#it is not impossible for this situation to resolve but it might very well take a miracle. so we’re gonna pray for one
rithmeres · 1 year
hello my psionic warriors. i need you all to pray as hard as you can because i have received word that things may blow up and hit the fan very very soon
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bellestarot · 21 days
Pick a Pile
What's Next In Your Love Life? 🩷
♡ Take your time to choose
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Pile I
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This is a journey where you'll become more emotionally independent. It's about loving yourself first and getting to know who you are before being with someone else.
You're a very empathetic person, extremely kind to others, and I can see that your circle of friends is always there for you in both good and bad times. These people will have an even stronger presence in your life during the next chapters of your romantic journey as well.
You might meet someone who initially seems like the right match for you because they understand you and connect with you emotionally. Another person might appear too, someone younger and grounded, but still building their life and figuring out what they truly want. I see that both of these people will be interested in you and will try to reach out. However, I honestly see you thinking that you can find someone you truly connect with, as most of the people who approach you don’t really capture your interest. It’s easier for you to treat them as friends rather than romantic interests.
I see you becoming more financially independent, advancing academically, and taking better care of yourself—not just emotionally, but also focusing on your physical health. You’ll be buying clothes, treating yourself well, and caring for yourself in the way you want to be treated.
This is about how strong you are. I believe you’ll face some obstacles, situations where you’ll feel deep pain that seems impossible to resolve. But the universe is speaking to you, showing you signs and guiding you on the path you should take. Some challenges make us stronger and wiser, and I see great potential in you to become stronger and wiser amidst difficulties and the unknown. You will be led into unfamiliar territory on a new journey, a chapter of your life that you don’t yet know how it will unfold.
This is a reading about self-love, not love with others, because you can only love someone else when you truly love yourself.
Pile II
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You're definitely going to be getting out of the house more, going places, meeting new people, and opening your heart to them. You'll discover what happens when you truly embrace who you are, when you're in your essence. Are you allowing yourself to be happy in the moment and enjoying what you're experiencing? Because in the past, some of you were hurt by someone who came into your life.
Maybe it was someone you thought was your ideal type—physically attractive, someone you really believed would be the love of your life, your soulmate, or something like that. But in the end, this person betrayed you, lied to you, said hurtful things. Perhaps this was someone who was closed off from the beginning, and you thought you could win their heart. But in the end, you discovered they were exactly who they seemed to be all along. This experience might have left you nearly depressed, unable to see your own worth, and lacking the motivation to go out and meet other people.
And yes, you might have had help from a friend, a relative, or a female figure who came to you and told you that you are worth it, that you have all the potential and capacity to find someone who will recognize you and not deceive you in the end.
What you heard from these people might have been hard to accept at first, but it’s true. You have the capacity. I see you meeting someone new, perhaps around your age, someone very intelligent and creative. This person will be interested in you, but I see you being a bit tough with them because of what happened to you.
I see you taking your time to reply to their messages when they invite you out, playing a bit hard to get. But every time you meet with this person, it's positive; it’s an important moment.
It's fun!
You’ll find yourself in a stable relationship with this person. I see you two becoming best friends first, and then evolving into something more, into love.
This person will show you a very romantic side, perhaps a part of them that you didn’t expect. At first, they might have presented themselves in a certain way, but as your relationship deepens, things will evolve and become more natural. That’s what you’ll need to pay attention to. You need to let things flow naturally, stop trying to control or idealize too many people, too many conversations, behaviors—just let things happen as they will.
And while this person from your past may still be on your mind, still in your thoughts, the universe wants you to let that go. Move on—it's in the past. You deserve to be with someone who is good for you, not someone who hurt you and crushed your self-esteem.
Pile III
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Well, I'm not sure if you're aware, but right now, you’re manifesting a very important soul connection, the kind where you might feel what the other person is feeling, have strange experiences like shared dreams, and connect with this person on incredibly deep levels without knowing why.
I believe you’re a very spiritual person, someone who knows their worth. You seem to be more introverted, perhaps spending a lot of time at home, but recently, you might have considered going out more.
You might meet this person when you’re out, perhaps in a place you don’t usually go to, with people you aren’t particularly close with. You’ll meet this person unexpectedly, and it will feel like a clash of souls between you two.
You’re trying to leave behind what has hurt or bothered you, trying to move forward every day, but you’re also quick to judge the people who come into your life. Sometimes, even if someone just says hi, you might immediately think they’re not your type or that you have nothing in common, not giving them a chance to get to know you.
You could meet this person while traveling, perhaps to a place you’ve always wanted to visit. Suddenly, you meet them, and it takes you by surprise.
I see you feeling unsure whether this person is truly attracted to you, whether they feel the same connection you do. You might have a lot of doubts about this.
It’s possible that you two will be in a long-distance situation, even if you’re in the same city. Maybe you didn’t exchange numbers; you saw each other a few times in different places and then went your separate ways. I see you seeking answers through the Divine or through things that are beyond what we can see, because you’ll sense that this connection is something different.
You and this person are very different—not just physically, but in personality and maturity. You are more mature than they are. This person still feels like a teenager in some ways, even though they’re an adult. Their actions and behaviors are still very youthful, and not in a positive sense. However, I don’t see this as an obstacle to you being together.
This person will miss you a lot, and you’ll miss them too, especially due to the distance between you. You won’t quite understand why you’re apart, but it will feel like there’s something bigger at play.
This person still has a lot of growing up to do, which might be why you’re not together yet—they need to go through certain experiences to mature because the universe is taking care of this connection. Whatever it is, the universe will do everything possible to bring you and this person together.
Besides this person, you might also receive romantic interest from others, such as someone in your workplace who finds you charming. They may try to win you over with gifts, attempting to capture your heart in various ways.
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beaulesbian · 3 months
I've been thinking about the Whiskey Peak Luffy vs Zoro fight and how nothing is truly finished or contained within just one arc in One Piece - where the themes and character development always overlap and span over many later arcs as well.
It's an interesting scene, and I feel it's almost impossible to dissect that fight just within that arc alone - like it wasn't meant to be taken seriously by itself at that time, but later with more context of what's to come after that.
A short version: It's a great set up of how the trust between Luffy and Zoro would develop after this fight.
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Specifically, how it gets to this in Skypiea:
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And a longer version under the read more:
To start at the beginning again - Luffy knew about Zoro's reputation by the time he reached Shells Town and heard about him as Demon Pirate Hunter of the East Blue, and decided to see if he's a good guy to have on his crew.
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Once Luffy freed Zoro and they took down Morgan together, they could see how the other was similary strong, as well as they were able to fight in sync and well together, but maybe they still didn't understand how much they could depend on each other.
With Luffy, anyone who offers him food becomes something like his hero. If they offer him hospitality, he would protect them with his life.
With Zoro, he's always looking out for the danger, used to travel alone (or with just Johnny and Yosaku), he does what's needed, and usually without telling the others.
And this is, I think, that crucial moment when they realize this about each other -
Luffy wakes up and sees the people who helped him lying on the ground, and telling him that Zoro was the one who did that. Luffy goes berserk without needing to hear why, because there shouldn't be a reason why. Whatever Zoro tells him must be a lie, right? He must have gone mad.
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Maybe if Zoro didn't fight back, Luffy would see something was wrong, but Zoro isn't one to back down from a fight, especially when being falsely accused, and if he saw that Luffy was fighting him for real, he in turn would give him the same courtesy. They're both very stubborn in the same way.
The misunderstanding trope can be a bit annoying, but I think it's all just to see them actually fight together on equal footing. It was one of the first examples of what they can do together.
After this fight, where they defeat the two Baroque Works agents together, and after everything is explained, Luffy understands, in his own way.
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When rereading this part of "I thought you got mad (...)", I had a feeling that Luffy might have even think Zoro could become a danger to others and was ready to just.. contain him. He heard about him as a demon pirate hunter - of course, those where a lot of talking from the Marine's side of the story perpetuating the myth of him, Zoro never called himself that and Luffy knows it, but part of me thinks maybe Luffy wouldn't care about that - he just wanted Zoro on his crew no matter what, and would deal with the consequences after that. Like in Whiskey Peak.
But what's even more interesting is, since this fight, they began to understand how they work separately.
I kind of like that they don't come back or talk more about this fight, because once it's done, they're past that. But both take it as a learning experience, Luffy still has a long journey to go as a captain, and I feel with knowing what Zoro does without saying, Luffy began finding the footing as captain with putting this specific trust in Zoro - learning he can fully depend on him to protect their crew when something would be amiss, when some danger would be nearby.
And that despite the sudden fight, the bad communication and the immediate resolve, Zoro sees another most important part of Luffy's character - how far he would go to help someone who offered him food or helped Luffy and his crew. And this knowledge has helped Zoro many times since this arc, in situation where the rest of the crew might not understand Luffy's thinking, Zoro's usually the first one who does understand.
On Jaya, that trust takes the main role when Luffy orders Zoro not to fight Bellamy's crew:
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Later on Skypiea Luffy says it out loud how much he trusts Zoro to protect the rest of the crew:
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It goes on each arc more and more, subtle but with that trust between them deepening.
With Zoro letting Luffy know being their captain is hard but he cannot falter,
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in Post Enies Lobby it's Zoro telling him what rules need to be followed, otherwise the crew would fall apart,
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It feels since that Whiskey Peak fight, Zoro really took it onto himself to protect the crew without having to say so, and Luffy understood that's what he does. It's Zoro's instinct to do that - Skypiea protecting Robin and Chopper, Thriller Bark - protecting Brook, saving Sanji and of course Luffy from Kuma. On Punk Hazard, while Luffy is against Ceasar, Zoro fights Monet so Nami and Robin could get away. On Dressrosa his final fight against Pica is to protect Usopp and Kinemon.
I also like this bit on Zou, where Zoro doesn't enjoy the Minks' attention on him, and Luffy reprimands him that it's rude to talk back to someone who's hosting a feast for them. Again, kind of a callback to Whiskey Peak, ch. 807
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And then there's whole Wano, with Zoro protecting Tama, Otoko and Yasuie, Hiyori, and it gets very personal when they're hurt.
During Onigashima Raid he keeps reminding Luffy that he would go with him up to the rooftop to fight Kaido, because this time the enemies are too dangerous and he needs to protect Luffy as well. And they both protect each other there:
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Conclusion: I love the Whiskey Peak fight now, because it brings up many small details that are so important over the span of many arcs later, slowly showing just how different these two are built and how much trust they learnt to put in the other.
On their way to Enies Lobby on the train, this scene looks very similar to their Whiskey Peak fight, except this time they're intentionally using their strengths together against the Aqua Laguna.
Whiskey peak, ch. 112
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Water Seven, ch. 367
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What if Earthspark Optimus and Megatron were sent to the Prime universe?
How do both factions react to the pair being allies and TES Megatron having abandoned the Decepticons?
-TFP Optimus is happy to see that at least one version of Megatron and himself managed to overcome their differences and became friends. He not so secretly hopes that maybe this will inspire his own Megatron to do the same.
-Yeah, no, Ratchet doesn't buy it. He's long since given up on Megatron and while this other version does seem to have turned his life around, that doesn't mean that Ratchet trusts him one bit. Reluctantly tolerates his presence, only because Optimus (both of them).
-Bumblebee is understandably wary at first, distrustful of this mech that is so similar to the one that took away his ability to speak. But after some time, personally witnessing how different this version of Megatron is, he ultimately decides to give him a chance and trust him. Treats him with kindness but there's still some tension between them.
-Surprisingly, Bulkhead accepts it faster than you'd expect it. Look, he doesn't really understand this whole 'alternative dimension' thing but this is clearly not the Megatron that they know. Yeah, there's a sense of distrust and unease but Bulkhead won't actively try to antagonize this other version of Megatron.
-Arcee doesn't trust this Megatron. He might have turned over a new leaf but that doesn't mean that his past is forgiven. And if he was anything like their own Megatron then he's got a lot of things to make up for. Keep a close eye on him, just in case.
-TFP Megatron detests this version of himself. He could never even imagine abandoning the decepticons, the army and legacy that he's created. This version of himself is weak, pathetic and a coward and it's his duty to kill him. In the deepest part of his mind, Megatron can't help but wonder if this will one day be his own fate.
-There are some mixed feelings for Starscream. One on hand, if Megatron were to abandon the decepticons then it would serve as the perfect opportunity for himself to take the place as leader. Surely his own alternate dimension counterpart have already done just that. But at the same time, there's this anger and disgust that wells up inside of him when he thinks about it for too long. Because how dare he? After everything they've done for him, after everything Starscream has done? To just give up and cast them aside? Like all those sacrifices meant nothing to him? It leaves Starscream with a bitter taste in his mouth and a feeling of resentment towards Earthspark Megatron.
-Soundwave have never considered the possibility of Megatron abandoning the decepticons. It's always seemed impossible, crazy even. He knows Megatron better than anyone else, knows his conviction, his resolve and unbreakable will. Yet this version of Megatron forces him to consider it. It's a thought that leaves him feeling confused, devastated, furious. So many emotions that he has no idea how to handle. So, he pushes them aside, buries them in the deepest parts of his processor and locks away. Soundwave can't allow himself to start doubting, not now, not ever.
-Now, Knockout have never considered himself to be the picture of a loyal decepticon but the mere thought of Megatron, even alternative version of him, abandoning the decepticons and allying with Optimus Prime, is very amusing and slightly gratifying to him. He's always had the backup plan of defecting to the autobots if his situation with the decepticons ever took a bad turn so this makes him feel better. Of course, he would never tell anyone this.
-More than anything, Breakdown is confused. Why would Megatron abandon them? He doesn't know the situation in this alternative dimension but still, this mech was still the leader of the decepticons. What made him lose faith? What happened that made him decide that it wasn't worth fighting anymore? These questions make Breakdown feel doubtful and causes him to look at their own world's Megatron a bit differently, with some hesitation.
-Honestly? Shockwave couldn't give less of a fuck about these questions of loyalty and betrayal. Nah, he's much more interested in this alternative dimension that the two bots came from. Imagine the data, the knowledge he would possess if he managed to figure out the science between cross-dimensional travel.
-Dreadwing remains adamant in his belief in the decepticons and lord Megatron. He refuses to look at this copy of his lord and compare them to each other. They are clearly two very different bots and should not be confused as one and the same. As for the fact that this mech abandoned the decepticons? It is treachery of the highest degree and is deserving of death.
-Airachnid sees this as an opportunity to seed some chaos among both the autobots and the decepticons. She whispers words of doubt to both sides, things that will make them falter and turn them into easier targets. When everyone else are fumbling for answers it will be so much easier for her to come out on top.
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wishcamper · 8 months
meditation on motivations at the beginning of acosf
Nesta: Nesta wants relief. Nesta wants catharsis. She looks for spaces to unspool and unmask from all the suffocating expectations or her past life and her current one. She doesn't want to slide into acceptance of all that's happened, she wants to scream without being scolded. Nesta wants to be a grown woman who can explode as loudly as she’s like. She’s told from birth that her emotions are wrong or too big or inconvenient or embarrassing or inconsequential and just wants everyone to fuck off because it’s the only way to feel however the hell she wants. Nesta wants license to accomplish absolutely nothing with her life. Nesta wants to resist the system by sitting fucking still, refusing to play the game. Nesta is a conscientious objector to life and love.
Cassian: Cassian wants clarity. Cassian wants information to know how he is existing in this system of his family and what the expectations are. He reads people’s cues to determine what they want from him, because this is how he stays safe. He exherts control heads off conflicts because this is how he keeps his family safe. He needs everyone to be okay, because that's the only time he can rest. Cassian wars with his anxiety and it often gets the best of him, which embarrasses him. Instead he hides his anxiety and doesn’t realize the distance it creates between himself and his friends. Anxiety is a tool of control but also of protection. When he can make peace with his worries, it gives his friends space to be vulnerable, too. It also makes him feel less alone. He finds this in pockets with Nesta, because she is very clear that she doesn't need him.
Azriel: Azriel wants punishment. Azriel wants atonement. He tortures and kills because he believes he has to keep people safe from bad stuff like him. That violence is the only way toward peace. His sense of justice is veeeery black and white - bad people have bad intentions and good people have good intentions. He sees himself, unequivocally, as a bad, which creates cognitive dissonance as he tries to do good. he resolves this by dooing very bad things on behalf of who he believes are good people. He works to atone for his nature despite believing it can never change. Azriel wants to be left alone with his contradictions. He funnels his normal needs into a desire for love, which gives him a convenient avenue for denying his needs altogether. But unmet needs fester, and Azriel is bitter. Bitterness is a shield.
Feyre: Feyre wants peace. Feyre wants harmony, and she will fight to get it. Feyre is good at making the best of any situation. She was born learning to adapt, and while that makes her easy to take advantage of and have a large tolerance for suffering, it also makes her resilient! It’s a tradeoff. Feyre wants everyone to get along. Feyre wants everyone to be well. Feyre takes it as a personal failure when someone she loves is struggling, much like Cassian. Feyre wants to be trusting and connected.
Rhysand: Rhys wants security. Rhys wants Feyre. Rhys recognizes that feyre is so young, and is afraid he’s stolen her youth and her life from her. He is also terrified of losing a loved one because he might lose control of his power and become destructive. But instead of focusing more on controlling his power like he tells Nesta to do, he displaces his anxiety by trying to create a world where that could never happen (impossible). Rhys wants people to do their best. That’s why he loves Feyre- Feyre always does her best. Rhys has muscled through so much hardship it feels threatening when someone suggests you can simply live in your despair for a while. That healing is not linear nor accomplished through pure hard work and determination. Rhys is a bootstrapper. He attaches to bootstrappy people. People who are not like this confuse him. And when he is confused it usually turns to angry.
Mor: Mor wants autonomy. Mor wants final say over who she is and what she does and how other people treat her and how they fit into her life. Mor is very invested in things around her being predictable so she can act unpredictably within them. Mor wants a safe container to rebel inside. Mor both wants to be told what to do and be allowed to do whatever the hell she wants. Mor wants everyone to care about her in exactly she way she wants them to. Mor has a father wound (the kinder name for "daddy issues") and the internalized sexism to go with it. it's not her fault, but it is affecting others.
Amren: I don’t know what Amren wants. I don’t know if Amren knows what Amren wants. She floats from pleasure to pleasure and denies herself nothing. She is very invested in Rhys for reasons that seem to have ulterior motives. There is a long game being played so it’s tricky to know what is an act and what is sheer mind numbing boredom. Probably both.
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it's so befuddling when ppl get pressed about other people finding a lot of joy in a piece of media. first of all, when it comes to enjoyment you're always gonna lose in some way if you go into it intent on comparing and contrasting it to other pieces of media as your primary objective. if you found Cherry Magic seriously lacking in ways that matter to you, that's valid, but also don't try and dismiss people who list aspects you don't like as reasons they love it because that perspective is valid as well.
i know, for example, that CM would not work for my roommate because there isn't a lot of critical conflict and her attention thrives on juicy drama. for me, the absence of that is why i love it so much - with OCD and anxiety playing a role, I struggle to make it through a lot of media and usually don't succeed if it's not mind-blowingly captivating and impossible to separate from (which usually only ever happens if it's significantly relevant to me and my experiences [and significantly gay]). that's why a lot of stuff I watch, like Cherry Magic, serves more to wash over me like a calming wave. i love the neverending stream of love and all the attempts at productive and empathetic communication. i love how the actors portray that love. i love the exciting localization to a place i'm deeply interested in. i LOVE the pacing, which is slower/calmer. that makes it perfect for me to enjoy the media in whole episodes bc it doesn't demand steadfast attention or hyper awareness. that sort of pacing might even allow me to be completely invested from start to finish because it takes the pressure off.
more often than not, i don't want to agonize over tragic missed opportunities, unrealistically bad communication, and frustrating character flaws. i know a lot of people would respond with 'but then what's the point?' the point for me is that i want to see situations resolve how I would probably resolve them in my own life. effective communication is very important to me and one of the things I'm best at. i love seeing it in others. it makes me feel so good! and when it comes to CM, i love that it's all slightly tinged with a hint of madness, simply by the nature of Karan's intense love and devotion, in equal measure with Achi's near-instantaneous instinct to receive it all like a river carrying him on a direct route straight to all of life's most memorable and significant experiences. and of course the general idea of 'put that boy in situations.' i love the characters and i love seeing them respond to their environments and to each other. that's vapid to some but for me its my primary framework for joy/deep enjoyment of media given how my brain works.
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glatisant-questing · 11 months
Hakuouki Drama CD: An Unexpected Prospective Recruit (Translation, Part 4)
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See Part 3 here.
Hijikata: So, it's not about approving your entry. There are various complicated relationships at play, and it's impossible to let you join now. Iba: So, what should I do? Just stand by and watch her grow closer to someone else? Hijikata: We'll keep a close eye on that matter; you don't need to worry. Iba: I'm also concerned about the other soldiers taking care of her. Yamazaki: Speaking of which, Okita-san always says some harsh things 🧐, like wanting to kill her and such… Iba: We can't let this situation continue! Hijikata: We've already warned him about this, but you know, he's not the kind to follow orders. Iba: Indeed, he's not someone who listens to advice. But the problem hasn't been resolved yet. If I were in Toshi-san's position, I'd have Okita's room arranged as far away from hers as possible, absolutely preventing them from interacting. Yamazaki: I've always thought Okita-san's behavior was over the top. I've even considered setting traps in his room, but perhaps it's better to arrange Okita-san's room farther away. Iba: Yamazaki, can you help? Yamazaki: Okita-san's behavior has always struck me as excessive. Hijikata: Hey, Yamazaki, don't get carried away by Hachiro. Yamazaki: Uh, my apologies. Iba: Besides, recently, it's not just within the Shinsengumi, even outside folks from Satsuma-han and Tosa-han seem to have taken an interest in her. What's the deal with that? Hijikata: No, well… Where did you hear that from? Iba: It doesn't really matter where I heard it from, does it? Information flows from various sources, and we can't expect to keep everyone's lips sealed. Yamazaki: When it comes to information about Yukimura-kun, our observational intelligence network might be more potent than other sources. Hijikata: Hey, Yamazaki, what's got you all philosophical here? Come on, talk some sense into Hachiro and make him give up on joining us. Yamazaki: Sorry, I didn't mean to… Iba-san, please calm down. Just as the Vice-Commander said, we'll do everything to protect Yukimura-kun. You don't have to worry. Iba: I heard that you, Yamazaki, are well-acquainted with Dr. Matsumoto Yoshinori and often engage in conversations with Yukimura-kun about medical matters. I guess you wouldn't be feeling anxious and worried like me. Yamazaki: I'm not quite sure what you mean, but… Iba: Probably when you go out to buy medicine, you find various reasons to take her with you, and later you express your daily gratitude. Then, on the way back, you might take her to a tea house, and when you're preparing medicines, you'd hold her hand under the guise of teaching her, and then… 🥺 Yamazaki: None of that has ever happened. Iba-san, how do you really see me? Hijikata: Oh, really? You often go out together for things like buying supplies, right? Yamazaki: Vice-Commander! Please don't add fuel to the fire! Ultimately, the one who spends the most time with Yukimura should be the Vice-Commander! Iba-san should be more concerned about the Vice-Commander, because it is he who always makes Yukimura very nervous, right? Hijikata: Hey, don't point fingers at me 😡. I never kept Yukimura around as such an object of interest. Iba: Is that so, Toshi-san? Hijikata: Of course it's true! I set clear boundaries for my roles. Yamazaki: But you often have her make tea for you. That's also quite enviable. Hijikata: I said enough with the prying! Iba: Well, even if it's Toshi-san, I still don't want to hand her over to someone else. Please, let me become a Shinsengumi member! 🙏
(The end.)
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houseoffourcats · 1 year
What Do You Need to Know Right Now? Pick a Pile and Find Out!
20 July 2023
CW: Illustrated nudity
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I hope you enjoy this reading! If so, please check out my Etsy page for affordable personalized readings. Feedback is also more than welcome. Thanks for your support!
Pile One
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The Wheel of Fortune - III of Cups - III of Wands
With a wheel at the center of the Major Arcana card and two Threes to symbolize momentum, as well as the dancers in the III of Cups, this reading is ultimately about movement and change. With all three cards right side up, it's all good news right now!
Things will unexpectedly start to go quite well for you in all areas of your life, as symbolized by the four elements represented in this card. You'll find yourself passionate and filled with new ideas, while also having happiness and stability. Your friends and family will be proud of and excited for you, and will be there to share the good times with you. The real adventure starts after the celebrations, though. You'll be ready to put your ideas into action or follow through on what you've started. The III of Cups suggests that other people may be joining you. This could be a romantic partner building a healthy relationship with you, other people helping in a charitable or mutual aid effort, or collaborators in a creative project.
What you set off to do might not be what happens, though. The figure in the Wheel of Fortune is blindfolded, after all, and things can change very suddenly. The adventurer in the III of Wands thinks that they can see what's on the other shore, but it's at a distance, so he can only guess at the full details of things over there. Be prepared for things to change, but don't be let down if they do. Even if your luck changes periodically, you still have people who love and respect you there as support, and your goal won't be so far away for some complications to make it impossible.
Pile Two
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VII of Swords - VII of Cups (Reversed) - VIII of Swords
With two Sevens and consecutive Swords cards that visually follow from one another, this is a fascinating spread. Sevens are about discernment and evaluation of one's situation. The suits, meanwhile, seem to show a tension between thoughts and emotions, and warn of the possible consequences of them not playing well together.
the VII of Swords can mean deception, but its imagery suggests that it could be about strategy as well as removing the source of a conflict. Its deceptive meaning could speak to taking action without the knowledge or consent of everyone involved. The VII of Cups reversed, meanwhile, is literally the central card here, getting the figure carrying swords away into the forest in the VII of Swords bound to a tree and left with even more swords in the VIII. While the upright VII of Cups can refer to too much imagination at the expense of the reality of the situation, the reversed VII can signal a false sense of "realism" that leads a person to shut their eyes to new possibilities. They have fears that prevent them from even considering them, but are keeping them in. The VIII here represents being stuck, or stymied, and having more problems than you started out with.
You're in the early stages of trying to resolve a problem, especially one between people. The conflict may involve you, such as between you and a partner, but it could just as easily be about problems that come up as part of work or between people you know. However, someone else thinks this move is too risky or outright pointless and won't (let you) give it a shot, regardless of how well thought out it is. Rather than solving the problem, your going forward with your idea without everyone being on board may lead to someone lashing out or retaliating against you. This doesn't mean the idea is bad. Still, you have to handle this situation carefully and diplomatically to avoid this outcome. Figure out what makes them afraid about your idea, and maybe change your messaging to address that fear. You've already shown yourself to be resourceful; you can find a way through of this!
Pile Three
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The Chariot (Reversed) - Page of Swords (Reversed) - King of Swords (Reversed)
We have three reversed cards here - not necessarily a guaranteed bad outcome, but a warning. While we have a Major Arcana card at the beginning that's "driving" the rest of the spread, the most interesting thing about this spread is that we have two court cards from the same suit - one a page (apprentice) and one a king (master). These could represent two separate people, but they may also show a possible progression within yourself.
A common theme between all three of these cards are that the figures in them are holding sharp objects - a spear in the Chariot, and swords in the two court cards. If you aren’t careful with them, you can do a lot of unintentional harm. The Chariot is a powerful card that represents control and direction, so in reverse it can mean that, even if you still have power, you won't know what to do with it or how to use it responsibly. The Page of Swords, meanwhile, has dropped his wooden practice sword as well as his shield in favor of a metal sword, which he is polishing for use. Because this is the Swords suit, the reverse of this means that you may take on a faulty understanding of the situation, and lack the self-awareness to know you need to handle it differently. Without developing a new framework, you risk becoming the reversed King of Swords, using whatever power you have in a destructive way while being convinced you're in the right.
Chaos and crisis can have a significant of impact on your view of the world, but the resulting framework may be as extreme as the situation that gave rise to it. You may also cling particularly tightly to the beliefs you developed then as a way of keeping yourself safe. These ideas can unfortunately include biases and other worldviews that can be used as justifications to hurt other people, even on a small, interpersonal scale. Have the humility to regularly examine your beliefs and find out where they're coming from as you rise up in the world, so you can use your influence in a way that helps your children, employees, or other people who depend on and look up to you. Even if all you do is pass on what you learned to them, it will have an impact on the world around you, good or bad.
If you got something out of this reading, good or bad, I’d love to hear about it. If you liked it, please also check out my Etsy page for detailed yet affordable personalized reasons.
Thank you in advance for your support. For now, please enjoy Mina and Wes tolerating each other’s company (and waiting to see who can claim the food bowl first):
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anaalnathrakhs · 5 months
heeehee hooohoho nothing has weight, sense, or value anymore. everything is everybody's fault. no one can be blamed for anything. sorry for being an asshole i'm just going to fucking kill myself.
i asked my mom if she remembered if we set up an account for me to check an info, she said she didn't know, i said okay thanks, don't do anything about it though.
this afternoon, while i'm sleeping, i get a text that goes like "okay so you do this and this and this on the website!" and i haul my ass out of bed to do it before the cutoff time this evening, and it leads me to the exact same problem of needing an account. so. my mom could take the time to search for a way to resolve a problem she THOUGHT i had. despite me telling her explicitely, bc i'm starting to get used to it, not to do anything about it and it was just a question. but then she didn't click through the thing to check. bc she just googled it and sent me what she read. after telling me "noooo, no need to check" when i had asked her. she said it "went over her head" that i had said EXPLICITELY "please don't do anything about it".
i have no fucking idea what to think. i'm making a mountain out of a molehill, yes, and my own fault for even mentioning the topic, yes. but on the other hand, why the fuck is such a simple thing impossible? we've had so many discussions about what i'm uncomfortable with, and there's many things that didn't change, which i understand, because i'm not a toddler, i have complex needs but also the ability to mitigate and handle discomfort, they have priorities, they have no obligation to uproot their habits for me. but then such a small fucking thing is also too much?????? i ask her one yes/no question, and she invents a problem i didn't have from the situation, halfasses solving it, and brings me the result like yay! mom to the rescue! despite me telling her NOT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE TOPIC OF THE VERY SIMPLE YES/NO QUESTION. that she had told me to not even bother checking when she answered. we've had discussions about it. i've learned to tell her NOT TO CHECK because for some reason when i say "hey have you seen this thing around?" she hears "go fetch me this thing", and despite that she was still showing up two days later like yay! i found it in the back of the guest room closet where we never go! mom to the rescue! and like, i know you're a workaholic, but could you please not invent yourself fucking quests when i told you to drop it?
and on the other other hand, i'm a fucking hypocrite, because it's true she does tell me often not to do something, and i slide the problem a little to the left and carry on. but i don't fucking know. she said that like, well, you know what i'm talking about. purging in the toilets. I HAVENT ASKED YOU TO CLEAN THEM AND I HAVE DONE MY BEST TO CLEAN THEM AND I WOULD'VE DONE THE PROPER DEEP-CLEAN IF YOU HAD ASKED ME AND ALSO I HAVE A FUCKING RAGING EATING DISORDER THAT AFFECTS ME LIKE PRETTY MUCH 24/7.
and holy fuck. i'm a constant problem for everybody around me. it's cool. how am i supposed to "get better progressively" when everything i do is fucking poison damage to everybody around. how am i supposed to accept being around people often, when this is not a harsh pass or a difficult time, it's just what life's been for my entire existence.
like trust me mom, i'm counting the days til i can move out too! but am i. im possibly planning to get a year of higher education in my hometown, after all. but also i might have to drop out of school so 🥴 possibly a step towards leaving, possibly a step towards living in my parents basement until they die out and i inherit the house. fucking fantastic. i should just cut it short and either have the balls to kill myself, or drop out and get the best job i can with what i have.
it's cool! i thought i was doing good, doing better, improving, but turns out haha me doing better is just at the expense of other people! how silly of me to believe i could perhaps not be a source of suffering to everybody around me if i worked hard on it! everybody in my life fucking hates me and they're right tbh what the fuck have i done for them. i mean i tried, but have i succeeded?
ANYWAY i have until monday to figure out what i'm going to do. does anyone have a movie rec for someone killing some stand-in for the unfeeling standardize reglementation, cuz i need some catharsis rn.
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Clock Witch
Sometimes they are skittish old watchmakers with a knack for making wondrous contraptions, sometimes they are perfectionist implacable musicians who time everything to the second, sometimes they are steampunk travellers constantly on the run from a threat even they cannot explain. Whoever they are, Clock Witches have mastered control of one of the most elusive powers in the universe.
Clock Witches' Emotional Focus is the emotion of Anxiety. Their magic is inexorably tied to the stress that arises from the unstoppable, constant march of time - and thus they are among the few magic practitioners to master Time Magic. But despite that power of control they are stressed out about time just as much, if not more so then, the average person. The idea of being late, the years going by, the inevitability of death - no one knows it better or fears it more than the Clock Witch.
Clock Witches tend to be pressure-cookers of stress and nervous energy. But their Time Magic is still quite a source of pride for them, and that pride tends to translate into high expectations, perfectionism and a tendency to micromanage others with the precision of an atomic watch. Since their default state is already so high-strung, they actually function very well in high-pressure situations. Stress motivates them and Anxiety literally powers them, and despite their often skittish outer casing, they have an iron resolve ticking inside.
Still, even with their reputation for resilience, both the Time Magic the Clock Witches specialise in and the Anxiety that powers it are a dangerous substance that requires careful balance and precision from the Witch to prevent it from consuming them and their loved ones entirely. They must master it to avoid burning out in both body and mind. Some Clock Witches have indeed found that legendary precise balance that allows them to really live alongside their Anxiety - while others can be very good at helping others manage theirs while being terrible at taking their own advice.
With their unique powerset, nerves of steel, clockwork precision and endless energy, Clock Witches can make for valuable allies - but they are truly terrifying as enemies. Clock Witches tend to favour tactics of misdirection, psychological warfare and attrition. And despite their general impatiences towards trivial matters - they know real pain needs to last long. If you have made an enemy out of a Clock Witch, you may never actually see them face to face. Just feel their presence, just out of reach of your perception, moving along precise and overcomplicated schemes behind the scenes.
Since their control of Time Magic is channelled through the power of time-related stress, it is easier for a Clock Witch to move time forward or time-travel into the future than it is to go back in time, slow or stop time. It is not impossible for the Clock Witch to perform these feats, but it does require more skill and powers. Other Magic Users might tell you this proves that Clock Witchcraft just isn’t worth it but the Clock Witches think they’re just jealous. In addition to their unique Time powers, Clock Witches tend to be skilled in divination and transport spells. Their obsession with efficiency means they tend to know a lot of utility spells. They don’t tend to use Elemental Combat Magic often, but when they do, the have a strong Elemental Affinity to Metal, and sometimes Lightning.
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neon-catarina · 1 year
İs chonny jash have a story?
depends on which story you are looking into, Chonny has multiple!
In Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium, (which i think is the one you're talking about) the story behind the Tally Hall/Miracle Musical covers is basically, one man gets reaaallllyyy depressed, and splits into three parts which all have their own consciousness and can do whatever. And they are called Heart, Mind and Soul respectively.
this is a bit of a long post bare with me.
Anyways Heart and Mind loathe each other for whatever reason, and Heart gets this whole murder plot to kill Mind by shooting him, but the idiot misses. Mind tells Soul/Soul sees this happen and Soul gouges Hearts eyes out as a punishment and throws him into the hole Heart originally dug for Mind.
Then Mind starts devising this plan to have the three dudes come together and be "whole" again, basically become the man at the start. And he sets these expectations for Heart, thinking that Heart can do said expectations and they can all be happy and whole again!
But Heart fails, because Mind's expectations are impossibly high and he can't do them. Mind gets angry at Heart because he thinks Heart is incompetent at literally everything and he is the only reason why they can't be whole again. And he spends like 11 minutes of song telling him this as well.
Heart in return, doesn't say much anymore, ever since he shot at Mind, Heart has been ridiculed and silenced by the other two, so he doesn't give any ideas to fix this huge problem because he's now lead to believe that he is incompetent.
But then Mind seeing this, has had enough of how little Heart is helping the situation. And then in true Mind fashion he blames everyone but himself and then tries to tell Soul that Heart is useless and to kill him.
Heart gets pissed as he doesn't want to die, Mind gets even more pissed because Heart won't agree with him. And Soul snaps because he's been listening to them argue for so long that he can't take it anymore.
And Soul says if they don't resolve their issues he will kill everyone including himself because he can't take their whining anymore.
Then Heart and Mind try to have a conversation without yelling at eachother and Heart realises how much Mind has kept them together so far and if not for him they probably would all be dead because of Heart's nature to make reckless decisions.
Mind realises that Heart can't do everything, and his anger and impossibly high expectations have impacted Heart in a very negative way.
Then they figure stuff out and become whole again. Happy ending right? Wrong! Whole has found a love interest and decides to express his feelings to them through a song, before they move away.
But he can't find the right sound, or make the right lyrics, and he ends up staying home and doesn't show them the song and never sees them again and convinces himself that they would never like him and makes an imaginary scenario in his head of them rejecting him.
He ends up hating himself and becomes incredibly depressed and starts to hate himself for not taking the shot and at least telling them.
In his depression he splits into three parts!!
Want to guess what their names are?
* * *
so in conclusion these idiots are basically stuck in a loop lolllll haha
Chonny has more song series but i don't know them well enough to explain the story :P
you can message me if you do have any questions but i am fully aware this might not be the correct full story but this was all from my understanding of it.
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heartsaligned-a · 1 year
@heavenslapse​ | akira and akechi on 2/2 ❄️
     Gentle snow fluttered softly past frosted glass, peaceful, quiet. The night was mild, dark and cold, but a chill that had nothing to do with the temperature had settled into Akira’s bones, into his heart and soul. For weeks he had forced himself not to think too deeply about Akechi’s reappearance, to take their time together as a blessing and not pull away the curtain, but in one swift movement Maruki had lain everything bare. Akira had been forced to look, forced to see something he couldn’t bear, all in a final, desperate attempt to control him. To control them.
     It wasn’t fair.
     Akira wasn’t stupid. Far from it, really. Everyone who met him commented on the sharpness of his gaze and his uncanny intuition. Incredibly perceptive, able to see past the mundane into something few others could see. He had seen Akechi when no one else could, witnessed the goodness of his heart despite the weight that clawed through his chest into the very fiber of his being. He had fallen in love with the person who would be his murderer, and yet it was the man who had been sent to help him had escaped detection. Maruki had displayed as unreadable for Akira, working his way into the teen’s head before he could be blocked out. For months Akira had let him use him without understanding why he felt so disgusting, so guilty--as if he owed the man something he wasn’t able to offer. And now, after months of pulling strings, he finally dealt his coup de grâce.
     At first, Akira couldn’t explain Akechi’s survival, but he also wasn’t going to deny his presence. It was a miracle. But the sparkling sheen began to chip off as the days passed, as Isshiki Wakaba and Haru’s father mysteriously returned to the world of the living as well. The thought had occurred to Akira then that Akechi might be in the same situation, but before it could even process his mind set up another wall, blocking the truth from sinking in. His mental state was already on the decline, and losing Akechi once had nearly killed him. How was he supposed to go through that again? How could he?
     There was no denying it anymore, of course. Maruki had made sure to make his terms clear, dangling Akechi’s life in front of him like a carrot on a string. Taking such a detestable deal sounded suddenly almost palatable, but the thought of accepting quickly turned Akira’s stomach. The Phantom Thieves fought as a unit, a tight-knit team that decided on everything unanimously, but in the end Akira was their leader. They followed him when he made the calls, and Maruki understand the nature of their relationship all too well. In the end, the decision was his and his alone.
     Time was running out. 
     After what seemed like an eternity in silence, Akira rose from his seat at the center booth, moving to stand next to Akechi, the resolve etched into his features already telling him everything he needed to know. There was no way they could accept the deal, they both knew it. Maruki had to be stopped, the world had to return to its true reality. Yet all Akira wanted to do was stay in this moment, to stay with Akechi no matter the cost. It was selfish, he knew that it was, but when did he ever get to be selfish? It was one thing after another with him, a life of selflessness, of struggling to meet other peoples’ standards, of taking their pain, being the responsible leader. Why did things have to turn out like this? Didn’t either one of them deserve one little bit of happiness after all these years?
     Softer than he intended, more quiet and raw than he would have liked despite the attempt at keeping his approach impersonal. There was still so much left to be said, so much that had become suddenly so impossible to speak aloud. Neither one of them could afford to back down now, and if Akira knew that saying the wrong thing would have devastating consequences. The world could easily fall into the hands of a sociopath with a god complex and they would remain under his influence, puppets forced to smile and dance until they day they finally were allowed to die.
     “Do I get any say in this?”
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sonderwrit · 11 months
C92: Slime!
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Wang Yi takes the slime back to his lab as a test subject, with mixed results and one very unpleasant surprise...
(Slime is banging on the glass again)
Wang Yi: It was obviously stable before, but why's it acting up as a soon as a human comes?
S-0: Not sure…
S-0: The System didn't manage to trace the specific origins of this organism either, so it must be something made-up by the novel.
WY: But since it has such high survivability, it's pretty fitting to offset Dr. Wang's lunatic tendencies. [Otherwise I'd really have to kill off multiple experimental subjects to uphold this persona.]
(Thanks to previous experiences, he's a bit reluctant to be proactive.)
Slime: !
S-0: If you need it, you might as well take it back?
Slime: Hungry…so hungry.. …
[Specification | NOTE: Humans cannot hear the slime.]
S-0: At any rate, the plot armor's protecting the mermaid so it can't leave, so you have to torment something…
S-0: EH?!
WY: !
WY: It's…clinging?
Slime: *sucking noises*
WY: (It's kinda cute.)
WY: (Is it coincidence or…?) *moves his hand*
Slime: ?
Slime: *shuffle shuffle*
WY: ….
S-0: !
[Assignment | MAIN PLOT MISSION: Meet the female lead for the first time]
[Office for Requesting Research Samples]
WY: That mermaid's mine. Just tell the higher-ups Wang Yi applied for dissection permissions.
Xiao Yu (晓雨): Oh, hold on a minute while I check.
[Female Lead: Xiao Yu - Research lab newbie]
XYu: T-that there, I'm sorry…
XYu: Currently dissections are prohibited on the [mermaid] because it's too beautiful and humanlike. They were thinking of observing it a while longer…
XYu: Ah, but if you need to, we can send over a few scales or strands of hair for DNA analysis.
XYu: (Is he the lab's famous eccentric researcher? Why's he all about dissection first thing…)
WY: How could that possibly be enough!
WY: (This is a plot point to increase meeting opportunities between the male and female leads. Since the male lead can't read minds and seems uninterested in me, then let's just progress the story and see what happens first.)
XYu: B-but staff like us aren't allowed to…
XYu: (Eccentrics really are scary QAQ…)
WY: I'll give you one week.
WY: *idiotic bully mode activated - please don't imitate in real life* If you can't resolve a little thing like that, don't think about staying in the lab any longer.
WY: (The female lead in this world's the weak and timid type.)
XYu: Wehh…I, I'll do my best… (Is it fine if it's just blood?)
WY: (As long as I keep putting on the pressure, she'll go meet the male lead in secret right?)
XYu: Please can you…give me a little blood?
Mermaid: ?
WY: (Why does it feel like I'm encouraging someone to NTR myself?)
[NTR: an online slang term referring to a situation where someone else claims your partner for him/herself]
WY: Hmph, I suppose you know what to do.
WY: Then I'll also apply for the specimen【X】 because it can't die, so dissecting it should be no issue, right? [The specimen's ID is χ*]
*(I think author means Greek alphabet Chi?)
XYu: Oh! 【X】? 
XYu: That specimen's always slamming against its tank when researchers pass by, so everything thinks it wants to attack humans. That's why no one's dared to take it away…
XYu: Mmph! Sorry, I said too much again! (Even though the head wants someone to experiment on it ASAP)
WY: (So the black blob charges as soon as it sees humans?)
XYu: You can take 【X】  though.
XYu: But…be careful.
WY: It's fine.
WY: Since I chose this path, I have to do it well.
WY: That's the duty of us researchers.
XYu: *sparkling eyes* …..
XYu: (Huh, he's pretty responsible isn't he.)
XYu: T-then I'll help put your name down. Do you want 【X】 to be delivered to you or…
WY: I'll pick it up myself.
WY: Immediately.
[Dr. Wang's Research Lab]
(Wall reads: National Security Intelligence….)
WY: It's not very big, but it's pretty heavy. *sets down*
S-0: Yeah. How fascinating that something so squishy could be so aggressive.
WY: Not necessarily. Maybe it just wants to get close to humans.
S-0: Hah?
S-0: You think any of these tormented, locked-up specimens could ever like the researchers who hurt them?
WY: Tch, you have a point. The reason the mermaid could love the female lead was because she was the only one who treated him well and saw him as a friend.
XYu: Ha~ *draws a heart*
WY: A lunatic like me who only takes specimens back to cut them up…
WY: It's already great if they don't hate me instead.
S-0: Is Host going to start…experimenting now?
WY: *opens lid* Mhm. I'm going to make an incision and cut off a piece to test first. (The soul of a scientist)
Slime: Hungry… so hungry.
Slime: Are you going to give me food… …human.. …
Scalpel: *slice*
Slime: ?! HURTS!
WY: Huh? This part can still move even after it's been cut off.
Slime: Hurts so much…hurts so much…
Slime: This human, isn't the one X is looking for… …?
Slime: It's been so, so long…since I've been able to absorb energy.
Slime: If this keeps on, I'll probably go berserk soon… …
WY: It's insect-like, but doesn't seem to be an Earth-based organism.
Slime: Since he's not the human I've been looking for.. …
Slime: THEN X——
WY: (So soft…)
Slime: X——
Slime: WILL START MOVING NOW. *whoooosh*
WY: EH?!
Slime: *splat*
WY: (Why did it climb onto my face)
WY: (Wahhhhh, get off already!)
WY: (It's going to climb inside my ear!)
WY: (Gotcha!)
Slime: *snaps*
WY: ?!
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Ah yes, let's stage a fight less than 24 hours after we made up when we still have a lot to talk about. What could go wrong? The fight might be fake, but the underlying anger is very real. Tommy has not gotten the Thesues calling out of his system and they haven’t really spoken about why Wilbur is in the personal wing so, of course, that’s what he goes for.
Meanwhile, Wilbur goes for the [”Why don’t you go run and tell Technoblade all about how cruel I’m being.”] which is a lot closer to their current situation and the things they don’t have an answer too. It’s also the thing Tommy feels guilty about. So while Wilbur never got angry at Tommy for it, because let’s be honest, the kid is already a mess, he does not need Wilbur’s anger, that does not mean that some part of Wilbur isn’t (subconsciously) angry at Tommy for not listening. And that’s how it comes across to Tommy which is why he flinches.
And it’s the genuine anger mixed with apologies every time a supposedly fake hit lands, because they both got frustrations and it’s easy fuel to the fire, that makes this fake fight so tragic to read. It hurts because they are hurting each other even if they don’t mean to and constantly trying to make up for it, but they have to do this.
[“You call it bitching, I call it learning how to act like a fucking adult!”] -Wilbur, see this one hurts Tommy too. Because Tommy is just as scared of making the wrong decisions as Wilbur is. It’s that hypothetical of “if Tommy was more mature, would they be here?” (though we could ask the same for Wilbur). Would Eret still have betrayed them? Would he have bitched to Ranboo? Would they have had this fight in the first place if both of them were more mature? Doesn’t really matter, we’re here now, but being called childish is definitely a sensitive topic for Tommy.
Also, it’s very funny to see Tommy acting. It’s a staged fight but the lines still hit and they keep breaking character because it’s hard and they don’t want to do any lasting damage. And every time Wilbur breaks Tommy will say that he’s fine and treasure him that he’s doing well. Combined with the fact that all of this is Tommy’s plan, the roles have switched.
YUPPPP the fight make be fake but there's still a lot of unresolved issues between them that they don't wanna look directly in the eye. it's literally the morning after they 'reconciled' from the biggest fight they've ever had, and now they have to pretend to shout these same insults at each other and there is still so much raw hurt there that it's impossible for them to avoid landing a few real hits here and there
the fight is truly tragic like you said, because they keep hurting each other even though they don't want to. they want to say they've made up but they haven't resolved things as much as they should've, but they have to keep moving forward like things are okay because they have bigger things to deal with now.
the tommy maturity question... would eret still have betrayed them? we don't know. I mean, as the author I do have an answer, but I think it's a lot more interesting to just pose as a silent question for the characters to think about. there's no way to know if eret would've still betrayed them or not because that's just what happened. would everything else—the fight, ranboo, all of it—have happened with a bit more maturity? it doesn't matter because that's not what happened, but the question looms over tommy. he really doesn't like being called childish, because so much shit has happened because of his behavior. and the thing is, he should be allowed to be a child! he's 15! he's gonna act like a child and that's okay!
unfortunately though, heavy is the head that wears the crown. he's in the world of royalty politics, so natural childishness has unbearable consequences.
yes the roles have switched! tommy is the one taking control of the plan because wilbur just can't this time. he's been through too much. he's been broken down too many times. tommy has to step up, so he does.
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dnetsoft · 11 days
What to Do If You’ve Chosen the Wrong Dynamics 365 Partner
What to Do If You’ve Chosen the Wrong Dynamics 365 Partner
Choosing the right Dynamics 365 Partner can be crucial for the success of your project. However, what if you've already made a choice and realized it’s not working out as expected? Unfortunately, selecting the wrong partner happens more often than you'd think. Whether it's because of unmet expectations, poor communication, or technical limitations, partnering with the wrong firm can significantly derail your project. But don't worry — there are steps you can take to address the situation and get your project back on track.
Signs You’ve Picked the Wrong Partner
The first step is recognizing the signs that something’s not right. Here are a few key indicators:
Lack of Transparency: If your partner fails to provide clear project timelines, goals, and progress updates, this could be a red flag. A good Dynamics 365 Partner should be upfront about challenges and proactive in their communication.
Missed Deadlines: Frequent delays, without valid explanations, are a clear indicator of inefficiency or mismanagement. Delays in project milestones can disrupt your entire business timeline.
Inadequate Support: Does your partner struggle to resolve issues or provide meaningful guidance? If you find yourself continuously asking for solutions without getting proper responses, it might mean your partner isn’t the best fit for your needs.
Lack of Expertise: Dynamics 365 covers a wide range of business functions. If your partner lacks expertise in your specific industry or the modules relevant to your needs, they won’t deliver a tailored solution that helps you achieve your goals.
What Can You Do to Fix It?
Once you've identified that you’ve chosen the wrong partner, it’s important to act quickly to minimize further disruptions. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Assess the Damage
Before you decide what to do next, take a step back and objectively assess where things stand. What areas of the project are lagging? Are there any parts that are going well? Create a list of concerns and successes to better understand the extent of the issues.
2. Open Up Communication
Start by having an open discussion with your partner. Share your concerns about their performance and see if they are willing to make changes. Sometimes, a lack of communication or misunderstanding can lead to dissatisfaction. Set up a meeting to realign expectations and see if the issues can be resolved internally.
3. Get a Second Opinion
If you're unsure whether the problem is with your partner or the project itself, consider bringing in a third-party consultant to review the work. A fresh set of eyes can help identify whether the issues are fixable with the current partner or if it’s time to move on.
4. Decide Whether to Continue or Exit
If the problems persist despite attempts to resolve them, you may need to seriously consider terminating the partnership. While it might seem daunting, continuing with an inadequate partner can be far more costly in the long run. If you feel your current Dynamics 365 Partner is unable to meet your expectations, it's best to cut ties sooner rather than later.
How to Switch to a New Dynamics 365 Partner
Switching to a new Dynamics 365 Partner can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. Follow these steps for a smoother transition:
1. Documentation
Ensure you have detailed documentation of everything that’s been done so far. A new partner will need access to project specs, existing code, customization details, and any other information that helps them understand where the project stands.
2. Set Clear Expectations
When choosing a new partner, be very specific about what went wrong with the previous one. Lay out your expectations, including communication protocols, timelines, and project goals. This helps ensure your new partner knows what to focus on and avoids the same mistakes.
3. Review Credentials
Thoroughly vet your new partner to avoid falling into the same trap. Check for industry expertise, relevant case studies, customer reviews, and certifications. Ask for client references and understand how they’ve performed on similar projects.
4. Transition Plan
A solid transition plan will help avoid downtime. The new partner should outline how they will take over the project, including an assessment phase and a detailed handover process. Work with them to establish a roadmap for completion.
How to Avoid This Mistake in the Future
To avoid partnering with the wrong Dynamics 365 firm again, here are some tips:
Do Thorough Research: Check the partner’s credentials, case studies, and experience in your industry.
Ask for References: Speak with past clients to get firsthand feedback on the partner’s performance.
Pilot Projects: Start with a smaller, low-risk project before fully committing. This allows you to see their work process and quality before jumping into a larger engagement.
Be Clear on Requirements: Clearly define your business needs, goals, and expectations. Ensure both parties understand what success looks like before the project begins.
Choosing the wrong Dynamics 365 partner doesn’t have to spell disaster. By acting quickly, reassessing your needs, and finding the right partner, you can still get your project back on track. It’s important to remember that a poor choice of partners is a learning experience and an opportunity to strengthen your future vendor relationships.
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stories-me · 7 months
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(Basically, imagine the above picture as a human)
Potential Character for Mrs. Kesley and Tumblr 2/11/2024:
Princess Chloe, Would-Be Ruler of Andoria:
What she might be in: Mice and Mystics (a fan expansion to it).
The younger sister of Prince Collin, the kindhearted Chloe was on a diplomatic mission to another kingdom during the events of the previous “Mice and Mystics” tales, as well as the events of “Tail Feathers”.
She returns to her home to find the castle in ruins, the kingdom in disarray, and her brother and father missing and presumed dead. Furthermore, various ambitious individuals have laid claim to the throne, and have crowned themselves “Warlords”.
She thus resolves to reunite the kingdom and set things right. She soon finds herself with an unusual ally: Her brother, who apparently has been turned into an anthropomorphic mouse, but still wants to help.
Secretly, Chloe tries to figure out a way to return Collin and certain others (Nez Bellows the Tinkerer, Tilda the Healer, Filch the Thief, Maginos the Mystic, and Zure the Elf Dragon Rider, as well as King Andon himself) to human form.
How she is like me:
We both care about family, we both face difficult situations, we both want to make things better, and we both have a support system.
My difficult situations mostly involve having to deal with annoying individuals, not to mention the fact that, lately, the computer’s been having troubles.
My support system comprises folks like my parents, Dr. Mosier, my teachers, and others of that sort.
And the things I want to make better involve my tolerance and other things like that.
Kelsey Notes:
Unfortunately, as you become an adult, you start to realize that it is a never-ending battle to have to tolerate “annoying individuals”
            We do not have the ability to control someone else’s actions when it makes us uncomfortable or annoyed
            Sometimes we miss out on having another friend or ally in some situations because we focus on one aspect of them that annoys us because we have no control over it
Chole has to be very openminded considering her family are now mice and it seems like a very unrealistic situation to be in
What kind of bind would Colin be in if Chloe was fixated on this mouse who wouldn’t leave her alone? 
What would have happened if she put mouse traps out and made it her life’s mission to rid her space of the mice?
This story would be VERY different if Chloe was totally dismissive of the mice and reacted the way most people would react towards a mice
Chloe is faced with an impossible situation, but she doesn’t let that stop her. 
If you were in her shoes what is the likelihood that you would immediately feel confident that you could turn a mouse back into your sibling?
Rather than focus on how difficult a task seems, she takes initiative to wonder what would happen IF she at least tried to restore her brother to human form?
Initiative= turning a thought into ACTION, to start a task
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