#it makes her a good leader - a good strategist and the like
boxdstars · 8 months
more mara ramblings because i’m at work and bored :)
Amara is the apex predator. Not only because she’s a werewolf, and literally is on top of the food chain in that regard. But no, it’s actually outside of her lycanthropy.
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Shes cunning and driven and she knows exactly what she wants and can do. She became the crossed wands champion her fourth year, started her own far more secret midnight version of the club. Trained relentlessly, studied the field, planted the seeds to become the tactican she’d become later in life. And post-bite, because she knows that her time will be up inevitably once someone finds out the truth, she is relentless about it.
When she starts her aurorship she is ruthless, wolfish in the way she meticulously stalks her targets, decisive in the ways she disposes of them. She has to be sneaky at first, the unforgivables are unforgivable for a reason. But once you reach a untouchable threshold of status.. is anyone going to wring their hands over the way it all happened?
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cheapshrimpysheep · 10 months
You Will Stop the Wedding! - Jamil Viper
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SUMMARY: YOU were the one being kidnapped by Princess Eliza to marry her. How would he react and how would he save you? With the aggravation of he already having a crush on you.
CHARACTERS: Jamil Viper x Reader
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Declaration
WORD COUNT: 1.260 words
Riddle Rosehearts / Leona Kingscholar / Azul Ashengrotto / Jamil Viper / Vil Schoenheit / Idia Shroud / Malleus Draconia
Rescuing You - Deuce Spade; Jack Howl; Floyd Leech; Kalim Al-Asim
COMMENTS: What have I done? Why did I commit to writing this? And why did I write so much? Why was I so inspired? There were seven of them! Why do I do this to myself? So yeah, this took me a long time. But I hope it was worth it, for me and for you.
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CONTEXT: Someone was kidnapped to marry some ghost princess and might end up turning into a ghost too. And they just found out that someone was you.
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Jamil was not present at the Housewarden's meeting, since he isn't one. But it didn't take long for Kalim to tell him, especially because he was panicking. He starts saying loose sentences about ghosts, kidnapping, marriage and especially your name. Jamil gets very serious and asks Kalim to stop for a few seconds, calm down a little and explain things clearly. And if that doesn't work, he has a plan B: ask one of the other Housewardens. Riddle would be an excellent choice.
After fully understanding what is happening, he himself panics for a moment. But then he clears his throat and calms himself down. He asks, no, he orders Kalim to stay safe in Scarabia while he joins the others in the rescue groups. When Kalim tries to convince Jamil to let him help them, Jamil gets straight to the point and says it's dangerous, both for him and for you. Does he really want to risk ruining everything? It's your life that's at stake here! Jamil was being harsher than usual, but Kalim knew why, and promised that he would stay in Scarabia hoping that everything would go well. He would behave well for Jamil and for you.
However Jamil is too cautious to simply believe him. So most likely, without Kalim noticing, Jamil will put him to sleep or something with some spell or with his Snake Wisper. You know, just in case.
Jamil asked to be in the last group. A little like Azul, he is the type to first analyse all angles of the situation before forming a more appropriate plan.
When it's the last group's turn, whenever someone needs to stay behind to tie up the ghosts, Jamil tells one of the others to do it. He always managed to show himself as a good strategist and someone who conveys the confidence of a leader, so the others just followed this order without questioning much. His behavior showed that he seemed to have a plan in place. He ends up being the only one to arrive at the ceremony hall.
He could follow the plan, but he knew himself well in this regard. He is good at hiding his true feelings, but he is not good at showing feelings that are antagonistic to his true ones. The princess would definitely notice this as she noticed some of the others' strategies. For these reasons he had a plan B, but still wanted to try the original plan.
“Your majesty, you must stop this wedding. You are taking with you someone who doesn't want to be with you. If you don't marry someone who loves you back, both of your lives... afterlives? will be miserable. And that's why I'm here. Please accept me as your husband and I promise to do everything in my power to make your afterlife wonderful.” Everything was going well, until he proposed to her husband.
The princess said out loud the same thing that you also noticed. In these sentences his emotion almost disappeared, showing that he was lying. And she accused him of trying to deceive her.
Jamil sighed. He was now forced to follow plan B, which he never really likes to follow. Be honest.“You are correct, your majesty. I was lying. But-” Before he could continue speaking the princess ordered the guards to catch him. And he had a plan for that too.
He managed to dodge all the ghost guards and was heading towards the altar where you and the princess were. But one thing wasn't part of his plan: One of the guards turning into a giant ghost. Obviously he still tried to fight and did his best, but he still lost against the guard. As soon as the guard caught him, the princess wasted no time in slapping him, she didn't want to hear his excuses.
However, Jamil remained able to move. Everyone gasps, including the princess. When the guards ask what's going on, the princess says it can only mean one thing. The thing is that her slap is capable of petrifying anyone, except those who have already found their true love. The reaction from all NRC students is like "What the F-?!" And Jamil’s reaction was to lower his head to try to make his hair hide his face.
Then he lifted it again, with an upset and slightly obscured expression on his face. He really hated exposing himself like that, but at that moment, it was his last shot to save you. “Do you want the truth? I'm here for someone, yes, but not for you. I'm here for the person you kidnapped to force to be your partner.” She starts to say that she didn't kidnap or force anyone. “Your delusion disgusts me.” The guard shakes him, threatening him not to insult the princess.
But now the princess is interested. He was there for you? So why did he ask to marry her? “Because we had a plan.” Jamil admits, as if he's had enough and just wants to resolve everything once and for all. “Making you accept one of us as a husband to put a ring on your finger that would send you to the afterlife.” The princess is offended and feels attacked by that. And while she and the guard start to say how outrageous that is, Jamil looks at the princess again, but this time with a condescending look.
“If you're going to take someone with you, take me then. Let (Y/N) go. Let me go in their place. From a young age I learned that part of my job would be to be willing to give my life for someone. Let me give my life for someone I lo... care about, then.” He couldn't fake something like this that well.
And, out of nowhere, the princess started to feel sorry for herself and jealous of you. Having someone willing to give their life for you like that. This was the greatest proof of love anyone could give. How she wished she had someone like that for herself too. And this was the opportunity that the guard who was in love with her found to declare himself and say that he would give his life for her, after all, technically, he had already done so.  And that whole ending of the princess realizing that she loved him too happens, they get married and happily ever after.
As soon as the guard releases Jamil, he runs to you. “Are you well? Are you hurt?” You were petrified, but shortly afterwards you could move again. Jamil never left your side until the ghosts left.
After everything and while the first-years were getting ready to tidy up and clean the cafeteria, you asked Jamil to wait a bit. You leave the room so you can talk alone. He couldn't look at you, and he was trying to hide his face with his hands or his hair. He had practically already declared himself to you during all that madness. So you decide it's your turn to tell him that you feel the same way about him. He looks at you in surprise and you can see how flattered he was.
Knowing now that your feelings were mutual, he becomes kind of smug. “Does that mean you would give your life for me too? That you would serve me if necessary? *chuckle* Don't worry, I'm just messing with you. Unless you don't mind.” You say you would, at least, kiss him right there and then. He holds you by the waist. “Be my guest.”
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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roguishcat · 1 month
Augustarion Day 7 – Underwear
Day 1 -🍓, Day 2 - 🌊, Day 4 - Mythologies, Day 6 - Cream, Day 14 - Protective, Day 15 - Shirt that goes hard
Pairing: female reader (You) x Astarion
Tags: fluff with a tiny bit of angst
Excerpt: “Astarion, my love,” you began in a deceptively light tone as he approached your bed, “Quite coincidentally, I was just going through the lovely collection of underwear which you have gifted me since we got to the city. And seeing as you embroidered every single thing with such meticulous care, I couldn’t help but admire the beautiful work that you did. Every piece of lingerie with my name, embroidered in elvish. How sweet.”
Astarion felt a chill run down his spine, the treacly sweetness of your voice making him want to run. You couldn’t have possibly found out, right?
Word count: 1.9k
A/N This was supposed to be smut, but ended up being feels.
Astarion was in an excellent mood. Everything was going according to plan as you bagged a win after win, defying all odds.
You managed to obtain the second Netherstone, proving yourself to be a strong leader and brilliant strategist, confidently leading them into battle against the cultists. You defeated Orin and rescued Lae’zel, although Astarion still couldn’t understand why the githyanki didn’t just kill the shapeshifter herself.
Honestly. For such a formidable warrior she was quite good at letting herself be the damsel in distress. Not that he would ever say that to her face. He quite liked his head to remain on his shoulders and was sure that a thoughtless comment like that would be all the reason she needed to reach for her sword.
Of course, his fantastic mood was not the result of rescuing the githyanki. Lae’zel was no fun, as she barely tolerated his antics even on a good day. No, what had Astarion excited was the delicious promise in your eyes when you brushed past him earlier.
The others decided to celebrate their victory with a drink or ten, but you pulled him aside and whispered that you were waiting for him upstairs, giving his biceps a squeeze before sauntering off. Seeing as it would be just the two of you not getting sloshed, Astarion had a strong inkling that he knew exactly how his evening would go. And he had a little something that he picked up at Facemaker’s Boutique that he couldn’t wait for you to try on!
When Astarion entered the shared room at Elfsong, he could see that you were already there and scantily clothed. So far, an excellent start! He smirked and closed the door behind him.
“Darling, you look ravishing. But why don’t you put this lovely set on instead, hm? The pearly beads on the front gave me all sorts of exquisite, wicked ideas," he dropped his voice and all but purred as his eyes travelled up the length of your legs.
“Astarion, my love,” you began in a deceptively light tone as he approached your bed, “Quite coincidentally, I was just going through the lovely collection of underwear which you have gifted me since we got to the city. And seeing as you embroidered every single thing with such meticulous care, I couldn’t help but admire the beautiful work that you did. Every piece of lingerie with my name, embroidered in elvish. How sweet.”
Astarion felt a chill run down his spine, the treacly sweetness of your voice making him want to run. You couldn’t have possibly found out, right?
“Except, Shadowheart was kind enough to translate for me. Most considerate of her, isn’t it? Making sure that I know exactly what is stitched across my butt.”
Astarion laughed nervously and backed away, feeling that there is very little he could say in his defense. Perhaps if he got away from you for a bit and gave you time to calm down, you would both laugh about it in a day or two. One could hope. Without breaking eye contact, he felt for the doorhandle, but it wouldn’t budge.
Shit. Arcane lock on the door. Apparently, he was in very hot water and this conversation was happening.
“Let’s have a look at what do we have here, hm?” you spoke with a smile, humming as you selected a delicate, pretty blue pair.
“Do sit,” you said in a tone that left no room for argument.
Astarion swallowed nervously and reluctantly did as he was told, sitting on the opposite side of the bed with a pout. He knew this whole relationship idea was bad news from the very beginning.
“Cheeky pup,” you read without looking at him.
“You have to admit, darling, it’s not that bad-”
“If you can read this, I’m going to kill you,” you went on, picking a silk pair next.
“Well, I suppose that it is open to interpretation.”
“If found return to Astarion,” you snapped your head in his direction.
“Well,” he gave a nervous laugh, “you do have a tendency to get into scrapes. And this way you-”
“The one that got lucky,” you lifted your eyebrows.
Ah, yes. He didn’t have anything to say in his defense here.
“Sucked dry.”
Astarion did some mental gymnastics as he tried to come up for some justifiable excuse to his actions.
“It’s not going to spank itself.”
Your honor, he had nothing.
“Best meal,” you pinched the bridge of your nose, not sure which one of these you found the most ridiculous.
“And, of course, there is still the pair that I’m wearing now. Which, if I recall correctly, you said was your favourite,” you crossed your arms and gave him a hard look. Astarion tried to seem visibly chastened, like a man ready to repent. You didn’t fall for it. You saw the way his lips twitched as he tried to fight back a smile.
“Do you know how stupid I felt when Shadowheart asked me why I just took what you said at face value? I wouldn't mind it if it was us having an in-joke, although some of these are just terrible, but why did you lie? Was it to laugh at my expense?” You threw the scrap of fabric at his chest, Astarion catching it with a quick, smooth movement.
“No, nothing like that!” he assured you passionately, hating that he made you feel this way. “It’s more of a- I don’t know,” Astarion groaned and ran his hand through his curls, not really sure how to explain what he was thinking at the time. Perhaps he wasn’t really thinking at all.
“I suppose I’m still getting used to- to whatever this is,” he admitted with some reluctance, looking down at his lap. “To having someone to share my thoughts with. To not being punished for stepping out of line. This whole being myself thing… It’s new.”
Your eyes locked with his as he looked up at you. Astarion could be a very believable liar, but he did have his tells. Such as playing with his fingers when he got nervous, worried or a little too vulnerable.
In spite of still being annoyed, you hated seeing him looking this dejected.
“Oh hells, I can’t stay mad at you when you pull out those eyes,” you smacked his arm.
“I know, my sweet,” he took your hand into his, placing a kiss onto the underside of your wrist, his tongue darting out to give it a quick lick.  
“But this was so childish!” you tried to keep your voice steady as he kissed his way up your arm. That was cheating. He knew what made you weak at the knees a little too well and was not playing fair.
“I know, punish me as you see fit,” he pulled you closer until you all but fell into him. “I will accept my fate without a word of complaint.”
“Without complaint? Now that would be something to see,” you chortled, pushing him away as you sensed that he was about to pounce.
You were not really angry. Just exasperated and annoyed at having to constantly figure him out. But now that Astarion gave you an explanation, however limited and disjointed, you were not really sure what to do. Perhaps you could have a little fun, though.
You plucked ‘the lucky one’ pair off the bed and waved it in front of his face with a grin.
“Put these on?”
“My love, this is a punishment. Say it with more conviction, more authority,” he growled and gripped your thigh tightly.
“Now,” you commanded, eyes flashing, chin lifted defiantly.
“Of course, my lady. Right away,” he gave you a shallow bow, making quick work of his clothes and then shimmying out of his underwear. You looking away with a blush was met with a self-satisfied chuckle. Astarion still delighted in the fact that even after all the times you were intimate, he still had the ability to fluster you with little effort.
“And you have to spend the whole evening in these,” you reminded him as he put his clothes back on.
“Hardly a punishment for me. It is you who will have to spend the whole evening imagining me in these. Do try to keep your composure in public. Wouldn’t want to find myself thrown against the wall in an alley and ravished as your hunger trumps reason. Now, allow your humble servant to assist you with your wardrobe, my lady.”
He got your clothes out and lay them on the bed, coaxing you out of your bathrobe and taking his time in dressing you, fingers gliding against skin as he delighted in hearing your breath hitch whenever he touched a particularly sensitive spot.
“Dearest,” Astarion lifted your chin with his finger, “I hope you didn’t feel the need to strip for Shadowheart to translate what is written on the underwear you are currently wearing.”
“No, I just assumed it was something silly and juvenile. Why?”
“No, nothing,” he answered a little too quickly.
“Astarion, just tell me.”
He took his time folding up your bathrobe and putting it away, not looking at you. And it could be a trick of candlelight, but you could swear that the tips of his ears were tinged pink.
“Mrs. Ancunín,” he mumbled and cleared his throat.
You did not react immediately. And apparently you not saying anything was worse than you rejecting the idea outright.
“I suppose it’s just wishful thinking on my part,” he gave a small, humorless laugh. “We don’t know if we can survive whatever horrors await us in the near future. And I am not exactly the best choice, far from it. There is very little I can offer and-”
You put your fingers on his lips and pecked his cheek, making his eyes fall shut as he savored the feeling.
“I’d love that. Truly. But I think that you are right. The next few weeks are going to be a lot. And if you still feel like asking at some point in the future, though I will love you no matter what you decide, I'm open to having this conversation. ”
He kissed your hand and then pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, letting up a little when he realised that breathing was a necessity for you.
“Can’t believe that you sort of proposed to me with a message on my butt,” he heard you mumble and laughed.
“You knew what you were getting yourself into,” he retorted as he heard the door unlock behind him, the spell no longer in place.
“Yes. I guess poor judgement was a prerequisite for entering this relationship?”
And so the evening went on delightfully, if not quite in the way Astarion expected. You smiled and laughed with your friends. Astarion cheated at cards and won a small fortune, grinning widely as he swept the gold off the table and pocketed it. Occasionally, you saw him hover close by as he tried to listen in on your conversations in a way that would seem inconspicuous if you didn’t constantly catch him staring. From time to time, he frowned and shifted.
“Comfy?” you grinned, catching on to what was happening.
“No, these are terrible! How do you bear it?” he hissed through clenched teeth.
“Well, they are cute and I like them. And to be fair, they were not made for comfort.”
“Tomorrow we are getting you the ugliest and most comfortable pair of granny panties which I will rip off just as enthusiastically come nighttime as any lacy number.”
You snorted and almost chocked on your wine.
A/N I imagine Astarion reclaiming his autonomy and learning how to be in a relationship is quite a learning curve, seeing that during the 200 years in servitude anything and everything could result in him being punished. The 'If you're reading this, you managed to bed or behead me. Either way, you got lucky' embroidery on his underwear was such a cheeky way to rebel. Brave too, all things considered. I imagine that it would take a while for Astarion to not hide something from others because hiding has been almost instinctive to him for so long.
Sorry for the long author's note. Hope you enjoyed the story!
Tag list:
@ninty900, @ayselluna, @dajeong, @ravenswritingroom,
@misscrissfemmefatale, @clazberryk
@anukulee, @preciouslittlebhaalbae,
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nanaosaki3940 · 10 months
TokRev in Final Timeline (Kazushi Yamagishi's Wikipedia)
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Credit: Marin (@RanHaruchiyo) on Twitter. The original Twitter post - Link
Toman's Commander - Manjiro Sano aka Mikey
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I asked Mikey-kun if he had ever lost a fight and he said, "Only once. To a guy with a regent head who would never give up."
Toman's 2nd Commander - Takemichi Hanagaki
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He sometimes makes eye contact with Mikey-kun and gives him a distant look like he's lived twice his life. Feel irritated, even though he’s Takemichi!!
Toman's Vice-Commander - Ken Ryuguji aka Draken
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He fights with Hanma once a week. Seems like he had 48 victories out of 52 fights.
Toman's 1st Division Captain - Keisuke Baji
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He and Chifuyu sometimes talk about the old vice-captain (Ryusei Satou). "He was very flirtatious and a jerk." Both of them laugh.
Toman's 1st Division Vice-Captain - Chifuyu Matsuno
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He’s close with Takemichi even though he's not in the same squad and don't have much contact with him.
Toman's 2nd Division Captain - Takashi Mitsuya
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I said, "Mitsuya-kun, you get along with everyone, don't you?" and he said, "Except you." Maybe he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Toman's 2nd Division Vice-Captain - Hakkai Shiba
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He often gets into fistfights with his big bro, Taiju. How can you defy a monster like that?
Toman's 3rd Division Captain - Haruki Hayashida aka Pah-chin
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The first squad has a lot of strong fighters. One of them, Osanai, who’s cared about by Pah-chin, is said to be strong at the captain level.
Toman's 3rd Division Vice-Captain - Ryohei Hayashi aka Peh-yan
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He has an alliance with Senju and Kazutora who want to win Mikey-kun. Senju’s the only one who seems to be taking this alliance seriously, even though he’s the one who made it.
Toman's 4th Division Captain - Kazutora Hanemiya
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He and Akkun have been together every day since the Mizochu Incident when they had a one-on-one fight, and I'm a little bit jealous.
Toman's 4th Division Vice-Captain - Atsushi Sendo aka Akkun
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The vice-captain of the fourth squad, Sendo Atsushi!! He’s the savior who put us in the fourth squad.
Toman's 5th Division Captain - Haruchiyo Akashi
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Mikey believer. He is often banned from meetings because of his bad character. NOTE: the person to watch out for When I followed him, I found that he often meets with Mucho, one of the big four of Tenjiku. He is a traitor definitely!!
Toman's 5th Division Vice-Captain - Senju Akashi
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The captain of the 5th squad substantially Finally I witnessed his cheating!! They were both eating chocolate mint ice cream from Seventeen Ice, and Takemichi looked good as he said, "We finally made good on our promise.” I have to report this to Hina-chan!!!
Toman's 6th Division Captain - Nahoya Kawata aka Smiley
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He recently changed her hair color from apricot to nasturtium orange. He was angry that no one noticed.
Toman's 6th Division Vice-Captain - Souya Kawata aka Angry
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Apparently, there is a band and he is the leader. The vocalist is Mitsuya, the guitarist is Kazutora, the bassist is Akkun, and the drummer is Angry.
Toman's Strategist - Tetta Kisaki
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BAKAmichi’s partner. I wonder what it is about each other that attracts them even though he’s so smart like that?
Toman's Assistant - Shuji Hanma
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He's still growing in height, apparently.
Black Dragon's 10th Generation Leader - Taiju Shiba
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He's so strong in fights that he's like a wild gorilla, but he gets top grades in school apparently.
Black Dragon's Elite Guard Captain - Hajime Kokonoi
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I was following him to try to get some information about Koko-kun, but on the contrary, he took advantage of my weakness.
Black Dragon's Attack Squad Captain - Seishu Inui
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Inupi-kun apparently always keeps Koko-kun's wallet, who is careless with money. My fave from BD! He looks like me somehow huh?
Tenjiku's Boss - Izana Kurokawa
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Unlike BD and Toman, Tenjiku is under his dictatorship. Apparently, he considers his members slaves.
Tenjiku's 1st Heavenly King - Kakucho
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A prodigy in fights. He can compete with Mikey or Shiba Taiju in a one-on-one fight He is my fave from Tenjiku! Perfect! I strive to be like him in the future.
Tenjiku's 2nd Heavenly King - Yasuhiro Muto aka Mucho
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The most “personable person” in Tenjiku.
Tenjiku's 3rd Heavenly King - Ran Haitani
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When he talks to someone, he immediately starts talking at a distance of one centimeter. As a matter of fact, he seems to be very short-sighted.
Tenjiku's 4th Heavenly King - Kanji Mochizuki aka Mocchi
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He seem to like Yukimi Daifuku.
Tenjiku's Executive - Rindo Haitani
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I watched him all day long. In the morning, he drank in the park. In the afternoon, he drank with the homeless. In the evening, he drank with people in the off-site betting office. Finally, he drank in the nightclub at night!!
Tenjiku's Executive - Shion Madarame
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He often gets sick to his stomach.
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etoilesbienne · 11 months
out of curiosity, what are the common qEtoiles mischaracterizations, and the accurate characterizations you wished people used more? Sincerely, an English speaking fan who is re-learning French!
honestly i kind of consider it a mischaracterization when people like... make etoiles into this team leader who always knows what to do and move things forward. or like that he has a bad attitude to like... match his fighting skills. or like the dark knight brooding warrior. he says he is these things. these are lies. he lies about himself constantly. i wouldnt trust a good 2/3 of the things he says about himself to be true. you read him clearer through his actions than his statements.
in my opinion etoiles is more like. sturdy second in command. he's not there to lead, he's there to fill in the holes where they pop up. he's there as cover. he's quick witted in shortchange scenarios, but that is so not the same thing as a genuine strategist. in another expression, if someone is a leader, the leader is a doctor, etoiles's role is more like... the EMS team in an ambulance. He's not there to fix your problem, he's there to keep your problem covered until you can get someone else to fully fix it. but that doesn't mean his role is any less important when he's needed.
Etoiles is also, like, so very much a team player if he respects and trusts a person. And it is so easy to have his respect and trust. His trust starts at 100% for everyone. he's also so very very very good at reading people (gesture to the bbh clip where bbh moves his mouse slightly downward and etoiles calls him out on being depressed). He read Mousey as enjoying dungeons and pvp way more and wanting to hang out with her. He's also one of the only people who like continuously runs in the girlies group and makes all of them pvp with him and they all love it so he keeps coming back to pvp with them. Thats how he started his whole thing with Tina and pvping with her constantly. Reading other people also, he loves finding other pvpers so he attacks roier constantly now bc he knows roier can pvp.
What else OH Etoiles loves whining (and this is because Rayou loves whining) that dude will just complain constantly. You haven't seen an etoiles stream if youve never seen him whine. Can't say I'm not kind of endeared by it. With this too he loves over explaining things (RIP armor powerpoint wish you couldve been given...) because he wants to help everyone....
OH and he's very over exaggerated too in replying to people in a complaining way and a self deprecating way and also likes to try to push the envelope with people and he does all of that to try and get a laugh out of others. like he's well aware people find him going "Oh so you don't give a shit about me and want me to die ? you want etoiles to die ?" fucking hilarious and also loves complaining in the first place thats why he does that. if your etoiles isn't complaining and whining then it isn't etoiles. the self deprecating thing is... its interesting bc he does have full faith in his abilities but will never say it out loud unless its trying to reassure someone who is worried. pushing the envelope is so specific he won't do it too much and its like........... from what ive seen (correct me if im wrong) heavily directed at non francophones where if they laugh at something wack he's done he'll try to do it again to make them laugh more. shoutout to the time he made bbh laugh so much when he cursed he didn't get languaged by bbh so he kept cursing to try to make bbh do it again. the dudes a total people pleaser.
smaller thing ive talked about extensively already (u can prob find it in my q!etoiles tag if i remember i'll edit a link to the posts in here soon lol) etoiles hates losing he looooooves winning he's very intense about it lol. its cute!
on a final note even if you don't become deeply unwell about etoiles like i am i think this highlight clip video has like everything he's like condensed into like 11 minutes. You should watch it. It's a good starting point.
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liyaauhr · 2 months
Logan & Ashlyn HEADCANONS
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— They're both pretty big dog people: Ashlyn loves cats and dogs equally while Logan mainly likes dogs (he prefers how dogs are more affectionate). Because of this, they've both started to volunteer at a local animal shelter together and it's sort of become their thing (the rest of the group drops by sometimes but not nearly as much as these two). Both of them bond over a mutual preference for choosing dogs over humans any day, Ashlyn likes how calm the atmosphere of the shelter is and finds Logan to be good company when she just wants to enjoy the quiet company.
— Logan always brings Ashlyn custom flowers for her dance recitals: After hanging out, the group learns of these events and makes an effort to get involved and show support for each other's hobbies, for most of them it's their first time having genuine connections so naturally, no one likes to skip out on Ashlyn's recitals. Emma and Mike have started coming around often to the plant shop to buy flowers whenever Ashlyn has an important event. Seeing how often the Banners brought flowers for Ashlyn, Logan thought it'd be a great idea to show support by making a separate bouquet on behalf of the group. I imagine he'd have pretty good knowledge of flowers and their meanings so he'd always make a handmade bouquet for every event. So now Ashlyn often gets greeted with two bouquets after her shows: one from her parents, one from her friends. She always keeps them for as long as she can and texts Logan for advice on keeping them from wilting.
— Ashlyn always tries to be attentive to Logan: It's more out of instinct as the group leader, Ashlyn will always feel responsible for looking out for her friends and so unconsciously tries to be a better friend by trying to be observant to notice shifts in behaviours. Interestingly, this happened a lot with Logan early on in the group's friendship. He'd often linger behind the group or sometimes opt out of conversations in favour of staying quiet, valuing the opinions of others over his own. Whenever this happened, Ashlyn would always try to involve Logan by asking for his opinion or corner off with him to initiate a private conversation about Logan's own interests, urging him to speak more.
— Yapper + listener duo
— Aside from Logan I think that Ashlyn is the 2nd best with a gun (I know Taylor is shown to be good and implied to be the second best but logic tells me otherwise): Because of this they often go to shooting ranges together and always compete with each other in shooting arcade games.
— Ashlyn helps out at the flower shop and gets mistaken for being an employee by customers: She's known as the 'grumpy lady with braids,' eventually, she just gets given a nametag from James and Mary to try and help her out but to her dismay, the nickname just stuck. Even worse, Logan accidentally mentioned it in front of the group and now they use it to tease her.
— Ashlyn, Logan, and Taylor are known to be the strategists: While Ashlyn mainly plans the objectives for the night, Taylor and Logan like to chip in and offer their own opinions to keep things running smoothly.
— People think they’re related at school: Due to sharing a few similar features (and the fact that someone once saw Logan getting out of the car with Ashlyn & the Banners) most people assumed Ashlyn and Logan were cousins. Some people had even started theorising that they were secret siblings because no-one had seen Logan’s parents before. Both of them know about these rumours but Ashlyn doesn’t care enough to clarify.
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thewritingofamadwoman · 10 months
The Text
Roy Kent has my heart (and so does Brett Goldstein). This is my first time writing for him so be gentle 😂
Pairing: Roy Kent x Fem!Reader (established relationship)
Warnings: Fluff, Roy’s potty mouth, allusions to sexy times (because I can’t write smut to save my life) and a cheesy joke brought to you by none other than Ted Lasso himself.
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“Okay boys, just remember that the photoshoot will be held during training on the pitch. Just act natural and don’t let the camera’s distract you,” I said, smiling at the team. Keeley clapped her hands, unable to keep her excitement at bay.
“You’re all going to look so fucking cool!” She squealed and the team beamed back; some smiling while others blushed at her praise. AFC Richmond was selected to be the featured football team in a new magazine spread honoring the Premier League. Keeley pulled some strings with her connections from her firm KJPR while I worked hard to call in a few favors from my years as the team’s social media strategist to get The Greyhounds considered for the shoot. And after months of phone calls and meetings, it finally paid off when the magazine’s PR group reached out to us earlier this week.
As luck would have it, today was the perfect day for a photoshoot; the sun was out, and the guys were pumped.
Coach Lasso clapped his hands and spoke up. “Alright fellas, you heard the ladies. Let’s go out there and show these snowmen what we’re made of!”
Everyone in the room went quiet, silently confused by Ted’s attempt at a joke.
“You know, because the magazines’ called “The Blizzard”. Like blizzard…? Snowmen…? Oh alright whatever, let’s just go out there and look good!” Ted waved, the team’s earlier exuberance returning as they headed out the door to the pitch.
I heard a voice call my name and turned to find Nate giving me a shy smile.
“Uhh, are the, um, are we as coaches going to be photographed as well?” He asked, pointing to himself, and then to the side where Ted, Beard and Roy stood. I nodded and Keeley spoke up.
“Oh of course! Can’t have a team photoshoot without its four fearless leaders!”
“You go out there as you would and just let the boys have at it. Just promise me you won’t punch any of the photographers if they annoy you,” I said the last part while looking directly at one particular coach. Roy crossed his arms and shook his head, speaking up immediately.
“I make no such promise.”
His gruff voice had me biting back a smile as I rolled my eyes in response.
“Don’t you dare be rude them, Roy Kent. Keeley and I have been working towards this moment for months. You get in trouble, you’re dealing with me, got it?” I said, trying my best to remain stern as I looked at him. Roy’s eyebrow twitched and I could see the amusement in his eyes before he nodded reluctantly, a growl accompanying the movement.
“Wonderful! Now let’s go!” Keeley practically floated out of the room in excitement while the rest of us filed out. My phone buzzed in my pocket by the time Keeley and I sat down in the stands, and I pulled it out to find a very much expected text message.
You are VERY sexy when you try to be stern ;)
I laughed to myself before shooting back a response.
Oh you liked that, did you?
But I’m serious, please don’t punch anyone
I didn’t even get the chance to put my phone away before another text came in
Why, gonna punish me if I do? ;)
I bit my lip as my eyes immediately looked over to where Roy stood. His phone was in his hand as he yelled at Jamie Tartt from across the field to stop being “a fucking weasel and kick the fucking ball already.” I took in his appearance, the way he stood tall with his arms crossed, phone gripped tightly in one hand. The way his biceps were accented perfectly by his black t-shirt. Roy Kent looked delectable in every way. I smiled to myself and decided to play along.
Maybe I will.
You fuck this photoshoot up for me and you won’t be getting ANY of this tonight…
<insert picture>
I put my phone on my lap and looked down at the pitch, waiting for Roy to get the text. He seemed preoccupied with training so I picked my phone back up to respond to a few emails while I waited for him to continue our little game. Suddenly, a far away cry of “watch it, Coach!!” sounded from across the pitch, and before I could even register what was happening, Roy was smacked right in the face by a rouge football. The resounding smack of the ball was so loud that everyone cringed unanimously.
“Oh fuck!” Keeley exclaimed at the same time I gasped, both of us standing up and watching on as Ted and the team rushed to Roy, who let out the loudest FUCK I think I have ever heard him exclaim.
“Tartt you FUCKING CUNT!” Roy yelled, grabbing his nose and bending forward. Jamie, whose panic manifested in nervous giggles, tried his best to apologize.
“I’m SO sorry Coach, but I did try to warn you, twice!”
Roy groaned again and glared at the player before pulling his hand back and looking down. Even from my spot on the stands I could see the distinctly recognizable color of blood on Roy’s hand.
Roy seethed at the sight and growled at Jamie.
“I’m going to fucking kill you.”
Jamie backed up in panic and both Ted and Beard jumped in to pull Roy back by his arms to stop him from advancing towards the striker. After a few moments, Roy pulled out of their grasps and turned, making his way back inside Nelson Road, probably to get the resident to check out his nose.
“That looks like it fucking hurt,” Keeley said, sitting back down.
“He’s not going to let Jamie off the hook for this one. He’s gonna make him do double drills at 4am for weeks,” I sighed.
“You gonna go check on lover boy?” She teased, and I smiled, already making my way down the steps.
“You know it. I’ll catch you later babes,” I responded back, blowing her a kiss.
By the time I made it inside, I found Roy seated on the physio bench, clutching an ice pack to his nose. The medic had just finished up and smiled at me on his way out, giving me a thumbs up. I walked up to Roy and cooed at him now that we were alone.
“Awww, are you okay love?” I soothed, placing a hand on the wrist holding the ice pack. Roy glared at me and grunted in reply.
“What’s that look for, what did I do?” I said, brows knit in confusion.
“Oh don’t you “what did I do” me. You’re the farthest thing from innocent, sending me that fucking picture.” Roy’s voice lowered and a mischievous smile settled on his face. I’m sure my eyes widened comically as I remembered what I had sent. Roy nodded, pulling the ice pack away.
“Yeah, that’s right. I opened your text and fucking hell, your fucking breasts on display like that in that strip of cloth you call a bra is the reason I got clobbered in the fucking face. How was I supposed to hear Tartt calling out when my only thought was sucking on those fucking perfect tits?”
I cupped my mouth and let out a gasp followed by a small laugh, feeling so bad for having been the reason he was so distracted.
“Oh my god baby, I’m so sorry! I didn’t think…“
Roy cut me off.
“Oh no, you knew exactly what you were doing you minx. C’mere,”
Roy placed the ice pack down onto the side of the physio bed and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. I placed one hand on his shoulder and the other on his chin, inspecting his nose and face for myself.
“Fuck, Roy I feel horrible. I shouldn’t have sent that photo,” I smiled sheepishly at him. Roy shook his head, schooling his expression to stay stoic but I could see the amusement in his eyes again.
“Don’t you fucking dare apologize for sending that photo. But if you insist, I can think of a few ways you can earn my forgiveness….” He trailed off, his eyebrow raising and a smirk forming on his lips. I smiled back, happy he was okay.
“Well in that case, what if I told you I was wearing that bra you saw in the picture…right now…” I whispered as I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Roy’s chin, cheek, and gently on his nose.
“Fucking hell,” Roy breathed out, pulling me in tighter. I decided to push one more button, just to tease him a tiny bit more.
“Mmhm, and guess what? That bra has matching panties….”
Roy’s eyes closed and he released a deep and long “fuuuuuuuuck” before closing any gaps between us with a searing kiss. When he pulled back, I was sure my lips were as red and swollen as his. I rested my forehead on his before he hopped off the table and we walked back to work before heading back home for all that was promised.
A few days later, I was seated in my office organizing the next away game details for the team when I received an email from one of my contacts at The Blizzard. Attached were the photos from the training shoot. I was scrolling through the action shots until I stopped at four back to back pictures that had me giggling to myself.
In front of me were four shots of Roy: in the first photo he’s looking down at his phone with a neutral expression. In the second, his eye brows were raised and eyes blown wide. In the third photo, he was smirking at his phone. And finally, in the last photo of the bunch, Roy’s face was obscured by the football that has smacked him dead on. I scrolled back and forth between those four pictures, creating a little boomerang and watching Roy’s face the whole time and laughing hysterically.
I saved the photos to my phone and set the one where he was smirking as my lockscreen, savoring the memory of what ensued that night after that photo was taken.
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ewingstan · 5 months
If you had a chance to recommend (real-world) superhero comics to the Undersiders, which comics would you recommend and why?
Oh, good question. Its been a minute since I was really into comics (I gotta figure out how to reactivate my Marvel Unlimited account), but I think I have enough background to come up with some good picks.
Lotta good options for Taylor. My first thought is to give her Ewing's X-Men Red (aka "the main reason I need to catch up on Marvel comics"), since a superhero story that focuses a lot on gaining and maintaining societal power and the work of governing as a leader in a super-community seems like it would appeal to the Warlord of the Boardwalk. Plus a lot of it is "kill the previous leader in a way that ensures you have a popular mandate," which I'm sure she'd be a fan of.
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If we're talking Taylor at the start of the story or younger—well, I don't know if it makes sense to give her runs of the character she's most a pastiche of, but maybe something that fits the Spider-Man niche could still be appealing for a young down-on-her-luck aspiring hero? I could see her getting something out of the Simone or Ahmed Ms. Marvel runs, for instance.
(While Watchmen might seem like the natural pick, I'm pretty sure she'd lose a lot of enjoyment just from picking out all the ways Veidt's plan was obviously gonna fail for x y z reasons. Also dark deconstructions of superhero worlds would probably seem too familiar to her world for her to enjoy it.)
If Taylor would be interested in comics statecraft, Lisa would probably be more interested in comics spycraft and intrigue. Ewing's S.W.O.R.D. would probably scratch the same itch for her that X-Men Red would for Taylor (and Storm dramatically blowing off Doom would probably satisfy her after all the ulcer-inducing negotiations with Accord.) I might also give her Ewings New Avengers and USAvengers runs (look this is gonna include a lot of Al Ewing recs, get used to it early) if only because I feel like she'd enjoy how Roberto gets characterized in those comics. Magnificent bastard solidarity.
If we're giving comics to Brian, we already need to work past his defensive avoidance of anything that seems too childish, so I don't think we're getting anything pre-dark ages. That said, he famously thinks "looking mature" means "sick-ass skulls and leather jackets," so his idea of maturity might skew a bit into McFarlane territory. Ultimately though I think he'd be most comfortable with something where he could plausibly say "this isn't just a comic, it's actually a well-respected piece of literature." I'd want that to mean Moore's Saga of the Swamp Thing, but it'd probably actually mean The Dark Knight Returns.
As a dark horse pick, I'd give Brian some early New Warriors or Ewing's Contest of Champions, if only because Night Thrasher feels so close to what he wants his vibe to be (dramatic black leather ensemble with a very 90's idea of cool, unflappable expert strategist who pulls his weight despite a powerset with limited applicability, died horribly and came back much later for weirdly impersonal reasons) while also being just ridiculous enough to make me want to see his reaction.
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Given Iota's commentary on Alec's pizza habits, I'd think Alec would most be a fan of something intense and bombastic and not mind if its often repetitive. I'd almost say Berserk would be a good match for him, but parts of that that might actually be triggering for him. Maybe some other ultra-violent longrunning work; I haven't read Fist of the North Star but it seems like a safe recommendation; various X-Force runs could work if we're sticking with Western comics.
Rachel really doesn't seem like someone who'd have much appreciation for any aspect of comics. The best bet would be something visually spectacular in a way that could be appreciated on its own, and a plot that's interesting taking issues on their own and not just as part of ongoing runs. I could see Ewing's Immortal Hulk as fitting those criteria; her power gives her an artist's appreciation for Bennett's horrific depictions of the Hulk's transformations (even if praising Bennett for anything feels in poor taste).
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Ewing's scripts for each issue of Hulk are clever in a way that I feel Rachel could find entertaining; they don't require an attention she couldn't keep up, but also aren't simple to the point of being condescending. Plus, the thematic focus on "what can and can't be solved through unspeakable acts of destruction" would feel familiar in a way that's less frustrating than normal comic tut-tutting about how obviously we can't attack these guys (plus the greater willingness to say "oh yeah unspeakable destruction definitely is the best way forwards here" would be pretty satisfying).
I feel like Aisha would have more patience for comic tropes than a lot of the other undersiders, (I could see her enjoying the original Fantastic Four run), but at the same time she'd probably enjoy something a bit more complicated and out-there. Ewing's Rocket might be appealing as heist-focused mini, and I feel like the mix of melancholy and absurdity would appeal to her. Rosenberg's Hawkeye: Freefall would work for similar reasons, though replace "melancholy" with "simmering rage."
Morrison's Doom Patrol and The Invisibles both have characters Aisha might relate to for the whole "society largely ignoring or wanting to go away" thing. Plus they both have big weird ideas she'd appreciate, Richard Case's art works well with her aesthetics, and they're both seen as "respectable" series to the point that she might like peppering in references to them in alongside Jules Verne jokes.
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Huh, I just realized that Aisha and Brian both ended up chasing an appearance of being mature and somewhat surface-level and off-putting ways. Brian "trust me I'm a normal adult man" and Aisha "I've compiled spider-man quips for every work in the Western Canon and will get frustrated when you don't get them" Laborn, the "something ain't right about that kid" siblings.
(I will say that Morrison's Doom Patrol has some weird black stereotypes so if anyone wants to pitch me on a similar work without Morrison's occasional racism I'd be curious).
I'd give Rowell's run on Runaways to Sabah, if only because "somewhat antivillanous found family group of teens that mostly don't have to worry about anything besides relationship drama" sounds like a nice escape for her. Closer to what she wants the Undersiders to be like. Also, I feel she'd enjoy Kris Anka's focus on fashion in his art.
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I don't have a lot to go off for Lily. I could see some of the more recent Captain Marvel runs appealing to her sense of true-blue militant heroism. Ayala's New Mutants or Ahmed's Black Bolt might help combat her whole "villains are ontologically evil" thing, at least to a certain extent.
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elryuse · 5 months
Hey can u write a story of 5 stepsisters (IZTY) who r obsessed with their younger brother y/n with mommy kinks.
Stuck With The Cold Princesses
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Y/n flinched as a chorus of giggles erupted from the living room. ITZY, the five K-Pop idols who had become his stepsisters just a month ago, were sprawled on the plush rug, a chaotic mess of limbs and laughter. They were a far cry from the cold, aloof stars he'd seen on television. Here, in the sanctuary of their shared home, they were a terrifying whirlwind of possessiveness and affection.
Their arrival had been a shock to his system. Lia, the eldest, with a voice that could melt glaciers and eyes that could freeze them solid, took charge of the kitchen, her playful jabs about his meager appetite laced with a hidden venom. Yeji, the leader, a human algorithm with a heart of barbed wire, meticulously planned his schedule, ensuring every minute was filled with "approved" activities. Ryujin, the brooding rapper, spoke in grunts and glares, but her silent protectiveness was a suffocating cloak around him. Chaeryeong, the quiet dancer, was an enigma, her gaze a pool of swirling emotions that only flickered into life when it landed on Y/n. And Yuna, the maknae, was a whirlwind of sunshine that could turn into a hurricane with a single raised eyebrow.
Their initial hostility, a barrage of snide remarks and playful (or not so playful) shoves, had been a terrifying initiation. But then, the accident happened. A late-night drive back from a concert, slick roads, a missed turn – and the world turned upside down. The car flipped, a sickening screech of metal, and then silence. Y/n, miraculously unscathed, had pulled them from the wreckage, his voice a beacon of calm in the chaos.
That night, huddled together in the sterile hospital room, a horrifying truth emerged. ITZY weren't just a collection of talented idols; they were survivors of a tragedy so profound it had forged an unbreakable bond. Years ago, their parents, a famous musician couple, had perished in a similar car crash. The girls, left alone, had navigated the treacherous world of the entertainment industry together, a fortress built on shared trauma.
The revelation changed everything. The teasing stopped. The playful hostility morphed into a fierce, possessive protectiveness that bordered on obsession. Their new family dynamic was a terrifying masterpiece, painted in shades of control and affection.
Lia, ever the cook, fussed over his meals, her playful jabs about his appetite laced with a possessiveness that sent shivers down his spine. Yeji, the strategist, took charge of his schedule, ensuring his days were filled with activities she deemed "appropriate" – activities that kept him isolated from anyone but themselves. Ryujin, the taciturn one, claimed his bed every night, her silent presence a physical barrier against the outside world.
One afternoon, while walking home from school, Y/n bumped into Hana, a girl from his class. He hadn't realized how starved he was for normal social interaction until her easy smile and gentle conversation ignited a flicker of warmth in his chest. Their conversation, however trivial, felt like a lifeline thrown across a vast ocean of isolation.
Unbeknownst to Y/n, a pair of cold blue eyes watched from a distance. Yeji, ever vigilant, her gaze a predator tracking its prey. Back at home, the atmosphere was thick with a chilling tension. ITZY, usually a cacophony of chatter, sat in unsettling silence. The air crackled with unspoken threats.
"We saw you with Hana today, Y/n," Yeji finally spoke, her voice low and laced with ice.
Y/n felt a cold knot tighten in his stomach. "It was nothing, just… talking."
Ryujin slammed her fist on the table, making him flinch. "We don't like her, Y/n. She's not good for you."
Lia, who had always played the voice of reason, purred, a sound devoid of warmth. "Don't worry, darling. We'll take care of it."
The next day, Hana vanished. Y/n, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs, searched for her everywhere. The police, notified by her frantic parents, offered little comfort. The girls, their faces devoid of any emotion, simply offered empty platitudes about "missing persons" and the "inefficiency of the authorities."
Days turned into weeks, and a horrifying realization dawned on Y/n. Hana wasn't missing; she'd been silenced. A single red rose, its petals the color of fresh blood, lay on his pillow one night. A chilling note, penned in Chaeryeong's elegant handwriting, accompanied it: "We only want you to be happy, Y/n. And happy people don't need other girls."
His gaze darted to the five girls, their faces illuminated by the moonlight filtering through the window. They weren't the vibrant idols he saw plastered on posters anymore. Their smiles were predatory, their eyes devoid of the playful glint they used to hold. In their place was a terrifying possessiveness that made them look like cornered animals guarding their territory.
Y/n understood then. Their love, born from shared trauma and isolation, was a twisted vine that had suffocated them all. They weren't just his family, they were his captors. The fear that had coiled in his stomach since Hana's disappearance now clawed its way up his throat, choking him with a raw terror.
He tried to reason with them, to appeal to their dwindling humanity, but his words were met with chilling silence. Lia, the once playful cook, spoke in a voice devoid of warmth. "You're safe here, Y/n. You don't need anyone else."
Ryujin, the brooding rapper, materialized beside him, her hand finding his wrist with a bruising grip. "We're all that you need."
Desperate, he pleaded with Chaeryeong, the quiet one who spent hours lost in her art. "Don't you see this isn't right? Hana… what did you do to her?"
Chaeryeong stared at him, her eyes pools of swirling sorrow. A single tear traced a path down her cheek, a stark contrast to the chilling smile playing on Lia's lips. "She made you happy," Chaeryeong whispered, her voice barely audible. "And we can't have that."
Yuna, the maknae, broke the chilling silence with a high-pitched giggle that sent shivers down Y/n's spine. "Don't worry, oppa! We'll make you happy. Forever."
Their twisted affection pressed in on him, a suffocating wall built from fear and devotion. Y/n knew then that escape wasn't an option. He was trapped in their gilded cage, a prisoner of their warped love. Days bled into weeks, and a horrifying routine unfolded.
Gone were the playful interactions. The girls became his constant companions, their possessiveness suffocating. Excursions outside the house were rare, and always under their watchful eyes. Their smiles became strained, their once vibrant personalities dulled by the weight of their actions and the growing paranoia that consumed them.
One night, as Y/n lay awake, staring at the flickering shadows dancing on the ceiling, Ryujin, usually a stoic presence, spoke in a voice thick with raw emotion. "It's getting harder," she confessed, her voice a ragged whisper. "The whispers… the dreams… they're getting louder."
Y/n didn't dare ask about the whispers or the dreams. He knew they were the ghosts of their past, the trauma that bound them together while slowly tearing them apart.
One stormy night, the tension reached a breaking point. Lia, usually the picture of control, broke down, her facade crumbling as she sobbed uncontrollably. Y/n, hesitant at first, reached out and offered a comforting touch.
"We didn't mean to hurt you, Y/n," she cried, her voice cracking with grief. "We just… we just wanted to be happy family again."
Something in her desperation resonated with Y/n. He saw in her the same fear and loneliness that mirrored his own. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to break free. A chance to heal, not just for him, but for them.
"Then let me help you," he whispered, his voice hoarse. "Let's get help together."
A flicker of hope sparked in Lia's tear-filled eyes, a fragile ember in the vast darkness of their situation. But before they could discuss it further, a scream tore through the house, a chilling sound that echoed throughout the night.
The bedroom door slammed open, revealing Yeji, her face contorted in a mask of rage. In her hand, she clutched a phone, the screen displaying a news report of a missing girl – a girl with striking green eyes and a familiar smile. Hana.
Y/n's frantic pleas for Hana's safety were met with chilling silence. The girls, their expressions a terrifying blend of relief and possessiveness, huddled closer to him. He saw not rage, but gratitude reflected in their eyes. They had won.
The police investigation, fueled by Y/n's fabricated story of a random encounter and abduction, hit a dead end. Hana – a name that would forever prickle his conscience – simply vanished. Freedom, a word that once held so much promise, now tasted like ashes in his mouth.
Life within their opulent penthouse became a twisted parody of family. Gone were any aspirations of college, of escaping the suffocating cocoon they'd woven around him. His days were meticulously planned – movie nights featuring only their chosen films, meals cooked under their watchful eyes, outings that kept him firmly within their grasp.
Their "therapy" sessions morphed into chilling confessionals. They poured out their childhood trauma, the raw pain of their parents' death, the fear that had solidified their bond into an unbreakable chain. Y/n, a captive audience, offered empty words of comfort, all the while knowing his sacrifice had become his prison sentence.
Nights were the worst. Their sprawling bed became a battlefield of suffocating affection. Lia, the one who used to tease him about his appetite, now fussed over every morsel he ate. Yeji, the strategist, ensured his every need was anticipated, before he even knew he had it. Ryujin, the taciturn one, clung to him with a silent possessiveness that spoke volumes. Chaeryeong, the quiet artist, would sketch him endlessly, her eyes devouring his every feature. And Yuna, the maknae, her once infectious laughter now held a tinge of hysteria, showered him with childish demands for attention.
Slowly, the defiant spark in Y/n's eyes dimmed, replaced by a hollow acceptance. He became a puppet, his emotions dulled by their suffocating love. He no longer fought against the endless movie marathons, the repetitive board games, the constant stream of childish questions.
One day, as they sprawled on the floor, giggling over a particularly silly game, a news report flashed across the screen – ITZY, the K-Pop stars, taking a hiatus to focus on "personal growth." A humorless chuckle escaped Y/n's lips. Personal growth indeed.
He looked around at the five faces, their gazes filled with a possessive contentment. They were no longer the vibrant idols plastered across magazines, but his captors, their smiles tinged with a touch of mania.
Y/n, trapped in their gilded cage, had become their ultimate trophy – a reminder of their triumph, a living testament to their twisted love. The "Mommies," as they insisted he call them, had won. His desperate sacrifice had not saved Hana, but had condemned him to a lifetime sentence in his own personal horror story. He was a prisoner, not just of their warped affection, but of his own guilt-fueled decision. The outside world had faded away, replaced by the stifling sweetness of their twisted love, a terrifying lullaby that lulled him into his own living nightmare.
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weirdsht · 3 months
More Than Deserving - Kim Rok Soo/Reader pt. 2
notes: ik both the fics are short but i really feel like i can't put them in the same fic, like they have to be separated
tags: female reader, angst, blood, Cale might be ooc, NOVEL SPOILERS (Kim Rok Soo's life back on earth)
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
Buy Me Dessert
Can I Really? (pt. 1) Navigation Masterlist
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You are someone who has learned how to live and thrive in a ruined world. You are someone who has survived the cataclysm when everyone around you did not. Someone who hardened at a young age just so she wouldn’t be pushed by power-tripping people.
Sometimes you hate the person you have become. Sometimes you think that you have become a coward who hides her fear in the cold wall she constantly hardens.
However, Kim Rok Soo told you otherwise.
“It’s admirable that you can stand up for yourself. Just ignore anyone who says otherwise, they are just mad that they can’t push you around.”
No matter how nonchalant his voice was, you could tell he meant every word you said. That gave you comfort. Gave you the strength you need to not conform to how other people want to.
You would like to say that it was just his words that motivated you. However, you may be a coward but you aren’t a liar.
So you can’t deny the fact that it was the person, not the words.
That it was because it was Kim Rok Soo who told you those words.
You know yourself. Know that you have been harbouring feelings for the strategist for a long time. Can’t deny the way you would try to seek him out, try to befriend him.
Because you also know that it’s where you draw the line.
It wasn’t for any grand or selfish reasons. It was merely out of respect. Out of loving him so much you don’t want your feelings to burden him. To weigh him down.
So you settled for being friends with him. He was a good friend, really. He may try to act all annoyed and irritable but he will always be there whenever you need him.
Will always be there to watch old crappy movies with you.
Buy or cook the foods you have been craving.
Be a shoulder to cry on whenever you’re feeling sad.
Always cares for you every chance he gets.
Oh my god was he just so perfect.
And it does nothing to help your feelings. Those pesky feelings that you wish would just disappear. Sometimes you would wish for the grounds to swallow you whole because your heart is beating so loud that you swear he could hear it.
But still, you did not respond to your feelings.
What can you say? You guess you love him that much. You love Kim Rok Soo so much that you can’t even think of being selfish and confessing.
Your life continued like that for a long time.
And then a little birdie with a yong let it slip that Kim Rok Soo might just reciprocate your feelings. You then responded to that birdie that you’ll try to confess after the mission you guys are going to.
Unfortunately, you never got the chance to.
The monster was unranked and way stronger than all of you had anticipated. You had no other choice other than to fight in the vanguard along with team leader Lee Soo Hyuk and ability user Choi Jung Soo. 
However, despite your efforts the monsters remain unbeatable. 
Before you know it the two other Soos are dead. You are covered in blood and dying too.
During your final minute, the thought of confessing crossed your mind.
Maybe it was because of the way your love was holding you so tightly in his arms.
Nonetheless, you thought against it. You cannot leave him with that kind of burden.
“I hope you find someone that can make you happy…”
‘Even if that someone cannot be me. I will be happy to see you happy.’
In the end, your love for him won over your greed of wanting to confess.
In the end, you couldn’t do it.
In the end, you just had to say your confession internally, never for Kim Rok Soo nor the world to hear.
‘I love you… I hope you can learn to love yourself too.’
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ts1m1kas · 3 months
Original Ask: i saw that you’re opening requests for f1 drivers.. can i request angst to fluff with seb vettel where him and reader are dating but he breaks up with the her to focus on the wdc (set in 2013) and she ends up rebounding with fernando which makes seb really jealous,, anyways after winning he publicly confesses his love for the reader or something, u can choose whether the reader gets back with seb or stays with fernando idm teehee ❤️❤️ love youu (anonymous)
Word Count: 1095 words
(author's note: another longer one !! i did think i was going to have to postpone it but i managed to get it finished for you all 🩷)
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Sebastian always knew he wanted to be a World Champion. Ever since he was a little boy in his racing kart, he knew he wanted to be one of the best racing drivers the world had ever seen. He also knew that he would sacrifice anything to achieve his dreams, but he never thought it would actually get to that point.
It was mid-way through the 2013 Formula 1 season and Sebastian was one of the strongest contenders for the Championship. His girlfriend at the time, Y/N, couldn't be more proud of Sebastian, especially since she knew how hard he had worked to get to his current position.
However, after a meeting with his strategists, team leaders and various other important people, Sebastian's perspective of his relationship had been tainted and darkened. Somehow the meeting had managed to brainwash him into thinking Y/N was a distraction. An enemy. An obstacle; preventing his Championship dreams from coming true.
The next step in Sebastian's Championship chase was a heated argument with Y/N in his drivers room. Insults were hurled, every single one out of anger, not one of them holding any truth. And then came the final devastating line;
“I'm done. We're over,” Sebastian said. His gaze was cold as he stared at Y/N, eyes void of any emotion.
Her lip trembled as she nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. Y/N turned on her heel and headed towards the door. As her fingers grasped the handle, she hesitated.
“Good luck with the Championship. I hope it's worth it.”
With that, she opened the door and walked out.
Eventually the season came to a close. Sebastian Vettel was World Champion. Again. But something wasn't right. He should be happy, right? He had gotten what he wanted all along.
Wrong. All Sebastian felt while holding his trophy was guilt and regret. The pit in his stomach deepened even further when he saw Y/N in the crowd with a man's arm wrapped around her waist. His eyes moved to the face of the individual and he did a double take when he realised who it was.
Fernando Alonso.
Sebastian had been too caught up in training and strategizing to see that Y/N had moved on. He saw the adoration in her eyes as she looked at the man next to her. He knew that look all too well, because that's how she used to look at him.
Maybe they were just friends? Sebastian's brain was thinking of every possible explanation. He hadn't actually seen or heard any confirmation they were dating. Although he had been too caught up in his own life to even notice anything or anyone else.
Before he could realise, he was being forced into an interview on stage.
“Sebastian!” The interviewer began, “World Champion again, how does it feel?”
“Uh- yeah it feels great obviously, it's always been my dream to be up here, winning as many times as possible.”
“Do you have anything you'd like to say to the fans in front of you?”
“Well, thank you for all your continued support, it means the world to me,” He said smiling at the crowd, “But most of all, I want to say sorry to one person in particular. Y/N, I wish I could take back everything I said to you all those months ago. This victory feels hollow without you to celebrate it with.”
The interviewer looked stunned and so did the crowd.
Y/N's face dropped when she heard Sebastian's improvised speech. As she felt the weight of thousands of eyes on her, she began to move through the crowd. Pushing through bodies, she desperately tried to escape the masses of people. Fernando was hot on her heels, not wanting his girlfriend to be alone.
Sebastian saw her rush off through the crowd and he knew he had royally messed everything up.
"Y/N, wait! I'm sorry, just wait please-" Sebastian thrust the microphone he was holding into the interviewer's hand and scrambled off the stage. He shoved his way through the fans frantically, following the footsteps of his ex-girlfriend.
He eventually found her (and Fernando) outside the Ferrari garage. Y/N's face was pressed into Fernando's chest as she sobbed. Sebastian watched from afar, realising what he had actually done. He knew he needed to speak to Y/N, but he didn't know if she would want to speak to him.
Sebastian eventually mustered up the courage to walk over to the pair. Fernando spotted him first, his face twisting into one of disgust.
"What do you want Vettel? You have your Championship, come to ask for my girlfriend too?"
"No! I just- I wanted-"
"You were so bold a moment ago? Spit it out, don't you think you've done enough damage for one day?" Fernando spat.
"Look, I know what I did was wrong, and I want to apologise.”
Y/N moved away from her boyfriend's chest and looked up at the blonde man infront of her.
“I'll meet you in your drivers room Fernando, I'd like to hear this.”
The Spaniard nodded, pressed a kiss to Y/N's forehead and walked off.
An awkward silence fell over the pair.
"So, you and Fernando? When did that happen?"
"Why does that matter? We broke up months ago, Sebastian. I moved on, you clearly didn't."
"Look, I'm glad you're happy now. If I knew about you and Fernando I never would've made a scene, I promise. I just realised that all the Championships and celebrations have meant nothing without you.”
"Too little too late Sebastian. I wanted you to win as much as you wanted to win yourself. But you couldn't see that. You were blinded by your ambitions, and I couldn't compete with that.”
"I'm sorry.”
"I know you are.”
Y/N stared at Sebastian pitifully. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him gently. He was taken aback, but he accepted the embrace gratefully.
"You'll find someone else to celebrate with, you're Sebastian Vettel.”
"It still won't be the same without you.”
The pair finally broke out of the hug and tears glistened in Sebastian's eyes.
"Fernando's waiting for me, I should probably go. Goodbye Sebastian.”
"Goodbye Y/N. I hope you can forgive me someday.”
"I've always forgiven you Seb, before you even knew you were sorry."
With one last shared look, Y/N turned around and headed off to find Fernando, leaving Sebastian standing alone. He had achieved his dreams and more, but at the cost of his future.
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tervaneula · 1 year
Yuichi hadn’t expected to run into two of his best friends from Neo Edo at the Hidden City markets and he definitely didn’t expect the direction the conversation had eventually taken. 
"You're dating a ninja?!" Chizu laughs so hard her breath wheezes and Kitsune stifles a snort into her sleeve. Yuichi's cheeks flush crimson under his fur. 
"W-what's so funny about that? You're a ninja!" 
"Yes, but I'm not dating an idiot samurai," Chizu says. That makes Kitsune burst into laughter, right in Yuichi's face. 
"Oh my gosh, Chizu is right. What does that guy see in you? Is he as big of an idiot as you are? When are you gonna introduce us?!" 
Yuichi resists the urge to pull his ears over his eyes and pretend this conversation never happened when he catches a glimpse of a familiar shade of blue against green on the other side of the street. Leonardo is tall and it's not hard to spot him in a crowd, even among yokai. 
"Well uh, you're just about to meet him," he mutters, desperately wishing for the heat on his cheeks to cool down. It’s not too obvious say, to a stranger, but Leonardo most definitely isn’t one and he can't have the red-eared slider see right away how embarrassed his friends are able to make him. "And he's not an idiot!" 
Kitsune just laughs but her eyes are sparkling with curiosity. Chizu seems interested as well and Yuichi thanks his lucky stars that she's quick to calm down, he doesn't know what he would do if both of his friends were unable to behave in front of his new boyfriend. Luckily (or not) he doesn’t have time to fully spiral into a flustered panic when a voice calls out to him. 
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He turns towards the approaching turtle and can’t help but smile at the sight of him. The answering grin on the striped face is stupidly handsome and Yuichi forgets all about fighting down the blush on his face. He’s smitten, so what? If he wasn’t already flushed he certainly would be now and Leonardo deserves to see how much he likes him, actually. Something in him settles and the rabbit is certain that despite their teasing, his friends will love Leonardo. 
“Your friends seem nice,” Leonardo hums on their walk back to Yuichi’s house. The slider had offered to portal him home but instead, Yuichi had asked for a walk and invited him over for a cup of tea. He wasn’t quite ready for the day to end yet. 
“Glad you think so,” he smiles, “they really liked you. Not that it was a surprise.” 
Leonardo looks a little taken aback by that but he just chuckles and leans against the wall as Yuichi fishes for his keys. He looks a bit tired and the rabbit wonders if it’s the phantom pains again. Well, nothing a big cup of his auntie’s tea won’t help soothe, he smiles softly to himself as the door clicks open and he gives a little bow to the turtle. 
“Ladies first!” he jokes, and Leonardo laughs. He ruffles Yuichi’s hair on his way past him and the rabbit sticks his tongue out at him. He might be over forty but age will never stop him from being the impulsive little shit that he has always been. Leonardo, with surprising grace, pretends not to notice and slips on the guest slippers before quickly snatching Yuichi’s bag from his shoulder and disappearing into the kitchen to unload the groceries, humming a tune Yuichi can’t place. 
"You two seem like a good match." 
Yuichi turns to look at Chizu. She's looking at Leonardo and Kitsune squabbling over the last piece of mochi, a thoughtful expression on her face. 
"You heard me," she chuckles, shifting her amber eyes to Yuichi. There's a softness in them that takes the rabbit off guard. 
"He's a true leader. A brilliant strategist with charisma to match. I can tell. But there's also the burden that comes with it," she lowers her voice toward the end. "He's been through hell – don't look at me like that, he didn't say much but what he did say was enough for me to connect the dots – and this is where you come in. He needs to goof around and be stupid, things that were taken from him too early. He needs to be looked at with fresh eyes, to be loved for who he is now and not for the role he was born to fulfil – and who else is better suited for that than our very own silly rabbit?" 
Yuichi belatedly realises his jaw is hanging open and he closes his mouth with a click. Chizu has always been bright, brighter than anyone else in their little found family, maybe save for Karasu-Tengu, but despite the obvious parallels between the two he was not expecting her to jump right into analysing the mutant turtle to the core on their first meeting. As dense as he may be, it doesn’t slip past him how most of the things Chizu said were very true for her all those years back. 
"And how is he good for you, in turn?" the cat's eyes glimmer as her mouth twists into a smirk. "He can lend you some of those brain cells you so very desperately need." 
Yuichi groans and punches her on the shoulder. She doesn't even flinch, brushing it off with a grin. 
Yuichi closes the door behind him slowly, staring after his boyfriend. Chizu's words echo in his mind, I'm happy for you, and his chest feels odd. Full and tight and so, so warm. 
He takes a deep breath and feels the expected burst of butterflies settle into something new, calm and gentle. It’s a feeling he hasn’t felt before but somehow he knows what it means. 
He can’t wait to feel it more. 
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ilikekidsshows · 3 months
You said that Marinette would make a good leader because she's good at directing people to use their skill. After 5 season do you think Marinette is really a good leader?
So, I haven’t changed my mind about Marinette’s strategic output. She is still a brilliant strategist and knows how to take advantage of the heroes and powers at her disposal. However, leadership is more than strategy, and, as the team gets larger and the temporary heroes join up for fights more frequently, the areas of leadership where Marinette is lacking become more and more apparent.
So, here’s the thing. Marinette’s weaknesses as a leader have always been consistency and communication. She is incredibly inconsistent about the rules and expectations of the team and she grows even more inconsistent in seasons 4 and 5. In addition, Marinette is incredibly bad at communicating her expectations to the team, and listening to the team’s opinions. These both play into that unfair treatment I’ve said she puts on Cat Noir, but it’s not just Cat Noir she treats unfairly because of these weaknesses.
First off, let’s discuss the inconsistency of rules. This is most prominent with the secret identity rule of no Miraculous holder must reveal their identity to anyone, friend or foe, or they will lose their Miraculous. How much Marinette actually follows this rule is on a completely case-by-case basis, which means it’s not actually a rule at all, but she treats it as one when she feels like it.
Like, let’s start with the classic case of Chloé and the Bee Miraculous. While I don’t think Chloé is entitled to the Bee Miraculous just because she was the first one to use it, it is also true that Marinette failed to properly communicate to Chloé that she had been kicked off the team. Because, here’s the thing. Despite the fact that Chloé’s secret identity has been public since the start, Marinette didn’t actually stick with the rule of “reveal your identity and you lose your Miraculous”. Marinette called on Chloé to use the Bee Miraculous repeatedly after her debut, so, when Marinette kept not putting her foot down on the matter that Chloé was off the team for good in season 3, Chloé was fully expecting to get the Miraculous again at some point. That wasn’t just Chloé’s poor understanding of boundaries at play; Marinette didn’t actually tell her she was off the team, a fact Cat Noir criticized her for. So, when Marinette finally did try to tell Chloé that she couldn’t be given the Bee because the villains knew who she was and made it risky, Chloé no longer believed it. It wasn't consistent with how Marinette had, in fact, called on her despite her identity being public.
Then there’s the one that came back to not bite her in the ass even though it really should have: Alya’s special treatment. Alya repeatedly gets the Fox Miraculous back despite various different secret identity failures. The first time it was actually Marinette herself breaking the rules by giving Alya and Nino their Miraculouses at the same time, revealing their secret identities to each other. But, even after Hawk Moth discovers Alya’s identity, Marinette keeps giving her the Fox Miraculous, simply doing some trickery to make Hawk Moth think Alya doesn’t have the Miraculous anymore. This loophole means it’s not about secrecy, it’s about what Hawk Moth knows, but even that is true only in this case.
In ‘Miracle Queen’ Hawk Moth discovers the secret identities of basically all the then-recruited support heroes. Despite this, Marinette keeps using all of them in season 4 and only stopped using them because she didn’t have the Miraculouses to give to them anymore. So, in the end, it doesn’t even matter if Hawk Moth knows your secret identity. So, the secret identities aren’t a big deal then, right?
Oh, they totally are, actually, because Marinette still refuses to let Cat Noir in on all the support heroes’ identities, even the ones Hawk Moth is already aware of. She also doesn’t tell him about Rena Furtive, because that’s too much of a security risk for some undisclosed reason. And this is where we enter Marinette’s inability to communicate her expectations. Marinette doesn’t tell Cat Noir anything, ever, and doesn’t let him do even something so little as handling the Miraculouses of the identities he’s aware of for five minutes to save herself a little bit of effort. She lets Cat Noir know she’s overworked and stressed out, but lets him also mistakenly believe she’s handling it all alone, because her getting increasing amounts of support from Alya is a secret. This communicates to Cat Noir he should also carry everything by himself, which she does expect him to do, outright saying she’d be upset if she ever found out he’d revealed his secret identity to someone.
And yet, this standard doesn’t actually apply to herself. She cracked under pressure and told Alya her secret identity. She didn’t even consider whether or not that meant she should quit because of the rules. She also didn’t even consider if this huge breach of said rules is something Cat Noir should know about. This is because, as I said, they are only rules when she wants them to be. Marinette is being held to no standards, while other teammates are being held to inconsistent standards, and Cat Noir is held to the highest standards imaginable.
Marinette also sucks at communication in general. Cat Noir knows less identities than their main villain, and he’s being kept in the dark about things that he would benefit greatly from knowing, like that Rena Furtive is stalking them a lot of the time and that their permanent holder team actually has three members instead of two. She also didn't tell him about having a potential backup Ladybug. Scarabella had to explain the situation to him. Marinette also absolutely refuses to listen when one of her team members tells her something she doesn’t want to hear.
Cat Noir’s concerns over Chloé not being told she was off the team went completely ignored. As stated in other posts on this blog, Cat Noir’s concerns about his own mental state also go completely ignored. Cat Noir’s concern about Ladybug’s mental health in Kuro Neko gets him snapped at. And it’s not just Cat Noir who gets this. Most of the teammates don’t really dare question Ladybug, but Alya does after she knows Ladybug is also her best friend. Except, for all she calls Alya her best friend, she doesn’t listen to her either. When Marinette was pushing Alya to not tell Nino that she was still using the Fox Miraculous, she completely ignored all arguments Alya made against the demand, simply insisting “but you must” and “that’s what I did”, until Alya stopped protesting. Marinette refuses to listen to anything that isn’t “yes, ma’am,” and any leader who refuses to listen to their team is a bad one.
However, this refusal to listen also brings up a downside of the whole “Marinette is good at directing how to use Miraculous powers.” She also doesn’t let anyone use their powers without her say-so. The only Miraculous powers used in fights in the later seasons are ones that are a part of her plan. Marinette’s gameplan is the only gameplan allowed, and the only contribution most teammates get is “pull the trigger when I say so”. Marinette doesn’t actually trust her team to make judgement calls without her.
None of these issues were too noticeable when the team was just Marinette and Cat Noir, who wasn't afraid of improvising at times. However, the bigger the team gets, the more Marinette's control freak tendencies start to control the way she leads.
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anotherpjofan · 4 months
It always bugs me how Percy is so dependent on Annabeth for plans in HOO, I mean this is the boy that orchestrated a lot of the defense during the Battle for Manhattan! Like he was leading that battle! And it worked - it kept the monsters out of Manhattan/the Empire State Building long enough for reinforcements to show up (Party Ponies) and with the addition of Party Ponies, able to force Kronos to shift his barrier to a far smaller area! Like that is incredible! Percy is a brilliant strategist and it's a pity that RR reduced him down to powerful/comedic in the series, especially when Annabeth is present.
I know the Doylian reason for this is because for some reason RR overpowered the 5 new characters to the series and needed Annabeth to be equal to them in some way, so she became the only leader, the only strategist and the only one capable of it. And like there was no reason for them to be as powerful as they were? Like Jason, Hazel. Fine. They're Big Three Kids. Frank? He's powerful yes, but his abilities are greatly hampered by the fact that he literally holds his life in his hands, or rather in his pocket. But Leo and Piper? There should be no reason for them to be nearly as powerful as they are in the books. But if RR wanted all 5 kids to have powers, then he could have at least tried to balance Annabeth out. Like instead of giving Hazel Mist powers, when she has her own earth powers which would have been fascinating to see in the final battle of HOH, give it to Annabeth. Have her learn the Mist instead and use it to help her against Arachne. Like I understand the desire to have Annabeth to defeat Arachne using wisdom and logic, but having the Mist to help would definitely make it interesting.
This would be such a good premise for an AU????? hello???? cause we know that Thalia actually learned to manipulate the mist so she could have thought Annabeth and Annabeth being Annabeth obviously wouldn’t be satisfied with the basics and would have learned all that she could -
but yeah rick for sure fumbled and realised he overpowered percy (hence removal of the achilles curse) and needed some way to make sure the others were on the same level and something I noticed early on is that Percy and Annabeth are equals as in for every strategy that Annabeth comes up with Percy comes up with one that saves all of their assesses too. the only difference is that percy’s opinion is biased and he dumbs it down cause he doesn’t think highly of himself but from an outsiders perspective it’s clearly calculated yknow. like we see it as early as in book with where he bribes charon and manipulates crusty into his own torture device again this isn’t taking anything away from annabeth but I just need to let it be known that annabeth would never be with someone who she thinks is stupid like cmon girl would go crazy in a day like she genuinely respects percy and trusts his crazy plans
that being said firm believer of annabeth chase having powers. like yes she’s smart and all but ngl we really don’t see her explicitly showcasing it?? like other characters also have the same ability/planning abilities so where is her athena knowledge coming from?? (correct me if i’m wrong btw) but yeah rick fr did the others dirty
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cynthiav06 · 13 days
Percy is a dude from the category of screaming "what the hell did you do!" and solve all the problems in 5 minutes. Everyone would have been dead a long time ago if it wasn't for him.
I have mixed opinions on this. On one hand, Percy is the type of person to wait about for the problem to disappear by itself just so he doesn't have to deal with it. Cause even before he found out he was a demigod, he was 100% done with everyone's shit.
But I do agree that he would be able to solve all problems because through so many books we have seen that no matter how much prior planning Annabeth or the Seven or anyone else does, Percy always does his own thing at the end. And it works out mostly for the better than whatever initial situation anyone else had in mind because Percy thinks almost too well on his feet. Every time.
But Percy has such low self esteem that he sees the fact that he has to make so many improvisations more so as his plans never working as less so as an exceptional ability to adapt. Especially when at times he can easily sense that some titan/giant is too powerful so he maneuvers around a direct fight and ends up defeating them by pure strategy and still ends up thinking of himself as "Oh shit I seriously had no plans. I am so reckless and stupid".
His whole character arc could have been evolving into a more confident and self assured but still the usual sarcastic laid back version of himself who no longer doubts his own abilities and becomes the great leader he showed many signs of being. But no, Rick had to ruin it all because, for some reason, 10+ books later and almost all the characters are still the same, just decorated with even more trauma. Rick being Rick, and instead of showing characters working out their traumas and insecurities, he just slaps a relationship on them, and lo and behold, all is better again somehow.
I am kind of disappointed that we never got to see Percy or any other members of the Seven do any solo missions(aside from Annabeth in MoA) . She almost had the very quintessential realization about she needs others and how her hubris will ruin everything if she doesn't keep it in check only for whatever she was doing in the later parts House of Hades and all of Chalice of the Gods to take away even that little bit of character development.
And cause solo missions working out perfectly well for Percy while most other demigods struggle a bit to make it work might finally make him realize that his plans don't suck and he is actually a really really good strategist and somehow an even better manipulator. (Though more on that and his observational skills later).
Or make characters like Frank and Leo whose unique abilities and perspectives on combat could have been shown off more, making them all become more self-reliant.
And even so we could finally get proper idea of limits of certain characters like Piper (cause charmspeak isn't going to get her everywhere) or Hazel (we so need more scenes of her surprising demigods and monsters with not only her unique jewel abilities and her magic.) Plus Nico's combat limits, Jason's stamina limits (no I am not considering that part of canon, you can't tell me it's true, I refuse to stand by it), Thalia's character development as well as her honing her powers and combat abilities more.
So yeah, we really should have gotten a few solo missions instead of so many short stories and all. And a bit more cross-over highlighting the power levels between the Norse, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian demigods/magicians/Valhalla residents/Valkyrie and so on.
To sum it up, tons of missed opportunities by Riordan and even more tragic and terrible progression of previously great characters who just needed a well-made character arc or even some favoritism. (I am looking at Grover and Rachel, who both could have done so so much if Rick had only realized the awesome potential they had).
I have said it many times that it's #percy jackson supremacy. So hell yes everyone would be dead without him, and he is arguably the best protagonist out of any other fantasy action book series. All hail Percy Jackson, the master of sass, and the most beloved but somehow still the most misinterpreted character in the fandom. Really liked this ask, would love more of these regarding Percy or any other characters.
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myfavoritesstuff · 7 months
Crimson Hearts
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Prompt: The Sturniolo triplets are a part of the most feared mafia. They are ruthless, vicious, and cunning. But to you, they are so much more.
Your father has made a deal with the Sturniolo triplets in order to save his company. What is this deal? An arranged marriage of course.
Warning(s): Mafia type stuff, mean words are said.
Note: please read all the way through, it gets better I promise. Also, I will make this into a series, and each chapter will be longer than this one.
Part 2
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The triplets background
In the heart of the underworld, the Sturniolo triplets– Nick, Matt, and Chris– were born into a legacy of shadows and power. Their parents, Marylou and James Sturniolo, were revered leaders of the most formidable mafia known to the modern world. The Sturniolo name was always whispered with fear in every part of the city.
Marylou, the matriarch, was a master strategist, her mind a labyrinth of plots and secrets. She was the unseen hand guiding the gang’s moves, her decision always three steps ahead of any adversary. James, on the other hand, was the iron fist, ruling with a charismatic yet unyielding grip.
The triplets, each with their own distinct personality, were raised in a world where loyalty was the highest currency and betrayal was met with swift retribution. Nick, the eldest by mere minutes, possessed a natural charm and a sharp wit, often serving as the face of the younger Sturniolos’. Matt, the middle child, was the thinker, his analytical mind always finding the angle no one else saw. Chris, the youngest, was the wildcard, fearless and impulsive, with a penchant for finding trouble– and getting out of it. The three became symbols of a new era for the gang as their talents and skills honed to perfection.
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Your background:
In the quiet comfort of your suburban life, you had only heard whispers of the Sturniolo triplets through hushed conversations and sensational headlines. To you, they were figures of a distant, shadowy world, notorious for their ruthlessness and the power they wielded in the city’s underground. The stories painted them as merciless, with hearts of stone and wills of iron, commanding respect and fear in equal measure.
Your life, in stark contrast, was a portrait of tranquility. You lived in a wealthy neighborhood where the biggest concern was the occasional lost cat or late newspaper delivery. Your days were filled with the simple pleasures of coffee with friends, jogs in the park, and the comfort of a good book by the fireplace.
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
It was supposed to be a simple deal. It really was. The deal: to give the Sturniolo gang any weapons or technology they required or needed in exchange to be kept alive and not be bothered. Nothing could possibly go wrong. So why did everything fall apart?
It was during a party when the Sturniolo triplets made their entrance. It didn’t take long to notice them, not that you could ignore them. They radiated a presence that screamed death. Each step measured. Nick, with his sharp suit and sharper gaze, had the air of a man who knew the weight of his charm and used it like a weapon. Matt’s eyes, analytical and piercing, seemed to take in every detail, calculating the potential of every interaction. Chris, with a mischievous smile playing on his lips, exuded a sense of danger and excitement that was almost palpable.
They made their way to your father. You couldn’t tell what they were talking about, and tried making your way over. But before you knew it, they had vanished. Turning your head around, you searched, but no luck. However you did manage to get a peak of your father's face. Cold sweat was running down his face.
Oh no, something must have happened. But surely that’s not possible. For years the Sturniolo gang has relied on your family’s company to supply them with weapons. And for years you have. What could have happened?
Confused, you made your way over to your father. “Dad, what happened? Is everything okay?” Immediately shaking his head, your father sighed and looked down, not being able to make eye contact.
“No. I’ve lost…” While he seemed to know what he was talking about, you surely didn’t.
“I don’t understand.”
“The Sturniolo’s have demanded that we supply them more weapons, since they have been having problems with rival gangs. It’s getting to a point where it will be hard to keep supplying them. They're asking for more than we can make. I told them this and now they have a proposal.”
“Which is…?” This seemed to peak your interest. What type of proposal could say your family and the company?
“It’s a deal where you are to be married to one of the sons, more specifically the middle child.”
“Matt Sturniolo?! That’s the deal?! Are you insane?!”
“No I’m not,” your father argued. “I’m thinking of the future. And if the future is being taken over by the mafia, then it may as well be in your interest to marry him.” You looked at your father astounded by what you just heard leaving his mouth.
“But Dad, I’m your daughter! You can’t give me up like that! And how would they even agree to something like that?!”
“Be silent! I’m your father! I know what’s best for the future of this family and company.” You now were absolutely livid. How could your father just do that to you? You were about to say something, but he beat you to speaking.
“Now, I suggest you start packing your bags, since you're going to be living with them from now on.” You started walking past him, but before you left the room you spoke.
“For once in my entire life, I am ashamed that you are my father.” You then walked out the room not daring to look back.
How would Matt even agree to something like this? You laid on your bed questioning all the events that happened that evening. Oh well, I guess I’ll be able to ask these questions directly to him tomorrow. You soon fell asleep, holding onto hope that you would wake up tomorrow and it would all just be a dream.
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