philzdinner · 2 days
guys call me a demon but i think they’re hard launching on the tour it’s the perfect set up
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blossoms-phan · 3 days
i know I shouldn’t be because they’re still relevant and kicking and Very Popular to an extent, but I’m still shocked that they even decided to go on tour again and the fucking SPEED at which thousands and thousands of seats are being sold out. sometimes I still feel like dnp are my little secret parasocial nerd besties but they’re OUR big successful nerd besties and I’m just so proud of them <33
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phandillion · 3 days
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i know we're all excited about the tour but im just over here fucking MOURNING the big announcement they had planned. phil really just hit post and called it a day. all the special plans gone.
RIP phagenda
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spagh3ttis0up · 4 days
phainting pt 2
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as you can see, a lot has happened with dan. i still have to do the hair but then he’ll be done!
phil is still patiently waiting his turn but that’s what happens when you’re on the right side of the canvas ig.
here’s an up close on dan:
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i’m really happy with my progress. i kinda hated the faces immediately after i painted them but now that i’m putting more details in i think it looks much better.
@danielhowell @amazingphil (if y’all could pretty please blow this up so they can see it i would cry real tears)
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squishy-seal · 7 days
imma be in the trenches fighting for these meet and greet tickets
im in my mid twenties i can spend to much on them
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inspjavert · 3 days
if any phannies want an orch seat for boston tit i have one i will sell for face value! its row t seat 19 and $89 dm me and we can work it out!
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bwipoo · 3 days
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we can wait to see you. don’t come.
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starredhowell · 6 days
dan and phil and the phannies both have a symbiotic relationship where we both work our asses off for each other. they put a bunch of projects together and we make sense of them when they’re confusing LOL
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blossoms-phan · 7 days
this is going to be my first dnp tour but not in a “minor that just started watching them post hiatus” way but in a “20something year old teenage girl thats been watching since age 12 and probably could’ve seen them on previous tours but didn’t know how to express interests or go to a big city to see them alone or god forbid with family” way
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The boys are back on the road!
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phannies pls tell me what the difference is between a pre show hangout and a meet n greet!! from what ive seen of meet n greets its just standing in a line, talking for 3 seconds and taking a photo but im holding out hope that the boys wouldnt charge 75 bucks extra for just that????
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nellscorner · 1 day
Is anyone going to TIT in Chicago? I want to buy tickets but I have no one in my life who would go with me lmao. I feel like it would be weird to bring my friends or boyfriend who don’t watch dnp because the show is going to be soooo self referential.
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danandphilandgames · 7 days
chicago phannies assemble
i need people to hang out with at the tour :)
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bwubrs · 3 days
selling 2 standard orchestra tickets for the dnp terrible influence tour in red bank nj!!!!! charging $110 each, pls dm if interested
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jazzmcfrazz · 3 days
The fact that i couldnt afford meet and greet tickets for tatinof and went alone to the show
The fact that I stupidly tried and failed to get meet and greet tickets on my highschool wifi for ii because the website was blocked and went alone to the show
The fact that i didn't even consider getting meet and greet tickets for wad because it wouldnt be both of them anyway and I went to the show alone
AND NOW the glorious fact that i have meet and greet tickets to ttit (lol) for both me and my best friend and will be able to meet them after 12 years of watching alone 🥹 yes my inner child is healing please and thank you
Also bless Massey Hall for not using ticketmaster I love you
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