#A bear that rambles on about the splits
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the-banana-splits-blog · 5 months ago
Hello everyone! Apologies for the silence. I have been a bit busy with commissions and other irl stuff.
I will get to Snorky’s info post soon, but I’m just coming on here to make a little announcement.
Firstly… I do not mind anyone taking inspiration from my split designs, the splits do not belong to me. But please! Do not repost my art without credit, I’ve been shown someone has been stealing my art and reposting it, please do not do this as I might end up not doing this blog anymore since it’s really disheartening to see my art be re-posted/stolen on other platforms and get a lot more attention while I don’t get much.
I know the next splits blog is no longer around. (You know, Singo and Dreeg) but please please, do not use them or take inspiration from them.. they are still my characters that I created and I am still actively using them, they are not for the public use.
The people stealing them and also heavily coping their design/personality to make their own “next gen” is the whole reason I deleted that blog and makes me wish I never shared them or created the blog since some people do not know how to respect others...
So please, do not use either of the characters or take reference to them, those two mean a lot to me and it hurts they are being treated this way.
Kind regards
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all-night-drive · 1 year ago
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for-your-modesty-dude · 21 days ago
Sacred Tradition
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A/N: Hi again! This was a quick idea that was bouncing around my head for the past two days. This is a little shorter than my last, and I honestly didn't even read through it once I finished typing it out, so... try not to judge me too hard for silly errors. - Hy
Just a special shoutout to @bl0ssomanddie whose compliment made me cheese so hard that I couldn't help but continue trying this whole "posting my writing" thing out.
Warnings: ramblings, momentary angst, fluffy ending
Word Count: 2.8k
Per tradition, Thursday nights were movie nights at Eddie’s little apartment. 
Since the whole Vecna thing had gone down, he and Wayne had gotten a good settlement from the government to keep their mouths shut about what they knew, and then another for the accusations and resulting manhunt that had caused Eddie mental anguish and physical harm. As soon as he’d graduated high school, he’d gotten himself a little apartment on the nicer side of town, moving out of the house he and Wayne had been moved into once the trailer park was deemed unlivable. As soon as the town was cleared for entry, you’d taken a flight from your college town on the east coast to head back to your hometown, where your friends were. (Not that it looked the same, since the government had to jump through hoops to fix up what Vecna had left behind. Or officially, the “earthquake.”) The only reason you knew anything about Vecna was because Eddie had written almost a journal’s worth of letters to you, with polaroid photograph evidence, and testimonials from his friends before he’d been sworn to secrecy. So naturally, when you’d come home, you’d been panicked to see him and hear about the story in person. You had just entered your junior year of college, but after the chaos of Hawkins splitting open, you couldn’t bear to be away anymore. You decided you were staying in town, and you’d finish your degree at your local college, while you worked locally. Fridays were the only weekdays you didn’t have class, and thus had started your movie night tradition. 
By the time you’d gotten your degree and gotten your own little apartment in town, you’d both felt it was inappropriate to change sacred movie night tradition. Eddie didn’t work at the shop on Fridays, and you didn’t work the opening shift at the store, so Thursdays continued to work. Sometimes, however, Eddie liked to break tradition and hold movie night at your place instead. 
That particular Thursday, Eddie’s oven unit had been acting up, so he’d called you to request the change in venue, and you didn’t mind it one bit. A functioning oven was a must, otherwise you couldn’t cook your instant stovetop popcorn, and neither of you would dare do movie night without your popcorn. He arrived early, as you were getting home from work, so you left him to his own devices while you went to shower and get into your comfiest sweats. 
Typically, with Eddie’s endless supply of energy, he usually found something productive to do with it. However, he was typically in his own apartment, which meant he could pick up one of his current reads when he was bored and read until you gave him attention again. At your place, however, it was a little harder to find a way to tamp down his energy. He chose to just read anything and everything with text that was on your coffee table. This included a mailer ad you’d received for a car, an electrical bill that was annoyingly lower than his own, and a fashion catalog. The problem was that none of these things were near interesting enough, so when he saw an open journal tucked in the bottom shelf of the coffee table, he had to grab it. 
He started flipping through pages of random notes you’d made: movies you wanted to watch, a word you wanted to look up in a dictionary, a D&D campaign idea for Eddie, and then a bunch of blank pages. As he was about to give up on that, he flipped to a later page on accident, and saw you’d doodled a bunch of hearts, and in the middle was your name… with his last name tacked on. It stopped him in his tracks, and he just stared down at the page awhile, trying to process if he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. After he gathered his bearings again, he flipped through more pages, and found his name doodled all over the edges of the pages, and hearts. He also found plenty more instances of your name with his Munson surname. Feeling that he’d definitely seen something he wasn’t supposed to, he closed the journal and put it on the coffee table, halfway covering it with a TV guide that was on the side table beside him, and sitting back on the couch, tense. 
When you were done with your shower and fully dressed, you came out, scrunching your hair dry with your towel. You smiled when you entered the living room, “ready for some Gremlins?” He gave you a strange smile and a stiff nod, but you didn’t read too much into it, knowing Eddie had a tendency of being weird at times. Instead, you went to grab the movie from the shelf, tossing the box to him before going to prepare the popcorn. He was quiet while you did so, but again, you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. When everything was ready, you headed to the couch with the bowl of popcorn in arm. 
You were about to take your usual seat curled up with him when you spotted your journal on the coffee table, underneath a TV guide. Only you hadn’t left the journal there earlier that morning. When you realized what must have happened, your stomach sank to your toes, and you sat a respectable distance from him as the movie previews began. You put the popcorn bowl in the space between you, and tried to calm your now racing heart as the movie began. Usually, movie nights together were full of laughter and silly comments, especially when watching movies you’d already seen a million times. This time was not like those times. Unfortunately, he was too shocked at this new information to be normal, and you were too petrified that he knew how you felt to act cool. It meant that the whole movie night was weird and tense, and when it was time for him to go, you tried to act as normal as possible, waving before closing the door and locking it behind him, and then collapsing on the ground to stare at the hardwood and contemplate just about every life decision you’d ever made. 
You shouldn’t have left your journal in your living room. It was such a stupid mistake. One you never made. But you hadn’t expected Eddie to change plans and decide to go to your place instead of his own, so it hadn’t even crossed your mind until you’d seen it there. You couldn’t be upset with him, he knew he was welcome to look through whatever you left in your living room. He knew not to snoop in your bedroom, but living room was fair game. He had seen your deepest, darkest secret. You had been so good about hiding your crush on Eddie. You’d never once let on, at least not in your eyes, and he certainly never seemed to notice. You thought you were in the clear. But the way he’d tensed around you today? That was all the information you needed. Not only did he not know prior to now, but he was uncomfortable around you now that he did know. Needless to say, you would not be speaking with Eddie anytime soon. 
Eddie stood outside your door for a few minutes after you’d closed it, and he’d heard the lock turn. He stared at the parking lot a few yards away, just trying to process what he’d just experienced. If he’d understood correctly, his best friend was writing her name with his last name in her journal, surrounded by hearts… meaning she liked him. More importantly, she returned his feelings. He’d been in love with her for so long, but had never had the nerve to take things to the next level, for fear she’d reject him. Now, there was no more fear of that. 
But he’d done something much, much worse, instead. He’d made it seem like he wasn’t interested. It was an accident! He had seen that information, and he couldn’t wrap his mind around what he’d read! So he’d let things get tense and awkward, and then he couldn’t very well do anything about it, because he had the distinct feeling she’d seen what he’d been doing. He’d succeeded at making her uncomfortable, and that was about it. He looked back at the door after his entire thought process had concluded, and noticed your living room lights were out, so you’d definitely retreated to your bedroom. He wouldn’t knock again, so instead he hurried to his car and raced home, before calling you and nearly chewing his nails off as he waited for you to pick up. When you didn’t, he called again. And again. On the fourth time, he got a busy signal instead of just no response. He went to bed with a heavy heart that night, afraid you hated him now. 
You’d heard the phone ring the first time, and you just knew it had to be Eddie. Surely, he wanted to smooth things over and let you down easy, but you really didn’t want to hear the pity in his voice. So you’d covered your ears with your pillow, and hoped the phone would stop ringing. Instead, he called again, and again. So after the third time, you just took the phone off the hook and hoped he’d get the hint. You waited an agonizing twenty minutes before putting it back in its place and then finally letting yourself get to sleep, knowing you’d have nightmares that night. The next morning, you took yourself to your favorite coffee shop as a treat, figuring you could at least do something nice for yourself considering your relationship with your best friend was imploding entirely. 
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie had gone to your apartment early to try and find you before work, only to find your car missing from the parking lot. He then tried the store you worked at, and didn’t see your car there, either. He waited a bit, in front of the store, before deciding to just go home and give you some space. On his way to his apartment, he found himself instead turning onto Wayne’s street, to try and get some advice. Wayne wasn’t home either, so he collapsed onto the old man’s couch and ended up falling asleep there. He’d get his uncle’s advice when he got home, surely. 
You had no idea the trouble eddie had gone to to find you, so you went about your workday as normally as you could. Thankfully, your boss suggested closing early that night, and you grabbed takeout and headed straight home, refusing to speak to anyone. You found yourself watching one of your favorite romantic films, working yourself up about the whole situation despite not actually having spoken to Eddie about it all. You just didn’t want to see the pity on his face when he let you down easy. You’d much rather he just pretended nothing ever happened. 
The next day, the only reason you’d had peace was because Eddie worked Saturdays at the shop. It was his longest shift. He got paid extra for it, since no one else wanted to work Saturdays. That meant that by the time he got home that night, he was too tired to pester you, and fell asleep quickly. But the next day, he was determined to follow Wayne’s advice. He woke up extra early, picking up your favorite drink and pastry from your favorite coffee shop, and headed to your apartment. He knew that knocking wouldn’t be helpful, so he had gotten there just in time to wait outside your car until you left for work. 
When you opened your front door and saw the familiar mop of curls by your car, your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. You took steadying breaths, and tried to remain calm. Once your door was locked, you walked towards your car with your eyes on the sidewalk, then the asphalt. You unlocked your car door and he appeared at your side to hand you the drink and pastry. You looked up at him silently, before taking the treats with a soft thanks, putting the cup in its cupholder and the pastry on your passenger seat. He grabbed your arm, however, to keep you from getting in the car yourself. “Please,” he said simply. 
You stared at the hand on your arm and closed your eyes a moment, before letting out a breath and responding, “I really don’t want to talk right now, I’m going to be late for work.” But that excuse didn’t work with him, because he knew what time you had to be at work to open the store. 
“We need to talk, please. You haven’t talked to me in two full days. Thursday night, you avoided my calls. I’m not leaving until you talk to me, and I’m not letting you leave either,” he used his position to switch you, and close your car door - leaning on it for good measure. You took a breath and stared at him, expression unreadable, before shaking your head. 
“No, I don’t really have anything to say, and I don’t need you to say anything either. Everything is fine and normal and great and I’ll talk to you later,” you tried to avoid the situation entirely, but your attempt proved fruitless. 
“Nope,” he crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’m not leaving until you talk to me, sweetheart. That’s not how we work, and you know it.”
“You shouldn’t have snooped,” you said simply, “you shouldn’t have gone through my journal.”
He blinked, surprised that you’d bring it up first. “Well- yeah, that’s probably true. And I’m sorry about that, really, I am. But I’m not mad I saw what I saw, you know?”
This time it was your turn to look surprised, your eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. “What do you mean? You sat there, stiff as a board, all night. If my feelings make you that uncomfortable, I don’t know what you possibly want to talk to me about. I got it, you’re not interested, okay? I don’t need you to-”
Eddie laughed and covered your mouth gently with his hand, effectively shutting you up, but shocking you as you stared up at him with wide eyes at the audacity. “Can you let me finish? I wasn’t uncomfortable about your feelings, okay? I was sitting there for an hour and a half, trying to figure out if the girl I’ve been totally pining over for ages actually doodled her name with mine, or if I was entirely insane. And then you got stiff as a board, and I thought for sure I’d messed everything up. Do you know how long I stood outside your door after you locked up? Probably like, fifteen to twenty minutes. Standing there. And then when I ran home to call you, you didn’t pick up. Those are mixed signals if I’ve ever seen ‘em,” he pointed out, slowly retracting his hand from your mouth. 
“First of all,” you pointed your finger in his face in a familiar sassy attitude that made him feel a little more comfortable than your previous silence. “Don’t you ever shut me up like that again, I’ll kill you. Second of all, I- what?” You finally deflated, puzzled at his admission and not fully grasping it. “I don’t understand, so… you weren’t uncomfortable with my feelings? You were uncomfortable with… the not knowing? And I don’t understand, why did you stand at my door-” Eddie laughed warmly at your rambling, cheeks pink, and that time shut you up an entirely different way - by grabbing your face in his hands and leaning down to kiss you.
You felt like your heart might explode, and the butterflies in your stomach erupted like nothing you’d ever felt before. It took a moment before you finally closed your eyes and let yourself melt into it, before pushing him away from you with a pouty angry look, making his own eyes go wide this time. “I told you not to shut me up, Edward,” you huffed, though your flushed cheeks said you weren’t really angry with him. He hummed and brought his hands to your hips, pulling you closer to him as he leaned down to kiss your cheek this time. 
“Oops. You should get to work, you’re really gonna be late…” he teased, and you smacked his arm. 
“You’re driving me to work today. And you’re driving me home. And buying me pizza,” you told him simply. 
“Yeah,” he grinned. “I think I can handle that.”
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figisonline · 2 months ago
Man imagine reader having to tell Dean that she can't get pregnant (I forgot the name of it) of after finding out about Dean's dream of having children
no cause ur EVIL for this !!! hasn’t our poor man been through enough heartache ????? LMAOOO
anyways let me ramble teehee
it’d be such a hard conversation, one you’re absolutely dreading. the thought of telling dean you can’t bear his children makes your chest ache, and the thought of hurting him just breaks your damn heart. you’d have to approach the conversation so carefully— maybe you’d talk to sam or cas about it first, getting their input on how to break the news as gently as you can to dean.
there’d be a lot of tears, naturally, and probably a lot of apologies from your end. you’d feel your heart split right down the middle at the way dean’s eyes sadden and brim with tears, watching him realise you’re unable to give him a family of his own.
but as heartbroken as dean is, his only concern is you, putting his thoughts and feelings on the back burner as soon as the tears spill from your eyes. your apologies tug at his heartstrings, he hates how you’re blaming yourself. he’d pull you into the tightest hug, muttering against your neck:
“baby, it’s not your fault”
“please don’t cry”
“i’m not mad, baby, i could never be mad”
“i love you, okay? we’ll work this out”
he wouldn’t let you go for the rest of the day/night, holding you flush against his chest, his hands rubbing your back or carding through your hair, desperately trying to show you his love’s not faded in the slightest at your confession.
and he meant what he said. he’ll work it out. i mean, he’s dean winchester. he spends the next few weeks researching alternative ways for you to potentially fall pregnant, looking into adoption and maybe even spells that could help.
even if none of the above work, the idea of adopting his own little family is more than enough for dean. as long as it’s with you, he’s happy.
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neos127 · 1 year ago
pairing. spider-man!jake x fem!reader wc. 430 cw. reader is described as girly in this notes. jake as spiderman hcs will be coming next ofc
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Being Spider-man’s girlfriend was hard. It was even harder when the villains that wanted him got to you as bait. You’ve had about five dresses ruined, ten barrettes lost and a plethora of broken nails before you had a mental breakdown one night. Jake promised to replace everything and while you appreciated it, you told him to save his money. That would probably be ruined too.
If you weren’t kidnapped by some flying vulture or psychotic green goblin- then you were caught in the crossfire of Jake fighting one of them. Sometimes, and only for a split second, you would question why you stuck around. But as soon as the thought came, it left and caused you to feel guilty for even thinking about it. You were absolutely in love with Jake and couldn’t bear to leave him. Even though your life was constantly in danger, he’d always come to save you.
“Aren’t I supposed to be patching you up?” You giggled, wincing when he carefully cleaned up the deep cut on your face. It was yet another run in with Vulture and if Jake had shown up five seconds too late- you would have been street-pizza.
“Yeah, but I heal quicker than you.” Jake mumbled, his eyes still showing concern. You had reassured him that you were fine, multiple times, but he didn’t want to leave your side. His mask was discarded on the floor and you were able to see his pretty face. Bruised and cut, but still pretty nonetheless.
“I promise I'll buy you a hundred bows and headbands and all the pink stuff you could imagine. Or even those macaroons you like from the bakery down the block..oh hey, didn’t you say you wanted to get your nails done? I can give you money.” Jake rambled, listing off things to make you feel better. You had never asked for them, Jake was just thoughtful (and felt insanely guilty about putting you in near death situations). You stopped his rambling by holding his face in your hands, smiling at him to show that you weren’t upset.
“You don’t have to get me anything. Knowing that you’re alive and well is more than enough for me.” You said sincerely, looking into his eyes directly. Jake bit back a smile, nodding in understanding. He thought it was cute how you never really expected anything from him, even though he still went out and got stuff for you anyways.
“Although…maybe those macaroons would be nice right about now.” You mumbled, giving the boy a shy smile. He chuckled before standing up to look for some clothes to put on. Jake never wasted time when it came to you.
“Whatever you want, princess.”
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year ago
So, I made some impulse purchases recently, including this lovely little gal.
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Hai Luna~
When I ordered her, it started a bit of a Gardevoir kick in me. So I went and did some brainstorming about Jamie's Gardie pal, Clover.
This did get very long, but there's a lot of art that I really like! :3 Plus I borrowed a certain someone from @mewtwoandme~
Growing up I always drew the green headpiece as a bony structure with maybe green skin on it, like deer antlers. (Except it doesn't shed lol)
But in my efforts to redecide what it actually is to me, I went to Bulbapedia, and that called it hair. So I tried out hair as well, and I kinda like that better...
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I love my deranged Gardie. :>
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(Leaning into "Mischievous Fairy/Pixie" energy)
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I wanted to draw some Gwen (M&M's Gardevoir), as her and Clover's characters are different in a lot of ways, and I thought it would be fun to draw them together. Turns out Gwen dwarfs my girls, and I adore that in every way. XD
I also came to realize that Jamie would admire Gwen--She doesn't wish change on Clover in the slightest, but she does like the grace that more conventional Gardevoirs possess. Plus she'd be astounded by her sheer size.
For the fun of it, I tried drawing them both in each of our styles. (Or more like "Features" than "style")
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I did not like drawing Gardevoir in her style. All the respect and love to M&M, but it felt SO wrong to me personally. XD
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Annnnd... I kinda accidentally thought of a different way to take their designs...
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And then I tried to figure out the logistics of giving Gardvoir a tail. I kinda like the idea of there being one that blends into the Skirt, splitting and running down the length of the skirt ends.
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A little character lore; Clover removed her skirt on purpose.
Growing up, I always had in mind that the skirt was skin, maybe acting as thermoregulation, or something like that. I don't think I ever decided whether they can feel through their skirts or not, but if I want it to be more angsty, then yes, they can feel.
Warning for general and self-inflicted injury in this paragraph. As a kid I figured Clover cut it off to prevent it from getting caught or grabbed. But now, with the developing idea of there being a tail involved, I got another idea with even more angst. I'm thinking possibly Clover had a tail bone broken, and maybe it healed wrong, causing her pain so she ripped off the whole skirt.
Okay, injury warning is over.
And now a little silly that's not exactly canon, but close enough. XD
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Y'all can thank @puzzled-zebra for this, as she brought up the idea during a chat. It was too good to pass up. XD
And now I wish to finish with a nostalgia ramble, because Clover is very precious to me, along with Jamie.
I started a playthrough of Soul Silver many, many years ago--even before the playthrough that would become Jamie's trainer journey over ten years ago. It was a solo run, with a Ralts egg sent in to be my only companion. (I kept the rules soft, though, as I remember needing help from other Pokemon to beat Bugsy. XD) My memories of that playthough are faded, but I remember that Clover alone beat the Champion at level 64-65. Sometime within the next few years, she was my first ever Pokemon to reach level 100 without the use of Rare Candy or experience cheats. That playthough and whatever happened in it has no bearing on Clover's story, but it's what gave birth to her as a character, and I hold that very dear.
Her nature is "Hardy, Likes to Fight", and I'm really proud of little me for taking that in the direction she took it. XD
Anyway, that's my super long love-dump of my beloved gremlin fairy. Thanks to everyone who made it all the way, I know it got pretty long. ^^
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ranticore · 6 months ago
wanted to very quickly make up an interesting & engaging culture for the lil kobold guys so that it hurts more when they all die. here's my ramble about that.
they are not reptiles but like many reptiles they develop into male or female based on ambient temperature during embryonic development, but they also evolved into endothermic livebearers. so with the parent at regular body temp it's a fifty-fifty sex-at-birth split, but in conditions of colder-than-average daughters are produced, and hotter-than-average gives you sons. other sex traits are temperature linked so it can also be possible to trans your sex if you go through a temperature shock in either direction (hypo/hyperthermia) but that's pretty rare because you'd be more likely to die. other traits are temperature-linked including skintone saturation, hair coverage, etc and can change over time throughout an individual's life.
all of these are evolutionary traits to allow them to survive seasons without a dragon in the cave providing warmth; the lairs are usually high up in cold mountainous regions. a dragon's lair then has zonations of temperature from hottest (dragon) to coldest and kobolds are able to exploit the widest range possible. when there is no dragon, there's almost no warmth (as campfires and the like are lethal in tunnel systems), and in extreme circumstances colonies can become all-female and propagate by parthenogenisis until a dragon settles the lair again and provides warmth. naturally their little colonies are matriarchal, and the matriarch has to commune with the dragon in an area that is extremely hot (because of the dragon). this causes her to only bear sons. it means that there also has to be a mother of matriarchs whose job it is to produce a matriarch, which she does by staying in the cold parts of the cave, to give birth to daughters. the daughters can be next in line for matriarch if they can survive the dragon (i.e.. if it chooses not to kill em) and thereafter have to stay in the hot zone.
anyway this results in a kind of alternation of generations and two complimentary ruling bloodlines who, while related, can never meet past birth - if a matriarch has a daughter it's an indication that she was not as close with the dragon as her duties demand (she is supposed to interpret the dragon's moods and provide predictions of future prosperity based on them). and if a mother of matriarchs has a son it means she was also not being dutiful enough (but i mean. ice baths all day everyday aren't fun either so this scenario is more common than the reverse). once a mother of matriarchs has a son then she's out of a job due to old superstitions that sons, being smaller at birth and easier to produce, will permanently taint a uterus by showing it the easy way out, and thereafter it will always pick that route. that's only superstition tho. the matriarch & mother of matriarchs both have a group of consort malewives. these usually have a mix of cold and hot phase traits and tend to bounce between temperature zones so they don't become too inclined in any direction.
the colony does not have only two reproductive members ofc, these are only ruling bloodlines. most individuals are not born from a matriarch or mother of matriarchs, and when the lair is occupied by a dragon there should be an even bimodal distribution of sex traits. a child is named based on imagery from both parents' dreams during the baby's first sleep (there is no day or night. baby is left out unattended by the dragon while it sleeps and the dragon 'decides' if it's worthy to live or not. dragon doesn't give a fuck and is barely aware of all this btw). if it survives it gets two names, one from each parent. then later in life those two names are used by the matriarch (if upperclass/Important) or the division leader (if lowerclass; hunters, scavengers, etc) to pair up one individual with another who has a complimentary name. the four names should go well together and paint a nice word-picture. the two individuals then become partners in a kind of culturally-enshrined buddy system and do their tasks together. it's very dangerous in the warrens and tunnels after all and it's best to go in pairs.
for example holly's full name is Holly Burn (due to being the very unlucky son of a mother of matriarchs, who had to retire; he 'burned' her) and his partner's name is Red Leaf. the names when spoken together make a little four-word poem which is optimally good in their culture
so that's what i got since last night but i have more Ideas. anyway all that's going on including some intense interpersonal drama between himself and red leaf when the knights come
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curiositydooropened · 8 months ago
Hell Hound • Part One
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Being FWBs with metal rockstar, Eddie Munson, is all fun and games until a dozen red roses show up at your door with a warning: Stay Away from The Devil or you will die. Despite your protests, Eddie appoints his personal bodyguard to keep an eye out for you.
Pairing: bodyguard!Steve Harrington x photographer!Reader, rockstar!Eddie x Reader
Wordcount: 10, 712
Warnings: unrequited love, slowburn, jealousy, angst, hurt/comfort, violence, gore, weapons, fighting, death threats, stalker *This chapter also contains allusions of voyeurism, sex, drinking, recreational drug use, religious elements
This blog is 18+ only. I do not give permission for any of my fics to be duplicated, reposted, or put into AI. Thank you!
Navigation • Masterlist
Moodboard • Fic Masterlist • Part Two
The interior of the L never looked that beautiful, at least not through Steve’s eyes. Every experience he’d had was tainted by Bears fans or teenagers filming videos on their phone, or God, don’t remind him about St. Patty’s Day. No, the seats were too small for his shoulders, the windows too short, and the whole thing smelled like plastic bags.
Your perspective was vastly different. You were just the right height to catch the sunlight as it filled the train car with that golden glow. The city whirred by, a kaleidoscope of bright lights and reflections off the glass. You positioned poles and handholds just so with satisfying symmetry.
No, the city had never looked as beautiful to him as it had through your lens. 
Steve said that to Robin once, and she wretched over the line and made him promise he’d never repeat it to you. He hadn’t, but he’d also never let one of your photos go un-complimented.
He enjoyed the roll of your eyes, the sink of your teeth into your bottom lip as you soaked in the praise and pretended to be shy, to be embarrassed, that you hated your craft. 
He’d seen that look dozens of times tonight, timid gratitude that poured out of you and onto every surface in this little gallery space. You’d caught his gaze a handful of times, reassured him with a smile that you were okay, great even, oozing with sheepish pride. He’d just nod and go back to admiring another of your photos.
“You know, we used to live in that apartment…” An elderly woman told you, bony hand clung to your forearm. 
“Really? Which one?” You humored her.
“That one, just there, our first year of marriage,” the woman nodded. “Fifth floor.” 
“Fourth floor!” Her husband corrected from your other side.
“It was the fifth floor, now don’t argue with me.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” the man winked at you, and your eyes lit with mischievous delight. You nodded along, conspiratorially while the woman rambled on about the neighbors’ cat meowing and another neighbor practicing saxophone into the wee hours. 
“It was so romantic,” she clutched your hand to her chest.
“It was so annoying,” the husband grinned back at you.
Fed up with her husband’s antics, the woman shot him a rueful look. Then, she patted your hand and told you how lovely your work was before asking for the powder room. 
When she’d been properly directed, her husband leaned to your ear and asked how much for the photo. 
Steve lingered nearby, waiting for the transactional handshake before he stepped in. “Mind if I inquire about this piece?” 
You sucked your cheeks between your teeth and sidled up beside him. His bicep tingled where your skin brushed. “What questions do you have about this one?” 
“Where was it taken?”
You shot him a look, and he tried not to let the smile split his face. The photo you were currently staring at was a portrait of a mom and daughter looking at their reflection in The Bean.
“How’s it going?” He elbowed you, glancing once more around the room at the patrons to your first gallery showing. He’d agreed to come run point for your opening, soft-pitching the idea for Munson to hit out of the park.
“Amazing,” you sighed, the delight on your face swooping at his stomach. 
“Told you.” He grinned, and you swatted his arm and told him to shut up. He really could watch you for hours, the micro-expressions on your face prettier than any photo you could take, though your talent came up a close second. 
“I thought he couldn’t make it,” you gasped, staring just past Steve’s shoulder and out the gallery’s front window.
Steve blinked once, twice. The rapid flash of headlights cast your cheekbones in shadow. He spun on his heel to find his employer and friend, Eddie Munson, slipping out of the backseat of a tinted-windowed SUV. He cursed under his breath and excused himself, shouldering through a confused crowd to meet the rockstar at the door. 
“Harrington,” Eddie pushed his sunglasses through his curls, pupils blown, and flashed a wolfish grin.
“Thought you couldn’t make it.” Steve responded, glancing down alleyways for any paparazzi. He knew once Eddie was spotted in public, they’d come in droves. 
“And miss this? Nah, wouldn’t dream of it, Sugar.” 
You’d followed Steve out into the rain, slipping through party guests to greet Eddie. The rockstar wrapped studded-leather arms around your slender waist and greeted you with something salacious whispered into your ear. Steve knew because of the shocked look stretched over beautiful features, and the way you’d swatted at Eddie’s shoulder as if he’d said something bad enough to curl your toes. 
“We should get inside,” Steve grit his teeth. “Don’t want to alert the paps.” 
“Come on, Sugar,” Eddie dipped into a low bow to let you enter first. “Give me the grand tour.” 
“I think I’ll buy all the ones left,” Munson quipped with a lazy arm tugging you back into his chest. 
You snorted, and shook your head. “Then no one else will be able to buy them, which is kind of the point of a gallery.” You gestured around at the carefully placed frames on carefully designed walls. 
“Well, good. Maybe I want you all to myself.” 
Steve’s eyes ached to roll. He collected plastic flutes and discarded trays of half-eaten vegetables and tossed them into large, black garbage sacks. 
“Are you coming over tonight?” 
“I just had my gallery opening,” you barked a laugh, pulling away to help Steve with the table you were leaning on. “I need to sleep.”
“You need to celebrate,” Eddie rationed, tugging you back into him. You yelped, your thumb going into a rogue slice of cake. With waggled brows, Eddie pulled your thumb into his mouth, licking it clean.
Steve thought he might be sick. He turned his back and held open the bag in front of him, just in case. Unfortunately, he could still make out your reflection in the windows out front. Your meticulously picked-out slacks hugged your curves, and Munson’s ringed fingers slipped over the breadth of your backside to squeeze you closer to him. 
“Anything else you need help with?” Steve’s voice tasted awkward, a little too loud, too scratchy. 
You separated from Eddie and dumped your haul into Steve’s bag. “I think that’s it. Thank you for everything, Steve. Really. And I’m serious about paying you.” 
“Yeah, that’s not happening.” He said, twisting the bag closed with a knot. 
You shot him another look and said, “Eddie, tell Steve to let me pay him.” 
“You don’t take money from her, you don’t take money from me, pal.” 
Steve did roll his eyes this time, and glared over your shoulder at the rockstar zipping and unzipping his leather jacket. “Yeah, we have a contract, dumb ass.” 
“I’ll have my lawyer sue your lawyer.” 
“Your lawyer is my lawyer.” 
Eddie grinned. “He’s got me there, Sug.” 
You scoffed and snatched the bag from Steve’s hand. “Fine, I’ll have to come up with some other way to repay you.” 
Steve was thankful for mood lighting and the late hour. His face heated another twenty or so degrees, and he scratched at the hairs prickling on the back of his neck. “Eds, you need me to call you a car?” 
“Would you mind, Stevie-dearest? Sugar, I gotta take a piss. Care to show me the can in this place?” Eddie stood up and adjusted the crotch of his tight jeans for show. 
“You’re a class act, Eddie Munson. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” You gripped the hefty garbage bag in one hand and took Eddie’s hand in your other as you led him back into the office space of the warehouse. Before the heavy door closed, both of you made eyes at Steve, one friendly, the other randy.
Steve’s stomach churned, and he pulled out his phone to call a car. 
Working with Eddie had been tedious, but simple. Call him a car, shield him from paparazzi and groping fans alike, bring him his hangover cure breakfast, ask beautiful women to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before his plethora of one-night stands. 
You were the toughest pill to swallow, a beautiful girl at a hometown gig. 
Hometown gigs meant rowdy afterparties, venue-catered alcohol and executive-catered drugs. It meant too-lax security checkpoints and easily-bribed security detail, and after months on the road, Steve wasn’t in the mood for anyone’s bullshit. So he posted himself at the Green Room door, one eye on the metal detector, one eye on the front man who’d hired him, and prayed the ache between his shoulders would go away soon. Eight more hours and he’d be at home in bed for a long awaited and much needed vacation.
Eddie was two water bottles in, and his hand still trembled when he introduced himself to some recording mogul.
Steve snapped his fingers at some kid and told him quickly to hand Munson another bottle of water and get him a towel. 
When the items had been delivered to a thankful rockstar, Steve turned back to the collection of items being tossed into plastic trays on the outside of the metal detector: a cell phone, keys with a neon carabiner, a leather wallet, a DSLR.
“Whoa, whoa,” he stopped the attendant from picking up the camera. “There’s no press on the guest list.” 
“No press, just freelance,” you said from across the metal threshold. You wore a well-loved leather jacket, softened and faded with time and an expression that toed the line between compliance and try me.
Steve swallowed, shook the stars from his eyes, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Sorry, this is a camera-free zone.”
You narrowed your eyes for a moment before stepping back over the threshold and against the current of waiting party-goers to fiddle with the camera.
“Here,” you cupped something in an outstretched hand, waiting patiently for Steve to accept whatever gift you had to offer.
With caution, he accepted the tiniest of SD cards, bright blue.
“Call it insurance?” You smiled, tongue behind your canine in a way that made him itch under the collar. “Find me before I leave and give it back?”
Munson had found you first, dragging Steve with clammy hands to meet his “dream girl”. He gave the signal for Steve to start pulling up the contract on his phone as he made his way down a long, concrete hallway.
You hadn’t flinched, just cocked a brow and signed your name on the dotted line with a, “Thanks, Steve. Have a great night.”
He kept your SD card. He didn’t even tell Robin that it rested on the corner of his dresser next to a picture of Dustin on his graduation day. 
He assumed he’d never see you again, but Munson had grown a fondness for you, and soon you were a regular part of Chicago meet-ups. Every hometown gig became a room full of you. 
Steve heard giggling from the office, that soft melodic bounce of your laugh against the bass of Eddie’s voice. This was the worst of it, catching you two in compromising positions around parties or Eddie’s ornate penthouse, and pretending like it didn’t kill him inside that it wasn’t him with his hands on you, making you laugh, smelling the warmth of your throat.
His phone buzzed in his hand. 
Robin: How was the gallery opening? Did you tell her you’re in love with her yet? We on for our FaceTime date tonight?
Steve: Eddie showed up. Yup. See you in 10 hours.
Robin: Shit. I just sent you money. Buy yourself a fifth and we’ll drink it together.
A car rolled up outside, blinding him with strong headlights.
“Munson, car’s here!” He called, praying you could both hear him.
There was the shuffle of a few things in the back, and with the clack of Eddie’s boots, you both returned. You looked a little more windswept than before, and Eddie’s sunglasses has been pulled back over his eyes, despite it being nearly midnight. 
“Steve,” you breathed, approaching him with arms outstretched for a friendly embrace. “Thanks again for all of your help tonight. You have no idea how much it means to me.” 
He gave the tightest squeeze he could under supervision and let your hand fall into his to give you one more gentle squeeze. “Anytime. It was really no problem. Do you need a ride home?” 
You shook your head, smile wedged between your teeth. “I guess Eddie wore me down.” 
“Yeah I will.” He snorted, and you shushed him. 
Steve nodded and started for the door. “Cool. Well, have fun, you two. Be safe.” 
“Thanks, man,” Eddie knocked knuckles with his friend, rings sharp against Steve’s scarred fists. “I’ll call tomorrow.” 
Steve swallowed and glanced over his shoulder to bid you one last, weak smile. 
You waggled you fingers, and he stepped out into the cool night air. 
“You are the most embarrassing person I know in real life.” Even Robin in lag was brutal. 
Steve sipped his coffee and rubbed at tired eyes. He hadn’t slept much. Mostly, he scrolled and wondered exactly what you and Eddie were getting up to, wondered why it wasn’t him. 
“You asked if she needed a ride home?” 
“I was being polite,” he grumbled. He took a banana off its tree and began to peel. They had all begun to brown. 
“You’re so sweet, Stevie. Like a little lost puppy dog.” 
“Oh fuck off, Robin. Remember you and that girl in Buchapest?” 
“Bucharest,” she corrected his pronunciation. “And she was merely a fleeting crush.” 
“You cried over her for like three weeks.” He shot his best friend a look over the screen. 
The lighting was horrible in her Istanbul flat, internet connection worse. Steve told her he’d pay for anything better, but she argued that he needed to quit babying her and let her live the nomadic experienced she’d always dreamed of. 
“Okay, okay,” her connection stuttered in and out, face pixelated as she ducked out of frame and back. “So you’re going to be alone forever. That’s not so bad.” 
“At least I have you.” Steve nodded, mouth full of squishy sweet banana. 
He nearly choked when his phone began to ring in his hand, your name and photo popping up on the display screen. “Robin, it’s her.” 
“She’s calling me.” He held his phone to the camera on his laptop to prove a point. 
“Speaker phone!” Robin squeaked. 
With a sigh, he answered, phone pressed to his ear to respect your privacy. Robin glared. 
“Steve?” The worry in your voice had his heart kicking up in his throat. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Robin echoed his sentiments until he snapped his fingers and put his finger to his lips to quiet her.
“Nothing, it’s um… could you… are you busy?” 
“Nope. Not busy at all,” he said. Robin threw a silent fit on her end. “What’s going on?”
“Could you just… come down to the gallery? I need your help with something.”
“Yeah,” he frowned, walked the rest of his banana to the garbage can. “Like, later today?”
“Or right now. Could you come right now? As soon as possible?”
His stomach dropped to his feet. “Yes. Yes, I will be right there. Keep the door locked until I get there.”
“Okay. Thank you.” 
He hung up and rushed to the door to get his shoes on. His keys and wallet were in his pocket before he heard another voice echo throughout his kitchen. 
“Harrington!? Hello!? Earth to Dingus!”
“Shit,” he sidled up to his laptop. “Robin, I am so sorry.” 
She managed a knowing smirk and a laggy nod. “Yeah, you owe me, big time Harrington. Text me everything that happens.”
“I love you,” he agreed. 
“See you next week!” 
“In real life!” He hung up before she had a chance to blabber on, and he was out the door.
The worry etched across your beautiful features was devastating. 
Steve yearned to wrap you into his arms and promise he’d protect you, to kiss the frown lines from between your brows, to tickle at your ribs until you smiled again. 
Instead, he stood three feet away, inspecting a bouquet of three dozen red roses that had been delivered to the gallery that morning with a note attached.
Roses are Red
Beauty is You
Stay away from the Devil
Before he kills you
A printed photograph was pinned to the card, a pap photo from a gala you and Eddie had attended together a few weeks ago. Eddie’s shoulders were squeezed into a rhinestoned blazer, flash reflecting off his sunglasses. Devil horns and a tale had been crudely drawn over his features in red ball point pen. You stood beside him, hand-in-hand, curves standing out in a black silk dress. One small strap was dangling off your shoulder. The same pen was used to etch slash marks through your exposed throat, so hard it had ripped through the page.
“Is this… like Eddie wouldn’t do this, right?” Your voice shook, hand trembling against your cheekbone. You balled a tissue into your fist.
“No! God no,” Steve ran a hand through his hair. “I mean, Jesus, I hope not.” He muttered under his breath. “Have you called him?”
You shrugged, nodded. “I tried, and texted. He was still asleep when I left.”
Steve cleared his throat with a nod, remembering you’d gone home with the rockstar. You probably slipped out of black silk sheets and into the black and grey marbled shower. You probably toed around in front of the massive high-rise window, searching for various garments that had been removed on every inch of the house. Maybe you’d made yourself a latte, with a splash of lavender like you like it, wearing an oversized black hoodie that smelled of weed and cigarettes and some cologne Steve couldn’t afford.
“I can try again,” you fished your phone from your back pocket and dialed.
Steve plucked the card from the roses for any indication of a delivery service or floral company, but the card was blank, ivory, high-quality. “Who delivered these?”
“Old guy, balding, green vest,” you shrugged. 
Steve nodded.
“Hey, Sugar,” Eddie’s voice rasped over speaker. “S’matter. Did you leave something here, or d’you just miss me?”
“No, um…” You changed your balance from one foot to the other. “Eds, did you send me roses?”
“Fuck, you want me to eat you out and send you roses?” The rockstar chuckled.
Steve swallowed and didn’t dare look at you directly. He felt the heat radiating off of you as you frantically turned off speaker-phone and held the device to your ear, covering your face with a hand.
“No, babe, Jesus. I got a delivery of roses today with a um…” Your voice trembled again.
Steve brushed delicate fingers to your arm and held out his hand to take the phone.
You gave it willingly.
“Eddie, hey,” Steve sighed. 
“Harrington? What is going on? Am I still asleep?”
“No, dude, she called me when she couldn’t get ahold of you. Listen, there’s this big bouquet of roses here with a death threat attached. You didn’t have anything to do with this, right? It’s not some kind of prank?”
“A death threat? What do you mean? A prank? Jesus, how shitty of a person do you think I am? Is she okay? I’m coming down there.”
Steve winced around the shuffle of bedsheets and the sound of Eddie clomping around his bedroom.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, dude. Here, let me send you a picture.”
Steve took his own phone out to take and send a photo, rifling past a barrage of text messages from Robin. 
You’d propped yourself on the reception desk, eyes darting between the flowers and outside. The morning light poured in, hollowing your cheekbones and painting your walls pink. 
Steve reached for your elbow, running his thumb over the bit of skin there to pull your focus back.
You offered a sheepish smile and squeezed his wrist.
“Oh what the fuck?” Eddie yelled through the phone, startling you both. 
“Yeah, it’s bad,” Steve agreed, rubbing at tired eyes.
“Is she okay? Let me talk to her. Wait, Harrington, do you think it’s Carver?”
Steve’s blood ran cold. 
Jason Carver was a religious zealot from a small town with a vendetta for Eddie Munson and “demons like him”. Two years ago, his army of his cronies marched to a Corroded Coffin show in Milwaukee and set the place on fire. They managed to get everyone out of the bar before the roof collapsed. More Molotovs were thrown before the cops arrived.
Since Carver wasn’t in attendance and denied any involvement in inciting the riot, he received a slap on the wrist and no jail time. The band did manage an airtight restraining order, but Steve doubted that looped in contact with Munson’s hook-ups.
He cursed under his breath.
“Yeah, fuck is right. Let me talk to her. Don’t let her leave your sight. I’ll pay you triple if I have to. Twenty-four hour surveillance. You hear me?”
“Don’t worry about the cash, man,” Steve shook his head. “I won’t leave her. I’m going to call the delivery company and see if they can give me any more information on the purchase, and then I’ll call Joyce and see if she can’t get her written into the restraining order.” 
“Thank you, man. I want you to take her home to get her stuff and then bring her over here. If it is him, he can’t get to her here.”
Steve hated that he was right.
“Put her on for me. Thanks again, bro.”
With a resigned sigh, Steve slipped the phone back into your trembling hands.
He overheard Eddie’s tone slip into something softer, “Sugar, how’re you doing? Are you alright? I’m so so sorry this happened to you, my sweet girl.”
You gave Steve’s hand one more squeeze before you wandered off across the gallery for some privacy in your phone call. 
Steve opened his browser to began searching for the delivery company’s number with a pit in his stomach and an unfillable ache in his chest.
Robin: OMFG that’s so scary. Is she ok? Are you ok? Is Eddie ok? I’m going to be there in a week, plz don’t get murdered.
Your keys clicked in the lock, and you toed open the door to your little apartment. Light poured in through large windows, casting warmth on the small space that the dark hallway hid. You stepped in first, and Steve followed with trepidation. 
He’d never been to your house, and when he walked over the threshold, he was overpowered by how you it felt. The whole place smelled of you, of your shampoo and the perfume you spritz on special nights. Your little kitchen table was scattered with stacks of old mail and rolls of film. A laptop sat open on a squishy futon sofa. Beneath your television were a handful of films he knew you loved. 
“How long um… how much should I pack?” You squinted, pinching at the bridge of your nose. “I’m sorry,” you sighed. “This is a lot, and I don’t know how to handle it.” 
Once again, he felt the ache to pull you into him, to whisper sweet words into your hair. Instead he gestured to a bar stool. “Take a seat. Take a breath. I’m going to check the house, if that’s alright.” 
He winced as your face flooded with realization, and fear. 
“It’s probably fine. I just want to be safe.” He tried to sound nonchalant, shoving his hands into his pockets.
You swallowed, nodded, gestured for him to go ahead. “Sorry it’s a mess.” 
He waved you off with a knowing smile and started down the hallway, relieved when he turned to see you sitting as instructed. You’d been on your feet all day, making arrangements with the gallery owners to have someone take your shift for the evening and tomorrow. When you weren’t on the phone or emailing buyers, you were staring out the windows, a far-off gaze in your eye. You held that now, looking down your living room windows at the busy downtown street below.
Steve took the first door to the left and found a small bathroom. Some tiles in the corner were cracked, and the sink was scattered with the remnants of a makeup bag, a toothbrush. The bathtub’s curtain was pulled back to reveal a loofah dangling from the faucet. 
Your bedroom waited at the end of the hall. His fingertips pushed the door open, breath shallow, face warm.
Sage green linens were crumpled on your bed with three overstuffed pillows. Dirty clothes littered your floor in piles leading to and from the closet. That black satin dress topped an armchair, the strap snapped.
Steve swallowed.
A hefty dresser sat to the right of the door, the top scattered with trinkets and photographs. He was surprised to find his own image scowling back at him, arms crossed, black t-shirt on, leaning against a concrete wall. The sun hit him just so, framing his eyes like a superhero mask, the rest of him cast in shadow. God, all of the world really was better through your lens.
“All clear?” Your soft voice startled him.
He cleared his throat, cheeks warm, to find you at the doorway, hugging your arms to yourself. He smiled. “Clear. I’ll just wait in the front room.” He gestured to slip past you.
“Actually, do you mind hanging out? It’ll only take a second.” You gestured for him to sit on the bed before you scampered about your room, picking up the dirty clothes and depositing them into the hamper.
He remained standing in the doorway, arms crossed like they were in the photo. “Get enough for a couple of days if you want, but we’re going to get this figured out.”
You wore your anxiety like a jacket, hunched shoulders and furrowed brow, a shell of the vibrant woman he knew. 
He took a few steps forward, halting your frantic shoving of clothes in a backpack.
You blinked back up at him, eyes wide, hands trembling.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
You laughed then, a manically sound that didn’t meet your eyes. “Steve, am I just insane? Or stupid? Am I the dumbest person in the entire world?” 
“What?” He tried not to focus on the way your hair haloed around your face, light pouring in through gossamer curtains.
“I knew the novelty of sleeping with a rockstar would wear off eventually, but I was thinking like he’d cheat on me with a super model or maybe I’d get a curable STD, but not this.” It was the most you’d spoken all day, your old self sinking back into your voice.
Steve smiled, itched at the back of his neck, shrugged. “Eddie’s a very charming man.” 
You rolled your eyes. “I mean, okay, Eddie’s good, but he’s not death-threats good.”
Steve felt a little surge of excitement at this knowledge, maybe a bit of competition sparking in him again. “Sure, but he’s a good guy. He really likes you.”
“I think he calls me ‘Sugar’ because he forgot my real name and got too embarrassed to ask.” 
Your confession had Steve’s jaw on the floor, and when you laughed, he felt light as air. This time your laugh met your eyes, met your mouth, your cheeks. You swatted at his chest.
“Steve, you were supposed to tell me that’s not true.” 
Steve snickered and merely shrugged.
“Ugh, I’m so stupid.” You pushed past him and to the bathroom to start collecting your toiletries. The anxiety was temporarily snuffed and replaced with the ease of routine, of being in your space surrounded by your things, and Steve felt himself relax a bit knowing you were comfortable.
Joyce: Got it taken care of, sweetheart. Hop says he’ll file a report and to let him know if you need an extra hand. Dinner next weekend? Steak and potatoes? Take care of yourself.
25 Notifications
Munson pulled his ragged hair up into a bun with a hair tie he kept around his wrist. Steve often wondered if it was yours, or if the rockstar pulled it from the locks of some groupie on the road, long nights spent in truck stops and blues houses. The tie had lost some elasticity over the years, and tendrils managed to fall into the man’s eyes, and even still, he looked cool, casual, calm.
He was anything but calm. His knee bounced as he took a glass of water from Steve filled for him. “What did I do wrong, man?” 
Steve sighed and sat across from him, back to massive windows overlooking the city lights. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting to be caught in the middle of this tiff you were having. 
“I mean, I just want to keep her safe. I’m the one that got her in this mess in the first place.” Eddie extended an inked arm toward his bedroom door. You’d been in there for over an hour now, having excused yourself to bed for the night. 
You’d made a point that you were going to bed alone.
“Should I not have told her how I feel?”
Steve pinched at this bridge of his nose, eyes tired and struggling to focus in a room of black velour upholstery and gold trim. 
The spat started when Eddie informed you he’d booked your ticket to join him in England for the next few months while Corroded Coffin records their next album. It ended when Eddie, on bended knees, hands gripping your ribcage, told you he loved you.
Steve watched the entire exchange awkwardly from the kitchen, trying to blend in with white marble countertops.
Apparently, today was a day for firsts. He’d never seen you as nervous as he had in the gallery that morning, and he’d never seen you as angry. You were the silent type, but he felt the rage radiating off of your frame, the clench of your jaw, the subtle brush of Eddie’s hands from your waist.
He caught your gaze when you exited the room, and your demeanor shifted to apologetic, embarrassed maybe. He managed a tight-lipped smile and a wave. 
“Harrington,” Eddie snapped his fingers. “Come on, you’re good with women, right? Help me out.” 
Steve snorted. He’d been good with women, sure, but not since you waltzed into his life with your SD card and that smirk.
“How do we make up?” Munson’s shoulders were hunched, face fraught with worry.
With another drawn out sigh, Steve shrugged. “Give her space, man. She had a really scary day. You remember your first death threat, right? She needs time to process and not for you to demand she be shipped off to another country for two months.” 
Eddie nodded, too much, too exuberantly. “Okay, okay. You’re right. That makes sense. I just…” He lowered his voice. “I just don’t want to lose her.” 
That emotion, Steve understood. It was a fear that prickled at the base of his neck anytime Eddie winked at another girl in the front row, anytime he had his arms looped over two women backstage, anytime his phone sat on the coffee table between them with Sugar blowing up the notifications, neglected. Didn’t Eddie know what he had in you?
“We won’t.” He shook his head. 
Eddie nodded. “You’re a good man, Steve Harrington. I’m sure going to miss you.” 
Steve frowned at that, arms crossed over his chest. “Miss me? The hell are you talking about?” 
“When I’m in England,” Eddie explained, reaching forward for the tin lunch box he kept tucked under the coffee table. The lid hid the glass with a clang, and he reached in for rolling papers, a lighter, and a ziplock bag full of weed.
“Are you firing me?” Steve wasn’t following.
Munson snorted, rolled a neat joint, licked it closed. “Harrington, it’s a good thing you’re pretty.” 
Steve warmed, as he often did when someone complimented him, and frowned. “Cut the crap. What’re you talking about?”
“You’re going to stay here, with her.” He nodded your direction and lit up, flame glowing in big, brown eyes while he took a drag. He held onto it for a minute, shoulders going slack, knee stopping its bounce. He tilted his head against the back of the couch and released a large billow of smoke skyward, casting the room in a sickly sweet haze.
“She’s right, man,” he continued. “It’s not fair of me to take her from her gallery. She worked too hard for this.”
He sat up, offered the joint to his friend. Steve declined, head already starting to spin.
Eddie shrugged and took another hit. “I need you to protect her.” 
Steve nodded. That was the easiest thing his friend had ever asked him to do.
“While I’m away, think you could do me another favor?
More smoke billowed from the man’s pink lips, that familiar Munson charm tugging at the corners of his mouth until his teeth were bared in that irresistible grin he was so famous for. He leaned forward then, gesturing for Steve to meet him at the center of the coffee table.
Steve leaned forward, and then a little more when the gesturing didn’t stop, rolling his eyes. “What now?”
Eddie’s smile fell to something far more serious, concern etched in his features, Adam’s apple bobbing, eyes big like a baby deer in the headlights. Steve had only seen him this scared a handful of times. “I need you to use those killer wingman skills of yours to make her fall in love with me.” 
Steve’s mouth almost fell open. He had to clench his jaw to keep from doing so, blinking across the six-inch gap at his friend. He could taste the weed on the other boy’s lips, the sweat off his brow. 
“Please, man. I can’t lose her.” 
Robin: You said yes!? How much do you actually hate yourself, Harrington?
Steve: You don’t want me to answer that, do you?
Robin: Was it the baby deer eyes?
Steve: Obviously.
Steve thanked Becky at the front desk with a wink, desperate the ego stroke he got every time she smiled at him like he hung the moon on a string. 
Mood boosted, he balanced the coffee order in one hand and his phone in the other and ducked into the nearest elevator that would take him to the penthouse. 
Steve: What do we think of Front Desk Becky?
Robin: You leave that sweet girl out of this. 
Sufficiently deflated by his wise best friend, Steve keyed in the code to Eddie’s penthouse and let himself back in. Your sneakers remained on the entry rug, camera bag discarded on a nearby table. 
Eddie’s bedroom door was open, satin sheets crumpled and pillows stacked to accommodate one. Upon quick glance, the ceiling mirror reveled the room to be empty. 
Steve frowned. He hoped he hadn’t woken you. 
He pressed forward down the hall and into the open living space, setting the cardboard coffee carrier on the kitchen island before turning to find you pressed against the glass, silhouetted in pink morning sunlight. Eddie’s face was buried into your neck, hands unseen, and your eyelids were heavy, pink lips bowed in ecstasy.
Steve froze. He knew he should look away, leave the room, make a noise, but his gaze lingered on the soft skin of your thigh hitched up Eddie’s leg, the curve of your calf, the point of your toe. 
He could hear his heartbeat thundering, breath held, desperate not to make a sound or to scream and run. 
Eddie dipped to his knees, mouth finding purchase lower on your chest.
Steve caught your gaze. Your eyes widened, and you shoved Eddie away from you and scrambled to cover bare skin with an oversized black hoodie. 
“Steve,” you breathed, and Jesus it was dizzying. “I’m so sorry. I thought you left.” You pulled the hoodie down in a vain attempt at covering your thighs, looking everywhere but at the bodyguard in the kitchen.
He felt his own face warm, tapping fingertips to the countertops. His throat felt tight, a loss for words. His pants felt tighter.
“I ordered us coffee, Sugar,” Munson recovered the quickest, taking your hand to help himself off the floor and lead you into the kitchen.
You resisted his pull, taking a few steps back to say, “I’m going to get ready.”
“Need help?” Eddie waggled his eyebrows, grinning like a dog. Steve tried to ignore how wet the man’s lips looked.
You shook your head, venturing a glance Steve’s direction and looking immediately away when you were caught. Then you slunk off back to the bedroom from whence you came.
When he finally heard the click of the door, Steve frowned at his employer. “Guess I should’ve knocked.” 
Eddie waggled his brows at Steve, too, taking his cup from the carrier and managing a sip. 
Steve was ready with an ice water to cool the man’s burned tongue. “Does this mean you made up?”
Eddie shook his head fervently, tonguing at his water like a dog. “Hell no. She told me she’s going to the gallery today because, and I quote, she ‘can’t be held hostage in this velvet prison forever’.”
Steve grinned over his own steaming coffee and shrugged in commiseration to his friend.
Eddie nodded, took a gentler sip of his own coffee this time. “Had to shut her up when she started telling me to ‘have fun in the UK’ and maybe I should look up some old friends while I’m there.” 
Steve swallowed and nodded. “I mean, Lizzie.” 
“Don’t make me pin you to that window, Harrington,” the rockstar warned, inked finger extended with a scowl. 
Steve followed his point to the window, wherein he could just make out the smudges of four distinct handprints, two much smaller than the others. There was also the faintest of smudges where your ass had been pressed against the glass. Steve coughed at the saliva gathering in his mouth.
“Eds?” You called upon reentry, voice echoing off concrete floors. “I’m leaving. I’ll… call you or something.” You were dressed and you had a tube of lipgloss in your hand, uncorked. 
Eddie scrambled for you, scooping you up in his arms. 
You stiffened, glancing up at the bodyguard keeping watch in the corner. 
Steve swallowed, made himself look busy. 
“Sugar, Steve’s going to keep an eye on you, just until we figure this death threat thing out, okay?” Eddie cleared the hair from your face.
Steve glanced back up to see you roll your eyes.
“I don’t need a babysitter. No offense, Steve.” You held a hand up to him. 
“He’s not a babysitter,” Eddie snapped, “and he’s going to keep you safe. I can’t lose you. You hear me?” He pulled your gaze back to him, cupping your small jaw in large hands. “I love you.” 
“Eddie,” you winced, tugging at his wrists.
The rockstar dropped his hands, shoulders hunched in defeat, and he turned to give Steve a pleading look before he turned back to you. “Alright, Sug. I’ll see you in two months. I’ll call as often as I can.” 
“Okay,” you nodded and allowed him to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
Your lipstick stained the lid of your lavender latte, peachy pink. Your nails were freshly manicured for the gallery opening, and you always wore that delicate gold ring on your middle finger. 
You set your cup on the countertop and didn’t look up from your laptop to say, “If you’re bored, you don’t have to stay here. I promise I’ll tell Eddie I never left your sight.” 
Steve smiled over his own cup. “I’m not bored.” To appear occupied, he settled onto the desk behind yours and pulled out his phone.
The first image on his feed was yours, something you’d managed to snap of the old woman and her husband from the opening. They stared at the portrait of their apartment building, hand-in-hand, and you’d taken it at just the right instant, when the husband was smiling down at his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jones • Chicago
The gallery opening was everything I’d ever hoped for. Thank you to all sponsors and patrons who attended and to everyone who helped pull this together. If you’d like to check out my work, please drop by the gallery and say hello.
Steve hummed to himself, double-tapping, and typed a comment.
sharrington: Best gallery opening I’ve been to.
“Steve,” you scolded, “quit commenting on my shit. I’m standing right here.” It was the first smile he’d seen since yesterday. 
“Oh, sorry,” he grinned, crossing his arms over his chest again to say, “Yours was the best gallery opening I’ve been to.”
That beautiful smile tugged even higher on your cheeks, despite your eye roll. “It was the only gallery opening you’ve been to.”
“You don’t know that,” he feigned offense.
You cocked a brow, bursting his facade until you were both snickering a laugh.
“Okay, but come on,” he pushed himself off the desk and strolled out into the open gallery. Egg shell white walls were naturally lit by skylights and the fourth glass wall of the small space. “This place was packed with people obsessed with your work, myself included.”
“Yeah?” You smiled, but remained behind the shelter of your desk. “Which one’s your favorite?”
A bubble of giddy excitement kicked in his chest, and he turned to face your artwork. The sunlight reflecting off the lake was good, the streak of streetlights in the rain, a collection of big, red brick buildings: all of these were his favorite. You’d managed to capture his city in unique and beautiful ways.
He pointed at each one and glanced back to see you shaking your head, eyes brightening and mouth failing to hide that smile.
Finally, he found that photo of the L he was admiring that night and wrapped his knuckles near it. “This one. You managed to capture no plastic bags.”
You rolled your eyes, but let his gesture pull you from your desk. “You can’t see it, but there was one caught around my ankle when I took the shot.”
Steve laughed. “Now that’s something I’d pay to see.” 
You sucked your cheeks in a pout and glanced down the row at all of your photos, your accomplishments on display. “Steve,” you muttered. “Can I… vent for a second?”
“Of course,” he nodded, turning to face you, giving you his undivided attention.
You turned your body toward him as well, hands tucked under your arms. “It’s about Eddie.”
Steve felt his brow raise, but he nodded, miming the zip of his lips and extending you the key.
You chewed around another smile and extended your hand for him to place the invisible key into and wrapped your beautiful fingers around it. Then, you looked back at your photograph and chewed on your words.
Steve leaned forward to catch your gaze, pull your focus back on him.
You sighed, shrugged. “It’s just… Eddie’s used to having women fall at his feet and do whatever he says, isn’t he?”
Steve tried to keep his expression stoic, but it was hard when he thought of all the bras he’d kicked off of a stage, all of the groupies Eddie fingered in the wings, all of the women he’d had to call a ride share for to ensure they got home safely, too wobbly on their legs to drive.
You barked a laugh. “I know he is because I’m one of them.” You didn’t seem amused.
Steve frowned, shook his head. You deserve more credit than that. You weren’t like the others, not by a long shot.
“He came to my opening, right? He saw how important this was to me. Hell, he told you to help me run it because he had faith in me that it was going to be big.” You gestured around wildly as you spoke, frustration building in your tone. “And yet, he expects me to just pack up everything and fly to England for two months?”
Steve swallowed, chewing on his own words now.
“I know, it’s because he’s worried about me, and I do appreciate that, but it’s also like… I feel like he didn’t know what he had in me until he saw me get spooked, and now he’s trying to lock me down.” You frowned. “I can’t be broken. I’m not a horse.”
Steve nodded.
You paused a moment longer before looking into his eyes again. “If I ask you something, you promise to be honest with me?”
He nodded again, slowly. He’d do anything for you.
“Do you think he’s really in love with me?”
Steve’s heart shattered at the hope that lingered in your voice. He swallowed, remembered his promise to Eddie, and nodded.
You let out another strained laugh, as though you couldn’t believe it, and centered yourself before asking another. “Do you think he’s going to sleep with other women while he’s away?”
Again, Steve steeled himself with a deep breath, and shook his head. Eddie wouldn’t if he knew what was good for him, and what was good for him was you.
You cocked a brow, unbelieving of this answer, and toyed with another question in your mind for a moment. “Do you think I should go with him to England?”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, gesturing around at your beautiful gallery. Two months with Eddie Munson wasn’t worth giving all of this up. If he was serious, and he really did love you, he’d prove it to you when he got back. 
Your lips ticked upwards at that answer. “Hey, this zipped-lip Steve thing is kind of fun. I should have made you shut up a long time ago.” 
Steve rolled his eyes and snorted at your delight.
You reached your hands out to grab his, swinging them back and forth between the two of you. Your hands were warm and and small and soft. “Hey, Steve, is there something you really, really want to tell me, but can’t? Because you can, you know.” You smirked. “This is a safe space. We’re all friends here.”
Sunlight poured in through the windows, casting your face in a golden glow. Your eyes sparkled, cheeks round, lips that soft, peachy pink.
There were so many things he wanted to say to you, he didn’t know where to start. So he caressed the backs of your hands with his thumbs and nudged you ever-closer.
The toes of your sneakers touched. Your eyelashes batted. You tilted your face skyward to look up at him. You licked your lips.
God, he wished he could kiss you. He wished he could taste the lavender of your latte and the length of your throat. He wished he could press you to the glass and let the world know you were his. He wished he could tell you every day for the rest of his life how beautiful you are, how talented you are, how perfect you are. 
The smile fell from your face. You released one of his hands to brush hair from his forehead. 
He held his breath. 
You searched his gaze for something, your own features filled with worry, and you nodded. “You’re really scared about this Jason Carver guy, huh?”
Steve blinked. He’d forgotten entirely about the roses, the death threat, the reason he’d been paid to spend time with you, to watch over you, to protect you. 
He cleared his throat and looked down at your hand in his. He brushed the back of it again with his thumb. His throat was tight, voice raw. “I just want to keep you safe.”
A bell rang, putting a few feet between you. You adjusted your hair and straightened your top before shooting him a ‘wish me luck’ look and stepping away to greet your newest buyer.
Hopper: No leads on that delivery. I’ve got Callahan asking around. Powell’s looking into Carver. Keep me posted on other developments.
Steve tapped nervous fingers to the deli’s glass countertops, craning his neck for a vantage on your gallery windows. 
You’d practically forced him out, insisting this was your favorite sandwich place in town and nothing else would suffice. When he offered to pay for delivery, you reminded him how uncomfortable you felt with deliverers right now and promised you’d lock the door behind him. He wished he could have convinced you to join him.
“Dude, we’re going as fast as we can,” the sandwich artist snapped, cutting pastrami into thin slices. 
Steve frowned back at him, confused for a moment, before taking his hand from the glass and shoving it into his jeans pocket. “Oh, sorry.” His foot tapped instead.
An 80s love ballad played over the speakers, and the whole place smelled of cold cuts. A small line had formed behind the counter of people going about their day-to-day. 
Steve looked at each one of them as a suspect. Though, he was pretty sure Babushka in the headscarf wasn’t eliciting death threats to beautiful girls via three dozen red roses. She felt more like the cast-a-spell type. 
He snorted and glanced back out the window just in time to see a black car pull up to the gallery. A man stepped out. 
“Forty-five?” The deli employee called out.
Steve took a few steps toward the window, squinting against the glare to see a tall man with white hair approach the glass. He wrapped two knuckles on the front door. You met him there.
“Dude, your sandwiches!” The guy behind the counter called, and Steve cursed, grabbing them with a thanks and a nod.
He glanced up just in time to see you unlocking and opening the gallery door, and he began to run your direction.
“Hey, man! You forgot your pickles! Asshole…” 
The wind whipped at his ears, and he nearly ran out in front of a moving vehicle. The driver honked and flipped him off, and Steve waited for him to pass before checking both ways and crossing to get to you again. 
He made a mental note of the black car’s license plate: GCCF and swung open the gallery door with a ring of the bell. 
The man stood beside you, tall and lanky, with broad shoulders and a haircut that hadn’t changed since the early 70s. He wore a grey suit, and a black tie, and a smile as he admired your photos.
You smiled at Steve from across the space and waved.
Relief warmed Steve’s spine, and he toed to the desktop to place the sandwich bag, careful not to make any noise so he could overhear bits of your conversation.
“That sounds like an amazing opportunity,” you said, even-keeled, though Steve knew you were bursting inside. “I’m honored for the invitation.” 
“I’m glad you agree,” the man chuckled. “Your talent really is a gift to this city, and we’ll be proud to display your work in our halls.” 
You were beaming. Steve’s stomach flipped.
“Now, our guests usually love to speak with the artists featured in the auction. Are you free Friday evening? Could I coax you to attend?” The man turned to face you now, reaching into his inside pocket for something.
Steve took two steps forward. 
The man extended you a small, white slip of paper. 
You read it over with a tight-lipped nod. Then you smiled. “I would love to go.” 
“Excellent,” the man nodded. “It is black tie. Could I give my assistant the name of a plus-one?” 
You swallowed before answering. “Sure, Steve Harrington.” 
Steve felt his face warm, and he nearly tripped over a power cord stepping back behind the desk. 
The man you were speaking to nodded with a knowing smile and glanced down at his watch. “Well, unfortunately I must be going. I have a lunch meeting to attend. Good timing too, it seems as if your lunch has arrived, and it smells delicious.” He ventured a glance Steve’s direction, and the bodyguard squared his shoulders. 
“Thank you so much for dropping by, and for your business. I look forward to the event.” You smiled, extending a hand for the stranger to shake.
He reciprocated your gesture. “Thank you for your work, my dear. It is breathtaking. Expect that deposit by end of day, and we’ll see you Friday evening. Have a great day.” 
“You too.” 
Steve watched you watch the man walk to the door and get into his car. Your chest was still, breath held until the black car was started and began to drive. 
Then, you began to jump up and down, screaming, like a teenaged girl who had just been asked to prom. 
Steve frowned, shaking his t-shirt to dry the sweat that clung to his back. “What’s going on?”
You grinned and did an adorable little skip and hop back to your desk, sliding two pieces of paper across for him to read. Then, you broke into the sandwich bag.
Steve peered down at a stark white business card with grey lettering, and a matching invitation. 
Martin Brenner
Founder and CEO
Gifted Children of Chicago Foundation
Gifted Children of Chicago Foundation
Annual Gala and Live Auction
“So, this guy, Brenner or whatever,” you explained, peeling the parchment paper from your bread, “just came in and bought my entire playground collection. Can you believe it? All nine photos. He said he’s going to hang them in the halls of his school.” The sound that came from your lips exceeded dogs’ hearing in pitch.
Steve bit back a smile to let you continue.
You took a huge bite of your sandwich first, olive oil clinging to the corner of your lips and dripping down the back of your hand. 
Steve shook a napkin from the paper bag and handed it to you.
You thanked him, mouth full, and swallowed before mopping your face. “Then he says he wants to offer up another one of my pieces in their annual live auction.”
Steve snapped a photo of the two cards and sent them to his contacts in the police force for some background information, nodding to let you know he was listening.
“Do you own a tuxedo, by the way?” You asked, cheek chipmunked.
Steve frowned back at you. He’d been head of security for Corroded Coffin for upwards of six years. He’d been to more award shows than he could count. Of course he had a tuxedo. 
“What?” You feigned innocence, cracking into one of the sodas you’d pulled from the vending machine while you waited for Steve to return. “If you have to be my new bodyguard, I can’t go to this gala alone.”
He sighed and began to neatly unfold his own sandwich, lettuce falling every which way. “Yes, I have a tuxedo.” 
“Really?” You grinned. “I should bring my camera.” 
He shot you a look. “You going to tell me why you unlocked the door for a random stranger while I was picking up your lunch?” 
You swallowed. “He sent me an email?”
Steve maintained eye contact while he popped the tab on his own soda, shoulders squared. He felt like a dad every time he interrogated Eddie for late nights out with no correspondence. The stance didn’t translate well to Robin over text. 
“I figured I could take an old man,” you shrugged.
Steve cocked an eyebrow.
You sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.”
Satisfied, for now, Steve took a bite into his sandwich and stared back down at the business card on the tabletop, hoping this guy didn’t have any ties to Carver or whoever it was that sent you that note.
“No pickles?” You frowned, peeking into the mostly empty paper sack.
1 Voicemail
Hey, kid. It’s Hopper. Brenner’s one of Chicago elites, but as far as we know he’s harmless. He runs that school for gifted kids. Real pillar of the community type. Could be mob ties, but who the hell in this city doesn’t have mob ties? 
Couldn’t find anything on the delivery company, and no florists in town filled orders that big. Something’s definitely off. Powell spoke to Carver’s assistant, but he was out of the office. Keep an eye out.
Joyce wanted me to invite you and the girl to dinner. Stay safe, kid. Let me know if anything else comes up.
Lucas: All safely on the plane and ready for take off. England won’t be the same without you, man. Take care.
Eddie: Ready for take off. Thanks for taking care of my girl, big man. See you in two months.
Robin: You’re sitting in your car watching her apartment? You’re a creep, Harrington. Please tell me you don’t know the color of her bra tonight.
Steve groaned and rubbed at tired eyes.
He hated that he knew your bra was a soft, stone grey. He’d seen the strap slip down your arm. You’d caught it and pushed it back up, mid-conversation with a browser this afternoon. 
He glanced up from the glare of his phone at your open front window. He couldn’t see anything substantial from this vantage, just the shadows cast on dimly lit ceilings as you moved around your home. 
Maybe Robin was right, maybe he should go home and rest. No more threats had been issued today, that he knew of. You seemed to be less afraid than you were the day before, and with Eddie gone, maybe you weren’t in as much harm as you had been. Still, something gnawed at him. 
Steve startled when his phone began vibrating in his hand. Your name, and a photo of you grinning back at him, filled his little car with light. He answered. “Hello?”
“I can see you.”
Steve gulped and shifted to look back up at your window. You stood there in an oversized sweatshirt, waggling your fingers.
“Come inside, please.”
“Bring your fedora and binoculars and come on up. I’ll buzz you in.”
You met him at the door in baggy clothes with two glasses of wine in your hand. You waited for him to step out of his shoes and shrug off his jacket before handing him one glass, and then you led him to the little futon propped up into a sofa near a loved coffee table.
A few candles burned, casting everything in flickered shadows. The place smelled of lavender and honey and smoky amber. 
“So,” you raised an eyebrow, sipping from your glass. You pulled your legs up to be crossed and tilted yourself to face him. “Tell me about this Carver guy.” 
Steve frowned, stretching an arm across the back of the couch to appear comfortable.
“Well, if it’s serious enough that Eddie’s got you staking out my apartment, I need to know who I’m up against.” You frowned, taking another sip from your glass, the legs spilling from your sweet lips and back into the liquid. 
Charity events attracted a diverse crowd, metal bands and church groups converging for the greater cause, their own positive PR. Knocked elbows at the start of the night often led to knockouts once the open bar started flowing. The mob made connections and burned bridges and somehow, the world kept turning.
One such event, Steve had eyes on Munson from across the room. The rockstar was flirting with some senator-to-be or another, a good friend of the Obamas, if he remembered correctly. Sinclair had eyes on the other band members at other tables. They all seemed happy, buzzed, low-key despite studded tuxedos.
Steve clocked the approach before Eddie had. A blonde man in a white suit caught sight and B-lined from near the stage.
Steve crossed to intercept him, stopping the young man with two fingers to his chest before he could get around the final linen-covered table. “Can I help you?”
The stranger’s face split in a menacing grin that sent chills down his spine. Never in his life had Steve felt something so cold. All his instincts went on high alert, fight or flight. One fist clenched at his side.
“I was just hoping for a little tête-á-tête with Mr. Munson,” the man gestured a hand out.
Steve dropped his hand, noticing the steel tie pin in the shape of a cross. “He’s busy at the moment, but let me take down your information, and we’ll see if we could find time for you at a later function.” 
“Are you his secretary or his babysitter?” Still with the grin, dead between the eyes.
“Why? You looking for a playdate?” Steve squared his shoulders, inches taller than the other man. 
“I’m just looking to ask one question.” 
“Shoot,” Eddie approached from behind Steve, shoulders squared in the same manner as his bodyguard. 
The other man tucked his hand into white jacket, and Steve stuck his hand in front of Eddie, just in case, until Carver retrieved his business card and handed it over. Sleek, white, with grey lettering.
Reverend Jason Carver
Faithful Servant of Christ
“Do you, Mr. Munson, take responsibility for casting yourself and all of your followers to the very depths of Hell to burn for an eternity?” 
Steve didn’t take his eyes off of Carver, but he could feel Eddie’s grin growing beside him. 
“You’re damn right I do.”
Carver seemed just as pleased with this answer as the rockstar had been. He nodded, an odd twinkle in his eye, and said, “Thank you so much, Mr. Munson. I hope you and your hell hound have a lovely evening.” 
That was the one and only time Steve had met the man, and he’ll never forget the weight of his presence. 
You’d set your wine glass on the coffee table beside his, and you were curled closer now, frown creasing your sweet brow. “And then he burned that place down in Milwaukee?” 
Steve sighed, playing with a loose thread on the futon, fingertips dangerously close to your shoulder. He wished he could sweep your hair back, kiss the crease from your forehead, reassure you he wouldn’t let anything happen to you. 
“Well, first, he had all of the funding pulled from that almost-senator, set her up for public exposure, basically ruined her entire life. When asked to comment, he said ‘jezebels and harlots get what they deserve’. Fucking asshole.” Steve scoffed.
There was a far-off look in your eye, like you were considering the weight of those words when compared to you.
Without a second thought, Steve brushed his knuckles against your cheek, pulling your focus back to him. “Hey, you know I’ll never let anyone hurt you, right?”
You surprised him by leaning into his touch, nodding. You released a shaky laugh, your voice caught in your throat. “I was really trying to be brave.”
Steve smiled, and opened his mouth to tell you you were, to tell you you were beautiful, to tell you he’s been in love with you from the moment he met you because you were all of those things.
Your phone began ringing, loud and incessant, a vibration from the coffee table that lit up the room with a photo of Eddie’s face. 
You ducked away from Steve’s touch and patted at warmed cheeks, reaching for your phone. “I should probably get this.”
Steve nodded, cleared his throat, reached forward to take a long swig of alcohol. It went down dry. 
“I actually think I’ll go to bed.” You silenced your phone and stood up, backing slowly from the living room. “You don’t mind the futon, right? Here are some extra blankets and a pillow.” You gestured toward a little wicker basket beside the sofa. “Use whatever you’d like in the bathroom.”
Steve stood to mirror you, hoping his smile seemed more reassuring than he felt. “Sleep tight. If you need anything…”
You nodded, smiled. “Thank you. Goodnight, Steve.”
Halfway down the hallway, you answered your phone, sweet nothings murmured for someone else.
Moodboard • Fic Masterlist • Part Two
[A/N: So yeah, this just kind of... came out of me. It's been cooking since February, but I've sat down like three times over the last week and spewed out 10k. And I got too excited to wait to post it, so here you are. Please give me all your thoughts and feelings. Is bodyguard!Steve my new favorite Steve? Is rockstar!Eddie my new favorite Eddie? Maybe so. xoxoxo]
186 notes · View notes
livingtobethevillain · 3 months ago
Hello everyone! As some of you know I made this post a couple days ago. And surprise surprise I decided to actually write it!!
Introducing "Mosaic Madness" by CainsFandomChaos on Ao3
Link here
JJ hums to himself while seated upon the cafe bar stool. It was purposefully slid up as high as possible so his legs could kick back and forth under him. His knees strain with the force of his kicks but he pays it no mind. He sways and mutters to himself and fiddles with the loaded gun in his left hand, his sickeningly sweet frozen coffee in the other. JJ takes a loud sip and giggles at how the barista behind the counter flinches.
Suddenly the cafe door is kicked open, the dainty bell all but being ripped out of the doorframe and the wall having a hole punched into it by the door handle. JJ perks up with a grin that split his entire face open.
“Bear!” JJ tosses the drink somewhere behind him, ignoring the tell-tale sound of coffee slapping against the floor and the wounded sound coming from the underpaid worker still frozen behind the counter.
The boy in the door frame grins right back at JJ and spreads his arms just in time for JJ to throw himself into him.
“JJ, How’re you doing, love?” Bernard said, his voice soft and if you listened closely you could hear what sounded like static and echoing applause woven in between every word.
“I’m doin’ great Angel!” JJ squeezed Bernard, planting a warm kiss on his cheek.
“Was just finishing off some coffee when you made your entrance.” JJ laughed.
Bernard sighed exaggeratedly if only to hear JJ laugh some more at his dramatics. “Baby, I’ve told you that you need to cut back on caffeine. At this point I think shooting heroin into your veins would be healthier.”
“Aw, we can do that later, I promise.” JJ pulled away from Bernard's embrace briefly with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He was soon pulled back into Bernard's crushing embrace.
“I pull away first.” Bernard stated calmly, covering JJ’s body like a dragon would hover over his hoard.
JJ hummed unbothered, he knew better than anyone that after the cult Bernard needed as much painless touch as possible.
“Right, sorry about that Bear! Y’know my memory is-” he wiggles the gun still in his hand. “Shot.” JJ laughs loudly before whipping his head to the side. The barista freezes.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re a bit jumpy?” The Barista shakes his head slowly.
“I mean you’re acting like I’ve pointed a gun at you!” JJ pouts.
“You have pointed a gun at them, darling.” Bernard says fondly with a final borderline suffocating squeeze to JJ’s torso. He pulls away and leans against the counter with an adoring expression.
JJ groans, within the span of a second the gun disappears into one of his many pockets. He wraps his arm around Bernards and Bernard lets him drag him out the door.
“Let me correct myself then, they're acting like I’ve shot them. And I haven't! I mean I almost did, cause it’s funny seeing just how much red can squirt out of a singular gunshot wound–did you know that the average adult has a bit more than a gallon of red in their body?--but then they offered me a frappe and I couldn't kill them then! That just wouldn’t make sense.” JJ rambles, wildly gesturing with his hands.
Bernard nods in agreement. “Plus that’s not the kind of story the author is going for. All things considered this story is meant to be pretty cute.” Bernard offers helpfully.
JJ laughs. “Oh I love when you break the fourth wall,” he coos, Bernard grins with what might seem like too many teeth to anyone else, but to JJ, Bernard was the most beautiful when his eyes were unhinged and seeing what seemed to be beyond their universe. Bernard was always so much fun, but even more so when the weight of the dark circles under his eyes seemed to lighten with Bernard's manic glee.
JJ abruptly straightens at the sound of gunshots close by. Bernard smiles lazily.
“What do you say about continuing this lovely date from inside a firefight?” Bernard asks teasingly.
“Well that sounds just fantastic!” JJ says, now scooping up Bernard's hand into a firm grip and leading them towards the violence at a brisk pace.
The couple were practically vibrating with excitement. Just before entering a decrepit building Bernard reaches into a nearby alley and yanks loose a baseball bat from seemingly nowhere. He smacks it into the palm of his hand with a solid sound and with one last shared grin, JJ and Bernard leap into the fight. JJ and Bernard could see various Bats flying around but they didn’t seem to notice them in the chaos and JJ and Bernard easily took advantage of that fact.
When JJ fought the various goons running around like headless chickens, he was vicious. There was no rhyme or reason to what he did, there was no pattern to memorize or easy way to combat it. Occasionally some nameless face would get a hit in that surely should have knocked him down, but he just bounced back up with a cackle. Then between one blink and the next he whipped out his pistol and shot them point blank, cleanly through the space between their eyes.
Then there was Bernard, he weaved between the mob like water over rocks. He twisted and bent in unnatural ways and every drop of blood that dripped onto his skin seemed to add to the force behind his hits. In contrast to JJ’s unnatural face splitting grin, Bernard wore a bitten off, close mouthed smirk that screamed danger and madness. Where JJ was staggeringly human in the way he fought, Bernard was otherworldly.
Before long the fight had ended, the battlefield divided into two parts. One side held dead men and women riddled with bullet holes and busted open skulls. On the other were the lucky bastards that got off with zip tied wrists and maybe a couple broken ribs. The Bats of course were now finally aware of the couple's presence. JJ and Bernard being wrapped around each other laughing when they carefully approached.
JJ spotted Batman and abruptly looked as though he had bitten into a particularly sour lemon.
“Tim,” Batman said uncharacteristically gentle.
JJ scowled. “Wrong.” He said forcefully.
Batman opens his mouth to respond, looking pained, but JJ slapped his hands over his ears and gives a blood curdling screech. Batman winces but Bernard barely reacts.
“I don’t understand why you keep doing that.” Bernard said with an unimpressed eyebrow raise. “You know all it accomplishes is making him upset.” he glares.
“Y’know if you weren’t so important to the narrative, you’d be dead by now. You should count yourself lucky that you're DC’s specialist boy.”
Batman looked confused but JJ looked at Bernard with heart eyes, having already forgotten his previous upset.
“I love you.” JJ breathed dreamily.
“I love you too sweetheart.” Bernard says, hauling JJ into his arms and glaring at Batman over his head before striding out of the building.
And if he purposefully crushed some skulls under his foot just to make Batman squirm, that was his business.
JJ cackles as he and Bernard tumble through his window in a tangled mess of limbs. They stayed splayed across the carpet wrapped around each other and talking in hushed tones nose to nose. Then JJ’s door creaked open and there was a woman in the doorway.
“JJ, now where have you been puddin’? Me and Ivy been waiting for forever!” Harley huffs playfully, leaning against the doorframe.
Bernard lets JJ scramble to his feet and tackle Harley around the waist, grinning up at her.
“Sorry mama! Me and Bear were out on a date! Had lotsa fun and lost track’a time!” He chirps.
Bernard glided silently across the floor and loomed behind JJ awkwardly. Harley gave a restricted wave from where JJ had pinned her arms in his hug.
“Bernard, it’s always nice to see ya. How ya doin’ kiddo?” Harley tilts her head, eyes searching.
“I’m alright, Mrs. Quinn. Same old same old. I'm better now that me and JJ are together again.” Bernard says, giving a small but genuine smile.
Harley softened subtly.“Yeah well, I know JJ is just as happy. I know he was devastated when you were held at the police station for the week.”
“I am! I’m super happy!” JJ twists and jumps into Bernard's lanky arms, who surprisingly holds him up just fine.
“You’re so strong.” JJ swoons, Bernard rolls his eyes but notably holds JJ closer.
Harley huffs, “Alright sugar, me and Ivy are gonna be in the livin’ room. Y’all don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” she says teasingly.
“That doesn’t disqualify a whole lot, mama.” JJ grins.
“Exactly.” Harley says, playfully ruffling his hair. “Don’t die and don’t get caught, m’kay puddin’?”
JJ nods enthusiastically and Bernard follows suit though with much less energy. Harley chooses that moment to duck out of the room, the door closing behind her with a creak and a click. Bernard then climbs over the scattered chaos of JJ’s bedroom floor and with a twist he gently dumps JJ–who had climbed onto his back at some point–onto the bed.
JJ quickly burritos himself into a knitted monstrosity that he had made at the height of a random hyperfixation. Bernard crawls in after him and curls around him instinctively like he was a protective barrier against the world. JJ leans into Bernard, greedily soaking in the affection and Bernard returns the favor readily.
What they had was unconventional but it was beautiful and precious to them. The shattered pieces that had once made them individuals had melted together into a one of a kind mosaic. And although outsiders had their unwanted concerns–although they considered the couple mad–neither of them had any desire to live separately ever again.
Thank you so much for reading!
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chaosfae-writes · 2 years ago
𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥
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premise: the lioness gnaws on her favored maiden.
pairing: yandere!cersei lannister x poc!reader
warnings: abuse of power, gender identity issues (slight, but this is cersei), wlw, dead dove smut.
a/n: although I love show cersei, she was watered down a bit. I wanted to see more of her delulu side, and exploration of her gender issues. Sansa Stark cameo! Sansa is just a baby that needs protecting! <3 anyways, enjoy! <3 do not repost my works!
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Cersei Lannister doesn’t have companions.
An unruly child grew into a woman with a crude tongue. Where she lacks empathy with a blackened heart, she makes up for her beauty and charm—- that only extends so far.
Golden locks, and fair skin—- with a temper of a lion. Deludes herself that she has been deprived of her inheritance to Casterly Rock, and is the true queen majesty of all seven kingdoms.
Everything belongs to her.
Her kingdom, her brother, her children —- even you.
A possessive creature. Her love only extends to what she craves, and what she sees in herself. And whenever she senses a threat upon her possessions, that anyone could snatch away her toys —- the lioness becomes irate.
A small council, and a small flock of handmaidens. Only a handful of maids are entrusted in the queen’s space, but only one to bear witness the queen at her rawest.
You are punished by her unsought favor.
To clean her, to dress her, a vessel for her to unburden herself on you. Mistakenly you offered sympathies as a woman one day —- perhaps, too kindly.
Prior, you were just a handmaiden blending in within the palace.
The late king had struck Cersei, you catered to her. Cleaning her split lip, all you spoke was that a queen should be respected, no matter what she has uttered.
All you did was to perform your duty as the queen’s servant … no ill will. Perhaps it’s your shyness, or your taught obedience that caught Cersei’s meticulous eye.
Eventually, she demanded more of you. Requesting your presence for everything, and eventually more demanding—- more touchy.
Dressing you in her house’s colors—- gold and deep red. Adorning you with luxurious fabrics, and discreetly pinning a lion brotchee upon your shoulder. It brought a wave of embarrassment, for such clothing is above your station.
Showering you with such gifts as a king does so to his paramour. It became abhorrent at times to nearby eyes—- more than once, you caught her father’s cold glare.
Conversing with you—- or rather at you, rambling on about her fits of rage upon her father’s lack of respect, how she isn’t respected as queen, how the small folk should be kissing her feet—- or how her little brother should’ve died at the birthing bed.
Delusions of greed and arrogance woven with the silk of self-wallowing, and pity.
Always touching.
Grazing your skin by the fingertips, her breath upon the slope of your neck, gripping your mound tightly as if she possesses any ownership. Sending Bernadette —- against the maid’s growing irate —- to fetch for you almost every fortnight.
To the point where you don’t even sleep in your own chambers anymore.
The traitorous wolf is dead.
Long love the youthful stag.
A feast, a celebration held by the newly crowned king. As he cheers over the death of one of the noblest men to live. A cruel boy who immulates his mother’s strife. A feast of dancing, and platters of luxurious food, merry music and jesters.
Seated beside Cersei, as well as her other maidens Bernadette and Senelle. Carefully, your eyes float a peek at the little dove seated beside Joffrey. Sansa is now a shell of the young girl she once was. Pity dwells within you, a somber child, who’s eyes never leave her lap.
You were once that child, once hopeful, only for life to beat you as if you were nothing. Life doesn’t spare the young, age has no limits.
You’re picking at the fruits and meats on your plate, rather bored at the royal nonsense. Gossip among ladies, and redundant chatter of politics among the lords —- it doesn’t pertain to you.
Never has, never will.
As a young girl, it bothered you. How unfair it was that the town folks suffer, as the noble float above the clouds with fine clothing, unending platters of food, and spoiled beyond their dreams.
Now, it doesn’t matter. The bitterness doesn’t matter. Grief to spite, to then an achromatic sense of life. You learned that you are no different than these flocks —- we all are born, then we die all the same, buried in the same soil we go.
But fantasies of escaping to the East, to the land of your ancestors —- to start anew keeps you hopeful. Meet someone, have a babe or two. Live on a farm fruitful of crops.
Lost in your thoughts, you don’t sense a presence looming nearby, ever so watching, gawking at its prey.
“May I have this dance?” A voice soaked in sultry warmth, beckoning and confident. Startling you to jump just a bit, turning over your shoulder, standing above you, is Jaime Lannister. Gold yellow hair, smooth and silky, and a confident smirk to match.
“Lord Commander.” You speak in a gasp, bowing your head respectfully. Jaime’s smile twitches, growing wider—- Lord Commander —- not many address him as such. It’s always Kingslayer , never an ounce to respect.
“May I have the pleasure of a dance?” Jaime’s tone is more smoother, his canines flashing as if he’s ready to bite.
Cersei’s eyes narrow, “Jaime, let her be.” She tries to keep her voice low. Jaime scuffs playfully, “ And why? All these squawking hens must be such a bore.” He turns to you with a boyish grin, making you laugh softly.
All it does is make Cersei more annoyed. She has been upset all evening—- rather all day. Cersei found you earlier in the morning tending to Sansa. The little girl was bruised and broken by the mongrel of Cersei’s beastly son.
Tending to Sansa felt wholesome, it filled a void inside you. Reminded you of how it felt to be a mother again.
It irritated something in Cersei, to see you so kind to another.
“Thank you, Ser,” You cautiously say, you can feel Cersei’s tension. Doe eyes flutter back to Jaime, “But there are more gracious ladies who are more suited for your hand.”
Jaime tsks at your rejection. “ Nonsense. These birds are not to my taste.” He out-stretches his hand, not taking no for an answer.
Hesitantly, you take his hand, his fingers curl around, no space for escape. Jaime guides you by the feet, feeling the heat of anxiety flood your flesh, as if you felt the thousands of gazes in your direction.
But—- the daggers lodging themselves in your back were from a pair of greens.
A clunky sway between four feet, it’s quite difficult to catch up to Jaime’s step. Unaware at first to steady yourself; Jaime takes this to his advantage, slithering his palm to the nape of your tailbone, luring you into him.
Muttering low, “Follow my lead.” Jaime whispers. Slowing his footfalls, you follow his pace. Clenching your jaw, rather upsetting to be in this position, in the hands of a noble —— in such a vulnerable display.
“I am afraid I won’t be much of a dancer,” Your eyes glued to your feet, a little flumpily. “I haven’t had lessons.” Not daring to glance upward at his intense eyes.
“And weren’t taught lessons on manners.” Jaime jests, earning your head to snap up swiftly, now eye to eye, with a frightened stare of a doe. “Have I offended you, Ser?” Your eyes wearily gaze down.
Jaime chuckles, “There it is again,” his finger curls under your chin, making you look at him in the eye. “Most of the dance, you have not addressed me with so much as a glance.”
You hum, eyes downcasted to the flooring. “My apologies, I am accustomed to not stare too long at the noble.” Swapping harshly, your throat clenching a little.
“Mousey little creature, you are.”
You breathe a titter, bowing your head still, “The bored lion plays with the mouse.” Shyly staring at your feet, careful not to step on his toes.
“Bored isn’t the word.” Jaime whispers, tilts his head closer, attempting to catch your eyes. He leans in your space, you can feel his warmth beat against your face. His nose is just inches from yours.
“Merely curious.” Jaime teases. “My sister has had many maidens, but never any has been beautiful.” He has always snuck glances.
Your eyes slowly gaze up, fully taking in his golden hue.
A natural skin of rich brown —- not many folk in the West possess such color, he can tell you are not of Andal birth. Your flesh shines as sun brown, and curly tresses brushed back to a gold thin lined headdress.
You hum low, not intrigued in his antics, your mind is too preoccupied by another twin —- one who is more meaner.
“You hide yourself in plain cloth, dare to deprive a man?” He chuckles, but his eyes are heavy with need. A simple dress of royal blue—- not the colors of the house you serve, it doesn’t shape your bodice, nor do you seek for it to.
“There is nothing beneath to be desired.” You snip softly. A ripple of fear shivers your flesh, sneaking glances over Jaime’s shoulders. Barely a glimpse at the royal table, a flash of angry green eyes burns you.
“I beg to differ.” His voice pulls you back, eye to eye now. Jaime swirls your bodice around, his open palm tight on your tailbone. Sending a shiver upon the curve of your spine, never been touched by a man.
“My sister has kept you all to herself, I’m envious.” Jaime holds you to his chest, heavy breathing collides. “You tend to her hand and foot—- is there any way you can tend to my needs?” A smirk curls on Jaime’s mouth, ready to sink his teeth.
“When I am cold in my grave.”
“A knight and a handmaiden,” Jaime’s shrugs his head, “A sight all too common.” Gesturing to this as it could be a casual affair. He enjoys your bite, so used to the familiarity of women throwing themselves at him, such easy prey to play with, but he rejects them all.
This is new, a fun game.
You admittedly enjoy his touch, Jaime is breath-taking. Golden honey hair, a strong beautiful sculpted nose, and beautiful green hues.
“I must behold my reputation.” You said in a hush, “I am a lady in your sister’s circle, it would be improper to entertain her brother—- a Lord Commander no less.” You hum low, a small twitch of a smile.
Before Jaime could speak, you catch a glimpse of an ornery glare from a distance, burning with fury. The boldness fades on your lips, but confidence still lingers.
“Doesn’t your oath forbid you of any intimacy?” You jest with him, but your mind is still wondering for Cersei, as well as making sure your feet are coordinated.
You’re nearly breathless, and frightened.
Jaime feigns shock. “My oath won’t be burdened nor broken, if it is kept a secret.” He twirls you again among the sea of dancing lords and ladies. “Secrets can be delicious.” He whispers a wisp into the shell of your ear.
“Even poison can be enticing.” You tilted your chin at him, Jaime smiles, his hands circle your waist even closer to himself. His thumb stroking against your waist.
The environment blurs for a moment, it feels nice. To be treated with kindness, and gracious banter. To not be touched so harshly. But simultaneously, it’s all too much. As if a foreigner in unknown land, touch such as this is—- new.
“How could anyone deny themselves pleasure? Even if it’s —- dangerous?”
You gasp, mouth agape, for once, you didn’t have a snip to his flirtations. Jaime hums a chuckle, “Why, has the mouse lost her tongue?”
“The Queen is ready to retire for the evening.” Bernadette’s voice floats behind you, and you thank the Gods above for her —- for just a moment. To be freed from this burning grasp.
“A thousand apologies, Ser. I must tend to—”
“My sister… yes. ” There is a mirth to his tone, mischievous. His eyes stare as if he knows something, toying with it his tongue.
“Yes…” You nod with a timid smile. You bow your head to him, grabbing the skirt of your dress, “I am grateful for the honor of a dance, Commander.” Jaime’s mouth is agape, and genuinely it spreads to a wanton smile.
“ Jaime.”
You gasp a breath, eyes taken back. Jaime grabs your hand into his, his thumb caressing your knuckles.
“Please call me Jaime.” His eyes are pleading, almost glassy. You blink, a simper of appreciation. A royal has never been so amiable with you. Always ‘my lord’ this, and ‘my lady’ that.
“Thank you, Jaime.” You say, a human sensation of appreciation is twinkling like feathers in your belly. It feels nice.
A cough emits behind you. You close your eyes —- it’s time. Lashes blink back, “I must go.” Feet backpedals, hands slowly slip from the warmth of his fingers.
“Yes, you must go.” Jaime says coyly.
Oval nails slip back to your stitching, you twirl around to walk behind Bernadette. Duckling footfalls in line, as Bernadette walks with a hast stride, slinking through the dancing bodies.
“Our majesty is very impatient.” Bernadette’s voice is snarky, as if she chastises a child.
When has she ever not been?
All you can do is strum in agreement.
As you both reach the king’s high table, you catch Cersei’s eyes. Envy as green as her hues, mouth wrinkled. Immediately she stands from her chair, bidding her son a good evening —- all he does is give her a wave and a cantankerous smile, too busy boasting with low lords.
You immediately follow behind Cersei’s trail, biting your tongue, the edge of your jaw clenching in unbridled anger.
Bernadette is not far behind, trying to level at Cersei’s shoulders, but Cersei snappily dismisses her with a flick of her wrist.
Bernadette is sent away to her own rooms, much to her dismay.
The lioness is prowling.
Foaming at the maw.
Cersei walked with a firm gait. Her hands clasped over each other, her lips twitching; her brocade fabric sways against the flooring. Her brother —- her lover, and her maiden in such a display.
The walk back to her chambers is eerily quiet. Anxiously your fingers fiddle with your rings, as your belly is churning as slippery eels.
Hastily, you grasp the large oak brown door handles, opening it wide for her—- hopefully pleasantries can ease the tension.
Without a look at you, Cersei immediately walks into her chambers. Harsh fingers tugs at her dress collar, Cersei’s back to you. Routine is often instructed to undress her, but she isn’t thrilled to be touched yet.
“Prepare my bath.” She demands, without even looking at you. “Yes, your Majesty.” You speak in a strain. Rolling your sleeves up to the joints of your elbows.
In the washroom, you fill the tub with warm water that has been on flame for awhile. Carefully, you begin to pour in scented oils, put her bar of soaps on the dish tray, and a rag over your forearm.
Cersei strides to the room, only in a crimson robe, with golden threads. Her face is cold, frozen in disgust.
Ungraciously Cersei drops her robe, it glides down her arms. She steps out of the bundle of fabric, and into the steamy bath. The routine commences—- you have it ingrained on what she likes.
As you kneel, Cersei untangles your headdress uncouthly, letting it fling to the floor, your hair flows down your shoulders. You resume your duty, as if nothing happened.
You unclasp her hair from the gold clips, softly caressing her skull. Untangling her swirls, and unclipping her jewelry. Tenderly, you knead the nape of her neck, to the slope of her throat, to her collarbones.
Cersei moans, closes her eyes in content, but she won’t be manipulated by your touch.
Her eyes flicker open.
“Bring me wine.” Curt and sharp. A dismissive wave of her hand. You stand up from your knees, grabbing the wine jug, pouring the dry sweet Arbor wine into her cuppee.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Cersei asks, if possible, the heat of her jealousy can boil the bath. Hesitant, you cautiously say, “Yes, the Lord Commander is a gracious dancer.” You offer her the goblet.
“Formalities,” Cersei chuckles, her head bobs tipsily, “ Ser… Lord… ” Her laugh dies, with a frown, “—with how you were fondling him, might as well refer to him by his name.” Her voice is sharp. She snatches the cuppee from your hand.
“I wouldn’t dare to speak to him so formally.” You say, sinking into yourself more and more. You resume cleaning her, trying to get through the night.
“Is it men you seek for?” Cersei asks, twisting the cuppee between her fingertips. You shake your head, “No, your grace.”
“No?” Cersei’s voice rises in pitch, almost mockingly.
“I do not seek companionship.” You peek through your lashes, trying to keep your composure. As a fawn caught by the hands of a hunter.
A thread snaps in Cersei’s mind at those words.
“If I bore a cock, perhaps you would be enticed.” Cersei hissed, her milky fingers clenching her gold cuppee. Her voice slithers into an incoherent mumble, ‘If I was born a son, we would be wedded.’
Her drunken vulnerability turns sour once more.
An empty malicious thought plagues Cersei.
“The Mountain has a taste for sweet gentle creatures—-” Cersei whispers, fiddling with your sleeve. “He would eat you alive.” An airy laugh escapes her, head reclines. She’s rambling poison, trying to hurt you, as if you have pained her in return.
“Perhaps then your whorish behavior would then be satisfied.” Cersei growls into her drink.
You remain mute, not daring to speak in your defense. It’s better fitted to let her ramble in her delusions. Cersei’s eyes spark again, feline eyes stare at you.
“Remember what he did to our late Princess Elia Martell? That was just sport for him.” Her face morphed to a devilish grin, hazy eyes sharply baring into your wet doe ones. The threat is clear, but you don’t catch the bait.
“All of the realm recalls the tragedy.”
Cersei’s face falls a bit, her smile morphs to a frown, her eyes narrow spitefully. She hoists her slender leg up, splashing her bath water everywhere, even drizzling your fabric, and face; earning a flinch. Your eyes scrunches shut, from the swash.
Gently you resume washing Cersei. The wash cloth soaps her skin, avoiding her lower regions, not daring to touch her —- it will only spark her. You save that task for last.
Cersei gulped down her wine, the warm twang floods her blood, and her mean strike.
Cersei calms for a moment, her eyes staring yards away. Finally, her body is cleaned, and you cautiously dove your hand into the soapy water, scrubbing her mound. You can feel her pubic hair through the rag. Out of instinct, Cersei bucks her hips against your palm.
Cersei moans happily.
“My brother desires you.” Cersei slurs, just a little. Staring into her wine, her fingernail scraping against the gold engraving. She speaks in a manner as if she talks to herself. You ignore her, swallowing harshly. Cersei is bristling, you prepare yourself —- for the outburst.
Her wet hand reaches for your hair, waves of midnight brown. Her fingers fiddle with the tresses, coiling into a makeshift fist.
“Pretty little thing…” Cersei deadpans, her pink mouth purses. She tugs downward, causing you to wince. And without any hesitation, her back hand swacks your cheek, sending you to crash into the flooring.
That was Cersei at her gentlest.
Cersei stands from her tub, her tuft of hair in view, nose down at your pitiful state. Crumpled onto the floor, cheek swelling, wet moon eyes —- fragile and broken, just how Cersei likes it.
“My husband wasn’t so kind.” Cersei spits, “He didn’t grant me such mercy.” Cersei’s bare foot grazes against your belly, slightly pushing. Towering over you as if you were a mere worm.
The late king was a brute, harshly thrusting his drunken rage onto Cersei. His swollen belly crushed her, and to add salt to the wound, after violating her body, he would whisper Lyanna in her ear.
“Undress.” Cersei seethes.
Shakily, you untie your dress, one shoulder at a time. “If you dare lay with Jaime—- or with any man, I will cut that tongue out of your little head.” Cersei clicks her tongue, “But oh, that tongue of yours is too delicious. It would be a waste.”
You slip out of your dress, with only a simple white cotton undergarment. Cersei snags your cloth, tearing it to thin ripped shreds, ‘as so a man would’ , Cersei thinks.
Cersei kicks the cotton against the floor by her foot, as you stand shivering under her watchful gaze.
As you kneel onto the chilled flooring, Cersei waltz to the bedding, leaning onto her spine, her legs spreading as if she’s presenting a feast.
Crawling on all fours as a dog, head bowing, nose flaring to maintain a steady pace of breath. Closer and closer now, you can feel the heat from her thighs, a natural essence emits from her mound, damp and fresh with herbal water.
Cersei’s fingers sought through your hair, fondling your scalp; guiding you further into her.
Your nose goes against her pelvic bone, her blonde tuft of hair envelopes your entire mouth, tickling your skin. Cersei’s fingers interwoven with your curls, tugging against your scalp sharply now, tight at the roots.
You catch yourself voluntarily suckingly her clit into the cave of your mouth. Sloppily nibbling and licking her folds.
Suckling her mound, mouth latched onto her as if savoring a succulent fruit. Your nose pinned against her hair, all that can be heard is the echo of your tongue lapping. Cersei’s grip is woven tight, it feels like pricking needles against your skull.
Cersei hisses through her teeth, legs spreading wider, hips thrusting against your mouth. Completely at her mercy, her palms holding your head, struggling to breathe, as her cunt is spilt and soppy against your mouth.
Hair not as dark as Robert’s but thick as his once was in his youth, it stirs something in Cersei. As a pot boiling at the rim, she snaps.
“If I was born a son,” Cersei shouts, nearly at her peak, thrashing you off of her. Wiping your mouth by the back of your hand, it glistens with Cersei’s slick.
“Perhaps then, I would have my way with you, not in such a secret!” How dare Jaime try to sway you in his bed, although Cersei warms it herself.
“Fuck you on the hill of Casterly Rock!”
Cersei isn’t always this cruel. Sometimes, she can be kind, and gracious —- as much as she can. Find the humor and joys in her privileged life. When she isn’t drunk, when she can hold a conversation—- she is tolerable.
That Cersei is ‘sweet’ , and in those sparse moments, you can forget that you are merely a servant, and she is the Queen.
“On the bed.” Barking orders as if she is a commander on the battlefield. As you crawl onto the mattress on all fours, Cersei serves herself a handful of your ass, fingers digging.
A pregnant pause.
“Do you desire my brother?” Do you desire a man?
Your face wrinkles in a silent sob, shaking your head, “No, your grace.” Bowing your head down in-between your arms.
“Do you not find him attractive?” Cersei goads, her finger tracing between your cheeks. “No—” a whack against your backside, causing you to wince in pain.
“As children, many couldn’t tell Jaime and I apart.” Cersei says, as she relishes in the blooming heat of your ass. “We mirror each other in so many ways.”
Even both acquire the same appetites.
“You insult him, you insult me.”
“What do you most yearn for in this life?” Cersei asks, tracing your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“I have no ambitions.” You tiredly say. Sucking in your lips into your mouth, tasting your tears. Blindly blinking with damp lashes. Cersei ignores it, humming low in her throat.
“Every little girl has dreams,” Cersei goades, hovering over your spine, her mouth edging near the shell of your ear. In a warm whisper, “to seek for a prince to whisk them away. Surely I did. ” Her pink tongue slithers, and kitten licks your ear, the warmth jolting a shiver to your mound.
Cersei’s mouth trails down from your cheek, to the slope of your neck, leaving behind open kisses. Scraping the skin of your shoulder with her teeth, nipping here and there —- as if an animalistic urge to tear you apart has overtaken her.
“To be Lady of Casterly Rock, is that what you want?” Cersei says, sitting up again, smacking your back, she hums at your whence.
“I do not yearn for a title,” You wail, speaking through choked tears. “I serve only you.” Wrinkling the satin sheets, bunched between your fingers. Strands of hair cling to your tear stained cheeks.
Cersei plunges her fingers into your cunt, making you cry out. “Does this cunt serve me as well?” Tight walls sucking her fingers in, velvety cave explored.
Intrusive thoughts plague her mind. Images of Jaime crawling and ravishing your body; kissing, biting, and licking. It drives her mad—- with lust. She yearns for it to be three of you.
He is hers, and you are hers.
But what if you two convalude with each other? To leave her behind? To have a life together? An intimacy she has no space to shoulder herself in.
“You plot against me—” Cersei yells, her chin wobbles. Any inkling of logical reason is dwindling now. “Where do you go at night?” She interrogates, nose flaring.
“You slip through the walls, parade yourself for the guards?” She spoke through the cage of her teeth.
“I do not conspire against you, Cersei.” You shrivel, trying to inch further into the bed. “I do not want a life as such with Jaime, I desire to stay here …” you swallow a sob, “in the Red Keep with you.”
That is not enough.
You are Robert, and she wants to hurt you—- sex is electric, or it can be painful. She will fuck you as Robert —- this is what men do. Powerful men take what they want, this is what her father would do —- take, take, take, take ! Power, fear! Take all that she desires, take what she loves—
Affection isn’t a foreign concept to Cersei, but it isn’t something she gives freely. Only threads of herself can feel her love.
Cersei exhales deeply, trying to organize her thoughts.
Her eyes open blankly, one closes lazily after the other.
“I can see it now,” Her voice is hushed. “A Lannister wedding. Lavish as it can be. Gold it shall be.” Cersei’s head glances down, with an unhinged smile.
“I take Jaime as my husband, and you as my paramour.” Her head is swimming, the wine has sunk her even deeper. “Or perhaps, you as my bride. Oh —- how my father would throw a fit.” Cersei slurs and chuckles as a child.
“If only I was a man,” Cersei leans her body down, engulfing your body into hers. “We would live here, as a man would not be questioned on how many mistresses he possesses.” Her slender fingers creepily slip near your ass.
Guiding the slope of your under thigh between her legs, resting her cunt on your kneecap. The soft tuft of blond hair tickles your bare skin, grinding herself.
Soft wet slick sounds fill your ears, as her fingers grip and tug on the meat of your ass. Her hips are thrashing a bit more harsher now.
Her milky hands slither up the hill of your navel, cupping the weight of your under breast; twirling your brown nipple between her fingertips, twisting.
You hiss at the sting, as she relishes in your distress. Cersei bows her head into your chest, swallowing your breast into her mouth. Her tongue lapping at your nipple, her ivories nibbling and tugging harshly against the skin.
Violently suckling your tit, as you twitch and gasp; worried she might bite it off by the teeth. Despite the astringent offense upon your body, the wave of pleasure cascades you.
Skin breaks into bruises, as you twitch. Sensations of pain and pleasure blur, confusion and ecstasy. Without thought, your fingers caress Cersei’s hair.
Cersei’s mouth releases your breast with a wet pop. A tint of burgundy against the brown of your skin, a reddish ring encircling your nipple. Her puss leaves your knee.
The tip of Cersei’s tongue glides down the path of your belly, down to your navel, to finally your pubic bone. Her warm breaths tickle you.
Raspy moans escape from Cersei, as she slowly licks your mound. Plump, and soft. Flickering with her pink tongue, teasing you.
Her green eyes watch you, as her tongue slips through your folds, tasting you. Delving deep, to your puckering hole. Fucking you with her tongue, no matter how much you fight yourself, the sensation of her mouth on you always sends sparks.
Wetness echoes, as her cheeks puff up against your mound. You move your hips down, fucking yourself on Cersei’s mouth. Slamming your hand against your bedding, gripping the sheets between your roving fingers, as undignified grunts leave your lips.
Cersei admires your heaving bare breasts.
The lioness is selfish—- her mouth leaves you. You whine, stiffly leaning back. Her mouth is damp with your essence. With a harsh slap on your cunt, and another. Cersei finds her enjoyment in your misery, as you mutter for more.
“Pathetic little mercies.” She taunts you.
Silently, Cersei kneels once more, twirling her legs. Lifting your knee upward, over her shoulder, along with your other leg underneath her.
Both of your puss connect, dripping with want. Panting, and sweating, only grunts are in conversation. Your hair is messy, damp baby hairs cling to your forehead.
Cersei’s milky fingers hold the flesh of your thigh, as she rides your cunt with hers. Spilt wet clits, dancing together. Electric sensation that pulls the silky moans from you, as Cersei rides you fast.
Your fingers daringly hold her jiggling ass, fondling her asshole. Toying with it. Cersei squeals at the intrusive touch. A primal surge takes hold of you, placing your fingers into the cave of your mouth, soaking in your saliva.
Your hand cups Cersei between her ass, fiddling the bridge between her asshole to her gaping pussy hole. Her head falls back, as you plunge your fingers inside of cunt.
Her golden hair is loose and disarrayed. Cascading down her face, a lion reduced to a whimpering kitten. Your leg twitches against her chest, Cersei bites at your calf dully.
Your toes curl and flex, as the pit of your belly is unfurling. A choppy high-pitched moan spews from you, your head digging back into the pillows.
Cersei shrills a yes , as her climax reaches itself to the heavens. Bruising your thigh under her fingers. Cumming together, Cersei grinds herself onto you, connecting together, with no space of separation.
Clits throbbing against each other, stinging pleasure. Riding your highs, gently thrashing her clit against yours, earning airy moans. The tuft of her pubic hair against yours fuels the sensation.
Cersei moans delightfully, satisfied with herself. Her body towers over yours, crawling into your heaving arms; not caring of the dewy sheen of sweat that covers your body.
Legs interlocking together, as she pulls you into her arms fully. Turning herself onto her side, her knuckles stroking your hip.
These are the sparse moments you enjoy with Cersei. When she is human, when she relishes in touch, rather than harshness.
“Jaime should not be burdened with duties of the King’s Guard.” Cersei whispers. “He needs a bride. Father is aging, and one day, Castlery Rock will be in need of a lord.” She is mumbling now, mostly to herself.
“That disease of my little brother will defile us with his whores.” Hate spills from her naturally, as it always does.
Her voice trails into silence, her fingers snagging onto your flesh, pulling you closer to her.
Sleep takes Cersei, sinking into the mattress. Paralyzed in her hold until slumber overtook you as well.
The morning sun shone through the windows, baring its light onto your eyes. Rubbing your eyes by the heels of your palms, sinking deeper into the blanket furs.
The hinges of the chamber doors creak, jolting you further into reality, eyes heavily leaning to shut closed. Clicks of heels follow, and a hum.
“It seems the morrow has escaped us.” Her voice is light, cheery even. Not an inch of maligne in her infliction. It’s eerie how the mask can slip on and off—- a performance.
Cersei leans, invading your space, seating upon the mattress. Her eyes lower, and darken. How easily eerie her charm and spite can transmute to one entity.
“If I were to find you in the arms of another,” Cersei says, her voice on edge, taking one step closer, her lips stretch into a gritted wolfish grin. “I will gladly brand your cunt with the sigil of my house.” Her green eyes unflinching, her lips smirking devilishly.
Silence prevails, your hair cascaded against your face. Barely hiding your shame, you subtly nod; submitting to her demanding presence.
Cersei smirks, “Good.” The lioness prowls around her chambers, licking your blood off her paws. A victorious slaughter, a fragile doe locked in her cave, with broken limbs—- and a broken spirit.
Peace and quiet.
You inhale a deep breath, as it floods your cavity. Solitude has finally granted itself upon you, away from the yaws of the lioness.
Flexed fingers stroke against the wall, basking in the brisk air. The balcony’s view is marvelous. Unclipping your cleavage, so the breeze can grace your breasts, and sweep against your scalp.
Cersei had taken her leave for a meeting with the king’s council. And surely, no mere maid is allowed in such a space.
Away from her suffocating touch, you can relax in your own skin. A thought comes to you, there are a handful of empty rooms to explore. Your feet carry you down the corridors.
Without thought, searching for an empty chamber, you find one. With the tug of the knobs, you walk freely inside—- only to be greeted with whisking reddish hair.
A gasp catches itself in your mouth, holding your stomach, kneeling legs curtsying in respect.
“Lady Sansa.” You bow your head dutifully. “A thousand apologies, I didn’t intend to intrude.” As your feet backpedal to the entrance, a soft whisper calls.
“Please stay.”
And just like that, her sweet child voice sweeps you.
“Oh, little wolf.” You pinch the fabric of your dress, lifting as you walk with haste. The instinct to hold Sansa over took you. Sitting on her mattress, engulfing her in your arms, quickly her red hair melts against the sapphire threading of your dress.
Sansa’s head is tucked in the crook of your shoulder. Quietly sobbing, her delicate fingers grip against the base of your back, as would a cub cling to its mother’s teat.
Caressing her hair, you shush her softly, rocking her back and forth. “I’m scared.” Sansa’s words are muffled, vibrating against you. “I want to go home.” She wails, mewling.
“My sweet girl, how I long for you to be safe.” You whisper, “I’m so sorry for what has happened.” You kiss her head, muttering apologies into her hair, hoping your kindness weaves itself into her hair, and stays for a rest.
The morrow stretches into noon, as you watch over Sansa. Comforting her in placid silence, brushing her hair. Humming a melody, as your fingers thread intricate braids within her auburn flaming hair.
This feels like home again.
Outside of these walls, both are prisoners within a castle. But here, in this moment, is a woman, and a child. Reliving memories past, as a mother, and as a daughter—- through each other.
To heal these wounds, as mother and daughter.
Just for a moment.
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the-banana-splits-blog · 4 months ago
I promise Snorky’s info post is gonna some soon.
But I found out something interesting, the Splits were gonna get yet, another reboot.
We know about the canceled 2016 reboot using the 2008 splits, but there was one possibly in 2014 and it was a stop motion one.
Only Bingo and Drooper puppets were made, designed by Tom Megalis. I will say they look interesting…
I just wanted to share since I thought it was neat. Would have been nice to see how that could have played out and what Fleegle and Snorky would have looked in the style, but not sure if we ever will.
Do hope one day the gang will get a proper reboot and they go back to how they were. A bunch of silly animals who goof around and play music all day long.
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anton-luvr · 1 year ago
can you do riize helping/comforting you when you’re on your period??🫶🏼
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⚝ bf!riize x fem!reader | fluff | tw: periods ⚝ note ; is it weird if i say this is one of my fav tropes... its just so sweet to think about riize taking care of you :( + reqs are open !
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# SHOTARO. - the moment you tell him that you're on his period, he'll run off to the store to get you everything you need. he'll stride down the feminine care products aisle without any embarrassment or hesitation, already knowing which type of pads you use. also buys you your favorite chocolates and snacks, and a cute teddy bear just to cheer you up :3
# EUNSEOK. - period hormones can get wild, so it's not unusual for you to lose your temper easily when you're on your period. even the smallest things could tick you off, like realizing you were wearing mismatched socks. but eunseok stays patient and understanding, gently calming you down with a kiss before he gets socks that aren't mismatched and helps you put them on.
# SUNGCHAN. - like the health and gym fanatic he is, he'll take you out on a small walk. you despised the idea at first, your cramps making it feel like your back was being split in half. but after sungchan's five minute long ramble about how light exercise helps with cramps, you decided to take him up on his offer. surprisingly, it does help! walking around the park hand in hand while watching a beautiful sunset makes you feel better than anything.
# WONBIN. - he will treat you like absolute royalty. no, you will not be getting up to wash the dishes. no, you will not be getting up to switch on the tv. wonbin will do it all for you. he knows how painful and exhausting periods can get, so he wants you to relax as much as possible. he'll even cook for you and bring it into your bedroom for you, and if you need it, he'll even feed you. he will do anything for you <3
# SEUNGHAN. - he runs a hot bath, adding some epsom salt to help with your cramps. he carefully helps you into the bath, leaving you to relax alone while he plays your favorite songs softly on the speaker in the bathroom. when you're all done, he'll lay you down on your bed so he can massage you all over, using your favorite scented massage oil and helping you relax.
# SOHEE. - whatever you want or need, he'll get it for you. need a heat pad at 3am? he'll warm one up for you even though he's half awake. you want cuddles? he'll stop whatever he's doing and cuddle you for as long as you want. you want to be alone? he'll let you have all the peace and space you need, because he knows how clumsy and loud he can be. whatever it is that'll make you feel better, sohee will do it with zero hesitation.
# ANTON. - when you first started dating, he had no idea what to do when you got your period. but as the months went by and extensive research was done, anton was prepared. the next time you tell him you're on your period, he'll have a box of pads, heat pads, snacks, essential oils, and whatever it is that you need already prepared for you. he keeps it at his place all the time, so he can always help you out when you need it. he's just such a sweet and practical lover <3
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart
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dilf-luvr-4evr · 3 months ago
still in the holiday spirit I guess! mdni!!!
Shy!reader thinking about wrapping herself up as a present for her first Christmas with John Price <3 After all, they haven’t actually.. Done it yet.
You’ve thought about it many times, what your first time would be like with John. There were a couple of moments where both of you were so close to doing it!!! But you were just so shy and timid and the last thing John wanted to do was rush you.
Unbeknownst to him, you really want him to make the move. Desperately want him to. You may be shy, but you’re not innocent. The way he smelled, the way he flexes his hand, the way his bear-like physique could probably engulf you.. He’s just so.. Gah!!!!!!!
Eventually, you (foolishly) think he probably didn’t want to make that step yet. And so you bought a vintage humidor instead.
Fast forward to your present exchange and John was rendered speechless by your gift, a bunch of questions running through his mind. How much did this cost? Where did you get it? How are you so perfect? What did he do to deserve you?
The silence made you nervous. And you ramble when you’re nervous.
“Do you like it? I- I didn’t know what to get you. You probably have a lot of those already. I was- I was gonna like-.. I don’t know.. Gift myself which is crazy and-”
“I’m sorry, what?” John asked, looking up from his humidor and blinking a couple of times to make sure his brain didn’t make that up. What his brain did make up was an image of you naked on his bed, wrapped with a red ribbon for him to untie. It’s embarrassing how he immediately got a boner from that and tried his best to hide it behind your gift box.
You realized what you had said and opened your mouth to explain but no words came out, your throat dry. God you felt so stupid.
“Do you.. want to gift yourself sweetheart?” He asked gently. Always so gentle with you. He couldn’t help but look at your still gaping lips for just a split second before he regained himself.
He doesn’t mean to treat you like this innocent child by any means.. He just didn’t know how you’d react to how he wanted to just make a mess out of you. To ruin you, per se.
His question made your heart skip a couple of beats, you thought it must have stopped beating altogether. You were as red as a tomato, racking your brain on what answer to give. I want you to fuck me, goddamnit! Too blunt?
“Well-.. W- Would you.. like that-” oh what a silly question, he just has to cut you off now.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way sweetheart, I love the humidor but if I’m allowed to be greedy,” he pauses. He didn’t plan on rushing you but Christ he couldn’t wait any longer. Not when you’re practically offering yourself to him. “I would like- no, I would love that very much. Would love to have you.” Ever the straight shooter.
The way he said it, his voice deeper than it already is, almost breathless.. You exhaled, already turned on. And it sounded like the most erotic thing he has ever heard.
“So.. Would you unwrap me?”
(might've written the smutty part already but idk if I should post it AAAA)
my masterlist
thank you for reading!! 🫶🏼
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lovelyhan · 2 years ago
Hii Kai how about hooking up lee Chan at home football game where he should be benched but he’s off playing with you instead 🥴 congrats on your milestone bb 💕
02:40 — CHAN
it's a crime how it took me so long to actually work on this AHSHSJA thank you for the mental image of jock dino ditching his games for some pussy nana ur brain is so big 😽😽😽 + this kind of reads more like crack than smut so i hope you forgive me HAHSJW
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it's the biggest match of the season. there's equally high stakes for both teams playing and the audience is nothing if not fired up.
team captain choi seungcheol considers this as the game that'll make or break their career as a team, so it's only proper for him to do his usual headcount. but when he notices that they're one person short—
"vernon," he calls out to one of the younger members, frustration making itself known on his face. "have you seen chan? the game's about to start."
the younger athlete stares at him quizzically. "uh, he said he had to go home early. something about a sprained ankle. but won't it be fine? he's benched for today anyway isn't—"
"he went home early 'cause of what?!"
"...a sprained ankle?"
vernon doesn't quite understand why seungcheol is simultaneously having a meltdown and looking like he's about to plan lee chan's funeral and burial all by himself.
"a sprained ankle," the captain begins, pinching the bridge of his nose with an exasperated sigh, "is code for pussy appointment. that asshole ditched us to get his dick wet!"
on the other side of campus, lee chan sneezes in the middle of fucking your brains out.
"whoa," you chuckle, reaching out to pat your boyfriend's face lightly. "you okay, baby?"
despite being balls deep inside you, chan shivers for reasons completely unrelated to the feel of your cunt squeezing around his dick. "i feel like someone's plotting my death right now."
"channie, that's the most unsexy thing you've told me ever." you roll your eyes, wrapping your thighs around his hips to pull him closer. "can you go back to rambling about how good my pussy feels?"
seeing as he's very much still hot and hard inside you, it seems that your boyfriend wasn't that thrown off by his mid-coitus sneeze. he simply sighs, stares down at you and the spill of your pretty breasts before fucking into you hard enough to make the headboard bang against the wall.
"love it when your tits bounce like that," he moans, leaning down to latch his lips around your pebbled nipples.
"y-you love my tits all the time," you accuse, trying your best not to let out any noises that are too embarrassing to bear. "when you saw me in my cheer uniform earlier, you dragged me all the way back to your dorm just to fuck me!"
"can't help it, baby," chan laughs before cupping your face and pressing a kiss on your nose. "that skimpy uniform makes your tits pop out perfectly. good thing i'm not playing today 'cause everyone would've seen my erection in the middle of the field."
you keen sharply when the head of his cock grazes against your g-spot—all snarky comments about his unsolicited plan to sneak out of the game for a pussy appointment going up in smoke.
"r-right there, channie—shit," you whimper, fucking yourself back on his cock to match his fervor. "cock's splitting me so fucking good..."
"that so?" he whispers breathlessly, wandering hands pawing at your breasts before he suckles on them. "does that mean you'll let me drag you off for more quickies from now on?"
"don't caaare," comes your drawled out plea, clammy hands reaching between your legs to rub your clit in tight circles. "'m so close, channie. wanna cum on your cock. please, please, please. want it—need it."
one minute you're scolding him for being unsexy, and the next you're drooling over his pillows as he fucks you stupid. if chan wasn't as desperate to dump his load inside you as he is, he would've dragged this out just to tease you.
"good fucking girl," he hisses when he feels your walls tighten around his length—egging him on to fuck you through your release as he chases after his own orgasm.
when chan spills his cum into your quivering cunt, you let out the prettiest little moan that could beat any sort of practiced cheer from a crowd of spectators. he'd prefer to see the redness dusting your fucked out face over any trophy they're set to win.
and he'd rather lie in bed with the love of his life than warm a bench for the entirety of a game.
"cheol's gonna kill you when he sees you again, you know."
that's the first thing you say when chan brings you to the bathroom—taking the act of aftercare as seriously as ever.
"i know," he says coolly, rubbing a damp washcloth between your thighs.
"and really? you told vernon you sprained your ankle?"
"hey, i'm sure he isn't gen-z enough to know what i really meant."
"yeah, but cheol will definitely understand once vernon tattles on you. i'd be lucky if i still have a boyfriend that's alive once the day ends."
for all your unsolicited concern, chan decides to lean forward and press a soft, chaste kiss on your lips. the expression on your face flits between surprise and endearment and irritation so quickly, chan almost laughs.
"that's what good pussy does to a motherfucker," he murmurs before pressing another kiss on the corner of your mouth. "now let me clean you up before i get in the mood to fuck you again."
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⟢ end notes: this is probably the most unserious thing i've written in a while lmfao a million apologies if it only seems half coherent bc it is <333
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year ago
Can I request Simon finding a friendly polar bear in his home which is sweet to him..and becomes basically his guard and Therapy animal headcanons?? :0 please the old man needs it-
Oh thank you first Simon request, yippee!!
You lived in Ice King's castle as a pet of sorts, turned immortal simply because you were, according to him, "too cute and cuddly to die".
If anything, though, you were basically his emotional support polar bear as he rambled about his loneliness and failures to catch yet another princess, oftentimes sobbing into your fur when it gets to be too much.
Like Gunther, you couldn't really talk. But you were there for him anyways.
After he becomes Simon again, his memories of you become a complete blur...
Until one day you show up at his "house" (the 20th Century Museum) and nearly give him a heart attack.
For a split second he thought the crown was on and he accidentally summoned you,,,bc how else would a polar bear get inside undetected???
To make a long story short, Prismo granted your wish to speak human language (how you got to the Time Room and how tf he knew that was your wish both remained a mystery), and you used that in your search for IK.
Although Simon was reluctant, he decides to let you stay since you went through a lot of trouble to find him.
Plus, he needed somebody to vent to....yet despite not remembering much of you from before, he still feels immense guilt. He even apologizes for burdening you so much in the past.
But you reassure him you don't mind it at all.
Whenever he regresses back to his IK days, you're there to comfort him and let him cuddle up against your side.
Instead of him overdramatically sobbing about some random princess like before, he sheds a few tears for Betty..his one true princess.
You met her a few times, but never reslly got to know her, although given the stories Simon told you..it's clear that he still loved her dearly.
While accompanying him on his multiverse adventures with Fionna and Cake, you're there as his bodyguard, being a fierce defender (you damn near mauled the Scarab to death when he got too close to your friend).
After he eventually learns to move on and live for himself, you get officially registered as an ESA by his therapist.
You even got your own service vest/uniform so everyone in Ooo knows you have a VERY important job to do.
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yeyinde · 2 years ago
I know this would be terribly inaccurate and morally wrong, but it's taking too much space up in my brain and I can't write NSFW to save my life and I'll stop rambling and get to the point about this random hoe ass dream I had the other night about Bear (Graves).
But that table in the middle of their storage area room thing (with the cages)? Imagine getting railed on that table. Horrible consequences if you're caught, but in the moment that doesn't matter.
I didn't even really clock the morally wrong portion of this until just now—I just immediately started writing it.
Warnings: MATURE | 18+ — pseudo exhibition kink, corruption (as in, MC does everything possible to break Bear), risk-seeking behaviour; light smut Word Count: 2,2k Notes: it's been so long since I wrote smut that I kinda forgot how. alsoooooooo. it's deffo early season 2 Bear. With the beard and the unhinged madness and tragic angst. Okay? Okay.
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It's a whim. 
One of those terrible ideas you sometimes get—like the insatiable curiosity to know what it would feel like to snuff out an open flame between your thumb and forefinger, or lick the anode and cathode of a 9V battery just for the thrill of it. The electric hum of recklessness that surges through your veins, pitched right between the accompanying high of a short-lived adrenaline rush. An addictive sense of danger that isn't really dangerous. 
It isn't enough to kill you, or cause any severe injuries—no. You're not stupid. It's just one of those passing no good, bad, and very terrible ideas that leak from that place inside your head where madness and idiocy spool. 
Sometimes, it doesn't even hurt. 
(But you've always liked it better when it does.)
This, then, must be that. 
This, of course, being: 
Bear—so austere, so stalwart—bracing his thick fingers against the back of your neck, palm so wide it swallows you whole. Clipped nails pinching your skin when he digs in tight, holding on to you as he fucks you stupid, fucks you senseless against a metal table, perfectly perched in the middle of the room like an altar. 
His nails cut a scratch on your hip when he pulls you back by the bone to meet his heavy, hurried thrusts, growling low in his throat at the madness of this all. The danger. The recklessness. 
Eyes oscillating between the open doorway split into three possible entry points where anyone—Chase, Trevor, Buddha, Caulder—could walk in and see, catching Bear fucking you over a table; and you—
Bent over, fingers scratching at the linoleum beneath your hands, keening desperately for more. 
It's more brutal than you'd expect him to be considering where you are, where he is, but there's a weight to the way he pounds into you, a palpable sense of urgency, and need. Rapacious, you think, and wonder if it's the tantalising aspect of exhibitionism, the fear of getting caught, that brims white-hot in the balmy air between you, or if it's the setting alone that threatens to undo him. 
Fucking out in the open—with a man who yelped when you tried to ride him on the bed of his stupid pickup truck under the stars; vanilla incarnate, all American apple pie left to cool on an open windowsill in the heartland—is probably as close to true trouble as a man like him, the one bent over you now, has come before. You wonder if this is his Saddam. If he scents brimstone in the air when he curls over you, staining your skin with droplets of sweat that pools down from his brow, drips off his temples. 
It was that same sweat that started it all. 
Anger carved canyons into his forehead, ploughing five neat, little lines through tanned skin—flushed slightly pink near his hairline, and bleeding down across the bridge of his nose, the patch of skin between his lash line and beard, undoubtedly from standing on the sun-beaten shores of Virginia Beach all morning. The sweat that beaded across his skin was patchy, drying into patches of congealed salt above his brow, but dripping down his temples in rivulets of exertion, and cutting a clear path to his jaw, where it fell, pooling like a lagoon in the dips of his collarbones. 
You wanted to lick it off. 
An odd thought considering the arched reprimand he was in the middle of doling out. Sharp, slurred words of can't be here, and reckless, all undercut with an air of something balmy, something hot that simmers below the surface. 
His eyes flashed, cool blue to cobalt, when you lifted your shoulder in a lazy, half-hearted shrug, shirt slipping down, exposing skin to his irritated gaze, and, oh. Oh. 
The scorching heat you felt wafting off of him in puffs of humid air had little to do with temperature, with anger. 
The words, then, took on a new meaning. 
Can't be here, can't do this here. Reckless. 
And so, you leaned up on the tips of your toes, and flicked your tongue across his skin, eyes lidded and heavy as the briny tang of sweat and seawater flooded your senses. 
It was surprising that he let you. That after some more growling protests about shame, and public decency, he quieted fairly quickly when you slipped your hand into his trousers, letting the heft of him fill your palm. 
An incorruptible man, corrupted.
Opposites attract, you think, and then bite the notion in half when he slides in as deep as he can go, husking out a muted fuck, fuck, fuck, feels so fuckin' good into your shoulder. Opposites, maybe. But something about the way he grabs you hard enough to leave marks on your bones, drags you back into his harsh ruts, his frantic pace, makes you think something reckless, something damning, lives inside him, too. 
(He never would have let you tug his trousers down over his hips, let you arch over the table for him, if he didn't, after all.)
"This is—" his breath is humid on your skin, hands spasming over your flesh. You taste clarity in his words. Cognisance bleeds into them, spilling panic, and frenzied worry over your flesh. "This is stupid. We're gonna get caught—"
He huffs, and the rough scratch of his beard skates over your skin when he mouths against the curve of your bone. 
There is a moment when you think he might pull away. Where the urge, the drive, to be proper and pious, prim and good, brim up through the overwhelming dizziness of cacoëthes that spindles through your marrow, but you arch into him until you're pressed taut to his hips, full and gasping from having big Bear inside of you this deep, and tuck it back into the box it snuck out of. 
There's no place for decency when he has you bent over a table where anyone can wander past and see how good you take him. 
So, you push back against him, taking him in as deep as you can, and then deeper still when his hips stutter at the sudden push. It edges into too much when he's pressed flush against the soft curve of your ass, but you swallow down the whimper, and rock back on your heels, swaying against him until all you see is hazy gunmetal swimming in front of your eyes. 
It's always on that uneven edge of pain with Bear—dual sensations of too much intermixed with a heady thrum of pleasure that buffers out everything. A test of your mettle. He quizzes you on the limits of your resolve when he bucks his hips, sliding inside as deeply as he can go. Eking out a place within you that you might have been untouched, undiscovered, until him. 
Where his tests are physical—pushing into you as deep as he can, until you swallow him whole—you excel in destruction. The erosion of propriety. His self-control. 
(He shatters so prettily in your hands, like a supernova scattering across the inky black sky.)
This, then, is his test. 
And he clues into it almost as quickly as the plan formed inside your head, spooling fast and recklessly in that place that convinces you that adrenaline is your friend, and that climbing higher is always the goal. The spot inside that makes you always pick dare instead of truth. 
Bear knows—knew—of your plans when you pressed your lips to his, and still let you. A quick glance to the open doorway as you slide your tongue against his. The press of his fingers on the bow of your lips, a firm admonishment not to be too loud. 
You could take it as: 
Don't let us get caught. 
And you do. But you also hear the unsaid words murmured into your ear when he fucked you harder, hips pistoning into you as if daring you to make a sound:
Don't let this end too soon. 
"You're so bad, Bear," you coo, words tangled in pleasure as the blunt head of his cock batters into that spot behind your navel that never fails to make you sing. It rises. A quick flash of heat roiling in your belly; the whine of a coil being pulled too tight. Liquid bliss in red-hot agony. "Fucking me like this. I bet you want them to see. I bet you want them to watch you fuck me, don't you?"
The hiccup in your voice belies the accusations in your words. A tremulous, teasing warble that is met with his sharp, heady groan. 
"Oh, f–fuck—"
He's close. You feel him swell. Hear the rumble in chest as he loses that mechanical rhythm; a stutter of his breath, his hips. The bones in your hip ache when he digs in tight, holding you still as he pounds you with a fury unmatched by anyone else you'd ever known. He takes you like he's working out a problem. Like he's on the opposite lines of an allegiance, and is trying to fuck you stupid enough to ramble out the answers to the questions he asks. It disintegrates into madness. Desperation. His measured thrusts grow sloppy. His breaths ragged. 
The implosion of his self-control is almost more euphoric than the flood of molten pleasure blooming in your core. Your release offset by the unignorable crumbling of his resolve. 
"Come for me, Bear," you pant, your breath whitening the gunmetal table with plumes of condensation. "Come for me—"
His hand presses against the smooth slope of your neck, pushing your cheek into the slick table. His thick fingers spasm as he grows frantic, desperately chasing his own end in your spasming body, ready to follow you—quick and reckless—over the edge of a precipice, filled with an adrenaline-rush spiking through the pleasure. 
Things just feel better when it's dangerous, after all. 
Bear comes with a groan he can bare smother, pulling your hips back into his as he spends himself inside of you, the punchy grunts of a well-earned victory tumbling from his lips. The sound bounces off the condensation-slick walls, renting the air in two. His heavy breaths are magnified in the sudden absence of silence that always seems to follow a loud sound. 
His misery-filled groan is muffled by the back of your crown when he tips forward, and buries his face into your hair. In his defeat, you victory. A sweet damnation that you relish as he struggles to regain footing after losing control. His brassbound resolve is still in tatters, and spilled across the back of the table he'll use tomorrow with everyone else, haunted by the images of you spread out and willing as he tries to pretend he doesn't know what it feels like to grip the end of the table and fuck you senseless in a room designed to amplify all sound. 
You grin into the metal when he husks out a mangled fuck into your sweat-slicked hair. It reeks of resignation. Of a man who stood so long on the crown of propriety slinking down to the depths of hedonism and bliss. Breaking the rules feels almost as good as fucking on top of them, and your mind races with all the ways you can break him again. 
And Bear, as usual, has a tap into that place inside that leaks bad ideas, and can only shake his head with a huff. 
He doesn't even bother saying no. 
(Caulder owes you ten bucks. It seems you can teach an old, pious seal new tricks.)
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Your legs are still shaking like a newborn fawn. You feel him inside you still, and the phantom stretch of him touching places and pieces of yourself he really shouldn't makes you quiver. The ache in your thighs is the good kind, though. The lasting impression of success after obtaining exactly what you set out to do. 
Climbing a mountain. Running five miles. Fucking Bear Graves in the locker room with everyone else just a breath away. 
(Check, check, and check—)
He helps you into the truck, eyes sweeping over your shoulder to look for anyone else in the parking lot who might ask questions. Solid, reasonable ones like why do you stink like sex? and did you just fuck them in the locker room, Bear?
You could try and reassure him that it's empty. That no one cares. That it's all in his head. 
But you like the clench of his jaw, the flash of teeth when you giggle at him. Once the high of his release comes down, anger will follow. The kind that makes him loom. He'll lecture you about safety and decorum and not to sneak into his work to fuck him—
He'll wind himself up. Get himself nice and heated. He'll see it as a question to his authority. A tremor in his self-control. 
And to regain the footing he lost—
It'll be a good night for you. 
"You're a bad influence," he mumbles into your jaw, words muffled by his heavy breath he buckles you in. 
You count each line in his forehead as a win, and try not to preen. "You love it."
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