#it security in healthcare
queerism1969 · 1 year
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ridenwithbiden · 1 month
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A global technology outage that's grounded flights and delayed border crossings is also challenging health-care services in the country, as issues with Microsoft services persist. According to cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, the problem was caused by a faulty update to computers running Microsoft Windows – which was neither a security incident nor a cyberattack – and has affected Microsoft 365 apps and services. [...] Here is the rundown for how health-care services have been affected.
Atlantic Canada Newfoundland and Labrador's health authority reported that its main information system has been affected by the outage. It is used to manage patient and financial data. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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larjb3 · 4 months
So for anyone who believes the medical system is relatively simple to navigate, here is how my afternoon has gone so far:
Called my insurance for help answering 5 questions. The first question took about maybe 50ish minutes to only sort of get an answer? And that was after the agent repeated back to me, several times, saying "As I previously explained" followed by an explanation that did not answer my current question. So that took a while. Then I went on to my next questions. Two of them apparently did not make sense to the agent either (in addition to me), based on the claims, and so they had to go talk to another department while also transferring me to another different department. They also were confused by another one of my previously appealed claims, and so they had to do their own digging as to what was going on. This entire call lasted just over 1 hour 40 minutes.
THEN I got to call ANOTHER number for a different hospital service because my account online wasn't showing a balance, but the letters I have received said I do have a balance. The agent who answered the phone for this call also didn't know why my balance was not showing online. This question got squared away pretty quickly, running just over 11 minutes in call time.
So now think of this: I am a (reasonably) well-educated person, with a PsyD in Clinical Psychology, and have been closely intertwined with the medical system since 2017 when I finally got one of my diagnoses. I have, in recent years, been even more intertwined with the medical system, with applying for Medicaid at one point, managing which doctors I see due to them actually being in-network with my various insurance providers through the years (not sure any of you notice, but finding an in-network provider, ESPECIALLY when on Medicaid, is extremely difficult), managing various prescription costs, talking to insurance as to why certain medications are suddenly no longer covered, advocating for myself when meeting with different providers (which they absolutely do not like but it 100% is necessary), calling insurance when something doesn't make sense on a claim (e.g., why a service, that was not specified, is suddenly not covered under an in-network provider), finding the right department to contact for insurance, trying to send messages with insurance and getting answers that pretty much say nothing with regard to answering my actual question (which then results in having to call insurance, which is not really all that fun), and there's probably more that I'm missing.
I'm also a relatively privileged individual, with a (mostly) stable wi-fi connection, a phone that can be easily charged and is currently connected, and a way to jot down notes both before and after calls (before: what questions I have; after: what the agent(s) said regarding my questions).
Now think about those in poverty. Do I have the most money? No, but I have a stable place to live, food, and water, and I have support from others (including you all!) who have helped me tremendously through financial support. But do those in poverty often have those things? Not always. Then put on top of trying to fend for basic survival necessities (which should probably be a pretty high priority) the medical system. This includes insurance (or lack thereof) and, if someone has it, paying consistently for it. This includes paying out-of-pocket costs with probably minimal money. This includes somehow getting to appointments on time with methods of transportation that may not be the most reliable, or they may cost a lot of money. This includes picking up and paying for prescriptions on time. This includes (if at all possible) communicating with one's insurance regarding claims that may not make sense. THEN we add on possible kids and have all the same barriers previously mentioned. THEN we have the possibility of someone having a job (if they're lucky enough to hold one), while managing medical things for both themselves, and if they have them, their kids. If they don't have a job, then we're looking at figuring out how to get on disability or SSI (both of which are TREMENDOUSLY difficult and tedious to get on and takes months to years to actually successfully do it). Now we're looking at if this person even has an advocate or case worker to help them. If they don't, or don't know how to get set up with one (because actually knowing what services you're entitled to, especially with different insurances, is exceedingly confusing), then they're on their own trying to navigate this vast landscape of things to manage. Oh, and we also have to consider that if someone IS on Medicaid or disability, they can only work a certain amount and take in a certain amount or else they lose their coverage. I'm not entirely sure the number of hours one is allowed to work on disability, but I want to say maybe around 15/week? (If someone actually knows this number please reach out to me and let me know!)
So we have all this mess. And think, I spent just under 2 hours on the phone with various insurance and medical providers today, but someone who is super struggling and under-privileged likely doesn't have the 2 hours needed to whatever questions they may have. Which can unfortunately result in frustration, hang-ups, and not getting an answer that can be understood in layman's terms which can result in more frustration and potentially just giving up on advocating for oneself.
It's a mess, and there are so many layers that are not discussed or even thought about by so many different people. I feel as though this needs to be said and at least somewhat recognized by others, potentially to help provide compassion to those so closely intertwined in the medical system.
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zimmbzon · 1 year
Does anyone remember that Brennan Lee Mulligan quote that went something like:
“The healthcare you receive is as good as your ability to advocate for it”
Where was that from? Please hivemind, and thank you!
As payment I present to you Mama Brennan (Rebecca Everpetal) being just lovely to adopted trans daughter Sam Nightingale.
Honestly, Dropout is the only platform that I consume with my guard down.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Idk how people go into social science research knowing that you're anyway going to spend your entire life arguing with wilfully ignorant fuckwits over stuff like "keeping one-tenth of the world's GDP locked up in a handful of people's accounts is bad for a functional economy'', "you shouldn't have to pay money to stay alive", "letting people mind their own business won't hurt you", "knowledge is good actually", "people have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies", "children are people too", "germs are real", "spreading disease is bad for society", "genocide is bad actually", "letting the government kill people puts everyone in danger because everyone is people", "access to long-distance murder weapons increases the chances of getting murdered", "you can't give a clump of cells the same rights as a human being" ad fucking nauseaum until you die.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I sort of work in healthcare (not medically certified but I have a position in a nursing home) and idk what code this would be for a hospital (if there even is one) but how would the healthcare boys handle a code being called for a missing patient?
Legend sighed, blowing some stray hair out of his face as he tapped his fingers on the desk. It was a fairly slow night in the ED, a pleasant surprise, though it made time practically crawl.
Legend had helped the tech restock all the supply carts in his pod, had reread all the notes in his patient’s charts, and still found himself with four hours of his shift left. He had two patients, one of whom was just waiting on lab results and the other was getting admitted and was waiting on a bed. He had absolutely nothing to do.
So when an alert popped up on the computer screen, he perked up with interest. He wondered if there was a fire alarm in a nearby building that has been activated. Instead, he saw security walking briskly, and he looked back at the screen with a little unease.
“Elopement?” He read out loud.
“Looks like,” Warriors commented as he came up beside him. “Came from 6 central, male in his twenties, brown hair, facial tattoos—”
Warriors stopped mid sentence, frowning. The realization dawned on him just as Legend jumped to his feet.
“That’s Twilight!”
The pair nearly tore out of the ED, asking a fellow nurse to watch their patients and making their way to the elevators. Legend was texting Twilight furiously while Wars updated everyone else who was at work.
Wild answered first. Wait the elopement is Twi?? Wth??? I’ll search the basement
“What is he thinking? It’s three in the damn morning!” Legend muttered to himself before yelping as he rounded a corner and slammed right into someone.
Twilight stumbled back unsteadily, throwing a hand out to catch himself. Warriors hastily jumped forward, catching their friend by the hand and guiding him to the floor. Legend reoriented and immmediately opened his mouth to snap at the tech-turned-patient when he got a good look at him.
Twilight was in a pair of pajama bottoms and his hospital gown, eyes glazed with confusion and bags sitting heavily underneath them. Legend knew his friend hadn’t been sleeping well during his hospital stay after his emergent appendectomy, but—
“Need to go home,” Twilight muttered.
“He’s freaking delirious,” the travel nurse groaned as Warriors put a steadying hand on Twi’s shoulder.
“We’ll help you, okay?” the war veteran said gently with a smile. “Let’s get up.”
As Warriors tried to help Twilight to stand, the tech jerked all of a sudden, landing a solid punch right to the nurse’s jaw. Warriors grunted, falling backwards as Legend yelled.
“What the hell Twi, calm down! It’s us!”
Twilight’s eyes were crazed now, and his breathing picked up exponentially before he stood and started to back away. Legend crouched by Warriors to check on him, and the latter waved him off with a groan.
“I’m okay,” he slurred as he rubbed his jaw. “Good grief he can throw a punch.”
“Twilight, you’re safe,” Legend tried to appease their friend as he hovered near Warriors protectively. “It’s us, Legend and Wars, your friends. You’re in the hospital.”
“Need to go home,” Twilight insisted.
Legend and Warriors looked behind their confused brother to see Time paused by the elevator.
“He’s delirious,” Warriors said before flinching.
“Shut your trap until I can get some ice on it,” Legend hushed him before continuing, “He’s confused and ran out of his unit and he hit Wars.”
Time stared at Twilight for a moment as the latter started to stumble in another direction, not noticing them anymore. The surgeon slipped easily into his path without touching him.
“Hey Link,” he greeted gently. “You want to go home?”
“Home,” Twilight insisted anxiously.
“Okay,” Time appeased. “Let’s take you home. Can you follow me home?”
When Legend rose to help, Time shook his head. “Look after Warriors.”
Warriors rolled his eyes. “He only punched me once. I’m fine.”
“How is it we get abused so much that we say stuff like that?” Legend moaned, rubbing his face in frustration. “I’ll take care of him, old man. Just don’t let Twi land a hit on you.”
As Legend helped Warriors stand, Time coaxed Twilight into an elevator. The young man paced the confined space uneasily, sometimes rounding on Time as if he had just noticed him. Time gave a reassuring smile and a gentle reminder each time. When they reached the sixth floor, the surgeon carefully guided the younger man down the hallway.
Twilight stopped just short of the doors. “I need to go home.”
“I’ll take you there,” Time reminded him for the eighth time. “It’s okay. You’re safe, Link.”
Twilight shifted uncomfortably before he looked at Time closely.
And then he randomly burst into tears, catching the surgeon off guard.
“Pa,” Twilight called pathetically, his voice shaking. “I—home—they said—where—”
Time stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure what to do. He was nervous to get too close given what had happened to Warriors, and his interactions with patients was never when they were so delirious.
Maybe he should have let the nurses come along. They were better suited to handle this.
The surgeon shook his head. He could handle a delirious patient, especially Twilight.
Most especially because of the title he’d just called him.
Taking a breath and feeling his heart flutter with both warmth and anxiety, he stepped forward and held out a hand. “It’s okay, Link, I’m here.”
Twilight sniffled, stumbling into Time and disregarding his hand entirely. Time caught the boy with sharp reflexes and a surprised grunt before settling into a hug, whispering, “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here.”
They stood there together a moment, Time gently rocking them both as he spoke reassurances into his boy’s hair. Then, Twilight abruptly stumbled away, his tear stained face and puffy cheeks twisting in fright.
“There’s—he said to—someone’s in the corner—”
“Nobody’s in the corner, Link,” Time assured him. “It’s just you and me.”
After pointing out that no one else was nearby, and reminding him that they were going to bed at least twice, Time finally managed to convince Twilight to enter into the unit where his room was. His nurse immediately came forward alongside the charge nurse.
“I think he could use a sedative,” Time said with a smile.
“No kidding,” the frazzled looking nurse muttered. “LIP already put in for one. We’re working on getting a sitter but nobody’s available.”
Time shrugged as everyone coaxed Twilight back to bed. “I can stay with him.”
As the nurse brought him some supplies to keep himself occupied, he watched Twilight attempt to get out of bed again, setting off the bed’s alarm. He stood quickly as the nurse rushed in after having just left, and he coaxed the young man to settle once more.
After finally getting some ramelteon and seroquel, Time watched Twilight twist and turn in the bed and gently redirected his hands when he picked precariously at an IV.
Twilight glanced at him, and for a moment he looked like he recognized him. Then he reached out towards the surgeon, about to get up and set off the alarm again. Time stepped forward hastily, taking Twilight's outstretched hands in his own.
“You’re okay,” he said softly, stroking his boy’s fingers with his thumbs.
“W’nna go home,” Twilight whined sleepily.
Time watched him a moment longer and then sighed, bringing down the side rail of the bed so he could slip into it. Twilight moved over for a moment and then dazedly settled halfway on top of the surgeon, making him chuckle. After raising the railing once more, Time wrapped them both in blankets, holding Twilight close.
To think the kid could have gotten worse, to think his appendix could have burst, he could have gotten septic and died, all because he was too stubborn to come in until Wild called for help because he couldn’t carry him to a car.
Couldn’t carry him out of that hell hole the pair currently lived in.
“W’nna… home…” Twilight muttered sleepily, his breath tickling Time’s neck.
“Don’t worry,” Time soothed, rubbing his back. “I’ll take you home.”
To a real home, one without roaches, one without safety concerns, one with warm soft beds and food and animals that he loved so dearly. Twilight and Wild and their puppy were never going back to that motel.
“I’ll take you home,” he repeated as Twilight finally settled to sleep.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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izooks · 6 months
FACT SHEET: 80% of House Republicans Release Plan Targeting:
Social Security
the Affordable Care Act
Raising Costs, and Cutting Taxes for the Wealthy.
Sounds just like the republicans!
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sjerzgirl · 3 months
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They're coming for our Healthcare and admitting it.
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scalpelsister · 3 months
what if i lost the will to live like. as a joke. what then.
#i am fine ftr im just. exhausted haha#NOT to overshare about my personal life too much but my dog is dying. my horse is being given back to his og owner this summer / fall.#my dads kicking me out in two years (in favor of his girlfriend and her kids bc he would rather live w them!!!)#his alcoholism is driving me crazy bc hes treating me like absolute shit and berating me constantly#and stealing from me 🙃#ive lost my healthcare benefits + now have to either raw dog therapy out of pocket or loose my therapist#a therapist that took me a year of being on a waiting list to get in w btw#and idk i just genuinely feel like a loser rn like. im a 23 year old unemployed fat virgin who plays video games all day like. 🧍#where is this going for me. what is the point of it all. in two years im going to be fucking homeless on top of all that#unless some miracle happens bc as is i am too disabled to work.#im just reaching a point where i deeply dont care anymore. whatever happens happens im done fighting it#and ik its the abandonment issues talking here but knowing my dad is planning on abandoning me. 👍#thats two for two on parents leaving me. my entire family has at this point so like truly i cant trust any relationship#like if my PARENTS find me that unbearable. and my best friend who knew me my entire life thought so. then truly every relationship#i ever have is on a fucking timer like. idk if any besties r reading this im sorry i promise this is in no way a dig at yall#bc you guys do really make me feel loved and secure in a way no one else has but. id be lying if i said i wasnt still scared#anyways enough oversharing#i really am fine and safe rn btw like. at minimum u guys r stuck w me until arc*ne season 2 comes out 😂#my post
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completely-hopeless · 2 years
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I haven’t drawn anything in a FAT minute so have some of the cure in the shape of our favorite birb “SCP 049” (the plague doctor)
(If I had to choose between paying for an ambulance in America or taking free healthcare from this birb, I’d risk the chances of being administered “the cure”)
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