#it will also be using my version of omegaverse which I hope to put some posts up about soon
solar-wing · 6 months
☀️ Omegaverse: Alpha & Omega Biology ☀️
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Hi guys!
I wanted to make this post because I expected that I would need to explain this topic and my reasoning behind it at some point. Many of you have read my Omegaverse fics and have probably guessed correctly that it's my favorite AU or trope to write about.
But, I'm sure many of you have been slightly put off or dissuaded by my tendency to describe the Omega Male Reader with a cunt, wet heat or core, and their Alpha sucking on a 'nub' or playing with a cocklette. I totally get it.
I am a male author who writes for male readers, cis and trans alike. But, I am also someone who in my years has grown to detest labels and gender roles and the silent rules they put on us.
This is why I set up my version of Omegaverse and A/B/O Dynamics on the basis that Omegas have vaginal genitals and Alphas have phallus genitals, regardless of gender. In my eyes, it helps to create a more imaginable and realistic explanation of male pregnancy and pregnancy between two women, which I hope gives inspiration to wlw authors, even though I already know I'm not the first person to use this idea. Not even close.
Also, I just like the chaoticness of it all.
But, I know it can be jarring or off-putting for male readers who may not want to think of their themselves as the readers having a cunt or a pleasure nub. Which, also let me explain that.
Since I write for male readers, and I'm sure some may have an aversion to the terms vagina, pussy, folds, clit, etc., I do my best to steer away from using those words as much as possible. I know 'cunt' is probably not the next best thing but if anyone has suggestions, I'm more than open to hearing them!
But, I also detail the use of cocklettes and twats which may be a little confusing (and weird) to imagine or think about, but it's fiction. We all have weird fantasies, thoughts, ideas, etc.
The cocklette is the male omega's version of a penis. This tiny and often defective organ typically serves no purpose but as a bundle of nerves/pleasure spot for Omegas. A male equivalent of a clit.
Let me be clear; I am a cis-gendered male author. But, as I said, I write for male readers, ALL male readers. Cis, trans, and those are non-binary alike. This is why I typically don't put non-binary or trans in my tags because I'm keeping the reader as a character as ambiguous and open as possible.
The most I put in the tags regarding identity or label is gay so that it reaches more of the audience I want it to reach. That's it.
Also, I'm sure it doesn't help that I mainly write from a submissive point of view. I'm biased toward bottom/sub-male readers, I admit it. And I know there's a growing demand for top/dominant male reader content, but I'm sorry, that is just not my cup of tea.
But, if you don't want to read about yourself having vaginal parts and a cocklette, that is more than okay. That's why I always put a disclaimer in the warnings section of my author's notes if a fic is Omegaverse and include a link to my headcanons. I'm letting you know from jump what's in the fic you're about to read and giving you more than enough opportunity to turn away.
I do write smut that's not Omegaverse as well, plus I have many fics with no smut at all that keep things clean and open for my male readers to imagine themselves in.
This is not shade or me throwing shots at anyone who felt uncomfortable or surprised by it. It's completely valid, and I understand. But, I give plenty of warning and opportunity so there isn't any confusion.
You will likely never see me write an explicit trans male character since that's not part of my identity and I'd rather give that opportunity and shine to the authors who are of that identity. I just write what I like to write, or better yet, what I myself like to read.
The only thing that doesn't change is that my characters, reader or original, are and will always be MALE characters. Even if my Omegaverse characters have vaginal parts and their nipples leak more milk than a pregnant cow, they are MALE characters. Not female. They are boys, men, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, nephews, boyfriends, husbands, misters, kings, princes, dukes, barons, cowboys, bachelors, fucking dudes, and every other word related in the dictionary. Again, no shade to any female reader I have, but yall know what it is to.
I hope this doesn't discourage anyone and that everyone receives it as I intended it. If you like my fics, please engage more with them and tell me the things you like and want to see more of! If you want more regular smut and less Omegaverse smut, I'm more than happy to comply, just please check my rules first!
Thank you!
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killerandhealerqueen · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (feel free to send it back I have so many fics that I love and would love to rec). Spread the self-love ❤
I am setting restrictions: it must be two fics that are NOT the KH rewrite, since that's a story that cannot be compared, and you have to tell us why you like them so much
thank you for the ask bby and i hope work and life are okay
Hahaha, yes, yes, don't worry, I won't put the rewrite in there, I already put it in my other ask, so I won't put it here. Work is going well, I'm enjoying it a lot. Last week was...a lot, not in a bad way, but just...some of the stuff that I see in my job can be a lot but I know that I'm making a difference by what I'm doing in my job. Living my Killer and Healer life, you know?
Anyways, onto the fics!
It's Not the Devil at Your Door (It's Just Your Shadow on the Floor) (T, 10K, F1 RPF, Lestappen)
Enough (Miami) (T, 14.7K, F1 RPF, Loscar, Lestappen, Carlando)
I like these two fics because I've really gotten into F1 RPF and they've like...fueled my creative brain juices and allow me to just...write without worrying if I've already written something like that before. Also the F1 community on ao3 is like...super nice? They're so sweet in their comments and I truly wasn't expecting it but it makes me really happy
For All Eternity (T, 17.8K, Killer and Healer, Yuezhi)
I like this fic because it was inspired by Chinese Paladin 4 and I enjoy writing wuxia fics every now and then, especially when the characters are like...on opposite sides. Forbidden love, star-crossed lovers, stuff like that. And this fic was just a lot of fun to write
Monster Like Me (M, 21.5K, Killer and Healer, Yuezhi)
I love this fic but motherfucker did it fight me. I think I worked on this fic for like...over a month? Just because I had written it out, got about like...halfway through it and realized that I hated it so had to start over at least like 3 different times before I landed on this final version, which I think is the best version of the fic. Fighting with your fic is not always fun, but sometimes it does produce the best version of what you were envisioning in your head
Things Aren't Always What They Seem (M, 54.9K, Killer and Healer, Yuezhi)
I love a good omegaverse fic and a case fic all rolled into one and that's what this fic is for me. Of course, this is also the fic where I got such a nasty comment that I put them on blast on here on tumblr because if they were coming after me, fine, whatever, but they came after my readers, so I put my foot fucking DOWN (i deleted the comment of course because at the end of the day, they're reading my story for free and if they don't like it, they can fuck off and press the back button for all I care)
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viperscreeed · 7 years
Okay I’m not exhausted and hungry this time so I’ll do a better job selling this story! This fanfic takes place in a omegaverse/DnD au were Axton as part of the Sanctuary Guild must complete a simple job: Kill the Sorcerer Handsome Jack
They bring back more then a victory however and must prepare themselves for a backlash that is sure to come.
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adminbryantsaki · 4 years
Alpha! Werewolf! Aizawa x Female! Luna! Reader.
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(A/N: I am here again with the Bnharem’s collab! This theme is sex worker. I hope you enjoy this version of everyone’s favorite sleepy teacher, Aizawa.)
(A Luna is an alpha that can conceive. A luna has a harder time at conceiving and is more submissive if in a relationship with an alpha. Lunas have ruts and heats. These ruts are not as aggressive as an Alphas and the heats are not as aggressive as an omega’s either the heat or the rut is when the Luna is more fertile. Lunas can be marked and give marks to both Alphas and Omegas.)
Word count 8,535.
Rating: 18+, minors dni
TW: Omegaverse, Breeding, Werewolf, cum inflation, strip club, pregnancy.
If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, then move along.
Read the other stories here
It was late at night. You and your friend were walking home late after a party. The both of you had a bit too much to drink. An ad from the strip club caught the attention of your friend.
“Oooh! An ad for some sexy alpha men. Isn’t your heat rather close, Y/N?” You friend said a bit too loudly as they waved the ad in your face. You took the paper and stuffed it into your purse.
“Enough, F/N. Do you wish to get us followed?” You hissed and pushed your friend to your apartment building making it inside the complex before guiding your drunk friend up the stairs to the door of your apartment. Your friend had passed out on the way up so you had to prop her up while you fumbled for the key to your apartment. You let out a noise of relief when you finally found your key and unlocked the door to your apartment. You set your friend on the floor so you could grab a bucket for the morning. You dragged them to your small couch and pulled them onto the item of furniture. You pulled a blanket over them and went to your bedroom to change out of your own clothes. You sighed in relief when you took your bra off and chucked it onto the corner where your laundry basket was. You pulled off the scent blocking patches from the delicate skin of your neck and put them back into their packaging. You grabbed the small container of lotion you had and rubbed the serum into your skin. You hummed and got changed into your pjs. You looked over at your purse and saw the ad peeking out. You sighed and pulled the piece of paper out of the confines of your purse and stared at it.
‘Are you lonely? In need of a mate? Then pick from one of these fine Alphas courtesy of The Underground. Bring this ad for entry.’ The top line of the ad read. You looked down at the selection of alphas presented on the page. None of them really caught your interest. A few did look good but not what you would actually want as a mate. As you looked down the ad, you noticed all the typical over muscular apex alphas. One of them scared you with the flaming red hair and another weirded you out by having features similar to that of a killer whale. Your eyes settled on a dark-haired man that looked sleep deprived. He had a pair of wolf ears and slight stubble on his jawline. You couldn’t stop staring at the man. You read his description and found out that he was a werewolf. That you didn’t mind. He would be like a kind of guard dog along with being your mate. The idea of having an alpha werewolf as your mate made you blush hard. You set the ad down, crawled under your covers and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you woke up to the sounds of your friend puking into the bucket. You sighed and pulled yourself up from your bed. Your senses seemed on overload. You checked your phone to see if your heat had started. It hadn’t yet. You let out a sigh of relief and got up to help your friend. You walked into the living room and saw your friend who was a beta so if your heat had started, they wouldn’t be affected by your scent. You sat next to them and held their hair back as they puked into the bucket. You rubbed your friend’s back as your mind wandered back to the ad you had perused the night before. You blushed a bit as you thought of the alpha werewolf. You shook it out of your head as you stood up to find a common cure that some distant relative of yours had told you would cure a hangover in a moment. You found it and put some into a mug to brew as a kind of tea for your friend. You turned your electric kettle on to boil some water. You stared off into space as the water boiled. The thought of what that alpha would look like up close and personal occupied your thoughts. Would he be completely covered in fur? Or only have the ears and tail? You also took note of the muscles that he had that were shown of him in the advertisement. You felt your face heat up as the kettle clicked off and you were taken from your mental fantasy to pour the water into the mug and carry the vessel to your hungover friend.
“Here you go.” You said quietly in a gentle and caring tone. Your friend groaned and looked up at you then at the mug.
“What is that?” They asked.
“Something that will help with your head. Trust me. It will be bitter but it will help.” You said as they received the mug from you and took a sip. Their face soured which made you chuckle.
“I gotta get changed and go to work. You can stay here for as long as you need until your hangover goes away.” You told your friend.
“Thank you. I’ll just finish this and go home. Thank you though.” They responded. You let them be as you went to go shower to get ready for the day.
Your friend was still on the couch by the time you had gotten out of the shower.
“Did you look over the ad, Y/n?” They called out. You glanced over at the paper that was laying on your nightstand.
“Yeah! I did. You might even be interested in some of them if you looked at it yourself.” You responded as your pulled on your shirt. You picked up the ad and walked out to the living room where your friend seemed a lot better than before.
“Here. Look at it. There’s a couple red heads and blondes that you might like.” You told them as you handed them the page.
“If you say so.” They said as they browsed the ad. You went back into your room to finish dressing yourself. You came out a few minutes later all dressed except for your shoes. You wanted to eat some food before you headed out the door. You grabbed a microwave breakfast burrito, unwrapped it, and put it into the microwave to heat up.
“Oooh! Some of the boys on here are kinda cute! We should go this Friday!” Your friend called to you from their seat on your couch.
“If you want to, I’m game for it… I do want a mate this time around.” You said as you stopped the microwave and pulled out your hot breakfast.
“Interesting. You know I can still help you if you want me to.” Your friend offered.
“I know… but I don’t wanna inconvenience you. You have an omega that you’ve had your eye on for a while. You should go for them. I’m not saying that you aren’t bad at what you do. I just prefer an alpha as a permanent mate.” You told you friend.
“I understand. There’s something about alphas that is just irresistible. I might hook up with one before I settle down with the omega. One of the beefy red heads looks interesting.” Your friend said as they eyed the ad again.
“Thank you. I’m glad we’re still on good terms.” You spoke. Your friend nodded and gathered their things and left with you as you went to work.  
Friday came sooner than you thought. You were getting all dressed up in your clubbing outfit. You were putting on your shapewear to slim down your hips, thighs, butt, and stomach. You slid on a simple black dress and went to go do your hair and makeup before your friend came to pick you up. You took your time applying the makeup to your face. Just enough to enhance your already natural beauty. You then curled your hair to have simple waves to accentuate your face. You just finished applying the final layer of hairspray when you heard knocking at your door.
“Just a moment! I will be right there!” You called from your bathroom. You adjusted your hair once more before walking to your door and opening it a bit to see who it was. It was your friend who was also dressed up. You closed the door again and unlocked it to let your friend in. They stepped in and closed the door behind them. You went to your room to grab your purse and the ad as you needed the page to enter the establishment. You pulled your shoes on then went to join your friend.
“You ready to finally get yourself an Alpha mate?” They asked. You smiled and nodded. They hooked arms with you and headed off to the club.
The pair of you turned the corner of the block that the club was in. You followed your friend down the alley where what seemed to be the bouncer was standing outside the door. He had silvery hair and what looked to be a permanent scowl on his face. The bouncer had a small tooth poking out from his bottom lip. His gaze looked over at the two of you.
“You two got the entrance requirement?” The bouncer asked. You nodded and reached inside your purse for the ad. The bouncer took the ad and looked at it.
“Alright. The both of you are in. Have fun you two.” The beefy man told the both of you and held the door open for the both of you. You entered and took in the environment of the neon lights, sensual music that came from the DJ in the corner, the smell of lust mixed with a heavy combination of several heat and rut scents clinging to the smog laden air made you feel dizzy; your head buzzing. You held onto your friend as the two of you were stopped by a dark blue haired woman with a low- cut dress and a high slit in her skirt that showed her fishnet stockings. The scent that came from her made your body feel heavy and your eyelids grow heavy.
“Hello, I am the owner of this fine establishment, you may call me Midnight. How may I help the both of you?” The woman introduced herself.
“My friend here is looking for an Alpha. I myself wish to hook up with one of your Alphas as well but not permanently.” Your friend spoke for the both of you since your head was clouded with taking in all the new sounds, smells, and sights that had invaded your senses. Your eyes wandered over your surroundings as you took the new environment in. You saw the Alphas that were shown in the advertisement. Along with some other faces that weren’t shown. You saw the other guy that had caught your interest in the back corner behind his turntables, monitoring speaker, and mixer. You scanned the room to see if you could find the werewolf that had piqued your interest and caused a fire to light in the lower part of your stomach. You searched the room in anticipation to see his face and take in his scent. You couldn’t seem to find him among all the other alphas there in the main room. Your mind went to the worse case and thought that he already had a customer for the evening. This idea saddened you a bit and you stared at the ground.
“That is excellent. I will need for you to write down your secondary gender to help with our ratings. After you have done that, feel free to look through our selection of Alphas and other dynamics.” Midnight requested of the two of you. You looked up and the both of you write down your specific dynamics. The both of you then handed your cards to the woman. Midnight looked over what the two of you had written and when she read yours, her eyebrow raised. She gave a book of the still available workers to your friend and she told you to go wait in the bar for her. You did as you were told and went to the bar.
The host that was seating people asked you if you were waiting for anyone. You said that Midnight had told you to come here and they guided you to a back corner seat and had you sit there. They took your order and went off to make your drink. You looked over to where your friend was being guided by Midnight to the tall, beefy redhead with flames all over his body. You chuckled to yourself as your friend had picked out the same red head that they were gushing about earlier that week.  You watched as Midnight introduced your friend to the red head and he stood up to his full height and introduced himself. You watched as someone delivered your drink to you the sheer size of the man and how he dwarfed your friend. Midnight left the two be and headed in your direction. You watched the man lead your friend into a private room. Midnight slipped into the seat across from you with her own drink.
“We don’t usually get Lunas coming here looking for an Alpha. They usually want Omegas. What brings you here, Y/N? Other than an Alpha to help you with your heat?” She asked as she sipped her drink.
“I want a mate. I want a partner to keep me company and to treat me right and not like some creature that is only meant to take care of the house and bend over when they want to rut into me then expect me to raise his litter on my own.” You told her. She smiled at you.
“I know exactly the Alpha for you.” She said and stood up. She held out her arm for you. You stood up and took her arm so she could guide your head riddled brain up the spiral staircase and to the quieter part of the apartments of the club.
“Who is this Alpha you are taking me to?” You asked as the environment and mood changed to one that caused a chill to run down your spine. You could smell a difference in the air as the scent changed from citrusy, warm, and spicy to cool, crisp, and relaxing. The scent was similar to that of waking up in a log cabin deep in the woods just after a night where the snow fell hard the night before and your partner had made a fresh pot of coffee and had brought you a cup. You hummed and closed your eyes to take in his scent. Midnight paused with you to let you take in the new scent. You opened your eyes and looked to her.
“What else do I need to know about him?” You asked as you had let his scent envelop you.
“He’s a werewolf, sweetheart.” The woman told you. Your eyes widened and you tensed up.
“Relax, he won’t bite you, much.” She told you as she stood by the door. You walked over to the door and stood in front of it.  
“The both of you will have to establish a safe word.  He won’t mate with you until you give him consent. He is actually quite the gentleman once you get to know him. Shouta will take care of you and your heat, he has been looking for a mate himself for a while now. You could possibly be the lucky one.” Midnight said as she opened the door for you. You took a deep breath and stepped inside the room. You looked around the room to take in your surroundings and look for your Alpha. He was nowhere to be seen. You heard the door close and lock behind you and a presence that set the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
“So, what did you come here for? Just another omega who can’t handle their heat? How pathetic.” You heard a deep, gravelly voice rumble from behind you. You turned around to face him even though you could barely see his form from where you stood in the dim lighting of his apartment. The man stood before you shirtless and wearing a rather tight pair of sweatpants that showed his already erect member. You panted a bit and spoke up.
“I’m not some typical needy omega!  I am a Luna that is looking for a mate. The owner of this establishment thought that you and I would be a good match up.” You told him in a slightly raised tone. He pushed off the wall that he was leaning on and looked at you from the shadows. He slowly walked to you and held your jaw in his hand.
“You think you’re so tough because of your dynamic, huh? Still pathetic. Why would Midnight pair you with me?” He asked as a strong wave scent of rain-soaked pine filled your nostrils and knocked you onto your butt. He smirked and walked over to his nest.  
“Tell me why I should even consider taking you as a mate.” He said as he laid down and watched you.
“I don’t just want a one-night fling, I want a permanent partner. One that will care for me and treat me like a human being and not just some breeder to crank out litters.” You told him. This caught his interest and made him look at you.
“Come here then, Little Luna.” He told you and made room for you in his nest. You obeyed and did as you were told and sat outside the nest. The werewolf looked at you and flicked his fluffy ebony tail at you. Shouta watched your chest rise and fall with your labored breaths as your heat slowly invaded your body, making you get hot and needy. You were doing your best to keep your scent to yourself. You huffed as your neck felt sore as you wanted to let your scent loose and fill the room with your heat scent. Shouta noticed the frown knitted into your brow. He leaned forward and whispered into your ear.
“Let it out, kitten, I want to smell you. No other alphas will come in here. They know not to mess with me.” He told you.  He hovered over your neck where you could feel his warm breath on your sensitive skin. You finally released your scent and the werewolf took it all in. He buried his nose into your neck and growled in your ear which made your heat become more wet with slick. The werewolf wanted to sink his teeth into your neck and make you his and his alone. He pulled away and sat back in his nest and stared at you.
“Why don’t you come in here with me, kitten?” He purred and encouraged you to come into his nest that seemed to be lined with a sleeping bag. You climbed in and melted into the soft fabric that was the inside of the sleeping bag. The man put a hand on your back and hummed as he rubbed your back.
“How long have you been holding your scent in? Your doctor should’ve told you that’s dangerous.” Shouta told you as he rubbed your back and looked down at your heat-ridden form.
“About a week.” You said just loud enough so he could hear you. He sighed and laid down next to you.
“Do you feel better now?” He asked as he stroked your cheek. You nodded and looked at him.
“Tell me your name, Little Luna. You probably know mine already from the ad.” He said as he stroked your hair out of your face.
“Yours is Shouta Aizawa. Mines Y/N.” You told him. The werewolf smirked and propped himself up on an elbow.
“Such a pretty name.” Shouta spoke. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. Everything about him drove you crazy as you resisted the urge to take him as your mate and get it over with.
“I know you said that you don’t want to just be some, thing to be bred but I know you’re in heat just by how strong your scent is. I’m willing to be your mate. Midnight was right. You are perfect for me. As for your heat though, you have no idea how much I want to fill you with my seed over and over until your womb is heavy with my litter.”  The werewolf confessed as his voice began to hint with that lust filled tone that you had heard from previous alphas that had courted you in the past. You began to stare at the wall.
“Hey. Eyes back down here, Y/N. I know that you don’t want to be an incubator 24/7. I don’t expect that. But I know that you want me to claim you right here and now and stuff that wet hole of yours full of my seed? How does that sound, Little Luna?” He asked as he kept eye contact with you. You were blushing redder than a beet when you looked at him. You nodded in agreement and he proceeded to move onto his hands and knees. He hovered over you and was so close that you wanted to pull him into a deep and passionate kiss but you stopped yourself.
“Before we begin, what should our safe word be?” He asked as he moved close to your neck and wanted to bite a deep bruise on the tender flesh of your skin.
“How does moonlight sound?” You suggested as his scent flooded your senses.
“A little tacky but it will do.” Shouta chuckled as he hovered closer to your neck.
“I’m guessing you don’t have a permanent mate by the lack of a mark on your neck.” He said as he put a gentle kiss on your collar bone. You held back a moan and spoke.  
“No, I haven’t. Please, just mark me already.” You practically begged for him.
“Then tell me what you want me to do to you, Little Luna~.” He said as he put another kiss down on your chest right above your breasts. Shouta pulled away and looked up at you.
“Go on and tell me.” He encouraged you. You sat up and looked him in the eyes.
“I want to have your litter so badly. Please. I beg of you, fill me with your seed. Fuck me until I’m sore and can’t move anymore. I want you to be mine and mine alone, Shouta.” You told him as you cupped his face and gave him a genuine pleading look. You looked so cute to him as he looked back into your eyes and saw the honesty in what you had said.
“If we are gonna do this then you should know that there is no going back. Once we are mated, then we are mated for life.” He told you as he ran a hand up your thigh. You looked back at him and nodded. The thought of a werewolf as your mate made you push out more slick that now coated your thighs. The werewolf smirked and kissed you before moving to your neck. He kissed and licked the area around the area he was gonna mark you with to put you on edge. You huffed and whimpered out as you wanted his knot to fill your empty hole. Shouta looked to you when you let out a whimper.
“Should we call you kitten instead of little Luna?” He teased you. You huffed and moved to turn away from him.
“Where do you think you’re going, kitten? We need to get you out of that pesky dress of yours~.” He told you and helped you sit up. He undid the zipper on your dress then slid the straps of your dress off your shoulders. He leaned to your left side and bit down on your soft flesh and sucked a pretty bruise into your neck before leaving.
“You’re mine now. Mine and mine alone, Kitten.” He told you before kissing all over your neck and licking blood from the mark. He pulled away from you slowly and kissed your cheek.
“Yes. I’m yours, Alpha.” You responded. He smiled and kissed you. He pulled the rest of your dress off your body and chucked the garment to the far corner of the room. You looked sadly at the discarded garment as you worried that you wouldn’t get it back.
“Don’t worry, kitten. You’ll get it back when we’re done.” His eyes flicked down to your waist as he noticed the shapewear on you and smirked.
“What makes you need to wear something like this?” He asked as he ran a thumb over the band that lay just below your chest. He looked up at you to see you blush and look away from him. He gripped your face and made you look at him.  
“What’s wrong? You can tell me.” He asked.
“I wear the shapewear because my lower half is too big.” You told him. He moved down to rest his head on your stomach.
“I want to see.” He told you as he looked up at you with his deep brown eyes and you melted. You stood up with his help and slowly pulled the constricting fabric down off your body until you were only standing there in your underwear and bra. His eyes widened and he leaned back.
“I don’t see anything wrong with your body.” He said as he pulled you down into his lap and against his warm and partially fuzzy chest. He looked down at you.
“Look at me, kitten.” He told you in the same commanding tone as earlier. You obeyed and looked up at him. He held a crooked finger under your chin as he looked at you in the eyes.
“You are beautiful just the way you are. There is nothing I would change. But I do have to say, I do appreciate your thick ass.” He told you with a smirk. You blushed and hid your face in the crook of his neck to take in his scent. He chuckled and slid his hands down to grip your butt. He grinned and slid a hand up your back to caress your hair and take in the scent of your shampoo. He hummed and kissed your head. He slid his hand back down to your butt.
“You’re so soft, I like it.” He told you as he let his fingers sink into the soft flesh of your hips. He guided you to lay down in the nest and look up at him.
“Remind me again what you wanted from me?” He asked as he looked down at you and gave you kisses all over your neck and torso.
“I want your litter. I want it so badly.” You reminded him. He nudged your legs to spread them open so he could lay down between your legs and rested his head on your stomach.
“Just how badly do you want this?” He asked as he traced patterns on your side. You huffed as you were growing impatient as you felt your heat grow more and more unbearable as you snuck a hand down to give yourself some release.  
“What do you think you’re doing? Did you think you could sneak a hand down there and fuck yourself when you clearly came here to get claimed, fucked, and bred full of a litter? I don’t think so.” He scolded you gently. He then arose from the nest and went to another part of his room to retrieve something that you couldn’t see. You rolled over onto your stomach and watched him come back with a long piece of grey fabric. You blushed as he stared down at you with the fabric looped in his hand.
” For being such a naughty kitten, you are going to get your wrists bound.” He said as he knelt down and bound your wrists together. He didn’t pull tightly, just loosely bound them so you couldn’t move them easily then put your arms above your head. He then climbed back into the nest and hovered over your body, situating your wrists so you couldn’t move them. You stared at his bare chest and gulped down the lump of anticipation that had formed in your throat. Once your wrists were secured in the wall of the nest, he looked at you and smirked. He spread your legs back open and slid between them. He folded your legs up so they almost touched your chest. You blushed harder as he stared at your slick hole. He moved down to kiss and nip at the soft flesh of your thick thighs.
“So soft and cuddly. I could use your thighs as a pillow for when I take a nap.” Shouta said as he pressed his cheek to your thigh and kissed it.  He kissed his way down to your entrance and attached his mouth to your hole and began to kiss and suck the slick off your lower area. You moaned out, shut your eyes closed, moved your hips against his mouth. He looked up at you and smacked your butt.
“Look at me, kitten. Keep eye contact with me the whole time.” He told you and made eye contact with you. He growled against your folds which made you squirm in his grip.  He chuckled and sucked you more. You leaked more slick and he swallowed every drop you would give him. You felt your head buzzing as he gave you so much stimulation that you could barely handle it. Shouta pulled away to grab the bottle of lube he had stored around the outside edges of the nest. He applied some to your hole and shifted up to put you into a mating press. He pulled his sweats down a bit and pulled his massive cock out to apply some lube and slide his member into you gently so you could adjust to his size. You moaned and desperately moved your hips to give yourself some friction. But the werewolf wouldn’t have it. He growled and spanked your supple ass again. He gripped your hips and held them in place.
“Did you want to do all the work? I can get you a dildo instead.” He said as he began to pull out. You whined and shook your head no. He pushed his girth back inside and made you wait a little longer.
“Don’t be impatient or I’ll get you kicked out, you got that?” He told you in a firm tone. You nodded.
“I’ll behave. I will. Just please breed me!” You cried out. He smirked and began to thrust slowly in and out of you. You moaned and gripped the blanket above you as his knot stretched you so nicely. He quickened his pace and sucked a mark onto your thigh. This caused you to moan out and let your scent pour out from your glands to fill the room. Shouta took in your scent which made him drive deeper into you.  
“I’m gonna fill you up good, kitten. Make you so full that cum drips out of your hole~.” He told you as he pounded into you. You nodded in agreement. You had waited so long to carry a litter. You were happy that you finally would be able to after so long. You were in pure bliss as your werewolf mate pound your dripping hole. He grunted in your ear as he whispered things into your ear that made the knot in your lower stomach grow bigger until it was threatening to snap. You whimpered and told him you were close. He nodded and the both of you released. He pulled out and got you some water. He held your head up and made sure you drank. When you were finished with the water, he looked at you.
“Do you need anything else before we go another round, little Luna?” He asked of you while he had a smirk on his face. You were still blushing hard and shook your head no.
You wanted to be leaving here with a stomach rounded out from being stuffed with cum and having your hole dripping with his seed. He lined up with your hole before sliding in. He looked to you to make sure you were ok before thrusting. He gave you his knot this time to give you a higher chance of getting pregnant. You had released sooner than you thought you would. You could feel the hot spray of his seed in your womb as he released. He didn’t pull out and instead he kissed you again as he began to thrust more as he was determined to give you his litter. About an hour or so passed before the both of you were spent and he finally pulled out, put his member back in his pants, and laid next to you. He turned to face you and intertwined his fingers with yours. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at your cum-filled stomach and put a hand on it as he kissed your head.  
“Go use the bathroom love. Is there anything else you want?” He asked as you sat up and discovered just how sore your hole was.
“C-can you help me to the bathroom? My legs feel like jelly.” You asked him. He nodded and stood up. He picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bathroom. He set you on the toilet and left you to do your business and he went through his drawers and pulled out one of his shirts and pulled out a pair of fresh underwear provided by Midnight for the customers.  He walked back to the bathroom door, knocked a couple times and opened the door a bit.
“You can wear these for now.” He said as he handed the clothes to you and closed the door again. You got changed and finished using the bathroom. You called for him to come in. Shouta was waiting there so he could scoop you up in his arms and carry you back to the nest. You held onto him and he held you close. While you were in the bathroom, he had added a couple pillows, a heating pad, and some more water bottles to the nest and the surrounding area. He then set you down in the nest and sat outside the nest looking in on you.
“T-Thank you, Shouta.” You said as you put the heating pad on your lower back.
“I’d do anything for you.” He told you as he kissed your head and wagged his tail a bit.  
“Can you get some food for us? I’m hungry.” You told him. He nodded and got back up again.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“I’d like F/F.” You requested. He nodded and pulled a shirt on before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. This left you to get comfortable in the nest and doze off a bit before he came back. Your mate soon returned with your favorite food and something for himself to eat. He set your food in the nest next to you before he leaned in and brushed a few strands of hair from your face. He kissed your forehead which made you scrunch your face a bit and wake up.
“Have a nice nap, kitten?” He asked as you noticed the bag with your favorite food inside.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep but I was so tired after we mated.” You told him while eating your food.
“I did you put you through the ringer earlier. You can stay until morning. Now that I have a mate, I need to move out. I want to stay loyal to you. Even more so if you’re gonna have a litter.” He said as he ate his food.  
“I have a small apartment that we can share.” You told him. He smiled a bit.
“I don’t have much. Just what’s here in this room.” He responded.
“I can help you pack up tomorrow. I live down the block.” You said smiling.  
“We can have some of the other guys help carry my stuff to your apartment.” He told you. You nodded and smiled. Shouta took the to-go containers and put it outside his room. He then walked back to where you were in the nest and laid next to you.  
“Thank you.” You told him. The look on Shouta’s face was that of a puppy wanting to climb into bed with you. You smiled and put your fingers into his ebony locks and stroked one of his wolf ears that poked out of his head.
“Get in here. Just be careful, I’m still sore down there.” You told him. His face lit up and he climbed into the nest and laid behind you. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you gently into his embrace. You couldn’t be happier than you were right now. You had a mate and a very large possibility of a litter on the way. Shouta had his hand over your swollen stomach and was kissing your neck and ear. He was happy too.
“Thank you for being my mate, kitten. I’m happy you asked me to be your alpha. I will help you through each and every heat that you have if you’ll let me.” He told you and slid a hand up your shirt. You blushed and pressed into him.  He smirked and cuddled you.  
“You just rest now. You’re gonna be growing a litter here soon, Kitten.” He told you. You closed your eyes and dozed off in his arms. He kept you close all through the night as there were others going to their rooms with people that had come in earlier that evening. You woke up a little bit and flipped over so you were facing Shouta. You nuzzled into his chest and he woke up too.
“What’s wrong kitten?” He asked quietly.
“Others are making noise.” You responded as you blinked up at him.
“That’s normal here.” He chuckled. You blushed and hid your face. He looked down at you.
“I have an idea. Why don’t you come under my shirt to keep you warm? How does that sound?” Shouta suggested. You liked the idea and with his help he lifted the hem of his shirt and slid under his shirt. You hummed and nuzzled his chest. He stroked the back of your head as you pressed your face into his chest and dozed back to sleep. He pulled the sleeping bag around you two and zipped it up before he fell back asleep.
 Morning came and you woke up sleepily. You looked up to see Shouta looking down at your sleeping form.
“Morning kitten, did you sleep ok?” He asked.
“Yeah. After I got under your shirt, I zonked out quickly.” You said giggling.
“Do you want breakfast?” He asked.
“Are you allowed to do that still? Even now that I’m your mate?” You asked as you didn’t want him to get in trouble.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll tell Midnight what happened last night and she will have some of the other guys come up when we’re ready to go.” He reassured you as he unzipped the sleeping bag. You whined as you didn’t want to leave the warmth that he gave you.
“You can cuddle me more once we’re settled in your apartment, ok kitten?” He said looking down at you then helping you leave his shirt which was now stretched out. He stood up and let you be wrapped up in the sleeping bag. He knelt down and kissed your head before he left to get food. He stopped at the door.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“Pancakes with chocolate chips?” You asked cutely.
“Anything for you, kitten.” He told you before leaving. You rolled over and snuggled back into the sleeping bag to rest your eyes more before you had to get up. A few minutes later, Shouta came up with some pancakes for the both of you.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up. Your breakfast is here.” He told you teasingly and licked your cheek. You opened your eyes.
“All I see is you~.” You said while blushing hard.  
“Do you want me for breakfast too, kitten?” He asked as he leaned closer to you and kissed you. He lured you out of the sleeping bag and into the cold air.
“I know you don’t like the cold but the warm and fluffy pancakes that are dripping with syrup and waiting to be devoured by a rather ravenous kitten~.” He mused as he teased you with the pancake. You reached over to take a bite but he pulled it just out of reach. You whined and retreated back into the nest. He tore off a bit of the fluffy breakfast item and held it in his mouth. He made a come here gesture with his finger and you obeyed and he prodded your mouth with the pancake which you gladly ate from his mouth and then kissed him. You hummed and climbed into his lap. He tore off another piece and fed you bit by bit until the first pancake was gone. There was two more in one of the containers. He looked at the pancakes then at you.
“We have some time before Midnight kicks the customers out. Why don’t we have some fun~.” He told you as a sly smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. You smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Where do you want me?” You asked.
“Lay down for me, Y/N.” He instructed of you. You laid down and looked kept eye contact with him. He smirked and pushed the shirt up past your stomach.
“Still so pretty~. “He told you. He reached over to one of the pancakes and ripped it in half. He then tore up each of the halves into smaller pieces and trailed them up your legs. He took the extra maple syrup and trailed it up and down your legs. He sat back and admired the pretty picture in front of him. You blushed hard and nodded to give him approval to start. He laid down and started at your ankles. He licked the syrup that had dripped down and almost onto the floor. He sucked a bit and licked up to the piece of pancake and he ate it before kissing your shin. He licked up to the knee and ate the piece of pancake that was there before going up to the rest of the chunks of pancake that were on your thigh. He reached your hip and sucked a mark into the soft flesh of your hip before moving back down, starting at the ankle of your other leg. Shouta copied the same process with your other leg until he was panting over your lower area.
“Now, for my meal~.” He hummed and went down on you.
He had finished just as there was banging on his door.
“Hey Shouta! You gotta wrap it up in there. Midnight wants the customers out in ten!” A loud voice called from the other side of the door. Shouta groaned and pulled away from you.
“Go put a pair of my shorts on and follow me. I’ll carry you down to Midnight and tell her that you’re my mate.” He said as he helped you up to your feet and helped you to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of black shorts and helped you into them.
“There you go. Do you think you can walk?” He asked you. You shook you head no and he picked you up to wrap your legs around his waist.  He kissed your cheek and carried you down to the main room which looked completely different than how it was the night before. You peeked out from under your hair and saw some of the others. You searched for your friend that should’ve been next to the fiery red head. He saw you and spoke.
“I sent your friend home when we were done. They should be fine.” He said and you relaxed. Shouta sat down with you in his lap next to a long-haired blonde that had the same voice as earlier. You recognized him as the DJ from last night. You hid your face in the crook of your mate’s neck as Midnight approached them all. She sat down and addressed them about what happened last night and reminded them some of the rules. Shouta held you tightly as she reminded the group about having the customers leaving before morning. Midnight’s eyes darted to Shouta and she smiled.
“I see that you finally found yourself a mate. You remember the terms that we decided on, right?” She asked. He nodded.
“I need help with moving my stuff into Y/N’s apartment down the street.” He asked.  A couple of the beefier men including the orca looking guy pitched in to help.
“When we’re done here the boys can help you.” Midnight said. A few of the other alphas in the room congratulated you and Shouta.  You blushed and hid your face in Shouta’s chest.
“I’m gonna go back up and get my stuff sorted.” Shouta told the group as he stood up and went back to his room.  He set you down in the nest before going about his room and sorting the small amount he had.  The loud blonde came up with some empty boxes and helped his friend pack his clothes and bedding. He walked back over to the nest and checked in on you a few times before he had to take the nest apart and leave you with the sleeping bag. When everything was packed, Shouta’s friend went down and came back with the bouncer from the night before and a new person that also had blonde hair. They helped carry the boxes and a couple pieces of furniture downstairs and out of the establishment. Shouta carried you in his sleeping bag after the other men. You led them to your apartment down the street and helped them inside. You instructed them where to put the boxes and furniture. They left soon after, leaving the two of you alone. He set you down on your bed and kissed you.
“Your place looks nice. I’ll go unpack. You rest, kitten.” He said as he kissed your head and left the room to go unpack. He dragged a box into your room where his dresser was and sorted the clothes back into the drawers as you slept. He wanted to stay close to you even now. He felt like he had to protect you. He could sense that you were pregnant even though you didn’t believe him. He finished sorting his clothes and went to the box of his bedding and made a nest around you. He slid in and held you close to his chest. He dozed off, now feeling safe in his new home and next to his new mate that he loved so dearly.  
Two weeks went by and you adjusted to your new life with your mate. You didn’t feel top notch though. You had nausea and fatigue. You didn’t want to move from the nest as the slightest movement would make you want to run to the bathroom and puke out your guts. You had developed the oddest cravings. One of your cravings was pickle juice as a brine for raw meat that you were craving. You also couldn’t seem to get enough pineapple juice, Gatorade, and milk. The smell of fish made you want to puke. Shouta was willing to get up at early hours when you would wake him when you had an intense craving for whatever you were craving that week. One afternoon, You, were sitting on the couch and devouring a tray of chicken nuggets with mac and cheese as Shouta came over and sat down next to you.
“Hey, Y/N? I wanna talk to you about something.” He told you.
“What is it?” You asked as you ate.  He looked at you with concern and spoke.
“Remember about two weeks ago when we met?” He asked you. You blushed and nodded.
“I think with all your recent cravings and nausea, I believe you’re pregnant.” He said smiling a bit.
“You really think so?” You asked as you finished your ramen and set the plate on the coffee table.
“Yes, I do. I went out and got a pregnancy test when I got the ice cream you requested.” He told you.
“Ok. Where is it?” You asked.
“On the bathroom counter.” He told you. You got up with some help and went to the bathroom to take the test. Shouta stood as well and took your plate into the kitchen to wash it. You came out a few minutes later and showed him the positive test. He picked you up and held you close. The both of you were happy and excited. Shouta kissed you and knelt down to your stomach that was showing the slightest bit.  He kissed your stomach and hugged you.
“Thank you, Y/n. I am very happy. You have helped me with that. I love you so much.” He told you and kissed you again.
“I will go set up a doctor’s appointment for later this week.” You spoke. He nodded and told you that he wanted to go with you to the appointments.  You set up an appointment and he made a special dinner for the both of you to celebrate. He pulled you close when you had finished setting up the appointment and held you close to his chest.
“C’mon. I made us dinner.” He said and led you to the bedroom where a pizza was laid out on the bed. He had redone the nest and climbed in. He helped you in and he shared a pizza with you. The two of you spent the rest of the evening dreaming of the future and what it would hold for the both of you.
 The end.
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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tackletofset · 5 years
list of best tom/harry fanfic
Uuummmm…. Okay
*is actually excited*
Tomarry Fic Rec List
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: Mind that this is my version of favorite Tomarry fanfics and I might have missed some others doesn’t mean that they’re less phenomenal.Also, the list is by random order.
Click on the titles for links :3
Don’t Fuck With Florists (They’ll Fuck You Up) by MayMarlow
Teen And Up | 13944 words | No Archive Warnings Apply | One-Shot | Completed
Characters: Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Mr Borgin
Relationships : Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Summary: Unsatisfied with his post-war life, Harry decides to get to the root of all of his problems when that root was still working at Borgin and Burkes shop in the late 40s. He’s the Master of Death, damn it, he can do what he wants for once in his life.Tom Riddle isn’t particularly happy about working at a small, dingy shop for magical artifacts, no matter how interesting those artifacts are. He’s even less happy when an insufferable stranger sets up the most obnoxious flower shop right across the street.What follows would be a romantic comedy, if it weren’t for politics.
My notes: I love this fic because of the political undertone, and not-so-subtle reference for Trump. I love how Harry could sway Tom’s from being a Dark Lord into Minister for Magic. If you like dark humor you’d enjoy this fic ;)
Rumpelstiltskin by Gallons_of_the_Stuff
General | 8884 words | No Archive Warnings Apply | Chapter 2/4 | Ongoing
Characters: Merope Gaunt, Tom Riddle Sr., Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Fem!Harry Character
Relationships : Merope Gaunt/Tom Riddle Sr., Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Summary: He was all she ever wanted, and she knew exactly how she could have him - even if it would not be real. Then a stranger made her an offer she could not refuse, for a price that seemed like a joke at the time. Was it really just a teasing remark though? Or would her deal cost her more than she ever wanted to give up?
My notes: This is how Merope/Tom Sr relationship goes without a love potion. Merope is aided by Fem!Harry who ‘only’ asks for her firstborn in return.
The Dark Serpent and The Dark Horse by Kaede Ravensdale
Mature | 104187 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Chapter 40/? | Ongoing
Characters: Tom Riddle Sr., Tom Riddle, Harry Potter
Relationships : Tom Riddle Sr. & Tom Riddle Jr, Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, Tom Riddle Sr./Severus Snape
Summary: In which Tom Riddle Senior never could fully put Merope’s claims of being pregnant out of his mind and set out to bring his child home, unwittingly changing the fate of both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds and laying waste to the machinations of a certain scheming old man.
My notes: THIS IS LIKE BY FAR, MY MOST FAVORITE TOM RIDDLE FIC EVER!!! LIKE, EVER!!! THIS IS SO PHENOMENAL! I mean Tomarry + TomSr/Jr bonding is perf Spoiler! Tom is related to the Targaryens in this fic.  Baby Tom gets the Father’s love that he deserves. Also openlymanipulative!Dumbledore and Slytherin!Harry. Best ever. I hope the author will update soon before my head starts flooding with imagines of this fic, such as Tom Sr. stands in between the little Tom (and Harry, so he’s protecting them both) and the killing curse (a curse probably by Grindelwald or Dumbledore). Also, now I like to listen to Targaryen theme music while musing about Tom Sr :3 I also imagine him trying to ride a dragon for the first time, awkwardly in muggle clothes while his son watches in awe. Him riding a dragon to a war against Grindelwald, also arriving in Hogsmeade alongside his son bringing dragons :3 ahh the Tomgaryens.
Little Red Riding Hood by BigJellyMonster (orphan_account)
Teen and Up | 1256 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Oneshot | Completed
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle
Relationships : Harry Potter/Tom Riddle/Voldemort
Summary: Harry has to deliver a basket of treats to his neighbors on the other side of the forest. He was told never to talk to strangers. Too bad he doesn’t listen.
My notes: Very cute Harry. Manipulative Tom. Fluff. Definitely should read.
I Speak Parseltounge by BigJellyMonster (orphan_account)
General | 1602 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Oneshot | Completed
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle
Relationships : Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Summary: Tom keeps hitting on Harry in parseltounge but he doesn’t know that Harry speaks it too.
My notes: Another light fic. Sneaky Harry. Reccommended!
Pass the salt, Daddy by DarkkBluee
Not Rated | 1569 words | No Archive Warnings Apply | Oneshot | Completed
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Tom Riddle Sr., Thomas Riddle, Mary Riddle, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Relationship: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Summary :Tom and Harry have a family dinner.“Daddy, can you pass the salt?”Or not.Seven pairs of eyes swivel in his direction.
My notes: Harry has seven Daddies. Nuff said.
Meeting the Parents by temptresslove
Teen and Up | 4113 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Oneshot | Completed
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle, Lily Evans Potter, Tom Riddle Sr., James Potter, Narcissa Black Malfoy
Relationship: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Harry Potter & Tom Riddle, Harry Potter & Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Summary :“It’s nice to finally meet you, Tom,” Lily says with a big smile. “I’ve heard so much about you.”Beside her, Harry noticeably stiffens.“Oh?” Tom asks, one eyebrow raised elegantly, looking at Harry amusedly. “Only good things, I hope.”“Oh yes,” Lily gushes. “Very good things, indeed.”Harry grabs Lily by the arm that almost hurt and smiles at her tightly. “Mom, shouldn’t you be going to Headmaster Dippet’s office by now?” The way his grip threatened Lily made her grin even larger.
My note: Another oneshot I really, really like! This is an omegaverse, fluff, very cute Tomarry interactions. I like how they write the relationships to their parents as well. Love this one.
To Be Set Free by Merrinpippy
Teen and Up | 35831 words | No Archive Warnings Apply | Chapter 14/14 | Completed
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle, Dudley Dursley, Petunia Evans Dursley, Vernon Dursley, Tom Riddle Sr., Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald, Dobby, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Bartemius Crouch Jr., The Brazilian Boa Constrictor (Harry Potter), Lucius Malfoy, Dolores Umbridge
Relationship: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle,
Summary : Harry Potter, raised and abused by the Dursleys ever since his parents died, lives in the cupboard under the stairs. He has no friends or family who love him and his life is dull until one day a letter arrives arrives for him, written in green ink, that promises freedom. Sounds familiar, right?King Thomas Riddle’s illness combined with his political paranoia pushes him to arrange three royal balls, after which his son, Prince Tom Riddle, must choose a guest to marry, thereby securing the kingdom’s future and solidifying their strength in the eyes of their allies/enemies. Tom is convinced that he will be able to defy his father and choose no-one, or at least he is until at the first ball he meets an attractive stranger with dark hair and glasses who won’t tell anyone his name…
My notes: A really sweet Cinderella AU! You’d love the chemistry between Tomarry here.
Ice Cream Stalker by Watermelonsmellinfellon
Teen and Up | 750 words | No Archive Warnings Apply | Oneshot | Completed
Characters: Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
Relationship: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle,
Summary : @vertibirdo on Tumblr Prompted: Yo, would you be up to doing some Tomarry non-magic Modern AU? Something cute?
My notes: A lighthearted, fluff AU. Love it, and how Hermione’s helping Tom to approach Harry.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by Watermelonsmellinfellon
Teen and Up | 1948 words | No Archive Warnings Apply | Oneshot | Completed
Characters: Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Nagini
Relationship: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle,
Summary : Nagini acts as a messenger for Harry and Tom, carrying insulting messages between the Slytherin dungeon and Gryffindor Tower. Eventually, Nagini gets bored and starts making up stuff, and the messages just become confusing. Nagini becomes a matchmaker. Unwittingly.
My notes: Tomarry shippers are Nagini.
Diablerie by Oceanbreeze7
Teen and Up | 156584 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Chapter: 22/25 | Ongoing
Characters: Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts Students, Hogwarts Staff, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore
Relationship: Harry Potter & Tom Riddle,
Summary : Moody reclined in his chair, his prosthetic scratched over the floor. “What year is it, Riddle.”It wasn’t phrased like a question, maybe that was why Tom finally answered.“September.” Tom clipped out coldly. “1942. You know this.”’Harry inhaled so sharply he choked on his spit. He hurriedly turned away, hacking and wheezing as he nearly asphyxiated on his own saliva.“Yeah,” Moody grimaced with a slight disgruntled noise hidden in his tone, “that’s a problem.”
Tom Riddle, 15 years old, in the middle of the London Blitz suddenly finds himself in a future with no allies, resources, information, and everyone he knows treats him with enough restraint to not murder him on the spot. It takes a lot to truly ruin a human being, to rot them so thoroughly even fruit flies avoid the stench. Tom doesn’t want this bullshit, Tom only wants to-‘Please God, let me live.
My notes: I haven’t finished reading this one, but it’s really good. This fic could capture the terrifying essence of devastation of war and death. It contains a graphic and detailed description about Tom trying to survive in the blitz, so it’s not for those who aren’t into those heavy materials.
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ginnyzero · 5 years
Being a Fanfic Writer is Okay
AKA I love Fanfiction
Fan Fiction, a bit controversial and a bit time worn topic in writing and fandom circles. But let’s face it, fan fiction is older than dirt (Shakespeare anyone?) and isn’t about to go away any time soon. So, we might as well face the pink elephant in the room and address the issue. Besides, fan fiction is really personal to me. Of course, before I get all maudlin about my experiences with fan fiction, maybe we better discuss what fan fiction is, a bit of history and where to find it.
Fan fiction is at its core, a story written by someone who isn’t the original owner of a story. They are simply a fan writing in someone else’s world using someone else’s characters. After that, the possibilities are pretty much limitless and maybe we can discuss some of the more interesting aspects of fan fiction later. Some of our favorite classic stories might be considered fan fiction, Homer’s take on the Trojan War for example. Shakespeare wrote wild interpretations of the lives of British Kings. And modern day published fan fiction would be the books based on favorite television shows or popular games, video, role playing or even board games. A type of visual fan fiction would be the movie Clue! Based on the popular Clue board game. (Sadly not really an action movie, drat.) Star Wars Expanded Universe is a type of authorized published fan fiction. And who can forget the hundreds and hundreds of Star Trek novels based upon the episodes and later expounding upon the universe.
Speaking of Star Trek, the modern take on fan fiction really took off with the introduction of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. Before the internet (what a phrase,) ambitious Trekkies created magazines that writers could submit their own stories about the Starship Enterprise and her crew and receive subscriptions of them in the mail. Many of these stories revolved around Kirk and Spock in a romantic relationship, which is still a huge pairing today. Other fandom groups copied this magazine model and later as the internet took off, they created online email groups, forums, journaling sites, chat rooms and individual sites, until someone got ambitious enough to create the first fan fiction archive. And suddenly, there was a place where any writer of any talent could post their work to one place and read everyone else’s work no matter the quality or fandom. And with the introduction of Japanese anime to America, the concept of fan fiction exploded.
And Sturgeon’s Law reared its ugly head. 90% of it is crap.
But that’s okay.
A lot of archives came and went. There are only a few that stayed the course; fanfiction.net, mediaminer.org, adult-fanfiction.org and the baby of the family, archiveofourown.org (AO3). Each of these rather interesting archives have a tumultuous history and interesting backstories, which I really don’t want to get into right now. Just saying, if you have a bunch of free time, want to read some free stories and have some fandoms you really love, then these are the places to go. It might take some time to wade through the truly awful stories to find the gems, but the side effect of fan fiction archives, are fan fiction recommendation lists! These handy lists have the best fan fiction from certain fandoms in the compliers subjective viewpoint! Always a good starting place.
As I said, fan fiction is really personal to me. As it says in my bio, I have no formal education about writing outside some interesting English classes in college. I got a C in research papers and grammar; a B in creating a pitch and an A in narrative storytelling. This probably should have told me something. What I do have, is a very long history and experience in fan fiction. I’m not comfortable with putting my pen name out there, let’s just say I’ve been writing fan fiction for over fifteen years in a variety of fandoms under a couple of different names. And in the beginning, I was one of those probably writing crap. And I didn’t care. I was writing and I was having fun. Writing fan fiction helped me through my bad high school experience (a lot of people have them) and it helped others too. And that was important to me. Is still important to me. I grew. I improved. I got to focus on things in fan fiction that I would never have focused on if I had been trying to write original works. And it helped me churn out idea after idea and see how I could string these ideas together to create good concepts and make better stories.
The greatest thing about fan fiction in my opinion, is that it gets people of every age (I have met as many forty year olds as I have twelve year olds) writing. And when people write, they also tend to read. Okay, so maybe they are reading in this vacuum bubble of fan fiction where 90% of it is crap and they may or may not improve, yet, they are reading and you know, that is okay. Because, let’s face it, 90% of the published world of books is crap too. And let us not get started on this idea of self-publishing. Seriously, anything that introduces a little bit of literacy to the world I’m all for. I’m not going to discourage anyone from taking up a pen or sitting down at a computer or type writer and taking these ideas they have in their head and getting them out there. Because, there is a certain magic to it. Let’s not stifle any form of creativity of the arts here.
Now writing and posting fan fiction are two completely different things. And if someone wants to write a story based on 10 Things I Hate About You (which in itself was an authorized fan fiction of the Taming of the Shrew, which is based on classic literature tropes) and keep on their computer for only themselves to read. That is fine! However, if they want to take that fantastical leap of courage and post it the internet in one fashion or another for the public to see, then that, is inspirational. Posting, which in this case is essentially publishing, something you have created from your heart for others to see and consume is perhaps one of the scariest things you can do. And I applaud them for their courage because the public is not a safe place and you never know what will happen. Now, I will say that a lot of fandom communities can be nice and welcoming. And then there are the communities that are insular and full of drama. And sometimes, publishing in the fan fiction world is like shouting into a canyon and hearing the echo and you might have to shout several times (meaning publish more than one story or more than one chapter of a story) to get any sort of response. Hey, being popular in one fandom, doesn’t automatically guarantee being popular in another fandom!
And that is where the sense of community steps in. Sure, you will probably get a lot of ‘squee, I love it, write more!’ responses, which are good for the ego and the soul. But there will be rare times, where you will meet people who love the same things you do and want to squee and discuss writing. About characterization, and plot bunnies hopping out of control and multiplying and isn’t so and so just hot as this character. And suddenly, one isn’t so alone anymore. You don’t feel exactly strange or like a hermit who sits alone in their bedroom typing for hours at a time. Out there, in the world, there are people just like you, doing the same things. And it is okay. People, as a community who like a certain thing, are being creative and sharing ideas. And that is wonderful. So, the execution of said ideas might not be wonderful, but now, the idea is out there in the universal consciousness waiting to be picked up by someone else, tinkered with and fine-tuned and maybe a better version of it, or maybe one just as bad, will be published to be seen and shared by more people so more interesting and diverse stories can be born. (Or, as it is so easy to see in fan fiction if you pay attention, a new fad of fiction tropes and mish mash of nonsensical ideas put together to create something absolutely crazy but mind numbingly fun that you have to go ‘what the fuck, who came up with this bullshit and how did it become so popular and why wasn’t it me? [Superwholock, Omegaverse, Soulbonding])
Now we could discuss the legality of fan fiction, or some of the crazy views that published authors have about fan fiction (Anne McCaffery, George RR Martin), or some of the awesome things that have happened to people because of their fan fiction and the original creators being okay with it (Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Joss Whedon). Or the crazy things that some fan fiction writers do to take their fan fiction and make it into original fiction (Cassandra Claire, 50 Shades of Grey.) But those could take a couple thousand more words and some of it sincerely bewilders me.
Fan fiction is great. I enjoy writing it. And I also enjoy reading it when I have time. There is nothing wrong with people, in their spare time, writing fluffy and sometimes not so fluffy stories about their favorite characters in their favorite universes. There are a lot more horrible things they could be doing than writing stories about fictional people and posting it on the internet.
Now, when I get published (and I say when, not if because I must believe in the when), as a matter of course and a, for your information, I won’t be reading any fan fiction of my own works. (Though, I’d love to keep track of statistics for it, that would be amusing.) It comes down to the universal consciousness once again. If one of those stories someone writes about my work has an amazing idea and I read it, later forget about it, and then think I come up with it on my own and use that idea, then, well, I could be sued. (It has happened.) It is unlikely that the fan fiction writer will win (there is precedent about this), but I would still feel awful. So it is just better all around if I don’t read fan fiction of my own work. Which for me is kind of sadness, but hey, it is a fact of life.
That being said. I hope that I do inspire people to write their own crazy times using my characters or creating their own characters and putting them in my world, or crossing my world into their other favorite worlds. Because, if I wasn’t so busy writing the original world, I’d probably be doing the same thing. There is nothing wrong with people having a good time and enjoying themselves. In fact, if it helps get them through a bad place in their life, then good for them.
Not that the die hard fan fiction writers need permission from me. But those who aren’t so certain, and maybe worry a bit too much or have been told that writing original is superior to writing fan fiction and believed it. Writing fan fiction is okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it and go out there and have fun. Go on, get your fanfic on!
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levyfai · 6 years
A Kirkland Christmas
This is a Christmas gift for @Franxisss for the @usuknetwork 2018 Christmas exchange. I hope you like it. 
Summary: Arthur and his boyfriend Alfred are visiting his family for the Holidays. Yet this omega had hidden something from the family, he was 3 months pregnant. So Alfred needs to survive a family of overprotective alphas and omegas. 
Warnings: A little swearing and omegaverse with m-preg 
Arthur Kirkland was nervous, not only was he coming home with an alpha on his arm but he was about 3 months along. He had spoken to his mother about the alpha with him but didn’t mention about his pregnancy. So that’s why he had been biting his lip and looking out the window as his boyfriend drove to his family house.
               “Babe, you need to calm down, stress isn’t healthy for you or the baby.”
               “And meeting my family isn’t going to be healthy for you…”
               “Arthur, I love you and you know I will do anything for you.”
               “I don’t want you to die for me,” Arthur replied with a worried smile.
               “Then wish me luck because we're here.”
               Arthur felt relief as he saw the brick of the two-story house that was his home for most of his life. He was entranced with old memories until his boyfriend parked the car and help him get out of the car. He leaned into the younger alpha taking in his scent of apple pie and hay.
               “You know we still can leave, I’ll just tell mum something came up…”
               “Arthur Igneous  Kirkland, you have told me all about your family and I finally get to meet them. As a hero, I can’t pass on a challenge.”
               “Alright but I warn you, my family is…”
               “Overprotective, don’t worry babe I can handle a few alphas…”
               “They aren’t the ones I’m worried about,” Arthur muttered as they went on the porch and rang the bell.
               It was answered by a blond-haired omega female who looked straight at Arthur and smiled.
               Alfred watched as the two embraced and couldn’t help but compare the two. The older hair was white blond and taller, but he could see where Arthur got his smile and laughter.
               “Mum, I want you to meet Alfred….”
               “Hello Mrs. Kirkland, I’m Alfred F Jones….”
               “Ja, Arthur has told me about you…though he left out some parts on your relationship.”
               He started to laugh nervously as the older blond just gave him a glare and sighed.
               “I have no cause to blame you two but wait before you tell your papa.” She replied as she gently touched the baby bump.
               “Thank you, mum.”
               Bella kissed her son’s head and led the young couple into the house. Alfred could feel comfort in the house. It was decorated to from the floor to the walls, and he couldn’t help smiling when he heard childish laughter.
               “Arthur!” He watched as two 8-year-olds go over and hug his boyfriend.
               One was a red-headed beta girl and the other was a white hair alpha. He then felt a presence behind him and Bella’s voice introducing the two children.
               “Those are Meredith and Dylan my youngest set of twins.”
               “Set?” Alfred asked as two more figures came into the living room.
               These set of twins were both boys, one who had a mix of red and blond hair and blue eyes while the other was a pure redhead with dark green eyes. The two looked at him then while the lighter redhead went to hug Arthur the other came over to him.
               “You must be Arthur’s boyfriend.”
               “Yeah, and you…”
               “Scott Kirkland, I’m alpha in my 3rd year in Hetalia High. I’m the captain of the football team and boxing.”
               In other words, I mess with your brother you will get me. Alfred thought he knew he would do the same thing if his brother came home with another alpha. Alfred then looked over at Arthur who was now sitting down and talking to his three younger siblings.
               “The one with the mix of blond and red hair is named Bern, He’s Scott’s twin,” Bella explained.
               “Where is Mr. Kirkland.”
               “He’ll be here in a few minutes, he had to pick up my parents from the airport.”
               “Wait, you mean grandfather and Grandmum are going to be here?” Arthur asked his face getting a little pale.
               “Yes, the deiced that they wanted to visit us instead of us going there….”
               “Arthur are you okay.” Alfred went to his love’s side and squeezed his hand.
               Bella sighed and walked over to where the children were and quickly got them up and had them go and get things ready for their guests. She then sat down beside Arthur and opened her arms which he went in and relaxed.
               “Don’t worry my little lion, it will be fine.”
               “Besides they won’t allow mama to bring his rifle over here.”
               Alfred felt a chill down his spine and had a feeling that the omegas in Arthur’s family were the people who he should be worried about. then he felt a hand on his shoulder and Bella looked at him with a smile.
               “Arthur you rest, I would like to talk to your mate for a little while.”
               “Yes, mum?”
               “Take your big brother to his room and make sure he doesn’t stress.”
               “Yes mama, come on Arthur.”
               Arthur looked at Alfred, and the alpha just smiles and kissed him before letting the younger omega take him. He then felt the eyes of Arthur’s mother on him, he swallowed.
               “Come with me, I think you need some cocoa.”
               He followed her into the kitchen and looked at the fridge to see pictures and school reports on it. He couldn’t help but think about having his own fridge covered with projects and pictures of the little one that Arthur was carrying.
               “How long have you known about the pregnancy?”
               “Arthur told me a few weeks into it.”
               Bella seemed to smile a little then handed him the cocoa.
               “I hid my pregnancy for 4 months before I told Alistair.”
               He almost spit out his drink, he had heard of omegas hiding their pregnancy, yet for 4 months. She would have to hide her scent from everyone and would have to change her clothing. He couldn’t help but worry if Arthur had hidden the pregnancy from him, he would have to be alone through many trials in having a baby.
               “I just turned 18 and fell in love with a Scotsman who was an old friend of my papa. He was also a solider that was on leave. Both of us were drunk and my heat came to early. “
               “So, Arthur is…”
               “He is our eldest son, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
               “But going at it alone….”
               “Which is why I’m asking you a question.”
               “I will make sure that Arthur will be taken care of, he’s carrying my child.”
               “Yes, but I wonder are doing this because you love him or because you feel a duty to make sure that the child my son carries wouldn’t be picked on.”
               “Because if it is the 2nd reason then you may leave now, I will not have my son have a loveless marriage or mating, I will not have the child being raised by an alpha who only thinks of the child as a duty instead of a child.”
               “Mrs. Kirkland, I love Arthur with all my heart. When I first met him, I felt my whole world turn upside down. I had to ask my friends on how to approach him. I still remember our first kiss, it was amazing then when his heat came…I realized I really wanted to be with him…I was going to ask for his hand…”
               “But now you wonder if we would take it the wrong way,” Bella replied.
               Bella started to laugh and looked at Alfred.
               “History does repeat itself.”
               “You mean?”                “Alistair asked me to marry him when he found out I was pregnant. My parents were mad when they found out.”
               “How mad?”
               “Well, I had to beg my mama to not sniper Alistair.”
               Alfred winced as he heard the door open again. Bella sighed and looked at him and touched his shoulder.
               “Find Arthur, he will need your support for this, I will talk to the three that just came in.”
               He quickly went upstairs and found Arthur in one of the bedrooms. He was surrounded by Bern and their two younger siblings. He was reading from an old storybook and the three were entranced his reading.  Alfred couldn’t help but think of Arthur reading to their own child and tucking the said child into bed. His dream was broken when he heard yelling in strange languages.
               “Papa and grandma and grandpa are here,” Dylan said wincing hearing the voices.
               “Why are they mad?” Meredith asked snuggling her big brother.
               “I’m afraid they are mad at me,” Arthur said gently patting her head.
               “Because your brother is carrying my child,” Alfred said getting into the room.
               Arthur looked up at him as he went over to sit by his boyfriend. Meredith frowned but moved over to allow the older alpha to hold her brother. She watched them snuggled and felt herself being picked up.
               “Let’s leave them alone for a while, besides we need to help mama calm down papa and grandma and grandpa.”
               “Okay….” She replied as Dylan followed the two.
               Once they were alone Alfred pulled Arthur into his lap one hand on the omega’s shoulder the other on his belly doing small circles. Arthur sighed and laid his head on Alfred’s shoulder.
               “How was the talk with mum?”
               “Well, she did question my attention toward you.”
               “You mean if you are staying with me because of the baby or because you love me?” he replied.
               “Your mother loves you….”
               Arthur nodded and smiled.
               “She always worried about her children, and father too.”
               “She told me about her experience with your father and the…”
               “The way that she hid her pregnancy from him.”
               “You know when I was old enough to understand how she felt. That she loved my father enough to hide because she wanted him to have a good life, and she loved me enough to keep and would raise me on her own.”
               “I understand that, but I want to be with you for all this…which is why I have a question for you…”
               “Alfred…” Arthur’s eyes went wide as Alfred put him down and knelt down in front of him.
               “Arthur Igneous Kirkland, will you do me the honor of being my life mate, and be the mother of our children and stay with me all our lives, will you marry me?”
               “Alfred…oh, Alfred…. My answer is….”
               “So, you’re the bloody bastard who took my son’s virginity.” Alfred swallowed as he caught the scent of an older protective alpha was behind him and turned to see an older version of Scott.
               “Father please….”
               “No, I won’t have the man who knocked up my son not pay for his actions, he will treat you like a queen and I will make sure he’ll support you even if have to….”
               “Alistair Scott Kirkland, ya still can read the mood.” Bella cut in and the alpha looked at her.
               “Belle, I’m trying….”
               “Look at where Alfred is Alistair…”
               The alpha looked at the scene again and then turned red as his hair. Bella took his shoulders and put him outside the door.
               “Sorry about that, I tried to stop him. Anyway, keep doing what ya were doing.”
               Once the two were gone, Arthur looked over to Alfred.
               “Are you sure that you want to marry into this family?”
               “As long as you’re in it, sure beside my family is partly crazy also, besides your dad just wanted to make sure you were okay….”
               “Yes, but they are very overprotective….”
               “Some of the best families are…. So?”
               “Yes, Alfred I will marry you.”
               The alpha smiled and brought his new soon to be mate into a kiss. They were lost into the kiss until they heard a click then a flash. Arthur blush and hid his face in Alfred’s chest as an omega with winter blond hair and lavender eyes looked at them both.
               “So cute, I hope the baby has Arthur’s looks though….”
               “What their cute together, besides I want to have more grandchildren.”
               “It will be your greatgrandchild….”
               “Still a grandchild.”
               Arthur sighed when the other people left the two in a quiet embrace. Arthur then looked at Alfred pleading and the alpha just smiles and kissed him again.
               “I’m just happy that our child will have a great family to help support them.”
               Arthur hummed and snuggled his mate, he was happy and could already think about next Christmas when his baby would be able to enjoy the warmth of his family and love of both his father and mother. He found himself closing his eyes to think about it and falling asleep. Soon after Alfred fell asleep also and they spent the rest of the night laying side by side.
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swissmissficrecs · 6 years
Hi! I really really love works like Through the Clouds and The Sea in a Chasm and Horse and Carriage where one of the boys proposes marriage or retirement together and the other struggles with what that means about their "friendship". Do you have any other fics you can rec me along that vein? I'd also love fics where Sherlock marries them without telling John!
Reply: I love these too! First of all, here are some relatedlists:
Gettingtogether late in life
And here are the ones you mentioned in case anyone else would liketo look them up:
Horse andCarriage by flawedamythyst (60K, Teen, Johnlock)Sherlockproposes. John thinks the whole idea is ludicrous.
Through theClouds by mazarin221b (20K, Explicit, Johnlock)Sherlock takesa remarkably early retirement at 47, and convinces John that a changeof pace would do them both good. They buy an old cottage on the SouthDowns, and exchange their nonstop life in Baker Street for quietcontemplation, bee studies, and book writing.They might go completelyinsane, but sometimes it takes stepping outside of the life you’reliving to find the life you want.
The Sea in aChasm [orphaned] (17K, Teen, Johnlock and John/OFC)WhenSherlock decides to retire to Sussex, John decides to find out who heis without Sherlock.
Now I know I have read a couple of fics where Sherlock (or Mycroft) secretly procured a marriage license for them for medical or case-related purposes without John’s knowledge, but unfortunately I am not able to find them right now so if anyone else knows one please let us know! I can give you a bunch of others, though, in which thoughts of marriage lead to angst and re-examination of the relationship:
This is a very close second (and one of my all-time favorite fics)in which Sherlock pretends to be married to John without John’sknowledge:
The Good Morrowseries by greywash (213K, Explicit, Johnlock)My post-S2series where everyone has a lot of feels about everything andplausibility isstretched unto breaking. Also: fucking.
In this one, Sherlock thinks John is going to propose but hedoesn’t, leading to relationship re-evaluation:
Stood in History by philalethia (18K, Explicit, Johnlock)He discovered the ring in John’s sock drawer. It all went a bit downhill from there.
In these, one or the other of them thinks about proposing for areally long time:
a good old-fashioned happy ending by darcylindbergh (32K, Explicit, Johnlock)And Sherlock stands there, in the middle of a Christmas market as John hums along to Silent Night, John’s hand warm in his with fingertips a little gritty from the cinnamon-sugar doused churros they’d shared, and thinks, oh, that’s–that’s an idea, isn’t it?*For Christmas this year, Sherlock wants to get John something special: something every fairytale deserves.
The One With the Proposal by kim47 (22K, Explicit, Johnlock)Proposing shouldn’t be this difficult.Written for this prompt at the kink meme: Remember that episode of Friends where Chandler is going to propose to Monica and how he pretends that he doesn’t care about marriage so she’ll be really surprised? How about a version of it with Sherlock and John with Sherlock being the one that wants to propose but pretends that he has no desire for it?
About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki (17K, Explicit, Johnlock)Naturally, John was startled when suddenly the ultimate solution occurred to him: Marriage. This was, of course, a bit of a fundamental problem rather than an actual solution. One didn’t simply use the words “Sherlock” and “marriage” within the same sentence. Not even in a hypothetical context. (Five times John kind of wanted to propose to Sherlock, and one time he didn’t have to.)
In these, both of them angst a whole lot over getting married:
Sketchy Part 2 by serpentynka (158K, Explicit, Johnlock and Mycroft/OMC)What (and who) will be left when nobody cares about your Work?   A slow-burn fic with cases, places, mistaken identities, unfair choices, essential changes, violent feels, blatant lies, fearless portraiture, family secrets, high-risk bespoke gifts, durable friendships, bedtime stories, foreign travel and tongues, sickness (and health), and the significance of things which are slow to unfurl – but cannot be ignored. Oh, and…porn. (A continuation of plot arcs from Part 1 of Sketchy) When the world’s only consulting detective starts dreaming of bowing out, his dearest person in the world is more than willing to go with him.  It would seem that all that’s left to do is choose a date and leave London.  The machinations that be are never quite what they seem.
God Help Me, I Do by PlainJane (90K, Explicit, Johnlock and Mollstrade)A consulting detective, two doctors, a forensic pathologist, a DI, a senior citizen, a recovering alcoholic and the British government walk into a register office…John and Sherlock have resolved to be together as much more than just colleagues or friends, but how will their relationship change between the proposal and the wedding? Follow along as they learn about themselves and about each other. How will they share their news with those closest to them? How will John adjust to the reality of being in a relationship with a man instead of a woman? How will they both find time and space for personal and professional lives? And how will Sherlock cope with the intensity of true love? Cases, chuckles, angst and lots of good loving on the journey to one very unconventional wedding day.
Set in Stone by SilentAuror (39K, Explicit, Johnlock)Sherlock and John are back from Ravine Valley and planning their wedding. However, as they move past the trial of the human traffickers, Sherlock can't help but wonder if he's imagining that John is becoming a little distant. Surely he isn't getting cold feet about the wedding...
This has a similar premise to Horse and Carriage:
The Important Bit by Solshine (10K, G, Johnlock)Just where exactly is the line between “to love” and “to be in love”? What difference is required between “flatmate” and “husband”? (Besides the rings, obviously.) No, the important bit is that they have each other. Thirty years, give or take, in an atypical marriage. Basically a long bit of platonic domestic fluff.
And finally these in which they get engaged/married for a case(with John’s knowledge) and it becomes serious:
Thanks to the Barbarians by queen_jadis (10K, Explicit, Johnlock)John and Sherlock get married for a case, which both of them find hilarious - until they realise that they can’t get a divorce. The offensive piece of paper has more effect on their relationship than John thinks it has any right to do.
A Case of Identity by jkay1980 (91K, Teen, Johnlock)John and Sherlock have succeeded in rebuilding their friendship after Sherlock’s fake suicide, but an unusual case puts their relationship to the test. They pretend to be engaged and attend a marriage counseling workshop. Under the pretext of the case, Sherlock turns out to be a master of seduction, and John finally learns he might like Sherlock more than he thought. Slowly, John discovers that he loves Sherlock not only in a friendly, brotherly way, but both men have to fight their own demons before they can think of taking their relationship to a new level… 
Till Death Do Us Part by prettysailorsoldier (15K, Mature, Johnlock)When Sherlock links a recent spree of murder-suicides to a psychologist who specializes in marriage counseling, there’s really only one thing to do: Go undercover as a couple in hopes of drawing the killer out. Faking a relationship seems easy enough, but things take a turn when their real issues start to creep into the sessions, and, all the while, a killer is watching, waiting in the shadows for their chance to strike.
Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by distantstarlight (96K, Explicit, Johnlock)For his entire life Sherlock Holmes has had complete mastery over his transport. He drives it harder than he should, is careless with it, and makes it bend to his will. His transport has always done it’s duty but lately Sherlock’s transport has been making some demands. 
A Silver Sixpence by _doodle (16K, NC-17, Johnlock)John, we need to get married. 
Mountebank by Odamaki (26K, Mature, Johnlock)“I am calm,” John snaps, leaning on the door to glare out at the dark streets around them. Sherlock’s not said where they’re going; all he knows is they came off the ring road to the west of London and have vanished somewhere into the depths of Berkshire. All he knows is that he’s been trussed up in a suit that wasn’t hired from anywhere and if brought new would edge up into the triple figure margins. “Be calmer,” Sherlock advises, with a trace of irony. “We’re going to a party.”
The Newlywed Game: Johnlock Edition by patternofdefiance (9K, Explicit, Johnlock)What it says on the tin: John and Sherlock pretend to be married in order to be contestants in a Newlywed Game.Of course it’s for a case.Of course it doesn’t stay that way.
The Pretence of an Unacknowledged Truth by stickleworting (28K, Explicit, Johnlock)  He’s decided to just be himself, cliché as it sounds. The lie about being Sherlock’s mate will be difficult enough to keep up, he’s not going to think up more of a charade regarding himself on top of that.  If he uses the wrong fork at dinner, fine. If someone calls him on it, he’ll just stab them with it. Job done.First attempt at Omegaverse because a very good friend of mine likes it, and I like my friend. She asked for: alpha!John/omega!Sherlock; age difference; pretend bondmates to meet Sherlock’s family; synthesised bond scent; and bonding in Sherlock’s old bedroom. I think I’m managing to cram it all in for you, sweetpea ;) No mpreg, I’m afraid. That was a stretch too far.
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nessiefromspace · 7 years
If you want maybe Omegaverse with Rhysothy in either prompts 19 or 22?
Rhys has had a very bad day and needs his comfort things, but they’re all unavailable. In a spiral, he reaches out for help, hoping the alpha he’s only just started dating responds kindly.
I did number 19! It was cute and fun!
You can also read this on my AO3!!!
Rhys practically ran into this apartment on Helios. His day had been too incredibly stressful and then he’d been cornered by an alpha on his way home. It was like they could tell he would be in heat soon. He slammed his door shut, locking it. His skin prickled, agitation coursing through him. With shaking hands, he went to the freezer to gorge on ice cream.
He was out of ice cream.
Rhys swore, feeling his resolve shattering. It would be okay, he’d just go to the blanket Timothy always used when he was over and he’d wrap himself in the alpha’s scent. They were only just dating, but they’d, but he’d been over enough that the blanket usually smelled incredible. He trudged to the couch and almost screamed.
The blanket was gone.
“What!? Where-” Tears filled his eyes. He remembered now. He’d spilled coffee on it and it had needed to be washed. He ran to the dryer and opened it, hoping there was still a trace of Tim. He only smelled detergent. Face buried in the soft material, Rhys sobbed.
He needed Tim, he was too stressed right now to recover properly. He wanted to hide in the safety of his closet and Tim. Slowly, he pulled up Tim’s number on his ECHO. He didn’t trust his voice, so he sent a text. He tried to keep it casual, but truthful.
Rhys cried a little harder as he informed Timothy about his ice cream debacle. Just salt on the wound. For a split moment as he waited for a response, he wondered if Tim would be irritated and not want to come over. They had only just had their fifth date, what if it was too sudden? He was Handsome Jack’s doppelganger, but Rhys had found him sweet and different from typical Hyperion alphas.
Worked up and terrified, he grabbed the blanket, along with any others he could hold. He went into his closet where he kept his nest, piling the blankets around the large, round pillow he’d bought specifically for the nest. He dropped Tim’s blanket to the side and then grabbed the comforter from his bed and wrapped himself in it. He crawled in and hid his face in his blankets, waiting anxiously.
Timothy rolled his eyes as he leaned against Jack’s desk, arms crossed. Jack paced, blithering on about some vault or another lead to a vault. Timothy didn’t care. Jack was always going on about vaults. He sighed quietly, letting his mind wander.
To the cute omega he’d been seeing recently. Rhys was intelligent, witty and full of sunshine. He always brightened up Tim’s day and it always gave him domestic ideas. He was sure Rhys wasn’t the type, but they had only just began. Rhys was a sleek, Hyperion with cybernetics, and tattoos. Timothy had assumed he’d thought he was flirting with Handsome Jack when they’d met at the bar, but then Rhys had asked for his name. Rhys, though Hyperion, was different. He was sweet, silly, and had quite the addictive personality. He spent most of his money on socks and ice cream. Though he was slender, Timothy had found a secret he adored. Rhys had a small pudge he was sure was from all the ice cream. Timothy had wanted to kiss all over it the moment he’d found out, but he didn’t want to screw things up with Rhys. This was the first relationship he’d found with a kind, thoughtful person and he didn’t want to lose it.
His ECHO vibrated. It was Rhys. Timothy read it as Handsome Jack paced.
I’m stressed out, I gotta nest and cuddle. Please come over? Could you also pick up some ice cream? I’m all out.
Timothy’s heart skipped and beat faster, his stomach flopping. For Rhys to ask him this early, he must be extremely stressed. He lifted from his seat on the desk and walked passed Handsome Jack.
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m leaving,” Tim said blandly. “Email me the cliff notes version." He left the office, forgetting everything except Rhys. He needed to stop by the store and get the omega’s ice cream, and then dinner and probably snacks. Rhys had a big sweet tooth, but he might want some salty snacks as well. He wasted no time. He grabbed one of the motorized carts Handsome Jack used and took off. It was just fast enough to make a difference.
He stopped at his favorite store and he made his rounds. He would get the ice cream last. He stopped at the deli and got fried chicken with potato wedges and mac and cheese. He’d seen these in Rhys’ fridge. He found some cookies, grabbing two different kinds. He found a bag of chips and a box of crackers. Then, swinging by the frozen section, he grabbed three of Rhys’ favorite flavors.
Hopping into the cart, he ignored the annoyed text from Jack, demanding he bring back the vehicle. Timothy was always stealing one of them, that’s why Jack had two, so he could bitch while he drove himself around.
Timothy made his way over to Rhys’, sending a text to alert him. The door would be unlocked. He arrived, parking the vehicle next to the door against the wall. He set the alarm on the cart and then tested the door. It was open and he locked it behind him. Rhys was nowhere to be found. He set the groceries on the counter, putting the ice cream away once he scooped two scoops from each into a bowl. Carrying it with him, he called for Rhys, not sure if he could be bold and roam the apartment. He didn’t see the omega anywhere in the front rooms, which left the bathroom or the bedroom. He would try the bedroom first.
Cautiously, he went in, calling for Rhys. He heard a quiet call from the walk in closet. The sight tore him apart. Rhys was curled in his nest, eyes red and puffy from crying. Tim wanted to find whoever had made Rhys like this and kill them. He was Handsome Jack after all, no one would be able to tell him no.
“Rhys?” he said gently. “I brought you ice cream, here eat this while I get more comfortable.
Slowly, Rhys blinked his eyes open, squinting through the dark closet at Timothy, illuminated by the bedroom light. He sat up and took the bowl. He stared at the ice cream for a long time before taking a tiny bite.
Timothy stripped off the layers he was forced to wear being Jack. He stripped all the way down to his underwear. Rhys’ eyes widened as he ate, watching, but staying silent. Timothy was built, thanks to a hard regimen of exercise. He went to Rhys, who moved over to make room for Tim. He caught sight of the blanket he always used and grabbed it, wrapping it around him.
“Get out of the comforter,” he said gently.
Rhys complied wriggling as best he could without setting down his ice cream. Laughing quietly, Tim pulled the comforter from around him and draped it in front of them, building it up to secure the nest. He pulled Rhys into his lap so the omega could rest against his chest.
Rhys let the bowl sit in his lap for a moment as he nuzzled into Tim’s neck, drawing in deep breaths of the alpha’s scent. “The… The blanket got coffee on it… I had to wash it…”
Timothy understood now. “I’m sorry, Rhys. I’ll scent it up good today.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden…” He sniffled and it killed Timothy.
Setting the bowl of ice cream to the side, Timothy pulled Rhys in for a kiss. He kissed Rhys for a while, holding the omega, rubbing his shoulders and arms. “You could never be a burden,” Tim said. “I’m really glad you asked me to come over.”
“You weren’t busy, were you?” Rhys asked, reaching for his ice cream.
Timothy grunted. “Not even close.” Timothy held Rhys as he ate. “I brought dinner as well, snacks too, sweet and salty.”
“Mmm,” Rhys sighed, snuggling closer to Tim. he rested his head on the alpha’s shoulder. “That sounds amazing. You’re the best, Tim, thank you.”
“I’ll do anything for you Rhys. I know that’s really forward, but I would."
Rhys sat up, looking at Timothy. Rhys kissed him, ice cream sticking to Tim’s lips. He licked the strawberry off. Rhys was smiling wide. “I feel the same way! You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met and I didn’t expect to panic so much when I didn’t have your scent around me…”
Timothy laughed, his hand rubbing Rhys’ thigh. “There is a fix to that.”
Rhys giggled and lay back onto Tim. “That sounds wonderful, but right now, can we just cuddle?”
“We can do whatever you need,” Tim smiled, holding Rhys close.
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darkdrabblings · 7 years
Okay, so I updated my Masterlist for you lovely people. The newer stories now have the posted dates on them because I’m not about to go back to the beginning and date everything. 
I have it organized by characters with the oldest work at the top. There’s also a section for Ficlets and Headcanons at the bottom when they feature multiple characters.
Please don’t judge me too harshly on my older writing, I’ve come a long way since then. I’ll keep updating this list as I put out more stuff.
Warnings: NSFW. The majority of these are noncon and/or dubcon. They also have a lot of abuse, both verbal and physical.
Last Update: 06/06/2018
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Dark!Akande Ogundimu/Dark!Doomfist
Thoughts on Doomfist - Drabble.
Exhaustion - Ficlet on Doomfist using the reader as a toy.
Pent Up - Long drabble about a fresh out of prison Akande, fucking reader against the wall. [04.30.18]
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Dark!Gabriel Reyes/Dark!Reaper
Captured Reader - Reaper headcanons.
Posesión - Dark!Reyes fic (1.6K). One of my first full-length fics. Not on AO3, requires revisions and cleanup work.
Trying to Dom Gabe - Imagine/Drabble on trying to dominate or tease Gabe.
Sweet Dreams - AO3 -  Sometimes all you need is a little peace and quiet with the one you love. Somnophilia fic.
Oral - Headcanons on Reaper giving/receiving oral.
Different Languages - Kink drabble.
Obsession - Drabble that started off as writing advice and then quickly spiraled out of control after the first two sentences.
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing - AO3 -  Omegaverse. You hated being an omega. Luckily the suppressants you smoked kept you at bay, because the sheer thought of being forced to carry some alpha's brood sickened you to your core. At least you thought it did until you met Reaper.
Tamed - AO3 -  Omegaverse. You were an Overwatch medic doing your job when you happened to save the man known as Reaper. So you shouldn't be too surprised when he shows up unexpectedly at your door during the first day of your heat to give you his thanks. 
A Kind Alpha - Headcanons on how Reaper would treat the reader if she ever got pregnant. 
Tamed Headcanons -  Sombra gets ahold of another Omega’s scent and gives it to you. Maybe with this Reaper will be so distracted that he’ll let you go. 
Tamed: Side Story I - AO3 - A side-story about your Alpha leaving you plugged up before going off on a mission.
Differences - A couple of mini-drabbles regarding the differences between Gabriel and Reaper.
A Walk Along the Beach - Ficlet. The nicer Gabriel is out of the bedroom, the worse he’ll treat you when you return to it.
Welcome Home - Drabble. It’s been a long day and all you want to do is shower. Too bad Reaper has other plans in store for you.
His O-Face - Ficlet. There’s nothing sexier than being held down by the Blackwatch Commander as he pumps his seed into you.
Claws - Drabble. Reaper makes you prepare his fingers before he has his way with you.
Big Family - Drabble. Gabe having been raised Catholic and coming from a huge family, and now wanting a huge family himself.
Breeding - A Short drabble on how we all want Reaper to breed us.
Master - Drabble. 
Mistletoe - A small drabble as a thank you to the anon who commissioned a picture for me of Gabe for Christmas. [12.19.17] 
I Want you To Look At Me - Fic (2.6K). Sentence starter request. [01.25.17] 
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Dark!Genji Shimada
Kidnapped reader - Pre-Cyborg!Genji Ficlet on how Genji would kidnap his s/o.
Reunion - Fic (1.5K) on Genji’s reactions on finding his s/o who had got away during his youth now that he’s a cyborg. Not on AO3 yet; requires revisions and cleanup work.
Trap - Ficlet based on “Don’t look at me like that. You’re the one who fell for the trap. It’s your own fault.”
Anal - Kink drabble.
Eyes On Me - AO3 -  Genji was hoping for you to have finally learned something from his nightly visits. Seems like he's going to have to step up your training.
Personality - Headcanons.
Jealousy - Headcanons.  Genji flirting with a woman who is way more handsy than the girls he usually picks up are, and instead of the typical pain of betrayal at seeing him enjoying the attention, instead is cold fury.
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Dark!Hanzo Shimada
Lifeless - A tragic accident happens when you upset Hanzo for the final time.
Young and Present Hanzo - Headcanons on differences in behaviors between the two.
The Dark!Shimada Family - Part II -  Hanzo/Reader headcanons as sort of the deadly Gomez and Morticia Addams of the Japanese crime syndicates.
Edging - Kink drabble.
In This Life and the Next - Ficlet. Hanzo watches his pregnant S/O commit suicide. Heartbroken, he decides to end his own life, figuring that if he couldn’t have you in this one, he would join you in the next one.  Not on AO3 yet; requires revisions and cleanup work.
A Dragon’s Tears - AO3 - Fic. You had one job to do, and you couldn't even do that right. A story of the trials and tribulations that Hanzo imposes on his favorite pet.
A Nicer Hanzo - Headcanons.
Painful Sex - Headcanons.
Reward -  Picture Drabble. Hanzo loves having his little bride at his mercy, but if you behave, he’ll reward you by giving you control over some of the binding. 
Marked by the Dragon - AO3 -  Hanzo doesn't like it when his favorite pet runs away, especially when it's to some sleazy motel in the middle of nowhere. It's a shame too, just when he was finally getting attached, you had to go and ruin everything.
Pet - Ficlet. You’ve been asking Hanzo for a dog for some time now, and it looks like he’s finally given in.
Pregnant Runaway - Ficlet. Hanzo’s reaction to you running away while carrying his child.
Requirements - Headcanons. 
Kyūketsuki - AO3 -  When Hanzo was cursed to walk the world as a vampire after murdering his brother, he was abandoned by everyone he knew. Finally, after centuries of merely existing you came along with the taste of something he hadn't had in centuries.
Horde - Fic (1K).  You escape after finally giving Hanzo his child, figuring that he would have no use for you now that he finally got what he’d been after. However, you forgot one important thing, dragons are very possessive creatures.  Not on AO3 yet; requires revisions and cleanup work.
An Unexpected Surprise - Ficlet. Sequel to Horde. Even the Dragon of the South Wind has his moments of kindness.
A Dragon’s Tears: Wounded - AO3 - Chapter Two. You can no longer deal with the pain in both of your hearts and decide to try to leave your dragon one final time.
A Dragon’s Tears: Confession - AO3 - Chapter Three. How’s a sadistic dragon supposed to react when you slip up and tell him your true feelings.
Ramsey Bolton Vibes - Headcanons on Hanzo’s treatment of his favorite pet.
To Love A Demon - AO3 - Kinktober. A one-shot spin-off to A Dragon’s Tears.  It had been a year since you ran away from the Shimada clan and were living on your own after selling your soul to a lesser demon to escape Hanzo. It's too bad that you forgot that Hanzo would walk through Hell to get you back.
Female Child - Drabble. What if Hanzo’s firstborn turned out to be a girl.
The Noodle Dragons - Fic (1K). For Hanzo’s dragons, it’s never too early to start the day. A fluff fic based on events before A Dragon’s Tears. 
Fuck You. - Ficlet. Hanzo reminds you who your Master is after a small outburst.
Risk - Fic (1.4K). What would happen if it was medically impossible for you to carry a child to term? Would he risk it anyway or just get rid of you?
Dragon - Drabble. “I want Dragon!Hanzo to keep me prisoner n raw me every night.”
Daughters - Headcanons. How would Hanzo feel about having a daughter instead of a son?
Voicelines - Drabble. You tried to move away from his touch, but with both of your hands tied above your head and the balls of your feet barely touching the floor, it was easier said than done.
Laserpointers & Dragons - Some headcanons about the noodles favorite toy.  [11.13.17]
A Fitting Punishment - Drabble. You got your period, yet again, which means that you have failed to provide him with an heir. [11.13.17]
Groans - Long Drabble. Dragon!Hanzo. Imagine the noises the dragon makes as he breeds you night after night. [11.21.17] 
Please, Kill Me - Drabble. Imagine after he 'punishes' reader she just pleads with the dragons to kill her/find another because she can't deal with Hanzo anymore. [11.27.17] 
Angel - Drabble. Oni!Hanzo reacts to falling in love with an angel reader. [11.27.17] 
Burn - Drabble. “I want mid-life crisis piercing daddy to eat me out until I'm suffering some intense beard burn.” Same tho? [12.22.17] 
Don’t Make A Sound - Ficlet.  “Don’t make a sound. Do you really want them to see you like this?” [01.22.17]
Masterpiece - Fic (1.4K). Hanzo reminiscing on the best of times and worst of times with you while you sleep. [03.09.18]
Okami - AO3 - Fic (1.5K). The wolf hunts for his prey, especially on the night of the full moon. [04.02.18]
Scion - AO3 -  Maybe if you had been like the other women who welcomed him into their bed with open arms then maybe he wouldn’t have had to resort to such means. But now, the soft mat of the tatami on your back was the only small comfort of a meeting gone awry. [04.08.18]
To Love a Demon: Purgatory - AO3 - A place between heaven and hell, that’s exactly where Hanzo wants to keep you. Sequel to To Love a Demon. [05.24.18]
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Dark!Jack Morrison/Dark!Soldier 76
It Wasn’t You - First thing I ever posted on this blog!
A Second Chance - AO3 -  He'd been watching you from the shadows for a while now. Protecting and keeping you safe from a distance. Because in you, he saw a second chance to finally recover what he lost in the fall of Overwatch, a sense of home. Tumblr version now updated to match the revised AO3 version.
DubCon - Kink drabble.
Face-Sitting - Kink drabble.
Pussy Worship - Kink drabble.
Biter - Headcanons on Clit "So help me I will rip this goddamn thing off if you don't gimme" biting with our resident daddy.
Pregnancy Fluff -  Dark!Jack finds out that you’re pregnant with his child and he just does a complete 180.
A Special Invitation - AO3 - After receiving an invitation to the prestigious Annual Overwatch Charity Ball, you decide to take Jesse as your date. It’s a good thing the Commander’s there to explain why you got invited in the first place.
Right Here - AO3 - Most people would have been over the moon if the fantastic Strike Commander happened to notice them. Most people didn’t know what the hell they were talking about. [04.17.18]
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Dark!Jesse McCree
Lesson - AO3 - You liked the cowboy get up. You really did. If only you hadn’t hit it and quit it.
Young and Blackwatch McCree - Headcanons on our favorite cowboy from back in the day.
Molded - Headcanons on McCree being such a narcist that he tries to mold his desired prey into his own image, physically and mentally. 
Arrogant McCree - Headcanons on how McCree would tackle male vs. female reader. 
Breast and Nipple play - Kink drabble.
Bondage/Cloth Gagging - Kink drabble.
Pussy Worship - Kink drabble.
A Warm Welcome Home - AO3 - He just missed you is all. Some of that good ol’ deepthroating.
Good Luck Charm - Angst Ficlet.  You know how McCree always says that the Route 66 map makes him feel uneasy and how he shouldn’t have come back there? Here’s a small story that explains why.  Not on AO3 yet; requires revisions and cleanup work.
Demon/Werewolf McCree - Long drabble about being dicked down at the same time by both Demon and Werewolf McCree.
Bitch - AO3 -  You're jealous of McCree always getting the great missions. And when he takes another one that belonged to you, you can't help but insult him behind his back. Look's like he's going to have to teach you who's really in charge.
Where’s My Hug At? - Drabble. You just know McCree’s that type of guy.
Troubadour - AO3 - Song-Fic with our favorite cowboy. “...I'll be an old troubadour when I'm gone.” 
Infatuation - Ficlet. McCree loves showing just how much he loves you, he just expects you to say it back.
Mission Failure - AO3 -  Jesse won't let you feel bad for yourself after another failed mission. In fact, he doesn't like the fact that you're ignoring him to throw a pity party for yourself. Lucky for you, the cowboy knows just how to cheer you up.
Voicelines - Drabble. Jesse doesn’t like it when you tease him, looks like he’s going to have to teach you a lesson.
Thicc!McCree - Drabble that started it all.
Thicc!McCree Cuddle - Drabble.
Thicc!McCree rawdoggin - Ficlet on the beefy cowboy having his way with you.
Thicc!McCree and Coke cans - Long Drabble.
Scratches - Drabble about Werewolf!McCree
Oh, That’ll Do Just Fine - Drabble.  McCree mumbling his favorite line in your ear as you scream when he hilts you.
McCree with a smol!reader - Headcanons and a drabble on how Jesse would be with a kind and small s/o.  [11.13.17] 
Pregnant - Headcanons. Have some smut with Werewolf!McCree fucking a reader who’s heavily pregnant with his pups. [12.05.17] 
This Is Where You Belong - Fic (1K). Sentence starter request. [12.23.17] 
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F.R.E.A.K. - Headcanons
Catching His Prey - Headcanons.
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Forced Marriage - Headcanons for a forced marriage with our favorite German granddaddy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Domestic - Drabble.
Young!Reinhardt - Fic (1K) on a forced marriage with our blonde crusader [11/09/17]
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Poly!Headcanons - Poly!McHanzo/Poly!Reaper76/Poly!Gency - Headcanons on life with our favorite ships.
Permission  - Poly!McHanzo -  Another one my first stories from my main blog.
Recruit - Poly!McGenji - A long drabble when of when Blackwatch’s resident Cowboy and Cyborg first met you.
A New Toy - Poly!ShimadaBros - No Shimadacest here guys. Just a simple ficlet on what would happen if Genji originally has you abducted and Hanzo's dragons sniff you out before he can even get past second base.
Confession Ask - Poly!McGenji -  A drabble on Jesse using your body for his own pleasure and then passing you over to Genji for some sloppy seconds.
Race - Poly!McHanzo - Headcanons and a full-length fic on which of the guys knocks you up first.
Tie - Poly!McHanzo - Fic (2.6K). Congratulations! It looks like the guys succeeded in knocking you up and it sounds like it’s going to be twins.  Not on AO3 yet; requires a lot of revisions and cleanup work.
Bonded - Poly!McRein - Headcanons on being in a forced relationship with two overpowering men.
Divorced Parent’s Treatment - Poly!McHanzo/Poly!Reaper76 - Two fics (Poly!McHanzo = 1.2K) (Poly!Reaper76 = 1K) based on what would happen when you try to play one man against the other.
Rage - Poly!McHanzo - Drabble on Hanzo’s POV during the Divorced Parent’s Treatment.
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Drabbles/Ficlets with multiple characters
Stockholm Syndrome - Hanzo, McCree, and Reaper - Three ficlets based on a kidnapped reader who slowly grows to have feelings for our dark boys.
Reader trying to fight - McCree and Reaper -  Ficlets. What if in your struggles you kicked them in the face super hard to get away, fighting for your life, thinking only of how you are about to be murdered?
Trying to get you pregnant vs. Happy accidents - Gabriel, Jack, McCree, Hanzo, Lucio, and Junkrat - Drabbles.
Size Difference Kinks - Doomfist, Jesse, Gabriel, Jack, and Reinhardt Drabbles.
Pain Kink/Pain Tolerance - Jesse, Doomfist, Reaper, Hanzo, and Reinhardt - Drabbles.
Love Me or Hate Me - Hanzo, Gabriel, Jack, Doomfist, Junkrat, Jesse, Genji, and Reinhardt - Drabbles on whether or not the guys care about your true feelings towards them.
Persuasion Techniques - Jesse, Genji, Junkrat, Reinhardt, Hanzo, Akande, Jack, and Gabriel - Drabbles on how you persuade the guys to give you what you want.
Size Kink: Pregnancy Edition - Doomfist, Jesse, Gabriel, Jack, and Reinhardt - The guys love how your belly is much more pronounced on your smaller frame.
First Time Holding Children - McCree, Hanzo, and Gabriel - Three ficlets about the men’s reactions to holding their long-awaited children for the first time.
Praising - Hanzo, Doomfist, Genji, and McCree - Drabbles on who would praise and tell you filthy things as they dominated you.
Clean Up - Reaper and Hanzo - Ficlets on the men not letting you clean yourself up after public sex.
Falling in Love - McCree, Jack, and Hanzo - Headcanons and drabbles about the men falling in love with their toy. [11.13.17]
Break-Ups - McCree, Hanzo, and Reaper - Drabbles on how the Dark! boys would treat a s/o that is openly grieving their previous partner. [11.16.17] 
Jealousy - McCree, Jack, and Hanzo - Headcanons and drabbles about the Dark! boys and their possessive natures. [12.05.17] 
I Love You - McCree and Reaper - a couple of ficlets on the men reactions on you saying you love them in your sleep. [02.27.18]
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Headcanons with multiple characters
Gabriel Reyes and Jesse McCree -  HC’s for your fave dark ow characters and crazy kinks.
Gag for disrespect ft. Reaper, Soldier 76, Hanzo, McCree, and Reinhardt
Ass or Tits ft. The Shimada Brothers - HCs on what the Shimada boys would be attracted to.
Forced Anal - McCree, Genji, and Hanzo - Err...I think the title says it all.
Zarya Headcanons - HCs of our favorite Russian.
You will learn to love me - Reinhardt and Pharah - HCs based on a sentence starter.
Who leaves you in a worse shape? - Reinhardt and Doomfist 
Dark Fluff - Jack, Gabriel, and Hanzo - Some of that good stuff with the meaner guys, where they actually take the time to clean you up or are sickly sweet. 
Lactation Kink - McCree and Hanzo 
Talon Pregnancy Facilities - Reaper and Doomfist 
Something to remember you by - Jesse, Hanzo, and Junkrat - Sometimes, the guys like to take things that belong to you to hold them over until they’re back inside you once more.
Vampires - Gabriel, Jack, Doomfist, and Jesse - What if the guys were vampires?
Attention-Seeking Dragons - Hanzo and Genji -  How would Hanzo or Genji even take it if you were more affectionate/actually paid more attention to the dragons than them?
No Sex While Pregnant - Jesse, Hanzo, Jack, and Gabriel -  How the men react if they were told their pregnant captive needed to keep relaxed, so no sex for the safety of the baby.
Panic and Depressive Episodes - Jesse and Hanzo - How the guys comfort you during your darkest times.
Obedience - Genji and Hanzo - How the Shimada brothers reward you when you finally begin to listen to them; sometimes even going above and beyond the call of duty.
Chub/Thick Girls - McCree, Doomfist, and Junkrat - The boys who appreciate a th i c c girl to make their own.
Dark Daddies - Doomfist, Gabriel, Hanzo, McCree - How some of the guys would be like as father’s.
Period - Reaper and McCree - A couple of headcanons on the guys who would be into period sex.
Inside - Hanzo, Jesse, Doomfist, and Jack - Who would stay inside after finishing?
Sons or Daughters - Who would prefer having daughters or sons.
Momentos - Hanzo, McCree, and Reaper -  You know those possessive sociopathic assholes don’t care how ridiculous you look, they want to make sure that everyone knows you belong to them.
Halloween - McCree, Reaper, and Hanzo -  What would these fuckbois dress their toys as and who would go the extra mile to assure that the costumes are humiliating?
965 notes · View notes
rallamajoop · 7 years
Fandom Trumps Hate 2018
So, I put my name down for the Fandom Trumps Hate fanwork charity auction. If you’re unfamiliar (and there are still a couple of days left if you’d like to sign up yourself), the idea is that fans offer to produce fic or other fanwork to a buyer’s prompt in exchange for donations to any of a long list of excellent causes.
Auctions open on January 8th, and close on January 14th. I’m offering fanfic for either Cable & Deadpool or The Man from UNCLE (TV) -- but please do read this post in full if you’re thinking of bidding on either, as what I’m offering to write is a bit specific.
What follows is effectively a list of all the semi-developed ideas I currently have kicking around that I’m sure I could turn into decent stories, in the hope that some will sound enticing enough for people to bid for. I’m going to include the option of requesting a new chapters for my existing WIPs here too -- even those I’ve not touched in ages. (Some of these ideas will likely get written eventually regardless, but realistically, most probably won’t, and when they might get written is a whole other question. Even the newest of these ideas has now been sitting around my head un-written for well over a year).
If none of these appeal (or you’d just like more details), do feel free to message me to let me know what sort of fic would inspire you to bid -- I can always add to the list if your prompt sounds like something I could work with. Just as long as we both know in advance what we’re signing up for.
Cable & Deadpool
Cable & Deadpool hasn't been my primary fannish love for some years (of late, I'm mostly writing for The Man from UNCLE), but I think my record shows that it never takes that much to get me writing for it again.
Good Intentions Born from a porny AU premise (where Cable and Deadpool's first meeting went rather differently) which inexplicably grew a plot, this is the epic I have been picking away at since 2009, but seriously stalled on since 2013. If you pick this option, I promise to turn out at least one new scene (I have a number in mind, I can probably come up with a shortlist if it helps). If bids go high enough (let’s say at least $40 is going to charity for this), I will extend that offer to a full new chapter. (Maybe this will be the boost that gets me back in the Good Intentions zone long enough to finish the thing, or at least churn out a few additional chapters, but I make no promises.) Oh, and as an extra carrot, I'll also privately send you a copy of this one future chapter I do have written, set around the time of Deadpool’s canonical first solo series. I've never publicly brought this up elsewhere, since said chapter spoils some of the bigger plot points I've always held back on, in the vague (and perhaps naive) hope I'll someday get to them in the story proper -- but if you'd like a little glimpse of this Cable and Deadpool's status quo from much later in their future, I'm happy to throw that in as a bonus.
The Ugly Merman Born from a crack AU premise of similar vintage, but never actually finished, mostly because I blew most of my best puns material in the first chapter. The next chapter I have in mind will be set between the original chapters 1 and 2, and will feature Blind Al (it has never been any secret that she's the sea witch in this version of the story). For a larger donation, I’ll throw in a second new chapter set after chapter 2, which will actually have Cable in it. Since my 'plan' for this story is much shorter than the one for Good Intentions, the odds that your selecting this one will prove the big push I need to actually finish the story is probably much better -- but again, no promises.
Other options:
That old, shameless sex pollen smutfic idea I have had sitting around forever Choose this option, and I will be committed to write at least a few thousand words worth of Cable having excruciatingly careful sex with a Deadpool who is really, really into it (like, all-his-Christmases-have-come-at-once and-he-doesn't-know-what-present-to-open-first-into-it), but who is so high on sex pollen that Cable is achingly aware he would probably consent to anything. (The Cable in this scenario Cable is also really into it, but desperately does not want to take advantage.) If chosen, this may be the fluffiest smut I have ever committed to paper or screen. Maybe it could even be a prequel to the Marital Commitments 'verse, if you'd like it to be.
Something set in the Deadpool Pulp Universe It's no secret that I adore the Deadpool Pulp mini and have been casting around for an excuse to write fic set in that universe basically forever. I have a couple of old ideas kicking around (some post-ending cablepool smut in which Cable comes home to find Agent Wilson has broken into his apartment, rather than make his report at the office like a normal person, a ficlet set in their shared backstory right after they both escape from the prison camp, another angstier look at Wade’s post-Weapon X future) but am very open to negotiation on this one.
Brother Nathan/Zenpool Another idea I've been toying with for some time. This one will probably be short and I doubt I'd get any real smut out of it (if only because I have already written so much psychic sex for these two that I don't think I have much left in me), but I am positive I could have some fun with them, given the excuse.
That crack idea where Deadpool takes a part-time gig working for the Mythbusters, for use in those tests where mannequin versions of Buster are just not realistic enough Another idea I've been vaguely tossing around since I got into this fandom. This one is pure gen crossover material and would not have Cable in it, but on the off chance you've always really wanted to see a story where Deadpool cheerily agrees to be repeatedly turned into mush in the name of science, I'm throwing this one out there.
ETA: Bidding now open here!
The Man from UNCLE
Since MfU remains the Fandom of My Heart, many of these may well be written eventually even if you don't go for them, but given the speed at which I write (not to mention the risk of distraction by shiny new fandoms), the odds I will ever get to all of them are probably not that high. WIPs and sequels:
The Redwing-verse For the unfamiliar, this is the AU where the role of sexy enemy spy whom Napoleon is forever ending up in bed with is played by Illya instead of Angelique. Entries thus far include Fatale, Of Suspension and Disbelief, and a third prequel story I will hopefully have up before the auction begins. I have no shortage of different ideas for more stories set in this universe, and if you want to go with this option, the next two entries go to the top of my to-do list. These particular stories are interconnected prequels, covering how Napoleon and Illya’s ‘arrangement’ came to be (though I should probably specify that neither will involve any explicit smut and should end up G-PG rated). You'd also be welcome to pick which of a few different options will be next in the present timeline (heck, you could probably talk me into writing one of those first if you'd really prefer that), and I'd be happy to share some details about where the series is headed and how I plan to wrap it up too, if you’re interested.
Alternate ending to A Unified Theory of UNCLE, in four parts Somewhere in the middle of writing this fic, I ran into a problem -- namely that Napoleon was fed up with how long the plot was taking and did not see why he and Illya couldn't skip all that nonsense and have sex now. This grew into an entire alternate ending concept where Napoleon cottons onto what's up with his partner much earlier in the timeline, and comes up with a 'solution' which greatly alters how they first end up in bed together -- and unlike the original ending, this one would involve much more than a fade-to-black. There's a third alternate 'ending' I could throw in here as a bonus, wherein Illya makes a move much earlier, but that's unlikely to add up to more than a few hundred words. Regardless, if you like the idea of a story where Napoleon responds to the discovery of his partner's preference for men with an oddly-conceived seduction based around the 'logic' that he's Illya's only real option -- well, that's roughly what I'd be writing here.
Sequel to The Flowers Along The Way I’m sure it’ll come as a surprise to no-one who has read my latest Christmas fic that I have plans for a porny sequel, and you can probably guess roughly what that ought to involve. As of now, that sequel is mentally penciled in for maybe-next-Christmas (assuming I have not fallen for some other fandom altogether by that point, which is always possible). If you'd like to see that sequel now rather than later, however, I'm totally up for that.
Other options:
Omegaverse AU I'm not usually a huge fan of fandom's omegaverse concept, but a universe in which Napoleon really does emit sex pheromones is too perfect to ignore. This particular take would involve an omega!Napoleon, and a beta!Illya who is painfully aware that he was assigned as Napoleon's partner on the basis that he prove to be the one man in all Napoleon's history who might capable of resisting the temptation to sleep with him. This one is likely to come out something along the lines of The Curious Nature of Felines or A Unified Theory of UNCLE, thus you may have to put up with significant digressions as the author gets carried away with ideas about the place of alpha/beta/omega dynamics in espionage, or about alternate history and biology (because I really am that kind of nerd). Unlike those other fics, this one will be rated somewhere in the range R-NC17, because omegaverse. I suspect it'll come out more around the length of Felines, for the record.
Android!Illya AU On reading Orockthro's excellent story  Unit I, Series LYA: Press to Activate about an android Illya and Napoleon's fascination with his strange new partner, I was struck with ideas for how one might expand the idea with an explicitly shippy (which is to say, NC-17 explicit) sequel, given the interesting questions about how an android like this version of Illya would think about relationships and sex. This option does come with the caveat that I haven't yet got around to checking with the author about their stance on others writing sequels to their work (it seemed not worth bothering them with it until I was sure I was actually going to write the story), and I wouldn't want to go ahead with this one if it would bother them. So there's a chance I may have to ask you to pick something else instead. In any case, I do actually have a complete opening scene for this one written already, and I'd be happy to let you see that much regardless of whether I do ever get as far as writing and posting the rest of the story.
Tingleverse Crackfic This one is going to be a little hard to explain if you are not familiar with the work of Chuck Tingle, (in)famously prolific author of absurdist gay short-form erotica, such as Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt", Turned gay by the existential dread I may be a character in a Chuck Tingle book and the Hugo-award nominated Space Raptor Butt Invasion (a nomination Mr. Tingle naturally celebrated by publishing a story titled Slammed in the Butt by my Hugo Award Nomination). Say what you may about the man, he obviously has a terrific sense of humour, no fear of getting political for the right cause (see, for example, his story Pounded In The Butt By My Irrational Bigoted Fear Of Humans Who Were Born As Unicorns Using A Human Restroom), and an unshakable belief that love is real. Even (or especially) if that love is between a sentient floating disembodied butt and a space dinosaur, or something of that nature. Around about the time that Hugo nomination came out (which is quite the story in itself), a few fans were bandying around the idea of having a Tingleverse fic exchange in celebration. Alas, that never did get off the ground, but the idea of writing a Tingleverse AUs did leave me with the image of Napoleon saying "But Illya, how could THRUSH have invaded my butt? And how is it metaphysically possible for the both of us to be having this conversation while up my butt to investigate?" (To which Illya would, of course, be forced to explain in Very Scientific terms exactly how Napoleon had got them into this situation, while not really explaining anything at all, and so on.) Eventually, they would end up having sex, because Chuck Tingle, If this sounds like the kind of crack you'd like to see, I am beyond willing to write this monstrosity for charity. I feel Mr. Tingle himself could only approve.
Something involving UNCLE’s female support staff (probably gen) Okay, so it’s no secret I have a bit of a fascination with all the underappreciated women who scored recurring roles on the show, and it would take very little to convince me to come up with some fic about one or more of them. Like, Sarah Johnson and Illya bond through good-natured mutual bitching about Napoleon, or Lisa Rogers really is a robot or an assassin or something, or whatever else we can dream up. Give me an excuse!
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auroraphilealis · 7 years
Heaven Scent Chapter Two
Heaven Scent | Dan Howell rarely leaves the house unless he has too, too socially awkward to function normally around other people, and generally making his only friends through Louise, a sweet beta who took him under her wing a few years back when they were both still in college. It’s no surprise, then, that the omega has yet to find a mate, despite craving one rather a lot. It’s not until he attends Louise’s birthday party and gets accidentally-on-purpose set up with an attractive alpha named Phil Lester who smells absolutely heavenly that Dan starts to fall into a proper romance, complete with courting and scenting and the like. | Phan | Mature | A/B/O dynamics (Omegaverse fic), Fluff, Getting Together, Eventual Smut, Courting | 4,523 Words this chapter
I’m so, so happy with the feedback on the last chapter and your guys excitement for more of this fic!!! I can’t wait to see what you guys think of all the things I have planned as I bring to life a more healthy version of a/b/o dynamics that still includes some of my favorites parts of the trope!! I also decided I’m a maniac so I’m going to post Wednesday and Friday instead of just Wednesday, so enjoy the next chapter ^.^
Disclaimer: In no way do I pretend that this is real or cast aspersions on Dan or Phil.
(Ao3) (Previous)
Chapter Two
Dan didn’t know how not to be late to most things. He was a procrastinator by nature, and generally sat around in his pj’s most days if he didn’t have any plans - which, less face it, Dan almost never had - which just meant that Dan was often unlikely to get dressed when he did need to go out until about ten minutes beforehand.
That was how he ended up twenty minutes late to his lunch date with Louise, the first of many of her birthday coupons she was likely to use on him in the next few months to ensure she got to see Dan a little more often than she usually did. On the upside, his friend was fairly used to Dan being chronically late anyway, so when Dan did finally show up, she wasn’t angry in the least bit.
Instead, she held a book in one hand, and a coffee in the other as she read with her long hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. She’d dyed the ends pink recently, and it looked gorgeous on the beta, something that Dan commented on the second he slid into the seat across from her.
Louise smiled instantly in response, closing her book and turning her full attention onto Dan.
“Thank you! I needed a change. You’re only twenty-five once, you know,” she explained.
Dan rolled his eyes, lips twitching as he replied, “Louise, you’re twenty-six.”
“Exactly why my hair is now pink, Daniel,” Louise quipped back easily enough, raising a hand and waving the waiter over now that Dan had finally joined her.
Dan didn’t waste another second arguing with her, merely laughing at her self assuredness and confidence that Dan wished he possessed.
Before Louise, Dan had never quite understood why anyone found him attractive until Louise had literally shoved the truth down his throat, but that didn’t change the fact that he still struggled with his own self image.
It was kind of funny, considering Dan had had more than his fair share of alpha’s, beta’s, and omega’s come onto him in the past, often complimenting his appearance because they couldn’t his scent, and reassuring him that he was a right good looking lad, but they’d never quite stuck around. Dan knew it was for the best every time, but he couldn’t help that it had left its fair share of strain on his personal self confidence.
Dan kind of sort of really just wanted a mate already, even though he wasn’t - or, hadn’t been - currently looking. In the past, it had just put a damper on him when he hadn’t been able to keep anyone around. Now, though… well, now Dan kind of just let others come to him, rather than seeking out a lover, and Louise’s birthday party had definitely brought along something that Dan really wanted.
The problem was, Dan was kind of shit at taking hold of what he wanted.
Their waiter arrived then, smiling as they greeted both Dan and Louise. The familiar scent of scent hiding shampoo wafted over Dan, comforting in the way it had always been for him. It wasn’t the same as the calming scent of an omega, but reassuring in that Dan didn’t feel so alone hiding his own scent.
“I’ll just have a coffee,” he ordered easily enough, sighing as the waiter bustled away and he was allowed to peruse the menu Louise had passed to him. She’d clearly already decided on what she wanted, as she was back to her reading her book, but that didn’t surprise Dan.
She’d arrived on time after all, but it helped that the cafe was a favorite place of both of theirs.
Morello’s was a small cafe within walking distance to both of their apartments, cozy and friendly enough that Dan even ventured out to have lunch on his own here from time to time. There was a lounge inside with a few booths and tables scattered about, but it was the outside patio that really drew the customers in.
It was beautifully decorated with flower beds and neatly crafted tables and chairs, three large trees shading the huge area with little glimpses of sky overhead. There was an awning that could be dragged out further on rainy days, as was per usual in London, but it was drawn back today, leaving a sense of calm hovering over the large space. It was the patio that had drawn Louise and Dan inside one cold winter day two years ago, and they’d been visiting ever since.
They both had their favorites, and while they always swore up and down to order something different from time to time, it was no surprise that most of the waiters here already knew their orders off the top of their head.
They usually teased Dan and Louise when they came in, but not today. Today, they had someone new.
As their waiter returned with Dan’s coffee and a notepad for their orders, Dan cast Louise a mischievous grin, and opened his mouth to order at the same time as her. Their words melded together as they both ordered the salmon over a bed of rice for Louise, and the fish and chips for Dan, Louise turning to stare in giddy humor at Dan as they spoke. Her eyes sparkled, and her throat burbled with suppressed laughter, setting Dan off as they spoke until the end of their sentence was nothing more than a garble of unrecognizable words.
Their waiter started between them with an awkward smile, confusion and terror at war on his face.
“I didn’t catch a word of that,” they joked, laughing forcefully, only for Dan and Louise to laugh even louder at the expression on their face. The noise was offensively loud, but so was the busy street of London around them, so neither tried to quiet themselves as they giggled over their own ridiculousness. The waiter, for their part, merely stared between the two of them with wide, confused eyes, as if they weren’t sure if they were missing a joke or not.
Taking pity on the poor soul, Louise pulled herself together first, flapping her hands aggressively at Dan to make him pipe down and shut up before clearing her throat and stifling her giggles as best as she could.
“Sorry, sorry! I said I’d have the salmon, and Dan over there’ll have the fish and chips,” Louise stated more clearly this time, her cheeks stained pink from their humor, and little tittering giggles still escaping past her lips.
Trying to salvage the situation even a little bit more, Dan cleared his own throat after he’d pulled himself together, and said, “Sorry we’re so awkward. Promise we aren’t laughing at you,” only for the waiter to smile even more nervously than before, and turn on his heel to walk away.
It was more than clear from that action alone that Dan’s words had been less than reassuring, and when Louise turned to look at Dan once again, the two of them burst into another bout of uncontrollable laughter.
“Dan!” Louise was gasping, grasping herself around the middle in a clear attempt to hold herself together, laughter like a hyena spilling from her lips as Dan tried to rein himself under control. He was sputtering and choking around his own ridiculous sounds, but it was difficult to stop when Louise’s face was so red and Dan could just about see their waiter speaking to someone else inside, who looked red in the face themselves as they held back giggles and explained to the new waiter just what exactly was going on.
Dan gasped as he curled in on himself, mouth aching from all the laughter and the smiling, and shook his head as best as he could.
“Stop - laughing!” he complained to Louise, who only laughed harder still at the sight of Dan.
They were a mess, but there was nothing new there, and Dan couldn’t even bring himself to mind that the other patrons were beginning to stare. So what if he made a fool out of himself? Louise loved him, and that was all that mattered in the end.
Eventually, the two of them managed to settle down, and Dan grabbed at his mug of coffee to calm himself down, inhaling the wonderful scent it produced before taking a quick sip. It was perfect, as always, and Dan flashed a smile through the glass door at the workers inside.
He had no clue if any of them would notice, but it was the sentiment that counted in his mind.
“So, anyway,” Louise piped up, finally. “Now that that’s over. How are you? You didn’t tell me how things went with that alpha at my birthday party,” she teased, looking giddy as she leaned in close over the table to get right up into Dan’s face. Always greedy for the details, she said, “Phil, right? He’s a great guy. Met him at work.”
Unfortunately for Dan, the question had been the one thing Dan had been hoping wouldn’t be brought up today, and he put down his mug of coffee with a little sigh as his cheeks went a blotchy red all over again.
“He is great,” Dan agreed easily enough, hesitating. “Thank you for uh - intervening and making me sit with him, it’s just…” Dan trailed off, not wanting to admit to Louise just how much of an idiot he was.
Louise being Louise, however, wasn’t one to let something like that go, and her eyes narrowed as she stared at Dan. Doing his best to avoid her sharp blue gaze, Dan took in the way her eye makeup made her face seem more surreal and echoed her new hair color.
“I like the pink on you,” he stated calmly.
Rolling her eyes at Dan’s attempt at a distraction, Louise shrugged the words off.
“Thanks. It’s just what, Daniel? Have you talked to him since my party?”
Dan bit his lip.
The thing was, he hadn’t, and that was kind of the whole problem right there. He was definitely interested in the alpha if his intoxicating scent and wonderful personality were anything to go by, but it had been an entire week and Dan - well, Dan had been too cowardly to text the poor guy.
After paying for Dan’s meal and beginning the courting process between the two of them, Phil had left Dan with his cell phone number and his express permission for Dan to text or call him any time. Since Phil had initiated the courtship, it was now Dan’s job to reciprocate the interest, only… only Dan had been too afraid.
Louise groaned as Dan’s face evidently twisted up in an echo of his shame, and reached across the table to flick Dan across the nose.
“You haven’t talked to him!?” she asked shrilly. “But he told me you accepted a courtship with him that night! He literally sent me a text five minutes after you guys left to tell me he’d left you with his number! Dan!” Louise moaned, closing her eyes and shaking her head again for good measure. “What are you doing!?”
Dan winced as Louise put his shame into words, and tried not to look at her again. The disapproval was practically radiating off of her in waves
“I just assumed he hadn’t texted me about you again because he was - busy with you,” Louise complained, sighing loudly as her hands hit the table with a light bang. “Daniel Howell, you are an idiot.”
“I know,” Dan agreed, ashamed. He didn’t even have an excuse, not really, he was just - being Dan. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just -” he began, fully intending to explain his own ridiculous fears when he clammed up on himself. It was just, he knew what he had to say sounded stupid, and Louise already seemed annoyed with him. “Sorry I screwed everything up with your friend.”
Suddenly, Louise placed her hand on top of Dan’s and squeezed gently, prompting him to finally look up and face her. Her expression was sympathetic, a small smile on her lips, eyes soft and caring.
“Dan,” she said, “You didn’t screw anything up.”
Her voice was gentle, far more understanding than Dan deserved, but he should have known it would be. Louise was strong willed and motherly, but that didn’t always result in her knocking sense into Dan by screaming at him for being an idiot. Sometimes, it meant just this.
Dan offered a small smile of his own in return.
“Okay, fine. Maybe I didn’t screw up anything for you, but -”
“Shush,” Louse said, cutting him off. “And start from the beginning. What’s going on? You just what?”
Dan closed his eyes, briefly, unsure where to start. He just had a lot of dumb fears in the back of his mind that were probably going to result in nothing, but he couldn’t just stop them. If he could, he would have texted Phil by now.
With another drawn out sigh, Dan pulled his hand out from under Louise’s, and shoved his fingers through his hair, pushing the bouncy curls back against the top of his head.
“It’s stupid,” he complained. “I just - well, he doesn’t exactly know what I am, does he?” he offered, avoiding Louise’s gaze all over again. “I hide my scent because I don’t want to be known as my instincts, and I know it doesn’t matter, I know that no one really cares, but, I just… I don’t know. Some alpha’s don’t even like omega’s, and what if he won’t continue to court me unless I tell him what my secondary sex is?”
The words came bursting out of Dan like word vomit once he started speaking, something he was unable to hold back any longer than he already had. It would have surprised him more if he wasn’t already used to blurting out all of his insecurities to Louise in the first place.
Still, he didn’t seem to be done, really. Before he could stop himself or Louise could interrupt and insert her two cents, Dan was opening his mouth to continue on his tirade.
“I just want to get to know him as Dan, first, and not an omega who sometimes has… uncontrollable urges,” he explained, now picking at his fingernails because he had nothing else to focus his attention on. His nail buds were bitten as far down as they could be, so Dan picked at his cuticles instead. “I mean… you’ve seen how I can be, Louise. I can get - kind of needy.”
Dan expected Louise to laugh, but she didn’t. Instead, she let out this soft sounding almost-purr that was a beta’s means of reassurance, and reached for Dan’s hands again. This time, she took both in hers, fingers gentle on his palms.
“Daniel, your sex doesn’t define you, you know that,” she told him quietly. “And anyone who gives a damn what your instincts cause from time to time doesn’t deserve you, considering we all have to put up with each others instincts from time to time,” she continued, a reassuring smile plastered across her face.
“But I know Phil. He’s probably one of the most genuine, nicest people I have ever known. He’s not going to care what your sex is, and he’s not going to ask, I promise. Phil… Phil probably just wants to get to know you too, regardless of what your sex is. So don’t be afraid, because I think - I think he’s really interested in you,” she continued. “In all the time that I’ve known him, he’s never courted someone before.”
That was enough to take Dan by surprise, who looked at Louise in wide-eyed astonishment. It was one thing to be told that Dan didn’t need to be afraid of Phil, but to hear that Phil rarely courted? That was both interesting and unbelievable. An alpha like Phil, who wore his scent with pride, and made everyone feel at peace around him? Impossible.
Louise giggled at the look on Dan’s face.
“Phil’s a hermit too, didn’t you know?” she teased, dropping Dan’s hands. “Text him. I’m sure he’d still really like to hear from you.”
Dan stared at Louise for another minute before he finally started to grin, something like excitement boiling in his stomach.
“Okay,” he finally agreed. “I will.”
 Actually doing so was easier said than done. By the time Dan returned to his apartment after lunch with Louise, he was practically shaking with nerves. It had been a week since he’d seen Phil, after all. Despite Louise’s reassurances, Dan was terrified the alpha would have lost interest in him by now.
How shitty was it for the person you were trying to court to not reciprocate in an appropriate manner? Dan might be able to believe that Phil wouldn’t care about his sex, or ask, but that didn’t change the fact that Dan had yet to message him.
Would Phil even reply, once Dan finally reached out to him?
There was only one way to find out, and after collapsing on top of his bed with his phone in his hands, Dan finally brought up Phil’s number. The alpha had stuck a little heart emoji after it when he’d put it into Dan’s phone, and even now it made Dan’s heart flutter.
He’d never quite been this enamoured before.
Usually, when he got asked out, he was wined and dined and then taken home for a one night stand. Rarely had Dan ever been courted, and even when he had been in the past, never with as much seeming importance as Phil had put into this already. After all, Phil had left it to Dan to text him back, and hadn’t instantly set a date for their first date. There was no rush, no pressure, no clear attempts for a hook up and nothing more… this felt real.
Phil seemed intent on taking this far more seriously than anyone else Dan had ever dated, and that, if he was being honest, was part of why he was so afraid.
Dan licked his lips as he stared at the contact in his phone, and finally pressed the “message” button.
To: Phil Lester <3
hey its dan haha sorry for getting back to you so late i
Dan scrunched up his nose at the words, and didn’t even hesitate to erase them, backspacing with a sigh until he was back to a blank message with no idea how he was meant to start this conversation. It felt awkward to bring up how long it had been since Phil had given Dan his number, but rude not to apologize. Still, he really did just want to message the alpha already, wanted to make it clear that he was just as interested, but it was hard to figure out the right words to say.
Dan dropped his phone on his chest for a brief moment and closed his eyes. Why hadn’t he just messaged Phil sooner? Then, maybe they would have gone on their first date by now.
The very thought of it made Dan grin. He really did like the alpha, after all. They seemed like the kind of guy Dan could actually get along with, somehow nerdier than him, and, according to Louise, not only just as socially inept as Dan, but a house hermit too. He was attractive to boot, and he just smelled so good…
Dan picked up his phone and tried again.
To: Phil Lester <3
hey :) its dan <3
Dan hesitated again, thumb hovering over the “send” button, wondering if the heart was too much or not. He figured the simpler the better, and if Phil responded, he could apologize then for being a coward, but if he didn’t, no love no loss, right? But the heart, was that too much? Phil had left one under his contact name, but…
Before Dan could overthink it anymore, he pressed “send” and dropped his phone on his chest again with a little groan. Squeezing his eyes shut, terrified he wouldn’t get any response, Dan sat up and let his phone fall to the mattress below him.
Maybe he should just get away for a bit, do something to distract him, try to get his mind off the fact that the alpha very likely wasn’t going to respond for a while. Surely they were working or something, it was only - Dan checked the time - three in the afternoon. Not everyone worked from home like Dan, after all, and -
Dan’s phone chimed from next to him.
His eyes went wide, and his heart started to race like crazy in his chest. Surely, that wasn’t actually -
Desperately trying not to get his hopes up, Dan fumbled to pick his phone up from his covers, and turned on the screen.
Phil Lester’s name flashed across it, and Dan felt a giddy sort of excitement fill him. Phil hadn’t waited but a few seconds to reply to Dan’s text message, and somehow that filled Dan with hope. Surely, if he were being rejected, Phil would have taken far more time to reply. The fact that Phil wasn’t even trying to play at being uninterested excited Dan.
He pressed his thumb to his phone screen and unlocked it, Phil’s message popping up instantly.
From: Phil Lester <3
Hey dan! It’s good to hear from you ^____^ I thought I might have scared you away! :’(
Dan felt his heart flutter at the words, and clutched his phone close as he replied.
To: Phil Lester <3
haha of course not. i might be a little shy is all D:
From: Phil Lester <3
That’s okay :’D I can do all the talking for us if you like ;’)
*** :’)
Shoot, sorry. I swear i’m not trying to flirt with you already!
Okay maybe a little <3
is it working yet? :’D
To: Phil Lester <3
hmm, i dont think so maybe try a little harder?
From: Phil Lester <3
charizards are red squirtles are blue if you were a pokemon i’d chose you :’D
how bout now?
To: Phil Lester <3
i think youve won me over <3
From: Phil Lester <3
good cause i was really hoping to see you again ^____^ if thats alright with you?
Dan felt his heart flutter all over again. He hadn’t stopped grinning once since Phil had first texted him back, far faster than Dan had ever expected him too. He hadn’t put his phone down once in the last three minutes, and it seemed next to impossible that Phil could still want to talk to him after Dan’s lengthy silence, let alone see him again.
Dan definitely wanted to see Phil, though. There was no question about that.
To: Phil Lester
of course :D
From: Phil Lester
great! hows saturday at 7? i could pick you up at your place? ^_____^
To: Phil Lester
sounds great <3
Phil responded with a ton of happy faces after that, with Dan sending a quick text with his address in reply, but then the conversation stopped. Dan had no idea what to say in return, and it was honestly a little disappointing considering how much Dan had been enjoying himself talking to Phil, but it came as no real surprise. They’d kind of run out of things to say, and Dan was too nervous to try and start another conversation with Phil so soon after being asked out on a date.
Still, that didn’t change the fact that Dan wanted to be talking to Phil, and he sighed as he shut off his phone screen and laid back down in bed.
The conversation had gone far better than he’d expected. He’d honestly thought Phil would call him out on taking so long to text him after Louise’s birthday, perhaps yell at him for allowing Phil to pay for his dinner and then not bothering to repay him with something as simple as a thank you text, but he hadn’t, and Dan had the feeling Phil wouldn’t have even been mad if Dan hadn’t texted him back
The fact that someone like Phil could exist was actually amazing to Dan.
And the fact that his phone went off again a mere two minutes after that made his heart flutter all over again.
From: Phil Lester
sorry, didnt i hear you mention you watch game of thrones? cause uh, id love to talk about it if your up to it? :’)
this is totally not just an excuse to keep talking to you btw
just... curious is all :’D
Dan laughed, because even if it was just an excuse to keep talking, well. Dan wanted to, too.
To: Phil Lester
you heard correctly, although im not sure your ready for these ~opinions~ i get quite heated
From: Phil Lester
is that right? well now youve got me all excited!!! hope you can deliver dan ;’)
that one really was meant to be a winky face ^____^
give me your best shot!!
Covering his face as he turned red with glee, Dan chuckled into the palm of his hand, and settled back into his pillows with every intention of getting comfortable.
If Phil wanted to talk opinions, Dan could talk opinions. He just hoped Phil was ready to see just how passionate Dan could be.
 They didn’t stop talking until three am. Dan had no idea whether or not Phil had a job, as they’d done nothing but argue and debate over the characters in their favorite tv shows and movies, ranging from Game of Thrones to Marvel in an obvious ploy to keep talking to each other, but he hoped he hadn’t ruined the rest of Phil’s day when they finally say goodnight.
Phil signed off with a ^____^ and couple xoxoxo’s that had honestly set Dan’s heart on fire, and by the time he himself climbed into bed after replying with a blushing emoji and a simple xo of his own, Dan had felt well and truly infatuated.
He’d never gotten along with someone so quickly before, nor had he ever been able to text with such ease. It had felt so natural arguing with Phil, and even when they’d gotten heated, there’d been a sense of lighthearted humor to everything they said. Dan never got along with people so easily, let alone one’s who didn’t quite share the same opinions as he when it came to his favorite media, and yet… here he was, sat purring away in the comfort of his duvet, practically dreaming of Phil already.
Purring. Content. Pleased. Something that Dan had so rarely done in his life up until this point, an instinct so primal and rare that Dan hadn’t quite expected the sound to erupt from his throat of it’s own accord.
His heart was still racing in his chest, and he could practically feel it making his nerves sing. All he wanted, as he thought about how many times he and Phil had actually agreed and shouted exclamations over their favorite things, was for it to just be Saturday already.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
So today’s moments of random thoughts (and attempts at including links) are brought to you by the fact that today they replaced the back office computer at work that controls the store’s music, so it was uncomfortably silent for several hours, meaning that my brain suddenly had to provide the soundtrack again, and that’s always a total craps shoot.  Will it be 48 hours straight of “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher”?  Will it be some surreal all day medley of AC/DC, Rihanna, and the South Park version of “Pokerface”?  Will it be a non-stop Disney sing-a-long?  Who knows?  Everyday is an adventure with an ADD brain jukebox. 
One of today’s tracks of choice was “Little Red Riding Hood” by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, a favorite since long before I was old enough to understand the implications or subtext.  And since you enjoyed the last terrible porn scenario so much, why not throw out another classic?  Because there is NO WAY they haven’t done this one.  Like.  Just no way.  Oh no, will the brave and daring young hunter woodsman manage to subdue the wily Alpha wolf, or will poor innocent Omega Riding Hood be devoured by the lustful lupine?  (I think the only correct answer here is yes to both.)  And because part of me wondered if such a thing even existed (I just had to know if I could bring in the plaid), I searched Google and found this (for a more casual approach) or this (for if they’re feeling fancy) for Noah, preferably paired with some tall black combat boots, perhaps (also, just saying, both would be a great option for a chase night).  For “Grandma”, I was thinking something along these lines (theoretically demure, yet also highlighting the collar bones, especially if unbuttoned slightly and allowed to slide off one shoulder.  Perhaps in the blue to bring out his eyes. XD ) because it comes across innocent in all the ways Peter would very much not be at that point.  All Chris would really need is his tightest jeans, deepest v’d henley, and maybe a nice denim or suede trucker jacket.  (Have I spent WAY too much time thinking about this?  Probably, but in my defense it kept me from snapping at all the idiots out without masks who refused to properly distance.  So.)  And because why the hell, not, I haven’t confused my Google search enough yet, here’s a couple of options for Chris that are a little more classy, as far as such a thing can apply to an outfit like this.  I mean if the other two are getting nice, quality outfits in that scenario, dammit he deserves the same.
Oh, and to briefly segue it back towards the more serious (and god, I really hope this comes out the way I mean it to, I am legit terrible at trying to word stuff like this), I would just like to say that frankly this version of how the physical/biological/however you want to phrase it aspects of the male/female vs alpha/omega spectrums play out makes so much more sense than a majority of the a/b/o I’ve seen.  I may not read it often, but I’ve been in fandom too long (and in a few too many small ones) not to have read a fair amount.  There have been a number of times where I just end up going “…his body has/did what now?…"  Whereas with yours it’s just like "oh, cool, that makes total sense”.  It’s natural, logical, and easy to understand, unlike my first few experiences back in the day when I kept having to Google the whole Omegaverse concept (a TERRIBLE idea, btw) to try and figure out how things worked.  So, yeah, I, at least, am a fan of this variation/interpretation/whatever.
Anyway…having hopefully managed to avoid cramming my whole entire foot into my mouth, would you care for some more assorted headcanons?  Maybe one day Stiles and Noah are in the attic working on sorting and organizing some things (Stiles is about 14 or 15 at this point), and after going through a couple boxes of Claudia’s sketchbooks, he finds one that contains a few mangled pairs of fishnets, a mesh shirt or two, maybe a pair of extremely short black cutoffs, some studded bracelets and collars, and he’s just like “man, Mom was a little more hardcore than I would have guessed."  After a couple moments of pointed silence, Noah finally offers ”…that’s not your Mom’s stuff, Stiles" while very determinedly not looking his son’s direction.  Cue a hysterical sequence of microexpressions of shock and horror contorting Stiles’ face, culminating in a brief full body flail and ending with him shaking his head with all the intense desperation of someone trying to clear an Etch-A-Sketch, before he just quietly goes back to sorting through the other boxes and they just never speak of it again.  Alternately, I would accept this same scenario for Chris and Allison (thinking the box had belonged to Kate), because I feel she would have the next best reaction faces to Stiles (less grimacing, but more internal screaming), with basically the same end result.  Or perhaps both had an incident like this, and they use it as some sort of bonding moment.  They’re an odd family after all.
 Don’t think I didn’t notice that the preview changed again.  Just going straight for the feels this time, huh?  God, poor Peter.  I feel so bad that he’s missing out on all the cuddles (familial and romantic), but I’m sure they’ll all be more than willing to make it up to him later.  Really hope he was doing that super speed thing on the way back to the hospital, or the Sheriff’s station might get some strange reports of a naked man running through neighborhoods.  
On the subject of the kids and education, I would vote BioChem for Allison.  It would be useful in learning about all the stuff hunters use, and figuring out ways to combat them, as well as potentially offering some overlap with Lydia’s degree.
I’d vote Criminal Law for Jackson.  It would be both a nod to his adoptive dad in the show having been the D.A. and offer a connection to the traditions of the family he’s just now learning about.  And I suspect that it’s entirely possible that if Stiles went after a Criminal Justice degree (or similar, I’m not entirely sure what it would be called), they’d likely have some overlapping classes, which would just piss Stiles all the hell off.  So win-win, really.
I think Malia could do really well with either type of Engineering.  I want to lean more towards Mechanical, particularly for the auto repair aspect, but part of me really wants Electrical for the Ant-Man connection (speaking of high Intelligence, low Wisdom…)  I think she would hate it while she was getting the degree (WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME THERE’D BE SO MUCH MATH???!!!), she’d be so proud once she’d graduated.  I feel like I could see Derek partnering with her on the shop (he’s working on a Master’s in Business.  Anything Law just felt too close to what he’d lost, but he also couldn’t bear to stray too far.  So, business.  Eventually I think he’d join in with the artsy side of the family and go after a degree in Design, so he could help build up the shop that way, as well.)
Totally agree on the other two.  I can also totally see Kira and Malia coaching some sort of intramural sport for kids one day.  Soccer (football), Little League, Lacrosse, doesn’t matter which.  They absolutely love it, and the kids love them (they totally get the smaller Pack kids involved, too).  Eventually they talk Isaac into creating a team for some of his kids that are looking to socialize more (they make sure that the experience is 100% positive for any of them that play.  They refuse to tolerate any bullying or poor sportsmanship of any kind.)
Hmm…not sure about the others, either, but I like the idea of Boyd ending up as a professor of Mythology and Folklore.  He was the one that actually thought about whether he wanted the bite, and whether it would be worth it in the long run.  He seemed the most interested in the reality of being a werewolf.  I can see him learning as much as he can about the supernatural from Peter and Noah (and some of the other side of things from Chris), and utilizing that in getting his degree (and eventual Doctorate).  And let’s face it, after dealing with the Pack’s shenanigans over the years, college kids aren’t intimidating in the slightest.
And before I forget, may I just say that “People buy it because it’s Tumblr, why wouldn’t two gay dads run a wolf rescue?” had me laughing so hard I started snorting.  Moving on; I know you recently shared a post that featured shots from the episode where Stiles gets his dad drunk to distract him from reopening the Hale case (I have Opinions about that black shirt, and how disappointed I was that it Never Showed Up Again, so I notice when it pops up in Tumblrs I check, okay?  Don’t judge me.), and some of the other blogs I try to keep up with have shared some pics of J.R. in glasses, and now I can’t help but wonder if that becomes like a Thing for Peter at some point.  Like, once they start to get a little older (once Chris has grown out his beard again, and maybe Noah has retired [my uncle was a cop and retired in like his mid-forties, I think] and started letting his hair get just a bit shaggy again) and his husbands start occasionally wearing glasses for reading, or fine detail work, etc.  (I would not judge him if it did, because, uh…, hard same.  I blame too many years of anime.)  Like, they slip them on and his brain just immediately starts going to more terrible porn scenarios.  Stern librarian, called to the principal/headmaster’s office, courtroom shenanigans.  Actually, if Peter is supposed to have been a lawyer they probably do that one anyway.  The Prosecution and the Defense take turns attempting to sway the Judge/Jury Foreman in their favor.  Who is who just depends on their mood at the time, and who feels willing to put on a suit (god help Peter if he gets both his mates in well cut suits and at their persuasive best.  He can barely keep it together long enough to stay halfway in character.  They are fully aware of their power, and file the information away for use in anniversary/graduation/other celebratory settings.)  Wow…that kinda got away from me.  Again.
Anyway, I tried to do the reader poll thing, hope my responses went through/made sense.  Hope the assorted links I’ve attempted work, I’ve never tried adding them to something before.  I probably still have the tabs open if I need to try again, unless my computer randomly decides to close them, which I have had it occasionally do.  Glad that you are feeling somewhat better, and that it doesn’t appear to be anything serious (and possibly even somewhat positive, in the long run, at least?  If it’s a sign of things trying to heal?)  Sorry in advance if some of this makes assisting customers difficult tomorrow.  XD  I feel like it should just be implicit, like my brain just compels it’s own warning in general.
I think I’ve read through this at least ten times because it’s just so good. I don’t really have the energy to reply to everything, but I do want to leave you with some headcanons of my own. 
Mainly Hogwarts houses:
Ravenclaw: Lydia, Melissa, Natalie, Julio, Stiles
Gryffindor:  Noah, Derek, Kira, Allison, Boyd
Hufflepuff: Scott, Chris, Jordan, Ben, Isaac
Slytherin: Malia, Jackson, Peter, Danny, Erica
Ben’s super cute playfulness as a wolf pup
Peter definitely wears a pair of wolf ears during sex, although he’s a little sad that he can’t mark up Chris and Noah as he used to. He liked to bite hard and draw blood, but with him as an Alpha, that’s just not an option anymore. Although there are plenty of other ways he can mark them up and he enjoys finding new ways. Even if they’re not as visual and permanent.
Peter also makes time for each of his kids and enjoys being a father. He revels in the role and loves reading bedtime stories to his younger kids, PTA meetings (he rises to the top of the rank really quickly, starts a turf war with a Karen but gets backed up by Mack’s mom. So it’s all cool.) And With his older kids he finds new ways to guide them through life as young adults. He’s there for every homework assignment, every break-up, every report card, and all the little moments he’s had to miss out on.
Also when Noah is pregnant, he’s closely monitored by Melissa and his licensed midwife. (He’s given birth to Malia and Stiles at home, he’s planning to do it again. Chris too, only has had homebirths, although Ben had to be rushed to the hospital because the doofus swallowed amniotic fluid during birth and turned blue after ten minutes. (Which is based on a true story, my brother had that complication after homebirth. Homebirths are very common in my country which is why I put them in my fics.)) And Peter and Chris go into protective overdrive. He keeps working for as long as he can but at four months pregnant with twins, he has to take a step back and only work desk duty until he’s 7.5 months along. He takes some time off after that and gets time to recuperate and rest. 
Chris for his last pregnancy also chooses to have a homebirth, Julio comes to work for him to do his arms deals and meetups while Chris takes a step back and works from his office until the day he goes into labor. And even then he’s still trying to get this deal done while breathing through contractions.
Also, imagine Peter getting to experience both of his mates being pregnant again. I like to imagine the smile on his face when he hears the heartbeats for the first time, how he just knows when his mates are pregnant, he recognizes the scent change now. He knows Chris is pregnant before Chris does. With Noah it’s a bit more of a tie since Noah can pick up the twins’ energy signatures and heartbeat at 4-5 weeks. Which is when the scent change happens.
I imagine the three of them curled up together after the youngest has been born, all tuckered out and completely passed out. The new baby curled up in the cosleeper next to the bed. Malia sneaks in without waking her dad and starts snapping pictures for the family album. And at one point during the night, Ben and the youngest twins end up sleeping in their parents’ bed as well. It becomes a routine until Ben is ten and generally likes to sleep alone. (Unless he’s upset, then he comes running.)
Also, the mere image of Chris wearing glasses and Noah wearing his police sunglasses (or regular glasses), like yes, sign me up. Also, Peter shows solidarity and starts wearing glasses later in life too. Which doesn’t only do wonders for their sex life (though that was never bad, to begin with) but also every single parent at Ben’s high school and the twins’ elementary school suddenly have the hots for the three extremely hot dilfs.
It also helps with getting justice for Ben when his son is being bullied at school and Chris has to convince Peter not to kill anyone, Noah shows off the sheriff’s  badge and starts suggesting a few things, and Chris likes to remind people that his son (Jackson) is now the youngest DA in the country and works from Beacon Hills and his other son (Stiles) is now an FBI agent who certainly wouldn’t mind digging into the past of whoever is bullying his little brother. (Not that he ever has to get that far, usually he smiles warmly and charms the principal or the teacher with his trademark smile and within a day Ben’s bullies are disciplined by the school.)
I have no idea where I’m going anymore as I’m pretty tired at this point. But these were stuck in my head and I had to share.
(Once again, I adore every single headcanon you’ve send me. <3)
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