#it plays fly me to the moon btw
lilacstro · 3 months
astro observations part 8
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lmao not me posting aggressively, but I am starting uni soon and possibly as a STEM major so i might have no time all with balancing university and pursuing astrology professionally and i really like tumblr lol so im trying to atleast post it until pt 10
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anyways lets gooooooooooo (i love totoro btw)
1.People having Venus in 8th or 12th or ruler of 2nd house in 8th/12th can actually have glasses or some kind of issues with eyes in general
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2.Chiron in 9th could mean you have joint/bone problems
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3. Have you seen the comments that used to say "me imagining to play this song in front of my crush" or "us imagining to dance like that in front of the whole school", i feel the maximum people who would relate to must have their moon in leo, or big 6 lmao
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4. People with mars in 11th house may really get defensive and protective of their friends, in some cases however, they can even get competitive with them
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5. People with Uranus in 3rd house may actually have hard childhoods or maybe inconsistent ones, maybe you were always moving, maybe your parent/s were sick in some sorts, maybe something else
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6.People with a DC in Pisces would always look innocent lmao, like they would have some kind of thing about them that people would deem them as innocent regardless
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8. People with Saturn in 11th house may have a hard time making friends or they may set too many rules on their friendships and end it. It may take a very long time for them to be able to find friends but when they do, it lasts. Also, these people arent the best to comfort/keep up with you but will always have your back and help/guide you in need and no deceit
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9. Having MC in Taurus/Capricorn can mean your hardwork is usually recognized and seen, people may actually feel you are super hardworking regardless of anything tbh
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10. The sign your 6th house is in can actually determine your relationship with routine. People with fixed signs, like fixed routines and things, mutable ones can't keep up with routines and go with the flow and feels while, ones with cardinal signs like adding new things to their routines as they please
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11.People with either 3/11th house in mercurial signs or people having aquarius stelliums are usually very good with computers and internet stuff
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12.Both my mom and sister have mars conjunct mercury and it more than often seems they are loud/aggressive while talking even when they are saying the simplest things and may actually be called out for that
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13. People with MC in libra, might like to dress/appeal in old money aesthetic, and it could very much be people assume them to be rich somehow, when they absolutely aren't. They have some kind of socialite appeal to them.
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14. My sister has mercury in sag, and people are often surprised when she speaks our mother tongue, most of them assume that she somehow might not speak that language at all, or just speaks english, Infact, she knows both of them well.
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15. Cancer Sun women, usually are very polite mothers, like gentle motherly love kind of. On the contrary, most Leo women I know give their children tough love, but they usually let their kids free and fly and arent super restrictive or vindictive out of line as such.
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i love you xoxo
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py-dreamer · 4 months
Macaque is big spoon
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Lol the old men be snoozin and snugglin
(I was about to say sleeping but my mind is too dirty for that unfortunately-)
Y'wanna know why he big spoon?
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The sun and moon thingy they have going on and...
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Ehh, ehh? Y'see what I did there?
I hate fabric so god damn much.
TO QUOTE MY PAST SELF: "his true evil power is how hard he can be to draw"
Regardless, I'm still really happy with how the drawing came out like the lighting and stuff (just don't look at the fabric-)
Wukong couldn't give less than a flying f*ck if his pajamas matched. Like he's at home, let him be as much of a fashion disaster as he wants!
Heck, back in his day, he was prancing with a leaf skirt and that was acceptable, let the monkey be damnit.
But he would own something very funky like those peach shorts but specifically wear them on break days or in private
(Mac definitely made an inappropriate joke bout it; he has a mark you could read the king's fortune off of, on his right cheek-)
Mac loves his clouds cloudy king so sure, slap them on his pants I think he'd have those long fluffy or silky pajama pants and he like has a couple he switches out for every now and them.
Wukong struck me as a big shirt, short shorts guy
and Mac'doodles as a small shirt, big pants
On a more angsty note, after death I think he'd be a lot colder like its harder to generate body heat naturally so he'd be a lot more cuddly with his toasted marshmallow king cause he was literally toasty fried for 49 days in heaven (49 earth years if 1 year in heaven is a year belief is true)
I was really debating if they'd be in a tree like normal monkeys or in the stone palace cause like that's a whole thing.
Wukong is not only a king in name, he's got riches and a whole ass stone mansion, I want my boi to one day overcome his guilt and indesire for self care and move into the big boi house with his husbando...one day.
But until then, a girl can dream.
Cause come on, that'd be cool. I understand it'd feel real lonely without the stalwart generals and brotherhood but like he has new company and rekindling with his warrior might help with that.
I also think they'd rather sleep in a cozy lil alclove or like the beds in historical c-dramas that are kinda built in and they build a mini nest of sorts.
I was going to draw the monkeys but tbh, just wasn't feelin it...
Also wanted their tails to make a heart but the lil pointy bit always bugs me so I tried to make it into a more plausible scenario
And irl updates, I have been like formally rehearsing for a performance all week (as in a play) and practicing all day, just watched the 1st cast do it and its my turn tomorrow so wish me luck!
(btw I'm working with young kids, like 8-12 young and they all congregated around me when they saw me drawing like I was a glorified babysitter
And the amount of times I had to put the message on Mac's shirt on a different layer and hide it like bruh. The kids are lovely and all and I'd be happy to show my work but as you can see...not all of my works are...100% PG)
(pls reblog and feedback and stuff, I worked hard on this plss I beg...)
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cyber-clown · 1 year
zubat is one of my favourite pokémon and, because it is one of my favourite pokémon, i've used it in every single generation i've played where it's available. this has led me to notice that you can kind of use zubat to track game freak's evolving design ethos with the pokémon series allll the way from gen 1 through to gen 9.
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so if you don't know, zubat is a funny poison/flying bat pokémon. you can usually get it pretty early on in caves, usually sometime around the first gym. in gen 1 this is mt moon, gen 3 gives you zubats in granite cave right around the (mostly optional btw???) 2nd gym, gen 4 gives you them the moment you get to jubilife city, etc. it evolves into golbat at level 22, which doubles zubat's stats and lets it learn screech. golbat is a funny guy and i like him. don't know why they made him grow eyes though.
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point is, they're common and you get them early, so it's a pokémon that is very easy to slot into your team as a decent flying type with better utility and defenses (being a poison type) than your average earlygame bird shitter. they're also vaguely menacing if you're insane i guess so they're evil team fodder. ok. we know what zubat is now.
GEN 1: in gen 1, zubat's design is insane. early pokémon games are shocking well put together - for the bad rep they sometimes get for having a handful of prominent glitches, it's actually a testiment to the games that they just keep trucking through these insane edge cases rather than crashing. unfortunately, the design itself is... primitive. they had a smash hit but definitely hadn't fully found their footing. let's look at zubat's moveset.
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oh god! so, you would think this is a case of some kind of "first stage evolution syndrome" where zubat has a terrible, limited movepool that gets fixed when it evolves. gen 1 REALLY likes this gimmick: just off the top of my head this is the exact deal of abra and magikarp. unfortunately, no. the only damaging moves zubat learns before it evolves are leech life, a 20 base power (THIS IS LOW) move of a relatively weak offensive type, and bite. bite is fine. bite will hit most types except rock and ghost, and its power is fine. other than that, it just learns supersonic and a slightly less terrible version of supersonic.
then the insane thing: it learns wing attack at level 28. golbat learns it at level 32. it evolves at level 22. this creates an interesting dichotomy where on one hand you REALLY want to evolve zubat to golbat, given that it literally doubles its base stat total when evolving, but on the other that means you'll be waiting a full 10 levels from evolving to learn its only STAB move (in pokémon, pokémon get a 1.5x multipler to a move's damage if its the same type as that pokémon). said move only having 35 power. gen 1 is strange. i think this really shows the design philosophy of gen 1: everything is new, most things are weak, the balance is all over the place, you have to purposefully stop your funny bat from evolving for 6 levels just for it to learn a terrible flying type move that it can use for coverage. every other move it learns is either normal type or has <= 40 power. why.
GEN 2: gen 2 is the generation of "ok that was pretty good but had some pretty major flaws. let's try to fix them." gen 2 is kind of defined by how closely tied it is to gen 1. zubat is a great example of this. first of all the obvious thing: zubat gets a new evolution! if your golbat has high friendship and levels up, it will evolve into crobat. crobat gives the line about a hundred more stats (mostly to speed, with everything else getting a little peppering) and is maybe the funniest of all guys, his design being both cute, silly, and cool is maybe why i like the zubat line so much
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so what changes for zubat and its family in gen 2? three things of note! 1. more TMs to learn, giving it more tools to play with, including the new steel type move steel wing. 2. bite has been changed to a dark type move, giving the noble zubat more type coverage including the ability to hit ghost types and psychic types (who are normally strong against poison types) for double damage. 3. wing attack's power has been increased to 60 (almost doubled!) and it's level to be learnt lowered to... 27. 1 level!
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(from this point forward i'm not going to screenshot the TM learnset. i'll try to keep describing them, though)
also, the level requirement for bite has been moved to level 12, and it learns mean look at... level 36. ok so, yeah, not fixing the pokémon, but definitely some improvements here. you could actually reasonably recommend zubat to a friend or family member now if they particularly like its silly funny design
GEN 3: it's a new generation... literally. pokémon is now in FULL COLOUR and SYNTHESIZED SOUND on the GAMEBOY ADVANCE. pokémon is now fully establishing itself not just as a couple games and spinoffs, but a full on series that will ostensibly stick around between generations of games, generations of consoles, even generations of people.
so, yeah. this ain't your daddy's pokémon, he played pokémon red as a 7 year old but he's a full blown 13 year old now... much too cool to play these baby games. ...oh shit wait, every pokémon has an ability now? damn, nevermind, this rules! that's what i assume game companies think people will think when they do Big Spin Ups for a New Generation. i don't know if it DID convince a generation of millenium tweens that funny animal game is still cool, but the changes are appreciated anyway. steven stone is hot! i don't have anywhere else to say that. anyway, how did zubat change?
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our friend zubat gets lots of changes to keep up with the crowd now. bite has been moved back up to level 16, but zubat now gets astonish - a decent ghost type move that can flinch opponents, air cutter (this used to be TM only) - a slightly weaker and less accurate flying type move than wing attack, but one with an increased critical hit ratio AND it can hit multiple opponents in new-fangled double battles, and poison fang - finally allowing zubat to unlock its poison type STAB... if you either don't let your zubat evolve for 19 levels or, more realistically, teach it to your crobat at level 49... ouch! but, the biggest of them all: your zubat can now learn wing attack before it evolves! ...1 level before it evolves, but before it evolves!
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in addition, zubat's family got a new ability - inner focus: this lets them not get flinched. not that out there, but it's a welcome change! the line also gets a few more TMs unlocked, including coverage options like shadow ball, and the extremely powerful sludge bomb. you can really, finally, genuinely use zubat now! it's actually okay! it being a friendship-evolved pokémon is also ideal for one you pick up early game - you can usually evolve your zubat around the early level 30s, giving it a big stat boost earlier than a lot of other pokémon.
GEN 4: gen 4 is strange. it's a huge shift in the series, but it's also actually pretty similar to gen 3. it stays pretty true to the series roots, but also moves the ball in a way that would keep going and eventually mark what is effectively an entire change in identity for pokémon. steven stone is in heartgold and soul silver (yay!). gen 4 also cements gen 3 as the only generation of pokémon ever (so far) to be the only one on its console.
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we're making good progress here! wing attack can be learned even earlier, at level 17, meaning you should get it just in time for the grass type gym leader, bite has been reverted to being learned at level 13, and air cutter / poison fang have had the time you need to hold a zubat before they can be learned significantly turned down. if you do happen to hold your zubat until level 41, poison fang's spot has been usurped by air slash, a strong special move (gen 4 split all moves into physical and special, where before they were split between the attack / special attack stats by type) that has a 30% chance of flinching an opponent. zubat's physical stats may be better than its special stats, but only by a little bit, so this is a welcome option! zubat also gets a couple more good TMs, like U-Turn, a really strong move that lets zubat deal some damage and then swap with a teammate to hopefully avoid taking retaliation! anyway that's it really, just little steps!
GEN 5: here it is, the big one… the one that changed it all… just joking! infact, zubat didn't get a single move change in Pokémon Black and White, as it wasn't available to catch at all in that game! instead, it was replaced by the spiritual successors woobat and swoobat, cute fluffy psychic / flying types with little heart shaped noses - they even keep the theme of a closed pair of eyes opening up when evolved! i like swoobat's terrible, fleshy heart tail, too!
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anyway, zubat was revived in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, whereupon it did actually receive a moveset update. it's not a very big one, but it's appreciated!
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so, the pre-evolution options of astonish, bite, and wing attack have been moved a little further back, while players who wait a little bit are now able to learn the moves swift (a normal type move that never misses), and acrobatics (a move that has its damage doubled if your pokémon doesn't hold an item). cool stuff! air cutter, poison fang, and air slash have all been moved back a little bit. maybe this could be to disincentivise holding a pokémon that can evolve to learn moves, since this puts it much more in line with crobat:
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who knows? anyway! the other noticeable changes are the additions of a couple more TMs like venoshock (all TMs being infinite use now, so you don't have to worry about wasting a TM anymore!), a poison type move that doubles in damage if the target is poisoned (finally, more love for zubat's poison type!) and the hidden ability of infiltrator.
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what an unhelpful piece of flavour text! infiltrator is an ability that lets zubat ignore the effects of "barrier" type moves, which are moves that provide resistance or immunity to certain effects (such as physical damage, status effects, and debuffs). later on, this will be buffed to let zubats with infiltrator hit through substitutes, and even later will be buffed again to reduce wild encounters!
GEN 6: here's the real big one. gen 5 marked a distinct change in direction for pokémon as a series: a grander story, bold new characters, and a focus more on a journey that felt more like a hero's quest to prove themselves, rather than some random kid's uphill battle to get stronger. gen 6 took the new generation and made some bold decisions: now we have 3D models, and crazy plotlines, and fully arranged streamed music, and... much easier gameplay! well, easy is not the right word. pokemon games have always been kid friendly - but later games definitely try their best to streamline the experience. it feels a lot more like a power fantasy of a rise to glory, where previous games distinctly... did not. is this good or bad? well, it's all just taste! we all have our taste.
zubat received its major changes, again, in the second set of games of this generation: omega ruby and alpha sapphire. a step back to hoenn, including our good friend zubat!
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woah! can you believe this is even the same friend zubat we met all the way back in 1996? i'm so proud of him... well, what major changes are there? here's an easy two: venoshock is now a move zubat learns naturally, and almost every move has been substantially reduced in level up requirement! bite at level 11? wing attack at level 13? it feels like just yesterday we had to fight tooth and nail to keep bite at level 13! poison fang down by 12 levels to level 25, and so on. the big one here is that air cutter is now a move you can learn before even evolving zubat, giving you another flying type option! what could be awaiting us next, in the sunny alola region?
GEN 7: i like gen 7 :) i also don't know what preamble to give here. well, other than: gen 6 began the trend of adding a new "gimmick" every generation. these stick around for one generation, can only be used once per game, and provide some Big Flashy Effect. mega evolution was gen 6's, but that was restricted to a few specific pokémon (mainly fan favourites, no love for great pokémon like crobat... grr...) but gen 7 changed this: now any pokémon can use a Z-Power!!! once per game, a single move can be transformed into a powerful Z-Move, that does huge damage. this means our friend zubat can join the show. will it use a poison Z-Move, or a flying Z-Move, or maybe a random coverage move, like ghost or steel?
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um... what's going on here? zubat's lost leech life! well, look again. the iconic Zubat Move is still in its learnset, but it's now been QUADRUPLED in to 80 power, so it's been moved up and replaced with absorb as zubat's starting move. absorb is still stuck at 20 power. poor absorb. that's probably what it gets for being cousins with mega drain AND giga drain. crobat gets to learn cross poison on evolve now, a powerful poison type move that has an increased critical hit rate AND a chance to poison. other than these, zubat's learnset has not changed in any noticeable way. i guess that's a sign game freak has settled on a moveset to stay for our friend zubat!
GEN 8:
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what on earth happened here? where is zubat's iconic wing attack? leech life at level 55? well, generation 8, you see, represents a big shakeup for the pokémon series. the series has OFFICIALLY jumped from handhelds to the home console, and so naturally that leads to a very different design philosophy - including the removal of lots of moves from the game entirely, and the barring of some pokémon from entry to the region! zubat gets to stay, though, and its reward is an entirely retooled moveset. what can we make of this?
well, first of all, supersonic has been recognised as an Iconic Zubat Move after 20 years of proud service, being officially made a move zubat gets right out of the egg. it still sucks, but that's cool! wing attack and bite have been replaced with poison fang, retooling zubat to put the early focus on its poison typing: to this day zubat and its family are actually the only poison / flying type pokémon! air cutter has been pushed back above the "evolve threshold", where it joins a bunch of other iconic Zubat Moves. bite and leech life now languish, as moves that probably nobody will ever actually hold their zubat to learn, given it's only a couple extra levels for golbat / crobat to learn them. speaking of crobat, it's worth mentioning...
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crobat has a whole lot of tools to work with now! it's very clear they really wanted to play with crobat's unique role as a poison / flying type here by focusing a lot more on its Poisonous Traits - toxic, cross poison, and venoshock are all very fun tools you can play with that crobat gets access to with ease. what a treat! the number of TMs crobat can learn is also huge, with plenty of coverage across a bunch of types. now for gen 9!
GEN 9:
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oh zubat! you should have known that DUI would give you consequences. well, yes. this is zubat's journey so far. but i think that i've proven my point - you can distinctly see a shift from the early game pokémon design philosophy to newer games.
personally, i would describe this as going from the games being an "uphill battle to prove yourself" to a "journey across the land with your favourites". it's clear that, over time, there have been attempts to try and make a lot of pokémon more viable, so that if zubat is your favourite too you can pick it up and have it be useful almost right away, rather than its earlier role as a pokémon that takes a long time to get going but eventually gets tools that make it a lot more usable. i think this shows pokémon's shift to being more about the pokémon themselves rather than the journey, which is a safe decision that's probably made because every pokémon is somebody's favourite.
this has no real point by the way - i personally don't actually mind the newer direction of pokémon games (aside from the EXP share always being on...) and have enjoyed plenty of relatively modern pokémon games a lot - i really rememeber loving pokémon moon when it came out! but i do also enjoy the different "vibe" and experience of older pokémon games, and i think sometimes the best way to actually describe the differences is to just lay out them out, plain to see.
anyway, i hope you enjoyed and, next time you're in a dark cave, consider holding off on the repels. you might just meet your new best friend forever!
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shuttershocky · 1 year
30 minutes into Samurai Remnant and my impression about the game so far is that while musou combat still sucks at its core, they put enough bells and whistles into this one to make even Warriors-combat haters like me get engaged. There's style switching! There's dodging! You can stun enemies! You are expected to actually watch stronger enemies and counterattack when you dodge their combos! There was an effort to give combat actual depth! Hallelujah.
Also I've been saying this for years so I'm glad to be proven right, but having a game where you can actually fight alongside your Servant instead of only playing as them while the Master hides is extremely cool, actually. There's something incredibly fun about playing as Iori and whacking at a few ninjas while Saber suddenly crashes in at lightspeed and barrels through the enemies in Iori's way, their light jog greatly outspeeding Iori's run speed because Saber is a servant and Iori is a human.
While Iori's no slouch at fighting and the game even pits you in defensive battles against servants, when Saber takes the lead a fight starts moving at 2x speed, with Saber able to teleport around and crush even other servants in a flurry of hits. The only thing limiting you as Saber is that youre actually dependent on Affinity (mana bar basically), and if you exhaust all your resources you must recharge by fighting as Iori, being limited and human.
The clear power differential introduces a genuine sense of gameplay pacing while also actually making Servants feel superpowered, something you can't actually do if your game ONLY has servants. This has always been a pet peeve of mine as the Fate series continued to expand and leaned more and more on heroic spirits divorced from the rest of the Type-Moon setting: they started feeling less special as they became less attached to the world they came from.
This though? The start of this game feels like reading Fate/Stay Night again. The tutorial fight with Rider has a basic 3 hit combo that feels unfair because they're blasting swordwaves, cracking the Earth, and leaping into the sky, while Iori has a little hop to dodge attacks with and can only really hope to land attacks in the brief moments Rider is vulnerable.
Then when you inevitably get caught (Rider has a delayed sword swing to catch you with if you dodge too early lol), you get a tutorial pop-up that goes "Btw when you're in danger your servants can come to your rescue!" And as soon as you close the window Saber flashsteps right in front of the attack and then they do the flurry vs flurry anime thing and it's fucking cool. It's (original) Saber saving Shirou from Lancer all over again except you actually play the part where you are hopelessly outmatched until Saber comes flying in like a missile
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yandere karaku and sekido vs yandere aizetsu and urogi fighting for the reader? (btw i’m not shipping the clones together)
Goddamn. All four of the clones… okay, okay. I’ll try this out! Probs be formatted in the same way as the ObaMitsu vs SaneKana rivalry post! I’m certain I can do this
Yandere! Demon Slayer Scenarios: Romantic! Karaku vs Romantic! Sekido vs Romantic! Aizetsu vs Romantic! Urogi
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This is… a disaster… a horrible disaster. You could have had anybody, demon or human, chasing after you but NO. You have all four of the infamous Upper Moon 4’s emotion clones lusting after you. God, you’re so screwed
All four clone brothers are equally as overprotective, possessive and delusional as each other over you. All four feel entitled to you and express their “claiming” of you in different ways, just hoping to win you over
They all believe you love him solely and hate his brothers. It was love at first sight but it is now corrupted, rotten love that won’t stop at murdering humans or spilling each other’s blood. It’s beyond insane
Urogi rubs every inch of his body all over you to mark his scent, Sekido straight up takes you away from everything, Karaku sends you a number of gifts with his name plastered on them and Aizetsu clings onto you and proclaims why he is better. All four are psycho and they play tug of war with you all the time
Urogi picks you up and flies away whilst his three other clone brothers angrily yell at him to come back with you. Urogi doesn’t even care, he just cares to have you as he possessively holds you and brings up to his little nest
Sekido is hyper aggressive towards his love rival clone brothers so he lashes out at them even looking at you. If he draws them away, you are all his and he clings obsessively
Aizetsu uses all means of emotional manipulation and guilt tripping to try get you to like him and avoid his clone brothers. It’s rather cruel how much he cries over you and how he can make you pity him
Karaku is a spoiler type of Yandere. He showers you in gifts, praise and confirmation, all as ways to persuade you to like him the most. You’ll never want another man if he treats you like a Royal, you’ll hate his clone brothers
Every situation with these four are hyper-aggressive arguments and all four suspecting you to pick them. Don’t like Sekido! Karaku is better! No! Aizetsu is kinder! But Urogi can fly! It goes on and on with all four yelling at each other to back off and demanding you pick them
All four clone brothers are so vitally overprotective over you that nobody can approach you. This is one of the only times they actively work together as they work together to ensure your safety
Yes. The four head Hantengu clones follow you around at night and sometimes, refuse to listen to Hantengu in favour of pursuing their favourite little demon. They are so much better, let them try win that little demon ever and protect them
Honestly, just picking one of the clone brothers is a difficult task. They don’t want to share you, they want you for themselves so if you do finally fold to their constant disturbance and clinginess, the other three will go batshit wild
It’s the most insane feat of rivalry and jealousy ever known to demonkind
“My darling. Why do you even look at those incompetent fools. I am very powerful, I am manly and I can provide more protection than they can, just admit you love me and not them”
“Cmonnn~! Just quit messing around with my brothers, you know, doll! I am funnier and I can give you all the love and presents and treats any demon could want~ pick me~!”
“Cupcake… do you believe my brother are better? I know you better than yourself and I understand you sympathetically… don’t leave me alone, I really need you”
“I smell a baby feather being tricked by three dum-dums! How about I show you that a big mate like myself is so much better than what they can do! Don’t you love flying~?”
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nico-esoterica · 19 days
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The Synastry Between Min Heejin x NewJeans (Controversial) ⚠️
Someone asked me to analyze the Min Heejin situation w/ NewJeans and I've been out of the kpop loop for a bit but I was looking into it and my mind's already going..
All of this is biased btw. But some of it is also 1-1 astro logic mixed in. This is Min Heejin's chart. And this is NJ's group chart.
What's immediately evident is that Heejin's moon potentially opposes NJ's moon-mars-uranus configuration in their first. There's a clear and deeply ingrained power dynamic there. Objectively speaking, a pair with this synastry is going to be very emotionally influenced by each other. And her Virgo-mars influenced Scorpio moon makes her much shrewder and calculated than the average person. And her mars-jupiter only exacerbates that.
The woman's incredibly intelligent. With all of her mutable energy and that Virgo/Scorpio, she loves being able to take something a part and put it together. She sees people and their potential as moving parts she can analyze and qualify their value. This is a person who's naturally very drawn to the psychology of things. Because this is informed by an early degree (8 of wands coded) Sag mercury which squares those Virgo points, she's incredibly sure of herself to the point of not minding confrontation and most likely gets a rise out of opposition.
But on the surface with that Sun-Neptune in Sag she has, she's going to fly under the radar..deliberately.. and play the role of a demure but shrewd woman who the men in a corporate world don't see as a threat on the surface. But she's strategizing to systematically pick them off one by one. Especially since she has a Sun-Saturn square on top of it. Her points are operating in South Korea's 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. She's playing their game on the surface but she's annihilating everyone in her path. The woman's a predator, but she's a genius. It means you will never see this woman coming.
As for NJ, I'm already biased and I'm gonna say that imo, as young girls, them being a Cancer with a Cancer Mercury w/ 'made to grow up before I was ready' 1H stressed lunar issues while the woman has a Scorpio moon in their 7th house of relationships..is just explaining, imo, why they're fiercely protecting her. They potentially see her as a sisterly/motherly figure/mentor who believed in them that they want to see the good in. The reality is that we don't 100% know how that dynamic went. They may have benefited from her guidance but if we're doing a 1-1 astrology read, a lunar dynamic like that where the girls' group chart already has internal emotional issues is going to be susceptible to finding refuge in women who 'seemingly know better' but who may have ulterior motives.
If there wasn't anything dangerous going on, I'd still be wary about it. I'd be like..is it safe..objectively for this person to have THAT much emotional control of a group like that? Without a bias, a lot of their synastry suggests that both parties are incredibly influential on one another. Even if Heejin was using them, she most likely encountered a lot of deep issues she personally has going on bc that lunar dynamic is going to eventually bring that up, even in her. Because what Heejin's chart gives, imo, is that she has issues with not thinking she's personally good enough that she may project into the groups she handles.
Because when I saw their Sun-Venus opposition in synastry, it made me wonder if NJ ever thought they could live up to her expectations about artistry and aesthetics. All of that, imo, has to do with how she sees herself. She has a Venus-Saturn trine paired with a Venus-Pluto square, which says that she never feels as if her expectations are met with what she loves, and it translates to how her Venus-Pluto square with NJ plays out in synastry. In synastry, it can create this toxic cycle of someone trying to 'prove' themselves and the other person being the victim or perpetuator of that.
If we dissect it further, Heejin's retrograde taurus chiron demonstrates all of this. Earth is material and taurus as a venus ruled sign in chiron's home is going to have an issue over not having enough or being enough. That falls right on top of NJ's Moon-Mars configuration. THIS was the group that really brought all of her personal issues out, I'm telling you. She poured all of her personal drama and issues into making sure they were as 'perfect' as possible bc they were living embodiments of what she wishes she always was. It's very childhood wound coded, which is chiron. Interestingly enough, NJ's retrograde chiron in aries in their 12th, imo, represents their need for autonomy.
Aries is the child and they were essentially made to sacrifice their childhoods. Their Leo mercury squaring their 1H taurus points spells that out because it says that they don't feel listened to or heard. They're seen and very visible but they may feel like chess pieces on a board. My guess, imo, is that Heejin made them feel as if..if they followed her rule book that they would gain some kind of autonomy or feel empowered. But since it forms harsh aspects to ber Venus-Pluto square, you're getting a dysfunctional relationship where the power dynamic is unhealthy and unstable. There's this feeling of never feeling good enough for her..which creates a toxic cycle of 'proving' themselves..that she benefits from emotionally. And it just sets them up to become reliant on that dynamic from others in the long run. Bc while their Venus trines in their chart suggest their likability, it comes at a cost where their Venus-Jupiter square will never feel like it's enough and they'll over extend themselves to ensure the person 'stays.'
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manarmalade · 7 months
just to be clear!!!!
Luffy - Earth pony (ace is a pegasus and sabo is a unicorn btw)
Zoro - Eath pony (dont ask me how he holds three swords but he does)
Nami - Unicorn (absolutely uses telekinesis to pickpocket)
Usopp - Pegasus (tells kaya about all of his adventures flying to the moon and back)
Sanji - Alicorn (his wings never quite grew in tho)
Chopper - Reindeer.
Robin - Earth Pony (she can make hand-wings on her back and glide tho)
Franky - Pegasus (his back is his weak point, so obv pegasus)
Brook - Unicorn (he can lift and play multiple instruments at once!!)
Jinbe - Pegasus (idk i think it'd be cool if he could coast around on waves and stuff)
Yamato - Unicorn (with two horns, obviously)
Vivi - Alicorn (she is a princess!!)
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brainyrot · 1 year
Stuff from the comics I like and if they were canon to the inky mystery I would explode from joy part 2
Bacon soup has Bendy's face on it, it's really funny really, just having the soup you like the most have your own face on it for no real reason.
Alice is seen float a lot, it's really fun.
Boris growls.
Alice halo becomes smaller and her horns gets longer whenever she gets mad, along with fire.
Bendy just doesn't dress up for Halloween because he's a demon, but if he has to scare Boris, he gets a ghost costume (implying that Boris is not scared of bendy. At all. Which is very cute.) < from the cartoons
Charley just hates bendy lmao
love how whenever something happens, it has to be Bendy's fault. he's just a troublemaker, but his friends are ready to forgive him anytime.
Boris says "good golly gosh" a lot, actually.
"we're the first people to land in the moon, and it's YOUR FAULT!" love this from Alice actually.
Also in the bendy universe apparently the moon's made of cheese and there are aliens living there. Or whatever those turkeys were.
Alice is never up Bendy's bullshit.
according to Alice, bendy needs to get better at his "people's skills"
Bendy just has lots of pranks things, like the little joy buzzer (the thing where you shake the hand of someone and the someone gets shocked n stuff)
Also bendy has a pet fish. (Love how when he turned bubbles into a monster fish bendy still called him bubbles, like. Hey guys check my giant pet monster!!! His name his bubbles!!!)
bendy is just..not evil, even when he has literally something that can give him everything he wants (the pitchfork, even though in the end it was a scam) he just says "I shouldn't keep this to myself, but have everyone else have it too!!!" And immediately goes to give his friends their wishes.
Like, even if he calls Boris "his servant" he just treats him way too good.
also "bubbles you destroyed the whole town! Good work of course, but that's where I live!!" Awesome.
Despite bendy being a demon (demons are often described as filthy and greedy) he enjoys being clean.
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Best description of bendy I saw "mischievous selfish bitch who steals pies from old ladies" (because in the comics he does steal pies. From one specific lady too.)
The first thing bendy does when the pitchfork turns out to be a curse casting pitchfork is say "oh no! Alice and Boris!" He truly cares man.
"think bendy! Put your devilshness to good use!!"
Alice openly says to bendy "bendy I will beat your ass once this is over", icon.
"there's only one devil who can menace alice and Boris and that's me!" Like when the older sibling says "only I can bully my younger sibling" beautiful. I want this canon in inky mystery.
Alice dosen't even question why bendy pet fish is now a giant flying monster, meaning he pulls out shit like this everyday.
"to think that dosen't recognize all the good naps we had together!" Boris has a favorite spot to sleep and it's that specific tree. (The dancing evil tree.)
bendy: "i've learned my lesson!!" Does the same mistake again.
Alice is really just a good independent woman, I love her. She's smart and she got charm.
I love how Alice can fool bendy and Boris pretty easily, she's the smart one of the group.
All of the stories with bendy, Boris and Alice being like characters like in devil's treasure, yukon bendy and such it makes me think they dress up and play pretend.
Bendy saying "I love that guy" to Charley like😭🙏 this man has no enemies !!!
"we've been here for fifteen minutes!! Time to go home." Boris is still a mood. (He's talking about working, btw.)
Bendy is casually a conductor. (Even more reasons why he loves trains, AND HE PLAYS WITH A TOY TRAIN IN THE GAME.)
Bendy does not like potato corn.
Boris gets offended if he gets called a dog, he will specifically tell you he is a WOLF, not a dog!
"boo bendy!! We love you Alice!!!" LMAOO
"see people of new York!" Either he went to New York to perform, or sillyvision is around there.
Also apparently bendy can lift things and make 'em float. He lifted Alice in the air and let her float around for a magic trick (or it was Alice floating for him but I doubt, since later he spins her and she doesn't like that.)
"whoops! That was my good tomato" 😭🙏 I LOVE THE BACKGROUND CHARACTERS
Let me appreciate the pizza guy saying "another, signore?" Which translate to "another, sir?"
Bendy can cook! Or at least, he can make chili.
Bendy does his bath with his rubber duck!!
Boris and Alice casually fishing where it says "no fishing"
They also just, casually look at bendy sleeping in his washtub being pulled away by the water.
Edgar is such a cutie patooie. He even asks politely "just don't tell the gang I saved you btw, thanks."
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What are your thoughts on Disney TVA's upcoming lineup (Primos, Zombies The Re-Animated Series, StuGo, Cookies & Milk, Rhona Who Lives By The River, Sam Witch, Dog & Frog, SuperStar, The Witchverse, InterCats, Fantasy Sports, Neon Galaxy, La Familia Avenunes, Journey and the Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin reboots by Seth Rogen?
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1- Primos
Mira mijo para mí toda la polémica estuvo bien pendeja, ya que todo el crew del show fue puesto en el mismo saco de boxeo por las declaraciones de Myrna Velasco, como persona que conoce a Natasha Kline desde su trabajo en Big City Greens te puedo asegurar por Dieguito Maradona que no es un demonio como otras personas en el internet la están poniendo.
El show NO es sobre la cultura mexicana es sobre la cultura chicana en Los Angeles y como persona que se vio el piloto filtrado antes de que un chistosito lo subiera para crear bardo te digo que es lo mas harmless y inocentón del mundo, los que se están quejando son gente que solo lo hace para crear ragebait y farmear vistas.
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2- Zombies The Re-Animated Series
Not really my thing since the movies where "eh" for me but those days i was sick, so i recall the songs, happy for Aliki and the team tho, probably will watch it when i rewatch the films.
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3- StuGo
Really interested for this one specially since this one is slated to be Disney TVA's 100th Series, so im curious if Disney will have some kind of event planned besides that, the synopsis is interesting also this show had multiple people of Jellystone! and the crew from the axed CN movie Driftwood on board, so i think it will be interesting as the show saved this people from being jobless.
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Just realized that is called "STUGO" beacuse they are STUdents stuck three months on a wild tropical island, so they need to "GO".
Heh. It's like a pun or something. Heheh.
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4 - Cookies & Milk
Apparently this is the second project from the Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur EPs, i wonder how will they handle a down to earth slice of life series, imagine if they hire Flying Bark again becoming their first slice of life project with the Rise/LEGO/MGADD animation lol
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5- Rhona Who Lives By The River
I like how the concept art has a Cartoon Saloon vibe and wondering how will translate to stop-motion which is interesting, i like Karen Gillian for her role as Nebula on GOTG trilogy, what i wonder is how Disney will handle the show with the Elfman scandal, will they quietly drop it without any mention of Elfman like MAX did with Fired on Mars EP or finding a new composer for Season 2.
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6- The Witchverse
I played the VR short recently and OMG is so cute and adorable, the world they created has a big potential for multiple storylines, hoping S1 is more focused on Magda, Sasha (Yeah they have to change her name) and her mother, their relationship was so adorable, hope Daisy Ridley returns for the full series.
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7- InterCats
Apparently this will be Disney's first workplace comedy series for YA audiences and it sounds cute, apparently is co-created by one of the Nimona screenwritters Pamela Ribon, so that's a plus.
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8- Fantasy Sports
Super looking forward to this one, i loved the original novels and hoping Disney makes justice to Sam Bosma's world and characters, i can see Wiz and Mug becoming perfect additions to crosspromotion events at ESPN.
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9- SuperStar
BTW just like to mention that i named it SuperStar as a placeholder title, the show dosn't have a name as of yet, based on the cast call we can see that Alejandra is latina so maybe it's a mixture between MGADD and Hannah Montana, wonder which person created the show.
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10.- Journey
Since we don't know it's creator is very hard to tell what to expect BUT the synopsis is interesting kinda a awnser to LEGEND OF VOX MACHIMA but more family friendly, im wonder if this is the project created by Amy Hudkins, Ian Mutchler and Jonathon Wallach since they like Dungeons and Dragons, Legend Of Zelda and Magic The Gathering.
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11- La Familia Avenúñez
It's a spin-off of The Proud Family Louder And Prouder with a latino cast pues suena chido la vdd, esperemos que cuando se anuncie no ocurra lo mismo que Primos.
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12 - Dog And Frog, Neon Galaxy, Sam Witch
They don't have creator or synopsis as of yet besides a title revealed via a trademark, so it's hard to give overall thoughts
13- Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin Reboots
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After TMNT Mutant Mayhem, The Boys, The Boys Diabolical and Invincible im confident that Rogen's team will do Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin justice and wishing good luck to the crew behind them.
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silveragelovechild · 2 months
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I saw the trailer for “Fly Me to the Moon” a while back. It’s a comedy about faking the Apollo moon landing starring Channing Tatum and Scarlett Johansson. They are popular and good looking. I thought it would be a hit.
I was wrong. It opened very nearly on the 55th anniversary of the actual moon landing and… failed spectacularly at the box office. It earned only $31 million against its $100 million budget. It probably needed to make $200 to break even.
Aftering being away on vacation, it’s the first movie I decided to see - purely based on my reaction to the trailer. I didn’t read and reviews in advance. I had hoped it would be an old fashioned screwball comedy. But I don’t think director Greg Berlanti knew what kind of movie he wanted to make. He has directed 3 other movies (two gay comedies) but most of his experience is with superhero shows (aka The ArrowVerse).
The movie starts off okay… Johansson plays a super successful New York ad executive right out of “Madmen”. Woody Harrelson arrives as a super secret Richard Nixon operative who needs her to improve the public’s perception of the Apollo program. For some reason he needed to blackmail her which didn’t quite make sense.
In Florida Johansson and Tatum met-cute. He’s the Apollo mission’s launch director and doesn’t think he needs her help. He resists her every way he can.
After successfully doing her job, Harrelson then tells Johansson he wants a backup plan in case the moon landing fails. He wants her to organized a secret fake film of the landing to broadcast instead. Of course this puts her at odds with her budding romance with Tatum.
Let me cut to the chase… even if this is a screwball comedy (which it’s not) the plot makes no sense. Harrelson wants to use the actual audio of Armstrong/Aldrin from the moon but use the fake video of Johansson’s mock up. Huh?
If the Lunar Module arrived without crashing, no disaster, therefore the fake footage is unnecessary.
Then there’s the fake drama created as a wedge between Johansson and Tatum. Apparently Johansson’s character has a secret criminal past (just like Don Draper) that Harrelson uses to blackmail her. This was so unnecessary - couldn’t she just have been a successful ad exec without that bullsh#t?
Then there’s Tatum’s backstory. He feels personally guilty for the deaths of the astronauts in the Apollo 1 launch testing disaster. I can just imagine the writer’s room discussion about how they needed to add more gravitas to the story and let Tatum prove his acting chops. Again totally unnecessary.
At the age of 44, Tatum is 8 years older than Gene Kranz was in 1969 (the actual flight director). In his first scene I noticed that Tatum looked like he had very obvious stage makeup. Throughout the movie, except for two lines between his eyebrows, he had absolutely no wrinkles… no crows feet when he smiled, no lines across his forehead, no laugh lines. (BTW, Kranz was not the flight director for Apollo 1.)
At the end, the movie attempts to become a comedy again with antics involving Chekhov’s Black Cat. When all else fails, throw in some slapstick. (The poster above spoilers the ending.)
And my final petpeeve - Berlanti, who is opening gay, included a character (played by gay actor Jim Rash) who is the worst gay stereotype - he can only be described as “f@ggy”.
The fact that the movie flopped at the box office, probably doesn’t matter to Apple Studios who produced it. They didn’t care that 2023’s “Napoleon” lost $165 million.
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flamingskull28 · 1 month
agent 4 played bayonetta and then tried to do some acrobatic moves to impress 8 while blasting to the bayonetta version of "fly me to the moon"(banger btw) and fell flat on her face and when 8 picked her up 4 had the wettest most sad eyes desperately trying to not cry
that's a very colorful scene. I can vividly see 4 twirling in the air firing around rapidly then slamming on her face lol
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jkfanfr · 1 year
Vegas and Pete FF- KinnPorsche The Series (BL)
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Another VegasXPete fanfic as i cannot get enough of them recently. Their connection was off the roof in the series and it’s made me watch it over and over again.
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Requests open, and have fun reading my lovelies
SIGNITURE LINE AHEAD 🤭 Let me know if you can find it
Vegas took his seat at the booth, right in front of Kinn and Porsche, who were holding hands under the table, as if no one could see them doing so. Kinn raised his eyebrow at Vegas, who was giving his signature smirk at the stage beside them.
Pete gulped hard as he stepped onto the stage, smiling nervously at the same time. The big lights were off, making the whole place dark as he took his spot in the middle of the stage.
Though he was a famous idol, with many fans screaming his name, awed at the sight of his handsome self, begging to take a peek underneath his already revealing clothes, Pete was an anxious one. He was worried about what people thought and every time he stepped on stage, his little frights of his own power and ability come in to play at the same time, taking his through a never ending cycle of worrisomeness.
Pete finally made eye contact with Vegas, who had a sweet smile sprouting on his face. Though they were in close proximity, it felt they were so far away from each other. Pete just wanted to run into his arms, as they hug and kiss endlessly with the same bliss, passion and love as the first time.
Back-up dancers took the stage, assuring him that he’ll be ok. They’re very supportive with Pete’s stage fright, helping him and always by his side when they ever need him. Pete felt safer once they were around, they weren’t just back-up dancers, they were friends, best friends.
Pete sighed softly, standing in the middle of the stage in his starting pose, looking at Vegas one last time before the lights slowly started turning on. He was singing a cover of ‘Love Talk’ by WayV, which he had been working on for a while. (stan wayv btw) The lyrics really hint at specific something, which Pete typically liked (horny ass b-)
He felt the lights turn on quicker, signalling him to start off. Pete moved swiftly to the music, his voice angelic and deep as he kept a nervous smile on his face, which soon turned more confident and teasing.
i can hear it callin 
loving the way you wanna talk 
touch me tease me feel me up
As Pete danced the night away, Vegas couldn’t help but admire his beautiful boy, how innocent but sexy he looked. Pete was effortlessly winning everyone’s hearts.
you got me sayin you got me sayin
how you doin tell me what’s your name
what’s your sign 
feeling like your into me
yeah waiting for you 
i just want you to come over where i’m stayin 
He heard so many awed whispers and saw many people giggling and filming him. It was completely normal to Pete, but to Vegas, it got his blood boiling 
fallin for a stranger good gracious 
i might even fly out to Vegas
thinking maybe you’d be down to do it
but you don’t know what i’m sayin
Even watching Kinn smile at his moves, Porsche screaming the loudest for his best friend, made Vegas feel jealousy crawl up his skin. 
got me goin through the roof 
really don’t care what we do
we could fly to the moon
i can see your lips movin but we ain’t got a clue
Pete kept his sweet but teasing look in his face, making Vegas sweat in his chair. He shifted around a lot, unable to feel comfortable. His jealousy and possessiveness was getting to him.
baby we’re two distant strangers
i know you don’t speak my language 
but i love the way you’re talking to me..
Even the way Pete said ‘baby’ made Vegas wanna call him over and take him to where they’re staying
i can hear it callin 
from where you are
loving the way you wanna talk 
touch me tease me feel me up
touch me tease me feel me up
Pete smirked at Vegas’ reaction to him, making him gulp hard, bottling up all his jealous and angry emotions just so he doesn’t cause a scene. He was very possessive when it came to Pete, Vegas wanted him all for his own. He didn’t want everyone enjoying what he called his, but as expected, Vegas had no choice but to comply with Pete and his job. He supported Pete a lot when it came to it. 
call me when it’s after dark
something in the way you wanna talk
touch me tease me feel me up
touch me tease me feel me up
Pete was beyond hot when he was dancing, how perfectly swift and talented he was made Vegas all giddy on the inside. He had a problem down in his trousers, biting his lip to control his body which was acting differently to his mind. Vegas’ body was desperate for Pete, wanting to run on stage and pull him into his arms, while his mind was urging him to sit still in his seat. 
He didn’t want Kinn and Porsche to notice him either, so he had no choice but to act like a dog and not move and inch. 
Porsche- “Wow!! My best friend is awesome! Go Pete!”
Kinn- “He’s very good, don’t you think so Vegas?”
Vegas was in his own world at this moment, admiring Pete with jealousy overflowing in his eyes, which were deepening in red.
Porsche- “Vegas..?”
Kinn tapped his hand, making Vegas look around aimlessly as if he doesn’t know anything. 
Vegas- “Yeah..? What happened?”
Porsche- “Kinn asked if you think Pete is good?”
Vegas- “My boy is more than good..”
Vegas responded back, adoring Pete once more with his eyes, licking his bottom lip as he gave his signature smirk to Pete. Kinn and Porsche laughed softly at Vegas’ response.
Though Vegas was enjoying it all, something immediately caught his attention. Pete ripped half of his shirt, exposing his defined and toned abs, which Vegas wouldn’t of expected. 
Porsche- “Ooh!! Pete is so saucy, damn”
Porsche let out a breath before laughing with Kinn once more, they both were watching Pete, having fun watching him perform. It was obvious Pete was very confident at this moment, as his thrusted his hips forward, grinning a little as he did so. The crowd got even wider as Vegas’ mouth hung open, unable to let out any words. 
Kinn- “Woah!” 
Porsche- “Pete is really taking his chances”
Kinn- “Very seriously”
Pete smirked as he met eye contact with Vegas, as Vegas was still stunned. Did he do this to get on Vegas’ nerves? Cause god it was working well, as he looked around the audience with even more envy in his eyes. You could call him a green-eyes monster.
Vegas- “Fuck, you’re killing me babe..”
Vegas whispered to himself in a soft and quiet tone, feeling a lump in his throat. As he kept his eyes on Pete, he sipped on his water, basically finishing 3 cups just to maintain his composure.
Pete- “I know you all like it”
Pete talked in a monotone voice, no melody, no rhythm either as he thrusted again. Vegas nearly spat out his water, as his eyes widened at Pete. Many people were screaming louder, their phones on the fly as they all awed at Pete’s moves.
How deep Pete’s voice was once he said that, his teasing and playful expression on his face. God it made Vegas melt in his chair
Vegas- “You better watch we get home Pete.”
He whispered quietly to himself, as he bit his own cheek, leaning forward just to see Pete even more.
Porsche- “Man, he’s really making him angry babe.. Pete is in for a wild night”
Porsche whispered to Kinn, making them look at each other. Porsche felt a little worried for Pete’s safety after this, mainly for his legs.
Kinn- “I can agree on that love, Pete better watch his steps tonight. And i don’t know about you, but i find his jealousy highly entertaining”
Kinn let out a louder laugh, Porsche playfully punching his shoulder
Porsche- “Kinn stop that!”
Porsche couldn’t help but laugh as well. The green eyed monster was doing his job very well, and they even grinned at each other, knowing Pete was in for a treat.
oh tell me babe, tell me how you like it babe 
i don’t even know your name
i love the way you’re talking to me..
Pete ended his performance, sweating his life away, but satisfied with his work. On the other hand, Vegas was in war with his own mind and body. He looked at Kinn and Porsche who were clapping with the rest of the audience.
It took a lot of work for Vegas to not go and question Pete, or even ruin him deliriously, for that hot and sweaty performance. He wanted Pete all for himself at times like this.
Kinn- “Uhh..Vegas..?”
Vegas- “What is it Kinn?!”
Vegas talked in a stern and serious tone, the green eyed monster taking an effect on everyone around him. Kinn and Porsche already got their answers from Vegas’ reaction. 
They knew Vegas was a bit possessive when it came to Pete. He loved him deeply, he was too scared to lose someone so important to him. His past lover did so, and left Vegas alone till he met Pete, who made his life liveable. No one talks about Vegas’ past lover, they have nothing to do with his or anyone else’s mind anymore. Both Kinn and Porsche knew Vegas was scared he’d lose Pete to one of those fans, which is why he was so protective of him. He didn’t wanna loose the most important person to him. He couldn’t.
Porsche- “Calm down Vegas, what’s wrong?”
Vegas- “Nothing is wrong Porsche”
Kinn- “There is Vegas, just tell us”
Vegas- “I’ll tell him instead”
Vegas pointed at Pete who was now going off stage. Little did Vegas know, Pete knew just how he was. He knew Vegas would be struggling with his jealousy. 
Vegas scratched the back of his nape, standing up from his seat. He walked down heaps of stairs making his way towards Pete, who seemed to be making twists and turns around there corridors. It seemed he was trying to run away from Vegas’s might
Pete seemed to know what was coming, and what’s the harm of a good ol’ chase hmm?
Vegas- “Pete. I see you”
Pete heard Vegas’ voice as he seemed to get closer, as he was swerving past many people just to get by. Vegas was so close to pulling him into his embrace. Just when too many people got in the way, causing him too lose Pete in the crowd of make-up artists.
They were opposite of each other, looking at one another from the sides of the crowd. Pete smirked at Vegas, sticking his tongue out.
Pete- “Come get me then”
Pete replied back to his words in a louder tone, as Vegas laughed softly, pulling out one of his signature smirks.
Vegas- “Just you wait babyboy, daddy’s coming..”
Pete started running away, escaping the crowd and Vegas too, well..as it seemed to be. As Pete turned the corner, he was met with a tall, well-built chest, shirt unbuttoned a little. He knew what he collided with instantly.
Vegas- “Seems you came to me instead baby..”
Pete- “Im getting changed, wait”
Pete tried to escape, but Vegas pulled him back towards him, now both of their chest colliding. Vegas looked down at Pete’s ripped shirt, and smirked once more
Vegas- “You won’t be getting changed anymore love”
Pete- “Im sweaty hun, i need to change”
Vegas- “Don’t make excuses to run away from me. You know what you were doing on that stage”
Pete- “What was i doing?”
Pete asked so innocently, it made Vegas wanna pin him to the wall and explain it through actions. Vegas kept his cool, looking at Pete with the same smirk as always.
Vegas- “I don’t care what you were doing anymore. Just know that.. i will consume you.”
Vegas stepped closer to Pete, making their thighs touch. Pete gulped hard, looking at Vegas with playfulness but a bit of worry for his sanity.
Pete- “Im never listening to Porsche’s ideas ever again..”
Vegas- “What was that love?”
Pete- “Nothing”
Seems like Porsche decided to pickpocket an idea from his mind and innocently hand it over to Pete.
Vegas- “Are you ready?”
Pete- “For what?”
Pete looked at him all confused, like he didn’t hear Vegas’ words from before.
Vegas- “You’re in for a treat babyboy, come with me”
Pete- “But i’m not ready to leave-“
Vegas- “Ah ah ah..”
Vegas put his finger on Pete’s lips, settling him down and keeping him quiet
Vegas- “You caused this, so you’ll fix it for me right?”
He asked, looking down at the bulge in his trousers, Pete followed his eyes looking down as well. His eyes widened slightly, as he then stood back.
Pete- “No!”
Pete declined instantly, his face delicately flushed with flowery pink. His sweet vanilla aroma flourishing their close proximity. His shirt ripped in half still, his abs dripping in deep but salty looking sweat, making Vegas bite his lips to control the urge to lick it all off.
Vegas- “You’re coming with me”
And with that, Pete was dragged through back stage, apologising to anyone he runs into by accident. His hand was held tight, locked with super glue as Vegas’ horny and jealous mood was really showing. Pete wanted to laugh so hard, but he knew it wouldn’t end how he wanted to if he did that.
Pete- “Vegas calm down”
Vegas- “How about no?”
He replied in a strict and monotone voice, making Pete chuckle softly. Vegas heard him and looked at him for a second
Vegas- “What are you laughing at hun?”
Pete- “Nothing”
Pete tried to hold in his laughter, but couldn’t. Looking at Pete laugh, his cute and beautiful smile as his teeth showed. Pete looked like a little bunny, and that thought made Vegas smile himself. He’d kill to see his smile all day, his happy and sweet boy.
And although Vegas was getting manipulated by Pete’s smile, he continued to take his little rascal to their car. He threw him in the backseat, crawling on top of him immediately. No time was to be wasted.
Pete- “Vegas? Are you sure you want to do this here?”
Pete asked a little nervous, though he wanted Vegas to wreck him badly, take away his sanity as he begs for mercy underneath him. All that was getting him riled up, his trousers feeling tighter against his skin.
Vegas started playing with his ripped shirt, unbuttoning the leftover buttons slowly just to tease Pete.
Vegas- “I’ll do you whenever i please baby”
Pete- “Thats not how it works love”
Pete laughed softly, making Vegas’ eyebrows raise at his confidence.
Vegas- “I don’t need to question you about it, i know you’d agree straight away”
That made Pete gulp hard, pulling Vegas close to him. Pete made the first move, shoving his lips onto Vegas’, moving passionately and harshly against his lips. Pete’s lips were plump and sweet, as Vegas’ honey lips tried its hardest to devour every inch of them.
Vegas- “Fuck-the things you make me wanna do..”
Vegas muttered under his breath, his tone being as deep as ever, his signature smirk plastered across his face. Pete’s lips curved into a smile, getting pulled closer by Vegas. Their chests collided straight away, as Vegas looked around the car. He was searching for something, as Pete stayed still, laying down like a good boy.
Vegas- “Oh fucking hell..there’s none in the car..we have to go home..get in the front seat”
Pete did as he was told, quickly getting up and climbing into the front seat, Vegas hastily getting into the one next to him and revving up the engine.
Time Skip-
Vegas grabbed a condom, opening the packet as Pete did the honours of undoing his belt and trousers. They quickly undressed, excited for what’s to come, both falling on the bed.
Vegas- “Your body is beautiful baby..no wonder they all want it”
Vegas curses at himself for basically allowing those fans to admire his boy. He loved Pete’s curves, how smooth and warm they felt in his palms.
Pete- “But only one person can have it”
Vegas suddenly smirked, looking at him with interest again. His fingers twirled around in his soft and silky hair, he other free hand stroking his already hard cock
Vegas- “And who’s that?”
Pete- “Vegas Theerapanyakul”
Vegas- “You tease”
Vegas replied with his eyebrows raised, as Pete suddenly flipped him over, climbing onto his crotch and settling on top of his hard cock. Vegas looked at his boy seductively, his hands caressing his waist. Vegas bucked his hips and pushed upwards just to play with Pete, who groaned softly at the hard hit.
Pete- “Stop that Vegas”
Pete looked at his seriously but playfully, as Vegas laughed in a deep tone.
Vegas- “Why? Aren’t these games fun to you?”
Vegas pushed upwards again, Pete bouncing slightly as his groans became louder. Vegas continued to do his sinful actions, making Pete impatient.
Pete stopped him in his tracks, holding his shoulders down to the bed
Pete- “I said stop Vegas”
He said with a slight chuckle, as he grabbed Vegas’ cock, and shoved it up himself, making himself moan loudly. Vegas stared at him in shock, mouth open in the shape of an ‘O’.
Though Pete was struggling to help himself, Vegas was still stuck in the middle. Either to watch Pete enjoy his own cock, or to pound into him like a wild beast. Vegas loved his naughty boy when he wanted him so badly.
Vegas- “You’re one of a kind love, i’ve never seen anything like it..”
Pete- “You couldn’t seen anything like it before, i was the first one to offer you an ass”
Pete talks in a flirtatious tone, his fingers grazing Vegas’ chin sedulously. Vegas’ eyes fixated on Pete, unable to break their eye-contact.
Vegas- “But..you came to me first, it’s not my fault you couldn’t wait for it”
Vegas fights back with a credulous tone, his eyebrows raised slightly as he thrusts his hips up. Pete moaned softly at the short pleasure he experienced. But that was just the start of the ride.
Pete- “Don’t you mean, you couldn’t wait for it?”
Vegas- “Wait for what?”
Pete- “Me”
Vegas- “You’re such a fuckboy”
Pete- “What a nickname…”
Pete smirked as he started to bounce on Vegas’ crotch, his cock going in and out of his ass. His prostate was taking all that pain and pleasure, well..moreover that pain which he called pleasure. Pete began to moan louder and louder, taking Vegas’ hard length well, like he always does.
Vegas started to help him, the hot pleasure becoming overwhelming already. Their bodies started to become sweaty and warm, the sound of their skin slapping against each other mixed with their loud moans and graphic actions were so entertaining to watch and hear.
Vegas- “Fuck babe, c’mon, faster for me”
Pete bounced faster and harder, getting tired from the quick pace but not of the undeniable and sensual satisfaction of Vegas’ cock smashing into him.
Vegas- “You know how to do me babe. Be a slut and work for what you want”
Pete was obsessed with Vegas’ dirty sex talk, as it was such a bliss he enjoyed. He loved hearing it loud and clear, complying to whatever he says. He knew he was a slut for Vegas, one which he himself liked the taste of.
Pete- “Augh..~ I..It’s so good, more, more love”
Vegas continuously thrusted into Pete, hearing his heavenly moans in his ear was just what he desired. Vegas’ lips were all over Pete’s neck, tasting and devouring every inch he could get. Pete deliriously bounced upon him, unable to stop himself from letting out his moans.
Pete- “Im..i’m close Vegas, please!”
Vegas didn’t stop, suiting his boyfriend’s needs just how he liked it. Vegas recklessly thrusted into Pete, taking his time to view how much he appreciated his boy. Pete opened his eyes for the first time, looking at Vegas with content and love. They kissed a little as they both came upon each other.
It wasn’t just lust between the two of them, it was infatuation and deep affection. Both Vegas and Pete shard that tender intimacy which couldn’t be compared to. They were the most important person in each other’s lives.
As they both finished off with the night, the clock turning around to 4am, they laid in each other’s embrace, unable to escape from the warmth of the night. Pete faced the window, looked beyond at the city, as Vegas put his arms around his bare waist, keeping him close.
Vegas- “You ok love?”
Pete- “Except for my legs being in pain, my ass feeling numb and my abdomen wanting to kill itself, i’m doing just fine”
Pete talked in a sarcastic tone, serious but also joking. He was in a lot of pain though.
Vegas- “I’ll give you a nice massage and bath tomorrow ok?”
Pete- “Hmm, thank you. I love you Vegas baby”
Vegas- “I love you more my fuckboy”
Pete- “Why am i a fuckboy?”
Vegas- “You love being fucked-”
Pete- “Shut up and sleep”
Vegas laughed softly as Pete rolled his eyes, being sassy. They both closed their eyes, sleeping the night away in each other's dreams.
Thank you so much for reading my fanfiction! I’ll be back soon with another story for you to enjoy.
Requests are open! (BL’s are preferred for character development)
P.S- Thank you so much for all the support on my FF’s, i’ll continue to make many more!
See you soon my lovelies <88
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shootingshinestar · 2 months
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Oneus as type of weather thread ⤵️
Note: Oneus is one of my first 4th Gen boy groups I stan! I need that comeback, not them on kingdom TT
Seoho as rain in the afternoon
Rain makes you want to go outside and jump on the puddles like a kid, or other times, you would stay inside and play games. Seoho gives off both energy for me. His weird kid energy makes you want to do messy things outside, like make mud castles, then drink some hot cocoa afterward. Rain gives off a nostalgic vibe (BTW, the smell of rain is so good?)
Leedo as cloudy day with thunder on a weekend
☆Cloudy day with thunder may seem gloomy, but it's not! (Okay, maybe a little, and leedo is lowkey a hater lmao) Anyways, Leedo has a strong, deep, scary voice similar to how scary thunder sounds. But it's actually not as scary compared to lightning. His voice can be calming like a cloudy day. The contrast of his voice is similar to a cloudy day with thunder.
Keonhee as the perfect summer day for a picnic
☆Keonhee is so boyfriend coded??? Hello??? Imagine going on a picnic date. What's the perfect weather? A bright summer day where you would lay on a hill under the shade with your lover. He totally gives off that vibes, and it's perfect. That's it.
Hwanwoong as a windy day for the beach
☆What's a fun day then a beach day? Running with the wind in your hair and flying a kite in the air! A windy day for the beach is perfect for relaxing but also doing fun activities! The water splashes on you, and the sand feels warm under your feet. It would be so fun at the beach! That's how I imagine Hwanwoong would be as a weather~
Xion as clear and cool night sky
☆Xion's beauty reminds me of the moon. Beautiful and shining. He gives off a clear sky and the cool wind hitting you lightly as you stare into the full moon. The stars are out, and everything is just shining from above.
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danothan · 10 months
15, 23, and 24 <3
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
idrk how to answer this in the context of myself so i’m gonna imagine what barry would answer for iris and/or hal, and that’s the closest we’re gonna get to true love from me
let me call you sweetheart - patti page
i want you, i need you, i love you - elvis presley (it’s even a 1956 song heh)
fly me to the moon - frank sinatra
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barry def can’t dance btw but he is the type to get swept up in a moment. maybe he’s tapping his foot to the music while reading or “playing conductor” with a wooden spoon while he’s cooking, and iris and/or hal would drag him out of his little activity to dance with them bc he might’ve been the one to put the music on, but idk if he would be dancing to it unless invited. iris and hal would invite him <3
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
24. three favorite old songs
earth angel (will you be mine) - the penguins (1954)
you never told me that you cared - sun ra (1959)
space oddity - david bowie (1969)
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pixelated-whump · 1 year
@ailesswhumptober Day Twenty-One - Near Death Experiences
TWs: Pokémon/Animal Attack, Kinda graphic violence
Contents: There's nothing in-canon saying Arven DIDN'T get attacked after Mabosstiff you can't prove me wrong
Characters are Arven, his Mabosstiff, and a wild Roaring Moon (I tried to make it ambiguous at first but settled on that, sue me. I played Violet btw so there's not any version bias here either)
Also posted on Ao3!
Arven watches in horror as Mabosstiff lets out a howl of pain, finally collapsing from the deep gashes on his body. His stomach drops as the creature that did this stands over his partner’s collapsed form, snarling, as if daring Arven to step closer.
He knows he can’t fight this thing, but he also knows that he can’t just leave Mabosstiff here. The beast, he’s not even sure if it’s a Pokémon, growls, maw stained in blood. Mabosstiff’s blood.
It makes him feel sick.
Arven steps forward, despite his better judgment to get the hell out of here, bracing himself for any form of attack. That doesn’t stop him from flinching harshly when it lunges at him, sharp claws digging into his chest and drawing blood. He bites back a scream, trying to bash the thing with his arms.
The creature doesn’t let go, though, biting at his upper arm. It feels like it’s trying to tear a chunk of flesh off of him. Arven knows that if he doesn’t get this thing off him quickly, he’ll be dead, and so will Mabosstiff. So, in a last ditch effort, he struggles with his backpack before throwing it off and hitting the monster in the head with it. It snarls and releases him, giving him enough time to knee it in the stomach, and in a sudden surge of adrenaline, throw it off of him.
He scrambles for Mabosstiff’s Poké Ball and hits the center button, recalling him. The beast that attacked them snarls, and Arven makes a run for it, already trying to get his phone to call a Flying Taxi.
He really hopes they’ll be able to get here before he’s dead.
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I'm so sorry bro I saved my answer as a draft but tUMBLR DELETED IT somehow i don't know what happened but anyways I'm so glad you liked it it's an AMAZING movie i swear the effect it had on me was profound especially whenever a zeppelin song played lol ANYWAY here are some recommendations (im sorry if you've seen them all) also i'm terrible at briefly summarizing movies so bear with me
- Dazed and Confused (1993) ((not about any particular bands but very very cool, amazing music and characters))
- Quadrophenia (1979) - based on the who album set in London with the ol mods and rockers, sort of like the outsiders but the main guy is really really miserable also stings in it!
- 200 Motels (1971) - i haven't seen it fully but ringo starr and keith moon! and it's made by zappa how can it not be good but basically yeah the bands on tour and wacky stuff is happening
- Performance (1970) - i have an obsession with this movie idk why i think it's cause it was sort of my gateway into watching all these movies, STARRING James Fox AND Mick Jagger AND Anita Pallenberg (made me bi for real) and basically this gangster sort of fellow goes hiding in this real bohemian house and has an identity crisis, but uh this movie has a lot of sex and drugs and rock n roll and it's awesome
- Head (1968) - the monkees! doing .something! no idea what was happening but I loved every minute of it, the monkees really said We live in a Society, with their satire, and clear symbolism, and davy jones' dance scene that rivals napoleon dynamite (another cool movie btw)
- Lizstomania (1975) - truly one of the movies of all time, starring roger daltrey and also featuring ringo starr and HOLYBSHIT I JUST CHECKED THE CAST AND RICK WAKEMANS IN IT AS WELL i did not realize that oh my god there you have it folks, a biopic of Franz Liszt also with sex drugs n rock n roll and also voodoo magic and a guitar that shoots out fire and a flying organ rocket and lots of other stuff!
anyways sorry that's really long for an ask i intended this to be a post replying to your ask but you know how tumblr is, but yeah let me know what you think if you watch any of them!
Omg thank you so much for this list, I haven't seen any of these, just heard of some, but they really sound fantastic I'll definitely check them out!! And don't apologise, it's Tumblr after all :D
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