#it makes me so sad cause yes
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hydrangeyes · 6 months ago
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 5: Flip Slip.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 4.5)
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eatsurspleen · 17 days ago
everyday i get jealous of those people who write essays analyzing, picking apart, and overall appreciating their favorite character's dynamic with another, the character's personality, or backstory cause im usually left like this when i think about Marcille for too long
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camellcat · 2 months ago
school hard is my most rewatched episode by a mile and it always makes me forget how the fuck sprusilla could ever possibly break up. they're SO good they're perfect to me here. despite the fact dru clearly isn't doing well they still feel like equals. spike is choosing to take care of her because he loves her, he adores her, and it shows. dru loves his attentions and loves giving them right back as best she can
and hey I see the spuffy even this early on and I love the spuffy.... but without dru?? ur telling me dru leaves later??? there'll be no dru???? that's just wrong
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canisalbus · 5 months ago
So i remember an ask mentioning your mortal enemy, Felis Atra and their cats, and i thought it'd be fun to draw what Felis Atra's version of your italian dogs would be.
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I think they would be called Butter Knife and Flamengo! Butter Knife is not his real name, it's an nickname given by his peers because of how harmless he is. I choose Flamengo because that's the name of Vasco's rival football team here in Brazil, so i thought that was the perfect name :)
Cat Machete was slightly inspired by the Oriental Shorthair cat because of their long noses and thin head shape.
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Cat Vasco was inspired by the Scottish Fold cat, because FLOPPY EARS. I gave Flamengo longer ears and orange fur to make him more like his look-alike.
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The last doodle is a reference to this ask (https://canisalbus.tumblr.com/post/728923918314946560/me-i-am-machete-ear-fan-number-1-those-ears) and contains the tumblr ask stand-in dog, whose cat version was inspired by the American Curl cat! They have round ears that are slightly floppy outwards.
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Final notes: I know cardinal clothes don't come in vibrant blue, but i was ADAMANT on switching Machete's and Vasco's clothing color patterns. I would draw the rest of Butter Knife's and Flamengo's clothes, but i suck at designing cool outfits.
Speaking of outfits, for Machete's iconic void outfit, i figured it would be fun to make it more baggy for Butter Knife, in contrast to Machete's, that looks very tight-fitted. I think it's cute, it kinda looks like a sweater. Also i can't imagine a Machete doppelganger without high heels boots, so those HAD to stay.
Oh, and just to be clear, i'm not like, claiming ownership of these guys or anything. I just thought it would be a fun exercise. Hope you like them!! I love your art and your characters.
#imagine if Vaschete but CATS and REVERSED -> Butter knife ;_; and Flamengo <3#this ask is from last year and I'm sorry I've allowed it sit in my inbox for so long ´m`#but I've been thinking about it intermittedly#the context was that someone said that somewhere out there existed my mortal enemy (felis atra = black/dark cat)#and they had frenzied cat ocs instead of melancholic dogs#first of all they both look so darling I'm getting radiation poisoning just from looking at them aaaaaa#and the fact you put so much thought and effort into this concept is making me go absolutely rabid#extremely strange seeing Machete with big pupils and Vasco with tiny pinpoints#Butter knife purring like a fluffy jackhammer is instant serotonin I love him#and yes if you turned Machete to a cat he'd probably be something resembling an oriental shorthair#especially one of those really exaggerated ones with giant bat ears and roman nose#and I keep visualizing Vasco as a scottish fold as well but it's kind of giving me sad bad feels personally#I can't look past their painful and debilitating health issues#the same mutation that causes the floppy ears also destroys the cartilage in their joints#it's such a shame because they're a terribly cute and charming breed#and in this case they really do have those similar rounded friendly shapes that Vasco does#if I ever draw them as cats myself I'll probably have to think of some other breed for him even though it would be such a perfect fit#also I think it's funny how you can swap everything else but Machete's heels have to stay :'> don't separate the crinkle and his boots#thank you so much! this was such a cool ask to receive I love how you designed their cat forms#gift art#dingergum#Machete#Vasco#own characters#Vaschete scenarios
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pixl-place · 9 months ago
i’d honestly be really interested to see why (if they do) people would ship kevin/thea bc honestly to me it seems so out of character. the whole trajectory of kevin dating her and his kid going to the nest honestly feels like a big reason why some of the fandom still consider him a coward and a wet blanket. like the beginning of tkm he’s working so hard to become his own person and distance himself from that place and then yet he’s supposed to go right back ?? it doesn’t make sense. even kevin/allison or kevin/renee would make more sense if we’re talking straight ships because they would both recognize the other’s fight to become a new and better person and fight the trauma that tries to drag them down. literally kevin could end up with almost anyone else and it would work. it also would’ve been interesting to see thea as an example of what happens when you leave the nest and follow the exact path tetsuji laid out but that kinda invalidates itself by just making her “kevin’s gf” but also not really explaining their relationship in a way that makes sense so her character just becomes less meaningful overall anyways hashtag let kevin have relationships not tied to his trauma and let him heal 2024
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shouta-aizawow · 3 days ago
ORV Novel Spoilers (kinda)
Kdj’s relationship with lsk and the whole theme about how a person is made up of the stories everyone has of them and how one person only has their narrow view and can’t fully understand another person is so tragic to me, bc the book lsk wrote and her lack of communication when she was in jail contributed so much to the way kdj was treated and felt growing up, and it wasn’t helped at all by her treating him like a child and keeping information away from him about her intentions during the scenarios.
So like she’s this “big bad” in his life and her actions pretty much define him, but throughout the novel her allies and ysh and hsy get this completely different experience with her that’s way more sympathetic and understandable, and it’s like what is it about kdj that makes him experience all of this tragedy because of her when everyone else has experiences that are so much better with her?
And not only that but the realization that all of that suffering, the way that that part of her is such a huge part of his life, is such a small facet of her entire being that when he’s helping repair her stories, his contribution isn’t actually enough. (That scene probably hit me the hardest when it comes to both of them)
It’s like all of the bad is reserved for him and she’s so unwilling to give him any more, yet she still sorta mocks him (idk a better word) for not knowing more. She’s keeping him ignorant, letting him stew in his resentment and sadness, and using that to justify treating him like a child she’s not letting grow up by keeping the truth from him. It’s like she’s punishing herself by not telling the truth and letting him feel this way about her but by doing that she’s punishing him by not telling the truth when all he wants to know is why she did all that and if he truly had no one else and nothing other than TWSA keeping him alive.
He understands her better by the end of the novel but idk I just feel so sad for him
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bunnyboy-juice · 1 month ago
huh. the smallest silliest things really do pull me from my own head
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fromgotham · 3 days ago
haha once again my dad shows me he could not give a fuck about my issues with audio or me because he's got the tv unnecessarily loud again :)
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avemstella · 1 year ago
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“Neuvillette,” she stated. “It’s all going to be alright, because I will be this nation’s god.”
-Dulce est Desipere in Loco
More of my fic art because obviously had to draw this scene.
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soupforsoup · 1 year ago
Apparently the thing that gets me to obsess over a character beyond recovery is when they have enough psychic potential to destroy a planet and are enough of a bitch to do it but they're cursed incurably with Pathetic Puppydog Eyes Disease
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jackhammerhim · 1 month ago
Sad to say that I WAS a crazy ex girlfriend. But being crazy isn't what made me a crazy ex girlfriend. Being a GIRLFRIEND made me a crazy ex girlfriend.
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kdranime · 28 days ago
#single's inferno#tehwan is so fucking awkward like he's just standing there and I can feel the awkwardness through the screen it's like he's just so uncomf💀#aah poor minseol she's so cute🤣 youjin is so cute too#finally jeongsu is showing a side I'm actually liking with youjin lol I wasn't expecting this#also didn't expect to like junseo and sian so much agh but what about theo#I don't think dongho likes haelin he definitely likes arin#never thought I'd feel bad for jeonsu but his face after he saw sian leaning on junseo wow made me feel sad also why did sian come in first#minseollllllll my girl I was cheering for you lmao😭#also I was sure junseo only saw minseol as a younger sister but after he said she was on his mind during paradise and was shouting tips at#her during the game I'm like? maybe not? probably yes but maybe not? lol#I was right ofc junseo doesn't like minseol aaaaah poor girl and aaah whoaa I can't believe sian turned theo down#he's also sweet and kind why didn't she go for him instead of jeongsu😩#anyway if it's between junseo and jeongsu than I reaaaaaaaaaaaally hope it's junseo bc jeongsu and sian were so boring together#or maybe she will still choose theo in the end? lmao I don't think so but you never know#between theo and junseo I'm thorn between junseo and jeongsu JUNSEO PLEASE OH GOSH PLEASE#even if junseo just saw minseol as a cute younger friend I still liked their friendship#ah seriously you can't make men feel comfortable and be friendly cause they take you for granted#you have to make them feel NERVOUS taylor swift is a psyho but maybe she was right when she said men only want love if it's torture🤣#I'm joking..... partially..... sian still probably made him a little nervous and I think ppl are a little too extreme about junseo#he's rough but he even said he's gonna try to be more gentle to sian and he didn't give minseol fake hopes he was very straightforward#but still nice#now that it's just two episodes till the end I think there was no couple or contestant that I was super into this season#in season two I loved seulki and dex so much and season three there was hajeong and gwanhee even tho I hated gwanhee sometimes#season 1 I liked jia and her puppy (forgot his name lmao) but it wasn't that special same with theo and minseol#so theory going around is that taehwan only went on the show to promote his job... and honestly I know a lot of ppl probably do this but at#at least they fake well? lmao that's why he is so weird and was so desperate to go to paradise with jiyeon bc he HAD TO TALK ABOUT HIS JOB#also he couldn't connect with anyone and was acting like a mf robot#I love that everyone was enjoying him oh he's such a green flag but I was right about him all along dude seriously creeps me out Idk why bu#I have a sixth sense for these things
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groundlicker · 1 month ago
"just to let you know im still mad at you" DIDNT ASKKKK
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franeridan · 1 year ago
that one panel when rayleigh meets teach and he's like it might be childish of me but I really hate you so you better run I'm perfectly normal about that panel what are you talking about
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