#it was funny when i did switch to rose
mordremrose · 4 months
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Enjoy ur bees, give magic swords to little girls and baked beans to slublings— and be wary of rogue noodles
EU doodles: my own Mehndra, Hey Barbie, Tai of the Order and their cursed snack choices, the never ending bench, Strongessst, Necrotechnician Fip, Soft Skunk, Ruárn and Lux Pyrefaith
NA doodles: Khynain (ft a very tiny goofy version of my lad Draikôs) Wet Gunk, Harley Vuong, Tine of Nice Dreams, Kimber Truthspeaker, Zuutes and Master Dokks
As always, if you would like to be tagged with your toon, please let me know!! Otherwise, enjoy ur mischief
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chaos-mix · 10 months
The Choices the Stars Make - 14th Doctor x reader
Summary: The Doctor promised you the stars when all you ever wanted was him. What happens when he’s finally ready to settle down? Will he reach out and try again?
Word count: 818
You pull your blanket up higher as you turn to watch the stars shinning through the living room window. It does little to soothe the aching of your heart as your mind keeps spinning in “What ifs?”. What if you hadn’t left the doctor? What if you hadn’t asked him to stay?
You shake your head at the unfairness of the situation, turning your back on the cold stars, facing your laptop screen.
You squint at the brightness. The universe has never been fair. It wasn’t when you watched people crying out for your help die, and neither was it when you were forced to confess your true feelings to the Doctor. His discomfort and shift in body language did not surprise you, nor did his lack of touch in the weeks that followed. You just wish he hadn’t taken all of the joy of the night sky with him when you left.
Focus. You told yourself, but your heart sunk further, your fingertips getting cold on the plastic mousepad.
Observational Astronomy. A dry laugh forces its way out of your chest, making you feel hollow. You used to dance around the surfaces of planets, experience the sights never seen, the Tardis translating the x-ray and ultraviolet light spectrum for your eyes to witness true beauty of nebulas … now you’re finishing up a paper on observational astronomy and the photographs were in black and white. Life is funny like that. It feels like life lost some of the colour too. You wish it wasn’t 2am, life is easier to handle when you don’t have to stay up at night to work on something. Especially something that reminds you of him. Days are easier, warmth is easier. Warmth reminds you of joy of adventure, his hands, the kindness. Not his eyes when he left you.
The Doctor did not seek you out. He did not wander the streets close to your house for too long. He did, however, made sure that no threats lingered close to your apartment at all times.
At least until his old face returned.
Oh so many regrets felt thrown back at his face. What he wasn’t able to give. The loved ones he lost… He grieved Rose for a long, long time, even after you met him. That same grief drove Martha away. Donna… River Song… He should have been able to save them all. How could he protect you if he couldn’t even keep his life as John Smith? And you knew. You saw him fall in love, you saw him live a normal life. He knows he hurt you beyond forgiveness when he grieved his human life and yet, despite all of that grief, did not choose to build one with you.
Seeing Donna again had him longing for the old days. The days of the three of you jumping through the universe, watching the joy on your faces! That was until the Earth got taken over by the Master he forced your feelings out in the open. Doctor could not deal with reliving his past through you. He couldn’t stomach losing you. He couldn’t make Donna go through the same darkness that Martha did when he was still grieving. Not to even mention Time Lord Victorious. His biggest regret. At least you were saved from watching it happen.
But now… now that he did not need to save the universe… now that he had someone else to entrust it to and now that the biggest decision of his day was how to protect the moles from Wilf… maybe he could give you the life you wanted after all.
Your phone buzzed one day after the lectures and you instinctively answered it, expecting it to be one of your parents checking in. It was a rash decision you made to switch universities, but with all the stress of studying medicine and the flashbacks of lives you couldn’t save, switching to something familiar was an easier choice.
“Hello, yes, I’m still studying astronomy. No, I will not end up starving in the streets when I’m done.”
“…So you decided to study the stars?”
That… was not a voice you expected. Not that you would ever in a million years expect the Doctor to call you. He was someone who buried down feelings. He did not call ex-companions, only companions in trouble called him.
“… Doctor?” You chocked up. Funny. You planned to say so many things during all those sleepless nights and now all you could manage is “Is something wrong?”
On the other end of the line, the Doctor smiled a lopsided smile. It didn’t reach his eyes, but the words warmed his hearts. He still had time to turn back. He could run away and never look back.
But that soft kindness in your voice, even after all these years…
“Would you have some time to meet an old friend?”
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flyiingsly · 6 months
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Pairing : Crosshair x f!jedi!reader
Prompt : “What is going on inside your head ?”
Warnings : NSFW!!, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it irl), p in v, oral sex (f and m receiving)
Wordcount : 3,3k
Summary : You and Crosshair are send on an infiltration mission together, far away from the Batch and just the two of you for a couple days. The perfect opportunity to finally get closer to him without being caught by any witnesses.
A/N : Behold ! Here is my submission for the @cloneficgiftexchange ! I was assigned to @skellymom, and let me tell you, it was the perfect opportunity to finally write smut ! 😄
I wanted something spicy for Crosshair with that prompt, and it’s my first ever time with smut, so I really hope that it turned out okay and that you'll enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing it ! (Not gonna lie, it was harder to write than I thought, it was a big challenge for me, and I'm very nervous about posting it, but I’m so happy that I was able to finish it !)
Enjoy 💜
“Kriff, there’s only one bed ...” you let out with shock as soon as you entered the room, instantly stopping in your tracks.
You didn’t even realize how funny you sounded at the moment.
“Of course there’s only one bed, you didn’t specify that we needed two !” a mocking voice rose behind you, instantly making you unfreeze.
“You didn’t either !” you exclaimed, rolling your eyes and heading toward the nearest light switch.
He didn’t answer anything, but you still caught the sight of a grin growing on his face as he closed the door.
The evening had been long, and very special, too. You were currently on an undercover mission, sent by Commander Cody to infiltrate a bar owned by someone suspected to be at the head of an arms trafficking that was, apparently, supplying by stealing their weapons directly into the GAR armories, with the help of a mole.
It was a very big deal both for the Jedi Council and the GAR, and it needed to be stopped as soon as possible.
This is how you were assigned to that unusual task. And since you had worked with the Batch on a lot of missions already, and that the Jedi Council didn’t want you to go alone on a Separatist ruled planet, Cody asked them for a little help. And of course, they agreed.
It was decided that only one of them would come with you at the bar, and that you’ll use the civilian space transport to reach your destination. The air traffic was very restricted and monitored there, you just couldn’t show yourself with the Marauder or any other military ship. 
The cover was perfect : a young couple of humans from Coruscant on vacation, here to attend a local music festival hosted in a nearby city in a few days, who decided to stop at a bar in the city they landed in and have some fun before traveling toward their final destination. 
The yearly event was known to attract waves of foreigners, so your presence wasn’t going to seem suspicious.
How did Crosshair ended up being the one accompanying you when it could have been any of the others ?
Well, he volunteered.
“Oh kriff !” you grumbled again as the light bulb instantly fried when you pushed the switch, the room filling with a sudden and violent flash of light for a brief second before returning to darkness.
“Well …” you nervously chuckled, “That night is gonna be interesting !”
The curtains were still open, and the public lighting on the outside was bathing the room in some sort of weird, dimed and gloomy atmosphere. It was enough for you to still be able to distinguish the furniture and to locate a little bed table and the lamp settled on it.
“Here we are …” you proudly burst as you successfully turn it on, the bulb staying intact this time. 
You let out a long and relieved sigh as your gaze fell onto the window and the view of the city. This place wasn’t that different from Coruscant, you thought.
You finally were starting to relax after a whole evening on your guards, scanning and examining every person around you, trying to catch a glimpse of every conversation and every detail that could have possibly led you to the precious intel you were searching for.
Stealth and observation were part of your most developed abilities, and you were a good actor, so fitting in wasn’t that hard. Your wandering eyes and ears did the rest of the job.
And what they were able to catch was, indeed, going to be very useful for the next step of your inquiry.
You weren’t really trusting Crosshair’s capacities to play pretend at first. But despite your apprehensions, he unexpectedly proved himself to be very good at acting as your boyfriend. Way too good maybe. 
Before you could even make any move toward the window to get a closer look at the surroundings, you felt a presence standing right behind you. The sensation made you freeze on the spot, unable to move anymore.
“What do you mean, the night is gonna be interesting ?” his deep voice nearly caused you to jump.
You weren’t expecting him to be that close right now. You were so focused on that damn window that you didn’t notice how quickly and swiftly he had moved.
Where were your stupid jedi reflexes when you needed them ?
“Depends on how you interpret it.” you answered with a sly smile.
It’s been this way for the whole evening, throwing dirty or sarcastic remarks at each other. It was perfectly in character then, and not that much of acting : you were close friends and scoffing at each other was an integral part of your communication.
But this time, it felt different.
Your instinct was telling you that something was about to happen, but you were trying your best not to think about it.
Not to fantasize about it.
A light chuckle escaped his mouth, and you suddenly couldn’t get your eyes off of his lips.
"What is going on inside your head, General ?" He asked with a mischievous grin.
You couldn't resist it anymore, you’ve been trying your best not to stare at him for too long since you arrived at the bar, and for months before that mission, in fact. 
And you were doing just fine until then, but that damn smile broke your last string of self control.
"Plenty of things actually, do you want me to show you ?" You let out, before you could even think about the consequences of your words.
Then your little playful smile suddenly fades away as a wave of embarrassment hit you.
“No, I’m sorry, that’s not … I wasn’t expecting it to sound that …” 
“… Sincere ?” he interrupted you.
You were suddenly feeling so self-conscious that you lowered your head, the heat violently raising to your cheeks, trying to focus so hard on the floor that you barely noticed him coming even closer.
“I’m so sorry …” you muttered, “I took the joke too far, I shouldn’t have said that …”
“Why for ?”
“I’m your superior …”
“Oh, cut it out, please …” his tone was firm, but softer than usual, “All I want to know is if you really had something on your mind or not.”
You slowly raised your head to meet his eyes again. They were burning with lust now.
“Yes …” you breathed out, “I may have a way too precise idea of how that night was going to end …” 
You stopped. The sound of your heart beating faster than ever was ringing through your ears now, but you still felt it skip a bit when the sniper leaned toward you until his nose was nearly brushing against yours.
“Show me, then.”
He didn’t need to ask twice, you just couldn’t keep your hands off of him anymore anyway. 
With trembling fingers, you reached for his face, cupping it gently, finally finding enough courage to kiss those lips you had been craving to feel on yours for so long. 
It was shy and hesitant at first, but it didn’t take long before he answered it, giving you a pleasant rush of self-confidence as his hands fell on your hips, pulling your body against his. 
Your legs became weak and the world seemed to start spinning around you, but you definitely lost it when, as he deepened the kiss, his hands slipped from your hips to your butt, grabbing it firmly. 
The unexpected touch sent a wave of heat and excitation through your body, and for a moment, you thought that your pussy was about to melt. 
“You’re so beautiful …” you heard him whisper in your ear in a deeper, lower voice than usual.
It was too much for you to bear, and your impatient hands reached for his pants and belt, starting to unfasten it as you pushed him against the nearest wall. You were blessing the fact that he wasn't wearing his armor right now.
“I didn’t know that you were that skilled with your hands.” he quipped, he was still grinding, and his words suddenly sounded like a challenge.
You didn’t answer anything, but instead let your fingers slip into his pants, softly caressing him through his underwear at first, your lips reaching for his neck and planting small pecks on it. He was nearly fully hard already, and you couldn’t help but bite your lips at the thought, suddenly craving to feel his cock sliding inside of you.
A gasp escaped his mouth and his grip on you became tighter, one of his hands starting to roam under your shirt until it landed on your chest, massaging your breast through your bra.
But you stop him in his tracks to take down both his pants and underwear. The fabric fell on the floor with a muffled crumpling, finally allowing you free access to his crotch. 
His whole body shivered when your fingers started to brush over his bare skin, softly caressing his hips and his balls, before wrapping them around his length and beginning to stroke it gently. 
“Maker … “ he exhaled, “you have now idea how long I have been wanting you to touch me …”
The words made your pussy throb under your skirt. So it wasn’t your brain playing tricks on you after all, those lingering glances that he kept throwing at you really meant what you thought it was.
“I guess I understand why you volunteered for that mission now.”
He answered you with his lips crashing against yours again, but the kiss was angrier this time. When you broke it, you started to go down on him, still stroking him.
You heard a faint moan escape his as your mouth took the tip of his erection in, your lips gently wrapping and slowly moving back and forth around it, one of your hands following the same gesture and the other settling on his back end.
His skin was soft and warm under your tongue, and as you were shoving his length deeper and deeper into your throat, you heard his breath become more and more intense and loud.
Even if your eyes were closed, you could feel the weight of his intense stare upon you. You knew that you were being watched, but you knew that you were having complete power over him as well right now, and it felt immensely satisfying.
Pleasure was making his hips shake, and as you were increasing your pace, his fingers ran through your hair, firmly taking a hold on them. 
"St ... Stop ..." you suddenly heard him mutter, panting.
You immediately paused, raising your head toward him with a worried look.
"You okay ? What's wrong ?" You asked, your brows furrowing in concern.
"No, it's good, too good ... But now it's my time to show you something” he smirked, his hand reaching for yours, unwrapping it from his length and tucking on it to signify you to stand up. 
His eyes were glowing with desire, and as soon as you were up on your feet, he dragged you along toward the bed, and in a matter of seconds, you were laying on your back on the mattress with him towering you.
Your heart skipped a bit when you saw him removing his shirt, revealing the other half of his body.
“Like what you see ?” he smugly asked with a bragging expression on his face.
“You have no idea …” you let out, hungrily staring at him.
With an amused chuckle, he leaned over you to get rid of your own shirt and your bra as well, sending them flying across the room.
Now it was his turn to play, and he wanted to take his time with you.
His hands landed on your breast as he kissed you needily, the tips of his lean fingers playing with your nipples, rubbing them delicately.
You let out a moan against his lips, and your hands started to wander on his back, pressing him against you. 
Then it was your skirt’s turn to be removed as he began to go down your body, leaving a trail of small kisses behind him. The caress of his lips on your exposed body sent little shivers down your spine, and you couldn’t help but start panting in anticipation.
It wasn't happening so often, but your patience was running thin as your excitation grew stronger. Your whole body was craving for his touch, and he knew it. 
He must have been so proud of himself right now.
You clenched your teeth when he pulled out your panties, making it slip along your legs before spreading them open.
He started by planting kisses all over your hips, then your tights, his lips brushing against your skin between each one, while his fingers were working their way to your inner thighs, starting to massage your clit carefully.
“So wet for me already …” he purred, his voice always sounded attractive to you, but in this context and with this satisfied tone, it was driving you crazy.
His mouth finally found your pussy, kissing it just like the rest of your body at first, before his tongue started to draw little circles on it. The pressure of his hands clasped around your tights, securing them in position with a firm grasp was just as arousing, and you absentmindedly grabbed his wrist, your back arching as the movements of his tongue were sending little waves of pleasure through down your spine.
When it suddenly hit the perfect spot, your body twitched, your grip on his wrist tightened, and you couldn’t retain a loud groan. As the touch of his tongue became more insistent and stronger on that spot, he let go of one of your tight, breaking free of the embrace of your hand to caress your entrance with the tips of his fingers.
Another loud moan escaped from your mouth when he slid one inside of you, then another, curling them and making small back and forth gestures.
“Please …” you whimpered, “Please, stop playing with me like that …”
You were breathless, and as much as he liked to tease you, his own horniness was becoming hard to contain as well. 
Your eyes followed him as move out from between your legs to crawl over you, the light of the little bed lamp bathing his slim body in a warm halo and making his silver hair shine. 
Now that you were finally allowing yourself and taking your time to stare at him, you couldn’t help but find him looking even more handsome than you already thought.
He stopped atop of you, sitting on his elbows, his lips still wet with your arousal angrily kissing you. You answered the kiss as passionately, opening your mouth to press your tongue against his, your fingers losing themselves in his hair.
“Are you sure this is what you really want, General ?”
The way he called you “General” sounded so dirty that it just made your brain melt. You were a mess right now, and military ranks weren’t meaning anything anymore to you at that moment, the only thing that you needed was to have him fuck the hell out of you.
“Yes, please !” you beg him.
“As you wish …” he whispered in your ear before getting up on his knees and grabbing your hips.
You didn’t resist him when he rolled you on your stomach and spread your legs open once again, raising your ass and arching your back to give him full access to your entrance. You let out a gasp of relief when the tip of his erection pressed against it, easily sliding in with how wet you were, while one of his hands was playing with your nipples.
He started to slowly move into you, diving as deep into your pussy as possible with every thrust, burying his face in the crook of your neck, covering it with kisses that quickly turned into bites.
Soon, his pace was increasing, and your legs retracted to your back, your toes curling as you were leaning against him, adjusting the movement of your body to match his.
The feeling of his hot and quick breath hitting your skin made you want to kiss him so badly that you lifted up your head, begging for his lips with pleading eyes.
They crashed against yours more violently than expected, nearly making your teeth clash, and you felt the embrace of one his arm tightening around your chest, pressing your back strongly against his.
Suddenly, his other arm slid under your body, his hand reaching for your clit and his fingers starting to massage it.
“Crosshair …” you breathed out at the unexpected sensation.
He was in complete control of your body now, and to hear you moan his name was so thrilling that his pace accelerated even more and his movement became rougher, causing his hips to smack against your butt with loud thuds.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his finger rubbing your clit and the heat that was growing between your legs as he thrusted faster and faster into you, until a massive wave of pleasure hit you, sending a violent shudder through you, your whole body contracting and freezing for a second.
You were the first to come, but he was right behind you, already on the verge of his own orgasm when the sudden contraction of your walls around his cock and your loud moans finally triggered it. 
He let out a groan, his head falling on your shoulder and his face burying in the crook of your neck, his embrace around you tightening one last time before his arms started to relax.
It was so intense that your vision was a bit blurry and tingling. It left you both panting, trembling and sweaty, with your legs entangled and your skins burning hot. He kept his face pressed against you for a moment, then slowly raised it to place a gentle kiss on your cheek.
You stayed that way for a couple more times, allowing your breaths to return to its normal pace and the beating of your hearts to slow down, before breaking the embrace.
“Was this supposed to be part of the mission as well ?” he teased you, as soon as he was laying next to you.
“Well, not really, but I guess it’s a bit too late to ask Cody about it now … He didn't gave us any limits after, as long as the cover is credible ...”
The remark and your mischievous expression sparked a smile on his face, but for once, it wasn’t one of his usual malicious grins, it was a real, soft and sincere smile. His eyes were riveted to you, admiring you. It was the first time that he was looking at you from that close, and you couldn’t help but blush under his eyes.
“What do you think about taking a shower before going to sleep, hu ?” 
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say no !” you chuckle with embarrassment when you noticed that the bed sheets were sticking to your belly as you tried to get up.
When you woke up the next morning, the first thing that came to your still sleepy mind was the comforting sensation of Crosshair’s body cuddled against yours, his head rested on your chest and his arms tightly wrapped around your waist, the warmth of his skin pleasantly enveloping you.
It felt like the whole previous night was a dream at first, but then the first thing that he did when opening his eyes was to gently caress your hair and press a long kiss on your forehead, taking you back to reality.
“Hello, Mesh’la …” he mumbled with a soft smile playing on his lips.
You were right, that night was, indeed, very interesting, and the next couple days promised to be as well.
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jay-joy113 · 15 days
First headcannons, might as well go all in
Twisted wonderland
How would the characters react to you being an absolute menace to society? Part 1
Please stop, youll give him an early grave. Or dont, im sure Ace will find it funny as fuck to see you get collared for painting all the roses yellow or eating all the sweets end switching them for Meat rolls. If you end Riddle are dating he might ask if you have something
"My Rose, are you sure you dont have OCD or something?"
It might come off as very offensive if you are just a natural harbinger of chaos, or youll have a great day pranking him by telling that you DO have something, end if really have he will try his best to be more... *patient*
"Sigh... no, no, i wont scream, deep breathes control yourself they cant help it"
Are you **sure** you want to be near him when all you do is enough to wake the beast?
Might hate you at first if you go down on the "*lets prank a literal lion with magic whos also buff*" route, so your best choice to get on his good graces is annoying the teachers so they wont disturb his sleep, or annoy people he doesn't like.. wich is almost everyone.
"Herbivore, what did you do this time? Make it quick, im not in the mood to chat"
"Impressive for a herbivore, if i ever need an jester ill be sure to consider you... nah, you make a better pillow"
If you guys date he **WILL** make you calm the fuck down for cuddles
Youll give him an early grave 2.
Please never meet Floyd, hes begging you-
Too late, now he has 2 walking tornados full of too much energy.
Might make you banned from the lounge, if you dont behave or at least lock you on the VIP room.
"Pearl- Floyd- please stop breaking everything!"
You are so fun! Wont you join his next feast-
Jamil hates you with all his guts, give him a break he already is almost a single mother at this point-
If you end kalim are together he will find you very lively, but youll discover sooner than later that he doesn't like when the joke goes too far.
"Why were you so mean to them? You should apologize so we can all be friends"
Not very funny to prank since hes almost never too scared of it end wont get too angry.
Does not enjoy your pranks end will demand you to stop them before he has to put you on watch by Rook.
You might find yourself on good manners lessons with Epel, who will break you out so he can ditch the class since Vil will be too busy with you.
You are NOT allowed in his room, even if you guys date. He cannot bet on the life of his precious merch end tech, even if he loves you a lot.
Will not hesitate to put a security system especialy for you if you ever do come to his room, wich will probably only make you unable to mess anything but wont hurt you.
"Nyshishi... my win, reader-sama"
Are you related to Lilia?
He likes how lively you are, end does like your mischif, it feels very familiar end it shows you are comfy enough to do that with him.
That being said, the gargoyles are off limits.
Or you might find a very pouty Malleus at your door in the middle of a storm.
"Beloved, i belive we talked about limits"
Thanks for reading
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dimichuu · 8 months
I think that a lot of the time when people talk about Chip and his upbringing they don’t realize how influential Price was.
Here’s the thing, without Reuben I believe Chip fully would’ve been able to move on from the Black Rose. I mean when you look at Lizzie she moved on almost completely and has a new life but Chip is stuck. The difference between what happened between them was that Lizzie was able to stick to her morals, she was able to follow a path she wanted and she kept the lessons they taught her. But Chip went to Price. He was forced to do things he didn’t believe in to survive. And more than that, acting that way and appealing to Price meant that he recieved love. And when I listen back to the Fey Wild arc and Chip says, ”Well he isn’t here” to justify doing something bad I can only think of Price because those words are the words he said to Chip about Arlin. After a while that thought drove deep into him. But the thing is he knows that the things he does (that Reuben taught) are bad and he wants to be a better person but he can’t because Arlin isn’t here. Chip doesn’t think he can be a good person without Arlin. So he looks for him because that is the closest he can get to self improvement. He’s hoping that Arlin will be his savior. He’s hoping that when he saves Arlin he will be forgiven for his sins. Captain Reuben Price made it so Chip could never fully move on.
This is one of the reasons I love his character so much which is funny because initially I absolutely hated him. He took advantage of Gillions naïve view on the world and he did initially use Gillion and Jay to forward his goal of finding Arlin. Trying to become a good person while being a bad friend. But he does become better at it. Through their adventures he’s become a much better person but, like with what happened with the lie with Edyn, he keeps messing up and he’s exhausted. Now he thinks that finding Arlin will stop that. He thinks it will mean no more mistakes like becoming a good or perfect person is a switch he can flip. So far he’s becoming better naturally but what does happen when he finds Arlin and as I suspect Arlin is changed and doesn’t like Chip anymore or what if he’s dead. Then Chip has no savior. Despite all the progress he has made he’ll give up on the idea of becoming a good person. He’ll think he’s broken beyond repair and I fear for him.
All this to say I hate Reuben Price.
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danielcain · 9 months
In retrospect, I should have gotten fitted in-person for a pair of rubber boots. Ordering shoes online is always a crapshoot. The ones I had on were too big, they just collected water like a rain barrel and waterlogged my socks.
The texture was horrible. A disgusting sensation.
The foyer’s carpet squelched with every step I took. It didn’t help that I was carrying 120 pounds of dead woman.
“This always happens during the honeymoon phase,” said my friend Dan.
“You won’t want to leave the house. You’ll want to be with her all the time. The modern age enables this. Work from home, order from home, live from home, die from home…” He began to rant about how modernity. He always goes there, and I always tune him out. He married a female cop from the sheriff’s department. She came off gay when I met her. Funny.
I‘ve tried to explain my marital problems to Dan before. I had to leave out a few key details. I told him my wife was depressed, in bed all day, not contributing financially. He said wives “tend to do that” and that I make enough money, anyway. Not quite the issue.
The trouble was harder to explain; I’ve only been married to Liana for six months, and she’s killed and replanted herself seven times.
I trudged up the staircase in the loose boots. The way I carried her, the soil from her body fell before us, laying a trail like rose petals.
Creaking wood drummed up anxiety in my chest. I am not a large man. I usually make but a negligible amount of noise when I move throughout the house. That’s something she commented on when we first moved in. The word she used was unobtrusive. She liked this about me. She said we had that in common. In a lot of ways, we really were alike.
Unlike me, her cells interlocked with tightly-woven cellulose walls. She had organelles not found in over 99% of human beings: chloroplasts. When I first met her, her skin had a milky green hue. The first time I touched her, I balked. She was not hot to the touch like others. Not cold, but not hot. Her breasts, thighs, cheeks… remarkably, they had the tautness of an unripe vegetable.
I laid her down in the bathtub. The plumbing was sensitive, not terrible, but sensitive. An old house. Wood and cobblestone on the outside. Folksy, I’m told through clenched smiles of guests trying to be complimentary. Yeah, right. It looks better suited to house a coven of child-stealing hags. I tried to fix it up, stay on trend. Liana convinced me not to hire contractors. She convinced me to buy, too. “I’ve always wanted a house in the woods…”
Now I know why.
The replanting process is nothing short of a natural miracle. I will be the first to admit, it attracted me to her further. Liana could change herself at will. All it took was a little patience, two days of waiting, a 6 foot deep ditch in the backyard, some sleeping pills and vodka. I didn’t understand the science of it at first. What exactly she needed to do to push out the roots and reform her mass. When I finally found out, I was too embarrassed to admit I didn’t know she had to physically die each time.
She was always shy about the details, embarrassed, like it was some sort of bowel syndrome. I did not press her for details, but as her husband, I should’ve researched the condition. I did eventually. But not before telling her she would look good blonde. Telling her she would look even hotter upping her bra size by a letter or two…
She started to wake up.
First, the rattle. A great exhalation and inhalation. It always took me by surprise. Her facial muscles were always the second thing reanimate. Her nose twitched. Her eyes opened. They looked so dry. Matte. “Liana. This is getting dangerous.”
A couple seconds’ delay. Then, she smiled mawkishly. During this stage of regrowth, her skin is taut and verdant like the day I met her. (I once called her belle pepper as a pet name. She either didn’t get the pun, maybe.) With every hour, she begins to flush to her desired shade. She switches it up from time to time, never too dark or too white for most to notice, but I do. She carries Pantone swatches in her wallet.
She moved her lips, but couldn’t speak yet. I said nothing further. I picked up the detachable showerhead. The gentlest setting. I rinsed her body, avoiding the tender roots that twitched and protruded from the tips of her fingers and toes. I read somewhere that touching them at this stage feels like a pressing on a pinched nerve.
“I know why thish bophers you shoo much,” she gurgled, throat half-asleep. Her mouth was filled with soil and rainwater. It seeped from her firm, bloated lips.
I turned away. Washing her feet. She continued, most of the earth and excess sap that gagged her having dribbled onto her nightie.
“You like me like thish.”
I averted my eyes. I continued to bathe her, and stared at the peel-and-stick mauve tile accent above the tub. I had put it there the previous month to cover a stubborn decomposition stain.
“I like you all the time, Liana.” It felt like someone was slowly lacing my throat shut from the inside.
I didn’t have to look at her to know she was smiling.
“Buh you like… thish.”
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whatdudtheysay · 9 days
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Context - You're on a boring 'date' with the duke of the north. But a certain someone keeps catching your eye...
Tw - slight nsfw but nothing major.
Note - this series will have switching povs to show inner thoughts of both main leads <3 - might include other important characters.
Credit - @cafekitsune
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You sighed softly as you woke up in your large bed, stretching with a light moan.
Another day of pretending to be poised and demure. You got out of bed and stretched once more before heading over to the long and big rope bell in your room.
You shook it tiredly and only 0.5 seconds passed before five different maids entered, two carrying hot buckets of water and three empty handed.
They all curtsied in sync, smiling at you warmly.
"good morning, your highness."
"good morning." You greeted back.
The two with the water moved into your ensuite to prepare your bath while the others went to your huge closet, holding out different dresses until you decided to choose a simple light blue dress. They nodded, offering comments like "excellent choice" and "you'll look amazing in this dress, your highness."
But you've heard it all before. You were then ushered into the bathroom for a bath, the maids helping you undress before helping you into the warm water, their hands helping wash your hair.
It was nice of them to do but you thought it would stop when you were 16. However, your mother insisted.
Luckily, time passed quickly and you were out of the bath. luckily, after you 'kindly' told them to excuse you to dress yourself, they did.
After they left, you laid back on your bed, your towel slightly slipping off. You were dreading today. A date with a duke? He's probably been divorced 4 times and has 7 children.
You were dreading it. But it wasn't like you had a choice. You sat up quickly and pulled on some underwear, your stockings, then your dress and then your jewellery.
After a long thirty minutes of doing your hair and drowning yourself in rose perfume, you finally got up and headed downstairs.
There, you entered the dining room and saw your father at the head of the table, smoking a fat cigar and reading the royale newspaper as usual, your mother beside him, drinking some tea.
"good morning." You greeted before taking a seat opposite your mother.
"Morning, sweetness. Are you prepared?" Your father asked.
"Prepared?" You feigned ignorance, staring at the window as the maids served you breakfast.
"do not play dumb, y/n. It isn't befitting-"
"-of a Princess. I know, mother." You cut her off gently. "But do I have to go on this outing? I know you all want what's best for me but a duke?"
"you rejected 30 princes, 5 imperial knights and an earl. This is for your own good since you love being stubborn." Your dad sighed, turning the page of his paper. "I'm guessing you got that from your mother."
Your mother gave your father a glare before she refocused on her breakfast.
You wanted to argue further but you knew that they'd make the situation worse for you. You hated how your parents acted when it came to your life...
It was your only chance at living and yet you weren't in control. You were just a doll to them... And then you'd be a doll to your future husband. The cycle wouldn't end.
"Very well, then. I shall prepare." You grit out before getting up and leaving your breakfast untouched.
You were walking. You didn't know where but you were angry and you just needed to walk it off before you got yourself in more trouble.
You continued to mumble to yourself, ignoring the different palace helps who stopped to greet you. After almost five minutes, you looked up and realised you were in a deeper end of the palace.
Unsure, you glanced around. Despite living here since you were born, you'd never explored this much. You weren't allowed to. Funny.
You continued going deeper. At least if you got lost it would give you an excuse to hold off on the date with the duke. Eventually, you found a room at the end of the hall and pushed it open, revealing a large hall.
"woah." You audibly mumbled. It was so big. A bit smaller than the main... You guessed it was a spare....
Hesitantly, you stepped inside and noticed a lot of portraits around. So this was where your childhood ones went. One of you as a baby, a child, then the most recent was from your 18th, just a few months ago.
You were about to let your hand gently brush against the golden frame when-
"A beautiful portrait."
You gasped and turned around to see.... Him...
Lieutenant Fushiguro.
"Lieutenant- what're you doing here?" You asked. Did he follow you? You hadn't noticed... Or heard him.
"forgive me for starting you." He bowed. "The king wants me to guard your date with the Duke...I tried to find you but the maids said you stormed off in this direction."
Oh.... That made sense....
You somewhat calmed down and nodded. "I see. Sorry...I didn't mean to waste time..."
It was a lie. You did.
But you couldn't deny, the view was... Delectable. The view of him in that tight dark blue and cream royal guard attire... The brooches on his blazer, his hair that was slicked back yet somewhat messy...
It was hard to ignore that delicious shiver that kept tingling down your spine.
"It isn't a problem...besides, I'm sure you are...dreading the meeting?" Toji supposed.
You sighed in relief. It felt like he was the only one who wasn't lobotomized around here.
"Finally! Someone who isn't brain-dead. Uh, no offense." You huffed.
He chuckled deeply in a way that made molten heat pool in your lower stomach.
"I'm not sure a woman such as yourself should settle for anyone you find below your standard." Toji shrugged simply, taking a few steps between you, eating up the distance.
You found yourself nodding to his words almost eagerly. How did a stranger manage to see it and say exactly what your heart wanted while your parents believed the complete opposite?
"I'm glad someone understands." You mumbled, glancing back at your portrait.
"Well sometimes you need a change of perspective." He spoke calmly, his voice a lot closer than before.
You glanced over your shoulder, swallowing thickly when you noticed he was merely a step away from you.
Before either of you could speak up, the doors suddenly opened and your father entered. You glanced at toji, then your father, noticing the stare off they were currently having.
"Y/n. Down to the main hall. The duke is waiting for you." Was all your father said.
But he said it in that voice. The voice he used when you were two ticks away from trouble. So, you moved around Toji awkwardly and quickly left the hall, your father closing the door behind you. Curiously, you pressed your ear against the door, overhearing some muffled words but nothing coherent.
"my lady."
You almost screamed at the sudden voice, whirling around to see your lady's maid and friend, Nobara.
"Gosh! Nobara, I told you not to sneak up on me anymore!" You lightly chastised, moving to interlink your arms, hoping your father hadn't realised you'd been eavesdropping.
She laughed softly. "Sorry. But I was told you'd be going out today?"
"yes... Just got a while. I hope." You sighed, remembering your 'date.'
"in that case, should I tell the emperor you'll see him next week?" She asked.
You raised a brow. Satoru wanted to see you? But why?
"I guess so. I'll probably be tired after the outing." You nodded. Now you wished you didn't have to go.
Satoru was your childhood friend before he inherited the Gojo empire. You barely ever saw him because it was situated in the far north and snow was fun until you got frostbite.
But you had to face reality... Before you got yourself into more trouble.
As you walked ahead, you took one last glance at the hall. The bigger part of you hoped you hadn't gotten Toji in any trouble...
ㅤㅤㅤ⊹────⊹ ꯭┄ׁ┄ ʚ͜♡͜ɞ ┄ׁ┄꯭ ⊹────⊹
Fuck, it was hot. He was in the carriage with you, staring out of the windows, alert as usual.
But he was also discreetly staring at you. The heat was no match for a royal either. You were lightly fanning yourself, a bead of sweat moving down your collarbone, settling between the deep line of your cleavage.
Fuck. He had already ensured your father biting his head off about being near you earlier and now he was staring at those pretty tits eyes of yours. You kept glancing out of the window and then to your lap. Your fidgeting was making him nervous at this time.
"You alright, princess?" He asked, causing you to look up quickly.
You huffed, fanning yourself more. "Of course I am! I'm just... Thinking about my wonderful future wedding with the duke."
Toji chuckled, causing her to shyly avoid his gaze.
"I'm sure you'll receive many blessings of wealth and fertility." Toji hummed, making you gag.
"Ew, Ew, Ew! Don't!" You huffed, becoming more worried.
Toji sighed slightly. He could tell you didn't want to be bound to some random man and pop out more babies for him. Besides, who knew what the duke would make of the kingdom when your future husband took over.
Sadly, the ride slowed to a stop and toji helped you out of the carriage. He glanced around the large estate. It was....clean, kept...nice. befitting of a royal.
A woman came out, short and she had blonde hair.
"Good morning, I hope the the ride wasn't too eventful." She smiled, mostly at you than Toji.
"Oh, it was smooth, thank you." You replied with a smile as you had been accustomed to.
She led you up the path, Toji tailing behind, ensuring to keep an eye on the surroundings just in case...
They finally got into the estate, moving into the parlour which was thankfully, a lot cooler than the summer heat outside.
But then you suddenly stopped. Toji was a lot taller so he looked over your head and noticed a man sat, waiting...staring deeply into you.
Short silky blonde hair, regal robes and two different brightly coloured eyes. He had a wry smirk upon his lips and an odd look in his eyes as you stared at each other.
Naoya...the duke of the northern region.
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Tags ღ - @blobkvna , @byerno6 , @iseeyouuu , @iloveaustinelvisandmannymore , @aloserprobably , @tojislittleprincesss , @meforpr3sident , @someonejasjsj
A/n - by changing povs I mean the story will focus more on one person than another just to lyk <3
Please don't steal or copy my work. None of the art in my works are mine 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚
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vixstarria · 10 months
there was a great piece of art posted here awhile ago (i SCOURED but couldn’t find it again so if you or anyone knows what i’m talking about pls let me know the artist) where astarion and tav were sleeping, astarion was having a nightmare and grabbing his arm super tight, but when tav tried to wake him up he attacked them on accident and was then overcome by remorse. if you’re still taking requests (if not pls disgard) i think it would be really interesting to hear your take on something like that in a fic, especially with your other pieces about their relationship along with his healing journey
Funny you should mention this, I happened to have a small piece along those lines that I had written for something else but scrapped. I've now expanded it, here it is:
Astarion was thrashing in another nightmare. Usually his night terrors paralysed him, but this one was different. You thought nothing of it when you reached out to try to wake him, when suddenly you found yourself pinned to the bed by your neck. He was leaning over you with an animalistic snarl, fangs exposed, and not a trace of humanity behind his eyes. Some rage or pain fuelled demon was wearing his body. Astarion wasn’t there.  
The hand on your neck squeezed, fingernails piercing your flesh. You couldn’t breathe. Your trachea was about the be crushed.  
Every moment seemed to stretch out into a lifetime as your mind frantically searched for anything you could do, suddenly grasping for survival.  
Knee him between his legs? You couldn’t, not the way you were lying. Smash something blunt against his head? There was nothing within reach. Cast a spell? There was nothing you could do fast enough, and your fickle patron seemed to have diverted their attention elsewhere while you slept.  
As the inevitability of your demise started to sink in, you saw a trickle of blood running down Astarion’s neck, from the same spots as where his nails were digging into your skin.  
The rings. 
You shut your eyes and bit down on the inside of your cheek, hard. As your mouth filled with your own blood, you heard a gasp. The grip on your neck loosened, and you instinctively rolled out of bed, coughing and spitting. Your mind was still racing, immediately switching to thinking of ways to prevent this from ever happening again. 
Sleeping draughts? Can he drink that? Or something that can keep nightmares away? Is there some kind of amulet of dreamless nights? Or do I just keep an empty bottle on the nightstand, something that will just shatter loudly if need be? Or- 
“What have I done..?” Astarion said in a horrified whisper. “I hurt you, didn’t I? I’m so sorry...” 
Oh stop fixing and just be there, you jackass! you thought to yourself, as you rose from the floor and flung your arms around him. 
“No, no, I’m okay, it’s not your fault.” You took his face into your hands. “Look at me, love. It’s not your fault, you know it isn’t.” 
“How tragically typical of me would it be, to kill the one person I care for? The one I want to protect.” Astarion’s voice was small, flat, quiet. “I shouldn't sleep next to you anymore. I can't be without you, I guess I can’t be with you either.” 
“Don’t say that, please. It will be fine.” 
“And what did you... how did... where is all this blood from?” he said finally.  
“The enchanted rings,” you said, getting up to grab a healing potion. “I bit myself to wake you.” You took a sip, swishing it around your mouth, and handed the vial to Astarion. He took it, too stunned to say anything. 
“At least if you tore my throat out, yours would have ripped itself out as well. Imagine how stupid we’d look when someone finally found us,” you continued.  
“Really? You’re joking about this?! This isn't funny,” he said, looking at your incredulously. 
Good, outrage was better than anguish, you thought. 
“No, it’s not funny, it’s romantic,” you persisted. “But we’re never taking these rings off, you hear?” you added softly, sinking back on the bed and sliding onto Astarion’s lap. It was only once your body started shaking in uncontrollable sobs that you realised you had forgotten to feel anything for your own sake. 
“Never,” he whispered, drawing you closer and pressing his lips against your forehead. 
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nhasablogg · 1 month
Could you do a Criminal Minds fic where Morgan rates all of Reids Tk spots? You could maybe do a playful one where he leaves notes on all of his spots as if he's doing a case report or something?
I love your fics! Keep up the good work!
A/N: Switched it up a lil, I hope you like it!
Rossi always found it interesting to see in what ways his teammates tried to preserve their humanity. Garcia chose to see the good in everything, with her colorful clothes and knickknacks. Who was the only one to still cry when it all became too much. Prentiss and her books, her sarcasm, her ability to still find things funny. JJ who at the end of the day went home to her son after trying to make the world better for him. Hotch, who only kept his humanity by making sure the others kept theirs.
And then came Morgan and Reid. The way the two of them never let the other forget, by joking around or showing tough love or allowing the other to lean on them when needed. Sometimes their humanity showed in silly ways, like prank wars or bickering. Today it was something physical, which had Morgan pretending not to smile and Reid whining.
Morgan was, from Rossi’s understanding, rating Reid’s tickle spots. A hand on the kid’s knee, squeezing once, twice, with Reid trying and failing to escape due to being trapped against the window of the jet, the table and Morgan in the way of freedom. “That’s a seven, I think.”
Prentiss hummed from across from them. “I’d say seven point five. Did you hear the way his laughter rose in pitch?”
Morgan nodded enthusiastically. “Noted.” He did in fact jot the rating down in his notebook, alongside the ratings for Reid’s thighs and sides. Rossi had unfortunately missed the end results for them. Had only really been alerted to what they were doing when Reid accidentally kicked the table a moment ago as Morgan had decided to go for his knees.
He’d have to ask for them later, naturally.
“That brings us to belly.” Morgan turned to him, seemingly doing everything in his power not to smirk - Rossi could tell from the twitch to his lips. “I have theories for this one.”
Reid was covering his torso, and yet he still asked: “Which are?”
“Oh, a ten for sure. I’ve heard the way you scream when tickled there.”
“Scream is a little exaggerated.”
“Want me to prove it, pretty boy? Because I will.”
Rossi felt for the kid, as he pressed himself closer to the window, a nervous smile plastered on his face. But he knew Morgan would never do something that crossed a line, and so this had to be okay. Even though it embarrassed him. Even though it showed parts of him that the rest of the team hadn’t properly seen.
“No, no, it’s okay-” Reid started, but Morgan went for it anyway. Worming his hands beneath Reid’s, he started poking and prodding, prompting panicked giggles that the other spots hadn’t produced. From Rossi’s understanding of this experiment, he wasn’t supposed to be tickling the kid for too long (“Can’t have him be all jumpy about spots that aren’t as bad.”), though this spot seemed to have him breaking his own rules. Rossi didn’t blame him. Watching Reid squirm and laugh, a scene so rare in the BAU, was intoxicating.
“That’s an eleven,” Prentiss said when Morgan paused to let Reid breathe. “For sure.”
“Maybe even a twelve. You hear the way he could barely form words?”
“Oh, I certainly did.”
“Here.” Morgan pushed the notepad toward her. “Jot that down, would you? I can feel his ribs calling me. I’m guessing they’re a nine.”
“Agreed.” “I’d say an eight.” Rossi hadn’t meant to get involved, but he’d seen Reid get his ribs patched up in the past and noticed the tensing up, but he’d also seen him get poked there and that had merely made him jerk away. Nowhere near the reaction his belly gave.
Morgan showed his surprise by blinking at him, but turned his attention back to Reid almost immediately. “Guess we’ll find out. Be ready with that pen, hey?”
Rossi leaned back to watch, smiling at Reid when their eyes locked. This was fun. He’d almost forgotten what that was like. He could tell his teammates hadn’t. Could tell this was second nature to them. How Morgan was hands on but Prentiss equally involved from the sidelines. How Reid accepted this form of playful teasing, despite his protests. How JJ and Hotch barely budged while all this was happening. Ease. There was ease on that jet, despite the heaviness of the case they’d just wrapped up.
He was glad for it. Realized he needed it too.
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howlingday · 6 months
I always love the idea of Jaune being ripped but wearing his Hoodie and other clothes that hide the fact. Like someone picks on Ruby so he takes off his Hoodie for safe keeping and is ripped
As funny an idea that is, it's unfortunately not canon. Jaune was skin and bones when he got to Beacon, trained with Pyrrha, and probably got buff all the way to Atlas, where he switched to his turtleneck. BUT WE DON'T CARE ABOUT CANON HERE!
Ruby: Stop it~!
The little leader, Ruby Rose, kicked in the air as she whined, held aloft by her hoodie. The offending party, one Cardin Winchester, attempted to relieve her of her cloak. The young man had ceased his bullying habits, after a near-death experience with Jaune Arc, but some habits remained in their place. Such habits included being stubborn, aggressive, and very invasive, even if his intentions were less malicious than before.
Cardin: Come on, Red! I gotta do laundry!
Ruby: I'll do laundry when I'm ready to do laundry!
Cardin: When was the last time you washed this damn thing?!
Ruby: I washed it when I washed it! Now let-
Jaune: LET GO.
The two looked to see Jaune Arc standing with folded arms compounded by an angry look. Cardin immediately dropped Ruby, right on her butt. As she rubbed her rump, she looked up to see Jaune walking up to Cardin with a deep, DEEP scowl.
Cardin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I wasn't picking on her! I just wanted to get her freakin' hood so it can get washed!
Jaune: Then ask her.
Cardin: I did, but she didn't hand it over!
Jaune: Then let her be. That doesn't mean you try to yank it off of her. (Sighs) But you're doing laundry, right?
Cardin: Yeah? Why?
Without another word, Jaune lifted his hoodie from his body. Beneath the cutesy face of Pumpkin Pete was the pinnacle of huntsman physique. Shredded abs, bulky pecs, and rippling arm muscles. Ruby and Cardin nearly drooled at the sight.
Jaune: (Sniffs) Hey... Ruby, did you wash your hood?
Ruby: Huh? Oh, uh, not yet.
Jaune: Maybe you should let Cardin take your hood and-
As Cardin took the hoodie from Jaune's hands, a red hood was tossed in his face, along with some other black fabric he didn't notice because he was blinded by the red.
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elcpsstuff · 11 months
S!ut! // Conrad Fisher
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“I might as well be drunk in love”
a/n: I’m so obsessed with 1989 TV it’s not even funny and this song is my anthem. Please use * when saying the name because I don’t want my content to get banned ‼️ also when the text turns bold it switches to yns pov!!
warnings: toxic complex conrad, swearing, drinking, yn is a mess + delusional, small smut? if u squint :0
i’m sorry in advance..
You didn’t plan for this to happen.
You and your family have lived with the Fishers every single summer. Steven was the oldest and Belly was the youngest. Meaning, you fell right in the middle.
For years, you had wanted Conrad. Steven and Jeremiah always made fun of you but Belly never did because she had a thing for the youngest fisher, Jeremiah.
How could you not? He was so young, and a true peice of art. You had always been the hopeless romantic of the family, Belly falling not to far behind. It was safe to say you got love sick way to quick.
And with Conrad, well, that was dangerous.
It was one of the first nights of summer, and you had decided to take a solo swim. You gathered all your things and then made your way outside and over to the pool.
You didn’t notice him at first. In fact, you dove in and let the cool water heal your body. When you rose to the surface, that’s when you saw him. A joint in his hand, and a small smirk on his face.
Your heartbeat accelerated, “Stalking me?”
He chuckled, “I’ve been out here longer if I’m correct.” His voice was teasing, and he was testing the waters. Maybe you could too.
“So, seriously? Smoking?”
Conrad rolled his eyes, “Don’t scold me like everybody else is. I don’t need a second mom.”
“Just quit, Conrad.”
He looked you in the eyes and then smirked, “What will you give me if I do?”
Your face went red. You felt your cheeks burn.
Slowly, you said, “What do you want?”
It was funny. In this aquamarine swimming pool that was filled with lights, all you ever really needed was him.
It had been a week since you and Conrad kissed. After responding to him oh so temptingly, he couldn’t help it. He kissed you right then and there. (He jumped in the pool, first.)
Conrad didn’t know what to feel. Deep down he always knew he had some sort of feelings for you. He was shit at showing it though, but now you were in for the long run.
You were love sick. All over his bed.
Sex with Conrad Fisher was one of the best things to ever happen to you. He made you feel like a different person completely. He could be so sweet yet so, different in bed? It was indescribable.
You groaned against the pillow, digging your nails into his back, leaving tiny little scratch marks. In response he groaned and moaned into your neck. You cracked a smile.
“You alright, Fisher?” You teased.
“I’ll be asking you that soon.” He looked up at you, lips red and plump and eyes wild. He began to nip and leave marks all over your neck, and you had never felt more alive.
Sex with him showed a whole new vulnerability. He would kiss you and worship every inch of your body. How could anybody be so perfect?
It was getting harder to hide. Each time you two went at it, he left marks that were as obvious as handprints on wet cement. One time, Jeremiah even caught wind of it.
“What’s that on your neck?” He had asked one morning.
You mentally cursed yourself. You thought you had concealed most of these marks with makeup, but it seems Conrad’s love for you was harder to hide each time.
“I— um… chin burn?” You lie.
Jeremiah didn’t believe it, but he laughed anyways. “Alright, sure.”
It just became worse from there. You became lovelorn and sex with him felt like thorns. Instead of cuddling you after, he would leave you wobbling walking back to your room. It was like you were a toy, and he was getting bored of you.
Most nights you cried after. You felt used and sad. You truly thought Conrad had felt what you felt for him all these years, but maybe he was just bored. And wanted an easy grab.
Still, you found yourself in his bedroom almost every night. He would make you promises in the bed to ensure you kept coming, but nothing ever amounted to the lies he fed you.
Blindly, you were still in love with him. So you kept this a secret from everybody you loved. You didn’t want anybody, especially Belly to worry.
You’d pay the price, so he won’t.
You had dressed up nice for this party. Just in case Conrad wanted to slip away from the crowds and have a good time with you.
Belly and Jeremiah had become very suspicious at this point. Those two were open about their new relationship all summer, and a little part of you felt jealous. You wished Conrad wouldn’t keep you like a secret.
“Are you okay?” Belly asks, handing you a beer to which you accept.
You nod, “Yeah, yeah. I’m good.” It was a lie. You were far from good at all. You wanted to cry and break down into your sisters arms. She was your younger sister and yet she was more stable than you at the moment.
Belly said some other things, but you were too distracted by Conrad signaling you to come up the stairs. Finally, the moment you were waiting for. You shouldn’t have been, but you simply couldn’t resist him.
As soon as you walked into the room Conrad was ripping your clothes off. You knew it was wrong, and that if anybody knew they’d probably call you that word. A sl*t.
But you know, in this moment. It might be worth it for once?
You were drunk off your ass, but nothing felt better than the art Conrad was perfecting on you. In moments like these, you almost believed it was all real. He traced your curves so calmly, and you swore you saw the light.
Conrad kissed your cheeks, and then your lips. He worked his way down to the area you so desperately wanted. He looked up at you with a smirk.
“You’re beautiful like this.”
His eyes told a story, one you were so foolish to believe.
Yes, you were drunk. But you were drunk in love.
It’s was the day of the deb ball.
Somehow, you had convinced Conrad to come with you. Apart of you was giddy, hopeful, but things still remained the same. Conrad kept you his little secret and it pained you when he sent you to your room crying at night. You still took all this pain for him.
When they called your name, Conrad was there to escort you. He smiled at you, that beautiful smile only Conrad fisher had. Laurel and Susannah were both in tears from you and Belly.
When you curtsied for them, Conrad linked his arm with yours, and whispered, “Beautiful, as always.”
You couldn’t help but smile. No matter what, out of all the boys, he remained a gentleman.
When it came time for the escort dance, Conrad danced with you, and it all seemed so real, so genuine. Summer was ending, but maybe this didn’t have to. Maybe this could be the start of something.
When the danced ended, something changed in his face. It was like the color drained from his face.
“Con, are you—”
“Outside. We need to talk.” Before you could object he was grabbing you and pulling you away from the center of the room. Belly mouthed something to you that you couldn’t decipher.
Once you got outside Conrad paced around and then looked you in the eyes. Oh fuck.
You began to shake your head, “Don’t say it.”
Tears brimmed at your eyes. You couldn’t believe this.
“Is this a joke to you? My feelings? I fucking gave myself to you and now your just gonna make me forget?”
He paused, “I needed to forget about my shit and you—”
“Screw you!” You pointed your hands at him and tears streamed down your face. He looked broken, for you. He probably didn’t give a shit. Maybe he cared somewhere in his cold heart, but not enough.
Conrad inched closer to you, “I— I’m sorry.. It’s all so so complicated okay? You were there. I care about you, you know that. That night in the pool was just the wrong place but the right time.”
Those words stung, because they were true. Did you mean nothing? If it was anybody else, would he have done the same?
the wrong place but the right time.
I started to break down, falling to the bench next to me. I was sobbing, because I felt disgusting. Like an idiot.
I would never do this. This wasn’t who I was. I wouldn’t continue to give myself to someone who truly didn’t want me. I would have walked away. I knew what I was, and I was raised better than this.
Still, looking at him was hard. Because I still loved him. It was supposed to be me and him from day one. The two oldest kids, everyone saw it.
I felt his arms wrap around me and I hated it. He’s pulling me in like the nice gentleman he was.
I pushed him off me and he stumbled back a little.
“Just get away from me!” He went to speak, but I put my hand out to stop him. With a big sigh, he slowly walked away from me and back into the ballroom. His eyes were red, I saw them.
Within minutes Belly was running out to find me. When she saw me, she ran up to me and sat down next to me on the bench. The look she gave me, it was too hard. She knew it in her heart, me and Conrad.
“Yn? What’s going on?”
I didn’t say anything, and then I was sobbing in her arms. She held me like there was no tomorrow, and even though I was soaking her dress, it didn’t matter. Not to her. She knew what I was going through and I didn’t have to say it.
To say what I was, that was harsh. I wasn’t like this always, I was just twisted by the sick and harsh lies the man I claimed I had felt true love with gave me.
I thought if I was called it, it would be worth it for once. If i was drunk, I was drunk in love.
But was it? Was it worth it?
Like i said.. i’m sorry in advance :0
let me know if you guys have any more requests!! :)
Listen to the song that inspired this fanfic here ->
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trendywaifus · 1 year
Stelle nsfw and sfw headcannons…Pleasewe
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ye ye!! since you two buds said please-
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— aaa being in a relationship with stelle is a ride. she’s so pretty and weird that you even wonder how someone like her exists. oh well, you ain’t complaining. despite her weird traits, when it comes to you, she’s protective and almost always seen by your side! she’s like a cat y’know?
— stelle flirts but it’s..pretty random? i feel like she doesn’t know how to be romantic all like that but tries her best in unintentional silly ways. like one time, she shows up at your cabin door in the middle of the night with a rose in her mouth casually asking to be let in. if you’re wearing an outfit that she never seen before and likes it, she’ll stare at you for the longest before commenting how good you look. she’ll prob say “ your butt fits nice in those pants, can i touch?”
— the way stelle looks at you whenever you’re around is adorable. march describes it as “a happy puppy who’s happy to see its owner! “
— def touch starved. every chance she gets to cuddle with you, she plops on top of you like a dead fish and now she’s apart of you. stelle’s pretty strong so if her arms are wrapped around you. . .good luck! also, please give her forehead kisses, it makes her all puddy inside and her love-sick grin is just precious.
— her kisses aren’t bad at all. they’re languid but a little sloppy since she’s ofc inexperienced. she’ll kiss you like that before and after missions, and in the heat of the moment like after a chase or fight; it grounds her.
— there’s a few times where stelle randomly suggested on making out with you behind a building during a mission and you just look at her like she took a dive in one of the trash cans on a street.
— you know that one idle when stelle is playing on her phone? yeah, imagine her challenging you to play with her and you almost always beat her. when she finally wins, for some reason she’s smug? like you’re sore loser, why so smug? she’d be the type to ask for a rematch and try to make you lose by casually using cheesy pick-up lines or making some random jokes that’s weirdly funny.
“ wow, i’m first place, again. “ you laughed, taking delight in seeing your girlfriend’s shoulders sag in defeat as she frowns at the sight of 2nd place in front of her name. “ losing in mario kart mobile is depressing, i know. it’s a skill issue though, the game’s easy. “ you shrugged, tucking your phone back into your pocket.
“ . . . .your mom. “ she mumbled.
your head whipped towards her, a look of surprised etched on your face. “ wh-what did you just say? did. .did you just make a mom joke, stelle? “ stelle clears her throat, golden eyes twinkling with mischief, she smiling cheekily, “ no, i obviously said good game, (name). “
— stelle’s a service top and bottom so basically a switch. she prefers top though because she enjoys pleasing you. that dazed expression on your face; it’s almost like you’re seeing stars, she’s so enthralled by it. she’s so obsessed with the way you moan her name, she does whatever means necessary to hear your voice like a broken record in her ear.
— pervert! stelle is real. she’s sneaky with it, if you’re in the shower, she shamelessly undresses and invites herself. you won’t really realize she’s there until you hear the sliding door creak open and soon after, wandering hands makes theirselves known on your stomach then travels downward; hair ticking against your neck. she grins when you say her name in a breathless voice.
— she likes to touch herself and goes off at the mere thought of you alone. even when you’re asleep beside her, she can’t resist the urge in fingering herself while watching you sleep. she’s fine in relieving herself like this and doesn’t wanna wake you up. but sometimes, she gets a little too loud. is it on purpose in hopes of you waking up to help her out? maybe.
— i can imagine her throwing you a suggestive glance as you travel your fingers up her skirt from under a table, wandering a little too close to her cunt. she spreads her legs a little more, silently inviting you to go farther.
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
Not A Movie Night
Type- Blurb
Verse- Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n
Word Count- 714
Warnings- Talks about breastfeeding and nipples.
A/N- Well, long time no see? Coming back with a really shitty one but trust me the upcoming next one is actually good! Lmao, I'm just sorry for this one.
Slowly and slowly, Amore's eyes started drooping and all at once they were shut as small snores left her mouth, interrupting his singing.
Harry continued with the last line while tucking away her hair behind her ear. "I love you, bub. Sweet dreams," he whispered to her and very slowly removed his arm from beneath her small head. His face scrunched up when the small bed made a noise of relief from his heavyweight.
Looking back at Amore to make sure she was still sleeping, he pecked Andre's forehead as he slept spread out on the other bed. He left the door to the room open behind him and tip-toed back to the room he shared with his wife.
He just about shut the door to their bedroom to prevent their talking noise from waking up the kids. A bit taken aback the moment his eyes landed on his wife, the corner of his eyes softened up. He had a rough idea about the problem as she sat with her upper half ridden of her tee and bra.
"Y' alright, lovie?" He asked, settling beside her as she shifted.
"Yeah. Jus' the nipples."
"Did you use the ointment?"
The moment y/n shook her head, he reached for her bedside drawer. Oozing out some of it on his fingertip, he very lightly traced it over her left nipple, sucking in his lips when she tensed up. He did the same with the right nipple before putting the ointment on the drawer.
Getting up, he walked to his side of the bed and shuffled closer to her from there, letting her lull her head on his shoulder. "Doin' so good, aren't ya? Being an absolute superwoman." he smiled, rubbing her arm.
"Feeding the babies so well. They are growing up all pink and with full cheeks," he laughed and felt her shake with a chuckle. "Remember when their cheeks hung low? Now they are going away little by little- another sign of them growing up," he murmured.
"They can't always be like newborns, you know?" Y/n chuckled beside him, relaxing as the ointment soothed the pain and gave a cold sensation. "If that would've been the case, don't you think every women's nipples would've been bitten off?"
That made Harry laugh a little too loud, causing him to smack his hand on his mouth. "I can't believe you just said that," he said, still sputtering out laughter.
"Wha'? It's the truth! Babies don't just suck. They quite often bite on the nipple too! You know that!" She exclaimed, shaking her head at his reply: "'Course I do! But that fact you stated was terribly funny," he chuckled, reaching for the lamp on her side of the bed to turn it off.
"Oh, Harry... ?"
Harry knew by the overdue silence on her end that it couldn't be a very nice sentence she was going to proceed with. Without completing the task, he rose back up to his sitting position. "What?" He asked, doubt lacing that one word.
Starting off unconfidently, she made a few hand gestures to fill up the gaps the awkwardness was creating. "I was thinking of bringing the kids here for tonight... haven't done it in more than a week, y' know?"
For a while he stared at her, poking his cheek with his tongue. "Rock, paper, scissors!" He started and y/n was quick to follow even if a little startled. Choosing to go with a rock but groaning because he pulled a paper, she passed him a pair of puppy eyes and a pout. "Go on, go!" He ushered her to bring the kids.
Huffing and puffing and glaring at him, she put on one of his shirts and walked out of the room impersonating a zombie.
It wasn't long before Harry could hear giggling and squealing along with running feet. "Don't run!" He heard her yell lightly and chuckled. Getting off of the bed, he switched on the lights and opened the bedroom door so that they don't run into it.
"Ah! Look at the plums!" He exclaimed, laughing when they proceeded to jump on the bed. "Now, now. Calm down there, we're going to go straight to sleep- no movie night," he told them, glad to see them still giggling.
Tagging: @reveriehs <3MASTERLIST :)
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mariikado · 3 months
Good Omens 2 and mistaken identity.
And don't show this to Neil! And don't ask him about it!
Carefully! There may be spoilers here.
We know from the first season that if the characters switch bodies, a secret sign can be found somewhere. This sign will indicate who we are actually seeing.
The collar on Crowley's jacket indicates that it is in fact Aziraphale.
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And now the big mystery of the second season. This is a real "The Clue". Who is who really?
1. I'll start with Shax and her adorable glasses that don't belong to her at all.
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2. In the next episode, Aziraphale is in a Bentley listening to «Moonlight Serenade» by Glen Miller & his orchestra, "a very modern tune from 1939." It was this tune that was playing in Doctor Who when the Doctor and Rose found themselves in 1941. Shax gets into the car and says:
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Is Shax replacing him now or is she replacing him in some other story? Maybe in 1941. The melody in the Bentley seems to smoothly mix up time. And 1941 may turn out to be part of the future, but placed in the past.
3. Next we are shown 1941. We are transported to Hell and see Shax with an adorable snake on his belt. Who is this Shax?
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Read about the demon Shax. A very interesting demon: he knows how to drive you crazy, steals things, maybe even jewelry, maybe even royal ones.
Come to think of it, we learned some very interesting things about Jane Austen earlier: she transported alcohol (like Crowley in 1941), planned a diamond heist (Shax's specialty). So where exactly is Shax in episode four and where is Crowley? What if someone had swapped Shax and Crowley in this part of the story? Remember that the episode is called "The Hitchhiker" (And watch a movie with that title). And Shax was that hitchhiker, so she should be the main character in episode four.
4. Let's move on. Someone very similar to Shax is negotiating something with Furfur and then we see Furfur with a snake tongue. The same question to Furfur: who are you really and what do you really look like?
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Read about the demon Furfur. His ability to create storms and bring lovers together is enchanting. So who's really making it rain for Nina and Maggie? So, the deer is the symbol of Furfur. Neil had one fun special spoiler involving the deer and Crowley. Find him, it's very funny.
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5. Next we will have a deadly trick with catching a bullet. Aziraphale wears an adorable snake print vest. So what does Aziraphale actually look like or who is Aziraphale in this scene?
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Could there be another change of faces before the focus? What if Aziraphale was actually sitting in the audience?
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By the way, up to this point in history, faces could also change more than once. Shax's mirror haunted me. There is one angel depicted with a mirror. What's his name? Oh yeah. Gabriel.
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6. And after the trick, the guys sit, drink wine and Crowley pronounces his words as if he had already said them before. So who is Crowley?
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What happens in the dressing room behind the scenes while we see Aziraphale, and the wall behind him slowly floats (episode 4, 35:03, see for yourself). And could there be another change of faces at this stage?
Let me summarize a bit. My personal view on the situation. Just imagine that Shax is actually Gabriel (we don't know what happened to him after Aziraphale's failed execution). Perhaps he is the same supreme archangel who was sent to hell (Metatron talks about this). Gabriel switches places with Crowley (I doubt that this happened by mutual desire). So Aziraphale goes to the theater with Gabriel and Crowley talks with Furfur in Hell. Then, it seems to me, Furfur becomes Crowley (and not vice versa) and comes to the theater in the image of Crowley. By this time, on the theater stage, Gabriel is already wearing a snake vest, and Aziraphale looks like Crowley and is sitting in the audience. Then in the dressing room, Furfur, who looks like Crowley, switches places with a character who looks like Crowley, but is actually Aziraphale.
The biggest question is: did Furfur know who he was switching places with? Whose team does Furfur play for? And who really is Furfur himself? Have you read about Azazel yet? Furfur says he never met Job (I'm a demon, I lied...) Think about that too.
In fact, Aziraphale and Furfur may be similar to Gabriel. Perhaps in Season 3 the outer shell of the characters will play a role, but at this stage I would like to just understand the souls. And all this works well only on the condition that Aziraphale and Crowley have not swapped places. And if at some point they do change for some reason, then everything becomes even more confusing. Because if Crowley and Aziraphale swapped places even earlier, before the events of the focus (ignore the fact that this is 1941, it may not be him, just as 1827 may be a different time), then Shax in Hell is Aziraphale, and Aziraphale in 1941 - Crowley. It's all very confusing, but that's how it should be. The story was deliberately confused so that no one could get to the bottom of the truth.
To be continued. Part 2.
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prettyeyesnof4ce · 2 years
Matt Murdock x f!reader
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(gif by @briefcasejuice)
Summary: Separation due to work can prove more complicated than Matt thought
WC: 4k
Warnings/Tags: SMUT, mean dom!matt, unprotected p in v, oral (f receiving), cum, spanking, choking, angst with no comfort, matt's ever present guilt (MDNI)
A/N: This has little to no plot, practically dom!matt in his final form and was created from a ramble that I couldn’t not write a full length about. Sorry if this is on the heavier side (read the warnings again, i hope its concise enough), otherwise, enjoy.
Read on AO3 Masterlist
The days and days compounded into short term contact, the only way you two were intimate was when you would awake in each other's arms. Until the duties of life called, slumping out of bed and away from the warmth;lingering kisses and intertwined fingers. This phase would come and go, yet every time they passed it felt like it lasted an eternity. You wanted nothing more than to keep him longer than those short mornings or silent nights would allow. 
While waiting for his return from work one night, you conjured up a plan to pull him away from whatever his mind was fixated on. To draw the attention back to you.
“Hey, you” Ushering out of the bedroom, you greeted Matt as he set his coat on the rack. Your hands were interlocked neatly behind your back, puffing your chest out to align with your thoughts. The thoughts of irrefutable plot. 
It took him a moment to register your little squeak, those seconds before the acknowledgement giving you just enough clue into how distracted Matt was with work. At least that’s what you thought it to be. 
A faint smile would reveal itself. “Hi” He affirmed while loosening the tie that seemed to strangle his neck all day. 
Despite that smile dissolving very quickly, it didn’t deter you from keeping the light tone you attempted to sway him with.
“How was work, honey?” You made your way to the couch and took a quiet seat. After kicking off his shoes, he promptly came around the corner straight to the fridge. 
“Uneventful” He muttered before popping the already condensating beer open. He took a couple chugs before stopping, exasperating himself in the process.Once collected, he finally picked up on what you were wearing. You’d been home for over an hour so you had time to change out of your work clothes and in something comfortable. And boy, was it comfortable.
You’d picked out one of your favorite oversized shirts, and decided to ditch shorts, silk underwear being the only thing adorning your bottom half. Not that you wearing his clothes was anything new, but Matt equated a connection between whenever you’d be wearing one of his things…and when you wanted attention. Matt knew you knew just how unique both of your scents mixing was for him, a concoction that created a chain reaction in his body. As that realization dawned on him, the grip around the beer got tighter, now aware of the tone of the room.
It was then when you initiated the next step, acting as if nothing was awry or off.
“You must be tired…” you uttered, looking back at him, still in criss-cross on the couch.
The faint rumble of a yawn rose in you, seizing the opportunity to use it for a more lackadaisical effect. Your arms came up in a high stretch, Matt hearing the little tut of your mouth as it widened. Even going as far as accentuating a sigh after you were done. Those silent noises were a second thing you knew bothered Matt, it tapped him into your soft nature, innocent if you will.
Matt was in the middle of another swig before he responded.
“Not…really, no” He didn’t mean for that to come out slow, but it did;he was too occupied with your sigh, soaking in just how coy yet meticulous your actions were. It aroused suspicion in him.
“Well, you look exhausted” 
He scoffed, thinking it was funny for a moment until he realized what you were doing next.
Body switching positions, you engaged in another form of distraction. Arching on the couch now, you began your “search” for something wedged between the cushions. All you felt was crumbs and dirt, yet you had to sell that this item was so goddamn important that you were on your hands and knees beckoning after it. Putting on a broadway show for Matt’s senses, so to speak. 
Despite knowing Matt wasn’t dumb, you carried on, continuous grunts and sighs letting him know you were begging for him to ask just what you were searching for. It let him know just how fucking desperate you were for his touch. That was the whole point of this, truthfully, it was purely metaphorical, and Matt knew. Your ass up in the air was sending him over that edge, the heat signature coupled with your tiny grunts and breaths you knew only he could hear. The sound your skin made as the fabric of his shirt slid across it, you were dangling your body in front of him and it was incredulous. Matt was damned if he didn’t do something to stop the utter sin of you parading yourself in such a way that was disrespectful. 
Christ, he felt disrespected in a way, that you didn’t beckon for his attention, but rather prod at his inability to ask for something. The fact that you knew his selfless behavior well enough to plot something like that, sneering at that weakness he possessed. Matt was terrible at putting himself first, so this situation was one of extremity, he had to do something to protect that fragile piece inside him. He hated that you knew his intricate ins and outs. 
He took yet another rushed swig before he cleared his throat, this revelation proving confining, making his chest feel tight. The walls were caving in on his conscience, he had to do something about your so matter-of-fact attitude, roping his sexual tension in twine laced with his greatest flaw.
Matt feebled over to the couch, and if not for your positioning, you’d be able to see the begrudging look on his face. A look riddled with annoyance yet a modicum of curiosity 
“What are you looking for, sweetheart?” It came out more as a statement than a question, a heavy sigh headlining its arrival. He took one more long sip from the dripping bottle before setting it down on the table.
You sprung a shit-eating grin, heart beat teeming in your chest. “Oh nothing I can look for it myself”’ you squeaked, unmoving while your right arm felt around the couch. 
 Coming up behind you, his hands made their entrance in the equation, placing them firmly at the small of your waist. 
“I think you need my help, don’t you think?” he flashes a sign of a smile as your body jolts. The quiver of your skin at his contact and sudden pounding heart clarifies his theory that you’re doing it all on purpose;he fell right into your trap and was soaking that prospect up.
Stopping your ‘search’, you remained silent, thoughts racing on where to lead next. 
That would be duly interrupted when Matt drew a sharp inhale. His left hand met your ass cheek, with just enough force to make you gasp, back arching further. Your plan to get him where you wanted met with Matt’s frustration went farther than you anticipated. 
“What are you doing?” An air of fright juxtaposed your body language, making Matt grin all the harder. You were scared of that force, Matt having opened up something inside him that he revered whenever it arose. Looking back at him, you were studying the way that wicked smile lowered into a flat expression.
“I could ask you the same thing” He coldly murmured, lip stroking along his top teeth to let you know he was calculating his next steps, where to steer that anger bubbling inside him. Matt was feeling a mixture of embarrassed yet defensive. This newfound chagrin coupled with his frustration was dangerous
He hated the way your scent got stronger after the slap, arousal lingering in his nose in a way that sent his blood raging. Your response to his aggression only amplified the thoughts in his head. He was stiffer than any earthly words would express, the belt around his hips beginning to feel suffocating. 
Despite being frightened by the way you received such actions, you didn’t want to stop the act. Matt made it clear there were no longer any boundaries, you wanted to see how far it could go. 
“I told you, I don’t need your help, Matthew” you got up and away from his grasp, stumbling a little as you steadied your wobbling legs. You prayed that he’d take the sign,”take your chance, Matthew, get me” you thought. Oh, you’d wished you didn’t say that to yourself.
He’s taken aback by your attempt to walk off, but oh, you wouldn’t get a pass that easily. 
“Not after making me do that” Matt iterated in his head. As if your innocent attempt to pull him away from work made him act on the intrusive thoughts that built up due to not having you for so long.
You only made it a couple steps before Matt grabbed you by the arm with force, making you wince. 
“No, sweetheart, I think you do” he whispered in your ear, the tickle of his breath coupled with the fear coursing through your veins made you triple in vivification. You were definitely in for it now. 
That was when he hoisted you up by the legs, throwing you over his shoulder so fast it only instilled more panic in you. 
Matt seldom divulged how he’d behave once in the streets, the rage that cascaded out of him, or the strength he possessed. He swore to himself he wouldn’t expose that cunning power to you, much less in the bed. But there was always room for surprises.
“You’re so annoying, y’know that?” he grimaced under his breath, the tone making you question if he really meant it, or he was just too far in his pent-up stupor to notice. While saying goodbye to the living room and welcoming the bedroom door frame, you didn't know if you should be ecstatic at the success of your little plot. 
No amount of thought prepared you for the force at which he flung you back down on the bed. With a grunt he practically threw you, letting gravity do the work. Slightly winded, you gazed up at him and he was unrecognizable. The Matt that was ambling around the kitchen earlier was not there anymore. His pink lips were flat, nostrils flaring, and some sort of vengeance in his eyes. 
“You want it so bad, don’t you?” He nods, hands stroking his belt to let you know, even if you did already, that the confines of the fabric against his cock was wildly uncomfortable. Biting his lip and sighing, Matt used all his patience to wait for your answer. With your breath steadying a bit, you tried not to give into his intimidating demeanor. 
“...still don’t know what you mean, Matty” Your legs idled with a slight tremor, distracted by the way Matt began to undo his tie, throwing it off to the side as he started on the buttons shortly after. He scoffed accompanied by a head shake. Once his torso was revealed, with a sheen of sweat already decorating his muscles, he climbed between you as he rid his hands of the shirt. Freed now, they came under your arms, Matt closing the space in by capturing your entire mouth in one flex of his jaw.
He’s livid at the way you groan into the kiss, affirming to himself that you’ll keep feigning ignorance until you were given what you wanted. Those wandering hands of yours told a different story though, that you were tired of pretending you didn’t want every single shred of Matt’s power being put to good use.
“You know exactly–”  *kiss* “--what you’re doing” *kiss* 
He’s leaving harsh kisses on your neck that make your skin pulse with every suck, if you weren’t already whiplashed by his weight pinning you. Your legs were facing the air because of his knee positioning, hands roaming Matt’s now bare back, his muscles tensing under your fingers.
You grin before mumbling “...show me what I did then” knowing it would send him impossibly further over the edge, and it does. It scared you that you didn’t want to stop.
Matt bites down on your neck suddenly, growling ever so faintly as he pulls up and away.
“I’ll fucking show you–” He barks, grabbing your legs hard, beginning to flip you over before you can steady yourself with your arms. Your face slams against the duvet as the sting of his force registers, his hands now reaching for your hips to drag them backward to the edge of the bed.
Ripping your panties right down your thighs, he answers the unmistakable call, clit swollen and ready for attention. Matt wastes no time getting on his knees, delving nose first into your hole. The very point of his tongue catches your clit, swiping up and down deliciously, pulling whimpers from you faster than you could’ve prepared. Lips coming down on it with a hard suck, a languid yet unapologetic moan erupted from your mouth, face still pressed on the bed trying your best not to squirm. Matt held you firmly as those vulgar sounds coming from both you and his ministrations caused him to tut his hips, erection begging for a reprieve. 
Luckily for him, he knew just when you were on the brink.
Alternating between licking and sucking, Matt could hear the rush of blood collecting in your stomach, if your desperate mewls and fists grabbing at the sheets weren’t enough of an indicator. With that, he pulled away after a particularly harsh suck, the squelch permeating in his ears, until it was replaced with your pleas to continue.
“Ah ah–stay there” Matt knew you’d try to wiggle out of position, so he made sure to keep a grip on either of your hips to reassure you this was far from over.
A drawn out whine would earn you another slap on the ass, harder than the one on the couch.
“I’ll have you how I’ll have you…” He whispered, brows downturned. Those couple words brought the fright back to your being, reminded that you awoke something in him, not knowing if you should feel ashamed or exhilarated. 
 You were concerned by the way it made you wetter, and Matt noticed too. His chest was heaving and he was done waiting to have you. Not even stopping to wonder how he let it go this far.
Matt didn’t even bother taking his pants off, he gets to loosening the belt that seemed to cement itself to his waist, and nudges them down just enough for some relief.
You knew what he was doing and it made you all the more anticipate, afraid that you would beg to see his cock go free, the way it effortlessly sprung out. The tip was already coated with pre-cum, the cold air making Matt strangle a moan. With one hand on your hip and the other urgently fisting himself, Matt taunted you with his deliberate words.
“You need me…you need me so bad, huh–?"
He’d rather force you to admit it than admit to himself that he needed you, that he needed to do a better job at being less selfless. Matt needed to know that he had a purpose, and it was to pleasure you. Give you all of him.
“--answer me!” He purposefully paused just to listen to your powerless whining before barking at you again.
“Yesmatthewpleaseplease!--” You abandoned any and all wit left in you, wanting nothing more than to feel nothing at all, nothing but his strength and girth. It didn’t take much to surrender to someone as domineering as Matt, his charm and debauched looks reeling you in, letting him pull you apart and assemble you together again and again. 
With that, he crowded over you, hand on your waist guiding your pelvis upward. Taking the liberty of grabbing a pillow and stationing it under your chest, you waited for his go ahead.
“Stay still f’me, sweetheart–yes”
 It took no effort to slide into you, curses already falling from his still glistening lips;you were incredibly tight, walls clenching around his cock immediately. A soft gasp riddled with satisfaction was all Matt needed to know before he began, one hand on your shoulder and the other on your side. It seemed out of character, but Matt knew he didn’t need permission to start, you’d been yearning for him for too long to slow this down any longer. He ran the narrative that you needed him more than he needed you. 
Before you knew it, Matt set a pace that returned the fire to your being, tension rebuilding itself quicker this time. Your contented moans of bliss were what Matt singled out in his brain, that and the sound your cunt made every time he pummeled his cock deeper in you. His own grunts soon met the frequency of yours, chasing his release right after you.
The way his hips jutted showed utter depravity, but it didn’t come close to his words.
“Take it like a good girl–yes–yes” His exhales got sharper and sharper, quickening breaths letting you know he wouldn’t last long. Your moans were gritty, almost bordering on painful, but Matt was in no position to guide you through the absolute beating that is taking his cock. You were all his in this very moment, he could care less about soothing you. He thought back to your measly method to tempt him, only fueling the beating he gave your cunt in the same position you were waving it in front of him earlier. That thought boosted the intensity of his wicked grins, the true face of the devil inside him.
Those tiny babbles of confirmation gave you all the strength left to ride out until the end, your back and pelvis beginning to ache from sitting this way for so long. 
“C’mere–” Matt tested your capability to arch further, pulling you shoulder upward then switching his grip to your neck suddenly with a grunt. Your arms barely adjusted in time, crying out to express the multiple changes, most notably the way Matt tucked his fingers into your flesh. He always shied away from outright choking, telling you and himself that it wasn’t him, yet Matt didn’t see a single thing wrong with it right now. It felt natural, almost instinctual. You were his, his to give any and all affection, even if it was pain-inducing.
“Y’like it when I dog-fuck you, hm?—fuck” Matt’s teeth gritted so rough he felt it in his skull.
God, you loathed the way he’d taunt you with speaking, knowing absolutely nothing would be coming out except for hoarse, broken up whimpers. The way your back ached meant shit in comparison to the force at which he fucked you, warmth comforting you in such a filthy way. That’s just what soothed you, not his absent words that were usually present.
Matt closed the space between you, resting his body almost plank-like, alternating between squeezing your neck or clutching your head as his thrusts only got more vigorous, making sure he was giving you all of him. Every last inch before the floodgates came. Tears inevitably blurred your vision, his name coming out in slurred, condensed sobs as your head was against the pillow.
Words completely failed you at this point, the knot came undone with another minute, Matt’s animalistic grunts doing it for you. You unraveled upon hearing and feeling him enjoy you, finally getting that release he so desperately needed. A release that dissolved those devilish thoughts in his head, or so he thought.
Matt had devolved into a sack of flour once he met his climax, not even checking if you came because he knew it was fruitless. He’d never once failed to bring you to completion. Your walls fluttered as he fucked his cum into you, Matt’s hips stuttering as your moans melded together like one dying symphony. 
His world was spinning, it took him a couple moments before he caught onto the salt in the air; the taste of your fresh tears. Your breathing was yet to steady, limbs weak as your bottom half was still stuck in its place. Matt noted your heart beat barely slowed, still drumming aggressively as you laid there obviously stuck in thought. The heat dispersing in you was a sensation now bittersweet. 
Matt pulled out of you slowly, his sensitive cock twitching upon inching out of you one last time. The room quickly stopped whirling and he was aware of your state, your pelvis giving out once absent of his grip. With your legs sliding down to the bed and your body thudding against it, you exhaled sharply, staring to the right side of the room. The burgundy bricks were the only thing you could focus on as your body went limp, racking your brain about how Matt just made you feel.
He quickly got off his knees, moving to sit at the edge of the bed just next to your feet, pulling his pants back up.
You waited for his caress which still hadn’t come, alarming you even further. Suddenly your brain connected to its tired limbs, rolling yourself over and covering up with the already messy duvet. 
Gazing over at Matt, you questioned the way his hands laid limp as his elbows rested on his knees. His body language was nothing short of cold, that realization making you feel emptier than words could express. Not to mention the after effect of events transpired, the heat in between you fully slipping away, with nothing to calm your afflicted body. 
But those physicalities couldn’t hold a candle to the emotional turmoil Matt now faced. It was impending the second his high was over and the warmth of your body couldn’t blur out what he’d done to you anymore. 
“...Matt?” you spoke, with a silence that showed your best attempt to make him feel less guilty than he already did. As if to let him know he hadn’t pulverized you to dust;you were still in one piece, no matter whatever tricks his mind played as he lost himself in you.
You attempted a hand on his shoulder, yet the muscle flexing below it dispelled enough. It spoke for itself, along with his head turning in your direction then shortly back to in its former, facing in between his legs. 
It didn’t require doctorate-like skills to see Matt was disgusted with himself, posture slumped as his breathing was labored. 
Soon enough, tears pricked back into your eyes. “...you didn’t hurt me, i’m sorry–” 
“--don’t–don’t apologize, okay?” Matt paused between those ‘don'ts’ with a pitiful smile, in a way laughing at himself, knowing he should be apologizing. He was fucking this up royally.
“And yes…yes I did–” His head quirked to let you know he felt the ache your body was in, poorly concealed as that’s all he could focus on in this aftermath. It tripled the disdain he felt, knowing he most definitely disregarded you, how he’d lost control. Every hair on his skin stood straight, all surrendering to the plague of his regret, as the words he had the audacity to scare you with replayed over and over. 
Matt was beside himself, having ruined you just to prove some point that picked at his most insecure crevices. You’ve amended the time you’ve spent apart, yet, at what cost? 
The devil revealed himself, in moments that were only meant for Matt Murdock, that loving interior you knew all too well. 
But knowing it well would be the downfall. Did you really know him?
If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! feedback, likes and rbs are optional yet appreciated.
taglist (and who might be interested): @briefcasejuice @saintmurd0ck @phoebe-danvers @fulmis @pleasedin @murdocksluvrr @missbeewrites @mindidjarin
(I do not give permission for this or any of my work to be posted elsewhere without my consent)
prettyeyesnof4ce © 2022
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inspiredrawaw · 9 months
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The Eclipse team!
Myrvin McGrove a star mage apprentice and next in line for fox protector of the local forest.
Jaxie Richard a knight in training who also works really hard to have a social life
Lemon “Lemy” Blixt a lemon orchard farmer who is very tired and is the life that gives you lemons
Charlotte Richard, a sneaky rogue of the land and also Jaxie’s sister!!! Family dinners are a bit tense
And now things I’ve changed for the design and whyyyyyy and how it fits in the storrryyyyyyyyyyyyy
First off! I had no desire to draw these characters for a while which told me that I needed to change some things to make them exciting to draw again.
Now originally this story was set in a modern world and the characters were placed into a fantasy world. I apparently don’t like modern settings for my stories so full on fantasy we go! I’m also a SUCKER for fantasy give me full control of the world to sandbox in
Because of this some designs were changed.
I changed Myrvins deer mask to fox because I feel like it’s a better insight into this guys character and there is a fox constellation! I also already have a deer character in my other story Opal Reapers and I didn’t want repeats
And due to my experiences with (hopefully temporary) vision loss I wanted to change a bit on how Myrvins vision loss worked. Such as having a short white ID cane that’s great to help with depth perception and having his mask cover 1 eye to make things easier for him. I did change his scar to be more star shape and his cape to look like that of a fox!
Now Jaxie, jaxie has been the one name from when these guys were septic ego OCs that kept the name so I also switched it and put an x in there. X marks the spot for Myrvins affection apparently and also probleeeemmmsss. He needs a break! 👏👏👏 went for more knight armor but kept some elements from his previous design such as ginger hair and his double lit candle tattoo. And the red hoodie that is his STAPLE
LEMY!!!!!! I love Lemy. So I never shared this character but they were suppose to be a guide for Myrvin in the original fantasy world. But now they don’t need that and I still wanted a reference to the original title dealing with orchard. But we already got our red character so yellow it was! Our sour lemon lantern orchard farmer. I designed her hat to look like a straw hat but still be part of her head design I am so happy with it. Also gives scarecrow vibes
AND CHARLOTTE!!!!!!!!! GOD SHES FINALLY BEEN GIVEN TRAITS DEAR STARS. So originally went from being Jaxies brother, to goth sister named Charlie, to now Charlotte problem was that I didn’t know what role she played in the story. She’s a lesbian mess with a knife I love her. She’s a rose both pretty and will slice ya. Big dramatic anime villain vibes for someone who is not a villain. Both Charlotte and Jaxie are trans because I think it’s funny to think that they were told to share as kids and shared everything including their gender and never asked for it back.
The story is still gonna revolve around the Solar and lunar Eclipses drama and poor communication skills and take up Myrvin and Jaxie as there champions as celestial entities DO. Which I shall design….. eventually
ANYWAY if you made it down here thanks for reading let me know what you think.
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