#it was just to dump a bunch of little story lore to get it out of the way
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puhpandas ¡ 3 months ago
listen hw2 was fun and all when it came out but god am I glad that we have other stuff going on now and that it's not the most recent relevant thing to talk about bc. jesus was it frustrating when it came out
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spotlightlowlife ¡ 8 months ago
A helluva sorry-ass trip
This is what apology tour should be called because that's what it was, mindblowingly maniacal and childish at the same time, literally WTF was that? Did two dimensions really collide like the Mandela effect theorist claimed? Have some of us shifted from an old reality of mature outlook and we need to get with it and allow ourselves to be conditioned to be in agreement with the tone of this story? Or are we just being gaslight?
Are we truly suppose to buy that Blitzø has this many exs and all of them believed themselves to be in a serious relationship with him and all of them are this hurt and this large quantity of them are willing to go way out of their way for this party?
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Isn't Blitzø only in his mid to late 30s?
Wasn't he a busy and seemingly decent person living with his family circus for the first 20 or so years of his life?
Since when was Stolas his ex and why does he accept this title? Why did he feel the need to let him know about the anti Blitzø party? Where's his realisation after his sulk in the last episode where he gave Blitzø a choice but not really, the awkwardness at Ozzie's, or how their transactionship started, that this wasn't a thing?
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This would be the perfect time to let us know how out of touch Stolas is, that not so deep down he's that little prince who pointed a stranger out that who he liked, then that stranger was bought to his castle for him to play with.
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Near three decades later he has failed to assess that fond memory and still sees this person as his friend. He's someone who sits at home and learns ideals from dramatic tv shows, a big change from miserable, planned out life he would rather not acknowledge .
But no, that's not what we get.
Stolas tells us all the things he really want from a relationship and they're things that he could apply to anyone, totally impersonal to Blitzø.
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Stolas sees romcom cliches, he's lonely, he wants what he sees for himself and Blitzø didn't live up to any standard he set, he claimed to atleast want the basics of a companionship, but for Blitzø, since when? The ambush? The few times he made doe eyes when he weren't looking?
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We are supposed to make a judgement based on how pissed and miserable Stolas is and the fact that their are a bunch of like minded others, not taking into account that they all have a different story to tell yet we have plenty of Stolas x Blitzø to look back on to make a fair judgement.
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Stolas is immediately flattered by the first person to make a move on him, infront of Blitzø, and they have fun together, invaldating all that the story tried to push recently. Blitzø could truly be anybody, so who at this point could watch this and still believe that Stolas is hopelessly in love?
The entire episode was yet another attempt to have us forget all we have seem of Stolas being the commanding and powerful presence who holds all the cards. Helped further by not one person giving a hoot that they're in the presence of royalty, yet agin.
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Combined with yet a further attempting to give Blitzø pseudopower by reminding us that he's sexually active and outgoing.
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It's clearly important that Verosika would fail to mention Blitzø stealing off her then leaving her stranded and dumped, clearly this could be a reminder that Blitzø is at the bottom of society and has had to be rutheless and maybe even a user to work his way up, but no, he was simply always 'that guy', that outgoing fun guy everyone just liked, a lowly imp that could make a sucubus fall in love and can even score royalty, but as we know, unfortunately this all now works because dispite lore being established, hierarchy means SFA.
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None of this gives more power to those at the bottom or takes from those at the top, it just tells us that the classing system is a whole lot of nothing even though this also isn't the case at the same time.
The start of the episode was a perfect example of narcissistic coersion and grooming, it should be used in universities worldwide.
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Place side by side the Blitzø x Stolas content from the earlier episodes, where Stolas hit up Blitzø whenever he pleased, spoke so dirty he had even Blitzø cringing, was more interested Blitzø's presence than quality time with his daughter who no longer lives with him and this all started when Stolas cornered Blitzø into sex upon him being caught stealing.
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Remember these things as Stolas now tells Blitzø how inappropriate his regular and unchanged behaviour that was supposedly attractive is, he us sarcastic and gives him the silent treatment, yet will speak up to rant at him though arguments can only go one way.
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Stolas's tantrum is because Blitzø didn't give him whatever answer or reaction he hoped for when he ambushed him in the previous episode with a choice but not really and he wasn't going to stick around to hear anything that didn't suit him, you know, the respectful thing to do.
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Blitzø's every word is wrong, points irrelevant to their fallout are more fuel for this, he isn't heard, respect and his input doesn't matter, so he then goes on to aggressively try and to prove Stolas's criticism wrong by showing how accountable he is by apologising to those he wronged, even when it was arguably unnecessary, firmly letting us know that Blitzø is unspecifically yet definitely in the wrong.
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People, if you see this as a good thing, this isn't the way.
Blitzø's accountability was not of his accord and Stolas as good as rubbed his efforts in his face by taking no notice at every stage and attending the Blitzø sucks party for ex's, which he isn't.
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People, this is narcissistic abuse.
Another annoying thing was the towards the top of the list was Moxxie, but we saw nothing.
Because that would be grounds for a decent portion of time and effort as two leading characters may discuss things pivotal to the plot and their own development? A heart to heart and back to the main story? Nothing to do with sex?
Well, there's no room for all that complexity, so here's a few seconds of extras from a better time, with yuri thrown in, that will make up for all else.
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bearloonz ¡ 1 year ago
Thinking abt trolls 3 and why it picked up so much traction compared 2 the other 2 movies. Like technological advancements aside I think the main thing is just the character lineup.
Movie one was mostly branch and poppy. All the kidnapped trolls operated as One entity really so it’s not like u could particularly??? Care about them too much. Bridget and Gristle were really really fun but the villain wasn’t anything particularly special or noteworthy judging by just how little people. Talk about her. OH and also creek was there (literally forgor im rereading this for typos and adding this now) but like. Oh no the guy who showed up for like 5 minutes is a Bad guy and im supposed to care about the quest to save him mostly just because theyre telling the audience they should care because Poppy cares . But theres just not a lot of setup (and Creeks just not that. Interesting?)
Second movie had considerably More bangers and was definitely going in the right direction character wise. But it had the Opposite problem with wayyy too many guys that were really interesting and not a lot of time to do anything with them. You get King Trollex’s intro, Biggie, Cooper and Prince D and their parents, Delta Dawn, and Allll the bounty hunter trolls, PLUS Barb and the rock trolls. Barb was definitely a prime example of a major upgrade from the movies, having a villain that the audience actually vibed with and u could Tell by fan reactions I think. (Parb sweep) But there was just. Sooo so much, on top of the lore dump and a plot that you really had to get cool with really quick to get invested in. theres a bunch of new trolls and these strings that are definitely super important promise (lie)
The third one feels like they finally like. Know what theyre doing. With their own universe. No big lore dumps, theres not even any Explanation for what Mount Rageous is, they just introduce you to it and the Rageons with confidence thru Velvet and Veneer and expect you to get it. Plus, theres still a lot of characters, but theyre much more tangibly connected now. All the brozone brothers are well established and have preestablished relationships with each Other so even if we dont get much time with them it doesn’t feel like theyre that out of place. It still requires some suspension of disbelief vis a vis “Branch had Four super secret brothers hes Never mentioned,” but they make it work and frankly, the set-up is a lot more easier to get invested in than “secret magical strings that Invented Magic I Guess.”
And with Brozone and Viva theres a connection To the main characters rather than just being tag-alongs for tag-alongs sake. They’ve all got their own niches to make them individually compelling but theres a connecting thread here so they still feel like they’re a part of the story. And they’re all there to do something!! And then Velvet and Veneer of course continue the vibe that Barb had of being villains with enough screen time and personality that you like them As characters and arent just viewing them as The Plot Obstacle. Which is cool i think. Overall i just think the third movie felt a Lot more confident to do what the fuck ever and thats Really good.
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cnwolf-brainrot ¡ 1 year ago
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I did this again!! I drew Eight in a bunch of TMNT styles a little while ago and Eight and Okami's stories are very closely connected so I've had her story kind of sitting in my head for weeks and I couldn't resist any longer!
I posted this template here and the version with Eight is here!
Lore dump beneath the cut!
Usual Appearance/TMNT-ified (my style)
This is Okami's usual appearance throughout Fallen Renegades! She's a mutant wolf/bat hybrid that was used in a dog fighting ring for several years before she escaped, eventually meeting Eight and stepping up as a parental figure for him. Her story wouldn't change much when TMNT-ified other than the fact that she would inevitably run into the turtles!
I hate how this version looks, I don't know what's happening here. Okami would probably be a minor character in like one episode of the show, probably just some random street thug that gets mutated into a wolf with bat wings because of something Krang did to try and make SUPER MUTANTS or something. Idk lol
In 2003, Okami would probably be a reoccurring character. She'd appear some time in season one, probably as an antagonist for the turtles. She was created by some shady government agency as a mutant attack dog and used for years as a weapon, but managed to escape just a short time before meeting the turtles. At first she attacks them, as she's become used to essentially attacking anything that moves for most of her existence, but after she and the turtles have to work together to take down some mutual threat they establish an unsteady alliance. Over time the government agency that created her (maybe Bishop?) pops back up occasionally, and once and a while Okami is driven back to her original state and fights against the turtles. She is usually a helpful ally for them though. Like I mentioned in Eight's version he and Okami would be introduced separately in this version of the show and make their own independent appearances throughout season one, but then they would meet at some point in season two and all of their appearances after would be together!
Like last time I don't have a ton of lore for the Bayverse version of these characters. They were probably created together by Baxter Stockman and then Okami broke both her and Eight out and they kind of chill around the city until they help the turtles with something. I think this is actually my favorite drawing out of this set I'm kind of mad I don't have more story for it.
2012 Okami was mutated by the Kraang in an experiment to add useful secondary mutations to their creations. Eight was another part of this experiment, and he and Okami ended up in neighboring containment cells. Okami's experiments focused more on the physical aspects of mutation while Eight's focused more on the internal, and when his pyrotechnic abilities kicked in it was extremely destructive. Okami was able to use the destruction to break them both out, and they were able to catch a portal to Earth. The two of them spend most of their time in the show in Kraang-related conflicts, often aiding the turtles when needed because Eight made friends with Mikey.
In Rise, Hamato Tala is a world-renowned professional boxer who fights under the name "Okami". She was a part of the Hamato clan and is a cousin to Hamato Yoshi, but her family was a bit more distant and disconnected from the usual Hamato duty since her father had also tried to defect from the clan. Like Yoshi she ended up turning her back on most tradition to seek fame and glory, though she pursued hers in the boxing ring. She found her fame, but she also found loneliness... until this little alley cat began following her around after her New York matches. She found the scrappy little guy endearing and somewhat took care of him, until one night an oozesquito bit her. She was mutated into a timber wolf/vampire bat hybrid, and (after eating the oozesquito) Eight became more humanoid and also had some of Okami's DNA. Okami basically said "well I guess this child is my responsibility now" and illegally adopted him, though the legality of the situation doesn't really matter because when she tries to go back to her human life it turns out no one recognizes her and if she tries to explain herself most people freak out. So she stops wrestling in the pro rings and instead starts taking jobs at smaller rings that are a whole lot less legal but at least make her money... and let her use her new, animalistic strength. Then of course eventually she and her adopted son run into the turtles and she finds out that, in gaining some of her DNA, Eight now has Hamato ninpo... in a very, very unstable way. Basically now this kid that she picked up on the street hears ghosts and explodes occasionally and this is something Okami is just cursed to deal with now.
Rise Movie (the future version that's not super clear on the template)
Okami dies a year or two after the Krang take over, and with her final breath she transfers the rest of her ninpo over to Eight. This stabilizes Eight's abilities and maybe it would mean that Okami doesn't get a ghost form but I don't really care, I wanted to draw her human form and also let me have some happiness imagining Four (the bas future version of Eight) talking to his ghost mom. Anyway I made a comic about this timeline and Eight's name changing to Four and it shows Okami's death lol
Mutant Mayhem
Okami was raised in a dog fighting ring before she was mutated. In fact, TCRI bought her out of the ring in order to have more test subjects as they were working to recreate Baxter Stockman's mutagen. They ran tests on her right alongside a certain burmese kitten, and for a wile both animals were deemed as failures. Of course, inevitably Eight gained his fire abilities. It was in the midst of the lab fire that Eight sparked that more of TCRI's mutagen prototypes were spilt, and the heat of Eight's flames made them a bit more effective. Okami grabbed him and dragged him out of the lab, and in the process both animals got a second dousing of mutagen that was much more effective than the first. After this Okami ended up raising Eight and took on a very similar mindset to both Splinter and Superfly; everyone is evil, stay safe and hidden. Okami is extremely protective in this version and genuinely believes everyone is out to get them, and she takes on a bit of an antagonistic role until she finally learns to chill out.
Fun fact: Okami was actually originally a TMNT OC long before Fallen Renegades existed, so it was kinda nostalgic designing these <3 she's come a LONG way since I first made her
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mikotyansakira ¡ 2 months ago
OC Lore!!!!
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So uh the long story short
It's called "NOT UNIQUE". The story continues only for 3 years. It starts from Mary, Max, Emily's parents moving their children from Clovis to a new city called "Sunlate". So Emily, the oldest sister could have a good job as a freshly college graduate. And Mary and Max, to finish their high school here, in a bigger environment (and possibly going to college in the same city). And from then, 3 siblings start living together in a small family-house, with a working sister.
Not Unique is mainly about Mary and Max, 16-year-old twins who are regular ass teens with no real difference than the others. Mary, shy and unsure of herself, meets Leah and Evelyn, the school’s most popular girls, who literally force her into their small clique. Evelyn is a serious, charismatic, strong natural leader, and her family is a main sponsor for schools big projects, and one of the prettiest girls out there. While in reality she's a little crazy, practices bare knuckle fighting for no reason, and just mainly kind of masculine. She's just hella paranoid of everything and tries to control every situation she's in, wich is also kind of why Mary easily got influenced by her. Leah on the other hands falls into more of a "cute" category, she's very popular thanks to her ability to know literally everyone in the school. She's friends with EVERYONE, she keeps hours just memorizing their names just so everyone likes her. But all her kindess more of a "fake". She's actually a country girl, raised and born in texas, moved into California in middle school, she's very fiery, always judgemental in her mind, doesn't believe in altruism and her original accent is very western, she often uses weird synonyms for words, and her every second word is a bad word. But she quickly noticed that ppl wouldn't accept her as she is. So she started pretending to be friendly and cute, and even faked an accent. Mary, in the contrast, is pathetic. She doesn't know how to talk to people, she gets quickly tired, she's veryy cringy, naive and has no motivation for anything. And Evy and Leah genuinely start shaping her into a new ass person.
Max is fiery and protective, with a passion for technology. He's a hothead who's just an asshole. He starts school from thinking about joining the school’s tech club, but entering there he sees just a bunch of losers, Jayson (club's leader), Charlie, and Mandel. Jayson is a stereotypical naive, extroverted, a little gross, geeky teenage guy, he spends most of his time in front of the pc coding some games, and just doing unimportant crap. He's not that into technology, but he did open the club, so Charlie like mindsets can be found. About Charlie. Charlie is a real genius here actually, he's the smartest of them all tbh, he's REALLY into technology, and just creates all kind of stuff when he xan. He's veeeery shy and quiet. Doesn't speak much (insecure about his deep voice), and just a very akward guy. And there's the 3rd person. Mandel – is a womanizer, annoying ass, and just an always complaining guy. He actually has a great ability to create a new persona for a new girl he meets, but everytime ends up slipping his own personality and just gets dumped every time. He actually knows nothing about technology nor coding. He joined the club just because he wouldn't be lonely (and prolly to have it on his college resume). Jayson HATES him. He freaking despises him, he had no choice but to accept him into club because first of all, Mandel was begging him, second of all, the minimum of club members were 3 people, and his club would be closed if he didn't find the 3rd person fast, so he accepted Mandel. Max firstly thinks that they're just miserable idiots (wich is lowk true) but it ends up being the place where kind of starts growing as a person.
Also! The story has a deep place for "Ghost Magic", it's a kind of magic that was found by ghosts themselves. It's incrediblly powerful and really dangerous. The people who ever used this magic, turn into "magical ghosts" once they die. They can NEVER be set free on their own. They must find someone alive to teach them all the spells so they can be set free, once the alive person also dies. And that's what happens. Rudolph (the 47 yr old guy, who lived back in the 50s. Wakes up from his ghostly hibernation after 70 years, and realizes he's still trapped as a ghost.) He's the grumpy miserable dude who's already had a bad hard life, and now experiencing the even worse afterlife, everything because he used magic when alive. He founds Mary and sees potential in her (after she accepted that ghosts are real) (because ghosts in the story are mainly considered as a fairytale, and you can't spread the word about your powers, of how powerful it is. And what could happen if it was used in the wrong way). The thing is that Mary is an absolute dogshit. She has a giant problem with learning it, and always accidentally gets herself into a life threatening situations (like accidentally letting a ghost enter her, wich could permanently just lock her out of her body), or just remembering the words. Rudolph tries everything to teach her, and just goes nuts of how pathetic she is.
Okay so I gotta mention also the 3rd view of them. From everyone's perspective (besides the main 7, and Rudolph and Emily's) The Trio (EML) Are like the popular clique, most of the girls would wanna join. They're seen as someone very kind and accessable (like they would answer hello in an answer instead of bullying you). And mostly everyone, especially Helen, Ashley and Nora are obsessed with them. Ashley, Ted, Mira and Kif are the "poly" group. While they're not really poly, the school just called them like that of how they close they are (they hate each other, and also have no idea they're being called poly). Ted and Kif are basketball players, while Ashley and Mira are cheerleaders. They're originally just family friends and usually annoy each other. They're that chaotic friend group nobody wants to join, nor nobody can leave. Ted (as seen in my arts) usually is flirty with Mary, it's an act of trying to get her as a girlfriend of how naive she is, It doesn't really work for him, 1. He gets sabotaged by his own "friends", 2. He gets sabotaged by either Max or Evelyn. Ted is a stereotypical jock, he's overconfident, but has a place for some geek stuff he keeps as a secret. Kif also a jock and a captain of the team, but also he's an a+ student, and incredibly freaking annoying and unbearable. He speaks weird, calls people names and bullies them, and targets mostly Ted. Ashley is a bimbo. She's not very smart, and really mean. Stereotypical bully, and kind of pathetic (keeps it as a secret also). Mira, is a core of being evil. She has no empathy, no respect and usually seen serious without any weird shit. She's the one who keeps all group (especially Kif) in their place. They change their personalities in front of the trio completely, to a kind excited girls and guys. Evelyn often warns Mary about talking to them, she actually freaking hates them tbh.
Okay short for everyone else: Andy and Shay, usually have their own story. They're best friends, and Andy is light, literally sunshine. He's always chill, handsome and cool with everyone. While Shay is evil and asshole with everyone. They're like the best pals and don't seperate from each other. Though Shay is a big liar, and he hates Max, and everyone else. Micheal and Gerard, they're not that important.
Nora is also a cheerleader, she's a non stop talking extroverted girl, who loves being around the trio (they love her because she's actually kind). Stifler is like super mega womanizer, he's rich, handsome, tall and charismatic, everything Mandel could wish for. He's usually seen either flirting with the trio, or with Mandel, lmfao, their little sisters are very close, and Mandel gets frequently teased from him, wich he hates, because he can't really do anything about it, so he just nervously laugh whenever Stifler embarrasses Mandel in front of everyone.
Quick abou Kiseki and Emily. Kiseki is also a witch, just like Mary, but much stronger. Emily is always tired and sleepy, she's either at work or sleeping.
Helen is a school president, she controls pretty much every event, every complaints at school. And Wilson is her right hand. Helen hates this job so so much. He wishes to be a popular cheerleader pretty girl, and be loves by everyone, instead of being a boring high school president, while everyone thinks she's lame. She's desperately needed for attention, and everytime the trio somehow interacts with her, she gets alll excited. While Wilson don't care for that, he LOVES being the right hand, and just like a boy scout he's only wish is to work and work and work.
Okkk thanks for reading omggg
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cutebutalsostabby ¡ 1 year ago
iirc you said in another post that the time between ALTTP and OOT was either 80 or 400 years. i haven’t played ALTTP yet but love timelines - are those numbers in the game somewhere?
I think I came up with those specific figures myself, BUT I do have some in-game and official text basis for them! The reason for the 80 year vs 400 years (or even longer) options is that there is actually some pretty big inconsistency between a) various parts of the game itself, b) the official game booklet, and c) Nintendo's big ole retcon of the Imprisoning War. Or possibly retCONS if we count TotK.
(Idk if you wanted an info dump, but you're getting one lol. THANKS FOR THE ASK!! 💜)
SO. The intro cutscene.
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We start by hearing of legends from long ago, about a Golden Power that resides in a hidden land. Many people tried to find it; none ever returned. One day, evil power began to flow forth (we later learn this was due to Ganondorf finding the Triforce), so the King told the sages (originally translated as "Wise Men") to seal the Golden Land away for good. The narrator then describes those events as occurring so long ago that they became legend. Sounds like a while, right?
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But then within about an hour or two of gameplay, you meet Sahrasrahla. Sahasrala? Saharasala? YOU MEET MR SALSA. And he ends up telling you a story about the knights that fought to protect the sages and who were almost all killed at the time, leaving YOU, the protagonist, as the last known member of that bloodline. According to Mr Salsa, those events took place only three or four generations ago.
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That's not long at all! I mean, the exact numbers may vary depending on whether it's 3-4 generations from Salsa-san's point of view or Link's, as well as whether we give that person a human lifespan or an elf one (ALTTP has some Western fantasy elements, but the later games suggest that Hylians are basically just humans with pointy ears), but that would be where my ~80 years figure came from.
One of the later bits of dialogue then mentions Ganondorf rediscovering the Golden Land after the knowledge of it was lost - which may explain the discrepancy between the intro cutscene and Sahasralah(?)'s own dialogue. (I'm taking screenshots from Youtube FYI - see cutscene compilation here.)
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All good so far?
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By "game booklet" I mean the little brochure thing that used to come with physical games up until someone decided they weren't necessary. Boo and bah humbug. But I digress.
The original booklet for ALTTP, which you can find online, says that the Imprisoning War took place centuries ago. It also adds a bunch of other new lore details, including Ganondorf's last name, Dragmire - which never actually appears in-game. Both of those things are however missing from the truncated lore dump you get in the Gameboy Advance release's booklet:
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And then there's Nintendo's Fallen Hero retcon. Lol.
See, the original "Imprisoning War" from ALTTP went something like this:
Ganondorf found an entrance to the Sacred Realm (formerly "Golden Land") and went in. Much like the others before him, he was then stuck there forever. UNLIKE the others before him however, he then randomly stumbled across the Triforce, which offered him the power to make a wish.
He made some unspecified wish along the lines of "I want to take over the world". As a result, the Sacred Realm became the Dark World and started to leak evil magic and demons into the Light World (aka "Overworld").
The knights fought against the demons, allowing the sages to seal the entrances ro the Sacred Realm. Note it's unclear if they even knew about Ganondorf's existence at this point.
Sometime later, Ganondorf manages to partially break free, and sends his alter ego Agahnim out to break the seal on the Sacred Realm and merge the two worlds into one.
And then we have Nintendo's retcon, which introduces the whole idea of the Fallen Hero - as a means of clumsily tying ALTTP to Ocarina of Time. So instead of the above:
Ganondorf publicly swears allegiance to the King of Hyrule, only to later backstab him and take over the castle. He then follows Link into the Temple of Time and grabs hold of the Triforce while the latter goes to take a nice long nap. He only manages to claim part of the Triforce (Power), so his wish remains incomplete. The other parts go to Link (Courage) and Zelda (Wisdom).
Seven years later, Link challenges Ganondorf to an epic showdown and loses. Ganondorf claims the remaining parts of the Triforce and uses them to transform into the Demon King. The seven sages, Zelda included, then seal both Ganon and the Triforce away in the Sacred Realm.
The names of the seven sages (per OoT) eventually become the names of the towns in Zelda II. Any remaining discrepancies are handwaved away as unreliable narrators.
Interestingly, TotK's Imprisoning War is much closer to ALTTP's version than Hyrule Historia's - which makes me wonder if that whole retcon is doomed to be retconned once again. Of course, the Triforce isn't present at all within TotK, but it's also a pretty compelling reason for why seven sages with secret stones couldn't win against the one guy with a secret stone. So there’s that.
But yeah, going back to that initial question: no, there's no specific figure provided for the time between the Imprisoning War and events of ALttP. Just depends on which piece of conflicting lore you feel like using lol.
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zombeebunnie ¡ 1 year ago
Trembling Essence [Extended Demo]:💙Quality of life changes + Q&A.💙
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Hello and welcome new followers! To show my appreciation for all the support I've received again, here's one of the Valentines Day concept drawings finished! A big thank you to everyone that has continued supporting this through a like, re-blog, fanart, comment, tip jar, share, etc. :,]
I wasn't expecting it to take as long as it did but I'm very happy with the result and how much I've been improving! I'm not too good at drawing angled faces so being able to get it to look just right made me very happy! :,]
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I still have this one to go so hopefully at some point I'll have it done!
Quality of life changes:
*Please note that these changes aren't in the [Extended Demo] yet! It'll be something for me to work on adding and I'll let it be known in a update post!
Now that it's been two weeks of the [Extended Demo] being released, It's time to go over some changes to help the player out when going through the game!
I noticed from comments and playthrough's that certain Bad endings/Neutral story progressions were difficult to find, especially the full afternoon route. I don't want players to feel burnt out from trying to search for everything.
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I want to add a check-list menu that shows all the Bad/Neutral endings you can get while playing so it's easier to navigate the game.
2. For those that are new or have been here for some time, entering the cabin with Noah starts Day 3 due to the player(Y/N) being lost in the terrain for 2 and a half days which Noah mentions. Sometimes this can get confusing since some consider it Day 1 while the game considers it Day 3.
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It's still up in the air about how I'm going to go on about this but I'm thinking about adding a little notification tab in the upper left corner of the game to notify the player(Y/N) of what day it is in the game to resolve confusion.
3. I talked about this last week but I didn't know until recently that the tags I use for Trembling Essence were very unorganized and hard to search through.
I went through and tried my best to re-organize all of the lore and art about Noah/game posts. I also cleaned up the #Trembling Essence tag since it was flooded with game development posts and not much else. I'm also working on a master post and plan on creating some reference sheets of Noah which will be placed under a different tag! :]
#Get to know: Noah : This will be filled with answered asks and lore dump. Sometimes(?) there's random dev-logs that have lore attached to them too. #TE Updates : This only includes dev-logs/updates about the game and development progress. #Trembling Essence : This tag is mainly used to post fan art / art and anything else in general that might belong here which includes lore posts. I really want searching through the tag to be enjoyable and not filled with a bunch of dev-logs.
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
I really wanted some of the lore to be found through playing versus me just answering everything. :]
If you've already sent in a ask, I did see it I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings and helps me practice. :]
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That's all I have to share right now! Thank you for the continued support, I wholeheartedly appreciate it. :,]
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basedkikuenjoyer ¡ 8 months ago
Uneggpected Development
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Honestly it was hard to know where to start so let's start with Silly Boy and his silly face interacting with Robonosuke. Yes of course I'm going to keep calling him that but don't worry, we'll get to the actual heavy Wano callbacks later. This is a weird chapter...because it feels like we're hurtling swiftly towards an ending to Egghead now. Our giant robot friendo is a big part of that.
As we're blasting off the big robo seems to be gearing up for a huge attack. Maybe a self-destruction. A concept echoed nowhere else in this chapter and certainly not anywhere recently. But you do have this moment that reminds me of Zunisha. Luffy hearing what is likely the Voice of All Things emanating from Robonosuke. Dude is finally ready to rock and roll, looks like it'll time out well with the final notes of the broadcast. You'll see this theme pop up again here, I really want to see the next note before I think too heavily about that but we'll have a lot more to talk about that through the lens of...
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Atlas pulls a move we've seen out of other Vegapunks before and seems set to become yet another casualty of this arc. I don't care too much about that for this review, not because I don't like it but because of what Atlas does first. Slamming Lilith into the deck and turning off some kind of tracking device York was using. Which...type of thing that would have been nice to come up at some point earlier but I'll give at least a chapter or two to see if there's like, a reason they didn't do that earlier.
It's obviously Lilith I care about. We could move very quickly out of here into the next arc. Like, you could literally do it in one chapter. Robonosuke go boom cutting off Vegpaunk from giving too much of a reveal, Coup de Burst off into the sunset, cue the newspapers. Lilith is hanging around for whatever reason as a tie to the next. Lilith even can relatively quickly become an off-ramp for what I've seen winding out of Wano through Vivi, Bonney, & Stussy this arc. She was a first impression of the arc too, even had some little quirks with that building off of Kiku last arc who did the same with Pudding who did the same with Rebecca. Speaking of though, pay attention to the title.
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Two problems. One that leaves a lot untied. Like, much more than Wano. I suppose you could fill in a bunch of stuff after the exit about Lilith, but the reason that idea ever worked at all for Kiku was because of her personality. Stussy's someone who can believably pull that too, we even just saw her do something like that with her talking to Kaku. Lilith is like, the opposite of mysterious. There was nothing like a mini arc introducing you as cryptic and guarded or juggling loyalties all Egghead. York was the one who played really well into that aspect of things. Lilith is even after Atlas right here giving you the self-sacrifice and how about that light/dark framing with the different expressions up there!
Two, as it stands now there's still no real "point" to the story. This is all literally happening while Vegapunk Prime dumps everything he knows about the big lore, of course he isn't going to get too close because that's Robin's story. So I doubt Lilith has some extra info to add. And of course...a lot of things have flared up for a couple of chapters and faded as quickly as they did. I don't think we're too far from the end, but I still have that feeling this is a little misleading. There was one last aspect of this chapter that makes me wonder about just a little more getting us there:
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It's the combination of Clover's denial of his name to survive as well as this late-game Punk Hazard flashback. It all feels so, so Kaido all of a sudden. Maybe it helps or hurts that I'm watching through dub Wano's end with sweetie but this scene feels like such a blend of Kaido, King, & Momonosuke right now. Which is a really weird discordant note. And one that casts that shadow over Vegapunk again.
That's actually the big thing to me. The broadcast has crackled but now its coming to an end. Watch the next few chapters closely. Egghead could end in the next chapter or two, but I wouldn't be shocked if it had another volume in it to get a little weird.
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dollivication ¡ 5 months ago
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I know it's not like full-on face but she looks like that. I canonically made Lily's witch wife 6'9 tall where Lily is like 5'6. Also wifey's name is Sydney. WARNING! LONG-ASS LORE!!! I made Sydney a visitor of Fortuna when she was 5 and Lily was 4. Sydney's parents weren't religious but her mother, who's also a witch, did admire Sparda for yk saving the world. Lily is really introverted and shy when meeting Sydney due to how terrible the orphanage treated her and Nero, but Sydney absolutely adores this tiny girl and hangs around her until the day her parents leave the island. I have too much Lily lore to talk about but basically, Lily gets saved one day after being experimented on for her demon blood cuz her tail (lookin' just like her daddy's) showed way earlier on than Nero's arm, laik at around 6 years old. Her soon-to-be new demon dads were on the island, and she gets saved by the two, of whom I named Inferno (Farin, human name) and Mandrake. Her new papa and dad stayed above surface inspired by Sparda (mostly cuz they were former slaves of Mundus and hated him). She's grateful to be saved but being taken away by the two means she splits from her brother, which she hates. Turns out though, her new dads live in the countryside far from Fortuna, like way away from the island, near Sydney's parents, so she gets to grow up with her best friend, they start dating at 13 and 14, marry at 18 and 19 (because I made Lily's dads disappear like Sparda oooops, she panics and is afraid of losing her gf so proposes) and then the events of dmc4 happen, Sydney gets kidnapped by The Order to lure Lily back to Fortuna as they want to continue experimenting on her, and poor Sydney gets killed. And then Lily goes batshit crazy, triggers for the first time, killing a bunch of the cultists that killed her wife. She's reunited with Nero but there's some tension because he felt abandoned. What a mess sorry omg. Oh Lily, i'm so sorry I keeled your wife o(╥﹏╥)o, she's fuckin' gorgeous to meee.
Thanks for listening, you're the first i've told all this lore to because my boyfriend doesn't care for ocs, just the games and Dante (◕︵◕) -Nell 🍓
6’9 and 5’9 waifs!!! the height difference is so adorable ,, and the gay papas that’s so CUTE it’s just a little family :3 AND SYDNEY IS SO PRETTY!!!!! HER HAIR!!!! SHE WEARS GLASSES!!!!!!!
lily literally gained so much then lost just about everything, and ended back to square 1 ..that’s??? that’s actually fucking devastating ???? .. nell you are a fucking mastermind I DONT CARE IF IM GLAZING !!!! I AHVE TO RANT IDC IDC!!!!!!!! AND THE TENSION BETWEEN HER AND NERO OH MY GOSH
NERO IS ALREADY DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH,,, AND LILY AND HIM HAVE THEIR OWN TRAUMAS TO HANDLE SO HES PROBVALY GONNA BE A LITTLE DICKHEAD TO HER!!! constantly bringing up the fact that she left him because he’s just so focused on that aspect, ignoring + not even considering for a moment that it wasn’t really her choice to begin with… ALL THAT PAIN MY GODDD… i’m gonna kill mysel /j
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puhpandas ¡ 3 months ago
THANKS BESTIE. here we go
so my first thought when I watched the hw2 update was "wow, they really updated hw2 just to add more random disconnected from anything hw2 has going on lore of mxes and most of all just to tease sotm bc they refuse to show any footage of it". the sotm stuff doesnt have a deeper meaning, it's literally just to build up hype, but the very nature of them dumping lore into a hw2 update seemed so... strange. and it made me think deeper about it
I mean they virtually just updated a game that wasnt about the mimic before to be about the mimic, and also to show off mxes lore and explain a little more about it. completely ignoring the sotm hype, mxes lore is so random and doesnt match or fit with anything else hw2 had going on
but hw2 itself was all over the place, not having a comprehensible plot and seemingly just having a bunch of random little plots that didnt have an overarching story. like glitchtrap being killed in the vanny ending, roxys node being a mask and not her endoskeleton, and killing off Cassies dad (I'll get into him later)
so that made me wonder if hw2 was SUPPOSED to be all over the place from the start. my first impression with this update is that they updated the game to explain lore in the mimic era that they wouldnt be able to explain in sotm. that came off as them like, shoving it in somewhere so they didnt have to find a way to talk about it AFTER sotm. and it just kinda clicked for me in that moment. the very nature of killing glitchtrap (the main thing that happened in hw2) and all the other teeny tiny plotpoints that were disconnected from eachother being included was the entire point of the game
we all know they're. fucking obsessed with sotm. they're constantly hyping it up and talking about it and every single release since security breach has been working to foreshadow/tease it. it doesnt take a genius to realize that this is supposed to be a big game. it's the end of this era to me, that I've been calling "the course correction era". everything theyve been doing really has been incorporating the mimic into the games, and this update confirmed talesgames. killing glitchtrap also is securing mimics place as his replacement
so like, if sotm is theoretically the end of an incorperation/course correction/mimic lore era, then that means any loose ends theyd need to tie up quick, and that's where hw2 came in. ruin was the mimics first appearance, hw2 is the game that ties up tiny loose ends here and there, and sotm will be explaining everything mimic so we can more into an actual present day story progression era
tldr I think hw2s entire purpose was to be a game to dump any tiny story aspects they needed to establish or debunk or whatever before fully jumping into the new era after sotm. I always thought "itd be so much better if they did ruin and then sotm with no hw2, bc it's just so nothing" but maybe the nothing was on purpose. it's so they dont have to do it later and they get some explaining out of the way. that's why them shoving mxes lore into the game in an update felt so on purpose, when everything hw2 had done had felt so directionless. it kinda put it in a new perspective for me
and as for cassies dad, who is probably the protag, I think it explains the entire point of his character existing, which was so lost to me before. his character exists just to be the protag of hw2. he gets IMMEDIATELY killed off in the ending of the game, had no face or name or character other than being the father of a more important character, and was more of an introduction to the concept of vanni technician masks and fazwrenches and stuff. he exists to be the guy in hw2, the game that only exists to tie up little loose ends, bc that game just needed a player character, and then he dies.
he doesnt have anything crazy going on, like (people thought for a while, but it was debunked in the john sw interview and also in this update) building mxes, or setting up the nodes. almost all of that has been debunked with Gregory vanessa and Freddy consistently being associated with mxes multiple times, and their footprints being around ruin where nodes would be set up. they're clearly being implied to be responsible for the nodes/mxes in the basement and taking them from the factory to do so/and trapping the mimic. I feel like his character was always meant to be a throwaway, I mean goddamn we know nothing about him.
and also, Scott has shown to be randomly obsessed with assigning adult men in fnaf games with being a past fnaf 4 bully with itp also having Freddy bully, so I doubt the bonnie tie ins have any more significance than just a little cute callback reference. it's just that. anything he had before the john SW interview and this update has been debunked, with major evidence pointing towards other characters (who it SHOULD be doing all that stuff), so its just. it makes him make so much sense. he was so infuriating before bc he seemingly did tons of important shit but was so.. not important, but i feel like enough time has passed and stuff have happened to show that he didnt ever have that stuff going on. he was always a one-off character to give the lore dump game a protag, then he was killed off immediately. hes another jeremy of the franchise. just there to serve the plot and then die
it also makes narritave sense. cassies story cant head in any other direction (& just the story as a whole) than vanny!cassie, and Cassies dad being dead takes away one of the support systems she would have thatd keep her from being manipulated by mimic. it removes parents from the situation for her and makes it like. more possible ig that shed even be in this situation not being helped
anyway, that's what I've gathered from this update. maybe I'm crazy but this update has cleared up a lot of things for me personally, and I hope I'm right about this stuff. cassies dad being one-off and a jeremy would be infinitely more narritavely satisfying than him being in charge of the stuff with ruin then just. fucking dying. it also makes perfect sense for how they treat his character
and more evidence supporting Cassies dad being made to be hw2s protag: ruin and hw2 were made at the same time. it was a year and a half of radio silence before they announced both hw2 and released ruins trailer in the same week in 2023, and then ruin and hw2 released 5 months apart, with both games referencing eachother in them. they made these side by side, so itd line up perfectly if they knew they needed a protag for hw2 that would be disposable, so they made Cassies dad, and made him only exist as a character in collectable descriptions and 1 line from cassie. ruin also foreshadows 'carnival' (aka sotm) in its ending w the mascot costumes in the room it was trapped in, so sotm was 100% planned and prob in development at this point, meaning this whole lineup of course correction was thought out
anyway thanks for enabling me anon! plz lmk ur thoughts! this course correction era has been. very infuriating, since we didn't even have a single clue why they were doing the story like this until sotm was announced, and it cleared up their intentions and plans at least for me. its actually making me so much more excited. theyve just been speeding through getting the mimic and stuff incorporated already so they can move on. it's nice to see and to know that even tho this stuff has taken a long time to come out, at least they're not purposefully spreading it out and dragging it along. they're just doing it until they're done. and if the code of 4625 in the update is really a release date, then April 6 isnt even that far away. we can be free soon!!
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funhouse-mirror-barbie ¡ 1 year ago
Man. I’m honestly sad about Hazbin Hotel being the way it is. Maybe, maybe it will surprise me and somehow the last 2 episodes will make the first 6 more engaging or enjoyable but like…(general vent/overall impression so far below)
Lord, it’s so clear that they had SOOOO MUUUUCH they want to get through, and for whatever reason they don’t seem to believe in their work and their story enough to let it take it’s time.
I think if they had just let the first 8 episodes be about the general main cast, maybe with each episode focusing on the improvement and work towards redemption for each hotel resident, we would have a LOT better groundwork for building up to all the intense things and lore they want to include later.
But we’re seeing either full character arcs being speed run or we’re having big twists or revelations nearly every episode and it’s just…I WANT to feel moved by this show. I WANT!!! To like the show!!! I really want to!
Because there are moments that show depth, that could have been really really interesting if we knew more about the characters, if we got to see more of how the characters interact with each other, if we got to see them take the TIME to build up to and resolve their conflicts.
But how it stands, we get at least one, if not two new characters shoved into every episode. They show up create chaos or sing a song about something important to them that we just learned about, and then they leave.
I WANT to get to know these characters! I want to see a flashback or something where Camilla and her daughters were trying to hide from the Angels, and Camilla has to fight back to protect them.
I want to see how the hotel residents ACTUALLY bonded during learning to fight with each other.
I want to learn more about Alastor from literally ANYTHING other than an exposition dump.
Sorry, again if you find these characters to be emotionally deep or they are important to you, nothing I say should take that away.
This is a lot more vent-y than usual, but I guess I’m just sad and disappointed b/c it seems like the writers and creators behind Hazbin don’t believe in their own story and their own characters. This is just how it comes off to me, and it’s just a bummer man.
This was the same feeling I had when the Pilot came out, but the Pilot at least had charm. And while I was ultimately disappointed by its writing, it was clear it was the product of a bunch of people, and bunch of artists, coming together to create something.
And even if the Pilot still needed a lot of work and improvement, you could tell that the people making it really believed in the story and characters and were excited to make it!
I didn’t really want to see the Pilot picked up when it came out in 2019, because while I admired the passion of the creators, animators, voice actors, and composers, I wasn’t sure if I personally believed in the story.
Then it got picked up, and I thought “Okay then. I’m not gonna assume the worst. There must be more to this than I initially thought. I don’t know how I’ll feel about the series, but I want to give it a chance. I hope it’s well done, I hope it’s good”
It’s come out now, and so far, to me, it’s just bad. There are still those little moments of creativity, but they are few and far between, and a lot of the time when I watch the show I’m just waiting for the next song, because that’s usually the one part of the show that is at least catchy.
I guess my only reflection I have for this moment is just. Supreme disappointment.
Sorry again for the post that’s less a review and more a vent/rant post. I think at the end of the day if I DO write any actual reviews of the episode, they will largely be me talking about things I WISH we could have seen in the show, but didn’t get to.
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popironrye ¡ 10 months ago
Are The Lost Boys Poly or Platonic?
Answer - Yes?
If I could lore dump a little, I'd like to add after seeing discussion on this topic:
When I created my trio of lost boys ocs (Blair Stevie and Mavin) to write a love story between them +star and the boys, I thought making them all poly would be more interesting to write about. See I don't much care for writing and art that involved the boys all sharing a single (usually woman) stand in where all the romantic stuff is done by one or more boy at a time with this stand in while the others just kinda wait their turn. OC, self-insert, reader insert or otherwise. It always came off to me as harem-ish and there's nothing wrong with that OF COURSE, it's just not what I'm into.
And with my ocs specifically, I also could have gone the hetero monogamous route, since there are 4 women and 4 boys. That being Blair with David, Stevie with Dwayne, Star with Paul (which I really do ship btw), and Mavin with Marko but the lost boys always had this queer coded side (even though I am shipping them with women) and having my girls, Blair specifically being a bisexual women who falls in love with Star is something I wanted to focus on, not to mention I like my ocs with all the boys. I think they can get a different equal level of romantic enjoyment with a different boy, and therefore my girls are poly with the boys as well as Star. Standard convention of romance kinda seems like a nebulous rule to follow when you have immortal vampires and witches in the mix, so why not make them all bi and poly?
Now of course, I do have a story in the works where everyone is one big platonic family. Judy and her daughters. 'The blood sucking brady bunch' as I've so affectionally called them. In this work, Judy and Max are romantically involved but they're the only non platonic ones as the boys acting as Max's sons and Judy's actual daughters begin to pal around like step siblings and they behave as such. In that work, I also put a lot of emphasize on familial love with Judy being a caring mother who would do anything for her children and having her take in the boys as sons she never had. I also want to see Judy pull Max out of his shell. He kinda distances himself from the boys and to him it's for their own good and keeps him out of the trouble they're always getting into, but Judy knows what's it like having 3 teenage daughters of her own that get into trouble. Max is a much more involved father figure to the boys with Judy's help as well as a figure to her little girls.
Ok, so I dumped a lot there, but I hope this shows that writing to boys platonic or non platonic are both valid and depend on the work they're used in. XD
But what about you guys? Please share how you've charactized the boys in your own work! I'd love to hear about your own ocs and sonas! 😍
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pilot-boi ¡ 2 years ago
Plotbunny AU:
Okay, you want more lore for this story? Let's follow this plotbunny down the rabbit hole.
So Jaune did not travel through time. Not really. Alyx did, and Juniper followed her to meet up with Jaune again, but Jaune is more like Rory from Doctor Who: A version of him experienced that time, and he vaguely recalls it, but there's a door in his head keeping the worst of it from his conscious mind. He can open the door to let those years in and take stock, but he's still Volume 1 Jaune who had a bunch of info dumped into his head, which had the effect of making him closer to Volume 7 Jaune.
When RWBYJ left the Ever After, Vol 9 Jaune was de-aged by having the 'extra time' sucked out of him, unaware of this. This was something of a trick the Blacksmith played, at Alyx's behest, though it wasn't exactly what Alyx herself wanted.
The Blacksmith told Alyx they they could use it to make an actual Afteran Knight to stay with her and Juniper, but she protested saying that the 'extra' deserved to go home, too.
The Blacksmith said that the 'extra time' would need a vessel to make the journey, and a guide. Alyx volunteered to take it back to Remnant, but no one could carry it.
Enter Juniper. Whose purpose is and will forever be: Help Jaune. Because she loved him with all of her being, just as he loved her. And if even a part of him needed help, and helping it meant she might see it again, Juniper would gladly do anything.
Juniper became the vessel, and shrunk and slept in a cabbage until the time was right to awaken and share the memories.
And Alyx would be the guide to Remnant and to "the next vessel". She could never return to the Ever After in doing this, but she decided to be brave like the Rusted Knight and her Brother and went forward.
But desire all her time in the Ever After, she's still just a child who never grew up, suddenly in a Remnant that's so DIFFERENT from the one she knew. She doesn't know what a Scroll is, the villages she knew are gone, and since when does Vale not have a King?
She's alone, she's hungry, she's trying not to be scared becase she needs to get to Beacon and meet the Wizard named Oz, who will know where Jaune will be in this era.
But it's so hard. She's alone. She doesn't have Lewis, or Jaune, or the Blacksmith, or even the Cat, and Juniper is asleep....
But just as she sits on the sidewalk she's found herself moping on, contemplating if she's desperate enough to steal some food, someone with a higher pitched but familiar voice asks if she's okay....
And Alyx could admit, she shed a few tears and got a little clingy.
But it was Jaune, definitely. His beard was missing, his armor was almost all gone, and his voice was cracking, but he hugged her like Jaune, and he offered her food like Jaune, and he asked if she was okay like Jaune.
This was it. Mission accomplished.
So why does she hesitate in waking Juniper up?
Why not right away give him the 'extra time'?
Oh, she realizes: he's actually happy.
And Alyx decides that she doesn't want that to end, just yet.
So she takes his offered hand, and asks if he could take her to Beacon, and promises herself and also him.
I'll make sure we're both going to be Better this time.
And so it begins
Okay but this is hella cute?? This is SO so cute?
I love this I LOVE THIS
I love her not revealing Juniper right away even though that was the only reason she came back. Because she’s only known this version of Jaune for five minutes but it’s already so obvious that he’s more happy than the Rusted Knight ever was
And Jaune literally just meeting this girl, but it’s JAUNE so he’s instantly like “I have to help her”
God this is all so good THIS IS ALL SO GOOD!! This is like the fix-it fic to end all fix-it fics
I know you just sent me this but by god I need more
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sharp-silver4795 ¡ 7 months ago
I tried to do a dump, but I ended up being on only 1 subject- I’m so sorry!!!
For some reason my little ADHD brain is great at being random irl but not when I’m writing abt my hyper fixations-
I hope this is good 🥲
Death HC’s
Writing this part at 6am I am not sure what will be ahead as I usually write a wall of text and edit the rest later T.T
This is legit all about death, so… I guess take these warning.
Least sensitive? > Mild > Most?
I made a whole lore for death just for creepypasta.
If anyone plays sky here, it will be very helpful for the guardian of the Nile 🙃
So, there are 3 areas after death: Xenos, Delta, and Hydra. (All are Greek words)
Each is ruled by a guardian that has the skull(?) of a different animal.
There’s a river in each that aids the shades in some way or another.
General Idea of Death
The way this works is, when a human is born, they begin an hourglass that flips and turns depending on their actions and deeds while living.
Frame is made from wood that looks like roots coiling around each other and gold laced within them.
When the person dies, one of the guardians (either with the bull or rabbit) will break it in half and turn it into a balance for judgement.
The “sand” inside of it is actually the ashes of the person’s soul.
As long as the person does not have a neutral level, they’re soul has to be burned so they can’t escape their fate (more on this later)
Even though they seem like heaven or hell, both can be seen as punishments
Each guardian has a staff that they use to hold the balance.
Xenos, Rabbit, and The Nile
Xenos is the equivalent to “heaven”.
It is guarded by death with the skull/head of a rabbit.
Its staff is made from granite and bone.
Remember when I said ppl who play sky would have a better picture of the head? Yeah- in days of fortune there’s a rabbit mask, kinda like that.
I used a bunch of different mythologies from over the world to make these realms after death. Xenos is based more on Egyptian myth.
The Nile is supposed to provide life to the land behind its gate.
Speaking of the gate- it’s made of gold and obsidian with the (actual) skull of a rabbit over the middle.
It’s called “Xenos” (Greek word for stranger) because once you go in, you are NOT coming back out. So no one who has seen it will ever be able to tell what it’s like. Whether that is good or bad is up to the person.
It can be so repetitive for the shades there that they want to leave just for a chance at something new, but the gate just gets farther away the closer they get.
Delta, The Bull, and Styx
Delta is the idea of Hell.
Delta is the Greek word for difference or separation. The area is called Delta because it is a complete separation from any other being, even other shades.
It is guarded by Death with the skull of a bull.
Its staff is made from pyrite and deer antlers.
The Styx acts as a trap of sorts. It is the opposite of the Nile. Those who drink from it burn their bodies from the inside out, only to be resurrected within the river itself.
Death (bull) only wants to see the shades suffer.
The gate is made from petrified wood and the bull’s skull sits at the top of the cast iron frame.
When the shades step past the gate, they are immediately met with heavy but dry air.
They walk for miles to reach the island that death resides in. The Styx surrounds it.
It is during this walk that the shade may dare to attempt at an escape.
If it tries, their journey to the gate will be 20x longer than their walk to death itself. It will choke out from exhaustion seconds before meeting the gate.
Its “body” will wither to sand as the shade is trapped in the dry soil where it laid, to be trampled by the other spirits that will walk across.
If it chooses not to escape, it will be more bearable for a while…
The poor tired and thirsty shade will drink from the river only to be met with pure agony as it feels itself corrode.
It starts to beg and plead for mercy. Though this is only the beginning on its misery.
Depending on the person’s actions they will suffer within Styx differently.
Hydra, the Fox, and Phlegethon
Phlegethon is from Dante’s inferno, described as a boiling river of blood.
Death (Fox) is the only form of death that does not reside within its realm.
Hydra is for demons and vengeful spirits.
Though there are a few exceptions.
The Fox is meant to be the true neutral with judgement.
If there is a disagreement or bias, the Fox will take over.
The fox’s staff is the only one that is two sided. It is made from clay and vines.
Hydra’s gate is a typical wooden gate with (instead of a lock) the skull of a fox.
The only “punishment” part of Hydra is going into it. The spirit has to be dragged through phlegethon. Considering it is a boiling river of blood, it would be painful.
One big difference is that the hourglasses are made from clay, steel, and bronze and the sand is made from tiny crystals of their pain.
And their souls are not burned. They can redeem/condemn themselves if they ever choose to permanently leave Hydra, though it is unlikely.
Hydra is much more pleasant due to the fact that The Fox doesn’t reside there. It rarely interferes with the natural flow of the area.
So, yeah? Is this ok-
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cnwolf-brainrot ¡ 1 year ago
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I spent WAY too long on this, but I wanted to try drawing in different TMNT styles so here we are; I took Eight from Fallen Renegades and turned him into a TMNT character from a bunch of different versions!
If anyone wants to use this template I posted it here!
Lore dump beneath the cut!
Usual Appearance/TMNT-ified (my style)
This is Eight's usual appearance throughout Fallen Renegades! He's a young burmese cat who was accidentally given pyrotechnic abilities when he escaped the lab he grew up in. He can't entirely control these abilities, especially near the beginning of the series. He's helped out of the lab by a mutant wolf-bat hybrid, Okami, who then takes him under her wing (literally) and becomes a mother figure to him. His story wouldn't change much when TMNT-ified other than the fact that he would inevitably run into the turtles!
If Eight were in the 1987 show, he would probably be a minor character who causes problems for one episode. He started off as a lab intern who got caught in a laboratory fire and turned into a cat mutant. This version of Eight doesn't have any fire powers, he's just a cat mutant that the turtles have to figure out how to un-mutate or something. He and Okami wouldn't interact in this version, though I'd like to think she'd appear at some point.
Eight would be much more of a reoccurring character in 2003. He started out as an alley cat who happened to stumble across some ooze that the Purple Dragons were stealing for Baxter Stockman. He gets mutated and ends up on Stockman's radar, and much of his time in the series is spent fighting against Stockman -- who is convinced that dissecting Eight would give him clues on how the mutagen works and how to replicate it. He also claims ownership over Eight since he wouldn't have been mutated without Stockman's influence. When he's not running from Stockman, Eight tends to stick around the streets of New York, often fighting Purple Dragons. He meets Casey Jones before he meets any of the turtles and ends up taking after him, often carrying a baseball bat as a weapon. This version of Eight doesn't have any natural fire powers, but he's the biggest arson on this list; he always has some sort of lighter on him, and enjoys lighting stuff on fire just for the fun of it. Both Eight and Okami would be introduced separately in this version and make a few appearances on their own throughout season one before they meet at some point during season two. After they meet Okami ends up taking Eight in, and they appear together from then on.
Honestly I don't have a ton of lore for Bayverse. He and Okami were probably both created by Baxter Stockman the same way that Bebop and Rocksteady were. Okami broke them both out and they somehow got involved with the Turtles. I'm not entirely sure story-wise, but design-wise I thought it would be interesting for this version of Eight to lean into a very different Burmese cat pattern, adding to that more realistic and more different look. That was a lot of fun to mess with!
2012 Eight was mutated by the Kraang in an experiment to add useful secondary mutations to their creations. Okami was another part of this experiment, and she and Eight ended up in neighboring containment cells. Okami's experiments focused more on the physical aspects of mutation while Eight's focused more on the internal, and when his pyrotechnic abilities kicked in it was extremely destructive. Okami was able to use the destruction to break them both out, and they were able to catch a portal to Earth. The two of them spend most of their time in the show in Kraang-related conflicts, often aiding the turtles when needed because Eight made friends with Mikey.
In Rise, Eight starts out as a little alley cat that follows around Okami, who is a world-renowned professional boxer. Okami is a human in this version and sees Eight as more of a pet until they are both bitten by oozequitoes and they become more of a mother-son duo. This version of Eight is a pre-teen who is ready to fight anything that moves. He's feisty, scrappy, and a bit of an annoyance until he starts to mature in season 2. Turns out Okami's actually a distant relative of Splinter's and actually has Hamato blood, and since her DNA was mixed with Eight's when he was mutated he ended up inheriting some of the Hamato ninpo, which grows stronger as he begins to interract with the turtles and other Hamatos. He goes through a stage of hearing the Hamato ghosts -- who are primarily confused and angered by this random, inhuman child tapping into their powers -- and his ninpo ends up taking form in uncontrollable, explosive flames. The turtles help him control it somewhat, but it's still an unstable and artificial form of the Hamato's gift.
Rise Movie (the future version that's not super clear on the template)
Okami is killed in the Krang takeover, and with her last breath she transfers her remaining ninpo over to Eight. This along with the pure necessity of their apocalyptic world help Eight to finally get his abilities under control, and he becomes one of the most powerful mystic warriors in the world -- behind Mikey, of course. He works alongside the turtles to fight with the Resistance. His name "Eight" comes from the legend that cats have nine lives, and after a close call during the initial takeover his friends jokingly start to call him Seven. He has another near-death moment a year or two later, and they go down to Six. This happens a few more times throughout the years, and by the time they get to Four everyone collectively decides to keep it there. The joke has started to get a little bit too close to reality, and no one likes the idea of counting down till a friend's death; he's called Four until he gives his life protecting the Resistance.
Mutant Mayhem
TCRI began working to recreate Stockman's mutagen as soon as they raided his lab. A few of their test subjects included a certain burmese kitten and wolf, which they deemed to be failures. However the tests they ran on Eight ended up sparking other abilities in him -- literally. It was in the midst of the lab fire that Eight sparked that more of TCRI's mutagen prototypes were spilt, and the heat of Eight's flames made them a bit more effective. Okami grabbed him and dragged him out of the lab, and in the process both animals got a second dousing of mutagen that was much more effective than the first. Okami ended up raising Eight and took on a very similar mindset to both Splinter and Superfly; everyone is evil, stay safe and hidden. Eight grew up with a very protective mother figure and some very dangerous powers, but he's still a spunky little guy who is really just excited to have some people to actually talk to when he meets the turtles.
This was so fun to make and I am HIGHLY considering drawing it out with Okami (especially since Okami WAS a TMNT character before Fallen Renegades became a thing) but this also took me like two weeks to draw so lol we'll see.
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csvent-2 ¡ 8 months ago
This is long and moved in a particular direction that I ran with. I don't care because I need to rant and am very, very sober this July 4th weekend.
To our whataboutism anon: If you're going to go off on a tangent, it needs to be convincing. Which means it needs to be well-written. The irony of all of this, I pray, is not lost on you.
Favor has always been to visual artists and writing has, until recently, almost always been devalued. Traditional art was once in the same category as writing, by the way. It's not just writers who have complained in the past. I think the traditional artists just had the option to try digital or better cameras and scanners while we writers have no such option.
Someone who can't speak English (or has a learning disability like dyslexia, which would be just as common in CS spaces but somehow missed anon's attention) is of course more than welcome to draw and always has been.
CS is mainly a hobby of looking at things, collecting them usually via money or trade, then looking at more things. So I can agree with the marketplace metaphor but I think where I take exception is how writing is, once again, being treated as a dump instead of a craft (used in a synonymous way here with "art"), and people who play in the dump have no right to complain when someone heaps more garbage in their space.
Anon even says, "bullshitting".
Just vomit on the page, turn it in. Why make a place for it? Even AI will do it for you these days. People who express this attitude have never seriously written anything, not even a postcard. I question if they can read material more complex than the back of a cereal box.
I question if they read at all, because even a semi-regular reader can spot the soulless, sometimes hallucinatory, mark of AI.
Hypothetically AI-generated drawings, such as backgrounds, could be hard to spot if the artist knows how to paint over the mistakes. It'd speed up the process a little. So does this mean each submission has to have a recording to prove it's all you? No, that's patently ridiculous. If someone wants to remark how the paintover actually takes time compared to writing, then I point you to the paragraph that begins with, "Just vomit on the page...".
If you want to use writing to "last-minute" a prompt for whatever reason, that's your prerogative. It's no different then slapping together a visual prompt with the help of various brushes and stamps (the irony in how offended some people would be if I held that these tools make visual art a great dumping ground for busy writers because hey, it's so easy when I can just brush or stamp in a majority of what I need! Maybe I could even bash some bases together....
If you need to ask, yes, I was a digital artist for three years and a traditional artist for about five before discovering writing is more my flavor.)
Where lines cross is some visual artists will use writing as a shortcut when they're tired, don't have time, etc., and mistake the ability to hammer out a bunch of words in a short time as art, not quota, and this somehow gets morphed into, "this is so easy, why is this even allowed? What's the point?"
They do this even as they enjoy (or criticize or lambaste, depending) our work outside of CS in the form of TV shows, movies, comics, video games, and just about anything else that needs to convey story and character within a coherent structure. The same people who complain about the pathetic state of lore in most CS! Who do you think would make good lore?
It's easy to bullshit, I suppose, but very, very hard to write. Don't mix up these two concepts. Don't scoff, either, that you're allowed to bullshit if you participate in the bullshitting.
If writing-for-quota is what serves the particular need of the moment, then so be it. If you're particularly good, it may even be writing-for-art.
Remember that to some of us, this craft is as serious as your drawings, paintings, sculptures, etc. We are part of the art community, even the micro-communities of CS.
Writing is not a dump for you to throw your bags of shit in and then grumble that the place stinks. Bullshit vs writing. Don't mix them up. Don't expect everyone to shit as fast as you, either.
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