#it was sickening and deplorable
takemetodragonstone · 5 months
you guys know how that scene in succession 2x09 “DC” where Shiv intimidates and manipulates the sexual assault victim until she backs out of testifying about her experience is the same as that scene in hotd 1x08 “The Lord of the Tides” where Alicent intimidates and shames the sexual assault victim out of speaking up about her experience?
the biggest difference between these two scenes is actually the self-awareness of the narratives themselves. succession knows what it’s doing with this scene. hotd comes across confused and tone deaf because it’s bending over backwards trying to maintain an image of Alicent as a faultless victim, unlike succession which allows Shiv some moral flexibility, which ironically makes her more sympathetic than Alicent imo, because it manages to avoid that extra level of hypocrisy that the hotd scene piles onto Alicent and the narrative as a whole.
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anarchywoofwoof · 27 days
it is downright sickening seeing people justify continuing support for Kamala Harris after the speech she gave last night. the Democratic party has always been a big tent party. and the tent seemingly keeps getting smaller.
she wants to sign into law a right-wing border bill that will be even more right-wing if republicans take the senate which is likely. she wants to have the most "lethal" military in the world. she had anti-choice republicans, cops and border patrol agents on the stage at the DNC but couldn't make room for a 5 minute vetted speech by a Palestinian speaker. she did not mention transgender people or rights a single time in her speech. she has still not released any policies whatsoever and it's almost September.
politicians should have to earn your vote. this blue no matter who shit because the violence is delivered to you in a rainbow flag and a pro choice sticker slapped on it is fucking deplorable.
have a spine. have an actual, real spine and hold the politicians who run this country accountable for their words and actions. stop guaranteeing your vote to these people before you have been shown any initiative to change their behavior. stop shrinking the tent. too many people are being pushed out and you're suggesting we don't reach out to them because you've already staked out your place. show some fucking humanity.
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starlightiing · 6 months
I reckon I need to stay off some social media re: George Russell because the amount of actual sewage shit that spews from the mouths of backseat (couch) driver fans makes me sick.
George is either regarded as a PR robot, or a whiny, overemotional joke. He's whiny or he's a dick. He's lucky when he does well, or deserves to lose his seat when he does poorly. There's no middle ground for this poor man. It's all. Sewage.
I've seen too many "he deserved to crash" and "he only called for a red to retain points" and "lol did you hear his onboard he's such a baby" from people who would probably shit themselves right there in their pants if they'd been in the same scenario. He was scared for his LIFE, and if you can't hear that in his yells, I don't know what to tell you. Not to mention this is the guy that jumped out of his car and went to assist a driver trapped in his car after a horrific crash....do we not remember that? Do we make fun of him for valuing human life, too???
I try really hard not to fall into "love is blind" mode with my faves, so I'm trying to see George from an outsider perspective but I just don't see it? I don't see any reason for people to viciously hate him and wish for his downfall the way they are. Then he's being scrutinized for not posting much...but if you read the deplorable comments on anything his team posts, why would you want to keep posting? I don't care who you are ....famous or not.... there is only so much the human heart and soul can take and people are viciously attempting to bully him. For no reason.
I guess it's so easy for people to sit on their couch, in their very private life devoid of cameras and microphones being shoved in their faces, with no glass panes set up around every move they make to be seen by the world, to criticize every move these drivers make.
The lack of respect for them in general is seen every single day, but moreso recently by wishing crashes on people who have beating hearts and actual lives outside of their jobs with people who love them. Disgusting. Also, by filming them (re: George) using the restroom and posting it online and joking around about it. Also, wishing career ends on these people who have worked so hard their entire lives for this and who personally did nothing to you.
TLDR; The way people are treating George raises my blood pressure and it's almost sickening to admit I'm an F1 fan among the bubbling cesspool of filth that comes out of some "fans" mouths.
At least yall on tumblr are, as a whole, not like that. I see a lot of "I don't like George, but I'd never..." and I mad respect the hell out of that honestly. Thank you for not wishing death, dismemberment, injury, or anything else so horrible in nature on drivers who have done nothing to you. At least you guys have some sense.
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airaibunny · 6 months
fuck palestine i used to like you but now that youre defending it you lost a fan
it seems as though the only way israel supporters share their opinions is behind a veil of anonymity. this makes perfect sense; you’re very aware that your views are morally deplorable and you do not want to personally associated yourself with them. it is evident to me that you’re scared of facing the discourse your statements cause. i really hope this is just rage bait from a small minded individual, but if it’s not, let me be unequivocally clear: your words have zero effect on me, i do not care in the slightest about losing followers over this, nor will my opinion ever be swayed. my advocacy for the people of palestine is not something i take lightly, and it’s not something i’m willing to put aside to gain popularity on social media. any loss of followers due to this is unimportant to me when i consider the cause im standing for. how can one, with a clear conscience, endorse the actions of a country that is bombing schools, hospitals, and densely populated cities? are you aware of how many innocent people have died in palestine? if you’re not, the answer is nearly 30,000. if you are aware and simply do not care; i sincerely hope you can do some soul-searching and can change your character for the better; that is truly sickening. anyone who finds themselves at odds with my position on this matter is free to disengage from my platform. this message is my final acknowledgment of comments such as this. do not waste your time attempting to flood my inbox with further ignorance.
free palestine 🇵🇸
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boundbysand · 4 months
i can scarce get by
life series (ambiguous, written with secret life in mind) scar character introspection drabble. 731 words. warnings are a bit difficult to word for this- i'd say cw for self loathing/hatred and manipulation.
Scar has never been sure of who he is, but he's more than sure of what he can do. Whether that's a good thing or not is up in the air.
Scar's smiles do not meet his eyes.
They rarely do, at least. At this point he's almost never sure if they're real or not in the moment. He realizes, afterward, how much energy it had been taking to paste them on. How much he just wants to sleep now. Sleep doesn't seem to be enough, never will be, but he thinks it's the most he'll get. Anything more is unreasonable to wish for.
He wishes, time and time again, that his cheerfulness could be real. That it didn't feel performative most of the time.
Then he smiles at people again, sharp and with too many teeth, fake fake fake, and doesn't think they deserve his real smile. If they believe him, if they're this easy to trick, then he'd rather keep any genuine joy to himself.
It makes him sick.
Whether what makes him feel ill is other people being so stupid as to so easily believe him or his willingness, his ease in manipulating them, he's not sure. He thinks it might be both. Wonders if it's allowed to be both.
It comes as easy as breathing to him. Weaving a story so convoluted one simply gives up and relents, their head spinning too much to make any sense of the mess of words Scar offered. Sprinkling in little lies to reassure someone. Convincing someone wholeheartedly that what he's doing is right, is good, when he's not sure himself.
He does it to survive, he knows. Everyone manipulates in a death game. Not all of them manipulate outside of them, too, but- well. Not all of them had to do it to survive beforehand either.
He avoids the topic of his days before, both with others and with himself. It's not important, no matter how much it weighs on his shoulders and affects everything he does, his actions, his thoughts, his being as a whole.
If he tells himself it isn't important, it isn't.
He is the way he is now and there's no going back. All he can do now is survive.
So he does. He lies, he fakes cheer, he fakes his personality, he manipulates.
The shame and guilt eat him alive inside, a monster all of his own creation existing low and deep in the pit of his intenstines, devouring him minute by minute, consuming his entire being until Scar isn't sure he's Scar anymore. He is the beast, ugly and horrifying and evil, and he is Scar. They might be the two most opposite creatures alive. They might be the same creature entirely.
It's unclear whether or not the monster was always there, or if Scar created it himself, or if the world's cruel hands placed it, piece by burning piece, inside of Scar from the moment he was born. He knows the answer. He will remain adamant that he did it to himself regardless.
Scar knows he is not to blame. Scar knows he is every bit as ugly and appalling as he thinks he is, and it is his fault.
Scar is contradiction, wrapped up in a fake smile and a crumbling psyche.
He is friendly, self-sacrificing, and joyous.
He is hate-filled and mean, selfish, and miserable.
He puts on a mask, a face others would much prefer to see than the Scar only he knows, at the detriment of himself because he knows he won't be accepted any other way.
It works, too. It works so goddamn well it's sickening.
People like him. People trust him.
It makes him feel powerful, appeased and admired, on top of the world. He thinks it might be all he needs, to feel this way.
It makes him feel deplorable, queasy and ashamed, like the scum of the earth. He wants to claw every inch of skin off of his face with his own bare hands until all that remains is the real him.
Ugly and bloody and dripping red. Angry and envious and selfish.
He smiles, he holds the mask tighter. A private dance he plays with himself every moment of every day, himself and nothing like himself all at the same time.
He wonders if anyone will ever realize the difference. One day, maybe, someone will notice how dull his eyes look when he smiles.
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13 w ace please? :o
pairing: ace trappola x gn!reader cw: suggestive a/n: i know ace shares a dorm with other first-years but i only remembered that fact half-way through, so we're gonna be delulu, okay? i hope you enjoy!
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send me a number + character!
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Hot, dewy tears clung to your lashes as you knocked on Ace’s door past curfew—and, even if Riddle would surely have his head for this, he let you inside without questioning it. He was your best friend, and he wasn’t going to refuse you when you showed up in a pitiful state. He couldn’t.
“Shh, hey,” Ace’s voice is shockingly mollifying for someone with an intrinsically cheeky attitude as he tugs you deeper into his dorm room, “what happened?”
“⋯ I got rejected,” was all you managed to murmur out whilst suppressing the urge to start crying.
Ace felt that oh so familiar twinge in his chest, the one that makes it as if his heart is being gouged out with a dull blade and the remains are discarded in a bloody, grotesque on the floor. “Ah⋯ from that guy you were talking about a week or two ago?” Ace acted as if he assuredly remembered, but he usually zoned-out whenever you blathered about any crushes you had.
Why would he want to listen to you babble on about someone else; when he was right in front of you?
“He said I wasn’t cute enough.”
“Okay, that’s just bullshit,” Ace spat out acerbically, not heeding his caustic tone—if anything, he shamelessly wished this guy could hear his voice and melt into the ground in a deplorable heap. “You’re the cutest in the whole school! Everyone knows that.”
You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at how heated Ace appeared to be getting over this, and from his patent exaggeration. “I am not,” you whispered, lips curving into a small smile, “but⋯ thank you, Ace.”
In Ace’s eyes, you truly were the cutest little thing⋯ and he desperately yearned for your color to be dyed in his, a sickening crimson that needed you as he needed oxygen.
“C’mere,” with a small pout as he uttered that, Ace opened up his arms to you and encircled your frame within his embrace; pressing a feathery kiss to the top of your head, “you are the cutest, though. At least to me.”
“You really think so?”
Reflected in your glossy eyes was a scintilla of dubiety, and Ace would perceive that—so, with a spuriously teasing smirk, he mocked, “Are you calling me a liar?”
“Hehe, well, you do lie sometimes, you know⋯”
“I’d never lie about something like this,” Ace reassured you with an abrupt pensiveness, “not to you.”
Left breathless by Ace’s confidence, how soft yet affectionate he sounded, you clung onto him tauter and squeezed as a silent affirmation of your appreciation.
“Let’s head to bed, yeah? Knowing you, you wouldn’t wanna be alone after what happened,” Ace suggested, albeit there were tinctures of selfishness underneath his act of being your one and only best friend.
Why wouldn’t he want you to sleep over? To keep you to himself as you recover from your heartache?
Rummaging through his wardrobe and fishing out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that’ll be way too big on you, Ace handed you your makeshift pyjamas. He rolled on his heel and turned the other way so you could change, but whenever he thought you weren’t looking, he peeked over his shoulder for just a crumb of what he’s been hungry for.
Ace and you head to his bed, where you flop down onto it—and then Ace does as well, although he practically descends atop of you and shoves his weights on you as he does.
“Oof! You’re heavy!”
“Nah, you’re just too small,” Ace quipped back.
“I-I’m still growing⋯!”
“Sureeeee you are, cutie⋯” Rolling his eyes playfully, Ace nudged you as he shortened the propinquity between you further. He planted a kiss on your neck, allowing his lips to linger over your hot pulse. “Why don’t you close your eyes? Get yourself some rest with me.”
“Mhm, yeah, good idea⋯”
Too credulous and trusting for your own good, Ace watched with a simper as you fluttered your eyes shut as he continued to press small kisses along your sensitive neck, dragging the flesh of his moist lips against the flushing skin as he took advantage of you.
“Sleep if you need to,” he added.
Ace wasn’t sure if you were asleep or not, but he rolled overtop of you, pinning his hands beside your head as he stared down at you. Prepossessing and alluring, you looked like a damn angel with your countenance eased.
Tracing a hand under your shirt as if he’s holding your hip, Ace drew his lips down to your chest where he placed another kiss right above where your heart rests. Before then bringing his mouth back up to press harder, firmer kisses on your neck.
Hearing as you made a soft noise in your sleep, Ace couldn’t fathom what the other boys in school didn’t see in you; you were adorable. The cutest in the world. It was unbearable.
He was losing control⋯ the enticement of your skin heating up beneath his mouth was clouding his mind, corrupting his sense of command. And so, Ace kissed you deeply on the lips; keeping you restrained against the bed so you couldn’t move or escape.
Your eyes flung open in discombobulation, and Ace kept his lips attached to yours in order to occlude you from speaking properly.
“Shh⋯ just lay back,” Ace whispered, hand roaming beneath your shirt and leaving searing imprints along your belly, “I’ll make you feel good, best you’d ever had.”
Kissing you once more, sensual and deep, Ace felt your lips part and he didn't squander a second before rolling his tongue into your mouth—even if that wasn’t your intention. Groaning against your lips, Ace clasped your waist and dug his hand into you.
Feebly struggling, you couldn’t stop Ace from affixing his lips onto your neck once more; mewling as he begins to suckle on your skin, teeth roughly, he was inexperienced, sinking down. “Wh-Why do⋯ you want to?”
“Because⋯ I want you. All of you,” Ace heaved, leaving a bright hickey on the side of your neck, “and it’s about time you see that.”
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
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Lord Enver Gortash: Together we rule Faerûn as kings. No, more than kings - gods. We rule as the Absolute. Narrator: *The Urge, the deplorably brutal Urge sickens within you. When you level the world over, that dead world must be yours alone.* Narrator: *But first you will rule. Then, you will ruin.* Lord Enver Gortash: What do you say? Shall we be allies?
My favourite thing about this is that Gortash actually means it.
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Narrator: *Gortash's eyes blink in a consistent rhythm. He stands calmly, confidently. He fully intends to share his kingdom with you.*
Serious question: is this the same in a non-Durge run? Does he still offer to rule with the player character as gods and mean every word? Because whether it is or isn't the same, both options say some very interesting things about Gortash. Personally my shipper heart really wants him to not offer a "we can rule together" deal and mean it with anyone except his old partner, but if he does mean it with a non-Durge character that is interesting. Also, speaking of my shipper heart: as kings, hm? Are we talking the "separate rulers of equal power" sort or the "married" sort? This distinction may change my answer.
I also kind of love how even with Durge's amnesia the Urge is still like "BETRAY HIM! BETRAY AND KILL HIM!" while Durge seems to be going "Well, I can rule with Gortash for a little bit before I stab him in the back, right?" You haven't even agreed to this deal and already the Urge is telling you to get back on track re the "betray and murder your partner" thing. I'm starting to get the sense that Bhaal doesn't like Gortash all that much...
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uninformedartist · 1 year
CW: proshipper and sa mentions
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Oh hell no 💀 you the are the last person to speak about any of this. This "let people like what they like", or "block if you can't hand someone's content" 💀💀 CW ahead
THIS IS LITERALLY YOUR ART AND WHAT YOU CONDONE wtf, you got no space to talk and the fact that so many fans and people agree with the post about is sickening.
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This ain't 'drama' or so called 'spicy content' this is fetishising r*ape and a myriad of other deplorable acts, this sugar coating is sick. This aint "spice" This is r*pe a traumatic event that dammit people so close to me went through and here you just call it "spicy content" fuck you.
Sorry for being heated but I cannot. This isn't just a fandom drama, this person is a spindlehorse employee and Viv can't pull "oh she's didn't know they were one" when he is very explicit he is into P-Shipping material.
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This person has been called out time and time again and I so badly want to stop talking about Viv, her properties and the people she hires/interacts with but I cannot until justice is served, people are held accountable and people finally see the truth about her and the people she engages with. This cannot be "oh then just stop watching/supporting" like so many fans say, thats how these disgusting acts such as above get accepted. And if someone pulls I'm homophobic shut up, I'm queer myself and just because another person is aswell doesn't mean I'm going to agree with the deplorable stuff they stand for such as fetishising literally r*ape.
Gonna be my last post for a while on Viv and such, I'm writing exams and am a bit tired and frustrated with all going on.
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tma-entity-song-poll · 8 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B1R4: The Spiral
The Distortionist:
This one was submitted twice, so I've added both pieces of propaganda below:
"Very Michael coded- a song about distortion and mirrors and nothing being what it seems."
"Just look at it okay. The title is perfect. The song itself is about a person who uses lies to get what they want and tries to cover up the cracks with more and more lies as it falls apart around them. The music video shows their body physically twisted around to visually show their twisting of the truth. And, of course, the wonderful lyrics, "Madness, it's madness/ Oh it's sickening, it's sickening/ You know, it's unfair, it's unfair/ How you distorted my reflection" which just screams Spiral."
Red Signal:
"A song about reality just completely falling apart."
Lyrics below the cut!
The distortionist:
(Something doesn't quite line up) Tears laced with cyanide flow through the cracks of a Mirror shattered long ago
And sure, I'm the one who swung the metal bat But hey, I can't control the urge! Nobody's gonna blame me for that
Impossible, impossible
Twist 'n turn it right around The details never safe or sound The truth projected through a lens with nothing proving otherwise
Now, take the time to realize, despite what you believe The victim of a massacre was none other than poor me
Surely you can see the problem I don't wanna lose my own reflection A deplorable perception of me Was none other than an image of you
(One, two, three, wait)
You're making a wreck of broken glass and leaving me a fuckin' mess! Bending light in a way that shows exactly how the story goes
Whimsical, dear, your lies are clear, now, who the hell would've ever guessed? Play my games and abide my ways, there's no way you can compensate
A monster, monster, monster, monster Now, run away, run away, run away I- I'm a monster, monster, monster, monster Now, run away, run away, run away Now, you're the monster
A glimmer of betrayal Changes my mind The odds against your favor, forever
Ignorant atrocities and colorless apologies This isn't what it looks to be I'm not as cruel as you see me
Take the time to realize, despite what you may see The mirrors cracked themselves and I was cut on the broken shards, and how I bled
Stuck in a spotlight brighter than the smile no one ever saw Bending light in a way that shows the truth that left our friends in awe
Whimsical, dear, your lies are clear, now, who the hell would've ever guessed? Play my games and abide my ways, there's no way you can compensate
Madness, it's madness Oh-ho, it's sickening, it's sickening You know it's unfair, it's unfair How you distorted my reflection
In all this madness, it's madness Oh-ho, it's sickening, it's sickening You know it's unfair, it's unfair How you distorted my reflection You know it's too late
You're lost in a world of funhouse mirrors, twisted for eternity Bending light in a way that shows refraction of hypocrisy
Whimsical, dear, your lies are clear, now, who the hell would've ever guessed? Play my games and abide my ways, there's no way you can compensate (One, two, three, break)
Tears laced with cyanide flow through the cracks of a Mirror shattered long ago
And sure, I'm the one who swung the metal bat But hey, I can't control the urge! Nobody's gonna blame me for that
(One, two, three, break)
Red Signal:
[Another minute of chanting]
And the walls begin to tear. Not the walls of the train, but those of a false and hollow reality, twisting in its thrall to Yog Sothoth, the key and the gate through whose cascading rainbow being the train has passed. Yog Sothoth who is the Bifrost, and whose dread invocation now shattered, drags them towards the roiling nuclear chaos of the mad deamon sultan at the centre of reality. A billion screaming squamous things approach, oozing and crawling through the shattered tatters of a sane world. All the doors are open now.​
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wcters · 1 month
i know this is not what i usually post on here but i just want to share this quote from margaret atwood on writing the handmaid’s tale:
“I made a rule for myself: I would not include anything that human beings had not already done in some other place or time, or for which the technology did not already exist. I did not wish to be accused of dark, twisted inventions, or of misrepresenting the human potential for deplorable behavior. The group-activated hangings, the tearing apart of human beings, the clothing specific to castes and classes, the forced childbearing and the appropriation of the results, the children stolen by regimes and placed for upbringing with high-ranking officials, the forbidding of literacy, the denial of property rights—all had precedents, and many of these were to be found, not in other cultures and religions, but within Western society, and within the “Christian” tradition itself.” taken from this article.
this quote says a lot. if you know what the handmaid’s tale is then you know what i mean. it is absolutely sickening that everything in that book is based on something true happening at some time in history. i haven’t read the book (i really want to) but i have watched the show.
yes, we have come a long way in terms of women’s rights, but we haven’t come far enough, and now we’re going backwards. you can see this almost everywhere, but it is extremely visible in women of colour and minorities. we need to help each other, not just us women, but men too.
i recommend watching this video because this man is amazing and everything he says is true. as well as the “man versus bear” debate correlates.
i was just watching some random YouTube video when an add with margaret atwood came up saying the quote from earlier and that got me hooked. the idea of that was in the back of my head but still. she is a genius. and she speaks the truth.
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moltara · 2 months
theres something so absolutely sickening and deplorable about accusing every single palestinean person pleading for help on tumblr of being a bot, like i dont even have the words
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smaeemo · 3 months
I don’t ship Destiel because “gay angel” or “twink dean” etc.
I ship Destiel because they are the most disgusting tragic horrible vile yucky impure blasphemous horrific sucky fucky immoral unethical disasterous evil retched sickening diabolical antichrist-ial dreadful horrendous ghastly harrowing disfunctional hideos apalling frightening gruesome unspeakable horror-filled-rat-raging-messed-up-whore-house-road-map-pung-hole heinous nightmarish macabre grim hair-raising spine-chilling bone-breaking teeth-chattering toe-curling eye-watering kneecap-sizzling loathsome detestable execrable abominable atrocious sickening nauseating nasty unpleasant awful foul revolting repulsive repellent ghastly obnoxious odious objectionable offensive insufferable godawful hellish beastly hellacious digustful loathful rebarbative disasterous calamitous catastrophic cataclysmic devastating terrible dreadful apalling dire ruinous gruesome miserable wretched unfortunate fatal deadly mortal lethal deplorable lamentable regrettable abject grieving galling vexatious pathetic sad moving painful sorrowful heart-rending agonizing stirring disturbing pitiful piteous melancholy doleful mournful dejected despondent anguished desolate dismal gloomy dispicable devilish (lol) fiendish satanic (lol again) mephistophelian demonic demonical infernal wicked ungodly unholy cacodemonic foot-shaking-tongue-singeing-toenail-burning-eyelash-melting-lip-quivering-shoulder-breaking-spine-clenching-jaw-snapping-hellfire-enducing- tragicshitfesthorrormindmeltbrainrotdisgustinggermbreakingscreamingflamingpileofwretchedunholyiceyhotshitcoveredflames
And I love it
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vaninakan · 3 days
Late night thoughts vol. 1
It's 4 am and I cannot sleep so I'm just gonna splooge some random thoughts that I have (some positive, some negative, and some that's probably just nonsense.)
Uhh, I like to get negatives out of the way first so I guess I can start with that.
- Does anyone else miss when art/animation communities felt more niche but open? I'm particularily talking about the animation meme community here cause that's a community I've more or less lurked in for a long time. I remember a time when there was the big three of animation memes a lot of people and myself were inspired by. It feels silly to say that what got me into art were a bunch of independent artists animating anime cats fighting eachother, but that's exactly what happened. I loved these creators (still do) and I looked forward to seeing what else these creators had to offer. As time went on, more creators came in the fray with a lot of cool talent and craftmanship and it was honestly very cool seeing what everyone had to offer. That's something I loved most about AMC, that so many were able to feel free to create whatever they wanted and how wonderful it paid off to see that creativity put into so many special masterpieces of independent art and animation, and that's something I'll always admire. So it breaks my heart to see what the AMC has became. Don't get me wrong, there's still a ton of great artists out there and y'all are fantastic, but I cannot help but feel like the environment in that community especially had gotten a lot more vile than what it started off as. To be fair, that's pretty much any community these days, I'm well aware of that. But I have never seen so much drama, so much infighting, and so much people being deplorable to eachother in my life that it's honestly sickening! I've always wanted to make my own animation memes and I still do, I have a TON of ideas I'd love to get to eventually, but if I ever decide to post them, don't expect me to engage much with the rest of the community. IMO, the best communities you can have are the small close ones you have with your best pals.
- For the past few years, I've been distancing myself from big social media branches and fandoms because of how toxic the environments can be for some of these spaces especially, and it's honestly helped a lot with my mental health (Deleting my Twitter and moving here has honestly been one of the best things I've done last year). It's partially why I've stopped posting so frequently, because really the only people I truly care about pleasing are me and all my close friend groups and found families I've built. I don't really care about statistics and platform building, if people like my stuff, then that's cool. I can look at a post I made with bigger numbers than usual and go "huh, that's pretty neat" and then move on talking about a crossover AU I've been cooking up with my boyfriend. That's not to say I don't appreciate my followers or people who like my content, I do. But know that what I make isn't catered to what'll get me the most attention, it's what'll make me and my family happy. And if people like that, then that's cool. Maybe every now and then I'll ask my followers what they'd like to see, maybe a fanart raffle or sketch request event, I think that'd be nice. But for the most part, this page is very, and I mean VERY self indulgent.
- Uhh I've been doing okay for the most part, personal issues I don't wanna get to aside. I've mainly been working on plushies, commissions and other self indulgent projects. I mentioned before that I got into the latest Cookie Run game, and that's pretty cool. I've mostly focused on making art for that and mine and my boyfriend's OC/AU projects. I'll post more about it when I get there, but for now uhh... gay people.
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You'll learn who these guys are soon enough, for now you'll only get name drops
The big gruff fellow is a lava rock golem named Vulcan and the pretty boy is named Jack Frosting.
- And I think that's mostly it for tonight? This post took me a full hour to write so it's actually 5 now as I'm finishing up oops..
My sleep schedule's fucked.
Uhh any final words before I pass out? Hmm..
Gender dysphoria sucks okay BYYYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
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ossifer · 7 months
their sickening social ostracisation and mob violence targeting queer individuals versus our justified callout posts. their baseless grooming conspiracies versus our righteous analysis of how trans women are indoctrinating perfectly good gnc men. their abhorrent beauty standards versus our enlightened appreciation of thin white androgyny. the deplorable mens right activists versus our transandrophobia scholars
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I don't follow the British monarchy or any royals at all, but it is sickening that Kate has basically been strong armed into revealing her cancer diagnosis, something that she has been struggling to tell her three children because of the British press, social media and the fuckers who tried to access her medical records.
Deplorable behaviour from disgusting people.
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crewel-intentions · 6 months
Wait, Yuko, what do you mean you had "standards"? Did you... or rather, do you think Pokémon lives to be "lesser"? That trafficking them is a crime not "as bad" as doing so with a human? That's... I mean, we know there's some Pokémon that aren't the brightest, but the majority of them do seem to be just as sapient as humans are; some being more intelligent, even. It would be understandable for the past version of you to indeed see them as creatures less deserving of rights because they don't look like you or share your language, since you were... you know, a bad person.
But the way you've expressed yourself just now as if you view dealing business with human lives for profit as much more "deplorable" is... well, it makes me wonder if perhaps some of that thinking is still there in your subconscious? Please don't see this as accusative though, you've changed a lot for the better after all these years and done a lot to redeem yourself, that's for sure. I'm just wondering; do you feel there's still some trains of thought left over from your time in Team Rocket that you've yet to unlearn?
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Yuko: I've always had standards that I've done my best to live by, even during Rocket. I may have been a criminal, but there are some things that even the thought of being involved with sickens me. I do not regard Pokemon as lesser, but in Rocket, if you aren't catching or selling Pokemon then you paint a target on your back. Trafficking Pokemon seemed like the least of all evils while I worked on accomplishing my own goals. You don't make it as long as I do without sacrificing a bit of humanity along the way, unfortunately...
Yuko: There are definitely some lingering ideals and thoughts from being with Team Rocket so long that I am working to unlearn. I am not a perfect person, and I am simply doing my best to be better. Please have patience while I work on this.
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