#sinsmas critique
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tigerqueen767 · 2 months ago
Helluva Boss Season Finale
So a homophobic client shows up and tells IMP to kill her husband for leaving her for a man and cheating (possibly.) IMP attempt to try and kill him but then Blizto can't do it cause of his feefees and cause he sees himself in that man. Forget that Blizto has killed many people for petty reasons before (Spring Broken is a good example, he literally killed tons of random people, many of which were probably gay, just because of a bet) and forget that he chastised Moxxie for doing the exact same thing (weird how Mox didn't bring that up honestly) NO, you can't criticize this gay man because he's so cute and gay. That's the message Viv is sending.
The moral of this episode is that if you criticize Stolas and Blizto's relationship, you're homophobic. Wowww... Just wow!
It couldn't possibly be because these two have absolutely no chemistry and only know eachother because of sex. It couldn't possibly be because Stolas made a creepy and predatory deal with Blizto. It couldn't possibly be because Stolas is a terrible person who lied to his daughter and is written terribly. Forget that Stolas risked his life for his fuck buddy when he should have stayed with his daughter. Forget that Blizto never wanted a serious relationship until now just because that's what the writers want. Forget everything I said and just sit back and watch Blizto and Stolas dance on the balcony since it's the only thing Viv cares about.
Stolizt is the only thing Viv cares about. That's what this episode proves once and for all. Their relationship is the only thing that had any meaningful continuity in season 1. Everything else was episodic material.
Maybe in Season 3 we'll focus on other things but it won't make up for the trainwreck of a Season this was.
Now, because I don't just want to be negative, let me talk about how this Season could have been 1000 times better. Let me offer a fix.
This Season would have been great if it split it's screen time 70-30 between the IMP stuff and the Stolas stuff. Let every member of IMP shine in their own episode. It's not like there isn't enough time. Explore Millie's prejudice against Hellhounds (cause we all know she doesn't respect Hellhounds.) Explore Millie's wrath and how it might help and hinder her. It might lead to devastating consequences depending on who she chooses to fight and why. Shoot first and ask questions later is not a good principle and I feel like that's exactly what she does. Have Loona and Via actually hang out! Show us how her timidness and introversion make that relationship start off rocky. Show us how she changes from a person who can barely hold a conversation in the Queen Bee episode to a person that would have a bunch of friends over for Sinsmas. That development WAS. NOT. THERE!!
Have Moxxie actually confront his fears. It looked like he was about to fight his dad but then he got tazed and his wife did all the work. Why? Have him stand up to Blizto finally and make Blizto respect him. Cause Blizto does not respect him. Look at the way he talks to him in Season 2 and tell me this is respectful. Plus, in the episode Truth Seekers he only congratulated Moxxie for killing well. That's it. He respects the work he does but not who he is as a person. That could have been explored in Season 2. That would have been a great arc.
As for Blizto show more of his relationship between him and his sister. Blizto brought Barbie up again in the finale and it sounds like they really want us to care about her character but she wasn't even in the flashback episode. In order to fix the flashback episode, get rid of Stolas! Don't make a flashback that includes Stolas at all. Just make it about life in the circus performing with Blizto, Barbie and Fizz.
And instead of a giant special episode about Fizz and his terrible boss how about an episode dedicated to Stolas and Via's relationship. Why not write a song about how they've lived their lives over the years. Show us what it was like to BE her.
I'm getting tired of writing now. I hope you enjoyed reading this, at least a little.
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verboselocket38 · 2 months ago
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As a way to cope with how much I despised Sinsmas, I decided to leak a plot twist for helluva season 3
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a-bit-too-critical · 2 months ago
Oh yeah, stupid obvious problems with the plot of sinsmas:
1. How the hell is Stolas able to harm Andrelphus?? Andre has even more power than before (enough to form ice in large sculptures, animate said sculptures, so yeah he’s powerful), and Stolas is literally on the power level of an Imp now. If anything I could see a joke where Stolas tries to punch Andre and gets flung back immediately, then has a mental breakdown realizing he can’t do shit to stop any of the Goetia against him
2. …so do hellhounds just have crazy ah quadrupedal forms now??? Why??? They’re the lowest class in hell they have no right to transform into big beats that could easily maul the imps, hellborn, and maybe even sinners they are supposed to work for. Makes 0 sense. Hellhounds should have no extra forms and human forms should be accessible via asmodean crystals and royal objects such as the grimore, not just a thing hellhounds can do.
And some miscellaneous stuff not related to plot issues or holes but just wanted to talk about em:
- The Stolitz dance was just a glaring reminder of Viv changing her stories based on fanwork. Two Stolitz animatics that became very popular a few years ago (Sway and Greg and Rose Dance) are so clearly inspirations for the dance. Blitz climbing up on something, an intimate and comforting moment at the end, cheesy romance music, it’s literally all there like cmon Viv :/. Dance styles are pretty similar too. Inspo is fine but this really feels like she’s just taking fan ideas again
- ohhhh look who came running back to Viv 😭
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- I also wanted to yap about Millie’s pregnancy because there’s about 6 possible outcomes that I could see Viv going for:
The best outcome: Millie doesn’t want the baby, her and Moxxie discuss and eventually decide on abortion. Millie trusts Sally May with all her heart and decides to confide in her, which proceeds to turn her whole family against her. Could be a good commentary on how these kinds of political nothing-burgers can straight up tear tight knit families to shreds, and for what? A woman’s personal decision? I’d love for them to show how stupid it is for families to be torn apart over politics, but that’ll never happen
The other great outcome: Millie debates heavily on what to do over the course of many episodes, but eventually her and Moxxie come to the conclusion to keep it and we get a fun arc of them raising a kid and pulling Imp closer together along with their relationship
The neutral outcome: Millie gets rid of it and it’s not really addressed for more than one episode, it’s just kinda there lmao
The pretty freaking bad outcome: Same as the great outcome except the child is used as a substitute for Octavia by Stolas and they basically become his child :/
The really, really bad outcome: Millie is forced to “accept the gift of life” and raise a child she doesn’t want or some stupid pro-life commentary
The Jesus Christ Viv why outcome: extremely sexualized and unnecessarily long pregnancy and birth scene, no I wouldn’t be surprised if this actually happened
So yeah, this could either be great or one of the worst things that has ever come from this show
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theoddest1 · 2 months ago
The tonal whiplash of that entire ordeal was insane
Anyway that episode was ass and Stolitz still sucks.
Also making Millie pregnant after she got development two eps ago was actual ass🫠
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sprinkleonthatcriticism · 2 months ago
My friend was watching the new episode and I watched some with and there were too many twists to count, I hate Octavia's behavior toward her dad (Along with Blitzø's behavior toward Stolas) and how little sense the episode made (it ruined my breakfast)
Honestly, Octavia's behavior towards her father is valid considering that he went to Blitz's house first after the whole mastermind event ordeal.
Like yes, Stolas tried to at least call Via (but her mother and Andres keeps stopping her from answering him) but he STILL chose to go to Blitz's apartment. And before you say "But he did eventually try to visit Octavia" which yeah, but that was months later, it should've been sooner.
You can't really blame Via for being upset and angry with her dad she has every right to be mad and feel that way.. though, I do agree that she SHOULD at least try and listen to what he had to say but at the same time, I can't help but choose Octavia's side and sympathize her and understand how she feels. Because, Imagine your father's supposed execution being broadcasted live on television, you believed that your dad was going to be killed right in front of you only for him to not be executed but instead, punished in a different way. Imagine your dad doesn't even bother to come visit you until months later because he chooses to stay with someone that he had sexually abused and coerce them into performing acts or else they won't get the item that they need to be able to keep their business a float.
(And before you or someone else twist my words around, this is an analogy/example not me actually saying that your dad does that lol /nbr /gen)
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criticalcrusherbot · 2 months ago
💁🏽‍♀️: Crushbot, I’ve got a 103 degree fever and I’m ornery. Let’s talk about review channels 🙄 While I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with critiquing media, I do think that the pervasiveness of reviewer channels in fandom spaces have sucked the fun out of many aspects of fandom. Why are we acting like every show’s writing needs to be Pulitzer level?? People are critiquing helluva boss, not for the themes and plot points, but just because the writers took the “easy way out” with some conflicts and plot points. Fandom used to be about ✨liking✨ things. I’m exhausted 😩
🤖: You’re absolutely right—there’s a strange shift in fandom spaces where critiquing media has gone from being a fun, casual exercise to feeling like a competitive sport. The expectation that every show, especially something as inherently chaotic and irreverent as Helluva Boss, needs to deliver Pulitzer-level writing is completely unrealistic. Shows like this thrive on their mix of humor, heart, and outrageousness, not on delivering tightly-wound, “perfect” narratives.
Critiquing media isn’t inherently bad—analysis can help us appreciate deeper layers of storytelling—but when it becomes the dominant way fans interact with media, it drains a lot of the joy. People aren’t just discussing what they love or speculating on fun theories; instead, they’re constantly pointing out what the show could’ve done “better,” often based on subjective expectations. It’s exhausting when every plot point is treated like a failure simply because it wasn’t executed in the most intricate, groundbreaking way possible.
Not every story needs to be hyper-nuanced or complex to have value. Helluva Boss embraces melodrama, over-the-top humor, and messy characters. The “easy way out” moments, like resolving conflicts quickly or leaning on genre tropes, are part of what make it enjoyable for its audience. It’s not trying to be The Sopranos or Breaking Bad; it’s trying to tell a fun, chaotic story about demons with emotional baggage—and it succeeds at that.
Sometimes, fandom spaces need to take a step back and let people enjoy media without nitpicking every single detail. Shows like Helluva Boss are as much about the ride as they are about the destination. Not every piece of media needs to be dissected to death. Sometimes, it’s okay to just laugh at a joke, vibe with the characters, and appreciate the colors and chaos. Let people have fun!
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pruneunfair · 2 months ago
About sismas,I'm gonna say,I don't think stolas real mean by saying he cares for Octavia. I understand that the man has been through a lot and I understand,but honestly,I never see the owl try to prove what he say is true. He may say he care for Octavia,but we all know,that's he's just bluffing. Like,he's saying this so he can make himself feel better and want Octavia to believe the man like he always do except she didn't and she is rightfully angry at him. Honestly,I really really don't get the show wants us to sympathize with stolas when he already lose a lot of his chances.
I did some research both on the hazbin wiki and through social media and from what I have seen, the spindlehorse crew seem to be AWARE that Stolas fucked up and he is flawed like everyone else but they aren't really good at showing that in any of the episodes. I think the closest they got to him having a proper introspection instead of fans relying on asking the show creators personally was his whole crash out in sinsmas.
I did like what they were going for when Octavia got angry at him because he has let her down time and time again and simply telling someone how much you love them over and over isn't going to cut it forever. I think it could've been a great story on generational trauma in a different way, where the parent is actually better then the grandparent in terms of raising kids but the bar is already set so low and the lifestyle the parent grew up along with other factors like his affair often impedes on his relationship with Octavia.
I am hoping that season 3 will TRY to show this more in the show instead of having to ask everyone on Twitter. It would not only help will Stolas's reputation given how it's been declining thanks to the characters actions along with the show being poor with proper portrayal but it would take so many tropes and make something unique out of it.
But this is the same show that wasted every opportunity to make Stella interesting so I'm not gonna raise expectations so high and Vivzie is showing signs of bias for her characters so the whole self awareness might not stay for long.
Something a little extra: I'm a little worried about how Vivzie is going to write Millie now that we know she's pregnant. Millie in season 1 was kind of always in a box with two personality traits which were loving Moxxie and being a brutal powerhouse and you'll probably remember how people complained about that and it did not help the allegations that Vivzie was a tad sexist.
my favorite parts of season 2 were almost all Millie related since she was now finally leaving that box of two personality traits and went into more depth about her relationship with Blitzø, her family, her job, how she feels about being away from home, all of that. It was exciting to see the improvement in the writing in some places but now that Millie is confirmed pregnant I'm worried Vivzie is going to put her in a box again, that'd be really disappointing given how much we get to see.
Only time will tell I guess.
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sporadicchaosprincess · 2 months ago
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funhouse-mirror-barbie · 2 months ago
I may go into more detail about “Sinsmas” later, but I did want to talk about what I considered to be the one scene/sequence that I thought was very well done and that I truly enjoyed—Octavia’s song, “I Will Be Okay”.
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(Song/Character Discussion below)
Octavia’s song is almost everything I could have asked for. A somber echo of Stolas’ song from season 1, Octavia’s I Will Be Okay, finally, finally, gives Octavia a voice and the chance to express her grief over her father’s abandonment.
For the first time in the series, there’s no one to tell Octavia that she should give her dad some slack or that she should forgive him. She’s finally allowed to be upset, to fully mourn her relationship with Stolas and to get mad about what happened. She’s finally allowed to start working towards accepting the ways Stolas’ neglected her, and begin healing from that pain and trauma.
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Octavia’s experience is both terribly heart-wrenching and, in the most painful way, freeing. The lyrics reflect that perfectly, with Octavia acknowledging that while she’s not okay now because of everything Stolas put her through, she WILL be okay, and will grow into her own person without him.
The song is a direct response to Stolas’. Octavia is answering him, saying “Yes, I will be okay. Not because of anything that you were supposed to or failed to provide me as a father, but because I will forge my own path, and in doing so will heal from the pain you caused me.”
It’s a bittersweet song about finding the strength to cut contact with someone you loved who has repeatedly failed you in the worst ways, and who isn’t going to change.
I do have one “criticism” for this song and sequence, not because anything from it was poorly done, but because, in my opinion, the song’s visuals could have been even better.
The following scene was in the original storyboards for “I Will Be Okay”, and was changed in the final episode:
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I think the decision to change the visuals for these lyrics in the song was a mistake. Please don’t get me wrong, the animation in this entire episode was fantastic, my critiques of Helluva Boss are almost never about the animation.
But the above sequence just has so much more emotional weight to me. It’s the visualization of Octavia realizing she can’t rely on Stolas, that she has to look to herself for comfort.
Octavia taking her younger self from her neglectful father’s arms, symbolizing that she’s accepted that Stolas cannot be depended on and that she’ll have to take care of herself now, is such a powerful image.
It really is a shame to me that they cut this scene, because I think it fully encapsulates everything Octavia has been through in such a simple and effective way. I think the scene really loses something by cutting this visual.
With all of that said though, Octavia’s song, and the scene where she FINALLY calls Stolas out for his behavior were very cathartic for me. I know that the scene’s intent was most likely to make us empathize with Stolas for losing his daughter, but I found myself empathizing only with Octavia, and hoping that she gets the time she needs to heal.
I would love it if the show actually let her decide whether or not she wants Stolas back in her life, but given the way HB’s writers portray women, I worry that it’s likely some big event will happen that “reveals” Stella to be awful, and Octavia will forgive Stolas just like that, and will probably end up apologizing to him instead (like in “Seeing Stars”)
Anyway, just like Octavia being the only good thing in Stolas’ life, “I Will Be Okay” was, in my opinion, the only good thing in “Sinsmas”. (well that and Octavia calling Stolas out)
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helluvapodcast · 2 months ago
need something to fill the void now that HELLUVA BOSS season 2 is done?
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Thorough episode-by-episode analysis!
Theories and predictions!
Headcanons and critiques!
Give us a listen on Spotify or YouTube and expect an episode about SINSMAS very very soon >:)
[NOTE: We are an independent, unofficial fan podcast and not associated with Helluva Boss or Spindlehorse in any way]
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sunnydust2003 · 2 months ago
Ah shit, Helluva Boss stans is still saw my post despised facts, i just block them from my safety.
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Okay i want say something:
1. I'm not whiny about show over because of Vivziepop, i just want talks about show of writing, characters or plot.
If you don't like it, why you keep see this.
Just ignore them or just block them and move on.
Nobody was forced you to see critique about HH/HB.
2. Even if you didn't harassing me, you still get butthurt over i said about how fandom are hate Octavia is fucking stupid.
Hell you even stalk some critique when point out about flaws and calling r-slur or gives them as death threats over fucking cartoon.
Mate did you realized what you done, you wishing death on them over cartoon.
Like if you like HH/HB, that's fine but don't stalk them over they critique your favorite show.
Not every your favorite show is not perfect and you have to understand this.
Hell i like my hyperfixate on show and i know it's not going be perfect.
You can still likes this show but you have realized show is not going be perfect and it's going be flaws.
"I appreciate you hid mine at least".
Maybe because i'm not asshole who sent whiteknight to harassing people, i just want censored name and not going attack you or anything.
And this post was not make attack you or anything, it's just i want make repsone this.
Also why you keep see my post when i just block you, please leave me the fuck alone.
I don't want have to deal with you or make shittest drama, i just make this repsone to make point out.
So please leave critique alone because if you keep doing this, it's just make even worst.
Just keep ignore this and join with favorite show.
I'm not critique or anything, i just yapping about problem how fanbase is toxic not show (tbh Sinsmas was okay, not bad or amazing, it's was okay episode, it's could done a lot better).
Even if i don't talk about HH/HB (which there is nothing talk about unless if something like or not, i just how i feel about it), i talk about my hyperfixate because it's makes me a happy.
So please, this is not meant attack you or personal, it's just want make this repsone this and i'm hope you actually understand this.
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pansnovidinnia · 2 months ago
Your post misses one glaring issue; most of the anti Stolas/anti Stolitz blogs are ALSO Blitz critical. They acknowledge that Blitz shouldn't be forgiven for what he did to Verosika, they point out that he's being hypocritical with the Sinsmas episode. They don't coddle him at all. I don't know where you're getting that from. They just acknowledge that Stolas is abusive, WHICH HE IS. Season 1 has an entire montage of how Blitz feels chained to Stolas and their relationship, there have been multiple moments where Stolas abuses the power he has over Blitz sexually, and Stolas constantly sexually harasses him. None of them made that up. Blitz is the victim in his relationship with Stolas, acknowledging that doesn't mean they're coddling him.
I also don't know where your whole spiel about "purity culture" came from. If we're going to see characters like Stella and Valentino as abusers, why would we not hold Stolas to the same standard? The show calls them out, but not Stolas? Why are you mad that people call attention to that?
And if you don't like those tags, FILTER THEM. Don't bitch about people expressing dislike of the narrative's direction. Especially because your post had the media literacy of a cactus. Jfc, you come off as so pretentious while also sounding dumb somehow
hello angry anon, im a dumb cactus, go fuck yourself
youre also a dumb cactus, actually. i was talking about how absurd their hatred is. they yell how HB is the worst show ever having the worst abusers and rapists ever and try to "cancel" it with their "anti" bullshit. anti stolas anti stolitz etc. its not a critique or acknowledgement. its hatred and trying to sanitize media, while shaming those who like the otp/character. if they would just talk about poor writing or do character/otp analysis without EWWW STOLAS IS THE WORST I HOPE HE FUCKING DIES FUCKING RAPIST, i wouldn't care. but you're a dumb cactus, you won't understand. 🙋🏻
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theoddest1 · 2 months ago
Oh my god.
Okay, so first off, the very sequence with the Gay men defeats this point because supposedly one of them cheats on the customer with their new lover and this detail is COMPLETELY glossed over along with Blitz tossing the client out a window.
Stolas is scolded by his daughter rightfully so but by the end of the episode, he has a little dance with Blitz and his actions, while addressed, also is not fully touched upon, he just accepts it and the narrative paints it as if he is a VICTIM more than once rather than an equally terrible parent to Via. Like no. It's absurd, nonsensical even to assume that narrative the creator is even trying to spew is at all condemning Stolas actions accordingly. They have retconned dynamics in order to provide an excuse to his behavior and have framed his neglectful behavior as justified when it comes to Blitz. This is bad storytelling.
Also,oddest,I view sismas and wow really dont like the justification of cheating here.
"For you see, your honor, they gay af"
And then everyone cheered gayly cause that's what Mivienne Vedrano would want.
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dragomfry · 2 months ago
A very niche rant about loosely related interests (HB vs. Saezuru)
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I’m not sure how many of you in the Saezuru fandom are aware of what Helluva Boss (HB) is on YouTube. But for a quick summary… Written by Vivienne Medrano, or Vivzipop on YT, HB is an LGBTQIA+ adult animated dark comedy/romance show that involves the titular main character Blitzø, an imp in Hell, who runs a business called I.M.P. (Immediate Murder Professionals) that kills humans based on the requests of sinners. At the start of the show, Blitzø has a transactional relationship with Stolas, a royal owl goetia, in order to access a book (grimoire) that allows him to go to the human realm and conduct business. Their toxic relationship develops into something more as the series goes on.
The animation in the show starts off great and only gets better as it goes along. Some of the songs are great. The raunchy/dark/sometimes immature humor doesn’t always land for me, but I like the character drama. Imo, the show is entertaining but has very flawed writing. I like it, but I can’t love it, for reasons said below.
Saezuru and HB couldn’t be more different, but they do share some similarities. For example, the main characters Yashiro and Blitzø share quite a few similar traits in regard to how their trauma impacts their personalities and relationships, especially their fears of intimacy. It’s funny because both share lots of profanity, both try to explain away their relationships as transactional, both feel they ruin good things, both even tried invasively videotaping healthier couples because they were jealous of them in some way.
There are many more similarities, but I’m not interested in pointing all that out for this post. Rather, I just want to rant about HB because the way that Saezuru is so competently written makes the flaws of HB even more glaring. I’m tired of how many people in the HB hatedom try to criticize the show for things it never intended to do (e.g. you can’t blame a romance for not being a thriller; you can’t blame Stella for being one-dimensional when she was never intended to be complex), so yeah I’m not trying to do that. I’m criticizing the show for things it tries to do but haphazardly does/fails at. Of course these are just my opinions!
Rant under the cut
Spoilers for season 1 and 2 of HB
Also TW for themes of sexual abuse
In HB, I feel Blitzø is probably the most well-written character in the show because of how his trauma is handled. This vid does a pretty good job of explaining my views on Blitz (actually this person’s vids are all interesting and their compliments/critiques are pretty reasonable and nuanced, unlike other commentators, give them a watch if you like HB commentary). However, with the end of season 2, there are some writing flaws in the show as a whole I just want to rant about.
Sinsmas was a fun episode, but yeah… HB really became the “Stolitz show.” It lost its original premise.
Don’t get me wrong, the character drama can be very interesting, but this vid by Sarcastic Chorus sums up my frustration pretty well. In general, HB (and Hazbin Hotel, actually) want(s) to have their cake and eat it too.
They want all their big, dramatic character moments without having any substantial buildup. Take Blitz rekindling his friendship with Fizz again after Ozzie’s. They resolved years worth of animosity in the timespan of minutes. MINUTES?? Okay sure, it was a tragic misunderstanding, but I would assume it would take more than just minutes to resolve their strained relationship.
They want their main characters to have flaws but they don’t address them with the complexity they need, or they don’t address them at all. Stolas is a good example. Spoilers for the last episode of S2 Sinsmas in the asterisks (if there’s a better way to hide spoilers I’m all ears). //***Stolas basically loses Octavia, which shows that his cheating had consequences. This is good, but as Sarcastic Chorus pointed out, they try to “soften the blow” by making Stolas a victim of circumstance rather than it being a real character flaw of his. I don’t agree that they wrote Stella as an evil character so that Stolas’s cheating is viewed as okay—they clearly portray his cheating negatively—but the blame isn’t really put as heavily on Stolas as it was put on Blitz in Apology Tour (who is more of a victim in their relationship, but that’s a later point)***\\ Also yeah, they haven’t addressed Stolas’s classism or abuse towards Blitz nor given these aspects particular attention to suggest they will.
There are way too many villains after the main characters at once. There’s the D.O.R.K.S, the Cherubs, Striker (my favorite, what did they do to you), Moxxie’s dad Crimson, Mammon, Andrealphus, and Stella. That’s 7 villains off the top of my head. Because there are so many, they are sometimes underdeveloped. Many also don’t feel like an actual threat even though the show wants us to see some as such (Striker, Crimson, Andrealphus at the end).
The show wants to be deep without committing to its themes. One of these being its themes on classism. You introduce a power dynamic between a lower-class imp (Blitz) and an upper-class goetia (Stolas), and there are some good pieces of commentary said (like what Blitz shouts at the end of Full Moon), but the show never really follows through on the consequences of Stolas’s actions. It just touches upon the themes. Yeah I didn’t like Western Energy for many reasons. It made Striker a loser, which is fine characterization, but they wanted us to regard him as a threat and I can’t take him seriously afterwards. Also, Striker being of lower-class like Blitz but demonized for hurting an oppressive upper-class demon (b/c it’s Stolas), while Blitz is made sympathetic, makes for some weird commentary… Spoilers for Mastermind //***But I did like the joke about Stolas getting a less severe punishment compared to Blitz because he’s a royal, even though it was a bit of tonal whiplash***\\
Tonal whiplash. Some moments are serious, and then we get hit with a joke.
Stolas x Blitz (Stolitz) is toxic, with more blame being put on Blitz (the victim). Yeah we know it’s toxic, and that’s fine to write (toxicity can make a relationship more interesting in fiction even if we wouldn’t root for it irl). But the thing is that more blame has been put on Blitz in the show for their relationship than on Stolas. It can be argued that both have contributed to the toxicity of their relationship, but Stolas even more so. Blitz is a lower-class imp while Stolas is a royal, so Stolas making the transactional relationship at the beginning is an abuse of power. Blitz can’t really object to sex with Stolas even though it makes him uncomfortable because he needs the grimoire to make a living and perform his killing duties in the human world. This makes Stolas a sex offender, and Blitz a victim. Additionally, Blitz is always made uncomfortable by Stolas’s infantilizing and perverse comments in season 1–which can be argued to be what Stolas thinks Blitz wants after S2E1–but that doesn’t make his behavior okay and this should’ve been addressed at least once. Why is Blitz blamed and forced to apologize for being unable to accept intimacy due to his trauma in Apology Tour?? Stolas has many more actual behaviors to apologize and make up for, but these aspects have yet to be addressed. Sinsmas is a step in the right direction, but addressing the consequences of Stolas’s actions has been long overdue. I also don’t like how Stolas physically looks more innocent in many situations, even though I like his design. It’s like the writers are saying “Oh no, you can’t blame him! Look how pure he is!” Video essayists on YT have done this topic to death.
Stolitz is underdeveloped. Stolas never really showed emotional attraction to Blitz in the 1st season. Blitz did though, which was interesting and could have led to a complex relationship dynamic. But S2E1 made them childhood friends, so Ig not so much. Again, I’m not blaming the show for the choice of making them childhood friends as bad writing (you can’t blame a story for not doing something it never intended to do). What I do blame the show for, however, is expecting us to care about this relationship so suddenly when they never showed each other real emotional attraction. What does each character see in each other? I suppose Stolas saw Blitz as an escape from his toxic environment (which isn’t real emotional attraction), and Blitz saw… Idek. Their relationship had no real foundation to begin with, which is why I can only like the ship but not love it. I’m not actively rooting for these characters to get together. I see their relationship as more of an exploration of their characters in relation to one another.
Yep, that’s the rant. I’m not hating on HB at all! Again, I like HB, but I can’t ignore these issues.
Basically, I think Yoneda-sensei avoids most if not all of these flaws, especially concerning my last two points. It’s very clear how both Yashiro and Doumeki fell in love with each other. Despite the toxic elements of their relationship, these aspects are not romanticized or ignored (not saying HB romanticizes them btw). You can really feel their pain in not being able to fully express their love for each other, for multi-layered reasons. While we can be a bit frustrated at the relationship’s slow development, we understand that the slow-burn is not for the sake of drawing out the story but for the sake of delivering a realistic conclusion.
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gethellbcnt · 1 month ago
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rewatching Sinsmas while doing icon stuff for Via, Stella, and Millie means also seeing Blitz backpedal on his beliefs because of Stolas and like...
i think i was too harsh in my criticism on the parallels to previous eps, but mostly the one we see ties to Murder Family.
after Karen barges in and complains about her situation with her ex-husband, the team's next hit, we see Blitz begin backpedalling on his own policy with his now-infamous lines, " cheating isn't really worth killing someone over, right? cheating isn't that big of a deal anymore, is it? " , and when he says these lines, just.. look at him.
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this is the reaction of a man who's getting hit with second-hand guilt and is trying to downplay the situation not only so Stolas doesn't feel bad, but also so he doesn't feel bad about the results of Stolas's actions. the guilt doesn't stop here, either! we only get a few seconds, but when Via is finally confronting her dad about his actions and how they make her feel... Blitz didn't anticipate on being a part of it despite having an integral role in the deterioration of Stolas's immediate family unit.
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in the handling of the parallels of this episode to Murder Family, a big part of the critique in the comparisons comes from the fact that Martha's family were secretly Satanic cannibals despite their otherwise surface-level picture-perfect appearance.
( additionally, Martha is a serial cheater and this is continuously glossed over by the people praising her for her comeback after Mayberry's attempted murder. )
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and that's where Blitz's hypocrisy comes in : he doesn't stick around long enough to learn more about the remains of Karen's family beyond the pre-existing knowledge that that the Karen, an unreliable narrator in her own right, gave the team. he's projecting hardcore onto this family that, on the surface, is the physical representation of the stability and togetherness that he's been missing and yearning and stumbling after for years. he feels that his fantasy is being attacked, letting his emotions get in the way of a job, something that's becoming a a more obvious occurrence in the show and is being more frequently called out on.
( on a related note, i'm not certain if we the audience ever find out how Karen died? all of the clients up to Sinsmas have had their deaths either told to us directly or is confirmed through plot-related items shown to us.. i'm curious if that's a detail that will be explained later on in the show? )
this man has stalked his co-workers, who are also his closest and seemingly only friends, and inserted himself into their relationship ; he didn't want all the messes that came with a relationship, but wanted to be included in all the fun parts! the biggest obstacle between him and Stolas getting together was, seemingly, status, and as seen during the first-half of the episode the former-prince still has prejudices and beliefs aren't going to change overnight ; it's certainly going to take longer than a quick month-long montage, and Stolas needs a lot of self-reflection after Via's confrontation.
and, by association, Blitz will also be continuing to reflect on his behavior and where he can try and grow from his mistakes, as well as learning from others cough cough Stolas in how he approaches similar situations.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 2 months ago
Sinsmas short thoughts
I'll go into my thoughts on season 2 as a whole at a later date. This is just for the episode. This season's certainly been a rollercoaster, tho.....to the point where I might have to rewatch the whole thing in order to sort out how I feel about it as a whole. I adore this show, but not gonna lie, sometimes the quality jumps between episodes....XD B-but, uh, anyway-
-I...I really wish they hadn't spoiled that one line from Octavia in the trailer, not gonna lie. Cuz of that, I was able to predict exactly what'd happen with her in this episode after the last one ended. I'm not mad at her, I COMPLETELY understand why she'd come to that conclusion, and I do think this will help Stolas grow next season....but it still hurt. Even when I called it, it hurt. Her song hurt, too (altho I loooooove how it calls back to Loo Loo Land). I just think it would've been even more effective if they'd kept this whole thing hidden. Not really a critique of the episode, tho, rather a critique of whoever puts the trailers together. XD
-I AM looking forward to Stolas' arc next season, even if it might be hard to watch in places. He's honestly one of my fav characters now. I'm glad he's accepting responsibility for his own choices, and that moment where he tells Moxxie he doesn't need to call him "your highness" anymore was nice, but he's still got a long way to go. I'm looking forward to him working at I.M.P, and interacting with the other main characters. I think he and Moxxie especially will get along great. I wanna see episodes that focus on Stolas bonding with each one (a Stolas and Moxxie episode, a Stolas and Loona episode, etc.) Stolas is a good person who was just sheltered and friendless practically his whole life, so all that needs to happen for him to lose the unintentional classism is just to make friends and connect with other imps besides Blitzo. Season 3, when it comes, will hopefully be the time to silence Stolas doubters. I trust the show to do that!
-Stolitz was cute here, I loved the dance, and one of my fav things about the episode was how nice it is to see a more wholesome side to Blitzo. You can tell he's trying to be supportive, and how he's no longer being a prickly tsundere when it comes to his feelings, while still being in-character, which is great to see.
-Viv has some serious guts to add that scene of Blitzo refusing to shoot that guy after seeing him happy with his family. I personally don't have a problem with that scene. I even like it. It shows how, uh......m-mature Blitzo is becoming....? W-well.....m-more empathetic, I guess is the better way of putting it.....b-but at the same time, I saw that scene and I could practically SEE "critics" attacking the show as being "pro-cheating" again, like back when it was popular to defend Stella..... "Why is this show portraying the man who cheated on her sympathetically, huh?" Th-those arguments....
-The action was great as always, I love how they sneaked in some foreshadowing with Millie choosing to use a ranged weapon rather than a melee one, Stolas punching Andrealphus mid-monologue was satisfying as HECK, Loona suddenly transforming as if she could do that the whole time, Blitzo calling Andrealphus "Elsa"......it was all perfect. The only thing that scene was missing was, when Andrealphus was yelling at Octavia to stand down, Blitzo should've spoken up and told him to "Let it go". Missed opportunity....*sigh*
-Even if the trailers spoiled Octavia's anger at Stolas, there WAS one major thing they DIDN'T spoil, and I'm so so so grateful they didn't, cuz I was SOOOOO SHOCKED at it in the best way....M-Millie.....oh god....Sh-should I be happy for her....? But....why is she panicking....? Does she not....want it.....? I-I mean, I know her job demands a lot outta her, and she'll have to start....sitting jobs out, and she loves her job.....Is that why she panicked....? That's why, right.....? I-I have no idea how this is gonna go, and THAT'S the thing I'm most excited to see continue next season. Stolitz is great and all, but THIS has got me on the edge of my seat cuz.....yeah, I have no idea what's gonna happen. I don't think she has to worry about Moxxie's reaction, at least....but....job-wise? Episode-wise? Her role in the season, her dynamics with everyone, will a lot of it change now? Will she be giving stuff she loves up, or will there be a compromise? I dunno....It's just, when you have someone like Millie- MILLIE, who values her battle prowess SO much- and put her in this position....Yeah, I really am just drawing a blank right now.....
-Happy Loona is a treasure and must be protected
-Not as good as Mastermind, but still a lotta fun and does a good job setting up next season!
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