Implosion: A Star Wars Story
34 posts
From the halls of the Star Destroyer "Redeemer", to the hushed whispers of the Rebel alliance, an echo through generations: "Whatever it takes"@setmefreehunnybee on Insta and AO3Art, Fanfic, and hyperfixated rambling about some silly little SW OC's (and other Star Wars things)CURRENTLY PLAYING: Jedi: Fallen Order (finished)CURRENTLY WATCHING: The Bad Batch (finished and no I'm not ok)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
setmefreehunnybee · 7 months ago
Oh gosh poor Eyan
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setmefreehunnybee · 7 months ago
New Chapter!
"They held each other’s hands and Hyjack whispered “…Whatever it takes.” Then Rhea replied, “Whatever it takes…” They stood up, ready to fight their way out…or die trying."
Chapter 3: Out
Rhea and Hyjack's mission goes awry, and now they must escape
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setmefreehunnybee · 7 months ago
I love my crazy lighstaber rifle librarian. She is amazing and underappreciated and I want MORE
God I am so obsessed with Jedi Master Jocasta Nu. She's a jedi master and chief librarian to the Jedi Archive. Which is already cool, HOWEVER she also tries to kill Vader by turning her lightsaber into a RIFLE.
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So epic! Anyway, she also had a situationship with Count Dooku so that's fun too lol. She also gets pissed and attacks the grand inquisitor when he starts messing with her books. Ugh I just love the violent old librarian warrior idea so so much. Umm, I know this is for like 5 people (if that) but if anyone wants it I can make a fic rec list for all fanfic AUs or otherwise where she 1) kills Palpatine 2) becomes a high general in the clone wars, 3) wiggles her way onto important missions because she wants to write a first hand account of it, 4) terrorizes dooku, and 5) does general cool librarian shenanigans.
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setmefreehunnybee · 7 months ago
Ok I'm back
Meli had learned much from the Holocrons in Master Nu's personal library. She learned the Jedi's history, their legends, their culture, relics of a now bygone era. She paved her path, stringing it loosely between what remained of their life, and was now well on her way to becoming a Jedi Knight.
"Meli," Master Nu called, "It is time for us to make a very important journey."
Meli felt excitement thrum through her veins. She always enjoyed trips with her master; they were always filled with long stories and rants about the places they passed, and the places they were going. Meli just couldn't fulfill her curiosity, it was boundless! She turned toward her master, who was holding a glowing blue cube etched with copper-gold, a holocron. Meli walked over to her and took it in her hands, the soft glowing nature of the Force inside it resonated her soul. She focused, twisting and turning it as it floated in her palm, until she heard a faint click.
It portrayed information on a planet she had not yet ressearched--Ilum. It held knowledge of a very particular tradition for Jedi padawans, the claiming of a Kyber crystal.
Master Nu spoke intently, "You carry your mother's saber, but I feel that it is time for you to choose your own. We will make the journey to Ilum. Pack your things and head to the Alliance."
-One long ship ride later-
Meli began to feel strange the closer they came to the planet, like the very life in her was being pulled out into space, towards the icy blue planet. They approached the surface, and Meli momentarily saw her master's face, gentle and nostalgic. She then turned back toward the planet; her eyes unable to look away
"It's like nothing else, is it." Master Nu whispered. Meli could only nod her head. The landing gear hissed, and the door to the ship opened.
Meli felt tears begin to tug at her eyes as she looked out on the planet's horizon. She stepped out of the ship slowly, as if the entire place would shatter if she wasn't gentle. She very quietly kneeled down and placed her hand in the pure white snow, the ground a conduit for this sense of euphoria. Tears continued to run down her face as the planet pulled her in; Despite its cold exterior, it was warm and inviting. She shifted her knees to fully sit on her bottom, and very carefully fell back into the snow. The world was bright, warm, hopeful. She felt like she was in the core of a star and in the heights of the sky all at once. She felt the universe itself revolving around its center. Light shoed feet crunching through the snow broke her focus, as her master stepped out of the ship. She walked over and sat beside her padawan, a kind smile in her eyes. Her generation had taken so much for granted.
"What do you feel, young padawan?" Master Nu spoke gently.
The young Jedi began to speak, voice thick with tears and pupils blown wide. "I feel the smallest flake of snow, and I feel entire galaxies. I feel burning stars and endless space. I am everywhere and I am nowhere. I am spread through every atom in the universe and I am only a small spec. I am in all and everything is in me."
The wise master nodded her head. "The Force runs through all living things, and is in all living things. It is vast and infinite. It is past, present, and future. It spreads like a blanket across time and space." Meli continued to stare at the sky, tears still falling. Master Nu continued, "We must feel its vastness, appreciate its power and light, but we must not get lost. This life, young one, it lives in you. It is grounded in your body, in your hands and your feet. Feel your back on the snow, feel the unique signature of your own life."
Meli became aware of the shock of cold seeping through the back of her robes.
"You are here, and the Force is with you. Regain your sense of self. Let the Force flow around you. Define yourself in the space it leaves, the hollow that can only be filled by you, and you alone."
Meli felt her cells retreat back into her body, finding their way from across the stars, coming to calmly rest back in her. She sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. She put her hand on the floor and pushed herself up, stumbling to stand. Once she regained her balance, she offered a hand to her master. Master Nu took it and stood. They trekked towards the great grey doors together.
ok actually just one because I didn't mean for it to get this long. I imagine her being very spacy and emotional.
Today's Fallen Order request is Shine for @thefinaljediknight
The planet sings. Cal feels it the moment they touch down. This world is so alive, and not because there’s a Maw somewhere beneath him, waiting for its next meal. The Force gushes and froths, a rapid river ready to swallow him whole. Beyond the cockpit, the planet’s incredible plant life shimmers in the soft rain, yellows, reds, purples, oranges, pinks, humming and swaying. The Force wants to take him by the hand and lead him in a dance. He looks to Cere. Does she feel it too? If she does, she shows nothing. Is that how effectively she’s cut herself off from the Force? Cal can’t imagine not feeling this, even if the Force might pull him apart like petals on the wind.
“Cal?” Greez calls as he finalises the landing procedure. “Something wrong? You’re looking spacey.”
He shakes his head, unable to put it into words. What would he say to someone who can’t feel the Force at all? How could he explain how this planet shines? BD too. He has no sense of this.
What a terrible, inexplicable loss for them. Cal can’t bear it. He can’t.
“Hey, whoa, what – ” Greez’s confusion is silenced when Cal wraps his arms around him and hugs him tight. “You okay, kid?”
Cal feels Greez patting him on the back, offering comfort when it should be the other way around. He reaches out, pulls BD in close too. “I wish you two could feel this.”
“Uh – ”
BD gives a curious beep.
Cal can’t speak.
“This planet is very, very strong in the Force,” Cere explains for Greez’s benefit. “Cal is a little overwhelmed by it.”
“Oh,” Greez says. He returns the hug. “If this is what Cal looks like when he’s overwhelmed, I think we can handle it.”
BD announces Cal scan results suggest he’s high.
Cere’s smile catches on the Force and flutters off on golden wings. “Yes, it probably feels a lot like that for him.”
Cal can’t contain himself a moment longer. Releasing Greez and BD, he rushes to the hatch, hits the override, and opens the ship up to the world ahead. He throws himself to the ground before the ramp can finish extending. His feet hit the grass – bare feet because he didn’t stop to put his boots on. Pollen and seeds cast themselves into the air, sparkling in the light when the sun breaks through the rainclouds. Cal tilts his face to the sky, eyes closed as he basks in the energy humming around him. No, he won’t fly away here. Maybe he’ll sink instead, into a cloud of light and life, streams of light dancing around him. He does a one-legged twirl worthy of BD just to take it all in, pulling the Force around him so it gathers like a cloak. The Force takes his hand and pulls him away, leading him up, up, up, above a forest of flowers in bloom and trees finding new life in spring. The world is coming back to life after a long, hard winter, and the planet sings with such joy the Force swells and rises.
A hand lands on his shoulder. “Cal.”
It’s hard, returning to himself. Cere’s warm hand, the cupped light that is her true self a beacon calling him back. He opens his eyes and sees a meadow around him, flowers turned to him like he is the sun. He’s on his knees, Cere at his side. Lungs full of fresh, clean air, he reaches out, lets the yellowpinkpurplered petals brush over his fingers. “Cere,” he breathes. He can’t capture what this place is. He’s never felt anything like it. Never. And with his slowly healing Force connection, it feels like… like maybe he really can do what Cere’s asking of him, expecting of him.
Trust only in the Force.
Cere crouches down, wrapping an arm around him. “I know,” she says.
He falls against her side, closing tear-filled eyes. Such joy. He doesn’t want to leave.
“Can you hold onto yourself while Greez and I head into town, or do we need to go somewhere else?”
It’s an effort to pull back, to put a barrier between him and this wonderful place. He is drunk on this place, so high he could brush the stars with his fingers.
Cere’s hand closes around his, pulling it down. “I think Greez might need to go on this trip alone.”
Cal falls forward, pressing his ear to the dirt. He can hear the planet’s song. He wants to listen to its ebb and flow forever.
“Is he okay?” Greez’s voice blends with the music.
“Can you manage the resupply?” Cere’s voice soars above the chorus. “I need to stay with him.”
Cal can’t contain himself. “I can hear the song.”
BD whistles, his weight leaving Cal’s back. The next thing he feels is Cere’s hand once more, resting on his back. She is a mute dulling the music, and he can’t stand it. He can’t. He doesn’t want to simply hear it; he wants to be in that flow.  “Let go,” he tells Cere.
“No. I know, Cal, I know what this must be like for you, but you mustn’t let it carry you away. Hold onto yourself. Let the Force flow around you here, not through you. If the Force is a river, you are standing on the banks watching it rush by.”
He doesn’t want to watch. It’s not enough. He’s never felt the Force so completely before, so happy, unrestrained, life, so much life, everything alive and –
Cere’s touch is more insistent now, a sharp tug where a Padawan braid once would have hung. Startled, he stares at her. “I know, I’m sorry. Focus on me. We’re going back to the ship.”
“To meditate?”
“No, not here. I think you’d disappear forever.”
“Become one with the Force?” It would be like being all the colours of a rainbow. He can’t help smiling.
“Definitely no becoming one with the Force, Cal. We’re going to ground you, one way or another.”
The Mantis hums around him, and Cal can’t remember if that’s the ship’s usual sound or if maybe it’s found a song to sing too. Cere sits him down on the couch.
“Potolli weave really is so comfortable,” Cal sighs.
“Come back down from the sky.” Cere sits on the table ahead of him.
“You shine,” Cal tells her. He pokes her. “You can’t hide it from me!”
Cere smiles, a strange smile, all sad and wistful. “When your master wanted you to hone your focus, what did he make you do?” she asks.
Padawan, it is –
“ – time for instruction.” He giggles at his own impression of Master Tapal.
“And what were those instructions?” Cere asks gently.
Focus on the here and now, what you see ahead of you, the scent in the air, the feel of the deck beneath your feet and the clothes against your skin. Tell me all about it.
By the time Cal’s done telling Cere all about it, the Force’s song has dropped in volume and he feels very aware of himself. Was he always so unwieldy? So clumsy? He stares at Cere, feeling the blush on his skin. Did he really try to hug the ground? Maybe if he asks nicely it will swallow him whole. “Sorry, I – ”
She cuts him off. “It’s very special, isn’t it?”
He grins. “Very.”
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setmefreehunnybee · 7 months ago
Ok "Force High" when visiting strong Force areas for post Republic Jedi is a new fav trope and I need more of it immediately
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Gonna have to write HC for all of my Force Sensitive characters being "Force High" Brb
Today's Fallen Order request is Shine for @thefinaljediknight
The planet sings. Cal feels it the moment they touch down. This world is so alive, and not because there’s a Maw somewhere beneath him, waiting for its next meal. The Force gushes and froths, a rapid river ready to swallow him whole. Beyond the cockpit, the planet’s incredible plant life shimmers in the soft rain, yellows, reds, purples, oranges, pinks, humming and swaying. The Force wants to take him by the hand and lead him in a dance. He looks to Cere. Does she feel it too? If she does, she shows nothing. Is that how effectively she’s cut herself off from the Force? Cal can’t imagine not feeling this, even if the Force might pull him apart like petals on the wind.
“Cal?” Greez calls as he finalises the landing procedure. “Something wrong? You’re looking spacey.”
He shakes his head, unable to put it into words. What would he say to someone who can’t feel the Force at all? How could he explain how this planet shines? BD too. He has no sense of this.
What a terrible, inexplicable loss for them. Cal can’t bear it. He can’t.
“Hey, whoa, what – ” Greez’s confusion is silenced when Cal wraps his arms around him and hugs him tight. “You okay, kid?”
Cal feels Greez patting him on the back, offering comfort when it should be the other way around. He reaches out, pulls BD in close too. “I wish you two could feel this.”
“Uh – ”
BD gives a curious beep.
Cal can’t speak.
“This planet is very, very strong in the Force,” Cere explains for Greez’s benefit. “Cal is a little overwhelmed by it.”
“Oh,” Greez says. He returns the hug. “If this is what Cal looks like when he’s overwhelmed, I think we can handle it.”
BD announces Cal scan results suggest he’s high.
Cere’s smile catches on the Force and flutters off on golden wings. “Yes, it probably feels a lot like that for him.”
Cal can’t contain himself a moment longer. Releasing Greez and BD, he rushes to the hatch, hits the override, and opens the ship up to the world ahead. He throws himself to the ground before the ramp can finish extending. His feet hit the grass – bare feet because he didn’t stop to put his boots on. Pollen and seeds cast themselves into the air, sparkling in the light when the sun breaks through the rainclouds. Cal tilts his face to the sky, eyes closed as he basks in the energy humming around him. No, he won’t fly away here. Maybe he’ll sink instead, into a cloud of light and life, streams of light dancing around him. He does a one-legged twirl worthy of BD just to take it all in, pulling the Force around him so it gathers like a cloak. The Force takes his hand and pulls him away, leading him up, up, up, above a forest of flowers in bloom and trees finding new life in spring. The world is coming back to life after a long, hard winter, and the planet sings with such joy the Force swells and rises.
A hand lands on his shoulder. “Cal.”
It’s hard, returning to himself. Cere’s warm hand, the cupped light that is her true self a beacon calling him back. He opens his eyes and sees a meadow around him, flowers turned to him like he is the sun. He’s on his knees, Cere at his side. Lungs full of fresh, clean air, he reaches out, lets the yellowpinkpurplered petals brush over his fingers. “Cere,” he breathes. He can’t capture what this place is. He’s never felt anything like it. Never. And with his slowly healing Force connection, it feels like… like maybe he really can do what Cere’s asking of him, expecting of him.
Trust only in the Force.
Cere crouches down, wrapping an arm around him. “I know,” she says.
He falls against her side, closing tear-filled eyes. Such joy. He doesn’t want to leave.
“Can you hold onto yourself while Greez and I head into town, or do we need to go somewhere else?”
It’s an effort to pull back, to put a barrier between him and this wonderful place. He is drunk on this place, so high he could brush the stars with his fingers.
Cere’s hand closes around his, pulling it down. “I think Greez might need to go on this trip alone.”
Cal falls forward, pressing his ear to the dirt. He can hear the planet’s song. He wants to listen to its ebb and flow forever.
“Is he okay?” Greez’s voice blends with the music.
“Can you manage the resupply?” Cere’s voice soars above the chorus. “I need to stay with him.”
Cal can’t contain himself. “I can hear the song.”
BD whistles, his weight leaving Cal’s back. The next thing he feels is Cere’s hand once more, resting on his back. She is a mute dulling the music, and he can’t stand it. He can’t. He doesn’t want to simply hear it; he wants to be in that flow.  “Let go,” he tells Cere.
“No. I know, Cal, I know what this must be like for you, but you mustn’t let it carry you away. Hold onto yourself. Let the Force flow around you here, not through you. If the Force is a river, you are standing on the banks watching it rush by.”
He doesn’t want to watch. It’s not enough. He’s never felt the Force so completely before, so happy, unrestrained, life, so much life, everything alive and –
Cere’s touch is more insistent now, a sharp tug where a Padawan braid once would have hung. Startled, he stares at her. “I know, I’m sorry. Focus on me. We’re going back to the ship.”
“To meditate?”
“No, not here. I think you’d disappear forever.”
“Become one with the Force?” It would be like being all the colours of a rainbow. He can’t help smiling.
“Definitely no becoming one with the Force, Cal. We’re going to ground you, one way or another.”
The Mantis hums around him, and Cal can’t remember if that’s the ship’s usual sound or if maybe it’s found a song to sing too. Cere sits him down on the couch.
“Potolli weave really is so comfortable,” Cal sighs.
“Come back down from the sky.” Cere sits on the table ahead of him.
“You shine,” Cal tells her. He pokes her. “You can’t hide it from me!”
Cere smiles, a strange smile, all sad and wistful. “When your master wanted you to hone your focus, what did he make you do?” she asks.
Padawan, it is –
“ – time for instruction.” He giggles at his own impression of Master Tapal.
“And what were those instructions?” Cere asks gently.
Focus on the here and now, what you see ahead of you, the scent in the air, the feel of the deck beneath your feet and the clothes against your skin. Tell me all about it.
By the time Cal’s done telling Cere all about it, the Force’s song has dropped in volume and he feels very aware of himself. Was he always so unwieldy? So clumsy? He stares at Cere, feeling the blush on his skin. Did he really try to hug the ground? Maybe if he asks nicely it will swallow him whole. “Sorry, I – ”
She cuts him off. “It’s very special, isn’t it?”
He grins. “Very.”
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
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Jedi Knight Rhea Ka Mehndu, General of Reek Squadron and Captain of the Venator Class Destroyer "Redeemer"
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
Simple, cut and dry.
Okay I'm gonna break this down real simple like.
The Light Side of The Force is The Force in balance.
The Dark Side is a corruption of The Force. An infection.
The Jedi serve The Force. They are subservient to it.
The Sith subvert The Force. They bend it to their will in an unnatural way.
The Light Side is peace. It is acknowledging your negative emotions without being consumed by them, and living in harmony with The Force.
The Dark Side is suffering. It is succumbing to your negative emotions and being consumed by them.
The Jedi defend life.
The Sith exert their will on those weaker than themselves.
Light = Jedi = Good
Dark = Sith = Evil
Hope this helps.
Also the grey Jedi aren't a thing and the concept is stupid.
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
New Chapter!
"Everything had changed, but in the way that chaos transforms to order; The way that wandering becomes marching with the simple addition of a map."
Chapter 2: Duty
Set three months after Ch 1:Beginnings
Rhea and Hyjack prepare for a mission where the only people they can rely on, are each other.
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
HSKHSSFHGSJHSGSJG I don't even know who they are but I love them so v much. HELP! :)
Fatigue/training wear concepts <3
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Don't look at me, look at my man wife
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
So, I have decided that instead of witholding all the fun until my brain can create a linear order, (which may never happen bc my brain def loves me sm), I'm going to start dropping my stories in written order instead of chronological. I want yall to have all the fun (and all the context) I'm having.
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
Do you guys ever realise just how small and young Cal was in Fallen Order?!
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This guy, at most 17/18 years old, with the HUGEST puppy eyes, was fighting inquisitors and running from the Empire.
Like imagine you get beaten by this absolute short stack. Outwitted by this teenage dork.
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I wouldn’t show my face ever again!
Props to Vader for keeping up his ego after this tiny man broke into his home, stole his holocron doodad and escaped again. WITH HIS LIFE!! And saving Cere’s! And breaking the glass walls of the Fortress!
You got outclassed by a teenage dork whose best friend is a droid and thinks ponchos are the height of fashion. He doesn’t need to beat you in a fight, he just needs to get away and live to tell the tale and he DID.
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It does make me sad though because look at him, man. He’s so young. Dude still rubs his eyes like a kid when he’s woken up.
He shouldn’t have had to deal with this but he did and he did so well too.
Sometimes I forget how cheerful and impressionable Cal can be in Fallen Order and then I remember. And then I hate Saw even more.
Anyway I have no idea where I was going with this. He’s small. About 3 pancakes high.
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
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I had a dream in which there was technology in the world that allowed anyone to create a film according to their desire. And I wanted a film where they would be happy.
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
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I recently started playing Guild Wars 2. I decided to take the opportunity to explore one of my lesser written characters (She's still in the brainstorming stage).
Without further ado, here is GW2!Lamyyc, Akaata's adoptive (wolf) mom! I decided Norn was the closest thing to a Mando. They are driven by legacy, pack oriented, and come with cool heavy armor to boot. She is devoted to the spirit of Wolf, (the character is Shistavanen, so the transforming into a wolf thing fits), and she is a Guardian. I'm looking forward to exploring her character through the game, and hopefully I'll come out on the other side with more writing/art for her!
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
I am a simple woman, I see Jacosta Nu, I reblog, Easy!
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A companion piece to this post
Image description below the cut!
ID: A digital comic of Shaak Ti leaning on a library desk, arms crossed, with a cup of boba tea in her right hand. She has a relaxed, slightly amused look on her face and is speaking to Jocasta Nu who is on the other side of the desk. Master Nu has one arm resting on the desk and the other hand on her hip. She is smiling and has one eyebrow raised at Shaak Ti. Shaak Ti asks, "Hey girl. Got anything on sentience qualifications or cloning ethics?" Master Nu replies, "Do you even have to ask?"
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
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"you know hearts don't break around here"
Technically spoilers but I love these two too much. They deserve so much comfort and happiness after what I've put them through :,)
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setmefreehunnybee · 8 months ago
"I wanted to give you the world, but the pages of history have forced my hand"
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setmefreehunnybee · 9 months ago
Little Help Here?
Hey everyone! I've been out for a bit rethinking how I would like to approach releasing my story. I've decided that I want to present my story as a concrete narrative in timeline order. This will definitely take a little longer, but i feel like it will be worth it.
NOW, here's to the real reason I'm making this post. I need your help! For the story to function, I need some "Filler Episodes" to fluff it out and have a vehicle to build these characters relationships. Sadly, my brain is a little stuck. Here's where you come in!
What missions do you want to see Rhea and the 224th go on? What cool planets should they visit? What cool mysteries are there for them to discover in the Star Wars universe? Think of these chapters as "Clone Wars" animated series episodes. I would love to write what you wanna see!
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