#it’s clean enough and I like the natural look
inchidentally · 3 days
this one was interesting and actually not esp silly or weird ! I mean it's still overthinking and stupid but lgfjlsagflf anyway sorry massive text blocks ahead…
so these are obv two boys who are basically ready to put this weekend behind them and they've kind of already checked out. and while everything Andrea said was fair and true, you can see Oscar's jaw working as Andrea clearly built up to discussing his racing difficulties. there's this little moment where Lando glances at Oscar out of the corner of his eye when Andrea says "I think Oscar experienced some of these difficulties" that's so subtle but is like wow, Andrea rarely comes down on Oscar like this! he sucks in a big breath and grits his teeth and nods curtly in kind of a okay okay that's enough ntm on my boy Osco he's already beating himself up !!
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Andrea then gives them their dues for putting both cars in the points … but then !! Papa makes the choice to bring up how this race was Lando's to win and it didn't happen !!
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and first Oscar's head whips up and a tendon in his neck literally jumps and you can see his chest swell up - he literally looks indignant on Lando's behalf! Lando looks a little hurt at first but then he grimaces and concedes. but like. the fact that Oscar - who a lot of us could argue Andrea has taken Oscar under his wing as a boy who arrived at a McLaren that was already Lando's home and family - was the one to have that intense reaction to Andrea's criticism is because it's about Lando! Oscar literally bites his lips bc okay let's ease off no need to belabor the point Dad!
and that's just how Andrea intended it !!
in Imola last year after the coming together in the pit lane, Andrea responded by immediately being firm parent and even a little bad cop! truth was that the incident wasn't even a straight up 'battle' between Lando and Oscar but Andrea saw an opportunity to not only extinguish any petty rivalry but also to bond his two drivers together against mean old Dad. he made it clear that there would be no 'both sides' when it came to the two cars and that because both of them would be equally punished/scolded, there would be no point in future for them to try for preferential treatment. he made himself the common enemy (so to speak bc they adore him) so that they wouldn't be each other's!
now, yes a mention does have to be made that Oscar is unusually mature and genuinely respects Lando's experience and position - and genuinely likes him as a person! he was never going to be the type of teammate to cause unnecessary friction. but he's also partnered with a guy basically the same age but at a much more advanced stage in his career and like. it's never not amazing how he resets himself and can be genuinely happy for Lando's successes while he himself is without a trophy and blends into the team.
but Andrea saw all of that and rather than just hope that Oscar's good will and kind nature holds against his natural competitiveness and the even more natural urgency all young F1 drivers have of trying to keep their seat, he's made sure to lift Oscar up when no one else does BUT ALSO to make it clear that Lando is not some untouchable golden boy and that with Lando's added experience comes added expectation! Andrea instills equity, even when it means he has to play bad guy for a moment!
he'd much rather the boys go away grumbling together and feeling bonded over wounded pride than have them see him as a buddy and nice guy the way they do with Zak. Zak gets to be the fun uncle. Andrea has to be the parent!
and when it's Oscar's turn to speak he reiterates Andrea's comments about the difficulties (but stands up tall enough that Lando has to look up to see him) and says he and his team will do the work to learn from what went wrong!
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him giving props to Lando for showing just what the car can do and Lando ducking his head and making himself busy cleaning the plate of his trophy <3<3
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"thanks Osco" in that snuffly stuffy little voice ;__;
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bc it makes them both smile !! and even though Lando makes sure to be the brighter/lighter side he does the same as Oscar and reiterates what Andrea said - !! I love that the reverse psychology worked bc Lando went from looking downright moody and grumpy after parc ferme to saying that they did in fact do a great job today !! and he says it while looking right at Papa bc he wants Papa to agree!!
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and Andrea does that stern slightly grudging but fair nod in reply. Lando's peppy little "I'm now very disappointed with a second place!" with Oscar smiling and you can feel the mood lift off him and Oscar!
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Lando felt so confident in fact that he actually remembered where they're racing next week and didn't need Oscar's help :D
a lot can be said about how bringing two young drivers together who genuinely are so close in ability (Lando's regular commentary last season about Oscar was how much he loved and hated that Oscar pushed him so hard) could easily have turned out badly by now but that Lando and Oscar both consistently say they don't want a rivalry to supersede the overall goal which is to bring success to the team AND that they have a fully open door policy between their two garages.
but also !! that McLaren have someone like Andrea who will put the thought and effort into the kind of parental guidance and boundaries that two young drivers need!
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the-monkeies-girl · 21 hours
The Grim Reaper. ( Noa x Human!Reader. ) Part Eleven.
the series is not done GUYS I PROMISE AND IM SO SORRY
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Title: The Grim Reaper. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Sexual implications, injury, mentions of blood. ) Pairing: Noa x Human!Reader. Words: 8.5K+ ( it was previously 7.6 who the hell allowed this CHANGE ) Summary: Bargaining was always a great tool to use in the face of death. Meeting on the brink was less favorable. READ THE SERIES HERE.
The ground was more fervently lush below your feet than you had ever experienced, letting your toes seep into the delectable grass that tickled between your toes. Such a strange and exhilarating feeling, so clean and incredibly simple but all you wanted to do was roll onto it and consume it with all your might. Crisp and cool, your body angling itself downwards so you could flush your hand against the tender landscape and like your feet that were planted, you wanted your fingers to do the same as you dug them in, getting a wonderful waft of nothing but Earth that catapulted your senses to the highest bid of Heaven that was imaginable, fathomable or even obtainable in the Human consciousness. 
Drawing yourself into a small sigh, your gaze flittered across the leafy landscape and took in the minute details of the breeze pushing itself in and out of the the conifers that lined the meadow you were so familiar with, this time being coated with a honey sensation that made it feel like it was a hot afternoon but the atmosphere was only a notch above timid and wasn’t sticky or uncomfortable to exist in.
The mild rushing of water captivated you long enough to look in the direction of the moisture that suddenly enthralled your entire being. If your mind were able to race itself to the torrent of whitened water against the shoreline, you would but it felt like you were in a dream, the way your body brought itself back up and leveraged into the space it needed to consume, the way your feet that had been so deliciously dipped into the dirt below began moving, one step at a time until they all subsequently became one languid stride. You… You had been here before, this exact moment. 
Noa… You wanted to cry upon seeing the blanketed nature of his fur, so enticing to grasp and hold onto in a desperate plea to keep you from floating off into a realm of the unknown. You had been here before, Noa… Had… His ears must have picked up on the twig that suddenly appeared below your right foot and despite already standing, it felt like you were just pushing yourself to do just that, your knees popping under your weight as you made a quickened dash towards him as he had himself situated at the embankment of the river you so often took pleasure and solace in together, deep in the trenches of acute conversations, lingering words that meant more than either party were willing to admit at the time. Yes… Yes. Yes…
Noa knew you would follow him in this moment, your lips parting as you came rounding the Ape who was crouched near the stream, his fingers dipping into the cold water and taking in notes of the way that the current felt between his fingers. “Have you felt it?”
That was your voice speaking but it didn't feel like your throat had vocalized anything as you bent down beside him, body movements not feeling like your own but you knew they were as you reached up and placed a hand against your jugular. Had you just spoken? You must have…Maybe you were just tired and things in the word you were around were sorrowed by the need to sleep in more, to pull yourself into the nest and tightly wrap yourself into the darkness of the animal pelts and rest until you felt better, until this innate sense of deja vu passed and left you feeling like a normal a whole person again.
Skin tearing itself apart on the surface as you rubbed his shoulder, his fur licking at your senses and driving them into slow and dashed overdrive, your mouth parting as if you knew what his answer was going to be because you did. You had been here before, this drip in the eternal stream that flowed so carelessly in front of you, never asking for anything in return, but always keeping blackmail in case it needed to hurt you.
 Noa only tilted his head out of the corner of your eye, feigning ignorance to your inquiry. “Felt?”
“Romantic love.”
He was going to drag himself into contemplation as he enjoyed the water, Noa always falling into that line when you and he had these conversations of Echo behavior and Echo Logic. Even now, in the dream-like state, it needed to be the same, it always was the same… Would it… Make any difference now if he knew how much you loved him? Would it make him feel any differently towards you if he knew, if you told him and laid yourself out for rejection? Would it put him in a stupor of surprise, unknown territory that you both wanted to travel together no matter the outcome because the feeling had been silently acknowledged the last few times you had met? Would Noa feel feral with want, his eyes casting their beautiful green color that rivaled even the enviest of grass right along your jugular?
The Chimp would push away anyone from you he deemed a threat, he would tear their faces off, the pit of his stomach melting into aggravated and cruel dissatisfaction in himself for never saying the words in the first place, the first time that you had met here and the first time that the question you asked was posed. Noa’s fingers dug into the palm of his hands to distract himself from the idea that you did not feel the same way giving off the impression that having you so near was unfavorable. That your scent was not what he needed, that your Echoness… Was not what he wanted.
Would it… Lifting your hand up, you were surprised at the action in itself as you could have sworn this was just a dream, this was just a moment of recollection in extreme vividness and you should not have been able to move on your own. Lightly, your hand placed itself against the side of his face, heart racing with the knowledge that Noa was able to sense it through the bottoms of his flattened feet, through the subtle motion of your pulse against your wrist. Would it make him lose control? Bite my arm, you whispered to him and let your fingers sink into the fur that bordered his face, your hand heady with intent. Bite the space between my shoulder blades, please… Take me by the hair and make me mine, Noa… Noa…
The stares that he had given you for so long, finally being returned now as Noa turned his expression towards you, unbiased and willing to let you touch him for as long as you needed as if he himself were having a hard time telling if you were living in reality or not. Your stares towards him…They were always noticed, even when you tried to play coy. Breath hitching in your throat at the pure intensity that flurried like electricity was shooting between the two of you, Noa tilted his head with a bit more passion.
We are here… You and I, the motion said. Don’t leave now... No longer stretching out silent and afraid, you brought his face inwards, your feet tethering themselves dangerously close to the embankment, feeling the shift of loose gravel under you as you felt him loosen control of his body and Noa fell into the shallow water below where your fingers had briskly touched for the first time what seemed like years ago…
How you would follow him anywhere he went, your mind floated, flushing yourself against him as your thighs tucked near the sides of his pelvic bone, body ignoring the chill as the water rushed against Noa’s back, swimming his fur artistically around him like a small boat. It was crystal clear, shallow like a small puddle. Your wet hands planted themselves firmly on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat under the pads of your fingers as you felt sheer satisfaction run wild in your nerves. His scar, the way that the fur tapered into his skin before flushing with coarseness. Bringing your lips down, you kissed it slowly, lingering and smothering to Noa who had nothing to hide anymore.  Noa knew the answer now… Noa felt he always knew the answer… “Yes.” Tell me more, you thought to yourself and mimed his action when he reached to grasp one of your thighs to keep you situated on top of him, the hand on his chest trailing downwards, through the thinned nature of his waist and taking in any crevice you were able to feel under the thickets of fur that tastefully drenched his entire body, now wet from the stream, and without a conscious of its own. Like you had played with the small pebbles the first time, you were now catering your touch to Noa himself, his conscious thought reacting to even the smallest of grazes.
Noa moved himself, reaching his free hand from your body to rest on your face, his thumb swiping right under your eye and giving the impression of faux tears when he tore that away and brought it downwards to dip at your lips. Leathery skin caressed the smoothness, tracing the delicate lines and tugging on your bottom lip to get a glimpse at your blunted teeth. 
“Have you…” That was said softer than he had meant, knowing what he was doing with his touch and having let it fester for so long, Noa wanted to take it in as slowly as possible to savor it in case it was a dream. Tongue peaked out for a moment as you licked the very tip of his thumb that lingered near your bottom lip, his eyes sharped at the sight and he raised his hips that were anchoring you to him. “Have you felt?”
A gasp exploded straight from the back of your throat at his motion, stirring you to grasp the fur near his navel in an attempt to riddle yourself of the feeling creeping around your thighs, the cloth of your pants sticking to your skin and traced with the current of water and Noa’s fur that was shuffling. Desperation ran rampant, you wanted to feel him, wanted to have him for yourself. You’d be the one to sink your teeth into Noa’s innocent neck, you’d be the one to hold him to you and protect with all your might and get him to say your name like a muffled chant.
Tracing downwards, you felt his hand at the base of your neck where your collarbones connect and instead of moving away as he would have done normally, Noa continued onwards down your white faded t-shirt and wet the fabric with enough moisture that it clung to your sunken skin to give him the faintest outline of your sternum and dip of your breasts. Breathing seemed impossible as you clutched him that much tighter, wanting nothing more than to shed your clothing, piece by terrible piece, just to feel how hot and hard he truly was against you, something that was explicit in only your dreams. You needed to touch him, hand racing itself between your legs to grasp. Just one more time. One more… One more…
One more… “Yes.”
There was a surged snap as you tore at the band around his waist without hesitation, watching as the lined twine ran with the current of the river, a sea of blue and white now encased with a piece of the Ape below you. It was not important to him any longer, both of Noa’s hands reaching up and grasping at your hips. Without hesitation as you had been when you touched his fingers the first time in the same water that was drenching you, Noa had you flipped and pushed into the sediment below, only your lower halves resting in the water now. The whiteness of your t-shirt were scorned with dirt and mud, Noa’s eyes able to see the pure outline of your chest and the pit in his stomach dropped even further than his diaphragm, closer to the primal intent and notions he had towards you that were kept under lock and key. 
Noa’s hands adjusted your frame under him before he grasped at the dirt at either side of your head to keep him leveraged, your eyes capturing the way that the mud and pebbles slipped between his thick fingers in eager anticipation as you imagined him dragging mud along your entire being, encasing you in it and in turn, when you had his way with you, it would press imprints into his fur and you’d make him yours in return. You could hear the tingling of the dirt move as he sunk his claws in, driving his hips forward against your clothed lower body. Groaning wildly at that, you hands drove themselves into his forearms, straight to the skin and seemed to bi-pass any of his fur.
“How… Did it feel?”
Mouth dry, you brought your tongue out to wet them and slid your eyes shut as Noa placed a rather rhythmic pace of breathing above you, seeking to keep himself in a ration mindspace instead of tearing you apart as he so wanted to do in the moment that he had heard that delicious growl sprout from the back of your throat.
“It feels…”
Confusing, Noa would have guessed, dropping a hand as he kept himself from crushing you with one of his hands, a true and savory testament to the fact that he was incredibly strong and only chose to use it in the moments that he felt were needed and grasped the back of your neck to keep you comfortable. That was what you had said before when this conversation first took place. Confused, to which Noa repeated it and beckoned you silently to explain.
With your head tilted back in exaltation, Noa spurred himself downwards and with the help of his hand raising your neck in conjecture, his muzzle tickled at your throat. The lines of your jugular, always so far away from him, were suddenly so close… So near… Baring his teeth, Noa’s eyes slid shut, lids fluttering in exhilaration at the taste that exploded into his mouth. So sweaty like you had been nervous to see him, so tender like the most perfectly roasted Elk, so… so carnally sweet like he’d just picked himself a mango and tore into the pulp with his sharpened canines. 
“A-Amazing…” It was your turn to repeat yourself as you arched against him, hands rising and grasping at the back of his neck to keep him smothered against him. “Noa…” He’d never heard his name so desperately said before, your mouth opening for him and only him as he intended. 
Your legs tangled themselves around his waist to keep him leveraged against you as your hands tore into the fur of his taut neck, feeling the muscles shift under your touch with intense scrutiny. There was always that budding fear in your mind that he was able to crush you with one fist. That one hand was going to cause you to die. That you… Would let him, you thought and slid your eyes shut once more as Noa’s wrought hips connected to yours once more.
Your ribs could be crushed by his weight and you’d let him, your hands spiraling down and tightly affixing themselves into his shoulder blades. His hand could hold your entire neck and in one action of pleasure, he could take you out and you’d let him, knowing that you had died under his gaze, enough satisfaction to last more than one lifetime. Feelings you didn't know the reasons behind, touches you felt should have repulsed any other Human… But Noa… A groan escaped your lips again, only this one was harsher as you felt radiating notions of agony encasing your head, following down into your lungs like you were being drowned to death by the Ape above you. “I don’t want to leave…” You whispered, feeling a few tears hit the back of your eyelids at the lingering sensation of pain that started to dull itself along your splintering hairline. “Noa, I’m not ready…” Noa… only hushed you with a small seeth, as your neck was caressed and he brought your head head upwards to the point where he was able to press his forehead against yours, tendering and sealing with a promise that this moment was not just your imagination. He had brought you here, you had brought yourself here… Your solace, your friend, your words lingering in the universe and repeating themselves over and over again.
Love doesn’t need to be understood, love just needs to be embraced. And it was, you realized with ample eyes as flashes of white began hitting your irises. Embraced and then crumbling right before you with no tools to help you clean up afterwards. A chortled cry left your lips as you tried to cling to Noa, trying to hold onto some semblance of the moment to remember it as you were being viciously taken away. You… Didn't want to leave him… Your eyes squeezed shut in adamance. You couldn’t leave him. Your fingers felt tense in the fur you had made their home, your legs falling into the crashing water below and you were unable to move them, and upon inspection as your eyes drew from the soft familiarity of Noa’s face so near your own, you were seeing red. Red from the wounds on your calves, red on your hand as you drew it up to meet your gaze, from the ricocheting wound on his shoulder.
Noa… He was completely lifeless against you suddenly, your body taking the brute force of it and you were being suffocated without reserve. “N-No…” Crying, you tried to push him off of you so you could see his face again, but it was digging itself into the ground near the bend of your neck. There was no way you were getting out, no way to help him…  “No! Don’t leave me please! Noa!”
●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・●・○・ Soona could not get her breathing under control, rapid and condenced against her exploding diaphragm. She had counted everyone correctly, their familiar faces all washed with the pain and devastation that now radiated clearly through the crowd as they nestled themselves in the woods, far enough from the char of the village, but close enough to still hear the tumbling of the towers as they came crashing back down to the Earth that supplied their building material. Every crackle was accounted for, every sob and furled in Ape seen by Soona’s eyes. Anaya now being tendered to by another Female Ape who had some experience with injuries, not much as Soona herself was unfamiliar with most. The Eagle Clan--- She wanted to sob, they were peaceful, never had reason to fight or defend themselves, only having minute knowledge of how to take care of bodily injury that was often sustained during fishing, hunting or riding into new territory.
This… She looked over at her Sunset brother and racked her body with a shiver of the utmost devastation, ignoring the clinging of her other brother's blood against her palm. This was beyond any of them…. He had been bitten on the head by a blunt object, falling in and out of consciousness to the point where his words were slurred, Soona wanting him to say something sarcastic or funny in retort but garnered nothing. Soona and Dar were confident he would be alright, just needing to be cared for in the meantime. 
Her green gaze looked at Anaya’s mouth, bloodied as the female with him began cleaning the iron redness away from his lips. He had… Taken an Echo life, the one of very few in the History of the Clan. She was morbid in thought, wondering what it must have felt like to kill such a threat, to succeed but could not bring herself to care anymore about that as she mentally drew on.
He… Would be alright… She told herself over and over again, looking down at the Master of the Birds himself as she had very narrowly managed to do as you had advised. Get the item out from his shoulder, a bullet you had called it.... His breathing was falling between rapid and shallow, Soona herself unsure of what that meant, either too fast or too deep. He… He had spoken nothing to her, not able to tear himself away from the nightmare Soona imagined was playing in his mind, over and over again. She couldn’t get it out of her mind, living not once, but twice through it. She knew nothing of bullets, these Echo Primal weapons that hurt with soot and explosions, not even sure what you meant until the casing came out, covered in soot and Noa’s blood, her fingers shaking as she brought it in to look at. Noa’s blood coated her fingertips, red like… Like the beginning of a sun set.It left a gaping wound there, Soona admiring the depth the projectice had gotten into him, into the dense muscles and shattering them into nothingness. Dar was pressing into it with a flooded piece of cloth, begging to her own Eagle that it was enough to stop the bleeding from a wound not inflicted from an arrow, from a spear or from a fist itself.
Glancing around at the chatter of the other Apes that were around in the woods, the dim fire light of the Clan’s demise was hard to ignore as ash began drizzling down upon then and coated their darkened fur with gray, coughs erupting as it hit inhaling lungs. Everything they… Noa, Anaya and Soona… Everything they had known was gone, soon to be blown by the wind into nothing but bitter memories remembered years from now.
The towering enclosures, so green and lush, laughter coming from every crevice  their nests of familiarity, the steps towards the Eagle Enclosure that Soona and Anaya only traversed, never allowed to actually step into the enclosure itself as they were not an Elder or Noa themselves. She could remember how the wood thickets felt under her calloused touch as she and Anaya waited for Noa’s meetings to be over, to pester him about them to see if they could get any details out of him. She knew how it felt to have the gentle breeze pulling at her fur as Anaya chewed annoyingly on a mango right in her ear. While memories are put into her mind… The places themselves remained in nothing but dank ash and wood pieces that glowed ember. Everything Noa had built since his Father’s death… Gone. The only thing that remained were the Eagles and the Apes themselves, some of the feathery companions seeking comfort with their own Masters while others were sticking themselves around on their twig legs in a desperate attempt to find them in the chaos that was still raining down on them.
Eagle Sun himself was near, perched only a few meters away and observed. The devastation ran through him at the prospect of not having another Master. How could he when he had lost Koro and now a line was drawn in the said and he might lose Noa? Soona looked over her shoulder at him, having sensed his eyes on her back as she looked at the ballet once more. Such a small object able to inflict such rancid injury… Soona’s jaw tightened - They had done the best they could with the evacuation plan that Noa had set in place, one of the first things he had done when he returned from his journey to defeat Proximus and bring his Clan home. They had done the best they could but there was still substantial loss, not just in life, but not there was a glaring hole as to what they were meant to do next? Return to the grounds of which they were raised and see the devastation for themselves? Avoid it at all cost? 
What if…--- Soona’s gaze fell down to Noa who was propped safely in his Mother’s lap, lapsing in moments of vividness of agonistic strenuous sounds coming from the back of his throat, Noa’s larg hands at his sides squeezing themselves into fists at Dar’s soft movements. His head being held so tenderly as she whispered to him, words Soona was unable to detect but no doubt they were words of encouragement to get him to wake, get him to stabilize and come back to her as she must have feared losing more than the rest of them. She tried to ignore that, her heart churning as Noa’s breathing turned languid, his ribs catching themselves on fire with every action. Dar figured that he had a few broken, in the dark of the night though, it was hard to deduce that for sure. Noa jerked - Suddenly and sharply, his entire body springing as if he had been poked directly in the middle of his foot by a sharp needle and it radiated pain throughout his entire body. Gasps were taken, hard and ragged as blood coughed out from his lungs, falling from his mouth and onto Dar who went to grasp him, to get him to lay back down.
Movement - She said calmly to her Son, it was only going to cause more problems but that didn't matter to Noa as his pupil blew eyes scattered across the scene. His heart felt like it would fall right out of his chest at that moment, trying to draw in another breath to keep himself stable but to no avail. It burned to the deepest core of him, his right shoulder exploding and yelling at him as he had moved so rapidly, the cloth that Dar had been using to help keep the injury sustained was lost in the shuffle as Noa tried to trudge himself to his feet as Soona grasped his good shoulder. “Noa! No! You---Need rest… Should not move!” She looked down desperately at Dar who raised herself to grasp her son's forearm and bring him down but he refused to love as his feet dug into the Earth below. The Clan, he could feel the redness under his eyelids from stress induced fighting. Noa felt the shift of the Earth between his toes at the longing notion that you had come to see him and come to bid him goodbye in order to save them all. 
Moving his mouth to an open position, he rested his flocked gaze on the young Apes who were clinging so desp… Desperately to their Mother’s chest as the realization finally ran up to him and knocked him back down, Noa collapsed against his Mother with a fevered growl of pain that ran down his arms, that ran through his entire body and refused to relent any of the control it had on his senses. Noa wanted to roll into Dar at that moment, telling her that he needed her embrace, he needed her wisdom… Something to tear him out of the nightmare that was too close to his heart.
Blood shot eyes looked straight at Soona, the feral unable to read them for a split second as she felt a piece of her own self died. Noa… Was not there, or he was and he was so far gone in the throes of death itself that this was going to be the last moment she’d see the green in his eyes at all. “We… Got everyone out… Anaya is here, safe.” Soona’s voice was surprisingly calm despite the severity of Noa’s glance, the Ape momentarily squeezing them shut in a plea to get her out of his head and to stop answering the questions that were running through him. Too many to process, to many to remember in the hazed wake of injuries riddling his body and the suffocation that was taking place inside of his lungs. Noa wanted to wake up again in the meadow with you, near the water and take a long hard drink of both of you. 
 He--- There was no way he was not dead, at least for a brief moment as red flashed in front of his vision and he felt his equilibrium shatter,, agony tracing itself along the back of his skull and causing his neck to feel adversely stiff. Fingers felt hurt, dirt rising and falling into his already thick fingernails, his palms having inflicted a few sharp rocks against them nothing more than a tattered mess of cuts. Face was colored red from the vicious nature of cuts along the side of his right face, one under his left eye and a deep gash that rested on his chin, engraining itself into the fur of his beard. 
There was no explanation for it, seeing you so close to him, having you hold him so tenderly at the moment where things started to go wrong, the both of you playing cards at the replay that should have been the way it went in reality. Noa reached out for it again, his hands shaking, one able to move with the use of his shoulder and the other lifeless to the drop of his fingers itself. He could not hold you even if you were here, but he’d will himself to try.
Noa--- Swore to the Eagles above, he would force himself even if it meant pulling himself through the coals. You were his and he was going to hold onto that for the rest of his life. But… For you to be there with him in that moment of tenderness, of unspoken want and attentiveness… Meant only one thing, Noa thought and tried to squeeze that out of his mind just long enough to get a proper status from Soona who had stopped speaking once she sensed that Noa wasn’t asking her to. “All…” Noa gritted his teeth together and felt Dar pressing her hand onto his head, something that even now, comforted him much like it did when he was only a young Chimp, “All destr-destroyed?”
“E-everything,” There was a loud sob behind her from one of the Chimpanzee families at the confirmation, followed by chattering as they began gossiping amongst themselves that Noa was alive but everything that had been rebuilt was dead. Dead, Noa repeated seeing your smile flash in front of his eyes. No… No. “Eagle Enclosure---” 
Noa felt words were getting stuck in the back of his throat but he needed to--- He gasped… He needed to make sure that all he had built in his Father’s name was not lost.  “All got out?” “Yes.” Soona’s voice was a cry of joy in the otherwise sullen situation.
Noa gritted his teeth again and nodded. Good. There was only one thing left he needed to ask, letting his eyes slide into Dar’s for a moment and sought intense solace in her touch on him as if she were preparing him for the worst of the news. Something she had to experience herself only a year and a half ago. “Al-All of the Echo’s?” Soona hesitated with her words, knowing it to be a loaded question even in her tired and frayed mind, “All of them?” Noa swallowed hard, regretting it the moment he set forth the action as his throat was incredibly dry and he felt the saliva lingering in his stomach like bile that began rising itself back up in anticipation of the answer, “Was---- Was.. M… My Echo… here?” Splitting his voice as it rested in a deeper baritone with the question, it was splattered with self-loathing if Noa dared suspect what he was thinking. He tried to ignore the way it felt to say, past tense. Yes… You were there, Noa had seen you with his own eyes, felt your touch and smelled your blood. You were there! For him… Kissing his forehead with your own… You were… Was… Were…Was… Soona only nodded, looking away and back towards the glow of the fire in the distance to confirm his suspicions. “Sh…” Sobbing slightly, Dar felt him shaking against him and gave Soona a warning glance. With his ribs in the state they were, they were more prone to damage if Noa moved too viciously as they could puncture his lungs or another organ. Soona looked right back at her, apologetic in her expression but she knew Noa just as well, he would not stop asking, he would not stop obsessing unless she gave him the answers to the questions he was asking with his mouth and with his mind. Better to rip this off now even though he was injured, Soona thought, and if he felt the urge to meet you wherever you had grasped him and beckoned him, then that was up to Noa himself. “Have sent two Apes to get her,” Soona explained softly, hunching in on herself and scooting towards her friend, “Could… not get close enough, the fire…” “Send me.” “Noa-” “SEND ME.” His voice ran through the entire group of Apes that were around, heightened silence following as everyone looked towards the tone of Noa. Eyes upon eyes that matched, all on him. Noa didn't care if they were. They could stare holes into him until he brought his bloodied body next to your own so he could grasp at your hair, bringing your forehead to his once more. Where you belonged, where he belonged.
“She is dead.” 
Dar said to the Ape she had her grasp on, feeling Noa stiffen more and more with each word. He didn't blink as he rose his eyes upwards towards Eagle Sun who had been intent on watching his Master’s every move with baited breath, waiting for a command, waiting for a purpose. Stagnant, Dar looked at the side of her Son’s face, so familiar to her in the moment but so far in his gaze as he stared off into nothing, repeating over and over again the three words she just spoke to him, the first three she had spoken to him. Not dead, impossible, he uttered inside of his mind. He… Noa’s mouth fell open in a silent plea. “Saw… her…” “My Son…” There was lingering assurance in Dar’s voice as she tried to display for him the power that he was going to need to overcome this, having done just that when Koro was taken from her. Nipped in the bud for her child, never coming to fruition but the pain itself was unbearable and there was nothing she knew could be done as he reached up and grabbed the forearm she had around him, so tightly that Noa felt he was going to pull the fur straight out from her skin. Dar let it sink in, holding onto him all that tighter. “I---” Harshly, Noa pulled himself away from the confines he loved so deeply and splattered himself onto the ground, straight on his face without time to even catch himself. Enjoying the sediment in his mouth as it seemed to alighten his senses, Noa lifted himself up onto his one good arm and staggered artistically to his feet, his balance unequivocal and unmatched, fire scathing through his blood. 
“I SAW HER.” Crying out, he gestured his one good arm towards the general direction of the stream from the flooded vision he had of you still seering into his retinas. Every touch lighting him on ablaze, sending skyrockets down his spine at the idea that he was about to take you as his own and you were going to let him, exaltations being breathed against Noa’s face, against his neck as you pleaded with your body. 
Take me, take me… Never once did he think about it being towards death itself, your body pleading for it to take you away. Never once, it was only meant for Noa. There was no way you were gone, Noa laughed bitterly to himself and felt his head tip backwards. No, no no… The way that your hands felt in his fur were too real, the way that your words felt to him, driving down the deepest parts of his mind. No--- Noa laughed for only a second before he drew his face into a flattened stance. You were not dead, he decided. You could not be dead witho--- Without saying goodbye to him!
 “I fe--- felt her… Touching… Water… Under…me….” Coherency was lost as Noa stumbled to find the words to say, or to even sign but nothing made sense anymore. Nothing without you… Made sense. Without reserve, Noa roared your name in hopes that you were able to hear him in the bitter darkness encased with oranges and flurrying snowflakes of ash. Noa whimpered. 
He needed you to hear him.
Noa had been watching you for what felt like days upon days, but that’s how it felt now when he drew his attention towards you. Things slowed down so he could start to take in the more minute details about you that he hadn’t thought about beforehand. The way that you talked to him, the way that your body held itself next to him all spoke to Noa of how you were getting more comfortable, more accepting of the Clan…Of… Of him. 
The way that the fire you were perched in front of played against your face, casting shadows along your nose and along the curves of your lips pulled his body towards your own, the shuffling of the cloak and the beating of the necklaces against his chest all amplified at how you smiled towards Soona who had give you a wave, followed by you throwing your head back in a laugh when Anaya came tumbling up to her and almost tackled her to the ground. Noa paused then to catch the pulsation of your heartbeat against the delicate nature of your neck.
The ceremony ended in success, Noa having gotten the approval he so sought from his Father, from his Mother and from the Elders. A new generation of Apes, Noa looked over at them as they chatted amongst each other about their eggs, about what their bird might look like and what temperament they might have, bonded and secured with one of the companions that would see them through life. Next ceremony for them would be the Mating prospect, something that lingered in even Noa’s mind as he was rounding that age and got consistently pestered from the Elders regarding. 
Noa listened to their praises, to his Mother as she drew him in and placed his forehead against her own, telling her son how proud she was and how proud she knew his Father would be of the Ape he had grown into. He listened, but he did not care to linger as you were like gravity itself, circling him in. He did not care to let them talk about his life and what they wanted from him as he knew you never did that. You--- Noa shuffled himself near the log you were sitting on. You were open and accepting to him it seemed, not just the Master of the Birds, not just the Leader of the Clan, but just… Noa. And something deep inside of him awakened and wanted to know why.
“Should join.” The Chimp urged, watching as you jumped. His look was apologetic as he took the seat next to you, knowing he must have scared you to garner that sort of reaction as your breathing picked up and you placed a hand against your chest, Noa captivated by that movement and how inherently Echo--- No… He corrected himself with a tilt of his head, how inherently you it was.
Feeling your heart now resting in the back of your throat and knowing no amount of swallowing was going to help, you looked up at Soona as she was adorned with a feather in a twined headdress that was tangled delicately with turquoise beads, metallic cloves and smoothed pebbled and hollowed beads. All the colors that rested in the orange and tan twine of the headdress right at the top base of her ear were brilliant, the tracing of feathers around the back of her head so enticing as it looked like a crown from a faded children's book you used to have before the pages fell out. She was beautiful, radiating with color against your eyes as the communal bonfire shone brilliantly against her fur and gave the appearance of being dipped in delicious honey.
 “Bond ceremony… Very important to the young Apes. Coming of Age. Ape… Share our feathers with each other, bond to the Eagle Clan.”
Parted lips seemed to echo his words as you were processing them, urging yourself to say something in return but you were remarked by how all of the Apes in the area were wearing similar headdresses, female and male. You drew your attention to Anaya’s. Structurally the same to Soona’s, gray, black and blue feathers lining the round of his head as he held a bundle of the feathers, freshly preened, in his fist to give to his fellow Apes.
“The ceremony was beautiful,” You complimented Noa with a soft smile, Noa himself throwing caution to the wind and listened to your praises as they meant more to him now than ever before, “I had to have Soona explain what was happening but it--- It was so beautiful, you were---”
Tapering softly, you drew your bottom lip in and chewed it viciously. When it was brought back to light and covered in your saliva, Noa felt a lick of temptation to bring his mouth down upon it. “You-you were great.”
Mentally, you felt like beating yourself at the notion that you had been conditioned your entire life to think that they were savages with no culture, no sense of self or worth outside of killing Humans. But this entire display, from the powerful stance of Noa himself as he talked to the young Apes embarking on the most important aspect of their lives, so careful and gentle as he knew how important it was, having to feel the heavy crown his Father gave him upon death as your eyes skidded towards his own adornment of feathers along his skull. More than Anaya and Soona, you noted, fluttered and soft to the touch, you wanted to reach up and drag your fingers through just to test if he’d let you that close.
From the closeness he had to you, seated, you were able to see the pull and push of his breathing, feeling it against your face as you admired the art and sacred nature of his headdress. It… Was beautiful… Noa… 
Your gaze dropped into his own for a moment, the heat of the fire you were resting near the only excuse you had for the grazing of red that catapulted against your cheeks. Noa was too. The sweeping lines of wrinkles that took over under his eyes, happy little dances downwards towards his minorly hollowed cheeks, the ajar stance his mouth had giving you the most vicious view of only his canines as you imagined them sinking into you, wondering if it felt better to just succumb than to pretend that things hadn’t been changing, the way that his fur was whitened around his mouth and under his bottom lip and got darker around the edges of his face.
You hadn’t thought it to yourself, but you supposed this was the first time that you had been this close to him in a more intimate setting, opting to keep distance on the table as a means of not getting too emotionally attached. But, it was so hard when he looked at you like that, your head tilting and pouring your eyes into his golden, green and hazeled stance that was unwavering. Noa was striking and he deserved praise, if only you were willing to be strong enough to give it.
 A screech startled you as Eagle Sun, having sensed the very conversation previously talked about, came and bid you welcome, jumping onto the ground between your legs and moving forward with a few bounces. You smiled at him, pressing a tender ‘hello’ to his beak which Noa watched with heightened interest, mild jealousy seeping at the idea that you were so willing to touch his feathery companion but always showed such reserve when you were around him. Avoiding flurried eye contact, Noa sought yours in those moments and yearned for you to return but you were not allowing yourself to do it any longer, the sensation of your heart too heavy in your chest and noticeable to Noa as he firmly had his feet planted on the ground.
“This is…” You whispered, shamefully as you drew your hand back inwards to tightly hold yourself. Feeling the feathers of the cloak that Noa was dressed in, having just commenced and finished the ceremony himself, came to rest next to you out of all people instead of taking in the celebrations with his own. You knew this behavior from him was a way of getting himself to open up to you, to learn more about the Apes so you did not fear them. 
But, somewhere along the way, the fear that you held and the animosity that always bubbled right under the surface turned into adoration and admiring. How you looked at Noa as he explained things to you that you did not understand, how you wanted him to hold your hand and drag you along with him, your fingers twitching in eagerness to hold onto his grip and never let go. Drawing your knees in, you looked down at them and shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t think I should be a part of it. I’m still just a human.”
Echo, Noa whispered inside of his mouth and let his gaze flicker along the side of your face as you pretended to be interested in the fire as a means to avoid eye contact. Sure… Echo only in appearance, Noa wanted to tell you and give you reassurance but he was afraid to fall over that threshold by being too bold.
Sure, Echo only in some aspects like privacy, still a strange concept to the Ape who had walked in on you dressing once and proceeded to get yelled at. Noa only regretted it for a moment though, thinking about it now as he was able to still spot in his memories the way your flesh looked in the fire light, the urge to see it again incredibly great as he nodded in understanding. Glancing down at his hand, Noa shoved the headpiece he had for you back into the sack around his waist and instead opted to raise a blue feather from Eagle Sun himself right into your vision. 
Staring at it, almost cross-eyed, your lips parted in question but before you were able to say anything, Noa muttered to you, “Something… thing to remember… first ceremony with the Eagle Clan.” “Noa, I’m not a part of the Cla---” The Chimp was adamant, grasping your hand tightly into his own, your skin seemingly falling to pieces at this as he had never touched you with such intended force and for a second, you thought that he was going to break your hand. Swallowing lightly, you looked down at the contact that was made, Noa sensing your sudden instinct to fight and loosened up a bit before he brought the feather down into your forced open palm. “Please.” An invisible gasp left your lips at that as you only nodded silently, Noa’s hand hesitantly moving away from yours as he brought himself to his feet, knowing he needed to mingle with the other Apes and not spend his entire night dotting with you. Noa would though… Without hesitation, the thought ran rampant in his mind and for the second time that evening, your eyes met and Noa felt that same pull that dragged him over here in the first place. The scope of his entire body was laid in front of you. The swagger of his stance, so strong and sweeping with confidence that your words had brought him, his shoulder dressed with such beautiful detailing, years and generations of Apes history in every feather. You scooted your glance down to the feather in your hand and then back upwards to Noa, your expression telling him you were undeserving, you were not worthy of his kindness towards you, things should have never ended up this way. Noa looked down at you with eagerness to see you swallow the feather in your grasp as a form of acceptance.
If you accepted this… Noa’s heart raced as he brought his feet inward a bit to help you, fingers barely tickling along your knuckles to tell you to close your hand. If you accepted this, Noa could go after you. Noa could give any excuse in the book to the Elders that you were just as deserving as any other Female Ape that wanted his attention, that sought to be the future with him. His hand was hot and heady against your clammy fingers as you drew them in. Slowly, not breaking the eye contact that he was sure to keep stable with the flickering intent that was resting behind them. Silence but deathly in its grasp. “T-Thank you.” You barely managed to whisper with a choked cry, “I- N-never thought I’d… find….” Noa drew a deep breath in and held your hand tightly in his own, “Will always be a part of the Eagle Clan. You are free to do as you wish here. Find family… Friends, a life. May even find….” You rested on the contact he had with your body and swallowed lightly, “Find what?” “Mate. We all find one… Someday.”
Maybe not now, maybe we’re not ready, he told you quietly with his touch, desperate that his thoughts were getting across to you.  We’ll fly around this, we’ll find our way back to each other if we get separated, Echo and Human. I do not understand you, you do not understand me but there is something more here, something that needs to be brought to warmth and comfort to be hatched. Feathers of a bird. 
Noa smiled at you with a small huff escaping from his nose, your eyes watching his nostrils flare and settle with acute attention to how he moved, genuine for the first time and before you could say anything else to him, he was gone as you opened your hand once more and peered longingly at the feather.
Blue, special from Eagle Sun’s underwing that you enjoyed preening. Blue. You looked at the back of Noa’s head at an adjoining and matching feather. Bringing it upwards to your lips, you lightly pressed a kiss to the item and tucked it behind your ear in a silent ceremony of your own.
If he would accept you here, as you were, you’d be more than willing... You would become a part of the Eagle Clan.
●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・●・○・ TAG LIST: @ohwaitimthewriter @hera-annwn @saturnnie-03 @filliandkili @hadesbabygurl @supergoat12 @moonchild1433
@kaenalsha  @unsteady-bitch  @whamsworld
@yummyfanta @nuhteyam @babylockley @edynmeyer1  @callsignwidow  @moonlightnyx @undecidedcookie
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kteezy997 · 3 days
Elio Perlman
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I will follow the template this time hehe
Aftercare: Elio will gladly find a t-shirt to clean you up with. Also, cuddles, lots of cuddles.
Body Part: His favorite part of his body is probably his torso. He loves for you to cover his slim tummy and chest in kisses. His favorite body part of yours is your lips. He could kiss them and caress them with his fingers all day long.
Cum: He loves for you to swallow his cum, and he also likes to see his cum on your body, anywhere on your body. He is fascinated by the fact he carries the substance that could impregnate a woman. He loves to taste your cum as well. He loves to try and get you to squirt so he can gulp it down.
Dirty Secret: He told you that he once fucked a peach. You didn't believe him at first, so after weeks of asking and asking him, he finally let you watch him do it again.
Experience: Elio is somewhat experienced with girls and with one guy. He is not an expert by any means, but he is very sexually curious and loves to explore.
Favorite Position: He likes doggy. He isn't a very big or imposing man, so he likes how powerful and in-control the position makes him feel.
Goofy: He tries to be serious and mature during sex, but sometimes afterwards he is able to giggle with you.
Hair: He is well groomed and shaves regularly.
Intimacy: Elio is a lover boy. He is quite romantic; he loves to look into your eyes and hold your hand during sex. He also loves making love outside under the moonlight and the stars.
Jack Off: He is a typical young male and masturbates often.
Kink: He likes to bring food into sex, especially fruit grown from the Perlman's backyard.
Location: His favorite place to have sex would probably be his hiding place in the house, the attic.
Motivation (turn ons): He is easily turned on. It could be something as simple as seeing you in a bikini or seeing melted ice cream dripping from your lip on a hot day.
No (Something he will NOT do): He will not hit or slap or inflict pain onto you, ever. He's a lover boy, remember?
Oral Sex: Of course he likes to receive, but he is much more of a giver. He gets better every time he does it. Perhaps he found tips on how to do it in one of his books?
Pace: Usually, he is slow and sensual. He doesn't want it to end too fast. Plus, it's more romantic that way.
Quickie: He's always down for a quickie, he enjoys sneaky sex.
Risk: He is game to experiment and take risks, to an extent. He wouldn't want his parents to know about his exploits and have them be disappointed in him.
Stamina: He can usually only go about two rounds at one time. But he can last a long time if he is pacing himself.
Toys: He doesn't use sex toys (besides a peach), but that is not to say he won't be interested in them in the future.
Unfair (teasing): Elio is such a tease. He will walk around half naked all the time, munching on juicy fruit and giving you a sensual look. He will take a drink from a water bottle and let the water drip onto his chest.
Volume: He is pretty quiet for the most part, as he lives with family. He is worried that you two will make noise and wake his parents or Mafalda in the night.
Wildcard (something random): Elio loves to go swimming; it is one of his favorite things to do to pass the time. So naturally, he has wanted to fuck in the water. But he realized that it is not as easy as he thought it would be. When you tried, all lubricant was lost, and his cock became far too sensitive to finish.
X-ray: Elio has a thin, beautiful body with very little scars or blemishes. His skin is like perfect porcelain and is baby soft to the touch. He definitely lives up to the hype of skinny man equals a big dick. His member is long and thick and very suckable.
Yearning (sex drive?): Elio has a very high sex drive. Any hour of the day or night, he is ready to go. He cannot get enough of you.
Zzz: He is able to fall asleep within about ten or fifteen minutes if you have sex late at night. He will cuddle you all night long. His favorite way to sleep is using your chest as a pillow.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @elloise0 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @mel-vaz @sammy-halpert @iwishchalamet @that-one-fangirl69 @jindongdongie @briefkittenearthquake
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zoropookie · 1 day
☆ chapter four — gtfo watching madagascar (🎂)
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You had high hopes for how this would go, at least.
Sitting in your car and mindlessly driving to the very house you spent a lot of your childhood in was daunting. The familiar road stretched ahead, winding through the streets on your journey like a thin ribbon of what you wanted to know well, but couldn't fully. You couldn't bring yourself to look on the sides of you just yet, not looking for any lack of preparation.
Your hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles white as you took a sharp breath in. You parked the car, and sat there in the daylight of the hour. Your eyes darkened, moving your head down as you slumped back in your seat. Your shoulders down, and your general disposition horrible.
You didn't want to look up, because it was just how you remembered it. And if you were able to remember that, then by that jurisdiction, there was a 95% chance that this was part of your life that you just dug up again.
You pictured it as clearly as it stood: a quaint, two-story home with the front porch that you had your first kiss on, adorned with hanging baskets of vibrant violets that were picked from the hanging nature of the home. Looking to be inviting, yet intimidating. Tree-lined streets with overgrown lawns, and kids bicycles scattered haphazardly on adjacent driveways, the scent of cut grass filling your sinuses. You found yourself in a both comforting and disconcerting mood.
You sat in your car, staring blankly at the dashboard with the glee you had from cleaning your shop wiped off your face. "You can do this," You exhaled. "You can do this."
The trees, thick with summer foliage and vines draped on the walls, casting dappled shadows on the seemingly new asphalt. You drove through that road for the first time today instead of walking, hoping in your head that the rapid beating of your heart would cease soon. The air was full with the smell of blooming nature.
Gathering your resolve that presented itself in small and opposing glass shards to you, you opened your car door and stepped out. The crunch of gravel on your feet as you hurriedly took the gift of well prepared strawberry pies made small enough to be bite-sized. The sun blazed on you promptly, but nothing could take the chills on your skin.
You walked up the path, the looming front door with its always new paint that seemed to never chip under Ei’s rule was waiting for you. Your eyebrows furrowed in total dread, you bated your breath only for exactly who you figured to open the door once you rang the doorbell.
“(Y/N).” Ei stood there beautifully, but it was still surreal seeing her look the exact same as she did years ago. Her warm, welcoming smile and her eyes twinkling, except this time, it was of nostalgic wonder. “Did you find it okay? I did a lot more work from when you were here last.”
“Yeah, no! It looks…” Your eyes wandered, trying to find the right words to say before giving up. “It looks amazing, Miss Ei. No wonder why I used to really like playing royalty here.”
Ei stepped back promptly. “Come in. You can set your treats on the table.”
“Thank you,” You greeted her politely, walking into the home with the familiar and faint scent of lavender and old wood corrupting your nose. You knew the years have gone by, justice how it hardly looks the same from when you were a kid.
“You’ll find a lot of old items in different places now, my apologies. A lot of my appliances needed updating, so the kitchen is quite different now.” She explained from the main hall, setting up comfortable pillows for you to sit.
“This is really lovely…everything’s exactly in your style.” You marveled to yourself, before snapping out of it and setting the treats on the counter. “I’m sorry, Miss Ei. I didn’t mean to wander.” You laughed nervously.
“My home is your home, to this day.” She still presented you the same adoring smile she did as you sat down. “Yae won’t be here for another hour. In the meantime, I suppose we should discuss what you’re comfortable doing at my wedding.”
You sighed in relief. “Oh, Miss Ei. I actually did come here as well to see if you could pull some strings for me too regarding that, but it looks like you were ten steps ahead of me!” You laughed, always seemingly nervous. “I just didn’t want to betray your wishes…you mean a lot to me.”
“As do you, which leads me to believe that…” Ei sighed to herself promptly. “I did get a little carried away in your honor. Being so excited seeing you and reliving what I once knew felt euphoric. But as it turns out…I’m doubtful things are able to be that way at all.”
“I don’t think that’s true, to be at your side at all is a really amazing request considering the circumstances!” You smiled. “Please don’t worry about the outcome, you should feel the most relaxed at your own wedding, okay?”
You tried to ignore the heavy weight crushing you.
The former shook her head. “It is not that I am worried about,” She paused, her tone a bit more sullen than what was normal. “By chance on that day he went to your home, did he say anything he shouldn’t have?”
You blinked, and as soon as you realized what she asked, you stopped moving. Instead of feeling like your limbs were attempting to make up for the lack of brain space you had, you felt like you were struggling to stay afloat. “Uh,” You stammered, feeling your body tremble. “I’m sorry,” You replied carefully before your voice dropped to a low murmur, “Don’t really remember a lot…I don’t think he did, though.”
“Is it truly that?” Ei’s expression softened, but there was something else that you couldn’t quite place before— she looked concerned, perhaps, maybe regret. “It’s very important that you’re honest to me.”
You were unease, but not because of her. There was something you weren’t letting yourself remember, and instead of mulling on it, you forced a smile for Ei. “Everything is okay with me, I promise, Miss Ei. The last thing I want is to burden you both…I plan to make your wedding perfect.”
The mothers nodded slowly, but her eyes lingered on you, as if looking for something else that your face betrayed of you. “I understand,” she replied softly, before sighing with a melancholy undertone. “You are a very selfless person, there is nothing to pinpoint about you that would make you a bad person. It’s unfair how life treats the wise, isn’t it?”
Before you were about to respond, the sound of the front door opening drew the attention of the two of you. You turned, and immediately everything that you ever said was forgotten the minute that the outstanding and intimidating presence of Ei’s very son, Kunikuzushi, was standing there with his suitcase. His presence ever commanding and rough.
“Fuck are they doing here?” He asked, as if you were a speck of dust he had no trouble in not paying mind to.
“They are here to help me plan my wedding. One that you have no interest in helping me in, so I’d suggest you keep your snide comments to yourself.” Ei’s tone was direct, almost like a warning shot to him. She stared at him with much more intensity than she ever would you.
“You have no business inviting non-family to your little event, you’re just interested in pissing me off.” His words dug into you like it was a knife plunging into your core. “I mean, what can they even offer you that isn’t equivalent to a fart in the wind?”
“They are family. It is my wedding, Kunikuzushi, and I may do what I please. I may invite who I please, and if you don’t like who I invite, you are happy to do clean up. Less chances of you ever having to see who you don’t want there, is it?”
“Family to who, a dead mom and probably an even deader brother?” He couldn’t help but chortle, before the sheer velocity of a slipper Ei strikes against the center of his nasion, groaning in pain as he stood there for a long time recovering.
“Go,” Ei’s voice was louder. “I had my doubts that you’d actually be civil, but this is ridiculous. It’d be in your best interest not to come out until the both of us are gone.”
Your heart burned in your chest, a fire that wasn’t to be put out. With each silent and shallow breath you took, the harder it was to grasp. Especially when his piercing eyes took a gander at you, before sizing you up quietly. You refused to look him in the eye, narrowing them down.
He could only scoff and wince from how much pain shot through his face, a small and aggravating smile appeared on his lips. His attention turned back to Ei, “Didn’t know you were interested in inviting the circus to your wedding. I would have brought better farm animals, if that were the case.”
“I’m not interested in your suggestions, you have severely agitated me. Go unpack, and leave us to our conversation.” Ei spat. “You should not even be back right now, it is hours before sunset.”
Your eyes never rang that much, the universe around you blurring and fading as the intense and high-pitched sound began dominating every sense you had. It had you feel like you were submerged in a deep and murky water, a muffled and distant echo of their conversation playing out.
Heartbeat echoing in your ears, a counterpoint to the endlessness of your own ears failing you. You squeezed your eyes in pain, finding solace in at least the darkness, your head wandering with thoughts that you didn't think you'd ever have. Vision wavering, the edges of your sight blurred as the ringing became even more insistent. Your own body was failing you.
Safe to say, you couldn't do this.
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THERE ARE not many things that can sway your interest ever since the "incident", but in spite of that, you pushed forward. you are now the owner of the biggest bakery chain in your city, consistently seeing couples and catering to them as such. you've been a big host at weddings, events for celebrities, and even a big support for your friends and family. you've even earned yourself a niche following as well by how sweet you are to everybody around you. but, even with your kindness, you don't have a particular spark that keeps you going anymore these days. that is until one of your employees starts suggesting you write love letters to customers who request your services. at first you thought it was a horrible idea that could easily turn into trouble, but that was until you were tasked with writing one to your own (very very famous) ex-boyfriend.
taglist ☆ — @seternic @chemiru @coquettemaiden @1kio0o @emiixuu
@agaygothicmushroom @yomishen @jingyuan-wife-real @toruscorpse @whoooismkeee
@sketcheeee @st4r4ngel @xionri @scaradooche @lightyagamifan
@pwushizz @alatusorrow @eutopiastar @magica-ren @slu7
@vaxmpi @theyluvkatt @kyon-cherri @suzydarling @mimi3lover
@auroratumbles @vxcmx @yourfavoritefreakyhan @kunimylovee
@czerwka @little-honey-the-third @featuredtofu @simonisferal @justpeachyteastea
@liuaneee @skyoverkill1 @mellowberrie @lalalaloveallmydays @mostlymoth
@mtndewbajablasted @vernith @lovekeychains @danhenglovebot @elizshade
@balladeersflower @kazumiku @bananasquash @neversore @yevurin
@franaby @vicslz @kamiboo @thegalaxyisunfolding @morgyyyyyyy
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gunnrblze · 2 days
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Hello friends. This is my first actual lil piece of writing I’m posting (in this fandom, on this account lol). I’m debating turning it into a full fledged fic, so if you’re intrigued by that I’d love to know! Not to abase myself or anything, but my writing is quite mid lmfao, I just enjoy my silly thoughts n ideas so here you go :)
•1k+ words, SFW, could possibly be read as some slight stalker-ish behavior if you squint, but nothing actually dark like that! The man is just down bad :(
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You weren’t exactly sold on living with a stranger yet. Especially not some army guy, but you had little choice.
Desperately needing a roommate after moving to Santa Monica, a friend mentioning a friend of theirs who has a brother. A brother who happens to be looking for a roommate too.
You trusted your friends judgement enough to pursue the recommendation. Figuring that living with a special forces soldier could either be pleasantly uneventful, or a dumpster fire, based on what you knew of the type.
But David, or Hesh as everyone reportedly calls him, was decent. Clean, respectful, kind when he toured you around the apartment. The near boyish charm that laced itself between his heavy presence may have caught your attention.
But a fling, especially with a new roommate, was not what you needed.
Your room was smaller than his, but having gotten to the apartment second to him, you understood first come first served. You just enjoyed the in-unit washer and dryer and stainless steel appliances, if you were being honest.
The apprehension you had, the hang ups of starting a new chapter, moving in with someone you only just met through a friend of a friend, started to dissipate sooner than anticipated. Instead filled in by a dull surprise.
Hesh worked pretty often, but even when he wasn’t around, it’s as if he were still there.
His section of chores always finished, some of yours even started or done completely for you. You asked him about it after divvying up the household responsibilities, making sure you weren’t confused.
But he insisted it was “no biggie”, he’d just found himself taking the trash out on his way to work. Tidying the kitchen up after he got home in the middle of the night and cooked himself an impossibly late dinner.
Said dinner he left in the fridge the next morning, a sticky note on top explaining that you should finish it up so it doesn’t go bad.
Leftovers usually kept for days though, didn’t they?
His boots by the front door, the smell of his aftershave somehow lingering everywhere throughout the apartment, his hat left in the bathroom and the goddamned coasters that he insisted be used around the living room.
When he wasn’t there, it felt like he was. A ghost permeating the walls. His broad frame, tall and wide, voice deep, green eyes that somehow always landed on you when he was near. They weren’t quite unsettling eyes, they were penetrating. As if he could see what lie inside you, too.
But when he was there, it felt almost arresting. Interrupting. You barely knew him, only lived with him for a few weeks.
But you weren’t sure whether you could tell if it even felt that way anymore.
Anything he bought, you were free to use or eat. Was he just that nice? Your old roommates wouldn’t let you touch their things with a 10 foot pole. But what was his seemed to be yours in a way, too.
You chalked it up to him being an eldest child. But you weren’t merely being treated like a younger sibling.
Your Netflix subscription ended and you didnt want to spend the money to renew it, but it didn’t matter because Hesh had Netflix too. Which meant you had it.
Hesh had every kind of household tool one could need in his toolbox, which meant that you had them now too.
Except you couldn’t use them. Because he’d fix whatever you needed. Hang up any picture frame of yours on your wall as you started to decorate your space. And you merely let him, somehow unable to insist that you could indeed, handle it.
It was only natural when he’d asked if you wanted breakfast one morning, explaining that he made too much food. Too much of your favorite food. Or when he not so subtly watched how you made your tea, filing it away in his brain so he could bring you a cup one day when you were sick in bed.
And then some cough drops. And soup. And cold medicine.
Maybe you felt a bit like a guest at a bed and breakfast, or maybe he was just raised decently.
When the washing machine broke, he took a look at it before you could even bring it up to him, was he listening to you in the laundry room? Hard to say. Fixed it so you could do your loads of laundry.
But not before letting you borrow a t-shirt of his, since all your clothes were dirty, of course. You’d obviously have to wash the one you had on, too.
You thought you were surely screwed when your car broke down outside of work one day. But when you texted Hesh and asked if he knew of a good mechanic. he was, naturally, already in the area just running errands.
So he took a look at your car while you stood to the side and watched. Making a point not to watch his biceps flex around the ring of his t-shirt sleeve, or the way he brushed the sweat off his forehead.
Surely you were paying attention to his explanation of the drive belt in your car being too wore out, and not the way his fatigues stretched over the meat of his thighs.
Why was he in his work uniform if he was just running errands? You didn’t think about it very much.
Your job had been stressing you so much, and it appeared something like second nature for him to wrap you into a hug, rubbing his hand up and down your back, murmuring things that seemed too dulcet for a roommate of hardly even a month to soothe you with. Even though it helped.
He was always there, his magnetism suffocating. But not in the way that two hands might feel around your neck. But in the way the sunshine feels beating down on you. The way you feel tipsy before feeling fully drunk, charged but blissful.
Pleasantly inescapable.
You didn’t really stop to fully question his comforts though, not when he made you a cup of tea and put a movie on in the living room, sitting a bit too close to you.
Not that you minded of course, considering you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder.
And what kind of roommate would he be if he didn’t pick you up and tote you off to your bedroom? He knew you were half awake, and you knew he knew, but it didn’t matter.
With one arm hooked under your knees and the other around your back, your face that didn’t need to be pressed to his chest, it just didn’t matter.
Because what kind of roommate would he be if he didn’t lay you in your bed and cover you up, setting your alarms on your phone so you’d wake up the following morning?
How did he know your passcode? How did he know exactly what alarms you set?
It didn’t really matter to you after he kissed your head goodnight.
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cohldhands · 2 days
sebastian x new farmer!reader | sfw | seb and reader meet for the first time | alcohol mention (reader orders a beer), smoking (seb has a cig), gender neutral, no other warnings unless you consider this was written on my phone as one | i miss my edgelord husband and this demanded to be written asap so here we are. i will likely expand on this bc im thinking about seb and ****** **** and i gotta get from point a to b somehow (aka the warnings will come later)
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when you moved to pelican town, you anticipated the dirt and dust. the absence of city noise, the waves crashing along the shoreline in the distance, the clean air despite the one corporation in town, even the eerie moans that echo in the forest. the ache in your muscles after working the land became expected, almost satisfying; you even started to enjoy fishing.
what you didn’t expect, though, was to meet a man like sebastian.
at first, you weren’t sure he even existed. robin and demetrius mentioned having a son, though you’d only met maru, and lewis was adamant you hadn’t met everyone. the ever-elusive sebastian became a whisper on the wind, a folktale the harder you looked.
until one evening you decide to visit the saloon. you’ve been here long enough, and gus invites you to stop by every time he sees you. what harm could it be? a drink at the local saloon would be a nice way to settle more into the community.
by the time you get there, it’s packed. pam is at the bar, her eyes heavy and cheeks flushed like grenadine. shane is in one corner, willy in another. clint watches emily dance on her own to the music coming from the juke box; robin and demetrius attempt to work as one, and it’s almost endearing to watch them stumble over each other.
gus greets you like any other customer, an excited glint in his eyes at the fact you’ve finally decided to come in. you order, and once you have the cold glass in your hands, you continue to take in the bar.
it’s cozy and small-town, with rustic decor and natural accents. there’s a short hallway leading to another room on the far end of the space, and the glow of lights catches your attention. as you walk through the hallway, you realize the light is coming from arcade games, and this area is a game room. a pool table, soda machine, a small tv, and a couple chairs and tables litter the space.
looming over the pool table is someone you haven’t seen before. raven hair, almost a deep purple in the lighting, hangs over an angular face. black on black, from head to toe; slender hands donning multiple rings guide a pool stick, nonchalant focus in his dark eyes. the blinking arcade lights reflect off of black metal jewelry in his ears and on his nose, and a cigarette is pressed between his lips. he makes his shot with a swift motion of his arms and straightens up, pulling a hit off of his cigarette, smoke swirling around him and along his mouth.
as he straightens up, his eyes don’t fall on the pool table. he doesn’t watch the path of his turn, or how the ball glides along the felt material into the intended pocket. they find you instead, trailing up from your thighs to your hips to your chest and finally, your eyes.
he maintains contact as he pulls at the near-dead cigarette. his gaze is hard to read, but it’s intentional, observant, with flickers of turbulence, chaos. oceans at midnight working to learn you without a word.
“hey farmer!” sam hops up from one of the dated armchairs, a bright grin on his face and pool stick in hand. “didn’t expect to see you here. you’ve met sebastian, right?”
“no,” you shake your head and smile, a small but warm notion. you work hard to ignore the flutters in your stomach from nerves, or the heat prickling your cheeks. “I don’t believe we have.”
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scintillyyy · 3 days
it's time for another round of making fanon concepts funny to me, personally.
this time we'll tackle tim drake, home alone at age 8.
so we set the stage: tim drake is at home, and his parents are nowhere to be found. he's just a poor 8 year old little boy, eating nothing but cereal and microwaved hot dogs and granola bars because he does know better than to use the stove without adult supervision.
nobody would notice poor tim's plight, except one night he orders pizza and dick-as-robin just happens to be undercover as a pizza delivery boy because mad hatter's been targeting pizza delivery boys for something or other and he gets to be the one to deliver this really weirdass pizza (who orders canadian bacon and artichoke hearts? that's weird enough that dick is already like. heightened awareness)
so undercover and disguised dick delivers this weird pizza and an 8 year old comes to the door with money in his hand to pay. which. is a little strange. actually, now that dick is paying attention, he's not hearing any other signs of life in the house. and like, he's robin. this kid's parents could be passed out drunk upstairs leaving him to fend for himself (not good) or they left an 8 year old home alone for dinner (which. isn't great either.) or maybe they did a quick run to the store for soda or something (best case scenario). now dick is smooth, and doesn't want to spook the kid by prying too much because he's disguised as a pizza delivery boy and he doesn't want to come across weird so all he says is "sorry, we need an adult to pay, is mom or dad home?"
and the kid turns white and his eyes dark right and left and he's says "um, sorry nevermind. we don't need pizza anymore" and slams the door in dick's face. and doesn't answer when dick rings the doorbell again. which, points for tim for stranger danger but now dick is Suspicious.
but there's nothing he can do now, cause henhas to go finish his shift. and he eats the dumb gross pizza because he's hungry and his boss will be taking the cost of it out of his wages anyways so he may as well (which, dick is so going to report him once he's solved this mad hattet case) and he can't stop thinking about weird kid.
is it an attempt at trying to signal to someone he's being abused? are his parents junkies and he's trying to hide it? whatever it is, dick can't stop thinking of it. so he brings it home to bruce, who agrees they should look into it. a search of the address shoss it's a townhouse belonging to one jack and janet drake, parents one one son, timothy (weird kid). clean records, frequent donaters to charity, no obvious red flags of any kind. tim attends boarding school during the school year, his grades are good and no teachers have ever noticed anything out of sorts--by all accounts, tim is an extroverted, friendly, upbeat kid.
the case is getting curiouser. then again, sometimes it's never what you expect and dark things can be hidden under the surface. a quick glance at drake industries' itinerary show that jack and janet are supposed to be in beijing right now. the horror sets in....was tim left home alone? batman and robin are on the case.
they go to the townhouse and find tim, alone. tim is naturally terrified, because they came to interrogate him and making implications about his parents. who aren't bad people like batman and robin are implying. he's on the verge of tears. he loves batman and robin and why is this happening to him. he's fine. fine. this is not fine. "no" tim insists. "it's not like that"
"son," batman says kindly. robin is nodding along. tim is mortified. he will never live this down, batman and robin coming to save him. "it's okay to love your parents, but sometimes parents don't do the right thing."
tim starts crying now. "no," he says. "you don't understand. they didn't leave me alone, they wouldn't. they're home, i promise. don't put them in jail they're not criminals"
"tim'" batman says. "we just want to help-"
at that moment a large banging is heard on a door. batman and robin look over--they see a door that's got a chair in front of it jamming it. a home invader? unlucky. robin is at the ready.
"is someone there? tim, are you okay? whoever you are--if you hurt my boy, i'm going to get you--tim, for the last time, open this door and let your mother and i out!"
nobody says anything for a bit. tim's just sniffling. batman goes and removes the chair blocking the door and opens it. jack and janet drake are standing there. batman blinks. jack blinks.
the whole story comes out. jack and janet had come home from beijing because tim had a medical emergency at his summer camp and had to come home. it was a ruse by tim though--you see, he had seen a movie recently where this kid's parents had been fighting and planning on getting a divorce and he and some other neighborhood kids decided to lock their parents up in the basement until they learned to love each other again. so tim, in all his 8 year old wisdom feigned a medical thing at camp and got his parents to come home so he could try in on them because their fights had been getting worse lately. and after he locked them in there, he got a little nervous about it but then his dad was really mad so maybe they just needed a little more time....and also once they got out he was so grounded.
so there's no bad guy, no abuse. just a kid and his parents who were glaring daggers at each other. dick thinks that the whole locking them together might've had the opposite effect that intended. poor kid. batman and robin leave, and batman gives tim a stern talking to (mortifying. absolutely mortifying). and jack and janet thank them for being worried and checking in on tim. as they leave they hear the start of another argument--"tim, you're grounded for the next three years." jack says. "jack," janet admonishes. "this is a cry for help, clearly." "janet," jack says through gritted teeth, "the boy locked us in the basement for a day." "well, yes. but."
jack and janet end up getting divorced way sooner than before. dick puts the kid out of his mind until years later, when a 12--no, 13--year old boy finds him at the circus, saying batman needs help.
"and what, pray tell, do you think i should do about it, exactly," dick says. "lock him in the basement until he behaves or something?"
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vampiree-555 · 2 days
"Please, I need it." part 2
c.s - drvgdealer
contains: smut , p! in v! , unprotected (wrap it folks) , dom!chris , sub!reader , oral fem!receiving , creampie , fem!reader , angst! , weed , alcohol , partying
part 1
a/n: sorry this took so long babes! im gonna start to make this into a series and will def make more oneshots. please give me suggestions and also let me know if you wanna be in my taglist! i hope yall enjoy! sorry it took so long 🤍
I watched Chris walk out my apartment, slamming the door behind him, disappearing into the night.
"Don't text me again." repeated in my head constantly. I sat there, completely naked, still trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened. I gathered all my clothes that were sprawled out onto the floor and went to my shower, which I desperately needed.
I laid in my bed for the rest of the night, aimlessly scrolling on my phone, though I was continually puzzled by the earlier events.
I opened my messages and hovered above Chris' contact. He said to not text him again, but should I really listen?
I clicked his contact and typed away at my keyboard.
╰┈➤ texting
y/n : chris wtf was that
I sent the message but it immediately turned green.
"HE BLOCKED ME?" i shot up in my bed and yelled out in udder disbelief.
I opened instagram and searched up his username.
"user not found" now I was getting upset.
The last thing I had was snapchat. I reluctantly clicked on the app and scrolled to his name. Next to it sat a tiny x.
"He blocked me on everything." I echoed through the phone to my best friend, Kailee.
"Girl that's weird as fuck. He really is gonna fuck you and then dip before letting you finish AND block you on everything? I always had a bad vibe about him." Kailee said in an obnoxious tone.
"I just want to get drunk and go out. Do you think we could go to that new club?" I spoke enthusiastically as I glued on the last of my press on nails to my fingers.
Kailee looked up at the phone with a small smirk and bit her lip. I knew she had been wanting to go for a while but I always shut her down simply because I was tired. Now, I needed a distraction.
"Hell yeah! Get ready and I'll come over in like an hour, then we can uber there!" She said in her usual excited tone.
We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone before I jumped into the shower, quickly shaving and cleaning myself.
I ran to my closet to pick my outfit. I settled on my black, long sleeve, off the shoulder, skin tight shirt and a matching pleated, black mini skirt, that perfectly showed off just enough of my ass.
I set the outfit on my bed and went to my vanity to start on my makeup. I decided to do a more natural look with a smoked out black wing and a brown lip.
Before I knew it, Kailee waltzed into my apartment and barged into my bedroom in her own hot, slutty, outfit.
"I brought pre-game!" she spoke as she pulled out two small shot glasses of Svedka vodka and set them each on the bed, next to my chosen outfit.
i quickly changed into my chosen outfit and added a pair of black platform heels. before Kailee and I left for the club, we both took our own shots of the vodka Kailee brought, both of us making gross faces to the taste.
We got into our uber once it arrived and made our way to the Aether Lounge club.
Flashing neon lights of all colors surrounded me. It was so dark you could barely see any faces in the crowded room. All you heard was that one song, Needed me, by Rihanna. The smell of sweating bodies, weed, and alcohol filled my nose the deeper we went into the crowd. Girls danced the night away as guys desperately tried to dance with the drunken girls though getting shoved away.
Kailee and I made our way to the bar, both ordering vodka redbulls. I took maybe one sip of my drink before I was sucked into the sweaty crowd by my best friend. We both let the alcohol take over our bodies as we became more sloppy with our movements the more we drank.
The lights added a euphoric sensation while it seemed everything moved in slow motion. I was down at least 6 vodka redbulls along with 3 shots of Jameson.
As the night went on I spent most of my time dancing with Kailee just having fun. Suddenly, I felt firm and large hands grab my waist.
They were cold and the fact they had metal rings on made me shiver against their touch. I quickly turned around to see a familiar silhouette standing above me. I followed his body carefully up to his shoulders, then his neck, to his jawline, eventually to those cold and piercing blue eyes.
I felt my heart rate skyrocket as a sly grin showed on his face. Chris.
"Miss me, sweetheart?" he spoke so smoothly. I could smell every ounce of alcohol and weed on his breath as he muttered into my ear.
I escaped from his tight grasp and slipped out the crowd to a more private and secluded part of the club. Chris knowingly, followed me.
I turned to face him with a scowl. I gritted my teeth as I threw my arms up in defeat and confusion.
It had been weeks since the last time we saw each other last and his last words to me were to "never contact him again". So what the hell was he doing here?
"What the fuck are you doing Chris? You told me to never contact you again. Are you following me? What do you want?". I was already angry with him and the fact that I had been drinking was not much help to deescalate the situation.
"I missed you, ma. I saw you dancing and thought I should probably speak to you because of what happened. And no, by the way. I'm not following you. I wanted to apologize for what happened but you have to understand I did it for your own sake." his words came out slurred every now and then and though I was impaired... I could still tell he meant it.
I folded my arms and shook my head as I scoffed at him.
"For my own sake? I'm the only one that can determine what's good and what's bad for me, Chris. You have to right to try and tell me what's good or bad for me." I wanted to scream at him. "You didn't have to block me on everything."
He rolled his eyes and licked his teeth.
"Y/n, last time I told you to not text me again and I didn't block you, you still texted me. So again I did it for your own well being. And when it comes to us... I do have say in what's good or bad for you." he retaliated.
I looked at him with an offended expression.
"Us?" i questioned. "There is no us. You and I are not an item and never have been. What happened last time was a mistake and it never should've happened."
Chris looked almost offended and hurt at my words. Instead he responded in anger.
"Are you fucking kidding me y/n?! You don't understand what's going on. How can you be so goddamn ignorant and oblivious to everything that's happening around you?! I shouldn't even be speaking to you right now but I am because I love you!" his chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily.
I rose my eyebrows and turned my lip up. My mouth fell open as I stared at him. I felt the heat in my chest rise and I just wanted to rip my hair out.
"Y/n. There's bad people out there who want to get to me through you. I had to cut contact with you after the first time to protect you but obviously didn't work. Being a dealer is not a safe job and being with me is too dangerous for both of us."
I just shook my head and began to walk away from him. I grabbed my phone and pulled up Kailee's contact. I told her I was going home early because I was exhausted and didn't feel good.
I walked outside and the fresh, cool air felt amazing against my skin. I closed my eyes to take it in before I felt someone grab my hand. I opened my eyes to face the man I had just been arguing with.
"Chris this is ridiculous. You sound ridiculous." I was cut off by his lips crashing against mine. I once again, did not pull away. I let our lips dance together until the burning sensation to breathe was hurting me.
I swallowed harshly while I looked up at him with my doe eyes. He placed his finger under my chin as he admired my features with his eyes that seemed to have turned soft instead of the cold blue that stabbed daggers into you.
"I called us an uber. It'll be here soon." He spoke so softly that it seemed to soothe me. I hadn't realized how tense I was until just now.
Pretty soon a black car pulled up and I followed Chris to the car. He opened the back door for me and helped me in before following suit.
It was a short ride that I don't remember much of. Only just the fact that Chris kept staring at me though I tried my best to ignore it. I looked out the window but could still feel his eyes watching me and my every move.
We stopped in front of an apartment building. My apartment building. I followed Chris out the vehicle as I thanked the driver.
"Go home y/n." he spoke so softly yet so sternly.
I only stared up at him for a few seconds though it felt like minutes. I was contemplating in my head and weighing out my decisions as I looked deeply into his eyes.
I never saw Chris during the day. It was only at night. If his eyes were still so bright at night, I could only imagine how captivating they were during the day.
"Come inside."
He cocked his head at me and chuckled.
"Y/n... you're drunk." he retaliated.
"Come on. I never finished last time... let's see if you can do it this time." i winked and smirked at him as i spoke. He seemed surprised at my actions though he still agreed. He rolled his eyes and scoffed as he followed me into my apartment.
Before I was even able to set my bag down or take off my painful shoes I was thrown against the wall. Chris held my hips to pin me in that position as he attacked my own lips with his.
Chris pushed his tongue against my lips and I instinctively opened my mouth to give him full access to freely explore my mouth. I moaned softly into his mouth with the passionate kiss.
He removed me from the wall and instead led me to the kitchen where he bent me over the cold countertop, sending shivers across my body.
Chris lifted my short skirt to expose my bare ass. I could sense the sly smirk on his face when he noticed I was not wearing any underwear.
"Who did you plan to fuck tonight, baby?" i heard that stupid ass smile in his voice. i rolled my eyes and groaned.
He slapped my ass that left a burning sensation. "Who do you belong to y/n?" he said in a deep and possessive voice. i gulped before looking back at him. his eyes were dark and angry but still so bright and soft.
"you. i belong to you." he nodded his head and practically ripped off his own pants and underwear.
just as before he entered into me ruthlessly and kept his fast and hard pace.
considering it had weeks since i last had sex i was so not used to his size. i winced in pain but that same pain slowly began turning into pleasure.
Chris tucked his left hand under my jaw and tilted my head up while with his right hand he held tightly onto my hip as he fucked me relentlessly.
i could feel as i got closer to my climax and Chris could tell when my moans and whines got more sloppy. i tightened around him which elicited groans from the man.
with only a few more thrusts from Chris i felt him coat my walls while i coated him with my own liquids.
he flipped me over to face him and he lifted me onto the counter, forcing my legs opened. i held myself up with my right hand while my left went straight to Chris's hair as he knelt down in between my legs.
without warning he inserted his middle and ring finger into me causing loud moans to escape my mouth. he used his tongue to circle around my clit. i gripped tightly onto his brown locks and leaned my head back in pleasure. i removed my hand from underneath me and laid back fully on the counter.
chris wrapped his arms around my thighs to keep me still. my core tightened when he sucked onto my clit and used his tongue to lick my folds.
he removed his mouth from in between my thighs and smirked that stupid smirk. "All clean baby."
i stared up at the ceiling while my chest rose and fell at a fast pace. i heard chris slip back into his own clothes and i quickly sat up on my elbows.
"You're leaving again?" chris tilted his head and softly chuckled. i furrowed my eyebrows at him and felt a heat rise in my chest from anger.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" he widened his eyes in surprise at my sudden outburst.
i jumped off the counter and stood in front of him.
"You cannot just tell me to never text you again and then you randomly come back, fuck me in my kitchen, and then leave!" i felt my eyes start to well up with tears as i glared at the taller in front of me.
he shook his head and gritted his teeth while looking off to the side. "I already told you this y/n. I'm leaving you to protect you."
"Then fucking leave! Do not just come back and make me get attached to you!!" the tears rolled down my cheeks as i continued my yelling. i choked on my own words.
"If you want to protect me then stop coming back!" i could see Chris getting angry too. his nostrils flared and grinded his jaw.
he looked down at me and noticed my red cheeks and tear swollen eyes. i could see guilt fill his eyes. he knew he had gone too far.
"Please listen to me y/n... I'm only leaving because I have to go meet with someone." he paused and took a deep breath before continuing.
"After this job, I'm done. I'll meet with some people and tell them I'm out... okay?" he cuffed my cheek in his hand as he wiped my tears with his thumb. "I promise."
I looked at the man standing over me. I couldn't say anything. i relaxed in his touch.
"Go take a bath, just relax, and I'll be back in about 2 hours." he spoke so softly I could hardly hear him. he placed a sweet and lustrous kiss on my lips before he left my apartment.
taglist: @sturnthepot @sturniololo
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autumnslance · 2 days
23: wearing someone's clothes.
(Have 770ish words, I made myself feel things when writing.)
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She had to dump her entire pack to find the dress and its accessories. She had packed it near the bottom, wrapped in other clothes to keep it safe. Practically hidden, in case someone came snooping—but also from herself, in some ways, after giving in to the impulse to bring it along.
“Our mother bought this fabric,” her sister had said, as she struggled with the pattern. “She always meant to make it into the traditional dress for me, but…” her sister trailed off, leaving her younger self to nod.
It had not been practical, to grab the sewing bag and cloth among their few possessions as they fled. An impulse, her sister said. A memory of home and family and traditions, as they built a new life so far away. Sewing skills not up to the task, her sister finally admitted defeat, and found a local tailor willing to work with her to create the dress, the pants, the shoes. The blade-bracer their father had already fit to her sister’s arm.
She remembered helping her sister put the dress on, after thoroughly washing her hands and filing her nails, not wanting to snare or mar the fabric, admiring how it felt, how it looked, and how her sister looked wearing it. She remembered watching her sister, beaming and brilliant, flowing like fire through her forms, a deadly dance of their own, the fabric accentuating every move.
She held the bundled fabric to her face, willing herself not to cry, though the warning prickles stung at her eyes. Years of storage preservation had wiped out any lingering traces of her sister’s usual warm, spicy perfume, let alone her natural scent.
She didn’t remember what either smelled like anymore, anyway. Not really; it was just an impression.
“When I grow up, I want to wear it!” she had exclaimed once, watching her sister twirl for her amusement.
“Someday we’ll make you a dress of your own!” her sister had laughed in response, cupping her face and pressing a kiss to her forehead, making her fuss and squirm. She wasn’t a baby, after all!
She wished her sister were here now, to cup her face and kiss her forehead.
What she had was the dress. They had never made her one of her own. They never had the chance.
She shook out the clothes, wrinkling her nose at their state after storage and being folded in her pack for moons, and set to cleaning out the smell and steaming out the wrinkles. She had an appointment of her own making to keep, but she wouldn’t—couldn’t—simply wear her sister’s dress this first time without showing it the proper respect.
Their mother had chosen the fabric for its color and its resilience both. She was grateful for that as she finished her work, looking at it all hanging together. She hurriedly bathed herself next; travel grit and grime, salt and sand, blood and bile seemed to have accumulated even with all her other—oft hurried—washing up. But before she wore her sister’s dress for the first time, she had to be clean.
She remembered the near-ceremony her sister had induced in everyday bathing, when preparing to wear the dress for an important event. As she brushed out her hair and put it back in its tail, she remembered all the times her sister had done so for her, while talking about the styles and fashions of their people.
She put on the dress, pleased that it fit so well. She looked in the stained, cracked glass serving as her mirror, and sucked in a breath.
Everyone always said she looked so much like her sister; if they had been closer in age, they would have been mistaken for twins. Her vision swam and stung again, even as she smiled at herself, and in a way, it was like having her sister smiling back, finally seeing her in a woman’s traditional dress.
A dress worn for special occasions, made strong enough to last through time and rigorous use.
What occasion was more special than winning back one’s homeland?
She hugged herself tight, wrapped in her sister’s dress, made from cloth their mother had chosen and begun to shape, and wearing the blade-bracer their father had forged for her sister’s arm. She had left the mask behind, but still carried her family with her into this final battle that they were not here to see, yet were a part of. Because they were part of her.
Embraced by those memories, the woman in the red dress squared her shoulders and stepped outside to fight through the storm.
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stargazer-sims · 2 days
Yuri is having an Authentic Experience™
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Yuri: Time to do laundry.
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Yuri: I’ve got Caroline’s. Now I just need to collect Victor’s and mine.
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Yuri: *internal narration* Observe the subject. Placed outside his natural environment, he must learn to adjust to his new surroundings. Every day is a battle for survival in these harsh conditions. Without access to high-end skincare products, filtered water, and even basic necessities like food delivery and same-day laundry service, the subject is forced to perform menial tasks on his own. Many hours of hard labour are required simply to provide clean clothes for his family...
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Yuri: *internal narration* The subject must first collect enough water to fully submerge the family's clothing, and then he scrubs each item until all the sand and dirt is removed. If the water becomes too dirty, he must repeat the process. This requires the subject to expose his delicate skin to the harsh sun for an extended period of time. The subject's tiny arms are not suited to this arduous task, but in time he will adapt...
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Yuri: *shouting* Victor! Why didn't you tell me this was going to make my arms ache?
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Yuri: There! Done! Now I'll have to hang them up.
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Yuri: *internal narration* Without access to a clothes dryer, the subject utilizes a crude method to dry the clothing, hanging it on a wooden structure and allowing the sun to evaporate the moisture. This causes the clothing to smell like the beach. Although the subject found the beach scent unacceptable at first, he has now come to appreciate it, and will sleep well at night utilizing this primitive form of aromatherapy.
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Yuri: I was absolutely not made for manual labour! But, look what I did. The laundry's all done, and I managed it all on my own. I think I deserve a nap after this.
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bigsexiest · 3 days
My little grow-light
I thought this would be a painful concept. I love it when Earth elemental things can save lives. I just think it's so mother nature of them. But poor Mountain is overwhelmed with his 'responsibility', really it's just a self-insert of my own difficulty with saying no. I also love animals wayyyy too much and wish they could all live forever. Also, I just love Swiss so much he's so hero. I finished this so late at night, please ignore anything wrong with the ending I just needed this to be done.
word count: 2164
summary: Mountain is overwhelmed and saddened because of a dying bird. Swiss finds him and helps him through what appears to be a lost life.
Mountain likes fixing ‘broken’ things. He discovered this hobby after realizing how much he loved bringing plants and flowers back from the brink of death. Cumulus once brought a houseplant she had forgotten to water for a few weeks and he revived it. It looked better than it ever had by the time she got it back. 
Now that he’s established himself as the head gardener, the abbey has never looked prettier. He’s so good at his job that he’s become quite bored. Everything is so hardy and lush, that he barely does anything anymore. He’s moved on to animals and random objects to keep himself busy.
Phantom once brought Mountain a limping vole he had found while wandering around. Mountain felt bad for the small creature and nursed it back to life. He kept it in a wide container in the greenhouse, giving it plenty of dry straw and clean water. It had only taken a couple of days of rest for the rodent to make a full recovery. When it was time to release, Mountain’s heart filled with warmth watching the little creature scurry back into the wilderness.
After the vole, various other ghouls and siblings of sin would come to Mountain with sick plants or creatures, knowing the earth ghoul liked helping out. Sometimes Aether would joke around about how excellent he could be in the infirmary, but Mountain always vehemently refused. It was too much responsibility. Even taking care of the little animals was too much sometimes.
Mountain would grow anxious if the creature didn’t start to show signs of recovery early on. He kept his anxiety hidden from his packmates, worried they would stop bringing him the hurt animals. He was worried if he wasn’t allowed to take care of the animals then who would? So he would silently worry until the creature would inevitably recover. Fortunately enough for him, he hasn’t had a death yet.
He worries sometimes that people will start bringing him bigger more difficult animals. Saying ‘no’ is impossible for Mountain, especially for a life in danger. Being too empathetic has always been a problem for him. It made him much more of a target in the pit, but he never changed. Sometimes he wishes things were different, that he wasn’t so sensitive, and that he had the piece of mind to refuse all of these things he had to fix. The plants were time-consuming the various knick-knacks got annoying, and the animals were frightening. He just wanted it all to stop.
Especially now, locked in a section of the greenhouse, crying because of a stupid little bird.
He had locked himself in because he didn’t want anyone else to see him break down over this poor innocent creature. It had flown into an abbey window and dropped to the ground. Aurora had picked it up and ran inside to Mountain, who had been napping on a sofa. Just looking at the bird for the first time was enough to make Mountain want to scream.
It was obvious the bird was barely alive. Its little chest was moving up and down quickly, but the rest of its body was limp and its eyes were closed. Mountain quickly grabbed the bird and rushed down to the only private place he felt safe with the bird in.
When he found a comfortable place to kneel with the bird, he realized how unqualified he was. He had no clue what to do. The bird’s chest wasn’t rising nearly as frequently as before, and Mountain didn’t know why. He was sure it would die soon if he didn’t fix it.
But looking up at the room around him, he was helpless. There was nothing to do—no little bird life support. Mountain was all there was, and he was useless. So he sat with the bird, hoping it would become magically better.
But it didn’t.
It became much worse. Mountain was about ready to put the bird on the floor and give up when a loud knocking sounded from the locked door. He immediately decided to stay silent. Mountain didn’t want anyone to see him crushed like this.
“Mount, are you in there?” A shadow could be seen through the blurred glass window peeking in. It sounded like Swiss.
The room was dark enough in the waning afternoon light. Mountain remained quiet, wishing the multi-ghoul would leave him alone to mourn. The bird was barely breathing, and growing colder by the second.
“Mountain, I know you’re in there,” The shadow stayed by the door. “Rora saw you run here.” Worry clouded his voice, “This is the only locked door.”
Mountain knew he had been discovered, there was no use hiding anymore. He carefully stood without jostling the bird too much, shifting the bird from the cup of both hands to quickly unlock the door for Swiss.
As Swiss stepped into the room, Mountain angled his body away hiding both the bird and his tears. Knowing that life was literally slipping through his fingers was tearing him apart. He decided that when he would bury the bird, he would dig a hole big enough for both of them. He’d find a spot quiet and secluded enough to never worry about fixing anything ever again. Mountain would keep the little bird company through death. He wouldn’t tell anybody about his plan. His packmates might worry for a bit, but then they’d find someone new to take over as caretaker. He’d be memorialized as a pack deserter and everyone would live on happily.
He was falling apart. For some reason, this bird had weaseled its way into Mountain’s heart, and the big ghoul couldn’t imagine a world without its beautiful soul. He couldn’t see around the loss he would have to bear once it’s life had finally drifted away.
Mountain fell to his knees again and started sobbing over the body of the bird laying in his hands. Swiss rushed over and grabbed Mountain’s shoulders, frantically trying to get a look at the bird.
“Mountain, it’ll be okay, birds die all the time by the windows.” His eyes were wide and his voice was shaking trying to get through to the Earth ghoul. His words only made Mountain cry harder. 
“I’m so sorry, Mountain, it isn’t your fault.” Mountain had started to heave, breathing deep and letting out loud keening cries. The plants around the two ghouls had started to shiver and shake. Their leaves display the same lament as the Earth ghoul. Swiss, standing and taking a few steps back,  was shocked as he looked at the plants surrounding them.
The plants, through their shaking, started to grow upward and outward. Mountain’s cries softened as he focused on draining his power. It was all he could do to release the tension of his grief. A cathartic goodbye to the little bird in his hands.
He grew silent as he focused on the ground beneath him. The plants growing on the tables around the two ghouls didn’t stop, and little blades of grass and wildflowers had started to sprout through the gravel floors of the greenhouse. Mountain’s horns grew longer and wilder, with little sprigs of lichen and vines trailing onto them through his hair.
Directly below his still cupped hands, the wilderness had grown even taller. The flowers and grass brushed his knuckles. Sweat dripped from his furrowed brow, and his eyes stayed clenched shut as he encouraged the life around them to blossom.
Swiss was awestruck. He had never seen any ghoul display such a burst of power. Mountain was the last ghoul he would expect. Dew would sometimes breathe smoke when he was especially pissed, and the way Aether could calm someone down with just the touch of a hand was nifty, but this was on another level. Even the air felt crisper, as though the plants worked double time with all the energy Mountain had provided. Looking at the straining Earth ghoul was difficult. The power radiating away from him made Swiss’s eyes water. For such a quiet friendly soul, Mountain was hiding a big secret. Sister would kill for the skill Mountain was displaying.
Of course, it made a lot of sense to Swiss why Mountain wouldn’t let people know about it. Surely everyone would abuse it as much as they could. As far as Swiss knew, they already had been. Mountain’s neverending charity had provided a lot of help to the Ministry. Nursing all the plants back to health couldn’t have been easy, nor was being the on-call veterinarian for all of Papa’s rats. If only Swiss had known the toll it had been taking on Mountain, he would have put an end to it all ages ago. He could be very persuasive when he needed to be.
Just thinking about it made him want to shred people’s throats out. He wanted to bare his teeth and pounce from sibling to sibling. But that would all have to wait for after Mountain’s comedown. A large outburst of energy like this is most definitely resulting in a nap or two. Swiss intended to be there every step of the way. He would carry the large ghoul back to the den if he had to. 
Despite the long grass and flowers growing well past Mountain’s hunched figure, he refused to stop. Swiss was beginning to worry about Mountain possibly overdoing it and sending himself to the infirmary. Swiss had never heard of such a thing happening, but he didn’t want to rule it out.
Luckily, through the tall grass hiding the Earth ghoul, Swiss could hear Mountain heave out a heavy sigh. He straightened his back but made no move to stand. Looking over to Swiss with sad red-ringed eyes, he stayed silent.
Swiss, not wanting to upset the ghoul anymore, walked over and kneeled beside Mountain in the grass. He put an arm around the big ghoul and pulled him into a comforting hug. Swiss tried to use as much quintessence as he knew how to. 
Mountain looked down at his hands and gently laid the body of the bird onto the soft green grass. He was too tired to dig any holes yet. He focused instead on Swiss’s warm embrace, distracting himself by falling into the mild hypnosis.
Swiss was glad Mountain had finally tired himself out, but he couldn’t help but look at the bird on the ground. It was still visibly breathing, and, despite everything he knew had happened, it looked as if the bird’s chest was rising more frequently.
Deciding it was just an illusion, he tried to focus on Mountain instead. But he just couldn’t tear his eyes away.
The longer Swiss stared, the more obvious it became that the bird was indeed breathing faster. Mountain’s head had lolled against Swiss’s shoulder, his brain lost to the quintessence. Swiss once again couldn’t believe his eyes. The bird’s feet had started twitching and its eyes slowly blinked open. He felt sick, there was no way this bird had made such a recovery.
But of course, Mountain did that. He grew every plant in the room, including seeds hidden beneath the dirt. The life of a small bird might be more complicated than the life of a basil plant, but Mountain was powerful enough to support a whole room of life. Swiss couldn’t believe Mountain had this power. He potentially held more power than the quintessence ghouls. He could save lives. How big could Mountain work? Could he save humans? Ghouls?
Swiss started to shake Mountain awake from the hypnosis to show him the living bird. He realized how similar his thought process was to those who had already used Mountain for gain. Phantom’s stupid forest creatures, and Dew’s stupid video games. Mountain wasn’t an object, he deserved to be treated like any other ghoul, despite his power.
Mountain let out a quiet annoyed whine. Swiss felt bad for the mourning ghoul but encouraged him to look at the bird nonetheless. It had started to shake its wings and hop slowly across the ground. 
“Please take me to the den, I’m so tired.” Slow tears trailed down his face.
“Just look at the bird, Mountain, it’s alive, you saved it.” At this, Mountain opened his eyes toward where the bird stood a couple of inches from the two ghouls. He didn’t have much of a reaction, he just looked on silently as the bird grew stronger. 
He looked up at Swiss and quietly asked, “Can we take it outside and then go to the den?” His voice was groggy with exhaustion. Even raising his head looked slow and difficult. Swiss hated that he was burdened with all this responsibility on his own. If only the other ghouls had known how much he had been struggling.
“Of course. Anything for you, my little grow-light.” Swiss chuckled at his joke, helped Mountain stand, and grabbed the little bird on the way outside to the soft golden sunset.
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odinsblog · 20 hours
And this really is a case about the power of government agencies
The Chevron doctrine, it arises from a case, Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, from 1984. And the idea behind the Chevron doctrine is that courts should defer to a federal agency's interpretation of a federal law that it administers as long as that interpretation is reasonable. So even if a court might look at the statute and come to a different conclusion, as long as the agency's interpretation is reasonable, courts should defer to it.
So there are two steps. First, the courts determine whether or not the statute is ambiguous. And if it is ambiguous, then the courts defer to the agency's interpretation.
And the idea is that when Congress writes a law, it may not think of all of the details. It may not have the expertise that a federal agency has. And so that the federal agency can fill in the gaps when it is interpreting the law.
And the Chevron Doctrine has had sort of a target on its back for some time now with conservative lawyers, conservative law professors, who believe that there shouldn't be a deference to any agency's interpretation of the law. That Congress's job is to write the laws, and then it's the job of courts to say what they mean. And so the Supreme Court has had several requests over the last few years to reconsider the Chevron Doctrine, and it turned those down until last year, when it agreed to take up a pair of cases challenging a regulation issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service that requires a fishing boat to pay for the costs of having an observer come on board and stay on board to monitor the boat's compliance with fishery regulations to make sure that they are not overfishing.
So basically, this would shift power, right from agencies to basically to Congress and judges.
With the caveat that because Congress is having a hard time doing much of everything, what it really does is shift power directly to courts. And as I said, I think it is of a piece with this broader theme that the court, this present court has come up with. We have things like the Major Questions Doctrine, which is a doctrine that sort of doesn't have roots in the Constitution, doesn't even have a long history as an interpretive issue, but the court has been invoking it in recent years, again, to do the same thing, which is to say Congress has to be incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly specific in laying out how a statute is gonna do what it does.
And if it fails to be specific, then it's not a good statute. And we've seen a whole bunch of things. In the very recent past, we've seen the court hobble the EPA's ability to do what it wants to do, invoking the Major Questions Doctrine.
It's another version of the Chevron deference, which is a claim by the court that if Congress wants to do something, it has to do something so, so specifically that there's no ambiguity. And as Chevron does, Chevron suggests that if there is ambiguity in a statute, then you go ahead and you defer to the agency itself, presumably with all its expertise and its scientists and its understanding of how we go about regulating. This is an effort to say, nope, that's not good enough either.
And so what it really effectively does, whether under the guise of Chevron deference or the major questions doctrine, is it spikes authority either back to Congress to fix regulations, or as we're seeing happen in real time, it simply spikes authority right back to the courts. And it arrogates to the courts the power to decide all sorts of public health questions. Last year, the court started to decide what Swampland was under the Clean Water Act, what emissions are under the EPA regulations, what health protections are under COVID.
And so it's really a massive arrogation to the court to do a whole bunch of things that at least some critics say the court doesn't have the kind of technical expertise to do.
And I think that you do have a feeling coming again from some of the justices, that school boards don't know what they're doing, that entities that give out gun licenses don't know what they're doing, that the justice department is all in the tank for Joe Biden and against Donald Trump. So at every single level of government, you're hearing the court raising questions. Last two weeks ago, it was ATF and bump stocks, right?
And I think one of the things that's been so destabilizing to this particular court, in addition to the ethics claims and the claims that it's off the rails in terms of personal conduct of some jurists, is that when you are overturning precedent willy-nilly, as they did in Dobbs, as they did in Brew in the Gun case, as they've been doing in case after case, the American public, separate and apart from the idea that the justices, some of them are unethical, start to have real doubts about whether this court is just a political branch that changes its mind based on political composition. And that's the worst possible outcome for the court. And yet I think that separate and apart from judicial conduct, we are in a deep, deep moment of doubt about the court as anything other than what looks like now to be a political branch that's just kind of changing the law as it goes along.
—The Dangerous Impact of This Supreme Court’s Decisions
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seabeck · 3 months
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Another comparison. It’s slightly longer and just generally denser. Man I hope I can find the skull next time!
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sysig · 6 months
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Small skeleton zine I put together as a double-sided print template test (Patreon)
Bonus clean panels under the cut
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Front and back cover skeletons
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Handplates babies
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And terribad dad!
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Longboi Jack Skellington - his legs were really fun haha
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And the Riveras!
#Doodles#Skele-zine hehe#Original#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Jack Skellington#Coco#Imelda Rivera#Héctor Rivera#I always draw with such defined strong lines on printer paper lol#Normally my style is all fluttery and soft and scratchy and sketchy but I see printer paper and I'm like ''I must Bold Lines Only''#S'quite a mouthful of a caption but that's what I was doing!#You see the weird creases on the last page? Technically this is the inside but since I started with the inside technically it's the outside#Gonna fill the other side soon :) I wanted to make sure I got as clean of pictures and scans as I could single-sided first tho#I dunno what the other side's gonna have but no matter what it won't have as clean of scans or lines :P The nature of things#Why do I want it to be double-sided in the first place? I have some print tests I'd like to try :3c#As if I don't already have enough things to format for printing lol look I just follow whatever my brain is hungry for in the moment#It's all papercrafts! Whatever makes the kid (brain) happy#Plus it was a good excuse to draw Yet More Skeletons - can you tell I'm in Font Skeleton Hell atm lol#I'm pretty sure that Doot-doot Sans was a shower thought lol#The rest were all off the cuff :) Man I haven't drawn Jack in yearrrrsss#I was almost tempted to follow him up with Slenderman for the lulz but I kept to the skeleton theme! Good for me lol#Everyone was largely from memory - I gave a quick glance at CinemaWins' Coco video for references but aside from that#Drawing big bold shapes and then filling them in with slight hatching was fun ♪ More fun than erasing! Just gotta roll with it! Pen rules!#I did erase a couple things here and there but I left most of my lines down :) Even mistakes! It's good to practice around them sometimes ♪#Good test! Fun and met my goal! :)
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voluptuarian · 3 months
As landback efforts here become more successful I can't help but wonder how long it will take for indigenous reclamation to be described as the predations of settler colonists
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tamagotchikgs · 17 days
last night i was poking around in my mouth as u do and i reached back where i had always felt this hard thing w my tongue for awhile now but was like ah maybe it's just like. my gums being inflamed in the back or smthn BUT,, no i poked that thing with my fingernail n it is a tooth that is a whole ass wisdom tooth
#NO WONDER... MY JAW IS IN PAIN ALMOST ALL THE TIME.... HUH..#i wonder if that period where i literally couldnt move my jaw from the pain for like a week was when it was emerging#otherwise the pain is like not awful. not bad enough it's noticeable u know im used to it i have so many aches n pains in my body naturally#like my entire head has a constant ache. if u touch my cheekbones ill drop my head like a cat into ur hand dude it is .#it's like the most relieving ache . like u have just lifted a massive weight off my shoulders. and it's been that way since i was a kid#i think i googled if thats what it was before n they were like no if it were your wisdom tooth youd know :) it would hurt u so bad#which i despise btw because this means nothing to me BHJAH.... like they said the same thing when i broke my foot the nurse that did intake#i was a kid & she was like dont worry if it were broken youd know and you wouldnt have walked in here on it ... fellas . it was broken#& i could never see anything when i looked in the mirror#but it's just because it's slightly covered by like swollen gums back there which i always thought was just because i chewed too hard#but.#no i guess it;s because something was erupting like an alien#i used my lil pokey tool to squish em out of the way and i can see it#it's so weird just having a tooth u know u shouldnt#like i . i want to just grab it i want to just hold it in my hand#why does it have to be so securely in place whihc is something i wouldnt never say for my other teeth HJBA#i am not going 2 have it removed any time soon im .#i have wanted to go to the dentist my whole life but i am too scared#esp w the damage from my ed and depression im so embarrassed#i honestly want to though#there is nothing that would make me feel more like an actual person then to just. get a cleaning#get my maintenance done LMAO#i do my best at home but u kno#i use an electric spinning toothbrush i floss i use mouthwash i do it all 2 try n handle what damage there already is#but it still would do wonders for my mental health and oral health#apparently partial impactions which is what i have can be really bad n get infected so . aha...h. 👍:).. ..h.
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