#it is an experience that i cannot describe
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I was responding to the part where you said not all afab people are affected by abortion bans. Medical misogyny is a facet of sex-based oppression and of misogyny in general (and sex-based oppression is just a facet of misogyny)
I never said that non-passing trans women dont get catcalled. I said that everyone knows that passing trans women get catcalled. I said nothing about non-passing trans women or any misogyny/homophobia they may experience. I was only making a point about how even the strictest radfem admits that trans women who pass experience social misogyny and emphasizing that this facet of misogyny was not what I was referring to.
I am a perisex trans man(I dont believe that pcos an intersex condition, but I have seen others on here claiming it is, so draw your own conclusions on what you’d like to call me on that front, since I am medically diagnosed.) I have extreme sex dysmorphia/gender dysphoria that affects my everyday life and has ever since I can remember. I have been involved with the trans community for over a decade. Trans community infighting is what got me where I am.(along with learning about trans healthcare in my area and the lack of laws to protect trans people from exploitative doctors) I never said it was exclusively trans women who perpetuate this bigotry, I just said it was heavily perpetuated within the trans community. It’s a problem no matter who is doing it. I also know of and follow trans women who speak up about this double standard.
The last line about the people “actually” hurting the community being radfems is only true if you label everyone who harms the community a “radfem.”
I would argue that the majority of people arguing against the creation of these words to describe the specific oppression experienced by trans people who were born with the reproductive system generally associated with gestating pregnancies have never actually read any type of radical feminism literature and could not even name our basic beliefs. Everyone, even dave fucking chappelle, wants to call themselves a “terf” for their various beliefs that contradict the claims made by the trans community, but just like not being an atheist doesnt make someone a christian, not believing in trans identities doesnt make someone a radical feminist. I am aware of the small group of trans women who call themselves trf (trans radical feminists) but once again, without the ideological beliefs backing their claim, they are just trans people who have come up with a set of ideas and called it radical feminism. In much the same way that I couldnt call myself a christian while actively not believing in any sort of god(or at least wouldnt be taken seriously as a voice on christian beliefs) these people should not be taken seriously as representatives of radical feminist beliefs.
I hate the lack of choice when it comes to representation. Do you think I voted jk rowling as the top rep of radical feminism? Do you think I agree with everything she says just because she says it? No, she’s just able to speak the loudest, and thus gets the most attention. We have no way of ending her term if she says something we disagree with. We cannot vote her out of office. She makes the loudest sound, and so she is our de facto representative, whether we like it or not.
I think much the same thing has happened to the trans community, with its representation not being the most agreed upon or the most liked, but the loudest person to yell about it. This leads to people in positions of privilege yelling louder than the more oppressed people who actually know what theyre talking about. As a result, the trans community has pursued mostly goals that help the already privileged (as has the radfem community in the west) leading to a snowball of changes that less privileged trans people cant even share their opinion on without being dogpilled by the more privileged ones who benefit.
Trans people deserve human rights and basic respect.
crazy to me how some people think conversion torture/forced detransition is actually a privilege when it happens to trans men/mascs
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an open letter to those who have not yet shifted.
i don't know how many of you will see this, let alone how many will read it entirely. this letter is for those who have been trying to shift for two years, five years, more. those who cannot give up, and those who will not give up, and maybe even those who already have. to preface, this letter will not rehash everything you already know. you've scrolled every forum, you've seen every method, you've read every tip. you've trialed, and errored, and persevered... but you're still here. law of assumption, manifestation, belief, intention. but you're still here. you've been told all about shifting... right? you already know what shifting is... right? you should already know how to shift... right? but you're still here.
this letter is not intended to debase or invalidate those who do already believe in those things and who are satisfied with that. this is for those who have been trying that way for 2 years, 5 years, and more, and still haven't shifted. this is for those who might want an alternative perspective.
what you've been told
in my personal opinion, the online shifting community as it currently stands is very... rigid. narrow. there are a few dominant views, and then the many who drown out any possible dissent or disagreement. i do understand why this happens. reality shifting is already a marginal belief, hounded by anti-shifters and disbelieved and debunked on all sides, so it makes sense that people feel the instinct to close ranks at any sign of an outsider. unfortunately, this has led to a community that raises its hackles at even other reality shifters who simply don't believe the exact same way that you do. law of assumption. manifestation. intent. (and dare i say it, the multiverse.)
i don't believe in any of that, in the context of shifting.
now, wait! don't go yet, stay with me. it's okay if you do. i'm not intending to change the minds of those who already believe in these things. i'm not going to go at anyone and say "i'm right, you're wrong, and you must change your mind to agree with me!" that would be silly, and counterproductive. let's lower our guards, and extend an olive branch, please. if you feel these things serve your journey, then carry on. you're allowed to disagree with me, i won't be upset. you're allowed to think i'm wrong, if you want. literally no worries at all.
but i am a little tired frankly of certain ideas being treated as the only options, and often in a rude or hostile manner. if you are someone who has spent five years trying to shift, and you see yet another post that boils down to "all you have to do is want it hard enough" does that not hurt your soul? the following sections of this post are for those who these ideas have not been working for. for those who have not yet shifted. it's been two years. five years. more. and you're still here. are you open to another possibility?
what is reality shifting?
i've told you what i don't believe, but what about what i do? i'll try to keep this as concise as possible for the sake of brevity and comprehension, knowing i could potentially clarify in future posts. but please continue with the understanding that im a chronic overexplainer, and my curse is the fact that the extra words don't always actually increase understanding. bear with me.
reality shifting: broadly speaking, this refers to shifting your linear experience of reality from one, to another. this has been known by many other names in the past, across continents and cultures, even in pre-agriculture societies. i'd include ideas like persistent realms, quantum jumping, focus 21, etc. language is subjective, and people may describe or understand the same experience in different ways.
i believe reality shifting is a haphazard side effect of our limited ability to perceive and comprehend reality. let me explain. space, as we understand it, is three dimensional. but reality isn't. it's our bodies and minds limiting our perception and understanding that makes all of reality seem that way to us at surface level.
1D: let's consider a hypothetical one dimensional existence. everything would a straight line, and the only way to perceive anything else would be as a single point directly in front or directly behind you. forwards and backward. the 2D and 3D are beyond your limited ability to physically sense or feel, let alone to comprehend. Forget about the 4D (time). due to your lack of comprehension, you cannot move at will in two dimensional planes, let alone three dimensional space or even time. you are static, a single point.
2D: let's consider a hypothetical two dimensional existence. it would be a flat, infinite planar expanse. you might be a square, or a circle. you can move freely in two dimensional directions (forward, backwards, side to side), but not in the 3D. No up, no down. If you tried to perceive a three dimensional object, you would only be able to comprehend it as linear, a line on the horizon where it intersects your 2 dimensional plane. you would perceive the 3D as moving around or within you on its own, without the ability to direct it. the 4D, or time, if you could perceive it, would be static, a singular point at a time.
3D: what about our three dimensional existence? congratulations, you now are a form, such as a sphere, or a cube. you can move freely in a voluminous, infinite three dimensional space. Forward, backwards, side to side, up, and down. if you *try* to perceive the fourth dimension (time), you can only comprehend it as linear, a line where it intersects your 3 dimensional space. You perceive it as moving around or within you on its own, without the ability to direct it yourself. any dimensions higher than that, if you could perceive it, would be static, a singular point at a time.
quick 4D sidebar: clearing this one up now because this will confuse some of you who are involved in other communities. in many law of assumption and manifestation communities, "4D" has been used to refer to your imagination, inner world, a bridge to "higher vibrational states", etc. i don't use it that way. i use it in the sense of the mathematical concept, or linking three-dimensional space with time. 4D=time.
4D and 5D: so, time is the fourth dimension. that means it is four dimensional, yet due to our limitations as 3D creatures, we can only perceive it as linear. we perceive it as moving around us, without our direction, forwards, (or backwards in some cultures). what about the 5th dimension? the static one? the one we can only perceive one point of at a time? let's call this 5th dimension... reality. due to our limited perception, it may not seem like it, but time and reality are just like space in that all of it exists at once. if you were a 5th dimensional creature, you wouldn't see a bunch of different realities, you'd just see one the way we just see one 3D universe around us right now.
tip: think of it this way, if a three dimensional creature moving through time is only able to perceive it linearly, it may think that each point of time exists separately, passing by in chronological order. this would be like a character in a book, the character experiences each page one at a time as we turn the page. but we know that actually, the entire book exists all at the same time, and already did exist before we picked it up and started reading it, and continues to exist even when we set it down. the same is true of time, and reality. even if we perceive it as linear, or a point, all of it actually exists simultaneously, like space.
still, we can only perceive one point of reality at a time. i believe when we reality shift, we are by some freak of nature (or nurture) finding a way to trigger a "movement" in this "5th dimension," and therefor shifting our linear experience of time and our singular perceptual experience of one reality to another. ("movement" is a bit of an abstraction here, as movement generally refers to 3D space. you're not actually moving anywhere, you're already there, you just... can't see it at the same time as this.)
ok, so how the heavens do i shift?
if you read through all of the above, i assume that's what you're asking by now. "get to the point shimmer! how do i shift?" if you don't need intention, belief, assumption, manifestation, three gallons of water, crystals, or anything else then what do you need to shift?
if we boil shifting down to its absolute core, all you need to do in order to shift is to shift. (put down the pitch forks, and the flaming feathers and tar. i'll elaborate.)
shifting involves finding a way for us 3 dimensional creatures to trigger a shift in a dimensional direction that we do not have the capacity to perceive. so what i mean by "all you have to do to shift, is to shift" is that there is no physical movement, or secret password we can whisper that makes us shift, not inherently. it's sort of like being told to find your invisible and non corporeal primordial tail, and then swish it in a direction that doesn't spatially exist. find your "move in the 5D button", and then press it. except, there is no button.
so how do we "move" from one point of reality to the other? well, the first clue to this is in noticing what part of us is actually doing the "moving".
you don't make it happen with your three dimensional form. there is no body part or mass or motor function in your 3D body that triggers a shift. there's nothing that allows a three dimensional form to move in five dimensional directions... you just can't. your body stays here. that's good news actually, in my opinion. there is no need to force yourself into strange bodily positions, or chug water, or whatever else. your 3D body is irrelevant, because it's not going anywhere. you don't have to do anything with your body to shift. some people can shift awake, asleep, in the shower, walking around, etc.
you also don't necessarily do it with the fourth dimension, time. there is no specific amount of time that you'll shift after. it might seem you've spent a lot of time trying to shift, but the actual shift itself is instantaneous. some people shift their first try, and some of you might be on your second decade of attempts. again, the time factor being irrelevant is good news because this means it doesn't have to take time.
i also don't think we do it with just intent or belief. the intention word gets used so much it basically means nothing, but the general idea is that intent is the driving force that manifests your desired outcome. in the context of shifting, people use it like "set your intention to shift, and you will" or "intent makes you shift." or the dreaded "you just have to believe harder." personally, i don't think that's true. i don't think intention makes you shift. if it did, you all would have shifted by now, right? i think looking anyone who's been trying to shift for 4 years dead in the eye and telling them they just haven't intended to shift yet is honestly a bit cruel and unusual. some people who intend to shift will shift, but in my opinion, its a case of correlation, and not causation. there are also people who shift without intending to, or who intend to shift but don't.
it's also not really our thoughts that shift. or our mind as a concept, or our entire self. we know this because you don't turn into a comatose vegetable when you shift to a different reality. your thoughts, mind, and self here are unaffected by your awareness shifting away from it. if you successfully "permashifted" to hogwarts tonight, your self here would still wake up in the morning and go to work.
so what does shift? only our linear experience of our own awareness. so in order to reality shift, we just need to find a way to trigger our awareness to shift from one point of reality to another in a non linear fashion, and then integrate that into our linear experience. aha! you think. great! now how do i do that...? unfortunately, this is not an exact science (yet.) once you begin shifting regularly, i think it gets "easier" in some regards because you get a sense for how your awareness "feels" and what works for you. for those who haven't shifted, i can't say "take three deep breaths and recite the secret words, and then you'll shift." there is nothing specific you can physically do that will for certain make you shift. there's no secret passwords.
there is no key to shifting. the good news is, this means there is also no lock.
what we can do is get ourselves primed, into a state that increases the chances our awareness is triggered to shift. ie, find the "move in the 5D" button, (you know, the one that doesn't exist) and learn how to press it. and because it is our awareness that shifts, my "methods" have to do with priming your awareness for shifting. you don't need to believe, which is a good thing because it means doubts won't hold you back. you don't necessarily need to intend, which is a good thing because it means there are no secret blockages in your way. no "subconscious", no "reprogramming", no "delusion is the solution." you don't need any of that. you also don't have to do anything specific with your body or space unless you feel like it and want to. you don't need a script, but you can make one if you want. it's whatever, it's irrelevant darling, it's non-consequential.
these three methods below basically encompass all shifting methods out there. i might expand on techniques for these methods later, but for now i'll go over the basics.
method one: pure awareness
it basically boils down to two steps. get into a state of pure awareness, and then shift.
the first step for this method is actually a simple one, sort of, but i think it's unkind to call it easy. it can be easy, if you just happen to have a perfect technique that works for you on your first try. if so, congrats! if not, don't despair. it comes more naturally to some than others, at first. you can probably build the skills and try different techniques necessary for you to get there.
but what is pure awareness? it's currently very often being called "the void state", but i'm not using that term for a few reasons. one, i think using the term "the void state" or calling it "the void" is making people think it's some sort of place that they're trying to go. it's not. it's not a physical place at all, and that's kind of the point. most of the time, your awareness is perceiving reality through the confines concept of 3D reality, because that's the data input it's receiving from your brain and body. that grounds you in this reality, and allows you to go about your day to day life. your goal with the pure awareness method is to focus on just your awareness, absent of all 3D distraction data and input. that way, your awareness is primed to be triggered to shift its focus to the 3D perception of a different point of reality when you come out of that state.
i might make a post about techniques for getting into the state of pure awareness, but this post is already long enough.
method two: destabilization of awareness
this method gets over complicated, but it basically boils down to two steps. destabilize your awareness, and then shift.
honestly, most shifting methods i see online are in some way doing this. lucid dreams, the hypnogogic state, SATS, self-hypnosis, "symptoms", and also all those iterations of the "raven method" the "staircase method" the "alice in wonderland method" etc are all basically ways to destabilize your awareness from the linear perception it is so used to in this point of reality, offering the opportunity of triggering a shift to a different one. they're all sort of either distracting or subverting your focus on the 3D here in this point of reality.
basically, you'll be trying to discombobulate yourself to the point your awareness is not focused on 3D reality, and trigger a shift.
method three: absence of awareness
sleep method gang, rise up. i'm serious. this method involves reducing your awareness to zero, or as close to it as possible, another potentially prime state to trigger a shift. (and by sleep method, i don't mean lucid dreamers or SATS, i mean simply going to sleep here, having a period of complete unawareness, like totally dreamless sleep, and then waking up in your DR.)
this absence of awareness during sleep is (in my experience) the most common cause of accidental or unintentional shifts, but you might be one of those who can trigger a shift to desired realities with this too.
sleeping is not the only way to get to the state of the lack of awareness. i'd say total distraction methods also count for this. you're not asleep, your body is awake, but you're so "zoned out" (or alternatively in a meditative state such that) you're absolutely not aware of the 3D experience of this point of reality anymore.
this is completely different from the state of pure awareness by the way, because in the state of pure awareness you are aware. like, in pure awareness you have a full train of thought and total control. the absence of awareness is the opposite. it feels sort of like a "blip" where reality time and space passed you by and you were not aware of it.
#shifting community#reality shifting#shiftblr#shifting#shifting realities#shifting motivation#reality shifter#desired reality#shifting antis dni
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DAY 6209
Jalsa, Mumbai Feb 15, 2025/Feb 16 Sat/Sun 4:06 am
When the hurly burly's done ; when the battle is lost and won .. then shall we three meet again in ONE ..
er.. WON ..
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ba25e24c84cd8c54634152455b531c0a/901ba0e008282e93-52/s540x810/9dbc0683f08101e3f42b31735062645decce5f15.jpg)
lost at this moment last year .. and victory this year .. determined passion and the will to be up on the stands with the emblem of VICTORY .. the CUP ..
How and why was it designed thus - the CUP of victory .. a symbol of the Winner .. a cup ?? really ..??
and then all the intricate actions proposed for them - bite it , kiss it , scream with its rising , inscribe it .. name fame game ..
Ahhh .. the human .. ever the thirst for recognition .. and position ..
I came 1st .. I won .. I beat the others .. my marks the highest .. my standing among the top the best ..
etc etc etc ...
And so filled with the glory of this , the night escapes along and the morn beckons soonest .. in a few whiles perhaps ..
The generation, needs the air to involve in the screams and freedom of cheer .. to let loose the strings of attached compulsion and break away to be in the free of suppressions ..
Each day a learning .. and each DAY 👆🏼 .. a leaning too .. for the days of yore and the educative times in the academic pretense .. the past years , the old associations .. and the often connect to disclose the relation with the elders .. and family ..
And this did it :
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/179d83825bc7f7906a4f0f4b7a93c72e/901ba0e008282e93-c2/s540x810/16c7e57bcb7a14234d0ecfef89905e8c66074a27.jpg)
Dr Amarnath Jha .. Vice Chancellor of the Allahabad University .. the ultimate scholar of the time .. Head of the English Department .. mentor to several .. but for me , mentor to Babuji .. and the most respected in the annals of the University and many other institutions ..
A large chapter in Babuji's auto biography describes various personal incidents with Jha Saheb ..
And today his generational relative, coincidentally studying in Delhi University at the time of the time of mine , and a dear friend , brings forth this information of the forming of the NDA in Khadakwasla, nr Pune in Maharashtra ..
And describes a most uninhibited dream of hers ..
Dream experience: I Found myself in Allahabad and had a glimpse of the Kumbh mela ..sadhus and pilgrims swirling in the icy waters of the Ganga.. Then I went up to a large and dark hall high up on the banks Everyone wore white as they were waiting to cremate their loved ones I was waiting to cremate my Papa and Ma .. The room was packed Someone told me' Go to the 4 th floor Soon it will be the turn of your parents to be cremated'.. So I climbed upto the 4th floor which was an open wooden deck There was a huge cremation fire where my parents were waiting to be cremated.. Beyond the fire was the Ganga river.. I was most surprised because I had seen the Ganga far below.. This Ganga was connected to the sky..Aakash Ganga maybe.. A Voice said : The Kumbha mela on the Ganga below celebrates the cycle of Life . This Ganga touching the sky embraces death, transcends life and celebrates Eternity..
Some crows came by and Crowed The Voice said : Do you know why the crow comes when we pass ? The crow has the sharpest and finest vertical line at the centre of his tongue.. When the crow flies over the Ganga he draws a very fine gossamer thread exactly at the central line of the Ganga.. When ashes of our departed are immersed the ashes go alone into the depth of the Ganga to merge with the Gangetic soil.. But that fine centre line,like an umbilical cord , is where the soul is released , transcends tangible boundaries on its pathway to Eternity as crows and eagles show the way ..
There is more , but too personal to be put down here .. I feel ..
I sought permission to 'put it up on my Blog' .. and got it .. but then the desire from them, to visit my Blog and to disclose the link .. that scared me .. because their intellectual capacity cannot in any way lie side by side with my stupidity ..
To which there was an intellectual response :
Nothing of yours is stupid ..honestly .. life is made up of big things and very small even petty things ..the challenge is to connect the dots ..learn at each level how to be a bit objective even tho we can't help being reactive, learn the lessons and expand our consciousness.. small 'stupid' things are very important because they are like pin pricks to a balloon .. very provocative ..
My love and 😴 .. its 4:50 am of the 16th
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f1d36b2ec3ab5a9c5a458275709a6530/901ba0e008282e93-0f/s400x600/ee5af1d958c454be94c66a16a6856acb13c6ffec.jpg)
Amitabh Bachchan
Birthday - EF - Fatima Mahomed
Sunday, 16 February .. love and care ..🌺
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After 170 hours I've finished Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and I cannot even start to describe this emptiness I'm feeling now, knowing that there is no more of this great story waiting for me to experience (at least for now). What a wild ride it was and what a surprisingly amazing game, with all the twists and turns of the plot, all the memorable characters that I deeply cared about and rooted for, all the emotions of Henry's journey and all the thoughts about war, revenge, duty, and finally making peace with the past and moving on. The emotional spectrum of the game is astounding - it can so flawlessly switch between being extremely funny or delightfully absurd to being heartbreaking or devastating in the heaviest moments. But as the game’s content is so dense and rich, that writing down all my thoughts would require a whole book, or at least a dissertation, I would like to specifically touch upon one, nomen omen touchy subject. The Henry-Hans romance.
I'm not sure if it is possible yet, but I would also like to skip over all the controversy-driven discussions regarding this romantic subplot, clearly lead in bad faith and mostly by people not even engaging with the game, and be able to talk about this topic and analyze it as it is, without questioning its right to even exist in the game. Why do I focus on this quite small and optional aspect of the game at all? Well, I’m not gonna lie – I always find the RPGs with possible romances more engaging and captivating, as love – as a general emotion, with different shades of it – is in my eyes one of the crucial aspect of any hero. So if we are already talking about the love towards parents or other family members, patriotic love for your country, or king, platonic love between friends and comrades, and then all of a sudden omit only the romantic love, something is not adding up for me. If you want to give me a rich RPG experience, give me at least one good romance option, and I’m sold. But it is not easy at all, especially the “good” part.
But as KCD2 is a very unique game when it comes to its different aspects – like the demanding, slow-paced gameplay, or the unique blend of open-world with more contained main plot missions – it is also very unique when it comes to the romance options, or, let me say it aloud – when it comes to THE main romance option, the most integral romance option, the most naturally developing romance option in the game. The Henry-Hans (optional) romance that we can observe growing very slowly throughout this 100+ hours, is for me one of the best and most meaningful depictions of love in any RPG with player's agency. This relation, even if you opt out of romance, simply has it all - is intertwined with the plot, is rooted in character development and has the possibility to depict characters together during many different situations throughout the whole game. And this is how a good romanceable character should be written in a video game – as an independent character first and foremost, NOT as a character that was created with a sole purpose to serve as said romance option. In this case Hans ALWAYS plays a meaningful part in the story, and ALWAYS shares an important bond with your Henry, regardless of player's decision whether to engage with the romance or not. But many other games seem to forget about that, or don’t manage to create the bond between characters first, before the option to romance them appears.
And then comes the hard to describe aspect of THE FEELS. The slow development of this relation, the steady growth of feelings, up to the point, when you cannot deny it any longer, and when you cannot allow yourself to not act upon them - because of the circumstances, because of this sense of impending doom, that makes all the risks worth taking, as any of you might anyway be dead the next day. Audentes Fortuna Iuvat, remember? The risk that Hans takes in the decisive moment of this relation is THE epitome of his saying, and I don’t believe it is a coincidence when it suits so perfectly to the whole theme of the game and to Hans as a character in general. And this bold risk taking is so gut-clenching and heartbreaking, but also heartwarming in this one stolen moment of happiness that seems unreal. Say what you want, but you simply cannot tell this kind of story, invoke this kind of feelings - without first having two equally developed characters, that the player equally cares for and have cared for before any romance possibility was on the horizon. Add to the mix very real external hardships (all good romances need a hardship to overcome!), that due to the time and place make this relation tragically doomed before it even has begun, and there you have it - one of the most compelling romantic stories I have experienced in a video game, hands down.
And please don’t start with medieval this, medieval that, before you stop and think about greatest medieval love stories (that we know of) – these are always stories of impossible love, of doomed love, of forbidden love. Of two people, that cannot and should not be together because of the class they belong to, because of the promises made, because of duty, because of sin and religion dogma. Don’t tell me you cannot see the comparison between Henry and Hans, and, say, Tristan and Isolde, THE number one medieval chivalric romance couple, where they commit sin against God and betray their King at the same time, every time they are together. Don’t tell me that Henry, who clearly aspires to all the ideals that we associate with knighthood – chivalry, protection of the weak, devotion to land and rightful king, and generally noble idealism, let’s call it – is not the perfect hero of chivalric romance, with Hans being of course his damsel-princess, way above his league, already promised to another and soon to be in a loveless, political marriage, spending parts of the game either captured in some tower or stuck in some castle, having to wait for his knight to safely return to him. It is all there, I am sure not accidentally, and it fits all the themes and motifs known from both actual medieval literature and their pop culture representation SO WELL if you think about it for a second.
And there's one more component that elevates this particular relation to S-tier for me. You can have superb writing, you can direct the most impressive cutscene, you can have the build-up ready - all of these won't matter and won't work if the actors don't sell you the romantic feelings in the key moment. Which I assume is not easy, when for the most part you play other aspects of these characters and probably were not cast with this specific plot point in mind. But here comes Luke Dale, showing us the side of Hans Capon that we have not seen before, with the most heart-wrenching expression of his fears, with voice breaking at the exactly right moment, the trembling, the anger, the despair, but also the tiniest bit of hope - and in just two broken sentences he conveys it all, and it's all so bloody real. It's a masterwork, and I'm so happy that I could witness it in game, even more - become part of this relationship as the playable character himself.
I sincerely hope that the end of the main game is not the end of this subplot, as there is still so, so, so much more to explore with these characters in these circumstances. And their relation is so unique, comparing to popular fiction in general, but even more so in video games, that it would be a great loss to just leave them be as they are at the end of the game. I cannot wait for the possibility to go through more emotional turmoil with Henry and Hans, probably because I cannot even remember when was the last time I’ve fallen in love with fictional characters so much and so fast, as with these two. And as already said, love is the key.
#kingdom come deliverance#kingdom come deliverance 2#kingdom come deliverance 2 spoilers#kcd2 spoilers#kcd#kcd2#henry of skalitz#hans capon#henry x hans#hansry
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crazy that the first thing either of us post about KoaC is a ship chart lmaoo
i'm so sorry fellswaps and swapfells but i needed room for the others
explanations (yapping) vv
first off, KoaC is predominately about a victorious!geno who enters the multiverse after erasing his timeline. The development of his relationship with Nightmare (among others) is the driving force behind the plot, and therefore it would be heavy spoilers to describe it now.
Nightmare is a badmare-leaning bitchmare, but is still only Nightmare. The human soul/essence was removed almost immediately.
Killer, Murder ("Dust"), Horror, and Cross are all under Nightmare's control. Needless to say, they hate him. They only kind of hate each other though. Killer's general nature and his position as Nightmare's favorite create a bit of distance between him and the others, but there's a trauma-bonded, coping mechanism, fucked up solidarity between them.
Despite never actually being together, Nightmare and Error act like toxic, bitter exes. Killer was the only subordinate around when Nightmare's arrogance blew up in his face, and he very, very quietly enjoyed the vengeance Error dealt to Nightmare. That's all I'll say about that for the time being lol.
Nightmare is terrified of Reaper and does all he can to avoid him. Reaper knows this and acknowledges that it's partly his own fault, but he also partly doesn't care. It isn't Reaper's job to pay attention to Nightmare, but Nightmare is familiar to him, which means that Reaper is at least a little bit fond of him. Whenever they do cross paths, Reaper makes sure to verbally poke him a bit.
Reaper and Error have a long history. Error's "job" tended to mess with Reaper's job, which then messed with Error's job. Basically, they saw each other a lot in the early days. Error found Reaper incredibly frustrating at the start, because he was unkillable, and he was taking the abominations Error was trying to erase, and he was always tALKING WHILE ERROR WAS TRYING TO FOCUS- yeah. Error loosened up over time, enough to even trade quips back and forth and compete a little. He grew a little dependent on the vague feeling of companionship between them, and Reaper was the one he went to when he wanted a way to die. Reaper, for his part, is fond of Error, but that fondness is tainted by guilt and sadness. Error is still the first Geno, and Reaper feels a bit of responsibility that he wasn't able to convince Geno to rest, thus leading to Error's painful existence. Errors cannot be "saved" by Reaper, so now all Reaper can offer him is friendly banter when they see each other.
Reaper knows Horror quite well. Because Horror was already "dead", he could see Reaper whenever he came to collect the humans Horror had killed in his AU. Reaper's reaction to Horror's situation was "yikes", which Horror found darkly funny (and even a little refreshing). They share a morbid sense of humor, and Horror genuinely enjoyed any distraction he could get from his reality. Their first meeting after Horror had been taken by Nightmare was an accident on Horror's part, but after that, whenever he needed a distraction and could get away with it, Horror would kill one random person on purpose for the chance to talk to Reaper. Reaper doesn't offer to help Horror, and Horror doesn't ask him to. Being able to talk to someone outside of Nightmare's influence, to experience any amount of normalcy, for a few moments is enough to ground him.
Reaper did not spend as much time raising Dream as Ink did, but in some ways Reaper's influence was much more important. Reaper taught Dream what it meant to be a Guardian, not a hero or a servant. He knows that Dream won't ever be able to just be a Guardian after eating the golden apple (now carrying his domain inside himself), but he does his best to help Dream figure out and understand what his responsibilities actually are. They occasionally see each other in the aftermath of Nightmare's attacks. Reaper is much softer to Dream than to anyone else, and Dream tries to focus on Reaper's voice in his head, instead of those of the villagers.
Fuck I got carried away, okay, time to speedrun the rest (edit: I did not speedrun the rest)
On the omega timeline side of things, swap sans #1 aka "swap" was living there after his universe was destroyed. He is good friends with Lust and Dance (who are besties), but his closest friends for sure are Sci and Fell. They play dnd together and other silly-serious roleplaying stuff. Blueberror offered his place in swap timeline #2 to him, but Swap declined. Even though he declined, he still appreciated the offer so so so much. Swap is Berror's number one defender and doesn't let anyone in the omega timeline get away with talking badly about him (even if he may deserve it).
Fell, Comic (classic), Sci, Swap, Outer, Dream, Blue (swap #3), Epic, and Blueberror (among others) are all part of the Reducing the Effects of Nightmare's Bullshit group. This mostly just includes providing aid to a timeline after the attack has already happened to mitigate the spread and staying power of the negativity. Epic mostly just assists Sci when he needs it, and brings every report back to Ccino's to share with the squad.
Epic sanses are epic sanses. They love each other, and they spend a lot of their time in the corner booth at Ccino's. Ccino (#2) has been in the omega timeline for years and hasn't left it. He's never met Nightmare before, and his friends (especially Delta) are insistent on keeping it that way. He knows that the Ccino from Fluffytale #1 was involved with Nightmare somehow, and disappeared (was pronounced dead) sometime after. He knows that Epic, Delta, and Color all hate Nightmare with varying degrees of intensity, so he's fine disliking Nightmare by proxy. The front counter at Ccino's is usually taken up by Outer and Farm. The three are besties. Outer and Ccino specifically being in a qpr. No one knows how Farm finds the time to laze around the cafe And grow enough to supply the cafe with half its ingredients. No one knows if he ever sleeps.
Rolling back around to Blueberror, he and Error go through a LOT of ups and downs, but they settle on being prickly besties. They can't actually spend a lot of time together before friendly arguments start to get heated. They don't Want to hate each other, so they try to avoid the past and mostly just gossip about other people. They feel tied together, but their edges don't fit together at all and being that close quickly gets uncomfortable, if not painful, but there's no one else who really gets it, so... they manage. It's not great by any means, but it's the best that two errors can do.
Blueberror and Fresh, on the other hand, get along great. On the surface, you'd think they were the best of friends, but their feelings for each other are actually surprisingly shallow. Sure, Blueberror is interesting, but he's interesting in the way that Error was already interesting, so Fresh doesn't actually spare him much of his thought or focus. Berror doesn't mind that at all. Prefers it, actually. They have a good, fun, easy "friendship" that doesn't actually require much from them.
Error and Fresh sure are something. No one knows what, but it's something.
Nightmare and Fresh are... neutral. Fresh owes much of his emotional intelligence to reading every book in Nightmare's library, which he only did with Nightmare's permission. Fresh is respectful... for the most part. He can't help but throw a half-hidden jab in here and there when they talk. Nightmare figures it's just his nature to do so, and lets him off with a warning every time. Fresh absolutely means them.
Ink is not actually around much. His "job" has him traveling all across the multiverse. He doesn't linger anywhere for very long, and he doesn't care to form any meaningful connections with anyone. Error is the only exception to this, and Ink has yet to figure out why that is. He woke Dream from his stone prison at the insistence of a Creator that doing so would help curb Error and Nightmare's rampage (it did not. One could even say it made Nightmare worse.). He'll say he raised Dream, but he didn't really do much, nor does he care about Dream any more than he does about other "important" outcodes.
Dream loves Blue (swap #3). It's actually crazy how much Dream loves Blue. Blue taught Dream to fight, Blue fights by Dream's side in a way no one else does, Blue makes Dream feel like a person, Blue catches his bad habits, Blue listens to him talk, Blue remembers his favorite flowers, how many blankets he likes to sleep with, which desserts he does and doesn't like, his opinion on cotton vs linen. The two of them are more than a little codependent actually. Blue tries to be more levelheaded about their relationship, but it's not easy to be. They're both quite young, for outcodes, and neither one has ever had a partner like this before. If they had any time to settle down, they would be able to work through it and be a little healthier about it, but as it is, Dream has to constantly protect the multiverse from Nightmare, and Blue has to constantly protect Dream from Nightmare.
Blueberror makes Blue viscerally uncomfortable, but he tries not to let that color his interactions with him.
Fatal's origins are a bit different in this multiverse than in his canon, but rest assured he still wants to kick Error's ass. Double G comes from the same inciting incident as Fatal, but has something else completely going on. He goes around interrupting the genocide scripts he finds (Ink is constantly trying to get him to stop). If he stumbles across a timeline that Fatal has interfered with, he regards the glitching aftermath fondly. He can't remember why exactly.
I think everyone else's relationships are either as expected, or not all that relevant to this specific story. None of Geno's relationships happen right away, especially not his relationship with Murder, but I had to tease that found family >:3
Ship chart but it’s not a ship chart it’s a friendship/found family/QPR chart
#King of a Castle#eh we haven't figured out tags yet i'll retag this later#i brushed over Much of error's history with nightmare (and fresh) on purpose. they'll come up when we actually release the story lol#and of course i didn't talk about geno at all also on purpose#i think giving away the fact that this nightmare is awful kinda messes with the narrative a bit but oh well#tumblr made the image blurry (tragic)
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the way harrow the ninth is set up is so interesting to me because to this day i have like... no formal way of describing the narrator situation. obviously the novel is fully from harrow's narrative perspective, i.e. all of the events, characters, etc. are being interpreted through harrowhark understanding of the world, excluding the times when gideon's interpretation of events occasionally bleeds through.
and with the reveal of gideon being the "I" in the story and harrowhark being the "You".... does that make gideon the narrator? does that make HtN a first person novel??
even though technically speaking that might be the case, it doesn't really feel like it. i don't have a concrete answer but my first inclination is to argue no. and textually that could be explained by gideon's soul constantly being suppressed like she mentions at the end of the book, and the moments when she bleeds through the narration are those moments when she barely manages to surface before being pulled under.
but with that in mind, it makes it hard to think of gideon as first person narrator-- at the very least, she cannot be understood as a typical first person narrator until we get to the part of the book that's fully in the first person and from her narrative perspective.
now, i said at the beginning that i have no formal way of describing the narrator situation but the way that i find most truthful to how i felt reading it is this:
the majority of HtN is like you and gideon are chilling on a sofa watching a movie together, and occasionally gideon chimes in when the movie gets something wrong (pommel) or when something fucking absurd happens (harrowhark kissing ianthe). but otherwise she's silent and isn't coloring your experience of the movie.
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If part of the purpose of art is to introduce people to new ideas (a premise i agree with), then I think there'd be frequent conflict between the the drive to introduce a new idea or explore a new thing, and the constraints of a long term serial narrative that requires overall consistency. An artist cannot experience the novelty that their audience does, as they are by definition more familiar with the creation than their audience. And in that divide of familiarity, details can get lost or warped- something a creator assumes is not novel actually is, and vice versa.
How intentional do you prefer your novelty to be? Is it enough that a human with a unique perspective made their take on the (familiar) subject, or must the subject itself be unique? To be fair, the subject matter part of the question steers into "do you prefer genre fiction" territory, and my assumption is that most people want both. Enough familiarity to be understandable and enough novelty in setting and elsewhere to be new.
And also how can we find the executives that keep greenlighting generic and safe media properties and have no spine or courage in their hearts and shoot them into space?
breaking this up to respond to it (on mobile so its a little complicated):
1. the artistic conflict described in the first paragraph is very real and something that bothers me constantly while in the process of trying to make comics. by the time a page releases, a joke lands, or the plot progresses, im mostly just thinking about how bored and sick of it people must be because I'M bored and sick of it after thinking about it for multiple days/months/years
2. the intentionality is not that important to me. i dont know enough about how other people make their sausage to determine how intentional their creative process is. sometimes i run on pure id and sometimes i stare at a blank canvas for hours trying to manifest a sequence in my brain in full before continuing.
3. asking for unique subjects every time is unrealistic imo. but i am looking for that "only you could have made this" factor in a person's work.
4. i dont think we can stop executives from doing that. i would argue one of the biggest problems in mainstream art creation today is that the people funding these projects have no taste or vision to cultivate, or any interest in art beyond its ability to generate revenue.
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A Letter Has Arrived From...
Dearest Traveller,
I know you visited Liyue recently, but it feels like we’ve been separated for long. Never had I believed I’d experience impatience again. You keep bringing new aspects into my life. I truly can't thank you enough. I do end up feeling antsy quite often, though. I hope you're taking care of yourself, as I'm not there to take care of you. That being said, I do wish you'd return back to me safely.
I would like to take you to go see one of Yun Jin’s performances again. They truly captivate me. But my favorite part is discussing it with you afterwards. The method in which your mind functions challenges mine, and I cannot describe how pleased I am. Coming up with different interpretations of the performances and comparing them to yours truly leaves a lingering effect in my mind. I cannot forget about your words, how delicate yet thought-provoking that they are. They string together a beautiful story.
I have heard traveling bards sing memoirs of your tales in other regions, and yet none of them truly encapsulate the being that you are. You're far too vivid and bright to be described in mere dull words. It's almost an insult how well they think they know you. However, I hope I'm not too presumptuous to think that I know you too well. Since I know you too well, I know you're thinking about coming back for Valentine’s Day. I cannot wait to see you again.
Yours Truly,
#genshin impact fanfic#genshin impact#genshin#genshin x reader#genshin x you#genshin x y/n#genshin x gender neutral reader#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact imagines#genshin zhongli#zhongli x reader#zhongli x you#zhongli x y/n#genshin zhongli x reader#genshin impact x you
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severance, nosferatu, consent, childhood innocence, attraction to the grotesque in gothic horror being a mix of supernatural elements and a part of the self the character hides.
like nosferatu, severance has a love triangle between a monster and a lover. (interviews of both casts talk about this in more detail).
helena and nosferatu both essentially prey on a child. in a more literal sense in nosferatu’s case as the first interaction of theirs is when LRD’s character is presumably a teenager - hoult’s character calls this moment one of her ‘childhood memories’ (there’s also a dollhouse in the scene fun fact). fast forward eight years later and she remains haunted by nosferatu.
mark is a child in the way that his first memories are from only a couple years back (whenever gemma died). mark and ellen are both children in a virgin way and in their lacking experience of sex.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/923f2d2e463db5e90c27e02b225bbf72/d782afaee992206f-10/s540x810/2365b8a8bbe6eb4af01f7b915ea78df764288712.jpg)
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this part of the nosferatu script describes mark and helenas relationship to me to a t. for mark, the lines blur between helena and helly. theres an attraction to helena that he’s disgusted by. a big thing severance shows to us is that the innies and outties are the same personalities just born into different circumstances and experiences. helly is like if helena wasn’t indoctrinated by her father’s evilness.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ed5ed52f7fc5196c3e1767233cd3d302/d782afaee992206f-ce/s540x810/0c2328f80900620bdf90b6750a0839f318fd3e0b.jpg)
in s2 ep5 mark says that he couldn’t tell the difference between the two of them. partly why he says this is because of his untrust for helly now. but, he also says this because whether mark understands this or not (i can’t tell), mark is drawn to helena’s darkness and to helly/helena as a whole. there is no helly without helena and vice versa - because like i said, innies and outties have the same traits just twisted according to their different lives. mark will continue to run away from the sexual assault he experienced in the ortbo and his simultaneous attraction to helena and the trauma and fear he experiences from such a person so unloving and malicious. yet, helena cannot be sated without him. this obsession with mark will continue because of her own self hatred (taken out on helly, and in turn, violating helly’s body).
like ellen, mark will have to combat his self-reproach and this forbidden and destructive attraction - this will be a big part in defeating whatever cold harbor is (because what was their plan in making helena stay long enough until cold harbour???). these stories obviously differ in that ellen’s conflict largely derives from being a woman (themes of female hysteria and isolation not apparent in mark’s story), along with the monster mark is attracted to being half of the hero’s body.
just some notes! writing this when im very tired but i wanted to spill out some thoughts. the blurred lines between the characters and their relationships is so intriguing. also the comparison i saw on this app (which opened my third eye and is so accurate) of helena being like helly’s narcissistic mother makes her attraction to mark even more eughhhh.
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im obsessed with how obsessed they are with holding hands all the time
+ closeups below
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#trolls#trolls band together#broppy#trolls branch#trolls poppy#words cannot describe how much I love them#trolls fanart reigniting my obsession with the procreate gouache brush#don’t know how universal the *smacka smack smack smack* *hand hold* experience is but im very fond of it
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Your blog is the only blog where I feel safe enough asking this question. What do you think of Percy Jackson fans who feel as though they and the series have a moral superiority to Harty Potter ? Obviously, Harry Potter and its author are laden with questionable and sometimes straight-up hateful takes and views. But the way PJO fans constantly compare the two, its authors (even though RR is far from flawless), and the two MCs (ignoring how the two both share similarities in the fact that they are both traumatised, abused, angry teenage boys). I'm sorry that this ask got so long, but this has been annoying me for a while now.
This is an interesting question - for one, fandom fights over superiority is a concept that has been around for ages and has never been constructive. PJO and HP fandoms have been fighting in that exact way (and it has gone both ways!) for literal decades (remember, PJO turns 20 this year) so this isn't new, it's just taken on a moral flavor. Let's go over some things though (but please keep in mind i never got into HP and never read the books or fully watched the movies so my knowledge of HP is primarily pop culture absorption/secondhand from my family and friends):
Are either series perfect? No. HP absolutely is full of hateful sentiments and JKR is a hateful person and I do not respect her for that. Disney's marketing recently has absolutely fully leaned into trying to put Rick above her as a moral paragon and emphasizing how progressive he is and his support of diversity in middle grade series, despite some failings to reflect that in the actual text. Are Rick and JKR equally bad? Definitely not. Rick has had tangible good influence on adhd/dyslexia awareness that very directly impacted people like me as a neurodivergent kid going through school in the 2000s. JKR meanwhile has directly negatively impacted trans laws internationally very recently.
Rick absolutely isn't perfect, but he's vocally supportive, has made a lot of effort in the past to be inclusive, and still attempts to do so. Most of his issues simply stem from his own unaddressed internalized bigotry/biases and his research on varying topics not being great (plus poor management decisions such as not hiring a sensitivity reader actually fit for the story he's trying to tell). But he's not hateful. JKR is. JKR is very vocally hateful and bigoted and this is absolutely reflected in her work as well even in earlier HP. They are comparable in that they are both middle grade authors of easily two of the most popular middle grade fantasy (or specifically hidden world fantasy) series out right now. They are not equivalent in the slightest in their bigotry or tangible damage.
In terms of Percy versus Harry, I personally don't think they're very comparable. They share some similarities, but mostly just in that they're both the protagonists of their stories and thus serve protagonist purposes. Beyond that their use within the narrative is pretty different functionally. Their worlds' magic systems are not comparable. The hidden world aspect in both their universes isn't even comparable, since in PJO the "hidden world" aspect is very different from most hidden world fantasy formats because the entire point is that it's functionally not a hidden world. The characters themselves are very different as well - Percy's personality and the way he behaves and reacts to his environment is absolutely nothing like Harry's.
Most of the anti-HP-in-general sentiments stem from wanting to cut off JKR's notoriety, which I think is valid to want to do. And I do think there are a lot of issues with continuing to support JKR's work especially in ways that functionally promote her work or support her financially. Obviously, we will never be able to scrub HP from the cultural zeitgeist. It's just not feasible and I'm very anti-book burning so I do think it's important to acknowledge the role HP has had in pop-culture alongside acknowledging its harmful materials. HP is a text you absolutely can't death-of-the-author your way out of because a lot of the vitriol is baked into the text and worldbuilding in very overt ways - and there are plenty of other pop-culture staple novels like this. But fandom in general, at least true fandom and not mainstream fandom, is so obscure most of the time that I don't think, so long as people are not ignoring negative themes of the source material and are being thoughtful as they navigate engaging with it, that it is an inherently bad thing for HP fandom to just exist at all. It's never going to just stop existing no matter what people do. And HP fandom are not the only ones who should be thoughtful about how they engage with their source material - PJO fandom is not exempt from examining some of the problematic aspects in our own text and figuring out how to be respectful with those topics. It's just a lot easier for PJO fandom to tune it out without it being noticed because there's less of it and it's (at least sometimes) less overt. Honestly if HP fandom decided to go more down the path of a fandom like Warriors or Miraculous Ladybug, where the average sentiment is more along the lines of "Oh god no don't read/watch the source material it sucks/we stopped paying attention to it year ago and it's not relevant at all to what we're up to. We're over here functionally rewriting everything from the ground up/doing our own thing" I would very much support them in that endeavor. I do think there is merit in limiting promotion of the HP source material as much as possible, though.
Hopefully that all makes at least some amount of sense.
#pjo#riordanverse#hp#harry potter#< hm. was kind of hoping those tags would never end up on this blog#long post //#i will say i dont like. have any particular stake in this game again vis a vis i have never had any sort of connection to hp#so it doesnt hold any kind of nostalgia or affection for me. i do not care what happens to anything relating to it at all#other than potentially wanting the franchise to crumble#if anything regarding my experiences with it i potentially hold a minor grudge towards it cause one time when i was younger at Universal#i nearly fell out of whatever that one ride i think with the hippogriff cause the lapbars on it are SHIIIIIT and i am a Very Small Person#like im small now i was even smaller then#so it just would not secure far enough down to actually hold me in the seat and the ride goes like at a 90 degree angle on some turns#anyways thats like. the extent of my experience with HP. i do not care for it#but yeah never forget your history - pjo and hp fandoms have like literally always had beef#i cannot begin to describe how not new it is for either fandom to claim superiority over the other#it is literally one of those classic fandom arguments except the book fandoms flavor of it#i think one of the old big arguments as far as i remember was HP fans lording having a faithful movie adaptation over pjo fans#im pretty sure in fandomstuck they're kismeses#then again pjo never got much stuff in fandomstuck#< sentences that only make sense if you're old like me#ask#Anonymous
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Psychological: “of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person”
Spiritual:”relating to or affecting the spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things”
The definitions of these words are literal descriptions of the ranges of experiences that fall under them.
Physical:”relating to things perceived through the senses as opposed to the mind; tangible or concrete”
The experiences being described are not literally tangible, they are perceived. Claims of tangible nonhumanity is a direct link to p-shifting because therianthropy is not physical. It cannot be touched or observed. This is objectively true.
I believe finding euphoria in how one’s body works would just be body euphoria.
I am not attempting to invalidate the existence of the experiences currently encompassed in the term “physical therian”.
The experiences are real and valid.
The other umbrella terms rely on their definitions because terms are tools for communication.
I am proposing a change in terminology so that the term for perceived physical traits and/or a disconnect from one’s born biology is a tool for communication, not contention.
Using the term “physical” in a non literal way only fosters confusion and defensiveness.
There is no room for discussion or explanation right now. It is just “this is how I identify and questioning or critical conversation is an attack” regardless of the fact that these things are being posted in public, social, discussion forward spaces. There is no room for discussion in a community that’s language does not allow clear communication. The push for more clear definitions is not to appease outsiders. It is to create understanding and foster meaningful conversations.
It is entirely the responsibility of the communities and individuals to make sure their communication tools are actually tools for communication. I do not see attempts to foster clearer communication, within or outside of the community, as hostile in any way.
If someone chooses to identify with a term that is intentionally vague and limits communication then proceeds to post publicly about it then I think reacting defensively (or outright calling others bigots, abelists, or antikins as I have very often seen) when others do not understand or seek clarification is a completely illogical and needlessly antagonistic.
Using the definitions of words accurately is one of many keys to communication.
Everyone has the right to use whatever words they want, but creating a communication tool based on dismissing reality and definitions is going to be contentious, cause confusion, and is NOT a basis to question or belittle the morality of anyone who sees the community as baseless.
I feel ancestral therianthropy defines itself well while as physical therianthropy does not.
I don’t think the term “physical therian” encompasses the experience described by those who use the term.
I think a more accurate term would be “depersonalized therianthropy” which could be shortened to “depo therian”.
Depersonalized therianthropy: when one’s animalistic identity creates a complete disconnect from their body causing them to not recognize their observable traits as their own
This encompasses the anecdotes I have heard and read from self identified “physical therians”. Whether this experience is caused by delusion, dysphoria, or rejection of humanity, this term is applicable.
This does not include those who use the term to convey that they refer to their body with animal biological terms.
I believe this should be called “bioterms”. It could be communicated similarly to pronouns.
Hypothetical Ex:
Toby (he/him) (wolf bioterms)
This conveys that he would like his hair to be called fur, nails to be called claws, hands to be called paws, mouth to be called muzzle, etc.
The use of the word “physical” in therianthropic terms is inaccurate and confusing. I am open to hearing other proposed terms but I think using the word “physical” should be phased out for clarity sake.
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Always WASH YOUR HANDS after handling essential oils.
Signed, someone who forgot that step before entering the bathroom and is now washing a lot more than their hands. :/
#psa#essential oils#wash your hands#moss's musings#for those concerned YES it was peppermint oil thank you SO MUCH for asking#(and eucalyptus)#(which probably also isn't good for one's nethers but I didn't have the chance to notice anything)#for the morbidly curious I shall describe the sensation#imagine if they made mouthwash for your crotch.#you cannot imagine how large my eyes got as my undercarriage began to experience a sensation that is only comparable to the sound of the#Polar Express cracking through the ice#(which is 100% the sound that ice makes when it cracks#but that's a different story)#anyway imagine getting head from Jack Frost#that's it that's the sensation#I'm aware I'm putting an embarrassing personal experience on the internet so I'm sorry for inflicting this one you#I also hope someone finds this funny#and remembers to wash their hands!
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You can all blame @animentality for this because their posts got me into durgetash (thank you!!!!!) and now I want to torture the villian couple. Probably won't make much sense because I drank enough caffeine to kill a horse today and my brain is going a million miles a second.
You know that scene where Orin shapeshifts into durge and tells them what she did to them? What if Gortash found out about it the same way and had Orin rub salt in the wound by then showing him the prayer for forgiveness?
She is cruel enough to do it and I can't think of any worse way to find out about what happened than for the attempted-murderer to shapeshift into their victim and describe what happened to them in explicit, gruesome detail. The attack itself, the tadpole, how they were abandoned to die alone like trash, how Gortash wasn't there to protect them, all of it. Only to show grieving Gortash the note
#orin the red#enver gortash#dark urge#the dark urge#durgetash#they were both doomed from the start the least we can do is make things even more painful#bonus points if she leaves it at leaving durge for dead so he has quite a bit of time to think durge is dead until reports start popping up#the pain of losing one of the few people you actually liked violently and having that act described to you by someone wearing their face#and the addition of then seeing a note praising you like that? not knowing untol after?#that has to be somewhere in the top few most emotionally painful things Gortash could possibly experience#regarding my note at the top#i seriously cannot thank them enough#because at first I was ehhhhh about Gortash in general then after playing Durge I was like oh they got along#and then after seeing their posts in the dark urge tag I was like damn now thats a love story how can I make their fates even WORSE#and I never would have even considered this ship and the opportunities it provided without them#seriously good stuff
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Goofy - 83
so give me all your poison / and give me all your pills / and give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill / you’re running after something that you’ll never kill / if this is what you want then fire at will - thank you for the venom by my chemical romance
send me a number + a character & i’ll draw the character w/ the corresponding song on my spotify wrapped! (requests open until the new year)
#words cannot describe how delighted i was to get him as a character. i love channeling karina drawfee.#those of you who are fans of silly character + mcr lyrics look out cause that’s what the next one is too lmao#crazwaz posted#audience participation#crazy’s art#goofy#disney#goofy goof#i’m also using these as a thinly veiled excuse to experiment with color in case nobody’s noticed so far lmao#i’m getting better at it i think! goofy’s hat is yellow and his pants are red but they still look like how they should!!!
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Reblogging to let any fans of good omens know that the tinhatters are still out there making content claiming David and Michael actually hate their children and families and are only with them "out of obligation" whilst having a secret torrid affair on the side.
This is one of the reasons I stepped away from the go fandom, plus what happened with neil, being almost cancelled and then learning we were only getting a 90 min episode. The horrible way with which people treated each other, calling horrible names to fellow fans just because they were disappointed, the creepy obsession and parasocial relationship with David and Michael, all of it.
And it all started with me happily scrolling through the good omens/David/Michael tag and coming across this blog's unhinged posts (along with many others) claiming David, his son, and Georgia's father loathed Georgia. Why you ask? Because she claimed they were sending a "secret message" with their facial expressions during a joke at a doctor who photoshoot. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. At this point these people are erotomaniacs except instead of thinking the celebrity they don't know is in love with them and sending them messages, they believe they're sending them to another celebrity, his secret lover. (David and Michael)
There used to be a blog who dared to call out their shitty and toxic behaviour but unfortunately, as far as the fandom knows, that person passed away from cancer. That absolutely shook me and it was the last straw. It was too much heartbreak and I was never able to engage with the go fandom again.
If you don't want to see any creepy posts about Michael/David or unhinged posts talking shit about their loved ones Georgia and Anna, you can still visit dtmsrpfcringe and check out her block list. I strongly advise, for your own mental health, to just block these people and not engage. Maybe someday someone else will be brave enough/patient enough to call these people out but sometimes it's just not worth it for our mental health to engage with these people. They would literally send horrible anon hate and deny and gaslight their way into believing their delusions. They wouldn't answer any asks asking them for proof of their theories either. I do not believe these people want any help. They have a group of followers who also believe the "theory" and they use everything Michael and David do in public to justify that they are secretly gay, together and hate their current partners.
This might sound super dramatic and dumb but it absolutely ruined the fandom experience for me. I used to love seeing Georgia's and Anna's content, along with random David and Michael content but now every time I see it I just think about the mean spirited and creepy posts some people are using them for.
Also, they use RPF as justification for their behaviour
I am not a personal fan of rpf but I follow the "don't like, don't read rule". Rpf is a sub genre of fanfiction using real people's names and descriptions (actors, musicians, celebrities, etc) instead of fictional characters.
What rpf is NOT: obsessively stalking an actor's family, friends, routine, whereabouts, and making up rumours about their real life claiming them as TRUTH.
These people are not making up RPF stories about Michael and David, which can be clearly labelled as such on ao3 and therefore be recognised as fanfiction. They are making up stories about them and claiming them to be true, using extensive footage, photos and blind items (a gossip blog with no sources) as evidence.
I literally cannot do this anymore. I have these blogs blocked but the other day they showed up as a reblog as I was scrolling Tumblr. It was an absolutely creepy and uncomfortable comment under GIFs of David describing Michael in an interview, joking about wanting to be a Vet Detective and Michael being an old dog he would put down. THEY USE THIS AS IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE THAT THESE MEN ARE FUCKING AND TREAT ANYONE WHO DISAGREES OR POINTS OUT THE CREEPINESS AS BULLIES ATTACKING THEM!
They have pinned posts on their blogs claiming to be victims of anon hate and bullying while we all watched as the only blog that was created to call them out received disgusting and horrible anon hate.
If they got them or not I don't know, but I know damn well they sent a lot of it.
I'm sorry for rambling but I just want any of my followers to know about this and for the sake of your mental health stay away
Amy, (aka ingravinoveritas) I am going to say this as kindly as possible. And please, please, please read all of this before you block me. David and Georgia have been together for 16 years. They are a couple who trust each other, and more importantly, they are best friends. I have no idea if you've ever been in a relationship before, but there are some relationships who love to tease each other with dry, dark humor. because thats what some friends do. My parents included. its actually what I love most about them, and they've been together for nearly 25 years now. its what me and my close close friends do as well. It all comes down to trust. kind of like a "hey! only my partner can say that about me!" type of thing. it works for some people, and for other people, not so much. and thats okay! Not everyone has to have the same love language! however, you do not get to dictate what type of love language is best for David and Georgia just because it doesn't match your ideas of what a healthy relationship looks like. there are several types of healthy relationships that come in all shapes and sizes.
I also have no idea what your nationality is, but British humor is a LOT dryer than American humor.
There is nothing off about David "looking into the distance" as he gets his makeup done, or when he looks out a goddamn window for christ's sake. You do not know this man. I know you wish you did, hell, I wish I did too, but you don't. You don't get to decide what feels "off" about the way he acts, because he is not the Doctor. he is not his character on Staged. he is not Crowley.
He is a regular human being who you've only met at a stage door and watched on television.
also, Georgia gets to post whatever the hell she wants on her story because at the end of the day, its HER story. shes allowed to be excited for free skincare. I know I'd be! she's allowed to post black and white photos of David. you complain when she doesn't mention David on her story, and then you find something to complain about when she does. so don't come on here with "I dont wish for them to be miserable" because you pray to god every day that David is in an unhealthy relationship with Georgia and that he's sleeping with Michael on the side.
also, stop calling him a gigolo. For everyone's sake.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f1f4acee889ebe0af57b36c785b76f5f/b7a25a0a4ea20796-56/s540x810/0a81d6f7ddeebbf47ed1890a5b6ce897ca7754b9.webp)
(just wanted to post this pic cuz shes so fucking pretty 🥰)
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