed easily, but the way you’re unbothered no matter what’s happening around you made it seem like your patience was limitless.
Hermione rolled her eyes after realizing Harry was waiting for you to notice and rolls up the parchment she had before whacking the back of his head with it, successfully snapping him out of his daydream. “What do you think’s gonna happen if you just stare at (Y/n)?”
The Chosen One cleared his throat, taking a glance at you and quickly returning it to his best friends. “What am I supposed to do then? I can’t just walk up to him in front of other Slytherins.”
“I’d rather see you do anything than ogle at him everyday and act like an idiot.” She sighs exasperatedly.
For a boy who survived the Killing Curse and Voldemort’s multiple serious death threats, he was one hell of an annoying dork when it comes to love. He was painfully obvious with his growing crush towards you, even other Gryffindors had begun to suspect it, yet haven’t done anything to change the relationship you two have — sure, it can be called friendship, but Hermione and almost all of their friends could agree it is more than that. They couldn’t honestly contain their frustration at Harry being content with just this.
“It’s no use, Hermione.” Ron whispered when Harry went back to ogling at you. “He says he’s not going to do anything about it unless he’s sure there’s a chance.”
Sighing, the bushy haired girl shakes her head and slumped on her seat defeatedly.
How long do they have to deal with a lovesick Harry?
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Searching around the school grounds, Harry finally found you reading by the Black Lake, not caring that your robe might get dirty as you sat on the ground and read another book. It was a windy day that sent calm energy throughout your body, the rustling of leaves and the sound of lake soothing you more than usual, allowing you to focus more on the context of your book. You loved the silence where no voices or other noises can be heard, just the sound of nature slipping into your ears.
Harry slowly approached as to not startle you, but felt himself relax after you pay him no mind and sat down beside where you are. The sky seems brighter than he remembers, with only small particles of cloud littered all around.
“Are you feeling well?” You asked without looking up from your book, and Harry hugs his knees to his chest, watching the wind cause waves of water on the lake.
“Better now that I found you.” The seemingly flirtatious sentence was uttered in complete sincerity and seriousness that even Harry himself didn’t expect. The tip of his ears turned bright red in increasing embarrassment as you snapped your eyes to him, seeing an adorable blush spread rapidly across his cheeks, avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
You hum, slamming the book shut. Harry was now staring straight ahead at the lake, as if there was something interesting in it, making amusement appear on your usually expressionless face. “Look at you blushing, Potter. So adorable.” You whispered the last part, almost teasingly, and he blushes even more.
“Well, you’re adorable as well.” Harry dares meeting your eyes. His heart bangs even more loudly in his chest after seeing the almost loving look in them, finding himself admiring you.
All playfulness leaves your face as you stare into each other’s eyes with a mirroring hint of adoration. You shift to lean back on one of your hand while the other rise to brush a hair out of Harry’s forehead, before cupping his cheek, admiring the way his emerald eyes sparked under the warm sunlight. This is your first time seeing his face close and having the time to focus on his features more; you knew Harry was attractive the moment you set eyes on him, but you realized he looked almost ethereal at this point, making your heart flutter.
“Your eyes are really captivating,” You muttered, barely audible but reached Harry’s ears nonetheless.
He chuckled breathlessly, “I got it from my mum.”
“She must’ve been such a wonderful woman then.”
Your thumb gently rubbed his cheek and Harry couldn’t help but lean to your touch and close his eyes. He’s been touch-deprived for long, being touched with care and gentleness made him weak in the knees easily. A coo escape from your lips; an unlikely sound for Slytherin to make. Before Harry could process what was happening, you had set aside your book and pulled him to your lap, settling him between your legs. Harry blinks, surprised.
“I’m seriously soft for you, Potter. Too adorable.” You sigh, burying your hand through his dark locks and softly scratching his scalp.
Getting over his initial shock, Harry relaxed and made himself comfortable, letting his body rest against yours as he laid his head on your chest. It worried him that you might hear his rapidly beating heart, but honestly couldn’t bring himself to care when you were being so generous, holding him, playing with his hair. If others were to see you and him like this, they would certainly assume it’s the end of the world for two rival houses to be cuddly with each other when they usually spit hatred.
Though, after meeting you, Harry had begun to believe not all Slytherins are bad — it’s just that people, including himself, unfairly stereotyped them as a bunch of evil-doers only because of the choices that older people from Slytherin made in the past, which the young Slytherins are definitely not in control of. There are questionable Slytherins like Malfoy and his goons, but they’re not a reason for others to start generalizing that all students from the snake house is evil.
Slowly and albeit hesitantly, Harry wraps his arms around your back and nuzzles your chest. You’re absolutely different from other Slytherin members, but he still found it odd that a Slytherin is this nice and affectionate, especially when you’re usually quiet and socially distant, preferring to be alone with slightest bit of annoyance directed at your fellow housemates.
Closing his eyes as sleepiness start to fall over his eyelids, the Chosen One wondered why you’re only doing this with and to him. He’s never seen you with anyone before, and when he did, you always maintained clear distance from them, as if they held contagious disease. It made him feel special in any way, but also confused.
His sleepy voice make you chuckle softly. “Hmm?”
“Why are you so affectionate with me?”
Your hand playing with his hair abruptly stops, and for a second Harry thought he made a mistake of mentioning it. However, relief floods him when you went back to massaging his scalp. “Isn’t it obvious, Potter?”
He shakes his head. Don’t want to assume.
Silence falls as you stop your hand again. Curiosity of your expression plaguing his mind, Harry opens his eyes and looks up without moving from his laying position — his breath almost stopping when he came across a very loving gaze staring at him like he was the entire universe. His heart swell as heat rushes to his cheeks. He attempted to hide his face by burying it on your chest, but you held him still, hand cupping his cheek once again.
You don’t even give him time to react before you captured his lips on yours, practically stealing Harry’s breath away. Just a gentle kiss on the lips, but enough to make his brain fuzzy.
Pulling away before he could reciprocate, you smiled. Not a forced one, but genuine and coming from the bottom of your heart. “Does that answer your question, Harry?”
Despite the fluttering of his heart and the urge to jump up and down in pure joy, Harry pouts. “Not enough.”
You chuckled. “I need to be persuasive then.”
Needless to say, you both missed the next class making out by the Black Lake and not caring about getting caught.
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Ron and Hermione were freaked out. The reason lies with Harry, who’s been in an awfully good mood the entire day to the point even Malfoy can’t get through him and he began noticing some good qualities in some of the Slytherin members. Don’t get them wrong, Harry being in a good mood is great because the boy deserves a day without constantly fighting for his life and feeling like everyone’s against him, but attempting to find the good qualities even in Malfoy? That’s when the two gets really concerned.
When lunch break comes around, Harry was still in a brilliant mood, smiling to himself because of whatever merlin knows. Ron and Hermione shares a look as they continue to eat, observing their best friend who began to look for you in the Slytherin table, his smile immediately widening after he sees you.
Hermione turns around just in time for you to look up from the foods and meet Harry’s eyes. Unexpectedly, a soft smile appears on your lips as you wave at him, not caring when your housemates see it. Harry chuckled, waving back, before you returned to eating your food in silence. The three of them witnessed Malfoy mutter something that caused you to roll your eyes and smack the back of his head with the book you were reading before.
“So,” Ron began after he and Hermione looked back at Harry. “Is there something you’re not telling us, ‘arry?”
The said boy only raised his eyebrows, unable to contain his grin.
“Come on, Harry!” Hermione urged.
Before anyone could respond, however, someone took a seat on the empty space beside Harry — turning their heads, they were surprised to see you there.
“Hello, love.” Harry almost melted at the pet name. You gave his best friends a polite smile, “Excuse him from your conversation for a moment, Hermione, Ron.”
“Of course, go ahead.” Neither of them could honestly deny a polite Slytherin no matter how much they want to.
“What is it?” Harry questioned, more than welcome to talk with you. However, you seem to have a different idea in mind as you leaned in without a word and captured his lips in a lingering kiss, hearing gasps erupt from multiple places — mainly Ron, Hermione, any Gryffindor who were wondering why a Slytherin paid Harry Potter a visit, Malfoy, his goons, and some other Slytherins who just happened to catch the moment. Few students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had their mouths open in shock as well.
There was a smug look on your face when you pulled away, smirking at Malfoy who was previously babbling some nonsense that you couldn’t possibly like Potter and are probably just using him. By the looks of it, you had succeeded in proving the blonde ferret wrong.
“What was that for?” Harry asked breathlessly. You caught him off guard.
“Oh, nothing. Just proving to gits that Gryffindor and Slytherin are sometimes compatible if it’s with the right person.” You shrugged, resting an elbow on the table and putting your chin on the palm of your hand. “In short, I wanted to prove people wrong who says we can’t be together since you’re a Gryffindor as I am a Slytherin.”
“Wait, someone told you that?”
“Rumors of us being seen making out by the Black Lake travels fast,” You sipped on Harry’s pumpkin juice, which he didn’t mind even the slightest as he blushed, avoiding Ron’s and Hermione’s wide and intrigued eyes. “One little bird from Ravenclaw thought it’d be wise to practically squeal it in the hallways that the rumor’s impossible because of our houses rivalry.”
You snort, “As if we give a fuck about that.”
For the first time, Harry actually saw the Slytherin in you.
And he wasn’t going to complain, not when you’re not like any other.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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that-sarcastic-writer · 5 months
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Takeshi Kovacs X F!Reader
Summary: you get hurt, and all you want is for Takeshi to comfort you
Warnings: explicit sexual content, minors dni, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, choking, praising, bit of soft!dom!Tak, creampie, explicit language, mentions of murder, blood, typical violence for this show
WC: 4.5k
A/N: please I know, lia you wrote something??? Ik, fucking wild. Its been like 6months lmao. But I was rewatching altered carbon and man I really missed tak. I might slowly dive back into my joel era but for now this is this. I dedicate this to @a-reader-and-a-writer. If this flops oh well, at least I was happy writing it.
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You often regretted your life choices. Stupid decisions you made as a teenager that ultimately led you into a world of violence and death. It seemed never ending. Because no matter how many times you tried to go straight, use your skills and intelligence for something good, your reputation always preceded you, and you would end up in the same place; with a gun in your hand, covered in blood, and with another body to add to your conscience. Though, ninety percent of the time it wasn't your fault. Just like this time it was not your fault. Trouble just seemed to find you. Or you liked to find trouble, or maybe both. 
“Ah Miss, what a pleasant surprise.” The AI that was this lovely hotel greeted you. “Oh. It appears that you are injured. Do you require medical assistance?” 
You looked down at your blood stained clothes and hands, you felt the slightest throb on your shoulder from where a bullet had grazed you, and the stinging burn on your side from where a switchblade slashed at your skin. But to be completely honest you had grown numb to it. You simply shrugged. 
“Nope. Just need a shower and some tequila.” You waved him off and you walked straight to the elevator, but before you entered, you turned around in your tracks to narrow your eyes at Poe. “Where is Takeshi?”
“Ah, Mr. Kovacs is not here at the moment. He left some hours ago to attend to some private matters he didn't disclose with me.” He answered plainly and you nodded. 
“Shocker. Well if he comes, don't tell him I'm here? Cool? Great.” You were about to go up to the room you used whenever you and Takeshi were fighting, when Poe spoke again. 
“Why is that? Wouldn't he like to know you are injured?” 
“Oh fuck, no. Don't even tell him you saw me like this.”  
Takeshi would go absolutely mad if someone spoke to you the wrong way. You still remember one time you joined him on one of his interrogations, for one reason or another. The man wouldn't keep his eyes off you, though you paid it no mind, you were used to men being nothing short of disgusting, or them calling you every sexual name in the book. But Takeshi? Man, pissed was nothing to describe the level of anger going through him. He didn't stop until the man was nothing but red. You, of course, while amused by his protectiveness of you, got him to stop. 
“Tak, sweetheart, you need him conscious and breathing, don't you think?” 
“He won't be doing much of either anymore.” 
Takeshi was cute when he was angry, more so when he was overprotective of you. But even then, there were some lines you never wanted to cross. And if he ever saw you like this, the thought of someone hurting you like this would drive him mad. No stack would be left unharmed by him if he had any say in the matter. 
So for the sake of the men you did leave alive, it would be best if Tak didn't see you like this. 
“Well, why not?” Poe pushed, clearly he didn't understand the level of insanity Takeshi was capable of reaching. 
“Because, if Tak sees me like this, he is not going to be very happy. He is going to actually cut somebody's head off—Again. Actually no, scratch that, he is going to decapitate and destack a lot of somebody's,” You said as slowly and as clearly as you possibly could, pausing to stare at the hologram as if to make a point. “So do not tell Takeshi I'm here, or that you saw me like this.” 
So much for wanting to stay out of trouble for once. 
Man what a fucking shitshow. Truly, he didn't understand when the world had gotten so damn complicated. He didn't like to leave messes, he really didn't, but sometimes people would just force his hand, he had to get answers one way or another. 
He should call you. Yes. He should do that. If there was one thing in this fucked up reality of his that he knew would never go wrong, it was seeing you. 
“Mr. Kovacs,” Poe appeared at the bar, getting Takeshi's attention, but he didn't even bother to look. “I was not expecting to see you tonight. Were you able to attend to your matters?” 
“Yeah.” Was all he responded to as he walked towards the elevator. His eyes were glued to the ground as a cigarette hung from his lips, he was tired and annoyed, frustrated and even more tired, but something caught his attention as he thought about his own self misery. 
“Why is there blood here?” He asked Poe with a slight shift from apathy to alarm as he traced the trails of blood droplets back the way he came.
“Oh… Yes.. That… Well you see.” 
“Was someone here?” He asked with sharpness in his naturally baritone voice, looking around for anything out of place or broken, but everything looked normal. 
“No. Well… Yes.. But..” 
Takeshi’s head snapped to look at the AI, eyes narrowed as he stared intensely, waiting for an answer. 
Oh. It better not be. 
Just get in the shower. You can do that, can't you? 
Apparently you struggled more than you should have with that. It wasn't like you had a bullet in you, but then again, you also had gotten thrown through a table, and punched repeatedly, and stabbed, and shot—kind of. But man was the pain starting to infect every muscle, every joint, every crevice of your body. You weren't exactly sure how you got out of the shower. But you managed to wash the dried blood off you. Though you were still left with two open wounds that were most likely going to have to be cauterized. 
You weren't going to enjoy this very much. 
You were hoping to just throw yourself on the bed and get it over with before Takeshi decided to spontaneously show up. By then your wounds would have been closed, what were two new scars? It's not like Takeshi would notice two more among so many. Or maybe he would notice, but by then it would have been enough time for him to be angry about it but not actually do anything about it. 
Pushing through the now throbbing pain shooting through your shoulder every time you moved your arm, you managed to get yourself into your underwear, but that was as far as that went. 
You had made it halfway from the bathroom to your bed when you heard your name being called, rather loudly, by a voice you were all too familiar with.
Well fuck. 
Takeshi followed the blood. There were drops on the elevator floor, stains on the buttons of the elevator. When the door opened, he followed the drops as his heart began to race. It wasn't a lot of blood, you weren't bleeding out, that was for sure, but his mind wouldn't stop racing. He called your name as he walked further into your room. 
His jaw tightened at the sight of you, slightly hunched over, holding your side as you limped across the room. And the look you gave him was one of deer in headlights. 
“Takeshi…” Your voice was hesitant, soft, wary as you leaned on one of the couches to support yourself. 
He was in front of you in three, maybe four, long, heavy strides. His eyes were frantic, darting all over as he looked over your face. Your eye looked like it was going to bruise, your lip split and your jaw looked angry with a forming bruise. 
“Who..” His words were barely audible, just barely above a rasp as he gripped your non bruised jaw tightly, forcing you to look at him. 
“Who the fuck did this to you?” 
You should not be getting wet at the sound of his angry words, but the rasp laced in his tongue had you clenching your thighs together. Takeshi was hot when he was angry. 
“It's fine, Tak. I'm fine, really.” You looked up to find his frantic eyes filled with fiery emotions, his jaw clenching and unclenching with each uneven breath he took. “You should see the other guy.” 
Normally Takeshi found your dry humor amusing. But he couldn't get himself to even let out a chuckle, instead he huffed as he looked over your face. 
“I want a name. Right now.” His words were barely audible, between huffs and puffs as he begrudgingly helped you sit down on the loveseat. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. 
“Can't. Kinda shot him in the stack.” You answered flatly, huffing out a small breath as you threw your head back over the armrest. Takeshi narrowed his eyes at you, noting each bruise and mark on your torso, including the angry looking cut on your side. 
“This wasn't just one person,” it wasn't a question, it was a fact, he knew that. He stared blankly at you as he waited for your response. The sigh you let out was confirmation enough. “What happened? And I want an answer without the attitude.” 
You winced, a hiss of discomfort leaving your mouth as he ran the laser over the large gash on your side. You closed your eyes, counting to five in your head before you answered. 
“I thought I was going in for a job. Something about needing access to some encrypted files,” You recalled what you had so innocently assumed to be just a simple hacking job, in and out with a decent pay, oh how mistaken you were. “The dude that had contacted me suddenly starts getting all up in my face, and asks me some weird questions about you. And when I told him to fuck off, his friends came out.” 
You shot him a glare when he silently moved to your shoulder, but that one was less deep so it didn't hurt as much, it definitely didn't hurt as much as when the bullet actually touched your skin though. 
“Why didn't you call me?” His eyes were sharp on you as he waited for your answer. Was he seriously angry at you?
“Oh right, and what was I supposed to say, ‘oh, hey sweetie, could you please come shoot some people I was doing illegal business with in the stack with me, pretty please?’” You raised your voice to a higher pitch, doing this valley girl accent which only made him inhale deeply. 
“Do you ever answer anything without the bullshit?” He muttered with exasperation as he angrily lit up a cigarette and took a drag out of it. 
“I handled it, Takeshi. Let it go.” You ultimately sighed, reaching over to brush your bruised knuckles over the side of his face. 
His eyes found your face, he saw the forming bruises, and he remembered the blood. Somebody did this to you. Somebody hurt you and he wasn't there to stop it. You could have died. He could feel the anger settle in the pit of his stomach and he began to feel the urge to rip somebody's stack out with his bare hands. His fists clenched at his sides. 
“Like hell.” He stood up so fast it gave you whiplash. You didn't want him to go. You needed him. 
“Don't go,” You stood up so fast your side was definitely screaming at you but you didn't care. He wasn't looking at you, his eyes looked way past your head at the nearest wall. But you grabbed his face, forcing him to meet your eyes. “I need you.. Please? For once just stay with me.” 
You didn't beg often. But when you did, there was not a thing in this world he could ever deny you. He found your eyes, big mistake. The second he saw those pleading eyes he was done for. He hated the ways in which you could so easily tug at the strings of his cold heart. For the longest time he thought he didn't have a heart, until he saw you for the first time and that thing started beating. 
His mouth was on yours, he kissed you long and hard. He grabbed your face as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. He held you, pulling your body against his. Your fist bunched around his shirt, gripping it like vice as he kissed you with fervor, like this was the last thing he ever wanted to do in this world. 
“You wanna take care of me? Hm?” You spoke softly against his lips, your fingers now threading through his long golden strands. 
The grunt that rumbled in his throat was almost animalistic. He wanted you on that bed and he never wanted you to leave it. 
“You're in pain..” He muttered through deep breaths as his long fingers gripped your jaw, forcing your head back as he brushed his nose against yours, holding on to the little stability he had left. “Don't wanna hurt you.” 
“I like it when you hurt me. I want it.” Your words were soft and desperate, quiet as you brushed your lips over his. Pain was the last thing on your mind when you had him this close, when you felt his touch, when you knew he was hanging in by a thread. You needed this more than you needed air in your lungs. 
“You want it?” He repeated, voice as low as it could go, eyes closed as he waited for that confirmation, for your permission, to absolutely ruin you. 
“Yes. Please Takeshi, I need it.” 
There wasn't anything better than Takeshi's cock in your guts after a brush with death.
His large calloused hands found the back of your bare thighs, he so easily hoisted you up around his waist as his lips crashed against yours without another word being said. He was a man of little words afterall. He was a man of action. And he was goddamn sure he would give you exactly what you needed. 
Your back landed on the soft duvets, but his lips never parted from yours. Your frantic hands shoved his coat off his shoulders, then the buttons of his shirt as he fumbled with his pants. It took some time, between desperate grabs and frantic hands, he was just as naked as you, only your underwear left between the two of you. 
His lips found your neck, wet kisses all over the skin as his hands roamed your body. He pulled back enough for his eyes to look you over. He would never get tired of looking at you. 
“You're so…” He didn't have to say it, the look in those hazel eyes of his said every word he wasn't capable of saying out loud. 
You gave him a smile, your eyes big with both longing and endearment. He kissed you one more time before he tugged your panties down. He settled just beside you, thick thighs caging one of yours as his long fingers brushed over your clit, leaving you to gasp against his mouth. His lips curved up slightly as his fingers moved in slow, long circles. He could feel you get wetter and wetter the longer he kept up his torture. He liked to hear you whine and beg for it. 
“Tak..” His name fell from your lips when you no longer could keep your mouth closed, you were gripping at his shoulder as you helplessly grinded against his fingers, desperate for more. 
“Mhm?” His lips were on your ear, his warm breath ghosting over the side of your face with each sharp inhale he took. “Need me to fuck you with my fingers, then with my cock? Is that it?” 
You were nodding so hard, gasping softly when he circled his fingers around your wet hole, teasing you. 
“Mhm!—Please—” You didn't even get the chance to finish your sentence when two long fingers buried themselves deep into your cunt. 
Your lips fell open as your eyes unconsciously rolled back into your head, the delicious feeling of his thick fingers filling you. It wasn't long before Takeshi was all but fucking you with his fingers, and you were nothing but sobs of pleasure. He buried his fingers to the knuckle, brushing your most sensitive spot with each snap of your wrist. 
Fuck did you look pretty like this. But you looked prettier when you were drunk on his cock. 
His free hand gripped your hair, keeping your head in place so he could watch the way your face would contort with pleasure. The lewd sound of your wet cunt being filled by his fingers wasn't lost on him either. He loved it. He was addicted to it. 
“That's it, let it go, sweetheart.” He grunted through his teeth when he realized you were so close, the way your hips were so desperately following the movements of his hand and the grip you had on his wrist was all but telling. He gave you a long satisfied hum when he felt your release coat his hand with a sob of his name. 
His fingers only left you when you were digging your nails into his wrist. His lips curled up in amusement at your desperate attempts but he ultimately complied. His lips were on your forehead as he eased you back into steady breathing.  
“You okay?” He was quiet, but you heard it. You simply nodded in response, still not fully able to find your voice. Good enough. “Good, ‘cause I'm gonna give you exactly what you deserve now.” 
He grabbed your arms and flipped you on your stomach with ease. You were taken aback, instinctively pushing yourself up on your forearms, but a hand on your back forced you back down. 
“Easy. Just relax, sweetheart,” he shushed you softly, you felt him move around for a second until you felt him behind you, right in between your open thighs. “Lemme take care of you, hm?” 
Your response was in the form of a soft hum, you lied flat on your stomach, your head to the side so you could breathe and your ass up enough for him to do as he pleased. And you waited, rather impatiently. You could feel Takeshi's hands on your hips, then up your back, until one of them settled on your shoulder blades. 
You were about to open your mouth when you felt the head of his cock brush over your wet clit. The only sound leaving your throat was that of a choked out moan. 
“You want it?” His lips were on your ear, voice smooth, but with this baritone rasp, a combination that drove you insane. You were nodding into the blankets. 
“Yes, Takeshi. Please.” 
Fuck, he was rolling his eyes at the sound of his name leaving your lips like that. He didn't need to say anything else. He pushed himself into you with a long, hard thrust that had you gasping. 
“Ahh….” You squeezed your eyes shut, hands squeezing the sheets in front of you at the feeling of his cock stretching your walls. You have been with Takeshi for some time now, but you never truly got used to the size of him (with this sleeve at least). “Fuck— you're so..” 
He eased a hand up and down your back, shushing you softly, he was used to it by now. When he felt you start to back into his cock he knew you were fine. He dug his fingers into your shoulder, holding you down on the mattress as he snapped his hips. A gasped cry left your lips. Again, and again with each brush of his cock, until he had you sobbing into the mattress. 
Takeshi, he fucked hard, and he liked it rough, but he had learned to take his time, he learned to take it slow, drag out the feeling for as long as possible, until you were nothing but a sobbing mess. His hand was wrapped around your hair, pushing your head down as he leaned over you. His chest was flush against your back as he rutted his hips against your ass, his lips on the back of your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses everywhere he could. 
Takeshi wasn't very talkative, ever, but goddamn was he noisy. His heavy pants, ragged grunts, the occasional fuck, were all in your ear which each delicious drag of his cock. 
“Goddamn,” he breathed out, nipping at your jaw as he pulled your head up enough to look at your fucked out face, “you feel so fucking good.” 
“Mhmmm. Shit, Tak. Feels so—” You couldn't even finish a cohesive sentence you were so cock drunk, so high on the feeling of his cock brushing that one spot that had you rolling your eyes. You reached behind you, trying to grab him, any of him. 
“Feels good, doesn't it baby?” You could hear the slight smirk on his lips as he wrapped his arm over your neck from shoulder to shoulder, almost as if he was putting you in a headlock. 
“Yes! Fuck yes—” 
“Of course it does.” 
That was enough of taking it slow for one night. 
Takeshi held you in place with his arm over your neck as he drilled into you. The only sounds leaving your mouth were sobs and choked out pants. You couldn't say any words at that point. He was fucking you so hard into that mattress you didn't even realize when the burn in your stomach started to build. All you knew it was that you were digging your nails into his arms so hard the marks would be there for days. It felt good to be caged under his body, with nowhere to go. Not that you wanted to be anywhere else. 
“C'mon, let me take care of you. I'm right here.” He rasped out, hanging on by a thread himself. God, it felt so fucking good. You were barely hanging on. But the second his thumb found your swollen clit you were done for. You couldn't even make a sound, you fell into a silent cry, eyes rolled into the back of your head as your release washed over you. “That's it. I got you.” 
He could feel your release coat his cock, and the feeling of you coming all over him only made him go over the edge himself. He gave you two, maybe three more long, hard drags of his cock before he was spilling himself inside you with a breathy fuck leaving his lips in the process. 
You all but collapsed, your head falling on the pillows as you panted, Takeshi did the same. He dropped his face on your neck, eyes closed as he steadied his breath. He stayed there for some time, he couldn't hold himself up forever, but fuck this felt so nice. You underneath him, wrapped under his arms, nobody could hurt you here. His lips eventually found the side of your head for a chaste kiss before he moved to lay beside you. But the distance between you lasted a whole five seconds because he was pulling you to him. He positioned you to face him, one leg thrown over his torso as both of his arms caged you in. He would keep you here if he could. 
Silence ultimately drowned out your soft breaths, but not once did he stop looking at you. And you could tell something eating at him, weighing on his chest. You brought a hand to his face and you saw him close his eyes with a sigh. 
“I'm sorry I wasn't there.” He finally said, riddled with guilt and anger all over again. You frowned softly and shook your head at him. 
“Stop that, okay? It wasn't your fault.” You answered, smoothing out the soft frown above his eyebrows. He looked at you, watching as you brushed the loose strands of hair out of his eyes but he said nothing. “I'm a big girl, Takeshi. What I do or what messes I get myself into are not your fault. So stop. If I was mad at you I wouldn't let you rearrange my guts, would I?” 
Takeshi didn't laugh often. Or ever really. But sometimes your absurdity brought on a genuine chuckle out of him.
“Aw, so he has a sense of humor. He's not a robot!” You snorted, raising your voice like you were announcing it to the entire city. He rolled his eyes at you. 
“I don't fuck like a robot, do I?” There was a tiny shit eating grin on his face which made you shove his shoulder playfully. 
“Oh my God, shut the fuck up.” You kissed him with a soft laugh. 
Goddammit Takeshi Kovacs.
This man just simply couldn't wake up and stay in bed with you for one day. Just one fucking time, you asked. 
You groaned tiredly as you stretched out your sore muscles before sitting up. No tall angry looking envoy anywhere. How tragic. You were about to get out of bed when the door swung open. You were about to reach for your gun on the nightstand when you saw it was just Takeshi, and he looked rather amused. 
“You're awake.” He raised his eyebrows at you in surprise, expecting you to be passed out after the night you had, partly his doing. You looked at him with suspicion as he walked to the bed. “I have something for you.” 
“Is it a decapitated head?” You blinked at him, feigning innocence and he chuckled.
“No. Well I didn't bring it here anyway.” He shrugged as he handed you a red and blue switchblade. It looked kind of cool. You stared at it for a good few seconds before you looked up at him with confusion. 
“What's this?” 
“The owner of this.” He pointed at the brand new scar on your side. Your eyes widened with realization and your mouth fell open. 
“I don't want to hear you.” He cut you off before you could even yell at him for not letting it go. You frowned at him deeply. He sighed as he sat beside you. “They had it coming. They touched you. It's that simple.” 
You stared at him, and you wanted to force yourself to be angry at him, angry at him for not letting it go, angry at him for treating you like some damsel in distress who needed him to save her. But when you looked into his eyes you didn't see the hero's complex. Not at all. You saw a man who was looking at the only thing that mattered to him in this world. And he'd be damned if he ever let anyone take that away from him again. 
“Awe, baby, so you aren't so heartless after all.” Your smile was mocking on the outside, but deep down it was one of endearment.
“Fuck you.” 
You loved him. And even someone as heartless as him was capable of love, too.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
S3 EP24 (The Turnabout Intruder) I can’t believe I’m here. At the end. This is the last thought post.
Let’s go already:
- Awww they’re beaming down together
- Leaving Kirk alone with a woman…
- An episode directly calling out sexism? More likely than you think?
- “We would have killed each other.” “Might have been better.” Hot
- Is this set on Friday cause that’s pretty freaky
- I’ll miss you Star Trek opening (I’m going to rewatch this show idk what I’m talking about)
- Obsessed with Kirk talking that way omg
- Something about transitioning or whatever
- They should know it’s not actually Kirk cause he didn’t do his dramatic ass communicator flip
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- The actress doing a great job at playing Kirk (just body language at this point but it’s already spot on)
- Kirk’s ass uhmmm
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- Woah Bones is going to riot! There’s so much medical malpractice happening here
- Nurse Chapel with brown hair <3
- Lester is fucking up so bad impersonating Kirk. Like she didn’t even cross her leg over the other when she sat in the captains chair and she isn’t properly listening to Spock’s infodump :(
- Bones gets to have his riot. Wait. How does Lester know to call him Bones?
- Bones why would you lean over Kirk like that
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- Kirk storming out of his own damn room
- Kirk’s ass analyzing something or other or what-
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- She is so good at playing Kirk
- Guys. Listen. She is my queen. I love her. I adore her. And more than that I think she’s the coolest motherfucker alive.
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- If I was Kirk I’d have slapped Coleman. No hesitation.
- Kirk’s gotta get in contact with one of his boyfriends
- Kirk is so good at putting on his charm. Like he’s so quick to panic about the ship but the charm is quickly regained
- *smashes the glass and cuts through restraints* bad fucking ass
- The boyfriends are ✨worried✨
- McCoy and Spock look so pretty
- Bones is going to kill Kirk. His blue eyes are murderous
- Spock using his ‘I’m that bitch’ privileges to get past security
- “Don’t get dressed yet.” McCoy out of context 1969
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- A CALL BACK TO A PREVIOUS EPISODE?!? Tholian web mention?!? Woah.
- “Doctor McCoy may be of help.” Yeah go get your other boyfriend!
- The guard stopping them from exiting and then Spock looks over at Kirk like, ‘the audacity of this bitch. Should I just nerve pinch him, captain?’
- eugh Lester shaking Bones’ hand is so unnaturally uncomfortable
- Can’t bring Kirk to Bones, bring Bones to Kirk
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- McCoy’s eyeing Spock like what the fuck is happening to our boyfriend
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- “Why…? Captain.” The spite Spock has
- McCoy hates being used against Spock like this
- How can William Shatner make those clicking noises with his mouth so casually
- “But her intense hatred of her own womanhood made life with her impossible.” This is like lady Macbeth
- Spock getting mad oooooooh
- Ohhh my god it’s so fundamentally sexist how Kirk is now ‘more emotional’ which could be a character choice but it feels so over the top and more like a ‘she’s a woman so this is how she acts’ choice
- Lester hates being a woman so much because of prejudices and stereotypes that she now perpetuates those same things onto others
- I love how many episodes have mutiny
- “The penalty: death.” WHAT
- Spock was just like, ‘we gotta be ready to slap a bitch’
- “Kill him!!!” no murder tonight for you Lester
And that’s just how they end the whole fucking show huh
I’m not sure if I’ll ever do something like this again for a show but this was a blast and I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you so much to everyone who has followed along. Every comment, reblog, and like has been appreciated.
However, I will be posting some bonus thoughts so keep a lookout for those :)
And as always Masterpost
Teleplay by Arthur H. Singer
Story by Gene Roddenberry
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 1 Episode 5 - Lancelot
Before I start, I have to comment that it's quite the fucking coincidence that, even though I'm randomizing the seasons and episodes separately, I've landed an episode right before out last edition of these Random Merlin Rewatch posts. Maybe these generators just really like the early seasons BBC Merlin. Can't blame 'em.
Can't wait to see my boy Lancelot again.
Those mushrooms Merlin is picking look fucking delicious, damn.
Can you imagine you're just chilling, picking mushrooms, and then you look up and there's a huge ass 4 legged bird looking creature just straight up coming straight at you? Jesus fuck. Merlin, my son, you CANNOT catch a break, it's almost impressive.
Colin sometimes made the funniest of faces. Merlin looked about to literally shit himself and it made me crack up.
It truly is actually so sweet and brave for Lancelot to just. Do that. Like he just wanted to save Merlin, no questions, no nothing, he's just a good man.
What a horrifying thought that a creature that can fly and takes human might just. Come by where you live. And you just gotta be prepared. Fucking Christ that's scary.
Merlin looks so gorgeous with the light just shining on him like that. Long pretty eyelashes, bright blue eyes, red lips. Motherfucker looks fuckable I can tell you that much.
"The great Arthur" what an interesting thing for Merlin to say, to refer to Arthur like that. Is that what he hears about Arthur? Especially when it comes to his fighting?? That's so funny. Wonder how Arthur feels about that; pride or need to meet up to expectations. Knowing him, probably both.
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Gotta say, I love the fashion sense of this random lady here. Simply gorgeous.
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Jesus he's so dramatic.
What the fuck is this man doing, just flinging both of his swords around, what the fuck.
Merlin just immediately resorting to lying. Why does he think that resolves everything when it literally never does??
Merlin shaking his head and Lancelot's just. immediate disappointment is so funny to me for some reason. He's just "Yeah, I figured, fuck me, oh well, might as well kill myself-"
Did Uther just straight up create Camelot? I think he did. The first code came because of Uther wanting knights that he could trust, those who had allegiance with him, the nobility. And that's where the first code came from. Uther straight up created Camelot? From scratch? I always assumed he'd inherit from his father, but honestly, the fact that he made Camelot as great as she is by himself makes sense: that's why he never wants it to change unless it's by his own accord, not only because he's King, but because this kingdom is purely his.
Love Lancelot's little leather bracelets: a big thick one on his right arm, and a bunch of thin ones on his left. It's really cute how humans just like to make themselves look prettier or cooler or whatever with anything they've got.
"My father, my mother" implying Lancelot's an only child, since he doesn't mention any siblings dying at the raid.
Love how attached Merlin becomes of Lancelot. I think it's because Merlin can just see, plainly, that Lancelot is a good man. No hidden bullshit about, he's a good person. He knows Lancelot would make an amazing knight, probably better than the assholes he suffers while following Arthur around. That's why he fights so hard to give him what he deserves.
"Homework." yeah, 'cause your famously enrolled in a school, aren't you Merlin?
Merlin literally cannot be fucking subtle to save his life. Everybody just knows he's up in some shenanigan or other.
It's the way that Merlin is doing this almost with the intent of them finding Lancelot out, but much later on, when he's already proven worthy of his role, etc etc. However, Lancelot is right, you can't lie like that and then be a knight, so he knows that if he's found out, they'll kick him out. You have Merlin who knows the rules have to change, not just for his friend but just in general 'cause it's unfair, and then you have Lancelot that knows that it's not a good idea, and they'll be found out, but damn it it's literally what he's been working towards his whole life and, really, Merlin isn't wrong, is he? So even though he knows it won't end well, he'd rather take this little bit than nothing at all.
I'm not gonna lie, I would've died if I saw Gwen smiling at me on her knees. Jesus Christ, I feel flustered.
They're crushing HARD BRO.
"Best seamstress in Camelot." I don't even care if that's just Merlin exaggerating, this is now part of Gwen's character to me.
Lancelot is so awkward and dorky and then he has his smooth moments but it's just because he says what he means, he doesn't even know he's being smooth, please I love him.
The little sound Lancelot makes when he comes back from the stables. I'm fucking dead. That's me.
"And the truth before I lose my temper?" underrated Gaius line.
Arthur looks so slutty with that red shirt and red pendant combo.
We don't talk enough about how good the fight choreography can be in BBC Merlin. It looks so REAL, I don't know how else to describe it.
Jesus, Lancelot aimed to kill. Without a helmet, half of Arthur's head would've been cut off. Damn.
Arthur is so dramaticcccccccc
"You set him on a path of your choosing." This is so interesting. Mainly because, the point of saying that, Gaius means that Merlin played God and that he can't change destiny, he can't change everything. Well..... doesn't Kilgarrah literally tell Merlin the exact opposite? In the sense that he always tells Merlin that he's the one who needs to choose the outcome of others, like whether they live or die, which is literally playing God. Doesn't he expect Merlin to shape his own destiny but also the destiny of Arthur and of others, something that never works out and cannot be changed? Yet he always made it seem like he could change the outcome? I'm saying this just with a pit in my stomach that, unknowingly or not, Kilgarrah set Merlin up for a failed task, in the sense that, in him trying to play God and force everybody's destinies, he doomed them all. And I just don't know if Kilgarrah didn't think about that or just didn't care and just placed his bets. He put it all on Merlin, and it ruined everything. Kilgarrah really is the one who killed Arthur, not Mordred, not Morgana, not Merlin. I hope I worded this well.
Interesting that Morgana is wearing the same dress as the first episode, but also a high ponytail, which I can't remember any other time she did.
Oh jesus, it's so weird that Morgana and Arthur are looking at each other like that. I do get it, the king's ward I think would have the expectation of marrying the prince, but it's just sick that Uther just let that grow, knowing what he knows. People would talk about them two. He's hear them. And he'd just what, say "Perhaps they will marry."? Ew, bro.
Not Gwen just heavily hinting that her type is Merlin. But also, are you about that? Considering: Arthur? 'Cause girl, you love that man. (and also Morgana, but it's not canon or whateverrr). Anyways, Gwen's type is: heart of gold. Now, is that heart obscured by anything? Like some defensive and prickly walls? Maybe. But it's still there.
Merlin and Gwen having girl talkkkkkkkkkk
Merlin and Lancelot at the VERY VERY least cuddled on that tiny little bed, didn't they? (they snogged too, but shhhh)
Well, that was short lived.
Lancelot is stronger than me, I would've started sobbing. Not even to get away for the crime, I'd just be so embarrassed and distraught, bro.
Oh, the fact that Arthur called Uther "Sire", ohhhh he wants to get on his good graces so bad to maybe save Lancelot.
"How can you trust a man who's lied to you?" by understanding any layers of his decision. By understanding why he did it. And only then can you make a true and complete judgement of his lie.
Lancelot is just. A good person. To a fault, I imagine, I personally think he's not truly always present, like in the moment, always either thinking of the past or future or just living day by day, unaware of really anything. It makes him a bit idealistic, but also quick to be realistic/pessimistic once he's brought back down to earth. He hasn't had a home since childhood so he never feels like he belongs anywhere. It's why it's so easy for him to leave. And while he never expects anything from anyone, he craves it so much; but once he receives it, he'll take any indication he doesn't deserve it and accept without question and just move on to the next. He doesn't think he's worth fighting for, so he doesn't advocate for himself. But he'll always advocate for others, if he has them. It's what he would want other's to do for him.
The fact that things only recorded in myth or legend are just. Walking about. Chilling.
I wonder how Bradley trained for the "ON ME!" screams he does. They're immaculate, but I bet training for it must be so fucking goofy.
It's a stunning creature, though, ngl.
It's the way that Arthur is, canonically, only 20 years old right now. He turns 21 in ep 9. He's literally my age. Jesus fucking Christ.
Well finally the guards are good for something.
One thing I'll always appreciate about Bradley's acting? He WILL look like he's exerting himself. His cheeks will be puffed out, he is inhaling and exhaling, he is pursing his lips in concentration, he is doing the WORK.
Uther is so fucking stubborn. How terrifying it must be for Arthur to know that in an hour or two, him and his knights are marching to what is, most likely, their deaths? He KNOWS they're weapons are useless. And yet he can't defy his king, his father. How fucking scary it must be to be the prince and to just have to maybe die for your father, the king? What the fuck??
Oh the things Gaius says about Merlin :((( they care about each other so much.
Oh yes, Arthur, we know YOU need Lancelot, you've looked down at his exposed hair chest twice now.
What a homoerotic charged scene. They need to bang at least once. Don't know if it would resolve anything, but at least it'd get them off.
Gaius trying to be so supportive, ough.
Gwen's father is still alive, do they not live together? Lancelot just barged in and there's no Tom in sight. Does he sleep at the forge? Actually. He just might.
Oh the music is GORGEOUS, hello???
Love how Gwen went straight to Merlin, she knows he'll do something about it. She doesn't know what to do, but she knows Merlin will at least try something. I feel like it's moments like these where it shows thar Gwen just always knew that somehow Merlin would solve things, and where she starts to suspect Merlin is truly very special. Maybe not "he has magic", not right away, but that there's just something about him.
Lancelot literally looks like the coolest knight ever bro. Most knight knight to ever knight.
Props to Lancelot for not freaking the fuck out when his lance just starts fucking glowing out of nowhere. I guess he's busy looking eye to eye with the griffin.
AHHHHH ARTHUR JUST SO EXCITED FOR LANCELOT!!! The way he said his name so softly, ough...... He's not gonna stop thinking about Lancelot for a LONG time, huh.
Oh, I love when the episode has so many happy moments like these :))) tugs at my heartstrings in the best way.
"I see you feel strongly about this Arthur." I just know Uther knows about Arthur's bisexuality bro, ain't no way.
It's the way that Merlin and Arthur just. share so many views in common. Makes me bonkers. I wonder how many amazing discussion they could've had if they ever felt truly comfortable in talking about such sensitive topics, and with Merlin hiding so much of who he is.
Uther watching Lancelot leave knowing he's literally all a knight is supposed to be. But then, it's not as easy to command them when they have such set morals. He knows Lancelot stands for what is right and THAT is a problem: he needs knights that stand for Uther, not for what is right. But he can recognize that Lancelot is a worthy man of it.
Also Arthur's heartbroken face. Yeah, Lancelot is gonna live rent free in his mind for a while. He'll never admit it though. Duh.
Oh Morgana speaks to Gwen so softly. The way she says her name??? Jesus fuck.
It's the way that they let him have a Pendragon red cloak at also armor? Hello???? That's a full knight riding out of Camelot bro. Now I'm thinking of the hilarious concept that Gwen was looking at the wrong guy-
Not Morgana doing an Arthur when she gets jealous: make Gwen take her mind off of things with work. She says it much kinder because that's just what Gwen deserves, but it's the same technique. Don't think about that other person, go do something for me instead.
And done!!! Fuck yeah brother
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daomaikeng · 2 years
rating and reviewing BLs i have watched so far (unupdated as of april ‘23)
hi this is just a post that i wanted to include in my page but it was getting too long lmao. this is just like a list of all that i’ve watched so far, in order. i won’t be including their plots here, but there might be spoilers. these are just my opinions in case someone new wants to bond over shows and wants to know what i thought 🤌🏽
we best love (both seasons) - 10/10. first BL that i watched, lowkey changed my life. absolutely obsessed with it, comfort series that i keep rewatching. absolutely amazing acting by everyone involved.
history3: trapped - 8.5/10. tang yi. no words. beautiful acting and cinematography, the plot was handled pretty well and i was pretty much broken by the last episode. jack and zhao lian are my children. i’m still obsessed with the OST, i listen to it multiple times a week. just goes to show how much a good soundtrack can still keep a show in your mind even if you watched it months ago.
bad buddy - 1073392729/10. HOE MY GOD. where do i start. all i’ll say is i’ll never be the same, this series is IT for me. THE show for me. nothing will ever come close. one day i’m gonna meet p’aof and cry on my knees. i will never be able to put into words just how much this series means to me, or just how important it is to me, or just how influential this has been for my life. i’ll never be able to get over it.
2gether the series - 6/10. didn’t watch the second season because s1 was so disappointing even if i finished most of it in one night. brightwin are cute and all but they were giving brothers i’m sorry 💀 their chemistry just sizzled out halfway. and they both need acting lessons i’m sorry
love in the air - 9/10. fort thitipong simp forever. first show that i watched while it was ongoing. came for payurain, stayed for prapaisky. although it’s lowkey rapey (which is to be expected from mame) i loved how well they handled the characters
tharntype - 6/10. started because i had heard so much about it, but abandoned it halfway. aside from the dubious consent (again, mame, people can’t consent when they’re asleep), the internalised homophobia got too toxic
star in my mind - 7.5/10. joongdunk are adorable, but they could’ve done a little more with the plot. the Feels™️ were lacking a little bit. cute show overall though. and i’m one of the five people who will die on the hill that seanmaitee are canon and deserved an official kiss
semantic error - 8.5/10. first KBL that i watched, finished it in one day. very beautifully done, all the colour symbolism etc was interesting as hell. pretty cute, although i do wish we could’ve gotten more fluff
love mechanics - 8/10. saw a short on yt and was convinced about the angst. boyyyy was i wrong, it was so much more angsty than i thought. highkey toxic and unhealthy too, but i’ll let it go. forever simping over p’bar. the parents angle was annoying but eh. i will say though, i had to take a lot more breaks while watching than usual, it became too much at points. we did get a little fluff at least though so
my tooth your love - 9/10. yes i hate the title. very very nicely done, the perfect representation of how trauma affects you even when you’re older and just how much it holds you back. convos about mental health, therapy, not letting your lover treat you like shit, AAAAA 🤌🏽🤌🏽 finished this in one day too. they didn’t magically have a moment where they forgave each other and kissed after confessing. they both worked to prove they were in this for the long run, and xun’an didn’t hesitate to hold bai lang accountable for being a jerk. really breaking all the BL barriers sjdhsjh 😭😭 the only part that annoyed me was his dad beating him up like hello?? he’s 30?? 💀💀 fucking vile. but bai qing is an icon and i love her and i would die for her. simp for alex speaking in english randomly. him and rj deserved more scenes and they need to be canon now!!!!!
roommates of poongduck 304 - 7.5/10. i had heard SO much about this so i had high expectations but i was kind of let down, i mean we really only got them together in ep 7. the chemistry, acting and side characters were great but tbh i feel like i’d have loved this a lottttt more if it had been a little spaced out, more episodes, had better conflict resolution and just better overall detailing. still a cute watch though
currently watching:
never let me go - this series is going to break me, i already know. phenomenal acting, symbolism and cinematography. every wednesday you can find me crying because it is just so excellent, the brainrot is real. can’t wait for more episodes
my school president - OBSESSED with them for real. they’re the toned down version of bad buddy, which i have proven in a post. can’t wait for them to be their high school’s power couple. very very wholesome
those are all for now! i’ll keep updating this post as i watch more. my to-watch list is already overflowing but i’d love your recommendations too!! and i’m always willing to scream about any given show so feel free to join me. :) x
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my many thoughts on: “you win. you made me into this” vs ‘throw them into another dimension for the rest of their lives lmao’
I am FRESH off finishing the finale, so i can’t guarantee the hottest takes, but they’re fresh picked from my brain. no research, no rewatch, we sniff death dust like UNIT.
long rambly post! you’ve been warned!
I understand that ‘if you kill a killer you’re just as bad as they are’ isn’t the most… convincing argument. if you think about it, is the act of killing someone (or something) that wiped out billions and billions of people on the same moral level as committing that same unimaginable evil? is being killed a worse fate than being locked away, alone, for the rest of your life? (or for eternity- remember what 10 did to the mayflies? shit was fucked up!)
maybe the show really does want us to come away with “killing bad no matter what uwu*” but to me, I think it’s more important to think about this in the context of who the doctor is as a character. ‘no killing’ is his personal moral code, and it’s something he truly believes in. yes, it can get a little bit absurd when they’re sending people to forever time prison, but strong feelings and beliefs are very, very good at causing characters (and real people) to act irrationally. plus, he’s a gazillion year old alien. I think he can have a little blue and orange morality, as a treat.
friendly reminder: the doctor has canonically committed war crimes!! they pushed the big red button on gallifrey- there’s a LOT of blood on their hands**. they were always a pacifist at heart(s), but I think the time war really cemented the fact that they never wanted to kill again. the doctor expressed guilt several times this season for supposedly bringing trouble and death wherever he goes, and the whole finale was a distillation of that! countless lives wiped out, and he believes it’s because of him. no wonder the guy lost it***.
mercy is all they have. they can’t undo the deaths that still haunt them, but they can make damn sure that not one more soul dies by their hand- even if the alternative is arguably a fate worse than death.
I believe that, past a certain point, refusing to kill a foe isn’t about being merciful or having the higher moral ground. it’s just the doctor desperately trying to avoid taking any more lives, no matter the cost. it’s not rational- it’s emotional self-preservation. that single soul might just be the straw that breaks them apart.
no more. everybody lives.
the doctor didn’t admit defeat when everyone and everywhere he knew was reduced to dust. (tbf, universe ending catastrophes are an average friday for them.) he grieved, but then he got to work, and he and ruby fixed it.
stopping suketh was a victory. and yet, the doctor admits defeat right before he cuts that line. it’s right there in the text- to him, this is a loss, because he was forced to break the moral code he’s been carrying for thousands of years.
I think it shatters the armor they’ve built around their own self-perception. the doctor wants to be seen as someone who represents life. they want to be able to see themself as someone who represents life- and I believe that they’ve been struggling with that for a long, long time****.
there’s a reason the doctor doesn’t talk about themself, or their past, or loved ones they’ve lost- it’s all tainted by death. at least, I think that’s how they see it. this bitch is traumatized! (maybe they refuse to kill even the most vile enemy because a part of them feels that they’re just as bad? good dalek etc etc)
I don’t think the doctor is thinking all of this consciously, of course. (he’s definitely thinking some of it, though). I just think all of this stuff is a major part of their character.
I really hope that killing sutekh has some serious consequences next season. as big as the scene was in the moment, the end of the episode was more focused on ruby’s story than the doctor’s emotional fallout. (I’m not complaining about having the focus on ruby! shit made me tear up!)
I want to see how the doctor feels about breaking his one rule. I crave angsty character exploration! and maybe an scp end of death type scenario
tldr: I think the doctor deserves to make weird moral decisions every now and then*****. also they’re the sad wet little meow meow ever and I want to put them in the plot equivalent of a hydraulic press.
*I do believe that one of the show’s central themes is the sanctity of life, and that saving lives the most important goal someone can have. I just don’t think it’s here to preach the exact minutiae of what is or isn’t justified.
**I missed most of 13’s run, but it sounds like some serious shit went down there too. I’m gonna go back and catch up soon!
***that said, I hope they continue losing it now and then, because unhinged doctor is my favorite doctor. don’t read into that.
****I know that 14 supposedly fixed himself, but like… no he didn’t. I mean, I hope post-bi-generation 14 is doing great in therapy, but if he is, I don’t think 15 is getting any of the benefits. “maybe I’m the bad luck” in his very first episode?? this bitch lied directly to his own face and he’s kinda iconic for that
*****dear beloved piss on the poor website: the doctor is a fictional character. I do not endorse murder, war crimes, or trapping people in forever prisons irl.
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mysticmiav · 3 months
Alrighttt am close to finishing Pride & Prejudice, about 60ish pages left (am a slow reader okay and I got distracted with Manacled while reading)
Some more thoughts and a lot of yapping (and spoilers? I guess?) I've had in during my recent reads:
First of all, having watched the P&P 2005 movie first and then starting to read the book, I can't help but keep going "Oh this is different!" At some parts akdksk
I love love love the small hints in the book of Mr Darcy liking Elizabeth more and more that is visible in the book. Imma have to rewatch the movie to see how (if) they did that there, but I don't remember noticing it as visibly. In the movie, it felt a bit of a "ah so that's a thing now" while in the book, I noticed some more emphasis/mention of Darcy noticing her more and more, conversing with her, wanting to talk with her and meet her.
I died at the Rosings part when she told him of her daily walk route, assuming he'd want to avoid seeing her, but my man probably went "sweet!" And just came to see her ever since (not to mention, he might've assumed her telling him of her route was a subtle way of inviting him to come see her? Idk my man was down bad he probably took that bit of info and ran with it akfkskkw)
The little things like him moving his chair closer to her- I pretty much died.
Him wondering at whether she'd mind living at a long distance from her family- my man was practically already wondering at if they were wed, meanwhile Elizabeth is confused why he's talking to her akfkskfk
It just feels much more ahh developed? Or hinted at enough to make his feelings to her not come out of nowhere lol
And of course lets talk about the confession scene!! I combusted
I admit that I loved how they did it in the movie; I LOVED the setting (that location and that weather!! Ugh!) and the energy and the tension. Loved every bit. Not to mention how much I liked the actors and how they played the characters!
And yet, I absoloutly went nuts over how Austen did it in the book!! The tension and anger and energy all there, but it just felt more raw and visceral?? Idk how to put it. I just died and came back and died again reading and rereading that scene omg
It's getting to see the narrator mention Darcy taking her silence or lack of negative reply as encouragement to continue with his confession.
It's the earlier back and forths and their witty exchanges, which resulted in him believing them to be on the same page. Hence, the conversation about living at a far distance from her family, I take it he assumed she noticed his intention and he thought he was being rather too direct, which is why his mood changed and he pulled his chair back when he caught himself.
But ironically enough, him thinking they were on the same page and that he was being transparent with her, that she was able to see through him, all just goes to show on how different of a page they were.
It's honestly brilliant.
And that just makes the confession scene work so much better, at least for me.
Getting such a clear view of how he must have feelings for her, and how clear he thought he has been about them, and how he thinks she picked up on it, makes his confession and the tension of that scene work so well, because he really thought they were on the same page. He really expected it to go one way because of those assumptions he'd had.
And then it went so differently, and so horribly at that, that I can't help but claw at my wall aaaaaa it's so good
No wonder he got pale with rage lmao
Ohoh and when Elizabeth went "You are mistaken, Mr Darcy, if you suppose that the mode of your decleration affected me in any other way, than as it spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you had you behaved in a more gentleman-like manner." And saw him start at this I DIED she went for the throat and honestly fuck yeah he needed that slap off the high horse
Even as am writing this I reread the scene for what could only be the tenth time already it's just so good aaaahhhh
(Also, I definitely understand that they probably changed the scene a bit in the movie for the sake of making it look more intresting, at least location wise; the outdoor setting and the spot it all takes place in is definitely a more visually intresting scenery to look at than a closed indoor room, and I think it does make the change of the scene work well in the movie! I still love the book version more but I totally see why and love the change was made in the movie adaptation)
Okay another point about the confession scene is how much I loved the irony in Darcy saying it must be because of how he worded his confession, in a way that slighted Elizabeth's pride because of how he mentioned her relations, that she's rejecting him, and yet he had framed his whole declaration on how it was against his better judgement that he came to like her, how he pointed it out the inferiority of her comings and family (and thereby, painting himself superior). That he's pointing out he must've hurt her pride when his whole talk stemmed from his own pride is such irony I love it
And bruh homeboi really expected her to go "whoa am so thankful you came to love me still!" ???? My man really thought she'd be flustered at him insulting her family and telling her he loves her in the same breath and he still had the audacity to pickachu-surprise-face at her own anger at his words akfksd
Okay enough of that scene, I still have a few kore things to talk about akfkjw
Next up is just how much Letters play a role in the story and even in the characters. Idk this is just a brainvomit of some of the notes I'd taken while reading, but the jest of it is the recurrence of characters sending letters as a narrative tool and, oftentimes, a way to paint certain aspects of the characters.
Elizabeth and Jane, while away from each other, both exhange letters regularly, and their correspondence is neat? I think is the word; they take the time to sit down and write to each other. When they recieve a letter, they also take the time to sit down and read it. Like when Elizabeth receives Jane's letter with the news of Lydia and Wickham, just as she and her uncle and aunt were about to leave to go on a walk, it is mentioned that instead her uncle and aunt set off to let her enjoy the letter at her own time. Just the use of the word enjoy speaks volumes to me at how Elizabeth regards these correspondences; a genuine sort of happiness and joy, and hence she likes to take the proper time to read them, and also the time to write them.
So when it says that Jane's first letter got missent somewhere due to her writing the adress remarkably ill, it's hard not to feel a shift or to know something bad must've happened. Because with how much care she usually puts into her letters, something must've caused her haste in writing the adress of that letter, so badly it was sent elswhere.
This broke a formula we kinda grew used to in those correspondences between Elizabeth and Jane, and managed to set a feeling of dread by simply taking something of that status quo and changing it. I just love it so much ugh
Darcy's letter(s) I feel like fall under a similar light; he obviously put a lot of care and time and thought into them. Gave them the time and length needed, given the importance of the content. They were very thorough and expansive, and touched on the important topics and discussed them sufficiently (lmao I feel like am giving him a critique analysis).
It shows enough of his character methinks.
Mr Collins letters, much like he himself is in person, often focus on the flattery. Of others (especially Lady Catherine) and of himself (cuz ironically, by how often he breaks his back complimenting others, he always traces it back to himself, to how he thinks of it, to how grateful he is of it, to how deserving he thinks it is, to how thoughtful he is with it). In person, it was hard to miss how much he cared for the rooms and their furniture and interior, and I chugged it to it symbolising how shallow he is and how much he cares about appearances, whether in the literal sense of the word or more like the esteem and regard others have of him. In his letters, he focuses so much on appearing thoughtful and grateful and thankful and concerned where needed, in a way you feel he's simply doing it in a "but no one could dislike me! I've been nothing but nice and thoughtful etc" way, you feel? Again, by focusing so much on such pleasantries, he seems only focused on coming across positively.
Also, all in all, he's the epitome of "talks a lot but says very little."
Lydia's letters are more or less hasty and careless; it's obvious she doesn't set aside any special time to write them (like her letters to her mom while she was away at Brighton including things like "oh Mrs Froster is calling me so I must haste" or something along the lines) and, much like her own conversations and interests, seem scattered and childish (which, yeah, she is a child. But you get the idea. She comes across as silly, wild and reckless, while also being somewhat shallow)
I just think it's a very neat way to show the personalities of the characters further using the letters as a tool.
Ahhh I think that's mostly it for now!! So many thoughts cuz am loving every bit of this akfksk
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flambo19 · 5 months
Okay! 2.2 thoughts! I have them! Major spoilers!
But also I think the quest was incredible
Before the update I made sure to logoff on the Express thinking "the quest won't start here" so anyway I got Boothill Jumpscare 2 Electric Boogaloo
I love Boothill and everything he does. I am so sorry sir you're right between Robin and Firefly so I can't pull for you
Gallagher is cool again. I'll miss you sweet prince
Sorry I was laughing at Sunday the Catholic Priest. It's a little funny that Space Catholicism is canon to the Honkaiverse
Also bringing up why birds fly... I want to put Sunday and Artorias TalesOfBerseria in the same room and let them talk about their bird flight philosophies
The Misha reveal!! Man I really wanted him to join the express but I guess he technically already travelled with it? Sort of?
The hat scene!!! Sorry I'm running out of intelligence but SO GOOD
Firefly's transformation cutscene was so cool!! FIREFLY IS SO COOL!! The use of If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking AAAAAAAAAAA I need to rewatch it
I'm gonna be honest I spent a chunk of the story just worrying about her after this. I don't think she'll die but at the same time that might just be favourite character copium
The fucking fake out victory almost got me. The entire time I was going "something isn't right" but I didn't want to put my expectations so high and leave disappointed
Anyway I was very not disappointed when the reveal happened I can't believe the dream within a dream theories were right
The boss fight music is so good I need to listen to it again. I am a sucker for church choir but there's an electric guitar in there (and if you are too go listen to Keygen Church right now)
Sunday and Robin's hug at the very end almost made me tear up and I don't cry at stories. That's like my equivalent to straight up bawling
hey does anyone know who was the male voice monologuing near the end there? didnt sound like anyone familar. my bets on elio i think he's gonna show up soon (this is coping)
Anyway I got Robin in ~20 pulls after losing the 50/50 at about 70. I have so many tickets stocked up though my dream of E1S1 Firefly is well within reach
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andthebubbles · 4 months
okay, some vague overall thoughts for bridgerton 3x01-04 (spoilers ofc)
benedict didn't get much to do. am disappoint. all he did was run away from mamas and debutantes, and find a widow and then he did a lot of fucking. impressive
this so far is the season of the sideplots being more interesting
creloise is the literal damn highlight of the season so far. ESPECIALLY cressida
anthony is also, to me, always the damn highlight of any season. except for s1 on my first watch. heh.
but on that note, since cressida's gone the same way as anthony, now i get to rewatch s1 and s2 cressida scenes and just skjfgnkfg fall in love with her even more, like i did with anthony
ugh, cressida's dad! :( but as someone else said, what's wrong with befriending a bridgerton? haha maybe eloise is not Male enough. THEN LET HER MARRY A WOMAN, U ANCIENT DICK
i love i love i love all the a&b scenes we got, and anthony being the big bro and looking out for gregory
speaking of gregory, what was the purpose of him having a broken arm lmao. IS there a purpose? will there be a purpose?
rip that anthony went on a second honeymoon and had the balls to do it, i miss him being chained to his desk with violet slowly eviscerating him with a blunt knife
(i did detect some potential delicious conflict though re how slow violet's been at moving out of the house. i wonder if the show will get into that)
francesca and john stirling. aaah they snuck that one right by us. i love him and i love them! i'm not sure how much i like francesca yet though; i don't hate her but there's nothing i particularly like yet
so this is the first season where it's not (primarily) told from the point of view of a bridgerton. interesting.
i thought debling would've caught on earlier that some weird shit is going on with pen/colin, and with pen/eloise/cressida. but... well, either he did, or he's as dumb as a doornail (haha i know switched up the phrase). but yeah, at first i liked the idea of pen/debling, but by ep 4 he had become rather flavourless
portia's gonna be shook when she finds out pen and colin are getting married :3 she better be happy for pen! and also like, be nicer to her; i feel like there was a look from her towards the end of the ball in ep 4 where she might be rethinking how she talks to pen
anyway, will add to this post if i think of anything more.
that spoiler we got after the bowral screening of anthony being gifted a venetian glass ball; has that been cut from the ep...? instead he's just holding a ball which he is gonna try and fit into his mouth and/or hole for Science. string somehow attached ofc! can't have it getting lost 😈
SKDJNGK nearly forgot. okay so i have some thoughts re will and alice mondrich. with how gossipy and snipey and judgey the ton is, i'm surprised they were fairly well accepted into the ton. that is something i had not extrapolated on based on s1-2. but i do feel like cressida's mum and her friends are doing them dirty behind their backs. so that's... good... good as in, it doesn't invalidate what i headcanoned for a/b fic lmao
aaaaaand, once again for good measure - anthony's gay lil sit:
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hikennosabo · 11 months
trigun multiple bullets random thoughts
if you thought you saw the last of me in the tag... think again!!!
let's fucking goooooo... it's been a little while, so i feel like i'm rusty LMAO...
showdown with the dodongo brothers at honeycomb village (parts 1 & 2):
wow that's a mouthful of a chapter title. anyway.
seeing manga vash with fully blonde hair is... a little strange, now.
OH, SAME WITH SEEING WOLFWOOD... y'know... alive... i fucking MISSED HIMMMMMMM (<- i literally just saw him, i've been rewatching 98 again)
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this is so fun i love it so much
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oh there are SO many good expressions but if i post them all i'm sure i'll hit the image limit
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vash's pout is so cute and funny but i NEED to draw attention to meryl in the corner... i love her sm
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vash is twiddling his thumbs... he's so cute...
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well these sure are names
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even in the black-and-white manga... even though her hair was brown on the color page... we STILL get a blonde milly jumpscare?!?! really?!?!?
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AAHHHH... HIS SMILE.... TOO BRIGHT......!!!!!!
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they're so silly :( i missed this... waaaah...
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oh my goodness, i am in LOVE with this page.
i love wolfwood scolding vash too, lol. it's a conversation they've had many times before, but it feels... idk, lighter than usual?
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i love this page soooo much... their expressions are cute. i'm getting "he's an idiot, but he's MY idiot" vibes from wolfwood, lol :') they're in love your honor
and the cliffhanger reveal... i don't have that much to say about the plot tbh... hmmmm, i'm not separating these chapters in this post anyway.
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they :)
it wouldn't be a nightow action scene if it was easy to follow, but i'm glad i examined this page in detail instead of letting my eyes just pass over it because
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i LOVE this panel... the one in the middle of the spread is great too but i LOVE the angle of this... vash reaching over wolfwood to shoot, while wolfwood shields him... ugh... thank GOD for vashwood
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oh my god...... he's so cute.......
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OH YEAH, VASHWOOD, BABEY!!!!!!!!!! vash holding on to the punisher... :D
is vash shooting the rockets so they change trajectory... that's so fucking insane. i love it
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man this was a fun one. i loved seeing vashwood being a battle couple again and just having a relatively low-stakes/light-hearted romp was a really nice thing to read after the horrors. which i am now a few weeks removed from, but they still haunt me...
trigun: the lost plant:
as someone who had (has!! i still love it!) an enduring dr stone obsession in 2021-2022, i am IMMUNE to boichi's art!!! this is significantly hornier than dcst though, not that i'm surprised in the slightest, dcst does have its own horny designs/moments unfortunately... this is the difference between shonen and seinen i suppose--hold on, that's not what this post is about!! *deletes entire other paragraph talking about dr stone*
60 years post-canon... vash's lifespan has been significantly shortened, but i do wonder how much he has left in him. he lived 150 years without any visible black appearing in his hair, so even if he has just a few strands of blonde left, they might last him a long time... well i don't think any of these stories are canon anyway so it doesn't matter LOL
as far as the plot goes...
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the explanation for how plants produce matter is interesting but why did it manifest as a child and why is it a black hole and why this specific plant and how did vash even--oh, WHATEVER!! i suppose there is a reason boichi was the artist for dr stone and not the writer.
very cool to see vash drawn in boichi's style though! it's pretty similar to the early dr stone manga, even though dcst came 5+ years later... and the art style of dcst changed over time, although--wait, no, that's NOT what this post is about!!!
the denizens of the sand planet:
okay, this one is by... *googles* wait, this is the guy who did lucifer and the biscuit hammer?? and planet with??? HUHHH... i've only watched planet with, but i've heard VERY good things about biscuit hammer (manga)... anyway
this is a cute story. the found family is cute.
okay sorry this doesn't matter but it is bugging me (ha) a bit. these post-canon stories don't like... actually show us how the world changed after the battle. because it's something i've been wondering about... like, they show a guy cleaning a plant bulb, but would there even be any plants left in bulbs at this point?
and like, this...
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wouldn't the exploitation end. like i suppose plants would still get "worn out" eventually, but i would expect more of a symbiotic relationship at this point. so what's with this imagery?
les enfants:
i. am. in. LOVE!!!! WITH THIS ART STYLE!!!!!!
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legato?!?!?! :D :D :D :D :D
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ohhh i love this redraw!!!!!! oghhhhhh!!!!!! oooooooogh!!!!!
i love this art!!!!! i love this art!!!!!!
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EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP HE'S SLEEPING!!!!!! ohhh i love this. i like the wording too. "decided to slumber"... he's fucking eepy. he's cozy.
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RAZLO (i'm assuming)!!! HE'S SO FUCKING. SHAPED. his GRIN!!! IS SO FUNNY. i'm in tears... i love him...
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the art outside the storybook is also lovely, it's very detailed and delicate...
i would like to believe merylmilly got married and grew old together... yeah...
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DUDE, I'M GONNA CRY...... vashwood image... this is a really lovely story. definitely my favorite of all of them.
milly/meryl satellite tv:
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so they chase him around for 24 hours straight once a week... poor vash LOL
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hey hey hey hey hey this is supposed to be a silly goofy fun time why are you showing me this. i'm so sad. i'm glad the family is being fed at least.
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i always assumed that "eriks" was a name vash chose for himself but this is way funnier
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there is so much going on here
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yeah that was very silly
raijin: rising:
incredibly jarring tone shift from the previous story lol... i really enjoy the rai-dei focus though. he's cool but he didn't get a backstory in the manga so i appreciate this a lot. i wouldn't mind more stories like this focusing exclusively on side characters tbh.
it gets pretty brutal... i don't know what to say about this story besides that. it's an interesting look at what could've made rai-dei the way he is.
cutting is fighting:
we're ending this not with a bang but with a whimper... swapping meryl in for the haircut scene is... blegh. whatever. and they exaggerate her crush on vash too much. like yeah she's kind of tsundere in canon (moreso in the anime imo) but she's not a teenager yknow? the satellite tv story did that too but that one was supposed to be goofy and exaggerated so it was whatever.
the most interesting thing here is the lack of dialogue. that's a fun creative choice. and i like the gag with vash's hair being too nasty to comb LOL... and the haircut options. that's all...
overall i'd give this a... 6.5/10? 'les enfants' was definitely my favorite by far and nightow's story was a lot of fun too. the others ranged from "meh at best" to "sure, it was good" lol. i liked seeing the different art styles... i don't have much else to say.
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thedeviljudges · 7 months
so today was super fun 🤡 i went out apartment hunting bc my friend wants to move and for the most part it was great.
until lmao until we get to this one place where the leasing person told us she's not usually at this property but she can try to show us some units.
so we go outside and she can't find it. then she thinks she finds it and starts trying to unlock it, and me and my friend notice the doormat and the ring camera. someone says something over ring and it's then the woman realizes it's occupied. so then we head back to the leasing office and figure out the units that are open are in the section across the street.
in that time, the renter comes out and we started apologizing and explaining and it was all good, lmao.
so we drive over to the units across the street, and it's kinda like a square, so you have to go through one gate and can only get out of the other. so we have to drive around the entire place to find one unit, and guess what... the key doesn't unlock the unit, lmao. so then we're like okay well let's try the other unit which was just a building over. so we drive down there and park and realize the leasing woman is driving past us for the exit gate, and we're like???
so for some reason the gate isn't working and the maintenance dude is opening it (this will make sense later) to let this woman out. so we watch her drive back through the other gate bc i guess she thought that's the way we went.
so we're debating on bailing, and i'm like yeah, think we should at this point.
AND THEN in follows 3 police SUVs. and now we're like what the fuck. so again, that gate we're next to won't open, so we realize we're going to have to drive back through the complex to get out through the other gate.
so we're going and then we happen upon a two police trucks we hadn't seen come in, and as we get closer, there's a police dude with his gun drawn. we round the corner, and there's the SUVs, two police in raid gear (one with a riffle, might i add) and like four more scouting.
so we're freaking out a bit bc we don't know if we can drive past them, but they make no move to stop us so we book it past them, and in the process, pass the leasing woman, who we tried to flag but it was clear she wasn't paying attention.
so then we just bailed, and then got a call 15 min later from the woman apologizing talking about how this wasn't a good first impression and hopes we'd come back at a later date so they can make up for this. idk if she was also including the police situation, but lmaoooooo if u fr think we're coming back.
anyway, the other gate wasn't working bc they didn't want whoever they were trying to snatch to be able to book it.
we got it all on dashcam too, and we spent the rest of the afternoon rewatching it bc in hindsight our commentary is fuckin funny.
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playboyy ep 6 stray thoughts:
- not the conspiracy board and murder mystery plot ideas lmao. is it purposeful that they use filming through a rectangular hole/ cropping to never fit the whole friend group in one shot, specifically porsche?? like you can always see nant/zouey/first/ and captain (mostly) but there’s a fifth person there who you only see the shoulder of and i assume is porsche…. (adds this to my list of reasons i think porsche is distanced from the group)
- on the one hand i feel bad for keen cause captain is making him do things but also oh how the turn tables and all that
- the music of zouey and teena’s scenes continues to catch my ear for whatever reason and porsche continuing to have the vibes of an annoying cousin who is just always there being annoying for no good reason….
- i need to crawl inside aobs skull and see what the fuck goes on… excited for his storyline
- why they keep zooming in on nont closing his fist what is this supposed to say… all i can think of is the arthur meme…
- did they decide to throw a costume party or are they just like this… also nonts outfit is everything [rewatched the beginning and nont says the theme is sexy sleepwear, but like to me the sleepwear was nowhere to be found]
- free my mans jump he don’t deserve to be here… free my mans keen as well he looks like he’d rather die
- this is the worst investigation in history nightmare private detective squad
- crying at the rich boys playing party games to try to solve a disappearance, jump being conflicted in whether to continue being used by porsche, first soong having break up/make up drama, keen and captain having drama, and then teena just jamming to the music in the background like king shit
-seven minutes to do whatever they want to eachother why do i think first is gonna end up crying and someone’s gonna end up dead
- not this ending up being couples therapy akskdjfj also first being like “sorry you couldn’t fix my relationship to your friend, should we still have sex tho?” HOLD ON NOT SOONG BEING THE SAME WAY ?!?!? NOT THIS BEING AN EXCUSE TO FUCK OVER THEIR FRIENDS TOO LMAO maybe they could be good for eachother…
- HOLD ON THE SET UP WAS A SET UP!?!?!? ok but did teena ask soong to do that or was soong just in a chaotic mood…
- “twins are so identical” oh he gonna kill you jump… sorry sir but you getting roasted tonight.. actually maybe in a very different way than i expect- NO THERES THE FLAME I WAS RIGHT
- no one:
nont: and what if i SET YOU ON FIRE
- a second nant hallucination
- NUTH MURDER FANTASY?!?!? also the “protect trans lives shirt” to “i wanted to kill again” to why is his diary a word document?!?!?! like ahhhh this sequence got me damn near dizzy broooo
- honestly if you had to make a statement while jerking off to satiate your urge to kill at least it’s a valiant one 🫡
- is that a bloody handprint outside nuths door…
- phop is so sweet and nuth might take the crown for most unhinged little meow meow….
can’t believe i’m ending here for tonight…… i need answers…
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unsleepingtales · 10 months
The penultimate episode of burrow’s end! Here we go!!
Hi little guys!!
Oh noooo
Shoutout to the dome art fr
OH that’s so real Rashawn. Sometimes the character voice is not there when you think it is and you need to say your activation phrases.
The little fist bump :)
Erika’s outfit is sick
MeatWolf! Merch! When!
So Thorn is now level 5 cleric and level 5 ranger. Fascinating
Just stress demolished a sleeve of jaffa cakes in under ten minutes. This is fine.
Yeah there’s a lot of humans in the world I’m sorry
Hazmat suit lore lmao
😏 humans ey
JESUS Brennan
I love the intent and thought that goes into all of these descriptions.
Okay Tula has ALSO taken cleric levels. Level 3 life domain cleric.
Everyone starts bleeding out of their ears.
This is such bad things 😭 no it’s good ✋😭 I hate this
We’re all good at the same amount!
What coin babe
Thorn’s lightning bolt is looking way more hazard/electricity/warning than natural thunderstorm this time
“It all has to be done exactly right” has never gone badly for anyone ever.
That’s not a great way to make your dreams come true I think
🔵 leash 🔵
🔵 fascist 🔵
Ooooh Viola level 3 fighter!
Oh damn okay
It has her NAME ON IT
I’m fine this is fine
Love the law enforcement disdain <3
Okay I’m glad Brennan’s on board with that lol
Ava cleric levels??? Ava Grave Domain cleric????
Ahahahaha okay so Lila is back to being an arcane trickster rogue but she is ALSO a wizard
Ava actually seeking information!
Oooh the actual strawberry candies!! Those are so good I haven’t had one in ages
Didn’t Tula heal him??
He’s allergic to pet dander 🥲
This really supports the headcanon I saw that Meredith and Lukas were Bennett’s family before Ava asked if he was single and the Tula/Bennett thread started
Some incredible insight from Ava there
(i panicked)
Pants yeah! Let’s roll!
I am really craving those strawberry candies now lmao
That’s actually very coherent
Okay actually going to sleep right when you lay down is a skill. I would love to be able to do that.
Jasper/Thorn constantly being horrified by the children is delightful
Ooh okay that’s a brilliant use of a d100 actually. I might steal that.
What a reference Brennan
They booby trapped the door
Oh lovely just some exposed live wires now
Personal logs????
Wenabocker is hot I’ve said it before I’ll say it again
21,730 stoats total is a lot. 400 dying in one week is also a lot.
Okay so resource allocation is Way more dangerous than advertised.
Who is Phoebe??
Love long lasting effects of combat!!
Hester is such a good name
Aaaa the illustration for them creeps me out so much
Hester and Phoebe were siblings ok
I’m definitely gonna need to rewatch this lore drop tomorrow
I am so curious about the naming convention
This is horrifying!
Fascinated by the implication that prolonged exposure to radiation causes gender shit lmaooo
Ok so there’s not a human corpse in the closet. That’s good.
Is anyone gonna read stoat pope’s journal?
Ok thank you
That’s creepy! This is fucking creepy!
Ha ha ha ha ha how fine and normal and regular
Okay so it’s not gender it’s religion and politics?
She has fireball now? Sick
Motherfucking hell indeed Izzy
They respect the badge without any context or knowledge of the person wearing it hmmmmmm
God the only phrase in my mind is she’s spreading the gospel. Is that fucked up.
Let us celebrate nuance!
Oh noooo
I need to go back and check because I thought the human stuff on the dm screen might be new I didn’t remember it being there before but also maybe I just didn’t notice it? Or maybe the screen actually changed.
Ok my wifi has just cut out for the second time in an hour so I think that’s my sign to go to sleep and finish this tomorrow :)
Ok I’m back I’m awake Henry Kissinger is dead it’s gonna be a good day
Oooh the urge to metagame
Awww her best friend
Ooh what’s he planning
All of last bast as favored terrain!! That’s so cool!
Oh rangers are cool. They always have been but rangers are cool.
(Players lamenting another low Siobhan roll)
Everyone is celebrating Lukas’ nat20 and Brennan just looks so done 😭
The sound effect of the falling stoats aaaa
The sitcom moment
Y’all remember the eeeeeeeeeeee that Murph kept making during neverafter? That’s the noise I keep making
Another hallway?
Oh no I just remembered that the alarms go off at some point in this episode
Oh ok it’s a different exit
The crunch is time
You’re gonna cast magic on it before you’ve talked to it??
Just full astral projection out of the body
The framing I’m gone I’m dead
Oh god
Oh boy
‘Going’ would imply that there’s a road back 😭
Yeah ofc she’s terrified oh my god
I love her
Oh she’s got asthma she’s just like me fr
Keep asking about wenabocker!
When did she say she didn’t have kids??
Pre-read hear!
Ooh she got a you can certainly try
Oh my god
Oh good god
Oddly enough this is the chillest I've felt about an episode ending in a while lmao
So the alarms going off was a trailer edit and not part of the episode. ok.
I hope this goes ok.
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blossoms-phan · 2 months
What are your thoughts/theories on what dnp are going to do on stage at tit tour? I can’t stop thinking about what Dan said how they’ll ‘spill some things that would’ve sent you into cardiac arrest 7 yrs ago’.. and how they’ll tie that into their theatrical elements like usual.. idk I’m waiting for more promo before I anticipate anything too much but curious what you think!
icl anon my guess is as good as yours atp 🥲 the anticipation has me so hyped but i haven’t even begun to think about it that deeply bc I was still in denial about the fact that they would ever go on tour again like, a month ago LMAO. i’ve been rewatching some tatinof and ii content to refresh myself on what those shows entailed bc I didn’t go to either of them, obviously things have changed a LOT with them and just culturally and socially, but I think what they’ve emphasized is how they put a lot of work and effort into their shows to make them all-encompassing, grand visual productions- but at the end of the day the two of them on stage together is what matters. to me the “sharing things that would’ve sent you into cardiac arrest” doesn’t just necessarily mean “phan” things, I feel like they might be referring to all the things that happened in their lives before they were out that they couldn’t share. my wish is that they talk about what it was like for them during the peak “omg YouTubers!1” era as they’ve mentioned that they didn’t belong in a lot of those groups they were thrust into and I’m a nosy bitch and very curious about that lol. they love throw backs to their own lives and content, and we’re in uncharted territory so i can see them just saying fuck it and throwing 2009 phil and their old tweets up on the screen for the lols. i also anticipate audience participation of some kind, like for tatinof they had the art submissions and for ii they had a whole system set up for online submissions that were in the show, wad had the madlibs so definitely something along those lines?
this was all over the place im so sorry but I really hope we get more teasers/promo soon, it’s all very exciting!
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prettyflyshyguy · 5 months
F*ck it I had a little skim, S5 is a season that wasn't overly 'monstery' compared to the early seasons but I settled on some specific eps to perhaps glance at (only if you want to though!!! I totally get the disenchantment and wound up listing more here than I meant to) (the 'for fun's' are obvs subjective but there's certain scenes that might trigger doodle ideas)
Ep 1 sorta settles some fallout from the S4 finale. Might not be interesting but lays out some context.
Ep 2 not 'monstery' per se but might tickle a particular itch if you possess it
Ep 5+7 for fun?
Ep 8 for fun and an importantish reveal
Ep 9 is fun
Ep 10 is one of the bigger episodes for S5's overarching story
Ep 11 was one I quite liked personally
Ep 14 was one I also quite liked
Ep 15+17 might brush lightly against a particular itch
Eps 18 onwards head off the "f*ck destiny" journey, but for specifics 19 is a personal fave and latter half of 21 introduces one of my fave dudes
Again, wound up with a longer list than I thought, but I also totally understand the meh-ness after the Heaven plot! Hopefully there's something on this list that works for you
Anon we gotta cover a few things here
1) seriously have my swear card you can say Fuck
2) you are a local legend for providing me with this list and i am very gratefull!! You are my personal hero
3) you can't just say "this might spark a doodle idea" and leave me hanging like this like wtf
You can send me doodle ideas (cannot guarantee I'll do them but I love a good bit you know me)
I'll absolutely kick off s5 with e1 cause I always need the closure but I think it will be where the cherry picking starts, for my sanity. I'm not strong enough nor have the time to watch everything to completeness (NOT WHEN I WANT TO REWATCH OLDER EPS LMAO)
I trust you understand My Brand (tm) if you've been following my journey so I trust your recs!
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