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noodmuz · 7 months ago
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Day 12 - Sneak Attack
Pssst! X>
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mutualcombat · 6 months ago
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(werner herzog voice) i would like to see the baby
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foolishsunshine · 7 months ago
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✨ chaotic pingu posting ✨
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queenoftriforce · 7 months ago
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Mine mine mine
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moojije · 7 months ago
One nice sunny day and….POOL PARTY IS HERE, MY FRIEND!!
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Snapshot //
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lakefu · 6 months ago
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Augustarion Day 21 : Autumn 🍂
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snowfolly · 6 months ago
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He was a baby once ;u;
(A day late for flowers but at least I got one done lol)
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roguishcat · 6 months ago
Augustarion Day 7 – Underwear
Day 1 -🍓, Day 2 - 🌊, Day 4 - Mythologies, Day 6 - Cream, Day 14 - Protective, Day 15 - Shirt that goes hard
Pairing: female reader (You) x Astarion
Tags: fluff with a tiny bit of angst
Excerpt: “Astarion, my love,” you began in a deceptively light tone as he approached your bed, “Quite coincidentally, I was just going through the lovely collection of underwear which you have gifted me since we got to the city. And seeing as you embroidered every single thing with such meticulous care, I couldn’t help but admire the beautiful work that you did. Every piece of lingerie with my name, embroidered in elvish. How sweet.”
Astarion felt a chill run down his spine, the treacly sweetness of your voice making him want to run. You couldn’t have possibly found out, right?
Word count: 1.9k
A/N This was supposed to be smut, but ended up being feels.
Astarion was in an excellent mood. Everything was going according to plan as you bagged a win after win, defying all odds.
You managed to obtain the second Netherstone, proving yourself to be a strong leader and brilliant strategist, confidently leading them into battle against the cultists. You defeated Orin and rescued Lae’zel, although Astarion still couldn’t understand why the githyanki didn’t just kill the shapeshifter herself.
Honestly. For such a formidable warrior she was quite good at letting herself be the damsel in distress. Not that he would ever say that to her face. He quite liked his head to remain on his shoulders and was sure that a thoughtless comment like that would be all the reason she needed to reach for her sword.
Of course, his fantastic mood was not the result of rescuing the githyanki. Lae’zel was no fun, as she barely tolerated his antics even on a good day. No, what had Astarion excited was the delicious promise in your eyes when you brushed past him earlier.
The others decided to celebrate their victory with a drink or ten, but you pulled him aside and whispered that you were waiting for him upstairs, giving his biceps a squeeze before sauntering off. Seeing as it would be just the two of you not getting sloshed, Astarion had a strong inkling that he knew exactly how his evening would go. And he had a little something that he picked up at Facemaker’s Boutique that he couldn’t wait for you to try on!
When Astarion entered the shared room at Elfsong, he could see that you were already there and scantily clothed. So far, an excellent start! He smirked and closed the door behind him.
“Darling, you look ravishing. But why don’t you put this lovely set on instead, hm? The pearly beads on the front gave me all sorts of exquisite, wicked ideas," he dropped his voice and all but purred as his eyes travelled up the length of your legs.
“Astarion, my love,” you began in a deceptively light tone as he approached your bed, “Quite coincidentally, I was just going through the lovely collection of underwear which you have gifted me since we got to the city. And seeing as you embroidered every single thing with such meticulous care, I couldn’t help but admire the beautiful work that you did. Every piece of lingerie with my name, embroidered in elvish. How sweet.”
Astarion felt a chill run down his spine, the treacly sweetness of your voice making him want to run. You couldn’t have possibly found out, right?
“Except, Shadowheart was kind enough to translate for me. Most considerate of her, isn’t it? Making sure that I know exactly what is stitched across my butt.”
Astarion laughed nervously and backed away, feeling that there is very little he could say in his defense. Perhaps if he got away from you for a bit and gave you time to calm down, you would both laugh about it in a day or two. One could hope. Without breaking eye contact, he felt for the doorhandle, but it wouldn’t budge.
Shit. Arcane lock on the door. Apparently, he was in very hot water and this conversation was happening.
“Let’s have a look at what do we have here, hm?” you spoke with a smile, humming as you selected a delicate, pretty blue pair.
“Do sit,” you said in a tone that left no room for argument.
Astarion swallowed nervously and reluctantly did as he was told, sitting on the opposite side of the bed with a pout. He knew this whole relationship idea was bad news from the very beginning.
“Cheeky pup,” you read without looking at him.
“You have to admit, darling, it’s not that bad-”
“If you can read this, I’m going to kill you,” you went on, picking a silk pair next.
“Well, I suppose that it is open to interpretation.”
“If found, return to Astarion,” you snapped your head in his direction.
“Well,” he gave a nervous laugh, “you do have a tendency to get into scrapes. And this way you-”
“The one that got lucky,” you lifted your eyebrows.
Ah, yes. He didn’t have anything to say in his defense here.
“Sucked dry.”
Astarion did some mental gymnastics as he tried to come up for some justifiable excuse to his actions.
“It’s not going to spank itself.”
Your honor, he had nothing.
“Best meal,” you pinched the bridge of your nose, not sure which one of these you found the most ridiculous.
“And, of course, there is still the pair that I’m wearing now. Which, if I recall correctly, you said was your favourite,” you crossed your arms and gave him a hard look. Astarion tried to seem visibly chastened, like a man ready to repent. You didn’t fall for it. You saw the way his lips twitched as he tried to fight back a smile.
“Do you know how stupid I felt when Shadowheart asked me why I just took what you said at face value? I wouldn't mind it if it was us having an in-joke, although some of these are just terrible, but why did you lie? Was it to laugh at my expense?” You threw the scrap of fabric at his chest, Astarion catching it with a quick, smooth movement.
“No, nothing like that!” he assured you passionately, hating that he made you feel this way. “It’s more of a- I don’t know,” Astarion groaned and ran his hand through his curls, not really sure how to explain what he was thinking at the time. Perhaps he wasn’t really thinking at all.
“I suppose I’m still getting used to- to whatever this is,” he admitted with some reluctance, looking down at his lap. “To having someone to share my thoughts with. To not being punished for stepping out of line. This whole being myself thing… It’s new.”
Your eyes locked with his as he looked up at you. Astarion could be a very believable liar, but he did have his tells. Such as playing with his fingers when he got nervous, worried or a little too vulnerable.
In spite of still being annoyed, you hated seeing him looking this dejected.
“Oh hells, I can’t stay mad at you when you pull out those eyes,” you smacked his arm.
“I know, my sweet,” he took your hand into his, placing a kiss onto the underside of your wrist, his tongue darting out to give it a quick lick.  
“But this was so childish!” you tried to keep your voice steady as he kissed his way up your arm. That was cheating. He knew what made you weak at the knees a little too well and was not playing fair.
“I know, punish me as you see fit,” he pulled you closer until you all but fell into him. “I will accept my fate without a word of complaint.”
“Without complaint? Now that would be something to see,” you chortled, pushing him away as you sensed that he was about to pounce.
You were not really angry. Just exasperated and annoyed at having to constantly figure him out. But now that Astarion gave you an explanation, however limited and disjointed, you were not really sure what to do. Perhaps you could have a little fun, though.
You plucked ‘the lucky one’ pair off the bed and waved it in front of his face with a grin.
“Put these on?”
“My love, this is a punishment. Say it with more conviction, more authority,” he growled and gripped your thigh tightly.
“Now,” you commanded, eyes flashing, chin lifted defiantly.
“Of course, my lady. Right away,” he gave you a shallow bow, making quick work of his clothes and then shimmying out of his underwear. You looking away with a blush was met with a self-satisfied chuckle. Astarion still delighted in the fact that even after all the times you were intimate, he still had the ability to fluster you with little effort.
“And you have to spend the whole evening in these,” you reminded him as he put his clothes back on.
“Hardly a punishment for me. It is you who will have to spend the whole evening imagining me in these. Do try to keep your composure in public. Wouldn’t want to find myself thrown against the wall in an alley and ravished as your hunger trumps reason. Now, allow your humble servant to assist you with your wardrobe, my lady.”
He got your clothes out and lay them on the bed, coaxing you out of your bathrobe and taking his time in dressing you, fingers gliding against skin as he delighted in hearing your breath hitch whenever he touched a particularly sensitive spot.
“Dearest,” Astarion lifted your chin with his finger, “I hope you didn’t feel the need to strip for Shadowheart to translate what is written on the underwear you are currently wearing.”
“No, I just assumed it was something silly and juvenile. Why?”
“No, nothing,” he answered a little too quickly.
“Astarion, just tell me.”
He took his time folding up your bathrobe and putting it away, not looking at you. And it could be a trick of candlelight, but you could swear that the tips of his ears were tinged pink.
“Mrs. Ancunín,” he mumbled and cleared his throat.
You did not react immediately. And apparently you not saying anything was worse than you rejecting the idea outright.
“I suppose it’s just wishful thinking on my part,” he gave a small, humorless laugh. “We don’t know if we can survive whatever horrors await us in the near future. And I am not exactly the best choice, far from it. There is very little I can offer and-”
You put your fingers on his lips and pecked his cheek, making his eyes fall shut as he savored the feeling.
“I’d love that. Truly. But I think that you are right. The next few weeks are going to be a lot. And if you still feel like asking at some point in the future, though I will love you no matter what you decide, I'm open to having this conversation. ”
He kissed your hand and then pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, letting up a little when he realised that breathing was a necessity for you.
“Can’t believe that you sort of proposed to me with a message on my butt,” he heard you mumble and laughed.
“You knew what you were getting yourself into,” he retorted as he heard the door unlock behind him, the spell no longer in place.
“Yes. I guess poor judgement was a prerequisite for entering this relationship?”
And so the evening went on delightfully, if not quite in the way Astarion expected. You smiled and laughed with your friends. Astarion cheated at cards and won a small fortune, grinning widely as he swept the gold off the table and pocketed it. Occasionally, you saw him hover close by as he tried to listen in on your conversations in a way that would seem inconspicuous if you didn’t constantly catch him staring. From time to time, he frowned and shifted.
“Comfy?” you grinned, catching on to what was happening.
“No, these are terrible! How do you bear it?” he hissed through clenched teeth.
“Well, they are cute and I like them. And to be fair, they were not made for comfort.”
“Tomorrow we are getting you the ugliest and most comfortable pair of granny panties which I will rip off just as enthusiastically come nighttime as any lacy number.”
You snorted and almost chocked on your wine.
A/N I imagine Astarion reclaiming his autonomy and learning how to be in a relationship is quite a learning curve, seeing that during the 200 years in servitude anything and everything could result in him being punished. The 'If you're reading this, you managed to bed or behead me. Either way, you got lucky' embroidery on his underwear was such a cheeky way to rebel. Brave too, all things considered. I imagine that it would take a while for Astarion to not hide something from others because hiding has been almost instinctive to him for so long.
Sorry for the long author's note. Hope you enjoyed the story!
💖 Tag list 💖:
@ninty900, @ayselluna, @dajeong, @ravenswritingroom,
@clazberryk, @anukulee,
@sh3rl0ck, @mellowenthusiast2299,
@fleetstreet78, @starlight-rogue,
@obsessedwhyyes, @arzen9
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a-cabin-in-midgard · 7 months ago
Augustarion Day 8: Crossover
Two powerful vampires bonding over some vintage. What are they gossiping about? Wrong answers only.
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chanza-panza · 6 months ago
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Finds a new way to retain his hypersensitivity within tadpole privileges
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kam-aesthetics · 7 months ago
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So on Twitter, there is an art challenge, #Augustarion. So I thought I’d start putting some art here. Week 1 involved the prompts: strawberries, pool party, apron, myths, Pokémon, cream, and underwear.
Challenge made by @PorekaGall on Twitter
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noodmuz · 7 months ago
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Day 10 - Adorable ÖwÖ
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baldurnuts · 6 months ago
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The last day is #thanksNeil (i'll try to add the skipped days)
For this one i just show the game here. I made it as a present to his birthday. My way to say thanks. OFC, it was mostly for fans, but it was created by me alone for 2+ month. The mechanics, the rules, the research and the drawings. All was done by me alone and just to be grateful.
If anybody wants to know more, let me know.
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jwera · 7 months ago
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Augustarion, Day 4: Mythologies
I decided to draw him as Dionysus... because I think it fits him just fine :P
I'm new at drawing in digital... and can't figure out much yet... but I hope you like it :)
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queenoftriforce · 6 months ago
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Every time
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moojije · 7 months ago
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Did you guys see that one Astarion’s MTG card?
I..I like it..🫣☺️
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