#it kinda tasted like milk cereal
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magicalgrimm · 2 years ago
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indiiglow · 3 months ago
Okay, this has been eating me alive for years and the only other person I know has it is fuckin Julien Solomita
Do you get this thing where you 'imprint' on food what you're doing at the time? Like, say, you're often having McDonald's chicken nuggets and playing Elden Ring, so now chicken nuggets taste like Elden Ring.
Please reblog for a bigger sample I am genuinely so curious
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minikinmission · 8 months ago
Treat Yo Self~
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It has been literal YEARS since I've eaten a chocolate chip Pop-Tart, so when I saw these flavors at my local grocery store, I NEEDED to snatch them up 😋
And I got the Lucky Charms marshmallows because, tragically, I developed lactose intolerance, and dry cereal feels weird in my mouth. But, I still crave the taste of Lucky Charms. So, marshmallows~
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girlivealwaysbean · 2 months ago
im so thankful to the cooking without fire class I took in 4th grade
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year ago
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 7
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You just have to trust him one last time.
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Brat Tamer!Jungkook, kinda himbo!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, Angst, minor injury, emotional kook, some lore [Tags will be different for every part!]
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Collab with @euphoricfilter ! 💜
-> Masterlist
Back home, he’s pacing.
He’s broken a plate in the sink while doing the dishes, cut his hand a little because of it, and he doesn’t know where you’ve put the first aid kit. And he also doesn’t want to text you and ask you because if he’s annoying you then he’s only gonna make it worse for himself to get on your good side again, and you’ll also scold him for being clumsy again.
So he just puts a random bandaid on his hand, and moves to vacuum the floors.
His plan is to have all the chores done by the time you get home, so that your mood will be good and he can work on falling into your favor again. He hopes that you’ll just stay over at your friend's for one night, that you’ll text him soon to ask him to pick you up- so that he can show you that the time of torture is over now, all of his work sent out and work email and phone now on vacation mode. He’s all yours again-
And he’s just waiting for you to be his again as well.
You’ve not really talked to him besides a morning game of battleships while he was eating bland cereal (because the milk tasted weird and he didn’t know if it was bad or not- and you weren’t there to ask), and that’s fine. Well it’s not really fine, but he accepts it as maybe your way to get back at him. And it’s a relatively small price to pay, considering the shit he’s pulled you through- just as long as you return to him.
He’s tripping over the cable of the old vacuum and almost falls face first onto the floor, just to catch himself on the edge of a table, causing the cable to tighten and pull the plug out of the socket. And in an odd way, the sudden silence makes him feel like he’s drowning. Usually, especially on a day like this, you’d both be running around the house to see who can get their shoes on first just to not be the one who’s gonna pay for the food you’re about to get. Or you’d both be still tangled in the sheets in bed, still drowsy from sleep and the exhaustion from your usual indulgence in love prior to falling asleep. Or you’d have some music on while folding laundry, jumping around in nothing but panties and another stolen shirt of his.
But you’re not here. What if that’s how it’s going to be from now on? Forever?
He’s biting his lip to prevent himself from becoming emotional again as he sits down in his office, opening the drawer underneath. Your present is still in there, safely tucked away in a fancy little box, and he just hopes that you can understand why he went through this with you the way he did. Growing up, he’s always been fed with this obsession of success, that if he’s not the one doing the sole work himself, then he’s not allowed to call his success his own. With a father in a law firm, a brother running a multi-million worth business, and a mother that owns several restaurants, he’s basically always been the black sheep.
Tattooed, pierced, designing his stupid games all day, and with no very impressive wealth to show for himself, he doesn’t have the best relationship with his family, if any at all. So he just became a husk, and accepted any form of love he could get- fucking around until he met you-
Someone who didn’t care. Someone who liked him just the way he was, with all his flaws and odd habits and frustrating traits. You challenge him, you’re not treating him like a stupid failure, you make sure he knows his worth despite the big gap between him and his brother for example. And maybe that’s what made him so attached to you over the course of time- he just can’t imagine a life without you anymore, because especially now, he notices how much he needs you.
And it’s not about the chores, or about the fact that you constantly save him from food poisoning- it’s your presence.
“Urgh!” He yells out, hands on his face as he presses the heels of his palms against his eyes.
“What’re you yelling for?” Your voice rings out, and he immediately slams the drawer shut, movement of his body stiffening up so quit that he crashes his knee into the underside of the desk, shaking everything on it, as he hisses but gets up anyways, limping towards you to pull you close. “Kook-“ you mumble muffled against his shoulder, but he just sways you around from left to right, head buried in the crook of your neck.
“Welcome home-“ he rambles, moving to kiss your cheeks before he freezes, wide eyed. “-fuck I should’ve asked if I could kiss you right? Shit babe I’m sorry-“ he rants, and you roll your eyes, running your hand through his slightly greasy hair.
“Its fine. Why’s the vacuum thrown around like a murder victim though?” You ask, detaching yourself from him as you move to pick it up and roll up the cord of it.
“I..wanted to do the chores before you came home. Which by the way-“ he says, following you around like a lost puppy. “-why didn’t you ask me to pick you up? It’s cold outside..” he whines, and you shrug.
“Gave me some time to think.” You say, and at that, he tenses up. “Jungkook.. I..” you sigh, before you turn around to face him. “I still don’t know why you’ve been like this and it really hurt me-“
“I can tell you now!” He rushes out. “Like, not all of it but most of it- enough of it, I promise!” He presses.
“I don’t want you to make up shit. If you don’t like me like that anymore-“ you begin, but he shakes his head, frantically pulls you closer to hug you.
“Don’t ever think like that. I love you, I really do..” he mumbles against the top of your head. “And I’ll prove it to you, promise.” He urges.
“How?” You meekly ask, unable to resist snaking your arms around his torso as well.
“Just trust me one last time.” He whispers, and it sends a chill down your spine just how serious he sounds.
“I promise it’ll be worth it.”
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toxictigertonic · 7 months ago
Alright, I've been cursed with new blorbos (don't worry DJ will always be my number one). Outlast trials has me in a chokehold, specifically Franco, but all the prime assets are running around in my brain causing problems. I'm subjecting you to my stupid food headcanons as a result:
- This mother fucker drinks hot sauce. Like. Chugs the shit. You can't take him anywhere without him bringing a bottle of Tabasco.
- Takes his coffee black, but will add a little sugar if no one is looking. Can't let people know that he doesn't like plain black coffee.
- He feels like a big breakfast kinda guy, with all the fixings. If you took him to a diner that'd be what he'd get, no matter the time of day.
- Would he disgusted by energy drinks EXCEPT classic redbull. Now imagine this man hyped up on caffeine.
- Would still eat his scrambled eggs if he got shells in them. Would say some shit like "the shells put hair on your chest"
- Trusting this man to bake anything is a fire hazard, it doesn't matter if it's those pre cut cookie rolls, they're catching fire.
- Says he hates desserts then stares down a slice of pecan pie from across the room like it owes him money.
- The only one I trust to cook tbh, and that's not saying much.
- If you took her to get coffee she'd get the sweetest thing on the menu (and Futterman would bitch and moan about it the whole time) or she'd get a chai latte. Futterman would demand a black coffee.
- I would trust her to make me an apple pie and then she'd put the drill in it bc the crust came out wrong.
- She feels like a woman who really likes jam. Maybe I am projecting but jam is cool.
- She will not touch an energy drink bc they taste bad to her, and bc Futterman would throw a fit about how bad they are for your teeth. No caffeine fueled death sprint for her, but based on her singing and the whole angel dust thing I don't think she needs it.
- I would make her pancakes she seems pretty cool.
- Likes the batter for desserts more than the finished products.
- God help us where do I begin
- On one hand I wanna say he makes some bomb ass Italian food. On the other hand I wanna say he burns cereal.
- Speaking of cereal, he's the kinda guy who let's his cereal turn to paste in the bowl before he eats it.
- Considering what we know about the wolf's milk drink, I'm frightened by this man's palette. Genuinely terrified.
- I think he would die if he tasted hot sauce. I think Coyle is aware of this fact and has plans.
- Give him an energy drink if you wanna see him start doing flips. He thinks they're gross but he's also like "fuck yeah pure sugar I love these"
- Likes his cookies so underdone that they're basically raw (me too chief)
- If you cooked him a homemade meal he'd cry while eating it. Then he'd get pissed because you made him cry.
- He's my little skrunkly doo so I'm feeding him wet plaster ❤️
If I'm wrong about anything bc it's actually stated in the lore I do not care tell Red Barrels to get their facts straight (/J I SWEAR)
I haven't had time to look at Gooseberry's or Coyle's lore so I don't know if they have some super important amazing cooking skills that I'm missing out on. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong or have your own ideas about these idiots.
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lovegalor333 · 4 months ago
fresh start
part three (chapter 7-9) previous part • next part
word count: 7.1k
content warnings: panic attack mentions of selfh*rm and depression
"What time does your shift start?" Madison asked me as we sat together eating breakfast in our apartment.
Kelsey and Hannah both had classes today so had already left but Madison and I had Wednesdays free.
"Not until 11." I glance at my phone, it was currently 9:45AM. "But I'm going to get there a little bit earlier because I don't actually know what I'm doing."
"Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be fun!" My roommate reassures. "Are you nervous?"
"Kinda, I don't want to mess anything up and I just hope everyone likes me." I say honestly.
"Hey, who couldn't like Lily? You're a ball of sunshine!" Madison compliments, "Don't stress it, they know it's your first day, I'm sure they'll be easy on you."
"I hope so." I huff finishing off my cereal before taking my bowl to the kitchen to clean it.
I had almost completed my first full week at UConn and I counted my blessings that it had been going well. I had made friends, enjoyed my first taste of classes and found a job. All things that worried me when it came to transferring. I'd also unintentionally met Paige and I don't know what the future holds with that but it feels nice right now.
We hadn't seen each other since our 'date' a few days ago but we started an almost constant message thread on Instagram. Paige sent the first message yesterday morning and it's basically been nonstop, back and forth from us both.
As if she knew I was thinking about her, my phone pinged with a notification,
[lily.kent] paigebueckers
just spoke to janet, you will be with us today
try not to stare pretty girl, you'll distract me
I smiled at the confirmation that I would be working with Paige and her teammates today, it put my mind at ease considering I'd met most of them already and of course I'd get to see Paige.
I cliked on the dm she had just sent and replied,
i cant make any promises
It was 10AM and my phone pinged again with my daily medication reminder. I went to my bedroom and swallowed down the pills that were singlehandedly keeping me alive. Without them, my brain just doesn't know how to function, it goes into full self destruct mode and getting out of that is the hardest thing of all.
I definitely still have some days that are hard despite being on medication but they're easier to deal with and come around less often.
I had decided a second coffee of the day was a good idea and I had just enough time to pick it up from, what's quickly becoming my usual spot, before my shift started.
The late August air was still warm so I had opted for a low waisted pair of jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt that stopped just before my bellybutton so the perfect amount of skin was showing.
I picked up my favourite order of an iced caramel latte with almond milk and took a slow walk to the athletics building, taking in my surroundings. More and more students had returned to campus over the weekend and beginning of this week so it was busy.
It reminded me of my old college and for a moment I was back there, in Massachusetts with no friends and just having been outed and anxiety hit me like a truck I almost toppled over.
I navigated myself to the nearest bench and sat down in an attempt to regulate my strained breathing. I remembered what my therapist had told me about panic attacks and how to handle them. I focused on my senses.
What was one thing I could taste? Coffee.
What was one thing I could hear? My heart pounding.
What was one thing I could feel? My phone clutched tight in my hand.
What was one thing I could smell? The perfume I had sprayed earlier.
What was one thing I could see? My eyes were closed in an attempt to block out everything around me but I opened them and one thing I could see was someone walking towards me.
My vision was slightly blurred as it always is when I have a panic attack but as they got closer it was clear it was Kayla.
"Lily, are you OK?" She asks dropping her bag down and kneeling in front of me. 
"Yeah." I manage but it comes out unconvincing and shaky.
"Did something happen?" I can't even get myself verbalise anything this time so I just shake my head. Kayla quickly realises that I'm in so state to talk so she sits beside me and gently rubs my back until I eventually calm down.
"I have panic attacks sometimes." I tell the girl next to me, finally able to talk without feeling like my lungs were going to explode.
"How do you feel now?" She asks, a look of concern on her face.
"I'm OK now, a little shaky. They come out of nowhere most of the time." I explain, taking a sip of my coffee - which probably isn't helping.
"I can tell Janet you need to push back your start day, she'd understand."
I shake my head sternly, "No way. I'm not giving up before I have even started." I say standing up, my legs still slightly weak.
"It wouldn't be giving up Lily. Everyone has struggles." Kayla tries to empathise but I've already started walking to the athletics building again.
"I'm seriously fine, I've struggled with a lot worse than a panic attack." I blurt before realising Kayla knows nothing about my past.
"Ok, well maybe lets just take five before going in? You've still got fifteen minutes." She says looking at her watch.
"Ok." I give in and Kayla and I stand side by side as I take a few deep breaths.
"You got this and I got you." Kayla says after a few minutes of silence as she wraps me into a hug.
I hug her back, "Thank you, K. Sorry for the freak out, I can usually keep it under control."
"No need to apologise, I'm glad you weren't alone. Panic attacks can be scary." She says as we walk into the building and begin our way to the offices, a route I'm familiar with now.
"Do you mind not telling anyone?" I ask sheepishly.
I'd rather be the one to tell Paige about things, I didn't want her to hear it secondhand from anyone else.
Kayla mimes zipping her lips and I smile at her in response just before we step into Janets office.
"Hello Lily! Happy first day!" Janet beams standing up to greet me.
"Hi Janet, thank you. I'm super excited." I beam back putting on my best fake smile as I push back the remnants of the panic attack I just had.
Janet explains what my day will look like, "So the basketball girls are already on the court but open practice officially starts at 11:30. That's when you'll go in with the rest of the media outlets. You'll be working alongside Marcus who writes the sports column in the UConn newsletter. He'll explain your job more but write down as much as you can, take photos and videos and just be yourself!" She smiles and hands me a folder with the Huskies logo on the front with my name printed beneath it.
I open the folder and find a notebook, multiple pens and a mini microphone, the kind that plugs into your phone that you see tiktokers using in their videos.
"Oh there you are. Marcus, meet Lily. Lily, meet Marcus." Janet says and I spin around to the door that Marcus had just walked through.
"Hi Lily." Marcus says stretching out his hand for me to shake and I do. "Hi Marcus."
I wasn't expecting Marcus to be a fellow student but he was, he didn't look much older than me and had dark brown hair and eyes to match. He was handsome for sure, I'm lesbian but I could appreciate a mans beauty.
Marcus and I quickly acquainted as he told me exactly what we'd be doing today. It wasn't much different from what Janet had explained and before I knew it, we were walking down to the basketball court.
The ball had just left my hand and I knew it was cash, from my spot on the three-point line, when the doors to the court opened. My eye's flicked to the large digital clock on the wall, it was 11:30, media were here.
I watched intently as familiar faces filtered into the room and then one familiar face in particular brought a smile to my face, Lily.
Her effortless beauty always seemed to catch me off guard. Still being new to each other, I was seeing Lily in a new way each time. Today was the first time I'd seen her with her hair tied up, her perfect facial features on full display. She had a simple outfit on but the sliver of stomach on show between her jeans and shirt did something to me. I wanted to run across the court and hold her in my arms, feel her skin on mine, tell her how pretty she looked. Her smile shone from meters away and I could just about make out her sweet laugh over all the commotion going on.
I was so focused on Lily, I didn't notice the aggravatingly good looking guy stood beside her, until his hand came into contact with her arm.
Who was he and why was he touching her?
I watched intently as he pointed over to the stands where some of the media people had already began setting up. In all fairness, it looked like he was just explaining something to her but either way, he didn't need to make physical contact.
"You got some competition, P?" Jana joke nudging my side, obviously seeing the same thing as me.
I scoff, "That kids got nothing on me." I say and bounce the ball again few times before shooting another perfect three.
I glance back in Lilys direction to find her already looking in mine a small smile on her face, she raises her eyebrows and nods slightly as if to say "not bad", I give a quick bow in response and go to retrieve the ball.
We shoot around a little more before we all disperse to the different media outlets waiting to ask us questions.
My eyes fall to Lily more than I'd like to admit and I had to ask for a few questions to be repeated due to my lack of concentration. Lily never reciprocated any of my stolen looks because she was so engrossed in her job; jotting down notes, recording interviews and laughing along with the girls.
After what felt like an eternity, I was finally stood with Lily and Mr Shaggy Hair.
"Hi Paige, Marcus with UConn newsletter and this is-" Marcus introduced himself and tried introducing Lily.
"I know Lily." I say making eye contact with the brunette girl to the right of me.
"Hi Paige." She says softly, phone in hand already pointed in my direction.
"Paige, this was your first summer without injury, what did you do that you haven't been able to in previous years?" Marcus asks, pen poised to take an necessary notes.
I answered all of Marcus' questions before I had to move on, "Thank you, Paige. Nice speaking to you." He smiled genuinely. "Thank you, you too." I smiled back trying my best to also be genuine but probably failing.
I intentionally brushed my body against Lilys as I passed her, using my hands to manoeuvre around her small frame.
We wrapped media and hour or so later and the team and I were free to go but I lingered, shooting random shots while Lily and Marcus had a discussion before they packed up their things.
Marcus left but not before hugging Lily goodbye, I rolled my eyes watching the interaction before making my way over to her.
"My favourite journalist." I say draping my arm over her shoulder and pulling her close.
She laughed, "I wouldn't say journalist, I'm just helping out."
"Ok, my favourite helper-outer then." I tease and we both watch as the final few people exit the court, leaving us alone.
Lilys arm swiftly navigates itself around my waist and she steps in front of me, her other arm looping around my torso also so she was hugging me. Both my arms wrapped around her shoulders and we just held each other for a few seconds.
"So...Marcus?" I drag out looking down at the girl in my arms. I feel her body shake with a little giggle, "Handsome guy, right?" She says pulling away and looking up at me. A scowl forms on my face, "Not really." I say matter of factly crossing my arms.
"Oh, is this jealous Paige?" She asks jutting out her hip and placing her hand on the other. I turn away from her, "No..."
"Oh, I think it is." She says walking around and standing in front of me, extremely close, our toes are touching and her body heat is radiating onto me. She brings her hand to my face and directs me to look at her, "I am one hundred percent gay, Paige." Lily reassures her eyes looking directly into mine.
When we first met, Lily would never hold eye contact with me, as much as I tried but now she was and I could see every single fleck in her eyes. The light brown points making them sparkle under the bright lights.
"And I am one hundred percent regretting agreeing to keep this a secret." I say truthfully now bringing my hand to her face, stroking her cheek gently.
"But just us knowing is so..hot." She says soft and breathy. "The secret glances and touches." She continues, her hand smoothing down my chest to my stomach.
Her eyes linger on my lips and I run my tongue along them.
"Don't do that."
"What?" I ask innocently but a smirk creeps onto my face.
"Don't lick your lips while we're this close."
"Why not?"
She doesn't answer and we stand in silence, tension rising between us as the seconds go on. I move my free hand to her waist and pull her closer, if that was even possible and my hand on her face moves to her neck. I lean down and Lily leans up and after what feels like decades of waiting our lips reach each others and we kiss.
It's needy but delicate and everything and more that I'd imagined it to be. Getting a taste of Lily made me realise I'll never get enough. Her hands are all over me. My stomach, my back, my hips. She kisses me harder with an urgency I never knew I needed.
When we finally pull away from each other, both our chests are rising and falling at a quickened pace. Lilys lips are blushed and plump and they break into a soft, swollen smile.
"Let's get out of here," She says grabbing my hand, "and hope no one was watching the cameras." I'm still speechless as I follow her out of the basketball court, our hands linked together.
I drive me and Lily around Storrs for the best part of a few hours. Lily has her phone connected to my car and is playing her favourite songs.
Her playlists were filled with Lana Del Rey and I think it suited her perfectly. Lily was the embodiment of a Lana Del Rey song, the softness and vulnerability of Lanas vocals complemented the girl next to me without fault.
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
I'd barely left the confines of my bedroom in the past two days. I only got up from my bed to pee and grab bottles of water which were now scattered around my room, empty.
Kelsey, Hannah and Madison had periodically been coming in to check on me and bring me whatever food they had ordered in or cooked that day. I'm guessing at some point during all of this, Kelsey had somewhat explained to our other roommates what she had discovered about me, because no one asked questions and that's how I liked it.
I didn't have the mental capacity to explain the way I was feeling or why I was feeling it when I couldn't even understand it myself.
After having the panic attack on Wednesday, everything inside of me felt...off. After throwing myself into my first day at work, I spent the afternoon with Paige and it gave my mind respite from itself. But once I was home and alone with my thoughts, they took over and refused to be tamed.
I went through Thursday in an altered state, so distracted by everything in my head, I felt like I was watching myself from a third persons perspective. The day didn't seem real.
One thing that was clear though was my time spent with Paige. She met me after my final class of the day and we just sat and spoke and enjoyed each others company. Things felt lighter with Paige, easier to handle but I was not Paiges responsibility and I was not about to become a burden to her either.
Kissing Paige on Thursday night was bittersweet because I knew I wouldn't be seeing for a few days at least. I could feel myself slipping into a deep depressive episode and along with that came a whole lot of self isolation.
I isolate myself when I get like this to save the people around me. I'm a ticking time bomb when my thoughts darken and I wanted to minimise the casualties. I was the only casualty allowed.
I cried when Paige dropped me home. I cried for me and this inevitable dark cloud that appears whenever it feels like it. I cried for her because she had no idea what was going on. I cried for us because things were going well and I was about to ruin it.
I skipped classes on Friday and slept most of Saturday. Sleeping when I feel like this is the only time I have that allows the feeling to pause.
It was Sunday now and my roommates had invited me to go to brunch with them, of course I declined. I think they knew deep down what my answer was going to be but they asked anyway.
Kelsey hugged me tight before they left, telling me to call her if I needed to, I just hummed in response and watched the girls with sympathetic smiles on their faces leave.
Getting up from my place in bed, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My hair was bundled in a bun on top of my head, undoubtedly tangled to hell. I had an oversized t-shirt on that I had previously cut to be off-the-shoulder. I looked a mess but I didn't have the energy or care enough to do anything about it.
The healed marks on my arm teased me to feel that of so familiar, temporary relief of physical pain. It was a mental battle that I had won up until today.
I knocked on Kaylas apartment door after hours, days actually, of deliberation.
"Oh hey, Paige." Kayla says smiling, opening her door for me to step in.
"Hi Kayla." I gave her a small smile in return that makes it obvious that somethings wrong. I've never been good at hidding my feelings.
"What's wrong?" She asks, perching on the edge of her couch.
I sit down too, unsure how to approach the subject without making overly obvious that something was going on between me and Lily.
"Have you spoken to Lily at all?" I ask, not really caring what Kayla thought, worry taking precedent.
She shakes her head, "No, I haven't. Not since Wednesday." She tells me. "Why?"
"I just haven't heard from her in a few days. I've tried messaging but had nothing in response." I explain.
It looks as though something clicks in Kaylas head when I say this but she doesn't speak up.
"What?" I push for her to say what she's thinking.
"Something happened on Wednesday. I promised Lily I wouldn't say anything though."
"What happened Kayla?" I ask, my heart rate increasing at the thought of something bad happening to Lily.
"I really can't say Paige. She asked me not to."
"She asked you not to tell me?"
"Not you specifically, anyone." Kayla says.
"I'm worried." I admit.
"Have you been to her apartment?"
I nod, "I walked past today and yesterday. I rang the buzzer but there was no answer."
"I could try calling her." Kayla suggests pulling out her phone.
"Please." I urge and watch as she presses call on Lilys contact.
The phone rings and rings and eventually goes to voicemail.
"I'm going to her apartment and if I have to break in, I will." Is all I say before leaving Kaylas apartment.
My mind reels with scenarios that could have happened to make Lily go completely MIA as I make the short trip to her building.
As I pull up, someone is leaving the apartment block and I jog from my car to catch the entrance door before it closes and I have no way of getting in.
I take the stairs two at a time to reach Lilys floor and I knock on the door.
I knock again, louder this time.
Still nothing.
Clearly her roommates were not home because they would have answered.
I knock again.
"Lily," I call out her name desperate for a response, "It's Paige."
I wait a while before knocking for the fourth time when I hear the latch of the door click and it slowly creaks open revealing Lily. She looks different, tired, like exhausted and...sad.
"Oh my god, Lily." I exclaim basically forcing myself through the door. "Are you OK?" I ask, my arms instinctively wrapping around her.
"What are you doing here?" Her voice is quiet and shaky and it takes me aback, she usually sounds so upbeat and cheerful.
"Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you for days. I went to Kaylas, she said something happened on Wednesday. What happened on Wednesday?" My words are rushed and messy.
"She had no right to tell you that. I asked her not to." Lily says, now out of my arms, she crosses hers over herself.
"I was worried. What happened Lils? Talk to me."
She just looks at me with heavy eyes and takes staggered steps towards the couch before sitting down.
"Is it me? Have I done something?"
"It's not yo-"
"Just tell me if I have. I'll fix it. I really like you Lily." I cut her off before she can finish her sentence.
"Paige." She says getting my attention, "It's not you. Please will you sit down."
"Was it Marcus? I'll kill him if he's done anything to you." I say now thinking of the worst possible things.
"Paige!" Lily says louder this time, "Just sit down." She flings out her arm that was across her chest motioning for me to sit next to her and as she does I notice array of white lines. Healed scars bestrewn across her wrist and inner arm.
She looks from me to her extended arm and quickly pulls it back to her chest before getting up and walking, fast to her room.
I follow after her in silence, unsure what to say in the moment.
When I reach her bedroom, shes pulling a sweater on over her baggy t-shirt.
"Lily.." I begin but I don't really know what to say next.
"You don't have to say anything Paige." She says, sensing my hesitation.
"I want to say something. I just don't know how." I tell her truthfully.
"Just say what you're thinking."
"What happened?"
"When - on Wednesday or what happened to cause my scars?" She asks sitting on her bed, crossing her legs.
"Both." I breathe out going and sitting next to her.
Lily inhales deeply, "I'll tell you, but I want you to know that's its OK if you want to leave after. I'll understand."
"I have nowhere to be today."
"No. I mean like really leave. Leave this," She motioned between us. "before it becomes something."
"Lily, why would I want to leave?" I ask genuinely. Theres nothing that she could say to me right now that would make me want to walk away.
"Because Paige, I'm a burden and being around me when I'm like this quickly becomes exhausting." She says, her head bowed down looking into her lap.
"Don't say that!" My voice comes out louder than I wanted and Lily looks up at me taken aback. "Sorry," I mummble. "but please don't say that. Being around you is not exhausting, I've never felt more alive than when I'm with you, Lily." I shuffle my body over to her, closing the gap between us on her bed.
We're side by side with our backs against the headboard, my legs extended in front of me and Lily's crossed in front of her. I place my hand delicately on her thigh to let her know I'm here whenever she's ready talk.
It takes her a while and we sit comfortably in silence, my hand on her leg and eventually her head on my shoulder, before she speaks.
Lily tells me everything. From her depression diagnosis at thirteen to her somewhat recent breakup and being outted and how that ultimately resulted in her attempting to take her own life. She explained the scars on her arm were self inflicted and she said it was hard to explain but she would rather feel something physically than mentally so thats why she did it.
As much as it was hard for her to explain, it was equally hard for me to understand. I didn't want to think of Lily hurt and understand it.
She had a panic attack on Wednesday that started this most recent episode. She said they come every so often without warning, she's on medication that helps her get through most days but she still has moments that she can't control.
I stayed mostly silent while Lily bravely shared such a vulnerable part of her. She cried at points and I wiped her tears but I didn't ask any questions, I just wanted to listen.
"Do you think I'm crazy." She sniffles, lifting her head from my shoulder to look at me.
I shake me head, "No baby. I don't think you're crazy. I think you've been through a lot in your life. A lot of shit that you didn't deserve. But what matters is, you're here. You're here trying, despite it all and I'm proud of you." I tell the doe eyed girl infront of me.
I place a hand on each of her cheeks and hold her face, wiping strays tears as they fall. I plant a kiss to her forehead, then one on the tip of her nose and I hover my lips over hers unsure if now is the time but Lily's the one to close the space, pressing her mouth to mine.
I kiss her gently at first as if scared to break her but Lily pushes deeper into the kiss, harder. Without breaking us apart, she manoeuvres herself on top of me, straddling my thighs. My hands find her hips like they were made for them and I hold on to her desperately as we continue to kiss.
"I don't want this to change the way you see me." Lily says breathlessly as we break away from each other.
"I knew you before I knew this and that's the Lily I see. The one who buys coffee for her friends when they're hungover, the one who smiles at everyone, the one who works hard. That's the Lily I know." I say to her as she stays sat in my lap, my hands caressing their way up her back.
"If it gets too much...if I get too much, I'll understand." Lily says playing with the strings of my hoodie.
"Can you stop saying stuff like that?" I take her hands in mine, "I want to be here. With you. Right now. Do you understand that? I'm choosing to be here Lily."
She nods a small nod letting me know she heard what I was saying.
Lily flips her leg off of me so shes back at my side. I shuffle down the bed slightly and pull her into me, my arm around her shoulders and head on my chest.
"One thing Lily," I say and she hums in response. "if you ever, ever get the urge to hurt yourself again, please come to me first. You're not alone anymore, I promise you."
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
This week was going considerably better than last week, thank god.
Paige had spent most of Sunday laid next to me in my bed, even when my roommates returned from their brunch plans, she didn't move. I was falling in and out of sleep for the majority of the day, my emotions had exhausted me and with my head on Paiges chest and my body encapsulated by her arms, I felt a sense of peace that I hadn't for a long time.
Paige reluctantly left my apartment that night after making me promise to never isolate myself from her again. She made it abundantly clear that I can always be open and honest with her and she'd never judge me. I made the promise, but I knew it would be hard to keep.
Wednesday had rolled around again and I had a completely free day. No classes, no homework and I wasn't due in work at all this week. From speaking to Marcus, it sounded like things got busier once the sports season really starts, which isn't until next week.
"Delivery for Miss Kent." Madison says in faux accent knocking on my bedroom door, coffee in hand.
"Ugh, I love you!" I say standing up from my place in bed and taking the iced drink from my roommate. I took a sip straight away and immediately felt like I could take on the day.
"What are your plans for today?" I ask Madison as we walk together from my room to the living room, each taking a seat on the couch.
"I have to get in the library today, how am I already behind? Actually, more importantly, who sets assignments on the first week?" She dramatically asks, eyes wide.
"Oh that's rough. My professors went easy on us." I say silently thanking the college gods.
"So what are your plans for today then?"
"I'm not really sure, I might take a walk around campus and maybe meet Kelsey when she breaks for lunch." I tell Madison my unofficial plans.
I wasn't sure what I'd spend my day doing but I knew I needed to do something, giving my mind downtime was dangerous. I didn't need to sit and think about everything, ever.
"Not seeing Paige?" Madison asks curiously and my head shoots in her direction but I try and play off my surprise.
"Um, no, why would I see Paige?" I lie.
I would love to see Paige today. I hadn't seen her properly since Sunday. I saw her on Monday when I'd popped into the office to meet with Marcus and we'd sneakily made out in an empty bathroom. And we'd briefly bumped into each other yesterday but she was with KK and I was with Kelsey so we kept it short. Maybe I'll message her and see if she's free.
"Oh I don't know, she only spent the whole day here on Sunday. In your room...with the door closed."
My cheeks flushed at the insinuation Madison was hinting at even though nothing like that happened between us. The most Paige I did was was kiss and OK, maybe I was in her lap and maybe I did get flustered and maybe I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her hands on my bare skin and her mouth on mine...
I'm texting Paige.
"We're just friends." I say matter-of-factly, standing up to go and find my phone.
"Uh huh," Madison pretended to agree, "sure you are."
Paige had finally asked for my number after days of using Instagram DMs as our only form of contact.
She had tried to save her contact as Buckets with a serious of drooling emojis but I overruled and we decided on Paige with a star emoji.
good morning p <3
good morning pretty girl
what are u doing today?
wanna hang?
miss me?
ive got practice now but meet me after?
at like 11
i miss you too
ok see u soon 💋
I decided to take my time getting myself ready before meeting Paige. I took a hot shower and washed my hair using all my favourite products.
My phone was propped up on my vanity as i straightened my hair, Emma, my best friend from home, took up the entire screen as we were on FaceTime.
I caught Emma up on my first week at UConn, my account was explicit, there was nothing I couldn't say to my best friend. She begged for pictures of Paige but I didn't have any to send, "I'll take one today." I tell her as I begin applying my makeup.
I keep it natural with a skin tint, brow gel, mascara and of course lip liner, my one true love.
I bid farewell to Emma before hanging up, telling her I miss her dearly and she agrees that she has to come and visit me soon.
With my phone still in my hand, I decided to snap a picture and send it to Paige letting her know I'm ready.
I didn't expect one of Paiges usual quick responses considering she was at practice so I did the final touches to get myself ready before leaving.
Madison had called out a goodbye while I was on FaceTime so I left the empty apartment, locking the door behind me.
The walk to the training facilities wasn't far and took me less than fifteen minutes to reach. Even though I wasn't working today, I had my Staff ID badge around my neck to make it looked like I belonged there.
Walking into the building, I assumed I had arrived just after training had finished. The usual squeak of basketball shoes and balls was nowhere to be found. I made my way to the court peeking through the glass in the door seeing who was around.
My eyes landed on a lonely Paige, dribbling the ball before taking a shot. I couldn't see the basket but could only assume that UConns star girl had made it effortlessly.
I swung the door open and walked in, immediately grabbing Paiges attention. Her previous, serious expression softened as she looked at me, smiling now. We both took rushed steps across the court towards each other until we were face to face.
"Hello, pretty girl." Paige complemented wrapping me in a rather sweaty hug, I fake grimaced, "You're gross." I say trying to wriggle free but Paige is not only taller than me but stronger than me too, I was trapped. "You love my hugs." She protested still not letting me go, "Admit you love my hugs."
I did love Paiges hugs. They were so warm and comforting and I felt like nothing or no one could hurt me while I was bundled up in Paiges arms.
My lack of reply only makes the blonde girl hold me tighter, lifting me slightly off the ground, I let out a squeal, "Paige! Put me down!"
"Admit you love my sweaty hugs." She brings her mouth close to my ear to say that and the hairs rise on the back of my neck at the heat of her breath.
"I love your sweaty hugs." I admit in defeat as she lowers me down, my feet touching the floor once again.
"Thank you." She chirps pressing a quick kiss to my forehead.
"Where is everyone?" I ask looking around the empty room.
"In the locker room cleaning up." She nods her head over to a set of doors which I'm guessing leads to the locker rooms.
"Didn't feel like showering today?" I joke.
"Wanted to shoot around a little more, practice wasn't the best." She explains picking up the ball from where it had rolled to once she dropped it to hug me.
"I doubt that, Buckets." I smirk at Paige as she proves me right by sinking the cleanest three. She smirks back, "You want a go?"
I shake me head immediately, "No. No way." I say backing away from the basketball player.
She laughs and it echos around the court, "Come here, I'll help you." She insists beckoning me over.
"No Paige, I'll be terrible, I know I will." I remain adamant.
"You haven't even tried, have some faith in yourself. Now come here." The second half of her sentence is sterner than the first and the assertion of dominance catches me off guard.
"Yes ma'am." I mummble and walk back to Paige with slightly red cheeks.
"OK, stand here." Paige positions me on the free throw line, using her foot to push mine apart and using her hands to bend my arms in the way she wants. "Here." She hands the ball to me and I take if from her and she immediately giggles.
"What?" I huff, I knew I'd be terrible at this.
"You're so delicate with it." She smiles repositioning my hands on the ball, "Spread your fingers out more." I do as she says and she takes a step back as if admiring her work.
"OK, now shoot." She instructs and I do and it's terrible.
I throw the ball with all my strength and it flies out of my hands and smacks the backboard, missing the basket completely, before rebounding off and almost taking me out in the process. It acted more like a boomerang than a basketball.
Paige was quick to intercept the ball hurling towards me and caught it with one hand before tucking it under her arm.
She was trying her best to hold in a laugh as I just scowled at her and began to walk off.
"Hey, hey, hey." She called grabbing my arm before I could pass her, "That was a...good first attempt." She says leading me back to the same free throw line I'd just embarrassed myself on.
"Good? That's the exaggeration of the century!"
"One more go, I'll help." She hands me the ball again and I reluctantly take it, remembering to spread my fingers like last time.
Instead of standing back and watching, Paige steps behind me this time, her frame enveloping mine. We're so close I can feel her front pressed against my back, her hands cover mine over the ball and I wonder what we look like from an outside perspective.
Paige draws the ball back, my body moving in accordance with hers, before launching it forward and I watch in awe as the ball spins in the air before falling through the basket in a faultless swish.
"There you go baby!" Paige praises, her arms coming together around me, "That would've got you 1 point!" She says unwrapping herself from me, raising her hand for a high five.
I smack my hand to hers, even though that was entirely Paige, I was taking it as my bucket.
"And how many have you got?" I ask referring to points.
"Maybe like five thousand, career wide." She brags but I like it, Paiges confidence in her abilities is one of the most attractive things about her.
"I'm catching up." I tease picking up the ball once more and taking an unserious shot at the basket and to my surprise, I watch as it circles the rim before slipping through.
I snap my head towards Paige in shock, my mouth hung open, her expression mirroring mine.
"Sinking threes? OK Kent!" A familiar voice called out, it was Aubrey coming out of the locker room, a few of the girls following behind her.
"I try." I boast playfully, knowing it was a total fluke.
"Are y'all coming to grab lunch with us?" Ice called out, also emerging from the locker room.
I looked to Paige for her to answer, the girls were Paiges friends and I didn't want to ever feel like I was impending on their hang outs or make it too obvious that we had something going on.
"We actually have plans." Paige says and I raise my brows, did we?
"Cool! Catch you later." The team waved us goodbye as they all filtered off and out of the basketball court.
"What's these plans that we have then?" I ask Pagie once we're alone again.
"Oh, you know. Our usual."
Paige and I hadn't spent much time together in the few weeks we'd been acquainted and any time we were alone, the majority of it was spent with my mouth on hers and vice versa so I didn't know what our usual was.
I look quizzically at Paige, "Which is?"
"Well it requires a lot less distance between us," Say says returning the ball to its rack and walking over to me, "and hardly any talking." She finishes as she reaches me and dips her head slightly to kiss my lips.
I'm smiling as she pulls away, "Sounds like great plans."
"Give me ten minutes to shower and we can go back mine, seeing as the girls are out we'll have the place to ourselves." She tells me before jogging into the locker room.
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊✧˚ · .
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kondensaduhhh · 8 months ago
TF2 Mercs: Cooking HCs
all the mercs can cook, theyre all grown men ffs, but they're just better at certain things than the rest of them
this long as hell😭😭 good god, didnt expect it to be this long
first of all; Scout. Scout can absolutely cook, i personally think that a single mother who raised 7 sons is, first of all, a badass, and secondly, will not tolerate any of that "Women belong in the kitchen" bullshit, she taught her sons how to do basic life skills.
while, yeah, Scout can cook, he cooks breakfast foods best. sure, hes a little flinchy when the bacon starts poppin' but nothing he cant handle. He makes the best pancakes, toast, french toast, bacon, eggs, hell, the mercs don't get it but somehow even the way Scout makes cereal and milk in a bowl was better.
he doesnt measure either, he just eyeballs everything, which was one if the reasons he could bake for the life of him, no matter how many times his Ma and bros taught him. he makes killer milkshakes though.
Pyro!! idc idc hes a grown adult, hes not gonna burn anything, least of all the kitchen, he's too experienced with fire for such an imbecilic notion. Pyro's the best at making desserts, not really baking, he knows the basics, but not really his forte. Pyro made everyone's opinion on jell-o turn positive, theyre just that good. he can make flans, hard candy, ice cream, if its a dessert he can probably make it. everyone's favorite of his tho is caramel popcorn
Soldier usually either burns food or undercooks it but for some reason only when it's a shallow fry, he's great at deep frying and grilling, like hes super serious abt it, like he never lets whatever it is hes cooking out of his sight, he doesn't set up a timer or thermometer, its like he just knows when the food is fully cooked, he almost looks catatonic as he just stands there completely still watching the food cook but immediately starts yelling at his usual full volume when some tries to sneak in a bite of the food that IS finished cooking.
the demoman. most of Demo's food will usually have a very vague taste of alcohol in it, barely noticeable, the other mercs only realise it when they find out who cooked it. Demo's food always tastes great, unfortunately he can only make it once and he won't be able to recreate it, they're almost always just random ingredients that he somehow turns into a masterpiece.
although, there is one recipe he can make completely the same without fail, and it's his mum's favourite soup.
the engineer is the best at baking, with countless family recipes memorised and tweaked by his engineering prowess, it really is no competition. hes on par with Soldier in the grilling department, used to be a problem whenever they wanted to grill, and the two would butt heads, Heavy always put a stop to it before shit got too out of hand. at the end, it was Soldier who was the main griller, and Engie settled on making the casseroles and biscuits.
when it starts to get cold, everybody (ahemscoutahem) begs Heavy to make soup. While being in the mountains for 20ish years, Heavy found a lot of ways to make soup, from thin, brothy soups, to creamy, sticks-to-your lips soups. Fortunately, they dont have to beg for long since Heavy is always happy to cook his comfort foods for his friends, and while yes he does have to substitute most of the protein, the mercs dont see a problem with any of it, even though Heavy says it's not the same because it's not bear meat.
Medic can cook, it just so happens the only foods he can make without the aid of a written recipe are German dishes. He doesn't have much of a relationship with food, but can cook, but he does like to experiment which often gets tested out by either Pyro (bc he can stomach pretty much anything somehow), Sniper (bc Medic still wants to know if the food is edible and Pyro kinda doesn't count, and Sniper is the least picky with food), and Scout (this is mostly bc Sniper called him a pussy when he commented on the food)
Spy barely, very rarely will make food for the team, but if his ego was stroked enough he just might make a French dessert where he would pretty much blockade the kitchen bc French desserts are 'extremely fragile' hes exaggerating ofc, he just wants the kitchen to himself. while he does appear to be quite cold to the team, he does care for them and will, occasionally, not always, make them smth to eat when he notices smth amiss, he wont let them know its him (but they know, bc who else would elegantly plate smth as simple as frozen waffles?)
and finally Sniper. Sniper, if alone, would only eat what is necessary, not very picky either, has and will eat scorpions again if necessary. but whenever its his turn to cook for the team he always cooks family recipes, he has a box filled with index cards with his mum's handwriting, ranging from bread recipes, to a 3-day marinated beef stew. he usually just cooks the pasta soup and rice soups tho for stretchability of the dish
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sadie-bug345 · 11 months ago
gang as after school snacks🫵🫶
i main oreos and milk ANYDAY OF THE WEEK🧍‍♀️👹❤️
prob apples or sum shit😭
like something kinda random but also reasonable
ngl apples and peanut butter HIT sometimes
so he’s real for that
6/10 also gives pudding cup guy
either doesn’t have anything as an after school snack
in all seriousness i feel so incredibly bad for johnny and his home life
OR he makes like a whole meal
no in between
like he’ll come home and just put together a whole sandwich, juice, apple, the whole thing
5/10 i’m sorry😭
just has a can of coke or smth
this is not a joke on his name but it does go very well with it
but i think he just THRIVES off caffeinated sodas
comes home and cracks open a dr pepper, pepsi, whatever
thats enough to fuel him thru the rest of the day
also when he’s had a bad day he’ll just sit in his and pony’s room in the dark and sip his soda ominously LMAOOO
8/10 my mom does this
yoghurt and granola typa guy
probably calls granola “cereal”
ily darry but this is unacceptable 🫶🥰
he def pressures pony and soda to have healthy snacks which pony listens to but soda…well we know what soda does💀
everyone makes fun of him for his taste but he gets so pressed so fast (trust me he’s mad at me already for writing this)
religiously has bowls of cereal
or just cigarettes yk
just sits in the dark and eats his lucky charms whilst contemplating everything annoying he !everyone else! did that day
thinks about how much homework he has and how hes not gonna do a lick of it
calls up friends asking them to share their answers to the spanish hw
and on the other side of the line they can just hear him munching away and just like “…what are you eating🧍‍♀️”
dal’s just like “the bones of your dead dreams now tell me what the fuck a conjugation is and how i do it”
9/10 y’all prob know im an intense cereal lover
gushers or fruit snacks typa thing
prob drinks kool-aid like it’s the water of life
he’s real for that to a degree
like sometimes too many ritz crackers is too much 😭
probably just eats packs after packs of fruit snacks
struggle meals all the way💀
just drinks a glass of milk or smth
straight from the carton
just a total scavenger of the pantry
so disrespectful💀
in general i think he steals all the gangs food as a joke
darry just bought some cookies from the grocery store and by the time he gets home from work they’re gone😭😭
ANYWAYS request hcs, imagines, anything! i do platonic and romantic y/ns too🫶
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disco-orange · 1 year ago
Oona and Oscar are cousins
Every odd squad agent's main partner is their platonic soulmate and it's just kinda perfect through some supernatural means.
Todd and Olive were actually on solidly good terms when Todd got kicked out and the show only showed some of the worst parts to make a point.
Oona, Todd, Oscar, and Otis are autistic. Probably more but I really like these guys specifically.
Olympia, Otto, Olive, Oona, and Todd have ADHD. Again probably many more I just don't wanna list them all.
Otis is a huge fan of grammar and has posters of punctuation marks put up wherever he stays. His favorite is the Oxford comma. He *hates* the tilde because he claims it "looks at him funny."
Otis eats paper. He very adamantly claims "no. It's fine. I digest cellulose perfectly," and no one can figure out if he's actually right or not.
Otis eats cereal with water.
Olympia eats cereal with orange juice!!!! She says she likes the tang.
Both Todd and Otto put the milk before the cereal. Otto doesn't know why he does it, and Todd does it because it optimizes his cereal consumption experience [he is correct.]
Olive only eats dry cereal.
Ms. O/Big O/Oprah snores SUPER loudly.
Otto has superglued his fingers together more than once.
Todd's favorite music genre is classical but specifically the flavor with cannons n shit in the songs. Like "aw yeah I would fight someone to this" classical.
Oona follows Bob Ross tutorials.
Olympia had a phase where she put gems on anything and everything. She still has a pair of glasses from when she put gems on them.
Otis has a hard time with speech and will lose the ability to speak sometimes.
Oona has joint pain in her fingers and can semi-accurately predict whether or not it will precipitate based on said joint pain.
Oona has rats!!!!!!
Todd has always wanted to be a mouse or a really tiny rat. Just for a day. He wants to see what it would be like.
Oscar has re-designed the typing keyboard multiple times.
Oscar Really likes vanilla ice cream. He has a vanilla ice cream-inator that makes anything taste like vanilla ice cream.
Oscar REALLY likes textures.
Olive needs the room to be freezing in order to go to sleep.
Olympia's favorite show would be fraggle rock.
Oona is part squirrel. No one is sure how, none of her relatives are squirrels. It's just her who has squirrel DNA.
Oona has 2 moms.
Orla eats orange peels.
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captaincapsicle83 · 1 year ago
Iron Man
The Avenger series, part 2
Tw: cursing, Tony not following directions
Previous Part
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"Dude, you're like a million years old-"
"Excuse me, Ma'am, but I'm a billion! And your closer to zero. You're a baby. Added with the fact that I'm ten times as important as you-"
"Ten times zero is still zero."
"Not the point."
"I just wanna name it," you whined. Tony rolled his eyes, clearly baffled at your audacious manner.
"I picked an acronym before you were even born," He shakes his head, holding up the glasses frames in front of his face, not putting them on.
"Yeah? When?"
"September 21st, of..." He hesitated. "Of 19...93."
"Well, genuis, I was born in 1992-!"
"So me picking the name in the year of 1991 proves me right-!"
"You liar!" You exclaimed. "JARVIS, play back what Tony just said."
Before Tony can object, the ceiling emits his voice, "Of 19...93."
"JARVIS, you're being evicted," was Tony's response. "Pack your things. You're getting uploaded to a surf shop in Daytona Beach."
You laugh, taking the glasses from Tony and putting them into their case.
You were something of an accomplice to Tony's "Iron Man" shtick. You were what he called a "trainee," meaning you didn't fight anybody like Tony did. You practiced, though, and not just in a suit. You did end up giving Tony a black eye, Pepper freaking out over press stuff due to it.
"We can't send you in front of hundreds if people, or broadcast you to millions, if you looked like you run an underground fight club," Pepper exclaimed, pulling his head to the side with a grip on his chin. She looks at you all accusatory like, "You did this?"
"Cool right," you giggle, and pretend to bop Tony on the side of the face again. Peppers eyes roll before she stalks away, heels clicking.
"I'm her favorite," you say as she walks away.
You sat on a gray couch, wearing pajamas and eating a bowl of cereal. A peanut butter reeses brand version of cocoa puffs. It tasted like heaven.
"Iron Man," Tony mumbled, reading a newspaper, standing behind you with Pepper. "Hey, that's kinda catchy."
"Thanks, I came up with it," you say, taking a bite of your cereal. Pepper was doing Tony's "makeup" since he had another bruise on his face, and also, the planned press conference scheduled for today was being broadcasted "everywhere."
Probably not in lesser fortunate countries, but you didn't mention that to Pepper. You wanted to stay the "favorite."
On the TV in front of you, the news was playing. You found the news to be exhausting, and quite morally wounding, but you were to lazy to find the remote and change the channel. You wished you could be watching literally anything else though. You had quite a liking for American children's shows. And Hannah Montana was on at this hour, maybe even SpongeBob.
Tony is given a speech, which he looks over as Pepper thanks Agent Coulson.
You wouldn't. The guy ate the last donut this morning, and he doesn't even live here.
As Pepper and Coulson walk out, you turn around in your seat to look at Tony.
"You aren't gonna read that, are you?" You say, crunching the last bites of your cereal.
"Of course I am, who do you take me for," He winks at you. "Now finish your cereal, and get dressed, we have ninety seconds before we have to be out there, and you look like a bum."
"I'm a squatter, it's the New York in me."
"The only 'New York' in you is Venice Pizza."
"And yet, I'm living in Iron Mans house rent free," you say, putting a false wistful look on your face, as Pepper is walking back into the room.
"He's not Iron Man," she shakes her head.
"Is so," you retaliate, walking away, tilting up your bowl to drink the milk out of it.
"You know, I'm starting to belive I'm not Iron Man," Tony says thoughtfully.
"You're not," Pepper scoffs. "And I'm starting to believe I'm raising two children. Y/n! You better come back out here dressed!"
"And now, Mr. Stark will be making a statement," A man onstage says. You're on the sidelines with Pepper. You follow her lead, clapping when she does. Smiling when she does.
You were a star student. Have a star.
You knew what was coming though. Oh boy, Pepper wasn't gonna be Happy. And, well, the head of security, who really was Happy, wasn't exactly gonna be a basket of roses himself.
But when was he ever?
"-To consider that I am a superhero."
Fuck up number one; they never said he was a superhero. You sucked in a breath, knowing the house of cards was about to fall.
As Tony stumbled over his words, a soldier whispered in his ear. Maybe something taboo, or maybe to read his cards. Guess the world will never know...
You have to bow your head, as you were already laughing. You felt Pepper smack you shoulder.
"The truth is..."
You pulled in another large breath, looking at Pepper to show you had composed yourself.
"I am Iron Man."
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noroi1000 · 2 years ago
Hi, I have a request and I hope you like the idea. Have you heard of the word Karen before? Have you seen any videos about Karen’s? Well if you did I thought that it would be kinda funny if y/n, Gojo and Geto meet one. (Btw this is a Geto x y/n x Gojo) and if you watched Karen’s videos before, you know that a lot of them show Karen in supermarkets. Well anyways the story starts like this. Y/n Gojo and Geto live together btw, and is morning and she wakes up to do her morning routine and start breakfast etc. while doing breakfast she realized that they’re almost out of groceries. They wake up and she told them about it and agreed to go grocery shopping later. After a few hours they went to the supermarket and everything was normal, (also can I ask if you can put a funny scene we’re Gojo is sitting inside the cart and Geto is pushing it while y/n is embarrassing and annoyed at their childish antics) and in one of the food isles there was this lady (the Karen) just minding her own business and the three of them were next to her. Gojo went to another isle to get something so it was just Geto and y/n (btw Geto and Gojo call y/n rarely by her name, they usually just calls her babe, honey, sweetheart, etc.) So Geto and y/n we’re just talking and he would call her that and the lady over heard it and thought they were a couple. Gojo comes back and also called her with nicknames. Then the lady heard this and was confused and she immediately asked who was she dating and she told both of them. The lady at first laughed at the situation thinking it was a joke and said “your so funny young lady. You know a couple is between with one man and one woman.” But y/n said the same thing again and this time the lady was shocked and disgusted. And as any Karen would, the lady started making a big scene. (The conversation through the fight can be however you want but I ask that she said something really offensive to y/n about her dating two men and it made her a bit emotional). The ending can be however you want. Sorry if it’s weird, I thought it would be Interesting to read Gojo and Geto meeting a Karen in the wild. 
Karen in shop
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a/n: I had never seen the movies before, nor had I heard of it. But I've been researching about it, and I don't think it's that bad.
Warnings: swear words, typical Karen
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You woke up in the morning as usual. Somehow slipping out of the arms of your boyfriends who keep you pinned between them as you sleep.
So getting out of bed was hard for you, but you managed to get your body out from between them.
You didn't want to wake them up because it looked cute that Satoru was looking for you in his sleep and started slowly cuddling up to Suguru. It was so fun and cute. However, you left your bedroom to do everything you do every morning.
Your morning routine isn't all that complex. You don't do so many things to your body every morning. Especially since you have no plans today. So you'll just sit at home and do nothing. You don't want to leave the house. You guys can just sit on the couch together and watch movies. Or do something. Or eat together, then do something, then cook dinner together, take care of yourself and finally take a long bath together.
You will need a day of laziness...
Have you even considered making breakfast to pass the time? Something other than Breakfast cereals with milk or a sandwich.
After putting on your clothes, you went to the kitchen. You were glad your slippers were soft and kept the cold floor out of your feet.
The best fluffy slippers are the ones your boyfriends bought you. They know your taste so well. Perfect color and perfect size.
That's why you love them.
You'd probably have to buy them the same.
Because you see Satoru walking around the house with socks on and Suguru wearing flip-flops without socks. Well, he likes traditional Japanese shoes, so you don't forbid him. However, you would like to see them wearing fluffy slippers around the house.
You turned on the kettle to make black coffee for Suguru and sweet for Satoru. Such a routine. The person who gets up first makes coffee for everyone else.
You reached for three mugs to make you warm drinks.
In the meantime, you decided to come up with something to eat. So that it tastes good to you and also to them.
You can't eat sweets alone. And you won't let Satoru eat those sweet, colorful cereals with milk and coffee with sugar again.
And you also don't want Suguru to eat bread with some condiment, washed down with black coffee.
You need some change to break your constant routine. Eating the same thing gets boring over time.
You opened the fridge to see the shelves were almost empty. Apart from a few jars of various jams that Satoru eats with waffles or pancakes. There wasn't much inside either. You also found some lunch from yesterday, but neither of you will get enough of it. Especially since Satoru is a glutton. The same can be said about Suguru...
You quickly looked in the other cupboards to find at least flour and eggs. To make even pancakes.
There was almost nothing there.
Already completely pissed, you sighed, and went to the bedroom.
Just to wake them up.
As you entered, you noticed that Suguru was lying on his back, phone in hand, while Satoru's head was resting on his shoulder while he was still sleeping, his long limbs stretched out all over. The length of the bed.
Your bed is huge, mainly because it can easily accommodate three people. And they are tall, and their shoulders and chests are quite broad. That's why it was the most convenient for you.
"What's up, baby?" Suguru asked as he watched you walk over to the bed.
And suddenly you climbed onto the high mattress to put one leg over his body, and sat on his lower abdomen.
"We need to go to the store..." I murmured, feeling the sleepiness return as you touched the bed.
"Sure, we'll go after we have breakfast." He told you and put the phone on the nightstand.
"We must go now. Because there's nothing to eat for breakfast." You said running your hands over his stomach, feeling the hard muscles under his shirt.
"There's nothing at home?"
"No... Satoru probably ate everything yesterday..." you said looking at the white-haired boy.
Suddenly, Geto hit him with his elbow, causing him to wake up.
"What...?" He groaned sleepily.
"Did you eat everything in the house?!"
"I don't know... I was hungry..."
"Hey hey, Suguru, don't torment him. We'll just go shopping and he'll pay for it." You said grabbing Suguru's hand.
"Fine... But let me sleep some more..."
You hoped he would be calm and sleepy all the time. However, the moment you took a large shopping cart, he suddenly came to life.
And Suguru wasn't angry with him anymore.
The white-haired man jumped into the cart, and you thought it was about to burst.
He started laughing as Geto pushed him across the parking lot like little children.
They nearly fell over a few times, but that didn't stop them.
You ran after them, telling them to stop. it was funny, however people stared at you...
And when you managed to get your white-haired boyfriend out of the shopping cart, you entered the store.
You were hoping for a quiet shopping experience. Even if you were there with them, and life with them is not always easy.
"Honey~honey~, could I pick up some cereal?"
You looked at Satoru who was looking at you like a child.
"You pay, so sure. Take what you want." You told him, plucking a strand from his white hair.
It probably stuck to him while he was getting dressed.
"Thanks honey~." he pecked your cheek with a smile before walking into another alley.
"What do we need?" the dark-haired man asked you.
But you were more focused on the woman who was standing near you, looking in your direction.
do you look weird? Or maybe he is looking at the products that are in front of you on the shelf?
"Uhm... Maybe bread first? Could you pass me some top shelf sugar?"
He smiled and reached higher, grabbing the wrapper before putting it in the cart he was driving as he followed you.
"Anything else, honey?" he asked.
"Let's go get some bread."
"Yes, princess." He winked one eye at you, making you blush a little at his charm.
Why was he able to change his attitude in such sudden moments?
From a cute boyfriend to being pissed at Satoru to being cute again.
As you approached the woman, she looked at you again. By staring at you.
Now you're sure she was looking straight at you.
While you were choosing fresh baguettes for breakfast, Satoru returned with his arms full of cereal wrappers.
He threw it all into the cart.
"You're crazy, aren't you?" Suguru asked, looking at his friend with a raised eyebrow.
"Our Mochi said I can! You know, she's our girlfriend and she treats us equally! You get your favorite coffee and food, I get my favorite sweets. And she's sweet to me too!" He smiled, and pulled you by the waist.
"We share, and we both have the same. Remember." Suguru said, pulling you away from him, and pulled your back against his chest, bending your neck to kiss your lips.
"Do you always have to make scenes? I love you both equally." You said as you pulled away from them.
Your relationship is that you love them and they love you. You agreed to it because you couldn't pick one. And neither of them would give up on you.
You ended up like this, and each of you knows that there isn't enough jealousy between them to fight to keep you for just one.
They don't want to make you choose, so you don't choose.
Because you love them both.
And the moment you said that, that woman who was next to you came over to you.
Standing in front of you, her face didn't seem pleased. On the contrary, she was confused, but it was negative.
"Excuse me, I heard what you were talking about. And I have one question for you, girl, which one are you dating?" She asked pointing at them with one hand.
"Um..." He hesitated a little.
Why should you tell a stranger your private things?
But in the end, you guys are open about your relationship...
"I'm dating both of them." you said.
The woman looked more indignant. But suddenly she smiled slightly. It wasn't a genuine smile.
"You're so funny, young lady. Haha... A relationship is between one man and one woman." She said covering her mouth slightly with her hand.
You looked at the old woman's face.
Did she really think you were joking??
"I'm not trying to be funny. I say it as it is. The three of us are dating." You said again.
And then her face changed. The smile faded, and disgust appeared on her face. Especially when she was looking at you.
"That's not a relationship." She said reproachfully, snorting a little with irony. "A normal relationship is one where there is a man and a woman. Two people. Two men or two women is not normal. And more than two people in a relationship is an anomaly. This sort of thing should be illegal."
"Why illegal? No one can command anyone they fall in love with." You snorted, already pissed at her behavior.
"Oh, I see. You don't have a brain, do you? Because no sane person with a brain would do something so disgusting!" she raised her voice. "Don't you feel it's so disgusting and horrible? You spend time with one man and then go to another! You cheat on one with the other and then vice versa! You're not normal, bitch. People like you are destroying society."
"Oi, grandma, did anyone ask for your opinion? I think that you are an abnormal person without a brain, since you approach people you don't know and tell them that they are abnormal. If you had any sense, you wouldn't say your racist views, and you wouldn't openly show that you are homophobic. I understand that old age, when no one wants you anymore because you are old and ugly, is painful. But an old and mean women who lives like it's the Middle Ages, no one will like." Satoru said, leaning down to her height.
"Did I say something to you?" she asked indignantly.
"By saying my girlfriend is a bitch, you're insulting me too. 'Cause the only bitch I see here is you. Probably racist, homophobic, and yet you don't tolerate small deviations from normality. I'll blow you away whore, You're twice my age or even three times my age and my hair is naturally white! Since birth! Oh no, fucking kill me for making my hair an old man's color! You don't even like what we look like? Gouge out your eyes! Don't look at people who are disgusting to you!"
"A woman having more than one man is just a whore–"
"I suggest gouging out your eyes as well as cutting out your tongue." Suguru said, keeping his hand on your shoulder so you don't take what she says personally.
"I'll call the police. I know people like you, long hair, piercings and tattoos! All you want to do is kill and hurt people."
"A woman who believes all the rumors... So annoying... I could tattoo your face on my ass that says "I have her in my ass ", or "shit on the bitch ". You want it? No, I wouldn't want my ass to be as ugly as your face."
Then you started walking away to finish your shopping.
Satoru followed you.
"See ya'!" he shouted, showing two middle fingers to the woman.
When you got to your car, you packed a large pile of groceries and wanted to go.
And then Satoru decided that he buys you pizza and also buys food for tonight's movie night.
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dumbkatsu · 2 years ago
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You ask and I deliver! I'm so happy everyone is enjoying the Mu Qing hc, so let's start:
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Mu Qing would notice the littlest things about you.
From how you style your hair, how you prepare your coffee/tea, what you put first in the bowl if it's the cereals or the milk to the little gestures you do when you're nervous.
He just loves your little mannerisms so much. He finds them endearing.
Even the way every week you organize your books in a different system
He would notice how you sometimes forget to take care of yourself properly so he would help.
If you are a very busy person in the morning and forget to eat breakfast he'd prepare it for you to take away with a sticky note saying: "Don't forget to eat dummy"
When you first introduced him to MBTI he was really confused.
And when you explained the concept to him he low-key thought it would be another zodiac thing.
Which made you really pissed
So you made him do the test.
(And during the test he was a bit bored ngl)
It gave him ISTJ
At first, he was confused but as he read his results he was starting to doubt his convictions and so he became interested in mbti's
Cue you sending him a shitton of mbti memes 24/7
And whenever he saw a meme roasting your mbti he would def sending you
You would def make him dress up as your mbti for Halloween
But he wouldn't mind
Because if it made you smile he would do anything for you
When it comes to communication in a relationship, he can get a bit shy and insecure, so there will be times when he won't say wants to say. But if you talk to him and show him that you can give him a safe space to express his feelings he will become more confident and it will show.
OH! I totally feel like mu qing is the type to avoid you when he realizes his feelings for you (pre-relationship)
If you were close friends before and this starts happening it can be very hurtful.
You try to corner him but to no avail, he just gives a half-assed excuse and weasels his way away from you again.
It takes Xie Lian, Feng Xin, and even a tiny roast from Hua Cheng to make him apologize and confess to you
"Mu Qing you should be honest about your feelings, it's clear that they like you too!"
"Yeah bro you need to go head in and do it, it's been too long and now that you decided to very obviously distance yourself they've kinda been upset these past few days"
"Only a pussy bitch boy wouldn't admit their feelings and just confess instead of causing mindless hurt to both parties, isn't that right Mu Qing?"
"San lang..."
Yes that was basically the last drop for Mu Qing and he decides to drive up to your place
(cliché warning: I'm about to be so corny on this one I hope you can forgive me)
It started pouring rain and Mu Qing cursed himself for not doing this sooner and just being a blatant coward.
When he reached your driveway he calls your phone
"Hey, why are you-"
"Come outside"
"Mu Qing it's raining"
"I don't care just come outside, I want to take you somewhere"
"Fine. Give me a minute"
You basically leave in your pajamas and go on a late-night drive with Mu Qing.
He obviously gives you the aux cord bcs he likes your taste in music
You guys drive for a bit until he stops at a place with a nice skyline
You guys stay silent until he turns the engine off.
Mu Qing sighs to himself as you look at him expectantly
"Look Y/n I'm sorry. I have been a first-class dick these past few days and I really didn't want to hurt you by doing it but...it's just that... " he stops.
The words he wants to say can't get out of his mouth it's stuck in his throat until he feels your hand on top of his giving him an encouraging nod
It's incredible how you make him feel like he can conquer the world without uttering a single word really.
"I have feelings for you y/n. I never felt like this before. I feel like I don't deserve to feel like this, I feel like I don't deserve you in my life because I can't treat you like you should be treated. You've been here for me through thick and thin and I would do anything for you. But I am honestly feeling very fucking scared for what it might happen next."
You stay quiet trying to process all of the information you were just told. It was a lot to take in. Until you broke the agonising silence.
"I like you too Mu qing. I always have" you said with a beaming smile
"And yes you were being a total asshat, I was so confused. I thought you were upset that I ate the last chocolate pudding in your fridge"
You two broke in silly laughter and when you opened your eyes you saw mu qing really close to your face.
He was looking at your eyes with such adoration that it was hard to maintain eye contact with those grey eyes.
He momentarily looked at your lips and his Adam's apple bobbed
He looks back at your eyes again moving closer. Your lips almost touching
"Can I k-kiss you?"
You guys can figure out the rest ;)
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purple-scrunchie · 2 years ago
Heathers Headcanons that live Rent-Free in my Head (Pt. 2)
Her birthday is October 29th (Winona Ryder's)
Has always been a huge nerd
Before Duke got her into classics, she liked sci-fi stuff like Ender's Game and Dune
Made Duke watch Spaceballs with her at some point (Their friendship has so much untaped potential-)
puts the milk before her cereal (This has made Chandler and Duke cry before)
Has a very noisy brain that refuses to shut up (iykyk), she turns to journaling to organize her thoughts and make sense of things
Often gets lost in her thoughts and forgets to pay attention to her surroundings
Has been known to pace around scribbling furiously in her journal for hours on end
Loves to pick up random things on the ground and keep them (She and Mac exchange shiny things, it's their friendship langauge)
Decent driver, if a little inattentive
Birthday is June 19 (Kim walker's)
Always wanted an older brother (someone who she could look up to & would protect her)
Cheats so hard at boardgames and card games
But never at croquet
So. Many. Freckles. Hides them with an inordinate amount of concealer (ik almost the entire fandom hcs this but I had to hop on the bandwagon too)
Refuses to go anywhere without a clear expectation of the situation
Or her planner and 12 color-coded pens
One time Heather and Heather threw her a surprise party for her birthday and she started sobbing because she thought it was an ambush
World's shittiest sense of smell (that's why she drank the drain cleaner, also she applies absurd amounts of perfume to compensate)
This also kinda affects her sense of taste. That's why she only likes BQ corn nuts, they have a flavor to her
Really likes flowers. She can't smell them well, but she thinks they're gorgeous. All her favorite perfumes are flower scents.
The one she uses most is lavender
Best driver of all the Heathers, which is saying something. This girl is a menace to the road. She goes like 90 in a 50mph zone and loves to run stopsigns/red lights
But she doesn't have road rage, it's honestly a little scary
Birthday is April 12 (Shannon Doherty's)
Her favorite book is Catcher in the Rye (and Moby Dick ofc)
Veronica got her into scifi movies
Starwars and Spaceballs are now her guilty pleasure
She was named after some dead great-grandma she never met
her parents named her siblings Hunter and Hannah because they thought "ohho funny matching name children"
Only chews mint gum
doesn't go through as much as Mac, but will put like 2-3 pieces in her mouth at a time
Hums under her breath whenever she does little tasks like washing the dishes/doing her homework
When Gatsby hisses at her, she will hiss right back
Is much smilier around her cat than people
Worse driver than Chandler. Instead of running stop signs/red lights at 80MPH and nearly running people over, Duke swerves like crazy and flips people off through the window (To her the highway is a jigsaw puzzle)
Has somehow never gotten in an accident
She has horrendous road rage
Her birthday is December 3rd (Lisanne Falk's)
LOVE LOVE LOVES Madonna, her favorite song is "like a prayer"
Animal lover and devout vegetarian
also puts the milk before the cereal (this upsets Duke and Chandler less since they're so used to it)
way more observant than people give her credit for
Tries so hard, but just can't keep secrets
Hates lying. One of the only things she gets really mad about is when people lie to her
Has a million jingly key chains
Duke calls her "Macpie" because she loves to collect shiny things
Bonus points if it's shiny AND makes a noise (yes she is obsesed with those tiny jinglebells)
Loves to carry her friends with her cheerleader arms
Can jump freaky high
Coffee quite literally puts this girl to sleep
The worst driver of all the Heathers. She likes to think of road laws as 'guidelines'
Birthday is October 13th (Firday the 13th in his birth year)
Secretly a Canadian (French-Canadian specifically)
Speaks a little bit of French
He and Chandler argue in French all the time. It's how he brushes up on his conversational skills
Is even more of a cheater than Chandler
Favorite book is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
His favorite Heather is Duke. He likes to talk books with her and respects her sharp sense of humor.
Plays the saxophone (this is technically canon but specifically alto sax in my head), his favorite genres are jazz and blues
We all know he'd listen to modern day emo music without an ounce of shame
And call the stoner kids posers
Compulsively sharpens the few pencils he doesn't lose. Like he writes two or three sentences and then makes it POINTY again
Can't choose between cherry slushies and coke slushies, so he mixes both and goes Cherry Coke
In my AUs where he dies, JD's grave is right next to his mom's
One of the safest drivers you'll ever meet, but likes to go fast on his motorcycle. He thinks he's such a bad boy for going 5 over the speed limit lol
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sevicia · 1 year ago
I was gonna eat cereal w/ milk & when I opened the milk I smelled it yknow jic cause we opened it like two months ago & it smelled kinda weird but I just kinda shrugged & poured it anyways cause my self preservation instincts have been gone for a While. I even drank what was left in the carton too and like it tasted weird & all but literally wtf else am I gonna eat ? (<- picky eater insane edition) So I start eating my cereal & I guess the taste of the cereal itself like, masked the fucked up & evil milk I was putting in my body UNTIL I shove a spoonful into my mouth and I feel this long, SLIMY thing sneak in and obviously I spat it out but I actually considered just swallowing it anyways cause I'm winning the IDGAF war in the worst most unintentional way possible. Uhh stay safe I love you all.
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krueger-acc · 2 months ago
“Mate… what does chunky milk taste like? Oh- and what kinda cereal was it? I’m curious, but not dense enough to actually eat it y’know?”
- @aussie-menace-dingo
Chunky milk tastes like expired
Not yummy 0/10
It was corn flakes
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