#it was mox wasn't it
elitehoe · 2 years
Which one of the BCC members hurt Nick Jackson??
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voidartisan · 6 months
can't wait for the tbb finale in which omega walks out of tantiss with a bunch of force-sensitive children like "these are my friends :D" and hunter briefly becomes a single father of eight
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moxtoons · 9 months
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Merry Christmas! 🎄💛
Reblogs are appreciated please don't repost
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basil-the-scorned · 14 days
Love's gonna get you killed, but pride's gonna be the death of you...
screams in All Out aftermath 3 days later and all my mind can think about is Hangman's reaction after the match and THIS.
It caught me completely off guard, and I can't wait until Wednesday for it!
(on a side note, I did my damnest to edit around the bag suffocation, but I'm still labeling it with choking warnings)
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scarskelly · 1 year
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Here's a throwback to YL Uemura panicking while Mox is being Mox.
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samixayn · 1 year
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god damn
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byberbunk2069 · 5 months
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Not cute! This is not her natural environment! She is not meant to be a cloakroom attendant! She needs to be on the streets beating up johns and gangoons!
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sevenciircles · 1 year
anonymous asked: ✘ moxxie - are you sure??? Your thighs look chunky.
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5/10 honest asks remaining.
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"I am QUITE sure!"
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mightiermarvel · 2 years
Had a dream in which Hangman had a Garfield outfit.
Like his jeans were covered in Garfield patches and his shirt had the cowboy Garfield meme on it.
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Guys terrible news, i've reviewed the tapes and I know we thought we all saw just the BCC fracture beyond repair with the BryanMox divorce in Chicago September 7th, 2024 but I think we actually all saw the BCC fracture beyond repair with the BryanMox irreconcilable differences in Chicago on November 23rd, 2022
Regal Fucks Over Mox to try and teach the BCC to teach Yuta that betrayal can come from anywhere, trust No One, always keep your head on a swivel.
This is his means of exiting gracefully and Being of Use to the BCC when he feels he no longer serves a purpose and has a value, simply being loved is not good enough when he nothing to teach or value to impart.
Mox shows up at the Dynamite in Chicago on 11/23 after full gear ready to tear Regal apart, but Bryan stops him. This seems to be somewhat unexpected for Regal, but even more so the fact that eventually Mox listens when Bryan pleads for Bryan to let him go 'for me, if for no other reason than I love him'.
We find out two weeks later that Regal has recorded a final goodbye message to the BCC where he says that Jon Moxley is a calculating man and will understand his message before affirming that he is Blackpool Combat Club until he dies. Mox seems confused, and responds after a moment:
"The only thing I know is that the three men in this ring, live and breathe Professional Wrestling, call us whatever the hell you want."
The three men in the ring that night are Jon, Claudio, and Yuta.
What happened Jon? Decide Bryan wasn't living and breathing professional wrestling anymore so you had to set the example and have him stop breathing?
Or were you just waiting all this time? Until he was the champion Because as we all know. You aren't really the champion until you have your first title defense.
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spotlightlowlife · 8 months
manipulating the audience hazbin a helluva easy feat
I will stop these titles one day
Anyone notice how Lucifer behaved a chauvinistic dude bro when faced with Adam, made worse that he was in the presence of his daughter.
So did Lucifer cheat on Lilith?
Or was this yet another sugar sugardaddy x sugarbaby power x pov exchange only with the inclusion of the most liberal woman ever?
Adam didn't initiate the gotcha girl and gotcha girl again mockery and gave no impression of caring about this, why was this the only thing Lucifer had to rub in his face? Adam would actually go on to open up about his envy of the sinners not appreciating him for being their ancestor.
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Lucifer simply thinks sinners suck and agrees to the exterminations happening.
He is welcome to be smug.
This is just fine.
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This franchise has a pattern of this, it gives the impression that this is intentional knowing full well that along as the audience backs the right horse, they can do no wrong, insert anything anywhere and loyalty or silence prevails.
We witness Angeldust, after persistently S harrassing Husk opening up about how he isn't as comfortable or confident about the world he's in. We see for ourselves that as sex positive as he tries to portray, he's nowhere near in control.
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We then in a later episode witness Sir Pentious get SA as a gag, made worse that he was inebriated but still managed to do nothing but resist. This same episode Angeldust gets a serious scene standing up to his S predator.
Valentino is the prominent sexual predator of these stories, because Angledust is unhappy.
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Elsewhere his royal, prehistoric 'good twin', Ozzie the prince of lust isn't to blame for the sexdolls he puts out of his lover Fizzoroli, the prince of greedy who shows no interest in sex outside of adding it to a checklist of things that sell is to blame, we are abruptly told this and guided to accept it because 'cute ship', even though that ship has moved into not so fun sugardaddy x sugarbaby territory, edging towards that of the awkward transactionship of powerful, bored prince Stolas and reluctant, disadvantaged little imp Blitzø, a predatory setup that's ok because both characters get the positive spotlight and Blitzø benefits and doesn't behave like a textbook victim.
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Pentious didn't and did...
Stolas backstory is very significant, there is no sex positivity with his character, he was forced into a betrothal when he was a little child, forced into marriage as a teenager and made to have a child. His elders are to be honoured.
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Who else found themselves in this exact same situation? Stella. They have an identical backstory.
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Notice how, simply by switching some known characters around, Mammon and Fizz's interactions were a diluted spin on Blitzø and Moxxie? Fizz has a whole life away from Mammon, whose pageants chooses to compete in yearly, joint venture merchandise he promotes and phone calls he takes. He has a lover, a palace to roam around in and a day job. Blitzø works full time with Moxxie, breaks into his home, voyers on Moxxie and his wife, follows them on dates and has screwed their mutual ex for that reason.
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Both Mammon and Blitzø push Fizz and Moxxie into work when they don't want to, however we have no evidence of Fizz always being reluctant, on the contrary we once saw him look forward to going to pageant rehearsal. Unlike Fizz however, Moxxie has shown open resistance to doing things in the form of crippling fear, reason and angry argument, it all makes no difference. Mammon commented on Fizz appearing to have gained weight however fat jokes aimed at Moxxie have been plentiful, something Blitzø has partook in.
The tone is that Mammon is the villain because Fizz is sad, Fizz who had not been shown to be another Moxxie previously but when it come time for him to be a victim, he was places into a Blitzø Moxxie relationship which this time around wasn't funny.
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The tone alternatively is that Blitzø is eccentric, excusable and a fun lead to follow and Moxxie is the punching bag.
Notice how striker is a "supremisist" for wanting to bring down those at the top but it's perfectly ok for Blitzø to kill nobodies like himself.
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elsewhere it's ok for Alastor to do the same to those like him with the reluctan support of Charlie who's goal it is to save these people.
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Despite there existing an actual cannibal town, pimps and selling of souls being something she is acutely aware of, we are swayed to take Charlie's side as she sits in a position of power with her select besties at her hotel, that may have hard dr ugs on the premises, doing very little outreach even though we see community among extras, who does deals with literal lesser devils, in a world her dad created, her dad who allows exterminators to deal with who he sees as nuisances but she sees as 'family' and there's no conflict of interests, who do we see as the black and white baddies from day one? The angels.
Those who don't even sit at the top or know how things work to be specific.
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Not Vaggie though.
Your favs are allowed to be dbags too, it doesn't make you reprehensible to see this and still like them!
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This episode holy hell is it just so mixed to me.
On the one hand, the concept of Verosika having a party to comfort others hurt by Blitz is whacky in that fun Helluva S1 way but also is really sweet. She is such a fun cool likable character, her little tail waggle while cutting the cake and her expressions all of it kills me. I love her so bad shes excellent. I'm so glad she wasn't just a bitch and is shown to have a caring side in such a unique way; shes vindictive but not only for her own sake. Thats so fun and cool!
Blitz apologizing to the exes hes genuinely wronged is great too, even if the amount of people at the party feels a bit crazy/OTT, I liked that his "We're all shit we're in hell who cares how I act!" stuff was shut down. Pushing others away all the time and constantly justifying shitty behaviors is shown as no way to live, as harmful to both others and oneself, and its shown in a fun way.
On the other hand, Shitlas fucking ruins it all and taints it. You have this funny premise and Verosika being cool but then Shitlas is portrayed as just another ex hurt by Blitz, which would be fine if he was. But he's not. He's a sexually extorting, sexually harassing, child neglecting asshole who was MORE in the wrong than Blitz ever fucking was by a landslide. The whole episode is just us the audience being lied to about S1 and Blitz being gaslit about his past treatment at the hands of Shitlas. It takes a premise that was good and turns it into twisted Blitz torture porn; him feeling fucked in the head and behaving weirdly after developing an unhealthy relationship towards sex and what he has with Shitlas after being sexually extorted for months = him being an asshole. Him not sweeping Shitlas off his feet and coddling his need for a romantic partner after Shitlas has harassed the everloving fuck out of him and set up a sexual exchange he didn't want is "another example of Blitz fucking a relationship up". Just WTH.
This episode should have been just about Verosika and Blitz. NOT that owl. Can you imagine how much more meaningful it would be if Blitz had found out about the party and decided to go on his own to make things right with her?
This episode also proves the whole "They BOTH fucked up!" thing was a fat fucking lie. Because this episode puts it all on ONLY Blitz to apologize for everything. Shitlas' wrongs and need to also apologize be damned I guess! Every day he is portrayed more and more like a sad little wooby baby, a teen, and not a grown man and father. And he is a weak, boring, nasty feeling character because of it. I'm tired of being lied to about what he really is, it feels so gross.
I am just so tired of this show only calling out Blitz, and never really its other main characters (since Stolas is arguably now a side protag even higher than Loon Mox and Mil which is ridiculous). Its now the Blitz torture porn show and I'm so sick of it. Blitz can be in the wrong because his angst is delicious, while every other main character must be woobied and coddled, and anyone who opposes them is a stinky mean.
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moxtoons · 2 years
Ok so since papa D made Devil but Stickler raise him has Devil ever accidentally called stickler dad in a way?
This is actually a scene I wrote and then cut out for a couple reasons, but Devil has called Stickler dad twice. Once is this accidental tired mumbling. Stickler hears it, but never brings it up to little Devil, the next time is going to be in the comic, but you'll have to wait for that!
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Blitzø x human! Assassin! Reader
Blooming feelings
Summary: After the first few murder fiascos, you and Blitzø start catching feelings for each other. His attempts on your life morph into dates and you can't take each other as seriously as you should on the battle ground.
A/n: heyyy, I'm sorry for the slightly belated posting. The last few days have been a bit haywire for me... Anyways, I hope you enjoy the part two. Here you have the links to all the parts currently available:
Part 1: First encounter
Part 2: Blooming feelings -> you're here:)
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The smoke bomb went off, you could hear the shattering of glass and the revving of the motorbike. Y/n was gone.
"And she's gone..." Blitzø stated and was about to leave through the portal, when Moxxie pulled his sleeve:
"Sir, there's a card on the floor"
Blitzo picked it up, it was a note. In a neat handwriting the following was written:
Despite being sent to kill me
(and failing miserably),
you're chill
Call me:)
314 159 2653
Blitzø texted you this very evening. He wanted to do this instantly, but had to withhold himself - gotta preserve the reputation
You were getting ready to bed, today was a long day, right after the pleasant encounter with Blitzø, you had to rush off to deal with a murderer and then get your bike into repair. Oh and you also had to buy yourself new cargo pants, your current ones were getting a wee bit to bloodstained for your liking.
Today was a busy day. So only now, about to go to sleep, did you have time to actualy process what happened in the morning. That being you giving the attractive imp(?) your phone number... And, since he still didn't call or text you, you were staring to have second thoughts... Have you read too much into the whole thing? Was it strictly professional for him?
That's when your phone went off
Unknown: whadup, gurl
Cut the guy some slack, he was low-key nervous and was trying to come off as suave
Y/n: Blitzø?
Unknown: ya, who else wuld be txting u
Y/n: should I take offence?
Unknown: idk, do u find that offensive
Y/n: kinda?
Unknown: soz, I'll show u a picture of a horse I drew and you'll forgive me
Unknown: deal?
to be fair, Blitzø didn't know what he was writing. He had no intention of offending you and panicked, texting you the first thing that came into his mind. Thankfully, you found it amusing and texted him back:
Y/m: deal:)
He sent you a picture of a horse. You though it was really good, so that's what you texted him back. He was ecstatic and instantly sent you a few more.
Needless to say, that soon enough your gallery was filled with various drawings of horses.
In the span of the next week, you and Blitzø texted quite a lot.
He offered you a job at the IMP pretty early on:
Blitzø: ya know, when u end up in hell, a gal like you culd work for me
Y/n: why are you so sure I'd wanna work for you?
Blitzø: why wouldnt u?
Y/n: idk u trying to kill me is kind of a turn off...
Blitzø: ahhh come oooon it's not that big of a deal
Blitzø: ill take u horse riding or smth
Y/n: can't say no to that hahaha
After that reply, Blitzø got so hyped up, he literally ran out of his office and shouted:
"Fuck yeah she loves me back, ya hear that Mox," Blitz looked very much proud as he showed his employee the text chain
"Uhhh Sir, I wouldn't make such quick assumptions-"
"Shhh don't ruin the moment" Blitzo retorted pressing his finger into Moxxie's lips to silence him.
Sometimes you'd get a notification in the middle of a job and it'd be Blitzø sending you a selfie of him ( and sometimes some of his friends as well) in the middle of a fight with a caption like:
"another normal day at work (nearly got killed)"
"brunch went wrong"
Or plainly
"how u doing? "
And sometimes you'd reply with a selfie of yourself, creeping up to some guy you're about to murder. Which would cause Blitzø to text you:
Blitzø: update?
And you sending him a picture of you, potentially covered in blood, standing over a dead body.
At this point, he wasn't shying away from nicknames. He'd call you babe, sweetcheeks and sunshine.
You'd usually settle fro something along the lines of hot stuff, pretty boy, love
However, Blitzø does a lot of stupid stuff, which is when idiot, dumbass, etc. come in use
"How ya doing, hot stuff", you'd say, winking at Blitzø, causing him to try and lean on a non-existent doorframe and ultimately topple to the ground, sending you (and Millie, who witnessed it) a fit of giggles.
You and Blitzø's murderous rendezvous start to become more.. date-like. There is a lot of flirting and very little shooting done.
Sometimes you wonder, whether you guys should just drop the pretences
Moxxie and Loona are steadily growing sick of all of this. Millie finds it quite endearing, actualy.
You were presently engaged in a hand to hand combat with Blitzø. You performed a serie of punches, trying hard not to hit any super vital points. This sent your oponent tumbling on the ground.
"Youuu do punch Hella hard, babe," Blitzø drawled out "that's Hella hot "
You chuckled at this and threw him an ice pack with the words:
"Take that, wouldn't want to cause permanent damage to that pretty face of yours"
Blitzø would never admit it, but that made him blush very much, which would've been very much visible if it wasn't for his red skin (the blush was still fairly visible, just less intense).
or another time:
With one swift movement Blitzø tackled you to the ground. He smirked:
"Ya know, I could get used to this view, babe" he started nonchalantly "maybe different setting, like a bedroom" he smirked at your startled reaction "though if you prefer this place, babe, then I guess why not? I'm not picky " he continued his flirting.
You look up at him deviously, buckling your hips forward and in one movement flipping you both, positioning you on top:
"I think this is way better" you smirk at him triumphantly
"Whatever you say babe. Whatever gets us to fuck"
You didn't expect him to be THAT straightforward (honestly, that one is on you, having known him for quite some time you should've seen that coming), deep red blush cowered your cheeks. You were rescued by Loona's groan and frustrated shouting:
"Get a room! Stop defiling the fucking pavement"
The closer you grew together the more comfortable would Blitzø feel with invading your private space. He would sometimes launch "surprise attacks" on you (the reason was that "he missed you very much"):
It was the middle of the night, when you groggily opened your eyes to see Blitzø mere centimetres away from your face:
"Whatcha dreaming about?" He asked. You were about to shriek, but caught yourself in time. Meanwhile, Blitzø continued "Wake up, Im here to kill ya" his voice was far too giddy.
You were very tired. Exhausted.
"Mmmm, go to sleep, Blitzie," you pushed him lightly off you and onto the bed, wrapping your arm around him, "kill me tomorrow"
In retrospect, this wasn't very professional, but Blitzø didn't seem to mind...and judging from the soft purring in the morning, he even enjoyed it.
At this point, you're very accustomed to each other's habits. You also have a set date and time for the Blitzø's murder attempts:
You were anxiously pacing the street. It was a nice Tuesday morning. 9.15 am precisely and it has been 15 minutes since Blitzø was supposed to attack. He always showed up on time. To your murderous rendezvous.
You were about to pick up your phone and dial him, demanding an explanation (you were worried sick: What if the imp died on one of his jobs?), when he showed up, out of breath (clearly had been running) and with two coffee's in tow.
"Hey babes, d'ya miss me?" He said in his suave voice.
"You're late to your weekly murder attempt on my life" You said in a flat voice.
"Ahhh soz, there was a fucking line ot the coffee shop" he replied nonchalantly
"and the fact that you argued with the employee for ten straight minutes because they couldn't get Y/n's order right and then misspelled her name didn't do much to help" Moxxie muttered under his breath, but of course everyone heard him.
"Come on, Mox, don't embarrass Boss in front of the girl" Millie said and winked at you.
"Anyway," Blitzø said stretching out the first syllable, "I got your coffee. Just how you like" he looked at you with pride, as if he had to fight a glorious battle for it (he sort of did)
"Awwww thanks, love, that's so sweet" you smile and give him a soft peck on the cheek. You take a sip of your coffee, its delicious, just how you like it.
Once you're done drinking your coffee and are fairly caught up with the drama that you didn't manage to cover in your texts and calls, Blitzø commands:
"Now, M&M get into your positions. We're way behind schedule!"
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day (or night) <3
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Right on cue, here comes the "Yuta's getting kicked out of the BCC for the weak comments". Huge eyeroll. It wasn't just 5 Golden Elite vs 3 BCC. It was 5 Golden Elite against 1 BCC. No one was fighting those odds. If Mox didn't want to surrender, he wouldn't have. Choking Yuta unconscious doesn't win the match, that's not a surrender unless they change it so the referee can call stoppage, but we all saw how well that worked during Hell in the Cell. The fact that Mox knows exactly how it feels to be choked by that chain from Hangman and knows Yuta wasn't going to surrender just proves even more why Yuta belongs in the BCC. He wasn't going to give up.
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thatcheesyler · 5 months
Working on a lee!Striker, lers!Fizzarolli and Blitzø fic, so uh..lmk what you think so far 🫠
Just Clownin' Around (WIP)
Some say that singing a whole ‘fuck you’ song to your boss and then quitting your job while saying goodbye in a surprisingly good impression of your boss's accent might not be the best thing for one's mental health. But why should Fizzarolli care? He's thriving in Hell with his huge boyfriend and rekindled childhood friend, for fuck's sake.
Anyway, since the whole thing with Mammon, Fizzarolli had a bit of a thirst for more revenge gnawing at the back of his mind, thinking about all of his and Blitzø's shared enemies, and how much he'd like to see them bleed. Of course, when he told Blitzø about this vengeful fantasy of his, the other imp was more than enthused about getting some sweet, sweet payback. After all, Blitzø's company had been a bit short of the thrill of homicide lately, anyway.
So it was settled, the two imps would meet up at a bar and discuss the finer details.
-Lil’ time skip-
“Hmm…but which one do you think deserves to be hunted first? Striker, or Crimson?” Fizz asked, taking a sip from the straw in his glass of Beelzejuice. “Well, Crimson may be a bit off limits anyway, Mox probably wouldn't want his big daddy to get hurt unless it was by his doing.” Answered Blitzø, absentmindedly tracing one of his fingers along the cracks in the wooden bar counter top.
So that just left Striker…”But, that western cocksucker is most likely the only thing stopping Stella from killing Stolas herself. Plus, I promised Loony that I wouldn't kill anyone today because it’s her birthday.” He continued, going silent for a while, just in case Fizz was brainstorming and didn't want to be interrupted. And apparently, he was.
“..Wait, he's super self-confident. Which means, all we have to do is exploit a weakness that's embarrassing enough to catch him off guard, and threaten to blackmail him with it. Right?” It wasn't a terrible idea. But, what the hell kind of a weakness would have such an effect on a guy like Striker?
Contemplating his inquiry, Blitzø skimmed through his memories with Fizz, trying to pinpoint any specific events that involved embarrassing weaknesses that an imp would have..and wouldn't you know it, the murderous imp finally came up with a reasonable suggestion.
“Ey, Fizz, remember when we'd have those stupid dares where we'd take turns in watching each other perform, and then point out any flaws afterwards by..tickling the other person in a way that accommodates to those flaws?” Blitzø commented, smiling slightly at the fond memory, but a little flustered about the topic as he was usually the more flawed one when performing. Thankfully though, the other imp only really picked up on the main idea that he was putting down, a wry smirk now building up on his face at the thought of using this against Striker.
“It's perfect! We won't hurt Striker, but if we record him being humiliated like that, we could threaten him with the blackmail of posting the video!” Fizz replied cheerfully, slamming down a $10 bill on the counter before gripping Blitzø's arm and yanking him out of the bar. Fizz dragged him eagerly all the way down to the Wrath ring, ignoring the whiny protests that spewed from his friend's mouth like gunfire and instead focusing on tracking down Striker, while keeping his phone safe so that they can record the whole ordeal when it happens.
Sure enough, the two eventually stumbled into the weird cavern that Striker called his home, making sure to keep quiet as they leapt behind the nearest boulder. Breathing out groans of pain between whistling a casual tune, the cowboy in question was currently standing near the unrealistic statue of himself and cleaning up his burn wounds from when he tried (and failed) to kill Fizz.
“Hey, you think you can do that introduction thing that Robo Fizz did? It might be fun.” Blitzø whispered to his friend, who, in response, nodded and took a deep but silent breath.
“Hiya kids, it's me, the lovable Fizzarolli!” Fizz started, jumping up onto the boulder they were hiding behind and watching as his voice startled Striker a little.
“Say, would anyone here like to play a game with me?! It'll be so fun, I can guarantee it!” While the cowboy demon scowled and reached for his angelic gun, Blitzø shot a bullet of his own towards said gun, making it inaccessible as the two former clowns suddenly launched at him.
It took quite a hassle, but eventually they managed to pin Striker to the same part of the train tracks that Stolas had been restrained against a while ago. They then tied his arms down either side of his head with his own angelic rope, doing the same for his legs and tail. “You two fuckass clowns ain't gettin’ away with this. I will get my vengeance, just you little fellas wait..” Striker sneered, allowing a brief dark chuckle to sleep through his teeth afterwards. To which Fizz and Blitzø both looked at each other with unbothered expressions.
Setting up his phone on a nearby rock, Fizz pressed the ‘record’ button and began speaking like the whole thing was a vlog.
“Hey there, all you imps, sinners, overlords and deadly sins! Today, we have a very western guest with us. Say hi, Striker!” Fizz announced, moving out of the way so that the recording showed a clear view of the cowboy, bound helplessly to abandoned train tracks and frowning spitefully all the while.
“Go fuck yourself.” Was the only thing that Striker planned to say for most of this. Unfortunately, things never seem to go according to plan for him. “Only off camera. Now let's get down to business, shall we?” Blitzø responded, smiling along with the other clown imp.
“You're a selfish bitch that only cares about money. Understandable, however, fucking up my only ticket to the human world and then also trying to kill my friend, that's not as excusable. So, we're gonna return your ‘favour’ by humiliating you and then blackmailing you with the recording of it. Sound good? Good!”
Before Striker had gotten a chance to respond, Fizz had started talking again, reverting back to his show voice for this next part.
“Earlier I asked if you wanna play a game. And now, we're gonna play whether you like it or not! The game is called...’Don't Laugh’~!” Upon saying the name of the game, Fizz lifted his robot arms up to shoulder height and bent his fingers into claws, wiggling them simultaneously to give a hint as to what was about to happen, with a shit-eating grin on his face the whole time.
The cowboy tensed, it was subtle but it was noticed, now slightly struggling against his binds as the reality of this ‘game’ began to fully sink in. “Oh you gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me..” Striker murmured, feeling a few butterflies swarm in his stomach, something that had rarely ever occurred before. He despised the way the sensation affected him, making his body twitch in anticipation whenever someone made even the smallest movement, making him feel vulnerable, making him feel weak.
“Tch, and what kinda sick pleasure will it bring ya this time? Y'know, since everythin’ appears to be a sex thing with you two.” He remarked with a tiny smirk, clearly aiming to piss them off some more, despite his better judgment and the fact that it was just going to make everything worse for him.
Dammit, even those weird ass mini singing imps were here to watch.
His attention was yanked away, however, as Blitzø's hand then reached out towards him, and he tensed up once more, instinctively sucking his stomach in. But, the imp merely grabbed the cowboy's hat and placed it on his own head, earning a ‘seriously?’ look from both of the other demons, and an extra eye roll from Striker, who was getting fed up with this. But then Fizz's voice sounded out again, still speaking as if the whole thing was a scripted performance. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for the game to start! Alright cowboy, are you ready?!”
“Listen, I don’ know what you jester twinks are plannin’ to accomplish with this, but I can assure ya, you ain’t gon’ pull a stunt like this again once I get my reve-HENGE!!” Striker's threat was abruptly cut off by the overwhelming sensation of a robotic hand squeezing his side experimentally, his voice raising up to a slightly embarrassing high pitched tone as this happened.
The cowboy attempted to recover by clearing his throat and forcing back the anticipatory nervous smile, refusing to let his captors feel like they were winning. Said captors, however, now adorned ear-splitting smirks that caused the butterflies in Striker's stomach to temporarily double, a few more harsh tugs being acted out on the angelic restraints. “I said ‘are you ready?’, not ‘bore us with monologue’. But still, at least people on Sinstagram will enjoy the bickering. But seriously, don't laugh!” Fizz replied smugly, refocusing his attention on the imp's outfit.
There were a few scorch marks on his shirt that didn't burn through the fabric, so of course, Fizz decided to fuck around a bit and trace ever so gently over those marks, relishing in the way it made Striker flinch and gasp quietly. Yet, his resolve held true, the scowl on the cowboy's face didn't budge, but not did the angelic rope, unfortunately for him.
“Alright it's my turn, move over bitch!” Blitzø demanded, playfully shoving his friend out of the way and cracking his knuckles, before starting to spider his fingers along Striker's sides. This time, it resulted in a wobbly grin showing through for just over a millisecond, the ticklish sensation making Striker wriggle away from the pursuing hands with a bit of desperation.
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