The Banana Splits Blog
16 posts
Hello and welcome to this blog!This is technically a au, pretty much my own take on the splits and this also takes place in the future some.Ask and dares are currently open! Ask/dare queue: 3
Last active 60 minutes ago
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the-banana-splits-blog · 3 months ago
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the-banana-splits-blog · 3 months ago
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the-banana-splits-blog · 3 months ago
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the-banana-splits-blog · 3 months ago
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the-banana-splits-blog · 3 months ago
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the-banana-splits-blog · 4 months ago
Now that the last splits info post is completed.
Asks and dares are now in the works,
if ya have something ya would like to ask the gang or have a silly little dare for them, send it their way and they’ll respond as soon as they can!
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the-banana-splits-blog · 4 months ago
4 bananas make a bunch
Introducing the tiny elephant on the keys, Snorky E. Fellows
Any posts with the tag little elephant on the keys (Snorky) has Snorky on them
Below is his info post for this blog
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Snorky is a small elephant mammoth hybrid, but do not let his shortness fool you, this little fella can pack a punch. Not to mention, he can have quite the temper as well, on a bad day.. the smallest things can sometimes send him into a fighting fit and will gladly punch or throw anyone in his way. In the band, he plays the piano/keyboard, he’s pretty skilled in playing this instrument since it’s easy on the hands. During the show era, he grew his fur out since shaving it all off wasn’t something he enjoyed to do.. so he has resulted in him getting monthly trims to keep his fur short so it doesn’t get too much to deal with. (He loves his long fur, but it gets so hot in the summer and on occasion, limits his vision)
Since retiring from the show, he has fully picked up baking as his hobby. He isn’t sure why he was so drawn to it, but he’s always loved to bake and hopes in a few years, he can open his own bakery.. though due to him baking, he has to fight off his band members since they all (especially Bingo) can’t help but get a little taste of what he has made. In his free time, he also likes to make clothing, they aren’t the most perfect looking clothing, but he knows with practice, he’ll make something that looks pretty.
Snorky is currently 26
Short tempered, but can be friendly. Curious but also cautious. Likes to be helpful, bit of a perfectionist, a baker at heart.
Little facts:
Snorky is mostly mute, he commonly speaks in honks. But is able to speak English some, but only a few words.
Occasionally likes to cross dress, he loves feminine clothing like dresses and skirts. Bonus if it’s pink with green or yellow.
Has been deemed the strongest banana (but is actually the second strongest) is able to throw Bingo with ease
Has very poor eyesight. Without his glasses, he’d probably run into stuff a lot (speaking of glasses, he likes to steal Bingo’s shades on occasion)
He has a huge collection of plushies, calls it his plushie pile, well… the few that is in his bedroom
Snorky wears gloves most of the time as he has very sensitive hands, it is sometimes hard for him to do certain tasks, but luckily he has a a trunk to help him out some.
Apparently has a secret admirer, he isn’t sure who it is.. but they always leave him a sweet note and some sort of gift every Valentine’s Day. He is determined to find out who it is.. but they seem to leave it when he’s not paying attention.
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Relationships with the gang
Fleegle- he considers Fleegle an acquaintance. He doesn’t quite understand what all his inventions do and tends to stay clear from them, but Fleegle is a good help in the kitchen.. unless he gets sidetracked, which happens a lot… despite that, he enjoys Fleegle’s company. Though their talks are limited since Fleegle isn’t that skilled in the honk language
Bingo- he is good friends with Bingo, despite the fact that most things that gorillatan does irritates him… but after all these years, it’s kind of like a fun game to Bingo since gorillatans love to roughhouse. Bingo is also the only band member that fully knows the honk language so Bingo is commonly taking to him or being his translator. Snorky enjoys his company since sometimes… his silliness makes him laugh, but he sure does wish he’d stop stealing his baked goods.
Drooper- their relationship is ok, but like Fleegle, Drooper isn’t too skilled in the honk language.. Snorky isn’t too fond of the bugs or getting dirty in the garden, but he does think the flowers pretty..
Snorky is an only child with a few relatives, mostly on his mom’s side.. doesn’t know a whole lot on his dad’s side.
Snorky’s mom is a soft spoken elephant, she loves her little calf to no end, no matter how big he gets. She tends to be a bit of a helicopter parent and not realize it, not to mention babying him all the time.. even after him telling her to tone it down some, it’s a habit she has yet to break. While she is a sweet elephant, Snorky gets his feistiness from her.. but she is able to hold it in a lot better, but if you dare say anything bad about her baby, she will not hold back.
Snorky’s dad is a big gentle giant of a mammoth. He doesn’t understand English all that much, but he’s working on it. He’s a very kind fella with a big heart too, he’s calm and docile as well. (Heck, you could purposely trip him and he’d apologize to you for tripping on your leg.. wouldn’t recommend it tho) he loves Snorky to death as well and always stays close, sometimes holds him when he’s visiting his son.
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the-banana-splits-blog · 4 months ago
Just a heads up that when Snorky’s info post is posted, his text style is different from the others.
That will be the new text style I use from now on this blog.
(Just letting you all know incase y’all thought that I mixed the text up or something)
Snorky’s info post should hopefully be posted before the day is over.
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the-banana-splits-blog · 4 months ago
I promise Snorky’s info post is gonna some soon.
But I found out something interesting, the Splits were gonna get yet, another reboot.
We know about the canceled 2016 reboot using the 2008 splits, but there was one possibly in 2014 and it was a stop motion one.
Only Bingo and Drooper puppets were made, designed by Tom Megalis. I will say they look interesting…
I just wanted to share since I thought it was neat. Would have been nice to see how that could have played out and what Fleegle and Snorky would have looked in the style, but not sure if we ever will.
Do hope one day the gang will get a proper reboot and they go back to how they were. A bunch of silly animals who goof around and play music all day long.
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the-banana-splits-blog · 5 months ago
I’m sorry for using your Singo design to make my own Jacki character, I redesigned her an bit and to really prove she’s yours, I’m lending you permission to own the original design, and use her in anyway you want, and I’ll only use the redesign and renamed one and further ones if I decide to, but you have complete control of the original.
Thank you for understanding and I really do appreciate that you are changing the design.
I would also appreciate it if you delete or replace the images you have of the original design.
But yeah, I would prefer you not to use any of my ocs for inspiration to create your own, there are so many unique ideas out there that ya could possibly use rather than take inspiration or traits from mine. If you need help creating ocs, ya can dm me (I really love to design characters)
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the-banana-splits-blog · 5 months ago
Hello everyone! Apologies for the silence. I have been a bit busy with commissions and other irl stuff.
I will get to Snorky’s info post soon, but I’m just coming on here to make a little announcement.
Firstly… I do not mind anyone taking inspiration from my split designs, the splits do not belong to me. But please! Do not repost my art without credit, I’ve been shown someone has been stealing my art and reposting it, please do not do this as I might end up not doing this blog anymore since it’s really disheartening to see my art be re-posted/stolen on other platforms and get a lot more attention while I don’t get much.
I know the next splits blog is no longer around. (You know, Singo and Dreeg) but please please, do not use them or take inspiration from them.. they are still my characters that I created and I am still actively using them, they are not for the public use.
The people stealing them and also heavily coping their design/personality to make their own “next gen” is the whole reason I deleted that blog and makes me wish I never shared them or created the blog since some people do not know how to respect others...
So please, do not use either of the characters or take reference to them, those two mean a lot to me and it hurts they are being treated this way.
Kind regards
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the-banana-splits-blog · 7 months ago
3 Banana
Introducing the laid back lion on the bass, Drooper R. Daniels
Any posts with the tag a rad bass playing lion (Drooper) will have Drooper on them
Below is his info post for the blog
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Drooper is the tallest and the laidback member of the band, not to mention.. he can be a bit slow or just seem like he’s in a whole different world. He has been deemed the stupidest banana, but he doesn’t really take offense to it since it is just a word to him and he’s smart in his own unique way, like his knowledge of bugs, being able to train them to do tricks and what not. Drooper also seems to be the clumsiest of the bunch and maybe also the laziest too, always seen taking naps throughout the club house or tripping over something (most commonly his tail)
Since retiring from the show, he has worked harder to train his many pet bugs to do all sorts of tricks. He also works to help any little critter in need that he might come across. When he’s not dealing with bugs or napping, you can commonly find him working in the garden he started when they first moved into the club house.
Drooper is currently 27
Lazy, slow, tends to not be the brightest, has a big green thumb, bug enthusiast, is also very kind and caring while also not having a care in the world.
Little facts:
Drooper has many pet bugs that he has fully kept as pets rather than releasing back into the wild. The one that has the most tricks is Fletcher the Flea, he loves the little guy to death
You would except him to have not the best eye sight with his eyes looking like they are closed, but he actually has better eyesight compared to Snorky and Fleegle. His eyes are open, they are just so drooped down that it seems like they are closed.. but he occasionally can open one eye half way, can also open both eyes, but it’s only when he is startled.
Has a fear of guns and any sound that is like a gun. He isn’t sure why, but it just makes him feel uneasy
Very fond of the outdoors, he loves to be out there surrounded by nature and tending to his garden
Drooper has a talent for being able to copy a tune he has heard without even knowing the notes to the song. If he hears it on the radio, he can play the exact tune on his bass.
Occasionally Drooper likes to dress up as a super hero named Super Drooper. He enjoys doing so unless there is actual danger about.
Drooper cannot write at all.. he is slowly working on it, but you can hardly tell what he is trying to write. (Of course, he never really went to school growing up…)
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Relationships with the gang:
Fleegle- Drooper first met Fleegle when he got the flier to join the band. He noticed that Fleegle was always rather friendly towards him, but it went over his head. As they got older, they still were rather close.. though him being silly or dumb has gotten on Fleegle’s nerves from time to time… but that beagle can’t stay mad at him for long. Their relationship is ok, Drooper is very loving and Fleegle enjoys the attention.
Bingo- Drooper will tolerate Bingo, but he can’t really be left alone for him for long. While they are on good terms today… as teens, these two would fight and bicker nonstop. Fleegle always put a stop to it, but he was a bit late to do it one day… Drooper is unsure why they started to act this way with one another those many years ago.. but he’s just happy they are somewhat friends today.
Snorky- he thinks he’s ok. They aren’t close, but are acquaintances. He isn’t all too familiar with the honk language, but he does enjoy the elephant’s company.
Drooper’s alive members include his Ma + her side of the family and his younger twin sisters. His Pa passed away when he was a kid and he doesn’t quite know any members on his side of the family.
Drooper’s Ma is Shelby Daniels. She is sweet, but can be quite stern when it is needed. She has raised Drooper and his sisters alone most of their life, but she is taking it one day at a time. She is damaged some, but she doesn’t mind.. it tells stories as she says… though some noticed she gives a different story sometimes…
Drooper’s Pa is Richard Daniels. He was a tall, caring and kind lion with a big heart. Drooper gets most of his personality from him too, Richard also loved to garden and care for the little bugs that lived in his garden. Drooper has many fond memories of being with his Pa among the flowers. None of the siblings know how he passed since they were all so young.
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the-banana-splits-blog · 9 months ago
2 banana
Introducing the gorillatan on the drums, Bingo B. Grey
Any post with the tag The Gorillatan on the drums (Bingo) will have Bingo on them
Below is his info post on the blog.
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Bingo is a very energetic and mischievous gorillatan, if there is some kind of problem, he most likely caused it.. but besides that, he is a pretty sweet guy and just a big teddy bear. He is quite strong, but never really wants to hurt anyone, but he seems to be the most protective of the gang if they run into trouble.. well, most of the time. You can mostly find this gorillatan reading comic books or stealing sweets and stuff (mostly goes after any baked goods Snorky had made)
Since retiring from the show, he hasn’t changed much. Still as mischievous as ever and has no plans on stopping. Though he does sometimes give the gang a break from his shenanigans every now and then and goes to his parents place for a bit to catch up. (He lives kind of far from his parents and siblings)
Bingo is currently 29 years old
A big time prankster, very happy go lucky and rarely anything other than happy (if Bingo is sad, it would most likely be something serious), very energetic, a bit too much energy.. quite protective, 100% a goofball, but will be serious if needed.
Little Facts:
Bingo is the main interpreter for Snorky, while the gang knows some of the honk Language, Bingo is quite skilled in it
Bingo’s bedroom is customized with many handlebars and rings on the ceiling as it’s his way to burn some energy while swinging around his room. Speaking of his room, Bingo is the only one that doesn’t sleep in a normal bed, he sleeps in a hammock and surprisingly, his room it pretty clean.
As you know, Bingo rarely loses his smile, but if ya get him angry then he can lose that smile. (The two things that make him the most angry? Messing with someone he cares about or messing up his banana buggie)
Bingo has a fear of tight spaces (you can thank a certain older brother of his)
Bingo is actually the strongest, but he gives the title of strongest banana to Snorky (he don’t like to hurt people anyway)
He has a huge appetite, he can eat a lot.. has been banned from quite a few all you can eat buffets
This gorillatan is prone to danger, he seems to get hurt a lot but always bounces back rather quickly. Out of everything he’s been through, he only has one scar.. that being on his chest, somewhat near his heart.
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Relationships with the gang:
Fleegle- he has known Fleegle the longest and were (still are) best buddies, Bingo does consider Fleegle a brother in a way despite already having plenty of brothers. Nowadays, Fleegle is clearly tired of all of the pranks and stupid things Bingo does on a daily basis, but occasionally, he’ll get a smile out of that beagle.
Drooper- him and Drooper do consider each other friends, but they do have their ups and downs. As teens, they never got along, it was always Fleegle trying to separate the two so a fight doesn’t start. Nowadays, they are friends but do get irritated at one another if they spent too much time with each other.. of course with Drooper’s mindset today, he normally runs away from Bingo if he irritated him a bit too much…
Snorky- Bingo and Snorky are quite close, he is the whole reason Snorky even joined the band. Bingo was the first to learn the honk language and Snorky was over joyed when someone that wasn’t in his family could understand him. Their relationship can be a bit confusing from time to time as Bingo likes being a pest to him, teasing him and stealing things Snorky bakes and it all normally ends up with Bingo thrown by the little elephant, but at the end of they day, they are as happy as they can be and have no harsh feelings towards each other
Bingo is the middle child of 13 siblings. Out of all his siblings there is only one girl, her name is June and she is also the oldest. Bingo does in fact have a twin brother, his name is Dingo. They look nearly identical, but the main differences is that Dingo is calmer, has a different voice and does not have 2 different colored eyes. There is also 2 more sets of twins and one set of triplets in this big gorillatan family.
Bingo’s mama is Bethany Grey, a laid back, calm, and very loving orangutan. She has a big heart for all her children and is very protective over them no matter how big they are. Bethany doesn’t have a favorite, but she does say that Bingo has always been the most unique one out of them all. Bethany seems to always be sleepy even though she takes a lot of naps, she just says that’s how she looks.
Bingo’s pops is Charles Grey, a monotone and stern gorilla. He doesn’t speak much nor does he make a lot of expressions, but he loves all his kids greatly and has been as gentle with them as he can. He isn’t as social as Bethany, but he tries to be there for his many kids, but it is a bit hard for him. Same with Bethany, he doesn’t pick favorites, but he did think that Bingo would make a name for himself one day with his unique personality and he was right about that, he is quite proud of Bingo.. even if the gorillatan gets a bit too much for him.
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the-banana-splits-blog · 10 months ago
1 banana
Introducing the leader of this zany bunch, Fleegle J. Howells
Any post with the tag #the guitar playing leader (Fleegle) will contain posts with Fleegle on it.
Below is his info post for this blog.
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Fleegle is the leader of the club and band, he also tends to deem himself the smartest banana. This beagle has a love for sweets and machinery, you can always find him getting a secret little sweet snack or working on a crazy new invention (though, he has only had 3 successful inventions so far..)
Since retiring from the show, he has continued to work on making new inventions and always calls one of his friends to test it out to see if it works. He still lives among his fellow band mates in their “club house”. As the leader, he claimed the master bedroom in the upper bit of the club house. Fleegle has a side hobby of being a magician, he is pretty good at it and pretty much just preforms in secret (his band mates tend to watch him in the door way and they all think it’s pretty swell and he should take it out on the road, but Fleegle says he ain’t good enough for that)
They still go out and preform from time to time, just because they don’t do the show, doesn’t mean they’ll stop playing their music.
Fleegle is currently 29 years old
A bookworm, a neat freak, tired a lot.. tends to get tired of his friends shenanigans, mostly Bingo.. sometimes has a short temper (not as bad as Snorky), tends to get lost in his own thoughts, also gets sidetracked very easily.
Little facts:
Fleegle is part teacup beagle, which is why he is a shorty
He will never admit to it, but he loves dog toys, this pooch will get so excited (but he does get embarrassed once the excitement passes)
His go to sweet, is anything that has chocolate.. absolutely loves Snorky’s triple chocolate cake. (But also enjoys hard candy too)
Fleegle wears dark makeup around his eyes, since apparently without it, he looks like he did as a child
His iconic red bow tie was a gift from his Uncle Ralphy, he gave Fleeg the bow tie when they had their first big performance
Fleegle has quite a few scars, though none are visible as they are really small.. most are from dealing with his inventions and random metal scraps flying at him.
Fleegle has a fear of loud noises, tends to hide when thunder or fireworks come around. (Does wear ear protection from time to time.)
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Relationships with the gang:
Bingo- he is the closest to Bingo compared to the others, somewhat considers him a brother from another banana as he says.. they met in grade school and became good friends despite being polar opposites. They still are good friends to this day, but boy does Fleegle get tired of Bingo’s shenanigans.. but he wouldn’t have that funky gorillatan any other way.
Drooper- he met Drooper a few years after Bingo, he was rather fond of the tall lion when he showed up at his mother’s place with one of his and Bingo’s handmade filers to come join their band. He had always had a fondness of Drooper, but never really acknowledged it till he was in his late teens.
Snorky- He has a ok friendship with Snorky, he can tolerate him more since he isn’t as dumb as Bingo or as slow as Drooper. They aren’t really that close, but are friends to put it short.
Fleegle is an only child, but he has many many cousins.
His mother is Jenna Howells, a kind hearted beagle that can get a bit feisty when she wants to be (Fleegle gets most of his personality from her) like her son, you can find her nose in a book, her and Fleegle will do get togethers sometimes and talk about the newest books (Fleegle looks forward to it every month) Fleegle is also 100% a mamas boy.
And his father, Henry Howells (formerly Henry Biscuit) is a monotone teacup beagle. Fleegle was never really close to his father due to this, but Henry tried his best, even tried to force a smile for certain occasions but stopped when it did no good. He can’t really help it due to his head injury, but he loves his son and has always been proud of him. While he can’t show how he feels in his face or voice, his tail sure speaks for him.
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the-banana-splits-blog · 10 months ago
Hello! And welcome to the Banana splits ask blog! Please take a look at the rules, there ain’t a lot!
Please note, this is my own personal au, it is not canon or 100% accurate, this is just my take on the splits!
Another note, this blog also takes place a few years after the show ended too.
Info post links for each split so it’s easier to find:
1. Please no NSFW related asks or requests, you may cuss, but it must be censored in a way
2. No hate. Hate is not allowed here. If you dislike how I draw, see or ship the Splits, just block and move on, it’s that easy.
3. I do take drawing requests of the splits, just remember the 1st rule when it comes to this!
4. I will have some very strict rules when it comes to ocs in ask posts as I’ve had some negative experiences in the past.
5. You can do dares and what not, but please nothing to harsh, yeah they have cartoon logic on their side, but they still have their limits.
6. Lastly, and also the most important rule. Do not reupload my art whatsoever. I do not mind others making video dubs off any comics and stuff I make as long as I get credited for the artwork somehow. (Credit me as Beartronica!)
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the-banana-splits-blog · 10 months ago
So I have officially just moved all the old posts to the archive blog
(Here it is if ya want it again @the-banana-splits-blog-archive )
So what now?
Well.. ya just wait till I have stuff updated.
I will post each info post about a split which will include their info, family and so on.
Gonna go in order, so Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper then Snorky.
Rule post will get an update first and will be posted eventually.
Also.. Bear (aka me) will finally have a face on this blog.
So stay tuned and thank you all for being patient.
On a side note, ask box will remain open and I will get to any old and new asks once the info posts are done and posted here!
Kind regards
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