#it might not be coherent
shakingparadigm · 2 months
fav alnst round so far? (mines is round 6 because i love pain and sorry to break it to you but I literally had no reaction when best boy ivan died.hes dead guys accept it.)
Favorite ALNST round... I'd have to say ROUND 5. The concept of the whole thing is just so spectacular not only in set design but in character dynamics as well. The despair and mockery that lines the whole thing is fantastic.
I particularly adore the way this round further connects the concept of death with the color white. The stage which Luka and Mizi perform on is fully white in color because it's built from the bones of an ancient creature, something of a memorial site. In certain shots, the spine of this creature is very clear. The whole area is ethereal and invokes not only a sense of reverence, but unease, too. It's haunting, almost hollow, and just like its origin, lifeless.
The moon that shines behind Luka is almost as big and bright as a white dwarf, a dying star that has exhausted itself of life.
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And of course, the association with death is further emphasized once images of Sua appear.
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There's something to be said about the fact that this stage is from the bones of an ancient creature, one that was respected enough for its bones to be repurposed in its honor. A deep reverence, worship, even.
It's painfully fitting for Luka to dance upon the remains of a creature so revered while he toys with Sua's image. A form of mockery, of disrespect, especially to the one who worshipped her. In both the literal and metaphorical sense, he tramples over dead gods.
It's important to note that in this round there are two performers but three participants: Mizi, Luka, and Sua. The feeling of death is something that permeates throughout the entire round because everyone involved has been forced to face it. This shared trait manifests itself as their most striking visual aspect: their white attire.
With the insight gained from Luka's relationship with Heperu, it's safe to say that Luka has experienced the feeling of death firsthand. He has quite literally died and then come back to life.
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There's the factor of his purple fingertips, a result of his weak physical condition that keeps him on the precipice of life and death. Combined with his extremely pale complexion, his imperturbable disposition and obssession with heartbeats, Luka seems like a body on its way to a corpse, desperately clinging onto his last hopes of life. Staving off the coldness of death for as long as possible and monitoring his own body so that demise is confined to just the tips of his fingers.
Sua's connection to death is obvious. She has died, she is death.
A point of interest, however, is the fact that while everyone is dressed in white, only Luka and Sua share the colors of white and black. They both have these colors in their design, but in opposite places. The black of Sua's design lies on top of her white, while vice-versa for Luka as his lies at the bottom. It works exceptionally well with their state of their characters. Sua as the dead that crosses into the living, and Luka as the living that toes the line of death.
As someone who watched her god die in front of her own eyes, Mizi dons a gown of pure white just like the others. The difference is her second color, a light pink layer resting atop her dress.
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Pink has associations with innocence and childishness, and in its more washed out and subdued state (light pink = pink mixed with white, innocence tainted by death) it's a perfect fit for the circumstances.
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It's only during her aggressive outburst, when Mizi has death directly pointed at her that the pink layer begins to rip. Completely shedding her innocence, giving way to complete white. Dressing her for death.
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Luckily, Hyuna arrives just in time (clad in black, life) to save her.
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ROUND 5 has always been a complete masterpiece to me, and the more I think about it the better it gets. A dying man trying to stay alive, a white-clad widow and the haunting apparition of her dead god all performing this sick dance of death upon the bones of a creature who was exploited for spectacle and performance.
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sparkleofstardust · 4 months
in light of the recent news that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been found dead after a helicopter crash you might be wondering 'who the hell is this guy and why are so many people celebrating his death??' and i'm here to answer that!
to fully understand what's going on we need to look into Iran's history: when the Iranian revolution in 1979 happened the authoritarian king who was ruling at that time was overthrown, but the ensuing power vacuum lead to the islamic regime seizing power and establishing Iran as an islamic republic
the following years were incredibly cruel to the Iranian people; thousands of people (especially minorities) have been protesting against the strict islamic regime leading to many being jailed, tortured and executed.
and this is where Raisi played a big part: in 1988 he was part of a committee that ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners who were protesting the islamic regime, earning himself the title of "the butcher of tehran"
do not be fooled by what the state media wants you to believe, the Iranian people are celebrating his death. he was a cruel mass murderer who has destroyed the lives of thousands of people, his death should be used as a time to mourn for all the suffering he has caused, and bring new attention to the political prisoners still being held in Iranian prisions today
because sadly the fight is far from over. many of you have probably heard of the murder of Mahsa Jina Amini back in 2022, causing a new wave of nationwide protests and establishing the "woman, life, freedom" movement. the regime has gotten increasingly cruel in their treatment of the Iranian people, especially women, but the people of Iran are not deterred and keep fighting for a free Iran.
if you want to know how you can help, please keep talking about us. the one thing the regime hates is international attention, and in the past it has been proven that international pressure has stopped the regime from executing various political prisoners. people like Toomaj Salehi are under imminent threat of execution and spreading their names could save their lives. so whether you share social media posts or talk to your family and friends about what is happening in Iran, anything helps 🙏🏼
jin, jiyan, azadi ✌🏼
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foxgirltail · 15 days
Genuinely, the reason why so many discussions about transgenderism end up the way they do (in addition to the overt transmisogyny) is a complete unwillingness to view gender (and sexuality) as political categories, instead viewing them exclusively through the lens of "personal identity"
"Why do people use agab/tma? Is not the point of being trans to escape the shackles of your agab?" I cannot stress this enough but I am not the one doing the shackling, society has invented the shackles and I am using language to describe them and how they affect me
In a hypothetical future situation where society is no longer (trans)misogynistic and the patriarchy has been fully dismantled, these terms will have no real use. But it's important to recognize what is current actual material reality and what is simply idealism and hypotheticals
I would love to live in a world where tma vs tme is not a meaningful distinction. But that world doesn't exist (and also you are not helping make it so it does), and so those terms remain useful
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a-dope-fiend · 29 days
It irritates me alot when people say that making medic more compassionate is ''missing the point of his character'' when he is literally shown to be in the comics.... did you miss the part where he showed concern for both sniper and miss pauling's well being in comic 5 and 6.
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His actions are a combination of genuine attachment + clinical interest and these things do not cancel out one another. He is always pushing boundaries and going against the grain and i think this is what led to him losing his license in the first place. He felt stifled by the rules imposed on him.
He is shown to be extremely passionate so it makes sense that he would use his endless fascination with medicine as a way to show his affection. He loves his friends so he will find a way to make them borderline indestructible. Malpractice is his love language.
#it makes me really angry how adamant some people are against exploring his sweeter side beyond just ''heehoo evil doctor''#idk how to tell you that giving a character a wider range of complexities and oftentimes contradicting traits#does not equal 'woobification'. him being friendly social and cheerful and fascinated with the world around him (which he canonically is)#is not the same thing as writing him as a helpless softboy. those two things do not correlate#i saw this take a while ago that made me really mad#basically they claimed medic didn't even bother to check on sniper because of his 'ego' and 'callousness'#except he literally did! he was visibly worried when sniper wanted to get back in the fight!#it's so abundantly clear that medic just misses social cues and doesn't always react accordingly#i mean they also had some other takes on him that made me incredibly uncomfortable and just didn't make sense to me#plus his quote unquote evilness is a joke it's not. something that is meant to be taken seriously#he's more comparable to a saturday morning cartoon villain except he is a protagonist#the way he approaches medicine to me is very similiar to#a child playing potions if that makes sense. he is throwing shit together to see what sticks#and having fun with it#i might rewrite this later to be more coherent because i have alot of thoughts on him that are jumbled together#and there is so much to say abt him#also i find it so funny how inconsistent he is. he tells them they all hallucinated before brain death#yet he personally went to hell multiple times. why did he do that#tf2#medic#tf2 medic#medic tf2#team fortress 2
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aliteralsemicolon · 2 days
Coming out from Spencer's shower to find him sitting in the living room watching some documentary.
Walking around him to ruffle his hair before walking across him to take a seat next to him, but he grabs your hand and pulls you into his lap.
So you're cuddling him, back to chest, as he continues to watch his documentary. It's in a foreign language so you don't understand it, but that's okay because you're not interested anyway.
Taking Spencer's hand in yours and massaging his palms, tracing the lines on his hands, toying with his fingers lightly. You plant a gentle kiss on his palm and he closes his fingers in a fist, trapping your fingers in his hand.
He brings your hand to his face and returns the kiss on your hand as you turn to face him. Another kiss lands on your forehead, then on the bridge of your nose and finally he tilts your chin up to peck your lips.
He kisses you again and rests his forehead against yours. Both of your eyes are locked in on each others and the look you share is so domestic, so in love.
His gaze is so intense it causes genuine butterflies in your belly and goosebumps form on your skin. You can't hold back a smile. He has that same smile and it makes you shy. You break eye contact and bury your head in his neck, pulling him in a hug.
It makes him laugh and he wraps his arms around you, planting more kisses on the side of your head. He shifts too fast for you to comprehend, laying you down on the couch and sitting up.
You whine and try to hug him again but he grabs your hands, pinning them to the side of your head as he hovers above you and kisses your cheek.
"I want to see you." His voice is playful, but his eyes are begging you.
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feralforbeanix · 2 months
Thinking about how Trucy Wright seems to do her best to just...brush past all her trauma. And I don't mean this in a "it's bad writing" way, I mean that her way of dealing with things seems to be to mostly ignore it. To move on as quick as possible and try to ignore the more emotional implications.
Yes Zak Gramarye was her dad and yes he abandoned her but Trucy doesn't talk about it more than she has to. She just immediately accepts Phoenix's offer to adopt her, calling him Daddy as soon as he told her it was okay to. She even seems to take the Wright last name with no complaint, she even seems to take pride in it!
When Apollo finds out she's actually adopted and her real father was gone, this exchange happens:
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Yes Trucy is visibly sad here, but she just as quickly moves on from the subject
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When Apollo reveals to the court that Zak was the victim in case 1, he looks at Trucy. Presumably expecting her to be upset, cry, or something
Yet all she does is encourage Apollo to continue with his case
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I've seen people compare her to Maya, and while they definitely both have the "smile through the pain" thing going on, I do think there is a subtle difference. Maya downplays her trauma, but it seems Trucy doesn't like to let herself feel at all.
No, I think she acts more like Phoenix.
Phoenix, who is practically known for being cagey and as vague as possible about important events in his past. Especially in this game.
He doesn't talk about his ex girlfriend who framed him for murder, he just moves on to becoming a lawyer. He doesn't talk about Edgeworth "choosing death", he just continues trying to be a perfect defense attorney. He doesn't even talk about important details about his disbarment until he absolutely has to, when it's relevant for his jurist test.
Phoenix, who has been betrayed and left before, who desperately clings onto every person who shows him even a little kindness, who focuses on everyone else's problems and pasts before he acknowledges his own.
This is the man who adopted a girl who most certainly had abandonment issues, because chances are so does he.
He understands her better than anyone not just because he's her legal father but because it takes one to know one
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cutter-kirby · 1 year
okay guys if nothing else you have to respect philip’s commitment to the bit
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winepresswrath · 3 months
I am still obsessed with how fucking rude Armand's little script notes were. "We need an animation here to convey how bad the hoarding was," bitch that is your boyfriend you are selling to his death. It's that necessary for you to let a whole theatre of humans know how bad his depression cave got?
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mirpkechi · 12 days
i feel like people who say "if you have no empathy you're evil" really. don't. know what empathy actually is.
if i remember correctly, people mix up empathy, sympathy, and compassion a LOT, when they're all different – and feeling little to nothing when it comes to either of these isn't bad at all, people just really love being hypocritical lmao
ig the easiest way that i've been able to condense these down [as someone with little to no empathy/sympathy but fairly normal compassion] is :
empathy - being able to "put yourself in someone else's shoes", and feel emotions as if you're in the same position as them
sympathy - being able to understand why they feel a certain way ; can be compared to feeling sorry/happy for someone when something bad/good happens to them
compassion - being able to show [metaphorical] warmth, the want to make someone feel better
idk someone else can prolly explain them in more depth but i just want an easy way to distinguish them. v v v tired but if you feel nothing towards anyone youre not evil youre cool as fuck 🔥🔥🔥
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cordership · 18 days
Vocaloid minimalism.
⎤̻⎡ ⎤ ≶͔ ≷͕
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slingbats · 2 months
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you had your chance but you turned your eyes away again
happy birthday, Oswald (26/7)
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syoddeye · 26 days
if you lick your thumb to wipe something off soap's cheek, he'll take it as permission to lick your face. he's only returning the favor.
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hauntingsofhouses · 9 months
We all already know Mizu and Akemi are narrative foils. But you know what? Lemme just say it, here's what I think:
Taigen and Mikio are foils.
Not necessarily to each other as individuals in the way that Mizu and Akemi juxtapose each other, but mostly in the contrast between their relationships with Mizu.
I've covered specific parallels between Taigen and Mikio in other posts I wrote; but as the number of parallels I'm noticing between them keeps piling up, I'm compelled to just compile them all in one post. So! This is, thus, the post in question.
First of all, let's look at their similarities.
1. Their status in society is the same. They are both samurai who lost their honour and have dreams of reclaiming it.
2. They are also both diligent as they strive to achieve this goal, they both care deeply about their work, but here as they begin to contrast, as the work in question and way they go about their goals is different:
For Mikio, his work is in taming and rearing horses; in order to prove himself, he must tame Kai—a willful and strong horse—and present it to his lord. For Taigen, his work is in sword fighting and martial arts; in order to prove himself, he must kill Mizu—a willful and strong swordsman—and present her dead body to his lord.
In the parallel above, not only are Taigen and Mikio contrasting each other, but Mizu and Kai are placed in comparison as well. And of course, Kai is Mizu's horse, and represents her. Which is why, when later, Mikio sells Kai off, it represents the way he is tossing Mizu (and their relationship) aside.
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From there, the rest of the details of their character begin to contrast and juxtapose each other more clearly. So let's look at those differences, shall we?
Their backstory:
Mikio was a great samurai who was banished. A somebody to a nobody. Taigen was a fisherman’s son who rose to the top. A nobody to a somebody.
2. The first time we meet them on-screen:
Mikio is an adult. An older man. Mizu's superior in age. He is Mizu's to-be husband. A love interest. Taigen is a child. A young boy. Mizu's peer in age. He is Mizu's bully. An antagonist.
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3. Their maturity and growth:
Mikio is mature, but stuck in his ways. Taigen is immature, but capable of changing and learning.
4. Their overall attitude:
Mikio is generally relaxed, easy-going and unfussy. Taigen is uptight, irritable and severe.
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5. How they talk to and conduct themselves around Mizu:
Mikio is aloof, soft-spoken, and serious. Taigen is obnoxious, brash, and sarcastic. Mikio is quiet, speaking only when spoken to, even when Mizu turns to smile at him and shows openness to be near him. Taigen is loud, talking while others are silent, even when Mizu turns from him and shows no interest in conversing with him.
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Mikio doesn't show much of who he is to Mizu throughout their marriage, despite their growing affection. Taigen openly shares his traumas and life story to Mizu during their brief alliance, despite their mutual antagonism.
6. Their external vs internal selves:
Mikio is calm, gentle, and considerate on the outside. Taigen is hot-headed, rude, and selfish on the outside. Mikio is cowardly and deceitful on the inside. Taigen is brave and loyal to a fault on the inside. Mikio tells Mizu that he wants to know and see all of her. But he scorns and betrays her, the woman he loves. Taigen tells Mizu that he wants to duel and kill him. But he endures torture to not betray him, the man he hates.
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9. Their hair, a symbol of their honour:
Mikio's topknot is untied by Mizu during their spar. This humiliation occurs in private, the two of them alone in a rural location where no one can see them. Taigen's topknot is cut off by Mizu during their duel. This humiliation occurs in public, the two of them being watched by many others in the Shindo Dojo.
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10. Their power dynamic with Mizu:
Mikio believes he is Mizu's mentor. He teaches her to throw knives, how to ride and care for horses, and about the tactical benefits of using a naginata. Taigen believes he is Mizu's equal. He views Mizu as a samurai like himself who received all the same teachings he did, and who possesses the same values.
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11. Their perceptions of Mizu:
Mikio sees Mizu's feminine side first. He sees her as sweet and gentle, but also clumsy and incompetent. Taigen sees Mizu's masculine side first. He sees her as terrifying and deadly, but also strong and skilled.
12. The way they approach sparring with Mizu:
Mikio only spars with Mizu once. As the fight progresses and she is beating him, he tries to put a stop to it. When she teases/provokes him, he starts taking the fight personally and seriously, finding no enjoyment in it. Taigen spars and brawls with Mizu all the time. No matter how many times Mizu beats him, he doesn't back down. When Mizu challenges him with a chopstick, he is eager to compete with her and gladly rises up to the challenge.
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Mikio and Mizu's one and only spar is a friendly match; Mizu is smiling and having fun while he grows increasingly frustrated. Taigen and Mizu's last-seen spar is a playful wrestling match; both him and Mizu are having fun and laughing.
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Mikio cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, so he scorns her and walks off, avoiding her thereafter. When Taigen cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, he follows her to observe her moves and continues training in hopes to eventually beat her. After being bested by Mizu once, Mikio leaves her and sells the horse he'd previously gifted to her. After many times losing to Mizu and fighting alongside her, Taigen commends her and admits she is better than him.
13. When Mizu pins them down in a friendly spar:
Mikio sees Mizu's whole face objectively. Taigen stares at Mizu's mouth and eyes.
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Mikio gets angry when she kisses him, throwing her off of him and snapping at her, calling her a monster. Taigen gets aroused, apologising, so she pulls herself off of him.
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14. Mizu's blue meteorite sword is a reflection of her soul. She believes most are undeserving to face it, let alone hold it. And on that note:
Mikio is the first person (chronologically) that Mizu fights against using her sword. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) that Mizu fights against with her sword. Mikio is the first person (chronologically) to ever hold her sword, as she passes it to him, letting him wield it. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) to ever hold her sword, as she passes out, and he picks it up and carries it for her.
15. Then, last but not least, in Fowler's fortress, when she is drugged and in pain, she hears Ringo's voice in the dungeon. She then follows it to an open cell:
Mizu first sees Mikio as a hallucination, the sight of him haunting her and causing her to lose her grip on reality. Her eyes glow a surreal blue to represent this. Her Mama appears then and says Mizu's name accusingly.
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Mizu then sees Taigen, but he is real, the sight of him a relief and grounding her back to reality. Her eyes return to their normal blue colour to represent this. Taigen looks at Mizu weakly and says her name softly.
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Then, later, when facing Fowler, her revenge awaiting her, she instead chooses to follow her conscience (represented by Ringo's voice in her mind), putting aside her vengeance for a time, in order to save Taigen.
So that's basically all the ones I've noticed so far, but even then, I feel there's already so much that forms a contrast between these two.
What makes it especially incredible about these juxtapositions is that Mikio was Mizu's husband, the man she had fallen in love with, the one person she had ever been intimate with, the man who made her begin to accept herself, to put down her desire for vengeance and instead live a life of peace and happiness.
So for Taigen to have so many parallels with him... Do you see what I'm saying here!
Not to mention that Mizu clearly already has some burgeoning attraction to him, as indicated by how she thinks of him when asked about her desires. And Taigen clearly has shown interest as well (see: him getting a boner after their spar, him holding her hand and telling her, "We're not done yet.").
And on the topic of speculating future possibilities of this relationship, this post by @stromblessed has pointed out yet another parallel between Taigen and Mikio:
Mizu promises Taigen to meet him for their duel in autumn. Mizu fell in love with Mikio and duelled him during autumn.
With all that said, I do believe Mizu and Taigen's relationship is definitely hurtling towards something. But whether they will actually end up together in a sustainable relationship and have a happily ever after? Well, that is a whole other story; we'll just have to wait and see.
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sherrymagic · 3 months
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Even in death, misfortune still finds [Joe].
Poom Phuripan as JOE in Episode 7 MY STAND-IN (2024)
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jujutsushiboat · 22 days
on a slightly more coherent note.
i think megumi deciding to live for someone else shows how depression affects every person differently, but that doesn't make you lesser or weaker.
megumi didn't have the strength to live for himself. he didn't have the strength to save himself. and while that's sad and depressing, it is also realistic. because, not everyone will have the strength to keep on living, especially after horrible things happen to them over and over again. and giving up is stigmatized and frowned upon, but sometimes the despair can be bigger than you.
now, the fact that he lived for yuuji when he didn't see anything else worth living for, doesn't mean he never will.
in fact, we're seeing him laugh (like, genuinely laugh) for the first time in the manga. he is going to heal, and he is going to get a chance to save himself. but, he needed to take that first step first, and he took it because of yuuji.
overall, i think his arc just really shows how sometimes you may not be strong enough to go on, but at the end of the day, the important thing is that you find a reason, whatever reason, to live for, because, you can only learn how to save yourself if you are alive for it.
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glassrunner · 2 months
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My Top 5:
anonymous asked: top 5 locations in a game of your choice?
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